#engineer // ikkaku
ikkaku-of-heart · 4 months
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@namaeekaki once again delivers an absolutely FIRE piece of ship art for me! Ikkaku x Killer was legit the first ship I had for her and it's been waiting for the perfect moment and artist to come to life, and oh man, Namae made my dreams come true. Just a deadly first mate and a sassy engineer getting their flirt on. She's very interested in how much he's bulked up and how that shirt is staying on (it won't be for long if she has anything to say about it).
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medicus-mortem · 1 year
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"Ah, actually Ikkaku is way more than a member of my hype squad," Law says, anger in his tone. "And I'd thank you not to fucking belittle the importance of my engineer's role in both my crew and life."
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anubislover · 2 years
Home is Where the Heart Is
(The fanfic I wrote for the @womenwantedzine way back, now finally exposed to the public, lol)
As she cleaned her tools and listened to the steady hum of the Polar Tang’s engine, Ikkaku decided that there was nothing she didn’t love about being a Heart Pirate.
After all, her crew was simply the best. Her captain was a brilliant doctor and a member of the Worst Generation. The boys were vibrant and fun and capable, and it was a blast coming up with awesome poses together. Plus, they hands-down had the cutest navigator of any crew on the Grand Line, and she didn’t mind the occasional garchu from him, despite how hot and sweaty he could get.
Not that it was always easy, being the only girl on the crew. When she’d first come aboard, she’d had to deal with more than a few awkward situations, like sharing a bathroom, overhearing inappropriate conversations, the occasional unthinking sexist comment, and, of course, the embarrassment that came with medical check-ups and monthly menstrual cycles.
Now, though, the boys fully respected her. Or at least they never acted like heart-eyed idiots around her the way they had with the Kuja. She didn’t have to worry about not having a tampon since they were bought in bulk; after all, they were great for plugging bullet wounds. And while the boiler suit wasn’t what most people would consider high-fashion, it was nice that it was unisex and utilitarian. The thick material protected her skin from hot pipes and sharp metal, and honestly, she pulled it off the best.
After a while, she’d even come to love—well, tolerate—their alliance with the Straw Hats. She may have opposed it at first and seen their help as worthless, but it was hard to stay mad after she found out that Monkey D. Luffy had basically saved Law’s life. And, perhaps, she’d mainly resisted teaming up because she was upset that her captain had sent her and the crew to Zou instead of letting them help.
Most of all, she loved the Polar Tang. The submarine was far more high-tech than any other pirate ship she’d seen, and she knew every nut, bolt, pressure gauge, and pipe. It was unique. It was home.
What other ship could travel underwater without that bubble coating from Sabaody? Could practically disappear beneath the waves when pursued by the Navy, or pop back up for a surprise attack? What other ship was able to observe deep sea life like the Tang?
They did have to deal with the unique hazard of the occasional hungry squid mistaking them for a whale, but hey, she’d take that over most Marines. It was killer on the paint job, though. A steady supply of yellow paint was a necessity for dealing with those sucker marks.
And of course, no other ship had someone like her on board. Every member of the crew had some knowledge of the Tang’s workings, but Ikkaku prided herself on her expertise. Why, just from the feel of her feet on the steel walkways and the angle of the water in a glass, she could tell whether or not the trim tanks needed balancing or if they needed to redistribute the weight of fuel and supplies.
The Polar Tang was her home, and Ikkaku was determined to take good care of it. After all, it took care of the Hearts. She was familiar with the legends of the Klabauterman, and with the way she loved and looked after the ship, she was certain one existed on board. And if it didn’t, well, she was the next best thing.
The clunk of boots echoing through the hallway broke her out of her thoughts, and checking the clock, she realized it was time for dinner. If she didn’t get moving, she’d likely find herself Shambled into the galley.
Giving the engine one last affectionate pat, she ran off to join her nakama.
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dfortrafalgar · 6 months
In Between
Law discovers that your thighs are the warmest part of your body and exploits that information.
Law x Fem Reader
Warnings: slightly suggestive, really just lots of fluff, reader is written to be chubbier but anyone can read this
Also posted on AO3
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Law’s teeth were chattering violently as he stomped down the steel hallways of the Polar Tang.  Light barely made it through the portholes with how deep below the surface of the ocean they were, his shadow only existing thanks to the few fluorescent lights that lined the hallways.  He turned a corner near the stern of the ship and pulled open the door to the engine room with an unmatched fury.
“Why the hell is it so damn cold in here?” he hollered, gravely annoyed.
Ikkaku and Penguin were on the floor in front of the ship’s main boiler system responsible for regulating the temperature within the submarine.  The sound of their captain’s voice made them jump and rapidly turn their attention toward him.
“Sorry, Captain, the electrical system for the boiler’s shot.  We’re working on getting it fixed but it might take a few days.”  Penguin waved his hand in front of the mess of the deconstructed boiler on the floor.
“Are there any extra blankets in the bunkhouse closet?” Ikkaku asked, turning her head back to her work.
Law grumbled.  Of course he had already checked.  Every single blanket that existed on the Polar Tang was currently being used by the other 19 members of the crew, huddled in a giant human ball in the common room with Bepo in the center.  They looked like a flock of penguins in a blizzard, with the only difference being the human chatter amongst the group.
With a brief, and quite blunt, goodbye, Law closed the engine room door and held tighter onto Kikoku who held her permanent place perched on his shoulder.  There was only one person he hadn’t seen in regards to the heating issue, or lack thereof.  And he knew exactly where to find her.
Being the Captain’s beloved girlfriend came with many responsibilities, but also a great many perks.  Your favorite being your new home in his private quarters.  His bed was so soft and bouncy, and you got a great amount of sleep in it considering your boyfriend rarely did.  He had a decently large space equipped with a small desk and bookshelf where he stored a few of his personal possessions, now shared with some of yours.  Your favorite part, though, was knowing that Law would always return to this very room at the end of each day, and you were always in there waiting.
You were busying yourself with a small broom, brushing away a small pile of dirt, sand, and stray hairs that had accumulated on the metal flooring.  Staying in motion was the best way to stay warm, and you were so warm, in fact, that you had tied the sleeves of your boiler suit around your waist, existing in the t-shirt you wore underneath.  You crouched down with a dustpan to scoop the pile of dirt up and away from the floor when the door to the room was pushed open with urgency, making you yelp in surprise.  You didn’t even hear him coming, but you giggled almost as soon as you saw the man in the doorway.
Law’s usually stoic face was dusted with a deep red along his nose and cheeks, and his teeth were clenched together.  The fingers that were curled around his sword were also bright red.  He didn’t look particularly pissed, more just uncomfortable.
“It’s cold,” was all he said.  When he took note of your boiler suit being halfway off leaving your forearms and neck exposed, mild shock coated his features.  “How are you not freezing without that suit on?”
You smiled as you finished brushing away the pile into the dustpan and dropping it into a nearby receptacle Law kept by his desk.  “I’ve been doing chores all day, so I got kind of warm.  It is a bit chilly though.”
“‘A bit’,” he responded, light-heartedly mocking your nonchalant attitude.  He trudged into his room, closing the heavy door behind him and gently placing his sword against the wall before flopping onto his bed, hat rolling off of his head with the force of his movement.  He immediately curled into a little ball, hands clutched towards his mouth in feeble attempts to keep them warm, which wasn’t working as planned considering even the breath leaving his lungs was tinged with frost.
You pulled your boiler suit back up, buttoning it halfway leaving it open where your chest was.  You laid on the bed next to him, pulling him into your body as best you could with his current ball form.
“I thought you were from the North Blue, you should be used to the cold,” you chided, running your fingers through his mop of black hair.  It was slightly greasy by the roots, he was due for a nice warm shower when the boiler was fixed.
“I have low blood circulation,” he muttered into your neck.  “I get cold easily if I’m not bundled up to the nines.”  Neither of you needed to say it out loud, it was common knowledge.  Law was super lean and a tad scrawny in areas, it made sense why he would get cold more easily.
A smile graced your lips at the mental image of Law as a kid, wrapped in a multitude of warm layers to keep him warm, that grouchy expression lingering for the duration.  He must have been so adorable like that.
“Well, you have me, I can be your personal space heater,” you responded, voice heavy with affection.
Law had to admit, he did feel like he was warming up already.  He uncurled his hands and placed them on your chest to roll you more onto your back so he was on top of you, resting on you with his full body weight.  His leg nestled in between yours and his nose was pressed into your neck, scruffy facial hair tickling your skin.  His hands, following a growing path of warmth that radiated from your body, trailed down your sides to your hips, before dipping in between your bodies towards your crotch.  In the divots of your hip joints, his hands were instantly filled with an almost scorching warmth that rapidly replaced the biting cold in his fingertips.
“Oh my god,” he muttered without even thinking.
You laughed, though your sound came out a bit breathy as his whole body rested atop your chest.  “Warm down there?” 
Law shuffled, rolling off of you slightly to weasel his tattooed hands between your plump thighs.�� You were so unbelievably warm in this one specific spot.  He never noticed it until this very moment.  A tiny voice in the back of his head made him wish the boiler could stay broken for longer just so he could keep his frigid hands locked between your flesh.
Breathless, he uttered, “How are you so warm right here?”
Your hands trailed up his own body to play with the wispy black baby hairs behind his neck.  “I don’t know, I’ve always been pretty warm right there.  Sometimes when my hands get too cold I sit on them to warm up.”  You laughed.  It sounded quite stupid when you said it out loud, but it wasn’t like you could deny it.  If you’ve got personal warmth, you use it to your advantage.
And in this case, you let your popsicle of a boyfriend use it to his advantage.
Law was growing uncomfortable in this position, and with a few quick motions, he had you turned so your back was against his torso, becoming the little spoon as his long legs curled around you, one arm encircling your hips to once again dip his fingers into the warmth between your pelvis.  His other arm rested below you, flush between your body and the bed, absorbing all the warmth it could.  You were much more comfortable in this position too, curling your neck back slightly so his nose ruffled your hair.  He took a long, deep inhale, fully relaxing into the moment.
“What time is it?” he lazily asked.
“Can’t be past 2 o’clock yet,” you responded.
The captain sighed.  There was still so much daytime left and now he found himself in the position where all he wanted to do was warm himself with your soft body.  He inwardly accepted the reality that he might be doing this for the duration of the boiler’s maintenance.  Who was he kidding, he’d be doing this for the rest of his life, until you got sick of him, of course.  But with the way you were completely nestled into him, your own hands held close to your chest, he didn’t think you had any complaints.
His previous grouchiness had all but melted away.  He blissfully closed his eyes with his nose in your hair, planting a chaste kiss on the back of your head.
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chibieggplant · 1 month
Beneath Steel Exteriors
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Idea from @maybe-some-ideas
The crew attempts to coax you and Law into expressing your feelings by trapping you both in a room together. However, they overlook the fact that Law can effortlessly teleport out
Warnings: claustrophobia mentioned/described
The hushed hum of the Polar Tang masked whispers of conspiracy as Shachi orchestrated a scheme among the crew. Their target: the enigmatic bond developing between their stoic Captain and the feisty new addition to their pirate family. You radiated irresistible charm and wit that had inadvertently ensnared Law's curiosity during your shared adventures, your fierce spirit contrasting beautifully with Law's impassive exterior. Yet, Law remained as unfathomable as ever, attempting to conceal any hints of growing affection behind his signature smirk and stoic mask.
Despite his best efforts, however, Law wasn't entirely successful at concealing the subtle changes blooming beneath his composed exterior. The crew of the Polar Tang, seasoned sailors who read people better than they navigated treacherous seas, noticed the slightest deviations in their captain's usual demeanour - lingering soft glances cast in your direction, a faint smile curving his lips at the sound of your laughter, a fierce protectiveness surfacing during perilous encounters and rare moments where he allowed himself to relax around you. These tiny cracks in Law's armour didn't go unnoticed by those close to him.
