#emily kelso
emilytaylorkelso · 2 years
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On this day in 2017...
Yes, Taylor released Reputation. 
But also I released my first album, Something Beautiful. It’s my favourite collection of songs. It stemmed from so many bad experiences and turned them into something special.
Happy 5th birthday, kid. 🖤
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satellitecrater · 18 days
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a handful of my muses + their essentials
hypatia trevelyan seth shawky emily kelso d.in d.jarin buzzy cohen
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greenelight · 2 months
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if    you    would    have    told    the    aspiring    actor    that    his    husband's    former    handler    would    soon    become    a    very    close    friend    of    his    ,    he    would    have    called    you    insane.    was    it    wrong    for    him    to    judge    @satellitewar    [    as    emily    kelso    ]    simply    because    she    was    tied    to    his    work    in    treadstone    ?    absolutely    it    was    ,    but    it    made    sense    why    he    felt    that    way.    that    organization    kept    sebastian    from    living    the    quiet    life    he    so    rightfully    deserved    &    made    it    hell    for    them    to    be    able    to    enjoy    a    somewhat    normal    relationship    when    they    were    trying    to    make    things    work    long    distance.    now    ,    mason    understands    that    his    anger    was    misplaced    when    targeting    poor    emily    &    he's    learned    &    did    his    best    to    open    his    heart    to    the    woman    ,    especially    now    that    she    no    longer    is    connected    to    treadstone.    she    means    a    lot    to    sebastian    &    he    wants    to    make    peace    with    her    if    that's    what    he    wants    ,    though    now    he    does    it    because    he    actually    wants    to    &    sees    the    woman    beyond    her    original profession.    she's    smart    ,    a    workaholic    &    maybe    a    little    socially    clueless    ,    but    she    is    good    deep    down    &    mason    makes    note    of    that.
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sebastian    had    to    run    &    get    more    hors    d'oeuvres    for    their    hang    out    ,    leaving    the    two    of    them    alone    with    their    glasses    of    wine    in    hand.    this    was    the    perfect    opportunity    to    ask    emily    about    what    working    with    sebastian    was    like    ,    especially    when    it    comes    to    the    small    little    crush    he    knew    she    used    to    have    for    him.    mason    predicts    the    eyeroll    that    emily    immediately    gives    him    ,    the    blush    on    her    cheeks    definitely    from    the    query    &    not    the    delicious    wine    sebastian    had    poured    them    earlier.    ❝    i    knew    you    were    going    to    ask    me    all    these    questions    one    day    ,    ❞    she    manages    with    a    pout    &    all    mason    can    do    is    grin    wickedly    in    response    ,    sipping    his    wine    as    if    he    is    nothing    but    innocent    in    his    query.    ❝    i    mean    ,    can    you    blame    me    for    being    curious    ?    you    did    say    how    infuriating    he    could    be    when    it    came    to    direction    ,    so    i    can't    help    but    wonder    why    that    did    something    for    you    ?    d'you    like    bad    boys    ,    em    ?    you    like    chatty    brits    ?    ❞    mason    snorts    as    he    tries    to    control    his    laughter    ,    almost    spilling    his    wine    in    the    process.    ❝    i    mean    ,    no    shame    if    you    did.    i    clearly    do    ,    since    i    married    the    man    ,    but    c'mon.    it's    just    us    girls    here    .    .    .    ❞    he    winks.    ❝    you    can    be    honest.    &    then    you    can    tell    me    more    about    this    new    target    of    yours.    going    for    blondes    now    ,    i    hear    ?    ❞
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throwsdiamonds · 2 months
EMILY KELSO: i don’t pity you, like at all. i wish i was like you. @satellitewar
