raventhekittycat · 1 year
For the Writer's Ask game:
#6 and #15
6. Do you have any repetitive tropes or themes in your story?
I don't think I have any repetitive tropes in my stories that I'm aware of, but I certainly have some themes. It's definitely noticable in my Detective Conan works, but I tend to write about characters struggling with grief and/or depression. Heck, depression even pops up in one of my BSD fics. And genre wise I definitely tend towards angst, unless I'm trying to evoke another emotional response im readers, such as during DCMKEmogust.
15. Which WIP is your comfort WIP? (Like your comfort food, y'know?)
I actually don't have one! I usually don't have too many WIPs at one time, and right now I think I only have two, one of which, since it was for BSD, I've ended up abandoning, and the other I'm not certain where I've misplaced (too many documents!). Partly, I don't write long fic or plan on writing multi-chaps (the one I have I wrote as one thing, and divided it for publishing), so that helps prevent me from having too many (that and being burned out by school and/or commuting these last two years). The WIP I had the longest though was If I Only Could which I'd started writing all the way back in 2019 and only just published this year. Not certain I would call that one a comfort WIP tho, since it was so hard to write, but finishing it was good catharsis for me. Oh but while I was working on BB,RR which took a while, that might've been considered one I enjoyed returning too. The one that mostly closely resembles a comfort WIP tho can't be called a WIP since it's only an idea I toss around in my head at times, which is if I were to write a sequel for Foolish Man, but of late, I haven't had any ideas for it.
Thanks for the ask!
Writer's Ask Game questions
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itssagaruu · 3 years
I know it's two days late– but it's better late than never, right? (I'm so sorry rl has been so hard on me :"" )
so this is my take on the DCMKEMOGUST2021 Week One!
the prompt I used were–!
Word : Expertise
Dialog : "either a fool or someone who has nothing left to lose."
genre : angst
hope you enjoy it!
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dcmkemogust20xx · 2 years
Week Four of DCMKEmogust2022!
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Hello everyone!
Thank you so much to those who participated! But sadly things must come to an end eventually, so here is the last prompt week for this year’s DCMKEmogust.
Tues.   23/08:
Word 01 - Sympathetic
Word 02 - Model
Dialog 01 -"I WILL find out who killed my husband, with or without your help."
Dialog 02 - "If only they would just tone it down a bit!"
Song 01 - Spotify/Youtube - Like It Or Not by CG5, Dawko
Song 02 - Spotify/YouTube - Bones by Imagine Dragons
Photo 1: (Movie) - Full Metal Jacket 1987
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Photo 2: (Movie) - Gemini Man 2019
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Thurs. 25/08:
Word 01 - Fox
Word 02 - Linen
Dialog 01 - "What do you mean, he's escaped?"
Dialog 02 - "It looks like you're in trouble there. Can I help?"
Song 01 - Spotify/YouTube - Could Have Been Me by Hasley
Song 02 - Spotify/YouTube - Lucky 7 by Flower
Photo 1: (Movie) - A Quiet Place Part 2 2020
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Photo 2: (Movie) - Labyrinth 1986
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Sat.     27/08:
Word 01 - Cabinet
Word 02 - Mole
Dialog 01 - "What a thing to say - and on my birthday!"
Dialog 02 - "There'll be plenty more before this is over."
Song 01 - Spotify/YouTube - Manhunt by Dervikat, Cartian
Song 02 - Spotify/YouTube - Godhunter by Aviators
Photo 1: (Movie) - The tempest 2010
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Photo 2: (Movie) - The sixth sense 1999
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Tues.   30/08:
Word 01 - Morsel
Word 02 - Debt
Dialog 01 - "Don't upset your father, not now."
Dialog 02 - "You had time to call the police. Why didn't you?"
Song 01 - Spotify/YouTube - It’s Tough to Be a God by Annapantsu, Elsie Lovelock
Song 02 - Spotify/YouTube - I Won’t Say (I’m In Love) by Susan Egan, Cheryl Freeman and company
Photo 1: (Movie) - Goosebumps 2015
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Photo 2: (Movie) - Blood of Dracula 1974
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Now we are at the end of this last week’s prompt list. Good luck and have Fun!
