#encanto cecelia
gamerbearmira · 9 months
hey this is just another little silly suggestion for the giant siren au if u don’t mind, can I see some loving guppy giving out affection to the older sirens. Like either cuddling into the neck of the caretakers or their families. Maybe Antonio snuggling into his mom or into Mirabel and the other guppies into their parents. Mostly cause I’d like to see more of the other characters and see Antonio just being a sweetie. These giant scary people getting affection from their tiny babies 😊 hehe hope this isn’t too much if so then it’s up to you. no pressure, I really love your art u do a great job at it
Tbh I love seeing characters just. Doting in each other my. My favs <33 and only, yeah, lil gups just being absolute sweethearts to giant sea creatures. I love irony
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achitka · 2 years
Change is Good?
Chapter 21: Change is Good?
This is a excerpt from my fic "Doors" I have a bit of a toothache and focusing is an issue so since this part of that Chapter (La Señora de Los Dolores) has to do with Luisa (whom I adore) and I'm messing with her Gift...I decided it could be here as well. Camilo found his way in there too...Good on him. Hope you don't mind.
Luisa ran through town only stopping long enough to get her father and Tío's attention. When they reached the house, they were joined shortly by her mother, Camilo, Tía Pepa, Mariano and Abuela. Alejandra's mother was also there, she was very close to being frantic. As the other parents arrived, the doctor spoke with them and asked them to move a little further down the street, to give the workers room. They protested at first, but her Abuela stepped in and after a few minutes was able to persuade them to do as the doctor asked. Luisa, her father Camilo and Tío Félix stepped through the unfinished doorway and called out to the children.
There was no answer so she said, "Dolores, are we in the right house?" *yes* Luisa blinked; it sounded like Dolores was right next to her. She turned to her Tío, "Dolores says this is the right house." He was giving her a look and she added, "I'll explain later how I can hear her."
Her Tío nodded and someone handed him a flashlight. He looked at it and a voice behind them said, "Just push the switch." It was the doctor, so her Tío did and was impressed with the amount of light the gadget gave off. He pointed it up and they saw a portion of the roof had collapsed. He followed it down until he saw a small shoe. He peered behind it and grunted. "They're here." He waived to Luisa and asked her to gently lift but not move aside the large piece of ceiling.
Luisa moved very carefully as her Tío shined the light on the most problematic spot and she saw that the roof over the kids was barely holding. She needed to brace that so she put one arm under the roof above and with her other arm, slowly lifted the part blocking access to the children.
"A little higher, Lulu," her Tío said and Luisa nodded and put her foot under the raised portion using that to gently lift the stone higher. She continued this until she heard a cracking sound and she froze. The slab in her hand had snapped where she was holding it and it terrified her that the rest of the roof would come down on them. "I don't think I can move it higher, Tío."
"I'll fit," it was Camilo and he shifted to a third of his normal size and slid under with only a little trouble.
She heard Alejandra mumble as she appeared head first from under the slab.
"I got you," she heard her father say as Camilo passed her under the wall to him. Next was Cecelia, she wasn't making any noise. Last was Juancho, he was wide awake and clearly terrified. Camilo shushed him saying it was going to be okay and he was proud of how brave he'd been, keeping his friends safe. Just a little longer. Just gotta get out here first.
"Okay, Luisa. Camilo is clear, let it down slow," her Tío said.
"I will, but it's not gonna hold. Have everyone get out, it won't hurt if it falls on me."
From the door she heard her father say, "Okay Luisa. Gently now."
Luisa knew when she set it down the wall would split in half where her hand was. That crack was why she'd stopped moving. She let go of both pieces at once and the roof finished collapsing with a crash of breaking tiles and rock. Luisa pushed a rock off her leg and went outside. A cheer went up from the gathered crowd and Luisa just blushed and waved. She took a few steps and felt a twinge. Then her mother was there, frowning, looking at her leg at the same time handing her a buñuelo. Luisa looked down and saw there was a long gash along her calf and she was bleeding quite a bit.
Luisa popped the sweet into her mouth and the skin and muscle began to knit themselves together leaving behind, nothing. Not even a line to show where the rock hit her.
"Please be more careful in the future, Luisa," her mother said.
"I'm sorry Mamá, guess I'm out of practice," Luisa said. Normally she wouldn't have felt anything. But it was a new miracle...had her gift changed?
The doctor came up then, his clothes were torn in places and there was blood on his shirt but there was no sign of injury. "The other two children are waking up Señora Madrigal."
"Please, call me Julieta," she said.
He nodded, "As you wish it, Julieta," he said and guided her further down the street where the children were arranged with their parents.
Camilo was gone and Luisa's father came up then and said, "You all right Lulu?" He asked this as he took her arm. She nodded. Luisa did feel a bit fatigued. More changes? Or was it because she'd not tried to maintain her strength. There was concern on her father's face when he said, "Let's get you home, Lulu." She nodded and she allowed herself to be led away from the crowd.
