braveclementine · 3 months
Gonna Give All My Secrets Aw-a-ay
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, smut, fingering, breast worship, pet names
Copyright: I do not own any Twilight characters or locations. I do own Davina Mikelson and Marcel. I also own the backstory for my OC. I do not condone any copying of this.
Davina P.O.V.
Birds are annoying. I mean, seriously. When you're trying to sleep and they're just going "Cheerp cheerp! CHEERP CHEERP!" Honestly, it sounds like they're screaming.
The pain had been immense, the way I imagined being a vampire and being set on fire must feel. You know, if you're set on fire alive. They weren't kidding when they said becoming a vampire was painful.
I much preferred the vampire diary way. Drink some vampire blood. Snap your neck. Ba bam- you're a vampire.
I wondered how long it was exactly that I was out. I knew it ranged anywhere between two to five days, depending on where the venom was injected and lots of other lovely factors. The stronger the heart, the shorter the time. And if the venom was injected into the heart or near it, then it was more on the two to three day side.
Of course, the ending brought tears that couldn't spill to my eyes. Watching memories. I could see everything that had ever happened in my life play backwards. From the pain, to the wedding, the Marcel's changing, to the newborn fight, to spying on Seattle, to being in Kentucky with some of my family, finding out I was a werewolf, Sam's sister, and then there was Laurent trying to kill me, Edward telling me about them leaving, being in the hospital because of James, coming to Forks, the last few years of working to get a plane ticket, the bombs going off, Azim and I kissing, Azim and I laughing, meeting Azim's parents, going to gymnastics meets and Tae Kwon Do competitions, learning military strategy, moving to the base, being back in Forks, running around with Paul and Sam, swimming in the ocean, Kol's birth, Josh arguing with Sam's mother, a four year old playdate with Tyler Crawley, and then being born in a hospital.
My eyes snapped open. The pain was gone. Good. It felt like I had been burning for years.
The first thing I heard were birds and I almost groaned in annoyance. But I could also hear squirrels crunching on nuts, rabbits sprinting through the forest, a mountain lion- or maybe a bear but it definitely had hunting feet- walking over stone and rock, the violent flapping of hummingbird wings.
Feeling wise, I could feel the soft fabric of the sheets beneath me. Soft, fluffy, and warm. I could also feel that I was wearing something made of silk, but I didn't move my head to look down quite yet.
As for the smells. . . I could smell so many different smells. There was cinnamon, hyacinth, pear, sourdough bread, pine, vanilla, leather, apple, moss, lavender, chocolate, lemon and lime, tomato sauce, almonds-ew-, roses, jasmine, lilies, plastic, and so many other different smells. The strongest smell was seawater.
I took in a shuddering breath, feeling the air move through my lungs, but not really. I looked around the room. The ceiling was white, dust motes flying in the air. I could read the titles of all the books on the shelf across the room.
I sat up slowly, moving my legs over to the side of the bed, getting to my feet. I caught sight of myself in the mirror and stared in horror at the red eyes. My dark hair and pale complexion gave me a Snow White complexion. I was just missing the blue eyes.
I had been lucky with my complexion though. I had been captured in a mid-tan state, my dark skin coming out only after being in the sun for long periods of hours. I now looked Half-Cullen like, Half- Quileute like and I loved it.
I pursed my lips at the choice of dress Alice had clearly dressed me in. It was a green colour that balanced out the skin and eyes nicely. Except for the fact that I was not wanting to be in it. I much rather wanted to wake up in jeans and a T-shirt.
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I could hear voice downstairs and I could distinguish Emmett, Jasper, Carlisle, Alice, and Bree's voices.
I darted down the stairs, stopping in front of Alice, my arms crossed angrily.
"Davina!" Carlisle said in surprise, "You're up early."
"Early?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"It's only been two days." Emmett said, looking me over, "Looking good Mama bear."
"Really Alice?" I questioned, gesturing to the dress. "Really?"
"What? It's a wonderful dress to go on your first hunting trip in." Alice said, putting an elbow on Jasper's arm.
I looked at her incredulously, "You want me to go hunting in. . . this?"
Jasper shifted uncomfortably, "That's what you care about?"
I looked up at my favorite son, "What do you mean?"
Jasper looked confused, "I don't understand this."
I stared at him blankly and then looked around for an explanation. Bree was the one who answered, "He means. . . you care more about the idea of your hunting attire than thirst."
"Oh." I said, thinking. I concentrated on my throat but I didn't feel anything. "Where should I feel. . . hungry?"
They all stared at me in surprise, "In your throat." Emmett explained.
I concentrated and then shook my head, "Maybe I'm just not thirsty yet."
"Maybe we should go hunting anyways." Carlisle suggested, reaching out to take my hand. I slid my hand into his, feeling the smoothness of his palm, the creases where the lines were, and finding that he was no longer cold nor hot, but that we were the same temperature now.
I looked up at him, staring into his honey coloured eyes and then reached up to kiss him on his lips. He tased wonderful, like things I couldn't even put into words. His lips were hesitant against mine and full. I pulled away, smiling, "Let me go change."
"No." Alice pretty much growled at me.
I sighed, "Yes, let me try tackling a grizzly bear in this dress. It'll get ripped and I actually kind've like it."
"You could go nude." Emmett said, grinning and winking at Carlisle who rolled his eyes.
I actually kind've liked the idea.
Jasper shook his head, drifting away from the room. I looked after him, my smile fading, "What's wrong?"
"He has never seen a newborn with this kind of self control." Alice said and then drifted after him.
"Oh. Great. I'm still weird even after my death." I muttered.
"I don't know." Emmett said in a serious voice, smirking. "You haven't quoted Harry Potter once since you've awoken. You might be going sane."
I stuck my tongue out at him and then tugged on Carlisle's hands. "Come on then."
Carlisle and I exited the house. It was a sunny day and I stared, my hand outstretched as the sun bounced off my skin, sending sparkles out, glittering across the pavement. I stared at Carlisle whose face was glittering.
"You look so handsome." I murmured, wanting to take him to bed at that moment.
Carlisle smiled and I felt my heart do flips. Well. . . not my heart, but ya know.
"And you look absolutely breathtaking." He breathed.
"Except the eyes." I said with a sigh, preening as he swept a strand of my long black hair back from my face.
He gazed at me, sliding his thumb across my cheek and I relished the feeling of his hand. "Even with the eyes you are stunning."
"Well," I said, taking his hand, squeezing it lightly. "Let's go hunt some animals and make them gold."
Carlisle nodded, "Ready?"
I nodded, preparing myself, and then started to run.
It was amazing. It was better than my motorcycle. I flew across the forest, laughing a little, and when we reached the creek, I leaped without thinking, feeling myself almost fly as I crossed the water.
I landed lightly on the balls of my feet, continuing to run, thinking of nothing but the wind caressing my skin and then- Carlisle stopped me.
"We don't want to go to far." He purred. His eyes were raging between black and yellow and I smirked.
"Well hello, Lord. I see you're trying to make an appearance."
"Well," the eyes became completely black, "You look completely ravishing like this."
"You've completely taken over Carlisle." I complained lightly, walking my finger sup his tight sweater.
"He's trying to figure out your self control so he's to distracted to try and take over." Lord smirked before smashing his lips to mine.
Oh yes. I liked where this was going.
My back hit a tree, making the plant shake underneath my body. I barely felt the bark scraping against my impenetrable skin, pushing back fiercely against Lord's lips. So rough and smooth and delicious.
His hands ripped the dress from behind and I tore his sweater off of him. I growled, seeing the light blue buttoned up shirt underneath. "You wear to many clothes Lord."
"Blame Carlisle." Lord growled, biting at the skin on my neck. He pulled back and murmured, "I can leave a bruise. Good."
I chuckled before using strength and speed, sending the both of us crashing into an opposite tree as I pressed against him tightly.
And then I paused, lips hovering above his, "The kids?"
Lord's black eyes melted, becoming tawny again and Carlisle actually shook his head like he was trying to clear his mind. HIs eyes lingered over where he'd ripped part of my dress, revealing the top of my cleavage. He cleared his throat and said, "I do apologize for that. And they're at our house. We can go see them after we hunt."
I nodded, my mind focused solely on the hunt. "Let's find a few rabbits then."
He raised an eyebrow, "Rabbits?"
"Or squirrels." I muttered, thinking back to Vampire Diaries. "That's what they eat in Vampire Diaries."
Carlisle chuckled, reaching out his hand. I took it without hesitation. "Let's find you a mountain lion, shall we?"
I laughed lightly, running again. This time, I led, following my heightened senses to a cave.
"Can I just walk in there and eat it?" I questioned.
Carlisle seemed a little anxious and muttered, "Maybe we should find deer instead."
I raised an eyebrow. "It's not like the mountain lion is going to hurt me."
The mountain lion suddenly paced out of the cave, growling at me.
I could smell it, and while it was appealing, it didn't send me wild like I thought it might've. I stalked forward, avoiding its claws, and bit down into the neck.
I tasted the blood, gushing into my mouth. It was. . . sweet? I don't know how else to describe it. It was satisfying, but it tasted different and I realized that was because I was dissecting the different tastes of the blood. I could taste the water, the salt, and even the plasma. I wrinkled my nose a little bit, trying to ignore the taste that way.
I pulled back once I was done. I had done pretty well, I thought. I'd barely spilled any blood on my dress. I turned to look at Carlisle who had a strange expression on his face.
"What?" I asked, racking my brain. "Did you want some?"
"It's not that." He said softly, coming over and pulling me into his arms. "It's just. . . well first it's very hard watching you drain something that would normally kill you. And for another, you're thirst didn't take you over. You were very calm in your feeding. And. . . you also didn't seem to enjoy it."
"Well." I said, frowning slightly. "I've always liked big cats. Maybe I should go after a bear instead. Those scare me. I might not feel as bad about killing a bear than a cat. And well, for another, it was the taste."
"What do you mean?"
"I could taste the individual components of the blood." I explained, wiping my bottom lip. "The water, the salt, the plasma, it wasn't the best taste in the world."
"Oh." Carlisle whispered, frowning deeper.
"Now can we go see our kids?" I asked.
Carlisle was still staring at me and I recognized this face from my months of interning under him. He was analyzing me like a data project. "Carlisle?"
He snapped out of it. "Our kids? Yes, we can go see them now."
"It's only been two days. . ." I murmured, "What are they like?"
"They're wonderful." Carlisle said with a small smile, "Come on, I want you to meet them."
"Are they. . . have you noticed any signs of danger from them at all?" I asked in worry as we ran back, not to the main Cullen house, but our small cottage.
"Nothing." Carlisle said and then frowned slightly. "They bite a lot. Esme- she's the one whose been helping me take care of them but she hasn't told anyone else about them- she said that when our little girl bites, she doesn't feel anything. But the boys are venomous."
"Two boys and a girl?" I breathed out.
Carlisle nodded, "The boys are identical. The girl looks more like me."
I smiled. "What did you name them?"
We stopped running once were in front of the front door to the house. Carlisle stopped me, picking me up into his arms, carrying me across the threshold before kissing me on the lips.
I giggled as he set me back down on my feet.
"I'm letting you name them." Carlisle murmured.
I shivered, nervous. I already had boy names in my head, but nothing for the little girl.
"Carlisle?" Esme's voice floated out the door. She appeared, holding a very small baby with long golden locks in her arms. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of my daughter.
"Oh." I gasped.
Esme's hold tightened around the baby. "They're still part human Davina."
Carlisle wrapped his arms around me tightly. "Breathe deeply."
I was nervous, not wanting the scent of my daughter to attract me. I let out a stuttering breath and then breathed in.
I could smell honey, cinnamon, and parchment, like the way Carlisle smelled. And I could smell her blood which smelled sweeter than the mountain lion, but it was nothing. I felt nothing. I was still relaxed in Carlisle's arms and then asked, "Can I hold her now?"
Esme was shocked, looking from me to Carlisle.
"Maybe you have a self control gift." Carlisle said, but he didn't relax his arms. I sighed, staring a the blond girl.
"She doesn't look like she's two days old. . ." I whispered.
"She's around three and a half months." Carlisle whispered behind me.
Fear spiked through me, "So. . . she's aging much faster than normal?"
"Yes." Esme said. "All three of them are."
"But- but then- then they might not live very long." I panicked. Venom stung at my eyes and I quickly blinked.
"No, they might not." Carlisle said, kissing my cheek.
"Oh." I whimpered.
"Esme, I think she's alright." Carlisle said, letting go of me.
I stepped forward cautiously, extending my arms for the little girl. Esme handed her over and I shivered. Her skin was warm, her heartbeat faster than I thought it should be. Her eyes were ice blue and I looked at Carlisle, trying to imagine him with blue eyes.
He smiled a little, "I could put contacts in if that helps your imagination."
I giggled a little, the sound lighter and less horse-goat-sheep sounding than it used to be. More like an angel now I guess. "Sorry. Personally, I was thinking your eyes might've been green."
"Sorry to disappoint."
I was suddenly by his side, pressing my lips to his, our daughter between us, "You don't disappoint me. Ever."
Then I pulled away and was in the babies room in a heartbeat. The two boys truly were identical, around the same size as their sister.
"Do you have names?" Esme asked me quietly.
I nodded, "For the boys anyways."
The only difference between the boys was that one of them had short black hair while the other one had curls and they were a tad degree lighter.
I handed the baby girl back to Esme with reluctance, picking up the one with straight black hair. I held him out to Carlisle and said, "This is Samuel Carlisle Cullen."
Carlisle smiled, kissing the top of my head, before taking his son into his arms. I turned back, picking up the last baby, looking into his eyes and said softly. "This is Niklaus Kol Cullen."
Niklaus after the hybrid. Kol was after my brother.
I turned to the girl, having no idea what to name her. Nothing seemed to fit her right. Kijana? Jasiri? Temperance? Kisa? Naomi? Camille? Luna? Kiara?
"Caroline. . . Elizabeth Cullen." I finally decided.
"Those are all wonderful names." Esme decided.
I hesitated and then asked, "I feel so normal. Why?"
