itssagaruu · 3 years
I know it's two days late– but it's better late than never, right? (I'm so sorry rl has been so hard on me :"" )
so this is my take on the DCMKEMOGUST2021 Week One!
the prompt I used were–!
Word : Expertise
Dialog : "either a fool or someone who has nothing left to lose."
genre : angst
hope you enjoy it!
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dcmkemogust20xx · 3 years
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Hello everyone stuck in DCMK Hell! Wick here! It is August once again and it’s time for DCMKEmogust2021! Even if it is a bit last minute yet again >v<’ My apologies.
Emogust will run from Tuesday 03.08 till Tuesday 31.08. Our aim for the event is to make one another feel emotions!
  HOW DOES IT WORK? For this year I would like to experiment with the format of the challenge a bit. To see if it might make it a bit more exciting and inspiring.
The planned format is like this:
I’ll post the prompt list of the week on Sunday 21:00 (GMT+2)
The plan is to post our creations on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays each week instead of every day of the week like last year. [Though if you felt very inspired to create more than just for those 3 days, feel free to use the other days of the week too. Just remember to rest as well 0v0]
Each day has 2 words, 2 Dialogs, 2 pictures, and 2 songs that we can mix and match however we would like. They are there to inspire us! So if we just got inspired by one picture and nothing else, don’t feel the need to include the rest. It’s our choice! 
Our goal for the event will be to include as many genres as we can to evoke emotion. So for example if you are an Angst writer you set up a goal of 3-4 days that is not angst. How many days you want to challenge yourself with is up to you. - If you crave a bit more of a challenge. You can include that each day will have a different Genre just like last year. For this challenge you can’t have the same genre two days in a row. This means if you created something with angst Tuesday, you can’t create anything angsty again until Saturday. So it should be more like this example: Tues. Angst, Thurs. Crack and Sat. Fluff, so on and so forth.
Once we post our creation, we include the words, pictures, songs, etc. that inspired it!
If you are struggling and feeling that it isn’t fun anymore it is alright to skip a day or two or quit altogether. Let’s be honest, creating is hard and it’s okay to give up. The most important thing is to Have Fun!  All types of genres are welcome just as long as you tag them appropriately.
Now then, Let me know what you guys think of this setup, I would love to hear your opinions. Are the days too few? Should we have Mondays to Fridays with a break in the middle or keep the every other day? etc.
I hope to see you participating.
I can’t wait to see what you all can come up with♡
Remember to tag #DCMKEmogust2021 and this blog. @ me as well if you would like. //Wick 0v0
Original Event created by the lovely @sup-poki and @mintchocolateleaves​
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wickfursfanfics · 3 years
DCMKEmogust 2021 - 14/08
My entry for DCMKEmogust 2021 - Saturday 14/08 It’s a bit late, but finally here! xD
My prompt Inspirations for this one:
Word 1 - Tail
Dialog 2 - "We have been dating for two months and you only tell me this now?"
Intended Genre: Suspense with humor
Rating: General 
Starring: Kaito and Shinichi
Kaito has a strong monkey tail that he might have forgotten to mention to Shinichi...
The first time Shinichi saw it, they were about to fall to their deaths. They were out hiking around a steep canyon when the ground suddenly gave out from under Kaito. Shinichi reacted quickly and grabbed onto him. Unfortunately he forgot the extra weight their backpacks provided and he fell with him.
It happened so suddenly they barely had any time to think. They were grabbing and scrambling to find something, anything that would hold their weight. Lest they fall into the ravine far below. 
Kaito managed to snag a branch of a tree and had only a second to grab at Shinichi before he fell further. He desperately pulled at his arm to try and get them both to safety on a thicker branch. But it was too hard to use one hand to hold himself and the other to hold Shinichi.
Shinichi for his part was struggling to release his pack one-handed, but he couldn't get the damn buckle open. He felt how Kaito was straining to hold them up, slipping slightly and then readjusting his grip constantly. They wouldn't last much longer. If only he could get that buckle open.
He glances down and sees a protruding rock. If he angled himself right as he fell he might make it. It was a bit risky but at this rate they both would fall.
"I see a small cliff further down, I might be able to get to it if I let-
"You are not letting go of my hand!" Kaito snarls around a few strained pants, cutting him off. He nearly slips as he tries to lift them up by his one arm.
"Shit!" He curses, breaths are ragged.
"At this rate we will both fall, don't you think it would be better to risk it?" He says strained. If he had to die alone to let Kaito live he would do it.
"Oh no, don't give me that Bullshit love. Don't argue with me right now!" He spits out through gritted teeth as Shinichi tries to argue further.
"Let me try something" he says mysteriously.
Kaito takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly, Shinichi can almost hear him Focusing.
Suddenly he feels how Kaito strains upward and angles his body closer, something slithers around his middle. He couldn't see it but he could feel the tight pressure of something. Kaito looks down at him with a bit of a strained smile that had nothing to do with him holding up two people and two travel packs.
