#emily davis ✧ open
darkstarsrise · 2 months
emily davis
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cvntyworld · 2 months
Ooh, can I request some Until Dawn Characters x reader headcanons where they find reader who is heavily injured while stuck on Blackwood Mountain
black and blue ( the until dawn gang )
summary: injured and afraid, you try to survive against a threat worse than the cold mountain air, luckily, you don't have to face it alone, surviving with your friends who are just as scared as you are.
contents: usual until dawn shenanigans, violence, gore, mentions of cannibalism, reader is injured, mentions of injuries, ect...
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When she finds you, bruised and bleeding, it was just by chance. Wandering around in a towel and opening a door while trying to manoeuvre around the psychos workshop without getting caught. That was when she stumbled across you, tied to a chair with a dirty rag in your mouth and tears in your eyes. Knowing Sam, she always puts others needs before her own and honestly doesn't care if she gets caught if it means that she can help you. She'll probably keep you close by her side as soon as she rescues you, making sure you're alright as you both try to find a way to escape.
She found you in the mines, unconscious and bruised, covered in blood and open wounds. A part of her was comforted that she wasn't alone anymore but another part was horrified at your injured state. Definitely tried to tone down her attitude when she saw how scary all of this was for you, she took the lead and guided your injured figure out of the mines with her and back over to the Washington lodge. Probably developed a bit of a soft spot towards you and tried looking out for you a lot more often, made sure you got out the lodge safely when the wendigos attacked.
Being badly injured herself, she looked horrified to see someone looking in more pain than she was, when she was looking for a way out, she had almost ended up in an unconscious state again when you swung a shovel, missing her by inches because of your concussion, all you wanted was to get out of those mines and so with her help, you both managed to escape the monster in the mines that was hunting you both down. Despite a terrible amount of pain in doing so, you had wrapped your jacket around her when you saw her bare bruised legs trembling from the cold.
She thought she had heard Sam and separated from a panicked Chris for just a second and ended up with an even bigger shock when she ended up stumbling right upon you. Bruised and bleeding, tearful and scared, in an instant she was approaching you and she felt like a horrible friend for not noticing you were gone, she had been too busy looking for Sam to even notice that you weren't present after she was knocked unconscious. A string of apologies left her as she untied you, hugging you in an attempt to comfort you even though she has been just as scared as you were.
Was probably really confused when he found you, he wasn't sure if you were real or just another trick that's been forced upon him by his mind. He's worried when he sees your deformed face, mangled and bloody and he doesn't know how to help you. Will probably try to talk to you to keep himself distracted from his sisters haunting taunts and you will distract yourself from all the pain your in by answering him back, hoping that a rescue is on its way or even a escape route for both of you to leave safely.
He found you in the mines when he was looking for a way out, you had been running and collided with him in your panic, attacking him immediately when you'd thought of him as the threat you ran from, it was only when you heard his voice that you calmed down and started crying. You were injured and scared and so he took it upon himself to keep you safe, guiding you out of the mines and staying by your side when rescue is approaching you both.
Found you in the tunnels connecting to the lodge, he was heading back from the sanatorium and heard an upsetting amount of crying from some closet and so he opened it and was shocked to find you, sitting and staring at him fearfully, a knife in your hand. He wasn't sure what had happened but assumed your fear was caused by the same thing he was scared of, whatever or whoever it was that attacked Jess. He had to guide you out of your hiding place carefully, holding on tight to your hand as you trembled.
Chris had found you when he went out to save Josh's life from the monster, that's when he saw you, scared and stumbling towards him with a bleeding face that had been slashed open. The flamethrower guy forced you over to Chris in a hurry, telling you both to remain still, but the pain you were in had failed you and that's when your life ended up in Chris's hands, you moved, the flamethrower guy was slaughtered and you had to run ahead as Chris shot the very monster that tried to kill you, he was willing to get hurt or even die as long as you made it back to the lodge safely.
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ghoulie-67-baby · 1 year
Stubborn to a fault- David Rossi.
Summary: You try to continue working when you’re ill, Davi isn’t having any of it and takes care of you.
Prompts: ‘shh, it’s okay. Get everything out.’ ‘Will you carry me?’
Warnings: Sick!reader, overworking, disregard for own health, vomit, crying, undressing.
Pairing: David Rossi x sick!reader.
Word count: 1,520.
Bella: Beautiful.
Dolcezza: Sweetness.
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The number of files on my pile was slowly going down, I didn't have many left anymore. I was determined to get them all done before I left for the night. I held my hand tight around my stomach as I fought to focus on the work in front of me rather than the cramps and rolling waves of nausea.
"See you later Y/N." I smiled up at Emily, giving her a slight wave as I hid my discomfort. I was left alone in the bullpen, lights dimmed and closed off from Hotch and Rossi as they worked away in their offices. The clock seemed to slow down until minutes felt like hours, and all the while the pain worsened. My hands shook as I wrote, making it impossible to finish my report.
"You look terrible." I jumped out of my trance as David's voice came from beside me. I glared up at him halfheartedly, slightly offended despite it being the truth.
"Thank you," I deadpanned, smiling grimly. "Is it any wonder you've had three wives?"
"Ouch," his hand clutched at his chest in faux pain. "I guess I deserved that, huh?"
"Sorry, that was harsh." Rubbing my hands over my face. "I'm a little under the weather."
"Hmm, I can see that." I smiled tiredly at him as he crouched beside my desk. "Why don't we get you home?"
"No, it's okay, I've got too much to do. I'll go home when I'm finished." Turning back to my desk I grabbed my pen, only to be stopped by a warm, calloused hand covering my own. My eyes met his for a moment before I let out a heavy sigh.
"Y/N, that can wait for now. You're not well and you need rest. Your complexion enough is scaring me and paired with the stomach pains and shaking is more than enough to allow yourself time off." Pulling the pen from my grip, he set it on the desk and put my phone in my bag before slinging it over his shoulder. "Come on, ill drive you home." He caught Hotch's gaze from the office and motioned that he was taking me as I stood from the chair, holding his arm for support.
"Fine, but not because you told me." I countered. "Because I want to." Ignoring the spinning of my head, we walked to the car park, his hand holding my waist so I didn't fall. After buckling me in, David began the drive home.
"You know, you're too stubborn for your own good." He commented, eyes flickering from the road to me and back.
"I know I'm behind on my files and Strauss will rip into Aaron about it. I thought if I could get the done now then my reward would be having the weekend off ill." The sickness persisted as the motion of the car irritated my stomach.
"That's not how this works, you resting when you're ill isn't a reward it's a necessity. And if you'd spoken to Aaron then he would have given you time off without any questions asked. He would've dealt with Strauss." His voice was gentle and soothing, calming me as my anxiety rose.
"I just didn't want to put more pressure on him, he's dealing with enough with Jack." I shrugged off the conversation, brow furrowing as I watched the streets pass. "Rossi, this isn't the way to my house."
"I know," He chuckled. "Do you really think I'm going to leave you alone when you're ill? I don't think so, we're going to my place so I can take care of you." My heart melted in my chest at his words and I settled back in my seat for the rest of the ride.
"Y/N, we're here." My eyes fluttered open at his voice and it dawned on me I had dozed off. "Come on, let's get you in the warmth." He leant over me through the now open door and unbuckled me, helping me out carefully. The churning in my stomach picked up once more as we walked to the house. I stood stiller than ever as Rossi wandered around, putting our jackets away and my bag on the table. I knew how awkward I must look but I was scared of ruining something.
"David," my voice was barely a whisper as a wave of nausea and heat rocked my body. "David." I let my voice get a little louder, catching his attention as my mouth started to water and my heart pounded against my ribs. Dark, whiskey eyes met my own and widened in realisation as he took in my panicked voice and pasty face. His hands gripped my waist as he rushed us towards the bathroom, speeding up slightly when I slapped my hand over my mouth.
I spluttered around my hand as we made it to the bathroom just in time. I fell to my knees as my body hurled its contents up. Cramps wracked my body as I threw up, grimacing at the sound it made. The waves of vomiting interrupted the groans of pain and discomfort mixed with sobs.
"Shhh, it's okay. Get everything out, Dolcezza." David muttered as he rubbed my back, keeping my hair away from my face. My body slumped after a while, energy depleted as I dry retched, having nothing left the bring up.
"I'm sorry," I cried, letting him pull me back against his chest. "I'm really sorry." Guilt crept up o me; feeling awful for throwing up at his house when I was a guest.
"It's okay, Bella, you can't help being ill." He was so gentle and understanding, just holding me as I settled down. "You don't need to be sorry." Closing my eyes, I waited for the room to stop sinning, focusing on the warm hands that rubbed my arms. After a few minutes, he manoeuvred me to rest against the bathtub before grabbing a brand-new toothbrush as I struggled to keep my eyes open. "Here Dolcezza let's get you cleaned up. Brush your teeth and we can get you rested up." Grabbing the toothbrush from his hand, I sleepily did as he said, letting him wipe my face with a warm cloth afterwards.
"Now, let's get you to bed, Bella." I smiled at him tiredly, brushing my fingers over his cheek gently.
"You're too sweet to me." Exhaustion was quickly taking over, making me giddy and seem almost drunk. "Will you carry me?" His chuckle made my head feel a little lighter, despite the fever that was beginning to take over. Without hesitation, strong arms picked me up and I looped my arms around his neck, head falling on his shoulder. I let out a sigh of relief as the cold sheets met my skin but the feeling didn't last long as they warmed up under me.
"It's okay, we'll get you cooled off." Rossi's face came into focus as he sat on the edge of his bed, a glass of water in one hand and a bowl of water in the other. "Take a few sips of this, slowly, don't want you throwing up again." My head seemed fuzzy as I drank with shaking hands, grimacing at the sweat that seemed to pour off me.
"Want this off." Pulling at my jumper, huffing as my hands got stuck in the sleeves. "Need it. I can't get it," frustration built up, soon turning to tears which were common when I was ill.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," David rushed back over, placing a clean washcloth beside the bowl on the bedside table. "Calm down, Bella, let me help." The jumper was quickly removed, the air on my dampened skin feeling almost icy. "Lie down, you have to rest."
"Don't wanna make a mess of your room." Words began to slur together as exhaustion took over but he seemed to understand clearly enough. "Don't wanna ruin anything, David." I yanked off my trousers, the fabric feeling like knives against my skin, kicking off my shoes as I threw myself back against the pillows
"you don't need to worry, things can be cleaned." He soothed me, reorganising the pillows so I could lay comfortably and folding my discarded clothes before pulling a soft, light blanket over my waist. If it wasn't for the fever delirium then I would have been mortified id stripped in front of my boss but I couldn't collect any thoughts at the moment.
