snailsarecute · 2 years
getting to know you
Tagged by my beloved @that-wimpy-cowboy-doll . thanks friend! I think i’ve done something like this before but it was yeaaaars ago so a new update yay!
Get to Know Me Tag Game:
Rules: tag (8-10) people who you want to get to know better!
Favorite color: Grey
Relationship status: Married
Three favorite foods: Soup. Pickled things. Chili.
Top 3 shows: Wednesday, Arcane, Bridgerton
Top 3 characters: Fitzwilliam Darcy, Darcy Lewis, and probably Xavier Thorpe at this point.
What I’m reading now: I’m in between library runs right now, but latest favorite is Dreamers Pool by Juliet Marillier.
Song stuck in my head: Lavender by Biig Piig (my god it’s so sensual)
Last movie watched: Everything Everywhere All At Once (amazing.)
Last thing I googled: “fair weather friend” and realized it didn’t quite fit.
Last song I listened to: Underwaterfall by Bearcubs (the beat is so nice)
Dream trip: 🙃 nope
Time: 8:53am
What I want right now: for my physical pain to cease, for forms to go through and be approved so i can stop stressing about them, a house actually comfortably sized for my family, for my brain to stop being silly.
Tagging: @musicandi, @heyharoldsboo, @emsondraeling, @sarahbeniel, @seibelsays
love you friends. <3
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Re: the tagging on that delightful Ben Barnes/Prince Caspian/Darkling/Meme lord post: as someone who also very meh/annoyed by the love triangle in the S&B books, and has as of yet only watched the first two S&B episodes, they're already doing a MUCH better job with character development & relationship building, you can tell Ms Bardugo and the screenwriters decided to take the original and Improve It. 1/2
Also, if you have not yet read 6 of Crows, I think you would adore it, and there's plenty of that story/those wonderful characters in the Shadow & Bone show, so it's not just about love triangle shenanigans. To pitch you both the Crows duology and characters in the show: steampunkish ocean's 11 heist shenanigans. Sly criminal mastermind to rival artemis fowl. Bisexual snarky gunslinger. Former acrobat turned wraith-burglar. etc. Found family if ur family is morally grey supportive criminals 2/2
Honestly I am ELATED TO HEAR THIS, because I adored the worldbuilding of Shadow and Bone (and I obviously had a fantastic time with the Darkling), but my tolerance for love triangles is at absolute MOST one book.  I could NOT handle how much love triangle was in that trilogy when I read it, and I have thought REPEATEDLY about how much I want to read a version with like.  Even just a better love triangle, it just wasn’t a compelling enough character disaster to make up for my totally non-existence interest in love triangles.
(“Oh but Star, you love plots about the Protagonist and the Villain Who Adores Them and also the Righteous Beloved, think about Yi City, that’s a dynamic you’re obsessed with” yes I do, but do you know how many fics I read where Xue Yang is treated as a reasonable love interest? zero. a key aspect of my enthusiasm is the VILLAINOUSNESS and also the anguished understanding that there is no saving everyone here.)
And I’ve heard universally great things about Six of Crows!  I have a bit of a cognitive stumbling block with reading a universe piecemeal--either I read all of a thing or none of a thing, and never out of order.  It makes me anxious.  But honestly I’m almost inevitably going to watch Shadow and Bone, at which point I will probably google up all the spoilers for the original trilogy, brute force my way through the love triangle, and then read Six of Crows with great enthusiasm.
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siderealscribblings · 3 years
Next! Please :)
“Paris and I have a...complicated relationship,” Marinette muttered. “I may have burned a few bridges when I left and I’m not exactly looking forward to rummaging through the ashes.” 
“From ashes, phoenixes rise, my dear,” Angelina said with an all-too-sympathetic smile. Her manager had been the one person not to completely turn on her after her relationship with Adrien came out and unfortunately her clear favoritism did Marinette no favors in the break room. 
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grimeysociety · 4 years
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dresupi · 6 years
Arranged Marriage 18., any Marvel rare-pair you like!
18. Pirate AU - Valkyrie’s crew raided the village and their cut of the booty is a locked chest. With Bucky inside.
I went with Bucky/Valkyrie, hope that’s okay!  