He tightened his grip on his hand and then slackened it just a little, making his intentions known. 
"Do you trust me?" He asks, all serious like Shinichi would do anything else.
Shinichi didn't know what he was up to, but he took in a deep breath and let it out slowly to prepare himself.
"I trust you"
He lets go of his hand. Shinichi feels the sickening feeling of dropping. But only for a second before that pressure tightened and held him up. He hears Kaito curse and grit his teeth as he reaches for the branch with his other hand. He couldn't for the life of him understand what he was holding him up with. But it was working.
Kaito heaved them both up the branch. He got his legs around it to give him purchase and when he felt stable enough he reached down to grab Shinichi. Pulling him upp on the branch so he could get him to safety. Shinichi sighed in relief as he finally settled on the branch in front of Kaito. The pressure on his middle slithered away as Kaito let out a sigh of relief himself.
After a minute of shaking off the feeling of dread he finally managed to ask the question that had plagued his curiosity.
"What did you do? I couldn't see anything holding me up?" He looks around Kaito to emphasise that there really was nothing.
Kaito chuckles awkwardly and shifts on the branch.
"It's nothing to concern yourself about love"
Shinichi frowns "Of course I want to know, you know I love a good mystery, and this was no trick."
Kaito takes his hand in his with a smile. "Just don't freak out" 
Shinichi blinks in confusion "freak out?"
Kaito sighs, adopting a focused look and suddenly a strange furry appendage appears behind him, twitching in nervousness.
"...What is that?"  He can't help but ask.
Kaito smiles "...This, is my Monkey tail"
"Your… monkey tail? You have a monkey tail?!"
"We have been dating for the last 2 months and known each other for longer than that and you only tell me this now??"
"It's not really something you tell people you know"
"But you know me"
"Yes, and I know you well enough to know you wouldn't have believe me"
"I would-" he stops "No wait… I wouldn't"
Kaito chuckles at his admittance and wills the tail to disappear from sight. How fascinating.
“Now then, what do you say? Should we find a way back up this cliff before someone sends out a search party for us?” he says and starts finding a way up from where they were.
Shinichi winces, he would rather not have the whole police force searching from them. He knows they care, but it quickly becomes mayhem when they go on the hunt for them. Since they always assume the worst when they disappear. But with their track record it couldn’t be helped.
They made the slow and careful climb up the cliff and made it home before it got  too dark. Unfortunately, Their friends had already begone to form a search party by the time they came back. Go figure.
Until next time
//Wick 0v0
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dcmkemogust20xx · 3 years
DCMKEmogust2021 Week one
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Hello everyone!
The event is now live! 
(Event overview and rules)
I hope that this list can provide some inspiration for you. Remember that there is no need to use everything. If you only get inspired by a photo or a quote just roll with that and ignore the rest. 
I can’t wait to see what great things everyone will create!
Without further adieu, here comes the prompts for week one!
Tues. 03/08: 
Word 1 - Expertise
Word 2 - Menu
Dialog 1 - “Um, excuse me" 
Dialog 2 - “Either a fool or someone who has nothing left to lose. Wouldn't you agree?”
Song 1 - Spotify/YouTube - Finding Sein By Gareth Coker
Song 2 - Spotify/YouTube - Unbreakable By Vo.Lauren Dyson
Photo 1:
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Photo 2:
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Thurs. 05/08:
Word 1 - Discover
Word 2 - Invisible
Dialog 1 - “Please marry me”
Dialog 2 - “You can’t stay here”
Song 1 - Spotify/YouTube - They’re home! By hanz Zimmer, Steve mazzaro
Song 2 - Spotify/YouTube - One woman army By Porcelain Black 
Photo 1:
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Photo 2:
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Sat. 07/08:
Word 1 - trust
Word 2 - Dove
Dialog 1 - “That is exactly why”
Dialog 2 - "Well, well, well, what do we have here?"
Song 1 - Spotify/YouTube - Your hand of sun and jewels By The Flight
Song 2 - Spotify/YouTube - Lies By Will Jay
Photo 1:
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Photo 2:
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Now we are at the end of this week’s list. Good luck and have Fun!
Remember to tag #DCMKEmogust2021 and this blog. @ me as well if you would like.
//Wick 0v0
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dcmkemogust20xx · 3 years
DCMKEmogust2021 Week three
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Hello everyone!
I hope that you had fun and thank you for participating for these last few weeks! I’m excited to see what you may come up with for this new week of prompts!
I hope that this list can provide some inspiration for you. Remember that there is no need to use everything. If you only get inspired by a photo or a quote just roll with that and ignore the rest. (Event overview and rules)
Without further adieu, here comes the prompts for week Three!
Tues. 17/08:
Word 01 - Sculpture
Word 02 - Protect
Dialog 01 - “I’ll become the greatest!”