Carlisle shook his head, "This could be your gift. Self-control."
"Do the children show any signs of gifts?" I asked.
"Not yet." Esme said. "But of course, they might not be able to have gifts. Or maybe they'll develop later."
I nodded and then looked at Carlisle, "I need to make a call."
I paced by the treaty line. I was terrified, unsure. Carlisle stood nearby. He had promised to be there so that I wouldn't hurt them.
"They're coming." Carlisle said and then laughed quietly. "I didn't have to tell you that."
I smiled a little. "It'll take some getting used to, I'm sure."
Sam appeared first and I was surprised he wasn't in wolf form.
I felt a smile break out over my face at the sight of him. "Hey Sammy."
"Hey shorty." He said, grinning. "You look. . . yourself. 'Cept the eyes."
I shuddered, "I hate the eyes. But. . . Carlisle thinks I have the gift of self-control. Yay I guess. I was kind've hoping to be able to shoot lightning from the sky but I'll take what I can get."
Sam raised an eyebrow, looking between Carlisle and I. "She really hasn't changed at all."
Carlisle chuckled, "No. No she hasn't."
"How is everyone?" I asked. "Have you heard from Jacob at all?"
Sam paused and then said, "How about you come down on the Rez."
I blinked. "What?"
Sam sighed, "Billy, Sue, Old Quil, and I. . . well we might've come up with a late wedding gift for you. We decided, as you're basically the wolves mother, you could come down on the Rez. You're the only one, mind you, although Carlisle, you're not that bad."
"Thanks." Carlisle muttered, but he looked worried, "Are you sure you're okay with this?"
I paused, glancing over at Sam and then sniffed tentatively. I cocked my head to the side, "You don't smell."
Sam looked surprised and then said, "You don't smell either. Well, not bad anyways."
Carlisle looked stunned. "I don't understand this at all."
I tilted my head, "Could it be because I'm- or was- half werewolf? So maybe I don't have an aversion to them?"
Carlisle hesitated, "I need to research this."
He was in front of me in a flash, taking my face in his hands, kissing me hard. I kissed back fiercely, wrapping my fingers into his hair. We kissed until Sam cleared his throat. "I'm as romantic as either of you, but I don't like watching my little sister kiss anyone."
I giggled, pulling back from Carlisle. "I'll see you back at our house, okay?"
Carlisle kissed the side of my head, pulling away slowly, and then he was gone.
I hesitated on the brink of the treaty line before carefully stepping over it. I looked around nervously and then said, "No booby traps?"
He chuckled. "None."
I reached my arms out hesitantly and then he pulled me into a hug. I inhaled his warm, comforting smell. Like jasmine and spices, sweat and leather rolled into one. I sighed. "I'm glad you smell the same."
"What do I smell like?" Sam questioned.
"Jasmine, spices, sweat, and leather." I mumbled, feeling embarrassed. "It's a good combination."
"Hmm." Sam said, pulling away, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, pulling me through the forest. "And you smell like honey, almonds, peaches, and lime."
I growled. "I know I smell like fruit. I've been told several times."
Sam chuckled.
Very soon, we were at Emily's house.
"Umm, Sam." I said in a small voice as Emily came out to greet us. I grabbed his shirt, hiding halfway behind him.
"Davina!" Emily cried happily, stopping short of me. I hesitated, almost trembling behind Sam. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt Emily. I noticed Jared and Paul emerge, looks of excitement on their faces too.
"Hey Vampire mom!" Jared called, jogging over.
I shivered.
"It's alright Davina." Sam said. "You're not going to hurt them."
I inhaled deeply, smelling for Emily's scent directly. And though I smelled her, though her blood smelled divine, there was no unnecessary craving for it.
I let go of Sam's shirt a little, taking a few steps till I was closer to Emily, but still hesitating. "Hi." I said softly.
Emily threw her arms around me, taking me by shock, making me freeze. Sam was there in a second, worry in his eyes until I very slowly put my arms around her.
"That wasn't so bad." I mumbled as she pulled away.
Sam seemed rather relieved. "So. . ."
"I mean. . .you smell good." I said half-heartedly, still really nervous. Though I couldn't smell the werewolves as awful, my nerves were tingling like I knew I was being surrounded by enemies, "But I'm not craving after your blood. Or any blood for that matter." I frowned a little. "I hunted a mountain lion today. It didn't taste as good as I thought it might."
"You hunted a mountain lion?" Jared asked with a grin. "What was it like?"
"Boring." I said slowly. "It kind've just stood there while I killed it. Maybe it was in shock?"
"But you said it didn't taste good?" Sam asked, frowning slightly.
I shifted uncomfortably. They were okay with this conversation? "Well. . . I could taste everything individually. The water, the salt, the plasma. It wasn't very good. The water was most potent in taste, but it didn't taste. . . it didn't taste like blood really."
"Interesting." Jared said.
"Mom!" Seth's voice called from behind me and a brilliant smile lit up my face. I turned, dashing towards him and wrapping my arms around him. I was very careful not to squeeze him to tightly though.
"Hi Seth." I said with a grin.
I could hear Jared and Paul complaining behind me about how I hadn't hugged them.
I darted till I was in front of Jared and Paul and hugged both of them too.
"Paul imprinted." Seth offered.
My eyes lit up, "Really!"
Paul rolled his eyes but he was trying not to smile either. "Yeah. Jacob's sister. Rachel."
"Quil imprinted too." Jared said.
"Really?" I asked, astonished. "Did everyone imprint while I was dead?"
"No." Seth said glumly. "I haven't. Neither has Leah or Embry or Jacob or Collin or Brady."
I ruffled Seth's hair. "Well good. You're to young for love."
Embry and Quil showed up sometime later. I found out that Quil had imprinted on a two year old named Claire, who happened to be related to Leah and Emily.
Privately, I was thinking that it made sense they were imprinting on each other's family members. Jacob was a powerful member of the wolf family. Which meant his sisters' technically had the gene too. So it made sense for Paul to imprint on one of the sisters. And anyone related to Leah, Seth, and Emily would have strong genes too from Harry's side of things. Same with Quil's blood line.
I didn't stay long, not wanting to overstay my welcome for one thing, but also wanting to get back home to Carlisle.
Unfortunately, Paul still wasn't good at keeping his nose out of other people's business. "So what are you going to do tonight?"
I raised an eyebrow. "I have no idea."
"So you and doctor aren't going to. . . get it on?" Paul smirked.
I wish I could've blushed. I scowled at him instead, putting my hands over Seth's ears. "Not in front of the kids dumbass."
Paul snickered.
I got to my feet, swooping down and kissing Sam on the cheek. "I'll come back soon, I promise."
"Stay safe." Sam said and I smirked, rolling my eyes.
And then I was gone, running back for the treaty line, back into the forest, and back to my house.
Our house.
Carlisle and mine house.
I stepped inside.
Carlisle was in front of me in an instant. "Shh, they're asleep."
"They sleep!" I said, delighted.
He nodded, smiling slightly. "Did you have a good time at the reservation?"
I nodded, "I was very happy."
"Good." Carlisle whispered, moving his lips to the skin underneath my ear. "Mm, do I get you all to myself tonight?"
I giggled, "Yes you do."
"Good." Carlisle growled.
Before I knew it, we were in our bedroom, on the bed. I was under him, his dark gold eyes practically glowing.
I yanked him down to me, my hands wrapped in his reddish-yellow locks, pulling his lips to crash down on mine. He growled against my lips, his tongue fighting for dominance against my open lips. Except this time, I could hold my own fight.
Our tongues mixed together, creating new sensations while his hands traveled down to my shirt. He didn't even bother unbuttoning it, ripping it in half instead and I was grateful that it was a new top I hadn't gotten attached to yet.
I rolled over, pressing him down to the bed, gripping his hips with my legs, squeezing tightly as I tore his shirt apart, blue buttons flying and scattering across the floor.
I pressed my lips right above his pants line, licking a stripe all the way up his chest, his neck, all the way to his earlobe before nipping at it. He growled again, his fingers pulling at the stretchy leggings I was wearing, pulling them downwards and they were discarded as well.
My fingers worked fast, undoing his belt, yanking it out of the belt loops, tossing it away. It fell to the ground with a dull clink. I unzipped the black dress pants, pulling them down quickly. His arms were behind my head in an instant, his body pressed against mine and I could feel his member pressing against my mound.
Our mouths moved furiously in sync with each other, our hands tangled in each others' hair. I moaned against his lips as one of his hands traveled down to my heat, rubbing my clit with lightning fast speed between his fingers.
The sensations were even more erotic as a vampire. They hadn't been lying when they said your emotions were heightened. This was at least ten times better than when I had been human.
"C-C-Carlisle." I moaned out. "Please."
He plunged three fingers into me, thrusting them in and out at a furious pace, rubbing my clit even faster.
My eyes rolled back in my head as I clutched his shoulders before I bit down on his bottom lip, his fingers bringing me over the edge, and I released all over them.
I could smell the arousal now, bitter and exotic and sharp. Carlisle slowly pulled his fingers from my warmth, sticking them in his mouth, licking them clean.
I wanted to ask if that actually tasted good, but didn't want to ruin the moment either.
Carlisle smashed his lips to mine again, flipping me back over on my back into the pillows. I could taste myself on him, something that seemed highly erotic and actually somewhat pleasant. My tastes and his tastes all mixed together.
"Carlisle." I growled, missing the fullness between my legs. I rolled over so that he was pressed into the sheets, angling myself to go down on him.
His hands shot to my hips, thrusting me back into the pillows, before pounding into me. He bottomed out and I gasped in pleasure, eyes rolling backwards before I recovered, bucking my hips to get him to move.
He moved in and our, faster than I thought possible, even with the speeds we could run.
I was a whimpering mess under him, surrendering to him completely. "Carlisle , please!"
"What baby? What do you need?" Carlisle purred lowly in my ear, his dick a blur as he thrusted in and out of me.
I whimpered, wanting more, "More, Carlisle, more."
"More what baby?"
My eyes rolled back into my head, my hands gripping his shoulders.
I had no idea what I wanted more of, I just knew I wanted more. "Faster."
The fuck? Could he go faster? Something was wrong with my br-
He thrusted even faster and I was practically screaming underneath him. His mouth, lowered to my breasts, flicking out at my nipple. The overstimulation was overwhelming. I barely got his name out as I clenched around his cock and milked it for all it was worth. He didn't stop, pounding me through my orgasm, drawing it out, chasing his own release.
The sensation was more than white static. It was a burning white fire that made my toes curl and now I saw how it had taken Emmett and Rose weeks to leave their house. I never wanted to leave this. I wanted Carlisle and I to continue going forever.
We were blessed with such short refractory periods it wasn't even funny.
This was probably going to be my favorite extra curricular activity outside everything else.
"CARLISLE!" I screamed as he twisted my nipple tightly between his smooth dexterous fingers, pulling it, sending the jolt straight to my clit at the same time I came.
My entire body was shaking and her wrapped one arm around me. My legs, wobbly, I jerked forward, the both of us landing off the bed and onto the floor. We didn't even break rhythm, barely noticing the stone floor beneath the both of us. Carlisle simply rolled over onto the carpet, pulling me on top of him, thrusting upwards into me.
We couldn't even get sore.
Carlisle moved his lips to my throat, biting, licking, sucking at my skin, purring with delight as large purple bruises popped up on my skin.
I growled, trying to mark him the same way, and failing. That caused enough confused for the both of us to slow down and observe things.
When we finally came to a complete stop, I was breathing shallowly and so was he. Carlisle ran his hand over my neck, observing the bruises.
He pulled out slowly, causing our combined juices to pool out onto his stomach and he chuckled lightly, kissing me.
"Let's take this to the bathroom, shall we?"
I wasn't as ecstatic, touching the bruises.
"Carlisle, what's wrong with me?" I asked in a whisper. "My skin marks, I don't thirst after blood, blood doesn't even taste that good to me, and I feel completely normal!"
Carlisle pulled me into his arms, carrying me to the bathroom, "There's nothing wrong with you darling. Maybe. . . maybe your gift delves farther than self control."
"So what is it?" I asked.
"Maybe it's more of a. . . normality gift. A gift that keeps you human in a vampire body. I wonder. . . " he drifted off, thinking deeply.
"What?" I questioned.
He looked at me, pulling out the handle on the bathtub- which by the way was huge- and let it fill with warm water. "I was wondering if you could eat human food was all."
I frowned slightly. "But vampires-"
"Vampires also can't bruise." Carlisle said, smiling almost sadly, running his fingers over my hickeys.
"Am I not a vampire?" I questioned. It was overwhelming and venom welled up in my eyes. "Did something go wrong during the transformation?"
"No." Carlisle said. "The only thing that could go wrong is you died. But you didn't. You are a vampire Davina. That much is obvious by the eye colour, the speed, the strength. You have all the physical attributes of a vampire. But when it comes to feeding, that's where you're different. I think it must relate to some sort of gift."
"Carlisle, if my skin can bruise, doesn't that mean I could be killed easier than a normal vampire?" I whispered quietly.
Fear flashed through his eyes for the briefest second. I knew he was thinking about the Volturi and the enemy I had made myself out of Jane.
"I. . . I don't know. There's no way to test it without hurting you either." Carlisle whispered. "I can't test it on you. I can't let anyone else test that on you."
"But evidence suggests it, right?" I questioned softly, throwing my arms around his neck, holding him to me.
"Yes." He said quietly.
I sat there for a long time before he slipped both of us into the bathtub. "It's okay." Carlisle whispered, "We'll figure it out. Everything will be okay."
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Wife | Pt.2 《Bharya》B. Deva
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☆Bhallaladeva x Fem! OC☆
Synopsis: Pooja and Bhallaladeva have been married for three months, but after their wedding ceremony came to an end, Pooja hasn't seen him or heard of him since. It's not like she's his first wife she likely won't be his last- is what she thinks. But when Bhallaladeva sends a servant to summon Pooja to his quarters late one night, Pooja hopes to fulfil their unstarted martial duties, instead, Bhalla requests that Pooja do something else for him. Something Pooja never expected to hear from the ruthless king of Mahismati. 《Pt. 2, 2.4k Words》
Note: There will probably be maybe two more parts to this story lol. This is the OC version of this fic. If you would like to read the Y/n version, it will be available on my Y/n masterlist page! ALSO, REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!
