#frozen ice princess/the fallen winter maiden
Hey Rex we have to know! Do any of the other members in your team have crushes on someone? :3
"Crushes?" He lowers his cup of hot chocolate looking at them while his teammates Spring, Winter, Summer, and Fall blinks to hear about this.
"I honestly don't know. My teammates have their ways so I wouldn't get into their personal lives even with crushes." he said.
"Sensei's right. Besides, No one has crushes on anyone.." Winter mutters drinking some hot chocolate too as they were relaxing around in the living room.
"Hey don't lie Winter! I think you have a crush on someone!" Winter looks to Fall who was smiling.
"And how do you know? I don't have a crush on anyone!" she said.
"Yes you do!"
"Guys..." Spring looks to them but she shook her head to sigh.
"I think it's cute if we did have crushes...." Summer said happy while drinking more hot chocolate. "It's just like how Sensei had a crush on Kali and now their dating. But I'm happy for them."
"Thank you Summer." he said. "And will you two calm down. Please don't start fighting." Rex said as Winter and Fall looks away to grumble.
"Besides, theirs nothing wrong with having a crush on someone.." Summer said.
"Oh yeah!? What about your crush on someone! What about having a crush on Ahmed?!" Fall said but Summer blinks but her cheeks were red.
"I..I don't have a crush on him! DX"
"Sure you don't..." Fall said.
"Oh? Just like you having a crush on Bernard!?" Summer points that Fall coughs.
"I don't!"
"Now will you two stop please-"
"Oh don't start Winter! You got a crush on Fin so you shouldn't start!" Fall said but she felt her left eye twitch to glare. "You said you wouldn't say anything!"
"...I had no idea you guys had crushes..." Rex said seeing Summer, Spring, Fall, and Winter look quiet but their faces were red.
"So let me get this straight. Summer has a crush on Ahmed, Fall has a crush on Bernard, Winter has a crush on Fin....but what about you Spring but if you don't want to say you don't." he said as she blinks to poke her fingers together.
"..I..I have a crush on Angel.." She mutters softly.
"Hmmm....." He didn't know that seeing the other three look at her then at one another now going into a argument but Spring was quiet.
"Well, I hope that answers your question.." He said.
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havg02 · 3 years
Penelope and Ivonne aesthetics
Penelope: snow, ballerina, queen, sweet floral powdery perfume, winter, flower, silk, ice, feminine, grief, spring, barbie, porcelain doll, Laduree, ribbons, despair, glass, lace, Cinderella, turquoise, mermaid, Mackenzie Hollister, tulles, destined fate, blueberry yogurt ice cream, crystal, ice palace, orange blossoms, Chanel, turquoise, parasol, designer clothes, classy, 'hot girlfriend' vibe, turquoise/rosy/lavender eyeshadow, black currant, lovely, sea, Christian Dior, Snow White, magenta, garden, heels, mirror, clockwork, coral pink lips, peach roses, rain drop, tears, strictly, chic, Elsa from frozen, everyone's crush, Heather, violet, butterfly, Regina George, figure skating, rich bitch girl, snowflakes, Marie Antoinette, pearls, iridescent, ivy, cat eyes, timeline, wish, dollhouse, aerobics, rapier, lip gloss addiction, hope, piano, flute, isolation, violin, harp, elegant long thin legs, bittersweet, Weiss Schnee, belladonna, tea party, poison, elegant, lonely, glass coffin, snow storm, harsh, bougie, french lifestyle, chains, coffee, honeymoon, scarlet, prince, glamorous, longing, pretty, graceful, rosy, queen bee, rapunzel hair, library, motherly, opium, bookworm nerd, Audrey Hepburn
Ivonne: autumn, past memories, Bella Swan, blue, weep, summer, puppy eyeliner, photo albumn, disney cliche, soft, medieval princess, cute, hello kitty, clumsy, friends, innocent, pixies, pastel, Judy Garland, Alice from wonderland, polaroid camera, pure, daisy, animals, Anna from Frozen, comforted, romantic, airheaded heroine, necklace, lolita, Juliet, village core, raspberry, orphanage volunteer work, moe, trumpet, melodica, mini harp, recorder, kalimba, confetti, flower crown, duchess, 'stubborn younger sisterly', bedtime stories, bunny, sunset, tart red lips, heart, lost, cheerful, love, candy, daydream, maiden, adoring, clouds, baby, festival, yearning, bows, sky, bubblegum pink, bubbles, marshmallow, halo, fallen angel, devil, blood, puppets, satanic, cherry, success, smoke, claws, death, carnation, burn, kawaii, illness, black, monotone, mourn, control, cruel, forbidden, brother, disease, shriek, disaster, dagger, black magic, bitter, slime, shadow, two face, thorns, panther, serial killer, horror, guilty, grim brother fairy tales, heavy boots, espresso, violent, shots, siren, ugly, blackhole, ashes, tomb
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365days365movies · 4 years
March 16, 2021: Legend (1985) (Part One)
Hi, Tim Curry. How are you doing today?
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Yeah, that tracks. Been a while, always good to see you. Man, actually, when is the last time I saw you? Clone Wars? I think so, although I don’t know if that really counts. I think, in person, it was...oof, Criminal Minds in 2012?
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Yeah, dude, you were FUCKING TERRIFYING, HOLY SHIT. I feel like people don’t talk about that performance as much, but you were goddamn amazing, buddy. Sorry I didn’t open with this, but...you were my childhood, Ti. Like, from Clue to The Wild Thornberrys to Muppet Treasure Goddamn Island GOD I LOVE YOU IN THAT MOVIE TOO
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Amazing. And let’s not forget Ferngully, of course. Look...I love you, OK? You’re beautiful. And I know that recently, you’ve been through a lot of health struggles, and I wish you the absolute best, I sincerely do. You’re the best, man. Hang in there. 
Actually, while I have you...settle a bet for me, I’ve got it with myself. Have I...have I already seen this movie? Because I feel like I might have, but I don’t think so. It’s like the Mandela effect, y’know? I mean, if I’d seen it before...would I not remember you in this get-up?
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I mean...come ON, RIGHT? I know FOR A FACT that I’ve attempted to watch this movie with friends before, and that didn’t happen. Then, I tried to watch it on my own, and that didn’t pan out because I’m pretty sure I fell asleep after 15 minutes. It had been a long day, I’m sorry. But...I don’t get it, Tim Curry? What the hell happened?
Well...whatever. I guess we’re going to take care of this ONCE AND FOR ALL. Now, who directed this movie?
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Oh shit, REALLY? RIDLEY SCOTT! Kick-ass, he did Alien, and this - 
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And then this - 
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OOH, and this!
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Oh, and we can’t forget this!
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And also this!
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And...and this...
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...And this...
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Oh. Fuck, and this.
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...OK, this could either be a very good movie, or a very VERY bad one. I mean...it’s got Tim Curry in it, so it can’t be that bad? And hey, Scott was on a hotstreak at the time, right? What could go wrong? Let’s do this!
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Recap (1/2)
...Ahem. Um. OK. Maybe I imagined that image, or it’s from a different movie. Cool. Let’s keep going, nothing to see here.
The opening text scroll tells us that once, long ago, before time was even a concept, the world was shrouded in darkness. But Darkness hid from the light, which brought to the world laughter, love, and...unicorns. Yeah, really. Unicorns harbor the Light in their souls, as the most mytsical of all creatures. They’re safe from Darkness, and can only be found by a pure-hearted mortal, like Jack, a denizen of the forest. He is loved by Lily, and both believe only in goodness. But not for long, as a struggle for the balance between Darkness and Light is about to commence, and in that struggle will be born...Legend (1985), dir. Ridley Scott.
As the opening credits roll and confirm that Tom Cruise is in fact in this movie, I take a brief moment to vomit lightly.
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At night, walking through the forest, there is a creature with some...bad-ass makeup and costume design GODDAMN. Like, yeah, that category’s already looking good. Anyway, the creature goes through the forest, and finds a den of fire and torture, all lorded over by a horned man, who speaks Mother Night, asking for her protection.
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This is Darkness (Tim Curry), and...fuck me, holy shit, I GET it. Like, this dude began an entire movement and aethestic, and it makes a fuckton of sense. THis dude must have given birth to, like 10,000 goth children, goddamn. Anyway, he commands his goblin henchman Blix (Alice Playten) to find a unicorn and kill it, and to bring its horn back to him. Blix, the rhyming cretin, asks how to find them. And Darkness answers with the perfect lure: innocence.
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That innocence is symbolized by Princess Lily (Mia Sara), a maiden cavorting happily about the wood, without a care in the goddamn world. She visits her friend Nell (Tina Martin), and briefly has a vision of winter in the cottage. Nell notes that it’s time for her to grow up a bit, but Lily’s only concerned with finding her sweetheart, Jack.
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And Jack is...well, Jack o’ the Green (Tom Cruise) is a young man who lives in the forest, with his animal friends. An innocent himself, he’s basically Peter Pan, with Lily playing his Wendy. Except, well, they’re not THAT innocent, because they, like, IMMEDIATELY make out on the forest floor. Which has to be uncomfortable, real goddamn talk.
Jack teaches Lily to speak with the birds, then takes her to see something wonderful and rare. All the while, they’re being followed by Blix, who believes that their innocence will attract the mystical unicorns. And, uh, yeah, Blix is entirely correct about that, because here they come! And they’re making whale noises?
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Apparently, as long as unicorns roam the Earth, evil can never harm the pure of heart. They express only love and laughter, and dark thoughts are unknown to them. Which Lily takes as an opportunity to go hang out with them, despite Jack’s urgings.