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“  THERE'S LOADS OTHER GALS OUT THERE YOU SHOULD ENVY MORE THAN ME.  ” envy or not, it wasn't far from rachel to figure out why. she's always marched to the beat of her own drum; growing up with only brothers, one had to figure out how to take care of themselves. rachel dips a fry into the small cup of ketchup before hungrily devouring it whole — what an awesome idea it'd been to grab some take - out on the way to emily's place. “  but i guess i do have some good things going fer' me ? like these insane fries,  ” so evident that was trying to deflect the situation from herself, rachel had her own issues she'd never wish on anybody. “  hey, are you not gonna eat your pickles ?  ”
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bveckerswife · 1 year
hiii i’m coco and i want to start writing again so send requests for any of these characters and i’ll try my best to write them
i’m also not really experienced writing a male reader however i’ll try my best to keep it gender neutral if asked
that 70s show
eric forman
micheal kelso
stranger things
steve harrington
robin buckley
(maybe???) eddie munson
criminal minds
these can be romantic or x daughter!reader
jennifer jareau
spencer reid
emily prentiss
aaron hotchner
ethan landry
chad meeks-martin
wes hicks
charlie walker
mindy meeks-martin
there’s also more characters i’m down to write, request whatever you want and if i know them i’ll write for them
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wovetalesarc · 2 months
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❝   thank   you   for   meeting   me   at   the   park   ,   emily.   i   hope   you   don't   mind   that   anya   &   bond   joined   us.   ❞   the   master   of   disguise   pats   the   spot   on   the   bench   next   to   him   while   his   eyes   keep   looking   back   to   watch   his   daughter   run   around   in   the   grass   ,   their   family   dog   not   too   close   behind   ,   happily   chasing   her.   he   hadn't   intended   to   bring   them   along   when   he   made   plans   to   speak   to   emily   alone   ,   but   he   had   no   babysitter   to   leave   them   with , his usual people still recovering from their summer vacation in london.   he's   sure   this   whole   scenario   probably   looks   like   a   cover   for   them   to   talk   about   work   or   their   next   assignment   ━━   he   &   emily   never   really   meet   in   person   unless   it's   to   talk   business.   however   ,   in   this   instance   ,   he   isn't   here   to   speak   about   work.   in   an   odd   turn   of   events   ,   loid   wants   to   talk   about   personal   matters   for   once   ━━   matters   that   he   never   thought   he'd   be   brave   enough   to   venture   ,   especially   with   how   busy   he's   always   kept   himself   since   joining   WISE   all   those   years   ago.   silence   falls   over   him   as   he   waits   for   emily   to   join   him   ,   struggling   for   the   right   words   to   say   ,   clearing   his   throat   but   nothing   comes   out.   SILVER   TONGUED   AGENT   IS   SUDDENLY   SPEECHLESS   .   .   .   no   one   has   ever   managed   to   make   him   question   himself   before   ,   but   then   again   ,   that's   what   makes   emily   so   special.
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❝   look   at   how   peaceful   they   are.   ❞   loid   tilts   his   head   toward   anya   &   bond   ,   who   have   now   taken   to   jumping   over small sand piles in the sandbox.   one   part   of   loid's   mind   cringes   at   the   sight   ,   since   he   just   did   anya's   laundry   the   day   before   ,   but   the   other   part   of   him   is   incredibly   touched   by   the   sight   ━━   he   loves   seeing   her   so   happy   &   carefree   without   a   worry   about   the   dangers   in   the   world.   ❝   it's   moments   like   this   that   make   the   work   we   do   all   the   more   worth   it.   if   i   can   make   anya   feel   safe   ,   then   i   know   i've   done   my   job.   ❞   loid   takes   a   deep   breath   ,   body   turning   to   face   emily   completely   ,   giving   her   his   full   attention.   ❝   i   would   like   to   have   some   semblance   of   peace   too   ,   believe   it   or   not.   i   have   given   myself   fully   to   WISE   for   so   long   that   i   hardly   know   what   it   truly   means   to   have   joy.   to   have   peace.   for   the   first   time   in   my   life   ,   i   think   i've   come   close   to   finding   it.   anya   helped   me   open   my   eyes   ,   but   she   is   not   the   only   one   i   refer   to.   ❞   the   bold   agent   takes   over   as   he   reaches   for   emily's   hand   ,   resting   his   hand   over   hers   ,   blue   eyes   sharp   &   staring   right   at   her   ━━   he   wonders   if   she   can   sense   how   fast   his   heart   is   beating.   ❝   emily   ,   ❞   he   begins   softly   ,   voice   dropping   low.   ❝   before   i   say   anything   ,   i   must   know ━━ are   you   currently   seeing   anyone   at   this   moment   ?   ❞
˗ˏˋ     ᵖʳᵒˡᵒᵍᵘᵉ·     dear   reader   ﹕   @satellitewar   as   emily   kelso.
