chibi-tsukiko · 3 years
Hey cutie! Can I have a ✏️ for James Herondale and Matthew Fairchild? I am on a parabatai vibe today 🙊🙊🙊 and I’ve seen very little art of them.
Also, I love you 💞💞💞
Hi my love!! 🥰
That is a valid vibe to be in ☺️ let’s see if I can’t deliver 😆
✏️— a sketch of a character of your choice
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I hope you like it!! 🙈
Oh! And I LOVE YOU MORE! 😘😘♥️♥️♥️
Emmy’s 1k Celebration 🪴
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chibi-tsukiko · 3 years
Heya, Em! Congratulations!!! You deserve many more followers 🥰😘🥳
Can I have ✏️ of the the Lightwood Siblings from TMI with Max (or Jace and Alec)?
Thank you sunshine!!! 😘♥️
✏️— a sketch of a character of your choice
The Lightwood family
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I hope you like it! 🙈
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chibi-tsukiko · 3 years
✏ and 📃 + "Kiss me" + Gracetopher
Hi there!!
You can find your ficlet here
✏️— here is your Grace x Christopher sketch
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I hope you like it 🙈
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chibi-tsukiko · 3 years
A Fool's Errand
A Henry & Matthew ficlet for @zullyluly who requested the prompt "Come home"
I know it was under "general prompts", and is technically dialogue, but it became a bit more on the angsty side ... I hope you like it! 🙈
Tag list : @legendofconsullightwood @themostawesomehuman @littleturtle95 @tobeornottobetequila @morgnstern @zfoxdraws @bookworm-jedi @magnus-the-maqnificent @banesbitch @fair-but-wilde-child @beclynn-herondale @khaleesiofalicante @my-archerboy @youngreckless @thomaslightwood @runecarstairs @high-warlock-of-brooklyn @itsdaughterofthemoon
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When Matthew opens the cellar door, he’s hit with a billow of smoke and the sound of coughing. He stumbles back, covering his mouth, and does his best to waft away the putrid clouds.
“LOTTIE!!!” a voice bellows from below. “WOULD YOU GRAB THE WITCHLIGHT?”
Matthew rolls his eyes and makes his way down the stairs. The smoke is still thick and permeates throughout the lab. Matthew squints his eyes to see through the smog and covers his mouth with a handkerchief. He can still hear his father coughing as he fumbles his way around the lab, searching for the window. Instead, his thigh meets the corner of a table.
“Damn!” he curses.
“Lottie?” his father calls out from somewhere “is that you?” There’s a small thud followed by shuffling noises. “Blast,” Henry grumbles, “It’s on the table somewhere.”
Matthew’s hand finds the wall of the cellar, the stone cool to the touch. Standing on his tiptoes, he reaches up and finds the latch to the window, opening it.
As the smoke clears, Matthew can see the glow of the witchlight from across the room. He watches his Father waft the remaining rings of smoke from around his head. He blinks rapidly, getting his bearings.
“Oh.” Henry gasps “Matthew. When did you get here?”
“Not long ago.” Matthew shrugs, smoothing out the wrinkles in his vest.
Silence hangs between them. Tension left unresolved from the last time they’d spoken.
“So,” Henry clears his throat. “You, are you settling in, then?”
“Is it very far from here? The flat?”
Far enough, Matthew thinks. “I just came to grab a few books I’d forgotten, then I’ll be on my way.”
Hurt flickers past Henry’s eyes, and Matthew has to turn away. “What were you working on?” He asks, moving around to the other side of the table.
“Ah!” Henry exclaims, a new light in his voice. “well I have been trying to test a new theory of mine using this formula…”
As Henry dives into his dissertation, Matthew falls into old habits. His father’s words drowning out as he watches the light reflect off the surface of his rings. The tiny rainbow prisms providing more comfort and entertainment than the scientific jargon. He could use a drink.
“That’s what’s got me cross. What do you think?”
Matthew blinks, startled, coming back to himself. He looks up at his Father, “Uh” he looks down at the paper in front of him. The letters and symbols merge on the page. “Whatever you think is best,” he says. “You know I’ve never taken much to tinkering. Don’t have the mind for it. Never was as smart as you.”