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cringecanto · 2 years
i have a lot of ideas for aged up antonio (bc i want him to be the main character in my 10 year post canon fics hehehe)
the biggest inspo is, of course, disney princesses. i think an older antonio would be considered very sweet, very handsome, but also very odd. (think of the beginning song from beauty and the beast. that's how encanto thinks of him)
he doesn't have many (human) friends, but he's very popular with them nonetheless. he has a certain sort of...grace about him. nobody has the balls to bully him because 1) he has a literal jaguar and 2) other kids would stand up for him bc 'antonio is SWEET and KIND'. still, these same kids talk mad shit LOL
cos they do think he's weird. but its a madrigal weird, and not AS weird as Don Bruno, but still weird. Antonio's usually either with his animals, reading while walking through the town, or singing to the donkeys. he tends to avoid eye contact, but it's graceful enough that people don't notice
he's friends with juancho, alejandra, and cecelia, but not super close? he feels like he's tagging along to an already close trio (he's very familiar with the feeling)
being the youngest third generation member of madrigal is hard too. he loves his family, of course he does, but he's 10 years younger than the youngest member. he doesn't really have anyone his age to rely on or talk to, which a lot of the adults worry about. even bruno, the literal not-quite-hermit, is like "hey ur spending...lots of time. with people who are 20+ years ur senior."
and, if antonio was being honest? secretly, apart of him wants to move away from the encanto. not forever, but he wants to explore the world! everyone in the family is scandalized, even mirabel (they come around, but the idea of him leaving makes everyone Freak Out)
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luxiferxx · 2 years
[Warning: Longpost rant/infodump on an obscure background Encanto character I made as a sim for my Encanto save file in the Sims 4]
Apologies in advance, this post is very chaotic with little to no flow or tact LMAO I just wanted to get it out of my brain
Okay so I'm trying to make Osvaldo and his possible family in the Sims 4. I've already finished making him and three children I kind of headcanon to be his, which I'll get to later.
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I know it's not exactly picture perfect but it's what I could do within the limits of the Sims 4 lmao
ANYWAY everyone hating Osvaldo as a character is NOT helping my quest to find reference screencaps of him at random points he’s in the movie. I want to find a woman/man he stands around with more than once to give him children in the Sims 4 damn it lmao
In this situation I would usually just make him a single father. But idk he just has a vibe that he would have a significant other, to me anyway, so I'd like to give him one lol. I've also already made Señor Flores (the priest) a single father, I may make another post showing him and his children once I finish that.
Alright, about the three village kids I headcanon to be his. One of them is the “If I were you, I would be really sad” girl, then Cecelia, then a boy that’s off to the side that I saw wearing a black-and-white hat that I don’t know the name of. If anybody knows what it’s called pls let me know.
With all of the village kids (not just "his") I assigned them brothers and sisters in accordance to the village kids' color schemes in relation to the three main village kids in the Family Madrigal number.
My family tree is going like this, with each color in the image below representing the child being a part of a separate family than the others, and being in the same family as the ones with the same color.
In yellow- Señor Osvaldo's children
In green- Señor Flores' children
In red- Señora Pezmuerto and Jose's children
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Now if I really wanted to make it accurate to the children, ideally if this were a mother/father situation the mother would wear orange/yellow and have blonde hair. Really, the main reason that I grouped those specific children with Osvaldo is because the girl in the hat is just as blunt as he is, and she's wearing yellow and orange, and so are those other two children. But it could be just as possible that Osvaldo adopted these children as a trio, since they're biological siblings, and that would explain why they don't look like him. I'll talk about my reasoning for the others in a separate post if I make one.
All I need is just one person that appears close by to Osvaldo more than once in the movie and I will immediately ship them. That is ALL I want.
(ideally they would look to be around his age and wear yellow/orange but that's just my neurodivergent brain making up rules that don't actually exist-)
Am I looking too deeply into this? Maybe. Do I care? Slightly. Will I pursue this until I find someone for him? Probably.
Here are his kiddos that I made by the way
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Unsurprisingly, the Sims 4 does not have a black and white hat similar to the boy's, so I got the closest thing I could get that still had a black and white pattern.
If you got this far, thanks for reading my infodump lol and if you have any ideas as to who I could pair Osvaldo with please let me know!! Thanks! <3
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yumeka-chan · 2 years
I was tagged by @madame-claude
nickname: Yumeka, plus souvent Yume
zodiac: Scorpio
height: 167
last thing I googled: Stephen King - After
followers: 67
song stuck in my head: Dos oroguitas (Encanto)
how much I sleep: most time 5-6 hours
lucky number: I'd say 8
dream job: writer
wearing: a sweater, and a plaid. Big plaids. Everywhere
favourite song: La Peur de l'Echec - Orelsan
favourite instrument: Violin. And Harp. They are so magnificent.
aesthetics: No idea
favourite author: Stephen King. (Cecelia Ahern and Cornelia Funke too, for two books)
favourite animal noise: The sound of baby crocodiles.
something random: I have cold feet.
Tagging, without any pressure : @cheryllollst @trekkedin @audrey83130
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mylovleys · 2 years
(( ´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) )
• Mirabel Madrigal •
Fandom/media: Encanto
Type: Romantic/Platonic
• Cecelia Amanda Kelly/Miss Heed •
Fandom/Media: Villainous
Type: Romantic
• Jinx •
Fandom/Media: Arcane LOL
Type: Platonic/Romantic
• Spinel •
Fandom/Media: Steven universe
Type: Platonic/Romantic
• Killian Jones •
Fandom/Media: Once upon a time
Type: Romantic
• Verosika Mayday •
Fandom/Media: Helluva Boss
Type: Romantic
• Black Hat •
Fandom/Media: Villainous
Type: Romantic
• Luci •
Fandom/Media: Disenchantment
Type: Platonic
• Vox •
Fandom/Media: Hazbin Hotel
Type: Romantic/Platonic
• Zelena •
Fandom/Media: Once upon a time
Type: Romantic
• Chrysalis •
Fandom/Media: Mlp
Type: Platonic/Romantic
• Loona •
Fandom/Media: Helluva Boss
Type: Romantic/Platonic
• Hunter •
Media/Fandom: The owl House
Type: Platonic/Romantic
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mama--moth · 2 years
Sorry. Im back ig. Encanto martha.