"M'Kay," I sprawled against the bed grateful for the breeze from the open window. I let out a moan of appreciation as a damp, cold cloth wiped over my skin, settling at the base of my neck. "You're an angel, David, my sweet angel." My voice quietened as I began to nod off. "Stay with me?" The vulnerability pushed through my sleepiness.
"Of course, Dolcezza, I'll be right here when you wake up." My lips curled into a soft smile as he kissed my head, smoothing down my hair. I threw my arm over his waist, burying my head into the gap between the pillows and his side. "Sleep well, Bella."
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illusioninfnty · 8 months
day 19 ; 69ing
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↠ emily davis x reader
fandom: until dawn word count: 657 warnings: nsfw 18+, teasing, jealous!emily if you squint, fingering, squirting
kinktober m.list || read on ao3
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“Are you serious? You’ve never had one?”
“Nope. None of the guys could ever make me cum.”
“Men could never make me cum either.” You pop another chip into your mouth. “I had my very first orgasm with a woman. Only had one with ‘em since.”
Emily snorts and side-eyes you from her seat across the couch. “Really? And that made all the difference?”
You nod and wipe your hands onto a paper towel next to you. The room is quiet, with your friend eagerly anticipating your answer, although you know she would never admit to it.
“Trust me. Women know how to make you cum.”
Emily seems to be in thought for a bit before she fully swivels her body to face you. “Fine. If you’re so confident in that,” she opens her legs in front of you. “Then come and give me one.”
You raise an eyebrow. “And get nothing out of it? Hell no.�� You grab her by her ankles and pull her closer towards you, tugging down her shorts and underwear. Climbing on top of her, you begin to shimmy out of your own bottoms. “You better be giving me one too.”
She groans in annoyance. “I thought this was supposed to be about you helping me.” A small pout takes over her lips. “And I could’ve sworn you said just seconds ago that you had plenty of girls falling over their feet just waiting to make you cum.”
You do your best to conceal your smirk over her tone. “What? Think you can’t do it?”
She narrows her eyes. “Fuck you. Get over here.” 
You happily oblige and turn yourself around, seating yourself on her face and sticking your own in her pussy.
Since you’re not really that mean of a person, you’re happy to take the initiative before Emily. You start by rubbing your fingers around her entrance, getting her as wet as possible. You dip your fingers in and a surprised moan escapes her lips. Her hands grip your thighs tightly.
“If you’re not sure what to do just follow my lead,” you say teasingly.
Emily scoffs. “I’ve fingered myself plenty of times, thank you!”
You feel her start exploring inside you with her fingers as your own curl up inside of her. You thumb around her clit, going faster and faster. She begins to match the pace as she arches up into your touch.
“Oh fuck,” she whispers, just loud enough for you to hear.
Trying to conceal her sounds, Emily starts to eat you out. She moans into your pussy, and the vibrations cause you to become even wetter. You dive her into her own entrance. Flicking your tongue all around, reaching as far as you can. You switch your attention between her clit and her insides, and she imitates you, as if seeing which one of you could do it better.
You make room to stick your fingers inside her again just as her own pace starts to relax and slow down. You thrust them in and out rapidly, hitting spots that make her push her face deeper into you and eat you out more furiously. It only serves to arouse you even more.
“Almost there?” You coo.
Her response is a firm nod.
You don’t let up with your pace, not even when she finally cums, her juices spraying your face and neck, dripping down your chest. Her nails dig into your skin as she finally detaches from you and lets out one loud whine as she cums.
Rolling off her, you hold her close to you as she pants rapidly, recovering from her peak.
When her vision isn’t as glassy and her breathing is more regular, you poke her side, getting her attention.
“Still didn’t make me cum though,” you jab at her.
Emily rolls her eyes and slaps your arm, turning her body the opposite way. “Shut up. We still have time for that.”
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
A Dangerous Game Ch 16
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, hurt, angst, minor arguments, bad coping mechanisms. the usual bau type case work. i apologize in advance and will be taking invoices for therapy bills. know that i made myself cry too, we're suffering together.
Emily was genuinely surprised to see your car in the parking lot the next morning, she’d been fully expecting you to use a sick day, or at the very least that you would be late. A jolt shot through her and she was suddenly nervous about going inside the office and having to face you like absolutely nothing had changed.
“Morning.” Derek’s voice came from just behind her as he fell into step with her and she glanced up, mustering a smile.
“Morning.” She paused, pressing the button for the elevator, speaking again when the doors slid open, “hey, thanks for getting that system installed at Wilson’s”
“Don’t thank me yet.” He grumbled, running a hand over his face, “damn thing kept glitching. I was on the phone with the company for over an hour trying to reboot it but nothing wanted to work.”
“Can they send someone?”
“Yeah but they’re backlogged and understaffed, won’t be for nearly two weeks at the least.”
“I wouldn’t worry too much, she lives in a nice area, neighbour nosy as hell too.”
“Hmm.” Emily nodded as the doors swooshed open and the two of them went their separate ways, Derek beelining for the breakroom for a fresh coffee and she disappeared into her office.
It was a slow day, which was making it even more intolerable, menial paperwork, and piles of it to get through. At least for Emily that just meant it was a quick read through to make sure her team had completed what they needed correctly, signing off on a couple of them before submitting them to the higher ups. She was spending the rest of the time looking through potential cases, begging to find one that would take the team out of town. She figured that was her best bet for when it came to keeping Dewald away from you, on the off chance the bug was broken or he didn’t think the fight was legit.
After lunch Penelope had the dire need for human interaction, bringing her laptop into Emily’s office with the hope for some girl talk or gossip. JJ had come to drop off her stack of paperwork completed with the hopes that she would be able to take a half day, lingering to chat for a little bit as Emily approved her papers. She had just reached the last one in the pile when there was a small knock on the doorframe and Emily glanced up to see you.
“Sorry to interrupt.” You huffed, keeping your gaze anywhere but on Emily, “statements from the Davis case, extraction summary for Randall, and the write up you asked for.” You dropped them into the inbox on her desk.
“Thanks.” She smiled softly in your direction, trying not to let the frown take over her face instead when she really got a look at you. You looked exhausted, the bags under your eyes puffy no doubt from crying most of the night and guilt surged through her. She could tell you’d been letting your anxiety win, your usually perfectly manicured nails were picked at, ripped apart, the polish peeling off a few of them. You turned to leave the awkward space and Emily stumbled over her thoughts right before speaking, “good work, if you want to call it a half day and head out, you can.”
“You sure?” You turned back to her, this time actually looking at her with a raised brow and the melancholy had left your eyes, a spite fire in them now, “what if there’s a case and I’m off galivanting across DC?” You didn’t wait for an answer, if she wanted to send you home she could do it later, you didn’t need a half day to go sulk by yourself at home, at least here you were semi distracted.
You were gone from the office before Emily even had a chance to comment on your response. Instead she let out a groan, hands rubbing circles at her temples,
“God… she fucking hates me….”
“You kicked her off a case, she’ll get over it.” JJ laughed, picking up her coffee mug and leaving the office, eager to get out of work for the day.
“I wish it was that simple.” Emily muttered, trying to keep her own emotions at bay. Silence over took the room for a moment as the wheels started spinning in Penelope’s head, surveying the other woman. There was frustration behind her eyes but also sadness as she fought back the slight shimmering of tears, ducking her gaze from the blonde.
“What?” She glanced up, catching Penelope studying her and the guilt washed over her again.
“You and Wilson had something, didn’t you? Something that meant something…”
“We were friends Penelope.” She laughed, putting the mask back on the best she could, “and I don’t like burning bridges with friends, especially ones that are on this team. We’re supposed to be a family here and now there’s all this tension. It’s not supposed to be like this…”
“Well… families fight sometimes.” She leant forward, squeezing at Emily’s hand across her desk, “and you know what else? They eventually come around and forgive too.”
“I’m really not sure there is a coming back from this…” Sighing, she dumped the pile of your paperwork into her outbox, turning to the pile of files beside her she handed Penelope a stack, “help me find a case?”
“Yeah.” The blonde gave her a bright smile, she knew there was more going on than Emily was letting onto, but she wasn’t about to push it, she’d simply be there to help her with whatever she needed.
A few hours later Emily glanced up to find your desk empty, though your laptop was still sitting on it, your blazer strewn across the chair. Her eyes swept through the room to find Derek missing too and she figured you’d gone upstairs to the gym to try and work off some of the frustration.
By the end of the day she hadn’t managed to find a viable case, even with Penelope’s help. There were a few calls into some local ones, but she desperately wanted one out of state. She needed you out of your house and it wasn’t exactly like she could just get you at her place anymore. She thanked the other woman for her help, dismissing her for the day and packed up her things, making her way out of the office.
Sergio greeted her at the door when she got home, meowing as he wound around her ankles. She gave him a little scratch, pouring some food into his bowl but he ignored it, sitting in the entry way staring at the door for a full half hour after she got home. He let out a loud meow, looking over his shoulder at her at the forty five minute mark and she let out a huff,
“Forget it. She’s not coming over anymore.”
Emily had a pint of ice cream for dinner that night.
Back at the BAU you certainly had been at the gym, though you’d stayed on the treadmill and extra hour after Derek had left. By the time you’d gotten back downstairs to grab your stuff, the room was empty and Emily’s office was dark, you’d at least managed to avoid another run in.
Getting home you took the worlds longest shower, trying to scrub away the past couple of days in the steaming hot water before changing into warm pyjamas. Your appetite was nonexistent, so you simply stared into the fridge for ten minutes before opening the freezer to do the same thing. Nothing was jumping out at you so you closed both, grabbing the bottle of bourbon from the liquor rack and a glass before you dropped onto the couch.
You thought the mind numbing sitcom that you’d seen a million times before would be enough to distract you from thinking about Emily. Then the two main characters started their romantic arc and you couldn’t help the tears in your eyes, or the way they started to roll down your cheeks. Feeling sorry for yourself, and angry at Emily, you turned off the tv, chucking the remote to the other side of the couch and headed upstairs.
Sleep managed to evade you for hours, you’d done laundry but the scent of Emily’s perfume still lingered in your sheets. Tears stained your pillows and when you finally managed to cry yourself out, exhausted and fall asleep, your dreams were plagued with memories of her, waking you up with a whole new surge of sadness and tears.