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waynepire · 11 hours
there's been a development. (from emily)
He was more involved in the deal and the setup of his tech than he was expecting, not that he minded. Bruce Wayne should be above this — but it was completely Batman’s thing to dive headfirst into making sure his tech was working. Bruce knows everyone here finds it odd that he’s so invested — but frankly, he doesn’t care. On the outside, he’s seen as helping with a giant sale for a company with its fingers in nearly everything in the country. And he’s spending time with a woman — keeping up the casual playboy persona while he does. He actually really likes Emily. She’s intelligent and bright, though he’s never shared as much.
“ A development of what kind? ” Bruce asks, glancing up at her from over his laptop as he almost too eagerly awaits for what she says. He knows all that goes on — he’s even reading it on a laptop he snuck from the batcave, though he hides it — but he’s curious to see how she’ll spin it. “ Is it with that one sniper guy you were telling me about? The one who got that new scope. Sebastian, or something? ”
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satellitecrater · 2 months
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emily kelso.
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greenelight · 11 days
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the   adrenaline   of   performing   on   stage   is   pumping in his veins   as   he   settles   down   inside   his   dressing   room   ,   the   roar   of   the   applause   still echoing   in   his   ears.   tonight's   performance   was   especially   perfect   tonight   ,   with   the   full   cast   giving   it   their   all   &   the   crew   changing   scenes   &   props   with   flawless   ease.   not   every   show   can   go   that   smoothly every time ,   &   it   really   lifted   everyone's   spirits   to   get   that   applause   ,   that   recognition.   it's   a   constant   reminder   of   why   they   all   love   this   sort   of   work   they   do   &   why   they   wouldn't   change   it   for   the   whole   damn   world.   mason   sighs   ,   smiling   brightly   as   he   takes   a   moment   to   let   it   all   soak   in   ,   happy   that   people   seemed   to   enjoy   the   show   so   much that the applause lasted for a while , which led to a second bow moments after the first.   he's   about   to   begin   taking   off   his   stage   make   up   when   he   hears   a   knock   &   the   door   &   then   his   smile   only   widens   at   the   sound.   oh , he   knows   who's   behind   that   door.
