franchesse · 8 years
[English practice] Here, Lies The Problem...
by self-proclaimed fanfiction author: Kisiki Nagome/Seena
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Someone share image below on my facebook wall. 
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My eyes focus to the sentences on center, be like:
"OMFG YES, SO TRUE!! Someone hit me hard. FANFIC IS FREE STUFF, should I just stop writing?" Haha, I’m nearly stop writing tho, but I can’t and I will not stop writing just because of that meme. Well, nothing  could stop me to write fanfiction!
Sure, money is something  REALLY important for living, buy references (comics, movie, pen, new pc, etc), etc.  But I don't know what should I do, if I stop writing (again). I've been lost for 2 years. I've lost into different path, like dubbing, singing, drawing, mixing, crocheting and exams, and you know what? I feel like an empty shell. I always wonder: IF ONLY, I DIDN'T STOP FROM WRITING SINCE TWO YEARS AGO, maybe, I will see a lot improvment on my diction, grammar, having more review on each chapter, have a lot of friends, etc. WHY AM I SO MOODY?? I hate myself. And you know, get a living by writing--especially  here--is really difficult. It's easier for you to get extra-bucks from drawing (making merchandise, doujin, or open art commission), singing and mixing (you can open mixing commission or at least you can easily get noticed by people by your voice, everyone like listening to music), crocheting (you could sell your product), dubbing is something else, but it’s easier to get  noticed by people through your voice. Well, NOT EVERYONE LIKE READIng, it’s the first problem, I guess. That's why, it's kinda hard... for author to shine brighter than artist, singer, dubber, mixer, etc. I know, every talent (or should I call it job?) need a lot of practices. It's not a simple thing to be made. The problem number two is I can't see people who are better than me. I gave myself pressure to handle, just like I gave bread to new-baby born, something that they couldn’t handle.
When I join ffn community, there are a lot of people who started before me. But heck yeah, I dont give a sht about them, I just feel happy to be able published my first fanfiction, no hard feeling, no pressure, I'm really having fun. But later, I feel more pressured and start to compare my works with another. When I can't handle it anymore, I leave to community and start something new, the easier to do and easier to become popular which could give me extra money. Drawing, dubbing, singing, mixing, crocheting, etc. Did I feel better after run away? No, instead, I feel more pressured, I can't do everything well. Why everyone else is so talented? Why I can't do something like them?  I've practice, a lot! More than I did when I still on fanfiction community too, but, Aahh... that time, youth.
I hate myself. My friend told me that I'm a VERY NEGATIVE PERSON, every truth is a lie for me. I can't deny. WHY AM I WRITING MY PROBLEM HERE? I SHOULD HAVE  WRITE ABOUT "HERE, THE PROBLEM LIES" of Fanfiction author edition. Uh, sorry gurls, you have to read story of my life ;u; well, hope there's moral lesson for you to take, haha!  Let's get started: Here, the problem lies..... based on 2nd picture above, enjoy! 1. WE DON'T GET PAID eey, this is so truee. I told you, already, that fanfiction author is 80% free. Why 80? Because 10% is writing their original story and get published--like real published into physicly book--and get some royalty, 5% get paid from competition held by some publisher offline, and the last 5% is doing writing commission. Writing commssion is something new. Back then around 2014 or less, there is published fanfiction book, like the RPF was the character, etc. From there, come some black comment saying like: Fanfiction shouldnt be sell like that, it's against law, because we use another people character without permission, blahblah. 2014-2016, I still believe on 'writing fanfiction cant make money' and 'fanfiction author is a job for having fun only' 'WE DONT GET PAID' but... lately, someone post about writing commission, it's around fanficiton and orginal character fiction they sell. Now, it's not only art commission but also writing commission? I don’t get it. But, I guess, we (fanfiction author) could make money from writing, now. 2. REAL LIFE EXIST OF COURSE, WE DO!! You know, uni is starting since Monday 2 Weeks ago (I take short semester, soo saad ;; u ;;), and right after it started my time to write is lesser and lesser until, I don't have time to write a draft on my PC like I did on holiday. The assignments, organization, friends, house-chores, ANIME (this past week, I've finished Owari no Seraph 2 seasons and Tokyo Ghoul haha XD), etc, already killing me for a day! Wish me luck for MONDAY AND TUESDAY! I have mid-term and quiz _(:"3|/)_ 3. DIFFERING EDUCATION LEVELS I'm not sure, what's the real mean of this one. But, I guess, since fanfiction author age range is around 13-20something. So, if you are 13 and want to write something lemon (yeah, kid these days) you should learn and think like 18 y.o. But, if you are 20something and want to write about child!chara, you should think like them. I think about another meaning of this sub-title; like, me, I'm study economic but I want to write about medical, I should look for reference and study another subject to fill the hole on my story.__. 4. ENGLISH AS ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE AF, it's TOTALLY ME! I start writing in English since last year, the first time, I'm in love with wattpad. I love it because their application is simply to download and read offline. I love the animanga fanficiton, there are a lot of talented author! Right after that, I start to write in english, my first story written in english ever is Share (original fiction), the second one is Marriage Proposal (tumblr), and then I.F (wattpad//it's chara x reader, wattpad influence), and the last is Strawberry Shortcake (wattpad/also chara x reader). After I read fanfic on wattpad, I start to write everything (my bio, tumblr post, tweet) in English. I feel cool, LOL /NO. Every time I check my first english written story, I always feel ashamed bc my grammar is soooo mess, it still now, but I guess it's better hehe. But, I’m still not confident with my conversation english--whether it's speaking or writing reply. I always left, the chat (mostly on twitter) because I'm scared my nazi's grammar is being judged orz. Hopefully, my english got better day by day with practice, please tell me where am I wrong if you see any, okay? 5. LACK OF RESPONSE i hate to admit this, but it's the 2nd BIG problem of fanfiction author. For me, I don’t mind of not getting paid, but, please give me some response, what's on your thought when you read my story. You could give me comment every line I really appreciated, so, I can improve myself. THANKS A LOT
6. Procrastinate
I don’t know what should I write about procrastinate, bc I’m procrastinating now. :p
Guess, it was all for today edition! I have something else to published but, uhm, let me see later. Thank you for reading through this line. Please give me some feedback if you can :) I really appreciate it!
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