#en ess eff tee
itsmalachitenow · 6 months
PLEASE talk to me about Azalin, I want to hear every word of your take on him.
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ANON, I AM SO HAPPY YOU ASKED ME THAT! I don't have a COMPLETE picture yet since I haven't read every single ravenloft supplement and novel, but I think I've read enough to put together a picture of what this man would be like in a relationship.
WARNING, I talk about his sex life and what his kinks are under the readmore. Another content warning for unhealthy relationship dynamics. Proceed with caution!
SO. Azalin Rex. Darklord of Darkon. Before we really get started, let's establish one thing.
From what I've seen, the only canonical time we see Azalin go out of his way for a sexual relationship is when he wanted a son. It wasn't out of love or lust, it was to secure an heir to Knurl.
A lot of people speculate that Azalin is aroace, and I can totally see that.
I also think, at the same time, he's a massive fucking pervert who gets off on other things.
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Alt Text: "Azalin encourages his subjects to debase themselves as a method of societal control and to soothe his battered ego. He throws depraved, seasonal masquerades for the nobility to flaunt his superiority; he toys with his servants' allegiances, seeing how far they will sink to curry his favor. Azalin has honed torment to an art form."
This is an excerpt from one of the Ravenloft source books, and I think it perfectly illustrates what I'm talking about.
The biggest turn-on for Azalin Rex is power over others.
He doesn't join in the debauchery, he observes it. He sits back, gets comfortable, and watches people debase themselves. He tests people and sees how far they'll push themselves before they break. All because they want to please him and want his praise.
I think Azalin loves that. I think he loves having that power over so many people, and that he can have near-complete control over anyone he wants.
Hell, even in the questionable book Tower of Doom, where we see Azalin seduce one of his Kargat officers, it still plays into the dynamic we've established. He knows sex is a highly motivating reward. A high value treat, if you will. She did a good job, and sexual contact is particularly motivating for a lot of people, especially when it's with someone you would do anything to please.
The fact that close-contact sex with Azalin is apparently necrotic and her flesh starts to rot afterwards is another point. Azalin will cure the necrosis and restore her body when she returns, but only if she finishes the job he dispatched her to do. She is effectively on a time limit now, frantically trying to do what was asked of her so she doesn't die horribly.
Now, to be fair, I don't consider Tower of Doom to be canon. But it fits my hypothesis of Azalin's biggest kink being utter domination over others.
So what does that mean for a romantic relationship?
I think any relationship with Azalin Rex is going to be unhealthy at its core. He's a manipulative bastard who likes to watch how far people will go to please him. And it's not going to be a 'traditional' relationship--like I said, we never see him express any sort of interest in one in any of the canon supplements. A relationship with Azalin is going to be because he thinks it would be beneficial to him in some way, even if he is fond of the other person.
If he's still ruling over Darkon, I can see him taking someone as a partner if only because he's sick of his sycophantic court trying to throw their daughters at him in marriage. Very much an exasperated "You'll do" sentiment where it's more out of convenience than sexual attraction.
Even if he actually really likes the person he's with, he's still going to be subjugating them to his will, and that's just something that comes with the territory. Fundamentally, I think Azalin Rex is incapable of respecting anyone as an equal, and that's going to impact all of his interactions with people, romantic relationships included.
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cosmiccorrespondences · 6 months
My self ship with Azalin Rex is basically a porn parody premise in a serious setting while my s/i proceeds to be his manic pixie dream girl, all while thinking "I can make him worse, actually."
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radonodera · 25 days
Ay, Bee, See, Dee, Ee, Eff, Jee, Eitch, Eye, Jay, Kay, El, Em, En, Oh, Pee, Queue, Are, Ess, Tee, You, Vee, Double You, Ex, Why, Zed
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insaneillusionist · 9 months
aych tee tee pee ess colon slash slash ess kay eight tee aych eee i en eff i en i tee why dot eff ayy en dee oh em dot see oh em slash double-u i kay i slash EM i why ayy underscore SEE aych i en eee en
Anon! Thanks for the ask!
Someone tell me where this leads to.
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Ay bee see dee ee eff jee, aych eye jay kay ell em en oh pee, kyoo are ess, tee yoo vee, double yoo ex, wy ampersand zee!