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She stepped inside and gulped. His room was kind of how she imagined it. It was wide, grand, open and nothing like hers. Pooja’s room was grand too, of course, being one of the wives of the king, but compared to the king’s room, it felt like a children's play area.
Pooja stepped forward, examining every inch of the room, her anklets making music with every step she took. But the most important question lay unanswered. Where was Bhalla? The main reason Pooja traveled halfway across the palace at one in the morning for?
Pooja crossed her arms behind her and looked around, admiring the portraits and the statues. They were portraits of him, one of his mother, and of previous kings. But none of his brother or any of his wives.
But one particular portrait caught her eyes. Or rather, the fact that it was covered up with a massive velvet cloth.
What was Bhalla hiding under there?
Pooja stepped towards the portrait, her anklets notifying every other living thing nearby of her movement but right as she reached for the velvet cloth, the sound of a voice made her stomach drop.
“Here.” Said low, breathy voice. Pooja flinched, instantly drawing her hand away from the covered portrait and span around to face the source of the voice. What she saw made Pooja’s heart jump and her stomach summersault.
On his mighty grand bed, lay Bhalladeva.
The king.
The warrior.
The ruler.
Her husband.
Like his voice, Bhallaladeva was breathing heavily and fast, reaching an arm out for Pooja who was unsure of what to do.
Upon stepping closer to him, Pooja began getting worried. Bhalla’s face was covered in tiny droplets of sweat, his breathing was heavy and his chest rose and fell at an alarming rate.
Pooja gasped at the helpless form of the king and brought her hands to her lips.
“Your- Your Majesty-!” Pooja began, unsure of what to call him. Pooja’s use of ‘Your Majesty caused a tiny flinch to escape Bhalla’s body.
Should she acknowledge their marriage and the sacred thread tied around her neck by Bhalla and call him ‘Bhalla’?
Or was was more fitting to call him ‘Bhallaladeva’ to please his massive ego and not seem overly friendly?
Or was she supposed to be his quiet submissive wife and refer to him as his majesty?
Pooja gulped and quickly looked around while Bhalla continued breathing rapidly in a feverish way.
“Don’t- Don’t worry Your Majesty! I’ll-” With the way Bhalla flinched as she called him ‘Your Majesty’, Pooja was internally face-palming herself. Pooja hated how she kept stumbling over her words.
Way to make a great first impression, she thought as she slowly began panicking.
Pooja noticed how Bhalla could barely keep his eyes open as they kept drooping and he struggled to breath normally.
“I’ll call a healer-!” Just as Pooja turned around to sprint away to fetch a healer, Bhalla’s voice stopped her yet once again.
“No-!” He said. Pooja couldn’t tell if he was shouting or simply in pain because the moment she turned around, she saw him painfully clutching his heart while he winced in pain.
“No. I don’t need a physician right now.” Bhalla said, his pain starting to worsen as he raked his fingers through his dark curly locks. Pooja gulped, unconvinced but not willing to disobey his Majesty’s orders.
“Then… Why was I summoned here, Your majesty?”
Bhalla pat the empty space next to him on the bed, confusing Pooja.
What did he want her to do? Clean the bed sheets? Dust it? Was the dust causing him to go all haywire like this?
Pooja, still confused, awkwardly moved towards the king and bent down. She looked at the king, who looked back at her before she looked down at the spot when he was patting.
Pooja began patting and sweeping aswell with her hand, brushing the non-existenct specks of dust off the edge of the bed, confidently.
When she finished, she looked at the king, hoping to see an impressed face at her brillinat cleaning abilities, only to be met with a confused look from the king.
“What’re you doing?” Bhalla croaked out.
“I was dusting.” Pooja replied, impressively. Bhalla’s eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.
“...Why?” Bhalla said, after a slow moment of consideration, seemingly forgetting his pain in the confusion.
“Because… Well, because Your Majesty-” Bhalla flinched ever so slightly as Pooja referred to him as ‘Your Majesty’, “-asked me to.” Pooja said, in a matter-of-fact tone, leaving Bhalla speechless. Bhalla’s lack of words left Pooja worried out of her mind.
Had she not cleaned enough? Or did she do it wrong?
Pooja was practically losing her mind over what Bhalla would do to her if she acted incorrectly.
Would he kill her? Posion her? Torutre her? Publically behead her?
Thoughts like those ran through Pooja’s mind and each thought was more treacherous than the one before. In the flurry of worry, Pooja stood up suddenly, knocking over a golden water goblet in the process and panicked further at the noise it made.
Bhalla was undisturbed by the goblet, he genuinely couldn’t care less about it. Instead, his energy was taken upp by a small smile gracing his lips at Pooja’s antics. The sound og the falling goblet masked the tiny chuckle that escaped Bhalla’s lips.
Suddenly, as if catching himself in a horrid act, Bhalla quickly wiped his smile right off, and replaced it with a simple calm face.
Pooja looked at the fallen ghoblet and back at Bhalla, misreading his calmness for anger.
“M-Maybe it would be best if I fetched a physician and left Your Majesty alone-” Pooja kept stumbling over her words, her voice clearly laced with tension and fear, and when she turned around suddenly, Bhalla’s voice stopped her once more.
“No.” He didn’t shout this time, he was calm as if suppressing his quick breath and his heavy voice. As if he was actually trying to be soft with her. As if she was a fragile little bird that he didn’t want to harm.
Pooja stopped and looked over at him, he was patting the empty spot next to him again.
“I meant stay with me,” He said, and under his moustach, Pooja failed to spot the tiniest and almost invisible smile curling at the corner of his lips, “Not- Not dust the bed,”
“Ohhh,” Pooja said, nodding her head slowly in understanding. She slowly and cautiously advanding towards the king and carefully sat next to his flat body.
“Stay with me.” Bhalla said, softly, allowing himself to close his eyes and he turned his head to feel Pooja’s touch through the fabric of her voni. “Just for a while…”
Pooja stiffened, having never expected something like this from the king. Bhalla’s voice made Pooja think it almost sounded like love, but she shook the thought off quickly. She remembered the words of the other wives.
Bhalla is incapable of love. Giving it or receiving it.
This wasn’t love, Pooja told herself, when another question popped up.
What happened to the king?
And another one.
Why did he need her to stay with him?
And another one, the one Pooja was most curious about.
Why her?
The answer to that question seemed simple. He wanted to see his latest wife, so he could cross it off on his to-do list and not bother about her ever again till her funeral. That was the only possible reason… Right?
Something in the back of Pooja’s mind told her that it wasn’t. Her curiosity getting a hold of her, Pooja gulped and let her first question out.
“Are- Are you okay?” Pooja mentally face-palmed at the way this question was phrased.
It seemed too formal and yet informal at the same time. How was that even possible!?
“Now I am,” Bhalla said, his voice musch less breathy like before, his chest raising and falling at a normal pace rather than rapidly like before. “Stay with me.” Bhalla’s soft voice and calm demenor, contrary to his previous aura, surprised Pooja.
It took her a few minutes to realise she was there to calm Bhalla down, but she was unsure how. She could just sit there like he said, till he fell asleep, but no.
Pooja could tell that Bhalla was still agitated, sure not as much as he was when she walked in, but he was still breathing pretty heavy and sweating like crazy.
Pooja looked around the room to see if there was anything she could use to help Bhalla and with each little thing she saw, the easier this task became. Now came time for execution.
Pooja looked down at her soft voni and without a second thought, ripped a large piece off.
She picked up the fallen goblet, filled it with water from the vase on the bed side table and dipped the ripped section of the voni into the water.
She gave it a good dunk, pulled it out and squeed the excess water out before she folded it up neatly and looked over at Bhalla. With a gulp and hesitant shaky hands, she wiped the sweat off his face with the cloth.
Bhalla practically melted into Pooja’s voni as he let out a sigh of relief as the cold water caressed his skin. Pooja gave the voni another dunk, squeezed it one more time and wiped only the top of Bhalla’s chest before she gave it one last dunk, squeezed and folded it and placed it on his forehead.
Carefully lifting herself off the bed, Pooja sprinted towards the nearest widow and with a great push, she opened it, letting the cool breeze open to cool Bhalla down. The rust on the windows told her that they hadn’t been opened in a long time.
Pooja ran back to Bhalla, who had stopped sweating but was still squirming around in unease. Pooja looked around to see if there was anything she could do to stop that and put an end to his uneasiness, till she came to a conclusion that there was only one thing she could do.
Show him a motherly kind of love.
Sure, Pooja was told that Bhalla couldn’t feel love, or so she thought, but it was worth a try. She sat back down, and after careful consideration, ran her fingers through Bhalla’s raven dark locks until she had a hold of his head. She scooped his head up and placed it on her lap.
Bhalla opened his eyes slightly to see what Pooja was doing, but when he heard her voice the very next second, he closed his eyes. Pooja closed her eyes and started humming a tune.
A tune that her mother sang to her as a kis. A tune that every mother likely sang to their kids. Pooja brushed Bhalla’s hair back and off his faceand remembered a lullaby.
“Lali, Lali, Lali Lali.” Pooja began, her nervous voice nowhere in sight, now replaced by a soft sing-song voice, “Vatapatrasayiki Varahala lali,” Bhalla closed his eyes fully now, his chest’s constantly movement slowling down with every word Pooja sang. “Rajivanetruniki ratanala lali.” Bhalla’s previously tense body softened down instantly like hard butter melting in the hot sun. “Lali, Lali, Lali, Lali,” Pooja carresed the side of Bhalla’s face as she sang the lullaby, his conciousness slowly drifting away with every verse she sang as he eventually returned to a peaceful slumber.
When Bhalla had fully gone back to sleep, Pooja carefully picked his head up, dragged over a pillow and gently placed him down. She saw his silk sheets flayed all over the bed and pulled them up before tucking him in as if he was just an innocnet little child, rather than the feared, ruthless leader of Mahismati.
When Bhalla was tucked in and peacefully sleeping away, Pooja looked down at his features and wondered what she was supposed to do now? Kiss him on the forehead and leave?
Maybe it was a bit too soon, she thought, considering this was the first time they even spoke to each other. But then again, she thought, she was his wife, and as a wife, kissing isn’t something to be neglected.
Impulsively, Pooja bent her head down and pecked Bhalla on the forehead before bringing her nails to her lips in shyness and spriting out of the room. Even if Bhalla was not fond of kisses, he wouldn’t know, he was asleep, Pooja told herself.
She carefully shut the doors to the room close to not wake him up and trotted off to her very own room, practically prancing, dancing, and skipping as she went, her excitement lighting up the cold dark hallways.
When Bhalla heard the doors to his room close shut, she slowly peeled his eyes open and looked up at the ceiling. Despite the windows being open and Pooja’s damp voni on his forehead, Bhalla’s face burnt like fire as he grazed his finger over the spot Pooja had kissed him.
Pooja hummed the tune of the lullaby to herself as she skipped through the hallways, her stomach unable to stay at ease with the butterflies eurpting through them.
Today was a good day, she thought, a productive one. She had talked to the king- or rather, her husband, for the first time. She sang him a lullaby and tucked him into bed.
Sometimes the simplest answers give the most effective results.
She even figured out what she would need to do from now one if she was ever called back.
Take his head into her lap, sing to him, calm him down and tuck him into bed.
Though it seemed very unlikely that she would ever be called back.
But the voices of the other wives came into Pooja’s mind. The king never spoke to any of his wives unless it’s extremely important. He has no business with them and even if he does, he always only sends a servant.
This thought caused Pooja to stop and think.
Why did the king need her if he never talked to his wives?
This unanswered questions left Pooja thinking about all the other unanswered questions.
Such as why was he the way he was when Pooja first entered the room?
Was it a medical condition?
Or was it the result of traumatic events in his past?
And if so, what exactly was that traumatic past?
Why did Bhalla need someone her to calm him down?
Why not one of his more experienced wives who knew more about him than she did?
And the most curious.
What lay behind the velvet cloth?
What was it a portrait of?
Or rather, who was it of?
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𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 》 @vijayasena
Please reply to this post if you wish to be tagged in my future works, fics, and the next part to this story! :)
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injoontz · 11 months
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pairing. lee haechan/donghyuck x fem!oc starring. lee donghyuck, hong sumi (oc) featuring.  huang renjun, na jaemin, zhong chenle, park jisung genre. harry potter au, fluff warnings. none word count. 2.7k
synopsis. in which hong sumi loses a bet to lee donghyuck ↳ haechan!slytherin x oc!hufflepuff
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His loud scream was the first thing that Sumi heard that morning. Sumi grumbled a long string of curses to herself before she lifted her head off of the table. Looking around the Great Hall with groggy eyes, Sumi found the source of the disturbance.
Lee Donghyuck.
Sumi was never fond of him. Or at least, she liked to convince herself she wasn’t. Whenever he was with his friends, he was loud and energetic, causing more disturbances in the span of ten minutes than Sumi ever did in her entire lifetime. Arguably, he was one of the most obnoxious people she had ever met. Yet she somehow kept finding herself watching him, noticing little things he did and the little bits and pieces that others might miss.
Under his bubbly personality, Donghyuck was really a gentle soul. When he’s without his friends, Donghyuck actually seemed to be tolerable to Sumi. She liked it when he was quiet and thoughtful and she appreciated how approachable he was to everyone.
Unfortunately for Sumi, today was one of those moments where she couldn’t necessarily appreciate Donghyuck’s presence. His howling screams and loud laugh cut through the Great Hall and greatly disturbed Sumi’s peace and quiet. 
Sumi gave a tired look at the energetic brunette before putting her head back on the table. The Great Hall was filled with chatter and the clatter of utensils against plates that morning. All the students were excited for the day since it would be the first quidditch match of the season. Slytherin vs Hufflepuff. 
