#enabling act
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“CIVIL WAR'S RUMBLE HEARD FROM SUPPRESSED GERMANY,” Toronto Star. March 1, 1933. Page 1 & 2. ---- Distortion of Facts Injurious to Country Equal to Treason ---- IRON HEEL RULES --- Berlin. March 1 - Civil war threatened Germany to-day following abrogation of civil rights throughout the nation by an emergency decree under which Chancellor Adolf Hitler attained his dream of an iron Nazi rule. 
To cope with the civil war threat, 40,000 special railway guards were ordered to hold themselves in readiness for immediate mobilization to-day. 
Meanwhile Nazi storm troopers and steel helmets co-operated with regular police in hundreds of cities. In carrying out wholesale raids on Communist headquarters, clubs and gathering places. 
Thousands of Communists were arrested even without the formality of court warrants. 
President Von Hindenburg to-day issued an emergency decree imposing the death penalty for all cases of "betrayal of the German people or high treason."
The decree specifically regards the disclosure of military secrets, or the distortion of facts which would injure the country. treason, as evidence of Government officials anxiously admitted the immediate outlook for the Reich was fraught with perils. 
Whether Germany plunges into civil war, they said, depends upon the obedience to the decree of states outside Prussia, many of which are unfriendly to the Hitler regime. 
Possibility these states may oppose the decree was seen by government authorities, who predicted the following argument, in effect, would be used: 
"If the federal government abolishes the fundamental rights of the republic's constitution by emergency decree, the several states are not bound to obey the orders of the government. 
"On the contrary, they will be obliged to maintain the constitutional rights of the several states." 
It was admitted the government was especially apprehensive of the attitude Bavaria may take, since a tendency is apparently growing to establish a kingdom there under the House of Wittelsbach. 
It is expected the government will confer with the Bavarian premier later to-day.
Semi-Military Rule While the storm troops of the now dominant Nazi party clamped down. a semi-military regime on Berlin, and auxiliary police proceeded to "mop up" every resort known to be a rendezvous for enemies of the government, the Hitler government prepared to issue a blasting statement demonstrating the extent of the alleged Communist plot which began with Monday's attempt to destroy the Reichstag building by fire. 
Hermann Wilhelm Goering. Hitler's alde and minister of the interior for Prussia, promised to Issue a report on incriminating documents, which the government sald were found in Lieaknecht House, headquarters of the Communists, outlining revolutionary plans. 
The documents, it was announced, revealed a plot to kill Germany's leading statesmen. to poison promi nent Berlin citizens, and to kidnap women and children in order to create "a reign of terror among the bourgeoisie. 
An order from the Comintern, Russian organization dealing with the spread of Communism abroad, will be published, it was said. to show that the Communist leaders in Berlin were threatened with "recall to Moscow and death" if they failed to overthrow the present regime. 
More than 5,000 special police were ordered on extra duty during the crisis.
Picked Nazi Troops Of this number, 2.000 are picked storm troops from the Nazi faction, chosen for their devotion to Hitler.
An additional army of 3,500 storm troops was held at headquarters in police barracks, for instant duty in the event of rioting. 
The Reichstag fire of Monday and Its repercussion has produced situation only comparable to a state of war. Under the orders of the president, demanded by Hitler's government, every semblance of liberty of expression has been can- celled, and only a final presidential decree of complete martial law would be required to make the government officially a dictatorship. 
Paper Defies Hitler An indication that the emergency decrees will meet opposition outside Prussia was seen in the fact that the Socialist newspaper Volkszeitung of Dresden definitely appeared on the streets and the assertion of a government spokesman that the Socialist press was banned forever. 
Copies of the paper were received by Berlin subscribers of the banned and padlocked Socialist news organ Verwaerts. 
Switching its attack from Communist and Socialist to Liberal news- papers, the government also suppressed the Democratic newspaper Achtubrblatt indefinitely. 
An official announcement, meanwhile, stated at least seven incendiaries were involved in the Reichstag fire. 
Communist Deputy Torgler, now under arrest, it was said, left the building 45 minutes after the blaze was discovered. 
A ten-year prison sentence is provided for "distorting and communicating to any foreign power any facts the concealment of which is demanded by the nation's interests." 
False News, Ten Years The circulating of false news regarding government secrets entails a ten-year sentence. 
