#enderchest the cat
transbeeduo · 10 months
its honestly so fucking funny to me that out of all of ranboo’s branding related to his DSMP character, the only other thing besides himself to get merch was Enderchest how many boobers today would even know who Enderchest is if you asked them
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red-naiver · 1 year
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A little doodle i threw together
Rainy day with a friend
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round-boys13 · 2 years
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Cat! :D
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cyncerity · 1 month
First story of the Hiraeth AU!! i go back to uni tomorrow so i wanted to get one more story out before then lol
no tw!! just a short intro story (i’ll get into other characters and worldbuilding later, this au is more for funny sitcom scenarios than angst or lore. feel free to send asks!)
Ranboo did not remember it being this god damn cold when he went to bed. Sure he had cracked the window a little bit for some fresh air, but in the few hours he’d been asleep, a blizzard must have hit. He quickly got out of bed and slammed the window shut, still barely awake. Enderchest meowed at him, large yellow eyes glowing in the darkness of his dorm room. Poor cat, the cold must’ve woken her up, too. He shuffled over to her bed and pet her, receiving happy purrs as she belatedly fell back asleep. She’d been up half the night calming Ranboo down after a particularly stressful day, so she deserved good rest as much as he did. Ranboo checked the clock. 4:17 am. Great.
He sat back on his bed, flopping onto his back with a tired groan. He laid his head against the pillow, trying to calm his thoughts enough to fall asleep. He laid and counted forwards to a hundred, then backwards, then forwards again for good measure for who knows how long until-
he heard something shuffle.
It was quiet, he hadn’t have heard it if he was fully asleep. So he waited a little while longer…until he heard more shuffling. Great. Fucking awesome, was there a rat in his dorm room? Did his dorm room have an infestation? Fantastic. Well, he was already awake, might as well do something about it. Maybe he could catch it for Aimsey, they would love to see a wild rat, there was a reason they were studying animal sciences.
Ranboo waited a little longer, closing his eyes and pretending to be asleep. He heard the shuffling move around a bit more before moving closer and closer to his bed. He heard a quiet scratching, and then all of a sudden he heard something climb onto his bedside table. He felt around until he found something to catch it with; a blanket that sat folded squarely near his hand. Perfect. Couldn’t be easier.
Ranboo sprung, throwing the blanket over the desk, sweeping up not only the rat but his alarm clock and charging phone. But he caught the rat, that he was sure of. The creature was clawing and screaming in the blanket he was holding, so it probably couldn’t stay in there. Ranboo walked to Enderchest’s carrier in the dim moonlight as he grabbed the moving thing from outside the blanket, dropping his other items to the floor before throwing the creature into the carrier and zipping it shut. It could stay in there until morning before he could get it to Aimsey.
The thing eventually stopped screaming when it wasn’t being held anymore. In the darkness of the room, Ranboo vaguely saw a tail exit the blanket and pointed ears stick out another end. Great, a rat, he was right. He turned back to go to bed, tired of being awake for so long until-
“Hey!!” a higher voice rang out and Ranboo whipped around. Nothing. No one. He could have sworn it sounded so close. Maybe he was just hallucinating from lack of sleep. Professor Sneeg had been assigning more work and Ranboo had been losing sleep to not fall behind, but-
“Hey, wait!” There it was again. “…hello?” Ranboo whispered, unsure if he was actually hearing someone or if it was all in his head. “Hey dickhead! Let me out!” “…what?” Ranboo questioned, looking around. “Down here, dumbass.” Ranboo looked down, only spotting the carrier on the ground. “No, no..” he muttered to himself, sighing. “The rat’s not talking to me, i’ve finally lost it.” “Who are you calling a rat?!” The thing, apparently not a rat, shouted. Looking closer, Ranboo could see eerily human paws (hands?) pressed against the front mesh of the carrier. “…No fucking way.”
Ranboo kneeled down, picking up his discarded phone and looking closer at the carrier. He saw a silhouette of something in the carrier, eyes reflecting back and looking back at him. He took a deep breath and turned his phone flashlight on.
Ranboo had to slap a hand over his mouth to keep from yelling. Whatever was in that carrier was not a rat, not by a long shot. “Try not to freak out.” The thing said a little sarcastically, and oh god, it really can talk. Ranboo fell backwards, scooting away from it. “Wh..what the fuck??” He whispered. God knows the last thing he needs on top of this is a noise complaint. “Can you let me out?” The thing asked again, looking annoyed with its vaguely humanoid face. The top half of its face was covered in blonde fur with darker fur under its eyes and on its nose, somewhat reminiscent of a raccoon. Its clawed hands were fur covered, and Ranboo noticed a disproportionately long tail coiled on the ground near its animalistic feet. It’s eyes were pure black, and behind long rounded ears he could see a long puckered scar and shorter fur on the back of it’s head, like it had been shaved down a while before. But that wasn’t even the weirdest thing. The weirdest thing was that it was clothed. It was wearing layers of dirty, sewn rags and bandages with stitches too little to be done by human hands. It had made itself clothes. Plus, the way this thing carried itself? The way it moved and spoke? It was undeniably, eerily, human.
“What the fuck are you??” “That’s for me to know and you to not find out. Let me go.” “No.” Ranboo said, inching back closer to get a better look at it. “The fuck you mean no?! You can’t trap me here!!” It responded, getting louder in its frustration. Ranboo hurriedly shushed it, the creature’s ears perking and head quirking in confusion. “Quiet! Why are you even in my dorm room?” “Have you seen what it’s like outside? I don’t have the supplies to survive a storm like that. Your room just happened to be the easiest to break into.“ “So you break into my dorm and complain about getting caught?” Ranboo asked, and the creature slumped in defeat. “This has never really happened before. I’m normally sneaky enough that I’ve never even spoken to someone else.” “You mean a human?” “Uh, yeah…definitely. And i’ve certainly never been caught, either.” The creature said, a smug grin forming on its face. “You said to be quiet, huh? How about if you don’t let me out, I scream so loud it’ll wake up everyone in this whole building.” “Try it and i’m throwing the cat carrier outside.” The creature’s grin fell immediately.
