#embry call one shot
lunajay33 · 2 months
The One🐾
Summary: Life always felt like something was missing and falling into a funk you go to move to forks to live with your best friend Jacob and everything seems to fall into place when he introduces you to his friends
Pairing: Paul Lahote x f!reader
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Every since I was little I felt like something was missing, like no matter how happy and whole my life felt it was never enough and when I grew into my teen years it just got worse, so my mom thought it be best to send me to live with our family friends in Forks Washington where we use to live before we moved
Getting out of the cab seeing the familiar red house feeling the fresh coastal air breeze across me something clicked in me, like everything was gonna somehow be better here
I got my suitcase out of the car waving goodbye to the man that drove me all this way from the airport
“Y/N!!! YOURE HERE!” I turned seeing Jacob running out the door to me with wide open arms
Dropping my bags I jumped into his arms as he swung me around holding me tight then setting me gently on the ground again
“I can’t believe you’re back, I missed you so much”
“Jake we call almost every day” I laugh as he picks up my bags leading me back to the house
“I know but it’s not the same as actually having you here, plus I think it’ll be good for you, I have a bunch of friends now and we do stuff all the time and they’ll love you!” He was as excited as a little kid in a candy shop and it warmed my heart, finally being back in the town I was born in, the place I only ever felt right before moving
He dropped my bags in a little room, seemingly nervous at what I’ll think of it
“I love it, thank you and Billy agains for letting me stay”
“Anytime! Now I planned a little welcome home fire tonight for you, food, music and you’ll get to meet the whole pack!”
“Oh umm yeah like….i mean my friends, our whole group, my friend Bella from town and some of the elders, I remember how you loved those stories they’d tell us as kids”
“You did all that for me?!”
“Of course, you’re back home where you belong, it’s only right we celebrate”
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The night came and Jake was driving us to the go to spot they had fires and gatherings, we pulled up to a big open field by a little house, a big fire already roaring bright, hearing the cheerful voices from my open window as Jake shut off the engine
“Come on what’re you waiting for?” Jake asked from my now open door, my nerves taking hold of me not even noticing he got out and was now waiting for me on my side of the truck
“I’m a little nervous what if….what if they don’t like me?”
“They’re nothing to be worried about, just think of them just like me, and you’re always relaxed around me now come on let’s get some food before Paul eats it all” his words soothed me finally coursing me out of the truck
“Oh I remember Paul, he use to play with us sometimes at the beach right?”
“Yeah he’s become a bit of a hot head but he means well, he’s pretty protective of things that are important” he said handing me a plate as we got to the tables filled with food
“Hey!! Jake come over here got a spot for you!” I heard a girl by the fire say waving him over
“That’s Bella, I’m gonna go talk with her, mingle around these people will be in your life as long as you live with me” he smiled soothing my worries as he walked off
I picked up a chocolate chip muffin and placed it on the plate when someone spoke next to me
“Hey you must be the girl of the hour, I’m Emily Jake hasn’t stopped talking about you since he found out you were moving here, I’m glad to finally meet you!” She smiled giving me a warm motherly vibe
“It’s nice to meet you too! Thank you for coming I can’t believe everyone came just for me, I’m excited to reconnect and meet everyone!”
“Come on I’ll introduce you around” she brought me around, I met Seth Clearwater who wasn’t even born before I left but I remembered his sister Leah as well as Embry, I talked to Billy and the elders a bit before we moved on to the next
“Hey Paul! Remember y/n and few of the others do already!”
“How could I forget that little rascal” he laughed as he looked up at me from his plate, his smile dropping as we made eye contact, his plate crumbling to the ground
Everything felt still, this connection and pull I felt to him like he’s the only thing the matters, that no matter what happens or where I go I’ll be safe and loved, he drops to his knees as I place me hands on his shoulders, admiring his features he’s changed so much, so tall so muscular so handsome, the chatter around us stopped feeling everyone’s eyes on us but I don’t care all I care about is this moment
“No no no no NO, Paul really? Out of everyone it had to be my best friend?” Jake fumed snapping us out of this strange trance
“Like I can help it, but I’m not complaining she’s beautiful” he said making my heart thump
“Ummm what just happened?” The confusing starting to set in
“Right, I wouldn’t expect you to remember, come on we’ll tell you everything” Jake grabbed my hand and sat me next to him at the fire, Paul quick to sit on my other side, his body heat relaxing me
The “pack” went on to tell me everything, that the legends were true and most of the people including my best friend was a shifter, a wolf, it was hard to believe I mean wolves? But it wasn’t until they told me about imprints and that I was now Paul’s, but it didn’t feel wrong it felt completely right, like magically I was whole again
Everyone looked at me expectantly, anxious and waiting expression on everyone
“I know it’s a lot and we understand if you need time honey” Billy said comfortingly
“No……I’m fine really, I actually feel the best I have in a long time” I smile sheepishly as my cheeks rush with heat
“That makes sense, it’s said that if you’re separated from your soulmate even if not imprinted yet it drains you and now that you’re back, you’re where you’re suppose to be” Sam stated as he squeezed Emily’s hand
I look next to be to Paul who’s rough exterior I always remembered was gone now replaced with adoration as he looked at me like I hung the moon in the sky
“Would you like to go talk…..privately?” I asked
“I’d loved to Angel” he took my hand and led me away from the fire to the house, it was cozy just like Jake’s home, well mine now too
“Soooo I guess I’m your soulmate”
“I’ve been waiting for you, I always did have a crush on you when we were younger, always got jealous when Jake would talk about you” he smirked as he brushed back my hair
“Really? You had a crush on me?”
“Always, missed you a lot when you left, tried to forget about you but I never could get you out of my head, felt like something was missing with you gone and now I know why”
“So what are we now?” My heart thumping fast
“Anything you want Angel” he said squeezing my thigh
“Can we start with a date?” I ask placing my hand ontop of his that rested on my thigh
“I’d love that, how about I pick you up tomorrow at 5 I’ll plan something special!”
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The clock showed 4:30 and I was a nervous wreck, this is my first date ever and it’s with a guy who’s my soulmate and a wolf, how did my life change so drastically
I combed down my hair for the millionth time hearing Jake laugh behind me as he was sat on the bed
“And what are you laughing at?”
“You, you’re fidgeting like crazy”
“Jake stop…I’ve never done this before what if we go out and he realizes he doesn’t wanna be with me, then I’m alone again”
“Y/n/n he’s gonna love you, hell I see how jealous he’d get everytime I’d bring you up”
There was a knock at the door and my heart jumped, I got up and flattened down my ivory dress
“Okay how do I look?”
“You look great now go on don’t keep him waiting!” I rush to the door taking a deep breath and opening it to see Paul standing with a pair of jeans and a tight black short sleeve and a bouquet of wild flowers in his hands
“You look beautiful wow” he said in a daze as his eyes roamed over every inch of me
“You don’t look to bad yourself handsome”
“Here these are for you, but they can’t compare to how pretty you are” he said handing them over
“Paul stop you’re gonna make me blush” I smiled placing the flowers in a little vase
“That’s the goal, now let’s go I’ve got everything ready” he gently took my hand leading me to the open field infront of the house
“Where’s your truck?”
“We’re going on foot” it’s just up the hill
We walked hand in hand for a while till we reached the cliff side with a beautiful view, there was string lights across the trees hanging over a comfy blanket with a picnic basket
“Wow you did all this for me?”
“Of course and I got all your favourites! Had to get a few tips from Jake” he laughed as we sat down
“This is so sweet, so far this is an amazing first date” I said taking a bite of a strawberry
“First? You’ve never been on a date before?”
“No….ive never been interested in anyone before….well before now” I looked at him a bit embarrassed but being around him felt like he’d never judge me
“I get that, no one ever compared to how I feel for you, you’re the one, my only one”
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Part 2?
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tyb1 · 2 years
Standing In The Rain
pairings: Seth x reader
summary: after weeks of not talking due to secrets being held Seth finally confronts the reader while standing in the rain
warnings: angst then fluff 😋
w/c: 1087
A/N: Thank you guys for 1,000+ notes on Rainy Days ♥️🥺
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“So you’re just going to leave me out in the rain!?” Seth yelled, his hands waving in the air as he tried his best to get your attention.
The rain poured down on the roof of your car, you sat watching the wipers push the hard rain off of your windows. Everything was calm for a few seconds, you had just arrived back from your night class. The news that was spreading on the radio caught your attention, and that was one of the reasons why you decided to sit in the car, the other was the rain that was pouring down. The final one was your boyfriend standing in the middle of your driveway blocking you from entering your house.
It has been approximately a week since you last spoke to him, it honestly didn’t bother you. Every time you thought about him you grew irritated with him and the situation he put you in. No explanation could honestly bring you out of this funk that you were in, however, if you didn’t allow him into your car your parents would come outside and invite him into your house.
With the most stoic facial expression, you unlocked the door, you kept your eyes on him as he made his way around to your car. Once he touched bases in your passenger seat you went back to what you were doing before he interrupted you. Seth on the other hand was pushing every button on the heat to get warm.
Your eyes raised with the utmost cockiness there was, “I thought you couldn’t get sick. Isn’t that the werewolf within you?”
Seth turned to look at you, from the corner of your eye you could still see the water pellets dropping from his skin. “Yeah, but I’m still soaking wet from the water. I’ve been standing out there for like 26 minutes.” He continued to ramble about the rain getting into his ears making them hurt when they dry. And how he was going to smell like a wet dog since his clothes were all muddy. He talked and talked until he finally stopped, he noticed that you weren’t listening to him. Your eyes were glued to your garage, too deep in your thoughts to even give a damn about what he was saying.
“Can I explain myself?” He asked, he reached into your back seat to grab a spare shirt of yours. His hands ran through his hair as he tried his best to dry it with the cotton material.
You looked down at your apple watch, it was already going on 9 at night. Your curfew was at 10 so that meant he only had approximately 10 minutes to explain himself.
“There’s honestly nothing to explain, I’ve heard it all Seth.” You turned to look at him, he was staring back at you with the utmost remorseful look. You could tell he meant no harm from the situation but it hurt knowing that he lied. “It hurts more knowing that I had to hear it from them rather than you.”
His eyes softened as he began to speak, “I know, trust me I was going to tell you but I didn’t want it to be too much on you. You know the whole werewolf thing is one thing but imprinting is a whole other situation. That was something special I was supposed to tell you.”
With your arms crossed you leaned back into the chair. The flashback of that day came dancing back into your head. The boys joking around with their girlfriends, Seth walked away from the group for one second and the beans were spilled. He could’ve warned the boys that you didn’t know, you sat there looking stupid with tears in your eyes. They told you what imprinting was, it sounded like Seth was only with you because he had to. You genuinely had a love for Seth Clearwater and it hurt to know that the same love that you had for him wasn’t the same for him. Seth's love was forced upon him, he had no choice but to you love.
Forcefully your eyes closed, and the hurt you felt from the weeks prior started to emerge. You could feel Seth pulling your arm into him. You didn’t bother to put up a fight, you allowed your body to melt into his wet one. “They made it seem like you’re only with me because of fate. Like we’re supposed to be in love because you imprinted on me. It honestly sounds creepy Seth.” You mumbled into his shirt, you could hear his heartbeat getting faster by the minute. He was nervous.
“See, That’s exactly why I didn’t want to tell you yet. It’s so much more than that (Y/N). I’m not with you because I imprinted on you, I’m with you because I genuinely have a love for you and I want to be with you.” His head rested on top of yours as he tapped his fingers gently against your skin.
“I don’t like the secrets Seth, that’s why I was so upset with you. You can’t hide things like this from me no matter how bad you think they are.”
“I know and I’m sorry. I was just trying to do the right thing. It’s a lot to take on but trust me when I say that I didn’t want to hurt you. I would never do that to you (Y/N). From now on no more secrets.”
He held out his pinky finger which you wrapped your own tightly around. That sealed the deal about everything you two just talk about Looking up at Seth you could see the moonlight reflecting off of his brown eyes, he looked like he was in deep thought. His eyes were panned out to the rain. Gently you shook his arm catching his attention, “Seth, I’m not blaming you for any of this. I guess I was just stuck in my own ways. I understand that you wanted to wait for my well-being which I respect so much about you. But next time could you please give your boys head-ups.” You laughed, Seth nodded his head. The biggest grin on his face.
With one hand under your chin, he brought your lips up to his. “You don’t have to worry about anything else princess.” He whispered those words against your lips before closing the space with his own.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Can you do the wolf pack from twilight reacting to Gn!Reader wearing their shirt/hoodie, but it’s too oversized for them.
(You can pick your preferred characters)
Embry might blush and smile, feeling a mix of pride and affection seeing (Y/N) wearing their oversized hoodie or shirt. They might tease (Y/N) playfully, saying something like, "Looks like my clothes fit you better than they fit me! You're stealing my style." Overall, Embry would likely find it endearing and enjoy the closeness and connection it represents.
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Embry couldn't help but grin as they walked into the room and saw (Y/N) wearing their oversized hoodie. Their heart skipped a beat, a warm feeling spreading through them at the sight. "Well, well, look who's raiding my closet," Embry playfully remarked, a hint of affection in their tone.
(Y/N) looked up, cheeks slightly pink, but a mischievous glint in their eyes. "What can I say? Your hoodies are just too cozy to resist."
Embry walked over, unable to suppress the smile on their face. They reached out to lightly tug on the hoodie's sleeve. "I always knew you had good taste, but I didn't realize it extended to my wardrobe."
(Y/N) laughed, leaning in for a quick peck on Embry's cheek. "Your hoodies are like a soft, wearable hug. How could I resist that?"
Embry's heart fluttered at the affectionate gesture. "Well, you definitely wear it well. Maybe I should start charging rent for my clothes."
"Oh, please. I think I make them look even better than you do," (Y/N) quipped, giving Embry a playful nudge.
Embry pretended to gasp dramatically. "Is that a challenge, (Y/N)? Are we going to have a hoodie fashion face-off?"
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corner of their lips. "You're on. But be warned, I've got some serious layering skills."
As the banter continued, Embry felt their heart swell with affection for (Y/N). It wasn't just about the hoodie or the playful exchange – it was about the comfortable intimacy they shared, the ability to be themselves around each other. Seeing (Y/N) in their clothes was a reminder of that connection, a tangible representation of their bond.
"Okay, okay, you win," Embry finally conceded, laughter in their eyes. "I'll admit defeat in the great hoodie duel."
(Y/N) grinned triumphantly. "That's what I thought. Now, can I keep this hoodie as a token of victory?"
Embry chuckled. "Of course, you can. Just promise to return it if I get too cold."
"You got it," (Y/N) replied, wrapping their arms around Embry in a tight hug, hoodie and all. "I'll keep you warm."
In that moment, Embry felt an overwhelming rush of love for (Y/N). The sight of them wearing the oversized hoodie was a reminder of the small moments that made their relationship special – the shared laughter, the gentle touches, and the feeling of being completely at ease with each other.
They rested their chin on (Y/N)'s shoulder, reveling in the warmth of the hug. "You always manage to make everything feel so much better," Embry murmured, their voice filled with genuine affection.
(Y/N) pulled back slightly, their gaze locking with Embry's. "That's because we're a team, remember? No matter what, we've got each other's backs."
Embry's lips curled into a soft smile, their fingers instinctively reaching up to brush a strand of hair away from (Y/N)'s face. "I'm grateful every day for you, (Y/N). For your support, your love, and even for stealing my hoodies."
(Y/N) chuckled, their eyes sparkling with warmth. "And I'm grateful for your hoodies being ridiculously comfortable."
Leaning in, Embry pressed a gentle kiss to (Y/N)'s lips, their heart fluttering as they tasted the familiar sweetness. "I love you," they whispered against (Y/N)'s mouth.
"I love you too," (Y/N) replied, their voice soft and filled with sincerity.
In that moment, as they stood there wrapped in each other's arms, wearing the oversized hoodie that symbolized their connection, Embry knew that they had something truly special. It wasn't just about the clothes or the playful banter – it was about the deep bond they shared, the way they complemented each other, and the love that grew stronger with each passing day.
As they held each other, Embry couldn't help but think that life was made up of these little moments – the stolen hoodies, the shared laughter, and the quiet expressions of love that spoke volumes without any words at all. And in each of those moments, they found a sense of belonging that made everything feel right.
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samblackblog · 1 year
9. Decision
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Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: mentions of violence, fluff, angst, depression, smut (not heavily laden)
A/N: took me a while to get this finished. I wasn't sure which direction to go, towards Sarah or Paul? Then again its a Paul fic so...
Message if you want adding to the tag or you want a one shot written.