Dialog 02 - “It's probably nothing, let's go”
Song 01 - Spotify/YouTube - Uncharted Worlds By Sam Hulick
Song 02 - Spotify/YouTube - I’m still standing By Taron Egerton
Photo 01:
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Photo 02:
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Thurs. 19/08:
Word 01 - Bottle
Word 02 - Spite
Dialog 01 - “I come back, open the door. And there ...”
Dialog 02 - “May I take your order?”
Song 01 - Spotify/YouTube - Mombasa By Hanz Zimmer
Song 02 - Spotify/YouTube - Happy By Pharrell Williams
Photo 01:
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Photo 02:
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Sat. 21/08:
Word 01 - Rage
Word 02 - Rehabilitation
Dialog 01 - “Good, keep up your rounds. It will get dark soon”
Dialog 02 - "No worries, I got it covered"
Song 01 - Spotify/YouTube - The Scent Of Earth After Rain By Ebb & Flod
Song 02 - Spotify/YouTube - Syndicate By Derivakat
Photo 01:
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Photo 02:
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Now we are at the end of this week’s list. Good luck to you all and have Fun!
//Wick 0v0
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wickfursfanfics · 3 years
DCMKEmogust2021 03/08
My entry for DCMKEmogust 2021 - Week one - Tuesday 03/08
My prompt Inspirations for this one:
Word 1 - Expertise
Dialog 2 - “Either a fool or someone who has nothing left to lose. Wouldn't you agree?”
Intended Genre: Crack and humor
Rating: General
Starring: KID, Conan, a disgruntled Hakuba and some random unknowns.
"Well, this could have gone better" Kaito comments. As he ducks his head before an incoming bullet has the chance to meet his forehead. Hakuba moved further from the edge with a wild look in his eyes.
"You think?!" Tantei-san equivalently shouts above the din of automatic weapons.
These guys were wasting bullets like they were shooting fireworks on new years eve. But considering all the ammunition they were carrying it wasn't all that surprising. 
He just didn't understand why they felt the need to empty out their magazines on a lowly thief and a high-school detective. Or in this case the wall, since thankfully neither one of them had gotten shot.
He had just finished his amazing heist and lured Nakamori-keibu into a merry chase after his dummy. When he noticed that his littlest detective hadn't shown up on the roof like usual. So being the concerned phantom thief he was, he went looking for him with Hakuba in tow.
To think he would run into him being carried around by a bunch of heavily armed robbers into a bank heist. That wasn't really on his list of potential hiding places for the reckless child. But considering it was Tantei-kun, he shouldn't be all that surprised.
He again chanced a glance around the wall they were hiding behind, so he could check on Tantei-kun. He looked very annoyed being handled like a small child in the arms of his captors, he seemed like a angry cat who wanted to get out of their clutches, but was unable to. The robbers looked as annoyed by the feisty child as he was of the robbers, it was just his Tantei-kun's luck to become a hostage in this scenario.
Kaito ducked back from a projectile with a little too close of a margin to his nose. His hat had already suffered a hole in the brim, no need to add that feature to his face.
Well, Tantei-kun looked fine, annoyed but fine. Considering he had gone into this armed robbery, alone in his best Tantei-kun fashion, he had gotten away with very few scratches. What he had been thinking when he waltzed in on the robbers, Kaito had no idea. Now it was just a matter of getting him out of the mess he had created.
"We better do something about this, don't you think so Tantei-san?" He said down to his cowering companion.
"We?” He asks scandalized “Are you bloody mad?! Haven’t you understood the situation we are in right now?”
"If I’m mad, can be discussed. But more importantly, if we don't do something soon Tantei-kun looks like he is going to bite his captor" He joked. But in all seriousness, if they don’t do something soon, he will cause Kaito a great deal of trouble. The mayhem he creates always ends in Kaito getting hurt one way or another, so he would rather avoid that scenario if at all possible.
Hakuba looks up at him with a confused expression on his face "Bite them? Why?"
Kaito grins with a chuckle "I think the robber holding him has a soft spot for kids, he is cuddling him like a newborn babe"
The detective looked like his brain stopped for a moment in error before restarting as he uttered a "What… why would that matter?"
He sighs dramatically "Tantei-kun hates being coddled" he bemoans. He wasn’t nice to those who coddled him too much. Kaito included.
“So that means I better go save the robbers before Tantei-kun does something crazy” he declared. Hakuba looked at him like he had a second head.
“Did you miss the part where they have automatic weapons, shooting at us? Ring any bells?”
“I can’t hear the bells over the spray of bullets unfortunately” he said, just to annoy the blond.
Hakuba slumps against the wall with a frustrated sigh “Why am I wasting my breath? …. Wait save the robbers??” he asks, confused.
Kaito ignores him in favour of looking around the corner and notices that Tantei-kun has his hands on his watch. He was about to pop the lid of his watch and shoot his captor with a sleeping dart. He better get out there and assist him unless he wanted the detective to kick the bucket. Which he really didn’t, however frustrating he could be.
He moves slightly closer to the edge, ready to go out there when he feels a slight tug on his cape. He turns around to Hakuba with an eyebrow raised.