Writers of articles inciting workers to strike on any vitally important public works, or to engage in a general strike, will be punished by Imprisonment for a maximum term of three years. 
Police announced raids on various offices of Communist and Socialist organizations, and private homes, had yielded more than a million treasonable documents, as well as arms. gas masks and bombs. 
Thirty-nine Communist leaders were arrested in Thuringia.
At Hamburg. the free city's government decided to confiscate all Communist leaflets and posters, and ban all Communist newspapers. Police patrols were strengthened and the entire force kept in readiness for emergencies. Sixty Communists were arrested in raids in several suburbs of Hamburg, including Altona and Harburg. 
Struggle For Life Leftist and Centrist parties of Germany now enter the fast stages of a struggle for existence, with their newspapers silenced and their assemblies and communications shut off by the strictest measures of repression since the war.
While the Hitler government Insists next Sunday's election of new national and Prussian state parliaments are to be held as scheduled, the chief of the government's Information bureau indicated the balloting will be meaningless.
“Parliamentary and democratic times are over for Germany," declared Walter Funk, head of the government press department. One assistants declared all the Communist votes cast Sunday will be thrown out. The Communists polled nearly 6,000,000 votes in the fast election, increasing their Reichstag representation from 14.6 per cent, to 16.9 per cent. and they were even stronger in the Diet.
Meanwhile there were no signs to give credence to wild rumors that the week-end would bring a terrible fate to the foes of Chancellor Hitler. These rumors, circulating in Euro- pean capitals, appeared based on the recent orders sasued by Minister Goering to Prussian police a nationalistic groups such as the Nazi storm troops and steel helmet war veterans and to ruthlessly suppress others. 
Two Killed at Worms Worms, Germany, March 1 - Two persons were shot and killed here today in the first flare-up of violence following the emergency decree restricting public freedom.
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post-it-notes7 · 18 days
Please tell me this will be a happy ending
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dearest anon, only time will tell
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smallidarityfan · 2 months
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humbling requesting gay panic joel propaganda long live smallidarity,, 💥💥💥💥
THANK YOU LIAU!!!!!! Waaayy overdue on this, unfortunately I'm still healing from art block 😭😭 ive been thinking about that prompt all this while tho...
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vvv extra doodles vvv
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thesaltyace · 2 months
Link to original video in replies.
stitched creator: keep Palestinians' names out of your mouth when you're trying to defend your decision for voting for Kamala--
bigzaiire: I'm starting to see a lot of these videos coming out and I feel like someone really really has to speak on it, so I'm going to. And I'm gonna tell this with all my due respect -- Palestine is not the only country that's dealing with genocide right now.
I am from Congo in case you cannot tell, I'm from Congo, okay? We are also dealing with genocide in Congo. In fact, the genocide in Congo has been going for way longer than the genocide in Palestine. The genocide in Congo has made 8 millions of victims. 8 millions.
And you might wonder, why am I making this video? Well, I am making this video because I'm going to support Vice President Kamala. 100% I'm going to. And I'm going to tell you why I'm going to support Vice President Kamala.
Listen to me. This is one of the Congolese genocide enabler. His name is Dan Getler. This guy is an Israeli billionaire who owns mines in Congo. This guy was sanctioned in 2017 by President Barack Obama for corrupt and illegal mining.
Listen very carefully. He was sanctioned by Obama. Obama is a Democrat. Okay?
This dude got reinstated. Someone gave him his money back. Someone gave him his money back. Do you know who did that?
Donald Trump.
Donald Trump gave him [Israeli billionaire Dan Getler] his money back. It was one of the very last thing he did as a president was to give this guy his money back.
And do you know who sanctioned this guy again?
President Biden.
President Biden sanctioned him again. So currently, this person [Israeli billionaire Dan Getler] does not have his money. All the money, all the illegal money he made in Congo -- he does not have it right now. Because of President Biden.
So one thing I know for sure, one thing I know for sure: Vice President Kamala, she's not going to let this guy get his money back. And another thing that I know for sure is that if Trump gets back in office, Trump is going to reinstate this guy. Trump is going to give him his money back.
How do you think Israel is getting all the money? Because of this guy. He's one of the people who are giving money is Israel. So if you want to stop this guy -- hmm? -- from getting his money back and potentially giving that money to Israel, make sure that Trump does not make it.