← Chapter 8 ▪️ Chapter 10→
There is nothing to do in all the spare time you now have, jobless and miserable, but think of the friend you lost. Everywhere subtle reminders of her, from the photos of you together on your phone, to the mentions of her from your Mother and Frank. You slipped into an endless cycle of depression that scared them enough to not bother you with endless questions, but you overheard the augments late at night when they thought you were asleep. Truth is, you can’t sleep these days. You miss Sarah and desperately want to fix things and in the process you’ve cut yourself of from him. Even thinking of him, or naming him, makes the pain worse, yet it’s you doing it to yourself. 
You groan and turn over in bed, hugging the duvet to your body. It’s been three days since he dropped you home, the ride had been in silence as you refused to speak. You watched his white knuckle grip on the wheel and how tightly he clenched his jaw. Obviously he wanted to say something, angry at the situation, but thankfully he hadn’t voiced it there and then. Before leaving, he’d made you promise to meet him in a few days after having time to yourself, time he knew you needed even if he didn’t want the space. 
You stare at the ticking clock on the bedside table, counting down the minutes. You should have met him ten minutes ago. Despite the longing to see him, feel him, breathe him, you can’t bring yourself to get up. Instead you open your phone and stare at Sarah’s number, finger hovering over it. Even if she picks up, what do you say? There’s still no explanation, the only one you had she laughed at you for it. 
Tick. Tick. Tick.
The clock becomes too loud, as it reminds you that you’re now twenty minutes late. Thoughts of him sitting alone in the current downpour makes you feel increasingly guilty. 
He wouldn’t still be there. You tell yourself. He’d have gone by now. Anything to make yourself feel better. 
Tick. Tick. Tick. 
In frustration you swipe the clock off the side, it clattering to the floor with a metallic clunking. Something skitters across the floor, probably the battery. It’s only now, in the quiet of your room, you start to tune in to sounds in other parts of the house. The sounds of an argument starting in the kitchen drifting up to you. Quietly you leave the bed and creep along the floorboards to your door. The voices have grown louder and drown out any possibility of them hearing you coming down stairs. 
“Somethings wrong with my baby girl Frank, and you don’t seem to care” your mothers hysterical shriek makes you jump as you hover outside the kitchen, eavesdropping. 
“I just think that perhaps we’ve been too harsh on her recently. She’s a young adult now and she’ll experiment; that’s how they learn, from mistakes!” Frank sounds calmer, you put that down to his experience as a police officer. “She’ll speak to us when she’s ready-“
“Maybe we should send her to a psychologist-“ 
“She doesn’t need a shrink” He laughs, rolling his eyes at the idea he finds preposterous. 
“She’s depressed, Frank!” Your Mother is at boiling point, her tone squeaky and you know that soon the tears will come. 
“She’s a young woman, she’s probably got boy troubles, she’s not depressed.” He tries to rationalise and for once you’re glad someone’s on your side. 
“If there’s something you’d like to know, just ask.” your voice interjects quietly from the doorway, “I’d prefer that to the talking behind my back “ you accuse. They stand, looking shocked at your sudden appearance. Despite catching them talking about you, guilt swells inside for letting it get to this point. You should have talked to them and not caused further stress. “Listen,” it comes out authoritative and stops either of them jumping in. “I…” you stare at your feet as you prop your body against the door frame. “I don’t wanna tell you what you want to hear for the sake of pleasing you, saying this, I don’t need counselling-”
“Oh thank god!” your mother interrupts, her hand coming to her chest in relief. You give her the side eye, annoyed at her rudeness. 
“As I was saying, I don’t need counselling. I might seem a bit down but I have reasons, one’s which Frank’s not far off.” 
“So there is a boy?” your mother asks, a mixture of intrigue and confusement. Frank smiles to himself, knowing he was right. “Don’t you think we should have known there’s a boy in your life?”
“Mum!” you whine, “No, there’s no boy.” You lie, not able to deal with her current questions. Tackle one issue at a time. “It’s just friendship problems.” Neither of them say anything but Frank gives you a wink, knowing you’re not telling the whole truth. “Anyway, I’m heading out, trying to fix the problem.”  Your mother’s eyes travel your body, judging the state your appearance is currently in. She gets an eye roll from you before you walk to the front door. While slipping a pair of boots on you catch a glimpse of your reflection in the hallway mirror. 
Jesus, maybe she was right to judge. 
You still wear his sweater, having not taken it off, but had replaced the borrowed boxers with black leggings. Your hair, still unwashed, was scraggly and held enough grease to deep fry something in. You grab fistfuls of it and pile it high on top of your head, securing it in pace with the band from your wrist before heading to the car. Once sat inside the car, you get your phone out, finally having plucked up the nerve to call. The dial tone rings endlessly before the answer phone kicks in. In frustration you hang up and redial, the need to reach Sarah gnawing at you. 
“Please pick up. Please pick up” you say through gritted teeth, hoping that it would work some magic. Once again the answer phone kicks in. Her voice sounds clear and cheery. You wait for her to stop speaking and the familiar beep to ensue, indicating for you to leave a message. “Hi Sarah,” you pause, realising how unprepared you are for this “I um… I couldn’t reach you, well you know that, but um I just wanted to check in, see how you are, even apologise. I’d rather apologise to your face and not over some dumb message…” you sigh loudly “Please just call me back, this whole thing is just so stupid, I really-”
The time runs out for your message, cutting your words short. 
“-miss you” you finish. Disappointed and annoyed you fling your phone into the seat next to you before banging your head against the steering wheel. In frustration your hands grip tightly onto the cool plastic as you release a suppressed groan. After regaining composure, you use your fingers to wipe away the wetness that stains your cheeks. Deciding you need to confront the issues in your life, you start the car and pull out of the driveway. Nervously your fingers tap against the steering wheel as thoughts race through your mind. Who to go to? Your brain, always the voice of reason, argues that Sarah should be the priority. 
Mates before dates.
Despite this, every fibre of your being yearns to go somewhere else. A deep breath fills your nose with the woody scent that wafts off the sweater and sends your heart hammering. You let out a shuddery breath as you glance at the clock. Nearly fifty minutes had passed since you should have met him, why on earth would he still be there? Some small flicker of hope rages through you as you take a left turn at some crossroads, a turn that takes you further from her. The heavy rain turns to a gentle shower, as you head down the track that is becoming increasingly familiar. Under the tree canopy the rain seemed almost nonexistent but as you emerged into the clearing you noticed the occasional droplet hit the windscreen. You leave the car parked on the edge of the mud track and make your way over to the cabin, hoping that you were right in assuming he’d be here. 
Gingerly you head up the porch stairs, trying not to make much sound in fear of an audience. There's voices drifting from the cracked open window, hushed in tone, not the usual energetic craziness you’ve come to associate with the gabble of boys.  
“She might come around with some space” Emily’s soothing voice sounds, attempting to calm the male that answers her. 
“She stood me up, I don’t think she needs time. She needs answers-”
“No.” Sam’s stern tone silences the other two. “I forbid it. She’s not one of us.”
“She’ll understand-”
“I said no Paul.”
“The other’s will be here soon, finish this before they arrive.” Emily advises. The oven door opens and then closes.
Feeling rude for eavesdropping, you try to backtrack and head to the car. Obviously now wasn’t the right time to interrupt. You make it down the stairs without so much as a creak and head back across the dirt clearing.
The low hanging tree branches to the left of the clearing start rustling as something comes running through the undergrowth. For a minute, panic floods your body. Half expecting the monster from your dreams to charge at you. You’re relieved when you hear the laughing joking voices of the boys. Emily had said they’d be returning soon. 
In a hurry, you fish the car keys from your pocket but drop them in the mud. Before you can pick them up, feet thud into the clearing. In a flurry of snapping branches and bare skin something slams into you, knocking you clean off your feet. You land in the mud, something heavy on top of you. 
Opening your eyes you see the smiling face of Jared, a flirtatious look twinkling in his eyes. He pushes up on his elbows as a flush creeps onto your cheeks. You’d never been this close to a man. 
“Sorry about this, didn’t see you there!” He winks before another naked form runs past you both. 
“Looks like I beat yo ass!” Embry calls. 
Jared pushes off from the floor and offers a hand to you. The flush on your face reddens as you look away from Jared’s fully naked body.
Jared laughs. “Don’t tell me you haven’t seen Paul-”
“What the hell.” Paul’s voice erupts across from the cabin’s porch, stopping Jared’s comment in its tracks. 
Your head whips around to where Paul is running down the stairs. He ignores the two naked men and heads straight to your side, looking you up and down once, then twice, noticing the mud on your clothing. His eyes then travel to the mud on Jared’s forearms and knees. His eyes turn animalistic, rage barely concealed. 
“What did you do?” He spits at his friend. The words are thick with accusation. 
“Calm down, it was an accident.” Jared’s eyes turn as lethally animalistic as he squares up to Paul. 
“You’ve been provoking me for days.”
“You’re just too easy to wind up, man. Try not being so uptight.” He shoves Paul away from him. 
“Paul?” Your voice calls to him soft and calming, perhaps the only thing that can pull him away from this. “Can we talk, please?”
He turns away from Jared, leaving the conflict before it’s too late. You take a shaky breath and try to calm your nerves but before you can say something Jared lets out a chuckle. 
“It was about time she saw a real man.” His comment makes Paul’s jaw clench.��
“Ignore him.” You shoot a glare at Jared, all embarrassment gone as you speak to Paul. “He doesn’t know what he’s on about.” 
Taking a step towards Paul, you close the distance and place a hand on his chin, directing his gaze towards you. His jaw relaxes before he recoils from your touch. Your hand drops to your side as disappointment rushes through your being. Up until now you’d been the one rejecting and only now realise how being rejected hurts. Paul has to fight the desire to comfort you as he walks away from you and into the trees that you’d previously followed him into. 
Sam, who’s been watching from the porch of the cabin, order’s Jared and embry inside. Once the two of them vanish inside the cabin, he gives you a nod of thanks. 
Without overthinking, you enter the forest and retrace the footsteps you took once before and pray he’s there waiting for you. The walk to the clearing doesn't take as long as before, recognising stages of the journey which makes it memorable. Your foot clumsily catches on a tree root bulging from the earth. Smiling down at it, you can’t help but find it funny that it’s the same one that tripped you last time. 
You enter the clearing and see Paul hunched over in the middle. All fours on the moss covered ground. His chest rises and falls as he breathes deeply as if meditating. You don’t say anything but let your actions speak. Silently you make your way over to him, stopping only to briefly consider what you should do. 
Gingerly you place a hand on his back and make contact with his hot skin. The palm of your hand is cool compared to his scorching flesh, he flinches at the temperature change. The muscle beneath your touch contracts and relaxes as his head raises off the floor. Sliding your hand towards his shoulder blades, he brings himself into a kneeling position, his back flush against your legs as he sits on his haunches. Your arms wrap instinctively around his neck, dangling across his chest, as his head comes back to rest on your abdomen. He’s hurting and every fibre of your being screams to comfort him. 
Without even thinking, you place a kiss on the crown of his head. Before withdrawing, his hands grab yours to keep you from leaving. You breathe in his scent. It's deep and woody and makes your heart flutter. 
I’m sorry. I’m here now. 
Without having spoken the words aloud, his body language changes as he reacts to your thoughts. The tension leaves his muscles as he relaxes further into you, his eyes shutting in content. 
Cupping his chin, you tilt his face back gently. For a second you stare at his beautiful angular face before leaning down to kiss his lips. For the briefest of moments, he’s surprised, but it vanishes quickly as you become one. 
A smile breaks across your features, halting the kiss. There’s a bob beneath your hand as he swallows. You draw back and watch as his eyes open, dark and filled with lust. The predatory look should scare you but doesn’t. Suddenly your mouth feels dry as nerves coarse through you. 
“Hi,” you whisper.
He blinks up at you. Once, twice, three times before making a move to stand. He towers above you, head resting in the crook of your neck. Occasionally his body shakes followed by deep breaths. Trying to comfort him, you rub your hand against his back.
“What’s going on?” you work up the nerve to ask.
He sighs against you before pulling away. His eyes show deep sadness, flecks of anger swim through the irises. You take a step towards him, but he just moves further away. 
“They shouldn’t have- you shouldn’t have”
“I’m not one of you.”  Sam’s words from the cabin tumble from you. 
Paul looks shocked for a fraction of a second before regaining control of his emotions. 
“You heard that.”
“I may not be one of your goofy group of friends, but I’m here aren’t I?” Your brows pinch together. “I’m sorry I stood you up earlier, but you have to understand how confused I am at the situation, at my feelings. I’ve never felt like this and it scares the crap out of me… But, I’m here now and that’s what matters.” 
“You don’t think I’m confused?” His words catch you off guard, not expecting him to argue. “One moment you can’t keep your hands off me and then you disappear for days. What am I supposed to think?”
“You said you would be anything I want you to be…” you shrug, lost for words.
“I don’t know how to be around you.” he avoids eye contact as his hands run through his thick hair, “You kiss me like you want me, like you care-”
“I do care.”
“You act one way and then completely change the next time I see you. It’s screwing with my brain!” He yells out of frustration.
“Paul…” Tears well in your eyes. You swallow to keep them at bay.
“Jared jokes about whatever this is and it drives me insane.”
“I didn’t want to see… that,” you clarify.
Your cheeks flush in embarrassment as you think about it, not that you really saw anything, having diverted your eyes. You notice Paul taking in your flushed appearance and shrink away from you again. 
“Are you jealous?” 
“I was worried he might have hurt you.” He shoots you a warning glare, to not delve further into this topic. 
“Jared is quite funny, if I’m being honest.” You twirl a piece of hair between your fingers. “After today… Well maybe he’s got more than just humour-” 
Paul walks towards the trees, no words of goodbye. 
“Don’t walk away. Please.” Your voice completely changes, the joking tone erased by desperation. Inside your chest, the beat of your heart thunders, scared that he’ll go for good. “I need you.”
He stops in his tracks, back tense.
“I need you.” It’s an echo of a whisper as you repeat it. 
He turns and looks you in the eye. 
“I can’t stay away from you, I tried and it made me want you more. I can’t sleep without thinking of you.” The truth starts spilling from you in waves. “I can’t breathe, It feels like death. I… I. Need. You.”
He closes the distance between you in a few strides. His proximity gives you goosebumps as he leans his forehead against yours. All you can think about is how close his lips are to yours and yet still not close enough. And then they’re on yours, warm and soft. He starts with slow gentle pecks, before they become lengthier. Your lungs burn so he moves down your neck. You moan what sounds like his name as your arms wrap around his neck, fingers digging into his shoulders. The hair at his nape is long enough to grab in your hand as he gently applies suction to your skin, bringing forth another moan, barely audible to the human ear. Tendrils of pleasure run down your spine as your nipples harden. You flush when you remember you didn’t put a bra on; the way your body is pressed to his, he’ll feel them through the sweater you borrowed. 
His mouth finds its way back to yours as you drink him in, savouring every touch and sound. He pulls away for a second, panting as he draws in air, before admiring his work on your neck. 
You stare up at him with big doe eyes, lips parted and swollen, waiting for more. Removing your hand from his neck, you bring them down to his chest where they linger for a few seconds before going to the hem of his tank top. He stops what he’s doing, eyes watching yours as they stare up at him. His breath catches as you graze a finger delicately over the skin of his abdomen. You pull on the material, as you lean up to kiss him, bunching it in your fists. Lightly, your teeth brush over his lower lip before breaking apart. 
With his chest heaving, Paul allows you to remove his top. He stays utterly still, letting you take the lead. He watches as your eyes follow your fingers, watching them trace patterns across his flesh. You place a warm kiss on his shoulder as your arms slide around his neck once more. 
“I need you.” The whisper tickles his ear.
You pull away a little so you can look at his face. Neither one of you speaks and yet never has your communication been better. It’s over both of your features, anyone could read it. He dips a little as his hands rest on the back of your thighs, his eye contact not once breaking from you. In one swift motion he picks you up, bringing you eye level with him. You make a yelp of surprise and wrap your legs around his wait for stability. Before you can adjust, he’s moving again. 
The moss feels soft as he lays you down, his lips trailing kisses down your throat. He works lower and lower until he finds where the sweater ends. He attacks the skin beneath, his hands gripping your hips fiercely, and works his way up, stopping just beneath your breasts. The cool air hits your skin and sends shivers over you, adding to the pleasure. 
You make a sound of disappointment as he leaves your breasts and comes back up to kiss you. He plants one last peck on your pink lips before pushing up on his forearms. 
“We need to stop.”
You pull him down by his neck and kiss him again. 
“We really need to stop.” He says between your assault of kisses. 
Catching him off guard you push him over and straddle his waist. Your mouth trails across his chest before he sits up, forcing your mouth upwards to his once more. You can’t ignore his hands that ride up your back, feeling the soft skin beneath the sweater. He certainly knows that you’re not wearing a bra now. If only he’d slide his hands round and touch you. You ache for him. 
A whimper escapes your lips as you think about what you need, earning a growl from deep within Paul, that responds to you. 
“We have to stop.” he’s breathless so he loses all sense of command. 