“Aw, c’mon man! I told you, I don’t have anywhere else to even go! It’s not like i’m leaving here in a blizzard!” “If you’re not leaving, then I’d like to know where you are. I don’t want you roaming my dorm while i’m asleep.” Ranboo said with a sense of finality as he stood up and walked back to his bed. He checked his phone. Almost 5 am. Only about 6 hours till his next class. Maybe he could skip, he’s sure Charlie would understand. “Wh- how am I even supposed to sleep in here?!” he heard the creature shout, despite the fact that he could no longer see it from his bed. “Shush. You have a blanket.” He could practically see the creatures disgruntled look as he heard it mutter curses to itself before finally using the blanket that had been used to capture it as a makeshift bed.
Maybe it was the exhaustion making Ranboo take all of this far too well, but Ranboo honestly couldn’t care more about this weird new little species at the moment. He just needed the sleep. And who knows, maybe he’d wake up and the cat carrier would be empty and he’d know he was crazy. He didn’t care right now. Though, right now he knew it was real, and he felt a little bad that he was keeping a clearly sapient creature in a cat carrier. He also felt a little bad that he was just calling it ‘the creature.’ “My names Ranboo, by the way. Uh, i’m a guy but i also use they sometimes, i guess?” He introduced awkwardly. There was silence on the other end for a few seconds, before it answered. “Tommy.” it said, sounding resigned. “My names Tommy, I don’t really know but I guess i’m a guy cause. Why not.” Ranboo couldn’t help but laugh slightly at that. “It’s nice to meet you, Tommy. Sorry i threw you in a cat carrier.” It, or he, Ranboo supposed, laughed in response. “Well, let me out tomorrow and we’ll see if I forgive you.” “I can do that. Good night, Tommy.” “Night, Ranboo.”
Yeah, Ranboo thought as he fell asleep, If Tommy really isn’t a hallucination, tomorrow is gonna be weird.
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lifesteal-headcanons · 2 months
Oh also btw I projected mid-gender crisis so my bad Abt the Trauma folks o7
New Headcanon just dropped :3
Watsonian / Canon Characters ofc! (:
Zam isn't truly a prince, he always wanted to dress like a princess as kid. He was denied by his parents, both because they were poor & bc they saw him as “not masculine enough.”. He dreamt of being better and richer than he was, well I mean growing up on a farm that was bug, rat & skulk infested so bad to where he had to kill the mice himself before they gave him rag. Although it made him immune to Skulk, it tarnished his mind. Using dreams of being a prince(ss) in a clean castle where nothing was cluttered to where trash was to his calf when he sat down. Where he wasn't concerned about skulk tearing his house apart or mice infesting his food. Making himself his mind overflow with their hateful arrogant thoughts to when Zam was 17 then, him & his friend, *3)10 signed up for STARR But when said friend backstabbed him on a Simulation to gain favor of the Watchers. He joined a new up & coming simulation called the “Lifesteal SMP”. He changed his name to Princezam and signed up to the server. Inwhich he was welcomed with open arms to, especially since friends of his like Ash or Pangi were already apart of the group and were delighted to see his familiar face after he left them to go into STARR. Luckily after a few rough patches they all forgave each other. Granted that doesn't mean Zam doesn't wake up & try to tear his own wings or horns out. Or that he doesn't hear the beckoning & belittlement of their transphobic comments thrown at him. Although when he does he finds a blade stuffed into his enderchest named the “Pretty Princess Kitty Blade” bc although he was no longer on Kings. He still kept a sword named after it everywhere he went. Accepting that he may never know if he's a girl or a boy, or if he's either at all. All he knows is that he isn't what he was made to be. He's what he wants to be, and anyone who wants to challenge that clarity will meet the tip of his blade. At that he'll wake up to nightmares of his old home, his oldself. Just to realize. That being on a server where people could easily hunt you can kill you as a pacifist it bad. But he'd rather be hunted down then have to Hunt down mice again.
-🪻👑 Anon My bad if this made anyone uncomfortable o7 anyways take Cat symbolism :)
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The Fox In The Snow
Heeeeeey @cyncerity ! I was your secret santa gifter! I really hope you enjoy this gift and sorry that it's late! Also plz look at discord DMs before reading this for funny!
TW- safe vore, soft vore, and thats it! I hope you enjoy!
Tubbo followed close behind his partner as the snow crunched underneath his boots and his partner's parents followed close behind them carrying various amounts of camping gear. Tubbo had been invited by Ranboo to go on a camping trip with his family during winter. He had never heard of going camping during winter but this wasn't really a normal camping trip.
See, Tubbo was going on a camping trip with a cryptozoologist, two actual cryptids, and Sapnap. Tubbo wasn't completely sure on what was going to happen during this camping trip as he wasn't sure what cryptid they were looking for but he was still quite excited to help out his partner. This was going to be the absolute best winter camping trip ever.
The small group of five finally reached their camping grounds and Tubbo was a bit relieved when he found out they were going to be staying in a cave instead of out in a field among the snow. The brunette helped Ranboo set up the tent they were going to be staying in for the next few days and then agreed to go out with Karl to gather up some wood they could use for a fire.
"So Tubbo, are you excited to help us look for Wren Veilers? Ranboo mentioned you were excited to find one." Karl asked as he walked over to the team holding some old dried wood they had found, the brunette smiled as he collected more sticks for firewood.
"Fuck yeah I am! You said their combination between owls and foxes, that sounds so fucking cute!" Tubbo excitedly explained as he walked alongside Karl heading back towards the cave they were staying in. "Do you think we'll be able to find a whole group of them?"
Karl chuckled at the enthusiasm and patted Tubbo on the head. "Well, we should consider ourselves lucky if we see one of them. Wren veilers are very tricky creatures and they're considered very new among cryptozoologists."
Tubbo nodded his head in understanding as they walked into the cave where Ranboo and Sapnap we're setting up a small fire pit. The brunette dumped his firewood down next to the two and sat with Ranboo, starting to help him work on the fire pit. Karl set the wood he had down next to the three and then walked over to Quackity.
"Why aren't you inside the tent Q? Isn't it a bit too cold out here?" Karl asked as he took Quackity's hand and let him back into the large tent the three were staying in. He sat down in the pile of blankets Quackity had already made into a nest. "Were you making sure Sapnap was safe?"