She wanted nothing to do with you anymore and you had never felt so broken.
The next three days Emily’s anxiety was skyrocketing each morning she pulled into the parking lot until she found your car. Despite having cut ties with you she was still worried that Dewald would continue to go after you, she was desperate for a case to take the team out of state. She’d already reached out to local PD, appointing Will lead on finding Dewald now that he was in the DMV area, knowing that he would treat the matter with the right severity. The faster the bastard was behind bars, the faster she could come clean and pray that you’d accept whatever feeble apology she could give.
For those same three days your chest was tight each morning you pulled up to the BAU, expecting that one day your access badge simply wouldn’t work, that there would be transfer paperwork sitting on your desk when you got in. You were starting to feel Emily didn’t want you on the team anymore, while other members got to leave the office to go into the field locally, you were always told to remain here, holding down the fort, working with Penelope or Reid. You understood this was potentially part of the reprimand but underneath it all you were doubting yourself more and more each day, feeling like you didn’t deserve to be on such an exclusive team any longer. And that certainly wasn’t helping you sleep at night or your stress levels.
Emily watched from her office as you slunk through the bullpen to your desk, dropping down into your chair and your head sunk into your hands. A moment later Derek walked passed, placing a warm mug of coffee on your desk, squeezing at your shoulder. You glanced up toward him, giving the best smile you could before picking up the coffee. He lingered for a bit and she wished she could hear what the two of you were saying, you nodded, then shook your head with a shrug and Derek squeezed your shoulder again before moving to his own desk. You took a heavy breath, wiping at your make up less face before cracking open your lap top.
She was more than well aware now that she wasn’t the only one laying awake at night and all she wanted was to be able to wrap you in her arms, telling you it would all be okay, leaving a soft kiss on the top of your head while you drifted off. She craved your touch, she missed your smile, the sparkle in your eye, hearing your laugh drift through the air, the way you would nuzzle closer to her even in your sleep. The way that you made her feel safe, cared for and appreciated in a way no one else ever had. She could feel the tears misting into her eyes as she watched you, wanting nothing more than to call you into her office and explain the whole thing. A tear was just about to escape out of the corner of her eye when her phone rang, jolting her from her thoughts.
Normally, you would have been able to feel her eyes on you, a smirk on your cheeks as you guessed what she was thinking as she stared. But today you were so utterly exhausted you didn’t feel anything. You were numb.
That phone call had been the saving grace Emily had been waiting for. They weren’t requesting the whole team, just a couple of agents to get further clearance and the experience of profilers. She worked her way through the team mentally as to who would be best suited and landed on Derek, figuring it couldn’t hurt that the two of you were pretty good friends and she knew he would keep an eye on you too. She managed to catch him in the break room, handing over a file and giving him a brief run down before she crossed back through the bull pen,
“Wilson? You got a minute?” She called, trying not to frown when you tensed at the sound of her voice, letting out a heavy sigh as you pushed back from her desk, following her into her office, closing the door behind yourself.
“What’s up?” You asked, lingering near the doorway while she took a seat behind her desk.
“Wheels up in thirty.”
“And the rest of the team?” You raised a brow, feeling the annoyance surging through your veins already, exhaustion not helping the situation, “or are you shipping me off to boarding school for me to work on my manners now?”
“Does everything have to be a fight with you?” She grumbled, huffing, “you and Morgan have a case, they don’t want the whole team, just some insight.” She held up a folder for you to take and reluctantly, you stepped forward and took it from her.
“Seattle? Seriously?” You asked and she nodded, you let out a sigh, doing your best not to roll your eyes, trying to keep your behaviour in check, “listen, I know I made a mistake and broke protocol but how long is this punishment crap going to last?”
“Excuse me?” She raised a brow and you took a deep breath.
“You booted me off a case that I was lead on five years ago, one that Jacksonville called me specifically to run point on. I seem to remember landing in Florida hearing you say, ‘this is your case, I’m just along for the ride’, what happened to that?”
“I think I’ve already given you a pretty good explanation for that.”
“Oh whatever.” You rolled your eyes, “just come out and say you hate me already. You break up with me, if you can even call it that considering we weren’t even together.” You choked on your words, the tears building in your eyes and you weren’t even sure if they were painful ones, frustrated tears or simply just your body aching for some actual sleep, “And now you’re shipping me off across the country so you don’t have to deal with me? So you don’t have to see me on a daily basis? Or is it because you don’t think I can handle seeing you every day?”
Emily could see just how much you were breaking in front of her and it was with every power she had that she was keeping the mask on, her stomach was churning, bile creeping up her throat when her lips moved.
“Agent Wilson, if you would like to keep this job, you’ll go get your bag and meet Morgan at the jet in thirty. And watch your tone, I don’t need you making the BAU look bad over there.” You took a shaky breath, eyeing her for a moment but you knew you were pushing you luck already, you didn’t want to lose this job.
“Yes ma’am.” You turned from her, taking a step toward the door before you suddenly turned back, “it really had to be Seattle? You could’ve shipped me off anywhere in the country…”
“They asked for you specifically.” She replied, it wasn’t fully a lie. She’d mentioned she had an agent who used to live and work out there and they said they’d appreciate being sent them; it would help if you already knew the city.
“Bullshit.” You shook your head, “if you want me transferred out so badly just fucking do it.”
You were gone from her office before she had a chance to say anything else. God she really had dug the knife in deep, maybe even deeper than she’d meant to. She could chalk up your attitude to exhaustion, she’d excuse that for a week at the very least. Hopefully a trip out of state, getting somewhere different might help you sleep. At the very least she wouldn’t have to worry about Dewald having access to where you were.
She took a shaky breath, trying to hold it in but the disdain in your eyes when you looked at her now was a stab to the gut and she felt like she hated herself as much as she was sure you hated her. Tears welled up in her eyes again and this time she let them slip down her cheeks, the bullpen was empty and she was too tired of fighting it.
“You okay?” Penelope’s extremely soft voice came from the doorway and Emily quickly sniffled, wiping at her cheeks.
“Yeah, just… exhausted.”
“Anything I can do to help?” She asked, taking a few steps into the office and Emily took a couple of breaths, straightening out her shirt as she shifted in her chair.
“Uh, call Will. See if he has any leads on Dewald, names, addresses, links, anything. And you do whatever magic it is that you do to try and track the bastard down, check traffic cams in Alexandria. Cross streets of Mt Vernon Trail and Canal Center.”
“Any specific dates your thinking?” The blonde raised a brow slightly.
“Last Sunday night, say ten pm until eight the next morning.” She made a rough guess, knowing the cat had to have been placed sometime in that range. There was a small pause in the room before Penelope spoke, her voice quiet again.
“Wilson’s his main target isn’t she?”
“What?” Emily glanced up, trying to mask it, her brows furrowing but she knew it was too late, sighing, “are you gunning for a promotion or something?”
“No.” Garcia chuckled softly, “it’s just standard procedure to take an Agent off a case when they’re the main target. You know if you told her that maybe she wouldn’t be such a bitch to you.”
“I can’t tell her.” She started to defend her decision and Penelope cut in,
“Because she shares that same suicidal tendency you have? And she’ll immediately use herself as bait, going to him on her own to bring him out of the shadows?”
“And we both know how that ended last time…” Emily deadpanned, “keep this on the downlow please? I don’t need the whole team knowing.”
“Of course sunshine.” She stepped forward, squeezing Emily’s shoulder and pressing a kiss to the top of her head, “and don’t worry, Derek’ll keep an eye on her.”
You climbed onto the jet, tossing your bag down into a spare chair and dropped into one beside the window. You were in the midst of pulling out your headphones when Derek came wandering back from the cock pit, tossing a hoodie to you.
“Why?” You asked with a slight grumble.
“You always sleep better curled up in a hoodie, and you look downright exhausted.”
“Thanks I guess.” You mumbled, but admitted defeat, pulling the sweater over your head and curling up around yourself. Much to your dismay, he settled into the seat diagonally across from you, case file on his lap. After a few minutes of reading through it, the plane started it’s ascent and he turned to you with a smirk on his lips.
“You ever join the mile high club Wilson?”
“You have a girlfriend and I don’t swing that way Morgan.” You grumbled back, rolling your eyes as you adjusted in your seat.
“Hey.” He nudged at your foot with his own, “I’m just tryin to light the mood. You seem pretty down in the dumps this week.”
“Can you just let me be down in the dumps in peace then?” You asked and he could see the shimmer of tears in your eyes through the reflection in the window.
“Alright.” He dug through his bag for a second, pulling out a jar of gummy melatonin, “here, take one of these. Help you sleep but you won’t be too groggy when we land.”
You turned back to him, swiping at the corner of your eye with the stolen hoodie before picking up the jar and popping one out, “thanks.” You mustered up the best smile you could and he squeezed at your foot while you readjusted in the seat, pulling your legs up into your usual jet sleeping position.