“Matthew…” Henry starts.
“I can ask Christopher to stop by.” Matthew interrupts, turning towards the stairs “He’s helped you before. I’m sure the two of you can make sense of it.”
“Where are you off to?”
“I’m meeting Jamie.”
“By the hat shop.”
“Which hat shop?
“The one on the corner.”
“The corner of—
“I’m not going to a bar!” Matthew snaps.
The side of Henry’s face twitches, and there’s a look in his eye. But Matthew can’t tell what it is. Pity? Guilt? It makes Matthew’s skin crawl. He just wants to leave.
“I should go,” he mutters, heading for the stairs. “Jamie will be waiting.”
“Matthew, wait.”
Matthew stops just shy of the bottom step and waits.
Seconds pass. Bile churns in Matthew’s stomach. He doesn’t dare turn around, afraid of the wave of emotion behind him. It’s too much. He should have just asked Christopher to pick up the books the next time he was here.
Finally, Henry speaks, his voice soft and sad. “Take care of yourself.”
Matthew feels sick. “Your goggles are in the desk draw. They’ll help… with the smoke.” He barely hears his Father’s thank you before he’s up the stairs, abandoning the books he’d come for, and heading straight for the carriage.
Why had he’d come? What was he hoping for, using a lousy excuse of forgotten books? He grips the flask in his jacket pocket, leaning his head against the window frame. “You’re a fool, Matthew,” he chuckles to himself as the carriage rides past the gate. As if his Father would ever ask his waste-of-a-son to come home.
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chibi-tsukiko · 3 years
Hii Emmy, congratulations on getting 1k followers, you totally deserve it🥰 for the celebration, can I get a drawing of Kit and Ty? 🥺 Thank you so much! ❤ I love your blog and you're awesome!
Thank you so much!!!!😭
Fun Fact : I actually have a full Kitty wip that I am working on 🥰 sooo there’s going to be more Kitty in the near future ☺️
For now, here is a lil sketch for you!
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chibi-tsukiko · 3 years
Hi, congratulations on 1k! You deserve it and more! ❤
Can I have a ✏ for Thomastair petting a hedgehog?
Thank you so much darling!! 🥰
✏️— a sketch of a character of your choice
Ok, so this when I first read this, all I could think of was Thomas petting Alastair because he’s the hedgie 😂 so….
I went with a more cartoonish style to fit the tone more…I hope thats ok 🙈
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I hope you like it 🙈🙈🙈
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chibi-tsukiko · 3 years
Hi Emmy! Congrats on 1K i have always loved your posts and your drawings! Can i get a ✏️ for thomastair please? Thank you so much!!!!!
Aw thank you so much!!! 🥰🙈
✏️— a sketch of a character of your choice
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I hope you like it 🙈
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chibi-tsukiko · 3 years
Tell Me Why
A Kitty ficlet for @thomaslightwood who requested the prompt :
"Could you say that again?" "Were you not listening?" "No I was, I just like hearing your voice"
This is my first Kitty fic! I hope you like it! 🙈
Tag list : @legendofconsullightwood @themostawesomehuman @littleturtle95 @tobeornottobetequila @morgnstern @zfoxdraws @bookworm-jedi @magnus-the-maqnificent @banesbitch @fair-but-wilde-child @beclynn-herondale @khaleesiofalicante @my-archerboy @youngreckless @runecarstairs @high-warlock-of-brooklyn @itsdaughterofthemoon
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“Why did you leave?! You didn’t even say goodbye! You just disappeared! And I never heard from you again.”
Kit stands frozen, feeling like the walls of the Scholomance could collapse on him at any minute. He keeps opening his mouth, but he can’t seem to make the words come out. He should have planned better. When he’d heard that Ty had been injured, he found the quickest way to portal here. It didn’t occur to him that showing up out of the blue might not go over well. Understatement of the year.
The injury wasn’t serious, and they had directed Kit to Ty’s room, where he found him, sitting on the edge of his bed wiping his head phones.
Beautiful, Kit thought.
Even after Ty saw him and Kit saw the hurt in his eyes, even after Ty told him to leave and he had to chase him down to the library, even as he yells at him now, all Kit can think is how beautiful Ty is. He’s taller now, still taller than Kit, despite his own growth spurt. His hair’s shorter, falling just above his eyes, he’s just as beautiful as the first time Kit had seen him, and just as strong.