"Did you need something? I'm about to get busy"
Hakuba frowns at him “KID, if you go out there you will get shot”
He only gives him a chuckle for his concern “Good thing that’s one of my expertise”
“Getting shot?” the detective says snidely.
“No of course not” he defends “Dodging bullets”
Hakuba groans in absolute frustration "You are a fool!”
He smiles and says “I’m either a fool or someone who has nothing left to lose. Wouldn’t you agree?” He then runs out into the mayhem, despite Hakuba's shouts of protest. He shoots a few cards from his cardgun at the lights, descending the room into darkness. He then shoots two cards right in front of the robbers that release smoke, to blind his captors. He hears some shouts, as the little detective takes this as his cue to act.
Between the two of them, they have them down and counted for, before the smoke totally dissipates. Hakuba takes it upon himself to be the responsible one and calls this in to the police. Meanwhile Kaito checks on his reckless little critic. 
He turns his little arm this way and that between his hands to check for any injuries. Then he did the same for the other arm. But fortunately he seemed to only have gotten a few scratches in his scuffle with the men thrice his size in body mass. Which was a miracle by itself.
“What if I hadn’t rushed in when I did, what then?” he scolded.
Tantei-kun just scoffs “I knew you would, so there was no need to think too much about it”
Kaito rolls his eyes skyward at the not-compliment “You, are a pain in my butt. But I feel slightly touched by your trust in my abilities” he says, a slight smile on his lips as he puts a Bandaid on his scraped knee.
But then he says “Not really, you are just a very convenient distraction” 
His smile drops off his face “Okay, and now I’m mildly hurt by your words”
Tantei-kun smirks at him.
“You will live”
Meanwhile Hakuba looks at their exchange with a confused frown. Shouldn't KID be asking the child if he was okay instead of bantering with him like he was a moody teenager?
He looks at the similar smirks playing on their faces and decides that's a question for another day.
Sorry if this is a mess, I didn't quite know where I wanted to go with this one xD But hopefully the crack could make you chuckle at least a little bit.
Until next time //Wick 0v0
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wickfursfanfics · 3 years
DCMKEmogust2021 - 10/08
My entry for DCMKEmogust 2021 - Tuesday 10/08
My prompt Inspirations for this one:
This Art I stumbled upon in my dashboard.
Word 1 -Abnormal
Word 2 - Pure
Photo 1:
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Intended Genre: Angst with salt in your wounds
Rating: General with Teen and up for violence
Starring: Kaito and Shinichi
My name is Kuroba Kaito and when I was a young boy, upon that fateful night so many years ago. I met a boy that would change my life.
Sleep had claimed me into its embrace like it had so many others. The orphanage was quiet, save for the many whispers of soft breaths of sleep. I was restless and half asleep when I heard a noise that woke me up.
Sitting at my bed was a boy my age, no older than 10. He looked oddly similar to myself with bright Azure orbs that drew me in. His hair was much neater with a cowlick that refused to stay down. His name was Shinichi he had told me.
To my astonishment he could fly. I wanted to as well. He held out his hand telling me to come with him, to a world where you never grew up. With lots of fun and no responsibilities, it sounded like a dream. I never wanted to grow up, so I took his hand and never looked back.
We escaped out the window, my heart in my throat as we leaped out. But he held on tight, he wouldn't let me fall he said. Together we flew, higher and higher until we met the stars high above the clouds. He gestured to two stars ahead and pointed to one of them. That's where we will go he said, to Neverland.
We lived day by day on that island. Only having fun and playing. Having constant adventures and laughing as we did. Meeting creatures I could only have dreamed of. Every day was paradise, especially with Shinichi by my side.
Shinichi kept telling me that we would never grow up, never become adults. To always have fun. And that we did. I realised that Shinichi was the best thing that had happened to me. He was my happiness on this island, in my life.
He Kept telling me we wouldn't grow up, that we would stay as children forever. And I believed him, even though I slowly grew taller.
As my body grew and my voice changed. I watched on as Shinichi wasn't growing at all. He treated me the same, like I was still that 10-year-old boy from so many years ago. I pretend with him even as I knew deep down in my heart that things couldn't stay the same.
One day he just snapped. It was like he finally could see the truth and couldn't accept that he was alone. Always alone in knowing he would never age. We will never grow up, he yelled and screamed in denial. Pounding his fists on my chest as I held him tight. He completely broke down.
The next day, he was back to pretending everything was okay. Like I was the 10 year old he had picked up. It was hard to watch. But I loved him and would keep pretending for his sake, until I now longer could.
In the end he couldn't run away from it, as my 16 year old self turned into 23, into 25.
I could see the look in his eyes change. How his sanity wavered for every day that went by. Until finally, he picked up the knife we used to carve wood figures with and tried to kill me.
I lost an arm that day. I escaped with my life only because Shinichi couldn't kill me. He had held the knife to my throat, ready to end it all. But he couldn't. Tears had escaped with his screams as he cried. Unable to age, unable to die.
