#emilia clarke family template
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This is a manip I made of Brad Pitt, Emilia Clarke, and Ellen Pompeo for my own roleplaying purposes. I hope you all find it useful!
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primroseaesthetics · 2 years
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— 'Promised Prince'
by cobra ♡
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peppermintstranger · 6 years
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               Colin O’Donoghue · Family Template · Requested by Anon
Mother: Catherine Keener
Father: Gary Oldman
Sister: Emilia Clarke
Brother: Harry Lloyd
Brother: Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Sister: Jessica De Gouw
Brother: Callum Turner
Sister: Katherine Langford
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dragonflyrph · 7 years
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family template for emilia clarke.
FATHER; Mel Gibson – 61. English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh.
MOTHER; Sela Ward – 61. English, Scottish.
SIBLING; Luke Mitchell – 32. White (unspecific).
SIBLING; Jaimie Alexander – 33. English, German, Scottish.
BASE; Emilia Clarke – 31. English, German, Welsh.
SIBLING; Casey Deidrick – 30. German, Irish.
SIBLING; Mae Whitman – 29. English, German, possibly other.
SIBLING; Casey Cott – 25. White (unspecific).
COUSIN; Billie Lourd – 25. English, Russian, Ashkenazi Jewish, Irish, Scottish.
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crazy-loca-blog · 3 years
Meet My MC: Dr. Casey Valentine
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A/N: The original base template belongs to @jamespotterthefirst. I added some extra items to it.
Casey's Bio
Book: Open Heart
Full Name: Casey Marie Valentine
Face Claim: Emilia Clarke
Nicknames: Ethan used to call her "Rookie" during her intern year, but then it evolved to just Casey and now she doesn't actually have a nickname.
Birthday: December 4
Sexual orientation: She considers herself straight, but she believes in sexual fluidity
Love Interest(s):  Ethan Ramsey (husband)
Kids: None (yet)
Hair: Brown, usually long hair. Sometimes she'll take risks and you may see her hair shorter and/or lighter, but she is a proud brunette.
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'7"
Hometown: Abingdon, Virginia
Education: Internal medicine / Duke University
Occupation: Head of the Diagnostics Team at Edenbrook Hospital
Family: Maggie and Tom Valentine (parents, dead), Marie Smith (grandmother, dead), Oliver Valentine (twin brother, alive)
Personal motto: "If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain"
Background: Casey and her brother Oliver were born and raised in a small town. They lived a happy and very normal childhood, until Maggie and Tom, their parents, died in a car accident when the twins were 7 years old. After the accident, the Valentine's siblings were raised by their grandma Marie, who passed away about a month before Casey began her residency at Edenbrook.
Personality traits: She is a very private person, but she's also passionate about her patients and about the things and the people that matter to her. She is a team player (especially when it comes to work, she loves recognizing her peers work, from doctors to nurses, paramedics and even security) and she is a fighter. She also considers herself a nerd and she's proud of it.
On the relationship with her brother: Both Oliver and Casey have always felt it's them against the world. They're not only siblings and the only family they both have left, but they're also best friends. They've always faced life together and they fully support each other on everything they do, so even though being apart while Casey was doing her residency in Boston was not an ideal situation, they both knew it was necessary for her to develop her full potential as a doctor. Oliver couldn't be more proud of his sister.
On her love life: Her experience when it comes to relationships is not the best. No matter how she acts regarding the relationship, she always ended up being hurt. By the time she was accepted at Edenbrook, she had been single for two years and she had completely given up on love. When she met Ethan, one of the things that surprised her the most was how they shared the same vision on marriage and kids (of course, she has her own troubled past), and when she began developing feelings for him (she fought her feelings for Ethan just as much as he did!), she began to wonder if she had actually been in love before meeting him.
On her parents accident: Casey's parents were on their way to pick Casey and Oliver from grandma Marie's house when some driver (who was apparently drunk) crashed their car after running a red light. The responsible managed to escape, and there were no witnesses, so there was no one to call the 911 until a few minutes later. This meant that the EMT and first responders arrived when it was already too late to save them. The fact that they died because they didn't receive medical care on time kind of stuck with little Casey, who promised herself that she would become a doctor to do anything to prevent people from dying for not receiving the care they needed when they needed it.