 @mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @somethingimaginative17 @temilyrights @alexxavicry  @anya-casablanca @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @aliensaurusrex @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx  @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess  @kdaghay @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @awolfcsworld @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @s1ut4nat @midnight-sapphic @scorpsik @thisisraes @prentiss-theorem @unsubologyy @strongsassysexysloane @svushots  @overtrred28 @hbkswife @happenstnces  @sapphicprentiss @baubeautyandthegeek
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empathiie · 4 months
plotting/starter call for the hwminievent6! under the cut are my characters, their dates, and their vibes for the night. 💗 capping the starters at four per character for now!
abby anderson -- blind date with josie saltzman. (1/4) urumi akamaki.
abby will be on a blind date with josie. abby is still getting used to a world that's normal and not post-apocalyptic, so they may be a bit uncomfortable at first only to open up later in the night.
alicia clark -- blind date with adam torres. (1/4) ramona flowers.
alicia will be on a blind date with adam. she is more outgoing and willing to enjoy herself at an event like this, so she'll probably have a fun time; making the most of the night.
bella swan -- blind date with brinna javik. (1/4) alice cullen.
bella will be on a blind date with brinna. even though she's a generally awkward person, she's eager to spend the evening with someone new and go outside of her comfort zone.
beth washington -- open to a date. (2/4) emily davis, max lightwood.
beth is actually excited for this event. i'd love to see her go with someone or find someone to spend the majority of the event with! she will be enjoying the party and wishing that she at least had her brother or sister there with her.
bigby wolf -- attending with snow white. (1/4) danika fendyr.
bigby is attending with snow. he won't exactly be in Big Bad Wolf Mode, but he'll be protective of her, of course, and will be on the lookout for any trouble or chaos that might happen during the event.
dora tonks -- blind date with bb-8. (2/4) eloise bridgerton, hagrid.
dora will be on a blind date with bb-8. she's actually looking forward to this blind date and getting to meet new people, even if the vibe of the event is ~romantic~. she'll also want to be seeing her friends and family and may even introduce them to her date.
draco malfoy -- going solo. (4/4) rabastan lestrange, hermione granger, harry potter, scorpius malfoy.
draco is going solo. but he has big feelings for lee jordan, and will probably spend most of the night bickering with him about complete and utter nonsense. also, he'll probably be drinking. a lot.
garrett -- attending with kate. (1/4) irina.
garrett is attending with kate. he loves a good party and will be making the most of it, socializing and getting to know other vampires. he won't be paying as much attention to the humans, given his current circumstances.
jyn erso -- attending with cassian andor. (3/4) ellie williams, ansel of briarcliff, sha hualing.
jyn is attending with cassian. she's still a bit wary of washington itself, having heard of the craziness that occasionally takes place here. cassian is her safe place, so she'll want to stay by his side.
louis weasley -- attending with wednesday addams. (2/4) fleur delacour, bill weasley.
louis is attending with wednesday. and in all honesty, he probably dragged her to the event kicking and screaming. he's looking forward to spending the evening with her, and showing her off to all of his friends and family. he knows how to have a good time, and will make sure that he does, as long as he has wednesday by his side.
luna lovegood -- attending with neville longbottom. (2/4) cho chang, lee hongjo.
luna is attending with neville. she's incredibly excited to go, having a deep love for most holidays. she will be all dolled up and is excited to see everyone!
maggie greene rhee -- going solo. (1/4) rosita espinosa.
maggie is going solo. however, she'll probably stay close to glenn, since he IS her husband, after all. she'll also want to make sure that no trouble arises. she does love valentine's day and will be enjoying herself at the same time, though she won't get crazy with it. she just wants to have fun on her mom's night out!
mike schmidt -- open to a date. (2/4) charlotte dilaurentis, jester lavorre.
mike isn't super eager to be attending the valentine's day event, honestly. he hasn't had a lot of romance in his life, which is part of why he plans on going alone. i'd love to have a date for him, though, to enjoy the night with! he's a big softy on the inside, and would be sweet to spend time with once he gets past his shyness.
rey palpatine -- attending with fred weasley ii. (3/4) samara palpatine, leia organa, han solo.
rey is attending with fred. she is super excited to get to know them better and to spend more time with them, especially at an event like this. she'll also be checking in with her friends and family to make sure that they're having a good time, too.
rhaenyra targaryen -- attending with harwin strong. (2/4) lidia cervos, penelope garcia.
rhaenyra is attending with harwin. they're ready for a night out away from the kids, though they love their children, a date night with their husband is very much needed.
theon greyjoy -- attending with sansa stark. (2/4) ridoc, filippa kosta.
theon is attending with sansa. and will be spending the majority of the event by her side. he's a little bit on the reserved side and will want to stay within his comfort zone, which is with sansa or other people that he knows.
will graham -- going solo. (1/4) yennefer.
will is going solo. despite this, he may gravitate towards someone that he feels a connection with. however, he will likely spend most of the night alone, or at least ~trying~ to socialize.
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coolpeopleonlyexist · 4 months
Emily Davis x Jessica Riley, smut
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"Oh look what the cat dragged in." emily groans in annoyance and rolls her eyes turning to see jessica, her ex-bestfriend "Its been a while since, ya know i got with your man." emily scowls crushing out the butt of her cigarette on the bottom of her shoe to flick it out the window next.
They were at a party sam decided to make at her house and currently emily was in sams room, she wanted to take a smoke just to get away from all the drunks and crazy people downstairs and also to get away from jess, so here she is leaning on the window smoking out in the air.
"Sam won’t like your smoking in her room." emily glares at her taking out another one just incase jess decides to leave "Do i look like i give a shit?" now its jessicas turn to roll her eyes "You should, she would kick you out." emily turns to her.
"Oh what, you care about that?" jess looks at her with her lip curled "No, im just saying. Though it would be satisifying to see sam drag you out of here." emily snaps her head up her lighter in hand "Fuck.You." emily begins to grip the lighter in her hand.
There was something that would burn in emilys chest every single time she saw jess but this time it was a different feeling, it wasn’t of love but hatred.
"What the hell do you want." emily growls her last puff of nicotine slipping out her lips blowing it into the air "Just wanted to see my dear friend." jess responds as she walks around the room picking things up to examine them and keeping her distance from emily, she makes sure to keep her eyes on the brunette because she knows emily will literally pounce up and drag her.
"We aren’t friends, we will never be. After what you fucking did!" jess looks emily a bit harder into her eyes to see that she was very close to crying, emily places a cigarette between her lips planing to just turn and walk away "I didn’t do anything, your man michael wanted me so i took the opportunity-" now that set emily off, she spit out the stick onto the floor. Jess made the mistake to turn her back on emily and before she realized emily takes a grip of her hair and slams her forehead into the wall.
"OW FUCK!" jess yells elbowing emily in the nose, that was a trick emily taught her when they were 9 'Just in case!' emily would say with a big grin but the emily now was glaring at her with anger and her teeth bared.
Emily shrieks as she lets go of jessicas hair to grab at her nose that was now spiling blood down her chin "How do you like that bitch!" emilys eyes snap open dodging jessicas sucker punch, giving jess a punch to the jaw making jessica grunt and look back up to emily though another punch was thrown and this time it was to her eye "SHIT!" emily grabs her by the collar of her shirt, bitch slapping jess which happened to split jessicas lip.
Jess pushes emily away "You fucking CUNT!" jess lands a punch on emilys temple knocking emily into the wall "I fucking hate you!" emily yells out.
Emily then grabs jessica by the waist and slams her down on the floor knocking the air out of her "Shit!" jess grunts out trying to push emily off her but to no avail.
Emily straddles jess with her knees on either side of jessicas hips trapping her under her, jess jumps up biting hard onto emilys collar bone til she felt something warm and metallic in her mouth "Fuck!" emily yells pushing jess down onto the floor before wrapping her hands around jessicas throat.
Jess grips on emilys hair making her grunt "GOD! fuck!" emily lets out a cry as jessica scratches her forearm "Stop that!" emily picks jess up by the neck and slams her down making jessica let out a pained groan "Let me go! You bitch." jessica began to thrust her hips up trying to push emily off "Get OFF-" jess gets cut off by a punch to her nose "OW!" she lets out a whine.
She knew she didn’t stand a chance to fighting with emily because emily didn’t show mercy, was very vicious and brutal during fights. She has seen the brunette fight women and knock men out, its as if seeing a bear fight a bird.
Emily squeezes her hands making jessica cough "God- fuck." emily lets out a chuckle "I prefer when your like this. With your fucking mouth shut and at my mercy." jess let out a moan as emily squeezes her hands again, sick fucker.
Emily glares down at her "I fucking despise you." jess lets out a whimper when emilys grip tightens even more. Jessicas eyes roll to the back of her head "I don’t understand why michael chose you of all people." jess groans "isn’t it obvious?" she coughed out.
"Enlighten me, how a man doesn’t have sex with a girl for a good month and he decides to run to the nearest slut." emilys look in her eyes seem as if she is now close to snapping jessicas neck "Thats the thing, you could never pleasure him but i can." emily smirks "He just likes having useless idiotic cum dumpsters with him, so he went to get with you after he realized i was none of those. Baby." emily purr’s with a smile "Tell me, how many times he has came inside you and just turned around and fell asleep. Im sure he has a streak of doing that." jess bites down on her bottom lip "Your just his little whore." emily places one of her hands on jessicas chin "And thats all you will ever be." emily wraps her hands around jessicas neck again to squeeze til jess coughs.
Jess squirms 'Oh god, why is this making me horny.' jess couldn’t really lie at the fact she was a bit into getting man handled but what she didn’t understand was why at THIS moment her body decided it was fucking hungry for emily fucking davis.
She thought those feelings went away when she got with mike, she HOPED they would go away after she got with mike but she was wrong when she looks down to see emilys skirt hiked up showing her underwear resulting in jessica feel even more bothered.
Jess snaps out of her adrenaline to realize her clit was throbbing painfully against the tight jeans she swore, but it is hitting just the right spot she couldn’t help but squirm.
No man neither mike has ever turned her on like this and emily wasn’t even trying to be sexy or to get her like this but she was, she didn’t even know what was going on in jessicas head.
She fixed her look back on Emily and noticed how beautiful the light of sams bedroom made her. Her skin looks so soft and her lips look wet from her own blood. 'No.' Thought Jess, and this time she actually kept the thought in her head instead of verbalizing it. 'Her lips look soft too..like pillows. FUCK.'
Emily realizes the looks jessica is giving her, the eyes to lips to eyes again and how shes biting down on her bottom lip with a flushed face then soon the realization hits emily so hard.
Emily glares down at her with a disgusted snarl "Oh my god.. your enjoying this, aren’t you." jess smirks letting out a cough as emilys grip tightens to indicate she wants a response from the blonde "What can i say, i like it a little rough." from her high-pitched pants and gasps she guessed the same was true of emily, but she knew she wasn’t going to give it up. not yet ofcourse.
Emily picks up jess by the throat and slams her down on the floor again earning a cry from jess "Emily!" emilys nails dug into jessicas flesh, jess swore she could feel her skin break from emilys sharp nails as something warm went down her neck "Your going to-" jess gasps, her lips parting.
"Kill me!" emily ignores her watching as her eyelids flutter "I hope i do, you fucking crazy bitch." jess knew emily would and could kill her right now if she wanted too, she knew emily could snap her neck and leave her here without a care in the world.
Though instead emily leans into jessicas lips in a sloppy mash of skin and teeth, jessica groans when she tastes emily. She tastes of blood and cigarettes as well as the cherry lipgloss she always wore.
Emily was still choking her as they clash teeth and lips, she then bit down on jessicas bottom lip breaking the skin making her to yelp "Ow!" blood began to appear but emily looks at her with anger before leaning in again and each time jessica would try to pull away she would let out an angry groan and squeeze jessicas throat.
Emily pulls away when she was out of breath, jessica was so dizzy from the cut of air and emilys strong rich perfume and she was overwhelmed by all of this. It was happening so fast, they both have boyfriends! This is insane.