The avian nodded his head as he softly chirped at Karl. "I saw someone flying around where we were… I got a little paranoid."
"You did? Could you make out what it was?" Karl asked, frowning when Big Q shook his head and leaned into Karl.
"Nope. After I sleep tonight I'm going to go looking for them though. I don't want to trespass on anyone's territory," Quackity explained as he slowly started to fall asleep. Karl rubbed Big Q's back and snuggled up next to him.
"I hope it was just a really big bird…"
Tubbo was wide awake that night. He hadn't expected the winter forest to be so loud considering the large population of animals were hibernating, but despite all of that the place was still extremely loud. The brunette regretted not bringing along the earbuds his sister had bought him.
The brunette decided if he couldn't sleep, he might as well read the book he had brought along in the hopes that it might help him sleep. As Tubbo finished reading his second page, he swore he heard something lightly scratching on the outside of the tent.
It reminded him of whenever Enderchest was trying to break into Ranboo's room. The cat would constantly scratch at the door until it was opened for her (even if it wasn't locked and she could easily push it open). He looked over at Ranboo and noticed that his partner was still peacefully sleeping. So, Tubbo slowly got up and crept towards the opening of their tent.
Tubbo grabbed the nearby walkie-talkie Sapnap had given the boys to call for help if anything happened at night, and (instead of using it for its intended purpose,) got ready to throw it at whatever animal was scratching at the tent door. The brunette could tell it was a small one so scaring it away would be easy! Hopefully.
Tubbo slowly unzipped the sealed up tent and gasped at what he saw. Sitting right in front of the tent was a small human with long fox ears and two snow owl wings on their back. The creature's eyes were a pure light blue that just stared right into Tubbo, making it hard to tell if they were acknowledging the humans existence or staring off into the distance.
Then the small creature held out its hands to the boy as if it was demanding something. Tubbo blinked a few times until he suddenly realized- "Oh you want some food, don't you little guy?"
Tubbo went back into his tent and grabbed the small bag of jerky he and Ranboo had been snacking from earlier. He pulled out one of the larger pieces and carefully set it on the ground outside of the tent. He watched closely as the Wren Veilers (that has to be what that creature is right?) hesitantly walked forward and took the large piece of jerky.
The lil blonde/white haired creature scurried off, disappearing outside of the cave. Tubbo sealed the tent back up and just sat there for a moment with a stupid grin on his face.
It was then that the brunette realized he'd forgotten to take any pictures or even attempt to catch the lil wren veilers…
Tubbo quietly started putting his boots and shoes on. The creature was small, there was no way it was fast enough to already be far from the camp, especially if it was carrying food! Tubbo would find the little guy, take a picture and then come back. Ranboo and his parents probably wouldn't even notice! 
The brunette grabbed a large flashlight that had been left in their tent and quietly made his way out, making sure to zip the tent shut behind him. He walked over to the exit of the cave and quickly noticed the small creatures' footprints in the snow. He was going to get evidence of these creatures existing for Ranboo's family.
Tubbo turned on the large flashlight he had and started following the small footprints in the snow, going deeper and deeper into the forest. He shivered as the outside got colder and colder and he started regretting not changing into some proper pants before leaving the tent. Pajama pants really weren't that warm.
As Tubbo wandered deeper and deeper into the woods, he swore he saw something big and white moving among the trees.He chose to ignore it for now since it didn't seem to be a big threat to him right this minute.
"Where did that wren veiler go..?" Tubbo closely followed the footprints in front of him and began walking a bit faster as snow started to fall down. If he didn't find a little guy soon he might lose his path back to the cave as well!
Then, as Tubbo was slowly starting to give up and considering just going back to the cave, he spotted something small running through the bushes with the familiar blonde hair the little wren veiler had. The brunette smiled and ran off following the small creature. He got the camera in his hand ready remembering just how fast the little guy was.
Tubbo ran after the small cryptid. The snow continued pouring down and completely covered up both of their tracks. The small wren veiler ran into a nearby cave and Tubbo ran in after the little guy, absolutely determined to get a picture of him. 
Out of pure frustration and the small opportunity the brunette had been given, he jumped forward and tackled the small wren veiler. He held the small creature close to his chest, surprised they didn't struggle.
"Well you're not that feisty of a little guy are you?" Tubbo pulled the camera out of his pajama pocket and quickly took a picture of him and the wren veiler. The brunette smiled, very proud of his work, but flinched as he felt a puff of hot air ruffle the top of his head. Very hesitantly, the brunette looked up in absolute horror at what looked like a giant polar bear. It was much bigger than normal bears and stared right down at Tubbo, its crimson like eyes studying him closely.
Tubbo slowly got to his feet and backed away from the beast, holding the wren veilers very close to his chest. He trembled as the bear walked towards him on all fours and opened its large mouth full of razor sharp teeth. 
Tubbo let out a terrified scream as the bear jumped forward and grabbed him in its mouth.
Ranboo frantically ran through the woods, desperately trying to find any traces of Tubbo as he and his fathers scoured the entire forest. Once they had all realized the brunette was missing from his and Ranboo's tent and was nowhere to be found near their camping site, they assumed the worst and instantly went looking for him. Quackity had taken to the sky and flew overhead, calling out for the boy and helping his family avoid any dangerous areas of the forest.
Ranboo had shifted into his true enderman form and was desperately calling out for Tubbo. He practically ripped the old tree trunks some critters used as their home out of the ground as he desperately searched for his human companion. This weather wasn't safe for humans to be out all alone! Ranboo's instincts were running wild, screaming at him to find Tubbo and-
Well Ranboo wasn't going to do the second part but he was definitely going to find Tubbo.
As the four continued their search for the brunette, Karl noticed Quackity suddenly landed in a nearby clearing. He and the other two quickly ran off in that direction but came to a halt when they saw a tall avian with long black wings speaking with Big Q. Karl took Ranboo's hand and did his best to keep his son calm and hopefully stop him from running up to the avian. Endermen were a bit unpredictable when agitated.
The avian with long black wings started walking down a small hidden path and Quackity gestured for the others to follow him. The group hesitantly followed the black winged avian down the narrow path and into a large cave. Sapnap tightened his grip on the ax he was holding as he noticed a large figure up ahead.