On the other side of the coin, you had found yourself inexplicably drawn to Law. His rare compliments or words of praise would often make your cheeks flush, you constantly seek out opportunities to assist him in the sickbay drawn by his quiet strength and hidden vulnerability. Slowly but surely, the signs of your shared attraction become impossible to ignore, sending ripples throughout the crew and igniting a spark of anticipation among them.
In the dimly lit corner of the submarine, Shachi, a well-known mastermind of countless successful pranks, summoned his trusted accomplices - Bepo, Penguin, and Ikkaku. His eyes sparkled with mischief as he revealed their latest mission. "Gather round, comrades!" He whispered dramatically, a triumphant grin playing on his lips. "Our captain's poker face may fool the Marines, but not us." The group leaned in closer, intrigued whispers filling the air. "We'll orchestrate a 'supply shortage,' requiring Law and our fiery new crewmate to…" Shachi paused, savouring the anticipation building among his accomplices, "...investigate the matter together in the most secluded place aboard - the supply closet." Laughter filled the air as they shared knowing glances, their expressions reflecting hopefulness and determination.
With their plan set into motion, Law found himself ambushed and pushed into the cramped supply room, his sharp eyes locked onto you as you clumsily followed suit, a flush spreading across your face like wildfire as you stumbled into him. Before either of you could react, the heavy metal door slammed shut behind you, the sound reverberating through the corridor and leaving you both alone in the sudden darkness. Law's hand reached instinctively for the door handle, only to find it locked. "Shachi..." he muttered under his breath.
Locked together in the small, dim space, Law's eyes widened in shock, his body tense as he turned to face you. Your faces were mere inches apart, your breathing synchronized by the enclosed space. The air hung heavy with unspoken tension, a tangible force crackling between you. Law cleared his throat awkwardly, trying to ignore the unfamiliar warmth spreading through his chest
Letting out an exasperated sigh, his annoyance evident, he grumbled under his breath,"is this really necessary?" In response, you crossed your arms defiantly, your eyes narrowing into angry slits. "What the hell is their problem?" You retorted indignantly, fully aware of the crew's meddling intentions to engineer a romantic encounter between you and Law.
Law simply shrugged, feigning nonchalance despite a flicker of amusement beneath his stoic exterior. In that moment, realization struck Law, causing his signature smirk to resurface. With a flicker of devilish delight in his eyes, Law activated his Devil Fruit powers, and in the blink of an eye, Law found himself standing outside the supply room. Leaving you confused and alone within the cramped space. "Idiots," he muttered under his breath, already plotting his next move.
Savoring his newfound freedom, Law departed from the ship without a word, eager to clear his head and calm his racing heart, still overwhelmed by the memories of you being so close. As Law slipped away unnoticed, convinced someone would eventually come to your rescue, he decided to take advantage of the incidental solitude.
Unbeknownst to Law, however, most of the crew was preoccupied with a spontaneous game of cards while others diligently tended to their duties. Hours slipped by like sand through an hourglass, each tick of the unseen clock amplifying your escalating emotions trapped alone in the supply closet. Your initial annoyance morphed into simmering anger as the walls seemed to encroach upon you. Panic replaced irritation when your calls for help echoed back empty, the crew's laughter a distant memory. The confines of the closet started to suffocate you, awakening a latent claustrophobia you had hoped to leave buried in the depths of your past. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as your pounding fists weakened against the unrelenting metal door.
Law stepped foot aboard the Polar Tang after several hours spent exploring the nearby island, his mind buzzing with newfound clarity, that is until he was greeted by the sight of his crew in high spirits. Their boisterous laughter fell flat against the backdrop of Law's return. Brows knitting together, Law surveyed the room, noticing your conspicuous absence. He raised an eyebrow, confusion turning into alarm as he demanded, “Where’s y/n?” The revelrous atmosphere dissipated instantly, replaced by awkward silence and guilty glances. Shachi, face reddening, stuttered with feigned innocence, “A-are…are they not with you?” Law’s heart skipped a beat, panic seeping into his veins like poison. He swore under his breath, berating himself for his momentary lapse in judgment, for being so careless, for leaving you alone in that suffocating closet. Without another word he moved swiftly toward the storage room, dread filling his chest as his mind conjured worst-case scenarios of your state after hours confined in that cramped space.
Law's heart pounded frantically against his ribcage as he raced through the dimly lit hallways of the Polar Tang, his mind consumed by a sense of impending doom. Guilt gnawed at his core - a harsh reminder of his negligence in forgetting about your plight. *Dammit, Law! Why did you assume someone else would handle this?* He berated himself mentally. Frantic energy coursed through his body, fueled by his growing concern for your well-being. Reaching the supply closet, blame seared through his veins - a heavy burden he bore solely because of his carelessness. The locked door greeted Law with an unspoken rebuke, a cruel reminder of the time he had wasted. Frantic energy surged through his limbs once again, and Law teleported to the other side with a burst of Devil Fruit power. Instantly, his gaze landed upon you curled up in the corner, his heart sank at the sight compared to your usual vibrant attitude. Your dishevelled hair framed your pale face with the wild tangle of emotions swirling within your clouded eyes. Each shallow gasp echoed in the confined space, a testament to the terror consuming you. Law's anger melted away, immediately replaced by a surge of concern that threatened to overwhelm him entirely. “Y/n,” he called out softly, moving towards you with calculated steps to avoid startling you further. Without hesitation, Law knelt, enveloping your trembling form in his strong, albeit cold embrace. Sincere regret weighed heavily in his voice as he apologized, “It's alright, you’re okay, I've got you.” You met his gaze, recognition gradually returning to your panic-stricken features. Your body relaxed against his touch, tears streaming freely down your flushed cheeks.
As you trembled in his arms, Law felt a wave of protectiveness flood over him, a feeling reserved for only those close to him. His fingers traced soothing circles across your back, trying to calm your racing heartbeat. *I should have never left them alone.* He silently reprimanded himself, guilt gnawing at his conscience. Your shallow breaths gradually evened out, your racing heartbeat synchronizing with Law's. Brushing away a stray lock of hair from your tear-stained face, his fingertips lingering on your soft skin, Law offered a sincere apology. “I'm so sorry, y/n. I didn't… I didn't think,” he admitted, his composed exterior cracking slightly. You sniffled, nodding against his chest, still struggling to speak coherently amidst your heavy breaths. “It's… okay,” you managed to croak out, your hands gripping onto his coat tightly. He continued to comfort you until you breaths became normal again. Finally, pulling back slightly, Law cupped your cheek, studying your face intently. “Are you alright now?” You nodded again, embarrassment now mingling with your residual fear. “Y-yes…” Law hesitated before gently wiping away the remaining tear trails with his thumb in an unexpected tender gesture. "Good," he murmured softly, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips.
Law stood up, lifting you effortlessly with him. He could sense the tension still coiled tightly in your frame, your claustrophobia still fresh in your mind. Your fragile state tugged at a hidden thread of tenderness he didn't realize he harbored within himself. You and Law emerged onto the deck of the Polar Tang, where the cool sea breeze greeted you like a welcome reprieve from the suffocating confines of the supply closet. Gently setting you down, Law hesitated before speaking, wrestling internally with his thoughts. "Y/n," he started awkwardly, his gaze momentarily drifting toward the horizon to escape your probing eyes. He felt exposed, vulnerable - feelings foreign to his typically formulated behaviour. "I didn't realize..." Law swallowed hard, gathering his scattered emotions. He turned back to face you, determination replacing his usual indifference. "I've been ignorant to your feelings, and...” He paused, searching for the right words, “…and maybe to mine too,” he admitted, surprising even himself. Your shocked expression only served to heighten Law's nervous energy. Taking another deep breath to steady himself, Law continued hesitantly, "Y/n, I value your presence on this ship more than just... more than just as a crewmate..." His sentence trailed off, leaving you suspended in anticipation. Law's heart hammered against his chest like waves crashing against jagged rocks, mirroring the turbulent ocean stretching out before them. Glancing down at your surprised face, he noticed the faint traces of tears still clinging to your lashes, and his resolve solidified. "I... Y/n," Law began again, his voice quieter this time, "do you... could you possibly..." Law trailed off, his face flushing slightly, struggling to put his complex feelings into words.
Law swallowed thickly, his throat suddenly dry as a desert. *I don't want to ruin our friendship!* He thought hastily, pushing aside the unfamiliar emotions swirling inside him. However, the sincerity shining in your eyes made it impossible to ignore. Steeling his nerves, he forced the words past his lips. “I mean, if you... if you'd like..." Law trailed off lamely, internally kicking himself for sounding so unsure. The silence stretched uncomfortably, broken only by the distant waves crashing against the ship's hull. You stared at him expectantly, your brow furrowed slightly. And even as you fidgeted from one foot to the other, the fabric of your clothes wrinkled and stained from hours of confinement, even in your dishevelled state, Law still believed you were the most beautiful person on earth. He knew you had feelings for him - they were too obvious to ignore. But acknowledging those feelings... It was terrifying. He had built walls around his heart, protecting himself from getting hurt. Letting anyone inside those walls felt like a vulnerability he wasn't sure he could handle. And yet... looking at you now, seeing the hope warring with uncertainty in your eyes... Law couldn't bring himself to push you away. Taking a shaky breath, he reached out tentatively, his hand hovering near yours.
Your eyes followed Law's movements, your breath catching in your throat as he reached out to you. Slowly, you extended your trembling hand, your warmth meeting his cool touch. The connection between you crackled with palpable electricity - the culmination of suppressed emotions finally breaking through both of your carefully constructed walls. Law's heart skipped a beat as you intertwined your fingers with his. Finally finding the courage to meet your gaze, Law spoke sincerely, “Y/n, I…” He faltered, searching for the appropriate words to convey the storm raging in his heart. “I don't understand these feelings myself,” he confessed honestly, "...but I'm certain of one thing: I care for you beyond the bounds of crewmate and Captain." His words hung in the air like delicate glass ornaments, fragile and vulnerable to breakage. Glancing down at your entwined hands, he continued, “If you’re willing to tolerate my idiocy…” A slight smirk played on his lips as he glanced back at you, “then maybe… perhaps we could figure this out together?” He left his confession hanging, leaving the final decision in your trembling hands. His heart pounded anxiously in his chest, feeling exposed but hopeful.
Your eyes widened in surprise at Law's confession, your rapid heartbeats echoing loudly in your ears. As your shock subsided, a warmth bloomed within your chest, dispelling the last remnants of your panic attack. You studied your interlaced fingers, trying to comprehend the situation unfolding before you. Law, the man you admired from afar, confessed feelings for you. Swallowing your disbelief, you looked up at Law, your gaze meeting his intense gaze. “You... really mean it?” You asked softly, afraid that it might just be a cruel joke. Law nodded earnestly, his eyes softening slightly. “Yes,” he confirmed, “I do.” You smiled tentatively, a blush tinting your cheeks. “Then... Then yes,” you finally managed to reply, your voice barely above a whisper. “I’ll try to understand these feelings with you.” As your acceptance registered, relief flooded through Law’s system like cool water on scorched earth. With a genuine smile, he pulled you close, embracing you gently. *Maybe opening up isn’t such a bad thing after all.* Law mused, enjoying the warmth radiating off you. Pulling back, he rested his forehead against yours. “Thank you,” he whispered sincerely before pressing a tender kiss to your temple. Your newfound bond seemed to mend the lingering tension in the air. Together, you walked towards the crew, unaware of the curious gazes following you. Law knew you would both have quite the explanation coming your way, but for now, he simply cherished the warmth of your hand in his.
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thebunnednun · 2 months
Sweet dreams!~ Trafalgar D. Law x Wife! Reader (Modern Au)
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Prompt: Hear me out, Law with a girlfriend who has Narcolepsy. Ya know, just like Ace who keeps sleeping randomly.
Dearest, @orange-milky
You ask, you shall receive! I made a few changes with it. I hope you don't mind.
Another request for Follower Fridays! If you have a fic request go ahead and send it to me to see it pop on Friday! 
Art was found here.
