#mio yonaga
We promise to avenge you, Ui.
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Thank you... hopefully after he's taken care of; I'll finally move on...
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Indeed... will make sure of that, it was nice talking with you.
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Same here and again, thank you for doing this for me...
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Gah! *As then the spirit left Komaru's body*
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Ko-Komaru?! Are you okay, just take deep breaths!
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I'm..*huff* fine...*huff* just... tired from that...
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So did you record all that?
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Yep, we got it recorded and now we can take our leave!
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So we are done now? We can go home...?
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Yep, I'll be sure to bring these hair samples to Future Foundation so by the time you guys have dinner, we should be able to have a match!
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That's good, now we better go home then.
*the group leaves for the car which Kotoko was waiting*
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Kotoko... we are done now, we're gonna leave soon...
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Oh? You... You guys are...?
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That's good... well let's get going then...
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*gets into the car which after everyone got in, Kotoko was looking out the window*...
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...seems you were wrong about mommy, she was raped and my anger towards her was misdirected.
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Kotoko... we probably should tell Masaru and Nagisa about this, they need to know the situation given you did misinform all of us.
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Ye-Yeah... I suppose I have to... I thought she got knock up by some boyfriend and he abandon her but instead she was raped...
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Sh-Shut up! All of you shut up! You...Y-You don’t-
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Mahiru-chan, can you get the curtain?
Mahiru: Sure thing!
*Beside them, the curtain unfurls, revealing the entire audience for the Charity Event*
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...W-What?! This...This isn’t-
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We heard everything, lady. You were right by the mic.
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You really think all of us were jealous of you in class? It’s because you were nothing but a colossal bitch to everyone.
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I only wanted to know you because my parents wanted me to be successful too...and all I saw was a selfish brat.
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Sweetie, they kicked me out of school before you guys graduated, and I built a company from the ground up by myself. It had nothing to do with you.
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Same here. And I became a proud teacher and mother!
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I own the hotel you’ve been housing everyone in, and that was from my own work as well.
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The rest of us also didn’t have to steal to be successful.
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Even those of us that did wish we could take it all back. It’s not worth it.
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You need to quit acting like you know how the world works.
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A lot of us pursued our talents just because they were things we wanted to do! We weren’t trying to be the best of the best, we just wanted to do things that made us happy!
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A lot of us wanted to help other people too! Where’s your excuses now!?
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But you? May God have mercy on your soul for all the pain you’ve caused.
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*Another, very unexpected face is in the crowd as well*
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...Emina? It’s time to quit.
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But...A-Ayato, they-
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They’re right...this has gone on for too long...
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Quit making a fuckin’ fool of yourself and at least have a little dignity. It’s over.
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We’ve been married 30 years and you still don’t know when to fold ‘em.
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I refuse! If you’re abandoning me too, Ayato, it doesn’t matter! I don’t need you! I don’t need anyone!
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I’m a winner...I’m a winner...I’m a winner...
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I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner
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...Guys, I think she broke.
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*In a burst of sudden energy, she runs off into another nearby hall*
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It’s okay. Let her run. We planned for this too.
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Like I said, Emina-chan is really predictable...
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a-tale-never-told · 10 months
We know of a few members of Class 49 in some timelines, like Chiaki's father being in it, Ibuki's mother and Mahiru's dad. But given the nature of this world I have a strong suspision some of those members either don't exist due to their parents being killed during Operation Downfall, barred due to the racist backwards nature of this country, and we know one of them is 100% dead due to the Commies.
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Well, we certainly know plenty about Chaiki's parents, Ibuki's mom, and... Dad. However, according to the Hope's Peak Hall of Fame, a part of the school dedicated to some of the most talented individuals in the history of Hope's Peak Academy, they have a large portion of the hallway dedicated to Class 49 and their accomplishments.
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Here are the other members of the Class, at least from what little information I got from the descriptions of their biographies.
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Akamatsu Kyoka- Ultimate Vocalist
As we all are familiar with already, this is Ibuki's mom, who used to go by the name of Sylilla Romazaki, the infamous leader of the teenage rock band "Model Notes" during the 1970s and 1980s. When she graduated, she decided to retire from the music industry and married a doctor named Mioda Hibito. She's really kindhearted and genuine, and I can definitely see why Ibuki takes inspiration from her, in more ways than one.
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Shinji Kasai- Ultimate Firefighter
Best friends with Nanami Tenmei from their high school years, who took time off from school due to complications with chronic back pain due to an injury he suffered, so he's older than most of the people there. Still, he's got a good career on his shoulders, as he's working as a security guard but still has ties to the fire department and he's married with three kids. He's pretty loud, but he's a decent guy and contributes greatly to making the community a safer place.
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Hanami Watanabe- Ultimate Botanist
A talented expert in the field of botany, she was supposedly Tenemi's ex-fiance, and it was rumored that they had an arranged marriage. Despite possesing an absolutely uncanny and similar resemblance to Chiaki, she was a really nice girl but could be really savage when it came to her comebacks. According to the description, she's Sato Hanami now, and she and her husband now operate a curry shop.
