#construction issues
achitka · 2 years
Change is Good?
Chapter 21: Change is Good?
This is a excerpt from my fic "Doors" I have a bit of a toothache and focusing is an issue so since this part of that Chapter (La Señora de Los Dolores) has to do with Luisa (whom I adore) and I'm messing with her Gift...I decided it could be here as well. Camilo found his way in there too...Good on him. Hope you don't mind.
Luisa ran through town only stopping long enough to get her father and Tío's attention. When they reached the house, they were joined shortly by her mother, Camilo, Tía Pepa, Mariano and Abuela. Alejandra's mother was also there, she was very close to being frantic. As the other parents arrived, the doctor spoke with them and asked them to move a little further down the street, to give the workers room. They protested at first, but her Abuela stepped in and after a few minutes was able to persuade them to do as the doctor asked. Luisa, her father Camilo and Tío Félix stepped through the unfinished doorway and called out to the children.
There was no answer so she said, "Dolores, are we in the right house?" *yes* Luisa blinked; it sounded like Dolores was right next to her. She turned to her Tío, "Dolores says this is the right house." He was giving her a look and she added, "I'll explain later how I can hear her."
Her Tío nodded and someone handed him a flashlight. He looked at it and a voice behind them said, "Just push the switch." It was the doctor, so her Tío did and was impressed with the amount of light the gadget gave off. He pointed it up and they saw a portion of the roof had collapsed. He followed it down until he saw a small shoe. He peered behind it and grunted. "They're here." He waived to Luisa and asked her to gently lift but not move aside the large piece of ceiling.
Luisa moved very carefully as her Tío shined the light on the most problematic spot and she saw that the roof over the kids was barely holding. She needed to brace that so she put one arm under the roof above and with her other arm, slowly lifted the part blocking access to the children.
"A little higher, Lulu," her Tío said and Luisa nodded and put her foot under the raised portion using that to gently lift the stone higher. She continued this until she heard a cracking sound and she froze. The slab in her hand had snapped where she was holding it and it terrified her that the rest of the roof would come down on them. "I don't think I can move it higher, Tío."
"I'll fit," it was Camilo and he shifted to a third of his normal size and slid under with only a little trouble.
She heard Alejandra mumble as she appeared head first from under the slab.
"I got you," she heard her father say as Camilo passed her under the wall to him. Next was Cecelia, she wasn't making any noise. Last was Juancho, he was wide awake and clearly terrified. Camilo shushed him saying it was going to be okay and he was proud of how brave he'd been, keeping his friends safe. Just a little longer. Just gotta get out here first.
"Okay, Luisa. Camilo is clear, let it down slow," her Tío said.
"I will, but it's not gonna hold. Have everyone get out, it won't hurt if it falls on me."
From the door she heard her father say, "Okay Luisa. Gently now."
Luisa knew when she set it down the wall would split in half where her hand was. That crack was why she'd stopped moving. She let go of both pieces at once and the roof finished collapsing with a crash of breaking tiles and rock. Luisa pushed a rock off her leg and went outside. A cheer went up from the gathered crowd and Luisa just blushed and waved. She took a few steps and felt a twinge. Then her mother was there, frowning, looking at her leg at the same time handing her a buñuelo. Luisa looked down and saw there was a long gash along her calf and she was bleeding quite a bit.
Luisa popped the sweet into her mouth and the skin and muscle began to knit themselves together leaving behind, nothing. Not even a line to show where the rock hit her.
"Please be more careful in the future, Luisa," her mother said.
"I'm sorry Mamá, guess I'm out of practice," Luisa said. Normally she wouldn't have felt anything. But it was a new miracle...had her gift changed?
The doctor came up then, his clothes were torn in places and there was blood on his shirt but there was no sign of injury. "The other two children are waking up Señora Madrigal."
"Please, call me Julieta," she said.
He nodded, "As you wish it, Julieta," he said and guided her further down the street where the children were arranged with their parents.
Camilo was gone and Luisa's father came up then and said, "You all right Lulu?" He asked this as he took her arm. She nodded. Luisa did feel a bit fatigued. More changes? Or was it because she'd not tried to maintain her strength. There was concern on her father's face when he said, "Let's get you home, Lulu." She nodded and she allowed herself to be led away from the crowd.
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sgpglllc · 5 months
Hire an Experienced Construction Litigation Attorney Today!
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A knowledgeable construction litigation attorney in Lake Charles, Louisiana, can also aid you in crafting a standard agreement that you can use for every job and can research contracts that customers give you before you sign them. Be sure to consult with our experts, who can guide you through the procedure and defend your interests. Get in touch with Scofield, Gerard, Pohorelsky, Gallaugher & Landry, LLC!
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queerism1969 · 1 month
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apas-95 · 11 months
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most anarchists don't outright say they want to abolish building codes (or organisations) - but, practically, when the question of enforcement comes down to it, it's a different story. building codes that are not enforced are not building codes, they're fun suggestions. if you are not ensuring that all, in this case wheelchair ramps, are up to code, you functionally do not have building codes. it's the same issue as with organisation - without a concept of democratic centralism, 'what if the organisation decides to do something that a small subset disagree with' generally receives no solution other than just 'those people just won't do what the organisation decides', which in practice means there does not exist an organisation at all, just a group of people who currently happen to all agree on something, and will disintegrate when they stop happening to agree. in practice there can be no actual collective action, no ensuring wide conformity to codes and programs, without some form of central authority to make reference to. 'just let the village's Ramp Inspecting enthusiast decide if it's fine' does not a building code make.
