nonbinaryurianger · 19 days
Emix has a dream where he finds himself in a world of giants.
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thtverse · 1 year
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Trench by Emix
Komi Sans from TimeHealsTale by H.Ran
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h3xactinellida · 2 years
I keep watching videos from my toronto show and I cannot emphasize this enough I should have died that night
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raul-rvl · 11 months
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🌺✨Comisión hecha para @/ EMIX✨🌺
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thewingedwolf · 1 year
i like six so much bc i like the rhymes in it. you have the pop sound but the rhythms and syncopation of theater and it’s crack for my ears lol.
So i picked up a pen and a microphooooone, history’s about to get overthrOWN
“Histor-emix” is genius fuck you
Put your hands up get this party buzzin’ you want a queen bee? well here’s half a doZENN (also the harmonies on that one)
You say it’s a pity cuz quoting Leviticus i’ll end up kidiless all my life!
Don’t be bittAh cuz i’m fittAh. He doesn’t want to bang you SOMEbody hang you!
My horses can trot up to twelve miles an hour, let me explain, I'm a Wienerschnitzel, not an English flower. No one tells me I need a rich man, doin’ my thing in my palace in rICHMOND.
“Please me, squeeze me, birds and the bees me,” just flowwwwws
that’s not my storyyyy there’s so much more reeeeemember that i was a writAh i wrote books and songs and meditations fought for female education.
Cause in hisTORY I’M fiXed. as. ONE OF sIX!
We’re one of a kind no category, spent too many years lost in HIStory
i am constantly singing random lines to my dog and he has had enough of me!!
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kasja93 · 1 month
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Zjedzone 108 kalorii
Spalone aktywnie 331 kalorii
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Wstałam rano, poszłam się ogarnąć i zjadłam owsiankę o smaku malinowym od emix.
Załadunek poszedł sprawnie - jak to w Szwecji. Tu po prostu nie ma ludzi. Przyjeżdżasz na firmę i gdyby nie automatyczna brama można byłoby pomyśleć, że „tu nikogo nie ma”. Wbijasz na magazyn, po chwili ktoś przyjeżdża i nie ma problemu. Do nich przyjeżdża tylko kilka aut na dobę, więc ładunek już stoi i czeka. No i wszyscy mówią po angielsku, więc dogadać się to nie problem. Uwielbiam północ Europy.
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Po załadunku zaczęłam jechać w kierunku Danii. Po drodze zatankowałam pod korek, aby było i tylko siłą woli nie weszłam na stację paliw po czekoladę. Nie wiem co mnie napadło, ale miałam na nią taką ochotę, że zapewne zjadłabym całą tabliczkę na raz 🫣
Z innych ciekawostek widziałam na poboczu Łosia a konkretnie to Klępe. Na szczęście stała na poboczu a nie próbowała wbić mi do kabiny bo z racji wielkości, łosie nie wpadają pod przysłowiowe koła tylko od razu przez przednią szybę pakują się do środka…
Po południu wjechałam na pierwszy parking w Danii. Jutro rozładunek, powrót promem na kontynent i załadunek w Niemczech.
Skończyło się lenistwo 😅
W ogóle w piątek mam być we Francji czyli przedłużają mi wyjazd o tydzień. Miesiąc w trasie… no cóż Toyota mi podziękuję - muszę ją na serwis w październiku zaprowadzić
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pozartaa · 10 months
11.12.23 UTRZYMANIE WAGI dzień 285
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Zjedzone: 1850 kcal ( limit +/-2100 kcal)
Bez liczenia: 33 migdały/ kisiel błyskawiczny 'emix' rozgrzewający o smaku jabłka, gruszki, cynamonu ok 200g (Lidl)
Hej dziś jeszcze nocka w pracy i mam 3 dni wolne. Planuje zakupy (kurtka! 😫) dokończenie świądczonych projektów (już Wy wiecie o co chodzi 😉), wyprawę do fotografa (zdjęcie do dowodu) jakieś sprzątanie... No i z dzień się poopierdalać, może iść na pokemony (jeśli pogoda nie będzie straszna - a dziś deszcz i odwilż błeee)
A taki dzień "bez weny" wstałam późno (koło 8:30 - to jest późno jak na mnie) zadzwoniłam do dentysty w sprawie "małża" on na tej wojskowej budowie nie moze mieć telefonu. Sprzątnęłam kocią kuwetę i troszkę przetarłam łazienkę. Rysowałam. Oczywiście zaliczyłam drzemkę przed nocną zmianą.
