#endgame spoliers
Loki thoughts.
Before the Loki show, Loki only ever loved Thor, Frigga, and Odin. He struggled with his love for them, he sacrificed himself for his love for them, and he was made better by his love for them. That's Endgame Loki's arc.
But the Loki from the TV Show Loki is a different variant. He still loves his family, but what I find so beautiful, is that he also has expanded past that. I keep going back to that shot of Sylvie and Mobius and I had a cursed thought...
Sylvie is Loki's mirror. Her arc is incomplete. She's alone. She's selfish. She's callous. She's got the capacity for the same goodness Loki has, but she's not there yet. And Loki loves her anyway. Despite the fact that she's not perfect. Despite the fact that she's not all good. Despite the fact that she's selfish, she's callous, she's lonely. If Sylvie is a mirror of Loki, then loving her is, in a way, a form of self-love.
Mobius is Loki's first real friend. He's not Loki's family or a Loki variant. He's not even from Asgard. He's just a guy who knows everything there is to know about Loki and chooses to love him. Unconditionally. Not because of his powers. Not because of his family. Not because of his heroism. Just...because. And Loki chooses to love him back.
It doesn't matter who he may or may not be romantically interested in. Sylvie and Mobius represent similar, but different, things in the narrative. And Loki chooses to sacrifice himself, this time, for a different kind of love. This Loki finally has discovered the beauty of self-love and the beauty of friendship. And idk. Might be cliche. But I think that's pretty powerful, too.
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giibh · 1 year
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Watching the scenes of yesterday from Bughead I realized that I'm not ready to say goodbye to them, I've been following them for 5 years, I'm going to miss them so much🥲🩷
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sleepywisteriah · 6 months
Minus the gloves not being acquired, I’m really loving this Endwalker glam! 😭 it suits her so damn well!
Also LOVING the story, I was wondering when the moon part would happen but never expected that and other events after to happen so soon?!!
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yandere-romanticaa · 8 months
Have you ever read ACOTAR? It feels like something you would enjoy.
I am actually reading it right now! I ordered the first book a little while ago but I picked it up a few days ago. I'm really enjoying it but I also understand why some people are not too keen on it.
Again, while I am loving it so far I can't help but to think that Feyre is having it a little bit too easy. Yes, she did have to hunt and survive off the brutal winter land for years but now she's swept off her feet and taken away to the pretty Spring Court, where she isn't even punished for killing someone who is, allegedly, very important and well liked. Good food, clothes and company are basically handed to her on a silver platter, all the while her family is taken cared off.
Speaking of her family, my God. I have, uh, thoughts. I just feel as though they are not really deserving of Feyre's endless love and attention, ESPECIALLY Nesta. While I am nearing the end and my feelings towards Nesta have mellowed out a little, I'm still not too keen on her. I kinda like Elain though, she seems like a very sweet character.
I'm still on book 1 and am close to finishing it so my thoughts will most likely change in the future. I am SUPERRRR curious about Rhysand as I see him ALL OVER the Internet and he for sure feels like a guy I'd adore. I find it so interesting how evil he looks in this book but I just can't give a damn, he finally gave the story some much needed tension which I very much enjoy. I know that him and Feyre are endgame and I'm curious to see how that will play out.
You're all welcome to chat about ACOTAR with me but keep the spoliers to the minimum! I want to be as blind as I can going into this series which is high key hard because my TikTok feed is FILLED with ACOTAR stuff.
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rvdregister · 1 year
rvd spoliers below //
there were always some warning signs that ras could never ever truly let go of bhva. the continued fan-service and finding random nonsensical ways for them to kiss.. but the biggest one (to me at least) is that the show never had them deal with barchie cheating and the aftermath, never had them acknowledge what it meant because in doing so would mean realistically they wouldn't be able to bring those ships back if they wanted to.
and now you have a perfect scenario: neither archie or veronica remember the bad memories, so they can just brush past the hiram of it all and archie cheating like it never happened. they can just act like their happy and trauma free 50s selves. their fraught history is gone, erased.
bh remember but by ensuring archie only has scattered memories of their relationship (he doesn't remember the hardships neither on a individual or relationship level) he will never be able to understand betty completely and her journey. but jughead does because, like her, he choose to keep the bad stuff and none of their friends will ever have that.
having barchie never discuss their engagement also means they can easily hand wave it away in the finale without ever really discussing what it actually would mean for these characters. did they change their minds? did they never want to get married? how does betty feel about archie being "torn" about his feelings when just a season ago he was all in? what changed for him? for her?
what sucks is none of this will ever be addressed (sure we might get a very general convo if we're lucky). and it's all to serve the general idea that any core4 ship can be endgame. we're supposed to think what happened in s7 somehow outweighs all the development from the past seasons. that poetry is all that really matters archie his desire to have a family gone. va don't have incompatible life goals anymore and bh have their ~darkness~ to bond over again. meanwhile all barchie had was downplayed to service this open ended outcome.
its really sad when a show has to abandon genuine character development to ultimately service a group of very loud fans. in the end it didn't matter which story made sense but which shippers spammed your ig comments the most
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azelle-intermisson · 2 years
My first Maddening Playthrough mvps!!