Until next time //Wick 0v0
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wickfursfanfics · 3 years
DCMKEmogust 2021 - 14/08
My entry for DCMKEmogust 2021 - Saturday 14/08 It’s a bit late, but finally here! xD
My prompt Inspirations for this one:
Word 1 - Tail
Dialog 2 - "We have been dating for two months and you only tell me this now?"
Intended Genre: Suspense with humor
Rating: General 
Starring: Kaito and Shinichi
Kaito has a strong monkey tail that he might have forgotten to mention to Shinichi...
The first time Shinichi saw it, they were about to fall to their deaths. They were out hiking around a steep canyon when the ground suddenly gave out from under Kaito. Shinichi reacted quickly and grabbed onto him. Unfortunately he forgot the extra weight their backpacks provided and he fell with him.
It happened so suddenly they barely had any time to think. They were grabbing and scrambling to find something, anything that would hold their weight. Lest they fall into the ravine far below. 
Kaito managed to snag a branch of a tree and had only a second to grab at Shinichi before he fell further. He desperately pulled at his arm to try and get them both to safety on a thicker branch. But it was too hard to use one hand to hold himself and the other to hold Shinichi.
Shinichi for his part was struggling to release his pack one-handed, but he couldn't get the damn buckle open. He felt how Kaito was straining to hold them up, slipping slightly and then readjusting his grip constantly. They wouldn't last much longer. If only he could get that buckle open.
He glances down and sees a protruding rock. If he angled himself right as he fell he might make it. It was a bit risky but at this rate they both would fall.
"I see a small cliff further down, I might be able to get to it if I let-
"You are not letting go of my hand!" Kaito snarls around a few strained pants, cutting him off. He nearly slips as he tries to lift them up by his one arm.
"Shit!" He curses, breaths are ragged.
"At this rate we will both fall, don't you think it would be better to risk it?" He says strained. If he had to die alone to let Kaito live he would do it.
"Oh no, don't give me that Bullshit love. Don't argue with me right now!" He spits out through gritted teeth as Shinichi tries to argue further.
"Let me try something" he says mysteriously.
Kaito takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly, Shinichi can almost hear him Focusing.
Suddenly he feels how Kaito strains upward and angles his body closer, something slithers around his middle. He couldn't see it but he could feel the tight pressure of something. Kaito looks down at him with a bit of a strained smile that had nothing to do with him holding up two people and two travel packs.
He tightened his grip on his hand and then slackened it just a little, making his intentions known. 
"Do you trust me?" He asks, all serious like Shinichi would do anything else.
Shinichi didn't know what he was up to, but he took in a deep breath and let it out slowly to prepare himself.
"I trust you"
He lets go of his hand. Shinichi feels the sickening feeling of dropping. But only for a second before that pressure tightened and held him up. He hears Kaito curse and grit his teeth as he reaches for the branch with his other hand. He couldn't for the life of him understand what he was holding him up with. But it was working.
Kaito heaved them both up the branch. He got his legs around it to give him purchase and when he felt stable enough he reached down to grab Shinichi. Pulling him upp on the branch so he could get him to safety. Shinichi sighed in relief as he finally settled on the branch in front of Kaito. The pressure on his middle slithered away as Kaito let out a sigh of relief himself.
After a minute of shaking off the feeling of dread he finally managed to ask the question that had plagued his curiosity.
"What did you do? I couldn't see anything holding me up?" He looks around Kaito to emphasise that there really was nothing.
Kaito chuckles awkwardly and shifts on the branch.
"It's nothing to concern yourself about love"
Shinichi frowns "Of course I want to know, you know I love a good mystery, and this was no trick."
Kaito takes his hand in his with a smile. "Just don't freak out" 
Shinichi blinks in confusion "freak out?"
Kaito sighs, adopting a focused look and suddenly a strange furry appendage appears behind him, twitching in nervousness.
"...What is that?"  He can't help but ask.
Kaito smiles "...This, is my Monkey tail"
"Your… monkey tail? You have a monkey tail?!"
"We have been dating for the last 2 months and known each other for longer than that and you only tell me this now??"