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still   in   costume   ,   mason   opens   the   door   &   is   greeted   with   two   large   sets   of   bouquets.   hiding   from   behind   the   flowers   are   both   his   husband   &   emily   ,   to   his   great   surprise ,   &   he   stands   aside   to   allow   them   both   the   chance   to   come   in   ,   shocked   that   the   former   handler   managed   to   make   it.   he   thought   she   was   coming   to   his   show   next   weekend   ?   either   he   got   his   dates   mixed   up   ,   or   this   was   a   pre   -   planned   surprise   she   concocted   with   sebastian.   ❝   don’t   i   know   you   ?   ❞   emily   teasingly   asks   before   going   in   for   a   hug   &   mason   gleefully   accepts   ,   almost   lifting the smaller woman   up   off   the   floor   from   just   how   happy   he   is   to   see   her.   ❝   oh   my   god   ,   you   surprised   me   !   i   was   totally   not   expecting   you   !   ❞   he   releases   her   ,   damn   near   on   the   verge   of   tears   when   he   does.   shit.   he   shouldn't   get   so   easily emotional   like   this   ,   but   he   can't   help   it   !   he   loves   seeing   people   he   loves   watch   him   work.   it   just   means   the   whole   damn   world   to   him.   ❝   how   did   you   like   it   ?   was   i   good   ?   did   you   like   the   cast   ?   did   you   have   to   console   seb   when   i   died   on   screen   ?   ❞   mason   turns   to   his   husband   ,   gifting   him   a   quick   kiss   in   greeting.   ❝   god   ,   this   is   so   great   !   i'm   so   glad   you're   here   !   we   have   to   go   get   a   drink   after   this.   i   have   stage   door   stuff   i   have   to   do   ,   but   if   you're   willing   to   wait   ,   you   should   go   out   with   us   !   pleeeease   ?   i'll   get   on   my   knees   &   beg   if   i   have   to   !   ❞
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˗ˏˋ     ᶤᶰᵗ·     dressing   room   ﹕   romancing   the   stone.   co   -   starring   @satellitewar   as   emily   kelso.
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wovetales · 13 days
˗ˏˋ      ᵖʳᵒˡᵒᵍᵘᵉ      tags      ﹕      part   three.
#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ study ﹕ the medium.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ aesthetic ﹕ the medium.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ records ﹕ the medium.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ headcanon ﹕ the medium.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ wardrobe ﹕ the medium.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ physique ﹕ the medium.#˗ˏˋ ʰᵃⁿᵈᵇᵒᵒᵏ jump in the line ﹕ the medium.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ ic ﹕ the ragdoll.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ photo ﹕ the ragdoll.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ study ﹕ the ragdoll.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ aesthetic ﹕ the ragdoll.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ records ﹕ the ragdoll.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ headcanon ﹕ the ragdoll.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ wardrobe ﹕ the ragdoll.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ physique ﹕ the ragdoll.#˗ˏˋ ʰᵃⁿᵈᵇᵒᵒᵏ simply meant to be ﹕ the ragdoll.#˗ˏˋ ᵈʸᶰ sally finkelstein & jack skellington.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ ic ﹕ master of disguise.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ photo ﹕ master of disguise.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ study ﹕ master of disguise.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ aesthetic ﹕ master of disguise.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ records ﹕ master of disguise.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ headcanon ﹕ master of disguise.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ wardrobe ﹕ master of disguise.#˗ˏˋ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ physique ﹕ master of disguise.#˗ˏˋ ʰᵃⁿᵈᵇᵒᵒᵏ for a better world ﹕ master of disguise.#˗ˏˋ ʰᵃⁿᵈᵇᵒᵒᵏ beneath the mask ﹕ master of disguise.#˗ˏˋ ʰᵃⁿᵈᵇᵒᵒᵏ slipping through my fingers ﹕ master of disguise.#˗ˏˋ ᵈʸᶰ loid forger & emily kelso.#˗ˏˋ ᵈʸᶰ loid forger & felicia hardy.
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wiseagent · 6 months
ship tag drop don't look at me.
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wovetalesarc · 4 months
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it's   customary   for   WISE   agents   to   meet   with   their   handlers   in   an   open   environment   to   avoid   suspicion , usually a nice little café just outside of the city.   their   conversations   would   appear   pleasant   as they drink their coffees , but   within   the   words   lies   a   secret   code   stashed   between   each   verb   &   noun   ,   allowing   for   the   passage   of   information   to   safely   cross   one   another   without   anyone   else   knowing   any   better.   while   their   meetings   are   work   related   ,   twilight   would   not   be   able   to   deny   that   he   does   enjoy   these   moments   spent with   @satellitewar.   in   between   their   secret   messages   are   real   conversations   about   who   they   are   outside   of   their   work   ,   what   it   was   like   working   with   sebastian   at   treadstone   before   she   became   apart   of   WISE   &   vice   versa.   slowly   all   the   pieces   of   the   puzzle   that   is   emily   kelso   is   finally   coming   together   &   loid   rather   likes   that   she's   the   one   handing   the   pieces   over to him one   by   one   each   time   they   meet.   he's   a   master   spy   ━━   he   could   easily   retrieve   her   file   &   figure   out   everything   about her for   himself   ,   but   that   would   be   less   enjoyable   for   him.   the   fact   that   she   herself   is   telling   him   these   things   means   there   is   trust   between   them   ━━   one   that   goes   beyond   their   work   partnership.   he   covets   that   trust   more   than   anything right now   &   he   plans   to   keep   it   sacred   for   as   long   as   she   decides   to   keep   trusting   him.