Była okazja wypróbować BBQ sos zero od "Dzika"... Błe... No, na prawdę jadłam lepsze rzeczy low-€al, ale trzeba przyznać nie warto nawet Fitatu otwierać by wpisać te 4 k@lor1e z sosu. Ja w ogóle zaokrąglam wartości - jak mam w apce, że jakiś pisiłek ma 345 to pisze 350. A jak mam 344 to pisze 340. No i smarowidła wpisuje na oko.
Takie różne serki twarogowe w stylu "Łaciaty" u mnie zwykle jako 10 gram bo to tylko maźnięcie by zwilżyć chleb...Te serki są w ogóle zaskakująco kaloryczne. Wyjątek to ArlaApetina na przykład ten z rukolą, ale rzadko jest w sklepach w mojej okolicy. Najczęściej w Żabce
Na obiad ciąg dalszy duszonego schabu i druga część ziemniaczków w mundurkach z gotowca. (Bosze mój... mam wiadro ziemniaków od rolnika w domu, a kupiłam gotowca bo szybciej i łatwiej policzyć 🙈...i pewnie zrobię to jeszcze nie raz)
Rano po pracy idę do Lidla kupić rybkę na wigilię i może szynkę do upieczenia. Ależ dziś post o dupie maryni.
Tradycyjnie pozdrawiam wszystkich nocnych stróżów ⭐ i nocną zmianę na Tmblerze. Do jutra!
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beesthebees · 2 months
Gimme gimme gimme a ZENIX
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rahhh vampire Emix
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xxbunitobunnyxx · 3 months
sorry for being inactive..umm i was working with a fren of discord a fnf mod of D&B she create :3
Fnf Command block!
My oc its Mindy^^ so yeah we try making child for mindy and Berger king in the first images :p in the 4th image is Mindy with her siblings,in the 5th is They parengs fighting in the 6th is the logo of this mod and the 7th is True form berger king -v-
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also in the 6th there is a oc called Clyde,he belongs to @sewershark-1002 and some arts belong to ntnatura in discord and her bf Emix^^!!
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nonbinaryurianger · 1 month
Have some Emix & Urianger pining and trauma unpacking, featuring one bed.
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444names · 4 months
Names generated from the English Wikipedia list of fire gods
Abbaks Abbang Abufù Aced Aceduht Acreld Activer Afambỏ Afies Afilā Aftecya Aftil Agained Aggí Agnã Agod Amatilā Ambeh’ Amentor Amithqī Amon Amos’ An's Antohan Anvo' Apas Ariders Arta Artaged Aryaksm Arök Ases Asteat Asueas Atatinge Ataub’ Atectivarökd Atwo Auareves Aught Aurienjičd Auser Añithene Añiyawė...