Bucky heard them coming up the stairs, they were crawling in the streets below, and there was no one left alive in this house. It wasn't the best plan. But it was the only one he had.
Grabbing a quilt, he hopped into the trunk, pressing his nose up against the hole the rope handle was threaded through and tucking the quilt down around himself.  He jammed his blade through the wood in the lid to keep it closed. At least for now.
He held his breath when they came in. Not difficult considering they smelled like they hadn't bathed in weeks.
"Oh boy, lookit that there, son!" One of the pirates slapped the lid of the chest. "That'll go to Cap'n Scrapper for sure."
"You know what's inside?" the other asked, trying the lid and finding it stuck tight.  "Could be clothing. The Cap'n won't want that."
The other pirate, presumably, since Bucky couldn't see anything other than the darkened wood floor of the room, grasped the opposite handle from his and hoisted it, letting it fall back to the floor with a loud thump. "That ain't clothing. It's far too heavy."
"Fine," his accomplice acquiesced. "You'd better hope there's something good in here, or I'm gonna push out to the sharks. Never mind the code."
They hoisted the handles of the chest, with Bucky locked inside, down to the streets. His veins were rolling with panic since this wasn't at all what he'd expected them to do, but it felt stupid all the same because it made sense. They called their captain "Scrapper". There were others carrying bags and trunks of their own back to the ship.
And he was going straight to the captain, apparently. So much for his survival plan. He wasn't even sure he could get his blade unstuck from the trunk before they broke it. And it was his only means of survival.
He'd have to rely on the fact that the captain wasn't down here pillaging with his crew. Which meant he was likely a drunk and would be easy to take on. And then maybe he could escape the ship before it left the shipyard. Swim back to shore.
Something. He had to try something.
They dropped the crate down in a darkened room that smelled of booze. They left him there alone, and he used the time to try and pry his blade loose from the wood.
It was no use, however.  Soon, someone approached, grumbling under their breath as they inserted a wrench of some kind into the lid, prying upward and stumbling back as the lid cracked and splintered. They threw open the lid and Bucky sprang forth, tangled slightly in the quilt as he lunged for the assailant.
He fell into the arms of a deceptively small woman. A woman with dark skin and even darker eyes. She reeked of rum, but her gaze was clear as she peered into his face.
"What the fuck're you?" she asked.
"Might ask you the same…" Bucky said. "My apologies… I was expecting a captain... "
"Ah. Thought you might… overthrow him?" the woman asked, a teasing smile touching her lips. "Make a run for it? Swim for shore?" She stood upright, a full head shorter than Bucky. But surprisingly dressed in a pair of fine slacks. Leather boots. A white ruffled blouse with too few buttons fastened.
Bucky glanced around the room. An adorned gray jacket lay over a chair across the room. A fine, tall hat lay on the desk behind it.  This was the captain's quarters alright. But where was the captain?
"Yeah," he said in response to the woman's inquiries. "Where is the captain, anyway?"
She chuckled once more, reaching behind her for the hat, which she affixed smartly to her head. "You're looking at him.  Or her, as it were." She laughed again, taking a step towards Bucky and causing him to trip and fall ass first into the trunk.
"You're Captain Scrapper?" Bucky asked, trying to ignore the ache in his rear end as he scrambled to his feet.
"The one and only," she replied. "But you can call me the Valkyrie if you'd like.  Or Brunnhilde. Like I'd like. It's up to you."
She gestured to the chair. The one with her coat across the back. "Have a seat, Stowaway."
"I'm Bucky," he corrected her.
"I'm sure you are," the captain replied.
"Why would I want to call you Brunnhilde?"
"Only those closest to me get to call me that.  And well, I've been hearing whispers of mutiny in the ranks of my crew. If you could help me wheedle out the guilty ones, there's be a handsome reward in it for you."
"I don't need money," Bucky spat.
"Didn't say it was money, did I?" she asked, moving closer. Close enough to rest her palms on his knees. "There's a high chance you won't leave this ship alive without my help," she said, her voice low as her thumb caressed his leg.  "I could give you my protection, but it'd stick a lot faster if you married me."