Emily slides her hand down jessicas jeans to press her fingers on her dampened underwear, looking at her with a glare when jess arches her back and leans her head more into the floor with a ragged sigh "God, your fucking messed up." jess smirks up at her "Your just as turned on as me." they both know its true theres no denying it, jessica could feel emilys heat on her stomach due to the fact emily was already showing the arousal soaked underwear. Jessica decides to thrust her hips up to press her stomach on emilys crotch "Fuck-" emily grunts "See? Just like me sweetie." emily glares down at jessica as she presses even more down on her stomach beginning to grind down on her abdomen, jessica smirks "Keep going."
Jess pushes the hem of emilys top up to just rest her palms against her stomach, her nails digging into her skin leaving marks on her pale skin "Your lucky im even LETTING you touch me you slut." jess smirks at her as emily grinds against her faster "Aren’t i lucky- ohh right t-there." jessicas eyelids flutter as emily brushes her fingers on her clit to go down to her entrance, jessicas back arches when emily presses her clit.
"This is fucking filthy, this is not sex. This is FUCKING, you know the difference." emily growls as she gives a sharp thrust into jess "Fuhhckk!" jess moans as she feels herself stretch around emilys two fingers, its so intense its making her head spin.
Emily stares down at her watching as whimpers and moans slip out from jessicas lips "Look at me, i want to watch you crumble." jessica immediantly complies as she sees the hungry look emily has in her eyes.
Jess moans as emily thrusts even harder inside curling her fingers up "Fuck! yes yes right there! Keep going oh fuck." though emily pulls away "Wait no, emily!" jess whines with her voice all shaky "What are you doing!" emily smirks as she grinds slowly "Beg me." jess glares at her "You fucking bitch." emily begins to circle around the blondes swollen clit. Jess lets out a plead "Em." jutting her hips up "Emily," jess whimpers "Not enough, jessica our time is limited until somebody finds us here. And i don’t want to have to explain." jess looks at emily through frustrated tears, her thighs tightened as she watches emily roll her hips letting out a moan of pleasure.
Jess watches as emily kept rubbing herself onto her stomach letting out whines and it made jessica want to touch her but she knew emily wouldn’t let her do that so instead she should just finish this while watching her "Please emily." her voice a low needy rasp "Good girl." emily plunges her three fingers inside, it hurt so good. Emily chokes jess to keep her from moaning loud "Sh-it." emily growls "Look at me, jessica." jess looks at emily, god she looks beautiful. Her hair was a mess from jess tugging on it, her nose had dried blood going to her chin, her lipstick was smudged and her mascara was also smudged and jessica felt her arousal smear on her stomach "Fuck." emily whimpers arching her back, jess lets out a chuckle "You look beautiful." jess begins to sit up trying to go for a kiss but emily presses her back down "No, thats too much." emily shakes her head, they both knew it was too passionate but jess didn’t care so she thought it wouldn’t hurt if she tried.
Jess just wonders how she looks compared to emily, she knows she looks like a fucking mess. Emily smirks "Your such a slut." jess nods too much of a moaning mess to reply "Getting fucked by an ex-bestfriend, after getting with her boyfriend?" emily lets out a laugh "You fucking whore, was it worth it?" jess didn’t respond "Im sure it was worth it, because look at you now. You look like you have never been fucked before." jess lets out a whine as emily slides out just to plunge back in "Im gonna make sure i enjoy this." emily squeezes her throat.
The pain hurt so good and more arousal began to build up as air was cut off from her lungs, jess lets out a choked out moan as her eyes roll to the back of her head and her back arches "Im-im cumming-" emily smirks "Go ahead jessica." emily squeezes her again.
"Emily," jess grunts as she tenses as the orgasm hits her like a fucking bus, her whole body burning as she comes down from her high. Emily was still thrusting inside slowly watching her intensely "Jessica." emily pulls out of her "You are a fucking freak." jessica lets out a grunt as emily slid back in "Em- i can’t do another-" emily shakes her head "I know you can jessica." soon the door was slammed open making emily give jess a sharp thrust resulting in jessica letting out a moan of pain or pleasure, emily pulls out of her fast going back to choking her out.
They seemed to be fighting but in reality it was just a bit rough fucking, matt pulled emily off of jess "Em! thats enough!" emilys hand was a bit sticky but he decides to ignore it "Jess! You alright?!" mike picks up jess noticing her pants being unbuttoned though his concern was of jess and her pretty face "Jess?" jess huffs.
"Nothing- this bitch fucking pounced on me." emily growls at her and moves foward again "I'll fucking kill you-" matt pulls her back again "Em! calm down." jess smirks as emily lets out a growl "We can continue what we started, next time." jess looks at emilys sticky hand thats hanging uselessly by her side, licking her lips as she looks at emilys soaked underwear.
"Your fucking insane." emily looks at her hungrily and seeing that she squeezed her thighs jessica knew there would be a next time.
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devilsmenu · 4 months
Here I'm doing a starter/plotting call for my muses for the mini event, currently capping at 5 per muse, also if you want a specific plotting hit me on Discord and we can discuss some plots!
Muses that probably won't be attending: Ally Liddell, Astoria Greengrass, Abby Sciuto, Alison Blaire, Buttercup Utonium, Francis Barton, Harriet Hook, Heiya Akane, Irene Adler, Jamie, Kono Kalakaua, Li Lonnie, Lorna Dane, Noah Foster, Peni Parker, Jeon Pildo, Romeo Montague, Sally, Satana Hellstrom, Kim Sun and Tony Wyzek.
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Chad Charming | Aware | Date with Blossom Utonium (1/5) Blossom
Chad decided to be there with Blossom and have fun with her. Open to small chat and drinking buddies.
Outfit for the gala.
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Chris Hartley | Aware | Blind date with Annie James (2/5) - Emily Davis, Jess, Annie
He would be the type to walk the museums just to see the dinos and the technology exhibition. Would love to dance, chat with friends or new friends and having fun in general.
Outfit for the gala.
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Choi Junwoong | Aware | Blind date with Clara Oswald (2/5) - Clara Oswald, Sakura
He'll probably be strolling around the museum, taking some walk and drink and eating.
Outfit for the gala.
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Daken | Aware | Blind date with Minako Aiko (4/5) - Logan, King, Adrien, Dawn
He'll be at the bar, not wanting to be too much social and maybe walking around the museum.
Outfit for the gala.
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Felicia Hardy | Aware | Blind date with Jem Carstairs (4/5) - Peter Parker, Tadashi, Alani, Kagome
Probably would be drinking, eating and taking a look at the jewelry exhibition to see what fits her oops.
Outfit for the gala.
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Jihyo Kim | Aware | Blind date with Scarlett Thomas (3/5) - Cho Chang, Robin Buckley, Wei Wuxian
Jihyo loves a good party so she'll be doing everything at once lol. Just having fun in general.
Outfit for the gala.
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Lee Hongjo | Unaware | Blind date with Andrew Deluca (1/5) Ellie
Hongjo will definitely have fun, walking around the museum, dancing, drinking, eating, trying to make new friends.
Outfit for the gala.
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Rafael Lightwood-Bane | Aware | Blind date with Adeline Witherdale (2/5) - Max Lightwood Bane, Victoria
Rafe is there to get some booze, free food and maybe dancing. He'll also take a look at the exhibitions.
Outfit for the gala.
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Romeo Montague | Aware | Date with Juliet Capulet (1/5) Jester
Romeo would probably wander around Smithsonian because he loves everything related to history, he's a big fan of museums and want to have a nice ball with the love of his life. Open to a conversation, bar talk and dancing.
Outfit for the gala.
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Sally Ragdoll | Aware | Date with Jack Skeleton (2/5) Parker, Jane
Sally would probably be tired, especially because she had a lotof work doing the dresses for the ball but she can't say no to Jack. She'll be on her own, probably just drinking, eating and resting outside or wandering around.
Outfit for the gala.
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Urumi Akamaki | Aware | Blind date with Princess Aurora (1/5) Xiao Chiye
Urumi don't mind the exhibitions though so she would probably be filming some content at the event and also enjoying some booze and making small talk.
Outfit for the gala.
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Today in Christian History
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Today is Thursday, March 21st, 2024. It is the 81st day of the year in the Gregorian calendar; Because it is a leap year, 285 days remain until the end of the year.
1526: In Zurich, Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz, and George Blaurock escape from prison down a rope. Pacifist Anabaptists, they believed Christians should not hold power, but had been condemned to life imprisonment on concocted charges of fomenting revolution. Captured again that year, Manz and Blaurock will be again imprisoned, and Manz will be executed by drowning in 1527.
1556: Archbishop Thomas Cranmer is burned alive on orders of Mary Tudor, officially because of his “heresies” (he had been a leader in the English Reformation), but actually because of his role in providing King Henry VIII with a divorce from Mary’s mother Catherine many years earlier.
1656: Death of the archbishop of Armagh, James Ussher. His Annales Veteris et Novi Testamenti proposed a biblical chronology that placed the creation of the world in 4004 BC, and his dates will be incorporated into the notes of many Bible versions.
1806: Burial of David Dale, a Scottish manufacturer and philanthropist who sought to alleviate the condition of the poor by providing food, housing, and education at his mills. He had opened new mills to provide work for the unemployed. Strongly evangelical, he served as a lay preacher and headed many philanthropic endeavors, and was known as a lenient magistrate.
1843: Gungaram Mundel contracts cholera. He had been the first convert at Khari Baptist Church, Calcutta, and his profession of faith had eased the way for other Indians of the area to follow Christ.
1863: Death of Davis Griffiths, a missionary to Madagascar, who had translated the Bible into the Malagasy language.
1965: Baptist minister Martin Luther King, Jr (pictured above). leads more than three thousand civil rights demonstrators on a march from Selma, Alabama, to Montgomery. By the time they reach their destination four days later, the number of protesters will have swelled to twenty-five thousand.
1979: Muslim militants burn down the fifth-century historical Coptic Church of Saint Mary the Virgin in Old Cairo.
1994: The people of Augusta, Georgia, dedicate a monument on Green Street to the memory of Christian philanthropist Emily Harvey Thomas Tubman.
2007: Teacher Christianah Oluwasesin of Nigeria is beaten to death by a mob on an accusation that she touched a student’s handbag which had a Koran in it, thus defiling the Koran.