Martha met Bruno when they were little kids. Bruno was playing with  rats in town and some other kids made fun of him. Martha came up, and instead of laughing at him, asked to pet them. She was super nice to him. He was no longer afraid to go into town with his sisters. Everytime he did, Martha was there to play with him. She took him all around the village and into her secret spots. He asked if she wanted to come over to play at Casita and she held his hand and practically dragged this little rat boy to his home. Upon meeting Alma, she was very forward and polite, shaking the lady's hand very enthusiastically. She got along with Pepa and Julieta very well and would come over a lot. She also had many sleepovers. Most of her time was spent with Bruno in Casita.
When Bruno asked to see Martha's home, she seemed upset. It was soon found out that Martha did not have parents. They had passed away, leaving her alone in the little home they lived in. Alma let her stay in one of the extra rooms in Casita.
Martha seemed to enjoy dancing. Alma saw this and put her in lessons. As she got older she got better, and then one of the best. Bruno was enamored watching her dance. They were awkward teens, but Martha was much more confident then Bruno, and often brought him in to dance with her. She didn't care if he fumbled and was rigid and awkward.
During a fireworks show in the village, Martha kissed him. Poor guy nearly fainted. They were cute together since they were young, but this kinda sealed the deal. Bruno told her he saw them married with kids, happy together in a vision. This was a lie. He never had a vision about her out of fear that it would be bad. He just stated what he wanted. He was surprised when she was ecstatic about the news.
They were very happy together
When they were in their late 30's, Bruno surprised her during yet another fireworks show when he proposed.
Shortly after this he disappeared for 10 years.
Martha fell into a feep depression and never danced again. She remained living in the family home. (She does dance in We Don't Talk About Bruno because its about him and she cant help it.)
Little did she know that Bruno was right there watching her.
Once he returns, he is afraid she will hate him, but she tackles him. They do wed and have two kiddos. Cecelia and Emanuel. (Cece and Manny) Cece is super fast and Manny can make a copy of himself.
You can see the art on my twitter
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lectobloggers · 7 years
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No sabía realmente qué esperar de éste libro, ya que la sinopsis me llamó la atención pero me echaba un poco para atrás que compararan a la autora con Jojo Moyes y Cecelia Ahern (dos autoras que no me terminaron de gustar). Pero me alegro de haberme decidido a leerlo porque al final fue una grata sorpresa, y a mi parecer no tiene nada de Moyes o Ahern, a mi parecer Anna Partlin es muchísimo mejor. Rabbit Hayes es una mujer de 40 años con una gran familia y una amorosa hija pre adolescente. Rabbit Hayes también tiene cáncer terminal y no sabe cómo decirle a su hija que no regresará a casa. Su madre Molly, una mujer fuerte y luchadora no quiere dejarse rendir, no puede dejar a su hija morir en esa cama de hospital, y moverá cielo mar y tierra, y recurrirá a quien sea necesario para que suceda un milagro. Mientras tanto, sus hermanos, intentan sobrellevar su dolor y también cuidar de su sobrina. La historia nos cuenta sobre los últimos días de Rabbit Hayes (como bien lo dice el título) pero la belleza de éste libro es que no sólo se centra en Rabbit y su enfermedad, sino que también podemos ver de cerca a sus hermanos y su forma de lidiar con el dolor de perder a su hermana pequeña, de hacerse la idea de todo lo que eso conlleva. Y lo mejor aún, es que además podemos conocer el pasado de todos los personajes sin excepción alguna gracias a alguno que otro recuerdo, así que de manera simultánea estamos en el presente leyendo lo difícil y doloroso que es para Rabbit estar postrada a una cama de hospital, y también estamos en el pasado cuando seguía a la banda de su hermano para todos lados porque tenía un fuerte enamoramiento en Johnny, uno de los mejores amigos de su hermano. La forma en la que se desarrolla la historia es simplemente hermosa y a la vez dolorosa, porque cada uno de los personajes tiene su encanto y al menos yo llegué a sentir muchas cosas por cada uno de ellos, así que me reía con sus risas y hasta quería llorar con sus llantos. Es una lectura llena de emociones, pero sin caer en lo cursi y definitivamente no es un drama forzado (de esos que sabes existen con el único propósito de hacer llorar al lector). Está muy lejos de ser una historia así a'la Jojo Moyes. Porque aunque sí dejé caer un par de lágrimas a lo largo de la historia, eran lágrimas justificadas, porque los personajes ya se sentían como amigos y se encuentran en una situación difícil, al menos una que nadie en éste mundo gustaría experimentar. Mi personaje favorito fue Molly, la mamá de Rabbit, porque la describen como una señora que siempre dice algo inapropiado en el peor de los momentos pero con las mejores intenciones. Un personaje que definitivamente creció y creció en mi corazón y la quise muchísimo al terminar la historia. Pero como ya bien dije, todos los personajes tienen 'algo' y el lector logra conocerlos a todos. Como mencioné al principio, al inició pensé que sería un libro cursi como los de Jojo Moyes porque eso dice la portada, pero no, me sorprendió por completo y me regaló una excelente historia que realmente disfruté de principio a fin. Así que me da gusto no haberme dejado llevar por las comparaciones que hacen de Anna McPartlin con otras autoras que a mi parecer "no dan la talla." En fin, es un libro muy bueno, divertido porque los personajes siempre tienen un excelente sentido del humor a pesar de las circunstancias, y no se dejan arrastrar por las desgracias. Con muchas historias de por medio que te llevarán a lugares bonitos para conocer a unos entrañables personajes. Definitivamente es una historia triste y en algún punto sentirás que tu corazón se rompe, pero a pesar de eso vale muchísimo la pena darle una oportunidad. Lo recomiendo muchísimo.