12 Random Facts on Casey
Casey and Oliver don’t have nicknames because grandma Marie HATED them. She always said they had names for a reason, and that they had to respect their parents’ wishes.
Casey was always a good student because she genuinely loved learning new things and her sense of curiosity demanded her to keep learning. The good grades were just an added bonus.
She wasn't popular in high school, but she wasn't at the bottom of the popularity list either. She was a low profile student, but she loved participating in different extracurricular activities, so that led her to meet a lot of people.
Bryce has never understood why he loses every time that he challenges Casey to a basketball match. What he doesn’t know is that Casey actually played basketball since she was a kid and until she graduated from high school.
She isn't a big fan of parties. She likes attending one once in a while, but she is definitely happier when staying at home or at a bar or a restaurant with a group of friends sharing some good conversation. She also hates getting drunk because it makes her feel she's not in control of herself, so she most definitely stops after the second or the third drink (as soon as she begins to feel tipsy).
She knows how to drive, but she hates it, so she avoids it like the plague. She'll always prefer using the subway.
She has always felt she had to grow up too fast after her parents' accident, so even though she was always surrounded by love, she feels she never lived her childhood to the fullest after her parents died.
When she was 16, she had one of her ovaries removed due to cysts. In order to protect her only ovary left, she has to permanently be on the pill. This also means that the chances for her to get pregnant are pretty much a Russian roulette. She must plan her pregnancies and she may have no issues getting pregnant, but there is also a real chance that she may have fertility issues or an ectopic pregnancy. So Casey pretty much forced herself to forget about the idea of becoming a mom.
When talking about her love life, Oliver and Casey have always had this discussion on whether she had two, “two and a half” or three relationships before meeting Ethan. She did have two serious relationships, but the third one... debatable.
She claims she didn't google Ethan during her university years because she didn't care about him, but only about his book. Then, when she was admitted to Edenbroook, she refused to google him to see his picture, claiming that "she wanted the knowledge to do all the talking".
Grandma Marie was the person who gave Casey her copy of Ethan Ramsey's book. Casey used to borrow the book from the library for her own investigations for the advanced biology class in her senior year in high school, but she always complained that she couldn't make notes in the book. So grandma Marie decided to give her the book as a Christmas present to give her one final push to convince her to go to medical school. A few days before Marie died, Casey gave her the news that she had been accepted at Edenbrook to work with Ethan.
She decided not to change her last name after marrying Ethan. It was important for her to keep it because it’s one of the few things she has left of her parents, so it has some great sentimental value. When she told Ethan about it, he just said “I’d hate for you to change your last name just for some stupid, old-fashioned and sexist tradition, especially when you’ve made yourself a name on medicine with your maiden name”.
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youngfcs · 4 years
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Lucy Hale Family Template
Mãe: Brooke Shields (46-54 anos)*
Pai: Michael Sheen (48-50 anos)*
Irmã mais velha: Emilia Clarke (25-33 anos)
Irmão mais velho: Beau Mirchoff (22-30 anos)
Irmão mais novo: Curran Walters (16-21 anos)
Irmã mais nova: Landry Bender (15-19 anos)
Primo: Noah Centineo (17-23 anos)
Prima: Katherine Langford (17-23 anos)
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thorofasgard007 · 5 years
Casting my WIP:  “Blade of Penance Volume I:  Bore of Great Sacrifice”
Haven’t posted anything in a while thought I would put up a fun game for us aspiring authors out there.  My first draft nears completion.  Just a the final fight, “mop-up” and a couple appendices to write.  Hoping to be done this week while I am on vacation. *fingers crossed*
Anyway, I saw a YouTube video posted by an authortuber I follow named Kim Chance where she went through the dream casting of her newest book Seeker (soon to be released here is the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5Rmhm8HhE8).  I was thinking while I was running some errands earlier today I should do something similar.  If my novel(s) ever get made into a movie whom would I cast as each character?  So I decided to post that here and see what other authors/aspiring authors would cast as their characters.  Name the character, a brief description of them, then the actor/actress and why you would cast them.  