On with the show!!~
Some quick college major headcanons: 
Monkey D. Luffy - Sports Science or Physical Education Roronoa Zoro - Martial Arts or Kinesiology Nami - Meteorology or Economics with a minor in Business Marketing 
Brook - Music or Performing Arts
Usopp - Engineering or Fine Arts Sanji - Culinary Arts
Tony Tony Chopper - Medicine or Veterinary Science Nico Robin - Archaeology or History Franky - Mechanical Engineering Jinbei- Marine Biologist or Environmental/Human rights activist
Trafalgar D. Water Law - Medicine
Bepo - Environmental Science or Zoology Shachi - Marine Biology
Penguin - Engineering or Naval Architecture
Ikkaku - Pharmacy or Chemistry
You and Law didn’t meet in the most conventional way. 
Law stood at the entrance of the bustling campus cafeteria, scanning the area for a place to grab a quick lunch. Amid the crowd, he noticed a girl passionately discussing a book with a group of friends. Her energy and enthusiasm were captivating, and for a moment, Law found himself intrigued.
As he watched, she suddenly stopped mid-sentence and began to sway. Her friends reached out, but before they could react, she collapsed onto a nearby bench, sound asleep. Law's curiosity piqued. He approached her friends, who seemed unfazed by the incident.
"Is she okay?" Law asked, his voice carrying a hint of concern.
One of her friends, a short-ish guy with fluffy black hair, turned to him and smiled. "Yeah, she's fine. She has narcolepsy. It happens sometimes." He tried to swipe her pizza before a tangerine haired girl slapped his hand away. 
Law nodded, filing away this new information. He glanced back at the girl, now peacefully napping, and felt a strange pull to learn more about her.
A few days later, Law found himself in the library, buried in research. He noticed the same girl from the cafeteria asleep at a nearby table, a stack of books around her. He approached quietly, debating whether to wake her.
Just then, her eyes fluttered open. She looked up at him, slightly disoriented, but quickly recovered. 
“The fuck-”
"Hi, I'm sorry I startled you."
You reached for your purse as he placed an unopened gatorade on the table and motioned to the chair across from you. Remembering him from your biology class, you nodded and decided to let him sit, hand still on your pink stun gun. 
"Law," he introduced himself, taking a seat across from you. "I saw you pass out in the cafeteria the other day."
You chuckled softly. "Yeah, that happens a lot. It's part of having narcolepsy."
Law nodded, his curiosity deepening. "Must be challenging."
"It can be," you admitted. "But you learn to manage. And my friends help out a lot!"
“I hope you don’t mind. I didn’t feel comfortable seeing you alone and asleep.” 
'Awe, okay maybe he’s a gentleman.'
You smiled, a mischievous glint in your eye. "Well, at least if I get kidnapped, I'll be well-rested for the ransom negotiations."
Law took a sip of his coffee and immediately choked, nearly spraying it everywhere. He coughed, trying to regain his composure. "Okay, that's... that's one way to look at it," he said, laughing and wiping his mouth. "I guess I'll have to stick around to make sure they demand top dollar for you."
You giggled before hushing yourself when you saw the librarian round the corner. “So sweet to drive up the asking price." You saw a genuine smile flick across Law’s lips and decided to let him stick around. 
As they continued to talk, Law found himself drawn to your resilience and positive outlook. You had an infectious zest for life that Law couldn't ignore. So, over the next few weeks, you and Law grew closer. 
Turns out you had the same major and classes!
He made it a point to learn more about narcolepsy, wanting to support you as best as he could. You spent time studying together, going to coffee shops, and exploring the campus.
Park Bench:
One afternoon, Law was walking through the campus park when he noticed a familiar figure sprawled on a bench. He chuckled, recognizing you immediately. You had a book resting on your chest, your peaceful expression illuminated by the dappled sunlight.
"Dreamer," he called softly, sitting beside you. He gently removed the book and adjusted your position to make you more comfortable.
Just then, Luffy and his friends passed by, noticing the scene. Luffy grinned, giving Law a thumbs up. "Taking good care of [Name], Law?"
Law rolled his eyes but couldn't hide his smile. "Yeah, Luffy. Always."
During lunch, you and Law sat with a group of his friends. Mid-conversation, you suddenly slumped forward, asleep on the table. Law sighed, used to the sight, and gently lifted your head, placing a folded jacket under it as a makeshift pillow.
Penguin and Shachi, who were sitting across from you, exchanged amused glances. "Hands full?" Penguin questioned with a chuckle.
Law smirked. "You have no idea."
One evening, Law decided to take you out for a quick dinner. As he pulled up to the drive-through, he started to place the order when he felt a small weight hit his shoulder. Glancing over, he saw you had fallen asleep, your head resting against him. 
He sighed but smiled fondly. "Yeah, can I get two cheeseburgers, one with extra pickles, and a large fries with an apple pie?" he said, already knowing your order by heart.
TA’ing a Classroom:
During one of your lectures, Law received an urgent text from Professor Garp. He hurried to the classroom, finding you asleep at your desk. Your student’s were giggling quietly, but Law's concern was evident.
"Dreamer," he whispered, gently shaking you awake. "Time to go."
You blinked up at him, embarrassed. "Sorry, Law."
"It's okay," he said softly, helping you gather your things. "Let's get you somewhere comfortable."
He picked you up like a small teddy bear and shuffled you out of the door. You gazed up at him, your eyes soft and affectionate. "I must really trust you if I keep falling asleep around you," you said, your voice barely above a whisper before sleep pulled you back under. 
Coffee Shop:
You and Law were enjoying a quiet afternoon in your favorite coffee shop. As he was engrossed in a medical journal, he suddenly felt your head against his shoulder. You had fallen asleep, your coffee cup still half-full.
The barista, Sanji, who knew you both well, smiled and whispered to Law, "She’s out again, huh?"
Law nodded, carefully shifting you into his lap. "Yeah, she is." 
Later that evening, while watching a movie in Law's apartment, you fell asleep with your head on his shoulder. Law softly adjusted your position, making sure you were comfortable. He watched you sleep, admiring the lovely girl he hadn't expected to drop into his life.
The next day, You woke up in Law's room, covered with a blanket. ‘He must’ve taken the couch.’ You smiled, feeling a warmth in your chest. The first rays of morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow on the room. Law knocked before walking in, holding a cup of coffee. His hair was slightly tousled, and his eyes softened as he saw you awake.
"Morning," he said, handing you a warm mug. The steam rose gently, carrying the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee. You sat up fully and pushed yourself against the headboard, your fingers brushing against his as he steadied the mug.
"Thanks," you said, taking a sip. The warmth spread through you, both from the coffee and the gesture. "You didn't have to do that."
"I wanted to," Law said simply, his voice low and sincere. "I care about you."
Your eyes softened as you looked at him, a gentle smile spreading across your face. "I care about you too, Law. Thanks for understanding."
Law smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. 
"Get used to it. I'm not going anywhere."
It had been a few months and you were now dating. One day, during a particularly stressful exam period, you expressed your frustration. "I feel like such a burden sometimes."
Law looked at you, his eyes serious. "You're not a burden, [Name]. You're important to me. Your condition doesn't change that." He abandoned his book and moved closer, cupping your face in his hands. His touch was gentle yet firm, grounding you. 
Law's gaze softened as he rested his forehead against yours. "You're strong, and you're doing your best. We'll get through this together," he murmured, his thumbs gently stroking your cheeks. Law leaned in and placed several soft kisses along the apples of your cheeks, each one filled with reassurance and love.
The heat rose up in your chest and flood through you. "Thank you, Law,” you whispered, your voice trembling slightly. Instead of speaking more, you reached up and gently squeezed Law's hands, your eyes meeting his with a look that conveyed everything you couldn't put into words.
You closed your eyes, feeling the tension slowly melt away. In that moment, the stress of exams and the challenges of your condition seemed more manageable with Law by your side. As you both held each other close, the room filled with a comforting silence, punctuated only by the soft sounds of your breathing.
—------------------------ Moving in together!
Dating Law had always been an adventure. From the intense late-night study sessions to the countless study dates where you'd find each other engrossed in medical journals, dedication was something you both admired deeply. But it wasn’t long before you noticed the dark circles under his eyes, the way his movements grew sluggish as the night wore on, and how he often seemed distant, lost in his thoughts.
One particularly late evening, you found him in his apartment, staring at the ceiling, his eyes wide open despite the exhaustion etched into his features. It was then you realized: Law had insomnia. He never mentioned it, brushing off your concerns with a quick smile and a change of subject, but the signs were undeniable. 
That little fucker!
"Law," you said softly, sitting beside him on the bed. "How long have you been dealing with this?"
He sighed, turning to face you. "A while," he admitted. "It's just part of who I am."
You frowned, brushing a hand through his hair. "But it doesn't have to be. You help me so I’m gonna help you. We can figure this out together."
It was that moment that solidified your decision to move in together. If you were going to help each other through medical school and residency, you needed to be there for one another, especially during the tough times.
Moving in together was a significant step, but it felt natural. You found comfort in the rhythm of shared routines and small domestic rituals. Mornings began with sleepy kisses and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, while evenings often ended with both of you sprawled on the couch, medical textbooks spread around, discussing cases and treatments.
Helping Law with his insomnia became part of your routine the way he helped you with your narcolepsy was part of his. You started by creating a calming nighttime environment: dim lights, soft music, and sometimes even a warm bath. But it was the nights when you held him close, your fingers running through his hair, whispering soothing words, that made the most difference.
On nights when sleep seemed to be closing in on you, you’d tackle his big goofy ass into the bed and koala him, creating a cocoon of warmth and safety. "Just breathe," you'd murmur, your voice a gentle anchor in the dark. "I've got you."
He’d relax against you, the tension slowly easing from his body as your fingers traced soothing patterns on his scalp. Sometimes, you’d hum softly, a melody you both loved, letting the music lull him into a sense of peace.
There were still nights when he'd find you asleep first, your body sprawled in the most inconvenient places — fully on top of the kitchen table, upside down on the couch, curled up in the tub (scared the literal shit outta him) or even mid-sentence on your shared bed. He'd just chuckle softly, scooping you up and carrying you to bed, placing a soft kiss on your forehead before tucking you in. 
Living together was pretty lit. You learned to navigate each other’s quirks and habits, finding joy in the little things. Your bodies weird sleep patterns weren't a burden but more of a shared challenge, one you faced together. And through it all, the love between you grew stronger, built on a foundation of mutual support and understanding.
Despite the long hours and the relentless demands of your budding medical careers, you found peace in each other’s presence. The moments of rest, however fleeting, were treasured. In the quiet hours of the night, with Law’s head resting on your chest, you’d find yourself smiling, knowing that no matter how tough things got, you’d always have each other to come home to.
Your shared friends played a vital role in this journey as well. They rallied around you and Law, each offering their unique brand of support. Luffy, with his infectious energy, would drag Law into spontaneous campus adventures, exhausting him just enough to help him sleep better. There was a time when Luffy insisted on a late-night beach bonfire, where the sound of the waves and the warmth of the fire finally lulled Law into a deep sleep.
Zoro, in his own quiet way, introduced Law to meditation and breathing exercises, often practicing together in the early mornings before the day’s chaos began. Sanji would cook up hearty meals designed to promote sleep (for you energy), slipping herbal teas into your nightly routine. 
"Chamomile for the win," he'd say with a wink, handing Law a steaming cup. 
Nami and Robin took a more research-based approach, scouring medical journals and holistic remedies to find anything that might help. They'd often have evenings where they'd share their findings, creating a comprehensive plan that combined traditional and alternative methods.
Chopper, being a doctor prodigy himself, was a great ally. He frequently checked on Law’s progress, suggesting adjustments to his routine or medication. 
And then there was Usopp and Franky, who used their engineering skills to design a customized, noise-canceling sleep mask and a comfortable, ergonomic bed that helped reduce stress and promote better sleep. Even Brook, with his calming violin melodies, would sometimes play soothing lullabies, his skeletal fingers dancing over the strings.