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today   they   are   speaking   about   their   humble   beginnings   ,   already   having   finished   going   over   intel   about   his   latest   mission.   emily   speaks   about   having   been   in   the   field   herself   once   upon   a   time   &   loid   hides   a   smile   as   he   drinks   his   coffee   ,   listening   earnestly   to   her   past   adventures.   ❝   did   you   think   i   had   it   in   me   ?   ❞   emily's   coy   &   teasing   lilt   is   admittedly   music   to   loid's   ears.   his   smile   comes   easier   whenever   he's   around   her   &   it's   becoming   harder   to   keep   his   stoic   persona   intact   whenever   they   meet in person.   one   sentence   from   her   &   his   walls   come   crumbling   down   ,   but   rather   than   try   to   hastily   build   them   back   up   again   ,   he   allows   her   to   do   this.   these   feelings   are   dangerous   .   .   .   he   shouldn't   allow   himself   to   enjoy   their   meetings   ,   but   he   hasn't   had   this   sort   of   happiness   in   so   long.   perhaps   sebastian   is   right   .   .   .   he   should   allow   himself   something.   perhaps   someone.   ❝   oh   ,   i   have   no   doubt   you   were   brilliant   in   the   field   ,   ❞   loid   offers   politely   ,   his   smile   gentle   &   soft   ━━   a   rare   sight   to   be   seen.   ❝   i   do   think   you're   much   better   suited   at   the   computer.   you   have   an   intelligence   that   is   unmatched   by   other agents.   you   see   things   that   i   cannot   &   have   saved   me   countless   times.   i   wouldn't   be   here   with   you   if   not   for   your   guidance   ,   honestly.   ❞   another   sip   of   his   coffee   ,   surprised   by   how   easily   compliments   leave   his   lips   whenever   he's   around   her.   ❝   is   this   what   you   plan   to   do   for   the   remainder   of   your   career   ?   please don't   see   this   as   me   wanting   you   to   leave   ,   i'd   never   want   that   .   .   .   ❞   absolutely   not.   ❝   i   only   mean   that   .   .   .   you're   so   smart   ,   miss   ━━   i   mean   ,   emily.   you   seem   much   better   suited   for   bigger   things.   better   things   ,   if   you   don't   mind   me   saying.   ❞
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Master list!
Here’s what/who I currently write smut/fluff for!
Huge disclaimer: if you know a character is a minor then you should know I will not write smut for them. Ty loves!