It broke my heart to leave, but I had to. I didn't want to see him break any more than he already had, because of me. As I pushed him away to escape, I vowed to never be the cause of his grief again.
Today, I am the pirate captain of my vessel, called the Jolly Roger. The ship is made from materials from the Neverland, making it able to fly, just like Shinichi could. My crew consists of all the people Shinichi has lured with him during the years after I had left. The loneliness making him unable to be alone, least he lose himself completely.
We were all little lost boys, abandoned by the same boy that never grew up, that never could grow up, that never would. Shinichi never could accept it. So Kaito continues to watch over him. To watch over the lost boys he brings back and abandons as they grow too old. And he will continue to do so until he breathes his last breath.
Until next time
//Wick 0v0
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dcmkemogust20xx · 3 years
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Thank you so so much for participating this year! It was really fun to provide you all with prompts and it was super intriguing to see all the different takes on the prompts!
Here is all of them in a nice prompt heap
What did you all think? Was it still too little time or was it just right in between all prompts? Is there anything I should think about for next year?
Here is a little form to tell me your thoughts, if you feel like it~!
Google form
Also, here are links to the full Emogust2021 playlist on Spotify and Youtube
This may be the end of this years Emogust, but if you have anything you didn't finish because of too little time or motivation or other reasons. Then no need to worry about it! Feel free to continue to post your creations with an @ or tag even after the event. I will gladly continue to reblog your stuff!
Thank you again! Stay safe and have fun!
//Wick 0v0
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wickfursfanfics · 3 years
DCMKEmogust2021 - 05/08
My entry for DCMKEmogust 2021 - Thursday 05/08
My prompt Inspirations for this one:
Word 1 - Discover Dialog 1 - “Please marry me” Dialog 2 - “You can’t stay here” Song 1 - They’re home! By hanz Zimmer, Steve mazzaro Intended Genre: Humor I guess and fluff
Rating: General with slight Teen and up
Starring: Kaito, Shinichi and his eccentric parents. It's a KaiShin btw.
It was a quiet and tranquil day in the Kudo mansion. Shinichi had no cases to tend to and no extra university work to finish. It was a rare day to just relax and take it easy. He had sat down with his favorite Holmes book and a cup of coffee in his favorite armchair. The pages flipping and the quiet ticking of the clock was the only sound in the whole library and that was exactly how he wanted it. He picks up the cup of coffee into his palms and inhales the aromatic scent, it wafted over his senses making him sigh content. Everything was perfect.
He takes a long slow sip of the coffee letting it gently smooth over his taste buds. Pure bliss. It didn’t last long.
He could hear the moment the tranquility shattered in the form of the rattling of keys and the slamming of the front door. He blinked and froze with the cup at his lips. The unexpected sound making him just stare uncomprehendingly at the opposite wall. He wasn’t expecting anyone, maybe KID if he was so inclined. But no one who had access to his house keys.
“Shinichi! We are home!” He spilled the coffee all over his shirt at the familiar voice calling him from the foyer.
Oh no. Oh no no no no. His parents are home. No please not now, not today. Just give him one day to relax in peace and quiet. Was that too much to ask for?
He rushed out of the library and out into the hall to see his parents putting down their luggage. His mother was hanging up her coat when she spotted him, her face lighting up as she saw her son. His father just nodded to him in greeting. “Shin-chan~” his mother singsonged happily.
“Hey- mom and dad… you’re home... early” he smiled awkwardly at them. 
His mother walked up to him with open arms and incased him in a bone-crushing hug. “I’ve missed you so much!” she cried dramatically. “Look how big you have gotten!” He looked to his dad for help. His father just smiled, the traitor. 
When his mother finally let go, she frowned at his shirt. "Why do you have coffee all over your shirt?" She asked slowly. She begins patting her own shirt for dampness. Shinichi shrugged his shoulders "I was a bit careless…" he lied before asking “Why are you here? You could have called in advance... and warned me” he says with a bit of a strained smile on his face.
His mother pouted childishly “Do we need a reason to come visit our favorite son?” Shinichi's brow twitched “I’m your only son last time I checked” at least as far as he knew. His mother just grins at his grumpiness.
"Now now Shinichi, this is our house too" his father pointed out. Which was true of course, but so not the point.
"You certainly don't act like it. You never visit and when you do, it's always out of the blue" he grouses. 
Always, they don't contact him for months on end and suddenly they just show up out of nowhere and expect him to be happy about it. He didn't mind it all that much when he was younger. But as he grew older, the more he realized how little his parents actually checked up on him. It took KID to point it out to him though.
“Mou, why are you being so stingy?” his mother wails with a pout, like she was a 5 year old kid and not a woman in her late 30s. Shinichi ignores her antics with the grace of someone accustomed to it and coughs awkwardly
“So, how long will you be staying?” he asks casually. He wanted to be alone again as soon as possible.
His mother juts out her bottom lip with an expression of 'sad mother', but it was all crocodile tears.