All around the Great Hall, students dressed in black robes were eating happily with their Hogwarts Houses. From across the hall, Slytherins and Gryffindors glared at each other while Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws talked amongst themselves, occasionally waving hello to their friends outside of the house.
“Is she really sleeping?”
“Seems like it,”
“Should we wake her up? All the food will be gone,”
Sumi let out a groan and tried to hide her face further into her arms when she felt someone start to shake her. She lifted her hand and swatted away the person’s hand. Her friends laughed before going back to their food and chatting. Jisung sighed and poked Sumi in the face with his free hand.
“Will you please eat,” he said more than asked.
“I’m not hungry,” Sumi replied, “Let me sleep,” she heard Jisung sigh before he began to eat his food. Sumi exhaled gently before opening her eyes and sitting up.
She was greeted with a bright smiling face and she could already hear his teasing tone before he even opened his mouth.
“Good morning,” Chenle smiled.
Sumi gave him a bored look and picked up a piece of toast and put some eggs on her plate. Chenle and Jisung both glanced at her before they went on eating their breakfast. Occasionally they would slip some more food onto Sumi’s plate without her noticing and she would eat it without realizing.
“Today is the first match of the year,” Jisung said, “Are you nervous?”
Sumi shrugged.
Chenle and Jisung gave her a look, “Sumi, today is the first match of the year. You’re the captain.”
Sumi shrugged again and Chenle and Jisung both let out exasperated sighs. Before the two of them could scold and badger Sumi about being more enthusiastic, Sumi put her utensils down and downed her entire water.
“There’s no way I lose to Lee Donghyuck this year,” Sumi said.
By noon time, the whole school seemed to be out in the stands around the Quidditch pitch, it was the first match of the year. The seats might be raised high in the air, but it was still difficult to see what was going on sometimes, so many students had binoculars to get a better view. Chenle sat in the announcer’s box while Jisung and Sumi got ready in the locker rooms.
Sumi was quiet as Jisung went around checking up on the team. She kept staring at the chalkboard with their defensive and offensive plans. A loud snap caused the other Hufflepuffs to turn their attention to Sumi. She had her wand out, pointing straight at offensive plan number 4. The rest of the team seemed to understand and a wide smirk emerged on all of their faces.
A booming cheer rose from the stands as the emerald robes of the Slytherin Quidditch team emerged onto the pitch. An equally loud cheer shook the pitch when the amber robes of the Hufflepuffs appeared.
Madam Hooch was refereeing today and the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins flew towards the ground when she blew her whistle. She stood in the middle of the field waiting for the two teams, her broom in her hand. “Now, I want a nice fair game, all of you,” she said, once they were all gathered around her. “Mount your brooms, please.”
Sumi mounted her broom and gave a dull look at Donghyuck. He returned with a blazing smile. She rolled her eyes at him which only seemed to make him smile bigger.
“Hey, Susu,” Donghyuck said with a teasing smile.
Sumi ignored him.
“If I win, will you go on a date with me?”
Sumi nearly choked on her own spit when she heard his proposal. It was no secret to the school that Donghyuck liked Sumi, but she always had her doubts. She was sure that Donghyuck just liked to joke and tease her. She gave him an incredulous look but he just shrugged. “It was worth asking,” he smiled.
“It seems like you’ve lost a few brain cells, Lee,” Sumi rolled her eyes, “One too many bludgers to the head?”
“And here I thought Hufflepuffs were supposed to be nice,” Jaemin mumbled to Donghyuck.
“And who said that?” Sumi rolled her eyes, some of the other Hufflepuffs snickered and laughed at her snide remarks. Despite her dismissiveness, Sumi didn’t fail to notice the disappointment in Donghyuck’s eyes
Madam Hooch sighed and shook her head as she gave a loud blast on her silver whistle and fifteen brooms rose up straight into the air.
Sumi let out a long huff, watching as the air around her fogged up and then disappeared into the cold. Even though they had played their best, Donghyuck was still able to get the snitch before her team. She wasn’t surprised, nor that upset at this point. Donghyuck was one of the best seekers at Hogwarts, his skills were only rivaled by Mark Lee from Gryffindor house.
“Why the long face?” Chenle asked as he sat down with Sumi in the courtyard.
Sumi shrugged. “Just thinking,”
“It’s never a good thing when you do that,” Chenle joked and Sumi shoved him gently. He laughed and leaned back on his hands. “You know, even though Jisung didn’t get the snitch, Hufflepuff only lost by thirty points.”
Sumi nodded but that wasn’t why she was thinking so much. The two of them sat in silence for a bit, the cold hair swirling around their heads. Sumi continued to let out little puffs of air to watch it fog up in front of her. As she was about to do it again, when a familiar brunette appeared across the courtyard.
Donghyuck smiled gently at his friend as they made their way back into the building. Sumi jumped to her feet and Chenle gave her a startled look. Before he could ask her what was wrong, Sumi grabbed her bag and started to hurry off towards Donghyuck.
“Sumi, where are you going?” Chenle called.
“I��m cold! I’ll see you later!” she replied without looking back.
When Sumi got back inside she found Donghyuck walking towards the library with his friend. She quickly rushed over and gently grabbed his robes to stop him. He paused and turned around with a confused expression. Donghyuck’s Ravenclaw friend, Huang Renjun, gave the two of them a look before smirking.
“I’ll leave you two to talk for a moment,” he said before rushing away to the library. Donghyuck turned around to try and get Renjun to stay but his friend was already long gone.
“Um,” Sumi hesitated and Donghyuck turned his gaze back to her. “You won,”
“What?” Donghyuck asked in confusion.
“The match,” Sumi repeated, “You won, so I- ,” Sumi looked away, she regretted even bringing it up to Donghyuck. It was obvious he wasn’t actually being serious when he mentioned it on the pitch, he was just teasing her.
“I owe you a date,” Sumi finally managed to get out. 
Donghyuck stared at her for a moment before his eyes widened, “Wait seriously?” Donghyuck grabbed her hand and forced Sumi to look at him. The look in his eyes desperately begged Sumi to tell him that she wasn’t joking. There was so much genuinity in his eyes that Sumi for a moment believed that maybe Donghyuck could have feelings for her.
Sumi nodded.
Donghyuck’s face broke into a bright smile and he let out a small laugh. “Well, then I’ll make sure to bring you on a great one!” he said.
Sumi nodded as Donghyuck said his goodbyes and rushed off to tell Renjun the news. He stopped halfway to Renjun and turned around to wave at Sumi before rushing off again. 
That night, Sumi was jolted from her sleep when she felt someone shake her awake. She had fallen asleep in the Hufflepuff Common Room while studying for potions. Her books were scattered across the table and a paper stuck to her face when she lifted her head up.
Sumi immediately recognized the voice and opened her eyes a little wider as Donghyuck pulled her worksheet off her face. She lifted a hand to her cheek where it was before and felt her face go hot at the realization that Donghyuck had just caught her in an embarrassing situation.
Then it hit Sumi…
“How did you get in here?” she exclaimed, 
Donghyuck smiled widely, “It took a few tries, trust me. The boys and I have gotten our fair share of vinegar showers.” He remembered vividly the first three years at Hogwarts.
The 00’Liners had learned where the Hufflepuff dorms were in their first year but despite their efforts, they never learned which barrel to tap or the rhythm of the tapping to be able to enter. It was by miracle in their fourth year that Jaemin was able to figure out the passcode inside. Only some time later did Renjun realize that Jaemin had somehow used a morse code rhythm to spell ‘Helga Hufflepuff’.
“What are you doing here?” Sumi asked as she started to clean her things. “If you don’t leave, I’ll have to report you,”
“You won’t do that,” Donghyuck smiled.
“You don’t know that-” Sumi’s words died on her lips when she realized that Donghyuck had started to lean in and trap her between himself and the table. “What are you doing?”
Donghyuck smiled and leaned back, “Our date, let’s go,” he stood up and held a hand out for Sumi to take.
Sumi gave him an incredulous look and shook her head, “It’s midnight, Donghyuck, we can’t go anywhere past curfew–”
“Come on,” Donghyuck chuckled, “Just this once,”
Sumi stared at Donghyuck’s hand before looking up at his face. His eyes were pleading as he waited for her to take his hand. She lifted her hand and it hovered over his hesitating for a moment before she ultimately decided to ignore her fears of getting caught and taking his hand.
Donghyuck pulled her to her feet and the two of them hurried out of the Hufflepuff Common Room. Sneaking through the corridors, Donghyuck took an elaborate path to their date rendezvous. Sumi was keenly aware of how his hand engulfed hers as he led her around the school. Sumi started to recognize the corridors around her as Donghyuck started to lead her up a staircase.
“This is-”
“The Astronomy Tower,” Donghyuck finished her words.
Donghyuck stopped Sumi just before the top of the Astronomy Tower. She gave him a confused expression but Donghyuck ignored it and moved so that he stood behind her. His hand slipped out of hers leaving it cold in the chilly November air.
He placed his hands over her eyes and Sumi quickly reached up to grab his in turn. Donghyuck let out a chuckle and leaned down to speak into her ear.
“Do you trust me?” he asked, his breath tickling her ear.
“No,” Sumi’s voice shook as she answered him.
Donghyuck laughed but started to lead Sumi onto the roof of the Astronomy Tower. Sumi felt the cold air hit her skin and she shivered a bit. Donghyuck stopped somewhere on the tower and Sumi gripped onto his hands tightly.
“Ready?” he asked before removing his hands and revealing a beautiful set up of blankets and candles. There were candles lighting the way towards the center of the tower where Donghyuck had set up some blankets and what looked like a basket of snacks. The sky was lit up with stars and the moon shone brightly in a crescent, smiling down upon the two of them.
“Donghyuck,” Sumi’s voice sounded breathless to herself. “This is beautiful,” she turned and smiled at him.
Donghyuck felt his face go hot and he coughed gently before pointing to the blanket. “I remember you mentioned that you really liked stars during Transfiguration. There’s supposed to be a meteor shower tonight, I heard that we might be able to see it from the castle,”
Sumi walked to the edge of the Astronomy tower and stared out at the forest. Leaning out over the edge a little, Sumi closed her eyes and let the wind brush her hair out of her face. A smile pushed onto her face and she let out a light giggle. There was a giddily feeling in her chest, something about sneaking out and being in her happy place made Sumi feel some kind of euphoria that she wasn’t used to.
She spun around and smiled at Donghyuck. Her smile had his heart fluttering and Donghyuck could hear his heart pounding in his ears. He was sure that his face was bright red but if it was, Sumi made no move to tease him about it.
He walked over to her and leaned against the edge as well. The wind pushed his hair back and forth and as he went to push his hair out of his eyes, Sumi’s hand reached over and moved it for him. His eyes widened when he felt her delicate fingers graze against his forehead.
“I think I like you,” Sumi whispered.
“What?” Donghyuck leaned back in surprise.
“I-” It sunk in what Sumi had said, “Oh my god! Wait-”
“What did you just say?” Donghyuck panicked as well.
“Nothing! I didn’t say anything!” Sumi started to walk away from Donghyuck but was quickly spun back around. She crashed into his chest and felt Donghyuck’s arm holding her tightly to him. Sumi gripped onto his shirt and could feel Donghyuck’s heart going crazy underneath her hand.
“I like you too,” his voice was barely over a whisper.
A jolt went through Sumi’s body and she froze before pushing off of Donghyuck. He stared down at her and Sumi could still feel his heart beating a mile a minute. Looking into his eyes though, Sumi could tell that this confession was different than all the other times. The usually joking smile from his past confessions had been completely replaced by a desperation and genuinity that reminded Sumi why she even agreed to go on a date with him in the first place.
Carefully, Sumi stood a bit taller on her toes, tilting her head until her lips gently met his. She felt him freeze under her touch for just a moment. Then as she started to lean away, Sumi felt Donghyuck’s lips kiss her back. Before Sumi could do anything, Donghyuck moved back, his eyes big and puppy-like.
“I really like you, Sumi,” Donghyuck said again, “Will you please be my girlfriend?”
Sumi’s mouth opened and closed, fighting to find the right words to say to him. It was obvious to her by the way her heart clenched tightly at his words. She was certain of it now. She had completely fallen for Lee Donghyuck.
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©𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐳, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑
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rileytwenty · 2 years
IDIA || an Avatar story (x Neteyam)
A/N: sorry it's long but it's important!!
Idia (eye-die-uh), a human born to two avatar drivers a few months before Spider was born, has lived on Pandora her whole life. Her mother died on the frontlines of battle– after massacring many young warriors– at the hands of Tsu’tey. The battle took her father, too.
Since she was born Na’vi, sending her back to Earth was not an option even if she was old enough. The remaining humans on Pandora opted for her to be adopted by Jake and Neytiri, but Neytiri refused. She remembered Idia's mother killing her people too vividly. Besides, who was to say she wouldn’t turn out loyal to her real parents? Spider didn’t accept her either growing up because he was too jealous of her having been born a Na’vi like he would have liked for himself. Partially because Spider disliked her and partially because of Neytiri’s views, the Sully kids wouldn’t hang out with her either. 
She was raised on synthesized formula because none of the Na’vi would spare any breast milk for a demon. By the time she hit her teens, she was practically a human. She never had anyone to show her the ropes of Tsaheylu, so she never bonded with any animals and was not allowed at the tree of souls. Norm taught her everything he knew about the culture and the language, but he wasn’t accepted by them either and thus wasn’t much help. Out of pity and relation, Jake tried to bring her on an Ikran ride once but Neytiri’s wrath ensured he wouldn’t try it again.
Long story short, she was raised without anyone her age around and she turned out kind of weird and shy because of it. This did mean, however, that she had a lot of time to study botany with Norm and other things in the lab and therefore had an advanced understanding of the flora and fauna of Pandora, as well as basic combat training. (This is a surprise tool that will help us later!)
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gojoislaive · 4 months
beloved in-laws x reader
A bittersweet encounter. Aden x noble!oc
trope- Comfort, strangers to friends, love at first sight
It was after the festival and the confusing conversation I had with my eldest brother Felix , that I had encountered her.