"It's not really something you tell people you know"
"But you know me"
"Yes, and I know you well enough to know you wouldn't have believe me"
"I would-" he stops "No wait… I wouldn't"
Kaito chuckles at his admittance and wills the tail to disappear from sight. How fascinating.
“Now then, what do you say? Should we find a way back up this cliff before someone sends out a search party for us?” he says and starts finding a way up from where they were.
Shinichi winces, he would rather not have the whole police force searching from them. He knows they care, but it quickly becomes mayhem when they go on the hunt for them. Since they always assume the worst when they disappear. But with their track record it couldn’t be helped.
They made the slow and careful climb up the cliff and made it home before it got  too dark. Unfortunately, Their friends had already begone to form a search party by the time they came back. Go figure.
Until next time
//Wick 0v0
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dcmkemoti · 3 years
Monthly DCMK prompts!
How does it work?
On the 1st of each month, there will be 1-2 prompts posted.
They each contain 2 Words, 2 Dialogs, 2 Songs, and 2 Photos. These you can mix and match however you would like.
They are there to inspire you! So if you just got inspired by one picture and nothing else, don’t feel the need to include the rest. If you get inspired to make more than one or two creations from the prompts, feel free to make as many as you would like. It’s your choice!
Once you feel finished with your creation/s, post it and include the words, pictures, songs, etc. that inspired it!
And the most important thing is to Have Fun!
Remember to tag #DCMKEmoti and this blog. @ me as well if you would like.
Until next time!
//Wick 0v0
Edit: Full DCMKEmoti playlists ala Spotify and YouTube
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brotato-chibs · 5 years
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19.08- Gambling
Kaito would cheat in Monopoly. Someway somehow @mintchocolateleaves
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meltedmush · 3 years
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Another comic for DCMKemogust!
This time I got inspired by the first Photo for Week 2 Thursday! Hope y’all enjoy!
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DCMKEmogust “Bet”
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sherryaptx4869 · 4 years
DCMKEmogust “Fault”
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I was told
to fall in love
with my eyes
closed, but
                                                                 my heart
is still
the art of
opening up, she
in the dark,
ways to be
- Pavana Reddy
It’s not your fault. He’s just emotionally unavailable.
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celiadelrio · 3 years
love seeing my boy suffering during dcmkemogust
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Um...I’m a bit late but I wanted to post at least once for the dcmkemogust so here we are.
12.8 Fault
Genre: fluff
Relationship: Kaito and Shinichi
“Kaito...where did all the coffee go?” Shinichi asked, glaring at the magician. His hands were resting on his hips and the magician opposite him shrank in fear.
The magician fidgetted in his seat on the couch as he kept his gaze towards the floor. “I’m not sure,” he peeped, his voice threatening to quiver beneath Shinichi’s gaze. “Maybe you drank it all,”
“There was more coffee than I could drink for a month in there,” Shinichi narrowed his eyes, analyzing every inch of Kaito’s being. “It couldn’t have just disappeared overnight.”
“Maybe your scientist next door took some?” Kaito shrugged, looking away from the detective. Suddenly, the small dust bunny in the corner of the room seemed a lot more interesting.
Out of the corner if his eye he saw Shinichi’s shoulders drop as he let out an exhausted sigh. The detective lowered his hands to his sides and elegantly sat down on the couch next to Kaito. They were sitting too close for Kaito’s liking. He could feel his heart race with every breath the detective took. It warmed his entire being, making his shivers of fear go away in almost an instant.
“If I end up dropping onto the floor later from exhaustion, it’s your fault, Kait...o” Shinichi trailed off, letting out a yawn and his head lulling onto Kaito’s shoulder. Soft snores rumbled throughout the detective’s body, like the little purrs of a kitten. A smile twitched at the corners of Kaito’s lips, begging for him to smile at the adorable detective who has finally fallen asleep on his shoulder.