But the unicorns seem receptive to her, to Jack’s...frustration? He just kinda leaves her behind for some reason. And Blix takes the opportunity to hit one of the unicorns with a poison dart, causing them to be startled and storm off. Lily flees into the forest, and is immediately scolded by Jack, saying that what she did is forbidden by magic forest law. OK. She’s as confused about that as I am, but she still apologizes to him.
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The two kiss, and Lily makes a promise to him and the universe, I guess, and says that whomever finds her ring will have the right to marry her. She throws it, and Jack IMMEDIATELY JUMPS OFF A CLIFF AFTER IT GODDAMN MY MAN! Lily screams hysterically after him for...some reason?
However, this isn’t great timing, because Blix and the goblins have caught up to the poisoned unicorn, and they cut off its horn, immediately plunging the forest into a fierce winter, similar to what Lily saw in her vision. Jack, in the river looking for the ring, is trapped underwater, beneath ice. By the time he breaks out, Lily’s already run away, to Nell’s place. Nell is frozen solid for some reason, and the goblins are also coming off after Lily for...some reason.
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Lily hides, as Blix and his two companions Pox (Peter O’Farrell) and Blunder (Kiran Shah) exposit the whole thing so that Lily’s caught up on her fault in all of this, and once they leave, she promises to make it right. No idea how she’s gonna do that, but sure.
Jack, meanwhile has collapsed in the woods and snow. He’s woken up by a spirit of the forest named Honeythorn Gump (David Bennent), who is...interesting. He asks Jack what in the FUCK happened, and Jack admits that Lily, a mortal, touched a unicorn, which is apparently the ultimate no-no. Gump’s pissed, but the ACTUAL SECOND that Jack says that it was for love, Gump’s just...totally cool with it? They have a drink with Brown Tom (Cork Hubbert), and agree to help him find Lily...like, immediately.
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They quickly find the dead unicorn, and yeah, the unicorn is FUCKING DEAD after losing its horn, and its mate shows up to mourn. Jack and Gump mourn with the magical creature, which looks REALLY BIG for a horse, Jesus. She stays with her fallen mate, and Jack goes back to the group, delivering the news that they’re cursed? No idea where that came from. 
To lift the curse and get the horn back, they must find a champion bold in heart and spirit. Gump IMMEDIATELY nominates Jack, and takes him to some cave where he can find weapons and armor. He’s guided by Oona (Annabelle Lanyon), a fairy who is LITERALLY NAVI FROM ZELDA, I CANNOT STRESS THAT ENOUGH
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Oona reveals her true form to him secretly, then notes that she could be anything he wants her to be, even his heart’s desire. COMIN’ ON A LITTLE STRONG THERE OONA. Anyway, in the vault of golden weapons and armor and...gold, Jack grabs a sword.
Meanwhile, Lily follows Blix and his group, where Blix uses the magic of the Unicorn Horn (or the Alicorn) to demonstrate his newly found prowess. But as he’s claiming to take over Darkness’ kingdom. Just then, Darkness shows up and claims the Horn for himself, and kills Blunder when he talks back. Darkness asks whether or not the Unicorns are both dead, and reveals that his power will not be complete until the female Unicorn is also dead.
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Lily runs off and makes her way back to the Unicorn and Brown Tom, and warns them of the Goblin’s approach to kill the Mare. Brown Tom, who I think is either a leprechaun or a brownie, fends the Goblins off, while Lily and the Mare...DON’T RUN? FUCKING RUN YOU ASSHOLES!
Tom gets shot by an arrow...in the hat. He immediately falls dead, despite being totally fine, the dick. And Lily and the mare are captured, BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T FUCKING RUN WHEN THEY SHOULD’VE. Jack, Gump, and the leprechaun/gnome/brownie/halfling Screwball (Billy Barty) come to “rescue” him. He tells them that Lily’s alive, and Gump takes Jack to the Great Tree for the next step, accompanied by Screwball and Tom. There, they find...
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WOW. THAT SHIT IS COOL. This is Meg Mucklebone *Robert Picardo), and this thing is absolutely my favorite thing in the movie so far...AND THEN JACK KILLS HER IMMEDIATELY. JAAAAAAACK, WHAT THE HELL, she was really cool. Goddamn it.
The group gets to the great tree, then falls into an underground prison, where Blunder is also held. The group is NOT where they want to be, right in Darkness’ lair. Nice job, Gump. In the prison, the guys, now joined by fellow brownie/dwarf/gnome thing Blunder, hide from one of Darkness’ men, as he takes Blunder away to the torture table.
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Stuck in the cell, Jack suggests that Oona go and get the keys. However, her ability to transform into a humanoid form was a secret between her and Jack, and she’s upset by him revealing it. Gump’s also upset by the secret in and of itself, but she defends that her secrets are hers to keep. You tell him, Oona!
She then says that she’ll only do what Jack wants if he kisses her, GODDAMN IT OONA. NOW IS NOT THE TIE TO GO ALL TINKERBELL IN HOOK! He gives her a little peck, but she transforms into Lily to make him give her a real kiss, dear lord that is CREEPY, OONA! Jack almost kisses her, but refuses at the last second. He notes that human hearts can’t be won over that way, which greatly upsets Oona. Still, she ends up getting the keys for them regardless, and sets them free.
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And at this point, we are halfway through, so FUCK IT. PART TWO! See you there.
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Warlock Week: Specific Patrons
So you've chosen a Warlock subclass. Just who is your patron, though? There are so many entities to chose from in the D&D universe, but I have gathered some of my favorites here. Not sure exactly how many of them are canon to which setting but I tried to stick to the Forgotten Realms.
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image credit: Walter Brocca
Great Old Ones
Aberrant Deities: As found in the Lords of Madness 3.5e supplement.
Ghaunadaur: That Which Lurks; the Elder Eye. Chaotic-evil god of oozes and nameless things in the dark. 
The Great Mother: Deity of the beholders that seeks to remake the world in her image by filling the universe with her progeny. She is either insane or possesses limitless intelligence. It is difficult for mortals to decide which.
Ilsensine: Illithid deity with the form of a giant green brain with ganglia spanning the planes and gathering infinite knowledge. It’s divine mission is the enslavement of all creatures.
Mak Thuum Ngatha: The Nine-Tongued Worm. Deity of wormlike aberrations. Obsessed with the Material Plane for unknown reasons. Mak Thuum Ngatha embodies the opening of infinite knowledge, the destruction of barriers, and the spanning of space, time, and the planes.
The Patient One: Deity of aboleths, chuuls, cloakers, and avolakias. It whispers secrets in the darkness and devours the flesh its worshipers offer it.
Tharizdun: A deity of entropy, darkness, decay, and evil that seeks the unraveling of the universe. He was imprisoned long ago by the collective power of all the human deities. He is worshiped by creatures that believe there will be a place for them when he remakes the universe (IF he remakes it after destroying it).
Stars: Cosmic entities corrupted by the Far Realm as revealed in the Revelations of Melech (and Dragon Magazine). Some invocations in the Warlock Unearthed Arcana are named after these.
Acamar: A corpse star whose motions and size send objects spiraling toward their doom.
Calphon: A Purple star that is often a guiding star on the horizon that sometimes betrays those who rely upon it
Delban: An ice-white star visible during winter.
Gibbeth: A green star that causes madness.
Hadar: the extinguished cinder of a star lurking in a nebula of Ihbar.
Ihbar: A dark nebula expanding and eating the light of neighboring stars.
Khirad: A blue star whose radiance reveals secrets and gruesome insights.
Nihal: A red star that writhes around its portion in the heavens at great speeds.
Ulban: A blue-white light disrupts cognition and numbs your perception to danger.
Zhudun: A corpse star that once shined its baleful light over Cendriane in the Feywild.
Slaadi Lords: The Lords of the Slaad and purveyors of Limbo.
Chourst: Lord of Randomness. A white slaad that cares for nothing other than indulging whatever random whims come into his head.
Rennbuu: Lord of Colors. His skin constantly changes color and he has a grizzled mane of white hair. He is flamboyant and wears colorful costumes. He is at times a passionate artist and at other times a capricious prankster. He has the ability to change colors of anything.
Ssendam: Lord of Madness. The most powerful slaad. A giant golden amoeba with a humanoid brain nucleus. She constantly contacts mortals to drive them insane.
Ygorl: Lord of Entropy. Lord of Limbo. A charred slaad skeleton riding a chaotic-neutral brass dragon and wielding a scythe. He demands for slaads to invade other realms and incubate as many slaad spawn in creatures as possible to spread chaos.
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image source: Out of the Abyss D&D 5e module
Demons: There are many more demons in the Abyss, it being infinite and all. Here are the ones from the Fiendish Folio I, listing all the known demon rulers and their demesne.
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Devils: There are more than just the nine lord of the hells to choose for your warlock patron. Besides these, here is a link listing all the named devils in D&D
Bel: The pit fiend usurper of Zariel, who has since been demoted to Zariel's adviser. While Zariel was subjugated, he ate pieces of Zariel’s flesh to increase his power beyond a regular pit fiend.
Tiamat: Surprisingly a fiend and not a dragon despite having five dragon heads.
Martinet: The pit fiend constable of Asmodeus and diplomat that quells wars between the archdevils.
Lilis: Consort of Dispater and head of a vast spy network in the nine hells and the material plane.
Bensozia: Consort of Asmodeus slain by Levistus.
The Hag Countess: The now-dead hag from Hades that tried to ascend to godhood but instead cause her body to expand infinitely and explode.