Quackity lightly squawked at the large entity and everyone watched in slight horror as a giant werebear slowly sat upright. It looked down at everyone, and Ranboo very quickly noticed their stomach bulged lightly and a slight movement came from inside of it.
"Your young one is in there. My son saw him wandering around outside in the cold and brought him here for safety," the black winged avian explained as he unfurled his wings and made himself more seeable. He started speaking with the werebear who slowly started to lay down again. He put himself upright once he noticed Ranboo in his full ender form.
"He's… safe in there right?" Sapnap asked. He looked the giant werebear up and down, primarily trying to avoid looking at the beast’s stomach. He didn’t want to see how desperately the kid was squirming in there.
The black winged avian squinted his eyes at Sapnap, obviously finding this question extremely stupid. Sapnap tried not to take offense from that but really found it annoying that crypts didn't realize humans had only one stomach.
"Yes. If he wasn’t safe in there, he wouldn't be in there. Do you want him back?" The avian asked, ruffling their wings a bit as they looked over at Ranboo.
"Yes, obviously we want him back! Why is that even a question!?" Ranboo growled out, flinching back as the werebear glared at him. "Please give him back…"
The werebear begrudgingly stood up and walked a bit closer to the group. The small bump in his stomach began to move upwards towards his mouth, but the werebear stopped and the bump reappeared in his stomach. Ranboo started to growl as the beast started to speak.
"It's cold out here. It's safer to let him out once we're back at your shelter." The werebear's voice was deep and stern as he spoke and he began to walk past the four. He sniffed the air and seemed to be following their footsteps back to their camp.
"You four heard him! Let's get the kid back to your camp and then we can part ways," the avian explained, following close behind their friend. Ranboo quietly growled to himself, still very much wanting Tubbo to just be released from the creature's stomach. Sadly he knew they were right. Karl held his son's hand as it was best to keep the boy calm as they quickly returned to their camping site.
"So while we’re all stuck together, can we do some introductions?" Sapnap asked, finding the awkward silence as they walked back unnerving.
"I am Philza and the bear is Techno," 'Philza' answered quickly as he looked over at Quackity.
"I am Quackity and these are my partners, Karl and Sapnap. The young enderman is our son, Ranboo. The kid in Techno's storage is Tubbo," Big Q also quickly explained, glaring a bit at the other avian.
Philza simply nodded his head as they all walked into the cave they were using as a campground. Sapnap quickly left the group, running into the largest tent to grab towels for Tubbo. Techno simply stood in the middle of the cave and began to bring Tubbo back up. Ranboo watched the entire process extremely closely wanting to make sure the beast didn't accidentally hurt his Tubbo. He fought back the urge to run over and scoop up his friend as he was dropped onto the cold cave floor.
The small brunette slowly sat upright, coughing and desperately trying to wipe some slime off his face. He suddenly held out a small creature he had been cradling to his chest. It was a young looking wren veilers!
"You ass! I shared beef jerky with you and you got me eaten by a bear!? You ungrateful little shit!" Tubbo yelled very gently, shaking the small creature. It just yawned and seemed to be trying to go back to sleep.
"Um, Tubbo-" Ranboo began but was quickly cut off by Tubbo.
"Hey! No! You are not going back to sleep! You slept the entire night in that stomach! You are not sleeping anymore!" Tubbo started pinching a small blonde wren veilers cheeks. The sleepy wren veilers screamed at Tubbo and Tubbo, in his angry state, yelled back.
Ranboo slowly walked over in his enderman form and lifted the soggy human up into the air. He took the wren veilers away from Tubbo and held the small blonde creature by the scruff of their neck. He watched as they puffed out their wings and started scratching at the air in front of them.
Sapnap finally came back and started handing towels to Tubbo so he could try and get some of what was left of the saliva off of him. The brunette happily took the towels and began to dry himself off as he was put back down on the ground. Ranboo, now feeling much calmer and knowing his friend wasn't in danger, slowly began to shrink back down to his human size and actually looked human again.
"Well now that you have your boy back may I have mine?" Philza asked, walking over to Ranboo and holding his arms out. The enderman slowly handed the small squirming blonde over- and jumped as Tubbo suddenly snatched him back.
"Oh hell no! This little shit owes me a bunch of pictures for getting me eaten by a fucking bear!" Tubbo explained as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the simple camera that somehow survived the journey into and out of a werebear’s storage stomach. The raven avian glared a bit at Tubbo but instantly backed down as he saw how livid the human looked.
"Um, then when you are done taking pictures of Tommy, you can bring him to me at the front of the cave. Come, Techno." Philza quickly made his way out of the cave, definitely wanting to get away from Tubbo. Techno followed close behind, chuckling a little as he saw 'Tommy' making a pleading face to be saved.
Tubbo grumbled to himself as he went over to one of the corners of the cave and carefully set Tommy down there. The wren veilers started striking different poses as pictures were taken of him. Tubbo was desperately just trying to get this over with.
"You picked a good one," Sapnap stated as he smiled up at his son. Ranboo simply smiled as he watched Tubbo take even more pictures of the lil wren veilers.
"Yeah… Yeah I did." 
It had been roughly 2 years since Tubbo had gone camping for the first time with his partner’s family and they were slowly making their way up to the cave they now regularly used whenever they stayed in the snowy area where they could find wren veilers. Tubbo was, of course, the first to notice the bushes near them wrestling and slowly reached into his jacket, pulling out a small bag of beef jerky.
And, as usual whenever he did this, a small blonde creature lunged at him and he slowly stepped to the side, letting the little thing fall into a pile of snow. Tommy's legs now stuck out of the ground and viciously kicked at the open sky above them.
"Why do you constantly tease him like that?" Ranboo asked, helping poor Tommy out of the snow and holding him upright. He kept a firm hold on the guy's wings so he didn't lunch at Tubbo again.
"I'm still mad at him for getting me eaten by a werebear," Tubbo explained as he opened the bag of jerky and gave one of the smaller pieces to Tommy, who of course devoured the piece of jerky.
"Tubbo that was over 2 years ago now-"
"And I will never forgive my vore buddy for getting me eaten by a werebear!" Tubbo snapped as he put the jerky away and happily took Tommy into his arms.