“Please Shin-chan, we just got here. Can’t you be kinder to your parents?” she couldn't make him sad for her with that act, he was immune by now. She looks to his father with big tear-filled eyes "Yusaku~" she sniffs. Though his father wasn't immune unfortunately.
“Your mother is right you know” he says after giving in. He knew full well she was acting but gave in nonetheless.
"But to answer your question son, we will be staying for 3 weeks" he says.
3 whole weeks?… he was going to go insane.
Suddenly out of nowhere his mother gasps “Are you hiding something you don’t want us to see?” she giggles. Her expression doing a 180. "You know your mother has already seen everything, there is nothing to hide." 
Shinichi splutters, unable to hide his embarrassment “Omg mom no, there is nothing like that” he vehemently denies. He couldn't very well tell them he was dating Kaitou KID after all, or about all they do.
His mother narrows her eyes in suspicion at his claims. “Oh really? Nothing at all?" She says, incredibly suspicious.
Shinichi can feel himself sweating "Nope" he says a bit too quickly.
Before his mother can strap him down in a chair to interrogate him or something along those lines. His father interrupts them with
“Why don’t you go make us some tea while we go pack up?” his father suggests, ever the diplomat in their family. But only when it suits him.
Shinichi sighs but agrees easily enough. As long as he could be alone with his thoughts for a few moments.
While his parents drag up their luggage to their room, Shinichi goes into the kitchen to start brewing some tea. While he waits for the water to boil he looks longingly at his coffee maker. Maybe he should make himself a cup… or a pot. He would need it.
He starts the coffee maker and lets his mind wander as the grind slowly becomes the lovely brew he loves. How was he going to survive them staying here for 3 whole weeks? He would go insane in the first 3 days. 
Maybe he could plan out a few trips for his parents to make them stay out of the house as much as possible. The hot springs could work well enough, or a museum. The only thing is that they would drag him with them, which wasn't ideal… How was he going to survive this!?
He mutters plans to himself for several minutes. He is so distracted he doesn't notice the new person in the room that sneakily approaches him.
He gets snapped out of his planning when a kiss meets his cheek. A smooth whisper in his ear "Hello Shinichi" The detective automatically put a hand into the soft locks and dragged him back for another kiss, this time on his lips. "Hello KID, fancy meeting you here" he says. He gets a soft grin for his troubles.
The magician looks down at his shirt and frowns at the coffee stain "What happened here?" He asks even as he quick-switches him into a new fresh shirt. Shinichi smiles as he feels some of his tension slipping away. "Just a bit of a spill. Thank you"
"Any time" is his fond reply.
Shinichi can't help but tease "Are you here to steal my heart away?" a bit playfully.
KID smirks at his antics "No, but that can be arranged"
He then surprised the detective by going down on one knee. He can feel his brain spluttering and restarting several times as KID poofs out a small box into his hands.
He looks up at him with so much love that it melts Shinichi's heart. "Will you marry me?" He asks while opening the box. His gaze was hopeful and sweet, oh so sweet. Shinichi's heart does little jaunty jumps in his chest. He would love to.
The moment breaks as Shinichi suddenly remembers they aren't alone in the house. "Oh no" he utters a bit panicked, missing KID's hurt expression. He starts to push at him to leave "You have to leave right now, you can't stay here" the magician's expression turns even sadder. This time he noticed.
"Oh no, KID, not because of that. They will see you" he tries to explain. His expression changed from sad to confused. "They?" He asked. 
It was too late. His mother was already in the doorway. Her smile turning up several watts.
"Iiiiiih!" His mother exclaimed in an incoherent happy noise. "My little Shin-chan is getting married!"
Shinichi groans and hides his increasingly red face on KID's shoulder. The magician just looked stunned and super confused at the lady nearly jumping in happiness. "Is that your mother…?" He asks slowly.
"Yes unfortunately" is all he could say.
"Yusaku look, look!" She exclaimed as her husband joined her in the doorway. "Shin-chan is getting married!" His father takes in the scene of Kaitou KID and his son standing very close in his kitchen and feels his mind go blank. What.
Shinichi gets annoyed at their gawking "Mom, dad. A little privacy please"
His mother just continues right over him "You are dating KID and you didn't tell us?" She says dramatically "And now you are getting married, why don't a mother get to know these things?" 
Shinichi can feel his brow twitch "Well, you never call, so it's a bit hard to keep you updated" she ignores his grumpy reply. "I'm so happy, my little boy is getting married! Go on and tell him your answer!"
KID unsticks his tongue "uuuh, should I just, you know. Leave?" Shinichi puts up his hands and motions for him to stay "no, please stay"
His mother continues to watch them and he sighs at the fact his mother can't take a hint and leave them alone on her own. "If you could you know, leave us some privacy that would be great" he tries. His father finally seems to snap out of it and drags his wife away. He gives him an awkward thumbs up and a "good luck son" before they retreat into the living room. A bit too easily if you asked him, but there were more important matters.