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lezbianz · 3 years
ay bee cee dee ee eff gee aytch eye jay kay el em en oh pee queue arr ess tee you vee doubleyou ex why and ZED now i know my abc’s next time won’t you sing with me…see it just doesn’t work. completely messes up the rhyme scheme. no wonder the british are so miserable; they were deprived of such simple joys as a rhyming end to the alphabet song as children.
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hayleysmuses · 2 years
(Morning reminder that I now have a Discord dedicated to my muses, and you’re welcome to ask for an invite if we’re mutuals and you’re 18+! 
The Discord itself isn’t inherently en ess eff tee, but I’d just prefer no kids/teens!)
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cnnamonrolls · 3 years
eyy bee see dee eee eff gee aych aii jay kay el em en oh pee cue ar ess tee yu vee doblyu ex wy zee
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rinkiyakimummy · 3 years
Letter spellings is what took up most of my free time when I was a kid. It goes like:
a-ae b-bee c-si d-dee e-ii f-eff g-ji h-ech i-ai j-jae k-kay l-el m-em n-en o-au p-pee q-kyu r-arr s-ess t-tee u-you v-vee w-double you x-eks y-vy z-zed
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changeling-rin · 4 years
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Okay... you have no idea what a complicated question you just asked.  Therefore, I’m gonna give this one it’s own post, for simplicity’s sake.
So!  My language ciphers are all English-based, because that’s my native language, and are usually constructed based on the placement of keyboard letters.  (I say usually, because there’s at least two exceptions.)  
That said: Hello and Welcome to a Quick Guide to the DL Languages!
Labrynnian - Use the phonetic alphabet, but backwards.  Insert an ā after letters a-e, ē for f-j, ī for k-o, ō for p-t, and ū for u-z.  In case of excessive vowels, insert a ł. There is a specific verb-possessive relationship, however, where things like 'My name is Changeling' becomes 'Name-my is Changeling'
Holodese - Move one key to the right.  If at any point it seems like you'd trip over your tongue trying to pronounce the result, insert an apostrophe to give your mouth a breather.  Only one apostrophe per word since more than that makes it hard to read, for all other necessary mouth-break moments use an ᾳ as a filler vowel.  In case of excessive vowels, use an ӽ.  Contractions and possessives are indicated with a hyphen in place of the English apostrophe.
Subrosian - Move one key to the right, except in the case of vowels.  All vowels stay the same.  The apostrophe and hyphen rules from Holodese also apply here, though much less frequently - same with the filler consonant and vowel if necessary.  Subrosian is intended as a subset of Holodese, hence the similarities.
Koholish - Move one key to the left.  Insert an 'e' between any letters that do not make phonetic sense.  In the case of an 'r' transposing into an 'e', that 'e' becomes an ë in order to differentiate.  There are no contractions in this one, so words like don't become do not, except that it's actually 'donot'.  Possessives are in progress.
Divinet - Take your sentence, remove all the consonants.  You are left with the vowels.  Fill in the former consonants with either 'w' or 'y', depending on whether or not it was a hard or a soft sound. Hard Sounds: B, C, D, K, L, M, N, P, Q, T, V, X.   Soft Sounds: F, G, H, J, R, S, Z, TH, SH.  For any 'y' that is pre-existing, use a ẏ to differentiate; same for 'w' with ẇ.  Filler vowel is æ, filler consonant is ḣ.
Darkling - Take your words and rearrange them by their alphabetical pronunciation.  Apply the Koholish Rule of playing nice with phonetics, but add õ instead.  In the event of excessive vowels, insert an ñ to make them play nice.  
Archaic - Might be Ancient Hylian, haven't decided yet.  Take the alphabet and numerize it, then apply those numbers to the keyboard.  1 is Q, 2 is W, 3 is E, etc.  Then take your word, take the alphabet number of those letters, and apply those numbers to the above-established keyboard pattern.  Add û between anything that doesn't make phonetic sense (The Koholish Rule)
Not all of these have been used in DL yet, for various reasons, but I’m sure you recognize the ones which have.  The only languages that I don’t have ciphers for yet are Firetongue, which thus far consists of growling noises and is understandably hard to craft for, and Jabber (the Picori language) which has an in-game cipher of sorts that I’ve yet to crack completely.  