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Mio Yonaga- Ultimate Otokoyaku
An incredibly talented stage actress who infamously crossdressed as men and was the definition of a class clown who enjoyed a light-hearted atmosphere. She's known for having a usually upbeat and optimistic outlook on life and is a rather playful person to interact with. She and her husband live in Okinawa and is considered to be one of the shining beacons of the class.
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Biju Hakoda- Ultimate Hiker
The former Ultimate Hiker, with a passion for exploring the outdoors, from the jungles of the Amazon to the mountaintops and forests of the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee, to the safaris in Africa. Generally a calm and passive person, yet a man of very few words during his time in Hope's Peak, he's also half Indian on his mother's side, which has resulted in him having to live in exile from the country and become ashamed upon by the rest of the public due to his race and ethnicity
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Goro Hirabayashi- Ultimate Glassmaker
He's the former Ultimate Glassblower, which is basically having to inflate molten gas into a bubble with the aid of blowpipes. Not really much is known about him other than the fact that he's the only confirmed member of Class 49 who has no known information about his whereabouts, which is honestly really strange.
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Yuka Kurosaki- Ultimate Saxophonist
An expert in the field of playing saxophones, and was apparently the best friend of Kyoka Mioda in school! A really skilled musician too, upbeat, optimistic, and full of energy and soul, and has numerous good qualities to say about her. She has two kids and is still using her married name, Saihara Yuka, despite the recent divorce she endured.
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Ichiro Kashiki- Ultimate Geologist
An incredibly tired man who spent most of his time working and assisting with mining operations and other geological studies. Despite the fact that he was actually asleep in class, he eventually became an activist for environmental rights and the preservation of valuable mining resources and has a daughter who is part of the Student Council, from what I heard.
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Sakura Chigusa- Ultimate Cheerleader
The former Ultimate Cheerleader, and one of Nanami Harumi's best friends. She was incredibly popular, friendly, kindhearted, sociable, kinda an airhead, and a bit judgemental about boys. From what the tidbits say, she's a P.E. teacher now, and a vocal activist for equal rights for women, which has landed her into some complicated and tight controversy.
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Sakura Fushimi- Ultimate Fashion Designer
Basically the definition of the mean girl stereotype, she is really short-tempered and always lashes out at others out of fury. However, she seemed to get better as of late and is widely considered by some to be the best Gyaru of her generation. Even after she left Hope's Peak, she still holds a job as a professional designer, so she's doing better for herself.
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Sakura Sakura- Ultimate Model
And here's the one I know the least about. Despite her being the Ultimate Model, she was probably the biggest jerk in Class 49, messing with people and making fun of them, getting people to do her homework, and committing all kinds of crazy pranks all across the academy. The worst one was when she actually tried to blow up a statue in front of the school, along with Fushimi and Chigusa, and it ended up leading to them getting expelled. Strangely, like Goro, Sakura disappeared during the incident and nobody's heard anything from her ever since.
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Wow... so this is everyone.
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I wouldn't exactly say that this is everyone since my dad was originally part of the class as the Ultimate Construction Worker, he's not even mentioned in the Class 49 section at all. Honestly, I have a gut feeling in my heart as to why he's not in the Hall of Fame of Ultimates.
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Even if that's the case, it doesn't make all that much sense to me when you take into consideration that Biju is in the Hall of Fame despite being half-Indian. So by the logical stances of this school's official policy on racism and prejudice and what happened to your father, he shouldn't even be mentioned in Class 49, let alone be a part of the Main Course!.
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It's really odd, I know. Why is Biju a member of one of the Main Course classes? Especially with a class with an iconic and notorious reputation as Class 49? Wouldn't it make better sense just to expel both Hitoshi and Biju for even being at Hope's Peak due to their skin color? In fact, why are they and Ichiro even in the same class? How does Class 49 even exist in the way that it was formed?!
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I think the most logical, rational solution we have to analyze is that Hope's Peak decided to pull this strategy because of forced pressure from the outside world, in order to be seen as embarking on some kind of educational reforms for the school system. In other words, this was essentially supposed to be a move that would drastically improve the academy's reputation and public image, since Hope's Peak's reputation wasn't as acclaimed as it was now today.
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And even that, you gotta consider that during the entire time, America was occupying almost half the country with military forces during the period of time, so perhaps the Steering Committee feared incurring the wrath of the Americans, hence why Class 49 was formed as a temporary solution in order to appease them?
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But even then, it's still a tremendous rabbit hole to go down through Why were the Americans even involved in the first place? What did they even necessarily want for Hope's Peak? Why was Biju placed on the Hall of Fame, yet Dad was not, despite being part of the class itself? And the most confusing thing of all is how does Harumi Nanami fit into all of the events mentioned?
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Let's think about this okay?: She solved the murder of her junior high school teacher, despite not having any official leads and having to rely on a trash bag with dismembered body parts, in less than a few minutes, she has solved about 450 cases over the span of several decades, has formed her own team of law enforcement experts, and is widely popular and well respected within the police departments, yet she doesn't even get an acceptance letter for the Main Course. How come?