“Sorry for taking away your coffee, Shin-chan,” Kaito whispered, gently petting the detective’s hair. Normally, he wouldn’t dare touch Shinichi’s hair, in fear of a kick or a soccer ball to the face. His hair was as soft as a feather and was almost impossible to get messy. No matter how much Kaito pet him, the sleeping detective’s hair stayed the same. “But it’s the only way to get you to take a proper nap,” he said, his voice filled with fondness. “You’ve been having so many cases recently, you deserve a good night’s sleep,”
Kaito slowly got off the couch after moving Shinichi’s head to his lap and wrestling a pillow in his place. He wavered at the doorway, hand hovering above the light-switch. Casting one last glance at the detective’s sleeping body, Kaito turned off the lights and headed for his room inside the Kudo’s Mansion.
Several hours later, after the moon had risen from the horizon and while Kaito was in his room testing his newest magic trick, Shinichi started to wake up. “Ugh, that magician,” he grumbled as he attempted to sit up, only to fall back onto the couch in failure. “KAITO!!!” He shouted, startling said magician into tripping over his own feet as he headed down the stairs in a rush.
“Yes...Shin-chan?” Kaito purred sweetly, sticking his head into the doorway cautiously. He wore a smile as he hid behind his poker face in fear of the worst to come. “Did you have a good nap?” A pillow flew in his direction and almost hit Kaito if he didn’t catch it first. “It’s nice to see you’re as energetic as usual,” he chuckled, taking a step into the room.
“If I could get from the couch right now, I’d call the police and tell them to arrest you,” the detective muttered beneath his breath.
“On what counts?” He asked curiously, his face now inches away from Shinichi’s. “You can’t tell them my secret without proof, and I doubt you have any.”
“For giving your boyfriend sleeping pills without his consent,” Shinichi deadpanned, his half open eyes glaring at Kaito.
The magician took a dramatic step back and started to wander around the room. Every step he took echoed through the floor as spoke. “When did I give you sleeping pills, Shin-chan?” He asked innocently, stopping in front of the detective. “It’s your fault for staying up so late doing who knows what, and the second you don’t have an ounce of caffeine in your system,” he paused, making a puff of smoke appear from his hands and one of his doves along with it. “Boom, you’re off to dream land,” he smiled cheekily, taking advantage of the exhaustion in his detective’s system to joke around without any damage.
“That doesn’t explain why you took away all my coffee,” Shinichi pouted, facing away from Kaito. “Who knows where all of it is now,”
“Oh about that,” Kaito said in an almost whisper, “I made a small mystery for you to solve in order to find your coffee, so rest up so that you can look for it sooner.”
“Is that one of the perks of dating a phantom thief?”
“Kekeke, maybe,”
Might do another one for tomorrow’s one if school won’t be too much of a prick.
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raventhekittycat · 3 years
Anyone know if dcmkemogust for 2021 is happening or planned?
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itssagaruu · 3 years
I'm screaming.
Prepare for dark!shinichi.
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dcmkemogust20xx · 2 years
DCMKEmogust 2022 - week Two!
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Hello everyone!
I hope that this list can provide some inspiration for you. Remember that there is no need to use everything. If you only get inspired by a photo or a quote just roll with that and ignore the rest. I can’t wait to see what great things everyone can create.
Without further adieu, here comes the prompts for week one!
Tues. 09/08: 
Word 1 - Prestige
Word 2 - Smell
Dialog 1 - “"Just give me my cut of the money and I'll be out of here."
Dialog 2 - "There's a surprise for you in the garage."
Song 1 - Spotify/YouTube - Opposites attract by Paul Abdul
Song 2 - Spotify/YouTube - Into the unknown by Panic! At the Disco
Photo 1: (Movie) - An Actors Revenge 1963
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Photo 2: (Movie) - Prisoners of Ghostland 2021
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Thurs. 11/08:
Word 1 - Breathe
Word 2 - X-ray
Dialog 1 - "Do something!" "Like what!?"
Dialog 2 - "You think I'm being paranoid but the truth is I'm worth a lot more to her dead than alive."
Song 1 - Spotify/YouTube - Parachute (Acapella ver.) by Liel Bar-Z
Song 2 - Spotify/YouTube - Evil Never Sleeps by Above Only
Photo 1: (Movie) - Martha 1974
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Photo 2: (Movie) - Life is a Bed of Roses 1983
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Sat. 13/08:
Word 1 - Horse
Word 2 - Thirsty
Dialog 1 - "Where does a child hide in a small town like this?"