"Oh… so you don't want to stay-"
"I still plan on sleeping in your storage tonight. It's way too fucking cold out here to not take advantage of it." Tubbo took Ranboo's hand and started pulling him along as they continued their walk towards the cave.
Ranboo simply smiled down at the two, wrapping his arm around Tubbo's shoulder and holding him close. He quietly listened to his partner arguing with Tommy and still found it quite funny that Tubbo still didn't fully understand why Tommy smelled so bad.
Maybe he should get him a few books on normal animals and stop filling his shelves with cryptozoology books.
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ooooh okay, for the fic writer thing! 1, 4, 14, 16, 33, 40 and uhhh 56? bonus of 39 (if you want)
Thank you for asking <3
1. "Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?"
I prefer multichaptered fics ... my last attempt to write one-shot turned into 160 000 words long fic (still updating btw)
4. "Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?"
Everywhere ... seriously, it´s a mix of shower thoughts, 3 Am ideas and random things I thought of while reading another fics. For example the 'enderchest torture' idea hit me while I was reading some fic where to get Dream out of Pandora they hide him in an enderchest and my brain just went "wait for how long was he there? What was it like for him? Would it even be possible?" And I moved from there. That one is one of my less developed ideas but it´s a good example of my thought process ig. Or fics like 'monsters don´t deserve hugs but you aren´t a monster' came from that single sentence. I thought about it while reading some fic where Dream went "I´m a monster I don´t deserve nice things and it spiraled from there.
14. "how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?"
It depends on my mood ig? If that makes sense. Sometimes I really get into it and even make myself cry. But sometimes I'll ruin these characters lives with zero care. I certainly draw from personal experience as much as I can. Although I don't really have much personal experience with the stuff I'm writing about so *shrugs*
16. "How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?"
*counts on fingers* ehm ... well if I count in the half-baked ideas and all that ... I think I could have roughly 15-20? (I wanna talk about them T-T)
You already know about the superhero one (although I have new trauma for blob!), so I'll say a bit about a different idea one of my dremon fics perhaps? I don't have a name yet but the mail story line pretty much goes like this: Dream is a demon - cruel creature feeding off humans emotions, mostly happiness. Demons in common are manipulative, heartless and selfish beings that prey on humans.
The rest of the characters are mostly demon hunters (not sure on all members yet but Sapnap, George, Sam and Quackity are certainly there).
The plot basically begins when the hunters catch Dream. He's not very strong and thus not considered a serious threat. Instead of killing him immediately they decide to experiment on him (to learn more about demons), the problem is - Dream is the sweetest person ever. He's nothing like the other demons they've met and well it's kinda hard to dissect someone alive while they rant about the adorable cat that lives in the backstreet behind the convenience store ... (sry for ranting)
33. "Do you want to be published some day?"
Yes but unfortunately I'm not too good with creating original stories and my writing style isn't really good so .... maybe one day ... (until then the closest I'll get is printing my own stories ... that is also a way to practice book binding lol)
40. "If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?"
Honestly? I have no idea. There're just so many scenes I love and I'd absolutely love to see drawn. But if anyone ever were to make a fanart of my fic I'd be over the roof about it, I wouldn't care what scene it is I'd just be so damn happy that they liked the story enough to go through the trouble of creating the art. And any scene they'd pick would be perfect because then I'd know which scene they liked the most.
56. "What's something about your writing that you pride yourself on?"
... I'll be honest I don't think my writing is anything special, there are a few scenes I'm happy with but overall .... *shrugs*
But if there's something I'm really proud of it's probably the fact that I was able to write a story that many people enjoyed. When I started writing 2 years ago I never thought I'll have this many people not only reading my story but also liking it. Sure, it's not that much but it's a lot more than I ever expected! It blows my mind because I know that there are much better fic out there, yet people still decided to read something I wrote. It´s really crazy
39. "Share a snippet from a WIP"
daamn this is getting too long ... Imma sharing a snipped anyway! But what snipped .... I'm feeling like doing an villain arc today so I´m gonna post something from a story I haven't published yet and probably won´t be able to publish for at least few months:
Note: this story is still sitting in my drafts so the grammar check wasn't done yet, therefore there are extra grammar errors which I apologize for
He tripped over something. The tiny sharp rocks covering the forest floor dug painfully into his palms as he tried to slow down his fall and the pain shooting from his scraped knees pushed a new tears into his eyes. He just wanted to stay there on the floor and cry but hte monsters were getting closer. He can´t let them get him, he can´t! Desperately trying to wipe the tears out of his eyes, Dream stood up, only taking a second to glance back at the thing he tripped over. It looked like a fence … looking forward again, the blonde saw a tall dilapidated building. 
It was looming over him in the dead of night like something right out of a scary story his mom would tell him on these good nights when instead of yelling at him she'd put him to bed and if he was lucky she´d tell him a story. He wanted to ran away from the half collapsed building but as scary as it was the monsters were scarier. That building would provide him at least some cover and he needed that desperately. He won´t be able to run all night and the air was already heavily filled with the smell of rain. It was just a question of time till the storm begins. Encouraged by the hisses and groans from behind Dream ran inside. 
It took his eyes a moment to adjust to darkness that was even more prominent now. Once he did he realized he was in what seems to be an abandoned Prime church. He looked around nervously. The place gave him chills. It was clear that no one worshiped Prime here for years, maybe even decades and the place now had a sinister atmosphere to it. As everything holy did when it was forgotten for too long. The cracked, faded paintings of Prime´s angels looked down on him, it felt as if they were watching him, following his every mood. The wooden floors cracked under his weight and from the altar a soft clinging of chains could be heard as the incense swung in the light breeze. 
But the worst of all was the terrible feeling that he's not alone. That there´s something watching him. Someone. No, no he was just being dumb, this place is clearly abandoned. Maybe it's just an animal that settled here. Or these dumb angles. Yeah it must be the angles. It's dark and he's tired, he's just imagining their eyes moving to follow him. 
The first drops of rain hit the ground and a wind whistles through the abandoned church. Goosebumps raised to the surface and Dream shivered. It's just cold, it's just cold, it's just cold. The rain got heavier in just a few minutes. A lightning flashed through the sky and a thunder shook the whole building, just as a voice from somewhere in the shadows spoke up.