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After all of the hard work that she dedicated years to help the police with the increased crime rates in this city, and the school doesn't even accept her? Yet someone like Eminia Niijue, a person who wasn't even relevant to Hope's Peak at all before then, gets to be accepted into the Main Course? With how much Hope's Peak values talent above all aspects of life, it would be absolutely ridiculous that they wouldn't even give Harumi an acceptance letter into the Main Course, especially considering her reputation and how talented her skills in forensics are, as well as having connections to the police.
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Maybe it's because she was a girl? You know how Hope's Peak treats us ladies nowadays.
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No, I don't think it's just because Harumi was a female. There's got to be an explanation for this type of behavior because I refuse to chalk it all up to simple misogyny by the Steering Committee or even the Headmaster. After all, the Sakuras were at Hope's Peak's Reserve course, and they were accepted into the Main Course, despite being close friends with Harumi, so she should've gotten accepted in by comparison, especially in comparison with someone like Emina, who wasn't even heard of untill she was married into a rich family through an arranged marriage.
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There's gotta be more to this story than what I've just investigated. I'm sure that something suspicious happened that day, and I wholeheartedly won't stop untill I find out what! After all, if this was something that violates and is against the very ideals and beliefs about talent in Hope's Peak, what else could they have been lying about for years?
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This situation opens a massive can of worms for not just everyone involved, but also the very ideas of talent and hope in society, because if a person who's clearly talented in a particular subject gets denied acceptance into this prestigious academy where talent is the main belief in society and someone from a nontalented background gets accepted instead, then what does that mean for the rest of us talented people in society?
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This is honestly terrifying to break down and for good reason. If Hope's Peak were to be caught breaking its own rules and ideology simply because of greed, then... what does that mean for all of us? My dad... could it be because of...
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Let's not jump straight to any conclusions. While yeah, the prospect of them hypocritically preaching their belief about talent and hope yet denying someone as talented and helpful as Harumi simply because of corporate greed is absolutely disgusting to think upon, let's not focus on that now, because it's not relevant to what's happening at the moment.
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I'm not saying that this conversation is irrelevant or doesn't matter, but it's not what we're focusing on right now. What matters is stopping Komaeda from making the worst mistake of his life by trying to murder Hajime, and preventing the two from ever interacting with each other, in order to guarantee Hajime's safety. So instead of worrying about something in the past, focus on what you can do starting now.
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 2 years
Danganronpa: Despair Strike
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/zl7CNFG
by kai_mov
.. My name is Komi Otonashi. People call me the Ultimate Programmer. I woke up, in.. Hope’s Peak Academy.. but.. something’s wrong. The windows are barricaded, the doors to the entrance are locked entirely, where am I? I stumble upon a letter. “Come to the gymnasium at 8:00 sharp for the opening ceremony!” I walk into the gymnasium, only to see 17 other students.
Protagonist: Komi Otonashi Support Characters: Himiko Yumeno + Kokichi Ouma Antagonist: Azrael Yagami
Words: 191, Chapters: 1/20, Language: English
Fandoms: Super Dangan Ronpa 2, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Oma Kokichi, Yumeno Himiko, Yonaga Angie, Mioda Ibuki, Kori Tsukumo, Komi Otonashi, Komi Tsubaki, Kitaro Mio, Kiri Tsukumo, Kyuu Fushigina, Kuro Ishigami, Hayashi Morin, Azrael Yagami, Chloe Ushinatta, Kiara Ushinatta, Krissa Kayama, Jiro Ikari, Ruru Fujiwara
Additional Tags: Heavy Angst, Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Romantic Angst, Character Death, Canonical Character Death, Non-Canonical Character Death, Past Character Death, Near Death Experiences, Death, Murder, Attempted Murder, Murder-Suicide, Suicide Attempt, POV Original Character, Original Character(s), Female Protagonist, Violence, Blood and Violence, Injury
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/zl7CNFG
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hopespeaknursery · 3 years
what shows do the regressors like to watch when regressing?