Dialog 2 - ""She's been missing since Friday and you're not worried?"
Song 1 - Spotify/YouTube - Celeb by PSY
Song 2 - Spotify/YouTube - Monster Made of Memories by Citizen Soldier
Photo 1: (Movie) - The East 2013
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Photo 2: (Movie) - Paris, Texas 1984
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Now we are at the end of this week’s list. Good luck and have Fun!
(Emogust2022 Playlist - ala Spotify/youtube)
Until next time!
//Wick 0v0
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wickfursfanfics · 3 years
DCMKEmogust2021 03/08
My entry for DCMKEmogust 2021 - Week one - Tuesday 03/08
My prompt Inspirations for this one:
Word 1 - Expertise
Dialog 2 - “Either a fool or someone who has nothing left to lose. Wouldn't you agree?”
Intended Genre: Crack and humor
Rating: General
Starring: KID, Conan, a disgruntled Hakuba and some random unknowns.
"Well, this could have gone better" Kaito comments. As he ducks his head before an incoming bullet has the chance to meet his forehead. Hakuba moved further from the edge with a wild look in his eyes.
"You think?!" Tantei-san equivalently shouts above the din of automatic weapons.
These guys were wasting bullets like they were shooting fireworks on new years eve. But considering all the ammunition they were carrying it wasn't all that surprising. 
He just didn't understand why they felt the need to empty out their magazines on a lowly thief and a high-school detective. Or in this case the wall, since thankfully neither one of them had gotten shot.
He had just finished his amazing heist and lured Nakamori-keibu into a merry chase after his dummy. When he noticed that his littlest detective hadn't shown up on the roof like usual. So being the concerned phantom thief he was, he went looking for him with Hakuba in tow.
To think he would run into him being carried around by a bunch of heavily armed robbers into a bank heist. That wasn't really on his list of potential hiding places for the reckless child. But considering it was Tantei-kun, he shouldn't be all that surprised.
He again chanced a glance around the wall they were hiding behind, so he could check on Tantei-kun. He looked very annoyed being handled like a small child in the arms of his captors, he seemed like a angry cat who wanted to get out of their clutches, but was unable to. The robbers looked as annoyed by the feisty child as he was of the robbers, it was just his Tantei-kun's luck to become a hostage in this scenario.
Kaito ducked back from a projectile with a little too close of a margin to his nose. His hat had already suffered a hole in the brim, no need to add that feature to his face.
Well, Tantei-kun looked fine, annoyed but fine. Considering he had gone into this armed robbery, alone in his best Tantei-kun fashion, he had gotten away with very few scratches. What he had been thinking when he waltzed in on the robbers, Kaito had no idea. Now it was just a matter of getting him out of the mess he had created.
"We better do something about this, don't you think so Tantei-san?" He said down to his cowering companion.
"We?” He asks scandalized “Are you bloody mad?! Haven’t you understood the situation we are in right now?”
"If I’m mad, can be discussed. But more importantly, if we don't do something soon Tantei-kun looks like he is going to bite his captor" He joked. But in all seriousness, if they don’t do something soon, he will cause Kaito a great deal of trouble. The mayhem he creates always ends in Kaito getting hurt one way or another, so he would rather avoid that scenario if at all possible.
Hakuba looks up at him with a confused expression on his face "Bite them? Why?"
Kaito grins with a chuckle "I think the robber holding him has a soft spot for kids, he is cuddling him like a newborn babe"
The detective looked like his brain stopped for a moment in error before restarting as he uttered a "What… why would that matter?"
He sighs dramatically "Tantei-kun hates being coddled" he bemoans. He wasn’t nice to those who coddled him too much. Kaito included.
“So that means I better go save the robbers before Tantei-kun does something crazy” he declared. Hakuba looked at him like he had a second head.
“Did you miss the part where they have automatic weapons, shooting at us? Ring any bells?”
“I can’t hear the bells over the spray of bullets unfortunately” he said, just to annoy the blond.
Hakuba slumps against the wall with a frustrated sigh “Why am I wasting my breath? …. Wait save the robbers??” he asks, confused.