Law's friends, initially unsure about your condition, quickly adapted. Bepo, a tall dark skinned man with the best hugs anyone could ever give, and one of Law's closest friends, would carry You to a comfortable spot whenever you fell asleep in odd places. Penguin and Shachi would create makeshift beds with their hats whenever they saw you clock out at the study table. Ikkaku didn’t play about your safety either. If you fell asleep at the pub then she was keeping her arm around you at all times until Law could take you home. 
Damn you loved everybody!!~
Living together, surrounded by such a supportive group of friends, made the journey easier. The nights were no longer something to dread but moments of bonding and care. You and Law found a balance, each learning to lean on the other, and the support of your shared friends only strengthened your resolve. 
At Home:
Law arrived home first, pacing the living room as he waited for you. Today he wasn’t able to drive you both due to him being on call. Hearing your car pull up, he stepped outside, just in time to see you struggling to stay awake. Opening the car door for you, he teased, "I'm surprised you didn't fall asleep again."
You smiled sheepishly. "I tried my best." You threw him your keys and decided to leave the bags in the car.
He lifted you effortlessly, carrying you inside. "You need to be more careful, sweetheart. I worry about you."
"You always worry," you replied, resting your head against his shoulder.
"And I'll never stop," he said softly, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
Inside, Law set you down on the couch, handing you a glass of water. You looked up at him, eyes filled with gratitude and affection. He sat beside you, taking your hand. "I'll always take care of you, Dreamer. Just promise me you'll try to be more careful."
"I promise," you said, squeezing his hand.
Office Couch:
One late evening, you finished your shift at the hospital and decided to check on Law in his office. Opening the door quietly, you found him slumped over his desk, fast asleep. His dark circles and the clutter of medical journals around him told you he hadn't been sleeping well.
Smiling softly, you walked over and gently shook his shoulder. "Babe, you need to sleep properly."
He groaned, barely awake. "I'm fine, my love."
"No, you're not," you insisted, helping him up. You led him to the couch in his office, coaxing him to lie down. Once he was settled, you snuggled up beside him, your warmth and presence easing him into a deeper sleep.
Living Room:
One night, you woke up to find the bed empty. Knowing Law's struggle with insomnia, you got up and found him on the couch, wide awake and staring at the ceiling.
"Law," you whispered, sitting beside him. "Can't sleep again?"
He sighed, shaking his head. "No."
Without a word, you laid down beside him, making yourself the big spoon. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close. "You know, I don't mind being your personal pillow," you murmured, your fingers gently playing with his hair.
He relaxed against you, his tense muscles slowly unwinding. Your soothing voice and gentle touch worked their magic, and before long, he drifted off to sleep in your embrace.
University Library:
During a late-night study session in the library, you found Law fast asleep amidst a pile of books. You knew he had been pushing himself too hard, so you carefully moved the books aside and slid in next to him.
"Couldn't stay awake without me, huh?"
You wrapped an arm around him, nuzzling your head against his shoulder like a cat. The warmth of your body and the steady rhythm of your breathing provided him with a sense of comfort. Even in his sleep, he instinctively pulled you closer, just loving your presence.
One particularly rough night, you woke to Law pacing the hallway, unable to settle down. You got out of bed and approached him, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind.
"Come back to bed, Baby," you whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his back.
He sighed, leaning into your touch. "I can't sleep," he found your hands and raised them to his lips to plant kisses on the back of them. You booped his nose before kissing his shoulder blades. “C’mon,”
You pulled backwards to guide him to the bed and fell backwards, making yourself the big spoon. As you held him close, you began to talk softly, recounting your day and telling him stories. Your fingers threaded through his hair, your voice soothing and rhythmic.
Gradually, you felt his breathing even out, his body relaxing completely. You stayed like that, holding him until you were sure he was deeply asleep, knowing that your presence was his anchor.
Early one morning, you found Law asleep at the kitchen table, his head resting on his folded arms. He had clearly been up all night, working on something.
You sighed softly, shaking your head with a fond smile. "Oh, babe."
Carefully, you lifted him from the chair, supporting his weight as you guided him to the bedroom. Once he was settled in bed, you climbed in beside him, snuggling close.
"I've got you," you whispered, pressing a kiss to his forehead. He mumbled something incoherent, suddenly wrapping an arm around your hips as he drifted deeper into slumber.
You stayed with him, knowing that even in his dreams, he needed the reassurance of your presence.
After graduation—---- 
Years had passed since your days as a medical student, and now you were a fully-fledged doctor, training young residents alongside Law. The hospital environment was a bustling hub of activity, and your relationship with Law had to be kept under wraps from the higher-ups. Despite the secrecy, your students couldn't help but notice the chemistry between you two.
"I swear, the Trafalgar’s are such an adorable couple," one of your residents whispered to another during a break.
"Totally! He's all grumpy and she's like his sunshine! They're like hospital mom and dad," the other replied with a grin.
Unbeknownst to them, their playful shipping was not far from the truth. Law's stern demeanor contrasted with your warm, approachable nature, creating a dynamic that both baffled and endeared your students. They would often turn to you for guidance, seeing you as a nurturing figure, while Law's gruff exterior masked his deep care for his residents and patients. 
(Freaking softy~)
Despite the progress in managing your narcolepsy, there were still moments when it caught up with you. It never happened during lectures or patient interactions, but sometimes during lunch, in your car, or in the privacy of your office, you would fall into a deep sleep, impossible to wake up from.
One afternoon, after a particularly exhausting morning, you found yourself nodding off during lunch. Your residents, familiar with your condition, quickly alerted Law with a series of beeps. He arrived shortly after, a mix of concern and affection in his eyes as he gently lifted you into his arms.
"You've got to be more careful, Dreamer," he whispered, carrying you to his office where you could sleep undisturbed.
He placed you on the couch, covering you with a soft blanket. Your peaceful expression as you slept brought a smile to his face, even as he sighed at the thought of how hard you pushed yourself.
In the Car:
One evening, after a long shift, you decided to take a moment to rest in your car before heading home. Law was finishing up some paperwork when one of your residents knocked on his door, slightly panicked.
"Dr. Trafalgar? Dr. Trafalgar fell asleep in her car. We can't wake her up."
Law's expression softened as he nodded. "I'll take care of it."
He found you in your car, head resting against the window, completely out cold. Carefully, he opened the door and gently lifted you out, carrying you back to his office.
"Dreamer," he murmured, settling you on the couch once more. "You really need to take it easy."
In Your Office:
During a rare moment of downtime, you had decided to catch up on some paperwork in your office. The next thing you knew, you were waking up to the feeling of Law's arms around you, lifting you from your chair.
"Can't resist taking a nap just to be in my arms?" he teased, carefully carrying you to his office.
You mumbled something incoherent, still barely unconscious, but snuggled closer to him. Law chuckled softly, his heart swelling with affection.
Law glanced at his phone, the familiar chime indicating a new message. It was from one of the medical students.
"Dr. Trafalgar, she fell asleep in the common room again."
He sighed, a mix of exasperation and fondness crossing his features. Quickly gathering his things, he made his way to the common room. As he entered, he saw you slumped over a pile of textbooks, softly snoring. The sight of you asleep, with your hair slightly tousled and your face relaxed, made him smile despite his concern.
"Dreamer," he murmured, gently shaking your shoulder.
You stirred, blinking sleepily up at him. "Law...?"
"Couldn't wait to fall into my arms, huh?" he smirked, squatting down to your height to plant a kiss on your sleepy head.
He gently lifted you into his arms, feeling your head nestled against his shoulder. Your soft breaths tickled his neck, reminding him of how much he adored these moments, even though he wished they didn't happen under such circumstances. As he carried you through the corridors, fellow doctors and nurses exchanged knowing smiles and whispered comments about the devoted couple.
Arriving at his office, Law gently placed you on the couch he had designated for moments like these. He covered you with a warm, soft blanket and brushed a stray hair from your face. You looked so peaceful, so vulnerable, and it tugged at his heartstrings.
"You're lucky I found you," he said, his tone lighter. "Guess who's getting extra assignments as punishment?"
You pouted, still half-asleep. " 'S not fair..."
"Life's not fair," he replied, smirking. "Ah, you're so cute. Don't even remember we're doctors now."
You mumbled something incoherent, your eyes half-closed, but a playful thought crossed your mind. "No, but I know who I married!~"
Law's eyes widened in realization, a grin spreading across his face. "Oh, look who's not really asleep!"
Before you could respond, he unleashed a tickle attack, making you squirm and squeal uncontrollably. The light of his office caught your wedding rings, making them shine brightly. You tried to fend him off, but your laughter and sleepiness weakened your defenses.
"Law! Stop!" you giggled, trying to catch your breath.
With a mischievous glint in your eye, you decided to turn the tables. You reached up and bit his collarbone, catching him off guard, before you began to tickle him back. Law's deep chuckles filled the room as he tried to evade your wiggly fingers, but you were relentless. 
"Don’t you dare!" he managed between laughs, his usual stoic expression replaced with one of pure joy.
The two of you ended up rolling around on the couch, tickling and laughing until you were both breathless and tangled in the blanket. You finally stopped, both of you lying there, panting and grinning at each other.
"Okay, okay, truce," Law said, holding up his hands in surrender.
You snuggled closer to him, resting your head on his chest. "Truce," you agreed, your eyes closing as you felt the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
Law wrapped his arms around you, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "Get some rest, my wife. I've got you."
As you drifted back to sleep, the warmth of the blanket and Law's presence lulling you into a peaceful slumber, Law watched over you, his heart full of love and admiration for his wife. 
His wife! 
The two of you had made it through college, med school, residency, board exams, your shitty sleep schedules and really made it out the other end. 
The sight of you nestled comfortably, your hair fanned out on the pillow, brought a sense of worship over him. He gently adjusted the blanket around you again, ensuring you were snug and warm. As he settled back into his chair to work, the sound of your soft, steady breathing was the sweetest music to his ears. It filled the room with a sense of calm, a gentle reminder of the love and life you shared.
Law often found himself pausing in his work to steal glances at you, his heart pounding against his ribs. Your presence grounded him, reminded him of what truly mattered. The stresses of the day faded into the background, replaced by the serene comfort of your love. 
He marveled at your resilience, your unwavering spirit, and the way you faced each day with a smile, despite the challenges your condition brought. And then you had to go in and save him, too. With your warmth, the gentle touches and those little kisses you ghosted over him while he slept. All those nights he couldn’t sleep he was shakey and on the verge of tears and you’d bathe him and calm him down. You let him into your life and he was going to thank you every day for it. 
With you, even the mundane felt extraordinary. And as he sat there, watching over you, he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Blessed for your love, your partnership, and the beautiful journey you were on together. Life, with all its unpredictability and challenges, was perfect because he had you to share it with.
Despite the casual chaos of your busy lives, this moment reminded him of why he cherished you so deeply. Life, with all its demands and pressures, was brighter with you by his side. And as he worked, the sound of your soft, steady breathing was the sweetest music to his ears. 
“I love you.”
Taglist: @orange-milky @xxsliverwolfxx @mochiclouds @m0rona @thealtofvalleyxdoodles
I own none of the art or characters!!
Posted on the ao3 account soon.
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I promise I bite~
See you soon my loves!!
(。・ω・。)ノ♡ And thank you guys again for 100 followers!!
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nomercymaster11 · 8 months
Two-way dilemma (Chapter 2)
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@SuuNemuii WC: 3,296 | Law x y/n, afab!reader, continuation of "It's complicated"
A/N: This chapter certainly exhausted my brain cells. I wrote it in between my office work, drawing inspiration from various pictures, accompanied by the music of Taylor Swift or Coldplay, and reflecting on some of my past experiences.
The Polar Tang hummed with the routine buzz of activity, and the confined space of the submarine felt both comforting and stifling. A day had passed since the confession, leaving your eyes heavy from the weight of your tears. The sting of rejection lingered, but as you rose from your bed, you took a deep breath, determined to face the day ahead with renewed strength.
Freshening up, you stood before the mirror, reminding yourself that time would heal the wounds. A slight slap to your cheeks was both a physical and mental wake-up call. With newfound resolve, you opened the door to your room, only to be greeted by the unexpected sight of Bepo standing in front of you.
"Bepo?!" Confusion etched your features as you questioned his presence.