"Married you?" he asked in disbelief. "Why would I marry you? You barely know me… you've got a crew who--"
"A crew who wants me dead. I need someone in my corner." Her gaze never faltered, but her eyes shone brightly with unshed tears.
"Why should it be me? I'm just some stowaway you didn't even know about."
"And yet, I trust you more than I do any of the other idiots on this ship. Tell me, Bucky. You got anyone you wanna get home to?"
He did. Family. Friends. One best friend in particular who needed him.
He nodded.
"You'll get back to them. You have my word. But I just… need your muscle for a little while."
Bucky found himself nodding curtly. "Fine. Brunnhilde."
She smiled and leaned back. "Good."
"A 'thank you' might be in order," he said, watching her as she readjusted the hat on her head.
"I'll give you all the thanks you can handle once you hand me the mutineers."
"Deal," he replied, not knowing what all that entailed, but figuring he wanted to find out.
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materassassino · 5 years
Character thing: Raven (DC), any and all incarnations you want to do!
Aw, man, I have, like, no opinions on Raven much at all... I barely consider her. I’ll do Titans because she’s the version I have most interest in!
favorite thing about them
A cutie pie, baby goth
least favorite thing about them
She gets the cheesiest lines
favorite line
Again, bad at this
Rachel with Dick, Kory and Gar
DickRachel (barf)
random headcanon
She feels deeply betrayed when she discovers Dick actually likes pineapple on pizza
unpopular opinion
I don’t think I have one
song i associate with them
favorite picture of them
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Also this one is cute
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ibelieveinturtles · 5 years
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Because I am amazing and ridiculous...
You've only got two posts with that tag so far... so...
Obviously I need to work harder
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worldwalkernovel · 6 years
(Sorry I've fallen down the Alleirat rabbit hole here) If these haven't already been answered: there is dragon fire, so are there dragons? And if so, what kind? Is there a pantheon of gods/goddesses/how does religion work? Sorry for the multiple asks!
So--the simplest answer here is: yes, dragons exist.  So do griffins.  They’re the only things on Alleirat actually created by the two gods (otherwise the gods just sorta...found stuff and set themselves up there), and there are krakens in the ocean created by the now-deceased god of the sea.  That being said, no one has seen a dragon in a thousand years, so it’s possible that they’re extinct.  Krei swears blind that her grandmother has seen one, and that they’ve retreated into the northernmost reaches of the mountains, but no one has evidence of this, and if the tree-spirits Krei’s family descended from is hiding griffins, they aren’t talking.
The krakens still get seen from time to time, though.
Regarding religion, I covered that here!  There may at some point have been gods that preceded the Wanderer and the Lady of Stars’ arrival on Alleirat, primal deities who created the world and opened the first doors to Earth, but if there were, they’ve been gone since before even the long memories of immortals can recall.  Likewise, the exact number of gods who arrived with the Wanderer and Lady is a subject of popular debate among the scholarly classes.  There have been vague references found in old texts to other gods who either left or were killed during the war between the Wanderer and the Lady (this was when they created their creatures, as a sort of army), and enough of the survivors of the sunken western continent had been dedicated to the god of the sea that the Chained Lord wasn’t completely lost to history after he was killed in the crossfire.  None of those references have been substantiated, though, and unless the western continent is found under the water with its fabled stone reliefs and mosaics intact, it’s entirely probable that no one will ever really know.
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usRules: without naming them, post 10 gifs from your favorite TV shows, then tag 10 people. I was tagged by the wonderful @grimeysociety :)
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I’m tagging @iamartemisday @dresupi @snailsarecute @sigridhr @leftennant @amidtheflowers @wheresarizona @pegasusdragontiger​ @emsondraeling​
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snailsarecute · 4 years
10! For handwriting ask
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I would like you to know that I got the audiobook of Gideon the Ninth from the library because of your blog, and while I am enjoying it TREMENDOUSLY (I would like to follow around Camilla and Sex Pal just to hear their wholesome banter, and give Gideon a hug and a t-shirt that says "remasculated badass"), I am also now 2/3 of the way through and Afraid. 1/2
I have just enough spoilers to fear that the fun wacky side-characters I love will die tragically, while the salty side-characters I do not love as much will survive to grouch another day :( Anyways, just wanted to thank you for introducing me to this excellent excellent series, and for putting me in abject TERROR for fictional children. There are just so many feelings!!! I hope you are processing yours more healthily than Harrow :) 2/2
I am honestly elated every time I get someone into any media, I’m SURE you are by now very upset with me for this but rest assured that I am THRIVING.
