#emiko shinogi
Hiyoko deserves it.
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*Nagi show the recording of the fight on her phone*...
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*presses stop* So... do you believe me now? Hiyoko was the one that tied up Mikan and was about to strike me with that ironing curl wand and I only acted in self-defense.
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So no, I didn't start it - Hiyoko did! So Mahiru... is that enough proof for you?
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O-Oh..oh my god...
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Hiyoko, what the actual hell were you doing to Mikan!? You went way too far this time! Your just like Natsumi, that's all you are! A damn bully that was going to hurt a friend!
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Hatomi was right, you just torment people and hurt others! I should of listen to her - Well, we aren't friends anymore! We are done, Hiyoko Saionji!
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N-No no,... Mahiru you have to believe me! I was framed, she's lying!
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Stop trying to pull those crocodile tears, Hiyoko! No one is buying your phony story or those tears anymore! Your nothing but a bully and a tormentor!
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Bu-But I'm not... I'm re-really really not!
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Pi-Pi-I mean Mikan, don't side with that emo gamer bitch! We were just messing around, you wanted this, right?!
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Don't even think I'm on your side; I want nothing more to do with you, your just a bully and a jerk! I do-don't want to be around you; you did nothing but torment me...
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You act like the damn victim in this, you wanted to hurt me and I try to be your friend but you... you just treated me horribly, you were even going to hurt my leg...
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Honestly, the stuff you did with your childish body made you get away with crap but since your all grown up; it ain't cute anymore.
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So Hiyoko Saionji... prepare to face the consequences!
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Did you hear me, then let me repeat myself so you can hear...
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Well, I think we heard enough... now Hiyoko...
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If you think your going to get away with this, think again; your teacher is no longer here and thus any rules she had no longer applies! So I think will inform your guardian about this and have her deal with you!
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N-No no, don't contact grandma! Pleeeease don't call her!
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Then you shouldn't have done any of this in the first place; your just 1 year off of 18 and yet you still act like a toddler! Actions have consequences and this is your consequence so deal with it!
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I'll bring her to the infirmary and try to get in contact with Hiyoko's guardian but Nagi? Mikan? Can you 2 come with me when they come to pick her up? Will need to explain the situation and let Hiyoko's guardian deal with her...
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Yeah I can do that no problem, ma'am. I'll have the video ready and prepare when it happens.
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Right... thank you, now Hiyoko let's go to the infirmary... *Emiko takes Hiyoko by the arm and walks her out of the room; leaving Nagi, Mahiru, Ibuki and Mikan*
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voicingharmony · 3 years
Newly Updated Cast/Crew Birthday List!
Members have come and gone, so there's probably some confusion about which members are still here.
Also it’s been ages since we redid this so here’s a new post on it!
Please note that we will only be putting people’s main roles on the channel. This doesn’t mean they don’t do more or won’t do more in the future. If you’re ever unsure who voiced in a video on Voicing Harmony, just check the description of the video!
Also if you think there’s a missing character or spot, please don’t ask if you can join the team. We will always let people know if we need team members!
January 8th - Maylynn ( Kirumi Tojo VA ) February 2nd - Sword of Swords ( Kaito Momota VA / Katuski Bakugo VA ) February 16th - Jesserio ( Artist ) February 24th - Kyra ( Editor ) February 26th - Setomilk ( Artist ) March 13th - Dathromin ( Former Kokichi Ouma VA / Male Extras VA ) March 28th - Elijah ( Ryoma Hoshi VA / Denki Kaminari VA ) April 13th - Ry ( Artist / Chihiro Fujisaki VA / Tooru Hagakure VA ) April 24th - KGoKev ( Current Kokichi Ouma VA / Present Mic VA / Sou VA / Editor ) April 27th - Yui ( Artist ) April 30th - Evvy ( Gonta Gokuhara VA / Luigi VA ) May 7th - Abe ( Monokuma VA / Endeavour VA ) May 11th - Ryan ( Tenya Iida VA / Fumikage Tokoyami VA ) June 23rd - ThatSangria ( Editor ) July 1st - GT ( Editor / Former Izuku “Deku” Midoriya VA ) July 15th - Meghan ( Maki Harukawa VA / Momo Yaoyorozu VA ) July 16th - PeeJ ( All Might VA / Keiji Shinogi VA ) July 30th - AstridEvolution ( Editor ) August 5th - Hayley ( Kaede Akamatsu VA / Sara Chidouin VA ) August 6th - Kat ( Editor / Scriptwriter ) August 10th - Aidan ( Korekiyo Shinguji VA / Yuga Aoyama VA ) September 6th - Emiko ( Editor ) September 9th - Mobbu ( Ochaco Uraraka VA ) September 12th - Soluri ( Makoto Naegi / Joe Tazuna VA ) September 26th - Tex ( Miu Iruma VA / Editor ) October 6th - Tunnel ( Kiibo VA / Eijiro Kirishima VA ) October 14th - Sethfuzzy ( Shoto Todoroki VA ) October 16th - Ed ( Shuichi Saihara VA / Mina Ashido VA / Editor ) October 22nd - garbageGothic ( Tenko Chabashira VA ) October 28th - Mintea ( Artist ) November 8th - Roo ( Rantaro Amami VA / Aizawa Sensei VA ) November 28th - Ren ( Tsumugi Shirogane VA / Kyoka Jiro VA / Junko Enoshima VA ) December 15th - Saranime ( Artist ) December 27th - Eli ( Himiko Yumeno VA / Tsuyu Asui VA ) December 30th - Dottie ( Editor )
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Let the meeting begin!