“But-” You start to whine. The temptress within wanting full control. 
“The forest isn’t appropriate, who knows who can hear.”
You’re far enough from the cabin that they surely can’t hear you. Yet some part of you wonders if they could. 
“So we talk then.” You suggest, still trying to catch your breath and calm down. 
You make no effort to move off his lap, liking his embrace. You both take a few minutes to regain some normal sense of thought. 
“You said before about soulmates.” He nods, urging you on “Well, maybe I believe you.”
He bursts into laughter, his whole body shaking underneath yours. You admire the way his eyes crinkle with happiness and the smile lines that appear in this moment of joy. 
“There are things I don’t understand though.”
Paul leans back on his arms, taking in the view before him. His eyes rove up and down and a sense of accomplishment fills him at the sight of your flushed, dishevelled appearance.
“You’re distracted, I can see. Maybe now isn’t the appropriate time to talk about this.” You suggest, slighting annoyed he can’t compose himself. He grabs your hands, stopping you from getting up. 
“I’m listening.” 
“Is this a cult?” You blurt out. 
Again he starts laughing. Big belly aching laughs that thunder across the clearing. You hit him playfully on the arm, hoping he can cut the crap.
“I’m serious!”
“Oh you are, are you?” he chuckles. “No, my friends and I aren’t in a cult.” The laughter remains in his eyes and sparkles. 
“That’s it?”
“There are some things that I can’t tell you.” he watches your face screw up in confusion. “Don’t look at me like that,” he sits back up and brushes his thumb across your pout. “Do you trust me?” He kisses you.
It sounds ridiculous but you do. You trust him with your life. Deep in your heart you know he’ll keep you safe and love you, even if it is in this weird way. 
“Just know that it’s nothing bad”
“Hmmm, at least tell me what’s up with the nakedness.” He pulls away from kissing you, “Don’t think about lying. You ran off in the storm while your clothes stayed on the porch… You’re always walking around half dressed and somehow don’t freeze. What’s up with that?”
“There’s no way I’m gonna come off as anything but crazy.” 
“I’m fully prepared.” You smile in reassurance.
“We’re at one with nature. There’s nothing more freeing or grounding than being a naturist.” 
“Weirdos,” you joke. A blush creeps up your neck as you imagine Paul as Jared had been today.
“Don’t be naughty.” Paul chides. 
“I don’t know what you’re on about.” You stick your tongue out.
He makes a humming sound, not believing a word you say before planting kisses to your neck again. 
“I’m sure you weren’t thinking inappropriate things in the slightest.” He teases. “My turn to ask a question.”
“Go on”
“Talked to Sarah yet?”
In one simple question, your mood completely shifts. The warm fuzzy haze you had been in swept away by the blistering cold glooming melancholia of the Sarah situation.  You roll your eyes before sighing.
“She’s ignoring me.” You pull your lips into a tight line. “I probably need to just turn up at her house.”
“Something tells me Sarah’s not the kind that enjoys being bombarded.”
Something clicks with what he’s said. The amount of times Sarah’s warned you. 
“Do you two know each other?” His eyes shift colour, the playfulness dashed by something cold. 
“I knew her Sister.”
“She never said, she only warned me-”
“To stay away from me, right?” You nod a reply. “Figures.” He sighs loudly “I had a lot of anger issues growing up and got in trouble once… or twice.” He must have seen the look on your face because he added “I never hurt her though, if that’s what that look suggests.” 
“No, no, I um… How well did you know her? The sister I mean…” You stare down at your hands that lay on your lap.
“Now who’s jealous.” He strokes a stray piece of hair behind your ear. 
“So there’s a reason to be jealous?” 
“It’s in the past, well in the past. And it meant more to her than me.” He stares at you for minutes as silence settles, unable to take it anymore he breaks it. 
“You ever hurt anyone?” You hated asking, but felt the need to.
There's a dead silence that emanates from him. 
“Would you have hurt Jared today?”
He looks up at you, eyes full of sorrow. 
“We’re a physical bunch. He’d have put up a good fight.”
“You’re bigger than him.” You point out, surprised at the honestly coming from him.
“We’re brothers. I’d only have whooped his ass a little, teach him to hit on my girl.”
“Too much testosterone in the group,” You joke. 
He doesn’t laugh, doesn’t even try to acknowledge the humour you used to try to lighten the subject. He only sighs deeply, his whole body deflating as his eyes drain of light.
“What’s wrong?” Your hands rest on his shoulders before they cup his face, giving it a playful squeeze. “Talk to me.” 
Before he even answers you know his sadness; feel it echoed in your own heart. You’d never felt abandonment before but recognised the fear as quickly as it arrived. Your hands slide down his arms, stroking soothing circles before wrapping his big hands in your delicate ones. 
Gently you place a kiss on both his hands and then rest your forehead against his. Looking deep into his eyes you feel a bridge, tiny and invisible, that connects the two of you. Electricity surges back and forth along the sinew of this soul bridge and for a moment you breathe as one.
@navs-bhat @xxx-wounded-angel-xxx @britty443 @superheavymetalunicorn @yepimthatperson @punkmccqll @krispypotato @kytootana @the-chaotic-cow @forkscult @lendeluxe @grcgrace @hallecarey1 @lilbluewave @alwayshave-faith @convolutings @avis15 @sneezie98 @vendylewin @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @yoongitoo @rochyu @xcastawayherosx @xmysec0ndself @agent-grey-fics @jdbxws @pleasantducktimetravel
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bangtanmix73 · 2 years
Muffins - Paul Lahote, Embry Call x reader x Quil Ateara, Jared Cameron smut
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A/n: Once again, fem!reader, still not confident in writing male, sorry. Anyways, 1/5 of my ideas are done so far🤭.
Warnings: Smut, barely any plot, consensual noncon (cnc), forest sex, rough sex, unprotected sex, double penetration, fivesome, creampie, choking, rough oral (m and f receiving), p in v, orgasm denial, multiple orgasms, Dom (m) and sub (f), mainly Paul calls the shots, the boys just follow, use of (Y/n), praise, degradation, let me know if I missed anything.
“I’m still not understanding why you are so pissed at me,” (Y/n) said irritatedly, standing in front of four of the male wolves.
“You ate all of Emily’s muffins before we got any,” Embry answer simply, like it was the most obvious answer in the world.
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “For the last time, it wasn’t me! It was Jacob, Collin, and Brady!” Her voice raised a bit, trying to get her point across.
“Don’t raise your voice at us,” Paul warned, glaring daggers her way.
She glared right back. “Right and what are you going to do, Lahote?” She challenged.
Within a second, he had her pinned up against a tree with his hand on her throat.
“She’s a mouthy one, isn’t she boys?” Paul asked, tauntingly.
Jared grinned from behind him. “I can think of a few ways to shut her up.”
She gulped, looking at each of the boys. They all had dark looks in their eyes.
“You’re going to do as we say, understand?” Paul whispered darkly in her ear.
She swallowed, nodding.
“Use your words,” He tightened his grip on her neck a bit.
“Yes,” She mumbled. Something about Paul calling the shots was incredibly arousing. She didn’t mind submitting to any of them.
“Quil, would you like to start?” Paul suggested, turning around to see Quil nod hesitantly.
Paul let go of her neck, stepping aside. “Go suck him off, baby girl.”
She immediately walked over to him, sinking to her knees while he quickly unbuttoned his shorts.
Once Quil pulled his cock out of the jean shorts, she wrapped one hand around his dick while the other rest on his thigh. She licked his cock, purposely missing the most sensitive part on his tip.
She felt someone kneel behind her, their hand snaked around her front and into her pants. She gasped when they slipped two fingers into her core.
She stroke Quil, still avoiding the tip. She turned her head to see who was fingering her.
She was Paul and Jared, still standing, jerk themselves off. She guess Embry was behind her.
“Embry, stop,” Paul demanded, the wolf behind her immediately following order. “If you want him to continue, you need to stop teasing and suck.”
She turned her head back to the boy in front of her and wrapped her lips around his tip and sucked hard. Quil gasped, hand going straight to her hair.
Embry began to move his fingers inside her again, making her moan around Quil. Quil groaned, thrusting his dick down her throat, making her gag. She thought he would stop to make sure she was okay, but to her surprise, he continued to fuck her face, making her gag over and over.
Embry added another finger, maneuvering his hand to let his thumb rub her clit. She whined, bucking her hips into his hand. She was so close, he could tell from the way she was clenching around him.
“Don’t let her cum,” Embry instantly pulled his fingers out at Paul’s command.
(Y/n) was about to protest, but was distracted by Quil shoving himself all the way in her mouth before cumming. Quil breathed heavily, pulling his dick out of her mouth, some of his cum dripping out the corners of her lips.
He pushed what dropped out back in her mouth. “Swallow it all, you can do it,” Quil encouraged. She swallowed everything in her mouth. Embry rubbed her hip with one hand while he sucked her juices off on the other.
“You did so good,” Quil praised her.
“He’s right, baby, you did,” Embry whispered in her ear.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s our turn,” Jared interjected, pulling Quil away and taking his spot in front of her.
Embry moved from behind her. The warmth barely left before Paul replaced the empty space.
They had since gotten rid of their shorts, leaving them completely naked. Now it was her turn. Jared and Paul made quick work of your clothes, being kind enough not to rip them off.
Once her clothes were gone, she went back to her previous position, sitting on her knees. Jared stroke himself before pushing his cock in between her lips. She immediately let him in, wasting no time sucking him off.
Paul’s hand went to her breasts, kneading them. Kneading turned into pinching and pulling at her nipples. She moaned at his ministrations, sending vibrations through Jared, making him groan. There was no way he could last long if she kept it up.
One of Paul’s hand slid down from her breasts to her clit, rubbing small, rough circles. She whimpered around Jared, her hand leaving his thigh, grabbing Paul’s wrists. She didn’t move it away, just held him there.
The closer Jared got, the rougher he got. He had his in her hair, using it as leverage to shove his dick down her throat. Soon, he was cumming down her throat.
“Swallow,” Jared told her as he pulled himself out of her mouth. Paul pulled his hands away from her after she swallowed.
“I get to fuck her first,” Paul announced before pausing, “Actually, Embry, come here.” Embry walked over to the two of you. Him and Quil discarded their clothes long before.
Paul pushed her forward on her hands and knees, putting her in doggy position (no pun intended). Embry caught on, kneeling in front of her.
He glanced at Paul before looking down at her. “You ready?” He asked.
When she nodded, Paul instantly pushed into her heat. She mewled before Embry silenced her by shoving his dick inside her mouth.
Paul didn’t bother letting her adjust or start slow. He pounded her without hesitation. Embry began thrusting into her mouth, quickly finding Paul’s rhythm.
She knew if it wasn’t for Paul’s grip on her hips and Embry in front of her, she would’ve fell forward from the force. She was practically screaming on Embry’s dick.
Jared and Quil crawled over to the three. One on either side of her. She took both of their cocks in her hands, jerking them vigorously. Paul wrapped one of his arms underneath her to hold her up. Honestly, she was proud of herself for being able to keep up and take four dicks at once.
Embry came first, spilling into her mouth. Once he moved away, Quil was quick to take his pack mate’s place, shoving his dick back in her mouth once again.
Paul came next, he thrusted all the way to the hilt, spilling his seed inside her. Jared was the one to replace him once he pulled out. Jared not Quil changed the pace Paul and Embry set.
Quil came not long after. This time, he pulled out, coming on her face. Quil moved over to sit next to the other two boys, panting. (Y/n) let her fall into an ‘face down, ass up’ position, Jared still having his way with her.
Finally, Jared came, like Paul, he shoved himself in to the hilt, filling her to the brim. He slid his hand to her clit, rubbing until she came with a loud moan.
While she came down from her high, Jared flipped her over on her back and began jerking off above her. The other three wolves followed his lead.
They all sat on their knees above her, stroking themselves as she breathed heavily.
Due to sensitivity, they came fairly quickly. Embry came on her face, his cum mixing with Quil’s. Jared, Paul, and Quil came on her stomach, combining their cum.
The wolves laid down beside her. Paul and Quil had a hand on each of her thighs, rubbing shapes onto them. Embry held her hand while Jared played with her hair.
The forest was silent as they scared any nearby animals away a long time ago. They just basked in the afterglow, enjoying each other’s presence.
“We’re definitely doing that again,” Jared said, no one even thought about objecting his statement.
Before it went back to complete silence, (Y/n spoke up. “As much I enjoyed that,” she started, the boys moving to look up at her, “I wasn’t the one that ate all of Emily’s muffins.”
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chloe-skywalker · 1 year
I Know Why Your Shirtless - Paul Lahote
Part 2 AU
Paul x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,169
Requested: hi!!!! just wanted to ask if its possible to have a part 2 to that Paul Lahote imagine??? the "I know why your shirtles" imagine?? like the BH pack visiting and could you make the reader an evolved wolf and she tells Bella and Paul that Scott's her alpha??? thanks its ok if its want to though ^-^ - @imcravingchocolatesrn
Authors Note: I wrote this years ago but lost it! Sorry! Thank you for requesting I put it as AU because the plot was requested and I don’t know if this is where I would’ve taken it if i decided to make a part 2 on my own cause it was kinda a one and done one shot.
Twilight Masterlist
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“I’m so glad you all could make it.” Y/n said opening the front door to see all her friends from Beacon Hills on her doorstep.
“Well you are part of our pack.” Stiles stated with a smile as they entered the home.
“Yeah, but I’m so far away.” Y/n added as she stepped aside letting them all enter the small Forks home.
“Your my beta, of course I’ll come visit you.” Scott smiled bringing Y/n into a hug.
“And your our friend.” Lydia smiled, pulling her into a hug after Scott.
“Your family now.” Derek stated he had a soft spot for the Swan girl. They had a lot in common.
“Well, I should warn you guys that there is another pack that lives in the area. On the Rez, but their not like us.” She explained as she shut the door.
“What’s that mean?” Scott asked with a furrowed expression.
“There more like shapeshifters. I have a back on them and there history.” Y/n told the pack.
“Great! So we can look it over during pizza.” Stiles clapped his hands together, ready for food.
“Pizza?” Derek questioned with a raised eyebrow. Did all he think about is food?
“Yup. Cause we are ordering pizza.” Stiles spoke as he turned with crossed arms to face the sourwolf, as he calls him.
“Y/n, who are all these people?” Charlie asked confused on why he came down the stairs to his living room full of teenagers and a adult.
“Dad, these are my friends from California.” Y/n smiled as she had told him they were coming to visit. But she didn’t blame him if he forgot. Work had been crazy for him.
“Nice to meet you Mr. Swan.” Lydia smiled
“Do you like to be called Mr.Swan or Sheriff Swan?” Scott asked as he reached out to shake the older man's hand.
“Either one’s fine.” Sharlie shook the hand of the young man. To Charlie the kid was just being polite but to Scott he was trying to make a good impression on his beta’s parent.
“That's right, you're a sheriff. My Father’s one to.” Stiles smiled at the comparison.
Charlie nodded awkwardly. “That's great. Well, I have an extra long shift tonight so don’t wait up. But don’t stay up to late either.”
Y/n nodded smiling. “Got it dad.”
“Bye Mr.Swan.” Scott and Stiles called out as Charlie left through the front door.
^     ^     ^
“I can smell them.” Paul stated as they ran through the forest.
“Me to.” Quil agreed
“We all can.” Jared said coming up behind them.
“Who are they?” Embry questioned as they watched the group of teens.
“That's what we need to find out.” Sam stated before the pack left back towards Emily’s to talk.
^     ^     ^
“Do you hear that?” Emmmet asked as the whole Cullen family and Bella stopped on their walk through the woods.
“Yeah.” Rosealie nodded in acknowledgement.
“Is that a wolf?” Bella asked as they all looked out in the distance.
“Its not part of the pack.” Jasper stated
“No, it’s smaller. But it seems off. Not animal like.” Carlisle agreed, stepping in front of his family.
“It smells different.” Rosaelie added.
When the wolf took off, the Cullens and Bella decided to follow the creature. From far enough away they stopped watching from a cliff nearby only to be very shocked.
“Oh my God.” Alice gasped, how did she not see that in a vision before?
“Isn’t that your sister?” Edward asked, looking at Bella in slight shock.
“Uh huh.” Bella nodded as she went to walk down the near by hill towards the clearing her sister was standing on as she just turned back into a human. She was very shocked and confused. The cullens followed also curious. “Y/n?”
Y/n turned around shocked to hear her sister's voice and see the Cullens behind her. “Bella. Everyone.”
“What- I don’t-” Bella shook her head in disbelief. How was hee sister able to turn into a wolf and how did she not know?
“I can explain.” Y/n said as she looked at all of them. Ready to explain.
^     ^     ^
“Your a werewolf?” Rosealie questioned a s Y/n sat across from her in the Swan residence. Cullens on one side and Y/n and the Beacon Hills pack on the other.