"Good morning, <y/n>!" Bepo's infectious grin welcomed you, his demeanor bright and cheerful.
Closing the door behind you, you inquired, "Is there anything you need?"
"Ah, nothing. I'm just checking up on you." Bepo's smile remained warm and genuine.
Walking side by side, the two of you strolled through the submarine's corridors. As the minutes passed, a realization dawned on you – perhaps Penguin and Shachi had shared the bittersweet details of your confession with Bepo. Deep in thought, you mustered the courage to ask for a favor.
"Bepo, may I ask you a favor?" you hesitated, your eyes searching his.
"Yeah? What is it?" Bepo responded with curiosity.
"Could you help me get more duties here in the submarine?" The request hung in the air; your eyes hopeful but uncertain.
"Hmm? But... that's for the captain to decide," Bepo replied, his expression thoughtful.
"Oh, okay..." Your gaze lifted, lost in contemplation.
"Sorry I couldn't help you out... or maybe... you could ask the others if they need help," Bepo suggested, offering an alternative with a genuine desire to assist.
"OH! That's a good idea!" Relief washed over you, and a smile broke through the clouds of uncertainty.
Reaching the common area where the hallways split, you bid Bepo goodbye with a wave as he headed back to the control room. Determination filled you as you embarked on a quest to find other crew members. If additional duties could serve as a distraction, perhaps it would help mend the fragments of your aching heart.
"Let's do this!" you muttered to yourself, a mantra to guide you through the uncharted waters of healing and self-discovery.
A week had passed since the fateful day. The subtle change in your behavior had not gone unnoticed by the crew. You threw yourself into your work, exerting energy across various tasks aboard the submarine. Cleaning, working, taking on any duty that came your way—anything to keep busy and avoid any potential encounter with the captain. Even your eating schedule changed, either aligning with others or sneaking off to your room to dine alone, distancing yourself from Law.
You seemed content in your efforts, but the crew began to notice the change. Concern etched on their faces, they gathered in the common area, Shachi and Penguin at the center of attention.
Ikkaku, one of the engineers, voiced the growing worry.
"Is there something we need to know regarding <y/n>?"
Penguin, feigning ignorance, gave her a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"
"She seems like she's trying to always get herself busy these few days. Did the captain scold her or something?" Ikkaku questioned, the concern noticeable.
"I bet something's going on," Hakugan added, echoing the sentiments of the crew.
Concerned voices overlapped, and the crew crowded around Penguin and Shachi, eyes wide and expectant. Penguin tried to calm the situation.
"Hey! Calm your horses! Chill, guys!" Penguin raised his hands in an attempt to quell the commotion. He sighed, gesturing for the crew to come closer to hear him out. Just as he was about to share the details, Shachi spotted Law approaching, bent down and crossing his arms.
"Captain?!" Shachi exclaimed in surprise.
Law questioned, "Am I not allowed to hear what my crew has to share with everyone here?"
Penguin, seizing the moment, anchored his arm to Law's shoulder, leading him away from the crowd. Shachi motioned for the other crew members to disperse while Law was being distracted by Penguin.
"Cap, there's nothing to worry about. Relax," Penguin said, tapping Law's shoulder with a nervous laugh.
Law, squinting his eyes and frowning, asked, "So... you are talking behind my back now?"
"NO!... No..! That ain't true!" Penguin responded nervously.
However, before the situation could escalate further, a loud thud and a massive impact shook the submarine. The sudden loss of electricity plunged the hallways into darkness, and emergency red lights began to flash. Crew members lost their balance, grasping onto whatever they could find.
"Attention, everyone! We are being attacked by a sea serpent!" Bepo's voice echoed through the submarine's speakers, alerting everyone to the imminent danger. The crew's attention shifted from internal matters to the external threat, uniting them in the face of a common adversary.
With a swift activation of his devil fruit ability, Law, accompanied by Shachi and Penguin, teleported to the control room in an instant.
"Bepo! Status report!" Law's stern voice cut through the urgency in the room, embodying the seriousness of the captain in the face of danger.
The radar emitted a rapid beep, and a rushing, flashing red light revealed another sea serpent fast approaching the submarine. Law, quick to take charge, commanded the crew in the control room effortlessly, enabling the submarine to avoid a direct hit, though it was slightly scratched at the side.
Law's keen perception led him to notice something amiss.
"Where's <y/n>-ya?" he questioned, his eyes scanning the control room.
Penguin thought of her, realizing she should have been in the room.
"Captain! I'll look - " Penguin began, but Law swiftly interrupted, issuing a chain of commands:
"Penguin, take charge," Law's voice was stern and calm.
"Shachi, call on the others and have the submarine checked for repairs."
"Clione, prepare the torpedoes and await Penguin’s orders.”
"Bepo, prepare to resurface. Alert me once we're above the sea."
"Aye, aye CAPTAIN!" The crew responded in unison, saluting Law as he left the control room, katana in hand.
An abrupt silence enveloped the room as the crew exchanged surprised glances. Penguin and Shachi, sharing a knowing grin, found delight in the unexpected action of their captain.
"He went out just to find her!" Shachi exclaimed with a sense of delight. Penguin, equally excited, couldn't contain his emotions. The room seemed to lighten up for a moment, but reality struck with Penguin's clapping of hands.
"Everyone, refocus! The ship is in our hands!" Penguin exclaimed, bringing the crew back to the urgent task at hand.
With newfound determination, the crew immediately returned to their stations, the emergency red lights casting an eerie glow on their faces. The atmosphere was tense, yet their unity and commitment to the mission prevailed as they navigated the submarine through the dark depths of the ocean.
In the engine room, amidst the humming machinery, you conducted your routine check-up when an unexpected thud reverberated through the submarine. Panic seized you as the lights went out, plunging the room into darkness. Disoriented, you lost your balance and collided with a nearby beam, the impact sending a sharp pain through your forehead.
Sitting down, you instinctively reached for your forehead, your hand coming away wet with blood. The emergency lights flickered to life, casting an eerie red glow in the confined space. The sight of your own blood on your hand made you feel lightheaded, and white dots began to dance across your field of vision.
Aware that you were on the verge of fainting, you took deep breaths in an attempt to steady your nerves. The metallic taste of fear lingered in your mouth as you struggled to remain conscious. Every move felt like a monumental effort, and as you tried to stand, fatigue threatened to overwhelm your system.
"My bad luck continues then..." you whispered to yourself, your voice weak and filled with resignation.
Summoning the last reserves of your strength, you began to crawl toward the metal door. The cold floor pressed against your palms as you moved inch by inch, each movement sending waves of dizziness through your weakened body. With determination in your heart and a throbbing pain in your head, you navigated the dimly lit engine room, the emergency lights casting long shadows that seemed to taunt your feeble attempts to reach safety.
As Law hurried out of the control room, his thoughts were filled with concern. The Heart Pirates had undergone rigorous training to navigate situations like these, given that the Polar Tang frequently submerged into the dark depths of the sea, encountering various threats from sea monsters. The safety of his crew always took precedence, and with the submarine under attack, Law's immediate focus was on ensuring your well-being. Noticing your absence at the station when sea monsters struck, he suspected that something might have occurred on your way to the control room.
Law had complete trust in his crew, instilling discipline and ensuring that everyone knew their responsibilities. He was well aware of each crew member's routine within the submarine, and any deviation from the norm would catch his attention. However, he had observed you taking on additional work, attributing it to your way of coping with the rejection. Though he noticed, he chose to overlook it, feeling a tinge of guilt.
Remaining calm, Law swiftly checked every room, his mind calculating the potential dangers the crew might face. At a critical point, a thought struck him – a feeling that urged him to check the engine room. Law considered every worst-case scenario that could involve you and, without hesitation, descended straight to the room.
His steps were purposeful, his heart pounding with the gravity of the situation. The emergency lights flickered as he navigated the dimly lit corridors, each step bringing him closer to the engine room. Law's expression remained stoic, but underneath, a sense of urgency and concern for your safety fueled his determined stride.
You managed to reach the door of the engine room, your body slumped against the cold floor, the last remnants of your energy draining away. Your vision blurred, and as your eyes began to shut, you uttered a weak plea for help, the words escaping your lips almost inaudibly. Desperation fueled your attempt to stay conscious.
"Help, please..."
With the little strength you had left, you reached out for the door. As your trembling hand made contact, the door swung open, hitting the side of the wall with a metallic thud.
"<y/n>-ya!!" Law's voice echoed through the room as he flung the metal door wide open. His eyes quickly scanned the area until they landed on you, slumped on the cold floor. He ran towards you, swiftly placing his katana on the side, his immediate focus on checking your condition. The trail of dry blood on your forehead drew his attention, and he spoke to you, his voice filled with concern. However, disoriented and weakened, you struggled to comprehend his words, unsure of who was addressing you.
Before Law could use his Devil Fruit ability to scan your injuries further, Bepo's voice echoed through the submarine's speakers, bringing news of the submarine nearing the surface. Law faced a dilemma – torn between tending to you and dealing with the sea serpent threat. Reluctantly, he carefully lifted your arms to wrap around his neck, sliding his left arm behind your back for support. With his right hand, he retrieved his katana, lifting both of your legs to facilitate the carry.
"Hold on tight," Law commanded, your head resting on his left shoulder. Adjusting his grip, he twisted his left wrist, palm facing the floor, activating his Devil Fruit power.
"ROOM," he uttered, and a light, thin blue bubble film enveloped both of you.
In an instant, the surroundings warped and changed, and you were no longer in the engine room.
As the submarine emerged from the sea water, Law's "Room" ability teleported you both onto the deck. Gently placing you on the floor with your back against the metallic wall near the main entrance, Law ensured your safety. The sunlight filtered into your eyes, and the sea breeze brushed against your skin as you inhaled deeply. The realization dawned on you that Law had been the one to rescue you from the engine room.
Opening your eyes, you took in the scene around you. It had been a while since you were outside the confines of the submarine. The tranquility of the moment was interrupted by two large splashes, reminiscent of exploding bombs, as the sea serpents chasing the Polar Tang emerged on the sea surface.
Your gaze followed Law as he walked toward the sea serpents, Kikoku, his katana, in hand. Activating his "Room" ability, he carefully drew the katana from its scabbard. The sunlight cast a glow on his skin-tight black shirt, revealing the flexing muscles on his back as he executed swift, clean attacks on the sea serpents. Each swing of his katana was decisive and precise, the fight seemingly slowing down in your eyes as you focused solely on your formidable captain.
Your admiration for him was undeniable, but the memory of the rejection suddenly crept into your thoughts, causing a frown to mar your expression. Despite the internal turmoil, you couldn't help but be captivated by Law's skill and prowess in battle.
With a series of clean, calculated strikes, Law dismembered the two serpents. As the fight came to an end, the metallic door flung open, and Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo rushed out, their expressions a mix of relief and urgency.
Using the metallic wall for support, you did your best to stand up. Though you managed to rest for a while, your breaths remained deep, and the effort showed on your face. The three Heart Pirates finally noticed you, their surprise evident.
"Why are you here?" Penguin asked, his concern evident.
"Did you also engage with the serpents?!" Shachi followed with worry etched on his face.
"No, she's with me," Law answered, redirecting their attention to him. The trio's eyes followed Law as he walked toward you.
"I found her in the engine room. I didn't have a choice but to bring her up here," Law explained.
Law extended his hand to you, and you glanced from his hand to his face.
"Can you walk?" Law asked, offering his hand to assist you.
You glanced at them and the trio behind Law grinned and stuck their thumbs up in unison, expressing their approval. Your thoughts raced with a mix of amusement and embarrassment. With no other choice, you accepted Law's help. Instead of reaching for his hand, you placed your hands on his right arm and gripped it. As Law guided you, the trio watched the scene unfold with delight.
Before heading back inside the submarine, Law looked back at the three.
"You two, clean those up," Law's stern voice commanded Shachi and Penguin. The two sighed, glancing at the remnants of the fight scene.
"Bepo, come with me," Law directed his attention to Bepo, signaling for him to accompany him.
