distinctiveusername · 11 months
it's insanely sad and devastating how bad people's reading comprehension is like it's gone beyond neurodivergence (which I completely understand) it's straight up missing the entire point of basic straightforward sentences or concepts
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adj-thoughts · 9 months
Speech on Endangered Animals
Don't you love going to zoo to see those cute little fluffy animals like rabbits , birds? But what if I tell you that they don't exist or we can't go to the zoo to see those animals . We humans need animals for food , pets , clothes etc . We say these animals are becoming endangered, but we don't do anything to stop it. If we can recycle or clean the garbage , then we can also volunteer to stop poaching these animals. We can report and support the (WWF) World Wildlife . So please do these things to save these innocent animals .
regards Advika Jain
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abla-soso · 2 months
"Alicent didn't choose to have her kids, so she doesn't owe them anything"
This is not the argument, you goddamn buffons.
We're not saying that Alicent is obligated to love her children. She isn't. We're saying that children who are produces of rape don't deserve to be actively endangerd or put to death by their mothers. They didn't fucking chose how they were conceived!
Alicent is not simply abandoning her sons, and you know it. She is actively putting their lives in danger (unintentionally, I must say).
But you don't see any issue with that! You think Alicent is entitled to intentionally throw away her "impure" sons like trash and send them to their deaths because she didn't chose to have them.
The same sons she raised to live in a non-stop fight or flight mood throughout their entire lives (wow, I wonder how they turned into warmongering freaks!!) because she drilled into their heads that their sister will absolutely kill them after their father's death. Going as far as to literally drag her oldest son and force him to be king and then force her other son to fight in his cause.
Now that their sister is coming to kill them... she's now somehow entitled to abandon them to her? How? Why? That's not how it fucking works.
And it kills me when they bring up Aemond's and Aegon's crimes and how they're grown adults who should be responsible for their actions, as if that's fucking relevant to the argument at all.
You fuckers make all kinds of excuses for Alicent's bad choices and bad parenting because she suffered truama - despite her being a grown ass adult when she forced Aegon to be king and forced Aemond to fight for his cause - but dismiss the effects of truama Aemond and Aegon suffered. Because it ruins your whole argument when you acknowledge Alicent's big role in the truama that shaped both of her sons into the men you hate.
And it's astonishing how you don't take your shitty argument to their logical conclusion. Helaena is a product of marital rape, too. I don't see you idiots cheering for Alicent to send her to her death. She doesn't owe her anything, right? Why not just run away and leave her to Rhaenyra's mercy? Oh I forgot! She "earned" something from Alicent by being "pure". This is totally not a narssastic parenting style, folks!
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hazelthetherian · 1 year
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wow! its like people forgotten about this wolf- or its Extinct. this is the Florida Black wolf, and it lived southeast of the US. it ate deer and small prey like a wolf, and it was a sub species of the endangerd red wolf. its size was 2,1 to 2,8 feet, (97 to 194Ibs) but sadly it went extinct in 1908 due to people crowding out of its habitat and hunting. it will be cool see them again!
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sora-of-uranus · 5 months
Perhpas I'm misunderstanding this entire thing, but Loris pregnancy seems to be treated so cruely by the show in season 2. She has valid reasons of being worried about it, and a valid (though understandably problematic) reason to not tell Rick.
Yet when Rick shouts at her for not telling him, for taking the pills, for taking that choice from him...he's treated as the 'correct' side? Going as far for him to say "you threw them up you want this"...no. no that does not mean she wants this. We as viewers have just seen her have multiple on screen struggles with making the morally correct choice. we see her still struggle to make that choice seconds before swallowing them.
And I get Maggies anger at her- her hiding the pregnancy and the 'carless' sex she had almost endangered not only her but Glenns life. I get Glenn talking to her and giving her advice (but also making sure that she knows he isn't telling her what to do) because he's been forced to keep so many secrets and also risked his life. He comes to her with a respectful, friend type convosation where he urges her to tell but also understand that at the end of the day it is her choice. Beyond the shock and the pain of not knowing, Ricks reaction just screams male rage without listening to her genuine fears. Idk I just...It's so odd. It's a valid thing to get emotional over but the show seemingly agrees with Rick's side and beyond asking the question of 'what if' doesn't agree with her's like it does Ricks.