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Well... given you search for this Masa, I suppose we should all check it out, right?
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I guess so... still, I'm not sure if it's safe to go; I mean, I have other projects to work on...
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Look, all I'm asking is for you to check them out and if it gets too dangerous, you can leave; it's why I ask Gozu to help with transportation so he can make sure none of you are hurt.
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Wait... Gozu, did you really agree with this?
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I did, as say; I was the first to read it, suggested who should handle this and it's why you 3 are here; I'll be sure to help with transporting and making sure all 3 of you are safe.
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Given that Makoto Naegi's actions and about that restaurant that that was connected to Ultimate Despair, I think we should at least see where this does lead us.
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Exactly so how about it?
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...Okay fine, I suppose I can go see what I can uncover and report back.
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But remember, this might take a few days to gather, I hope you can be patient, alright?
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Oh don't worry, I can do just that but thank you but what about Daisaku, you in?
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hmm, I'm... still not sure, I mean it's dangerous but if Gozu is going to help out, I suppose I wouldn't mind to look...
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But this will take a while to report back as well, it should take me 4 days or so to look into this.
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Yeah and I suppose I can see where the shipments are from and locate them; so leave this to me.
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Good thank you 4 for helping us out, I'm sure whatever you find is going to be useful! I'll be sure to investigate further until then; if you find anything as well so good luck.
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Alright then, thank you - will get started, see you until then.
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Heh, yes yes good luck to you all; I hope whatever you find has proven useful.
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Yeah, see you then Mr. Tengan...
*the 4 left the meeting room; leaving only Masa and Kyoko*
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Seems like we are going to be quite busy, aren't we?
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Looks like it, given not just what's going on in Towa City right now but also investigating this lead.
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I'm still wondering how you got this lead, Masa - given you ask for 4 divisions assistance here; I am curious where you got the information from.
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I already told you, I had my sources and at least if it helps with the investigation then it should be fine, right?
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Plus you are aware how things have been since Pig Boy has been expose as Ultimate Despair, correct? People are staying in their homes and not getting any food since the shipments could come from the same place, right?
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*sigh* Yes, I'm... aware of it, still we should wait until Class 77-B have all awaken...
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But Masa isn't wrong, we do need to find out about this before matters get worse so let's-.
SECRETARY: Mr. Tengan, you got 2 people calling you?
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I do? Very well - put the first caller on...
SECRETARY: Understood...
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Good I got in, Mr. Tengan - I want to speak with you on a matter that has happen recently and I'm sure your aware of it.
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A matter? What do you mean...?
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Oh you know exactly what I mean, one of your agents went into the Otori Mart, grab personal documents meaning they stole them which means they took something that was meant for the Kisaragi Foundation! I'm sure you must know that the one that stole them was Masa Esumi so don't you dare hide it from me!
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... (So that's where she got the documents from?)
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Of course Bitch is a no show hoe.
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Well actually she's under house arrest right now, mostly she doesn't seem to view the investigation very highly and think we are wasting our time with it.
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Of course she does...
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We're gonna meet up luck boy himself?
Date: September 24th, 2017
Time: 7:30 AM
Location: Future Foundation - Main Headquarters
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*walks down the hall* Well, I better get to the meeting and then meet with Makoto...