Full / fuller house
Jesse Katsopolis
Joey Gladstone
Danny Tanner
(Older) DJ Tanner
(Older) Stephanie Tanner
(Older) Kimmy Kibbler
Matt Harmon
Heart stopper
Nick Nelson (fluff)
Charlie Spring (fluff)
Tara Jones (fluff)
Darcy (fluff)
Issac (fluff)
Tori Spring (depends on what’s requested)
Aled (fluff)
Tou Xu (fluff)
Elle (fluff)
The summer I turned pretty
Conrad Fisher (smut/fluff)
Jeremiah Fisher (smut/fluff)
Steven Conklin (smut/fluff)
Isabell Conklin (fluff)
Susannah Fisher (fluff)
Laurel Conklin (fluff)
The Black Phone
Finney Blake (fluff)
Robin Arellano (fluff)
Bruce Yamada (fluff)
Vance Hopper (fluff)
Griffin Stagg (fluff any one who requests smut is blocked)
Billy Showalter (fluff)
Metal Lords
Hunter Sylvester (smut/fluff)
Kevin (smut/fluff)
Emily (smut/fluff)
That 70s show
Steven Hyde (smut/fluff)
Eric Forman (smut/fluff)
Jackie Burkheart (smut/fluff)
Michael Kelso (smut/fluff)
Fez (probably just fluff)
Donna Pincioti (smut/fluff)
Tris Prior (smut/fluff)
Caleb Prior (smut/fluff)
Tobias Eaton (four) (smut/fluff)
Christina (smut/fluff)
Eric (smut/fluff)
Chucky (the series)
Junior Wheeler (fluff)
Jake Wheeler (fluffy malexmale only)
Lexy Cross (fluff)
Devon Evans (fluff)
Tiffany / Jennifer Tilly (smut/fluff)
The sandlot
Benny Rodriguez (fluff)
Scott Smalls (fluff)
Michael Palledorous (fluff)
Hamilton Porter (fluff)
Alan “yeah-yeah” Mcclean (fluff)
Bertram Grover Weeks (fluff)
Wendy Peffercorn (fluff)
Kenny Denunez (fluff)
Fear Street
Simon Kalivoda (smut/fluff)
Deena (smut/fluff femalexfemale only)
Kate Schmidt (smut/fluff)
Josh (fluff)
Heather (smut/fluff)
Cindy Berman (smut/fluff)
Ziggy Berman (fluff)
Tommy Slater (smut/fluff)
Nick Goode (smut/fluff)
Harry Hook (smut/fluff)
Mal (fluff)
Evie (fluff)
Jay (fluff)
Carlos (fluff)
Ben (fluff)
Uma (fluff)
Gil Gaston (fluff)
Jane (fluff)
Audrey (fluff)
The Breakfast Club
John Bender (smut/fluffish)
Andrew Clark (smut/fluff)
Brian Johnson (smut/fluff)
Claire Standish (smut/fluff)
Allison Reynolds (smut/fluff)
Mean Girls
Karen Smith (smut/fluff)
Gretchen Weiners (smut/fluff)
Regina George (smut/fluff)
Janis Ian (smut/fluff)
Kady Heron (smut/fluff)
The Hunger Games
Peeta Mellark (smut/fluff)
Gale Hawthorn (smut/fluff)
Finnick Odair (smut/fluff)
Cinna (smut/fluff)
Katniss Everdeen (smut/fluff)
Glimmer (smut/fluff)
Clove (fluff)
Cato (smut)
Finch (fox face) (smut/fluff)
Any others ask and I’ll tell you what I write
Fiona Gallagher (smut/fluff)
Lip Gallagher (smut/fluff)
Ian Gallagher (smut/fluff)
Carl Gallagher (smut/fluff)
Debbie Gallagher (smut/fluff)
Mickey Milkovitch /(smut/fluff)
Mandy Milkovitch (smut /fluff)
Kevin Ball (smut/fluff)
Veronica Fisher (smut/fluff)
Billy Loomis (smut/fluff)
Stu Macher (smut/fluff)
Sydney Prescott (smut/fluff)
Tatum Riley (smut/fluff)
Randy Meeks (smut/fluff)
Dewy Riley (smut/fluff)
Gale Weathers (smut/fluff)
Charlie Walker (smut/fluff)
Jill Roberts (smut/fluff)
Amber (smut/fluff)
Chad Minks (smut/fluff)
Mindy Minks (smut/fluff)
Sam Loomis ? (smut/fluff)
JJ Maybank (smut/fluff)
Pope Hayward (smut/fluff)
Sarah Cameron (smut/fluff)
Kiera (smut/fluff)
John B (smut/fluff)
Rafe Camron
Edward Cullen (smut/fluff)
Jasper Hale (smut/fluff)