Now let's be real for a second. Because I feel like a lot of people don't take this part in consideration. Listen.
A lot of people have lost their jobs for supporting Palestine.
A lot of content creators got their account banned for supporting Palestine.
A lot of people got hurt physically for protesting for Palestine.
A lot of people have ruined their relations with their families and friends simply because they were on the side of Palestine.
So if you're going to tell all these people who have sacrificed so much for your cause that they are wrong for choosing a candidate who's going to preserve their rights in their own country, then I'm sorry to tell you this, but you are being both ungrateful and disingenuous.
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visenyaism · 9 months
Very random question but do you have any ASOIAF theories about who hired the Catspaw?
it is unambiguously joffrey. tyrion figures it out the morning of the purple wedding. I think any other answer is both actively contradicted by the text and robbing it of so so much thematic depth.
it’s one of the most illuminating moments about him as a character- the catspaw WASN’T some political move on the part of the lannisters to silence a witness. it was a little boy’s attempt to impress his insecure and violent open wound of a person father after he heard him say that bran was better off dead rather than living disabled. joffrey is a child and he is also this amalgamation of every act of violence robert and tywin and jaime and cersei and tyrion and society as a whole ever did to him or anyone else. it’s all so horrific.
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a2zillustration · 11 months
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JUST let me HELP YOU you BIG DUMB IDIOT (lovingly)
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catsharky · 9 months
May I ask for some details about your Tav? What do you mean by hasnt really lived as a tiefling before? Like literally has never seen another tiefling? Seems like being abducted by the mindflayers introduced major life changes to your Tav
I'm sorry this took so long to answer, but I ended up doing a whole bunch of art to answer this!
Ember has a really extensive backstory that's kind of long, but the short version of it is: she was caught in the crossfire of a deal her parents made with a devil. They couldn't have a child of their own because her mother was too severely ill, so they made the deal in the hopes of returning her health and along with it the ability to bear children. Unfortunately devil deals being what they are, they ended up with Ember who the devil stole from her birth parents.
Her mom was a high elf and her dad a half-elf, and her mom's side of the family were quite vocally anti-Tiefling. Because of her mother's health problems, however, they couldn't just sever contact with her parents because they relied on their money to cover the cost of healers, expensive potion ingredients and the like. They couldn't be trusted not to be a threat to Ember though, so the decision was made to disguise her as their biological daughter throughout her childhood.
Here's an age chart!
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As a result, Ember didn't even know she was a Tiefling until she was around 4 or 5, when she began to present as a sorcerer and accidentally undid the disguise spell (she ends up a bard thanks to her mom, but her control of magic comes from sorcery).
Before the events of the game, the most time she ever spent as a Tiefling was when she was 13- when her mom died and her dad disappeared, the disguise spell having relied on her mum's magic. She went through hell for a while after that and as soon as she could learn how to cast the spell herself, she jumped at the chance and went back to living as her old half-elf self. So when she gets taken by the Nautiloid, it's her being forced to actually live as her real self and as a Tiefling for the first time. As a result she doesn't have great control over her tail, because she's just straight up not used to having one.
She also spends a lot of Act 1 jumpscaring herself whenever she walks by a mirror lmao.
I do plan to do some comics that are set earlier in the game at some point, and those ones will explore more of her backstory. What I've done so far has just happened to be set in Act 3, after she's already sorted a lot of her shit out. I just have no idea when that'll actually be!
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ruegarding · 6 months
Hey, quick question if you don't mind me asking but what are your thoughts on Drew Tanaka as a character and how she was portrayed in HOO?
canon drew...well. i rbed this post that says "drew was not written as a character but rather a human obstacle who needed to be feminine so the ‘not like other girls’ could defeat her," and i think that summarizes it perfectly. she exists exclusively to make piper look good, which is a real shame bc drew could've been interesting. as-is, drew is not only uninteresting, piper is also uninteresting by extension. it'd be like if nancy was one of percy's greatest obstacles in tlt.
more under the cut bc i'm incapable of keeping things short.