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beekio · 7 years
Libros con un final feliz que te encantarán
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Seamos sinceros, de vez en cuando nos gusta leer un libro con el que sepamos que no vamos a acabarnos una caja de kleenex o terminemos odiando al autor por haber matado a nuestro personaje favorito. Los libros con un final feliz siempre van a ser necesarios para un lector, incluso aunque sea un poco predecibles, nos hace sentir cómodos y felices con los personajes.
Les traemos algunas recomendaciones de libros con un final feliz que les van a encantar.
Un beso en París
Stephanie Perkins
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La torre Eiffel, Amélie y un montón de reyes que se llaman Luis. Esto es todo lo que Anna conoce de Francia. Por eso, cuando sus padres le anuncian que pasará un año en un internado de París, la idea no acaba de convencerla. Pero, en la Ciudad del Amor, conoce al chico ideal: Etienne St. Clair. Es listo, encantador y muy guapo. El único problema es que también tiene novia. ¿Conseguirá Anna el ansiado beso de su príncipe azul?
Una historia encantadora con personajes increíbles, te hará reír, enamorarte y frustrarte un poco, pero siendo una historia de romance todo siempre acaba en un final feliz para casi todos. Stephanie Perkins tiene otros dos libros que se entrelazan con este, el siguiente se llama ‘Lola y el chico de al lado’ y el último es ‘Felices por siempre jamás’, así que desde el título ya te puedes imaginar que esta serie va a tener un final feliz.
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El teorema Katherine
John Green
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Según Colin Singleton existen dos tipos de persona: los que dejan y los que son dejados. Él, sin duda, pertenece al segundo. Su última ex, Katherine XIX, no es una reina, sino la Katherine número diecinueve, que le ha roto el corazón. Para escapar de su mal de amores, y con el propósito de hallar un teorema que explique la maldición de las Katherine, Colin emprende junto a su amigo Hassan una aventura que le llevará a Gutshot, un pueblecito de Tennessee, y a la sospecha de que en la vida la inteligencia no siempre es la mejor compañera de viaje.
Este es uno de los pocos libros de John Green que no te hará terminar en un mar de lágrimas, es una historia muy divertida y ligera que te asegura pasar un buen rato de lectura. El final te dejará muy contento el corazón, lo cual no es común para los libros de este autor, pero definitivamente vale la pena darle una oportunidad.
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The unexpected everything
Morgan Matson
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Andie tiene todo su verano planeado. Hasta que un escándalo político que envuelve a su padre arruina su oportunidad de hacer prácticas profesionales, y provoca que ella y su papá vuelva a estar en la misma casa juntos por la primera vez en muchos años. De pronto comienza a hacer cosas que no son para alguien como ella, trabaja como paseadora de perros, hace una épica búsqueda de tesoros con su papá, y tal vez, sólo tal vez, deje al súper lindo Clark acercarse más de lo que hubiera esperado. Sus amigas le dicen que acepte el caos, pero ¿realmente podrá dejar de llevar el control?
Todas las historias de Morgan Matson son lindas, divertidas y como para leer en cualquier momento que busques una lectura ligera. Desafortunadamente aún no hay una traducción al español, pero tiene un lenguaje y redacción sencilla que te aseguramos no será nada complicado para practicar tu inglés.
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Donde termina el arco iris
Cecelia Ahern
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Rosie y Alex han forjado una tierna amistad desde que eran unos niños traviesos, una amistad que dura hasta su rebelde adolescencia. A lo largo del tiempo y la distancia tendrán que hacer todo lo posible por mantenerse en contacto y permanecer en la vida del otro. Poco a poco se darán cuenta que quizá están hechos para estar juntos, pero el destino no estará de su lado.
Una historia súper romántica, tierna y divertida. Leer este libro es como subirte en una montaña rusa de emociones, te hará enamorarte, enojarte, llorar y reír en cada página. Mientras más te acercas al final crees saber lo que va a ocurrir pero te sorprenderás, la manera en la que termina esta historia es simplemente el final feliz perfecto para todos los personajes involucrados dentro de ésta.
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Orgullo y Prejuicio
Jane Austen
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Y por supuesto que no podemos dejar fuera de esta lista de recomendaciones, uno de los mejores clásicos que existen. Jane Austen era una maestra de la literatura y de los finales felices. Si estás buscando un libro que te enamore y que sepas que va a tener un final feliz para llenarte el corazón de emoción, entonces este es uno de los mejores que puedes leer.
Orgullo y Prejuicio es una historia que la mayoría de nosotros conocemos a la perfección y sabemos exactamente cómo termina. Así que date la oportunidad de envolverte en los encantos de Mr. Darcy y enamórate otra vez de este libro.
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Hay muchos otros libros con un final feliz que te van a gustar, así que hicimos una lista con todas las recomendaciones para que escojas la que más llame tu atención.
