#148 - Bank of Borrowed Beliefs
Welcome to the concept of "The Bank of Borrowed Beliefs," a conceptual oasis where the currency of success is not measured in monetary value but in the intangible power of belief.
Imagine a place where the vaults hold treasures of wisdom, determination, and self-assurance, all borrowed from the accomplished mind(s) who have walked ahead of you on the path you aspire to tread.
In this unique establishment, borrowing takes on an entirely new dimension. Just as a financial institution lends resources to empower you in your ventures, the Bank of Borrowed Beliefs offers a collection of beliefs from those who have already reached the pinnacles of their dreams. These beliefs are the stepping stones to your aspirations, paving the way for your journey toward personal triumph - and healing your body naturally.
As you engage with this transformative concept, you'll discover that 'borrowing beliefs' is not about copying or mimicking but about harnessing the energy and insights of those who have already achieved what you aspire (like all the other EndoBosses!). 
Let your journey be guided by the luminous footprints of those who have gone before you, and watch as you transform your borrowed beliefs into the most valuable asset of all: your own unshakable mastery of self and accomplishment.
Start your own endometriosis naturally journey and download the Top 5 Quick Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com
To your health!
#healendometriosis #endometriosis #endo #healendo #endoheal #endowhat #endoeducation #endowarrior#endo #healnaturally #endometriosisawareness #womenshealth #woman #adenomyosis #cysts #wendyklaidlaw #healendometriosisnaturally.com #amazonmusic
Check out this episode!
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I am 1 in 10. I have endometriosis & I'm an #endowarrior ➿💙
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Excited to paint for the opening sequence of an amazing documentary film about #endometriosis #womenshealth#womansbody - coming very soon!!! @kirk_naka @endowhat
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lusciousautumn · 6 years
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We made it into the @thecairnspost yesterday for the @endowhat screening. We are offering 10 free tickets to each high school in the #Cairns region. Send us an email to [email protected] with your high schools name in the subject line. 💛#endoaustralia #endo #1in10 #endowhat
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seasonwinterinc · 5 years
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March is Endometriosis Awareness month. • 1 in 10 women suffer from Endometriosis • It takes an average of 10 years for a woman to be diagnosed • Symptoms include pelvic pain, painful intercourse, GI issues, infertility, fatigue and so much more Endometriosis not only causes physical symptoms but many women suffer from anxiety and depression as well as strains on personal relationships. March is our time to stand strong and for our voices to be heard. Although EndoSisters suffer with symptoms 365 days a year..... the next 29 days is our time Share you stories, what’s helped you so no woman suffers in silence. #endometriosis #endometriosisawareness #womenshealth #endometriosissurgery #endometriosisawarenessmonth #endosisters #endosistersunite #endosisterhood #endosistersunited #endofighter #longislandendometriosis #endowhat #endowhatwomen https://www.instagram.com/p/Bug9KVDn6In/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1iucg2rie12fk
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bienenimbauch · 3 years
Always look on the bright side oder so
Always look on the bright side of life - mach ich auch, normalerweise. Aber was bedeutet schon “normalerweise”? Wahrscheinlich meine ich damit mein Leben bis zum Tag an dem das Wort “Endometriose” fiel. 
Endo... was? Ja genau, so ging es mir auch und leider ebenfalls vielen anderen. Endometriose ist eine der häufigsten (gutartigen) Krankheiten bei Frauen, dennoch weiß kaum einer was damit anzufangen. Deshalb möchte ich hiermit meinen Teil zur Sichtbarkeit und Sensibilisierung beitragen.
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clusts · 7 years
Endo What?
Take part in the #endochallenge this year.  Endometriosis is painful and debilitating condition, with no cure, that affects one in ten women.  See how you can help spread some awareness by checking out the links below.  It would mean the world <3  Thank you for your time
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cityskinclinicworld · 7 years
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It affects 1 in 10 women and can cause disabling pain. Yet, few people have heard of it AND it takes an average of 7.5 years for a woman to be diagnosed with #Endometriosis 😢 Check out our guide to causes of endometriosis, symptoms and treatment. Link in bio.⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #womenshealth #endometriosis #gynaecology #endowhat #fertility #infertility (at London, United Kingdom)
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katykippen · 7 years
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Miscarriage: 8 Things You Can Do To Help
Here are 8 ways you can support someone experiencing a miscarriage. No crystal ball or mind-reading required.
In the wake of my recent miscarriage, it occurred to me how much more resilient I am since we lost our first pregnancy almost five years ago. 