Moloch: Baalzebul’s viceroy that once helped rule the sixth layer; a monstrous form that hides a genius intellect.
Baftis: One of Baalzebul’s two consorts, a spineless and secretive being.
Lilith: The other of Baalzebul’s two consorts, an ambitious and scheming devil whose power the lord of flies must often reign in before it overwhelms him.
Baalphegor: Consort of Mephistopheles and decorated diplomat, tactician, sorceress, and inventor of artifacts.
Gorgoth/Gorgauth: The tenth archdevil cast out from Baator for Asmodeus for being too duplicitous for devilkind. His power lies in betrayal and twisting of contracts.
Zariel: Winged serpent fallen angel that has reclaimed rulership of the first layer of Baator.
Dispater: Paranoid and reclusive Lord of the Second and a ruler the iron city of Dis.
Mammon: Serpentine archdevil of greed mutated by Asmodeus. Lord of the Third.
Belial and Fierna: Incestuous father-daughter joint rulers of the fourth layer, although Fierna has recently become involved with Glasya and seeks to completely rule the layer.
Levistus: The Lord of the Fifth, eternally imprisoned in an icy tomb for the murder of Asmodeus' wife.
Glasya: Asmodeus' daughter, queen of the Erinyes, and Lord of the Sixth after the Hag Countess... exploded.
Baalzebul: A fallen archon originally named Triel that rules the seventh layer of Baator. The lord of flies and lies. An obsessive perfectionist.
Mephistopheles: The insane ruler of the frozen eighth layer of Baator and lord of hellfire. He openly seeks to overthrow Asmodeus.
Asmodeus: Mysterious Lord of the Ninth and King of Hell. Lord of sin itself. The only devil to maintain their position of power after the Reckoning of Hell. A cunning tactician whose machinations sometimes take millennia to unfold.
Yugoloth Lords: The mercenaries of the fiendish planes that find their home on Gehenna (in the Tower of Incarnate Pain) and the Gray Wastes (in Khin-Oin, the Wasting Tower)
Anthraxus: The Oinoloth and seat of the Siege Malicious.
Bubonix: Master of the Tower of Incarnate Pain
Charon: Ferryman of the River of Blood
Inthracis: Ultraloth necromancer and master of Corpsehaven
Malkizid: A fallen solar and exiled archdevil
Mydianchlarus: Briefly the Oinoloth who unseated Anthraxus by whispering a single secret.
Taba: The greatest spy of the fiendish planes that can appear like any fiend. She uses her powers primarily to acquire wealth.
Typhus: A hunchbacked mezzoloth that commands an army called the Infernal Front.
Xengahra: An outcast yugoloth and the personification of hopelessness that resembles a dark angel.
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image credit: Brom
Many of the powerful fey have been confused or changed from edition to edition with even some Dragon Magazine retcons, but I tried to piece together what I could here.
The Archfey: Fey beings that gained great power and established a position of preeminence among fey-kind.
Relkath of the Infinite Branches: An unpredictable treant archfey. Forests sprout wherever he touches the ground.
Lurue the Unicorn Queen: Archfey of intelligent beasts that teaches life is meant to be lived with adventure and laughter.
Verenestra the Oak Princess: Archfey of beauty and vanity. She is loyal to the Seelie Court and their realms despite her fleeting nature, but often kidnaps mortal men as consorts.
Sarula Iliene the Nixie Queen: Archfey of nixies, lakes, streams, and water. She often will ask her worshipers to protect bodies of water.
Auril the Frost Sprite Queen: A fickle, vain, and evil Archfey associated with cold, winter, and frost.
Neifon, Lord of Bats: Archfey with complete command of bats. Could also summon restraining vines.
Courts of the Feywild: Different kingdoms of the Feywild ruled by different archfey as described in 4e D&D and 5e D&D
The Court of Coral: Home of the aquatic and island-dwelling fey. Elias and Siobhan Alastai are the Sea Twins that rule this court. Elias is the lord of rivers while Siobhan is the princess of the seas.
Gloaming Court: Land of dreams and twilight. The Maiden of the Moon rules here, a hunter and bane of lycanthropes. Her realm's light shines in silver on the material plane.
Green Court: A place of primal plantlife. Ruled by Oran, the Green Lord.
Summer Court: Ruled by a being known as Tiandra, the Seelie fey queen. With a smile she can ripen crops, and with a frown summons wildfires
Winter Court: Ruled by the Prince of Frost, who hates the Summer Court after believing that they caused the death of his consort.
Fey Gods: These fey come from the older editions of D&D (3.5e and earlier) but are described as deities rather than archfey.
Caoimhin: faerie deity of food and shy friendship
Damh: fey deity of dance, song, and celebration
Eachthighern: Unicorn deity of healing, loyalty, and protection.
Emmantiensien: God of treants, trees, and deep hidden magic.
Fionnghuala: Deity of swanmays, communication, and sorority.
Nathair Sgiathach: Deity of mischief and pranks and faerie dragons.
Oberon: deity of nature, wild places, and animals.
Queen of Air and Darkness: Unseelie fey queen of illusions, darkness, and murder. She is always invisible but can be seen with magical means. Sister of Titania.
Skerrit: Deity of centaurs.
Squelaiche: Leprechaun deity of trickery and illusions.
Titania: Deity of the Seelie fey and mother of Damh and Verenestra. A beautiful blue-eyed faerie with gossamer wings. She is directly opposed to the Queen of Air and Darkness, her sister.
Verenestra: Deity of charm and beauty, and of nymphs and dryads.
Other Fey:
Baba Yaga: Mother of witches.
Brian Collins: King of the Leprechauns in the Gloaming Court
The Carrion King: King of dark fungi in the Feydark
The Erlking: Master of the hunt in the Green Court and enemy of Malar.
Malar: Master of the savage hunt  in the Green Court and enemy of Erlking 
Oneiros: Lord of dreams.
Selephra: The bramble queen and mistress of spite
Thrumbolg: Lord of the fomorians in the Feydark.
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image credit: Allen Williams
The Celestial
This subclass was the Undying Light in the Unearthed Arcana playtest material, but seems to be replaced by the Celestial in Xanathar's Guide.
The Court of Stars: The noble eladrins that rule the Olympian Glades of Arborea. In some cosmologies the Court of Stars is a part of the Feywild, rather than Arborea, so these could feasibly count as Archfey patrons as well.
Morwel, Queen of Stars: A blindingly beautiful eladrin woman resembling an elf. She discusses important issues with her advisers and her consorts.
Faerinaal, the Queen’s Consort: Protector of the Court of Stars and especially eladrins endangered by fiends. He can cause creatures to enter a dream-filled coma.
Gwynharwyf, the Whirling Fury: Patron of barbarians and other chaotic-good champions who wields twin swords and can become a whirlwind of glittering sand.
The Companions of Elysium: A group of friends comprised of the most powerful of the guardinals to protect and rule Elysium
Prince Talisid, the Celestial Lion: Leader of the Five Companions of Elysium and the most powerful leonal. He is a humble protector of the people.
Sathia, the Sky Duchess: An avoral and the muse of painters and sculptors.
Manath, the Horned Duke: A cervidal and a creature of wit and fun.
Vhara, Duchess of the Fields: An equinal of generosity and emotion that adores flowers.
Kharash, the Stalker: A lupinal that is a master of the hunt.
Bharrai, the Great Bear: An ursinal that reveres nature and teaches magic.
Celestial Hebdomad: The androgynous rulers of Celestia, mortal martyrs that sacrificed themselves for all that is good in the universe and became protectors of the Mounting Heavens of Celestia.
Barachiel, the Messenger: Herald of Celestia and leader of the trumpet archons
Domiel, the Mercy-Bringer: Protector of the tombs of martyrs and saints. leader of the sword archons.
Erathaol, the Seer: The patron of prophets and seers. Foretells planar events before they unfold and watches over children destined for greatness.
Pistis Sophia, the Ascetic: Patron of monks and ascetics. They have cast off material possessions and show no negative emotions.
Raziel, the Crusader: The Firestar. Defender of the defenseless and destroyer of tyranny.
Sealtiel, the Defender: The military leader of heaven and patron of the warden archons.
Zaphkiel, the Watcher: Ruler of Chronias and the perfect good. Only the Hebdomad have seen Zaphkiel as those with even a shred of evil in them would be consumed in their presence.
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image credit: Greg Rutkowski
These are the powerful weapons I could find that seem to be canon in the Forgotten Realms setting, according to the Wiki. Many aren't sentient, but that doesn't mean they can't grant power to a warlock.
Blackrazor: A greatsword hidden in White Plume Mountain. (DMG)
Moonblade: An ancient elven longsword. (DMG)
Whelm: A hammer hidden in White Plume Mountain. (DMG)
Wave: A trident hidden in White Plume Mountain. (DMG)
Cudgel of St. Cuthbert: A simple wooden club of the deity which instills bravery and smites undead.
Sword of Kas: Owned by the vampire general that slew Vecna. It thrives on blood and seeks the destruction of Vecna's cult.
Fork of Mephistopheles: A trident that grants powers over fire.
Ruby Rod of Asmodeus: Acts as a greatclub but bestows magical might.
Wand of Orcus: Usable as a mace. Grants powers over undead.
Moloch's Whip: A six-tailed lightning whip owned by the ex-viceroy of Baalzebul.
Staff of Fraz-Urb'luu: The prince of deception's weapon that grants full power over his realm.
Kingscar: A Human Bane greatsword of the ogre mage Sothillis.