(Good question!~ I think they like to watch a lot of different things, but I narrowed it down to one favorite for each character~)
Makoto Nagi: Bluey Leon Kuwata: Harry and his Bucket Full of Dinosaurs Mondo Owada: Blaze and the Monster Machines Kiyotaka Ishimaru: Franklin Chihiro Fujisaki: Max and Ruby Celestia Ludenburg: Ruby Gloom Syo: The Backyardagins (Will 100% sing along to Castaways smh) Byakuya Togami: Doesn't like TV Junko Enoshima: Pinkie Dinky Doo Mukuro Ikusaba: Berenstien Bears
Hajime Hinata: Kipper Nagito Komaeda: Oswald Mikan Tsumiki: Doc McStuffins Gundham Tanaka: 64 Zoo Lane Kazuichi Souda: Paw Patrol Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: Wow Wow Wubbzy (Won't admit to it though~) Peko Pekoyama: Ni Hao Kai Lahn Ibuki Mioda: Jack's Big Music Show Twogami: Miss. Spider's Sunny Patch Friends Chiaki Nanami: Pokemon Teruteru Hanamura: Great British Bake Off Hiyoko Saionji: Olivia
Shuichi Saihara: Blues Clues Kokichi Ouma: The Mr. Men Show (I think this show was for older kids, but I remember it being so chaotic, I don't doubt he would like it haha) Miu Iruma: Roly Poly Ollie Kiibo: Finds TV boring Korekiyo Shinguji: Little Bear Tsumugi Shirogane: Sailor Moon Rantaro Amami: Pocayo Ryoma Hoshi: Mio Mao Angie Yonaga: Steven Universe (The show is so colorful and full of symbolism, and she loves to find the meaning behind everything~) Tenko Chabashira: Teen Titans (The original one) Kaito Momota: Cyberchase
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LIST IDOLS/ Rhythm games
Part1 Part2
STARISH: Takuma Terashima as Otoya Ittoki Kenichi Suzumura as Masato Hijirikawa Kishô Taniyama as Natsuki Shinomiya Mamoru Miyano as Tokiya Ichinose Junichi Suwabe as Ren Jingūji Hiro Shimono as Shō Kurusu Kousuke Toriumi as Aijima Cecil
Showtaro Morikubo as Reiji Kotobuki Tatsuhisa Suzuki as Ranmaru Kurosaki Shouta Aoi as Ai Mikaze Tomoaki Maeno as Camus
Otori Eiichi (CV. Midorikawa Hikaru) Mikado Nagi (CV. Yonaga Tsubasa) Sumeragi Kira (CV. Ono Daisuke) Eiji Otori (CV. Yuma Uchida) Kiryuin Van (CV. Takahashi Hidenori) Hyuga Yamato (CV. Ryōhei Kimura) Amakusa Shion (CV. Daiki Yamashita)
Tsukino talent production:
Six Gravity Kaji Yuki as Shiwasu Kakeru Toriumi Kousuke as Mutsuki Hajime Masuda Toshiki as Kisaragi Koi Maeno Tomoaki as Yayoi Haru Hosoya Yoshimasa as Uduki Arata KENN as Satsuki Aoi
Aoi Shouta as Minaduki Rui Hatano Wataru as Fuduki Kai Kakihara Tetsuya as Haduki You Kondo Takashi as Nagatsuki Yoru Ono Kensho as Kannaduki Iku Kimura Ryouhei as Shimotsuki Shun
Chiharu Sawashiro as Nozomu Nanase Makoto Furukawa as Sōshi Kagurazaka Taishi Murata as Ren Munakata Toshiyuki Toyonaga as Sora Ōhara Yuuki Ono as Morihito Arihara
Natsuki Hanae as Rikka Sera Sōma Saitō as Tsubasa Okui Takuya Eguchi as Shiki Takamura Yuichiro Umehara as Dai Murase
Kōtarō Nishiyama as Eichi Horimiya Sho Nogami as Ichiru Kuga Shugo Nakamura as Issei Kuga Shunsuke Takeuchi as Shu Izumi
oshitaka Yamaya as Kensuke Yaegashi Daiki Yamashita as Ryōta Sakuraba Junta Terashima as Mamoru Fujimura Shun'ichi Toki as Kōki Etō
The Wizard Of Twins (Futago no Mahoutsukai ) Lico & Gli
Hirakawa Daisuke as Bisu Jr. Shimazaki Nobunaga as Gli Hidenori Takahashi as Dia Kaito Ishikawa as Lise Atsushi Tamaru as Stein Minase Inori as Lico
Tsukicro’s /Tsukikura (ALTAIR THEATER) : Rigel Regulus Sargas
Dynamic Chord:
KYOSHO: Showtaro Morikubo como Yorito Kisaka (voz) Shinnosuke Tachibana como Tokiharu Hanabusa (guitarra) Kaito Ishikawa como Yuu Kuroya (bajo) Taku Yashiro como Shinomune Sumiya (batería)
LIAR-S: Takuma Terashima como Sakura Hinoyama (guitarra y voz) Nobuhiko Okamoto como Chiya Suzuno (guitarra) Tetsuya Kakihara como Seri Yuisaki (batería) Souma Saitou como Soutarou Haruna (bajo)