In 2012, I didn’t have the coping mechanisms I do now. I also didn’t know I had endometriosis, an inflammatory women’s disease, which explains why it’s been so hard to get pregnant and why my periods so often feel like I’m passing a bag of nails. It’s been a wild ride to say the least.
These days, I am incredibly grateful to have a small village* of people supporting me and my husband. After adopting an anti-inflammatory diet (bye bye gluten and dairy) my periods are pretty non-eventful (hello living)! But, even with a huge support network, it was terribly difficult to ask for help when I needed it during my miscarriage, especially when I was in so much physical and emotional pain. 
When asked, “Do you need anything?”, my grief was too all-encompassing to say yes. It wasn’t that I didn’t want help. It wasn’t that I didn’t need help. But how could I possibly ask for what I needed when I could barely speak? After all, we’d been trying for FIVE YEARS. 
Now that the pain of my miscarriage has lessened a bit, I decided to write a short list of things I would have appreciated when I was really down and out.
And because very few of us are mind-readers, I hope this list will help you help someone you love (trust me, if you do even ONE of these, she’ll think you’re full of magic and a pretty damn good human).**
Consider delivering groceries, takeout, a home-cooked meal or snacks. When your whole body aches you don’t have the strength to go to the store, let alone prepare a meal. Personally, I didn’t want to go to restaurants because I was prone to unpredictable fits of crying. Pressed for ideas, I emailed my naturopath who told me to concentrate on bone broth, soups, and stews (things that are gentle on the stomach) as well as iron-rich foods. I found this recipe for Bok Choy Miso Soup online and both my husband and I really liked it. Does she like chocolate? I’d never turn away Double Chocolate Zucchini Muffins, especially if they’re made with extra-dark Guittard chocolate chips (just sayin’)! And, even though beggars can’t be choosers, as a person with dietary restrictions I always appreciate when people ask me what I can and can’t eat.
Miscarriage is a physically exhaustive process now matter what. But depending on how far along her pregnancy was, she may have also had surgery which is some next level sh*t. Needless to say, she needs sleep. Lots of it.  Schedule a time to babysit her kid(s) or take her dog(s) for a few hours so she can get some rest. I guarantee she will be grateful.
My acupuncturist suggested a light hike or slow jog would speed the healing process. At first, I didn’t think I had the energy for it. But once I got going I discovered light exercise helped me feel better mentally and physically. Gentle yoga felt wonderful, too. Suggest something. No matter what, I guarantee she will appreciate the company.
Laughter really can be the best medicine, so if she feels up for it, treat her to a hilarious movie in the theater or binge-watch reruns of Broad City at her place (don’t forget the popcorn and gummi bears)!
To this day when I wear the pajamas and socks my mother-in-law gave me after my first miscarriage (and later D&C) I am reminded of her kindness. Soft drawstring waists felt wonderful to my sore belly (my jeans felt like a corset)! If you’re not sure where to look for lounge pants and jammies, check out Gilligan and O'Malley at Target. They don’t last forever but they sure are comfortable!
Creature comforts really brought me peace in the days following my pregnancy loss.  Consider gifting her some items for her self-care toolkit such as a heating pad and natural bubble bath (my favorite is this one) topped off with a new book or novel you think she’d like.
My whole body ached for weeks after my miscarriage, so when my doctor suggested a massage, I went for it. Since massages are often expensive, you might look on Groupon or Google ‘massage deals’ in your area. Or, you could go in on a gift with girlfriends.
As many as 20–25% of recognized pregnancies end in a miscarriage, which is a staggeringly large number. If you know someone who lost their baby, ask how she is doing. When she crosses your mind, reach out. Mail a heartfelt note. Send a quick text. Experiencing a miscarriage can be very isolating, especially if she is seeing pregnant bellies at the grocery store and strollers in her neighborhood. Bring up her loss. Say her baby’s name. And if she brings up her loss, please don’t change the subject. Just listen. You don’t need to offer solutions. 
There is no finite end to grief. For me, it evolves, recedes and resurfaces. After my first miscarriage, I was a train wreck on Henry’s due date. Mother’s Day was (and is) the worst. Even my birthday is tinged with sadness because every year I am closer to being physically unable to conceive or carry a child.
Though I lead a full and very happy life, I carry my grief with me every day. I haven’t forgotten our babies for a moment. There is no way someone could “remind” me of my sadness. It is here with every breath I take.
There is no dark without light. There is no sadness without happiness. And in that, I take comfort. 