With a hand going through his blonde caramel like troughs of his hair, he let out a sighed and started walking around the main center of the country where the festival was still bright and young in the night.
He had very troubling and contrasting thoughts about the fiance of his brother , Reina holmwood. He knew it was wrong , forbidden to even have a twinge of romantic or any type of feelings for her but he coudn't help it, especially if its her, i mean who woudn't?
It was night and the darkness was hollowing out the trees around him, he was distracted to not notice that he had reached the end of the mainpoint of the festive area.
Just as he was about to retreat to return back to the car for the family manor, he heard rustling and whimperings of...perhaps a lady?
At this late hour of the day , why was there a lady murked up in a corner? moreover was she ...crying?
The young lord walked further to the noise for a better understanding of the situation. And there she was, with hair as black as opal , and light pink eyes as bright as the stars that witnessed the start of a love story between two confused humans.
He widened his eyes-
She looked so divine, sitting under the embrace of the moon's displaced rays of light. Her mellowed long black eyelashes that were drunk with her tears, and those same tears that rolled down her rosy , pale skin.
He blinked before stumbling backwards a bit with surprise when she looked up at him with those flushed eyes. His dark blue eyes contrasting her red flush of an expression. Slowly he bent down with one hand over his chest as curtesy.
"I-I greet the lady of....?"
She fumbled around, straightening her white plain dress that just acts as a catalyst in the element of her purity. She hastily wiped her eyes and got up.
With a low bow and and spreading of her pearl satin dress, she replied with her gentle and shaking voice.
"I am [Name] Vadenburg, the second youngest child of the house of vaden."
She didn't dare look up to meet those alluring blue eyes, she can't face him after he had found her in a such a disheveled state. Oh it was so embarrassing!
At such a close proximity between the two , The beige haired male took her dainty hands in his and kissed the palm of the back of her hand. Such a gesture can only bring an equal amount of blush to the young lady.
He looked forward to meet the gaze of her shell-pink eyes, she flinched for a fraction of the second before nodding her head at acknowledging his sweet courtesy.
The young dispenser smiled gently, he couldn't believe that [Name] vadenburgh, the flower of the empire, the emboidment of elegance, the lady that was always composed quite contrast to her age in any social gathering he had seen her. She was the trend setter for ladies of the nobility, with both beauty and brain's, she was the only lady of the Vadenburgh house.
But she was out here in the young of night with no one to guard her, and more so she was weeping so sadly, it would make one believe she was a stubborn child stuck in an adults body.
"Pardon me if i'm overstepping my limits with this question, but..why is the lady out here with no escorts? especially in this night?"
They both were sitting on the bench near the fountain where he had found her crying, [Name] was feeling anxious sitting near such a ...infamous and pretty young lord, and it only increased her stress when she heard he was from the Dispenser house.
Her hands were clammy in the white ruffled gloves she wore , as she fidgeted with her fingers.
And with a familiar calm expression that Aden had been so familiar with she spoke out, again , with that addicting and enticing voice.
" It's...Alright , you aren't overstepping any boundaries sir Aden , do not worry, and to answer your question...I-"
With a sigh she hid her face between her slender hands, seeing this, he spoke out.
"You don't have to say anything, indefiantly I was going over the limit with that sensitive question."
To be sorely honest , Aden only wanted to know what made her cry so much , or more importantly who? , he doesn't understand why her, a stranger, and a noble he had briefly met eyes with before enticed such emotions within him by just looking at her.
He felt the urge to hold her in his arms and never let her go.
Maybe its her gentle loving eyes that spoke with emotion, or maybe its her ebony hair , those silky wavy threads that had a waft of such a sweet smell. Else it's her pretty lips that were swell with the color of a plum pink.
He had to stop himself , but god how can someone make others feel this way? do other lords feel the same way with her?
"No no! it's more than fine, I just..had snuck out to visit the festive, i wanted to run along with the children and dance with the women and enjoy my time , that's the reason i don't have an escort."
"But why sneak out? is it perhaps...the fact that your family doesn't favor the festivals of the commoners?"
She slowly shifted her head towards him and with a small smile she smiled and nodded her head.
"Its exactly that my lord."
" But your very perceptive with your surroundings sir!"
She laughed softly with her hand covering her face, his eyes unconsciously moving towards her supple lips. His eyes widened again.
'What am i doing?? such disgraceful thoughts, i mustn't..'
He quickly swerved his head to the side and covered his rosy face with his hands.
[Name] stopped laughing when she heard no input from the lord and got worried quickly, in a tensed but softer voice she asked.
"Are you alright sir? is..is it something i did?"
Hearing this a fluttering felling bloomed in his chest, god, she was simply adorable. He calmed down and looked at her, and his hands slowly reached her's , when she flinched , he asked.
"May I, my lady?"
She looked at him with such a bewildered expression, the young woman wasn't expecting him to reach out his hand to her's, let alone having physical contact. She couldn't possibly ignore such a lord, and it wouldn't hurt to latch for bit more affection and comfort, right? after all no one had ever stood by her truly for who she was, her only identity was the young lady of Vaden.
Her eye's softened and she smiled, nodding her head.
He laughed out loud at her response, only if he could freeze this moment, did god pity him? is that why such an angel was bestowed to him?
"Please my lady, call me Aden."
The lady frantically moved her hands around and only replied in a enigmatic tone-
"Then It-it would be only fair for you to call me [Name] then , sir Aden!"
And the day ended with two young teenagers bound to fall in love, one could tell what love could do to you, and how it shows through the flushed expressions of both the young nobles.
Love is such a beautiful thing.
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vyg333 · 2 months
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Main character, Lilac, from my WIP.
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lostboysmate4ever · 2 years
My Navi Avatar (With different hairstyles)
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braveclementine · 4 months
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Warnings: 18+ readers only, mentions of smut, mentions of nudity
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕳𝖊 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖎𝖓 his small house, ignoring the outside world, completely immersed in the sheets of his bed, kissing the love of his life, when there was a knock at the door. His wife showed the most fleeting of emotion of fear, and then was gone, having turned into a small black animal with white paws and green eyes.
She called herself a cat but she was more of a kitten- to small to be called a cat. She was already by the door, not needing to have gotten dressed. He however, quickly threw his clothes on and smoothed his hair back, checking himself in the mirror before he left the bedroom door. He looked almost completely normal though perhaps his cheeks were slightly flushed more than normal.
She was on his heels as he walked out of the room and into the sitting room and opened the door. Elizabeth climbed onto the sofa and was stretching. Sometimes she was so catlike he could forget she was an Animagus.
There were two women standing on the front steps and his anger increased. So he'd left his lovely wife for these two? What the hell did they want?
"Narcissa, what a pleasant surprise. . . and Bellatrix. . . not so pleasant." He said, opening the door wider and letting them come in.
"Snape." Bellatrix said curtly, as she came in.
"Severus, I must speak with you, it's urgent." Narcissa pleaded.
"But of course."
He gestured the sofa to Narcissa and she threw her cloak off and casted it aside and sat down, her white hands, trembling, clasped in her lap. Bellatrix lowered her hood and did not take her gaze off of him as she moved to stand behind her sister.
He lowered himself into an arm chair and Elizabeth jumped up onto his lap, curling up into a ball and closing her large green eyes.
"Is that an Animagus?" Bellatrix asked, her eyes now on Elizabeth.
He snorted, playing casual and dismissive though his heart started to beat just a little irregularly. "Of course not. She was born from my last cat. Only a year old now. So unless your saying Animagus can be born, Bellatrix. . ."
"I was just asking." Bellatrix snapped.
His lip curled. One of Elizabeth's ears twitched but other than her tail, nothing else moved. "So what can I do for you?" He asked, looking at Narcissa.
"We. . . we are alone, aren't we?" Narcissa asked quietly.
"Yes, of course. Well, Wormtail's here, but we're not counting vermin are we?" He asked and flicked his wand towards the wall of books which revealed the hidden staircase where Wormtail had been hidden, listening. "As you have clearly realized, Wormtail, we have guests."
Wormtail crept into the room. His small eyes were watery and he was wearing that horrible simpering look Severus hated so much. "Narcissa!" He squeaked, his hands coming up in front of his chest like paws. "And Bellatrix! How Charming-"
"Wormtail will get us drinks, if you'd like them. And then he will return to his bedroom." Severus said in a lazy voice and added in his head, 'and hopefully you two will leave and I can go back to mine'. Unconsciously, he laid his hand on Elizabeth's head and started to pet it. She purred with content.
"I am not your servant!" Wormtail squeaked and he noticed that he had avoided his eyes.
"Really? I was under the impression that the Dark Lord placed you here to assist me." He said, trying to sound amused.
"To assist, yes- but not to make you drinks and- and clean your house!" Wormtail argued. Not that he did much cleaning in the first place. Elizabeth usually ended up doing it when Wormtail left. And of course, he didn't want that but she always insisted, saying she needed something to do. But perhaps it was simply because of what she'd said before- not taking anything for granted.
"I had no idea, Wormtail, that you were craving more dangerous assignments." He said silkily. "This can be easily arranged: I shall speak to the Dark Lord-"
"I can speak to him myself if I want to!" Wormtail said, enraged.
"Of course you can." He was sneering now, "But in the meantime, bring us drinks. Some of the elf-made wine will do."
Wormtail hesitated for a moment and then went away through a different hidden door. In fact, if a Muggle were to enter the house, they would think the sitting room was the only room in the house, despite the size of it on the outside. Every door in the main room was hidden. There were banging sounds in the kitchen and then Wormtail came back with a dusty bottle and three glasses and slammed the other hidden door behind him as he went up the stairs.
He got up, putting Elizabeth down on the floor so that he pour the three glasses of red wine and gave each other to the others, taking his own and moving to sit back down and saw that Elizabeth had jumped back up on the chair, curling up in the middle of it.
"Damn cat," he sighed, putting his glass of wine on the side table and picked her up and put her on his lap. She stretched out like a rug, purring. He petted her as though she were a real cat and damn, she really was acting like it. It must be a gift of hers- acting. She'd managed to convince Dolores Umbridge that Sirius was hiding in Thailand- not that it mattered now. He tried not to think of Sirius.
"The Dark Lord." He said, raising the glass. Bellatrix and Narcissa copied him and he refilled their glasses.
Then Narcissa said, "Severus, I'm sorry to come here like this, but I had to see you. I think you are the only one who can help me-"
Severus held his hand up and pointed his wand back at the bookcase. There was a loud band and he heard Wormtail squeal and there were footsteps up the stairs as he ran away like the little coward he was.
"My apologies." He said calmly, "He has lately taken to listening at doors, I don't know what he means by it. . . You were saying Narcissa?"
"Severus, I know I ought not to be here, I have been told to say nothing to anyone, but-"
"Then you ought to hold your tongue! Particularly in present company!" Bellatrix snapped, interrupting her sister.
"'Present Company'? And what am I to understand by that, Bellatrix?" He asked.
"That I don't trust you, Snape, as you very well know!" She exclaimed.
Narcissa let out a sob and covered her face with her hands. Elizabeth's ear twitched again. She hated when people cried, no matter who they were.
He set his glass down on the table and sat back, putting one arm lazily across the arm of the chair and petted Elizabeth with the other. "Narcissa, I think we ought to hear what Bellatrix is bursting to say; it will save tedious interruptions. Well, continue, Bellatrix. Why is it that you do not trust me?" He sounded amused. Good.
"A hundred reasons!" Bellatrix said so loudly that he didn't doubt Wormtail could hear from upstairs. She strode around the sofa and slammed her glass down on the table too. "Where to start! Where were you when the Dark Lord fell? Why did you never make any attempt to find him when he vanished? When have you been doing all these years that you've lived in Dumbledore's pocket? Why did you stop the Dark Lord procuring the Sorcerer's Stone? Why did you not return at once when the Dark Lord was reborn? Where were you a few weeks ago when we battled to retrieve the prophecy for the Dark Lord? Why haven't you handed over Elizabeth Kane? And why, Snape, is Harry Potter still alive, when you have had him at your mercy for five years!"
He had to cover a wince because Elizabeth had dug her claws into his leg when Bellatrix mentioned the duel for the prophecy. She meowed softly and turned her head away from the sisters as though rolling over and he saw tears coming out of her large green eyes and she quickly closed them.
Bellatrix was breathing hard, having gotten everything off of her chest and he smiled. "Before I answer you- oh yes, Bellatrix, I am going to answer! You can carry my words back to the others who whisper behind my back, and carry false tales of my treachery to the Dark Lord! Before I answer you, I say, let me ask you a question in turn. Do you really think that the Dark Lord has not asked me each and every one of those questions? And do you really think that, had I not bee able to give satisfactory answers, I would be sitting here talking to you?"
He felt Elizabeth shift on his lap again.
Bellatrix hesitated. "I know he believes you, but. . ."
"You think he is mistaken? Or that I have somehow hoodwinked him? Fooled the Dark Lord, the greatest wizard, the most accomplished Legilimens the world has ever seen!" He continued, raising an eyebrow. Oh yes, he'd kept the Dark Lord out of his mind mostly. He had to protect Elizabeth of course. If he found they were married. . . if he even found out he had feelings for Elizabeth. . .
Bellatrix remained silent.
Of course. . . they weren't really married. . . yet. . . her father wouldn't let her until she turned of age. . .
"You ask where I was when the Dark Lord fell. I was where he had ordered me to be, at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, because he wished me to spy upon Albus Dumbledore. You know, I presume, that it was on the Dark Lord's orders that I took up the post?"
Bellatrix gave the slightest of nods and then opened her mouth to speak but he stopped her and said, "You ask why I did not attempt to find him when he vanished. For the same reason that Avery, Yaxley, the Carrows, Greyback, Lucius and many others did not attempt to find him. I believed him finished. I am not proud of it, I was wrong, but there it is. . . If he had not forgiven we who lost faith at that time, he would have very few followers left."
"He'd have me! I, who spent many years in Azkaban for him!" Bellatrix said with a passion.