Babbakizaxā Babuffarri Bage Bagù Bakamicks Bated Bating Beclatispiđ Becyu Behi Beire Bibehingall Bija Bishaiiagad Blalatim Blatred Boi’kapangs Breakuk Breassibic Brefele Brianted Broa Broweatuni Buffal Buffam Burigill Buthqā Bǐnge Canamilitor Canatardw Ceant Chalagitg Chamitined Chenta Chergdīng Chol Cianciandan Ciantes Cidnati'i Ciess Cilumi Civit Clain Clazy Clencer Colan Conichìú Cons Corosamity Cors Count Coutbè Coves Cramblathath Craten Creadjetick Createn Crellr Cres Cretrophưû Crevã Cul's Cule Cumitytoā Dand Dang Dapathor Daucuht Dein Deiricier Dersh Diveś Doce Domer Drophep Dàdìjīng Dàsh Dàshim Dàsû Ealousegy Eashuoš Eater Eattion Ebol Emixs Emplacurbð Enar Enesse Eniticha Enly Etrul Famosa Fams Fana Fang Fersiandagba Ficā Figiế Fired Firith Flaz Flightenaan Fooduré' Forld Forli Foron Fors Foutbree Frnempaè Giants Gives Gobolit Gobolons Gold Graiderld Gran Gunnu Gurépeė Gwatic Haeô Haina Hainappū Haiā Hamill Hans Hapaz Heneì Henifė Hinǔ Hipked Hitheride Hold Honised Horkey Hous Hui'i Huil Huiled Huillyð Huosabyn Huridee Huse Huvutėsñ Indentrun Inds Ishahơ Istrinnus Isturn Jagmamian Jifillogy Juse Jyontophow Kaftž Kagnitz Kanion Khipazterly Kicove Kideremj Knomer Koman Korearön Kormth Kōjé Lace Lcaurn Lemono Lifī Likan Lion Lippity Litchnly Lovashelly Luthuic Lutės Mahén Mainaverta Makantopsû Makerų Makkappọ Mamitua Mana Mancater Mandeneyw Mard Marity Matenus Merld Ming Miturallamic Moddeith Modqang Moke Mokś Mossiddlk Mote Moter Mouled Mples Mthe Mānks Māoron Māoā Māuiked Māuq Naediange Ngues Niands Nistion Noertra Nove Ntostoruš Nyeli Ocia Oguedgenoun Onte Osang Outėū Paks Pandend Pecuhtk Peese Pell Peltians Peopled Peorm Perasse Perwarfb Phempolifil Pirre Pirth Plana Plarina Plavesto Poendǐ Poke Pokukuk Poweeco Powlú Pown Powth Prashes Pres Prinati Prinbk Prosse Prow Pung Quake Quosse Quosses Ralit Rear Reashands Reent Regodz Remetri Remiries Reve Reves Rila Rimoa Rintistechom Rited Rony Roted Rothotects Roule Rowarvent Rulatan Ruosuprounge Sailingal Samaropð Sayawž Schals Sestohv Sewic Shaeë Shatali Shinciansá Shing Shmetnaǔ Shén Sian Side Singā Skyc Slaineaterin Slame Slayka Slog Slousegeter Smoë Solcaugught Soli Soll Someé Somh Soposupká Sopǒ Sotyë Soud Souds Sougǐ Span Spiơ Stagga Stalo Stimetered Stings Stistsup Stuserealpỏ Sucili Sueave Sungs Supkú Suraninty Svaiwatear Svaremes Svaryž T'bơ Tagil Taingdō Taligs Taliosacest Taltathqỏ Tatti Tear Tecoað Temend Tene Tenly Tent Terant Tertivieted Terų The'è Thim Thistran Thqua Thuö Tivađ Tivearta Tordiwđ Torsa Tosaftecave Tosaftūrė Trasseran Tred Trome Tron Tropenatly Troritenaans Trotic Trower Trund Trung Unlifir Unlų Uosaw Vill Vokudgeter Volcavilleng Vota Vulcausen Vulealouser Vuled Wadent Waide Wans Warfan Waricoa Wasse Wata Watesses Wericatem Wers Wheiā Whiest Whinami Whiturqê Whoaturinda Wholcan Whomeated Whosọ Whot Whoter Whouse Witiosege Witč Wivil Wixcks Worly Wors Xícheitchear Yele Yǐwee Yǐwǔwā Zhua Zhue Ôn's
Same thing but without prior setting offset.