Apple-polisher: Shouta Aoi como Narumi “NaL” Amagi (voz) Takahiro Sakurai como Yuusei “Toi” Atoishi (batería) Yoshiki Nakajima como Yuki “UK” Aoi (guitarra) Yuichiro Umehara como Shinobi “Kuro” Kurosawa (bajo)
Rēve parfait: Takuya Eguchi como Reon “King” Kashii (voz) Ryohei Kimura como Tsumugi “Bishop” Momose (bajo) Kousuke Toriumi como Kuon “Rook” Tsukinohara (guitarra) Yuuya Hirose como Aki “Knight” Kashii (batería)
Toshiki Masuda as Iori Izumi Yusuke Shirai as Yamato Nikaidō Tsubasa Yonaga as Mitsuki Izumi KENN as Tamaki Yotsuba Atsushi Abe as Sōgo Ōsaka Takuya Eguchi as Nagi Rokuya Kensho Ono as Riku Nanase
Wataru Hatano as Gaku Yaotome Sōma Saitō as Ten Kujō Takuya Satō as Ryūnosuke Tsunashi
Hirose Yuuya as Haruka Isumi Kimura Subaru as Touma Inumaru Nishiyama koutarou as Minami Natsume Kondo Takashi as Torao Mido
Tachibana Shinnosuke as Yuki Hoshi Soichiro as Momo
Pura net Ootori Kei: Okuyama Keito Kushiro Jun: Yano Shougo Kozuka Rin: Nagatsuka Takuma Suzume Chiaki: Ichikawa Taichi
4+U Shirokita Noel: Nakada Yuuya Saotome Seia: Tamaru Atsushi Tenma Kaito: Yashiro Taku Tsurugi Mio: Furukawa Makoto
Judgement Sumishiro Yuki: Terashima Junta Yagasaki Akira: Uchida Yuma Tendou Nozomi: Shirai Yusuke Asahina Senya: Nishiyama Kotaro
Niko*Ichi Namiki Tera: Tokutake Tatsuya Namiki Giga: Fukamachi Toshinari
Luna Lore Kanno Takuto: Ikuta Youji Harima Rito: Chiba Shoya Mikekado Shiita: Yamaya Yoshitaka
Glorious Hanabusa Mizuki: Sasa Tsubasa Hashizume Rudolf: Ookawa Genki Shidou Hayate: Zaima Kenta
Petit March Uomi Ai: Abe Daiki Ooguma Hitoshi: Yonai Yuuki Yagi Kanata: Fudemura Eishin
Mobius: (cast:unknow)
Yuto Suzuki Taku Yashiro Junta Terashima Yamaya Yoshitaka Yusuke Shirai Shunichi Toki Junya Enoki
Clarity: Tasuku Hatanaka Shunsuke Takeuchi Masatomo Nakazawa Shuuta Morishima
Killer King‎: Koutaro Nishiyama:  Terami Tsu Taku Yashiro: Terami Haruhi Shouya Chiba:  Fudo Akane Takuya Eguchi:  Shingaris Miroku
Kitakore‎: Ashuu Yuuta:Hanae Natsuki Kaneshiro Goushi :Toyonaga Toshiyuki Aizome Kento:Kato Kazuki
Moons‎:   Yuuto Uemura as Masunaga Kazuna Tetsuya Kakihara as Onzai Momotaro Genki Okawa as Nome Tatsuhiro Toshiki Masuda as Sakimura Mikado
Thrive‎: Korekuni Ryuuji:Kishio Daisuke Kitakado Tomohisa:Ono Daisuke
F∞F: KENN Toyonaga Toshiyuki Iguchi Yūichi  
Twinkle Bell: Morikubo Showtaro Kondō Takashi
I♥B: Hanae Natsuki Masuda Toshiki   Yuuichirou Umehara Nakanishi Naoya Junya Enoki
POP'N STAR: Murase Ayumu   Amasaki Kouhei   Yamamoto Kazutomi
Lancelot: Maeno Tomoaki Shirai Yuusuke Uchida Yuuma
RE:BERSERK: Shimono Hiro Shimozuma Yoshiyuki Kakihara Tetsuya
Tenjyou Tenge: Saito Soma Kimura Ryouhei Ono Yuuki Minegishi Kei
ArS: Hirakawa Daisuke Matsuoka Yoshitsugu Kagura Hiroyuki Atsushi Tamaru Yachi Katsufumi Roa Kenji
Alchemist: Nishiyama Kōtarō Takumi Yasuaki Kobayashi Yuusuke
Dream Festival:
Ace: Asuma Ogasawara: Tatsuhisa Suzuki Eiji Katsuragi: Junji Majima Chikage Saotome: Atsushi Abe
Sankishi: Haruto Mikami: Toshiyuki Morikawa Makoto Susa: Fumihiko Tachiki Ikka Saotome: Hikaru Midorikawa
Dear Dream: Takuya Mizoguchi   Soma Ishihara   Kentaro Tomita   Masaki Ōta Kaoru Masaki
KUROFUNE: Kimito Totani Hideaki Kabumoto
Pitagoras Production:
Marginal 4: L Nomura  by KENN Atom Kirihara  by Toshiki Masuda Rui Aiba  by Naozumi Takahashi R Nomura  by Yuuto Suzuki
Unicorn jr: Shouta Aoi as Tsubasa Shindō Chiharu Sawashiro as Alto TakimaruToshiyuki Someya as Teruma Nakama
Lagrange point: Toshiyuki Toyonaga as Shy Makishima   Genki Okawa as Kira Himuro
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If are requests are open, Iruma,Ibuki,Angie as older Sisters?