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siderealscribblings · 5 years
I’m not won over on James McAvoy (mainly because Daniel Craig is daddy a perfect Lord Asriel) but I’m actually higher on LMM as Lee Scoresby because he’s good at playing characters that are just in over their heads and trying to survive. 
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grimeysociety · 4 years
Friday because hey! It's that day😁 and Yesterday because you do the angst so well!
friday: most self-indulgent fic you have ever posted?
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It’s probably Waypoint, which I wrote as a spin-off to The Death of a Marriage, which in itself is a highly-indulgent Hollywood AU I’ve been obsessed with for over a year now. It’s my jungle gym and you can’t make me get off it, Mom!
yesterday: favourite way to write angst?
Real world, inescapable problems like a fucked-up childhood or a mental illness. Because I’m sweet that way and always kind to my characters.
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rayasunshine19 · 4 years
Okay here we go! I was tagged by the illustrious @emsondraeling and she puts up with enough of my buffoonery I am more than happy to participate! 😁
“Rules: the last photo of a celebrity that you saved to your phone is your current quarantine buddy and then tag ten people”
I. Cannot remember the last time I saved a picture of someone I don’t know, let alone a celebrity! But let’s scroll back through the archives...
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This is the best I can offer, I have no pictures of celebrities at all! Buzz Lightyear is a pretty good quarantine buddy. I think. I’ll get back to you.
Let’s see... it’s not 10 but let’s tag @rolanslide @vee-tdc @riggered-trashley @ccandy-mmb @black-with-sparkles @levicyra (I can tag you technically shut up)
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materassassino · 6 years
Happy late birthday!
Thank you!
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ibelieveinturtles · 5 years
Fics I'll never write May 2019 edition
@emsondraeling messaged me with:  SteveDarcyWanda "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Pranks" (bc that's all that popped into my head)
When 2023!Steve returns the Infinity Stones he's well aware that some of the timelines have branched off and will not turn out the same way his did.
He's had private chats with some of the people concerned and has no compunctions about leaving a few tips and hints behind with those stones in the hope he can help a few of those people have happier paths.
When Thor returns to Earth after the whole London Thing he comes to 2014!Steve with a very interesting story. They take down HYDRA long before Project Insight is capable of flight, and even though they have a lot of information, they still can't prevent the theft of Loki's Sceptre or the experiments Strucker uses it for.
With the help of Bucky Barnes - freed from HYDRA and put straight into therapy and deprogramming - they manage to rescue the Maximoff twins and bring them back to New York where they immediately apply for asylum.
With way less trauma in this timeline, Wanda and Pietro integrate smoothly, becoming fast friends with many of the team members and their associates/significant others/significant others assistants.
For Wanda, one particular significant others' assistant becomes quite close indeed. Their friendship begins when Darcy actually manages to catch Pietro in a prankish speed trap. (Wanda totally could've warned him but decided that building new friendships ranks above sibling love… this time.)
The two women bond over pranks, baking, makeup, jewellery and their mutual admiration for a certain Star Spangled Man and a growing mutual admiration for each other as well.
Steve doesn't always involve himself in the prank wars but when he does it's no-holds-barred/take-all-the-prisoners.
One particular series of pranks has become a boy vs girl thing and it's Darcy's idea to lay a trap involving the Hulk room and a several dozen spring loaded glitter and confetti bombs.
Unfortunately for her, Pietro is a champion eavesdropper and not only knows that she and Wanda have huge lady-boners for Steve, but he kinda likes both of them too...
Glitter bomb idea thanks to this website
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