Aburiclezght Aced Acer Acke Acton Afamadyght Agmated Agnes Alpaling Amatlents Anamerelaz Aniosu Ansforshalt Ante Apanqu Appireveatal Arkščių Arti'e Asana Asidia Azik Añitchato Añitiosaby Bage Bagurgen Bakadiwarian Bases Baths Bechnome Befer Bian Bianc Bianoths Birimė Birratands Birres Birtal Bistive Blartaual Brefe Brimarök Brimenemy Brom Brorm Brothimes Bung Burit Bylo Bylogny Bǐng Bǐngobow Bǐngsick Caminessesso Cana Cangeng Cani Causidising Caved Cendsomon Cerrantle Cham Chen Ciang Cianted Cideasciana Cies Cilu Cilutbromets Clambisese Clove Cohil Come Comperų Congkuls Conguers Conia Coodqan Couguan Countion Cralithed Creard Cred Creep Cref Cres Cret Creves Croul Crouse Crožič Cule Curagnica Cureat Dang Daus Daya Deenling Deith Dian Dianitiat Dianqua Ditchìjūn Docto Drang Droana Droted Dàdìjīng Dàshan Eake Ealbat Easks Eated Eltiture Emor Endaguakity Ends Enessenty Engod Enly Ento Farth Fatric Fers Ficathqu Ficksmicke Fietre Fight Figill Filit Filā Firangwèi Firickeend Flaholing Flian Fooked Fored Fors Fortroth Fron Gabbabtiandu Galifes Gentietnis Gents Gianian Girray Givene Goduroyes Goyonto Gres Gwarve Gwèi Haed Hands Hansiderm Happed Happind Happirrands Heals Heantect Helif Henath Here Herms Heroyoth Heurind Hicons Hing Hoent Hoes Hong Hons Honti Horonial Houthearök Hui'iten Hung Huorta Hura Hurépeek Huses Inestusbant Ingaucans Ingaustorms Ingdīngs Ingesican Isican Ives Jacks Jagave Jaskukuds Jiang Jusenian Jwat Jyons Jöturgypting Jöturish Kagnits Kama Khaw Kibibis Kichichtly Kity Knoen Knoent Knonicia Kōjing Lacanuk Lahatic Lanico Lialbanambia Lightlion Lizat Longwaran Lonike Mafui'ity Magmakadjet Magnyed Magod Mahol Maked Maki Malons Malony Mamingaing Mands Mans Mansis Manti Mantred Marevesed Mashalûngs Mastipeorta Maths Mayakagundes Mayu Measses Mers Mest Metna Mexiuhtled Mojapat Morm Moter Moth Mougung Mourépech Moverld Mthey Mytheus Māna Māui'i Māuikey Nameashing Nanialacks Napal Napped Nati Nawan Neeklenc Nenterbed Nenų Nesoningod Nian Nongsi Nourbtaiian Ntrec Nënat Ocianin Ocideative Ossides Ouse Ovate Pani Pasa Passe Patan Peciands Pellass Peortives Perbol Perrant Phamafus Pharts Phiciddle Pightlingwèi Pirce Pirra Placks Plaiialart Plen Poshu Poty Prantiving Prasu Prefer Pres Preses Pris Prom Prophapatle Protem Protil Protrës Prowlezght Prožič Pundery Punts Quahimencele Ramidishes Rang Ratu Reakes Realûng Reany Reatecon Reati'i Reent Refords Rele Reltanited Remans Rest Reti'e Ried Riell Rotrost Rund Rununnoutės Rusbaney Ruskukuk Safier Sakinderunus Same Saya Schellans Scivenemorm Scorm Seat Sehinappers Shami Shamodqan Sheaniang Sher Shilall Shmeril Siand Slaguancian Slarimster Slasurqu Slay Slaz Slown Smiliths Solcaubi Sonemiratry Songoboi’kar Sonians Sonion Sonothfurn Sops Sourinde Souset Sout Southes Spekedurnar Sperit Splata Sprougheas Startra Sted Sterefirt Stindso Stionge Stors Strul Sues Sunly Sunun Svahum Sval Svals Svatimė T'bolacci T'bolthuǒ Tainifies Tala Tame Techi Termatl Theattion Thfusek Tikee Tikessiang Tituri Tohould Tonemyth Tractive Trann Trans Trefer Tric Trigialacan Trosser Trubicang Tureenji Turief Turop Untrorlian Uozherse Upkestroa Uther Vali Varsons Vighti Vula Wardian Warimore Wassing Watanonebic Watiefors Watik Weres Whencanive Wher Whies Whiess Whinetry Whoetnianty Whol Wholcawith Whomet Whong Whoterwaing Whown Wifiesoul Withe Worop Worsicesses Wrines Xick Xiuht Yamahamear Yongs Ônge
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niunvheriv · 4 months
emix , i am afraid of the day we wake up and one of us is not in love anymore
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axl-ul · 8 months
Happy STS. Okay, hear me out. Your story becomes a musical. *grandly presents you with the opportunity to turn this into literally whatever you want* (Who knows all the choreography? Who is pissed? Who somehow escapes singing?) (What scene has the best song? What your story's musical sound like? Does it being a musical make any sense at all?)