As you walked down the hallway, Law was busy instructing Bepo about fetching various medical supplies and medicines to bring to your room. Bepo, eager to fulfill the tasks assigned by his captain, nodded and quickly left to gather the items. Now alone, an awkward silence settled between you and Law.
"Don't push yourself too hard," Law finally broke the silence, shifting his head slightly to glance at you. You responded with a simple nod, looking down, your voice barely audible. Thoughts raced through your mind about how things ended up this way, how a week's effort to avoid him seemed to crumble in an instant. You sighed, resigning to the exhaustion that consumed you. At this point, your focus was solely on your well-being.
Upon reaching your room, a sudden growl from your stomach echoed through the hallway, and you felt a tinge of embarrassment. Law sighed; his concern evident. He opened the door and gestured for you to sit at the edge of your bed.
"I'll go grab some snacks," Law stated, leaving his katana on the side of the bed before stepping out.
As soon as he left, you took the opportunity to lie down on the plush mattress. The comfort it provided offered solace from the chaos of the day. Staring up at the ceiling, you couldn't shake off the frown on your face. Puzzled by Law's sudden change in treatment towards you, his evident concern left you wondering about the thoughts racing through his mind.
"I don't want to overthink this," you murmured to yourself. Adjusting your position on the bed, within a few seconds, the weariness overwhelmed you, and you fell into a deep and fast sleep.
Law knocked on your door, holding a tray of light snacks in hand. Not hearing a reply, he entered the room and found you peacefully sleeping. His gaze softened at the sight, and he carefully placed the tray on the table before sitting at the edge of your bed. Law lifted your left hand, placing two fingers on your wrist to check your pulse. Using the back of his left hand, he then gently pressed it against your forehead to gauge your temperature. A nod from him indicated that you seemed to be fine.
The door creaked as Bepo entered the room, carrying the medical supplies. Law hushed him.
"Sorry, Captain," Bepo apologized.
Law inquired about the status of the ship as he started cleaning and tending to the wound on your forehead with ease.
"The ship needs minor repairs, and the supplies are low," Bepo explained.
"Okay. Have the ship docked at the next island," Law's voice was surprisingly calm.
Bepo observed his captain performing first aid, his eyes shifting between the both of you as he awaited further instructions.
"I guess I have to go, Captain," Bepo said with a low voice. Law appeared deep in thought.
As Bepo opened the door, Penguin and Shachi tried to peek inside, stretching their necks.
"How is she?" Shachi inquired.
"She's asleep. Captain is tending to her... but," Bepo began.
"But... what?" Penguin pressed for more information.
"I think that is the first time I saw the captain like a completely different person," Bepo answered, leaving the two curious Heart Pirates outside the door with intrigued expressions.
They were deep in conversation about the recent events when, out of nowhere, Law suddenly swung the door open and addressed the trio with an annoyed expression, his brows furrowing.
"You guys sure got a lot of time talking about me, huh? How about I add more workload to the three of you?" Law's voice was stern, and the surprised expressions on Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo mirrored their sudden realization that their conversation hadn't gone unnoticed.
"It's Penguin's fault!," Shachi quickly pointed his finger at Penguin, deflecting blame.
"What? No, I'm not! It's Bepo!" Penguin retaliated, slapping Bepo's arm with the back of his hand.
The trio engaged in playful banter, trying to shift the blame onto each other. Law, unamused, shook his head at their antics.
As Law walked away from the playful banter of Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo, the door closed behind him, leaving them to settle their dispute among themselves. The hallway returned to a momentary silence, disrupted only by the fading echoes of their friendly quarrel. Inside your room, you continued to rest peacefully, unaware of the amusing chaos that unfolded in the corridor. The submarine sailed toward the next island, carrying the Heart Pirates and their shared adventures beneath the surface of the vast sea.
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kaiijo · 10 months
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roronoa zoro + i take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover content: gn! reader
request a character and prompt for my spotify wrapped event here!
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dinners between pirate crews don’t usually occur since your alliances are fragile and you’re all prepared to fight at a moment’s notice. but given the collaboration between the strawhats pirates, the heart pirates, and the kid pirates, it’s safe to say that you’re all a bit more reassured that no one’s about to slice someone’s head off.
you accept another glass of wine from robin as usopp rambles on about how he took out at least thirty marines in your latest high-sea tussle. across the table, zoro snorts and gives you a dead-eyed stare that has you giggling behind your cup. 
you and zoro have been dating for quite some time, having begun only a few weeks after you joined luffy’s crew. neither of you have been inclined to tell the rest of your friends in order to avoid merciless teasing as well as mitigating the damage should your relationship go south. if it does, only the two of you will know about it and stew over it — the least amount of risk, you both agreed.
franky glugs down another stein of beer, laughing jovially, “alright, alright, i’ve got an idea!”
“oh? and what’s that?” robin asks, resting a hand on her chin. 
“let’s play a game. gotta spice things up!”
“hey!” usopp protests. “my stories are super spicy!”
“yeah, right,” kid snickers, “they’re also lies.”
usopp glares and is about to retort but franky beats him to the punch, saying, “truth or dare!”
“really?” deadpans law. “isn’t that for kids?”
“aww, you need to loosen up, cap!” shachi says, nudging law. “i’m down.”
franky says, “i’m sure everyone knows the rules. only thing is if you refuse to answer a truth or do a dare, you drink!”
luffy perks up. “yeah, alright! that sounds like fun! zoro! zoro! truth or dare?”
your boyfriend smirks. “dare. do your worst.” 
“i dare you to eat one of your swords.”
zoro’s eyes nearly pop out of his head. “no way!”
“gotta drink then,” you say to him. 
“not a problem.” zoro lifts his stein to his mouth and you watch with appreciation as his bicep flexes and bulges under the tight t-shirt he’s wearing. he easily chugs down his beer, wiping his lips with the back of his hand. 
zoro dares sanji to throw out his collection of dirty magazines that he found under sanji’s bed; sanji asks nami who she would date if she could date any crew member (“ew, none of you.”); nami gets bepo to perform one of uta’s songs and bepo asks franky what’s the best kept secret he’s held from you all. 
franky smirks at law and says, “alright, law, truth or dare.”
“if you could hook up with anyone on the deck, who would it be?”
law frowns at the question and you’re sure he’s going to drink instead but when he says your name, the ship erupts into chaos. nami and ikkaku elbow you, their grins suggestive and encouraging; sanji glares at law; shachi, penguin, and bepo gape; and kid and luffy howl with laughter. you sit there in stunned silence, your face on fire, and you can’t look at law.
you chance a peek at zoro and find that, in all the ensuing chaos, he’s nowhere to be found. you catch the door to the belly of the thousand sunny swinging closed and you immediately stand, heading downstairs. you ignore everyone’s questioning shouts in favor of searching for your boyfriend. 
“zoro?” you call. “zoro!”
you wander the halls for a few minutes, checking the kitchen, the men’s quarter, the gym. you find him quickly, though, inside the energy room. he’s sitting on a crate, expression sour, and you plop down next to him. “you okay?” you ask.
“i’m fine.” 
you study him — his profile, the slope of his nose and the sharpness of his jaw, the way the low light of the room makes his tan skin look golden. you sit quietly with him for a few moments, listening to the engine of the ship run. zoro holds himself rigidly, unnervingly still, but you can feel the irritation rolling off of him, can still see the tension in his body. 
you reach over, brushing your hand against his brow to smooth out the furrow. he looks over at you, still scowling but a little less intensely now. you say, “i’m guessing what law said bothered you.”
he shrugs. you sigh, “it’s just a game, zoro. i’m sure he didn’t even mean it, probably said the first name he thought of.”
zoro grunts derisively, “he definitely meant it. look at you.”
you can’t help the pleased feeling the rushes through you but you don’t let it show as you let your hand fall to his shoulder. “it’s just a game. doesn’t mean anything.”
“yeah,” zoro says. there’s a beat and then he says, “i hate hidin’ this.”
“really?” you can’t hide your surprise. zoro’s the one who initially brought up keeping this from everyone.
“i’m sick of it,” he says. “sick of the fuckin’ love cook always saying shit to you. i hate when guys flirt with you and i can’t fuckin’ do anything because the rest of the damn crew is there and luffy’s makin’ me watch his scarf down twenty plates of roast beef.”
you snicker at the memory, which pulls a small smile at of zoro. you rest your head against his shoulder and he mutters, “hate that the fuckin’ doctor said you.”
“we could tell them, you know. i think it’s okay now.”
“yeah,” you say. “i’m, like, super in love with you so you’re stuck with me.”
zoro snorts, “yeah, yeah. love you too.”
“are you ready to endure all the teasing from franky, robin, and nami?”
“for you, yeah.”
you tilt your head up and kiss his jaw. zoro grins, leaning down to catch your mouth with his. 
When you break apart, you ask him, “I would’ve placed money on you going to the gym. Why’d you come here?”
“Oh. I got lost.”
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“You two okay?” asks robin as you and zoro resurface. the game seems to have finished and everyone’s back to drinking and chatting, though they all turn to you when they hear robin.
“yeah, we’re good,” you tell her. “we actually have something to tell you.”
“what is it?” nami asks.
“we’re together,” zoro says. “have been for a while.” and then, unexpectedly, zoro’s arm wraps around your hip and pulls you close.
the ship erupts into the chaos again with you and zoro in the middle. somewhere among all the yelling and gasping, law taps your shoulder and apologizes, which you wave off with an easy smile and zoro gives a firm nod.
nami shakes her head. “i can’t believe you two kept this from us!” and then, she turns to you. “zoro? really? you could do so much better.”
you wind yours arms around zoro’s waist, crushing him in a sideways hug. “nope, i don’t think so. he’s all mine!” 
nami gags and robin smiles calmly. “i’ve always known.”
you and zoro stare at her. “what?”
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ratkingsocks · 1 year
Misc. Heart Pirates Head Canons
So, when I'm bored out of my brain at work I've been thinking about my silly little beloveds the Heart Pirates! So here are some thoughts I've had about them and the crew structure! Crew Structure
Not a traditional first mate or incredibly strict hierarchy. I figure Law's authority issues extend to how he runs his crew!
There's four "departments" basically where one of the core-four preside over.
Bepo is in charge of all the helm stuff: navigation, steering, general operations (maintenance of equipment, engineering)
Penguin is in charge of personnel: finances, crew schedules, supplies (clothes, food, yatta yatta)
Shachi is on weapons: armory & procurement of, training the crew, and any like recon they do is planned by him
Law handles all the medical stuff: yearly exams, extensive charts/notes on the crew, any on-going treatments, and the supplies for this specifically goes through him
As captain, Law does oversee/supervise the others if he feels it relevant but after like 13 years he's pretty confident his favorite idiots can handle themselves!
The tang runs on two shifts so someone is always around to keep the sub running in case of emergencies, as such there's often multiple crew members capable of a job (ex chef, helmsman, engineering, nurses)
All the crew knows how to handle alarms, any gauge or sonar readouts, and just generally keep everyone from dying
Most of the crew knows basic triage and first aid
Any Big Decisions (TM) are normally talked over. The crew has a lot of say in most scenarios... One of the few times this was not the case was Law ordering them to Zou when he went to Punk Hazard.
It was an intentional choice on Law & the crew's part that none of them were spotted on jobs and don't have bounties. A lot of the crew's work, especially early on in Law's plotting against Doffy, was gathering information and other covert work. Them being well known or recognizable would've made it impossible for this to get done... It also would've made hiding from Doffy that much harder.
The crew splits proceeds evenly! 50% goes to the Tang's upkeep and supplies, 50% is split equally between everyone else.
Named Crew Jobs
Law- Captain, Doctor
Penguin- Quartermaster
Shachi- Armsmaster
Bepo- Navigator
Jean Bart- Helmsman
Ikkaku- Head Engineer
Uni- Head Nurse
Clion Chef
Hakugan- Helmsman
The unnamed crew I do plan to flesh out eventually, but I haven't made a whole lot of headway in that direction yet... Some day I shall!
