#emo Crys
gooeykit · 3 months
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aggies ft. @memorycycle @twizzta @toriel-2 @oyesteryells
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pyromaniacalflameguy · 5 months
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(none of them are normal)
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hankthehappyhamster · 5 months
~✨I always wanted a little bat as a pet✨~
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wild-grinders · 8 months
do you have any headcanons for goggles, jack knife or emo crys? im curious to hear about them!
all 3 characters hgrhrheggrgegegrhr gonna try (this is in the style of ye olde fandom and not like reader blogs)
engineering science major (hes not a biologist, he doesnt mess around in chemicals), but boy loves complex math and building things that he's more of an engineering sciences
gay because he engages in anime, comics, and hes even touched fandom because hes's a real fan nerd (he learned that gay ships were a thing and it clicked for him why he wasnt interest in girls)
has a lot more money than you think, but he doesnt really boast about being rich (most of that money is always going into new materials for his family to upkeep the hyperfixations they have) and his actual house is like full minimalist modernism in canon
avid fan of hot cocoa + mini marshmallows (literally from one episode, but it's in my brain forever)
last member to meet the wild grinders, aside from Flip (this was the original intention back in the Ketterville canon but has been reworked to him being Lil' Rob's first friend for the Sprawl City today)
Jack Knife (theres a ton of info on his canon life, but thats another post for another day)
oppossum hugger, he will try to befriend any wildlife that visits his home, will even try to bring said animal to let his friends see
in Ketterville canon, hes actually homeless and his family moves around a lot and hinted that he could live in trailer parks, but personally like to think he has family all over the states and they welcome his family to stay from time to time, he currently stays in one place (his grandmas house) to be near his friends while his family decides to travel for the circus
the most failgirl of failgirls, but is actually a badass when it comes to knives and is skilled at tasks like wood carving and axe-throwing but will set the kitchen on fire he made lemonade
hes not at all a redneck or the american hillbilly stereotype that the Sprawl City canon makes him out to be, he's more of an Oregon lumberjack local whos a little confused, but he does his best to understand others
would cut tires though
he has one berserk button and it's extremely rare to see him angry, but when he is, he will not hesitate to fuck anyone up
but seriously hes the kindest character ever and doesnt care if anyone insults or smacks him around, but he DOES care when you hurt anyone he cares about
100% taurus
Emo Crys (this is my kin, not like a kinnie-way, but more of a 'thats my son!!' way)
failgirl #2, but hes living his best life being cringe and actually giving a fuck about others
in Ketterville canon, he used to just be straight up 'peace was never an option', but he mellowed out after meeting Lil' Rob and learned to not be snarky and sarcastic
the sprawl city canon wants him to be a brony, but really he loves a lot of animals and cares for all of them (but hed suck as a science major to be involved in animal care profession)
doesnt have a good relationship in his family and often sneaks off to be part of the wild grinders shenanigans (it's the reason why we cannot have him wear nail polish) he's doing his best to pass as a goth in his family situation
loves horror and monsters, would happily invite himself in the woods where Mothman is and walk outside at ungodly hours just to meet a cryptid or ghost
thrifts all of his clothes because hes sick of fast fashion and would rather tailor them to his style
scarf was given to him by Lil' Rob as a way of welcoming him to Ketterville (not even canon to the series, but Rob Dyrdek demanded hed have a cute gray scarf and even presented a gray scarf to Chris, the inspiration behind Emo).
secretly loves cats (and constantly gets scratched by the said stray cats)
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partyt1mes · 1 year
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this show reminds me of the taste of stale scooby snacks
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emoboybattle · 1 year
I come to you again asking about my little emo crys lad
8 submissions!
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gfwooyo · 2 months
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oh we are gonna be EATING
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babybirbb · 1 year
edgin says he wanted to bring back kira’s mother only to realize he was only trying to get his wife back. but in the end, he let go of his wife so he could bring back kira’s real mother ;-;
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noname-404s-blog · 11 months
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Stupid me 😮‍💨😮‍💨
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galedekarios · 9 months
i still think abt this every day btw:
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the tressym would only accept a good-hearted master
tara not only fighting for gale so hard because she loves him so very much, but also because she knows he has a genuinely good heart i'm >-Io
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dismas-n-dismay · 18 days
I'm not fucking joking when I tell you I saw this panel and literally started sobbing and crying over seeing my babygirl buying chocolate with just fucking quarters. This is the people's jason todd for real, thank you Juni Ba
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“hey, you,” apollo mused with a cheesy smile, allowing his sunglasses to slide down his nose so she could see his eyes, “i think you’re blocking my view.”
“ha ha. just as funny as ever, brother,” artemis hissed with a roll of her eyes.
“you’d die of boredom without me,” laughed apollo, leaning out of his car to be closer to her chariot.
“surely,” bit back artemis, a softness settling into the corner of her eyes that only apollo ever saw. his smile softened as well but never dimmed.
“same time in twenty years?”
“i wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
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pyromaniacalflameguy · 8 months
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this particular scene goes so hard, idk why but i love it so much
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hankthehappyhamster · 5 months
I was hesitant to post this because I kind of hate it but here you go lol
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I want to get better at drawing all of the grinders sooo I’m gonna practice!! I’m taking requests in my ask box too :)
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wild-grinders · 6 months
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noiraph · 5 months
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