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PLEASE share this blog post! Miscarriage shouldn’t be a taboo subject. It’s real, it’s heartbreaking, and it happens to more women than you think.
*namely, my beloved husband, family, and friends, plus a team of badass health care professionals including my compassionate therapist, acupuncturist, hypnotherapist and naturopath who’ve taught me that self-care is a necessity. If we are to be loving and compassionate with others we must begin with ourselves.
**Though this list is geared towards miscarriage specifically, these ideas could work for any life-changing event, such as a new cancer diagnosis, or a sudden death of a friend or family member.
***Please skip the unhelpful platitudes such as “everything happens for a reason”. Sometimes, things don’t happen for a reason. Sometimes, life just sucks. Hard. Same goes for “Just relax!” and, “Have you considered adoption?”. Even with the best of intentions, these phrases can do more harm than good.
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xoxopatron-blog · 7 years
This documentary hit close to home. So many of the stories shared by the women feel as though it was my own. The last ten years has been a roller coaster of treatments, surgeries and medication. Leaving doctors offices with nothing but a prescription of Panadeine forte to get me by. Cancelling plans once, twice, more times than I can count. Masking the pain is not removing the problem. Taking a pill is not eliminating the disease. Instead these are creating bigger issues to overcome and it is happening even sooner in young women’s lives. Nobody will tell you of the depression that awaits you on the other side, from the medicine that’s ‘helping’ you. For what goes up must come down. There is still so much that is unknown about endometriosis. It affects 1 in 10 women, yet getting an accurate diagnosis, finding suitable pain management strategies or even a knowledgeable health care practitioner is like finding a needle in a haystack. Please watch! Please share! 💖
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“I’m protesting for the millions of women, young and old, who suffer from pain daily, multiple surgeries, infertility, financial hardship due to medical bills, and years of missing out on life because of one or all of these reasons. At 24, I was told I had endometriosis - 3 surgeries, financial problems, stress, anxiety and 2 decades of pain later there is still no cure for my endometriosis which continues to get worse every month. We need a change.” - Kyung Jeon, Artist
#WeMatterACOG  For decades, we've been collectively fighting obstacles to care & calling for change. Time & time again, ACOG executives have been presented with the grave reproductive injustices endured by patients at the hands of their members, but failed to act. In the U.S. today, individuals still see an average of 8 doctors over 10 years before they are diagnosed. Due to lack of proper education & training among ACOG's approximately 58k OBGYN member providers, patients are regularly told their symptoms are ‘in their heads’ or ‘normal’, that pregnancy & hysterectomy are cures, & that hormonal medications effectively treat the disease. The time of inaction is over. The time for change is now. JOIN US as we stand up & say #WeMatterACOG.
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Endometriosis isn't a woman's issue. It's a human issue. It affects us all. Don't forget to grab your tickets to the Cairns screening of - EndoWhat https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/endo-what-with-australian-short-film-endo-us-test-screening-cairns-tickets-32139051769 #EndoWhat #endometriosisawareness #endowhatfilm #endometriosis #endoaustralia #1in10 #endo #cairns Endo What?
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seasonwinterinc · 5 years
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Got Endo Belly???? You know that dreaded time when you wake up looking like you swallowed a basketball, your clothes don’t fit and you feel horrible. Check out some of our latest tips… https://seasonwinter.com/helpful-tips-for-bloating/ #endosisterhood #endometriosissurgery #endometriosis #endosistersunite #bloatedbelly #bloating #bloatingremedy #endobelly #endobellysisters #Endometriosis #Endolife #EndometriosisSupport #Doctor #Awareness #1And10 #Share #Gynecology #Medicine #ChronicIllness #Advocate #FertilityHave #chronicpain #InTheWarrior #Share #endosister #Quote #Uterus #Laproscopy #obgyn #endosupport #endometriosissupport #endometriosisawarenessmonth2019 #endowarrior #endowhat #endofighter (at Suffolk County, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuqnQDPHEIV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16a5rrgnsk6hv
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donatellasoul · 5 years
Do you have #endometriosis or know someone who does? Are you curious about #endo ? Are you a #healthcareworker who needs more #information ?
Reserve your #free seat for a viewing of the #film #EndoWhat to be followed by a Q&A with myself, Lisa Howard of Bloomin Uterus and Dr. Rafie.
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xoxopatron-blog · 7 years
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One of the hardest parts about Endo is that it leaves you forever asking questions. It is still so misunderstood that diagnosis & treatment options are limited. Knowledge is power 💛
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