Silly HCs
Other than Bepo, everyone is older than Law
Penguin likes to sing
He also has collected rocks & shells from every island they've stopped at to make a living map of their travels.
I personally like to think of Shachi & Peng as some sort of fishman-human hybrid or perhaps a few generations removed from a fishman ancestor? Not super sure on how it works exactly, but I think they both look a lil odd and that's why they hide their eyes and such with hats.
Ikkaku handles Law 2nd best only to the Core 4. She knows when he needs space and when he needs to be pushed pretty well, and so they're pretty close.
Uni loves to sew; it's how he relaxes and passes time while they're underwater for long stretches of time. He is also the person who customizes most of Law's clothes with their jolly roger
Law did said customization before they recruited Uni and still helps, but Uni shoves him off often and says this is his therapy time alone
Clione takes to new members the best
He's also a great fighter and definitely yeeted Shachi into a wall one day; Shachi was delighted with this
He can drink most of the crew under the table
Hakugan is enby! And uses they/them pronouns
They also communicate with sign language, so the entire crew is relatively fluent
Hakugan is never lost; they have a 6th sense for where north is at all times
Much like their namesake, Hakugan is a volatile creature prone to violence
Shachi likes to keep up with psychology journals in his free time, so sometimes he & Law will have a little "medical journal book club" to hang out
Bepo is more an astronomy & weather guy... there was, however, a tragic mix-up with the news coo one time that resulted in Bepo getting an astrology magazine.
He likes to torment Law by teasing him with a well placed "That's so very libra of you, captain."
Law actually likes his coffee absurdly, disgustingly sweet
Penguin, however, takes his coffee black
Shachi & Bepo are 2 of 3 members of the Hearts without a caffeine addiction. Hakugan is the third
Penguin has given up trying to get Law on a schedule... It has never worked in their 13 years sailing together
Law had to implement a "no gambling on the tang" rule shortly after Hakugan joined; They were absolutely taking everyone else's money
Law does, however, actively encourage fleecing marines & rival pirate crews
The crew has picked up some Mink social behaviors! As such they're very physically affectionate... Yes, even Law. Though he tends to contain his affection to when they're in private or on the Polar Tang
It's super common to see the crew swap undershirts, jewelry, or other accessories
Bepo has a collection of his crewmates' shirts! Uni made it into a quilt for him since he can't exactly wear them properly
Everyone else has a "Bepo shirt"
Ikkaku tends to forget she's wearing hers while working on the Tang or to sleep then walks about. Whenever Bepo sees this he gets all flustered & teary-eyed
Law, similarly, wears his to sleep in regularly. He would rather be caught dead than wearing though. That's way too mushy for him.... but if there are days where he's still wearing it when Bepo comes to check on him in the morning, well, nobody has to know but them right?
Shachi & Penguin one time wore their Bepo shirts and attempted to force Bepo into their shirts which... obviously did not fit. Undetered they stitched the two together to the ultimate-bros-shirt. Bepo loves this shirt & wears it regularly.
Shachi & Penguin remake this shirt whenever the old one starts wearing down or falling apart every few years
(I took this one from a fic cuz I thought it was just so good) Between more junior members of the crew, it's a running gag that Law, Shachi, & Penguin are more "lesser mink" than "human" after 13 years with Bepo.
Law finds this absolutely hysterical, Bepo says they're all lesser minks
Law is, in fact, capable of a variety of animal noises such as growling, hissing, or purring. He normally makes this noises on accident when startled or particularly relaxed. He did not intentionally learn to make these noises. He was just an incredibly weird child and like many weird children before and after him, mimicked animals
Shachi & Penguin may or may not make fun of him for this
They may or may not have started the rumor that one of Law's parents was a mink; a rumor that Law has unintentionally perpetuated with his general wet cat behavior
Penguin's family were whalers! He uses a harpoon & is a fantastic fisher as a result
The above makes him Clione's favorite
Penguin often threatens Shachi with the harpoon so he may join his bretheren. Shachi shrieks back that orcas are not whales but dolphins. This is a near weekly song & dance.
Each of the "core four" have a way to show they accept a newbie into the crew!
Shachi carves a little wooden animal
Penguin embroiders their name inside their boiler suits
Bepo trades clothes with them
Law procures a custom mug decorated to their taste
Law normally gives his first, actually. Firstly, if he invited you to his crew he already likes you well enough. Two, he knows he can be an unapproachable dick and sees it as a bit of a peace offering. Three, to show the rest of the crew this new person is approved!
Shachi & Penguin gives theirs whenever they feel the new member has "earned" it. Normally 2nd/3rd in whatever order they deem.
Bepo basically always gives his last. He's a very anxious lil guy and doesn't want to disturb or weird anyone out.
Jean Bart is, ironically, the only crew member to not have concussed himself on the doorways in the Tang
Law had a few problem years after his sudden growth spurt, but it hasn't been a problem since he got used to being taller
After reuniting on Zou there was a crew wide cuddle puddle
Law is surprisingly tactile so long as it's on his terms. A head pat there, brushing his hands against a cheek or shoulder there... That kind of thing
This is generally the best indicator of how much he actually likes you
Law often stims using Bepo's fur or paws. Bepo loves this very much
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melancholitas · 7 months
So.. I can't be the only one thinking about the possibility of Law washing up at the revolutionaries, right? As a SaboLaw enjoyer (they both have the same flavor of awkward unhinged, change my mind) it got me thinking.
Aren't there 2 gorgeous women right beside them, always down for shenanigans? They would probably hit it off right away.
I can imagine Ikkaku being down so bad for the strong, smart cutie Koala is. In return, Koala would be amazed at Ikkaku's engineering skills and her wholesome yet feisty personality.
Like, they would totally make fun of the two men, while simultaneously being one of their biggest supporters. Bonding over tea, nerding out, in between of smacking their superiors' asses back into shape.
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quinloki · 1 year
Kinktober 2023 - Day 7
Nothing says love like being... Caught.
Character: Penguin Reader: cisfem Warnings: manual masturbation, caught in the act, pet names, praise, 18+
Summary: You've kept your desire for Penguin a secret since joining the Heart Pirates. There's just more important things to worry about, but your body keeps driving you to distraction, so you find hidden places on the submarine to handle business privately.
So you intended, at least. -:- 1160 words
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You couldn’t get your crew-mate out of your head. Nothing was doing the trick, and you didn’t even know how to bring up your dilemma to anyone.
You couldn’t ask the Captain for help, he’d been friends with Penguin for years. Before the Heart Pirates were even officially the Heart Pirates. It would simply be too weird. You considered going to Ikkaku, but if she knew you had the hots for a fellow crew-mate she wouldn’t let it go.
You were certain that it was okay for you to have your crush, and that if it became more then that would be okay as well. What held you back mostly was that it felt like something small and silly compared to everything else.
The captain had big plans, and everyone’s primary concern was making sure those plans came to fruition.
A little thing like a crush was just… not important.
Important or not though, it was distracting, and you needed to do what you could to mitigate that distraction. So here you were, tucked away in a corner behind one of the bigger, but cooler, broilers in the engine room, taking advantage of the only moment you had alone on the ship.
Hands pulled inside your uniform, you were leaning against the wall, fingers teasing your clit. Back here no one would question you coming back out covered in sweat, so it was good cover.
Your mind wandered a little. You imagined that Penguin was behind you and not the wall. He was built solid, just like the rest of the crew, uniform pulled down in the heat of the room, reaching between your legs, and praising you softly. You were his best girl in your fantasy, moaning quietly, and whimpering his name as he teased you, bringing his “good girl” to a satisfying climax for all her hard work.
Pleasure was building up in you, your eyes rolling back a little as you relished the idea of having him bring you over the edge one day. You wanted to cry for him, whine for him – tell him how wet he made you. Anything, everything. He was so sweet, but you hoped he could be every bit as stern and forceful as the captain.
“P-penguin, puh-please…” You gasp the words softly, chasing your pleasure carefully. It wouldn’t do to scream in euphoria and alert the whole bloody ship.
You brace your legs, his name tumbling from your lips again. You’re so close. You want more, you want him to just hold you down and rail you until you can’t think anymore.
Your eyes snap open and you see Penguin standing at the edge of the boiler, eyes wide, face quickly turning red. Your boiler suit is still zipped up, but there’s no mistaking what you were doing. You were caught, and by the absolute last person you wanted to be caught by.
You look away, embarrassment making your entire body ache.
“… I… heard my name.” He says, looking back over his shoulder before turning back toward you. He steps over the lip, coming into your little space.
“Sorry.” Your voice is small, and you take a step back. “I… um. I’m sorry.”
“What for?” He questions and you turn to look at him finally. He’s pulled his hat off, kind eyes smiling at you. His face is pink to his ears, dark cropped hair framing his face. “I’m not upset.”
“It… seemed rude. I did-didn’t want you to know.” You explain, starting to shift away from him again.
He moves quickly, hand on the wall by your head, stopping you from moving away. His hat drops to the floor as he covers his face for a moment, letting out a soft sigh.
“I won’t force you,” he says, looking away for a moment. “But, I’d… like to help.” He looks at you. “If that’s okay.”
“H-help?” You’re almost certain you know what he’s referring to, but it almost seems impossible.
His gaze shifts down to your thighs and then back up to your eyes. You can feel the blood rush through your body. He was nice, always nice, but he was also a pirate. A hunter. A predator. A fighter. Right now you were a little less a crewmate and perhaps a little more of a target, in all honesty.
“You were so close you didn’t even hear me.” He says it evenly, leaning a little closer, eyes shifting from yours to your neck. “I like you too much to leave you hanging like that.”
Language failed you. You made a few confused sounds and could feel Penguin trying not to laugh. He gave you a moment before nuzzling against your cheek a little.
“Let me kiss you,” he says softly, brushing his hand through your hair. “Please.”
You nod, but before you can move your arms Penguin holds them in place. “It’s okay.” He assures you, pressing in closer. “Keep doing what you were doing before.”
“I-I-um, that’s -.” You stammer almost uncontrollably. This was a little like launching yourself into the deep end of the pool, and you weren’t against it, but maybe not quite ready for it.
“Your uniform’s closed, it’s okay.” His lips are a breath away from yours. “I can’t see anything, don’t be embarrassed.”
“That’s not how that works,” you nearly whimper the words, fingers already moving against your clit again. You know he knows what you're doing, since your arms are flexing under his hold on them.
“Good girl,” he purrs and you nearly cum on the spot. The desperate cry that escapes you is devoured by Penguin’s lips quickly. The heavy kiss pushes into you as he presses himself against you a little. You’re trapped between him and the wall, with enough room to continue pleasuring yourself, and little else.
His breath is hot and heavy against your skin as he pulls the top of your boiler suit open just enough to kiss along your neck and shoulders after your initial moans settle down. A gloved hand goes over your mouth as he leaves bruising kisses against your skin. Pleasure echoes against your ribs as your body starts to tremble.
Penguin braces himself against you, holding you up against the wall as your orgasm crashes into your body. His name slips from your mouth, breaking against his glove and replaced by a loud moan as he leaves a harsh hickey on your neck.
He licks your skin as you come down from your high, almost breathing as heavy as you are.
“I could listen to those sounds for hours.” He says, voice quiet and breathy. He tugs on the zipper of your boiler suit, clicking it down slowly, almost tooth by tooth.
“Everyone’s gone ashore.” Click, click, click.
“I was coming down to tell you,” click. “That I drew the short straw,” click, click. “And you could leave, but…” Click.
Click. “No one else is here to hear you.”
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ikkaku-of-heart · 3 months
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"You made my engineer cry."
As always, @namaeekaki brings to life a scene that's been in my head for years in the most spectacular manner. Inspired by the iconic moment in Arlong Park between Luffy and Nami, Law stakes his claim on Ikkaku with his hat, then goes off to completely decimate the ones who harmed her with ruthless and relentless efficiency. You just know that no one even tangentially connected to the culprits is making it off that island alive. Because that's his engineer, and no one makes her cry on his watch.