Dragonstooth: longsword containing the spirit of a red dragon dracolich Greshrukk, the Red Eye.
Mountain Crusher: A longbow of Tavis Burdun, a legendary firbolg.
Ary'Faern'Kerym Elfblade: The "Artblade" that determines whether its wielder is worthy of leading the Cormanthyr army's arcane branch.
Flail of Ages: Forged by rakshasas, each head deals a different damage type (acid, fire, or cold)
Fatal Touch: A bastard sword wielded by a good god of death.
Drowning Death: A trident wielded by a storm deity that dealt cold and thunder damage.
Dawnspeaker: A heavy mace wielded by the goddess of the dawn.
Dagger of Chaos: A dagger that could transform its wielder into anything at random.
Crackletongue: A saber wielded by Zaranda Star that crackled with blue flame to smite evil.
Cold Heart: An acidic dagger wielded by a drow goddess of undeath.
The Ravager: A halberd wielded by a prince of Elemental Fire.
Carsomyr: A powerful Holy Avenger and bane of chaotic-evil creatures.
Other Patrons
Powerful Monsters: Giants, Krakens, Empyreans, Sphinxes, Genies, Couatl, Naga, anything powerful, really.
Undead: Liches, Vampires, Mummy Lords, Death Knights
Vestiges: From the Tome of Magic 3.5e supplement but they are just too great NOT to use. They are creatures who were so powerful their very existence and memory persists as a Vestige, a power untouchable by even gods. And they are specifically meant to make pacts with. I just have their names here because there are far too many to go into detail.
Acererak, the Devourer
Agares, Truth Betrayed
Amon, the Void Before the Altar
Andras, the Gray Knight
Andromalius, the Repentant Rogue
Aym, Queen Avarice
Balam, the Bitter Angel
Buer, Grandmother Huntress
Chupoclops, Harbinger of Forever
Dahlver-Nar, the Tortured One
Dantalion, the Star Emperor
Eligor, Dragon’s Slayer
Eurynome, Mother of the Material
Focalor, Prince of Tears
Geryon, the Deposed Lord
Haagenti, Mother of Minotaurs
Halphax, the Angel in the Angle
Haures, the Dreaming Duke
Ipos, Prince of Fools
Karsus, Hubris in the Blood
Leraje, the Green Herald
Malphas, the Turnfeather
Marchosias, King of Killers
Naberius, the Grinning Hound
Orthos, Sovereign of the Howling Dark
Otiax, the Key to the Gate
Paimon, the Dancer
Ronove, the Iron Maiden
Savnok, the Instigator
Shax, Sea Sister
Tenebrous, the Shadow that Was
Zagan, Duke of Disappointment
Elder Evils: From the 3.5e Elder Evils supplement.
Atropus: A cosmic being that looks like a small moon and channels massive amounts of negative energy in order to devour planets.
Father Llymic: A creature imprisoned in ice that melts in the dark. It seeks to extinguish the sun to free itself and turn the world into its new home, a frozen wasteland of death and madness.
Hulks of Zoretha: Five dormant monoliths that were sent to earth to purify and colonize it. They long for someone to learn how to reawaken them.
Leviathan: The pure chaos leftover from the creation of the world given flesh. It slumbers beneath the ocean and is large enough to encircle the earth.
Pandorym: A being summoned from another world to kill the gods. Its body and mind were imprisoned separately.
Ragnorra: The mother of monsters that reappears every millennia to remake the world in her hideous image raining red spores all over the planet to infect all life.
Sertrous: An obyrinth demon lord cast into the void but that still lives on the material plane in a warped serpent form. He taught the world that mortals do not need to worship deities for power.
The Worm that Walks: A mass of maggots and worms that houses the hive mind of the demigod Kyuss, whose return ushers the final age of mortals.
Zargon: An ancient, unkillable baatorian of slime cast out of Hell by Asmodeus and imprisoned in stone.
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imfrozentrash · 7 years
Frozen Two-Shot: “The Perfect Arendelle” Part Two
Author’s Note: Mystery and suspense. Did you miss part one? Click here!
Hans can’t take it anymore; he needs to leave Arendelle. But something inside him says otherwise. He needs to get to the bottom of it. The people, the kingdom, the Queen; why is everyone so overly happy? Almost like fate ran into him, someone else is determined to figure out Arandelle’s “perfect” secrets. 
“Come on Sitron! We’re getting out of here,” I catch my breath only for a second before I dismount my horse. I quickly hoist myself up, gripping onto his reigns. “Go, boy! Go!” By my command, he started to gallop of out the stables, through the courtyard and out of the place.
“Did she just… conjure up a Winter? Inside the ballroom?” I ask to myself somehow hoping talking out loud would make sense to all of this. “Queen Elsa of Arendelle… How long has this been going on?” I didn’t want to admit it out loud, but Father was right. Arednelle has changed. As if on cue, the temperature dropped instantly and snowflakes started to fall. “What the hell is going on-?!”
“Ah!” Too distracted by my thoughts, I didn’t look where I was going and ran into someone. If it weren’t for the boat on the dock, the poor woman would have fallen in the water.
“Quick, Sitron!” With ease, my horse slammed his hoof on the boat, balancing it on the edge of the dock. “I’m so sorry! Are you hurt?” I ask with worry at the poor maiden. 
“Not really,” she groans, slightly sitting up from the sudden fall.
“Sorry,” I apologize, in embarrassment. I mount down and quickly go for her assistance. “I wasn’t exactly looking where I was going,”
“Yeah obviously,” she dismisses my hand and stands on her own, dusting off her gown. “Why are you in such a rush anyway?”
“I need-“ I bite back my tongue, thinking about my next move. Should I really trust anybody here? So far, with everything that’s been happening, I should be on my own.
“Hey!” I blink out of my thoughts when she snaps her fingers in front of my face. “You still with me here? Geez, I swear everyone here is nuts,”
“Wait, what? What do you mean?” I mask on my true intentions, keeping on my toes.
“Have you seen everyone around here? There’s too much happy going on, its really freaking me out!” She shivers at the thought. “Since when does everyone decide to be overly happy? It just doesn’t make sense,”
“So, you think something is going on around here?”
“I know something is going on here. I’ve been here for a while and I’m just starting to figure it out,” I stare in awe, finally finding someone in this kingdom just as sane as myself. “And by the looks of it, you don’t seem to be under Queen Elsa’s spell,”
“Her spell?”
The young maiden looks around, checking for any bystanders. But by the looks of it, the entire kingdom somehow is able to fit in the castle that Arendelle looks completely empty; like an abandoned wasteland that was forgotten.
“Follow me,” she moves past and walks off the dock. “We need to get out of the public,” a little confused, I look around at the empty town, I grab a hold onto my horse and follow her suit.
“The name’s Anna by the way,” she introduces herself without turning to face me.
“Anna?” I ask, familiar by the name. Isn’t she…
“And you can forget to worry about me having any relation to that damn Ice Queen. We’re anything but related to one another,” despite the sudden Winter in the middle of Summer, I feel really cold being around this woman.
“I-I’m Hans,” But somehow, I trust her. Definitely more than the crazy people here.
Anna leads me to a hideout on the outskirts of town into the woods. It’s a small cabin that looks welcoming yet isolated from everything else in Arendelle.
“You can mount your horse here in front. I’ll meet you inside, okay? There’s a lot I need to explain,” she disappears inside and I stand there for a moment, thinking to myself.
“What have I gotten ourselves into, boy?” I sigh, tying him to the front porch.
Promise me one thing, come back home.
Suddenly, a new feeling of determination fills me. I tie Sitron securely, give him a firm pat on the back, and march inside. I am greeted by Anna dressed in comfy dress pants, a button up, and boots. She carries in what seems months of documents and work in her fragile arms and slams them on the coffee table.
“Go ahead and help yourself to some food, something to drink, or whatever,” she focuses on organizing her work while she waves nonchalantly towards the small kitchen. I chuckle at the different type of hospitality, but nonetheless, still hospitality. I walk over to the kitchen and just pour two glasses of water.
“So what exactly is going on here?” I ask as I walk over and take a seat next to Anna.
“You have to leave this place as soon as possible,”
“Wait, what?”
“Okay,” Anna sighs. “I should start from the beginning. Long story short, Elsa… She wasn’t always like this. Arendelle, this place I used to call home, isn’t home anymore. Ever since my parents died,” I stay patient and quiet, respecting her mourning. “Elsa completely lost it. And before we all knew it, she had ice powers. It wasn’t until the night of her coronation day that she discovered what she was capable of. Ever since she just couldn’t control herself. Elsa decided to use her powers only for herself; she figured how to control others wither powers.
She puts on this performance every year… It's like mind control, I’ve never seen anything like it. People all over come here and celebrate her coronation day but never go back home. Arendelle is in a deep famine of not just food, but of everything! We’re low on supplies, housing… It’s the worst! And we’ve lost all connection to other trading kingdoms because they all live here now!” Anna seems to have held all this frustration in for so long, I just sit and listen.
“But why do you think she wants all these people here?”
“I guess… Ever since our parents died, she felt really lonely. I wasn’t enough for her; she wanted this place to be home and fill it with a bunch of people. Elsa’s powers have gotten to her head. We need to put an end to it,”
“But she’s your sister,”
Anna glares at me, revealing a dark emptiness deep inside. “Not anymore Hans,” Heh, why does this all sound so familiar?