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here, in her introduction, not only is drew, a feminine girl, vain, she's also weak and unintimidating, a triple whammy right away! she has no reason to be antagonistic towards piper here, they literally just got to camp. piper's crime right now is *checks notes* not looking cute and existing next to a "good-looking guy." oh, yeah, btw drew likes jason for being hot and powerful.
this triple whammy isn't even restricted to drew, it's the entire aphrodite cabin. they all giggle when drew flirts w jason and when piper is uncomfortable being "gorgeous" and are too scared and weak to stand up to drew. the two exceptions are a guy who got in trouble for saying piper "might not be so bad" and a girl who's afraid of ugly shoes. what an uninteresting take.
anyway, moments like this
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are everywhere. now, let's remember for a moment that the aphrodite cabin (including drew!) fought in a war where they were outnumbered and won. but yeah, their biggest strength is their ability to "make an orange t-shirt glamorous" bc piper is the only one out of them who can *checks notes* uhhh run? charmspeak on a quest? carry a knife? she doesn't even know how to fight in tlh! she wasn't at camp for more than two days, she never had any fighting experience! the fact that she's being called tougher than ppl who fought in a war makes me grit my teeth. and thalia was there when it happened!
and it doesn't even makes sense bc we see aphrodite like this is ttc
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and she says this in tlh
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(also sidenote: why is aphrodite's claiming so egregious and uncomfortable then? it's like rick has a moment of clarity and realizes he's being stupid and then immediately fucks it up again.)
this is interesting! and some of these kids (including drew!) would have met this aphrodite during the solstices. so portraying drew and the aphrodite cabin as a bunch of shallow kids obsessed w makeup that need to be saved by piper "not like other girls" mclean is so contrived. and constantly bringing up how piper's so much better than those shallow and weak aphrodite kids makes piper's entire character grating. rick brings up aneaus repeatedly throughout tlh, a son of venus/aphrodite that founded rome. why are we acting like aphrodite children are weak and stupid when we could be exploring literally anything else? like, you know, how they're traumatized?
and the thing is, he brings up silena! and it's done terribly. piper, who never knew silena and never will, lecturing drew, someone who knew silena and was betrayed by her, has always pissed me off. piper relating to silena bc she feels like she's in the same position? good, that's fine, i have no problem w this. but acting like she knew silena to ppl who actually did and then preaching abt what silena believed should've gotten her smacked (rick didn't even addressed the actual important part, which is how the other campers feel abt silena or how they feel abt surviving a war).
then when piper challenges drew, again, drew fought in a war while piper hasn't trained for a single day, why are we acting like piper could beat drew in a fight? piper can't even use charmspeak bc drew's resistant to it! that's the one advantage piper has! writing it like this comes off like piper is only strong as long as everyone else is weak. she's not rising to a challenge, her competitor is just so pathetic that she can overpower them. she didn't earn her strength. that's not good character development! so we're throwing two entire character arcs away for this!
what really gets me abt all of this is that piper didn't need to be a counselor. piper needed a place to belong. making drew nothing more than a stepping-stone was completely unnecessary, and making the aphrodite cabin weak and vain was redundant bc we already had an example w silena (and again, all the kids that fought in a war). as it is in canon, drew's character is a great example of some of rick's biggest writing flaws.
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 months
i just imagined the most cursed/dumb experience you could have with eddie and now i need to put you all through it with me.
imagine getting insanely high with eddie and playing around with one of those stress balls with the netting. like the kind that change color when you squeeze it. and you're just squishing it, fiddling mindlessly, before suddenly looking up at eddie with the worst possible idea.
"eddie... do you think they...?"
and him being so wide-eyed, immediately catching on, "absolutely not."
but then, you're both high, and you're both prone to having the dumbest fucking ideas possible, so when eddie catches sight of your fishnets peeking out of the drawer across the room, he can't help himself from saying the dumbest possible thing to ever come out of his mouth.
"but wanna find out?"
the night ends with the two of you in the ER, and eddie deciding it doesn't matter how much he likes you in fishnets, the two of you will never have another pair in the household again.
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please don't take this serious i'm going to cry from how fucking stupid this is
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"GERMANY HAS REVERTED TO A STATE OF MEDIEVAL BARBARISM," Niagara Falls. October 17, 1933. Page 4. ---- It would be folly to minimize the danger to world peace now in existence following withdrawal of Germany from the League of Nations and the disarmament conference. As forecast by the Review the German elections will give no opportunity for electing opposition candidates to the Reichstag, the only choice being between voting for a Hitler candidate or leaving the ballot paper blank, supposed to register disapproval of the present regime.