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medicus-mortem · 1 year
Watch "[HQ] Rise Against - Savior [Lyrics]" on YouTube
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anubislover · 10 months
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It's Ikkaku of the Heart Pirates' birthday today!!! That means it's time to finally share my cosplay pics of her! I'll of course do the boiler suit someday, but the best engineer deserves a vacation, and most importantly deserves a cute yellow submarine outfit to chill out in.
She, Law, and the rest of the Hearts deserve a tropical vacation, and because I give zero fucks about the current arc and the bullshit that's happened in it, I say that they got it after Wano.
Happy Birthday, Ikkaku!!!
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simizzy-writes · 2 years
state of mind
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Pairing: Trafalgar D. Water Law x fem!Reader
Warnings: masturbation. mutual masturbation. smut. language.
A/N: i am sleep deprived but my brain was like, "hey do you wanna write this out real quick tho..??"
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At first, Law thought he was just hearing things. 
The Polar Tang sustained a certain level of noise at all times. It was a submarine, it was to be expected. The constant hum of various systems, equipment and the engine itself was so constant that it became abnormal not to hear it. So, it only made sense that the soft buzzing and moaning he heard wasn't actually you, but part of the ship. 
But the Polar Tang doesn't cry out his name in ecstasy, you know?
The first time he heard you, he brushed it off. You were an adult woman with needs. As his crew's physician, he was aware of who was sexually active in his crew - for medical reasons - and Law understood that being at sea for extended periods of time could make some of his crew…quite horny. So, if they decided to satisfy that need in the privacy of their own room at night, that was only natural. Almost expected, honestly. After all, not everyone was as comfortable being celibate the way Law was. 
Sex was neither here nor there for Law. It wasn't something he pursued often - if at all - because it wasn't necessary. Masturbating was an even more rare occurrence for him. For most of his life, his priorities had been aligned differently. Giving in to sexual temptation wasn't on that list. He had enough experience to know what he was doing when and if  the time came, and that was enough.
So, curiously, when he began noticing how frequently you would masturbate, it started to pique his interest. When he'd hear your soft and pretty moans pass through the wall each of your personal quarters shared, he'd wonder for a moment what you were fantasizing about. Men? Women? Both? Did you fantasize about certain positions or fetishes? What turned you on, he wondered.
Law had wondered that often, until he got his answer. 
It had been a wild kind of night on the Polar Tang. The crew was relishing in a profitable score from some island they landed on. Booze was flowing like water, clothes were gambled in games of strip poker and Law was sure that most of his crew would wander into the sickbay tomorrow looking for painkillers to nurse a hangover. So be it, he thought. Let them party.
He enjoyed his booze leisurely, letting a mild buzz soften the edges of his mind. He had never been the party type, so he was content to watch the night's events unfold around him.
You looked pretty that night. Prettier than usual, he dared to think. You had forgone the white jumpsuit that was standard for his crew, and were in clothes that suited your personal taste. You were smiling, laughing until your sides hurt, and before long you were dancing with Ikkaku and Shachi. He watched you twirl and sway, eyes on your form perhaps a bit too long because you caught him staring. It amused him to see you blush and bashfully look away. If staring at you made you so shy, Law wondered how you would react to finding out that he heard you moan and purr as you fucked yourself silly as often as you did.
Eventually the party began to wind down, and the crew members that weren't passed out on various surfaces stumbled off to bed. His buzz was still there as he walked to his room, and Law pondered what he would do for the rest of the night. Insomnia was a bitch. 
You had rounded the corner opposite of him, palms rubbing at your tired eyes. As you approached your room, you wished him a goodnight.
"Don't stay up too late," you had teased. You were well aware of his bouts of insomnia, of course. 
"Very funny. Goodnight, [Name]."
As Law settled down at his personal desk, some medical journal opened in front of him, he started to hear the familiar little sounds coming from your room. 
"That was quick," he muttered to himself. Despite how sleepy you had looked, you must have been horny enough to get at least one orgasm out before passing out, and had wasted no time getting started. Kudos to you.
Maybe it was because of his buzz, but Law wasn't focused on his reading as he should have been. Having read the same paragraph half a dozen times, he gave up on trying to continue. Instead, he focused on your sounds. 
You were a bit louder than usual. Probably from your own alcoholic buzz. Lowered inhibitions and all that. His mind began to wander as he listened to each of your moans. Were you completely naked, or were you touching yourself through your clothes? Were you using toys, or just your fingers? 
Law closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. He couldn't deny that he found pleasure in hearing you as often as he did. Perhaps it was wrong to listen, but then again he felt that you should have known that there was always a possibility of being heard. He may not actively pursue sexual satisfaction, but that didn't mean he didn't have an imagination. 
And his imagination was going wild tonight. He pictured you naked and underneath him, blushing and shy like you were earlier that evening. He imagined teasing you and instructing you to show you how you pleasure yourself. Law would watch as you touched yourself, he'd memorize the rhythm and process and find himself hypnotized by it all. He wondered what your breasts would feel like in his hands and how soft your thighs would feel around his waist. Sinfully, the question of what your sweet, sensitive pussy would look like taking his cock crossed his mind.
His cock was straining against his jeans. It ached and pulsed, twitching impatiently each time you moaned. He adjusted himself, trying to relieve some of the discomfort. No use. 
With a sound somewhere between a groan and a sigh, Law unbuttoned his pants and worked them down his hips until there was room to let his hard cock bounce free. He palmed it eagerly, stroking from base to tip in quick motions before slowing down. His shoulders relaxed, and he stretched out his legs. No need to rush, he thought.
Slow, languid motions made his hips shake. He sucked in air through his teeth, abdomen flexing back towards his spine. Images of fucking you in every position he could think of buzzed around his already buzzed brain. His fingers splayed over his balls, squeezing them and eliciting a soft groan from his lips. Tilting his head forward, he opened his eyes and looked at the way he was fucking his hand. 
He imagined you on your knees before him, mouth open and your pretty lips swollen from rough kisses and giving him head. His pace quickened, his strokes becoming a bit more desperate. As precum leaked from the swollen head of his cock, he wondered if you would eagerly lick it clean for him. The image of you drooling around his cock made his own mouth water, and he licked his lips.
"[Name]," he breathed. It was an airy and soft whisper of your name. Unlike your sweet purrs and squeals, there wasn't any possibility that Law could be heard saying your name in praise. 
So imagine his surprise and pleasure when he heard his name being cried out from your lips.
A smirk adorned his face and he stared ahead, picturing you fucking yourself on your bed that he knew was along the very wall he was staring at.
So that's what you thought about while you played with your pussy. All this time, all these nights when he heard you moan over and over again, you were thinking about him. Your captain. Well, Law couldn't claim that you thought of him every time you masturbated, but it was nice to pretend like that was the case. 
He leaned back again, eyes closing and the fantasies gaining intensity. The variety of each filthy thought grew. From fucking you in public to breeding you, to playing out some medfet fantasy to bondage and everything in between - it all crossed his mind in a whirlwind of lust and desire. 
He worked his cock faster, muscles tightening in his thighs and stomach. Your moans were encouraging him, and he could tell that you were getting close to an orgasm. He decided to play a game with himself, to see if he could make himself cum at the same time as you did. Soft, low moans left his lips as Law fell into the perfect rhythm he needed for an orgasm.
His cock was so hard and pulsed against his fingers. The head was swollen and defined and he shivered as he squeezed it tightly in each stroke. His hips lifted away from his chair in an attempt to thrust against his palm. 
"Fuck," he moaned. You called out his name once again and his body hummed with pleasure. "That's it. Good girl. Fuck yourself for me a little harder."
It was a shame that you couldn't hear him. You'd probably like hearing him encourage you to get that pretty pussy fucked out and wet for him. 
Shit, he was going to cum. He clenched his jaw and listened for your tell-tale sounds of an orgasm. God, he was right there. A lot of things could be held back, but orgasms weren't the easiest to keep at bay when you're right at the edge –
"Law! Fuck, yes…oh my God –"
"Yeah, that's it. Cum for me. Fuck –"
Pleasure set every single one of his nerves on fire as bliss overcame him. Law moaned out your name, a waterfall of cum dripping down his cock and over his hand. His breath was heavy and strained. When every last drop of cum was spent, his body relaxed in a way that was nothing short of satisfying. For once in an indeterminate amount of time, Law's mind was now pleasantly blank.
When he was able to collect himself, he went about cleaning himself up. All was quiet in your room now, too, and Law could only smile. 
How long he would let this go on was something he couldn't quite say for sure. For once, he wasn't thinking about the future. A foreign state of mind for him, indeed.
He'd consider it tomorrow, maybe, but right now Law only wanted to sleep. He welcomed the rest, and enjoyed how his dreams were filled only with your sweet self.
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nehswritesstuffs · 6 months
HEART PIRATES WEEK 2024 - Part 4 of 9
I told myself last year that I was going to participate in Heart Pirates Week this year, and by thunder I'm going to participate in Heart Pirates Week!
Day Four: Ikkaku - Night
669 words; this is me pouring one out to the times I worked late shifts, especially the midnights; this one is very safe for work, actually, but does reference potentially disordered eating out of one (1) individual, so that’s a thing to watch for I guess; again: what is proofreading lol
Shift assignments were honestly not the worst thing in the world, but honestly… most of them had experienced much worse. Three sets of mandatory shifts, eight hours each; that would last for a month before everything was reassigned, four shifts of six hours. The months would cycle as such, with people getting shuffled back and forth with little care as to where they ended up. Things were always new and different that way. Besides, most people still hung out with one another even when they weren’t on their mandatory shift, making things somewhat different from the traditional sailing vessels.
Then again, when one rides in a submarine in a world of sail and paddle boats, everything is a little different, isn’t it?
The only thing that wasn’t different, Ikkaku knew, was the overnight shift. It was her sixth month in a row working the overnight detail and she was beginning to wonder if the goobers that drew the lots every month had it out for her. Uni had tagged her out of the boiler room for a break, allowing her the chance to head to the top deck and enjoy the breeze that they were afforded thanks to giving the engines a break and unfurling their own sail.
It was quiet, peaceful even, as she listened to the soft sound of the waves against the metal hull of the ship. They had already passed into the climate zone of an Autumn Island, the gentle currents guiding them the rest of the way to their destination. It was the sort of silence that was reassuring and calming for some and yet restless and loud for another. A thought of the Captain crossed her mind; he was likely pacing around his tiny cabin with no sleep, no dinner, and no plans to rectify either. She sighed heavily; might as well check.
Trying to not make too much noise, Ikkaku went back below deck to the mess hall, where she found the log where everyone who watched the Captain eat something. It was last updated by Bepo that morning (dry breakfast cereal, coffee, banana); the math wasn’t difficult. When she couldn’t find whichever idiot was supposed to be on kitchen duty, she scraped together what she could find (an apple, some carrots with salad dressing, a tin of herring) and brought it along with the herbal tea that Bepo instructed everyone how to make. She went to the Captain’s quarters with the tray in-hand and knocked on the door. Sure enough, Law opened it much faster than if he had been sleeping, and the stack of books and papers on his desk wasn’t helping any.
“What’s this?” He eyed the contents of the tray and scowled, realization slowly creeping onto his face. “I’m not hungry.”
“You haven’t eaten since breakfast.”
“How do you know?”
“A birdie told me. Now are you going to eat or am I going to have a snack while I clean out the boilers?”
The Captain thought about that for half a second before taking the tray and closing the door behind him. Ikkaku stood there and waited for his brain to catch up, then his manners. In moments he was opening the door again with a cowed expression on his face.
“Thank you,” he mumbled. “I know you’re not my mom, or my maid. Mechanics have better things to do than watch over me.”
“That’s right,” she replied. “I will beat your ass if I catch you not eating on my shift when you’re up during it. You understand?”
“Yeah.” He didn’t make eye contact as they stood there, the doorway suddenly feeling rather small. “Can I go now?”
Ikkaku patted the Captain atop his head and smirked. “Yeah.” He then retreated quickly, which allowed her to head back to the mess hall and write down in the log that food was at least accepted before she got back to Uni and the boiler room.
At least she knew the rest of her sift would be quiet.
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