“Won't you look at that … a human. What a treat”
The question of who's there froze on Dream’s tongue as another lighting illuminated the inside of the church and the body less shadow floating in front of him. It had a distinct shape of human but none of its features could be seen other than two glowing eyes. It dived for him.
Dream screamed.
- story name: Sweet Little Nightmares (I'm more than willing to talk about this story :)
Sakra nechala som sa uniesť. Dúfám, že som ťa neunudila k smrti a gratulujem ak si sa dostala až sem ;)
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latenightmining · 3 months
Have you thought about getting another cat?
oh god i don't know if i could handle three cats man i'll be real! because like- okay. enderchest is the queen of the house, and enderpearl is only happy around chest like i think she would haaate another cat being in her vicinity like at all. love pearl to death but she would attack any cat that isn't chest.
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pixiecaps · 2 years
i miss michael and i miss ranboo’s stupid unorganize chests and i miss drip llama and i miss the empty mansion and i miss nicholas the wither and i miss enderchest the cat and i miss the fanart on the walls of michaels bedroom and i miss ranboos vault and his emerald stacked chest and i miss mansion hunting and i miss the lemon demon in the background for hours and i miss the 5 hour mining streams and i miss the council and i miss
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moss-and-marimos · 10 months
which ninjago ninja and. uh. fuck. dsmp character. do you think would have the funniest interactions
this is such a ridiculous question /pos like im sitting here speechless at it /pos I dont know why or who but I feel like c!wilbur interacting with anyone would be actually unhinged, I think Tommy and jay ninjago would try to murder eachother or something, or like Cole or zane for being too tall, I think zane and ranboo would get along well, i think nya and niki should hang out I think they could cause some cathartic destruction, ive been trying to decide if I think tubbo and Cole would like vibe together or like hate eachother, Cole and Michael (the piglin) meeting would be very sweet I think, I do think Tommy with someone would be the most chaotic though, ghostbur and zane memory loss and blue buddies, I think zane would be very concerned about the egg stuff and probably Lloyd too, might remind them of the overlord virus stuff or something idk, jay has trauma being in another videogame /j zane would like enderchest (ranboos cat) methinks and probably Lloyd would too, foolish and zane talk about architecture or something
ultimately yeah probably someone with Tommy
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transbeeduo · 9 months
bug LOVESSS ranboos cats theyre all besties they all hang out in the cats’ cat tree to watch the birds outside and Bug is the only person who can pick up Enderchest without getting bitten (Enderpearl’s cool with anyone picking her up)
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metfell · 2 years
Cbeeduo Pokémon teams? And also what would they be doing in a Pokémon world?
GREAT question. so theres a couple different ways we can make teams for them. and thats like "haha this is such a cranboo pokemon" kinda teams like teams based on vibes, or teams based on how they act in canon which is what im gonna go with.
so cranboos the type of person to grind for long periods of time, meaning he probably has some crazy high level pokemon. i would give him a pokemon that evolves at a really high level, but not one thats like. a dragonite. hes not dragonite vibes. maybe a salamence or a haxorus tbh. i can also see him with a couple cats for enderchest and enderpearl, but maybe they dont battle with them. maybe a purrloin and/or a galarian meowth. id probably give him a couple cold climate pokemon like alolan sandslash or vanilluxe as well as a pokemon thatd live in the nether because thats the areas hes in. maybe a rapidash? maybe a magmortar or a heatran.
as for tubbo i think both him and tommy were the types to have one or two pokemon theyre very close with. the difference is tommy sticks with those couple pokemon, whereas after doomsday and at the start of snowchester i can see tubbo moving into getting a pretty formidable team. id give tommy and tubbo starter pokemon tbh, so for tubbo i think hes the type to have the VIBES of like a torterra but maybe hed pick something like rowlett or bulbasaur. i really see him picking like a tanky grass type as opposed to tommy i can see picking either like a scorbunny or a totodile or oshawott or litten. maybe treecko. point is that tubbos getting a grass type starter. it doesnt evolve fully until much later. i think hed carry a lot of hard hitters but hed also have a turtinator, lapras, mamoswine, maybe hed have a carbink i can see him thinking those are interesting, and maybe an electric type like a rotom or luxray. something to help with his science stuff.
if youre curious im giving michael a torchic :3
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tubbolul · 2 years
awww does enderpearl have any friends? If not I think technos cat Wilbur would get along with her
enderchest is her friend! they get along quite nicely the majority of the time. and the- the fam, of course. ol ranster and the kids
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
Place your hand in mine and all will be okay
by Phantomboo3
“So boo can I hug you” he asked Ranboo walked towards him and he practically scooped them up in his arms tucking them to his chest he felt Ranboo relax against his chest nuzzling their head into his chest .``Your quite clingy toms” Ranboo said softly.
“Excuse me! I am not clingy” Tommy says as he pulls Ranboo closer to him very much proving Ranboo’s point “we should probably go soon” Ranboo says as they snuggle closer to Tommy “yeah” but neither of them moved both content in staying in each other’s embrace.