“Yes.” Y/n answered
“But not like Jacob?” Carlies asked, tilting his head in curtotisy.
“Very different.” Y/n nodded
“And this happened because he but you?” Emse looked on concerned about the girl that had become a good friend to her family.
“Yes. An he did it to save my life.” Y/n smiled softly towards Emse to show she was okay.
“You saved her life?” Alice turned her attention to Scott after Y/n’s statement.
“Uh, yeah.” Scott nodded sheepishly at all the yes on him.
“Thanks.” Bella nodded at Scott, gratefully for saving her sister.
“No problem. She’s my friend, practically family.” Scott smiled.
^     ^     ^
“Is that them?” Quil asked as the pack hung out at La push with Bella.
“It smells like it.” Jared nodded as they saw the group walk onto the beach.
“Is that who?” Bella asked confused on what they were talking about.
“With your sister.” Jacob pointed out.
Bella looked over. “Oh that's her pack.”
“Her what?” Paul looked over to Bella in shock.
“So she's a wolf?” Embry asked curiously.
“And you didn’t know this?” Sam asked, turning his attention to Paul.
“Yeah, Paul. She is your imprint.” Jacob smirked at the slightly older wolf.
“I was a little busy imprinting to notice.” Paul fired back defensively.
“Well, let’s go talk to her.” Sam stated as he, the pack, and Bella headed over to the Beacon Hills pack that had gone down by the water.
“Hey.” Y/n nodded to her sister as they approached her and her friends.
“Hey.” Bella nodded back.
Y/n looked around at the pack of shapeshifters, noticing their body language Y/n asked. “Okay, what's with the standoff?”
Paul decided to just come out with it. “You know we’re mates. Don’t you?”
Y/n nodded. “I felt it. Yes.”
“You didn’t mention your a wolf as well.” Jake pointed out.
“Different type but, it didn’t seem like the time to say anything about it. Not like you can just go around telling anyone or everyone.” Y/n explained and it seemed they understood. 
“An this is your pack?” Sam asked, nodding towards the people behind her.
“I’m a part of it, yes. These are my friends. They are like my family.” y/n nodded glancing back at them as they all stood around behind her ready to protect her if necessary.
“Who's the alpha?” Jared asked curiously though he had a hunch between two of them who it could be.
“I am.” Scott stated stepping forward, next to Y/n.
“This is Scott.” Y/n introduced him as he stood beside her. “Scott Mccall. He’s a true Alpha.”
@gruffle1 @padawancat97
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supernatural-dreamer · 10 months
The Unnatural and Unexpected (Embry Call x Black! Reader) Pt. 4
A/N: Hiya everyone! We're baack with another installment. School just started back for me and it's been kicking my butt so apologies for any delays. This part changes focus a little from the main character and is little bit of a filler, but rest assured it's getting juicy... Enjoy! Cheers!
This is set during Eclipse around newborn battle. This is tailored for a African American/Black female reader specifically, however all are welcome to read..
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Imagine being Embry’s imprint and tagging along with the wolves to their newborn training session. However, you’re always in for an unexpected surprise when you’re around Bella..
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Unfortunately she was right. The wound was deeper than anticipated. No wonder why it was hard for you to stop the bleeding. As much as you cared for him, you were silently cursing Embry and Jasper every which way. 
Damn superhuman strength.
Not even fifteen minutes after she walked in the door, Emily had your wound disinfected, helped clean you up, and even started heating up leftovers she brought over. Bless this woman.
“Just one more stitch, I’m almost done, hon. Hang in there.” You winced in pain as she covers up your fresh stitches with a bandage dressing. 
“I at LEAST owe one of them a slap for the fight. This is crazy.” Sitting up gently from the living room couch, Emily helps you into the kitchen. 
“Deal.” She pulls out a small bottle of vodka from her bag with two shot glasses and places them on the counter. You raise an eyebrow, smirking. 
“This is JUST for now until I can get you some painkillers tomorrow. Unfortunately, you’re out of Tylenol and the drugstores are closed.” She shrugs her shoulders at your slight shock and amusement. 
“Being an ex-nurse has its perks. Food’s almost done, you hungry?” 
After finishing up eating and graciously accepting the little alcohol. It was only then you remembered the days earlier events.
As much as you wanted some time, you thanked your lucky stars that the one person you probably needed showed up at your doorstep.
“Sorry about how I answered the door earlier.” Sheepishly, you start to look down at your kitchen floor.
“Nothing to apologize for. Sam told me everything that happened and I came straight over and don’t worry, they don’t know I’m here.” 
“I appreciate it. How’s Embry holding up?” Sighing heavily, Emily places her plate and yours in the dishwasher. 
“Sam, myself, and their partners let him have it after finding out he hurt you. Is he justified in his anger, yes, but he shouldn’t have let it get the best of him.” At this, you bury your face in your hands. This is such a mess. You didn’t mean to cause any of it.
You hear her shuffle to sit next to you as she gently pulls your hands from your face. 
“Hey, NONE of this is your fault. You never asked to be in this situation. The only people at fault here are Embry and Jasper. Jasper chose to keep it from you and both of them hurt you. As much as I love the pack, they do not get to decide anything for their imprints, especially after they hurt them.” It was then you looked up at her. The fluorescent light of the kitchen made the darkness outside look endless.  For the first time, at least to you, her scar was more prominent on her skin. 
“I made the choice to stay with Sam, but you don’t have to. As much as I’m not a big fan of the vampires, I value yours, and the other imprints, well-being above all else.” She pats your shoulder. 
“Now, for the most important question, Comedy or Rom-com?” 
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tags: @fckwritersblock , @zoexme , @abluejay-comments , @solar2solstice
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gracefulsunflower · 12 days
PREVOUS Prologue
Seth sat with the pack and the imprints after telling them about you — The little he knew anyways. He was still hung up on the fact that you would only be here for two months.
"Why don't you, I don't know, show up in the same places she is?" Embry suggested, throwing a baseball to Quil as they sat down, albeit carefully — Sam would kill them if they broke something.
Emily wouldn’t mind, but since she bought half of the stuff in the house Sam would break their fingers if they scratched even one thing.
"He's not a mind reader, Embry, God," Leah snarked, throwing an arm around her not so little brother's shoulders, pulling him slightly closer to her.
She smelled like home, so he nestled in a little closer, needing the comfort.
"But the little Cullen is, maybe Jake can ask them for some help," Embry shot back, and Seth looked elated, but then his face dropped.
"But I don't want her to think I'm a stalker or anything," Seth murmured defeatedly, and it was back to the drawing board.
The room went silent, Seth dragging the slightly good mood down with him.
"Adopt a dog," Quil suggested, and everyone looked at him.
"You said she has a dog — If you get one then you can take it for walks when she takes hers for walks. That's not that stalkerish. You have an excuse to be in the same place at the same time," Quil elaborated as he fumbled an extra hard throw from Embry, and Seth grinned so bright that it made everyone else crack a small smile.
"Quil, you're a genius! Now all I need to do is find a dog." Seth replied, his mind running wild as he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts, wondering who to message.
Adopting dogs from the local shelter was really expensive, and he was saving for a new dirt bike. He only had $200 to go, and he really didn’t want to waste money on a new dog. Not when he could nearly taste the dirt bike.
"Rez dogs are having puppies all of the time man, but if you're that keen Miss Postoak is trying to get rid of her bitch since she can't afford her right now, she’s only a companion dog and the others are working dogs," Jared supplied before taking another bite of his blueberry muffin, courtesy of Emily, and Seth felt victorious as he clicked onto his Mom’s contact and called her, asking if he could get a dog for his birthday.
"You're picking up its’ crap, buying its’ dog food and leashes, and it is getting neutered, we have enough strays on the reservation as is, young man — and I'll help you set up the yard for it when you get it," She replied, then said 'love you' and hung up the phone.
Seth whooped, then calmed back down, looking around the room at his expectant friends.
"What the fuck do I need for a dog?"
Leah pinched her brother’s ear for his foul language, making everyone laugh.
Thankfully, Old Quil owned many a dog in his lifetime, used for hunting, mainly, but most of them were now companions in their old age, the man hesitant to get another in case it outlived him. Young Quil helped Seth buy the needed supplies like leashes, a crate for inside, dishes for the food, a dog bed, and a vet appointment was set for Monday so the bitch that Seth adopted — named Missy, a Rottweiler Shar Pei cross (Rott Pei, Quil had helpfully given him the proper name for the breed of the mutt) could be checked up, seeing as she was due for one.
Seth and Quil now at the store, buying some dog food. The smell was still overwhelming, and mixed in with how all of the other store goers smelled it was nearly unbearable. He could even still smell the products they mopped the floors with. He put the last thing in the cart when he heard a familiar voice. You.
"Quil, shit man, that's her!" Seth whispered excitedly, then listened as you made your way through the aisles, talking about dog food for Cujo.
Quil watched his younger pack mate bounce on his heels as you approached, and tried not to laugh at how excited Seth was getting. The boy turned to face you as soon as you turned the corner, dragging your dad by his hand, a basket in your other hand.
"Oh! It's little Seth!" Alexander pointed out, making you look away from the tins of dog food on the shelf, and give him a friendly grin, dropping your dad’s hand in the process.
"Hello, hello," You greeted, and nodded towards his full trolley, "Stocking up for a vacation?"
Seth turned back at the groups of haphazardly stacked dry kibble bags and wet food cans, and numerous treat packets. Maybe he was going a tiny bit overboard.
"Uh, no," Seth admitted, rubbing the back of his neck with a chuckle, "I'm getting my first dog and I think I got overexcited."
"Oh! Such a spoiled little puppy that will be! Maybe you and miss (Y/N) could take your dogs for walks sometimes! I think she gets sick of her old man slowing her down," Alexander offered, and nudged (Y/N)'s shoulder, "If you need help with the dog too, (Y/N) could teach you a few tricks. Should help her keep herself busy for the next two months."
Seth tried not to smile too hard as he agreed, but noticed that you looked less than pleased, but give him a tight lipped smile nonetheless.
"Dad, grab two dry bags of dog food," You commanded, and your father did your bidding as you somewhat aggressively threw some dog food cans into a basket, managing to dent one of them.
Your father suddenly looked less than pleased with your behaviour as you threw the last can and turned on your heel, shoulder checking him as you walked past him. Alexander looked back at the pair of boys and gave them a tight lipped smile and a small wave before leaving behind his daughter.
Seth cocked his head to the side, trying to drown out the rest of the store goers to listen to you. Quil immediately did the same.
“What in the Gods was that? Ridiculous behaviour for what?” Your father said gruffly, but not unkindly.
"Dadda, I don't want to go for walks with him!" Was the first thing Seth heard you say, which made his heart drop, but he kept on listening anyway.
"Nonsense, he seems nice! A friend wouldn't hurt," Your father tried to reason with you, but you huffed.
"If a friend wouldn't hurt we'd actually live in one place and not move around like nomads." You then let out a soft 'fuck!', most likely stubbing your toe on the stupid boxes near the mouth of aisle 2.
"Well, I'm sure this place is the place. Trust me, tiny child. If it isn't, I'll buy you your dream Dodge Challenger for a late birthday gift." Your father reasoned.
"Don't bullshit me," You snapped back, sounding like you were nearer to the doors.
"I'm not! Matte black Dodge Challenger with red under glow for your birthday, or we live here, I swear it on Cujo's life." Your father pleaded, and you sighed.
"Fine. I'll see if one of the workers knows how to get into contact with him. I'll try to find him on MySpace or Twitter or something." You relented, then the doors opened to the front of the store, and your scent was gone.
Your Father cheered and Quil put Seth into a headlock playfully, messing up his hair, making Seth laugh as he did so.
You sat on your new bed, your dog Cujo, a black Cane Corso who was getting on in his years, shown by the grey fur on his muzzle, resting on the floor next to your bed, not being allowed on any furniture. Your father was doing research in his room.
You picked up a piece of mango and popped it into your mouth as you looked up the name of the place you were staying at on Facebook. You found the profile, and clicked into it, then went straight to followers. You couldn't find any followers with Seth's profile picture, so you went and looked up the name of the school, finding their profile and looking through the followings for Seth. No luck. Even searching his name up you discovered nothing. You stalked his school until you found his name on an old post where he had won an award for a spelling bee, also discovering his last name. Clearwater. Seth Clearwater.
You logged into your MySpace account, and looked for him, and surprisingly found him. His profile picture was a photo of him with a man, standing side by side, grinning.
You found it, and let held your arms up above your head in a victorious manner, looking around the room as if expecting someone to cheer for you, then focussing on your dog.
"See how fucking amazing I am, Cujo? The FBI needs to hire me as a detective," You said, then started scrolling through his profile.
Nothing overly fancy. Just some pictures of him, people you assumed to be his family, and some of nature around the area, alongside some photos of his adventures. You clicked the 'Add Friend' button, and decided to make a new friendship bracelet while you watched movies, heading off to your dad's room to go and ask him to start the bracelet for you.
Seth was currently scrolling through Twitter at his desk as his Xbox 360 started up, Leah lounging on his bed playing Mario on his DS. Technically, he and Leah shared the Xbox, but he just kept it in his room as she didn’t really play it much these days, instead choosing to play his DS. He didn’t mind. Just as long as she stayed in his room so he knew it was safe. Missy was laying halfway under his bed, gnawing at a new chew toy Quil had picked out.
His phone beeped, and a new notification popped up. He walked over and slid onto the bed next to his sister. A new friend request. He looked, and his heart started speeding up as he looked at the profile.
“What?” Leah inquired, hearing the thrumming, looking over his shoulder.
“She added me on MySpace!” Seth told his sister excitedly, showing her the profile picture of you and a black dog, along with your Dad and a woman who looked a bit like you, and accepted your friend request, then started looking through your profile.
There were photos from all around the world. Australia, Sweden, Italy, France. Your father and you were the main focus of your photos, but your nature shots were a sight to behold. There were also some with people that weren’t your father, so maybe friends and relatives. The photos of the woman in your profile picture stopped around a year ago, he noted. Your newest photo was the Welcome to Forks sign, you and a huge black dog posing in front of it, the same one from your profile picture.
A message notification popped up. He opened it, and there was a message from you.
“Oh my goodness, she messaged me!” Seth nearly squealed, and Leah bit back a laugh at her little brother, knowing that laughing would probably result in him attacking her with a pillow covered in a Spider-Man case.
“Well don’t just ignore it, reply!” Leah urged, and Seth looked at his sister, eyes as wide as saucers.
“What do I say!” Seth panicked, and Leah rolled her eyes, grabbing the iPhone covered in a Spider-Man case and messaging her back.
You blinked at your laptop screen, your friendship bracelet forgotten. You didn’t expect him to reply so fast. You went down to the vending machine just outside of the office about ten minutes ago and he wasn’t there, instead there was a girl at the counter, talking on the phone as she painted her nails. Maybe his shift was over, and he was at home? You didn’t think on it much.
Your fingertips ghosted over the keys, then stopped, instead picking up your phone and logging into MySpace there.
“Dad?” You called out, and he ambled into your room, a sandwich with a bite taken out of it, jerking his head upwards slightly as he chewed.
“Seth messaged me and I don’t know how to reply,” You admitted, and your father chuckled as he came over and sat next to you, trying not to get any crumbs on the bed.
Cujo immediately came over and sat expectantly next to him on the floor, but your father shooed him away. Your baby walked over and laid in his crate, looking offended.
“What do you want to say?” He asked, pulling your phone into his hand, getting ready to type a message for you.
You leaned against his muscly arm, and shrugged. You weren’t very good at holding conversations.
“Why don’t you ask him about his new dog?” Your father suggested and you grinned victoriously, taking back the phone and sending him a message.
How’s things going with preparing for ur dog?
You hummed, feeling content, then sent the message. Seth started typing immediately.
She’s good! We picked her up like an hour ago and she’s currently harassing my sister, lol
A photo came through of a dog that looked like a Rottweiler, but was wrinkly, and the tail curved upwards, sitting on the lap of a girl that looked a couple years older than you, playing a DS.
“Oh! Looks like a little Rott Pei! They’re stubborn little fucks,” Your father commented, still eating his sandwich, making you giggle.
Your aunty Lara had one, over in Italy. He tended to chew any shoes left outside, and didn’t like Cujo much.
Her name is Missy :)
She’s so cute! Is she a Rott Pei? Dad says they’re stubborn lol
Yeah, she is. I’m gonna try and take her for a walk tomorrow. She’s really good on lead, and well socialised. My sister Leah’s coming too, wanna come with?
Before you could type ‘no’, your father snatched your phone and sent a message.
That sounds good, when & where?
“Dad!” You hissed, picking up your stuffed Elmo doll from beside you and assaulting your father with it, making him drop his sandwich.
Cujo wasted no time in scrabbling over and eating it, making you laugh, but you quickly stopped as your phone beeped again, leaning over and grabbing it from your dad’s hand.