He turned back to his confused lover with a sigh of relief and gave him a disarming smile. "Hey" he tries. KID just continues to stare off into the living room and back to him before he again asks "Should I just… go?"
Shinichi panicked slightly, he hasn't told him his answer yet. He couldn't quite manage to gather his thoughts though. So all his words just tumbled out in a mess. "Yes…. NO! I mean that yes, I’ll marry you”
KID's expression slowly lit up into a happy smile. He picked the detective up and twirled them around until his cape flowed around them dramatically. He then let him go and stepped back to quick-change. After a small amount of smoke dissipated there stood a young man in a fancy suit holding out a few blue roses in an artful bouquet.
"Kuroba Kaito" he started. Shinichi could feel his heart hammering in his chest at the reveal of his name. "Magician extraordinaire and university student at your service~" Shinichi smiled and took the flowers, before going in for a soft hug. They touched their foreheads togeter snd looked into each other's eyes, exchanging "I love you" as they did.
He suddenly hears his father splutter and yell from the living room "Wait, you didn't even know his name and you agreed to marry him!?" In a very unusual display of emotion. That wasn't like him at all. But more importantly, how did he hear them.
His mother giggles "Oh Yu-chan, stop being so dramatic. It's romantic" his father does a strange noise between a dog whine and a cat's fighting yell. "That isn't the appropriate order" he complains. How unusual.
He glances to the wall suspiciously and sees the little device sitting on the door jamb. Shinichi huffs, "Mom, dad. Didn't we agree on privacy?" He calls over to them.
His parents looked out of the room next door "We did give you privacy" his mother says innocently.
Shinichi pointedly holds up the camera they had put down to watch them on the living room TV "I wouldn't call this privacy!" He scolds. Why are they always so-
"But we left the room Shin-chan" hos mother says in defence, like that would make any difference whatsoever.
"Your mother has a point" his father agrees, finally back to his normal senses. But again why do they do this.
Shinichi massages the bridge of his nose "That is so not the point!" He yells. "Seriously, why do you insist on doing these things?"
His mother comes out of the living room with her hands on her hips "Of course we want to see your precious moment"
"But that doesn't make it right to spy on us" he growls.
"But Shin-chan~" she whines.
Kaito just hangs back and watches as the Kudo family bickers. What an unusual family dynamic they had. And his parents had been shocked, but adapted fairly quickly. He was just happy they seemed to accept it so easily. 
He watches as Shinichi becomes more and more agitated with his parents starting to poke and prod him about Kaito. He defends against their words like a professional defendant. 
He wanders forward and puts his chin on his shoulder and a hand at his hip. Shinichi just rolls with it and puts his own hand on Kaitos' hip. Melding into his side like he belonged there. He really loves his detective.
I am several days late but at least it's finally done! Hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.
Until next time //Wick 0v0
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wickfursfanfics · 3 years
DCMKEmogust2021 28/08
My entry for DCMKEmogust 2021 - Saturday 28/08
My prompt Inspirations for this one:
My own work shenanigans
Song 02 - Sweet Tooth By Scott Helman Spotify//YT
Intended Genre: sadness and fluff.
Rating: General
Starring: Kaito and Shinichi. And me as the clerk. KaiShin
I had another idea for this prompt originally, but it was just vibes so I didn't know how to continue it. And then a few days ago at work I witnessed a sad and sweet scene.
For some context. I work at an ice cream stand in my city, scooping ice cream to the summer happy masses. And since our season is slowly coming to an end we are running low on the more popular flavours.
Anyway, I turned the little scene into a little fic scene with our resident detective of the east and phantom thief boys.
Shinichi had found an ice cream stand in downtown Beika. It was strategically placed at a plaza where many people came by every day. It had no wheels but it was a temporary establishment that flocked the masses over the summer months. A box shaped stand that interestingly enough had a roof that could lift at the turn of a key.
He had gotten a tip from Takagi-keiji that they had some of the best ice creams he had tasted and it was so worth the little extra money it cost. So naturally Shinichi got intrigued. 
The first time he went there he got the mocha flavoured one. He was surprised to note it wasn't too sweet and tasted enough coffee that he had to go back and get another. The sweet lady scooping the ice cream giggled a little good naturally and scooped a slightly larger than average scoop and gave him a smile as she served it. He ate it gratefully.
The second time around it had gone by a month or two. He went up to that same lady and asked to get some mocha. She smiled apologetically and explained it was gone this morning. And they might not get another shipment for a while. Shinichi felt a bit sad but asked if she recommended anything else.
She hummed and said that it depends on what flavours he liked. Then she said that the Blueberry cheesecake was a favourite of hers. She gave him a little spoon of the creamy goodness and Shinichi tasted it. He was surprised by how much he actually liked it, it wasn't overly sweet and the cheese cake crumbs in the ice cream really made the flavours pop. So he took a scoop of that with little complaint.
The third time he ordered from the stand, he chose the Blueberry cheese cake once more. It tasted just as good as the last time.