I only used units I didn't use on my first playthrough(other than pandreo) and I had a lot of fun using these units. I also only used dlc emblems for the last two chapters because I forgot to build a tank and I desperately needed one. I'm prob gonna end up doing another run on random growths with all the units I liked from my first two playthroughs.
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Chloè- Other than Alcryst she carried me throughout the whole game. I loved Marcia in fe9 and gameplay-wise Chloè was exactly the same. She was an actual monster and I honestly did not need to give her all of those weapons because the foraged steel lance was more than enough. With the Erika emblem she demolished every single boss and any enemy in the game other than armor knights. I could have made her a wyvern to make her even stronger but I just kept her in griffin knight.
Alcryst- He is def one of the best units in the game, he is so low investment and kills anything with luna crits. He only had lunar brace for the last two maps and I didn't really feel the difference it made but I'm sure it was doing something. He did like 60% of the damage on the final boss. Also I really loved his support with Céline it was super sweet.
Kagetsu- He started off as a replacement unit after like 4 units died in chapter 11 but was able to keep up with Chloè and Alcryst pretty well. He got the Sigurd emblem because he did not have enough sp for canter but having Sigurd on a flier was soooo useful. I made him a wyvern rider because I don't really like sword masters in this game and I wanted him to fly around. Speedtaker was super useful because wyvern rider has a kinda low speed cap and it let him have 2 chances at criting with his killer axe. His supports where pretty funny too I liked him a lot.
Pandreo- Love this guy so much best supports (other than Yunaka and Zelkov) in the game he is really funny and a very versatile unit. I put him in sage because I thought it would be better than high priest but he ended up having a hard time hitting things so I had to give him divine pulse. With thoron and Corrin he was essential to beating almost every map and having staff access meant he could also heal if he had nothing better to do.
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Veyle- She was not a unit I intended on using when I got her but I barely scraped by chapter 24 so I caved and used dlc on her. I didn't want to use dlc originally because in past fe games the dlc made them really easy but I needed a tank so bad that I caved and used them. This is a genuinely broken combo if you are having difficulties with madding use this build. Flare's dragon type bonus on dragons combined with a crit foraged Obscuritè makes her have 100% crit rate on every hit. Hold out and vantage means if she misses or gets one shot she still lives and gets to attack first on the next combat and heals everything back. The only other fe unit that even compares to how strong Veyle is with Soren is Robin in Awakening but at least nosferatu could break. She took on all of the reinforcements on the left side of chapter 25. I also sent her up alone on the left side of endgame and her and Alcryst ended up killing Sombron before I broke his barrier.
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rebecca-lotto · 2 years
 hopefully in the pokemon anime , Turo & sada  are going to be  the protags  of the legends Arceus arc. 
i’m still reeling from the emotional damage caused  from accidentally stumbling upon the MASSIVE ENDGAME SPOLIERS.
so i may as well get the ol’ writer gears a-crankin’  as way to  calm down.
first off :professor Raifort
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She’s sus as fuckin’ hell: like she straight up mentions -during class- that she wants to use a time machine for something related to paldea’s past..
 so it wouldn’t be much of a stretch to assume  she had a hand in the professors’ “disappearance”.
i’d elaborate further on why Raifort’s  gonna have the mother of all villian arcs , but i gotta talk about turo & sada
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i love that we all agree that these 2 had an enemies to lovers arc  .
just that hive mind moment we all had was great ~
‘kay  , to save myself the headache  , turo is in the player character’s role.
after arceus does its opening monologue ,   & the arc phone is created ,
Turo meets professor laventon.
and  much like ingo , he can’t remember a damn thing about his past save his name
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at least miradon’s here to help..
‘s long as it’s appetite doesn’t get the best of them..
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tanalorr-traveler · 5 years
After Nat and Tony were killed off and Steve left Bucky behind in Endgame:
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namjoon-koya · 5 years
Legends are made.
ENDGAME SPOLIERS!! So don’t read if you haven’t seen endgame yet.
A/N: I’ve been in the mood to make these lately honestly they’re short but I get too teary eyed whenever I try to continue more, I decided to change things up a bit in this one.
Pairing: Tony Stark x daughter reader (platonic)
Warning ⚠️: angst, mentioned of death.
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You quickly ran to where Tony was his face was becoming pale, he couldn’t say anything as his back hit something as he slid down.