Tomorrow, like 11am?
We can take out a picnic!
Me and Leah can come pick you up :)
You quickly positioned yourself so you could see Cujo in the background, your dad deciding to hop into the photo as well, holding up both of his thumbs and giving the biggest smile you’d ever seen.
Cujo & I are keen, so’s Dad apparently. See you then!
Leah pinched her little brother’s cheek as he put the phone down, tittering at the way he blushed, the colour in his cheeks and ears becoming more noticeable with the red undertone of his blood rushing to them.
“My baby, all grown up! Going on a date with a girl-”
“-It’s not a date, Leah,” Seth said exasperatedly as he grabbed his phone and messaged Jacob, wanting to let him know first.
(Y/N) and I are walking our dogs together tomorrow.
Good job bro :)
You should see if she wants to come to your birthday party tomorrow
Seth blinked. Tomorrow was his birthday. He’d be fifteen, and in two months he’d be starting tenth grade.
I forgot about that haha
Are you and Ness coming?
Wouldn’t miss it for the world man
I picked out a cool gift but Ness said hers is ‘practical’, or whatever
You know how she is
Seth laughed and sent back a thumbs up emoji, then leaned over and scritched Missy behind her ears, making her wag her tail contentedly. Today was a good day. Tomorrow was going to be even better.
Alexander stood out on the porch of the cabin, facing the sea as he puffed on his Marlboro, the cigarette being his only source of light other than the moon, full and low over the sea.
A movement in the distance, over near some rocks, only just visible in the corner of his eye. His head snapped in the direction of it, his blue eyes nearly glowing in the dark.
Something was staring right back at him, its eyes shining green like a cat’s in the dark. A stare off ensued. Alexander moved ever so slightly, reaching for his crossbow, but the creature then spread its’ wings and took flight, the huge wing span nearly blocking out the moon as it ascended.
Alexander growled and put out his cigarette, dropping it into the metal trash can near his feet. He found what he was looking for. Now it was time to complete the rest of his mission.
Mary Postoak stared at the moon through her kitchen window, opting to watch it as the sink filled up in front of her.
There was a flash of darkness in front of the moon, looking like a huge bird. She gasped, a hand going to her chest. It was bigger than any bird she saw, ever. And the last time she checked; birds didn’t have legs like humans.
A thud was heard in her backyard, and her dogs started barking, making her head for her back door, but a yelp cut her off. She instead turned on her heel, running towards her bedroom and grabbed her rifle, then ran through the hallway, throwing open the back door and loading the rifle.
She grabbed the flashlight from her deck table, and turned it on, shining it toward the scene, and gasped.
Something was hunkered over her dog, feeding from it. Upon hearing her, it looked up, blood covering its lower lip. It was hideous. Pale skin, and two enormous wings. It stood up at its full height, nearly ten feet, and stepped forward, making her drop her torch and point her rifle at it.
She fired it once, hitting it square in the chest. It growled, then lunged for the woman, attacking her before she could even scream.
Fun fact lol, Missy & Cujo are based on dogs I've owned. Again, not proofread so please kindly point out any mistakes!
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hynasg0w1ld4ari · 2 months
𝑮𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒎𝒆.!
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Hello.! I’m fairly new to Tumblr, But my name is Ari and I like writing one shots so feel free to request anything you want for now and I write about anything.!
𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙬𝙨/𝙢𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙄’𝙢 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧:
-The 100
-Karate kid (1984)
(Sorry ab limited shows I barely watch Tv!)
𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙞𝙢 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧:
-Jacob Black
-Sam Uley
-Embry Call
-Paul Lahote
-Jasper Hale
-Edward Cullen
-Jared Cameron
-Seth Clearwater
(Plz request any other characters.!)
𝐓𝐡𝐞 100:
-Bellamy Blake
-John Murphy
-Jasper Jordan
-Finn Collins
-Monty Green
(Plz request any other characters.!)
𝐊𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐝:
-Daniel Larusso
-Johnny Lawrence
-Chozen Toguchi
(Plz request any other characters.!)
𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒘/𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑰’𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒓𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒚 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕.!
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lunajay33 · 2 months
Waiting🖤 Part.2
Summary: After decades of being alone without a love of his own he finally finds her in a gloomy town of forks, his brother Edward isn’t the only lucky one
Pairing: Emmett Cullen x f! Swan reader
Warning: angsty, fluffy sunshine Emmett
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Friday came and I was a nervous wreck, I didn’t care to tell Bella or dad about this seeing as Bella has already distanced herself from me and I didn’t wanna get dads hopes up, sitting in math class, the last class of the day I kept glancing at the clock ticking closer and closer to the final bell, trying to distract myself I delved back into the worksheet infront of me, soon enough the bell rang and my heart jumped
Anxiously I threw everything into my bag and left the school straight to the parking lot, where Emmett was leaned against his silver jeep, when his eyes landed on me that bright smile stretch across his face making his amber eyes shine
“Hey gorgeous you ready for the best night of your life?” I could feel the heat rush to my face only making his smirk widen
“Not like that y/n, not yet anyways, come on hop in” he said as he held the door open for me, quickly getting in the drivers seat next to me
“Sooo um what’re we doing?”
“Thought we could go hiking, maybe get out of the cloud bank into some sunlight”
“I love hiking! Sounds like fun” finally relaxing knowing now it’s something I’m use to doing
He drove for a while out of forks to a near by hiking trail not commonly used by the public, we got out and started our journey
“So tell me a bit about yourself Angel” he said breaking the silence
“Well there’s not much to know, I’ve lived here my whole life, my sister and mom left when I was young so it’s just been me and my dad, I became homeschooled until now and I usually just read and do homework”
“Not a big social butterfly I assume?”
“Not really, what about you? Tell me everything!”
“Well I have 4 adopted siblings, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie and Edward, you’ll love Alice she’s the sweetest, I like getting out into the forest, love music and working out”
“Yeah I can tell” I smiled glancing at his bulging muscles under his long sleeve shirt
“Woah she’s got some fire in her after all” he laughed nudging my arm
“What can I say you bring it out of me” his hand grazed against mine until he went for it and intertwined his fingers through mine
“Why so nervous pretty girl? Do I fluster you?”
“Maybe, I’ve never really done stuff like this but it’s nice” I saw his features soften as he looked down at me and gently squeezed my hand
“Really? A beautiful thing like yourself, I’m surprised you don’t have boys on their knees begging for your attention”
“I think you have me mixed up with my sister” I laughed nervously
“And who might that be because I don’t even need to see her to know your beauty is beyond anything of this world”
“Emmett stop you’re just trying to make me blush, and my sister is Bella, Bella swan she’s new to the school” he stopped dead in his tracks with a shocked expression
“Bella is your sister, like your actual sister?”
“So you already know her, not a surprise”
“No it’s not that, my brother Edward has been after her since she came at the start of the week, kind of funny how two brothers can like two sisters, but I must say I got the more beautiful”
“You’re too sweet Em, I can’t believe she hasn’t said anything”
“Edward is a very awkward secretive guy I’m sure Bella is the same way maybe that’s why she hasn’t said anything”
“Can’t say you’re wrong”
He looked me up and down trying to judge something, curious
“Do you trust me?”
“I only just meet you but yeah, I do”
In an instant he flung me over his back so I was clung to him like a monkey
“Hold on tight sunshine” everything flew by in a blur, there was no shape to anything with the speed he was going, but however he was doing this it didn’t scare me or make me wonder what the hell was happening, I actually felt at peace
Soon enough he stopped as we cleared the cloud bank and the sun was beaming, he placed me gently back down on my feet and turned around, his skin was like a million tiny crystals, I was in awe by how much more beautiful he became
“Are you scared?” He asked as his face scrunch with worry
I raised my hand and traced down his cheek feeling his hard cold skin
“No quite the opposite, you’re beautiful Emmett”
“Don’t you wanna know what I am?” He asked placing his hands on my hips
“Whatever you are I’d never judge, I feel you’d never hurt me so I don’t care what you are”
“How did I get so lucky” he stated as he lifted me like I weighed a feather, wrapping my legs around his waist
“What do you mean?”
“Us vampires have mates and the moment you bumped into me in the hallways I knew you were mine, the one I’m meant to spend the rest of my life with”
“But why me, you could have anybody”
“You’re everything I’ll ever need, I wish you could see yourself the way I see you Angel, and I’ll spend the rest of eternity showing you how amazing you are”
My heart swelled with the most love I’ve ever felt and I’m lucky enough to finally find the one who will brighten my life
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Taglist: @whit0912 @serenadingtigers @twilightlover2007
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tyb1 · 2 years
The Proposal
pairing: seth x reader
summary: Seth proposes to the reader.
warning: FLUFF OVERLOAD!!!!
w/c: 1k
A/N: I may make this into a three part series. THE PROPOSAL, THE WEDDING, THE HONEYMOON!
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Everyone was invited to the wolfpack family gathering. It was being held in the woods, lights were plastered around the trees, and the dance floor was made of complete wood from the trees. Tables with pearly white clothes surrounded that oak dance floor, it was everything you could have imagined. 
“Hey (Y/N)? Can you help me hang this lantern?” Seth asked, it was only you and him here for the time being. You were both assigned decoration duty, it was pretty exciting. Seth did most of the work. It didn’t click in your mind that you would be in the woods decoring. You were too blinded by the fact that you were about to experience this grand event. 
You were wearing a simple white silk dress that stopped at your knees. Cute but fancy. You sat back and watched your boyfriend do all of the work. Being the gentleman he was he didn’t allow you to do anything but sit and watch. You didn’t mind,  nothing was more admirable than seeing his arms flex in his white button-down shirt. We’re not going to talk about how his quads look in the brown slacks.
“What do you want me to do?” You hummed softly. 
Seth held the lantern to the tree, “Hold this right here while I go get the hammer.”
You switched places with him, he then jumped down and ran to the table where the tools were. You continued to hum to yourself softly, occasionally looking up at the moons and the stars. It was so beautiful out here, You genuinely loved the fact that we were under the moon.
“You’ve always told me you never believed in fairy tales which is a complete lie”I looked back to see Seth propped down on one knee. My mouth dropped along with the floating lantern. Instantly I could feel tears brimming my eyes.  “This, right now, what we’re experiencing is living proof of a fairy tale. I keep telling people how I fell in love with you but in reality, I didn’t, I walked into love with you. Each step of the way you were there with me holding my hand, not once have you ever thought about leaving me. I wouldn’t be as strong as I am if I didn’t have your love to help me. I’d choose you in this lifetime, the life after this and even if I can’t find you I’ll make sure I do. I choose you and only you. You’re my world, you’re my life, you’re my fresh breath of air. You’re my everything, (Y/N) (L/N). So (Y/N) (L/N), will you do me the honor of marrying me?”
I wiped the excessive tears from my face, “Seth Clearwater, Yes! I would love to marry you.” 
Before he could stand I tackled him to the ground, I could hear the pure joy of laughter escaping from his lips. You both embraced one another as you cried into his chest.
“You have to get up so I can put a ring on it.” Seth laughed, he held out his hand helping you up to my feet. Smoothly the ring went on, it glistened in the night light. It was the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. Seth shoved his hands in his pocket, clearly, he was still nervous about proposing, “It looks better on your hand other than Jacobs.” You held my hand up in the sky in complete. You watched the tiny rainbows dance in the ring. It was more beautiful knowing that it came from the man of my dreams. 
“Wait, so is there a family gathering or not?”
“Oh yeah, You guys can come out!” Seth shouted, Huh, Seth wrapped his arms around me from behind. He grinned into my neck as you watched your friends and family emerge from the woods. Everyone was smiling from ear to ear, you were pretty sure only the boys and Leach heard his speech but that didn’t matter. It was still beautiful.
“Our plan worked (Y/N)!” Sue walked up to you with her arms out, “You’re finally going to be my daughter!! Ehhhhh!” You both squealed as you embraced each other. Leah soon followed as she also embraced you as well. You all had a tiny family moment, Leah was expressing how proud she was of Seth and you couldn’t fight back my tears. She was watching her younger brother become a man, and you, his soon-to-be wife, knew it was emotional as well. 
Everyone continued to approach you, with nothing but pure joy on everyone's faces. Live music started to play swiftly in the background. Everyone began to chat with one another as the party started to gear up. You placed your hands on your fiance's chest, his arms wrapped around your waist. “You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
He gently placed a kiss on your forehead, “I can say the same.” Seth pulled you in the direction of the lantern that you dropped. “I have one more surprise for you.” He dusted it off, “I know how much you would love for your grandmother to be here to experience this moment.” He handed you a lantern, on it was a picture of you and your grandmother, and on the other side was a picture of Seth and his dad. “It hurts knowing that they can’t be here tonight but they’ll always be here in spirit.” 
Seth pulled a lighter from his pocket and lit the candle that was placed in the middle. You held the lantern dearly to your chest as memories of your grandmother flashed in the back of your head. “You’re an amazing man Seth, she’d love you.” You whispered, you never took your eyes from the lantern, the picture illuminated in the night sky. 
“Come on, let’s tell them about the great news.” Seth grabbed your hand, and he lifted it towards the sky higher and higher until the lantern floated in the air by itself. The both of you watched the lantern float into the night sky. He held you in his arms as you both watched the other lanterns join yours.
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braveclementine · 3 months
Jacob's Declaration
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Twilight characters or locations. I do own Davina Mikelson and Marcel. I also own the backstory for my OC. I do not condone any copying of this.
Davina P.O.V.
I was playing soccer on the beach in La Push with most of the other werewolf members. It was a relatively cloudy day, but it didn't make it any less enjoyable. It had been around two-ish weeks since I had become a vampire, two-ish weeks since Edward and Bella had gone on their honeymoon, and two-ish weeks where our triplets had gone from looking like newborns to looking like they were around four or five months old.
I kicked the soccer ball lightly, sending it towards Jared. I was really hoping to score a goal, but I had also promised not to completely use my vampire senses so here I was, missing scores and gritting my teeth, getting annoyed easily.
I did feel a little bad though. Jacob, Embry, and Seth were sitting on a log by themselves. Jared, Paul, Leah, and Sam were either playing soccer with me and each other, or kissing up on their girls; Kim, Rachel, and Emily. Quil was squatting by the waters' edge with Claire.
"Maybe they'll say she was in a car crash." Jacob's voice was quiet and I wasn't entirely sure that the werewolves could hear him, but I definitely could.
I knew immediately he was talking about Bella and I missed the soccer ball completely, hissing under my breath as Paul crowed.
"Or tripped and fell off a cliff." Jacob continued as I chased the ball, sending it back to Jared. I knew he was thinking about what the Cullens, my family, was going to tell Charlie.
"Keep it in play! Keep it in play!" Paul chuckled and I kicked the ball at his shins. A quick glance over my shoulder showed that Seth and Embry's faces were sympathetic towards Jacob.
Leah kicked the ball hard, sending it into Sam's hands across the beach. I nodded to her, smirking.
"At least I'll get one thing out of it." Jacob continued.
"No you won't." Sam called, pausing in the game, glaring at Jacob as I came to a stop completely, my face dropping. Sam looked at me before looking back at Seth, Jacob, and Embry, "Cullens are not a danger to the town or the tribe."
Leah came to stand by Jacob and I drifted closer. "Well, he's either going to kill her or change her." Jacob said. "And the treaty says. . ."
"I say, Jacob." Sam was using his alpha wolf voice now. "I say."
Sam looked at me and then at Leah before looking away, tossing the ball to Jared. I no longer felt like playing and neither did Leah.
"You know, if you wanted things different, you should've become alpha." Embry said.
I shot him a look and he raised his hands apologetically. "I don't mean about going to war, I just mean about the Bella decision."
"Turning it down seemed like a good idea at the time." Jacob muttered.
"Jake, you really think you could kill Bella if she became a vampire?" Seth questioned. "I know I can't kill Mom."
"Neither could I." Embry said very quickly and I gave him a half- smile.
"No." Leah interrupted, sitting down on the other side of Jacob. I remained standing, staring out at the ocean. It felt like it was calling to me. "make one of us do it, then hold a grudge against us."
"Ah shut up Leah." Jacob snarled.
"Jake." I chastised.
"Would you just get over it?" Leah demanded, "It's not like you've imprinted on her."
We all glanced over at the guys who had settled down, holding their girls in their arms. Well, Quil was still squatting next to Claire. But the others were settled in each others laps, arms around the neck, kissing each other, eating food, feeding each other. It made me long for Carlisle and I crossed my arms, almost hugging them across my chest.
I needed to go home. But I liked being so close to the ocean.
"At least they seem happy." Seth commented.
Leah glanced over, hurt crashing over her face at Sam and Emily. I looked away, wishing I could do something about her pain.
"Yeah, some people are just lucky I guess." Embry said.
"Lucky?" Jacob scoffed. "None of them belong to themselves anymore. And the sickest part is, their genes tell them they're happy about it."