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A List of Works Influencing and Referenced by IWTV Season 1
Works Directly Referenced
Marriage in a Free Society by Edward Carpenter
A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
Cheri by Collete
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams
La Nausee by Jean-Paul Sartre (credit to @demonicdomarmand )
Complete Poetry of Emily Dickinson edited by Thomas H. Johnson*
The Book of Abramelin the Mage
Don Pasquale by Gaetano Donizetti with libretto by Giovanni Ruffini
Iolanta by Pyotr Tchaikovsky with libretto by Modest Tchaikovsky
Pelleas et Melisande by Claude Debussy
Epigraphes Antiques by Claude Debussy
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)
Nosferatu (1922)
Kansas City Stomp by Jelly Roll Morton
Wolverine Blues by Jelly Roll Morton
Works Cited by the Writer’s Room as Influences
Bourbon Street: A History by Richard Campanella (as it hardly mentions Storyville I think interested parties would be better served by additional titles if they want a complete history of New Orleans)
Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino (This was also adapted into an award winning opera)
poetry by Charles Simic (possibly A Wedding in Hell?)
poetry by Mark Strand (possibly Dark Harbour?)
Works IWTV may be in conversation with (This is the most open to criticism and additions)
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, uncensored (There are two very different versions of this which exist today, as Harvard Press republished the unedited original with permission from the Wilde family.)
Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner
Warsan Shire for Beyoncé’s Lemonade
Faust: A Tragedy by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Melmoth the Wanderer by Charles Maturin
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
La Morte Amoreuse by Theophile Gautier
Carmilla by Sheridan LeFanu
Maurice by E.M. Forster
Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin
Sailing to Byzantium by Yeats
The Circus Animal's Desertion by Yeats
The Second Coming by Yeats
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (credit to @johnlockdynamic )
1984 by George Orwell (credit to @savage-garden-nights for picking this up)
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner
Gone With the Wind film (1939)
Hannibal (2013)
Beauty and the Beast by Gabrielle Suzanne de Villenueve
*if collected or in translation most of the best editions today would not have been available to the characters pre-1940. It’s possible Louis is meant to have read them in their original French in some cases, but it would provide for a different experience. Lydia Davis’ Madame Bovary, for example, attempts to replicate this.
** I've tagged and linked relevant excerpts under quote series as I've been working my way through the list.
Season 2 here
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bearterritory · 2 months
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REDWOOD CITY – The No. 4 California women's rowing team dominated the duel against No. 7 Washington sweeping all five races Saturday morning at the Redwood Shores in Redwood City. With the Bears' win in the V8+ race, the Simpson Cup, which goes to the winner of the varsity eight race, comes back to Cal for the first time since 2019. Cal's 2V8+, 3V8+, 4V8+ and V4+ also notched wins in the duel. This marks the second time this season the V8+, 3V8+ and V4+ defeated Washington as the two faced off at the San Diego Crew Classic earlier this month.   "Washington brought out the best in us today," Cal head coach Al Acosta said. "We've done quite a bit of racing and travel over the last three weeks, so I was a little concerned about how much juice we'd have for this one, but the team did an amazing job of going stroke for stroke with the Huskies early and then extending the margin later in the race. Four years ago, when our seniors were freshmen, we got swept by UW, so it's very gratifying to see the seniors get this one. Now that we're halfway through the season I think we're in a good spot, but we have some big races coming up and it's not going to get any easier so we will need to continue to get faster."   In the V8+ race, both boats were even through the first 20 strokes before Cal took a two-seat lead in the first 500 meters. As the boats approached the 1,000-meter mark, the Bears were ahead by a half boat. Cal kept the pressure on over the third 500 meters and extended its lead to a seat of open water. The Bears maintained that margin to take the victory in a time of 6:08.8 and bring home the Simpson Cup.
In the matchup of the 2V8+, it was fairly even off the start with Cal taking just a one-seat lead over the first 20 strokes. As the boats hit the halfway mark, the Bears kept their lead and went ahead by two seats. Cal kept the pressure on over the third 500 meters and went ahead by a half boat before extending its lead to almost a full boat over the closing 500 meters to take the win in 6:20.2.   In the 3V8+ race, it was tight over the first 500 meters until Cal took a four-seat lead at the 1,000-meter mark. The Bears were able to extend their lead to open water over the third 500 meters and held that lead to finish first in a time of 6:33.2.   In the 4V8+ duel, the first 500 meters were close before the Bears took a three-seat lead by the halfway mark. Cal was able to extend its lead over the third 500 meters and went ahead by a bit of open water to take the win in a time of 6:46.9.   In the V4+ race, Cal got off to a good start and went ahead by two seats within the first 20 strokes. The Huskies were able to walk back a seat and pulled nearly even over the first 500 meters. By the time Cal hit the halfway mark, it was ahead by almost a boat length. The Bears continued to press and built an open-water lead over the second half of the race to get the win in a time of 6:46.9.    The Bears will have next weekend off before competing in the Big Row against No. 1 Stanford on May 4 at the Redwood Shores.   Results   V8+ 1. Cal – 6:08.8 2. Washington – 6:12.6   2V8+ 1. Cal – 6:20.2 2. Washington – 6:23.2
3V8+ 1. Cal – 6:33.2 2. Washington – 6:40.8   4V8+ 1. Cal – 6:46.9 2. Washington – 6:50.6   V4+ 1. Cal – 6:46.9 2. Washington – 6:50.6   Lineups V8+ Coxswain - Piper Melnick Stroke: Fien van Westreenen 7: Lotta van Westreenen 6: Minou Bouman 5: Antonia Galland 4: Julia Hunt-Davis 3: Ella Wheeler 2: Star Miller Bow: Amy Furlonger
2V8+ Coxswain: Lily Wieland Stroke: Della Luke 7: Sophie Ward 6: Ella Berger 5: Tabo Stekelenburg 4: Shannon Kearney 3: Izzy Campbell 2: Sammie Henriksen Bow: Katie McDermott   V4+ Coxswain: Charley Griffiths 4: Megan Culbert 3: Lola Crampin 2: Julia Irmler 1: Miya Meskis   3V8+ Coxswain: Emily Nowak Stroke: Lily Pember 7: Zoe McKernan 6: Francesca Hammerer 5: Lily Rausser 4: Nicole Weber 3: Gwyneth Fagg 2: Sophie Fussell Bow: Ella Lewerenz
4V8+ Coxswain: Julia Fullington Stroke: Claire Banks 7: Eve Barrancotto 6: Tyra Hjemdal 5: Molly Gold 4: Annie Brown 3: Sydney Koutrouba 2: Sidney Curven Bow: Kate Nixon   STAY POSTED For further coverage of Cal women's rowing, follow the Bears on Instagram (@calwrowing) and Facebook (Cal Crew).
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aaronstveit · 1 year
read in 2023!
i did a reading thread last year and really enjoyed it so i am doing another one this year!! as always, you can find me on goodreads and my askbox is always open!
The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and Other Verses from the Red Book by J.R.R. Tolkien (★★★★☆)
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo* (★★★★★)
Beowulf by Unknown, translated by Seamus Heaney (★★★★☆)
The Rise of Kyoshi by F.C. Lee (★★★★☆)
Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo (★★★★★)
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories by Carmen Maria Machado (★★★★☆)
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde (★★★★★)
The Shadow of Kyoshi by F.C. Lee (★★★★☆)
The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta (★★★★★)
Nine Liars by Maureen Johnson (★★☆☆☆)
Sharks in the Rivers by Ada Limón (★★★☆☆)
Babel, Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators’ Revolution by R.F. Kuang (★★★★★)
Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley (★★★★★)
Paper Girls, Volume 1 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, and Matt Wilson (★★★☆☆)
Paper Girls, Volume 2 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, and Matt Wilson (★★★☆☆)
There Are Trans People Here by H. Melt (★★★★★)
Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson (★★★★☆)
Paper Girls, Volume 3 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, and Matt Wilson (★★★☆☆)
Paper Girls, Volume 4 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, and Matt Wilson (★★★☆☆)
Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (★★★★☆)
Paper Girls, Volume 5 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, and Matt Wilson (★★★☆☆)
The Guest List by Lucy Foley (★★☆☆☆)
Paper Girls, Volume 6 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, and Matt Wilson (★★★☆☆)
The Princess Bride by William Goldman (★★★★☆)
Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha (★★★★★)
Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid* (★★★★★)
Goldie Vance, Volume 1 by Hope Larson, Brittney Williams
Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White (★★★★☆)
The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (★★★★☆)
The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (★★★☆☆)
Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Y. Davis (★★★★★)
The Final Gambit by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (★★★☆☆)
Who Goes There? by John W. Campbell Jr. (★★☆☆☆)
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin (★★★★★)
Going Dark by Melissa de la Cruz (★★★☆☆)
Working 9 to 5: A Women's Movement, a Labor Union, and the Iconic Movie by Ellen Cassedy (★★★★☆)
Why Didn't They Ask Evans? by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
The Murder on the Links by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
The Waste Land and Other Poems by T.S. Eliot
The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise by Colleen Oakley (★★★★☆)
Hollow by Shannon Watters, Branden Boyer-White, and Berenice Nelle (★★★★☆)
Heavy Vinyl, Volume 1: Riot on the Radio by Nina Vakueva and Carly Usdin (★★★★☆)
Burn Down, Rise Up by Vincent Tirado (★★★☆☆)
Heavy Vinyl, Volume 2: Y2K-O! by Nina Vakueva and Carly Usdin (★★★★☆)
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli (★★★★☆)
Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid (★★★★★)
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo (★★★★★)
The Backstagers, Vol 1: Rebels Without Applause by James Tynion IV, Rian Sygh, and Walter Baiamonte (★★★☆☆)
The Odyssey by Homer, translated by Emily Wilson (★★★★☆)
The Backstagers, Vol 2: The Show Must Go On by James Tynion IV, Rian Sygh, and Walter Baiamonte (★★★☆☆)
A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare (★★★★☆)
Happy Place by Emily Henry (★★★★★)
After Dark with Roxie Clark by Brooke Lauren Davis (★★★☆☆)
Night of the Mannequins by Stephen Graham Jones (★★★☆☆)
Lord of the Flies by William Golding (★★★★☆)
A Little Bit Country by Brian D. Kennedy (★★★★☆)
Built From the Fire: The Epic Story of Tulsa’s Greenwood District, America’s Black Wall Street by Victor Luckerson (★★★★★)