“That’s why we need to get out of here,” Anna stands, gulping down the water and rushes to her room. She comes back with some luggage. “We need to warn others and bring them to Arendelle. She’s a lost cause and needs to be stopped,”
I sat there for a second, taking it all in. And here I was looking to court a princess. I gulp down the water and sigh with sudden tiredness.
“My home kingdom isn’t that far from here; The Southern Isles? Have you heard of it before?”
Anna taps her chin for a moment. “No, not really,”
“Yeah, I thought so,” I sigh with a bit of defeat but not high expectations. “We’re not that widely known as Arendelle,” I chuckle dryly.
“Hey,” Anna smiles softly. “Maybe after you help me, I could help put The Southern Isles on the map,” I look up at her in wonder and scoff at the thought. “I’m serious,” she laughs as she squares her arms on her hips. “I assume you came here to join our kingdoms together, right?” Anna smirks when I feel a sudden heat creep to my cheeks.
“You’re so easy to read,” Anna laughs playfully. “We’ll see how it turns out. Maybe we’ll both get something out of it in the end,” she shrugs with a sarcastic yet optimistic tone.
“You know, for a princess, you definitely don’t act like one,” I smirk back at her coyness.
“Hmpf,” Anna smirks. “Thank you,” she turns her heels and walks to her room. “Make yourself at home but you get the couch. We’ll leave first thing in the morning,” she calls from over her shoulder and closes the door.
Come back home.
“Don’t worry Mother,” I say to myself as I kick off my boots. I lay down and get comfortable on the sofa. “I will,”
I was woken up by a loud pounding at the door, I fell out of my sleep with a thud. I look up, hair in disarray, trying to calm my anxiety. I snap my head to Anna’s room but the door is open and she’s not storming out here.
“Um… Anna? I think we may have some company,” I harshly whisper as the pounding got louder. I quickly fix my hair and stand tall. I go through Anna’s luggage and find a dagger protected by its sheath. I pull it out carefully and, with caution, approach the impatient person (or people) just outside the cabin. With a deep inhale, I grip the knob and open the door with a loud yell, dagger in the air.
“Whoa whoa whoa! Calm down, it's me!” Anna shields herself. “Relax, I was just getting some rope for the trip,” I look down at the bundle of rope sashed around her shoulder. I sigh in relief and lower the weapon.
“Don’t scare me like that,” I toss the weapon to the side and turn to go back in. The sudden fog stops me in my tracks. 
Then, it goes black.
I wake up to a bad headache, almost - just almost - as bad as the ones I get from a fight with my brothers. I slowly sit up and adjust myself to my new environment; cold, hard, and quiet. “Am I… Am I in a cell?”
“Where else would you be?” I stand up quickly by the sound and there she stands; Queen Elsa on the other side my prison bars. “Hello Prince Hans,” she smiles.
“What did you do with Anna?” I demand, stepping out of the dark.
“Oh, you’re worried about my sister? Isn’t that cute?” She cocks her head to the side. “It’s a shame, really. I didn’t want any disturbances during my coronation holiday. But yet again, The Southern Isles decides to mess it all up!” I wince at the sharp pain in the body as she conjures a brief yet strong enough Winter breeze to bring me down to my feet.
“What are you talking about?”
“Let’s just say that you weren’t the first of your kind to come here and try to ruin my perfect kingdom,” unsure if it was from the burning cold or what, but my heart seemed to freeze. “And we’ll be sure that you’re the last,”
I hear a click of heels down the dungeon halls, growing louder as it gets near. I stare in disbelief and confusion. “Anna?”
“Such an obedient little sister,” Elsa smirks, hugging Anna’s arm. “Thank you for looking out for him while I was busy with our people. Poor thing was long gone when Mother and Father died,” for a moment, she actually sounded genuine about their death. “But now, she no longer has to worry about that, don’t you Anna?” Elsa waves her hands through the air around her and sprinkles Anna with a small snowfall. Anna sighs in pleasure, closing her eyes and taking in her sister’s magic. I shrink back a bit in disgust and even more confusion. 
“Yes Elsa,” Anna smiles brightly. “Arendelle is home,”
“You won’t get away with this!” I yell in frustration. “Don’t you see, this isn’t a perfect kingdom if your people aren’t genuine! They’re all your little robots waiting to be commanded; they’re blinded from your powers that they all forgot who they are. Families are still waiting for their return or they just lost hope after all these years of being gone. You need to set them free! Everyone here is captive and prisoner! What kind of kingdom is that?!”
“The kind that I get to finally control after years of being isolated and ignored!” Elsa roars. I step back as her emotions get the best of her; a small but growing snowstorm builds bellow her. The walls have grown colder and coats in layers of ice, turning dark red instead of a crimson blue. “I’ve been alone for so long and I’m not going to let some little prince take it all away from me!”
I scream as Elsa’s magic strikes me. I yell in agony, falling to the floor helplessly. What is this?! I look down at my hands as they slowly turn white. The pain is so bad I don’t feel anything anymore. I look up and see a furious, hungry, and seductive Ice Queen.
“What did you do to me?!”
“What I did to everyone else around here; I froze your heart,” she smirks. “You’ll die soon enough. But don’t worry, you’ll come back; reborn. A brand new addition to the family,” Elsa snaps the prison bars in her hands and struts forward. I try to crawl away but her heels stab my calf, making me cry in pain.
“I’ll make sure you’ll never leave,” Elsa grits her teeth in annoyance as I try to shake away her surprising strength. “Arendelle is home, Hans.” She caresses my face in her touch and I suddenly can’t move. I’m lost in her gaze; wanting - craving - to be touched again.
“Elsa,” I sigh hopelessly.
“Our home is your home,” she whispers causing my body to shiver. I wine as my Queen steps back, leaving me alone to myself. But her smile, her beautiful smile, gives me so much hope. “I’ll come back for you my prince,” Anna holds out her arm and the two sisters strut out of the dungeon, slamming the cell door behind them.
“Elsa, come back,” I tiredly plead reaching out for a touch. “Please,”
Come back home.
Come back home. My son, please. Come back home.
I gasp, probably the last of my breath, and cry. I hold myself, shivering vigorously, and sob on the cold prison floor. Mother… I look up and see the prison window. Outside is nothing but white; a blanket of cold and lifeless white. I’ve failed everyone. I’m never going to see my family again. Those damn brothers, such bastards! I’m never going to prove myself to those idiots.
“Mother…” I shiver, feeling the ice consume the entire lower half of my body, quickly up to my neck.
Come back home.
“I’m so sorry,”
“Welcome to Arendelle!”
“Oh, thank you, sir. We’re happy to celebrate Queen Elsa’s coronation,”
“Arendelle is home. Our home is your home. Please, come join us inside,” Anna steps out to the courtyard and hugs my arm. I look down at her happily as we both kiss each other sweetly.
“Elsa wants to see us before the event, sweetheart. Won’t you come join me?” Anna smiles sweetly.
“Of course, anything for-“
“HANS!” I turn my attention forward as a party of people come rushing into the gates; twelve of them to be exact. I look down at Anna in confusion and she smiles brightly, reminding me what to do for the new guests. Then, I follow suit.
“Hello! Welcome to Arendelle, where our home is your home! Please, come join us inside,”
Thank you so much for reading! This is probably my favorite series up to date, I really liked how it all turned out in the end. I hope you did too!
I also have an archive of Frozen Fanfiction. If you want to check it out, here it is! imfrozentrash’s fanfiction archive ♡
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frozenartscapes · 7 years
Possible New Fic from Me - Frozen/Beauty and the Beast
Ok, so I’m going to try something.
I’ve been sitting on this fic for a while now. Parts of it are physically written, other parts are written in my head, and others still I haven’t really thought about yet. But most of the story is there. I’d like to get back into fic writing, but the last few things I’ve written haven’t really gone very far when it comes to viewership. I know the fandom’s really quieted down lately, so I can’t expect the same kind of response that I got a few years ago. But it’s still a little disheartening to put effort into something and for it to maybe be seen by, like, four people. I really hate saying this, because it feels like I’m being selfish, but that’s been a big reason for why I haven’t been able to write stuff lately. For a while there I was considering scraping any WIPs I had and just calling it done until the sequel, as I feel like my Frozen muse is also going away.
That being said, I still want to keep going with this one. I kinda hope with the live action Beauty and the Beast maybe this will be a little more popular than my other recent fics. But right now I’m just going to test it.
This is the prologue/first chapter. It’s pretty much a Beta - I know there are things from it that will likely change as I write more of this story. But I really want to hear from you guys. Do you like it? Does it make sense? Will this story even work? If the responses are good (and by that I even mean constructive criticism - anything would be good to hear) then I’ll continue to work on this story.
If not, well, I’m not going to say that I’ll stop fics all together. I still have a few ideas for DA!Verse stuff and I might still work on the odd prompt (or the ones I’ve been given and just need to finish) but I can’t promise they’ll be frequent. I’m about to start school soon, so production will slow even more. But if I know that maybe a few people at least are looking forward to this, then maybe I can get myself to keep writing it.
Once upon a time, nestled amongst the Northern Mountains and the fjords, lay a small Kingdom by the name of Arendelle. In the town lived a beautiful young woman named Idunn. She was a simple peasant girl, who had fallen in love with a young inventor by the name of Adgar. But before they could properly marry, the King of Arendelle, a brute of a man, sent out a declaration that all eligible maidens were to come before him, and he would choose his wife from among them. Idunn’s father forced her to go, but she tried to blend into the crowd to go unnoticed. However, despite her attempts to hide, the King spotted her, and decided her beauty was greater than any other. He made her his wife, and she had to say goodbye to Adgar.