"Least if you imprinted on someone, you'd finally forget about Bella." Leah offered as I put a finger to her shoulder, not wanting to startle her with a whole hand. We all glanced over again to see Sam and Emily kissing each other. "I mean, being any kind of happy is better than being miserable."
"You guys will all find someone." I said softly. "I promise."
Jacob snorted, "What? You're happy?"
"Yeah, I am." I said softly.
"I don't believe that!" Jacob said, getting to his feet and I took a step back, shocked at his anger. "HOW THE HELL COULD YOU BE HAPPY!"
His shouting had attracted the others attention. Sam and Emily broke away from their kiss.
I scoffed, "What are you talking about?"
'Don't get angry. Don't hurt him.'
"I mean." Jacob spat the words and Seth was up by Jacob's shoulder as he towered over me. I held my ground, not backing off. "Everyone around you dies. You parents. The Army. Your kids. Harry! And now Bella. How can you possibly be fucking happy?"
"Jacob!" Sam snapped, getting to his feet.
But I stumbled backwards, turning, and then fleeing.
Sam P.O.V.
"What the hell was that?" I asked angrily at Jacob.
Jacob glared back at me unfazed, "Well it's true! Everyone around her either dies or gets turned into vampires! And she's bringing Bella down with her!"
"Don't talk about mom like that okay, don't talk about her like that." Seth begged, taking one of Jacob's arms.
"Don't ever badmouth Davina again, you hear me?" I snarled.
Jacob scoffed, shaking off one of Seth's arms, storming away.
I knew the Bella thing would be hard on Jacob. He loved her and she loved the Cullen boy. But Jacob needed to stop thinking she was a victim. She was choosing vampire-hood the same way that Davina had said she would eventually change it. But this was still no reason to take it out on Davina.
I knew what would happen if Jacob attacked the Cullens. Davina wouldn't fight. She would get hurt instead, trying to step between Jacob and anyone he attacked. Not even fighting, just pushing them away from each other.
I imagined her-
"Sam?" Seth asked quietly.
I snapped out of my thinking, looking at the little boy.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Can I go after Mom?"
I blinked. "I don't know Seth. She has wonderful self-control but she's upset right now and I don't know if you want to get close to her at the moment."
Seth wasn't usually the one to break rules, but I could feel that he really wanted to today. I sighed, "Go. But be careful."
Seth nodded, trotting away before becoming a sandy werewolf and running.
"Of course you just let him go off to a house of werewolves by himself." Leah snapped and I closed my eyes, wishing she wasn't here. "Mom might be good, her husband might be good, but that doesn't mean the rest of them are."
She was still beautiful, not matter what, and I still loved her deep down inside, which just made things worse for the both of us. She glared at me with hateful eyes, storming away the way Jacob had gone.
I sighed. So much for a nice beach day.
Carlisle P.O.V.
I got off the phone with Bella and Edward, looking around at everyone- minus Davina, Rosalie, and Emmett- who were waiting to figure out what had happened.
"She's pregnant. . . at least that's the conclusion as of now. They aren't sure." I stated. "They're coming back home."
"What!" Alice asked, gasping.
My eyes sought Esme's and I gave her the slightest of nods.
"We're all going to meet them at the airport, take her back to the house." I sighed.
"What about her father?" Bree asked.
"We could tell him they're extending their vacation." Jasper suggested.
I nodded, "That sounds good."
Alice frowned suddenly and looked at me, "Mom's home. She's upset."
"I'll go to her." I murmured, "Prepare Rose and Emmett for the news when they get here."
I darted out of the house and found Esme following me. I stopped for a moment.
"I told you." Esme whispered.
I sighed, "I know."
"So what are you going to do about it?" Esme asked.
I hesitated, "Whatever Edward and Bella want, I suppose. Not everyone wants kids and Edward seemed pretty animated that he wanted it out of her."
"I can't imagine Bella would want that." Esme warned.
I thought about it, "I don't know. But these kids. . . the word of Bella's kid will get out to the Quileute wolves. I need to see their reaction before I start telling everyone that mine and Davina's kids are still alive, alright?"
Esme hesitated and then nodded, "I need to go back to Marcel. Do you think. . . "
"I can handle my wife, sister." I smirked slightly.
Esme laughed quietly and then she was gone, back to the house.
As I got closer to the house, I noticed the werewolf stink around it but tried not to think to much of it. She was allowed on their lands, I was sure she allowed one or two to come here- though I wished it wasn't our house so much as it would probably take a while to get the horrid smell out.
Seth was the one who stepped out the door, smiling when he saw me. "Hey Dr. Cullen! Mom's inside. She was a little upset, Jacob said something. . . rude to her. But I think she's better now and I'm sure she wants to see you."
"Thank you Seth." I said with an easy smile. This young werewolf was far more likable than the others and really, the smell wasn't that bad.
Seth ran a few paces before becoming a wolf and leaping away. I darted through the door and found Davina in the room with the kids.
"Does Seth know. . ."
Davina shook her head, "No."
I relaxed a little. "So. . . he said Jacob was rude to you?"
A flicker of pain crossed her angelic face and it made Lord want to rise up and go beat the crap out of Jacob. Or just end his life.
"He said everyone dies around me and I'm bringing Bella down with me." She whispered. "He's right."
I enveloped her in a hug. "He's not right."
"Really?" Davina laughed but it wasn't the laugh I had loved the first time I'd heard it. It was bitter. "Name one person in my life who isn't dead. My parents. The Soldiers. Joshua. Bree. Marcel. . ."
"Sam." I whispered, "Seth."
"But their werewolves, it doesn't count." Davina murmured.
I sighed. "I know."
Davina swallowed, turning to me, kissing softly along my jawline. "I love you so much Carlisle."
My dead heart always managed to do flips whenever she said that.
"I love you too my beloved." I murmured softly, running my fingers along her jaw. Her lips flickered into a smile, setting lovely Caroline down into her crib.
"The bed hasn't been used in. . . thirteen and a half hours." She murmured, kissing down my neck to the collarbone. "I think it needs warming."
"Agreed." I purred, scooping her up into my arms and disappearing in the other room.
~One week Later~ Davina P.O.V.
I stood, leaning against a tree, making sure that I was in Billy's sights. I had my eyes closed, wondering what the packs reaction was going to be. There were so many different ways they would react.
Of course, I wasn't entirely sure what kind of sickness she had. Carlisle had said he would get back to me in a few days. He seemed a little out of it, not knowing what it was. He said he had his suspicions that she might not actually be sick, but until he knew, he wasn't coming to our house or letting me go between the houses, lest he be wrong and it was contagious. He didn't want our children to be infected.
I knew Jacob would be in a state if Sam decided not to attack the pack. I had heard the howls rip through the forest. Billy knew this too, which was why he was waiting out here for Jacob.
I melted away for a second when Jacob appeared out of the trees.
"Got a minute, Jake?" Billy asked while Jacob sniffed the air.
Jacob was going to walk straight past Billy before Billy continued and said, "C'mon kid. At least help me inside."
"Since when do you need help, old man?" Jacob asked.
"My arms are tired. I pushed myself all the way here from Sue's."
"It's downhill. You coasted the whole way." Jacob corrected.
"Caught me." Billy said as Jacob rolled the chair up into the living room. I came out of the shadows as Billy continued, "Think I got up to about thirty miles per hour. It was great."
I chuckled quietly while Jacob said, "You're gonna wreck that chair, you know. And then you'll be dragging yourself around by your elbows."
"Not a chance. It'll be your job to carry me."
"You won't be going many places."
"Any food left?"
"You got me. Paul was here all day, though, so probably not."
"Have to start hiding the groceries if we're gonna avoid starvation."
"I can cook for you." I offered quietly, leaning against the doorway of the house. "I don't mind."
Billy smiled at me but Jacob's eyes were full of hate, "What are you doing here?"
I sighed and said quietly, "I knew you'd be upset so I came to see what I could do to help."
Jacob snorted, "Help? You can't help! You're letting her become a monster like you!"
"Jacob!" Billy snapped.
I held out a peaceful hand to Billy. "Jacob, I-"
Jacob towered over me but I stood my ground. I sighed, "Look-"
And the next thing I knew, I was flying out of the house. I spun in the air, landing on my feet. It hadn't hurt, but it had shocked me. I guess Carlisle and I were about to find out if my skin was indestructible or not.
"I was going to attack the Cullens." Jacob growled, "But I guess I could just start with you."
I shook my head, pleading, "Jacob you don't have to do this."
Because I wasn't going to protect myself. I just wasn't. I couldn't hurt Jacob, even with him wanting to kill me. He was in pain. He was in love. I remembered wanting to wrap my hands around Azim's throat during the trial and choke the life out of him.
Jacob became the large red wolf that I remembered and I felt my skin start to tingle with nerves. I remembered this as my enemy, but I would not defend myself.
"Jacob, please." I begged as Billy rolled himself out of house, calling Jacob's name. "Bella-"
Jacob leaped in the air and I darted to the side as he crashed in the sand. He growled at me, snapping his large teeth.
I was growing angry and I was trying to push it down. "BELLA ISN'T BECOMING A VAMPIRE!"
Jacob hesitated. I took this as a chance to say, "She truly is sick Jacob. I don't know the details. I'm. . . not a normal vampire so Carlisle won't let me near her until he finds out if she's contagious or not. He isn't sure if I can get sick or not since I have so many other human characteristics."
Jacob was human in a minute. "Where is she?"
"At the main house." I murmured.
Jacob was gone, taking his motorcycle, riding away.
I sighed, looking at Billy, "I'm sorry."
Billy shook his head, "I'm sorry."
I ran a hand through my hair. "I should go back to my house."
"You really don't know what Bella is sick with?" Billy asked hesitantly.
I shook my head, "No. I haven't seen any of the others- not even Carlisle- in the past week."
Billy nodded.
I nodded and then was gone. I really needed to go hunting.
Sam P.O.V.
I sighed in relief when Davina had said that. I was furious with Jacob for trying to kill her and they could all feel it. No one touched Davina.
~A Few Hours Later~
We had stayed in wolf form, spread out as we waited for Jacob to come back. And when he did, there was nothing that we were expecting.
Bella Swan was pregnant with a vampires' child.
We could hear the gist of everything. The blond vampires' protection of the child, Carlisle's reluctance to let it live, Marcel and the younger newer vampire girls' aversion to the child. Alice's hatred for it. The big vampire backing Rosalie up- though slightly reluctantly- and the one who could control emotions backing Alice. The other girl, the one who was mated to Marcel was also protective of the child.
Davina was no where to be seen.
The thing was killing Bella from the inside out.
No one knew what it was.
The thoughts started to flow from the other wolves.
How can this be? What does it mean? What will it be? Not safe. Not right. Dangerous. Unnatural. Monstrous. An abomination. We can't allow it.
Everyone was pacing around the clearing that we had settled in and I watched all of them, not thinking myself.
The treaty does not cover this. Paul thought.
This puts everyone in danger, Jared thought, but at the same time, he was trying to push Davina's face away from him.
The thoughts grew louder, urging more towards war with the Cullen clan until Jacob finally said, Wait.
There was a pause for a beat and I thought, There's little time.
But- what are you thinking? You wouldn't attack them for breaking the treaty this afternoon. Now you're planning an ambush, when the treaty is still intact?
This is not something our treaty anticipated. This is a danger to every human in the area. We don't know what kind of creature the Cullens have bred, but we know that it is strong and fast-growing. And it will be too young to follow any treaty. Remember the newborn vampires we fought? Wild, violent, beyond the reach of reason or restraint. Imagine one like that, but protected by the Cullens.
We don't know-
We don't know. And we can't take chances with the unknown in this case. We can only allow the Cullens to exist while we're absolutely sure that they can be trusted not to cause harm. This. . . thing cannot be trusted.
They don't like it anymore than we do.
What about mom? Seth asked.
That put everyone on hold and so Seth continued, showing us the memory of when he had followed her after Jacob had snapped at her. She was sitting outside of a small cabin in the woods, obviously hers and Carlisle's.
'It's not like he isn't right.' She whispered to Seth. 'And I worry sometimes about what Bella's turning will do to Jacob. I think he'll attack Seth. And maybe the pack will follow and maybe they won't. But I can't handle loss anymore Seth. I lose Carlisle or Jasper or any of my other vampire family. . . I might as well just get on my knees and beg Sam to kill me too. I can't live without Carlisle Seth. That's like Sam trying to live without Emily or Jared with Kim. I can't do it. I'll just let them kill me too.'
We can't. Seth whimpered. We can't attack.
Leah was pacing now, thinking about conversations with her and Davina. I swallowed hard, looking at my packs' memories of my sister. Her dancing with Carlisle at the wedding- smiling. Cooking in Emily's kitchen. Teasing Paul. Helping Quil with Claire. Helping Jared plan a date with Kim.
Seth's hurt the most though, bringing up how he remembered her before. In Kentucky. Her brave face she put on, brushing aside hateful notes.
She won't be there. I finally thought. She told Jacob specifically that she's staying in that cabin instead of the main house. She won't even know until it's over.
Yes, let's hurt her like that. Leah snarled. That will definitely go down well when she comes back the next day, kneels in front of you, and asks for you to bite her head off.
Or she'll got to those Italian Vampires. Jacob fretted. The way Edward did when he thought Bella was dead.
We're forgetting about the thing in Bella's stomach. Brady growled fiercely. We can't take the chances!
Then tell them to leave Seth thought.
And inflict the menace on others? When blood drinkers cross our land, we destroy them, no matter where they plan to hunt. We protect everyone we can. I said.
Except Mom Leah argued.
But she's also normal, Embry argued, And she's mine and Sam's sister.
This is crazy. This afternoon you were afraid to put the pack in danger. Jacob said.
This afternoon I didn't know our families were at risk.
I can't believe this! How're you going to kill this creature without killing Bella?
There was silene and Jacob knew the answer. He threw his head back and howled in agony. She's human too! Doesn't our protection apply to her?
She's dying anyways. We'll just shorten the process. Leah replied.
Jacob lunged for Leah. I leaped after Jacob, dragging him back and he howled in pain.
Stop! I ordered and he did. I turned to Leah. You will not be cruel to him, Leah, Bella's sacrifice is a heavy price, and we will all recognize that. It is against everything we stand for to take a human life. Making an exception to that code is a bleak thing. We will all mourn what we do tonight.
I felt the shock go through all of them but Seth was the one who voiced it, Tonight? Sam- I think we should talk about this some more. Consult with the Elders, at least. You can't seriously mean for us to-
We can't afford your tolerance for the Cullens now. There is no time for debate. You will do as you are told, Seth.
Seth's front knees folded as he bowed to me and I felt sick. I prayed that Davina would truly be away. Even if she came to me in the morning, as long as she wasn't there tonight. Tomorrow I could figure out a way to help her.
Seth snorted, but said nothing. But I could hear his thoughts anyways, thinking about what Jacob said about her going to the Italian vampires and how she wanted to die if Carlisle died.
We need the whole pack for this. Jacob, you are our strongest fighter. You will fight with us tonight. I understand that this is hard for you, so you will concentrate on their fighters- Emmett, Jasper, and Marcel Cullen. You don't have to be involved with the. . . other part. Quil and Embry will fight with you. Paul, Jared, and I will take on Edward and Rosalie. I think from the information Jacob has brought us, they will be the ones guarding Bella. Carlisle and Alice will also be close, possibly Esme. Brady, Collin, Seth, and Leah will concentrate on them. Also Bree if she is there as well. Whoever has a clear line on- I couldn't say Bella's name- the creature will take it. Destroying the creature is our first priority.
And if Mom is there? There was so much hostility in Leah's voice and I wished- no stop.
I'll do it. I said heavily.
Yeah don't worry. Leah spat venom and she spat good. She'll let you so it'll be an easy job.
Davina had been the only good part about Leah's transformation. Having a girl there who could understand her. I turned away as the pack made nervous agreement on the entire thing.
I could feel Seth's hurt, betraying his friend- Edward. And I could hear Jacob going over each and every vampire, landing on Carlisle last. That one hurt almost as much as thinking about Davina dead. Because Carlisle was her mate. Maybe even with the rest of the family dead, she might live if she had Carlisle. And that he was human, a doctor, saved lives. Jacob was thinking about how Carlisle might be better than humans and his life was just as worth saving. That Carlisle was just like Davina- wouldn't fight back, even to save his own life, because he wouldn't want us- Davina's other family- to die.
It all hurt.
Pull it together, Jacob. The tribe comes first. I ordered.
I was wrong today, Sam. Jacob was begging.
Your reasons were wrong then. But now we have a duty to fulfill.
I snarled. Yes. There are no loopholes tonight. You, Jacob, are going to fight the Cullens with us. You, with Quil and Embry, will take care of Jasper and Emmett. You are obliged to protect the tribe. That is why you exist. You will perform this obligation.