 Ranboo and Tommy are platonically in love
Words: 14358, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game), Dream SMP, Video Blogging RPF
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Kristin Rosales Watson, Endermoms | Ranboo's Moms (Dream SMP), Enderchest the Cat (Dream SMP)
Relationships: Ranboo & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, TommyInnit & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo & Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Kristin Rosales Watson & Phil Watson | Philza, Kristin Rosales Watson/Phil Watson, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF) & Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Queerplatonic Ranboo/TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Aromantic Asexual TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Aromantic Asexual Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo-centric (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot and Technoblade and TommyInnit are Siblings, TommyInnit Angst (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Has Anger Issues (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit is Bad at Feelings (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo Has Two Mothers (Video Blogging RPF), He/Him and They/Them Pronouns for Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo Has Anxiety Disorder (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo Has Panic Attacks (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo Has PTSD (Video Blogging RPF), ranboo has siblings, Sad Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo Needs Therapy (Video Blogging RPF), like asap, Wilbur Soot Loves TommyInnit, Technoblade is not a snitch, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Trans Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Past Child Abuse, TommyInnit Swears (Video Blogging RPF), I'm Bad At Titles, Minor Violence, its not really that bad but might be triggering, Past Verbal Abuse, Author Projecting onto Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), he must suffer, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, There’s a lot of timeskips, grammar mistakes, idk - Freeform, Not Beta Read, Touch-Starved Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Clingy TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Clingy Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF)
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I posted 1,847 times in 2022
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I tagged 1,811 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#sk queue red by the master of puppets - 1,497 posts
#good to reblog - 205 posts
#hermitcraft - 195 posts
#joe hills - 60 posts
#zombiecleo - 39 posts
#ethoslab - 28 posts
#bdouble0 - 23 posts
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#its that nobody has to actively disagree in a way that cannot be solved (if you are absent and do not send a proxy it doesnt count as a no)
My Top Posts in 2022:
things hermits talk about at conventions (according to Joe hills):
International tax codes
How great Etho is
1,527 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
love the pacing of etho's hermitcraft nine so far
ep 1: get locked in a situation of own devising to make the game challenging enough to be worth playing
ep 2: say hello to the thronging mass of hermits racing to welcome back to the server
ep 3: revolutionise redstone once more and put together a high tech, genius sorting system together like it's nothing
1,562 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
there's a lot of things i appreciate about Joe Hills, but one of them is his determination to make all the signs on hermitcraft ADA compliant. his enderchest contains white dye so that he can make poor sign choices legible. when he tweets images from stream there's a big pause as he adds the alt text. he talked about making a discord bot to remind his discord members to add alt text to their images. i respect this guy. the only reason he doesn't have professional subtitles is because he believes in paying all his staff fairly and he can't afford it yet
1,623 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
absolutely adore how etho's episode is mostly the hermits falling over each other in their desperate attempts to spend time with him. they're giving him tours and presents and pranks and throwing complements into the in game chat. he really is the cool cousin at the family gathering, just like he's always been
1,710 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
there's a sliding scale of decade old friendships on hermitcraft because you've got bdubs with his 'etho, my beloved' attitude and then cleo with their 'joe, my endless torment' attitude. and both are equally beautiful
2,129 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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my-lunaberg · 2 years
Yeah just to clarify, Im qatching the no way home vod now I'll probably make this a seperate post for the sake of keeping shit more organized
Oh they are in prison my hearst beating so fast rn
Oh dear god technical difficulties
Bruh did they drag them to jail with fishing rods thats fucked
Oughhhh the fucking armor thing aaaaaaaaaaaa
Okay the real question is, does Dream want Tommy to die or does he still wanna keep him alive n shit
I knowww wI definitely need another break but its already noon and I just gotta power through this shit man
"You broke in and killed me in my owm house" idk why but thats so funny to me. dreams house, The Prison
Dream smp got me rockin back and forth dude
Bro did Tommy keep DreamXDs bell from the cell really
Okay Tommys keeping his weapons, some pearls and his totems thats good
Ah nvm
Oh this is so painful to watch man i feel like im gonna die
Oughhhhh the discs.. ...... even aftrr all this time
At this rate its gonna take me like 10 hours to watch this hour long stream man
Okay he kept cat and mellohi
Bro look att them just watch. sickos
Oh yeah baey its monologuin time
What if its just the snake monologue. like word for word
Maybe thats just me but "I dont have anything to say to you" from Tommy followed by a long ass pause and then "I have a lot to say to you" from Drea has the same kinda vibes as "I dont think about you at all" from Wilburs fanfic
"I hadnt bothered you for months!! I just left you with lifelong trauma!!"
"Bro, I was too busy trying to ruin the lives of these other guys to even try gaslighting you again!!"
Im trying to discern if Dream actually believes the bullshit hes saying or if this is another manipulation attempt rn this is so fascinating
Oh boy philosophical discussion about death time
Ok nvm i think
Cmon white boi tell me about the meaning of life
Dream is basically like "oh why does this stupid shit matter so much to you when theres immortality and life after death" and its like okay, but why would you wanna live forever if you cant even enjoy yourself though. Like, what are you doing this for if not so you can go hang out with your friends in peace and have fun forever
Bro Dreams actually the kinda guy who goes "well, why shouldnt i be god" without a hint of irony
Dream is about to actually lose it man
Why are they all talking about death as though they have absolutely no idea what happens after you die permanently? Like, both Wilbur and Ghostbur talked about what limbo was like to anyone who listened and Dream was literally JUST dead. Like yeah, it was only for a few minutes but if the conversion is 1 day on the smp = 1 month in limbo then he mustve spent atleast a few hours if not days there right
What are Punz' opinions about all this does he want his boytoy to be god. is he familiar with the god that looks exactly like his boytoy
"while you were recovering from the lifelong trauma i gave you I was studying the meaning of life"
I spent the entire day yesterday just watching musical bootlegs on youtube and all i can think of rn is that part in Twisted where Aladdin is like "im gonna break the chain! youll see!! Im gonna live forever!!!"
Imagine pouring your fucking heart out about what you think ks the meaning of life to two teens that you kidnapped and one of them just goes "what kinda life is that" i would start crying
"We want a life without mystery" where is your fucking whimsy bro
You know, if Sam wasnt basically responsible for Dream being tortured and Dream didnt break him down as revenge, the two of them and Punz couldve been a real death defying power trio. And then i guess Tommy, Tubbo n Philza would be the death defyer-defying power trio
what do you MEAN not contribute anything by just walking around on the dream smp??? HOW is the Dream SMP connected to any other place??? HOW IS IT CONNECTED TO FUCKING UTAH
"We need to be alive together to find out what life is" youre never gonna know if you dont die though. Especially because like, theres no such thing as heaven in this world, its life and then you die and then its hell for eternity so you gotta make life heaven but the only way to truly appreviate and comprehend that the life youve made is heaven is to think about it in hell, if Im making sense here
I would love to watch these guys try to have this discussion with Philza that would be soooo interesting
the victim complex is strong in this one
Ohhhhhh the bois are fightinggggggggg
Hey, is Dream gonna address that fact that the actual capital g god of this world looks exactly like him any time soon. because that seems relevant
Oh my god this kind of dehumanization of the people around him is so painfully relatable it hurts im in pain
Bro how is he bringing up Ranboo right after bringing up Foolish but not yknow, DREAMXD
Okay Im gonna b real with yall, Ive been having a pretty good time with this vod and this finale so far but now hes bringing up mind control and the stuff with Ranboo and Im not a fun uh uh absolutely not
Alright so, they revealed that the revival book can do mind control as well, ive read spoilers about this and i was desperatrly hoping that I just misunderstood but sighhhhhhhh, no.