Cheer Up!: Love and Pompoms by Crystal Frasier, Oscar O. Jupiter, and Val Wise (★★★★★)
All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens throughout the Ages by assorted authors, edited by Saundra Mitchell (★★★★☆)
Gwen and Art Are Not in Love by Lex Croucher** (★★★★☆)
St. Juniper's Folly by Alex Crespo** (★★★★★)
The Last Girls Standing by Jennifer Dugan** (★★☆☆☆)
Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann (★★★★★)
Where Echoes Die by Courtney Gould** (★★★★☆)
Your Lonely Nights Are Over by Adam Sass** (★★★★★)
Princess Princess Ever After by Kay O’Neill (★★★☆☆)
Thieves' Gambit by Kayvion Lewis** (★★★☆☆)
The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
You’re Not Supposed to Die Tonight by Kalynn Bayron (★★★☆☆)
Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield (★★★★☆)
Devotions by Mary Oliver (★★★★★)
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan* (★★★★☆)
The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan* (★★★★☆)
The Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan* (★★★★★)
The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan (★★★★★)
The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan (★★★★★)
Suddenly a Murder by Lauren Muñoz** (★★★★☆)
The Demigod Files by Rick Riordan (★★★★☆)
Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty (★★★★★)
All That’s Left to Say by Emery Lord (★★★★★)
The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan (★★★★☆)
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Edward Albee (★★★☆☆)
The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan (★★★★☆)
The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Joseph Andrew White (★★★★★)
Hallowe’en Party by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
M Is for Monster by Talia Dutton (★★★★☆)
The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan (★★★★★)
Our Shadows Have Claws: 15 Latin American Monster Stories by assorted authors, edited by Yamile Saied Méndez and Amparo Ortiz (★★★★☆)
These Fleeting Shadows by Kate Alice Marshall (★★★★☆)
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen (★★★★★)
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins* (★★★★★)
The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston (★★★★☆)
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins* (★★★★★)
The October Country by Ray Bradbury (★★★★☆)
Hamlet by William Shakespeare (★★★★☆)
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving (★★★★☆)
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins* (★★★★★)
The Appeal by Janice Hallett (★★★★☆)
The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin (★★★★☆)
The Carrying: Poems by Ada Limón (★★★★★)
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler-Colonial Conquest and Resistance, 1917-2017 by Rashid Khalidi (★★★★★)
Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen (★★★★★)
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins* (★★★★★)
Know My Name by Chanel Miller (★★★★★)
Rifqa by Mohammed El-Kurd (★★★★★)
Bloodchild and Other Stories by Octavia E. Butler (★★★★☆)
The Witch Haven by Sasha Peyton Smith* (★★★★★)
The Moving Finger by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
The Essential Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson (★★★★★)
A Murder is Announced by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On by Franny Choi (★★★★★)
The Witch Hunt by Sasha Peyton Smith (★★★★☆)
That’s Not My Name by Megan Lally** (★★★★☆)
The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher (★★★★☆)
The House of Hades by Rick Riordan (★★★★☆)
Dark Tales by Shirley Jackson (★★★★☆)
Pageboy by Elliot Page (★★★★★)
All This and Snoopy, Too by Charles M. Schultz (★★★★☆)
The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan (★★★★☆)
Murder in the Family by Cara Hunter (★★★★☆)
The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill** (★★☆☆☆)
Comfort Me With Apples by Catherynne M. Valente (★★★★☆)
The Deep Sky by Yume Kitasei (★★★★☆)
Spell on Wheels Vol. 1 by Kate Leth, Megan Levens, and Marissa Louise (★★★★☆)
Spell on Wheels Vol. 2: Just to Get to You by Kate Leth, Megan Levens, and Marissa Louise (★★★★☆)
Freedom is a Constant Struggle by Angela Y. Davis (★★★★☆)
Kindred by Octavia E. Butler (★★★★☆)
The Christmas Appeal by Janice Hallett (★★★★☆)
So Far So Good: Final Poems: 2014 - 2018 by Ursula K. Le Guin (★★★★☆)
Murder on the Christmas Express by Alexandra Benedict (★☆☆☆☆)
Midwinter Murder: Fireside Tales from the Queen of Mystery by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
Mother-Daughter Murder Night by Nina Simon (★★★★☆)
Hercule Poirot’s Christmas by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (★★★★★)
The Twelve Days of Murder by Andreina Cordani (★★★★☆)
The Christmas Guest by Peter Swanson (★★★★☆)
The Sittaford Mystery by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
The Twenty-Ninth Year by Hala Alyan (★★★☆☆)
Christmas Presents by Lisa Unger (★★★☆☆)
Letters From Father Christmas by J.R.R. Tolkien
Bellweather Rhapsody by Kate Racculia (★★★★☆)
An asterisk (*) indicates a reread. A double asterisk (**) indicates an ARC.
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bombsquad9 · 3 months
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝗼 𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞
Hello! I am Ro, and I am 18-21 year old trans man. I write for many fandoms (which shall be listed below). This is indeed my second account, I deleted my last one because I needed to refresh everything (feed, posts, etc). I will try to post frequently, and if I do not then please be patient with me, because it probably means burn out or poor mental health. I also have a new Wattpad account, which the username is also bombsquad09 (it will also be linked below, along with a tag list). Every fandom and character within will be in alphabetical order. Some of the fandoms I do write for will not be listed, and that is due to me not taking requests for those specific fandoms. Thank you!
✞Apex Legends
—> Character(s): Catalyst, Caustic, Fuse, Horizon, Loba, Mirage, Octane, Revenant, Seer, Valkyrie, Wattson.
✞Fallout 4
—> Character(s): Cait, Codsworth, Deacon, John Hancock, Nick Valentine, Porter Gage, Preston Garvey, Robert MacCready.
✞House of Ashes
—> Character(s): Eric King, Jason Kolchek, Joey Gomez, Nick Kay, Rachel King, Salim Othman.
✞Mortal Kombat
—> Character(s): Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Noob Saibot.
✞Resident Evil
—> Character(s): Ada Wong, Alcina Dimitrescu, Albert Wesker, Ashley Graham, Carlos Oliveira, Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield, Ethan Winters, Finn Macauley, Jake Muller, Jill Valentine, Karl Heisenberg, Leon Kennedy, Luis Sera, Nikolai Zinoviev, Piers Nivans, Sherry Birkin.
✞The Quarry
—> Character(s): Abigail Blyg, Dylan Lenivy, Emma Mountebank, Jacob Custos, Kaitlyn Ka, Max Brinly, Nick Furcillo, Ryan Erzahler.
✞Tomb Raider
—> Character(s): Lara Croft
✞Until Dawn
—> Character(s): Ashley Brown, Chris Hartley, Emily Davis, Jessica Riley, Joshua Washington, Matthew Taylor, Mike Monroe, Sam Giddings.
✞Transphobia, Homophobia, Racism, Sexism, Fetishizing, etc will not be tolerated. If you do anything related to any of those topics you will be blocked from my account.
✞Do NOT request things such as pedophilia, rape, zoophilia, etc . If anything you are requesting is like that you will be blocked from my account.
✞If you send hate in my anonymous inbox then you shall be ignored, and your message will be deleted. If you're going to be hatefully, don't be a pussy and hide behind an anon.
✞Minor shall interact with anything that is not labeled 18+/MDNI/smut. I can't stop you, nor am I going to carry out an investigation to find out if you're 18+. If you're a minor and you interact and see something you don't like; THATS NOT MY FAULT.
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝗺:
⚠︎︎Requests are currently open⚠︎︎
✞If you are requesting please be specific about what you want. This includes characters, setting, whether it's ship/xreader/headcanons, and other criteria you want. I can't make it what you want if you don't tell me.
✞I will write smut, fluff, and angst. Headcanons, ships, x readers, preferences, etc are all acceptable within reason.
—> When it comes to smut I will write quite a bit, even somewhat darker themes (Again; I draw the line at things like rape). I may not be good due to having lack of practice from where I didn't write for awhile, my apologies.
—> When it comes to angst, I will write almost anything. I will write (TW) suicide, self harm, alcoholism and other addicts, etc. Though, I won't write EDs or anything related. Similarly to smut, it may not be good due to lack of practice, my apologies.
—> Anything out of reason would be minor x adult in a pedophilic/romantic way, human x animal (no, this does not include monsters) in a zoophilic/romantic way, etc.
✞Be patient, I will want to take my time on requests for various reasons. Sometimes I need breaks, sometimes I don't have any ideas, sometimes I will have writing sprees. It depends on the minute, so again, be patient. If you complain about how long it takes your request will be deleted and ignored.
✞If you want to be tagged for any specific character(s), then put your username in an orderly fashion on the Google doc that I will have linked below.
✞I will mostly write m!reader (AMAB and AFAB), but if you do want f!reader or gn!reader just let me know in your request, and I will do. If you do not specify I will either do m!reader or gn!reader by default. The only exception to this is if it is a lesbian/sapphic character.
✞ Any requested content will be Tumblr exclusives! Anything that is requested on my Wattpad will be Wattpad exclusive.
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭/𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭/𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐩𝐚𝐝:
✞Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/BombSquad09?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_profile&utm_campaign=invitefriends&wp_page=home&wp_uname=BombSquad09
✞Masterlists: Pending...
✞Tag List: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10ZsBcfr3GOyd3p2r2iJaf_jtLlpnMWjzOPIAstF6b2I/edit
✞Upcoming Works: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10_Oqn6twstO545rBCmSJLUgCBclezaJ4jLroZdUnh0c/edit
⚠︎︎This post was last updated: 4/20/24⚠︎︎
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lets-ignore-that · 1 year
I change some names, add on some details, throw out convoluted bullcrap, and add some parts that are my own.
Full thing under the cut!
William was born on October 14th, 1938. He was born to James and Helen Afton. James Afton died in 1944 in WW2. Hellen Afton died in 1994 of natural causes. 
Henry Emily was born on June 10th, 1941 to Edward and Dorthy Emily. Edward Emily passed away in 1995 to natural causes, his wife passed away a year later. 
William moved to America at 18 to go to college for engineering, there he met Henry and they formed a friendship. William met Elanor in 1957 and married her in 1959. Henry met Ruth in 1958 and married her in 1960. 
Ruth Davis was born on November 26th, 1941, to Kenneth and Florence Davis. Kenneth Davis passed away in 1975 to medical issues, Florence passed away in 2000 to natural causes.
Elanor Schmidt was born on February 15th, 1943 to Frank and Marie Schmidt. Frank Schmidt passed away in 1964 to medical issues, Marie Schmidt passed away in 1978 to natural causes.