“Dad?..” you gently crouched down beside him caressing his cheek cold his skin was already cold “dad?! Please no no you can’t leave w-we just won you beat thanos y-you finally-“ you started crying this wasn’t suppose to happen. “FRIDAY check for any heartbeats please!” You begged out to the AI.
“I-I’m sorry Miss Stark.. he’s gone.”
Everyone was suppose to return home safe first it was Natasha your mentor she sacrificed herself to get the soul stone while she was with Clint and now.. Tony your father even though at times he wasn’t there for you as he was usually busy he had time for his little girl.
Pepper came beside you gasping when she saw Tony “I-it’s going to be okay Tony..” she whispered as she gently laid a kiss on his forehead she looked at you with tears in her eyes “oh Pepper!” You sobbed into her as she held you tightly.
You could hear sobs escape Peter’s lip as well as Steve’s this wasn’t suppose to happen no one was suppose to die..
Pepper gently laid the flowers on top of the pound in it contained Tony’s heart it was special it read “Proof that Tony Stark has a heart.” And he did he always did.
You looked back and saw Peter cry as aunt May comforted him Bruce was still in his hulk form he cried of course he did Tony and him were close both sharing the fascination of science and technology.
You saw Steve looking down even if things happened between the both of them Steve still held Tony dear to him, it pained you-you looked back at the flowers as they begin to drift away from you and Pepper.
She gently held Morgan close to her as she watched, Morgan stark the new addition to the family she looked exactly like Tony every single time she smiled you saw him in her.
You promised you’d protect her, Pepper everyone you couldn’t let anyone else die and that was a promise you made that’s when you decided to make your own suit Pepper was against the idea but you told her that you needed to do it.
“I won’t let anything happen to you or Morgan.” She nodded once you tried on the suit you could see tears threatening to fall from her face “you really do look like him.” You turned around and saw Bucky, Steve, Wanda, Clint, Thor, Rhodey, And Peter.
“I won’t ever replace my dad.. but you sure as hell bet that I won’t ever let his legacy die either.”
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rezezenin · 5 years
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pigeonriot · 5 years
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stoneheartenby · 5 years
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scramblingminds · 5 years
I loved Endgame but...
I didn’t like how they wrapped up Steve’s story and here is why...
I get that in the CA:FA that Steve and Peggy were like the big deal. She loved him, he loved her. Then he goes into the ice and I kinda always show that as their end. I get that he went to visit her at the nursing home/hospital. That he still loved her up until she died and my heart broke for him but to me, it just seemed like he closed that chapter of his life. 
To be honest even from the first CA movie to was clear there was one person that meant the most to Steve and sorry, it ain’t Peggy. It was Bucky, it was always Bucky. Bucky who grew up with him, who show him suffer through all his medical issues, who was there when his mom died, who watched him get into every fight and was always there even if Steve “had them on the ropes”. It had always been Steve and Bucky. I saw more heart break on Steve faces when Bucky fell from that train than one second at Peggy’s funeral. 
I’m not saying Steve didn’t love Peggy, he did, but he loved Bucky so damn much. So, to me all the elements of Peggy being thrown into Endgame were a bit...unrealistic. How he called her the “love of his life”, okay maybe you have watched your best friend die what twice at this point, one of which was actually caused by the snap and what to talk about Peggy??? Not buying it. 
I think the biggest piece of evidence that shows who meant maybe just a bit more was the fight between the Caps. Like when 2012 Cap saw the compass with Peggy’s picture it made him upset but he never lost any momentum in the fight. What knocked him off his game? What took his damn breath away so much that Steve managed to beat him? What made him literally go still with awe? Three little words, “Bucky is alive.” 
Then Steve finally gets Bucky back, for real and good this time and like five minutes later he leaves him with just a single hug. He finally get a chance to have a life where his best friend is alive, after over 70 years and he just decided to go back and have that with the woman who lets be total honest, he barely knew. The look on Bucky’s face when Steve didn’t come back then Old Steve was there, my heart hurt for him so much. Because as much as Steve cared for Bucky, it is a clear fact Bucky loved him only about 100 times more. 
So, anybody on this planet wants me to buy that Steve didn’t love Bucky more than anything? Yeah, sorry I won’t take that pile of bullshit if it was free. 
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impriceless · 5 years
Endgame just said SamBucky rights and I,for one, am thriving
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rebecca-lotto · 2 years
pokemon violet playthrough update 2
i received a Japanese weed cat over surprise trade ,  that makes for the 2nd green cat i’ve  recived through that method..
i think my first breeding project is gonna be eevee , gotta have a lotta cuteness to help me recover from the emotional damage that [MASSIVE ENDGAME SPOLIERS]  caused me.
also , i like the random terra raids. even though a few people won’t let the rest of us get an attack in ,  it’s still a fun way to fill up the pokedex.
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seilnakyle · 5 years
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Guys 🥺💗
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