Requests are open, and will be until school decides to get busy and turn me into a busy bee! And thank you for the request!  I would be happy to fulfill it! (But to be quite frank, I dislike Miu because of how mean she is toward others, and my poor Kiibo is too pure for her).
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Miu Iruma
- As an older sister, Miu is exceptionally protective and encouraging to her younger sibling(s), as she detests the thought of them being bullied or trampled by others. Despite being revered as the Ultimate Inventor, Miu believes she should also be hailed as the Ultimate Older Sister, as she has indeed taught her younger sibling(s) numerous things, such as to avoid walking anywhere alone at night and to immerse themselves in crowds if they feel endangered. She was just too extraordinary.
- Unbeknownst to many, she absolutely adores children, as she views them as a vessel for bright and brilliant things that are to come. She often spends her free-time teaching her sibling(s) about machinery and inventing, and tends to gush over their ideas for inventions. She tries her best to work with them on their ideas to make their dreams come true.
- Unlike her usual persona, she is rather responsible and mild mannered when around her siblings, as she wants to set the perfect example for them. Miu expects them to all grow up to be as good as she is, if not better (since she taught them herself). 
- Her siblings seldom asked for any toys from the store since they had an older sister that could, quite literally, make whatever they wanted or asked for.
Ibuki Mioda
- To her younger siblings, Ibuki was definitely the definition of ‘cool,’ so they would all try to imitate her clothing choice and style, but each with their own personal touches and colors (all sewn by Ibuki). Needless to say, whenever Ibuki and her younger siblings went anywhere, it looked like they were all members of a band.
- Ibuki appeared to often spoil her younger siblings, but she also assumed the role of a disciplinarian when she had to, scolding them if they were ever disrespectful or caused too loud of a ruckus as to disturb others. If they were on their best behavior for extended periods of time, Ibuki would bring them along on her tours or to amusement parks. 
- One of Ibuki’s most important lessons to her younger siblings is to ‘be yourself,’ as she wishes to save them the trouble of trying to fit in with others. Much like their sister, the younger children possess plenty of unique quirks and a strong sense of individuality.
- When her siblings were still toddlers, she taught them all how to say her name at an early stage by repeating, “’I,’ ‘Buki,’ ‘Mio,’ ‘Da!’ Put it together and what do you get? Ibuki Mioda!”
Angie Yonaga
- As a very pious and devoted individual, it was not strange that her younger siblings grew up to be the same, as they were heavily influenced by Angie because they always spent time together. The little group would often trek to the shores of her home island to pray and reflect on their lives together.
- As the eldest, Angie would often offer them words of guidance (courtesy of her god) and encouragement. She and her siblings are all artistically inclined, with Angie having mastered everything and each sibling specializing in one field: poetry, painting, sculpture, and dance. 
- Despite being the oldest, Angie does act very much like a child still, so her younger siblings, who are arguably more pragmatic and grounded, must tell her what to do at times. This almost ‘allows’ her to be the free-spirited and carefree individual she is to the fullest extent.
- She loves her siblings dearly, but is not afraid to be truthful to them when need be. All in all, Angie and the Yonaga children are cheerful, happy, and free-spirited, wandering the world riding on their beliefs and traveling on their own accord.
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Kotoko please don't get out of that closet please please please please-
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*Rushes in front of the closet* N-Noooo, yo-you won't find her!
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Hmph, and why should you care? After all, isn't that little brat the same time of scum as me?
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But again, I suppose given your willing to protect your friend but not your own half-sister from what you did, it does make sense...
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Huh? Wh-What do you mean...?
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Ah, right I suppose you didn't know this, did you? I'm sure you must be aware that you have other siblings, huh? Well, I know what happen to that girl... Tsuru Demizu? Well good thing I made sure to keep an eye on her and her mother and guess what...
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She's and her family are all dead and it's your fault.
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Wh-What...? What do you mean...?
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Oh simple really, one of those Ultimate Despairs did come to me and tell me that her whole family was killed and your to blame.
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it seems that due to you killing a bunch of adults, some adults that hate children due to your actions also learn this and discover that family and...well...
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Killed her along with the rest of that family, all thanks to you and those little friends of yours, so in reality she found out in the cruelest way because of you.
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Wh-What...I...I kill Tsuru...oh...oh my god...
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*crumbles to the floor* ...
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*clicks the button* Okay I stop recording, someone stop him!
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*Rushes over and shoves* No, we aren't gonna let you blame anyone else; you hurt a lot of people and I'm gonna stop you!
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Get out of the way you traitor!
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*As then Hitaru is grabbed by Kota then a fight breaks out* I...I won't...!
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Hahahahaaaaaa, as if I would let you bitch, now it's time to get back at you for screwing with me!
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*As then a gun shot is hear and Kota look down and saw his crotch was starting to bleed the person who shot him...*
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*steps back as he holds his crotch which then he fell to the floor*...Ga...guak...!
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Fiona and Jataro, you have to leave! Now!
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Go-Got it, let's go!