This is so fucking stupid man. The revival book was a really good concept because of how simple yet effective it is and how scary it would be for someone like Dream to have it, it doesnt need any more powers or whatever. Obviously the stuff with Ranboo being controlled by Dream to some extend has been planned for a really long time, and it does make sense, but they shouldve gone about it way differently. My fix is simple: bring DreamXD into this.
Like, right now it doesnt seem like Dream and DreamXD are connected in any meaningful way when Dream couldve been like, idk a worshipper of DreamXD who eventually earned his favor, or just a human that DreamXD thought was interesting and wanted to help occasionally so he'll keep entertaining him. Maybe he gets the revival book and immediately tries to test it out and then DreamXD appears and hes basically like "okay, i wont kill anyone for you or destroy anything or get too involved in all your petty mortal squabbles, but if you call for me I'll help you out bc Im so nice XD dont rely too much on me tho or else I'll kill you XD" and Dream is like "k i'll keep that in mind" and then when Ranboo shows up he calls for him like "okay, can you make me like, a mindlink to the new guy so I can control him" and XD is like "okay, sure, I wont help you anymore though" and Dream agrees and thats that. Maybe DreamXD is even like "Im still rooting for you though XD" and then Dream could bring up the fact that god is on his side during this unhinged monologue
Okay, when hes saying 'other dimension' is he talking about limbo or is it like, the real world that has the Utah that Wilbur went to and everything
Ohhhhhhh hes talking about the End uh yeah, no way man DreamXD is gonna put a stop to your foolishness so quickly if you try to go there
Okay, the fact that both of them have been to limbo really takes a certain edge away from their motivations though
Like, if they hadnt known what death was like and just feared it because it was the End of Everything that wouldve been so interesting and then Dream died and came back to tell Punz about it and how its nothing but suffering that wouldve made it feel a lot more human if that makes sense because sure, i just spent a bunch of time poetically philosophically whinging but at the end of the day I wouldnt wanna die just to spent eternity in a hell made specifically for me yknow
I slept 8 hours today so Im perfectly well rested as Im writing this but honestly, at this point I'd rather be sleep deprived and delirious itd make this go by way faster and make it more fun too
Oh my god please tell me its not gonna get meta
They were in the End?!??!? Bro are they gonna bring up DreamXD anytime soon
Im serious how are they not gonna bring up DreamXD cc!Dream knows the lore around him because he PLAYED HIM
Okay so I guess theyre just gonna sacrifice people to make up for them reviving each other over and over? Idk man this is barely comprehensible I feel like i might as well be delirious the only differenfe is im not having nearly as much fun rn
I realize that Dream is like, a villain and also clearly mentally ill so Im not expecting his plan or his worldview to make any actual sense but this just seems pointless. Like, if you revive too many people or if you revive yourselves too many times it could bring about the end of the world, presumably bc ya boi XD needs souls to eat. So you need to kill people to balance shit out but if you kill people, its gonna paint a massive target on your back and people will want to force you to revive people. So, you really cant revive people then right
Oh good god what now
Not the guy who was in limbo for maybe a day trying to lecture the guy who qas in limbo for like three months 💀💀💀
If it wasnt for the fact that these guys just hit me with like three massive disappointments all in a row I'd say something like "oh i forgot about this but yeah, I am kinda curious as to why Tommy never came back as a ghost, like even Schlatt was there for a day atleast" but my spirit has been crushed and so all im hoping for is that the explaination isnt too stupid
"We know the responsibility that comes with the revival book! Thats why we kept reviving people even after we knew it was slowly destroying the world!!" Its giving oil companies talking abt climate change yknow what i mean
"The worlds fucked up, we fucked up" BRO. STOP FUCKING REVIVING PEOPLE IT CANT BE THAT HARD
Okay, the stuff about limbo changing based on the circumstances of your death is pretty interesting hopefully they wont fuck it up
Ohhhhh I think I can see where this is going one of these guys is gonna have to die for their buddy isnt he
Okay, im at 27:51 in the vod Ive been at this for atleast two hours Im gonna go take a walk again
Alrighty then time to watch these bozos torment these boys
Bro the dehumanization right off the bat man
Ah so this is that Drunz Sandwich Date ive heard so much about
"You can warn the others about their inevitable doom that is... inevitable" he has such a way with words man
Something something the definition of insanity
Okay but Dream cant be all high and mighty about Tommy and Tubbo doing the same shit over and over because he literally does the exact same thing
Aarhghggh pain and suffering
cc!Tommy just left thats hilarious
Noooooooo Tubbos still in rp mode this is so funny man
Theyre both about to die with the lergy 😭
Okay now what. both of the discs are gone now and they didnt hit the pressure plate. I dont think that was planned.
Oh I cant believe this this is so awkward man
Oh man
Okay theyre just carrying on time to jump through the hole
okay i dont think that was planned either lmao why did they think this was a good idea to do on stream
👁👁 project dreamcatcher??
Right now the thing is, ive read spoilers so i roughly know how all of this is gonna end, I just dont know how we're getting from this exact point to that ending yknow what i mean
Theyre gonna nuke them arent they
This is so upsetting man
TUBBO WAS THE ONE WHO STOLE THE NUKE??? i mean, atleast they remembered that plotpoint
Ohhhhh Tommys gonna use himself as bait
The only way to destroy gods is to nuke them
Dude, the Dream SMP as a post post apocalyptic world though
Lets fucking nuke that sonofabitch!!
the bench,,......
Okay so theyre gonna kill Dream and Punz and then everyone will be free from them and the revival book but like, what about their ghosts though. I mean, those presumably wont be able to revive anyone but they could still like, harass everyone n shit
Okay but why would no one believe them about Punz being evil now, doesnt he have a reputation for doing whatever for a paycheck and Dream is like, one of the richest guys on the server
Oughhhh watching Tommy tell Tubbo to tell everyone their stories is so painful when you know its all gonna become lost history at some point
Theres no music..........
Okay Im not gonna watch this again from Tubbos pov
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