Here are the rules:  #1)  You have to use the actors/actresses as they are TODAY.  No using “Early 80′s Arnold” or Clint Eastwood like he was when he played Dirty Harry.  It also goes without saying you can’t use actors that have retired from acting or passed away.  #2)  If there is a seminal movie/tv show in your genre you cannot use actors from that franchise.  Since this rule can really make things difficult you can use up to TWO exceptions to rule #2.  Since my WIP is epic fantasy both actors from Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings movies and Game of Thrones are disqualified.
Okay here we go.
The father of my hero Kaaldor.  A former general and hero of the Battle of Gos.  The last scion of the House of Dranus who’s progenitor alongside Ka’Reyus The Elven Warrior King lead the Great Liberation against the Dragon Rule of Rab Yangin 500 years ago.  Few either human or elf could match his skill with the blade save maybe one.
At first I thought of The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment:  Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.  I even used his physique as a bit of a template when I was doing up his character model.  However in the end I thought he should be cast a bit younger (Don’t hit me with the People’s Elbow Rock.)
Therefore I will use one of my exceptions early and go with Aquaman, aka Kahl Drogo, Mr. Jason Mamoa.
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The Elven Warrior King and Grandfather to my hero.  Unquestionably the greatest warrior alive.  Has gone unmatched in swordsmanship for over 500 years.  Single headedly fought and slew three dragons at once.  Him and Dranus (Dorath’s ancestor) tag-teamed to slay the corrupted dragon lord Rab Yangin to free the continent of Kalis from drake rule.  Is Dorath his equal as a warrior??? SPOILERS :)
For him I batted around a few choices including Liam Neeson and Russel Crowe of course cgi would have to be used to size them down because as an elf Ka’Reyus was only 5 feet tall.
I finally decided on Wolverine himself (aka Jean ValJean, aka PT Barnum) Hugh Jackman.
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(Yes this is an older pic... but I wanted one of him as Wolverine :) )
Princess Almelphia:
Mother of Kaaldor.  Only child of Ka’Reyus.  The unchallenged beauty of Elvendom.  All the nobility compete for her attention not only for her beauty but that whomever she chose as her husband would be the likely successor to the elven throne.  She is also is the only member of the royal house with any magical ability, even though it is just limited to reading the memories left behind on things/people that she touches.  While my hero was growing up she always called him her “little champion” and he did everything he could to live up to that title.
She was a tough choice.  If I wanted to use my second exception I would have chosen The Khalessi herself Emilia Clarke but considering Jason Mamoa is Dorath… that may be a little much.  I also considered Miranda Otto (aka Eowyn) but again didn’t want to use my second exception.  Therefore I decided to go with Jenna Coleman aka Clara Oswald from Dr. Who, and Queen Victoria on Victoria.
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Here she is from the “Robin Hood Episode” of Dr. Who so you could see how she would look in a fantasy setting.
Lifelong friend of Ka’Reyus and Elvul Ka’s(the elven nation’s) foremost smith.  Him and Ka’Reyus both learned their weaponry by working his father’s forge.  Growing up Kaaldor learned from Ka’Vatch at the same forge.  To be a great warrior you must both know your weapons and then know yourself.  The weapons part started with Ka’Vatch after an 8 year old Kaaldor hid in his smith from bullies that didn’t like that he was half human.
For him I thought about Michael Ironside.  Granted you usually see him as a bad guy (and he plays a great villain, especially with his voice work... if they ever do a live action version of Darkseid they should have him reprise the role from his voice work on Superman: TAS etc).  However age is a factor.  Therefor I chose Josh Brolin aka Thanos… aka Cable.