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*the 2 rush off, leaving the room*
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Time: 8:10 PM
Location: Towa City
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*standing at the door, Kyosuke standing at the door* Where are they...?
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They say they'll be arriving soon sir...
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I hope so, we don't really have a lot of time.
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If anything, this shit is driving me up the wall.
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Look, can we beat the shit outta him already? I'm getting tired of waiting!
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Look, ca-can we just wait a second before we jump to beating them up, they'll arrive - I know they will!
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Toko is correct, given the distant between Jabberwock Island and Towa City; it would take sometime but they'll make it.
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I hope so...
MASUYO: Hey uh, we arrive - sorry we took so long!
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Ah... seems Masuyo arrive, good now we can-.
*As the door opens, Masuyo along with some others are here...*
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Hello everyone, sorry we are late - just had to bring some company.
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...Uh, he-hey there... sorry for intruding...
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Th-The Despairs are here!
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What?! The Remanats of Despairs, here?! You brought along the enemy!
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Oh great, these assholes are here!
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You better explain yourself right this instant, despair scum!
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Ye-Yeah don't worry, we aren't here to cause any trouble; were here to help!
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Whoa hey, drop the sword man!
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Ex-Exactly, we came to assist Masuyo with this; you have to believe what we say!
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Exactly, we aren't here as your enemy but instead your allies!
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Ye-Yeah guys, look they aren't here to do anything; they came to help me that's all!
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Really... they are here to help us, huh? Are you sure they won't try to help that bastard Kota, I sure like to hear it.
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We-Well...you see...
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... (I guess it should be expected, they don't trust us but it's understandable...)
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With how badly things are around here it wouldn't surprise me if some of those children he mentioned were half-siblings of Jataro
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Well fortunately, he only has 2 kids...
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Do you have an image of them? I don't think I ever saw them...
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Sure but I only have Tsuru Demizu if curious, as say I'm not sure what happen to her but this is what she looks like...
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Huh... she doesn't look anything like Kota...
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She might be taking after her mother in this case; genetics and DNA are rather complicated and sometimes the child will resemble the other parent a lot more or is a mixture of both.
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Still... the fact that he has 2 other children is hard to imagine, how was he able to get away with all this?
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money, family, connections - pretty much that's my best bet, it wouldn't be too surprising if he had his ways.
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Still... the fact that Kota survive the tragedy is even more surprising to me; I do wonder how that was possible.
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(Smacks the anons who asked about the Fembot Chiaki) Kyoji cab you please do some digging into Kota Hashimoto‘s history.
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Kota Hashimoto?
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Oh sorry but I came here because I was ask to join a mission that relates to the Warriors of Hope in Towa City which is related to Jataro Kemuri.
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Wa-Wait... the Warriors of Hope...?! Wh-Why are you helping them...!
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Oh... right sorry Mai, just that I offer to take this Dr. Nakamura to get check out, I didn't mean to bring them up.
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It's okay, Mai was a bit panic - didn't mean to scare you like that...
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*pulls out 2 bags of hair* Anyway, I was ask to give you this and wanted to inform Sunako and the others about this. Can you do that?
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Hair? Well I can surely do that, it should at least take an hour to finish but if I may ask why?
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Well it was discover that a former colleague of mine had raped one of the students that we were teaching at which I just got inform about and want to see if you can uncover this.
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Wait so your saying that Jataro might be a product of rape...?!
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Yes and I need this information as quickly as possible; he's planning to leave by the 29th so we need to hurry.
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Sounds like this is urgent, we should inform the rest of Future Foundation about this then.
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Indeed and will need his medical records... Mai, do you think you can get them for me?
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Well... Mai can do that, it shouldn't be too hard, just hold on a second.
*Mai walks away and Kyoji rushes inside and gets to work*
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I think will need to prepare for Kota Hashimoto's arrest and get to work.
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Right, I'll be sure to inform all Future Foundation members about this once we get the information.
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Wait she was a student at the school you and Kota worked at? Wow this just gets creepier
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We yes, I was but I never knew this happen - mostly I head rumors about it but it was hard to imagine it was one of the teachers and the principal defended Kota too when he was accuse.
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So I guess the school protected him?
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I would assume so, given how wealthy his family was and how successful his classes were, the school couldn't let him go - even if some student was getting abuse it would often be ignore.
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I'm sure many of you heard of the term 'filial piety' where elders must be respected no matter what and if you went against them you'll be punish which sadly I know many former Ultimates do think of themselves highly and often use that against others.
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I was never fond of that mentality and often treated my students with equal respect so hearing what Kota has done, it's rather sickening.
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So I think I'll come along and have a little 'chat' with him, after all god is ready to smite that bastard to where he stand.
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One of the WoH is named Jataro Kemuri, Ui’s son. And he happens to be Kota Hashimoto’s kid, too.
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Wait... you mean Jataro was the child of Ui and Kota? Are you sure...?
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Well as say, we are looking into it and I decided to talk with you about this and figure you want to help with this investigation especially as Kota has a shelter with a bunch of girls in it.