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pepperpixel · 2 years
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Some inside job art! Mostly just trying to figure out how to draw these two
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chamerionwrites · 7 months
Intellectually I understand where people are coming from, but personally I do THE biggest double take every time someone boils down conservative Christian ideology (and/or secularized cultural reflections thereof) to a kind of dour puritanism that proclaims happiness is sin/suffering is a moral good/everyone should be miserable all the time. Like I get it! I do. But also, institutionally, I have never met a group of more passionate worshippers and vicious defenders of their own comfort than evangelical Christians. There is a reason the common thread between my various weird triggers more or less boils down to "toxic positivity." There is a REASON my exvangelical tag is #walking away from omelas.
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cthulhu-with-a-fez · 1 month
other people have probably already said this but like. it's been a shockingly nice experience to watch the dungeon meshi fandom go absolutely NUTS over falin. just this unbelievable wellspring of thirsty romantic eye for her, and not only is she chubby in canon, most of the fanart i've seen has skewed towards drawing her even chubbier? i... genuinely do not think i've ever seen that before. i don't think i've ever been in an anime fandom where someone both looks like me and is the subject of such enthusiastic adoration BECAUSE she's fat before.
it's... it's really nice.
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deadtiredghost · 1 month
my 07 series as abstract memes:
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mummer · 10 months
i see the term gender horror used alot in certain parts of asoiaf fandom and i dont think i fully get it like sure theres def a rigid and violently enforced structure to gender and sexual violence is both ubiquitous and a currency but is it just those things or is there something beyond i feel like its not clicking for me
honestly im p sure it is just those things lol you got it. i think asoiaf does take the violent structure of gender and commits to exploring it to its most remote extremes, so you get stuff like sam being chained up and bathed in blood or gilly being forced into marriage with her father or however many other examples of gendering as an abusive practice (as requiring you to either do violence (masculinity) or bear violence (femininity) to participate in society). which i think is where the horror part comes from, the extremity of it? the no-holds-barred dont-look-away blood-under-everything structural inescapability of it. idk that’s how i view it at least
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foreverppl · 2 months
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Moodboard for Jinnah Beatty (they/she), lead singer of ethereal wave band Mayday Malady.
#romancing august I think but we’ll see what oriana is saying when the updated demo comes out hehe#some quick facts:#they usually go by their last name#her goal with her style is to be constantly mistaken for a beautiful ghost#lots of long skirts/dresses + layers. gossamer looking fabric etc. only ever wears black or white#on stage she’s also usually wearing a mourning veil bc of course she is#half of her love of music comes from the spectacle of it. like being able to construct a persona and exist in it for a little while#like playing make believe#they make a lot of their own clothes. if they weren’t doing music they’d definitely be doing something in fashion.#she deeply deeply hates being misunderstood or having her words/actions be twisted so she’s like pulling her hair out rn lmao#the band’s songs are pretty high usually so she always secretly finds it funny when fans try to sing along and are off key or something lol#the only tattoo they have is seven’s initials and she doesn’t really plan on getting any others#they’re hesitant abt being a positioned as the leader bc sometimes she has issues with reeling in her emotions#and responding reasonably in the moment.#anyway she can’t relate to the loser mc allegations she’s the coolest mf on the scene tbh#but I am sorta… scared for them.#on account of the horrors that are yet to come#bc truthfully they don’t know any coping mechanisms that aren’t just ‘ignore it until it goes away’ lmao#one of the things she is currently ignoring to the best of their ability is seven#if: infamous#mb#mc: jinnah beatty (infamous)
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melbournetwink · 10 months
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you won’t believe what we got up to at the construction site… coming soon!
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kuroscrud · 4 months
I wonder what the conversation between Richard and Henry’s father would have been like if the Greek class had actually fled to South America…I think about this like once a month
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sgpglllc · 9 months
Avoid Potential Pitfalls with Our Construction Attorney!
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Resolve construction disputes with confidence - hire an experienced construction litigation attorney in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Scofield, Gerard, Pohorelsky, Gallaugher & Landry, LLC has dedicated legal team specializes in navigating complex construction cases, advocating for your rights, and achieving favorable outcomes. Reach out to us for a consultation today.
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julijbee · 6 months
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i kind of miss when he had genuine beef with a 12 year old and wanted him dead.
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tamagoneko · 4 months
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the boy in the band 💙
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officially-other · 6 days
My first attempt at writing that's vaguely like poetry: from a dragon
I am not what you think.
I walk around, awkward limbs and flighty mannerisms, and you think I’m strange. You have no idea how strange you would think I am if you only saw what was underneath.
Underneath, I am a creature of the ocean. Something that could never pass as human, and no longer wants to. Saltwater rushes through my veins in secret, silent to everyone but me. To me, it’s a roaring sound of the waves that I have never seen except for within my soul. It yearns to dissolve into the ocean like it could long ago, but for now those days are over and I am hidden underneath skin and muscle.
Underneath, there are wings; fins; antlers. They ache to tear from my back, through my skull. Nonetheless, they stay hidden for me, safe in the silence. Protected like I protected my kin in a lifetime so close to the surface and yet unreachable. Wrapped in a form that no longer coils around them like a serpent, but keeps them hidden from predators well enough I suppose.
I suppose.
I accept my form reluctantly and do what I can to make it mine. I shape it to feel better when I discover my gender, and when I can’t shape it to fit my true self I cover it in things that feel a little more like home. A little more draconic. A little more like the ocean that I never have seen, but feel homesick for anyway.
I do find joy in being in this body, at least. Out there, there are others. Angels working minimum wage, dragons sitting on a park bench, wolves buying groceries. We hide, but we do so to be free. We walk through crowds, and no one notices our scales and fur and feathers. But we do. We see each other, even if from miles away, and we see what’s underneath.
And underneath, none of us are what you think.
(Tags for side commentary/context)
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