I had meant it when I said it.
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samblackblog · 2 years
8. Torn
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Word Count: 6.1K
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, fluff, Arguments/violence, mentions of violence,
A/N: I enjoyed writing this, seems I enjoy being destructive. Comment below if you wanna be tagged for this or any other works. Some of you who asked to be tagged for some reason aren’t showing up as accounts anymore, if you’ve changed name let me know.
Thanks for the continued support x
← Chapter 7 ▪️ Chapter 9→
Mortified. That’s what you felt while still standing between his legs in his embrace, listening to the storm rage outside while all of a sudden there was a deep rumble that came from inside you. You winced against his chest hoping he hadn’t heard or that perhaps he would pass it off as thunder. Then it happened again, but this time it was fiercer and you’re pretty sure your entire stomach vibrated with the sheer force. If he hasn’t heard, he’ll have felt the tremor. 
God. That’s so unattractive. 
You feel Paul stroke hair away from your face and tuck it behind your ear. Despite appearances you’ve come to find him a gentle being, or maybe that’s because these gentiles involve you. You look at him, both studying each other as the desire to kiss him again drives you crazy. Just as you decided to make a move a third rumble sounds which brings a playful smile to his mouth. 
“You’re hungry…” he rests his forehead against yours, sounding deflated. 
“No, that wasn’t-” your stomach interrupts. You bite your lip to stop from laughing “okay, maybe a tiny bit” you admit, realising you hadn’t eaten all day. “Not that I’m asking, no expecting, you to feed… well I’m not starving… I can wait, it’s my fault for not-” you’re interrupted once more as he tenderly places a kiss on your lips before brushing his nose against yours. 
“You’re cute” he kisses you again as his hands squeeze your waist. You lean into him, deepening the kiss. “As much as I’m enjoying this” he kisses you again “feeding you…” his lips travel along your jaw and start to descend your neck “ …my top priority…” he takes a playful nip at the love bite in the crook of your neck, making you jump at the change in contact. 
“Ouchie” you jump away from him, playfully pushing his arms away. 
“That’s one way to get you moving” he teases, arms returning to the furniture he’s leaning on. The muscles flex under the skin, a move you feel is utterly deliberate and meant to have you melting. You stick your tongue out as you back away, knees knocking against the bed frame forcing you to sit. You bring one leg up onto the mattress, placing the foot against the opposite thigh. Your fingers start playing with the hem of the sweater you wore as your eyes bore into him, with such intensity he could swear you were his mortal enemy, harbouring dark feelings towards him.
“What?” Your hands fly to the side, smacking the bed sheets. The corner of your mouth upturns ever so slightly despite your hardest to keep a straight face. 
“I can never tell with you…” he shakes his head and walks towards you, dropping to his knees with graceful surety. Warmth spreads through your legs as his hands find a home on your thighs. He’s face to face, staring at point blank range into your eyes “...I should always be able to, but it comes and goes…” You strain to hear his whispering as he thinks aloud.  
“You’re not a superhuman” you joke, your voice bringing him out from his mindful trance. 
“Huh?” he questions, a stunned look across his face, as if someone had just slapped him.
“I said you’re not a superhuman!” you reiterate, noticing the twitch in the corner of his mouth as if trying to suppress a smile, ignoring it you move on “Just do what every other human does, ask questions. You know, like how are you? What’s going on…” you start listing off examples as he moves in closer again. You’re suddenly aware that he’s between your legs and your mouth feels drier than a desert. “... or um, how are you feeling?” you swallow as you lose concentration, your eyes fixated on his lips. 
“And how are you?” he questions, cockiness to his tone. The grip on your thighs tightens slightly.
“How am I what?” You swallow, trying your hardest to moisten your mouth. 
“Feeling.” He suggests, eyes roaming your face for an answer despite it being obvious from the pink blush of your cheeks and the change in breathing, which brings him joy to no end. 
“Oh, um…” you drag your eyes away from his lips to see him studying you. The colour of your cheeks deepens as you're caught red handed, your desire evident. “I think you know…” you trail off while leaning forward into him. 
“Mhmm, you’re feeling hungry.” He teases as you roll your eyes in response. Momentarily he sucks his teeth while thinking of a solution. You’d guessed there would be no food here, judging by the lack of facilities. “Okay.” He stands in one swift motion, and heads into the gloom of the main room. You follow, propping yourself against the doorframe. The air feels colder in here, your breath crossing in front of you in smokey tendrils. 
“What are you doing?” you ask, bemused, as you watch him move around like a headless chicken. Surprised, you watch him produce an apple from the pocket of a discarded jacket. He pads over to you, leaving footprints in the dust covered floor, and presents the fruit to you with a wave of his hand. 
“Surprised I had anything?” he chuckles, holding it up to your face. 
“No, more surprised that you own a jacket since I’ve ever seen you wear a top.” You take the apple from him, a cheeky smile on your face. Nevertheless, you don’t forget your manners and give him a grateful thank you. He leans down and plants a kiss on your forehead, a gesture that's becoming increasingly welcomed by yourself, before heading towards the front door. “Where are you going?”
“Source more food” he yells over the noise of the storm. 
“You can’t go out in that!” He turns to face you, hand opening the door, and gives you a cheeky wink before delving head first into the storm. Finding it hard to believe he would venture out in this weather, you gingerly make your way to the door, stepping in patches that had less dust to avoid dirtying your feet as much as possible. You greatly underestimated the force of the storm as you opened the door to peek. It flies backwards slamming into the wall, as the wind whips your wet hair around causing it to slap against your face. 
“Paul?” you yell, your hand flying up to shield your eyes from the rain which pounds down, driven in by the ferocity of the storm. You jump backwards as something wraps around your leg. “What the hell!” you shriek, confusion sweeping over you. A pair of very wet shorts clings to you after having been blown in off the porch. If you weren’t mistaken, they were the shorts Paul had been wearing, but they can’t be. Why on earth would he take them off? Before getting absolutely drenched you fight the storm to close the front door and then battle the wet material of the shorts as you pull them from you. Having caught a chill from the open door you make your way back to the bedroom and decide to get under the covers after deeming them clean enough. You sit crossed legged against the headboard, the duvet pulled up under your arms as you munch on the apple utterly perplexed by the events of the day and feeling exhausted. You don’t remember falling asleep but you must have as a loud knock wakes you. 
Footsteps sound in the other room as someone goes to answer the door, a second loud knock resonating through the building. You strain to hear voices, still half asleep and content to stay that way. Despite the worst of the storm passing, it was still nigh on impossible to hear much over the sound of the wind against the old house. You settle back into the comfort of the bed and pull your legs towards your chest for warmth. You’re aware of someone entering the room and are comforted by their presence. The bed dips beside you as they sit down. Gently a hand pushes hair behind your ear and you feel hot breath hit your cheek. 
“Are you still hungry?” Paul’s familiar deep voice whispers, tickling your ear as he does so. With your eyes still closed you nod against the pillow, the faint pain of hunger eating away at your stomach but the desire for five more minutes of sleep fighting all else. “Embry brought the truck over, the rain is still coming down quite heavy.” 
“Mhmm” you open your eyes at the mention of Embry and scan the room. To your relief he’s not in the room with you both. “I fell asleep” you inform Paul, still in a daze. 
“So you did” he chuckles and you sit up and face him. “Ready?” he smiles, taking in your appearance. He can’t deny the sight of you in his bed drives him crazy especially when you look all cute and sleepy, but the need to look after you overcomes any desires that build up. 
“Not really.” You look down at your attire and shiver at the sight of bare legs. Your clothes will still be soaked through so not much can be done. Paul wraps an arm around your waist and one under your legs before shifting your weight to sit on his lap. Softly he kisses your cheek.
“You look gorgeous, just saying.” he plants another kiss, this time on your lips “I’ve wanted to do that for the past hour” he admits before stealing another kiss. Satisfied he stands up still carrying you and heads for the door. 
“I do have the use of my legs you know.” you point out but think better of protesting as you remember the dirty floor.
“What you don’t have is a pair of dry shoes though.” Somehow he manages to juggle carrying you and the opening and closing of the front door simultaneously. Yes he physically looked strong but you’re starting to realise that his looks were deceiving and don’t show the half of it. 
The rain had stopped but the wind was stronger than ever. You wonder how this ramshackle house is still standing. You watch it as Paul carries you away, sadness filling you as you cling to him. Questions circle your brain. What is this building? Does he live here? But it's empty, I wouldn’t even call this the bare necessities… Secretly you hope that it’s some renovation flip project and that he has a warm cosy place to live, perhaps with family; a mother who likes to cook and always has food on the table, the father welcoming and making dad jokes all the time, but something about the scenario you put together doesn’t feel right for Paul. Instinctively you hold onto him tighter and you feel his grip on you tighten in response. Turning your head you spot the truck, it's battered but looks like it’ll do the job for offroading as there appears to be no tarmac in sight. A glance at the ground would show a makeshift driveway, put together with mud and gravel, but anyone would be forgiven for missing this as the weeds and long grass have completely enveloped it. 
“I thought you said Embry was here?” you ask, confused as he’s nowhere to be seen as Paul opens the passengers side door. Your eyes briefly scan the surroundings but are distracted as Paul starts to strap you in, his hands brushing your bare skin. Goosebumps follow in the wake of his touch. “I can do that” you offer, taking the seat belt from his hands. His eyes briefly flicker to the goosebumps before letting you finish the job. Neither of you say anything as he shuts the door and goes around to the driver's side, pushing a pile of clothes into the middle of the bench seat so he could have more room. You take in Paul’s appearance, noticing he’s wearing a tank top and a different pair of cargo shorts from earlier. So had the pair that attached to your leg earlier been his after all?
“You okay?” he asks as he starts the engine, noticing your quietness. 
“Yeah, just in a sleepy zone” you lie, the cold of the wind had made damn sure to fully wake you. Instead you were contemplating what the significance of the constant discarding of clothes could be. Were they naturalists? Surely Embry hadn’t driven here to then decide he’d prefer walking miles in the cold with no clothes?! That’s if the pile of clothes are his. You spend the drive leaning against the window, feigning tiredness, all the while trying to find a reasonable explanation for the oddities. It doesn’t take long to recognize where you are, especially when Sarah’s car comes into view. You stifle a groan as you once again look down and take in your appearance, knowing what Sarah would think with you turning up in his clothing. You realise that Paul is staring before he reaches over and touches your thigh which brings your attention to him. 
“No one will care or even notice.” He calmly tells you as if able to read your mind. 
“I can think of at least one person that will have something to say.” You argue, eyes straying from his as you imagine the embarrassment in store. 
“Hey” he squeezes your thigh before leaning over and softly kissing your forehead. Instinctively you close your eyes and drink in his scent, savouring every moment as he moves in closer. “We can go, but Em is a good cook…” At the thought of food your stomach rumbles and all other thoughts are expelled from your mind. You let out a noise of longing as you imagine what could right now be on the dinner table, your gaze straying from the man beside you to the warm glow of the cabin in the woods. 
“It wouldn’t harm just popping in, saying hello…” you suggest.
“Mhmm” he chuckles “Of course only to say hello” he mocks before exiting the vehicle to come get you from the passenger's side. The door opens and immediately the wind pushes inside, stealing any warmth that had generated in the cab. You shiver then shimmy to the edge of the seat before swinging your legs over. A pleasant shock erupts across your nerves as your knees come into contact with Paul, his warmth unbelievable in this miserable weather. “What do you think? Five or ten minutes? Is that long enough just to say hi?” he continues the joke, a playful smile tugging at his lips. 
“Shut up” you insist as you pull on his shirt, catching him off guard with a kiss. He leans in to deepen it, hands planting themselves into the seat either side of you. Your tongue runs along his bottom lip causing him to break from you. You notice how deep his breathing is as he rests his forehead against yours with eyes tightly closed as if in pain. To soothe him you place a kiss on his neck just under his jaw, where you fit perfectly like part of a jigsaw; as if made for him. He sucks in a sharp breath which confuses you. “What’s wrong?” you ask, worry evident in your tone. 
Paul finally opens his eyes, a smile once again playing across his features. He expels a sigh before tucking loose hairs behind your ears. “Nothing is wrong my sweet girl.” You blush at his use of the phrase my girl with a sense of elation spreading from your chest. “I’ve never been good at restraining my impulses and you’re testing each and every one of them.” He laughs but you can sense the warning that hides beneath the surface. 
“Let's go say our hellos then.” You try to bring the focus back to something lighter but you can’t help from feeling curious at the mention of his so called impulses. In one motion he picks you up, gently removing you from the truck. This time you remove an arm from his neck to close the door as he walks you past to the stairs of the cabin. “Put me down on the porch please” You tell him as you reach the final step. “Let's try to draw the least amount of attention possible”. You explain. 
As gently as he picked you up, he places you back on your feet, the wooden porch feeling rough underfoot. You squeeze his hand to give him a silent thanks. He reciprocates the motion before leading you to the door. The sound of twigs snapping makes you dart your gaze towards the treeline. For the briefest second you think you see eyes glowing in the gloom but they’re gone in a blink.  
“Did you hear-” you start to ask, realising it was probably normal to hear that out here amongst the wildlife. Just as you move your gaze back to Paul you hear the door of the truck slam shut. Paul’s head briefly glances towards the vehicle affirming the noise in your head, but he doesn't give it more than a few seconds' attention before continuing to lead you into the cabin. It feels like he’s rushing you inside which piques your curiosity. You look through the open doorway but all you see are branches swaying on the trees from the wind. Or as if they’d been disturbed by something. And then the view is cut off as Paul closes the door. The distraction had stopped you worrying until this moment. The sound of chatter and laughter fills your ears, your back facing the crowd around the table. Paul watches as you turn to face them all and senses you relax as the group pays no attention to you both. He places his hand on your back, urging you on. 
“Don’t be shy” he leans down to whisper. Familiar eyes catch yours from across the room as Sarah looks up from the table for a second, noticing how you blush as he whispers in your ear. You move in unison, holding his hand while examining the table and kitchen counters as copious amounts of food sit on serving plates. Paul grabs the last clean plate before dragging you towards the food. 
“What do you want?” he asks, eyeing you from his high vantage point. You move in closer to his body, wrapping yourself around the arm you’d been holding. Hiding his true motive from the rest of the room, he leans down to kiss your head, getting close enough to whisper so only you can hear. “Someone’s gone all shy.” He wasn’t mocking, his tone was comforting, his enclosed hand rubbing circles on yours with his thumb. Unable to speak, you nod to his statement. You hear him make a hum of acknowledgment as he thinks. “Squeeze my hand if it’s something you don’t want.” He tells you as he puts the plate down to pick up a serving spoon. It really being a two handed job, it takes a while, but he doesn’t mind as keeping you comfortable is equally as important as feeding you. Feeling brave you peek behind you, relaxing in the knowledge that absolutely no one is paying attention. Ever so slightly do you loosen your grip on Paul but never do you entirely let go. 
The front door slams open, startling you, as Embry walks in, pulling a T-shirt over his head at the same time. The very shirt that had been in the truck a few minutes ago. Everyone watches as he makes an ordeal of his entrance, struggling to get his head through the hole. You make a mental note that Embry is probably the comic of the group.
“Goddamn is it windy out there!” he yells as his head pokes out the top of the shirt. His foot finds the door and it once again slams as it shuts. His eyes make contact with yours, a million questions swimming in the deep depths of your irises. As you begin to purse your lips in preparation for your questioning his eyes travel to Paul. “Oh hey Paul!” he greets, “Hope you’ve left some food” an underlying tone of sarcasm laces his words before he heads across the room, avoiding your gaze. You notice another pair of eyes looking at you questioningly. Sarah glances between you and Embry and then back to Paul, a million questions also plaguing her. She takes a sip from the mug in her hand and raises an eyebrow as she comes to a conclusion, one which you’ll likely not enjoy.
Pulling you away from her glare, Paul settles against the counter with you between his legs, and finds a way to hold the plate and you in his arms simultaneously. You pick at the food but with him sharing it, you find the plate is empty before long and discarded on the counter next to you, allowing him to properly hold you in his big arms which are folded over your tummy. Nervously you trace patterns across the tanned skin of his forearms as you lose yourself to memories of the last time you’d been in this kitchen with Paul and the kiss you almost shared, which wads you to the kisses that you’ve shared this day, the echo of his lips against yours, hot with desire. A flush creeps up your neck at the thoughts as you lean your head back against his chest, eyes peering up at him. You noticed him engaged in conversation with the group, his chest shaking beneath you as he released a deep laugh. You admire the way that his eyes scrunch up as the laugh encapsulates his entire face, his smile so big and infectious you can’t help but feel happy. This is the moment, the one you’ll think back on as the moment you realised how deeply you feel for this man. Despite not knowing him for long or fully understanding how, you can no longer deny to yourself how you feel. Sensing eyes on you once again you decide an explanation is needed from you. You gently peel Paul’s arms off you and swallow the fear that now eats at you. You can sense how uncomfortable Paul becomes when you start walking across the room, how he fights the urge to follow you. It’s apparent to all as you stop behind Sarah who’s watching him intently, a burning hatred evident in her eyes as they bore into his soul. Her stare doesn’t break when you wrap your arms around her neck and lean down to hug her, nor when you whisper hello, she just responds with a curt acknowledgement.  