"Yes, indeed, most admirable. Of course, you weren't a lot of use to him in prison, but the gesture was undoubtedly fine-" Severus said in a bored voice.
"Gesture! While I endured the dementors, you remained at Hogwarts, comfortably playing Dumbledore's pet!" Bellatrix shrieked.
"Not quite. He wouldn't give me the Defense Against the Dark Arts job, you know. Seemed to think it might, ah, bring about a relapse. . . tempt me into my old ways."
"This was your sacrifice for the Dark Lord, not to teach your favorite subject? Why did you stay there all that time, Snape? Still spying on Dumbledore for a master you believed dead?" Bellatrix jeered.
Severus felt a brief flicker of annoyance. He still wasn't entirely sure why Dumbledore didn't give him the post. That was the reason he'd come up with.
"Hardly, although the Dark Lord is pleased that I never deserted my post: I had sixteen years of information on Dumbledore to give him when he returned, a rather more useful welcome-back present than endless reminiscences of how unpleasant Azkaban is. . ." Severus said calmly.
"But you stayed-"
"Yes, Bellatrix, I stayed." Severus said, starting to get impatient. Elizabeth rolled over onto her back, stretching her legs upwards and then collapsed onto her side. "I had a comfortable job that I preferred to a stint in Azkaban. They were rounding up the Death Eaters, you know. Dumbledore's protection kept me out of jail; it was most convenient and I used it. I repeat: The Dark Lord does not complain that I stayed, so I do not see why you do."
But he continued, not giving her a chance to interrupt, "I think you next wanted to know, why I stood between the Dark Lord and the Sorcerer's Stone. That is easily answered. He did not know whether he could trust me. He thought, like you, that I had turned from faithful Death Eater to Dumbledore's stooge. He was in a pitiable condition, very weak, sharing the body of a mediocre wizard. He did not dare reveal himself to a former ally if that ally might turn him over to Dumbledore or the Ministry. I deeply regret that he did not trust me. He would have returned to power three years sooner. As it was, I saw only greedy and unworthy Quirrell attempting to steal the stone and, I admit, I did all I could to thwart him."
"But you didn't return when he came back, you didn't fly back to him at once when you felt the Dark Mark burn-" Bellatrix started and he winced as he felt teeth on his fingers and looked down. Elizabeth had curled up in a ball around his hand and had bitten his fingers very softly. He rolled his eyes.
"Correct." he stated, not moving his hand. "I returned two hours later. I returned on Dumbledore's orders."
"On Dumbledore's-?" Bellatrix sounded outraged.
He was impatient now, "Think! Think! By waiting two hours, just two hours, I ensured that I could remain at Hogwarts as a spy! By allowing Dumbledore to think that I was only returning to the Dark Lord's side because I was ordered to, I have been able to pass information on Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix ever since! Consider, Bellatrix: The Dark Mark had been growing stronger for months. I knew he must be about to return, all the Death Eaters knew! I had plenty of time to think about what I wanted to do, to plan my next move, to escape like Karkaroff, didn't I?"
And he had. He had certainly considered taking Elizabeth and leaving. Australia, Japan, America. He wondered if Elizabeth would've gone with him. He wondered if the Dark Lord would've followed him across countries to kill him and his wife.
"The Dark Lord's initial displeasure at my lateness vanished entirely, I assure you, when I explained that I remained faithful, although Dumbledore thought I was his man. Yes, the Dark Lord thought that I had left him forever, but he was wrong."
"But what use have you been? What useful information have we had from you?" Bellatrix sneered at him.
"My information has been conveyed directly to the Dark Lord. If he chooses not to share it with you-" He started.
"He shares everything with me!" Bellatrix said, firing up at once, "He calls me his most loyal, his most faithful-"
"Does he? Does he still, after the fiasco at the Ministry?" He jeered now.
Her claws dug into his leg again.
"That was not my fault! The Dark Lord has, in the past, entrusted me with his most precious- if Lucius hadn't-"
"Don't you dare- don't you dare blame my husband!" Narcissa said in a low deadly voice.
"There is no point apportioning blame, what is done, is done." He said in a smooth voice.
"But not by you!" Bellatrix said furiously. Elizabeth's heard perked up, her ears twitching. "No, you were once again absent while the rest of us ran dangers, were you not, Snape?"
"My orders were to remain behind. Perhaps you disagree with the Dark Lord, perhaps you think that Dumbledore would not have noticed if I had joined forces with the Death Eaters to fight the Order of the Phoenix? And-"
Elizabeth was sitting up on her haunches. He went on, trying not to sound nervous, "-forgive me- you speak of dangers. . . you were facing ten teenagers, one of them a formerly captured captive and no idea how to cast magic, were you not?"
"They were joined, as you very well know, by half the Order before long! And, while we are on the subject of the Order, you still claim you cannot reveal the whereabouts of their headquarters, don't you?" Bellatrix hissed.
Elizabeth sprang and Bellatrix tripped back, raising her wand, but Elizabeth hadn't been aiming for her, but rather a butterfly that had found its way into the room. She carried it triumphantly in her mouth to the corner of the room. He rolled his eyes, but was glad she was still acting like a cat. His heart was pounding greatly in his chest.
He did his best to recover by smirking at Bellatrix's obvious discomfort at Elizabeth's antics.
"I am not the Secret-Keeper; I cannot speak the name of the place. You understand how the enchantment works, I think? The Dark Lord is satisfied with the information I have passed him on the Order. It led, as perhaps you have guessed, to the recent capture and murder of Emmeline Vance, and it certainly helped dispose of Sirius Black, though I give you full credit to finishing him off."
Elizabeth's large green eyes glared at him from the corner. He knew he was going to pay for saying that later but he also knew that he had to keep up appearances and he reluctantly raised his wing glass as though toasting Bellatrix. Elizabeth turned her back on him, her fur raised. He almost sighed aloud.
"You are avoiding my last two questions, Snape. Harry Potter. Elizabeth Kane. You could have killed him at any point in the past five years. You have not done it. You have not handed her over. Why?"
"Have you discussed this matter with the Dark Lord?" He asked, amused.
"He. . . lately we. . . I am asking you, Snape!" Bellatrix said, her cheeks red. He wondered briefly if she was still sleeping with the Dark Lord.
"If I had murdered Harry Potter, the Dark Lord could not have used his blood to regenerate, making him invincible-"
"You claim you foresaw his use of the boy?" She jeered.
"I do not claim it; I had no idea of his plans; I have already confessed that I thought the Dark Lord dead. I am merely trying to explain why the Dark Lord is not sorry that Potter survived, at least until a year ago. . ."
"But why did you keep him alive?"
"Have you not understood me? It was only Dumbledore's protection that was keeping me out of Azkaban! Do you disagree that murdering his favorite student might have turned him against me? But there was more to it than that. I should remind you that when Potter first arrived at Hogwarts there were still many stories circulating about him, rumors that he himself was a great Dark wizard, which was how he had survived the Dark Lord's attack. Indeed, many of the Dark Lord's old followers through Potter might be a standard around which we could all rally once more. I was curious, I admit it, and not at all inclined to murder him the moment he set foot in the castle."
Elizabeth's back was still to him though her fur wasn't bristled anymore. He wondered if she'd actually eaten the butterfly. He doubted it.
"Of course, it became apparent to me very quickly that he had no extraordinary talent at all. He has fought his way out of a number of tight corners by a simple combination of sheer luck and more talented friends. He is mediocre to the last degree, though as obnoxious and self-satisfied as was his father before him. I have done my utmost to have him thrown out of Hogwarts, where I believed he scarcely belongs, but kill him, or allow him to be killed in front of me? I would have been a fool to risk it with Dumbledore close at hand."
Elizabeth was trotting back to where he was sitting and then flopped in a patch of sunlight streaming through the window.
"And through all this we are supposed to believe Dumbledore has never suspected you? He has no idea of your true allegiance, he trusts you implicitly still?" Bellatrix asked.
"I have played my part well. And you overlook Dumbledore's great weakness: He has to believe the best of people. I spun him a tale of deepest remorse when I joined his staff, fresh from my Death Eater days, and he embraced me with open arms- though, as I say, never allowing me nearer the Dark Arts than he could help. Dumbledore has been a great wizard-"
Bellatrix made a scathing noise.
"-oh yes, he has, the Dark Lord acknowledges it. I am pleased to say, however, that Dumbledore is growing old. The duel with the Dark Lord last month shook him. He has since sustained a serious injury because of his reactions are slower than they once were. But through all these years, he has never stopped trusting Severus Snape, and therein lies my great value to the Dark Lord."
Bellatrix opened her mouth and he continued, feeling snappish, "And for Elizabeth Kane? It is highly impossible for me to simply bring her to the Dark Lord. As I have understood it, there have been two attempts at taking her in. The first, she escaped herself because Nott wanted a little. . .fun. The second, the order rescued her. Stupid really, her father fights so hard for her. They never had a chance. And it is for the same reasons as not killing Harry Potter that I have not taken Elizabeth Kane. Both children have a special place in Dumbledore's heart. There is no way for me to possibly take her or kill him without losing my position as a spy."
Nott was eventually going to pay for his stunt, but he wasn't entirely sure how. But the idea of anyone- especially a Death Eater's- kissing Elizabeth, feeling Elizabeth, filled him with rage. But he tried to hide that for the moment.
"Now. . . you came to ask me for help, Narcissa?" He asked, turning to her. The sooner this was over with the sooner he could get back in bed, the sooner he could apologize to Elizabeth, the sooner he could feel her mouth on his, his hands on her supple apples. . .
"Yes, Severus I- I think you are the only one who can help me, I have nowhere else to turn. Lucius is in jail and. . ." Narcissa closed her eyes and two tears trailed out of them and he felt pity in his heart. Damnit, Elizabeth had softened his heart. "The Dark Lord has forbidden me to speak of it. He wishes none to know of the plan. It is. . . very secret. But-"
"If he has forbidden it, you ought not to speak. The Dark Lord's word is law." He said very quickly.
Narcissa gasped and Bellatrix looked extremely satisfied and said, "There! Even Snape says so: You were told not to talk, so hold your silence!"
He got up and closed the curtain. Elizabeth poked her head up in annoyance and hissed at him.
"Oh calm down Eilís" He said and immediately regretted it. It had been the first name that had popped into his mind. A spasm of pain went through her eyes as there were no way to show facial expressions on her feline face and she leapt onto her four paws and walked out of the room.
"It so happens that I know of the plan." He said and he realized he sounded a bit dull. "I am one of the few the Dark Lord has told. Nevertheless, had I not been in on the secret, Narcissa, you would have been guilty of great treachery to the Dark Lord."
Would she wait for him in the room? Or would she have climbed out the window and left? Oh why had he used that stupid name?
"I thought you must know about it! He trusts you so, Severus. . ." Narcissa said, breathing freely.
"You know about the plan? You know?" Bellatrix said, looking enraged.
"Certainly, but what help do you require, Narcissa? If you are imaging I can persuade the Dark Lord to change his mind, I am afraid there is no hope, none at all."
"Severus, my son. . . my only son. . ." Narcissa whispered, more tears sliding down her pale cheeks. He remembered briefly how Elizabeth had been so fearful about not having children. It must be a woman thing.
"Draco should be proud. The Dark Lord is granting him a great honor. And I will say this for Draco: He isn't shrinking away from his duty, he seems glad of a chance to prove himself, excited at the prospect-"
Narcissa began to cry. "That's because he is sixteen and has no idea what lies in store! Why, Severus? Why my son? It is too dangerous! This is vengeance for Lucius's mistake, I know it!"
He looked away, her tears tortured him.
"That's why he's chosen Draco, isn't it? To punish Lucius?" She whispered.
Yes. But he didn't say so.
"If Draco succeeds, he will be honored above all the others." He said slowly.
"But he won't succeed! How can he, when the Dark Lord himself-?" Narcissa sobbed and Bellatrix gasped and Narcissa was suddenly very panicky. "I only meant. . . that nobody has yet succeeded. . . Severus. . . please. . . you are, you have always been, Draco's favorite teacher. . . You are Lucius's old friend. . . I beg you. . . you are the Dark Lord's favorite, his most trusted advisor. . . Will you speak to him, persuade him-"
"The Dark Lord will not be persuaded, and I am not stupid enough to attempt it." He said flatly. "I cannot pretend that the Dark Lord is not angry with Lucius. Lucius was supposed to be in charge. He got himself captured, along with how many others, and failed to retrieve the prophecy into the bargain. Yes, the Dark Lord is angry, Narcissa, very angry indeed."
"Then I am right, he has chosen Draco in revenge! He does not mean him to succeed, he wants him to be killed trying!" Narcissa choked out.
"It was that girls fault!" Bellatrix was saying now hotly. "She told Potter to smash the prophecy and then tricked us saying she always keeps her promises!"
"You mean Elizabeth Kane?" He asked, trying not to sound proud. "That's because she does keep all the promises she makes. You should've known her fingers were crossed. Of course she told Potter to smash the prophecy- she had probably already foreseen the words in her head before they even got there! She knew that it could not land in the Dark Lord's hands!"
But the conversation was interrupted by Narcissa who staggered off the couch and clutched the front of his robes, her tears falling onto his shirt. "You could do it. You could do it instead of Draco, Severus. You would succeed, of course you would, and he would reward you beyond all of us-"
He grabbed her wrists, feeling that this was going to get to personal. He said slowly, "He intends me to do it in the end, I think. But he is determined that Draco should try first. You see, in the unlikely event that Draco succeeds, I shall be able to remain at Hogwarts a little longer, fulfilling my useful role as spy."
"In other words, it doesn't matter to him if Draco is killed!" Narcissa said.
"The Dark Lord is very angry." He repeated. "He failed to hear the prophecy, he failed to attain Elizabeth Kane. You know as well as I do, Narcissa, that he does not forgive easily."
Narcissa crumpled, falling at his feet, sobbing. "My only son. . . my only son. . ."
"You should be proud!" Bellatrix said unsympathetically. "If I had sons, I would be glad to give them up to the service of the Dark Lord!"