The King was known throughout the Kingdom to be a cruel and selfish man. He was aggressive and vulgar, oftentimes acting more like a barbarian than a king - but only in private where no one else would know. But it was his kingdom, and as such it was his to do whatever he pleased with it. And what he desired was to leave it to his son. He was very adamant about leaving it to a son.
Idunn, when she became pregnant with their heir, grew more and more worried as the King went on, especially when he started to threaten her with execution should she bear a girl. The poor child would not fare much better, and would likely be fed to the wolves. And so one night she went out, taking a map from an ancient book in the library and travelling to a mystical place known as the Valley of the Living Rock. There, as the legends said, would she find the Trolls.
Trolls were a dangerous, mysterious folk. They sometimes helped, and other times harmed. And they almost always harmed in order to help. But Idunn needed their help, and was willing to pay for it. She was more scared of her husband than whatever the Trolls would do the her.
The Troll King confirmed what she feared most: her child would be a girl. She pleaded with them to do something, anything to keep both herself and the child safe from the King’s wrath. And so the Trolls gave the child something that would make up for the fact that she would be the wrong gender: magic. The Troll King assured Idunn that upon witnessing the magic the child would possess, the King of Arendelle would forget all about the importance of a son. But he then warned her about the dangers of greed. If she were to return and ask for more magic for the child, the consequences would be grave. Idunn agreed to the terms, and returned to the castle with relief in her heart.
When the child was born, the King initially was outraged. But before he could tear the fragile baby girl away from her mother, she sneezed…and snowflakes appeared in the air around her. He demanded from Idunn an explanation, and she told him about the Trolls. She told him that their little girl would be just as strong as a boy, her magic making her a force to be reckoned with.
The King smiled wickedly, before stating that that was an understatement.
Under the cover of a full moon, the King forced the Queen to ride alongside him to the Valley, where he then demanded that the trolls make the child stronger. He didn’t want a mere witch. If she were to have magic, he wanted a demigod. He wanted her to be the most powerful being on the planet, for no other man would have boasting rights like he would. The Troll King told him that his words meant nothing. They had to come from the mouth of the mother. The King then ordered Idunn to request what he wanted.
Idunn, remembering the Troll King’s words, refused. But then the King drew his sword and threatened to flay the child right then and there if she did not do as he said. So she did as she was told, and asked the Trolls for more magic to be bestowed onto the child.
The sky grew dark, and the auroras flowed around them in streaks of red and deep violet. The Troll King, his voice louder than thunder, declared that her wish would be granted, but with a heavy price to pay. And so the prophecy of the Snow Queen was born:
“Your future is bleak, your kingdom will splinter.
Your land shall be cursed with unending winter.
To punish your Greed, a deadly sin,
one year after a decade will this curse begin.
    A change will affect all who dwell inside your palace,
    but the only ones who need to fear
    are those who’s hearts are filled with malice.
        Your child’s power will grow ever stronger, consuming until she is no longer.
    She has until she is of age to find control,
    and must master all aspects of her gift,
    or else this curse shall take it’s wicked toll.
With blasts of cold will come dark art,
and a ruler with a Frozen Heart.
Then all will perish in snow and ice,
unless saved by a sword’s sacrifice.”
A bright flash then filled the clearing as glowing blue energy surrounded the child in Idunn’s arms. It then died down as the magic seeped into the baby, the intense light fading until everything had seemingly returned to normal. The King then scoffed, stating that if that was all the Troll’s magic could do then he had nothing to fear. He returned to his horse and barked a command to his wife for her to follow.
Before Idunn could leave, she was stopped by the Troll King. He told her to hold out a hand, and when she did he dropped a small crocus bulb into her palm. He then instructed her to plant it in a pot when she returned. It would be their hour glass: when it blooms, the curse will begin, and when it dies, the curse will have run its course. If they are able to save the delicate flower from a frosty demise, then that means the curse has been broken. Idunn shakily nodded and took the bulb without a word.
On the way back to the castle, Idunn devised a plan. She knew her horrid husband would abuse their child’s power right from the start, but perhaps there would be hope for her if she could teach her to love from an early age. When they returned, she tucked her little princess into her crib, quickly found a pot and planted the bulb as the trolls instructed, and then composed a letter.
Three days later, the fruits of that letter arrived at the castle in the form of her old love, Adgar, with an arsenal of hidden gadgets in tow. He presented himself to the King as a travelling wizard, who had sensed the presence of a new sorceress in the area. With the help of his inventions, he was able to convince the King of his lie, before offering to train the child in the ways of magic. The King agreed, being sold on the idea that magic was the same as military prowess, and the more one trains the stronger they will be. If his child were to begin learning from such a young age, then that meant she would be all-powerful much sooner than he had first planned. But Adgar insisted that the child must come with him, for the castle did not offer the proper resources for a young sorceress to begin her training. The King was reluctant to leave his castle, but Idunn eagerly suggested that she go in his stead to oversee the girl’s training. The King was reluctant about that, too, but in the end gave in for the sake of the power his child would have. He gave the fake wizard eight years to train her, allowing himself a few years to train her in more ruthless ways for her remaining three years before the curse was supposed to begin.
The next day, Idunn, Adgar, and baby Elsa left the castle to begin Elsa’s “tutoring”. And over the years, the girl did learn. But not the battle-ready magic the King had been expecting. Idunn taught her about Love. She taught her grace, and kindness. She taught her to think only of others and to show compassion and mercy whenever such a time called for it. As a result, Elsa was unwilling to harm even the smallest of insects. She was gentle, and warm. She laughed often and smiled always. When a baby bird had fallen from its nest, she had scooped it up ever so carefully and brought it back home, safe and sound. When Adgar accidentally burned his hand while reforming some metal, she was the first to come running to his side to place a perfectly cooled hand on his to help the pain.
Adgar taught Elsa about Learning. His eagerness to pursue new things, and his own great knowledge, had sparked a desire in the young one’s heart to learn as much as she could. She could read by the time she was three, and her reading level only grew higher and higher. She read philosophers, mathematicians, and inventors. She studied their techniques and ways of thought. She drew out their formulas and hypotheses on paper. And she would build. With her magic, with her own mind, she would build things. Complicated designs, some that would take master architects years to create she could form in mere minutes. Granted, they weren’t full size, but the models were meticulously crafted nonetheless. Yet, despite her obvious talent, her favourite thing to do would be to watch Adgar work. She followed him around constantly, often trailing after him carrying a couple books, some notes, or his tool bag. She would often fetch his tools for him, too, even the ones he had made himself and gave ridiculous names to. She was the only other person who understood what he meant when he asked for a “whatcha-ma-callit”.
Her mother and her mentor’s teachings may not have been direct lessons for her magic, but her power was under her complete control the whole time. It was obvious fairly early on that with each day she grew, so, too, did her extraordinary magic. Yet it never seemed to faze the girl, even as the power she held began to seemingly dwarf her outward appearance. It often left her mother wondering how such a small, delicate child could hold enough magic to freeze an entire centuries-old tree to pure ice.
But there was one more person there who had become a teacher for Elsa, though she had arrived late to the gathering. You see, Idunn and Adgar still loved each other greatly, and after about three years, they had a new baby to prove it. Idunn knew what would happen if the King were to ever find out about little Anna, but he was never going to. She hated the thought, but had resolved to leave the child with Adgar when the time came for her and Elsa to return to the castle, but for the time being, she would let the new sisters get to know each other, and love each other.
And oh, how they loved each other. Elsa, from the moment she first saw her baby sister, had a special place in her heart solely for the redhead. Her powerful magic suddenly became entertainment for a baby, who would giggle and smile in awe and amazement at the shimmering snowflakes her big sister made. Anna taught Elsa how to be a big sister. And while she didn’t really teach anything, Elsa naturally learned what it meant to have someone to protect. She learned what it was like to have someone she loved so much she was willing to do anything for.
But the good times had to end. When Elsa was eight, a royal carriage was sent to Adgar’s cottage with orders to bring the Queen and Princess back to the castle. Tears were shed by all, but no one’s heart hurt as much as Elsa’s did. Anna was only five, so she didn’t quite understand why her best friend suddenly had to leave. Elsa did understand, but she didn’t wish to. She was perceptive, even at her young age, and knew nothing good was waiting for her at the castle based on how her mother acted every time she asked about her real father. But despite possessing more power in a single finger than anyone around her, she had no authority, and no choice in the matter. She was going back to the castle.
Elsa realized after day one that her father was not a kind man. He was the furthest thing from Adgar, and suddenly she wished she had him as a father over the King. The King was mean, and stern. He treated her more like a military captain might treat a new recruit than a father would treat his daughter. Just the second day she was in the castle he started teaching her to fight, both with weapons and her own magic. Each day she would seek out her mother after her training sessions, sore and worn from all the hard work, always with the same question on her lips: why did she have to learn to hurt people? She did not want to hurt people.
Idunn could only watch in terror as Elsa grew more quiet and reserved, choosing to be alone in her room whenever she wasn’t learning how to use her powers for bad things. The Queen feared that her husband would undo all that Elsa had learned about love and kindness, and prayed that her fears would remain just mere worries. Elsa needed to stay good. She needed as much love and hope in her heart as she could get, for the Prophecy was drawing closer with each day and her poor child did not have much time left. She remembered stories of love conquering evil, that True Love would break through any darkness cast by the wicked. Her magic would begin to consume her regardless of how much she loved, but perhaps if Elsa was well and truly good then she could stand a better chance.