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Libros con un final feliz que te encantarán Este post fue originalmente publicado en el blog de Beek: Beek
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achitka · 2 years
Doors (Chapter 23) La Señora de Los Dolores
I have not given enough screen time to Dolores…mostly because I found it problematical to demonstrate her Gift in words…I also haven't messed with her POV since much earlier chapters. I am a bit of a slacker. Hopefully this chapter will remedy some of that -
Dolores was just about to take a bite of her sandwich when she heard it. A collective of folks were really wound up and the overlap of the voices always meant trouble. She tilted her head and used her Gift to focus on one in particular. Señora Guzman was shouting to someone. Probably from her veranda since her voice was not bouncing off anything.
(What do you mean missing?)
(Yes, have you seen them? They were supposed to come to my house for lunch today, but they didn't come…) that was Alejandra's mother (…when I checked with Juancho and Cecelia's mother's they said they'd not seen them either. We've already checked all the places they normally go and no one's seen them…)
"Dolores?" Abuela said when she noticed she was sitting frozen with her head tilted, mouth open, holding up her sandwich. Still listening, Dolores held up her other hand and set down the sandwich. She closed her eyes to shut out the sound around her and let in a few more voices.
(…I saw them down by the school this morning…) Camilo
(When was that?) Alejandra's mother
(Uh…around nine, they were playing on the playground when I came out of the school around eleven thirty…)
(I can help too!) it was Antonio, he whistled and Dolores winced, there was the sound of many bird wings (Pico, I need you and the rest of the birds to look for my friends…)
There was squawk and chitter (Yes, those guys. They might be lost in the forest or something and maybe three calls if you see them…) additional squawking (Oh, you're right, okay send the others off and you can tell Nadia too…)
(Camilo, what's happening?...) Tío Agustín and Mira together.
(Juancho, Alejandra and Cecelia are missing. No one's seen them since they followed me to the school this morning…) Camilo
(Oh, thank heavens…) Señora Guzman (Mirabel can you please go and let your Abuela know what's happening, and have her come into town with Mariano?…)
There was a pause then (Okay…) Mira said then another pause (Dolores, I know you're already listening. Can you let Abuela know? And then meet me in my room? There's something there I think you can help me with…)
Dolores opened her eyes and said, "Three children are missing and they've started a search. Tío Agustín is helping to organize. Your mother," she said to Mariano, "is asking for you and Abuela to come into town."
Nadia, Dolores remembered was the head eagle in Antonio's room. Pico was coming and she let out a squeak as she hurriedly got up and started for the stairs. Mariano and Abuela were up as well. "I'll be right back," she said over her shoulder, "I have to open Antonio's door." She was sprinting now and pushed his door open in time to see Pico making a beeline for it, the bird landed just inside and began squawking furiously. There was an answering cry from the eagles and Pico promptly turned around and took off toward the forest. Six eagles in all swooped past Dolores and then things quieted, though there were more birds leaving her brother's room. Mariano and Abuela were looking at her from the plaza and Dolores said, "Mira asked me to wait here for her, so I'll catch up with you both later."
Mariano nodded and headed for the door, Abuela hesitated for just a moment then she too started for the already open door. The door closed and Dolores went to Mira's room and gently knocked before opening it. Dolores came in and moved to the side. Someone else was coming and from the sound of the footsteps it was Luisa. She noted Casita had moved the furniture out to the walls and Mirabel was there just starting to roll up the carpet in her room with her back to her.
There was another knock and the door opened and Luisa stepped inside, "Mira, do you know what's happening? I heard Pico screeching all the way in my room. Is Antonio, okay?"
"Antonio's fine. He's with Camilo in town. Three other kids are missing though and I came home so I wouldn't distract anyone who is searching." Mirabel sounded irritated as she struggled with the rug.
"Oh, right," Luisa said and took two steps and rolled the carpet in one motion, "Should I go help?"
"Thanks, no not yet, I need your help with this," Mirabel said and stood up. She noticed Dolores and smiled. "Hi, Dolores."
Luisa turned and waved, "Sorry, Dol didn't see you there."
"That's alright. What did you need me for Mirabel?"
"This," Mirabel said, hands on her hips. She was looking at the floor and for the first time Dolores noticed the small points of light moving around on it.
"Are those…people?"
"I think so," Mirabel said, "Only problem is we don't know who is who."
"How can I help with that?"
"You know, I'm not sure, but I was thinking of all the times you rooted me out of what ever hiding place I'd picked to hang around in when I was little. I always thought I was being super quiet, but you always found me, no matter how far I went."
Dolores did remember. Mirabel had gained the habit of wandering off when she was sad after her Gift Ceremony. It didn't matter who was looking after her, she was just really good at doing what she wanted. Dolores noticed it was Casita that was aiding and abetting her prima. Opening a door or the back gate. Most times she would go out in the woods behind Casita and sit in her favorite tree. She'd cry as quietly as she could asking the tree why she wasn't good enough. After the first few months that happened, Abuela had Luisa pull the tree down so she couldn't do that anymore. Mirabel would just stubbornly find a different spot. Each time Abuela would try to stop her from doing it by ruining whatever Mira built to make it her own.
While Abuela said it was so Mirabel wouldn't get lost or hurt, Dolores was not so sure. She talked to her mother about it and her mother told her, from then on, to bring Mira back but to bring her to her Mamá instead of Abuela. Once Abuela started hyper focusing on Isabela she stopped caring where Mira was every minute of the day. It was hard to tell if Mira thought this was a good thing or a bad thing because for the most part she didn't interact with the family as much. Stuck at home she took to learning what Casita was saying and sometimes she would play with Camilo, but eventually Abuela even separated her from him. So, it was just Casita Mira had to talk to.