Emmet Cullen (smut/fluff)
Carlisle Cullen (smut/fluff)
Jacob Black (smut/fluff)
Seth Clearwater (fluff)
Charlie Swan (smut/fluff)
Bella Swan (smut/fluff)
Rosalie Hale (smut/fluff)
Alice Cullen (smut/fluff)
Esme Cullen (smut/fluff)
Lea Clearwater (smut/fluff)
Regulus Black (smut/fluff)
Sirius Black (smut/fluff)
James Potter (smut/fluff)
Lily Evans (smut/fluff)
Severus Snape (smut/fluff)
Remus Lupin (smut/fluff)
Peter Petigrew (smut/fluff)
Narcissa Black (smut/fluff)
Bellatrix Black (smut/fluff)
Pandora Lovegood (smut/fluff)
Barty Crouch JR (smut/fluff)
Evan Rosier (smut/fluff)
Marlene Mckenny (smut/fluff)
Cheryl Blossom (smut/fluff) femalexfemale only
Jughead Jones (smut/fluff)
Betty Cooper (smut/fluff)
Veronica Lodge (smut/fluff)
Archie Andrews (smut/fluff)
Tony Topaz (smut/fluff)
Sweet pea (smut/fluff)
Fangs Fogurty (smut/fluff)
I am not ok with this
Sydney (fluff)
Deena (fluff)
Stanley Barber (fluff)
That’s about it.
Cobra Kai
Eli Moskiwitz (hawke) (aged up smut/fluff)
Demetri (fluff)
Samatha Larusso (aged up smut/fluff)
Moon (aged up smut/fluff)
Yasmine (aged up smut/fluff)
Anthony Larusso (aged up smut/fluff)
Daniel Larusso (smut/fluff)
Johnny Lawrence (smut/fluff)
Tori (aged up smut/fluff)
Robby Keene (aged up smut/fluff)
The outsiders
Darry Curtis (smut/fluff)
Two-bit Matthews (smut/fluff)
Sodapop Curtis (smut/fluff)
Steve Randle (smut/fluff)
Dallas Winston (smut/fluff)
Johnny Cade (fluff)
Ponyboy Curtis (fluff)
Tim Shepheard (smut/fluff)
Curly Shepheard (smut/fluff)
Angela Shepheard (smut/fluff)
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner (smut/fluff)
Spencer Reid (smut/fluff)
Derek Morgan (smut/fluff)
David Rossi (smut/fluff)
Emily Prentiss (smut/fluff)
Jennifer Jaroue (smut/fluff)
Elle Greenaway (smut/fluff)
Penelope Garcia (smut/fluff)
The Originals
Klaus Mikaelson (smut/fluff)
Elijah Mikaelson (smut/fluff)
Kol Mikaelson (smut/fluff)
Rebekah Mikaelson (smut/fluff)
Freya Mikaelson (smut/fluff)
Hayley Marshall (smut/fluff)
Jackson (smut/fluff)
The Vampire Diaries
Elena Gilbert (smut/fluff)
Damon Salvatore (smut/fluff)
Bonnie Bennett (smut/fluff)
Stefan Salvatore (smut/fluff)
Caroline Forbes (smut/fluff)
Enzo St.John (smut/fluff)
Vicki Donovan (smut/fluff)
Matt Donovan (smut/fluff)
Katherine Pierce (smut/fluff)
Tyler Lockwood (smut/fluff)
Anyone else requested I’ll tell you what I write for! XX
Henry Bowers (smut/fluff)
Belch Huggins (smut/fluff)
Patrick Hockstetter (smut/fluff)
Victor Criss (smut/fluff)
(Older) Richie Tozier (smut/fluff)
(Older) Eddie Kaspbrak (smut/fluff)
(Older) Bill Debrough (smut/fluff)
(Older) Stanley Uris (smut/fluff)
(Older) Beverly Marsh (smut/fluff)
(Older) Ben Hanscome (smut/fluff)
(Older) Mike Hanlon (smut/fluff)
Chandler Bing (smut/fluff)
Rachel Green (smut/fluff)
Joey Tribiani (smut/fluff)
Monica Geller Bing (smut/fluff)
Ross Geller (smut/fluff)
Phoebe Buffay (smut/fluff)
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington (smut/fluff)
Eddie Munson (smut/fluff)
Jonathan Byers (smut/fluff)
Argyle (smut/fluff)
Billy Hargrove (smut/fluff)
Nancy Wheeler (smut/fluff)
Robin Buckley (smut/fluff)
Chrissy Cunningham (smut/fluff)
Anyone else will be fluff !