But the King didn’t see it that way. The way he spoke made it sound like he embraced the idea of Elsa turning into a heartless sorceress. She would be unstoppable. The whole world would have no choice but to bow down before the might of Arendelle and its secret weapon. And he did everything he could to attempt to squash the love and hope in Elsa’s soul.
Elsa’s tenth year was a year filled with dread. The King and Queen had both elected not to tell the Princess about her coming demise, for entirely different reasons. The King didn’t want to give her any ideas about trying to reverse it, as he feared her knowing about the curse would give her more time to work on seeing that it did not come to pass, or if it did, it wouldn’t last long. Idunn, on the other hand, hadn’t told Elsa for what she deemed to be selfish reasons. She couldn’t bear the thought of Elsa knowing that she had been doomed from the start. She didn’t want to see Elsa’s spirit die upon learning that something terrible and inevitable was going to happen to her. And, worst of all, she feared more than anything that Elsa would blame her for it.
The dread only grew worse when, exactly one month before Elsa’s eleventh birthday, the crocus the Trolls had given the Queen peeked out of the dirt in the pot. The soil had long grown dusty and old, and the pot covered in cobwebs as it sat unmoved from its spot on Idunn’s windowsill, and yet there was a tiny sprout of the purest green she had ever seen. She would have been awed if it didn’t terrify her. Because to her, it was not a miracle. It was an omen, a symbol that time had finally run out, and there was nothing she could do now but wait.
That night she hugged her slightly confused daughter with tears in her eyes and promised her that she loved her no matter what. She always made sure to say the same thing each day after that.
When the day finally came, the tension in the air could be cut like butter. The crocus had reached its full height, the bud ready to bloom at any moment. It was unclear as to when exactly it would open, but Idunn was keeping a close eye on it.
The King had taken his daughter into their sparring room as he always did. It was a dark, window-less chamber in the dungeons with plenty of room for swinging swords and flying magic.  It was while she was there, her father barking orders at her while she tried her best to achieve them, that she suddenly experienced the worst pain she could have ever imagined seize her heart and bring her to her knees. Her vision clouded so much that she momentarily thought she had gone blind. She felt her magic roar to life like a sudden maelstrom swirling inside of her, completely disorienting her from her surroundings as it moved around in her veins. She felt some of the magic leave her, but she wasn’t sure where it went.
When her senses began to return, she realized the room was darker than it was moments ago. The torches had all been extinguished, she assumed by her magic. “Father?” she called shakily, “Are you still there? I…I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened…”
She waved her hand to create some glowing ice on each torch in the place of fire, but found it much more difficult to do than it used to be. It took her several attempts, and even then, she only managed two out of the eight she had been going for. Her head suddenly began pounding, and she had to stop trying to use her magic.
“Father?” she called again, searching the shadows for his form. By this point, he would have scolded her for losing control, but he hadn’t made a sound yet.
Then she caught sight of a large form illuminated by the dim light from her ice. A moment of panic washed over her as she wondered if she had accidentally struck him. “Father? A…are you ok? Are you hurt?” she asked nervously. She dared not approach, since she had no idea if he would be furious with her.
A low growl answered her. But it was not the sort of sound an angry man might make - it was one an angry animal might make.
The form stirred, before rising to four feet. It turned its massive head to glare at her with piercing, yellow eyes that glowed in the low light. It snarled again, revealing a huge mouth full of long, sharp teeth.
Elsa stumbled backward. “Father! Help!” she cried into the darkness, hoping that her father, despite how awful he was, was still in the room somewhere and would defend her from this beast. But no other movement occurred, so she quickly flew to her feet and hurried to the heavy door.
She heard the creature growl again before beginning to run at her. She struggled to shove the iron door open. It was much bigger than herself, and weighed probably five times as much, so even all her weight on it barely budged it open. The creature leapt forward, and she scrambled out of the way before it’s teeth made contact with her. It’s sheer size crashing into the door pushed it open, and left the creature temporarily stunned.
Elsa flew out of the opening and raced down the hallway, feeling her heart beat even faster when she heard the beast running after her. She tried to call on her magic to do something, literally anything to slow it down or stop it. But her head throbbed painfully at even the thought of using her powers and nothing seemed to be listening to her. So she did the only thing she could do: she ran.
“Mama!” she cried as she skidded around corners and hastily made her way up stairways, “Mama! Somebody! Help!”
Where were the guards? Where were the maids? Where was the butler, Kai? Where was anyone? The whole castle suddenly seemed devoid of life. She did not know what was going on, but she did not like it one bit.
She headed for her parents’ room, hoping her mother was in there. Her Mama was smart, and strong. She would at least know what was happening, the child thought, and may be able to help her fix her magic.
She turned a corner, revealing the bedroom door at the far end. “Mama!” she yelled again, hoping this time her mother could hear her. She continued to run, since the beast was still right on her heels. She finally reached the door, and quickly threw it open - only to reveal a second creature.
There was much better light in the bedroom, so she was able to see that the second creature was a wolf. It was a bit bigger than normal wolves, and had dark brown fur. Interestingly, it appeared to have scraps of cloth hanging off its body. It turned when she screamed and skidded to a stop, falling to the floor in the process. She caught sight of deep blue eyes before it snarled and lunged forward.
She waited for teeth to sink into her flesh, but they never came. There was a loud crash, followed by furious growling and a vicious struggle. She looked up to see that the second wolf was attacking the thing that had been following her. She realized that it was also a wolf, with deep black fur and scraps of fabric clinging to it, too.
The brown wolf managed to pin the other one. It turned to face Elsa, fear and desperation etched in its face. “Elsa, run!” it, no she, commanded, “Run, Elsa. Run!”
“Mama?” Elsa uttered in a tiny voice. Why did that wolf sound so much like her mother? Why did the other one appear to be wearing her father’s royal medallion? What was going on?
But then the words registered and she shakily ran back out into the hallway and down to the main entrance. She could still hear the fight upstairs, gradually getting closer and closer. With all her might, she managed to open the great castle doors to reveal the courtyard. Except it was difficult to see because of a blinding snowstorm. The wind was so sharp, and the snow so heavy, she feared she could get lost after taking only a few steps. She didn’t know where to go.
Suddenly, the large black wolf appeared at the top of the stairs. It’s yellow eyes locked onto Elsa and it charged. Elsa looked frantically into the white abyss and then back at the approaching demise, terrified beyond reason and unaware of the frost leaking out from her feet.
Before the wolf could reach her, something large, white, and feathery crashed into it. The wolf yelped in surprise as a snowy owl swooped out of nowhere and attacked its face, temporarily stalling it from reaching Elsa. Elsa didn’t wait to find out why or where the owl had come from, and instead ran into the snowstorm.
She had to reach the gates. The courtyard wasn’t that large, but she could barely see her own hand in front of her face. Finding the massive gate was going to be tricky. She didn’t know what was out there with her, at that. She couldn’t see, and for all she knew there was another dangerous animal awaiting her out here.
Then, without warning, she collided with something furry. With a panicked cry, she fell backward, flinching and waiting for whatever it was to gobble her up. When nothing came, she slowly opened one eye to find a terrified little reindeer staring back at her. A second one came into view, sniffing the first one before approaching her.
“Hey. Are you ok?” it asked.
Elsa felt her mouth hanging open dumbly, but she couldn’t bring herself to close it. She merely shook her head back and forth in reply.
“It’s ok,” the reindeer said gently, “But…I don’t… You wouldn’t happen to know what’s going on, do you?”
“N…no,” Elsa said weakly.
“That’s ok. I’m sure someone does. Because I’d like to know why my friend’s suddenly a reindeer.”
“What?” Elsa asked, her voice so quiet it couldn’t possibly be heard over the howling storm.
A furious snarl behind her caused her to leap to her feet. The black wolf appeared through the snow. Before it could lunge, the brown wolf arrived, too, throwing her whole weight into knocking the other wolf to the ground. The wolf, furious that it had been attacked again, whipped around and grabbed the brown wolf by the neck, then throwing it to the side like a rag-doll.
Elsa watched the brown wolf crash to the ground. She lay there for a second before attempting to struggle to her feet, but she had been weakened from the past fights with the aggressive enemy.
The black wolf then turned its sights on Elsa and the two reindeer, both of whom were much to small to stand any chance against it. Elsa found herself reaching both her arms out to protect them. Suddenly, something stirred inside of her, like her power had just awakened and was prepared to finally contribute something useful. Only it then decided to ignore anything she wished of it, and it surged so quickly and painfully inside of her that she blacked out. The last thing she remembered was a searing pain in her head.
So...what do you guys think? I’m interested to know how you feel about the set up, and maybe even what you think might happen. If you have any kind of input, I’d like to hear it. It’d be incredibly helpful to me.
Thanks again!
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Rex, did you know Bakugo scared your baby sister when they were trying to find Yuu? I hear he grabbed her shirt, roughed her up, and scared her pretty badly. How do you feel about this?
"Wait, he did what to my sister?" Rex asked but he looks to Bakugo while seeing him grumbling. "Lets ask him.." He walks over but taps his shoulder to get Bakugo's attention.
"The hell are you?" Bakugo asked but Rex was calm.
"Just a question, when you were investigating the look for Yuuka, did you rough up a girl named Ashley?" he asked.
"....Huh? You mean that scardy cat of a leader? Yeah, I did when she wouldn't answer my question and lied to me. So what if I did?? Who the hell are you?"
"....Her brother..just a moment.."
~~Moments later~~
His teammates were worried seeing Rex beating the crap out of Bakugo due to him scaring his sister. However, as Bakugo was about to hit him, Rex hits him hard in the stomach using the hilt of his sword that it sends him flying away right into the wall. Bakugo slams against the wall but it knocked him out as he twitches.