Dolores remembered how once school started, Mira happy to be out and about would often stay in town and play, mostly alone, trying her best to be that perfect non-magical Madrigal. It was right about then that Camilo started acting up in school, but it wasn't until later when she heard him talking with his prima on the way home that she realized why. If everyone thought he was in detention, then he could do whatever he wanted to before he'd be expected to do chores. Her little brother had found a loop hole and Dolores was not about to mess that up.
The door opened again and Isa came in breathing heavily, "Okay, what…" she stopped and took a deep breath, "what are we doing?"
"You okay, Isa?" Luisa asked.
"Yeah, yeah, just ran all the way here. I'm alright," Isa said sitting on the bed. Dolores noticed Isa's heart was beating very fast. Faster than it should be.
Mirabel looked at her sister and shook her head. She turned back to the floor, eyes flitting about and she said, "Dolores, do you think you can tell which of these might be Abuela, or Mariano or his mother?"
Dolores was now very curious if she could, in fact, tell where someone was just by listening but not being out in the town. This was something she never really tried to do without having a general idea of where that person was. She focused her hearing on the town and her eyes on the image. She heard Mariano's voice and could almost see his face as she smiled and pointed to a light that was moving through an alley. "That's Mariano."
"You sure?" Mira asked.
"Yes." Dolores said with growing confidence.
"Okay, Casita is there a way to label that light?" Mira asked. The tiles near the window clattered questioningly. "Yeah, words would be too long and hard to read, how about, I don't know, maybe just his face?" Tiles bumped along with the floor board and a tiny face appeared. It moved along the alley stopping at the windows and doors depicted.
"My goodness, that is just adorable," Mirabel said with a giggle.
"Mira there are hundreds of people in the Encanto, it will take too long to do this one at a time," Luisa said sitting next to Isa.
"Yeah, I know, but it is kinda cool though."
Out of curiosity, Dolores reached out and touched the light floating around with Mariano and pulled her hand back with a frown and small squeak, "That was odd."
"What was?" Mira asked.
"When I touched that light there," and she pointed, "it was not who I expected." Dolores had assumed it was Abuela or Mariano's mother. Turned out it was neither.
"You can tell who they are by touching them?" Luisa asked.
"Ummm, more like I can hear the them," Dolores said, frown deepening.
"But can't you already hear them?" Mira asked.
"Yes, but that's not what I mean. I can only hear them. Everything else went quiet."
"Wow, that is odd," Mirabel said kneeling close to the floor and poking it a few times, "I don't hear anything."
"So, who was it?" Isa asked from the bed.
"Acacia López," Dolores said flatly and almost felt angry. She knew Mariano was completely devoted to her, but she did not like the thought of that one being with him for any reason. Acacia was quite sure she was the one Mariano wanted to be with and had often said inflammatory and derogatory things to her about Isa's relationship with Mariano. She didn't want to know what venom that one was spreading about her so she made a point of not hearing her.
"That little snake," Isa said and slid off the bed next to her. "I should wrap her in vines and squeeze her 'til her beady eyes pop out."
Dolores suppressed a smile and gave Isa a gentle shove, "I don't think that would be the best idea Isa."
"Oh, it would at least shut her the-"
"Guys, can we talk about this later?" Luisa said, "We're supposed to be working on finding those kids."
Dolores noticed that Mirabel had moved on to another section of town where no one was supposed to be living yet. There were a bunch of half-finished houses and though there shouldn't be any lights there; Mira said she thought she saw three tiny and very dim lights. It made Dolores wonder if that meant they were hurt.
"Dolores, come and touch these." Mira said waving to her and pointing to one spot in particular.
She did but shook her head. "I don't hear anything, wait…" she said, brow furrowing. "No, I can hear breathing," she touched another, "All three are but it sounds too slow for little kids."
"I can go," Luisa said.
"Wait, there's one more thing, Dolores, I know this is gonna sound weird but if you can hear Mariano, maybe he can hear you?" Mirabel said, "Try it, and if he can, without freaking out, have him get Mamá and meet Luisa there."
Dolores nodded then tentatively touched the face of her beloved and said, "Mariano, can you hear me?" she took her finger off the face and heard; (Dolores?) "He can," Dolores said excitedly. "Oh," She put her finger back down and said, "Mariano, we think we know where the kids are. But they may be hurt so you'll need to find Tía Julieta, Luisa's on her way now. From where you are now, go…ten streets west and look in the fifth house on the right." (I understand, mi amor) "He's on his way."
"I'm out," Luisa said and was out the door.
Luisa ran through town only stopping long enough to get her father and Tío's attention. When they reached the house, they were joined shortly by her mother, Camilo, Tía Pepa, Mariano and Abuela. Alejandra's mother was also there, she was very close to being frantic. As the other parents arrived, the doctor spoke with them and asked them to move a little further down the street, to give the workers room. They protested at first, but her Abuela stepped in and after a few minutes was able to persuade them to do as the doctor asked. Luisa, her father Camilo and Tío Félix stepped through the unfinished doorway and called out to the children.
There was no answer so she said, "Dolores, are we in the right house?" *yes* Luisa blinked; it sounded like Dolores was right next to her. She turned to her Tío, "Dolores says this is the right house." He was giving her a look and she added, "I'll explain later how I can hear her."