Also, because I know that the words ‘Alphabetical Alphabet’ are confusing, here is the appropriate reference.
Aich - H  Arr - R Ay - A Aye - I Bee - B Dee - D Djee - G Double-you - W Ee - E Eff - F El - L Em - M En - N Ess - S Ex - X Jay - J Kay - K Kew - Q Oh - O Pee - P See - C  Tee - T Vee - V Wye - Y You - U Zee - Z
Hope that answers your questions!
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hyvee · 3 years
Ay be see dee eee eff jee eich eye jay kay el em en ouh pee que are ess tee you vee doubleyou ex why zee
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abbaswift · 4 years
the uk/canada/australia alphabet is so funny though like ay bee cee dee ee eff gee aitch eye jay kay ell em en oh pee cue ar ess tee you vee double you ex why and ZED
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pinksparklelps · 4 years
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bukbot · 5 years
Ey bee see dee eeh eff gee ehg eye jay kay ell em en pee cue are ess tee you vee double-you ex why and zee. The world is a really good love.
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sugared-violets · 5 years
w is the only letter that isn't in itself if you spell the sound out
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hohohi1999 · 2 years
Hướng Dẫn Phát Âm Bảng Chữ Cái Tiếng Anh
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Muốn học tốt tiếng Anh thì bắt buộc cần nắm rõ cách phát âm bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh chuẩn xác. Nếu bạn chưa nắm rõ về cấu tạo, cách phát âm tiếng Anh chuẩn nhất thì có thể tham khảo bài viết dưới đây. Phân loại English alphabet Trong bảng chữ cái English bao gồm những nguyên âm và phụ âm sau: - 5 nguyên âm: A, E, U, I, O. - 21 phụ âm: B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z. Các nguyên âm và phụ âm này khi được ghép với nhau sẽ tạo nên 44 cách phát âm khác nhau. Tuy nhiên trong các trường hợp ghép âm cụ thể thì có thể sẽ có cách phát âm khác. Bạn không nên tự ý phát âm mà nên dùng từ điển tra cứu tin cậy. Hướng dẫn phát âm bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh Tùy theo từng chữ cái tiếng Anh mà sẽ có cách phát âm khác nhau. Cụ thể, bạn có thể tham khảo bảng phát âm sau đây. STT Chữ cái Tên chữ Phát âm 1 A A /eɪ/ 2 B Bee /biː/ 3 C Cee /siː/ 4 D Dee /diː/ 5 E E /iː/ 6 F Ef (Eff nếu là động từ) /ɛf/ 7 G Jee /dʒiː/ 8 H Aitch hoặc Haitch /eɪtʃ/ 9 I I /aɪ/ 10 J Jay /dʒeɪ/ 11 K Kay /keɪ/ 12 L EI hoặc Ell /ɛl/ 13 M Em /ɛm/ 14 N En /ɛn/ 15 O O /oʊ/ 16 P Pee /piː/ 17 Q Cue /kjuː/ 18 R Ar /ɑr/ 19 S Ess (es) /ɛs/ 20 T Tee /tiː/ 21 U U /juː/ 22 V Vee /viː/ 23 W Double-U /ˈdʌbəl.juː/ 24 X Ex /ɛks/ 25 Y Wy hoặc Wye /waɪ/ 26 Z Zed/Zee/Izzard /zɛd/ Hướng dẫn phát âm chữ cái tiếng Anh theo phiên âm tiếng Việt Trong quá trình học bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh thì phần phát âm thường là khó nhất. Bởi vì cách đọc của người Việt sẽ khác với