When he got home he was greeted with a hug by Kaito. He was finally home from his tour, a little early even. He told Kaito about the ice cream place and about this new flavour he had tasted. He told Kaito that he really would need to taste this one, it was right down his alley despite him being more of a chocolate addict. Kaito was really excited, there was finally something they could eat together that suited both their tastes.
So the next day they both went to the ice cream place. Kaito was a ball of energy and very much hyped about finally tasting the flavour Shinichi had bugged him about.
There was a cue and they patiently waited for their turn. There were two orders ahead of them and the ladies in front of them kept ogling the prices with frowns on their faces. When it was their turn they ordered one scoop each. The first lady pays for her ice cream but the second lady refused to.
"It was 320¥ last time" she says a bit bitterly. The lady just doing her job told them that "No it has always been 408¥"
The lady wouldn't have it and insisted
"That was the other ice cream place down the road, they had 408¥, here it was 320¥" she says, her friend agreeing with her.
The clerk looks a bit uncomfortable but continues to insist that no, it has always been 408¥ for one scoop and 536¥ for two and 664¥ for three. She continually points at the prices listed on their little sign telling them so.
Shinichi knew for a fact that it has always been 408¥, what were they trying to do? Harass her into giving them another price?
They continued to harp at the poor lady until Kaito and Shinichi butted in.
"Excuse me ladies" Kaito says with full charm "But if she says it has been 408¥ the entire time, then you can't keep holding up the line"
"Excuse me!?" She hisses while turning around. When she sees that it's thee Kuroba Kaito, she changes tune immediately. She giggles innocently "But I could have sworn it was 320¥" she says, fluttering her eyelashes.
Shinichi gives her a flat look "Well, it isn't the price you remember, so please pay and be on your way" she huffs but grudgingly pays what she owes. Muttering all the way.
"I won't come back here that is for sure!" She calls as she leaves.
Kaito chuckles at their childishness "The prices were listed very clearly, what was their problem?"
Shinichi snorts "They probably thought paying 408¥ for a scoop was expensive"
The lady bows slightly and thanks them for helping her out with a smile. She then asks what ice cream they would like.
Kaito immediately say they should get two scoops, so that's what they will get. He asks her what flavour shw would recommend together with Blueberry cheesecake. She said that she really enjoyed it with Seasalted caramel. And so he took those flavours. She started with the Blueberry, bringing the container up on the counter as it was nearing empty. When she was done with it she set it to the side to disposr of later. She then put a nice scoop of Seasalted caramel on top and gave it to him.
She then turned to Kaito and he smiled and said he wanted the same. Her face fell into an apologetic one, her expression looking sad. "I'm sorry, that was the last of the Blueberry cheesecake.." she said dejectedly.
Kaito's smile fell into a sad one. His expression turning into a kicked and sad puppy, he was distraught. She continued to look sad right with him and urged him to try something else she had. Shinichi suggested the Saffron and Honey flavour. Kaito shook his head a little. She took a spoon and a small piece for him to try. Kaito put it in his mouth and hung his head shaking it "no" he said in the most sad tone he had heard. Shinichi frowned, maybe he had hyped it up too much.
"Come on Kaito, don't you want something else?" He and the lady both urging him to pick something else. He dejectedly picked "Then an Italian Chocolate and seasalted caramel… please"
She apologised again and scooped the requested flavours. They then paid and started walking away. The lady called after them that Shinichi should let Kaito taste the flavour later. Shinichi sent her a smile over his shoulder and called back "I will do that!"
Kaito continues to look very sad as he licks his ice cream. "At least the seasalted caramel was good" he says off handedly. Shinichi sighs at his behaviour and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Cheer up, you can have half the scoop when I get to it"
Kaito lit up immediately and started devouring his ice cream with vigor. Giving him a happy smile "Thank you Nichi!"
"Idiot" he says and continues to eat his frozen goodness at a more normal pace.
In the end Kaito got to taste the flavour and was very happy.
Now, the ladies that refused to pay actually gave in pretty easily after being told that it was the right price in the real scenario. But it was more fun having the boys interfere.
Until next time!
//Wick 0v0
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dcmkemogust20xx · 3 years
Just for ease of access!
The prompt Week two post is currently MIA in the tags. Probably because of all the links to several different sources. So I thought I could make it easier to find by making a referral post.
DCMKEmogust 2021 - Prompt week Two!
Week one - if anyone missed that as well.
Hopefully now it reaches more people who wants to participate!
Until next time
//Wick 0v0
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dcmkemogust20xx · 3 years
What did you all think of week one?
Now that Saturday is slowly drawing to a close. I would love to know what you guys thought of this first week of Emogust. It’s different to how it was previous years and it would be nice to know what you guys thought of it.
I’ve made a little form that you are free to check out or ignore however you would like.  Google Form
Thank you //Wick 0v0
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dcmkemogust20xx · 3 years
Hello everyone!
It has come to my attention that not all your creations might show up in the tags properly. So if I miss any of your stuff, please tell me so I can reblog your lovley cteations.
//Wick 0v0
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