“I think we need a chat.” You suggest, the words almost not wanting to leave your body. She nods against your hug. 
“Good idea” she finally turns her head towards you, her eyes taking longer to meet yours as they linger on the object of her disdain. “Perhaps in the car later.” The thought of later and of driving away from this place is something that fills you with sadness and threatens to drive your heart into an anxious frenzy. Maybe there’s an alternative, one where you don’t have to leave, but your mother… 
You withdraw from the hug, standing with your hands on Sarah’s shoulders before retracting those too. You see Paul’s jaw clench as he watches you disappear inside, back behind those walls he’s only just managed to climb. You want to go to him, reach out for the safety of the shore as you’re swept out into the depths, but the current is too strong. Desperately you want to go somewhere quiet, suddenly finding the noise of chatter deafening. Without thinking, your eyes fixate on the latecomer to the gathering, watching as he stuffs a muffin into his mouth, crumbs falling onto the T-shirt you’d only just seen him put on. 
“What's the deal with the nakedness Embry?” you ask with an accusing tone. The confidence to ask comes from the need to distract yourself and the desire for answers. Embry almost chokes on his food as the faces of everyone else turn to look at the two of you, confusion and anger present on many of them apart from Paul’s which lights up in amusement. 
“The what?” Sarah shoots at you, a puzzled look upon her face. “Why are you seeing him naked, I thought you and Paul-” she starts, earning a glare from you. Whatever she thought she did or did not know, you don’t appreciate the snide comment. 
“No, I…We…” you stutter and shake your head “that’s not the point, the point is, why drive all the way to us to walk back naked?” you draw the subject of conversation back to Embry. 
“Looks like you need to keep an eye out Paul, your girl’s sure interested in Embry’s nakedness” one of the group teases, making you feel angry at their inability to take anything seriously. 
“Hey! I’m not his girl-” your voice gets lost amongst the boy’s growing jests and is only noticed by Sarah. 
“Yeah, looks like I need to be careful around you” Embry flashes a grin and winks in your direction earning laughs from everyone. Sarah mutters something incoherent under her breath. 
“Jared, Embry, that's enough” Sam’s scalding voice booms above the ruckus. The laughter dies away as he stands and comes over to you. “Looks like you’ll fit in around here,” he announces loudly to the whole room before lowering his pitch for your ears only “Just don’t let them bully you.” He smiles before heading to the door and leaving into the growing dark. 
“I wasn’t bullying” Embry whispers to himself while sulking and eating another muffin. 
“Lighten up” The one you assumed to be Jared, shoves him playfully.
“You lighten up” Embry retorts, shoving him back.
“Oh, you wanna go?” Jared stands up “Common then, outside.” He almost growls before the whole room erupts into laughter again. They both lean in, hands gripping the forearms of the other. “I’m only joking.” Jared laughs.
“Only because you know I’d take you.” Embry taunts, a shocked expression plastering Jared’s face.
 “Right, you’re on boy.” Jared jumps to his feet along with Embry and they both run from the cabin. One of them pretends to howl like a wolf as they run down the porch steps and follow Sam into the darkness. 
After witnessing the entire scene, a confused laugh bubbles to the surface and forces its way out as you take one of the now vacated seats. “I’ll pretend I know what just happened” you say, hysterics threatening to follow. From the look on Sarah’s face you can tell she’s just as confused as you.
“Trust me, that’s what I do” Emily starts gathering empty plates, busying herself. “I never know what's going on with these ones” she gestures towards the boys. 
“Ouch!” one you've not met before, feigns hurt. “I’m Seth by the way,” he’s quieter than the rest, “It’s nice to finally meet Pauls-” he looks between the two of you trying to decide what words are best to use. 
“Yes, I’d like to know what you guys are.” Sarah chimes in, Seth instantly looks down at the table, feeling guilty for bringing on her accusing tone. “I mean, for God's sake!” her hands slam down on the table as she shoots to her feet, evidently coming to the end of her patience. 
“Sarah-” You try to soothe her, but it doesn't have the desired effect. 
“Don’t!” she warns, her voice barely concealing the anger. 
“Sarah please don’t” you try to plead with her not to leave, following her outside as she ignores your voice. “Sarah, talk to me.” Frustration boils beneath your surface as you start to feel torn between your friend and… well, whatever he is to you. 
“Like you talk to me?” she snaps back. “Some friendship this is” she scoffs, opening the door to her car. Your hand pushes back against the metal, slamming it to stop her from leaving. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you fold your arms defensively across your chest, blinking rapidly to stop tears from forming. 
“I’ve done nothing but be there for you during whatever this is” She gestures all around and then at you “I’ve tried talking to you, hell, I’ve even covered for you to your family, to our boss. I’ve had your back this entire time, despite warning you.”
“Warning me? What warning?” 
Sarah stares at you, eyes wide, the hurt evident. “He’s bad news and you can’t see that.” she rubs her eyes to hide how glassy they’ve become. “Did he tell you what happened to your job? Did he fucking tell you our boss ended up in hospital?”
“What?” The shock of her statement was written all over your face. He’d left that detail out. A smile pulls at Sarah’s mouth followed by a laugh. 
“Of course he didn’t” she continues to drive her point. “He has major anger issues. What’s to stop him from doing that to you?” 
“No” you shake your head “he wouldn't do that to me, he wouldn’t… I know-”
“You don’t know him!” she grabs your arms and shakes you “Listen to me! See the signs! Look at what’s happened! First he drugs you”
“Hold on, that’s not what happened-”
“Second, he puts your boss in danger” she cuts you off and starts listing things that have happened, counting them on her fingers “And then just today, You were mad at him and the next thing you’re running off and I’ve got a group of messed up weirdos telling me you’re with him and then you turn up barely dressed! What am I supposed to think?” She’s exasperated and confused as she slaps he sees with her arms. 
“If I wanted a lecture I’d have clued my mother in on all this!” your anger has returned. You sense his presence watching from the cabin window; it does little to calm you. If anything it spurs you on, feeling the need to defend him. “You don’t understand.” 
“Then tell me” Sarah begs you. 
“I can’t…there are no words.” Seeing her look of disappointment, you give an explanation a go “It sounds ridiculous but it's like in the movies, when they say love at first sight. I can’t get him out of my head, I need to be around him. It hurts to be apart-” 
“God, just listen to yourself. Do you know how crazy you sound? How can you love someone you barely know? You sound delusional.” she grabs your head, moving it to face what little light resonates from the cabin. She moves in closer, studying your eyes before snapping her head round to face Paul as he emerges from the building. “Have you drugged her again?” Sarah starts towards him, hurling more accusations. You yell after her, trying to stop it before it happens, knowing what Sarah gets like with a bee in her bonnet. You grab her by the elbow, pulling her astray and yanking her back to face you. 
“Stop please” you almost sob. She pulls her arm free to which you grab her again. 
“Stay away from her, you hear me?” she turns her attention back to Paul who had made his way over. “I know what you are!” she spits at him. For a brief second, panic enters Paul’s eyes “I’ve known men like you my whole life. Let her go!” She tries to reach for him with her free arm, only just about managing to give him a slight shove, which to a man his size, was nothing. Frustrated, Sarah lashes out, she pushes her elbow back into you, causing you to stumble and fall to the ground. You don’t cry out as white hot pain sears up your hip, the scream held back by panic. You watch as Sarah, having released herself from your grip, lands a blow to Paul’s face. Despite the pain, you push to your feet and put yourself between the two of them before more damage is done. Sarah stands back, the anger dissipating as she watches you put yourself in her path, your hand resting on Paul’s chest to stop his advance. Disappointment replaces her anger as you yell for her to stop like she’s the monster; your words to him being kinder and much softer. Truth of the matter is you can sense his anger and if what she said was true between Paul and your boss, you needed to do whatever it was to stop him from doing that to Sarah. You still weren’t sure he was capable of that, not after seeing how gentle he has been with you, but what if he also gets the feeling to protect and defend you, the same one you experienced earlier? What would it drive him to do? 
“Well,” Sarah starts walking backwards, taking in the scene. Waves of sadness lap at you as tears fall from her eyes. “I guess you’ve made your choice then.” She chokes on the last sentence as she turns to get into her car, the anger completely gone, replaced by emptiness in both of you. The sound of the car sputtering to life wakes you from the trance you entered. Your hand leaves Paul as your feet start to run towards her car. 
“Don’t go,” you whisper, hoping that she would somehow hear. You wipe your own tears off on the back of your hand as you chase her car up the dirt track, knowing she can see you in the mirror. Paul’s concerned shouts drown out in white noise as you continue up the drive long after Sarah is still no longer in view. “Don’t go, not like this” you mumble as the pace slows to a walk, your feet clumsily taking you forward until your senses start to wake back up, reality whooshing back in. The pain at your hip is a reminder of events and the hollowness inside for the mourning of your only friend in this place. You stumble through the pain of your hip, now fully aware of the presence that follows you. The urge to run into his arms is overwhelming as you crave comfort but doubt has started to creep back in, sowing its seed in your mind, so you ignore him for a little longer. 
Eventually he approaches you, after your emotions settle. Allowing him to take you into his arms, you take a deep breath to savour the moment and solidify him in your memory. You’ve had time to think and time is what you need more than anything. 
“I want to go home.” earlier the prospect of leaving Paul hurt more than anything but now you relish in the idea of space as you feel yourself shutting down. Although he doesn’t want to let you go, he knows he can’t smother you. 
“Just don’t shut me out, talk to me.” He strokes your hair as he holds you, hoping his words would reach you deep inside, so you know that you’re not alone. You break from his hold as his words remind you of similar ones from Sarah.
Do I shut people out? I don’t mean to…
Briefly do you look into his eyes, the only feature to give away the pain he’s currently in, watching you go through this. Once again feeling sad you turn and head back down the track towards the cabin. 
“Have I lost you?” his question cuts deeper than a knife, dissolving the last piece of your stability. “Tell me I haven’t lost you” his voice breaks as he pleads for an answer. It hurts you even more to hear him like this, you want to comfort him and tell him everything is okay but you can’t find it in you to do that. 
“You’ll never lose me” you whisper as you put distance between the both of you. Despite it being almost inaudible, you feel certain he’s heard or senses it as his footfalls start to follow you once again. The words you whispered running over your mind in a constant loop. Seemingly you’ve made a choice this day; no matter what, you’re here for the long run. The idea of losing Paul, the hurt involved with that, outweighs everything else. The thought alone is almost enough to send you to the floor in a hysterical fit of hyperventilating and panic. He’ll never lose you. 
Not that I have much choice in the matter.
@navs-bhat @xxx-wounded-angel-xxx @britty443 @superheavymetalunicorn @yepimthatperson @punkmccqll @krispypotato @kytootana @the-chaotic-cow @forkscult @lendeluxe @grcgrace @hallecarey1 @lilbluewave @alwayshave-faith @convolutings @avis15 @sneezie98 @vendylewin @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @yoongitoo @rochyu @xcastawayherosx
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axen-gers · 7 months
axen-gers rules and character list!
Tumblr media
i will write/may include:
mature scenes such as gore, violence, etc.
drug/alcohol use
weapon use
self harm and suicide
if the gender is not explicitly stated they will more than likely be female unless asked
i will not write:
certain kinks such as piss kinks, scat kink, or any involving bodily fluids that excrete waste
romanticized pedophilia, zoophilia, and necrophilia
all characters will be 18+ and i will age them up if needed
character list!
Harry Potter
golden trio era
harry potter
ron weasley
fred weasley
george weasley
charlie weasley
neville longbottom
cedric diggory
oliver wood
hermione granger
marauders era
james potter
remus lupin
regulus black
lily evans
Criminal Minds
spencer reid
emily prentiss
aaron hotchner
penelope garcia
evan buckley
eddie diaz
may grant
ravi panikkar
howie ‘chimney’ han
steve rogers
bucky barnes
sam wilson
tasm peter parker
natasha romanoff
thor odinson
loki laufeyson
bruce banner
wanda maximoff
steven grant/marc spector
mobius m. mobius/don
benedict bridgerton
eloise bridgerton
colin bridgerton
anthony bridgerton
The Rookie
john nolan
lucy chen
tim bradford
aaron thorsen
tamara colins
celina juarez
edward cullen
alice cullen
charlie swan
rosalie hale
seth clearwater
paul lahote
jared cameron
sam uley
embry call
more soon!….
want to request something?
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
When I think about maybe the reactions to two of the like….. unsafe I guess? (Which, debatable, but whatever.) Sex scenes in Sierra Simone’s New Camelot series (both of which are in American Prince because Embry is a FREAK) I think there’s a real display of how some romance readers view m/m sex scenes (as erotic scenes wherein arousal is more important than romance and feeling) and m/f sex scenes (as scenes where, if there is any degree of ambiguity, we must condemn it as abuse).
Ash and Embry’s first time, told via flashback from Embry’s POV only, is in a literal war zone. Ash outranks him. Embry was SHOT lol. Ash is very angry with him for being shot because feelings. Embry has just been pumped up with morphine and rather loopily is like “you should fuck me because I’m grateful that you saved my life and you need to relax and we have Vaseline in the first aid kit so LETS GOOOOOOOO”. And Ash is initially like “you are crazy”. But he does give in fairly quickly, and they have several rounds of very intense, rough sex in which Embry is again bleeding from at least one bullet hole the whole time, Ash is into that, he’s into the pain, and yes it’s consensual but the morphine does technically slide it into dubcon for me. Yes, there are soft moments—the love is very clear; Ash at one point tells Embry “you look beautiful in the moonlight” and I highlighted it on Kindle lmao—but it is a pretty wild first time. I rarely see this scene discussed as morally dubious, possibly dubcon. I don’t see the general safety issues discussed. (Embry Moore would rather bleed out than miss a chance to get railed, absolute legend, nothing but respect for my president.) People don’t give disclaimers when they talk about this scene and how hot it is.
In contrast, there is also a scene in the book when Embry saves Greer after she’s kidnapped by the villain. She’s bound, it’s very clear that while it didn’t happen, a rape was planned and imminent. They are both a MESS. She asks him to basically…. Rape her. But in a way she fully consents to (CNC, rape play, whatever you wanna call it). He resists, she persuades him because she wants to remake this moment into something pleasurable in her mind to cope (which is a real phenomenon) he acquiesces, and they even agree to a way for her to safe out WHILE being bound again.
Like, it is a very rough sex scene and I don’t expect everyone to like it (it’s one of my favorites in the series but oops). They’re both venting a lot of emotion—and like, the series does make it clear that Embry has a lot of kinks that lean towards CNC, but GREER DOES TOO. And I think that honestly is, illustrated in the scene, something they are able to find more with each other than with Ash, because consent is so key in his games.
We see it from both of their POVs (his self-loathing because he loves it and thinks it’s wrong, hers emotional but also sooooo into it). They actually break character at least once lol. And yeah, there is a moment after that I love where she gets out of bed and realizes he’s looking at her completely bloodless because she’s basically covered in bite marks and bruises. I won’t say it isn’t rough—but there is full consent, full ability to stop it with safe outs discussed, and Greer even reiterates her consent and enjoyment after when he is (consistently for his character) beating himself up about it hardcore.
But I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this scene discussed as “basically rape”, assault, the one time this series went too far.
Yes, you could argue that Greer’s (and Embry’s tbh) emotional state clouded the consent. But I would argue…. Less than the morphine lmao. It is a dark scene, and they are both getting off on it being an imagined assault. But it is very much NOT ONE, and at some point the illusions of it being one kind of drop away and they’re both just having super rough, angsty sex.
And I just have to think that it’s because there’s this expectation that heroines must always be treated with tenderness even when they don’t want to be…. Whereas m/m heroes can be treated very roughly and it’s fine because you’re not seeking romance, you just want to get off. It’s experience via projection versus fetishization. The heroine is more real in this m/f scene and has real value as opposed to the hero in the m/m scene, who is basically a cardboard fuck object.
(Which I find particularly annoying with Embry because he’s a top 5 romance character to me, and I think the way he is believably both of the people he is in these scenes is so well done by Sierra.)
I also think of course that there’s a lot of kink shaming surrounding CNC, and even though Ash gets off on Embry’s pain in their scene, the word “rape” isn’t used and Embry is a man and should be to take the pain. So it’s not as bad, apparently.
Anyway… I love both scenes, the reader reaction contrast to them just irks me.
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blackbirdie1234 · 9 months
Embry Call Imagines
~The Strange Encounter Pt.1, Pt.2
One shots
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