*enter the meeting room*
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Morning everyone, seems you all arrive...
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Morning, so anyway Masa - do you want us to check these out and the location of them?
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Yeah as say, I was able to grab this and check out the locations here and since I know that you 4 would be major help with this...
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um...ugggh, th-this seems like a bad idea, are you sure there won't be any violence?
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Well I can handle fighting but still, how exactly did you get this information?
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Oh y'know, had my sources...
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Look, I know I'm asking much but it would give us a clue to find out where the helmets, the radio towers and even the air polluter is, right? Besides your Divisions are pretty much the only ones that can handle this sort of thing.
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I mean... you have a point, it would make sense.
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Indeed and it could make stopping the tragedy much easier...
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Hm? What's going on... did something happen?
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Oh hey Kyoko, early the morning to you! Anyway, seems Masa had come back from her investigation and discover somethings.
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You did? Really?
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Yeah I did, I even found the location of where music is from and even how to stop it now!
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And if asking no, I didn't turn it off; all I did was locate it and find out how to shut it off.
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Which I also went to Biju, Daisaku, Emiko and Gozu if they can help with locating these areas, it could put a stop to the tragedy.
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Hm, is that so...
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I had the urge to draw her, she freed me from the artist block.
//Aww, she looks adorable! Thank you so much for drawing her. ^^
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*the trio left tunnel and got outside which they rush over to the underground parking lot*
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So are we going to ask students to head here?
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That's the plan, we also inform students to get their luggages ready too so all we need to do is call them over the School PA System which students will grab their bags and head here.
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It's probably going to get crowded in here so hopefully you got everything.
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Yeah, sure... (hopefully I didn't forget anything when moving the files...) *the trio walk over to Emiko who got out of the car*
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Good... that should be everything...
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Oh hey, you arrive...
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Huh? Wait, where's the headmaster - I thought he come as well!
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Sadly he mention that he will stay behind and protect Class 78-A so we can go on without him.
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Now did you get everything?
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Well yeah I got the files all here along with my stuff too, I did inform the staff and was just about to make the call over the School PA system, anything else you need done?
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Nah, it's good enough - thanks for the help, you can go get everyone else.
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Yeah, really now time to-. *as she gets on the bus she notice something*
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Wait... did I forget my laptop...?
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*walks over and checks* ...
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Masa? What's wrong...?
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...I forgot my laptop at the dorms, didn't I?
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Exactly, just because your are the Branch Head doesn’t mean you have to do all the work, you have subordinates to carry PR work out in your steed so PR relations are managed that way.
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Yeah like... you know me along with the others can work on Public relations, y'know? I could even go in your place and help out...
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Look it probably be a good idea to help so just try, okay?
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Of course Kyousuke’s “Just exterminate all the despairs” is gonna turn up.
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The Kisaragi Foundation... I'll be honest to say, I'm glad they aren't getting involved, thankfully.
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So... Mr. Tengan, maybe you can suggest a few things if it's okay with you...
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Your right, Miss. Kirigiri - I think will make some rules during the investigation like-.
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Ev-Everyone...th...they... they are...!!
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Whoa whoa, Emiko - calm your radishes, what's going on?
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Ri-Right, sorry about that but the head of the 14th Division is back.
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Oh... she is, goodness - what bad timing, hm?
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She's back...?
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... (Oh shit, had a feeling...)
*As walking through the door, someone walk in*
???: Hello everyone, sorry for the wait - the plane trip was pretty bad so I apologize...
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Apologies for that, as say - transportation is still being work on as we speak...
???: It's fine, given we are still working on the pollution...
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After all, as head of the 14th Head of Future Foundation - I must travel to make sure all nations are rid of despair of course.
??? Former Class: ??? Former Ultimate Title: ???
Current Position: Member of Future Foundation Section: Head of the 14th Division Description: Spreading news of Future Foundation's activities to the public
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Welcome back, how was the trip to Egypt?
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Ah y'know, finding a vampire or 2 but I think I was able to spread hope there as well, thankfully we were able to stop a fight from occurring and arrested them all.
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You fought a vampire...?
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Kidding of course but I am tired,...now...
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Can you explain to me what has happen? I was only told a few things but a meeting as occur and I'm a bit out of the loop...
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Well... there's quite a bit to talk about but will start from the beginning.
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Let’s protect Mikan!