So maybe it wasn't a womans thing. Just the sweet women wanted children.
Severus started a bit at her words. 'If I had sons.' Bellatrix knew perfectly well that women could be Death Eaters too. So why. . . no. . . had her and Voldemort. . . surely not?
Narcissa gave a scream of despair and clutched her long beautiful blond hair. He quickly stooped, seizing her by the arms, lifted her up and made her sit back down on the sofa. He poured her more wine, shoving it into her hand. "Narcissa, that's enough. Drink this. Listen to me."
"It might be possible. . . for me to help Draco." He said slowly, hoping he didn't regret making such a statement.
She sat up, "Severus- oh, Severus- you would help him? Would you look after him, see he comes to no harm?"
"I can try." He said.
She flung her glass away and it skidded across the table and she took up a kneeling position at his feet, seizing his hand and pressed her lips to it. He felt heat in his cheeks. Maybe it would be best if Elizabeth was gone. Was this going to go any farther?
"If you are there to protect him. . . Severus, will you swear it? Will you make then Unbreakable vow?"
His heart stopped. Unbreakable vow? If he screwed up. . . he could die. Draco had a tendency to attack Elizabeth at school. If he made the vow. . . how could he protect Elizabeth from Draco if he was supposed to be protecting Draco? He kept his face emotionless and said, "The Unbreakable Vow?"
Bellatrix cackled with laughter. "Aren't you listening, Narcissa? Oh, he'll try, I'm sure. . . The usual empty words, the usual slithering out of action. . . oh, on the Dark Lord's orders, of course!"
He kept his eyes on Narcissa's blue, tear-filled eyes. She was still clutching his hand. "Certainly, Narcissa, I shall make the Unbreakable Vow. Perhaps your sister will consent to be our Bonder."
Pride, he thought reluctantly. Pride was what killed Sirius and pride was what was going to kill him. But it was too late, he'd said the words.
Bellatrix's mouth fell open as he lowered himself so that he was kneeling opposite Narcissa. They grasped right hands. "You will need your wand, Bellatrix." He said in as cold a voice as he could muster. If Elizabeth wasn't there when he got back. . .
Bellatrix pulled out her wand. "And you will need to move a little closer." He said.
Narcissa spoke. "Will you, Severus, watch over my son, Draco, as he attempts to fulfill the Dark Lord's wishes?"
"I will." He said.
A thin tongue of flame issued from the wand and wound its way around their hands. There was some heat, but it was not painful.
"And will you, to the best of your ability, protect him from harm?"
"I will."
"And, should it prove necessary. . . if it seems Draco will fail, will you carry out the deed that the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform?"
He twitched for a second, wanting to pull his hand out. Elizabeth would be horribly pained if he died. It took him a second to find the words.
"I will."
As the fiery bond finally fell away, they drew their hands apart and then they were gone as quickly as they had come.
He stood there in the sitting room for some time and then turned and headed into the bedroom, slamming the door behind him and locking it.
She was still there, curled up in a ball on the bed, her large green eyes glaring at him with anger.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, "It was the first name that came to mind and it came out. I didn't mean to."
She turned back into a human, completely naked and his heart started to race, looking at how perfect her body was, the curves in her hips, the small but plump breasts, her large brown eyes, the long brown-red hair that reached past her perfectly shaped ass. Perfect- unless he looked at her right hand which had words carved in it. Her eyes were a bit puffy and red, the rest of her face was extremely pale. Her bottom lip was quivering slightly. She'd been crying.
"It's fine. I understand." she whispered, walking up to him, pressing her body to him. Her hands slipped up to his collar and he shivered with anticipation as she lowered his cloak from his shoulders and then unbuttoned his shirt. "Come back to bed." She whispered, turning her back on him and his heart thumped irregularly, watching her hips swing as she walked.
He waved his wand, turning out the lights and shutting the window shades and quickly climbed back into the bed, and climbed back onto her, going into her, and went back up into Heaven.
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artistsunbeam · 19 days
Chapter 2 Stagelight Comic
(Leave Q&A answers/questions for story continuation! I will respond to them with art)
Please read THE PROLOGUE before this chapter!
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allari-ammayi · 1 year
Rain | Pt. 1 《Varsham》 D. Shekar
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☆Danny Shekar x Fem! OC☆
Synopsis: Having never exchanged words despite their obvious romantic tension, the younger sister of 'Bheemla Nayak', Durga, and his enemy, Danny Shekar, are strandered alone at a bus stop during an hours' long rain fall, left together and start to feel an obvious spark. 《Pt. 1, 2.2k Words》
Note: First post, very excited, and yes, I know my writing is very bad, but trust me, I'll get better!! Anyway, massive smash to the loml. Pls tell me I wasn't the only one violently simping over Danny from the moment he appeared on screen. Btw, this is the OC version of this fic, if you would like to read the y/n version, it will be available on my y/n masterlist page! ALSO, REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!
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“The rain was unexpected- Just like us. But instead of embracing it, we ran from it. Over and over until we got tired and relented to our yearning desires for each other.”
The duo repeated this very phrase to each other every single night when the moon hung low on the starry night and their windows were wide open to let the fresh breeze of the night sky in as they cuddled together under their silken sheets.
One night it was Durga and the other it was Danny. But it was always the same. The rain was unexpected. Just like them, but instead of embracing it, they ran from it. Over and over until they got tired and relented to their yearning desire for each other.
It was a sort of weird comfort to them. A grateful reminder to thank that one sudden summer rain that brought the two together in the first place.
But some nights, the duo thought over and even reconsidered a little, was it really the rain that brought them together in the first place or was it Durga’s brother, the famous ‘Bheemla Nayaak’, who just so happened to be Danny’s number-one rival and vice versa.
But whatever it was, boy were they glad it happened. That night was the same, Danny and Durga were lying on their shared bed of their home, surrounded by a comforting homey feeling. A feeling of belonging and comfort.
Durga’s back was pressed against Danny’s chest as his arms were secured around her smaller body, his fingers fidgeting with strands of Durga’s hair. No words needed to be exchanged between the two to confirm their safety and love in the relationship.
All they needed was each other’s presence and all else was set into place by itself. Their love was enough to fill the room up.
But of course, it wasn’t always like this. It never starts like this and ends well. Maybe that’s why Danny and Durga’s futures were so secure and well-tied together. Because they had a rocky start.
Because the first thing they witnessed of each other was their worst. Because they accepted each other’s worsts and embraced them, rather than finding out about them later in the relationship and seeing them as deal-breakers.
For Durga, when she first saw Danny, all she could remember of him was his arrogance. His rotten wealth. His disgusting attitude. His shameless disobedience of rules. His horrid way of getting his way with his money. And of course, her brother’s loathing for him. And of course, even she hated him at the start. As far as hating someone simply because of their sibling’s hatred for them goes.
For Danny, when he first saw Durga, he was initially mesmerised by her. She looked magical. Half drenched in the dark night’s rain as she stumbled into the police station where Danny was being held for travelling across state borders with restricted amounts of alcohol. He stared at her with semi-wide eyes.
Maybe it was a trick of his sleepy daze or the hallucinogenic lick of alcohol still simmering on his lips because only a second later, it disappeared and was replaced with a dreadful annoyance.
But this only happened when Durga entered the station, looking towards the one person who Danny wanted to stab the life out of, simply for existing and called him ‘Annaya’ {Trans. ‘Older brother’}.
Then, he saw some more negative traits in her. They didn’t exactly make her a bad person, but they made Danny feel a somewhat weird emotion towards her. What do they call it? Hatred? Loath? Disgust? No. That’s right. It was pity. Pity’s a rare feeling to come from Danny, so when it came, it was definitely something special.
The more Danny saw her, the more he noticed them. And the longer he observed her, from afar of course, the more he knew why.
And the more he observed, the more pity he felt for her.
Her over-obedience. Her pitiful submissiveness. Her pride, or rather a lack-there-of. Her dependence on the male figure in her life. Her inability to stand up for herself.
But the longer Danny harboured his animosity for Bheem, the more he realised that none of this was Durga’s fault, but rather came from the way she was raised. The way she ran her brother’s errands for him, bringing him his lunch boxes and his tea, needing him to drive her to places and back home. She was basically his shadow. Never her own person, with her own feelings, responsibilities or opinions.
Durga was almost always around Bheem, which meant that Danny and Durga saw each other far more than they wished, but the two never exchanged words. Merely stolen, short glances towards each other or the few seconds of awkward eye contact they would share occasionally.
It became almost a routine for Danny to hope to coincidentally bump into her during his next antic with Bheem. She was practically his driving force to constantly torture him. His small hope that the next time he and Bheem cross paths due to his latest plan, he’d have Durga trailing behind him. So he and Durga could share a few more seconds' worth of eye contact with mixed meanings and cloudy intentions.
But one evening changed it all. It changed their entire dynamic and it changed the way their entire worlds moved. It changed the way their feelings danced and it changed the way the other perceived the world.
Durga, who took it upon herself to run home for another one of Bheem’s silly little errands for her, and Danny who had successfully gotten himself lost in the dry land and borders of the forest collided for the first time. Not literally, but almost.
Durga, who was practically out of breath from all the running in her not-so-comfortable footwear and Danny who had been roaming the area for hours, frustrated and dying of dehydration crossed paths when Durga finally gave up running, dropped her palms to her knees and huffed for breath like there was no tomorrow.
Danny only caught sight of her when he roughly shoved some stray long dry grass out of his face as he exited the maze of madness, still lost as ever, being new to the area. He looked around desperately to find something or someone to help him, but when he caught sight of the out-of-breath Durga who was pink in the face and clearly tired from running, he felt his heart physically jump.
He didn’t exactly know why, he’d never felt this way before. Maybe it was because he and the girl had never been alone together. Previously, on every occasion that they were together, there was always her brother in between them nagging about justice and his job and what-not. But why would he even feel this way in the first place?
It’s not like he felt anything for her. But maybe it was because of the countless hours that he thought of her even when unnecessary. The hours he spent laying on his bed, initially only feeling pity for her, then starting to spend hours analysing her emotions and traits and why she does what she does before eventually spending more hours, laying on his bed, staring into the ceiling, thinking of nothing but her eyes. Her beautiful doe eyes.
But of course not! Danny shook his head to get those ridiculous thoughts out of his head. Danny spent the next few seconds, thinking of an actual, reasonable and proper reason, and came to the conclusion that he only felt a jump in his heart because he was worried that like always, the siblings would be together and where Durga was, so was Bheem.
And Danny couldn’t afford Bheem’s bitter satisfaction from Danny being so lost and helpless. Yes, of course! That’s the only reason! Or at least that’s what Danny said in a hopefully convincing manner. But who was he trying to convince? Himself? But still, even that thought bruised his ego a little. But still, this was the only idea that didn’t include some ridiculous fantasy about Durga. Danny watched as Durga regained her composure and landed her hands on hips or on her back, before she looked up at the sky.
Only then did Danny realise how creepy he looked, staring at a helpless girl, half-hidden in the tall bushes. Danny jumped out from the bushes, glad that Durga hadn’t spotted him yet and when Durga looked towards him and realised his presence, he folded his arms behind him and tilted his chin up in a better-than-you kind of way. The second Durga saw Danny walking around the bushes, she tensed up for a second, half-scared of the fact that he could have planned something related to her in hopes of attacking her brother and half for the same reason he was. Simply because they had never been along together.
Durga’s breath hitched when Danny began walking in her direction, looking as prideful and arrogant as ever. Danny gulped as he walked right past Durga, his eyes secretly trailing to the side of his face to catch a glimpse of her as he went. Durga twiddled with her thumbs and at the awkward moment between them, the heavens groaned and urged the two together with a little crazy weather. Unexpectedly and completely out of blue, the initially bright blazing sun was covered up by heavy and dark rain clouds, meaning that nothing good could come from this.
Durga looked up at the clouds and when she felt a soft kiss on her nose from raindrop, she felt her heart drop. She had no umbrella and she was miles away form home which meant it’d take her another half-an hour to get home, and that was if she ran.
The same was with Danny. He also didn’t have an umbrella. After-all, who could’ve predectied this weather?
“What-?” Danny let out as he wiped a raindrop off his forehead, the duo started to get worried, still exchanging no words. When the sudden sound of pitter-patter surrounded Danny and Durga, they turned to each other in mutual worry and Durga looked desperately around.
“Come, Follow me.” Durga said after a short consideration. She couldn’t escape the rain by herself and let Danny die out in the wet cold. He too was a human. A human that was hated by her older brother, but still a human. Bheem could have argued otherwise, but it didn’t matter.
Danny turned to Durga and when he saw her already sprinting away, he looked around before back at her.
“Hey-!” He called out reaching an arm out towards her, but Durga didn’t stop. Danny let out a sigh of frustration, raked his hair back with his fingers before he begrudgingly followed behind her.
“Just this way,” Durga said, lifting her voni a little as she ran.
“Do you even know where you’re going??” Danny asked her, struggling to keep up with the slippery little minx of a girl, Durga was.
Durga came to a sudden halt, and when Danny nearly crashed into the smaller girl, she threateningly pulled her index finger out at him and she narrowed her eys.
“Do you want to get drenched in the rain or do you want to get shelter?” She asked, her voice dangerously leaking with threats.
Danny was left speechless at this. Never once had he ever seen Durga this way. But then again, he never really saw her that much to begin with, but still. This was a true shock for the man.
“I- Uh- Yeah- Yeah, I want to- I want to get shelter.” Danny struggled out, stumbling over his words at the threatening smaller girl.
“Aithe noru musukoni ra. {Trans.: Then keep quiet and follow me.}” Danny automatically nodded, Durga’s sudden high demanding voice instantly taking control of him.
Within seconds, Durga led Danny straight to a tattered old bus stop. It was not at all what Danny had in mind, but he was willing to take whatever he could to get out of this rain even a little. The duo rushed to get under the shade, their clothes already damp from the early rain.
From the moment their skins were no longer being tapped on by the rain drops, Danny and Durga were both quick to start drying themselves the best they could.