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Ka’Draoi: (pronounced Ka’ DREE, gotta love Gaelic)
Grand Thaumaturge of Elvul Ka’ and one of the world’s most powerful wizards.  He draws his power from the Blue Flame like all elves and fought along side Ka’Reyus and Dranus in The Great Liberation.  Being such a long time friend of the king he can often get away with breaches of proper decorum and has been known to have a bit of a ...shall we say “unique” sense of humour.
My original choice for this role was of course Sean Connery... but he has been retired from acting for some time.  I thought about Terrance Stamp (aka General Zod from Superman II, my all time favourite movie villain) but decided against it.  I didn’t want to use another exception or to be seen as him being a Gandalf clone so no Sir Ian McKellan.
In the end I chose another James Bond Pierce Brosnan, he can command the regal presence and wisdom Ka’Draoi needs, plus have the comic timing to pull off the sense of humour needed.
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Ok.  That covers Kaaldor’s family and the elves.  Now lets move on to some more human characters.
Admiral Jagaran:
He is the Admiral of the Palan fleet (the main villain nation of the story) and in command of its new flagship The Jorgmundr (a ship completely made of dragonbone).  He is a very skilled warrior, especially at see and a cunning strategist.  He always takes the most straightforward path to victory whether it is an honourable choice or not.  However he has been known to let his ego get the better of him.
My first choice was Peter Wingfield.  Highlander fans will recognise him as Methos from the 90′s Highlander TV series.  (As a point of trivia I watched some of Methos’ sword fights on the series to map out some of this character’s move sets).  However he has apparently retired from acting and at last report was pursuing a career in medicine.
So instead I went with Rome’s Ray Stevenson, he has been in many other things but I mostly know him as Titus Pullo on Rome, Volstagg from the MCU and as Frank Castle in Punisher: War Zone (I should dust that one off I haven’t watched it in a while)
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The Mage assigned to the Jorgmundr.  Although he technically outranks Jagaran as he is a mage his role on the ship is similar to that of a “political officer” on the old Soviet ships.  He is your classic sadist that makes King Joffrey and Reese Bolton look like boy scouts.  He prefers to invoke fear in his adversaries of what he may do than to actually inflict the pain.
For him I went back to the MCU and chose Tom Hiddleston, aka Loki.  I just love him as a villain.
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(Point of trivia... he originally auditioned for the part of Thor... go fig because he was so good as Loki.)
The chief slave-driver on The Jorgmundr, and a sadist son of a... gun (trying to keep this PG) in his own right.  He takes perverse pleasure in publicly and brutally executing slaves that can no longer work in the bowels of the ship... or just make an example of.  As he is more a hand to hand brute than a swordsman I went with a wrestler/actor for him.  Dave Bautista from Guardians of the Galaxy (gee I am pulling a lot from the MCU) and Spectre, also a former WWE Champion.
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Ok... let’s get away from the villains for a bit.
The classic dashing rogue.  Thinks he is “the pyres” gift to women and even names his lockpicks after his conquests.  Never met a maiden he didn’t want to hit on.  Or a full coin-purse he didn’t want to cut.  Always ready with a witty retort but also willing to help when he sees something unjust.  Kaaldor sometimes sees him as his best friend... and other times wants to punch him.  But they somehow make it work as they defend the village of Belieret from the warlord Tyv.
This character needs the comic timing that only Ryan Reynolds can provide.  I have been a fan of his since he was in Blade: Trinity (not as bad as everybody says) and he was dead on casting as Deadpool.
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A Baegian merchant that is one of the few in Belieret willing to learn how to fight to protect his new home.  His own brother betrayed him when the Baegian King became a vassal for Q’Rab The Sorcerer King of Palis and Klok began to speak ill of the new regime.  He couldn’t let hit happen again with Tyv.
I have chosen a bit of an odd choice.  A TV actor named Alimi Ballard.  He has been on many TV shows but I mostly remember him as David Sinclair on Numb3rs.
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Ok lets do some more villains then we will go for the Hero and Heroine.
The warlord that is pulling the old extortion racket on the village of Belieret.  He blames Ka’Reyus for ***SPOILERS***.  Little do the villagers know he is just a cog in the machinery of one of Q’Rab’s plans.  In the meantime he plans to take his revenge on Ka’Reyus by sending him Kaaldor’s head.