“I deserve an answer.”
Ty’s words snap Kit back into focus. He watches as Ty's fists shake subtly at his sides, his entire body practically vibrating with betrayal. You did this. Kit thinks. You did this to him.
“You fooled me from the start. You lied to me.”
“You said you were my friend.”
“I am your friend”, Kit’s voice cracks.
“You said you’d help me with Livvy, but you tried to stop me. And then you just left.”
“I know.”
“WHY?!” Ty yells, his breath coming out in short, quick pants, his fist clenching and unclenching at his side. His body rocking back and forth.
Kit’s mind flashes back to the LA Institute, hold on to me, Ty had said. I should have. Kit thinks. I should’ve never let go.
Ty keeps yelling, his face turning red, “Why did you leave?! Why didn’t you tell me anything? You could have told me!”
“I know.”
“Then why?! Tell me why!” Ty’s voice breaks. “You lied to me! You left me! You said you loved me—”
“I do.” Kit says. Between one blink and the next he had moved himself over to Ty, he wraps his arms around him like he had that night years ago, and pulls him into his shoulder.
“I do love you.” he says again. “I always have. And I’m sorry. I know that doesn’t change what I did, but I never meant to hurt you, Ty. Never.” he tightens his hold around Ty’s shoulders. “I’m here now. I’ll tell you everything. It’s a lot. Some crazy stuff has happened, but I can tell you everything. I want to tell you everything.”
Ty twitches in his grip, but says nothing.
“I know I messed up.” Kit continues. “and I’m sorry, I’ll spend the rest of my complicated life making it up to you if I can. But don’t think for a second that anything I told you was a lie or that it didn’t kill me to leave. I thought about you every day. I missed you every day. I even got one of those Ouija boards to contact Livvy so I could get a message to you.”
Ty snorts into the curve of Kit’s neck, “Those things are fake,” he says, finally standing up to look at Kit.
“I know,” Kit shrugs “but I figured it was worth a shot.” He meets Ty’s gaze, “I meant what I said.”
“When?” Ty asks
“Could you say it again?”
“What, were you not listening?” Kit questions, crossing his arms.
“No I was,” Ty replies smiling, “I just like hearing your voice.”
Kit shakes his head to hide the redness in his cheeks. “Well, get ready then. There’s a lot to fill you in on.”
“I’ve got time” Ty says, moving over to one of the tables in the library, a striped cat jumps down from the bookshelf into his lap. “Hi Irene,” he coos, giving the cat a scratch behind the ears.
Kit smiles, watching the light from the window disappear in the raven strands of Ty’s hair.
Beautiful, he thinks.
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chibi-tsukiko · 3 years
1k????! thats huge! congrats em!!
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i'm going to be pushy and ask if you can do a sketch of the herondale fam (tessa, will, james and lucie) if your requests are still open? take your time tho :)
congrats again! you deserve all of them and all the love they give you 💜
🥺🥺 Thank you so much starlight!!! ✨
Here is your sketch of the Herondale Family
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I hope you like it 🙈
[requests currently closed]
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chibi-tsukiko · 3 years
A Gracetopher fic for @grace--blackthorn with the prompt "Kiss Me"
I went AU on this one...I hope that's ok. 🙈
Tag list : @legendofconsullightwood @themostawesomehuman @littleturtle95 @tobeornottobetequila @morgnstern @zfoxdraws @bookworm-jedi @magnus-the-maqnificent @banesbitch @fair-but-wilde-child @beclynn-herondale @khaleesiofalicante @my-archerboy @youngreckless @thomaslightwood @runecarstairs @high-warlock-of-brooklyn @itsdaughterofthemoon
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Grace leans against the doorframe, watching Christopher buzz about the lab. It’s late afternoon, the once crowded hallways, and bustling classrooms are empty aside from a few lone teachers grading papers. Grace should have been home hours ago, but it was the last place she wanted to be. She’s always done her best to avoid it as long as possible. Faking questions so she could stay after with a teacher, hiding in the library until the librarian kicks her out, and finding longer routes to take walking home. But for the past few weeks she’s been here.