William and Henry put their degrees to use to start a business and in 1964 the first Fredbears opened, a simple diner featuring Fredbear and Springbonnie. In 1966 after trying to upgrade the springlocks, William suffers a springlock accident but survives, scarring him. The springlocks are eventually perfected.
William and Elanor had their first child in 1969, Michael Afton. 
Fredbears becomes more successful, and eventually more locations are opened. 
Henry and Ruth had their only child in 1971, Charlie Emily. William and Elanors family expands, with Elizabeth Afton being born in 1976, and Evan Afton being born in 1977.
In 1978 William murders his wife with a sledgehammer. He disposes of her body in an unnamed location in the Utah desert. Due to them having marital issues the police don't find enough evidence to convict William and he is not incarcerated. He manipulates Michael into thinking Elanor left them due to her lack of love for them. 
1983, Evans 6th birthday is taking place in a Fredbears Diner. Due to him being terrified of the animatronics, Michael and his friends torment him and push him into the mouth of Fredbear. Evan starts crying, and the moisture from his tears cause the springlocks in Fredbear to activate and his mouth clamps shut, crushing Evans head in it. HE is rushed to the hospital and is put into an induced coma, he passes away 5 days later. 
Evans' death causes Williams mental health to drastically deteriorate, and he starts to abuse Michael more severely than before. William starts to theorize that Evan possessed Fredbear and his soul is in the animatronic. William starts to design different types of animatronics whose sole purpose is to capture children and kill them. A sister location is opened with these new types of animatronics. Elizabeth becomes infatuated with one of the animatronics, Baby based off of her. She obsesses over her, although William tells her to stay away from Baby. At the sister location Elizabeth disobeys her father and goes to Baby, who lures her in with icecream and ends up murdering her. William becomes even more distraught and abusive.
Henry, noticing the problems in his business partner's life and mental state, and proximity to horrific accidents, forces him to leave the company for his own good. He also secretly fears for his own daughter's safety. Henry designs an animatronic puppet to act as a watchguard for her.
One evening at the establishment the puppet ends up being barricaded in her box and Charlie is left out in the rain. William, who was the reason behind the puppets' entrapment, meets her outside, and kills her. He flees the scene. The puppet escapes her box and crawls outside, laying next to her body, she possesses the puppet. 
Despite overwhelming evidence William is not convicted. 
The restaurant in which this occured is shut down.
To expel rumors and allegations the Fredbears Brand is redesigned to Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria. New animatronic designs are made and new locations are opened up in 1987. William disguises himself as a security guard and murders five children, stuffing them into the animatronics. Cassidy is the first child murdered. She shares the suit with Evan.
Due to the murders the restaurant is about to be closed down, but one more party takes place, a security guard named Jeremy Fitzgerald is bitten in 1987. The location is shut down and William is arrested on speculation of the murders. HE is once again let go despite evidence pointing to him. 
In 1993 a new location is opened with the animatronics being refurbished. Michael ends up working there but is fired. At night, William enters the facility to disassemble the animatronics. HE is confronted by the spirits in them and they corner him in a backroom. HE puts on a spring bonnie suit to scare away the kids but the moisture of the room activates the springlocks and he gets painfully killed. He possesses the suit. 
After learning of Williams disappearance/ death Henry walls off back rooms in all of the locations under the guise of “budget cuts”
In 1995, Michael goes to the underground storage facility holding baby and the rest of the sister location animatronics to rectify his mistakes and find out more about his father. Baby and the rest of them manipulate Michael into helping them escape, and they end up leading him into the scooping room, scooping out his organs and killing him, baby  and the others congeal into one animatronic called ennard and enter michaels body. They use his body as an attempt to  conform to civilian life but it starts to rot and it expels ennard. Michaels soul possesses his own body, essentially becoming undead.
After being expelled, infighting causes baby to be removed from ennard due to her being Afton's daughter and refusing to kill Michael. She rebuilds herself and Ennard becomes Molten Freddy. 
30 years pass and the murders essentially become urban legend. In an effort to further dispel the rumors, a horror attraction is opened called fazbears fright. Michael starts working there to continue trying to find his father.  Springtrap is found and moved to the attraction as a prop. Michael and Springtrap fight and Michael sets the building ablaze. Afton escapes but MIchael captures  him and moves him cross country to Henry.  They plan to kill springtrap once and for all. Before Michael can deliver him to Henry, Springtrap escapes once again. 
Ina desperate attempt to end everything and tie up loose ends, Henry opens a location to try and lure everyone into it. It miraculously works and after scrap baby, ennard, springtrap, golden freddy and the puppet are trapped inside, Henry sets the place on fire with him inside it along with Michael to end everything once and for all. 
William is sent to Hell and cassidy, who is extremely malevolent to him, makes her own personal hell for him, she forces the childrens souls to stay there with her and torture him. Henry, who is portrayed as old man consequences, tells Cassidy to leave William to suffer by himself and let everyone go to heaven. She relents and lets everyone free. William stays in hell. 
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singeratlarge · 5 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Rowan Atkinson, Paul Brindley (The Sundays), Max Bruch, Capucine, Sandy Denny, Kahlil Gibran, Mickey Hargitay, Michael Houser (Widespread Panic), Van McCoy, Tom Mix, Nek, Sandra Oh, Laudir de Oliveira, the 1963 New York theatrical opening of the musical OLIVER! w/Davy Jones, singer Chris Pilcher (good to sing with you), Giuseppe Sammartini, Carl Sandburg, Franz Xaver Scharwenka, Alexander Scriabin, Earl Scruggs, bassist Andy Seal (good to play with you), John Singleton, Kathy Sledge, John Smith, Charles Sumner, Ebo Taylor, Nino Tempo, Danny Thomas, Doris Troy, Alex Turner (Arctic Monkeys), Kim Wilson, Paul Wilson (The Flamingos), Loretta Young, Malcolm Young, Yukana, and Syd Barrett, the famously troubled musician, guitar pioneer, singer-songwriter, and co-founder of Pink Floyd. Syd was a poster boy for 60s psychedelia—an influential and fascinating madcap who wrote most of PF’s early touchstones (“See Emily Play”). However, his real story is a shout-out for widespread mental illness in the music world. Meanwhile, in his short and stormy career, he set the tone for experimental and edgy pop music, inspiring David Bowie, Flaming Lips, Robyn Hitchcock, Paul McCartney, XTC, and many more. Here’s my take of “Remember a Day” from Floyd’s SAUCERFUL OF SECRETS album and one of the last songs Syd did with the band. Shine on you crazy diamond…
#birthday #sydbarrett #pinkfloyd #guitarist #rickwright #johnnyjblair #singeratlarge
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krispyweiss · 16 days
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Dom Flemons at Happy Hollow Hootenanny, Snow Fork Event Center, Nelsonville, Ohio, June 1, 2024
Birdsong accompanied the early portions of Dom Flemons’ Happy Hollow Hootenanny headlining appearance and fireflies lighted up the encores.
It was just before 8 p.m. June 1 when Flemons took the small Creekside stage in the woods of Nelsonville, Ohio, to play the instrumental “Old Cindy Gal” on rhythm bones and harmonica, his tapping feet and strategic breathing adding extra percussion. Ninety minutes later, the 125 or so in attendance were solemnly singing “We are Almost Down to the Shore” along with Flemons and his acoustic guitar before the American Songster wrapped his singular gig with an impromptu rag that earned a standing ovation in the forest and elicited a deep bow from the makeshift bandstand.
In between, the Carolina Chocolate Drops co-founder played originals from his most-recent Black Cowboys and Traveling Wildfire LPs, revisited the songbooks of Rev. Gary Davis on “Saddle it Around,” Elizabeth Cotten in an instrumental acoustic guitar medley bookended with “Freight Train” and “Oh, Babe it Ain’t No Lie” and reprised the Drops’ version of “Your Baby Ain’t Sweet Like Mine” on banjo as the audience alternated from respectful silence to explosive appreciation during and between numbers that encompassed traditional country on “Slow Dance with You;” country blues on “Steel Pony Blues,” which also appeared during soundcheck; folk on “Nobody Wrote it Down;” and spiritual music on “My Long Journey Home.”
Dressed in blue pants held up with suspenders, a plaid work shirt and hat, the bespectacled Flemons played five instruments (guitar, banjo, harmonica, bones and quills) across the 18 numbers on his playlist. He was in a jovial mood, explaining songs’ origins, recalling a whitewater-rafting trip with Yo-Yo Ma before the banjo-instrumental “Lost River Blues” and laughing off Wildfire’s recent Grammy loss to Joni Michell, singing: When Joni’s in the category it’s a Grammy that you ain’t got.
A master- as well as multi-instrumentalist, Flemons conjured Lightnin’ Hopkins’ shuffle on “He’s a Lone Ranger;” intuited trains on quills (“Railroad Bill”) and caused his custom-made Songster banjo talk back on “Saddle it Around” and “Tough Luck” as the instrument responded to Flemons’ spoken asides and recreated sounds from outside the narrator’s jail cell. As a guitarist, Flemons is equally adept at the Piedmont, Delta and folk styles and plays the instrument as if he’d dedicated his life exclusively to it.
After sitting for the second half of the show, Flemons stood and pulled a harp from his pocket to close the main set with “There’s a Brown-skinned Girl Down the Road Somewhere.” With Flemons in command, a harmonica becomes a band; he blew and cupped the thing to produce an array of sounds before rapidly turning it 360 degrees again and again without missing a note.
The audience went bonkers at this trick and Flemons couldn’t even get to the backstage tent before an encore - beginning with “My Baby Said Yes Instead of Maybe” to “lift us up” - became inevitable.
West Virginians Jesse Milnes & Emily Miller opened with a delightful 45-minute performance of originals and covers by the likes of Ola Belle Reed, the Stanley Brothers and Skeeter Davis. Handing fiddles and guitars back and forth to each other, the husband-and-wife duo brought the mood down with Davis’ “The Sad Situation” and ratcheted it up with Milnes’ “It’s Hard to Tell the Hippies from the Hicks.”
Miller’s own originals - about her husband and German relations accused of poisoning Kansas water supplies - sounded as old as the covers they played. And when the duo ended their set with “The Fun’s all Over,” it was only just beginning.
Grade card: Dom Flemons at Happy Hollow Hootenanny - 6/1/24 - A
See more photos on Sound Bites’ Facebook page.
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