Captain H. G. Scott of Calgary who has just returned from a survey of conditions in Germany, Austria and other countries, says that Germany has relapsed into something like a spirit of medieval barbarism, resulting in serious danger to the peace of Europe. It will be remembered that in "My Struggle," Hitler emphasized that Germany's lost colonies must be restored to her, but laid it down as a fact that there is no hope of such recovery by peaceful means.
"Germany has become a country of marching columns and waving flags," says Capt. Scott, "and the spirit of revenge and violence has been whipped up and is being embodied in the universal training of men and women, training for war whatever the protestations of Hitler and his followers may have made. There is no doubt whatever as to the character of the drilling that is going on in Germany under professional soldiers." Discussing the men around Hitler, Captain Scott says that a considerable number of them appear to be professional adventurers with the characters of gunmen."
Is it surprising, therefore, that there is general alarm all over Europe and a careful examination of treaties guaranteeing security of frontiers in countries obsessed with domes- tic problems of great magnitude where there is unemployment and falling revenues. Frenzied approval was given to a speech by Right Honorable Henderson yesterday by the representatives of the nations and he emphasized that there may be need of sacrifices to prevent a reversion to barbarity. That is the place which has been reached because a megalomaniac is at the head of affairs in Germany. It is a dangerous condition.
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demiesop · 1 year
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shadowheart has been so cool with my tav this playthrough tbh
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judesmoonbeauty · 9 months
Licht Klein - Act 2 Ch. 1 CG
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archivistofnerddom · 2 months
Rex and Omega have things that only they get to call another while they’re in the Rebellion. It’s largely things like:
“Little whippersnapper” (Rex to Omega)
“Old man” (Omega to Rex)
“Trouble-maker” (Rex to Omega)
“Captain Instigator” (Omega to Rex)
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speckaboo · 9 days
I never thought I'd meet another character that was a bigger walking disaster than Jon, but turns out we got plenty
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thirdtimed · 2 months
someone left a really good set of tags on the life series winner post but in essence i agree that while i like the watchers in theory as window dressing to the entire tragedy fueling this endless cycle of blood sports i think its a million times more intriguing and engaging for the truth of the matter to be that the lifers themselves are the reason for their own suffering. the watchers are just kind of there as an excuse for their own faults
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towards-toramunda · 8 months
What bothers me most about 'Orym is the reason Laudna killed Bor'dor' is iirc in the episode Marisha pretty clearly states Laudna didn't even really notice the nod? She didn't notice much of anything because she was fixated on that one objective, and nothing was going to get in her way. But of course, it still becomes 'Ashton and Orym were horrible for not stopping her.'
Yeah tbh I’ve seen a lot of people bring up that in 4sd Marisha said she was looking to orym and Ashton and Liam said that he wasn’t gonna let bordor leave that scene alive and he knew in that moment she might bring Delilah back but that Orym thought they might need Delilah for this fight and… Like… yes we can acknowledge the enabling, but I’ve seen so many people act like enabling someone to do something he would’ve done either way makes Orym an irredeemable person. I truly believe that the nod didn’t change anything and she would’ve killed bordor regardless. I remember while I was watching the episode thinking the nod felt almost like an act of tragic kindness in the moment. Like Liam/Orym could see how hurt and emotional Marisha/Laudna was in this moment and nodded to let her know that “its okay. I agree with you.” Almost as a way to attempt to lift the burden from her and let her know that she wasn’t alone despite how awful the situation was.
I think it’d be interesting for the story if Laudna was gonna kill him either way but was so traumatized by it all that she began viewing Orym’s nod as “the reason she did it” so she could deflect accountability for it all, BUT I really think she was gonna do it either way.
And like… everyone angry that “he is the reason she leaned back into her addiction” I mean since then Laudna and Imogen have talked about leaning into their dark side with each other and harnessing that power for the mission and nobody in the fandom seems angry at either of them for enabling each other. It feels hypocritical to be so upset with orym still after all this time because he… nodded in agreement with her killing a guy he was going to kill either way and thought they might need Delilah. (For the record I’m messy and I like drama so I’m always gonna support PCs enabling other PCs to do morally questionable things for the sake of the story like Imogen and laudna are doing with each other and like Orym did with the nod. Like yeah push that big red button what’s it gonna do? I’m curious and like messy stories)
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