She chuckles to herself as Christopher nearly knocks over a beaker with his elbow. It was strange for her to admit how much she enjoyed watching him tinker in the lab. Christopher wasn’t like the other boys Grace has known. He’s sweet and not because he has to be, but genuinely. And she finds herself being drawn to him. As Christopher catches the beaker from falling a third time, Grace decides to go into the lab.
As she approaches the table, she can hear Christopher muttering to himself, another fact she’d grown fond of. He pushes his safety goggles up into his hair, so he can read from his notes. Grace bites her lip to keep herself from smiling.
“Shouldn’t you be home studying?” She asks. The moment the words leave her lips, Christoper is jerking back, his goggles sliding lopsided back down on his face, and his elbow careening with the bunsen burner, almost knocking it over.
“M-Miss Blackthorn!” he gasps.
“Grace,” she corrects him, “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Oh no, you didn’t I was just,” he blinks pushing the goggles back up into his hair “I didn’t hear you come in.”
Grace hums in response.
“What are you still doing here?” he asks.
“I had to meet with a teacher,” she lies.
“Was it for your Latin class again? Would you like me to ask Thomas to help you? He has a knack for languages, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”
Grace smiles. “No, that’s alright, but thank you.”
“Of course.”
“You never answered my question.” she says.
“Shouldn’t you be at home, studying for the Chemistry final?”
“Oh,” Christopher chuckles, “no, I’ve already taken it.”
“Already taken it, how?”
“I finished with all of my other assignments, and I asked Professor Fairchild if I could take it early so I could work on the experiment and he said it was fine.”
“What experiment?” Grace asks, leaning in to see the paper, “Is that what you are working on now?”
“Yes. It’s a new theory Professor Fairchild, and I have been talking about. We have the formula finished, but it hasn’t been working. We’ve been trying to figure out if there is a last element to add. All I’ve seem to be able to do is create smoke.” Christopher shrugs.
Grace stares at the formula for a moment, smiling to herself when she figures out the solution. “May I?” she asks
“Please.” Christopher insists, stepping to the side to give Grace room to work.
Grace grabs a spare pair of safety goggles from the drawer and a syringe. Slowly, she takes a drop from the beaker and adds it to the one hanging over the bunsen burner. The clear liquid bubbles for a moment, turning an ocean blue color, and then slowly releases a beautiful floral fragrance. Grace turns to Christopher, who stares at her in awe.
“How? How did you do that?”
“All the elements in your formula were correct, I simply reversed the order.”
Christopher stares at the soft blue liquid in the beaker and back down at the paper. “We have been working on this… for weeks.”
Grace takes a step back, an apology fast on her tongue, but then Christopher is turning to her, his eyes bright with a beaming smile. “Brilliant!” he exclaims. “You are absolutely brilliant! A true marvel!” He turns to shut off the bunsen burner. “Wait until I tell Professor Fairchild!” He turns back to Grace, still smiling, placing his hands on her shoulder. “Brilliant. I’m so grateful! I could just—” he cuts himself off as though someone slapped him, his face turning white.
“You could just what?” Grace asks, the corners of her mouth twitching.
Christopher lets go of her shoulders, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck, a pink tint rising in his cheeks. “Oh… I well…”
“Kiss me?” Grace interjects, and Christopher makes a choking sound. Grace smirks. “So do it then.”
“W-What?” Christopher stutters.
Grace takes a step forward, tilting her head up, nearly brushing her nose with his. “Kiss me,” she whispers.
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chibi-tsukiko · 3 years
Congratulations! I am so happy for you! This is great! 💕
So I was hoping for
📃 with the fluff #7 for Matthew x Reader (if you do those, if you don’t platonic Matthew x Lucie)
✏️ I was maybe wondering if you could do Wylan Van Eck and Matthew Fairchild in the same picture 😅 (if not, I’m perfectly content with just Wylan or Matthew, you can pick)
Thank you so so much sweetheart!!! 🥰
You can find your Lucie x Matthew ficlet here
I hope you like it! 🙈
✏️—a sketch of a character of your choice
Wylan & Matthew
I didn’t know I needed this until I drew it 🥺
I went with a more cartoonish style I hope that’s ok
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I hope you like it!! 🙈 Thank you again!!