Her Tío nodded and someone handed him a flashlight. He looked at it and a voice behind them said, "Just push the switch." It was the doctor, so her Tío did and was impressed with the amount of light the gadget gave off. He pointed it up and they saw a portion of the roof had collapsed. He followed it down until he saw a small shoe. He peered behind it and grunted. "They're here." He waived to Luisa and asked her to gently lift but not move aside the large piece of ceiling.
Luisa moved very carefully; Her Tío shined the light on the most problematic spot and she saw that the roof over the kids was barely holding. She needed to brace that so she put one arm under the roof above and with her other arm, slowly lifted the part blocking access to the children.
"A little higher, Lulu," her Tío said and Luisa nodded and put her foot under the raised portion using that to gently lift the stone higher. She continued this until she heard a cracking sound and she froze. The slab in her hand had snapped where she was holding it and it terrified her that the rest of the roof would come down on them. "I don't think I can move it higher, Tío."
"I'll fit," it was Camilo and he shifted to a third of his normal size and slid under with only a little trouble.
She heard Alejandra mumble as she appeared head first from under the slab.
"I got you," she heard her father say as Camilo passed her under the wall to him. Next was Cecelia, she wasn't making any noise. Last was Juancho, he was wide awake and clearly terrified. Camilo shushed him saying it was going to be okay and he was proud of how brave he'd been and keeping his friends safe. Just a little longer. Just gotta get out here first.
"Okay, Luisa. Camilo is clear, let it down slow," her Tío said.
"I will, but it's not gonna hold. Have everyone get out, it won't hurt if it falls on me."
From the door she heard her father say, "Okay Luisa. Gently now."
Luisa knew when she set it down the wall would split in half where her hand was. That crack was why she'd stopped moving. She let go of both pieces at once and the roof finished collapsing with a crash of breaking tiles and rock. Luisa pushed a rock off her leg and went outside. A cheer went up from the gathered crowd and Luisa just blushed and waved. She took a few steps and felt a twinge. Then her mother was there, frowning, looking at her leg at the same time handing her a buñuelo. Luisa looked down and saw there was a long gash along her calf and she was bleeding quite a bit.
Luisa popped the sweet into her mouth and the skin and muscle began to knit themselves together leaving behind, nothing. Not even a line to show where the rock hit her.
"Please be more careful in the future, Luisa," her mother said.
"I'm sorry Mamá, guess I'm out of practice," Luisa said. Normally she wouldn't have felt anything. But it was a new miracle...had her gift changed?
The doctor came up then, his clothes were torn in places and there was blood on his shirt but there was no sign of injury. "The other two children are waking up Señora Madrigal."
"Please, call me Julieta," she said.
He nodded, "As you wish it, Julieta," he said and guided her further down the street where the children were arranged with their parents.
Camilo was gone and Luisa's father came up then and said, "You all right Lulu?" He asked this as he took her arm. She nodded. Luisa did feel a bit fatigued. More changes? Or was it because she'd not tried to maintain her strength. There was concern on her father's face when he said, "Let's get you home, Lulu." She nodded and she allowed herself to be led away from the crowd.
Dolores watched Mirabel as she paced watching the lights on the floor. Dolores had spent a little more time naming some of the lights and Isa was watching the tiny bodiless heads float about occasionally making tiny flowers appear in their hair. Dolores wondered if they flowers appeared in real life or if Isa was just dressing up the faces.
"They're out," Dolores said clapping her hands and smiling. Mirabel sighed and Isa threw some rose petals in the air. Dolores now focused on the three little lights as they moved further down the street. They were swarmed, by others so she lost track of them. She touched Mariano's face and said, "Thank you, mi vida, is everyone alright?" (The children are with the doctor and your Tía. Once they wake up enough to eat something they should be healed. You will have to tell me how I can hear you when I know you are in Casita. You have learned something new, mi vida, that is so exciting.) And Dolores realized she had, all because her prima thought she could. (Dolores, since lunch was interrupted,) Mariano continued, (can you come for dinner?) "Yes." (Great, I'll pick you up when I bring your Abuela home.) Dolores sat back and relayed everything Mariano had told her.
The clock chimed the five o'clock hour and Isa said, "Well guess that meeting's been postponed. Who's hungry."
"You could go start supper," Mirabel said.
"I could, but everyone would be afraid to eat it," Isabela said as she got off the bed.
"Everyone knows I can't cook."
"I'll take my chances and I need to talk to Dolores about the thing."
"Okay hermanita, your stomach." Isa said and she was out the door.
"Mira everyone knows she's a disaster in the kitchen," Dolores said after the door had closed.
Mirabel snorted and deadpanned, "She wants everyone to believe she can't cook…but she used to make food for me and Luisa all the time when Mamá was out in the town. Now Tío Bruno cannot cook to save his life."
"Mariano is on his way here with Abuela so what do you need to talk to me about?"
"Oh, well it's gonna take some time to explain and we'll need Camilo as well. How 'bout you come back once you're done and I'll explain it to you both then?"
"Alright Mira," she said standing up, "Oh, and thank you for today," she said gesturing to the floor. "I'll be home by dark, so I'll see you then."
"Great," Mirabel said as she walked with her to the door.
Mira closed the door and stepped back from it to look at the image. She'd been purposefully not looking at it since it made her nervous about the future. She wondered again who had asked for it. Abuela had said it was not her when she asked directly, so Mira decided it was probably her mother. Her mother had found her worriedly talking to Casita that first day and seemed to understand some of what she was feeling since she could understand the house as well or better than she could. Mirabel had to admit, her Mamá knew her better than anyone.