The tattered bus stop consisted of just one, one and a half meter long bench with a shade that looked like it could fall apart any minute.
“This was the place you were talking about when you said shelter?” Danny asked, looking around before taking a seat. Durga opted to sit as far as she could, even willing to let half of her leg hang off the end of the bench if it meant putting some distance between her and Danny.
“Let me know if it isn’t up to your fancy posh tastes, and I can tear it apart in seconds,” Durga said, looking at the ground, and pulling her knees to her chest. “Then we can happily die out in the rain.” She added, quietly.
Danny rolled his eyes.
“It’s fine for now.”
“It will be. We just have to wait a few minutes, it’ll be gone and we can go our own ways.” If only it were that easy.
To Be Continued...
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𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 》 None yet!
Please reply to this post if you wish to be tagged in my future works, fics, and the next part to this story! :)
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injoontz · 7 months
𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 ━ 𝐩.𝐣𝐬
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pairing. park jisung x fem!oc starring. park jisung, im naerin (oc) featuring.  huang renjun genre. soulmate // idol au warnings. none?? word count. 2.0k
synopsis. where a kpop idol bumps into his soulmate while she's running from the cops ☆ :: from karaoke machine — park jisung (on wp)
full story. on wattpad
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It was a nice day. A really really nice day. The spring wind swept through Seoul and it made Jisung even more upset that he had a packed schedule that day. It came as no surprise to him seeing as the promotional period for their first album was just getting started. Even still, Jisung felt his energy dwindle whenever the cameras turned on.
“Everyone!” Haechan started off filming for their promotional vlog with an upbeat smile, “How are we feeling today?” 
The members cheered loudly as Haechan did their introductions. That day they were filming a short vlog at an arcade for their Reload EP. It gave the members some time to play games and relax, though Jisung admitted that he wished he could have been back at the dorm relaxing over an arcade. 
Jisung nodded along gently with what his members were saying, not really paying much attention until one of the staff members passed him a tripod stick and camera. Renjun stepped up next to Jisung and linked arms with him.
“Let’s go to the claw machines,” Renjun said, pulling the younger boy along.
Without much will to argue with his hyung, Jisung let Renjun lead him around the arcade to the claw machines. Watching his friend attempt to get a stuffed animal from inside the claw machine proved to be more entertaining than Jisung had expected.
“No!” Renjun exclaimed as the small plushy dropped out of the claw. He dropped to the ground in defeat. Jisung laughed and turned the camera to face Renjun.
“Hyung, I’m going to go explore,” Jisung said before turning away from Renjun, who just nodded and gave a brief wave to Jisung before turning back to his claw machine game.
Jisung turned away and walked through the arcade, his eyes drifting to the other members as he did. Off in one corner, Chenle was playing air hockey with Haechan while Jaemin, Mark, and Jeno were gathered around a shooting game. Jisung smiled gently and kept walking. He glanced up at the camera in his hand and gave a gentle wave before continuing to walk.
Over on one side of the arcade, a bunch of doors were lined up with a large light-up sign that said: KARAOKE. Jisung started making his way over, his hand hovering over one of the door knobs when heavy footsteps caught his attention.
As he turned to see who was running toward him, Jisung let out a grunt as the person slammed into him. There was a loud gasp from the person as they both tumbled to the ground. Jisung dropped his camera as his head bumped into the ground. A heavyweight now held down Jisung’s lower half of his body.
With a groan, Jisung reached up to rub his head as he tried to sit up.
“Ah,” Jisung said as he felt a bump starting to form on his head. 
He turned to the person who ran into him and his eyes connected with hers. She held herself up with her arms but her body leaned over Jisung’s. Her dark hair fell into her face as she stared at his face. Her dark eyes danced with gold swirls and Jisung couldn’t bring himself to look away.
A warm feeling erupted from Jisung’s chest and spread across his entire body. He could feel his heart pounding against his chest and he could sense that hers was as well. There was almost an overwhelming sense of calmness that came with her presence. Jisung felt as though he had never experienced true happiness until he met her.
From under her cropped jacket, Jisung could see something glowing gold. The girl followed his gaze to her left collarbone and she gently pulled aside her jacket. Just under the strap of her tank top, sitting there on her collarbone glowing a brilliant gold was her soulmate tattoo.
Jisung opened his mouth to say something when voices caught his attention. He turned toward the urgent voices but didn’t get a chance to even question them before the girl jumped to her feet.
“I saw her run in here,” the voice said.
The girl looked backward in panic, her eyes suddenly wide.
“Fuck,” Jisung heard her swear under her breath. The girl jumped to her feet and grabbed Jisung’s arm, pulling him into one of the karaoke booths. Jisung barely managed to grab the camera on the ground before he was whisked away.
“What’s going on?” Jisung looked out the little window on the door to see two police officers entering the arcade. They walked over to Jisung’s manager and the production crew. One of the police officers glanced over at the karaoke booths and Jisung turned to look at the girl who seemed to be trying her best to melt into the wall. 
“Are you running from the police?” Jisung asked her.
“I wouldn’t necessarily call it running,” the girl replied, “More like I’m avoiding them,”
Jisung stared at her for a while, the way she spoke was hypnotic. He liked how she spoke a bit slower and how her words seemed drawn out. He liked being in her presence because, for the first time since he became an idol, he felt genuinely at peace.
Jisung sat down across from the girl. Despite her cool laid-back appearance, he could tell she was anxious. No, he could feel that she was anxious. He could feel her emotions clearly, the way her heart raced, and how she was trying so hard to calm herself down.
“Who the hell are you?”
“Naerin,” the girl replied. “Im Naerin,” her eyes flashed over to Jisung, recognition dawning on her face. “You wouldn’t happen to be Park Jisung from NCT would you?” she asked as she sat back down. Her eyes looked up and down Jisung’s body, studying him as though he was some kind of art piece in a museum, before landing on his hair. “You’re pretty famous you know,”
Again that hypnotic tonation of her voice. Jisung couldn’t put his finger on it, she spoke differently than everyone else. He just wanted to keep listening to her voice all day.
Just as he was about to say something, his eyes caught movement from outside the karaoke booth. He jumped to his feet and looked out the window to see the two police officers making their way over. His eyes widened in panic and he grabbed the microphone from where it sat on the table. Playing a random song, Jisung blasted the music and started to dance around energetically to the song.
Naerin gave him a wide-eyed stare as he danced, his broad back blocking the window. She almost started laughing at his theatrics to prevent anyone from looking in. He sang passionately, and even if he was just singing for fun, his voice was silky and deep.
As the song came to an end, Jisung glanced out the window to see the police officers heading away, deeming that the karaoke booths didn’t harbor the girl they were looking for. Jisung sighed and placed the microphone back down and glanced at Naerin. She gave him an amused look and he felt his face start to heat up.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Jisung blushed.
“Like what?” Naerin smiled.
Jisung’s stomach curled and did a flip. He wanted to blame it on his recent soulmate bond with her but Jisung couldn’t deny that Naerin was an exceptionally attractive person. Her entire presence dripped with confidence and she had the perfect smile that mixed between a smirk and a grin. 
“You have an accent,” Jisung said, “Where are you from?”
Naerin blinked as if surprised by his words, “Is that seriously what you’re asking me right now?”
Jisung blinked, “Well- I mean-”
“Aren’t you curious about other things?” Naerin leaned forward a bit making Jisung lean back. He was suddenly very aware of how close they were sitting to each other in the karaoke booth.
“I mean, your soulmate is currently being chased by the cops,” Naerin said with a serious expression, “And you’re curious about where I’m from? Shouldn’t you be more worried about why I am being chased?”
Jisung swallowed hard. He felt so comfortable in her presence that he completely forgot how he got to this spot, to begin with. In any normal circumstance, Jisung would have been freaking out about being dragged into a small space with a random girl.
Suddenly Naerin’s face broke into a smile and she leaned away from Jisung, “I’m just playing,”  She stood up and looked out the window to see if the police had left yet. Naerin watched as the two police officers apologized to Jisung’s manager for intruding.
“Why are you being chased?” Jisung asked.
“Nothing crazy, don’t worry,” Naerin said vaguely.
“Then why are they after you?” Jisung replied. Despite his brain telling him that he should be wary of the girl across from him, the bond he now had with Naerin made him feel calm. He felt like he could trust her despite not knowing a single thing about her. Despite the fact that she was being pursued by the police.
“I stole something from them,” Naerin replied. She reached into her pocket and showed Jisung a pair of keys. 
His eyes widened in surprise. “Those are-”
“They’re the keys to the police car,” Naerin smiled as if this was some crazy game to her. 
“You could get arrested for that!” Jisung exclaimed.
“Hence why I’m running away from them,” Naerin shook her head at Jisung’s slow uptake on the reality of her situation. She glanced out the window once more, “One of the officers is my brother, so I’m not too worried,”
She let out a gentle sigh and sat back down. After a moment she realized Jisung was staring at her and turned her attention back to him. He flinched a bit when the two made eye contact and quickly pulled his eyes away.
A bubbly laugh filled the air and Jisung quickly turned to look at Naerin. She laughed lightly, trying to hide it behind her hand but it didn’t do much seeing as Jisung could clearly hear her. Despite her obviously laughing at him, Jisung’s stomach did little flips at her light laugh. It made a hot blush creep up his neck.
“Jeez, by the way you act, I would think that you’ve already fallen in love with me,” Naerin joked.
“Can you be serious for one moment?” Jisung frowned.
“Well that doesn’t sound fun at all,” Naerin smirked and Jisung could tell she had fun getting on people’s nerves.
Jisung gave her a blank stare and Naerin gently took her phone out of her pocket. She passed it to Jisung and he glanced down at it before gently tapping his phone number in. Naerin tapped a few buttons on her phone and Jisung’s suddenly buzzed from inside his pocket. He pulled it out to see a new notification.
Naerin stood up and pulled the hood of her jacket over her head. “Let’s meet up sometime. You know,” she shrugged, “Sometime before the two of us start to get violently sick from being apart,”
“Wait-” Jisung started to say but Naerin already ducked out of the karaoke booth and made a beeline for the exit. His eyes widened as she sprinted past the two police officers. They watched as she sprinted past them before realizing who she was and running after her.
“Im Naerin! Get back here!” one of the police officers yelled.
Jisung stepped out of the karaoke booth, his eyes still wide in shock at what had just happened. Renjun, who had seen Naerin run out of the karaoke booth, made his way over to Jisung. He took in the younger boy’s dazed stare before gently patting him on the shoulder.
“Are you alright?” Renjun asked snapping Jisung out of his daze, “She was running from the police, why were you in the booth with her?”
Jisung blinked before rubbing the back of his neck, “Hyung,” Jisung said, his eyes still watching where Naerin had run off, “I just met my soulmate,” he looked at the older boy with wide eyes, “What the hell do I do now?”
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©𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐳, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
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eroskissedskin · 5 months
Perhaps an offering or just a gift to see what would happen... maybe I just wanted to do a little something cute for my favorite endless being
*boops their nose*
Insolence was never a game Dersire was willing to entertain.
The pouch drops from their hands and their smile drops into a disgusted expression.
Not only had the man in front of them /tossed/ a piece of trash in their direction -very good smelling trash albeit, but he had also gotten as close as to touch them. Without permission that is.
"An odd way of showing your respect darling~♡"
They spit and rise gracefully in order to look down on the other.
This was /their/ realm after all. One cannot just walk in and mock the Endless.
"If you where trying to appease me i could give a few pointers though~♡."
They add as their golden palm caresses the mortal's cheek, their nails dangerously sharp against his jaw.
"I'm /certain/ you will come to desire all of them~♡"
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ambroziadelphine · 5 months
Content Warnings Abbreviations:
H.E ---- Heavily Explicit (MDNI)
D ---- Drug mention
E ----Explicit (MDNI)
M.A ---- Mention of Abuse
V ---- Violence
M.H ---- Mental Health Struggle
O ----Current works
O ----Started, 10+ Chapters in drafts
O ---- Started Under 5 Chapters in drafts
O ---- Have not started
Naruto Universe:
Everything Happens For a Reason (Kakuzu) ---- H.E + D +V
Characters 1 Characters 2 Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
5-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 35-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60
Uchiha MIA (Itachi) - E + V + M.H
Characters Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
5-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 35-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60
Please Let This Be a Normal Fieldtrip (Neji) --- D
Characters Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
5-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 35-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60
Bitch Boy (Kiba) ---- H.E + D
Characters Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
5-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 35-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60
Nocturnal Heart (Shino) ---- E + M.H
Characters Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
5-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 35-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60
Maiden of Light (Kakashi/Iruka) ---- H.E + D
Characters Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
5-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 35-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60
Alter Naruto Universes:
Madara in the Real World ---- H.E + D
Characters Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
5-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 35-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60
Careful, I bite. (Tobirama fic) ---- H.E + D + M.A + M.H
Characters Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
5-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 35-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60
Hurricane Maria (Jiraiya fic) ---- H.E + D + M.A +M.H
Characters Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Itachi(Sequel to first Itachi book)---- D + E + M.H
Characters Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
5-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30
More to come in the future
JJK Universe:
I didn't mean to become addicted to you (Geto fic) ---- E + M.H + D
Characters Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
5-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 35-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60
My Queen (Sukuna/Yuji fic) ---- H.E + M.H + D + V
Characters Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
5-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30
Silent type, huh? (Inumaki fic) ---- E + M.H
Characters Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
5-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30
I promise, I love you (Choso Fic) ---- H.E + M.H + M.A
Characters Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
5-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 35-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60
Drabbles Masterlist
I will be updating frequently as I move my Wattpad stories over here. Thank you for your patience and support.
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intheorchards · 2 years
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Mans afraid of his own simps
commissions open
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peachuuuux · 7 months
Hey gauysss
Do you have a fanfic about a oc or reader that's a regressor but for the first regression they dont really know that their a regressor, and dies of old age but suddenly wakes up all fine or suddenly dies from an attack and wakes up again and the cycle just repeats and as the cycle repeats they slowly become mentally unstable or tries to hide their emotions until someone figures out what is going on and tries to help or whatever the plot is or what u want the plot to be
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