I'm sorry, but pregnancy isn't an easy thing in our normal world let alone in an apocalypse setting. Rick doesn't get a choice, it's not HIS ass whose being endangerd with 9 months of pregnancy, a childbirth in unsafe and unclean conditions, and then raising that kid. HE can leave- and he (probally?) won't but he COULD. The show treats the dicussion of her pregnancy as though it's set in our normal universe were as she treats it as a pregnancy in an apocalypse. And she is punished by both RIck and Shane for that outlook.
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smulnsander · 2 years
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ashitakaxsan · 2 years
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I guessed by long ago that Kagari took an awful,of no return path. Now,with Ayame’s life endangerd only Mao can heal her. As a character’s potential gets unfolded, Mao asks Nanoka to keep Kagari busy while he goes into the house to find Ayame --a request Nanoka is able to follow up with the Akanemaru.
Kagari has all her needles,impued in the jaki of the Pitt of Hell.
Will Nanoka chan win,or she’ll be defeated once more?
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hunterjohnson · 4 months
Wild Dogs of Africa Endangerd © C. Hunter Johnson
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Good forks are endangerd in my household
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lucian-v-ghost · 5 months
hello luce. beam attacking you from the airport since i can't join vc yet.
if someone were to specialize in researching extinct or endangered flora/fauna, what division would that fall under?
That would entirely depend on the branch of reaserch being studied. If it’s the biological and physical characteristics of endangerd flora and fauna, it would fall under the Biological & Medical Sciences Division. If it was related to the history of these subjects it would fall under the Archives & Magical Sciences Division. If it was a mix of both, it would be a Cross-Division department. Many various flora and faun fall under different Divisions depending on the facets being studdied. Some could even fall under Defence & Weapons Development if it regards the defensive or offensive capabilaties of the subject.
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gior22art · 3 years
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Galapagos Penguin Spheniscus Mendiculus
Threats: Natural threats are by land snakes, owls and hawks and by sea sharks, fur seals and sea lions. Getting unintentionally caught up in fishing nets Introduction of cats and rats by humans which attack adult penguins and eggs Avian malaria which is carried by mosquitoes and was brought to the Galapagos by humans El Niño which directly affects their reproduction by reducing the availability of food and causes a large portion of the population to starve and die. Climate change is increasing the frequency of extreme El Niño events, making it harder for the Galapagos penguin to recover from the events Plastic pollution can cause them to suffocate from being strangled from plastic debris such as six pack rings or plastic ropes from boats What is El Niño? It is a ocean and atmospheric interaction which causes a periodic warming of the sea surface temperatures most likely occurring during the winter season and lasting anywhere from 6 to 12 months.
Cool Facts: It is the only penguin found north of the equator Is one of the smallest penguins in the world they live in crevices in coastal lava and caves Galapagos penguins mate for life have just one partner and can breed 2 to 3 times a year They have adapted some behaviours to try to keep themselves cool from the heat: standing with the flippers extended panting seeking shade and also have had some feather changes and have bald spots on their faces to help release heat.
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souabdelatif · 7 years
Pink dolphins!
Have you ever seen a pink dolphin ! Don't be surprised it's real it's not a picture from a fairytale or a photoshop ... this pink dolphin lives in The Amazon and Aguaia rivers and it's also known as The Amazon dolphin ... and what about it's color ! Well, There are a lot of beliefs related to their color. Some think that it is pink because of the water they live in ,Other think it is because of the food they eat, Other say it is because they are albino, but what about the truth ! It's so simple than you expected . The truth is that their color is given by their blood vessels! Because they have a very thin skin ! They are also endangered ! These amazing cuties , So help saving these beauties by letting other people to know about it or you can donate to project aware padi or any other organization which helps saving such creatures ...
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bubbleblue16 · 5 years
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Some spy crabs I made. They took two days. One to sculpt and dry. Another to paint.
I made one for my friend as a gift when we go back to school.
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I made them a terrarium out of a shoebox :)
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samirafee · 5 years
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#ZAMENIS LONGISSIMUS - AESCULAPIAN SNAKE 🐍〰️〰️ endangerd species on the
📈red list🆘🇦🇹
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swannkings · 5 years
Today my mom came to me on the verge of tears asking "do you love your father?" because I didnt want to go out to eat with them after he threw a tantrum like a 2 year old and blamed me for his throwing a laptop down because he didnt want to take the dog outside.
Yall, I hate this day and all of the guilt people try to make me feel for not "being nice" to my dad.
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hunterjohnson · 4 months
Endangerd Species
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