Looking at the door she realized it was there for a purpose, but not a bad one as she looked at the details. The bird she'd seen before was there again and the tall grass was hiding a jaguar. Small cacti were all about the base of the smaller tree like a tiny wall. There was a short knock and Mira stepped back as Abuela opened the door and came in and said, "Mira did you really tell Isa to start supper?"
"Dios Mio," she said and looked about to turn around and go back downstairs, but stopped when she saw the image of the town on the floor.
"It'll be fine, Abuela," Mirabel said groaned, she forgot Luisa wasn't here and now she'd have to move that stupid rug herself.
"What are all these lights?" Abuela asked.
"The people in the town," Mirabel said as pushed the rug off the sofa where Luisa had put it. Stupid rug was heavy.
"Just a moment," Abuela said and looked closer at the floating heads. "Why do some have faces and others do not?"
"Oh, they were all just little lights when we found it the first time. I asked Dolores to see if she could find you and Mariano and show us where you were. Dolores is the one that added the faces. Well Casita actually added the face. Dolores just told us who was who. Do you know she can talk to people by touching their lights? She's pretty amazing. So versatile. I don't think we would have gotten to the kiddos in time without her…" Mirabel stopped talking when she realized she was rambling again.
Abuela was smiling and put an arm around her giving her a squeeze. "You did very well today, mi vida. You kept your head and found a solution. Now please go help your sister. I don't know where this confidence in her cooking came from but just to be safe and I want to look at this for a little while."
"Okay," Mirabel said and glanced at the door. Abuela's butterfly looked for all the world like it was dancing on those fingertips, this made Mira smile as she opened the door. Once outside as she walked down the hall she asked Casita, "Is Tío Bruno in his room?" Casita indicated no and Mira wondered where he'd gotten off to, but then he was a grown man after all and went to the kitchen to help Isa with supper.
Camilo immediately left the crowd and went to find Antonio. His hermano was sitting atop Parce near the great oak, so Camilo let him know his friends had been found and were safe. The jaguar let out an exceptionally loud roar and shortly Pico and Nadia appeared in front of them.
"They found them in a house," Antonio said, "Thanks for helping me look. Gotta say, that was pretty fun."
Pico let out a squawk so loud it made Camilo jump and took off in the direction of Casita. Several other birds veered off from the woods, others settled in the trees. Nadia watched it all and spread one of her wings, pushing Antonio's hair from his face then inclined her head to them. She then went a few steps back and took off, sending up a small dust cloud. She gave out a loud cry and several eagles that had settled on rooftops rose to follow her.
Camilo was in awe of his younger brother's handling of his Gift, since Camilo knew when he was his age, he'd probably only used it for pranks. They would have been the best pranks too.
"Camilo you have a really big cut on your head," Antonio said.
Camilo reached up and touched the sore spot on his forehead then looked at the blood on his hand. "So I do. Guess I should go find Tía," he said and was about to turn to head back to the area where the kids were.
"Wait," Antonio said and pulled out a small box with his name on it. He opened it and pulled out a wax paper wrapped candy and handed it to him. "Tía made these, she said I was only supposed to use them in case of an emergency."
"Thanks, Toni, I owe you one," Camilo said then popped it into his mouth and savored the squishy caramel center. He felt his head. No more cut and the blood was gone as well.
"You think it's okay to check on my friends?"
"Yeah, but you may want to ask Parce to wait here…whole bunch of jumpy folks over there right now."
"Do you mind Parce?" Antonio asked and the jaguar chuffed and laid down on the spot. Antonio got off but stopped long enough to hug the big cat saying, "I'll be right back."
Camilo and Antonio were walking toward the new part of town and Antonio spied something shiny. He picked it up to find it was a small metal truck. Seeing as no one was around he pocketed it and they continued on their way. People were filtering away from the area now that the excitement was over and Camilo put Antonio up on his shoulders and stayed toward the edge of the street to let people pass by. The church bell rang off five times as they finally reached the street they were looking for.
Cecelia, Juancho and Alejandra were sitting in a small circle and Camilo put Antonio down and his brother ran over to join them. Camilo hung back not wanting to get in his little brother's way as all three stood up and squished him in a great big hug. Camilo was surprised when his mother appeared in front of him and took his face in her hands.
"Your father told me what you did, Corazón," she said and Camilo felt the gentle rain, he used to hate enough that he would always try to stop her from doing that. He used to think it was embarrassing, but realized he'd missed it when she couldn't do it anymore. "So brave, mi vida." And kissed him three times, once on each cheek and then his forehead. This too was embarrassing but he knew he'd always tolerate it just because it was his Mamí doing it. She released him and his father was there, clapping him on his back.
The parents of the kids joined in and Camilo not knowing what else to do, stepped back and took a deep flourishing bow. Those still around clapped and laughed and he took a second. The kids came then and Camilo knelt down and hugged the lot of them at once. His Gift had actually been useful today and when he stood up, Alejandra grabbed one hand and Juancho the other. Cecelia not wanting to be left out grabbed Antonio's hand and pulled him into the group. For fun he shifted making himself taller and the kids holding his hands were lifted off the ground. He shifted back and Cecelia and Toni shouted, "Me too! Me too!" He did but felt that first twinge of hunger that followed anytime he persistently used Gift and decided that was enough for today. He set them all down, returning each to their parents, who were all smiling now. They thanked him one last time before they all left for home. He walked with Antonio over to where their parents waited and together, they headed back toward the plaza to pick up Parce.
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