người nước ngoài. Để giúp cho quá trình phát âm được dễ dàng hơn thì bạn cần nắm cách đọc theo tiếng Việt dưới đây. Chữ cái tiếng Anh Cách đọc theo tiếng Việt Chữ cái tiếng Anh Cách đọc theo tiếng Việt A Ây N En B Bi O Âu C Si P Pi D Di Q Kiu E I R A F Ép S Ét G Dzi T Ti H Ét’s U Diu I Ai V Vi J Dzei W Đắp liu K Kêy X Esk s L Eo Y Quai M Em Z Dié Lưu ý là bản phiên âm tiếng Việt trên chỉ mang tính chất tham khảo. Bởi các chữ cái khi kết hợp trong nhiều ngữ cảnh có thể thay đổi khác nhau. Cách đọc phiên âm nguyên âm tiếng Anh Để phát âm chuẩn xác nhất thì bạn cần nắm rõ vị trí xuất phát âm thanh. Âm đầu lưỡi sẽ phát âm khác với âm tắc xát. Bạn có thể tham khảo bảng phát âm dưới đây. Bộ Âm Mô Tả Vị trí môi Vị trí lưỡi / ɪ / Âm i ngắn, giống âm “i” của tiếng Việt nhưng phát âm rất ngắn ( = 1/2 âm i). Môi hơi mở rộng sang 2 bên. Lưỡi hạ thấp xuống. /i:/ Âm i dài, kéo dài âm “i”, âm phát trong khoang miệng. Môi mở rộng sang 2 bên như đang mỉm cười. Lưỡi nâng cao lên. / ʊ / Âm “u” ngắn, na ná âm “ư” của tiếng Việt. Môi hơi tròn. Lưỡi hạ thấp. /u:/ Âm “u” dài, kéo dài âm “u”, âm phát trong khoang miệng. Khẩu hình môi tròn. Lưỡi nâng lên cao. / e / Giống âm “e” của tiếng Việt. Mở rộng hơn so với khi phát âm âm / ɪ /. Lưỡi hạ thấp hơn so với âm / ɪ /. / ə / Giống âm “ơ” của tiếng Việt nhưng phát âm rất ngắn và nhẹ. Môi hơi mở rộng. Lưỡi thả lỏng. /ɜ:/ Âm “ơ” cong lưỡi, phát âm âm /ɘ/ rồi cong lưỡi lên. Môi hơi mở rộng. Lưỡi cong lên, chạm vào vòm miệng trên. / ɒ / Âm “o” ngắn, giống âm o của tiếng Việt nhưng phát âm rất ngắn. Hơi tròn môi. Lưỡi hạ thấp. /ɔ:/ Âm “o” cong lưỡi, phát âm âm o như tiếng Việt rồi cong lưỡi lên. Tròn môi. Lưỡi chạm vào vòm miệng trên khi kết thúc âm. Bảng cách đọc phiên âm tiếng Anh Bộ Âm Mô Tả Vị trí môi Vị trí lưỡi /ɑ:/ Âm “a” kéo dài, âm phát ra trong khoang miệng. Miệng mở rộng. Lưỡi hạ thấp. /ɪə/ Đọc âm / ɪ / rồi chuyển dần sang âm /ə/ Môi từ dẹt thành hình tròn dần. Lưỡi thụt dần về phía sau. /ʊə/ Đọc âm / ʊ / rồi chuyển dần sang âm /ə/. Môi mở rộng dần, nhưng không mở rộng. Lưỡi đẩy dần ra phía trước. /eə/ Đọc âm / e / rồi chuyển dần sang âm / ə/. Hơi thu hẹp môi. Lưỡi thụt dần về phía sau. /eɪ/ Đọc âm / e / rồi chuyển dần sang âm / ɪ/. Môi dẹt dần sang 2 bên. Lưỡi hướng dần lên trên. /ɔɪ/ Đọc âm / ɔ: / rồi chuyển dần sang âm /ɪ/. Môi dẹt dần sang 2 bên. Lưỡi nâng lên và đẩy dần ra phía trước. /aɪ/ Đọc âm / ɑ: / rồi chuyển dần sang âm /ɪ/. Môi dẹt dần sang 2 bên. Lưỡi nâng lên và hơi đẩy ra phía trước. /əʊ/ Đọc âm / ə/ rồi chuyển dần sang âm / ʊ /. Môi từ hơi mở đến hơi tròn. Lưỡi lùi dần về phía sau. /aʊ/ Đọc âm / ɑ: / rồi chuyển dần sang âm /ʊ/. Môi tròn dần. Lưỡi hơi thụt dần về phía sau. Trên đây là những hướng dẫn chi tiết về cách phiên âm bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh. Mong rằng những chia sẻ trên đây sẽ hữu ích đối với bạn. Read the full article
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