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And if what Kota did to Ui is true then that means he could do to who knows what to those other girls!
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So I was wondering if you want to help with this or not?
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Hmm... this seems important and if Kota did really hurt Ui, then as her former teacher I think I'll need to step in as well...
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Very well, count me in - I'll come tomorrow to pick you all up and we can investigate the home; see what we can learn from this.
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Nice, happy to see you aboard Mrs. Yonaga!
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Nyahahaa, think nothing of it sweetie! If I need to do some smacking around then I'd be on board no problem! Nothing like taking down a cult with a sick bastard!
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Don’t feel disappointed Hajime. You are just the third guy we know who keeps running away from his issues and thus requires extreme measures. That’s all.
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And this is why I currently like Yonaga-san better than you guys.
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Do you, um, have to go talk to Ernesto-san soon?
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Yes, but are you feeling better?
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As well as I can be.
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I don't want to keep you, though. I know you've got a lot you need to take care of, but...still, thank you for listening to me.
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Of course. I can't respond too quickly, but if you have anything else on your mind, you can let me know.
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Peace be with you, Hinata-san!
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...Thank you.
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(At least I feel a little better after that one.)
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I know people talk about Hajime being stuck on this due to thinking it takes one life to relapse him back to his Tragedy Self, but I think a more serious and root cause issue is despite everything he’s done; Hajime STILL has zero self confidence in himself. This is why he’s so hung up on this.
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...What should I do?
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What's that?
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...I-It's nothing, I just...I shouldn't be bothering you with this.
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Hinata-san, if something's troubling you, I don't mind listening. I don't want you to feel like you're on your own with this.
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It's okay, really.
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...Yonaga-san, what's...what's the best way to figure out if you're doing the right thing?
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If it feels like everything's going on wrong, people are getting hurt, and there's nothing you can really do about any of it. Like anything you do would just make things worse...
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When...when you have friends who are dropping out because you decided to help your grandpa with this investigation, and all of them keep acting like it's not your fault. But you know it is! It's your fault for...
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S-Sorry, I'm here, I just...I dunno what to do.
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Am I supposed to just sit this out? Wait for things to magically get better? What if they don't? But what if, whatever I do, things just-
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The first thing you should do is take a breath.
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Uhh, y-yes, ma'am.
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*Breathes deep*
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Please, just take a moment to relax. You won't do yourself any good if you keep stressing yourself out like this.
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Son, I liked through the Lost Decade. We all thought it was the end then too, when it seemed like Japan's economic troubles would never end. We were on top of the world and then we fell back down. But I'm still here, and so are all my friends.
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Dark times are a passing thing. Always are, always have been, always will be.
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And remember, this wasn't your fault or anyone's fault. This is simply the result of people wising up to a system that was taking advantage of them.
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If anyone's to blame, it's people like Sato Emina, Nijiue Ayato and everyone else who's used their talents and positions to take advantage of people. Who think they're above the law and can get away with everything.
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This whole investigation proves that they can't.
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Yeah...but people are still getting hurt. My dad might lose his job, and I just...I dunno what to do.
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...Hinata-san? Are you a religious man?
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Not really. I don't know what I believe anymore.
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That's alright. I've always believed that Kami-sama will guide me through the hard times, and that he has a plan for us all. That the bad times are always a passing thing.
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So, perhaps keep that in mind?
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And if it helps, I'll pray for you.
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...Thank you, Yonaga-san.
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I do feel...a little more at ease, I suppose.
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That's good to hear.
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Honestly we need all the help we can get
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Yeah, no kidding.
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Hinata-san, might I ask you something?
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Wh-what's that?
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Are you still attending Hope's Peak?
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Yeah, but I'll be dropping out next month. We can't afford it anymore and...I know it's good for me to stay here anymore.
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That's good. I think all of us from Class 49 feel that's for the best.
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Whoever that Kasugano fellow is, I do have to wonder how he feels about all this. Given Hope's Peak is finally getting investigated, his dreams are coming true, huh?
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What if he's not?
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I-I mean...what if he...I mean, he's...y'know...
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What if...he's not happy about this, though? Like, what if he's not sure if this is really what's best?
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Someone like that...he seems like he's caused a lot of trouble for a lot of people, maybe without even meaning to.
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Hm, well...I guess that's a cause for concerned there. I know my son is.
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The thing is, he's working for an art degree. He attended the Charity Event too, looking for some inspiration, but after everything he saw? He knows the art world is going to be in an uproar thanks to us and Kasugano exposing the Nijiue's.
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It seems changes are being made, a lot of art museums are re-checking the art that was produce by the Nijiue's, and even artists that had their art stolen are starting to come forward.
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Things are changing for the art world, and maybe we've hit a rough patch, but we'll recover. I won't say what we did was wrong, we know exposing Emina-chan was the right thing to do.
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After all, she was going to kill her own daughter. When I heard she'd gone that far, I knew we made the right choice.
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May God have mercy on her, because we won't.
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