"....." Rex sighs but he looks sensing Midoriya and Shoto showing up but saw what happened. They look to see his team.
"Ummm, I guess Rex found out what Bakugo did?" Shoto asked.
"Yes....but for your sake, you should take him somewhere to rest. He's going to be out for a while." Winter sighed.
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So it was true! Rex did have a crush on Kali??? Why didn't you say anything to her!?
Rex blinks to hear the anon call him out but he glares to look at them. "Of course I been had a crush on Kali. I been trying to ask her out after a while." He sighed crossing his arms after calming down.
"I mean to say the least, after working with her that one time against the hunters, our fractions sometimes work together and I actually really enjoy her company and I really find her.....interesting. I was really impressed and with her skills that It was rather out of this world. That was when I started wanting to ask her to well.......you know be my girlfriend but. that's if she wants to. If not, that's fine with me." He said but senses his team. "What?"
"Awwwwwww!! Sensei is being all shy!" they said while winter sighed seeing Rex look at them. Well, at least he is honest.
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||Season demon warriors muse tag dump||
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So has your team spend more time with your boyfriends too? How are they doing as well?
Winter, Summer, Spring, and Fall looks up hearing the anon ask the question. However, the other three blushed slightly with Winter being the one to answer it.
"To say at least we do. From time to time we tend to visit them when we are off from missions and Sensei tells us to enjoy yourselves during our days off when we can. Though, it's pretty fun." she smiled even knowing that.
~~~With Winter and Summer visiting Fin and Ahmed~~~
"Sorry about the rough training from before but it seems to have done wonders." Winter was just done helping with healing some of the boys from Fin's fraction now. They were relaxing due to the healing like she was a natural healing even with her.
"Naw it's fine. Thanks for offering a hand to help us. You too Summer." Fin saw Summer nod not minding it as she was seeing everyone alright.
"Even so, that was pretty good stating we did need some training." Ahmed said to her as Summer understood.
"It's no biggie. You guys do help us from time to time so this is fine with us. That way we can check up on you and hang out!" she smiled at him even if Ahmed smiled but agrees with that.
Winter did too while smiling to Fin. However, everyone else was looking to wonder.
"That leaves a thought, Does this mean both Winter and Summer are going to be your future mates?!" Pierce asked seeing Fin spit out his drink coughing.
"Woah you okay Fin?!" Winter said trying to help him with Ahemd tense hearing that to look at him.
"What? it's possible though! I mean you two tend to be-" That's when he got bonked on the head hard by Ahmed while seeing him wince in pain with Summer sweatdropping.
"OW! What did I say!?"
~~~~~~~~~~~~With Bernard with Fall~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Alright Bernard, if your going to be sure your future girlfriend is happy don't blow it though alright! Though, I was not expecting you to like someone like her." Kali pokes to Fall's cheek as the others were sweatdropping.
Fall blinks tilting her head and seeing Bernard blushing red to cover his face with one hand.
"Kali please. She is just visiting us. You are already speaking about that when she-"
"I know what I know! You and her are a thing so don't hide that! It won't do and I already had to help some others get through with confessing so your not safe from it!" she points to him as he sighs seeing Fall rub his back.
"There there..."
"SEE?!? IT'S ALL THERE! THE DENIAL OF LOVE!" she shouted now shaking him.
"WILL YOU PLEASE NOT RIGHT NOW!? >/////<" he said being shaking by the shoulders from Kali with Fall trying to calm her down worried along with Wes doing the same.
~~~~~~~Angel with Spring~~~~~~~~~
"I'm happy that you are a part of my teammate's life. Be sure you take good care of him, Spring." Joshua nods happy for Angel as Spring blinks scratching her cheek.
"It's n..nothing really. I do like spending time with him and he really is fun to hang out with." she giggled even if Angel was quiet trying not to blush though Vanessa nudges him as he looks.
"And you said you were not the shy type. Seems like I was right?"
"Don't start Vanessa....you always seem to-"
"Hey, I'm just stating facts here and you know it's true!" she said as Angel sighed to look away. However, he was seeing both Joshua and Spring talking but seeing her happy made him blush even more to look down covering his face.
"You okay Angel?" Sydeia asked with Vanessa smiling. "Yeah, you good dude?"
".....I'm fine...." he mutters even when the girls smiled to even grab Spring who blinks but yelps to being carefully pulled and sits by Angel who tenses but the two smiled pushing them side by side.
"Much better!"
"What are you two doing DX!?" he said red now that Spring blinks to blink then giggles.
"Awwww, your all red again!" she said even kissing his cheek that his face was now fully red to his wings poofing up then he covers his face now embarrassed. Spring thought it was cute.
"Though, over time we been checking up on them and hanging out with the fractions and them." Winter said smiling but sweatdrops.
"However, it's also being sure that Bradley don't try anything like he did a while ago." She said.
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Hey fallen season maidens,
Do you think your crushes liked your gifts? :3
The girls were drinking some hot chocolate this Christmas morning but they blink hearing this to feel their cheeks heat up. "W..Well, we did hand deliver a few to others but....we did give some other personal ones. I hope Fin likes it. I got him a new jacket, a new set of gloves, some home made white chocolate and....a wrist band themed by ice..." Winter mutters flushed.
"Same here! I was trying to get something nice for Ahmed but..I hope it's alright for him or will keep him warm. A nice blanket, a hat, and..something he wanted to help him relax." Summer smiled kindly.
".......I tried for Bernard's gift but..I hope he likes it. A new exercise kit, some workout set to help, and some new clothes." Fall mutters poking her fingers together lightly blushing.
"I think Angel might like mine I wanted to get him something but it's pretty cool too. A brush to help his wings stay nice, fluffy, and soft, a new jacket, and ummmm.....a few trinkets." Spring smiled sweetly.
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Dear Rex,
I know this might be a weird question but do you have a crush on someone in NYC? And would it be..oh I don't know, Kali?
Rex was drinking some tea before hearing the question to think about it. "Hmmmm, well it's not a weird question and yes, i do have a crush on someone here in NYC..but I don't trust telling anons about it after...simple slip ups with others." he sighs lowering the cup.
"Wait, you have a crush sensei?" Fall asked as the girls looks to her then at him.
"....Yes. How is that surprising to you?" he asked.
"It's just you didn't seem like the type to have one Sensei. Though, it leaves us wondering-"
"Yeah, who is your crush!?" Fall said but Winter makes her sit so she didn't spill her own tea. He blinks to sigh shaking his head. "As I said, it's a crush. I don't even know if she feels the same way.."
"Hold on, so does this mean it's really Kali? You have a crush on her?" Summer asked but Rex didn't answer to look down. The girls said nothing but gasps to aww moments after. "Awwwww!!"
"*Sighs* Like I said, I don't know if she feels the same..."
"It won't hurt to ask sensei..who knows? You are pretty cute and some of the other helpers in our territory have always saw you as someone handsome. So who knows?" Spring smiled that his team looks to him.
"We will see.." he said to drink more of his green tea.
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Wow, Rex it seems both you and Joshua were angry about the game. Is their something Joshua's not telling us here?
Also Bakugo, how do you feel about this?
"Of course I'm angry about the game. I mean, I know it's just a game but I still don't approve of him trying anything." He said simply to the anon. "Besides, if he did, I would have slashed him for being near my baby sister! She's already been through enough anyway!"
"Again, I said sorry to her! what else do you want from me!?" He shouted back but Rex looks at him with a murder intent. "And who cares what Joshua thinks. I don't get why he got angry about it too!" he grumbles.
"And to answer the question, I don't know! I don't care! I already said sorry to the crybaby and I still prove my point. She's not worth dat-" He stops when a blade was near his throat.
"I watch it if I were you. Keep running that tongue and you'll lose it.." he warns with malice in his voice.
'Not again...' Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall said in their heads.
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How do you think Rex and Ashley would feel if they found this out? Winter and Hiroshi?
"Rex would be very angry if he found out what Navarro was thinking. Honestly, he would be either really angry or he would be sure his team wouldn't beat him up." Winter sighed.
"As for Ashley, she either would look scared that Navarro would suggest that or freak out from the questioning. She's well..easy to upset due to her being sensitive but working on it. That or starts crying...and we don't want that to happen." Hiroshi explains to the anon.
"So it's best they don't know too much but I get the feeling they will sooner or later."
0 notes
No Jericho wouldn't be scared of you being a vampire. Because he's a good boy. If someone had a problem with it they would learn the hard way why he's hot headed. And I'm sure Calix will love to meet you too winter! As for Luca. You will probably have to catch him trying to keep his brother out of trouble
"Hmmm, sees we have our answer ladies. I say we should meet them when we can." Winter looks to Megumi and Gin who looks at her and agrees. Seems these guys were really peaking their interests.
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Also Calix (the white haired one) and Jericho
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((Pics made with these games: https://picrew.me/image_maker/196772 and https://picrew.me/image_maker/1171011
((Didn’t have a Ivory skin color but that’s what Winter’s skin color is))
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"So this is Calix? He seems pretty interesting. I'm curious to meet him.." Winter mutters but she was sitting in a chair holding a book but resting her chin against her other hand.
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"I..Is this w..w..what Jericho l..looks like? H..He looks really c..c...cute-I mean n..nice..I..Oh dear. I hope h..he won't be nervous if he finds out I'm h..half vampire..." Megumi was flushed a little but she remains calm working on upgrading her guns.
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