Kaito ignores him in favour of looking around the corner and notices that Tantei-kun has his hands on his watch. He was about to pop the lid of his watch and shoot his captor with a sleeping dart. He better get out there and assist him unless he wanted the detective to kick the bucket. Which he really didn’t, however frustrating he could be.
He moves slightly closer to the edge, ready to go out there when he feels a slight tug on his cape. He turns around to Hakuba with an eyebrow raised.
"Did you need something? I'm about to get busy"
Hakuba frowns at him “KID, if you go out there you will get shot”
He only gives him a chuckle for his concern “Good thing that’s one of my expertise”
“Getting shot?” the detective says snidely.
“No of course not” he defends “Dodging bullets”
Hakuba groans in absolute frustration "You are a fool!”
He smiles and says “I’m either a fool or someone who has nothing left to lose. Wouldn’t you agree?” He then runs out into the mayhem, despite Hakuba's shouts of protest. He shoots a few cards from his cardgun at the lights, descending the room into darkness. He then shoots two cards right in front of the robbers that release smoke, to blind his captors. He hears some shouts, as the little detective takes this as his cue to act.
Between the two of them, they have them down and counted for, before the smoke totally dissipates. Hakuba takes it upon himself to be the responsible one and calls this in to the police. Meanwhile Kaito checks on his reckless little critic. 
He turns his little arm this way and that between his hands to check for any injuries. Then he did the same for the other arm. But fortunately he seemed to only have gotten a few scratches in his scuffle with the men thrice his size in body mass. Which was a miracle by itself.
“What if I hadn’t rushed in when I did, what then?” he scolded.
Tantei-kun just scoffs “I knew you would, so there was no need to think too much about it”
Kaito rolls his eyes skyward at the not-compliment “You, are a pain in my butt. But I feel slightly touched by your trust in my abilities” he says, a slight smile on his lips as he puts a Bandaid on his scraped knee.
But then he says “Not really, you are just a very convenient distraction” 
His smile drops off his face “Okay, and now I’m mildly hurt by your words”
Tantei-kun smirks at him.
“You will live”
Meanwhile Hakuba looks at their exchange with a confused frown. Shouldn't KID be asking the child if he was okay instead of bantering with him like he was a moody teenager?
He looks at the similar smirks playing on their faces and decides that's a question for another day.
Sorry if this is a mess, I didn't quite know where I wanted to go with this one xD But hopefully the crack could make you chuckle at least a little bit.
Until next time //Wick 0v0
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dcmkemoti · 3 years
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Prompts for Jan 2022!
Hi! Here comes this month's DCMKEmoti prompts!
Here is how it Works~
Remember, these prompts are here to inspire you! So if you just got inspired by one picture, a song, and nothing else, don’t feel the need to include the rest. If it didn't inspire you to create anything at all that is okay too. Don't force yourself to create something if te creativity just won't come to you, It's meant to be fun!
If you get inspired to make more than one or two creations from the prompts, it's your choice! Feel free to make as many as you would like. I can’t wait to see what you all come up with!
The deadline is January 31st!
Now, enjoy!
Word 1 - Swallow
Word 2 - Prefer
Dialog 1 - “Do you ever just feel empty. Like the world just drains everything out of you?”
Dialog 2 - “Let's go, let's go! It will be fun!”
Song 1 - Spotify/YouTube - QUEEN OF THE FREAKS by AViVA
Song 2 - Spotify/YouTube - Not Waiting For Heaven by Smash into pieces
Photo 1 Source:
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Photo 2 source:
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• Word 3 - Director
• Word 4 - Hide
• Dialog 3 - “When did you wake up?”
• Dialog 4 - “Hey! Watch out!!”
• Song 3 - Spotify/YouTube - Playground by Bea Miller
• Song 4 - Spotify/YouTube - Genghis Khan by Miike Snow
Photo 3 source:
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Photo 4 source:
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Here is the end of this month's prompts!
Playlists with Songs of the Month ala Spotify and YouTube
Remember to add the appropriate warnings and or ratings for your stuff when you post. And remember to tag DCMKEmoti and or this blog, @ me as well if you would like. 0v0 Thank you!
And have Fun!
Until next time!
//Wick 0v0
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