Sam and Colby
Sam Golbach (smut/fluff)
Colby Brock (smut/fluff)
Jake Webber (smut/fluff)
Reggie Webber (smut/fluff)
Kevin Langue (smut/fluff)
MIKE (smut/fluff)
Ariya (smut/fluff)
Corey schere (smut/fluff)
Katrina Stuart (smut/fluff)
Tara Yummy (smut/fluff)
Zephyr Wolf (smut/fluff)
Devyn Lundy (smut/fluff)
Cassie (smut/fluff)
The walking dead
Glenn Rhee (smut/fluff)
Rick Grimes (smut/fluff)
Daryl Dixion (smut/fluff)
Negan Smith (smut/fluff)
Maggie Rhee (smut/fluff)
Michonne (smut/fluff)
Carl Grimes (some smut aged up ofc/fluff )
South Park (all aged up ofc)
Kenny McCormick (fluff/smut)
Stan marsh (fluff/smut)
Kyle Broflovski (smut/fluff)
Eric Cartman (ig I’ll do smut or fluff)
Michael (the goth kid) (anything)
Basically anyone as long as it’s not them as children for smut
And I’ll do anything for euphoria (minus Nate) and Harry Potter (mostly fluff) and I will do anything for the walking dead !! :))
(Please no incest, zoophilia stuff)
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srtrlites · 8 months
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—  🎬  just  announced,  ADRIAN " ACE " CASTRO is  casted  as  stefan salvatore  in  upcoming  the vampire diaries   reboot.  the  thirty one  year  old  is  trending  as  people  are  debating  if  the  a glass of golden whiskey, tom ford sunglasses, private grins, sports car headlights in your driveway at 3am, a pack of malboro cigarettes, noir extreme by tom ford sprayed at the nape of his neck  that  they  are  known  for  is  enough  to  make  them  as  good  as  original.  a  quick  google  search  shows  that  their  fans  call  them  perseverant,  but  internet  trolls  think  they’re  more  narcissistic.  i  guess  their  newest  interview  for  variety  where  they  talk  about  how he keeps buying the same goldfish once he forgets to feed it will  let  people  to  know  them  better. 
*    ◟ stats .
full name : adrian castro nicknames : goes prominently by ace birthdate / zodiac / pronouns : january 19th / capricorn / cis man / he/him sexual orientation : heterosexual occupation :  actor vc claims :  mostly chad michael murray faceclaim: ryan guzman muse inspo :  damon salvatore ( the vampire diaries ) , dean winchester ( supernatural ) , anthony bridgerton ( bridgerton ) , noah flynn ( the kissing booth ) , jj  ( outer banks ) , michael kelso  ( that 70s show ) , bellamy blake ( the 100 ) , dylan mckay ( beverly hills 90210 ) , gabriel ( emily in paris )
*    ◟ extras . biography . wanted connections .
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emilytaylorkelso · 2 years
Listen/purchase: Beginnings: 2015-2019 by Emily Taylor Kelso
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satellitecrater · 3 months
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emily, aesthetics
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