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chibi-tsukiko · 3 years
Omg congratulations! Emmy! Ahhhh! I send all your art to a group chat with my friends whenever you post. I’m so thrilled for you!
I’d love to see a drawing of Ty (I know, I’m so predictable!) or an ASL cover of your favourite song, or a song you find most fun to sign? Ahhhh I’m so excited and happy for you!
Stoppp do you really???? Awksjdkd that’s so sweet omg 🥺🥰 thank you!!!
So I have fun signing any song! Haha I have a habit of signing whenever I’m listening to music 🙈 so for your request, I decided to do a song I’ve been listening to a lot lately.
It’s Play with Fire by Sam Tinnez 🤟🏻 I hope you enjoy!
And of course! Here is your Ty 🥰
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I hope you like it! 🙈 thank you again!!
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chibi-tsukiko · 3 years
A Pressing Matter
A platonic Matthew & Lucie ficlet for @livvyheronstairs who requested the prompt "You're an idiot" "But you love me"
I had a lot of fun with this one. I hope you like it!
Tag list : @legendofconsullightwood @themostawesomehuman @littleturtle95 @tobeornottobetequila @morgnstern @zfoxdraws @bookworm-jedi @magnus-the-maqnificent @banesbitch @fair-but-wilde-child @beclynn-herondale @khaleesiofalicante @my-archerboy @youngreckless @thomaslightwood @runecarstairs @high-warlock-of-brooklyn @itsdaughterofthemoon
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The second Lucie had gotten the message, she’d dropped everything she had been doing and sent for a carriage. She had half a mind to ask James to come with her or send word to Cordelia, but she imagined they’d be busy prepping for the wedding. She’d also been instructed to come alone. Not that that’s ever stopped her before.
She has the carriage drop her off a little way from the destination, enjoying the way the crisp air felt against her cheeks. That was nearly ten minutes ago.
Now, she stands shivering, exasperated, and ready to leave. She unfolds the paper in her pocket, reading it again.
Meet me in the town square. Come alone. It’s urgent.
She slips the paper back in her pocket and cups her gloved hands over her mouth, breathing into them. “Where is he?” she groans.
“Where’s who?” a voice says behind her.
She jumps, throwing her arm out, swinging it in the voice's direction, but it catches her arm.
“Whoa! Easy!”
She turns, “Matthew!” she shouts in surprise.
“Who else?” he smiles
“Where have you been?”
“Where I said I’d be. In the town square.”
She squints at him, “impossible. I’ve been standing here for minutes now. I didn’t see you.”
“Ah yes well, regrettable I didn’t specify which side of town square to meet me on in my note to you.” he admits.
As she processes his statement, she can see now the flushed look on his face. How the winter wind has slapped his cheeks and nose red with cold and how his shoulders heave with every breath from running.
“Mistakes aside! I apologize for making you wait, I am glad you are here.”
“What’s this all about, Matthew?”
“It’s an emergency.”
“An emergency? By the Angel. Should I have called for James?”
“No. Jamie cannot know about this.”
“Are you sure? This seems serious, and he’s your Parabatai.”
“This is serious. And he is my Parabatai and you his sister. But he does not need to know everything. He doesn’t need to know about this.” Matthew grabs Lucie’s hands, holding them in his, “I need your help Lucie, next to Anna you’re the only one I would trust with this. Will you help me?”
Lucie stares, stunned, whether by Matthew's seriousness or that he trusts her so fiercely, she isn’t sure. “Of course.” she answers.
“Wonderful!” Matthew exclaims, turning so she can wrap her arm in his. “Shall we then?”
She takes his arm, and he leads her through the square. Despite the early morning, the plaza is already full of people. Lucie’s concentration is lost in the sea of blurry faces as Matthew weaves in and around the early birds. They finally come to a stop in front of a small shop.
“In here,” Matthew directs, holding the door open for her. She steps in and looks around.
“This is a clothing shop…” she states, confused.
“Back here,” Matthew instructs, moving ahead of her and down towards the back of the shop. He stops suddenly and she nearly bumps into him.
“Well… what do you think?”