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No problem but can someone go untie Mikan right now?
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Leave it to me teach, I'll take care of it!
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*Ibuki walks over and unties Mikan*
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*As she gets untied, Mikan gets up and hugs Ibuki* Th-Thank you thank you thank yooooou! Waaaaaaah!!!
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*holds Mikan* Yeah... sorry about that, hope your okay dude...
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But yeah, we should see the video Nagi had just to see if she's telling the truth or not.
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Defend the blueberry gamer!
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Actually... I believe Nagi then Hiyoko...
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Huh? Miss Shinogi? But Hiyoko say...!
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But I recall Nagi walking in here and she had no ironing curl wand and she wouldn't have time to tie up Mikan.
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Exactly, in fact before then I even recorded the whole thing as well!
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Wait what?! Yo...You recorded us?!
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Of course I did, I would expect you to try something so I've recorded so there's no way you can lie out of this.
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Recorded... You recorded the entire fight?
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Yeah so Mahiru you have to believe me and if I show you this recording and your still going to defend her, then your just enabling this brat.
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Ma-Mahiiiiiru, do-don't believe her! Please!
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...Very well, show us the recording Nagi but don't expect me to side with you until I see it.
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*takes out phone and starts to tap on a few apps* Very well...
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Hiyoko, you’ll always be alone based on a that attitude.
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... (Th-Think Nagi, just think... what can I do...!)
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*sees someone at the door*
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*It looks like Emiko is talking to Mahiru and Ibuki but they don't seem too comfortable*
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(Perfect timing...)
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Wait what!? *turns around and...*
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*Nagi takes the curling ironing wand out of Hiyoko's hand as she throws it over Hiyoko's shoulder and then punches her in the face causing Hiyoko to move back*
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You bitch! How dare you hit me, I'll make you pay for that! I-!
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GYAAAAAAAH!!! *But then suddenly Hiyoko trips over the ironing curling wand which she fell to the floor but then, Hiyoko's ankle fell on top of something*
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Wa...Wa...! *she looks down and sees her ankle on top of the currently on ironing curl wand*
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WAAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAAAHAHAAAAAAAA!!! *she moves her ankle off of it which cause the 3 to run inside*
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Wh-What's going on? I heard screaming!
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Wai-Wait, why is Mikan tied up and Hiyoko on the ground!?
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Vi-Violence in the classroom, violence! Mega violence!!!
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*Nagi moves pass Hiyoko walks over as she turns off the power from the curling iron wand* Guys, Hiyoko was about to burn me and Mikan!
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Yo-You bitch... you punch me and burn my ankle!
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And if I didn't step in, you would of hit Mikan! Stop trying to act like the damn victim!
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Ugh...waaaaagh... so-someone u-u-untie me!
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No, don't believe Nagi! She's lying, I didn't do anything! She was going to hit me with the ironing curl!
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Wait, she was going to do that...?
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Nagi what the hell? Did you seriously do all this!
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No I wasn't Mahiru, in fact I just walk in here when all this happen, in fact Miss Shinogi saw me come to class, right?
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I’m preparing more, but I got this one done and I wanted to show!
You’re free to use it without credit ^^
//Aww, she looks adorable! I really love what you did. ^^
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Let’s celebrate Bitch Sensei’s removal!
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Right... I did hear the teacher wasn't exactly the greatest to all of you.
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Yeah... I mean I don't care what she does to me but she made it hard for me to interact with anyone in that class...
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I take it that teachers are like that here, hm?
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Sadly so, as say - I work in PE and substitute for classes if the teacher is busy so you can do whatever you want.
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Or you guys can plan something out, I think whatever you guys got plan is going to be fun.
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We will ma'am... thank you... (I guess this means that things will be easier)
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You’re from the Reserve Course? Interesting.
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Yeah it's a fact that not a lot of people know but I guess working at the school for a few years does give you that insight.
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But yeah, I guess it shows how little people care about the Reserve Course.
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How’s the class doing?
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Oh right yeah, I notice not a lot of your class is here... what happen?
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Oh sorry, the thing is that a lot of our class is focusing on their talent and I did inform some of those in class.
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I think if it helps, those in the class are relieved to have you as our teacher if it helps.
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Yeah, would you mind if you do that? I don't want the students to get too scared of me...
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You got it, leave it to me! *Yukio rushes down the hall*
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Maybe now I can bond with my class now...
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