For this I am going cast Clancy Brown, mostly because he played my #2 all time favourite movie villain The Kurgan in Highlander.  You would also recognise him from The Shawshank Redemption and Starship Troopers.  He as also done a lot of voice work, including Lex Luthor for Superman: TAS, Savage Oppress on Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Mr. Krabs on SpongeBob SquarePants (lol).
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Apprentice to the Sorcerer Q’Rab and Master/Mistress to Anonyus.  She suffers no failure and many of her apprentices have felt her wrath.  None have lived to tell the tale.  Her vanity is her weakness and although devoted to Q’Rab for centuries she has been known to have her own machinations to undermine his plans.  You only briefly see her in the first book... but I plan to have her take a much larger role in book 2.
For her... if she is willing to be a redhead my first choice is Wonder Woman herself Gal Gadot.  She can be both regal, the flirt to ensnare men but then switch gears to be something menacing all at once.
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(come on I had to choose a Wonder Woman pic... all the world is waiting for you... and the powers you possess :) )
Sorcerer King of Palis and has ruled for over 200 years.  He draws his power from the Black Flame and rarely gets his hands dirty himself but is always a Master of Puppets pulling strings from afar.  All under his rule are fanatically devoted to him.  Whenever he is mentioned they finish the sentence with “May his reign be eternal”.   It has yet to be determined who is the more powerful wizard if him and Ka’Draoi were to meet in a duel, and the true goal of his plans while he is at war with the nation of Corlot are ****SPOILERS****.  His origins are ***SPOILERS***.
For him I went with a bit of an odd choice, I needed a classical type of actor but one that wasn’t your standard English baddie.  I went with Alexander Siddig.  While best known as Dr. Bashir on Star Trek:  Deep Space Nine, he also has a long movie and TV career including 24, Gotham on the small screen and Kingdom of Heaven and The Nativity Story on the big screen.  If he can pull off both The Angel Gabriel and Ra’s Al Ghul he can pull of Q’Rab.  (Note:  As he was also Doran Tyrell on Game of Thrones... he is my second exception)
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Ok... you are saying enough with the villains.  Fine lets get to the main event.  My hero and heroine.  First the Heroine:
Daughter of the captain of The Divine Lady, the ship that Kaaldor is a passenger on when The Jorgmundr strikes.  While able to fight for herself knows when she is out of her depth and instead fits into the facilitator role to get Kaaldor what he needs to win.  She can also act as the diplomat to Kaaldor’s brute force as she knows not every problem can best be solved by the right amount of smashing.  She is not the damsel in distress like Lois Lane that always needs a Superman to rescue her, but she also knows she doesn’t have to be Xena to be strong either.
This one was a hard choice... The aforementioned Jenna Coleman was a strong contender at one point.  I also considered Rosa Salazar (loved her in Alita Battle Angel) however in the end (maybe because I just did a binge watch of Cobra Kai over the Labour Day Weekend) I chose Mary Mouser (Samantha LaRusso on Cobra Kai).  Her look is the right combo of innocence, beauty and strength which is what you need to play Renna.
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The hero of the story.  Half-elf and half human.  Trained by his grandfather since he was eight years old to be a warrior without equal.  He was even able to fight Ka’Reyus to a draw.  Though of the elvish royal family very few fully accept him as part of elvish society.  He can never let an injustice stand and sometimes gets himself deep in a bad situation by acting without thinking.  But still is the one willing to act when others are too scared to.  In the end he must complete his quest to ***SPOILERS***
For him I originally thought of Daniel Cudmore, I best remember him as Colossus in X-Men 2 and X-Men 3 (boy did three SUCK).  However in the end thought a Hemsworth was a better fit.  Not Chris (Thor)… but Liam (Expendables 2, The Hunger Games).  (Note:  He will probably have to bulk up a bit as when I wrote the character I was thinking “Early 80′s Arnold”)
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Well There you go... It was a lot of fun going through this.  For all you authors/aspiring authors out there... lets see your own lists.  Use the Tag below. :)
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6 Instagram Video Stories Ideas to Inspire Your Next Post
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Since being released, Instagram Stories have become a prevalent form of content on Instagram. 500 million people use Stories every day. 50% of the businesses on Instagram have published Stories. Also, 1 in 5 story posts results in a direct message response from users.