“About what?” she asks, moving beside him.
Matthew places a hand on his hip, the other gesturing towards the table in front of him, “Blue? or Green?”
Lucie’s gaze follows his arm to the table, across it lie two vests. A dark navy one, with three brass buttons, and a checkered light blue pattern. Next to it is a rich emerald green one, with four gold buttons, and a floral embroidered pattern on it. She turns to him dumb-founded.
“This?! This is the emergency?!” she shouts, unable to keep her composure.
“Are you mad? I thought you were in trouble! I was worried!”
“I am in trouble! It’s not every day you throw your Parabatai a bachelor party! I have to look my best!”
Lucie stares at him for a moment, and then she’s laughing, loud, and unashamed. She covers her mouth to quiet the sound, but it’s all in vain.
“Have I said something funny or are you just laughing at my inability to make a decision?” Matthew asks.
Lucie collects herself, wiping at her eyes to dispel the tears that had gathered in the corners, “You’re an idiot” she breathes.
“You,” she says looking up at him, her cheeks sore from smiling, “are an idiot.”
Matthew blinks at her, the corners of his mouth twitching, “ah yes, but you love me.” He smiles, pure and bright.
Lucie can’t help, but smile back, “I do. Now,” she turns back towards the table “I’ve always felt that green was your color. Brings out your eyes. But I’ll have to see them on.” She grabs the vests and holds them out towards Matthew. “Well, come on.”
“Splendid!” Matthew beams.
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chibi-tsukiko · 3 years
✏️ for Ragnor, please 💚💚
Of course love!! ♥️
✏️— a sketch of a character of your choice
A precious pea pod for you
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Emmy’s 1k Celebration 🪴
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chibi-tsukiko · 3 years
Congratulations, you adorable, talented and fantastic bean!! 😘💜💙 / 🤟🏻 + Billy Lockett's Wide Eyed / ⚖️ + Which hurt more? Book!Malec breakup or Show!Malec breakup? / ✏️ + Could you draw baby/kid Magnus? 🥺 (Also, sorry for the lack of space... I can't use enter here when I'm on desktop 😭)
🙈🙈🙈🙈akdksksksk annie you are making me bluuuussshhh stop that! 💕💕
🤟🏻— ASL Cover
⚖️— Which hurt more Book!Malec break up or Show!Malec break up?
Definitely Show!Malec breakup for sheer performance alone. Harry and Matt killed that scene. (As they did every scene tbh). The way Magnus hands are shaking. The way Alec can’t even look at him like he looks like hes gunna physically combust. The little headshake/nose rub when Magnus goes to kiss Alec again. THE DESPERATION IN KISS ALONE! 😭😭😭😭 IT HURTSSSSS MEEEEEEEEE
The Book!Malec break up sucked, but honestly it was valid. Both of them needed the eye opener. Alec needed to see that his choices hurt Magnus as well as his behavior. And I am SO PROUD of Magnus for standing up for himself! 🙌🏻 But in the same breath Magnus needed the break up, not only for to validate himself, but to also realize that this can’t be a one sided relationship. Trust and communication is a two way street. So he needs to try and be more open with Alec.
Both hurt, but I can’t watch or see a gif of the Show!Malec break up without tearing up 😆
✏️— a sketch of a character of your choice
Ok, first of all, HOW HAVE I NOT DRAWN BABY MAGNUS YET?! WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE????? Annie. Thank you for this. Cuz. Wow.
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LOOOK AT HIMMMMMMMM?????? I’m obsessed. I hope you like it! 🙈🙈🙈(Also I hope you can tell he’s holding magic lol didnt realize how hard that was gunna be without color 😅)
I hope you like everything!! Thank you so much!! 😘😘♥️♥️♥️
Emmy’s 1k Celebration 🪴
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chibi-tsukiko · 3 years
Jejeje another attempt
✏️ + Lucie Herondale and Nico DiAngelo! Please 💫
I’m pretty sure you sent another ask before this but Tumblr ate it 😫
I think you asked for Jesse…so I went ahead and just combined the two. I hope that’s ok 🙈
✏️— here is Lucie, Jesse, and Nico
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I hope you like it!! ✨
[requests are currently closed]
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