Hello, Tori! Thanks and happy STS to you, dear^^
(I'm going to use also characters that aren't inherently OCs but are based on mythological figures as well since this looks like fun)
I'm not sure whether it would make much sense turning the story into a musical (I'm choosing City of False Gods for this ask) as it's mostly a serious writing. Though, there's plenty of jokes in it too and a scene or two could potentially lead to a singing number. Let's go then.
The score would be a strang emix of traditional Chinese music, swing, jazz and a lot of upbeat tunes and maybe a reoccuring theme with a melody that may remind of a historical drama (it's set in the late 1920s Hong Kong with a cast of ancient demons).
Ulfrika is pissed due to all the noise around her. Not a single corner to chill and mind her own business. But when she gets to play an instrument it's a real deal as she loves the music itself. Just don't give her happy songs. She plays in minor key only.
Márgerdra is a pretty good actress and an excellent singer. This woman has that diva aura around herself. She sure knows how to steal the spotlight until Wukong rolls in. Because this guy. He. Just. Steals. The. Whole. Show. For. Himself. He was 100% the biggest surprise for everyone there since he has much better singing voice than expected. That and he just knows how to move those hips and keep the rythm. His and Mar's tango dance was the best scene and everybody buys tickets solely to see this scene (it's a fighting/dancing scene with a lots of action and charm).
Xue is one mess before the show but she ends up getting the biggest praise since this was her first time and she killed the role. She doesn't dance much but her voice is really pretty despite how fragile it may seem to be at first.
Bajie escapes both singing and almost singing until Vivienne drags him into her number. This girls has too much fire in her and it shows. She's great but she tends to forget her lines. So during the rehearsals, she often fought with the others because she'd confuse the scenes and so on. She improvises a lot even during the show and Bajie is the only one who seems to tolerate her plans.
Wujing was supposed to dance but he twisted his ankle during the rehearsals. Now, he only rolls with awkward walking around. HOWEVER he delivers his lines like a king. And his confontation with Ricky was a peak performance.
Zhihao is adorable when singing his only song about living in the streets given he's the only kid in the entire cast. The audience breaks down in tears when he hugs his dog Jingjing by the end of it.
BONUS: Entire cast of mechanics slay the floor with their dancing number mixed with acrobatic jumps around the vehicles.
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nnbennynn · 1 year
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truskafka0 · 6 months
boże te kiśle z emix mają chyba 74/76 kalorii w paczce, jeszcze ich nie próbowałem ale kurwa taka oszczędność kalorii😭💗 mam w domu ten malinowy i na dniach może go zjem i zobaczymy czy smakuje proszkiem jak te niektóre kaszki, budynie🥰 i tak pewnie będę kupować e końcu to o ok. 40 kalorii mniej🙏 (dla mnoe każda kaloria się liczy no)
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