Publishing more stories can produce some fantastic results.
But would you like to take this to the next level?
Then you should publish more Video Stories instead of just photos. Instagram Video Stories will make a stronger impact as you can include more information throughout the 15 seconds.
Therefore, today I am going to share some top Instagram Video Story ideas below. I also included examples to help illustrate each idea. Use them as inspiration for your next Instagram Stories post.
Table of contents: 1. Create a slideshow 2. Share user-generated content 3. Create a product catalog 4. Share behind the scenes video stories 5. Get interactive 6. Team up with influencers
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1. Create a slideshow:
A common tactic businesses use on Instagram is the Carousel Video. This is where the account publishes a carousel post, but instead of using photos, they use videos.
An example is this post from Glossier, where you can watch a skincare routine in three different clips.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Glossier (@glossier)
A regular carousel post can drive good engagement. But there are two problems with it. One is that you cannot add more than 10 slides. If you place a clip in each slide, it can only be a maximum of 10 minutes long. And if you add a still image on any of the other slides, you lose a minute.
The other drawback is that people need to swipe from one slide to the next after each clip ends.
If you want to avoid these two problems, you should publish your video as a story instead. Each slide in an Instagram story can only be 15 seconds long, but you can add an unlimited number. And the slideshow will automatically move to the next one in the carousel after each one finishes.
Here’s a nice example of a slideshow story from Munchies. It shows one of their chefs cooking cheesy scalloped potatoes.
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It’s one single story, but it consists of several slides - both videos and photos. The slides move automatically (after each one ends) without the need to swipe. This is something you cannot do with a regular feed post.
If you decide to upload several slides in a story, you should use an Instagram posting tool as you can post from your desktop. Uploading all those slides on a mobile device can get chaotic.
Another alternative for posting longer videos is IGTV. Here you can publish videos up to an hour-long when you upload them from their website. When you upload through the IGTV app, the videos can only be 15 minutes long.
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2. Share user-generated content:
Publishing user-generated content (UGC) can immensely benefit your Instagram account. Buffer, for example, was able to use UGC to grow their account by 400%. One way you can take advantage of UGC’s benefits is by creating a Story with a recording of your customers recommending your product.
A good example is this story from Warby Parker.
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It is a slideshow story consisting of clips from several of their customers. In each clip, the customers tell you which Warby Parker product they wear and a bit of what they do.
You can find UGC video content on Instagram by using a social listening tool such as Awario.
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You just search for a keyword or hashtag related to your brand/product, and it’ll show you all mentions of it. If you find footage of a customer talking positively about your product, you can ask them for permission via Instagram direct messaging. And republish it in your Stories.
Alternatively, you can ask customers to use a hashtag when sharing posts containing your product. You can simply search the hashtag using Instagram search and find the mentions. An example is the #wearingwarby hashtag from Warby Parker.
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3. Create a product catalog:
Another great way to use videos in your Instagram Stories is by creating a product catalog. This can be a single clip or a collection in one story. They can show the different products you offer.
An example is this one from Ben & Jerry’s.
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They assembled a slideshow story where the slides display videos of their ice cream flavors. They also added some overlay text that asks you to ‘Swipe Up.’ When you do that or click on ‘See More >,’ you go to the products page where you can learn more.
This is a great way to drive sales on Instagram. I recommend that you highlight the story and design an attractive cover like Ben & Jerry’s did so that people who visit your account will check out the story and the products.
You can easily create Instagram videos with overlay text by using a tool such as PlayPlay.
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All you need to do is pick the vertical format, add your footage or use one from their library. You can then modify the overlay text that is already present on the template with the editor.
You can add fresh overlay text and icons if you prefer.
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4. Share behind the scenes video stories:
Behind the scenes, posts have always proved popular on social media as followers finally get to see the people creating the products they like. So, regularly publish Stories that introduce the people working at your company or clips of what your employees do at work. You can also share videos of events.
An example is this story from Picmonkey.
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In it, they introduce Natalie, a visual designer at their company. It’s part of a story highlight where they have details of various employees. Some are just introductions like the above one, while some show the fun things they do.
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5. Get interactive:
You can run polls with Instagram Stories. You can create a video and let your followers know that you’re looking for answers. And then send them to a slide where they can pick the answer. This data will help you understand your audience better, and you can create more Stories they want to watch.
You can combine videos and polls to create a wide range of Stories.
A creative example is this poll from Netflix. They called this story ‘Work Out with KJ Apa.’ Here, they conducted a series of polls to find out what exercise their followers wanted KJ, an actor on one of their shows, to perform. The poll ran for 20 minutes. After that, KJ had to do the workout they picked.
Here’s one of the slides in the story:
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As you can see in this poll, they asked whether KJ should do curls with weights or a guitar. They circled ‘Guitar’ as people picked it.
So he went ahead and did the curls.
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This is a really innovative way to get your followers to interact with you.
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6. Team up with influencers:
An idea you should definitely implement is teaming up with influencers to create video content. This is where you get an influencer to create a clip of them using your product and then publish it as a story. This is a standard way for how people make money on Instagram.
If the influencer has more than 10,000 followers, you can also get them to share a link to the product in the story. There’s no need to ask them to add a link in their bio or ask them to ask their followers to go to your account and then click the link in the bio. Elimination of this hindrance will help you get more traffic and sales.
You can see an excellent example of Instagram influencer marketing using Stories in this post from The Body Coach.
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It is a slide show story that starts with a video where he describes why he likes the product. After that, he shares some photos of the product and includes a swipe up/link to the website.
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After this slide, there are more slides where he talks about his partnership with the company. He even highlighted this story. So, it should help Gusto, the company he teamed up with, get a lot of traffic in the long run.
To find Instagram influencers for your story campaigns, you can either use a tool like SocialBook or the aforementioned Awario.
In your partnerships with influencers, you can also get them to record Stories that go live on your account. Like in this one from Clinique.
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In it, Emilia Clarke shares some skincare tips.
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As you can see, there are numerous ways you can use Instagram Video Stories. To recap, you can: create a slideshow, share user-generated content, create a product catalog, share behind the scenes video stories, get interactive, and team up with influencers.
These are a few ways to combine the power of Instagram Stories with video. They should give you a good start. If you want more ideas, just browse around on Instagram. You’ll find dozens of other ways brands and influencers are creatively using Instagram Stories.
The best place to find story ideas is the explore page, where the top-performing posts surface.
After that, you should spend some time brainstorming story ideas for your account.
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Written by our guest writer Mitt Ray, the Founder of Social Marketing Writing and Creatiwitt
He helps SaaS companies with their content marketing.
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florencehelps-blog · 11 years
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Emilia Clarke Sibling Template
✘ Phoebe Tonkin  ✘ Kimbra Johnson ✘ James Mcavoy ✘ Daniel Sharman ✘ Emilia Clarke ✘ George Blagden ✘ Rose Leslie ✘ Lauren Cohan ✘ Alan Ashby
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youngfcs · 5 years
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Stana Katic Family Template
Mãe: Lily Tomlin (70-78 anos)
Pai: Robert De Niro (67-75 anos)
Irmã mais velha: Sandra Bullock (46-54 anos)
Irmão mais velho: Ryan Reynolds (34-42 anos)
Irmão mais novo: Matthew Gray Gubler (31-39 anos)
Irmã mais nova: Elizabeth Henstridge (23-31 anos)
Primo: Shawn Ashmore (35-39 anos)
Prima: Emilia Clarke (24-32 anos)
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youngfcs · 4 years
Hi can I request a family template for emilia Clarke and chris Evans
The requests are closed :c sorry! (cib)
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