#enjoying octopath two
ellibean-icecream · 2 years
summing up the relationship between partitio and ori in a meme
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smilepebble · 1 year
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i keep forgetting to post my octopath traveler doodles because i get so distracted playing octopath traveler
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loregoddess · 1 month
me, picking up an amazing game and having the time of my life playing it: oh boy, can't wait to see all the cool fanart and stuff!
me later, having once again picked an amazing game with the tiniest fandom in existence: ah, I see. we make our own food here.
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someobscurereference · 10 months
Hi! I hope I’m not out of line, but can I ask your opinion on Three Hopes? I’ve heard conflicting info on whether or not to play it.
Oh, jeez, not out of line at all! But I sadly don't have much to offer! I actually haven't played it myself because I'm not a fan of real time fighter games like Dynasty Warriors. I'm not a combat focused person in video games anyway, but Dynasty Warrior style combat (just fighting huge groups of enemies in real time with not much strategy besides try to defend your guard posts from the ever spawning hoard, etc.) appeals to me least of all.
Do you enjoy that type of real time combat and timed challenges? If so, this may be a good game for you!
Regarding story and character development, I've heard the character development is great and the story (which I know nothing about) can be divisive amongst players. In that case, do you value individual character focus over a story you may find just "fine?" Or if the story isn't incredible, will that ruin the combat and individual character supports for you?
I'm more of a person who values the character content more than a perfect story or gameplay, which draws me to 3H. But I'm also lazy and am not a fan of real time combat, so I'd rather (eventually) watch the supports on YouTube than play myself.
Where do you fall on this spectrum? If watching Dynasty Warrior gameplay on Youtube isn't appealing, maybe just watching the character content on YouTube will suit you better instead.
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bad0mens · 1 year
This last chapter or two of The Prince and the Magpie is kicking my ass and I don't like it.
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givemeallyourpenny · 4 months
The travelers in Octopath Traveler are fascinating for many reasons. The reason that has me awake well into the night right now is the differences between characters of the same class and how different game mechanics tell you a lot about their respective personalities. Keep in mind while reading that it has been many months since I beat octopath 2 and I’m only halfway through octopath 1.
This is most easy to see with two of the classes that seem to change the least, Hunters and Warriors. Both keep the same magic element, or lack there of in the warrior’s case, both keep most of the same utility moves, both still heavily favor martial abilities. However both use their weapons very differently.
Let’s start with the warriors. Olberic and Hikari both favor their swords in cutscenes, you could say it’s their signature weapon, and use their spears as a backup in combat. It’s interesting to note this is opposite how these were used in history. Where they differ is how they use those weapons. Hikari uses his sword for quick strikes and complex maneuvers while using his spear for powerful thrusts. Olberic uses his sword for strong sweeps and cleaves while keeping his spear for fast and random jabs. Hikari’s main sword skill works mechanically very similarly to Olberic’s main spear skill.
This reflects their relative personalities well. Hikari tackles his problems through quick and clever action while Olberic is more straightforward and blunt in his approach. To borrow some trope terms Olberic is more like the team Big Guy while Hikari feels more like a Lancer. Both of these men would say you can learn much about someone by how they wield a blade, and they’re definitely right.
Then we come to the hunters H’aanit and Ochette. First let’s highlight their similarities: they both use the exact same elemental attack, Thunderbird, and no other magic, both favor their bow over their axe, they have some of the same utility abilities, and both fight side by side with captured monsters. And that’s where the similarities end, but even their similarities already show differences. H’aanit only has skills tied to her bow while Ochette at least has one ability for her axe. And then there’s their capture abilities which change so much between the games it’s honestly hard to think of them as the same thing, They have completely different feels and trying to describe that would take a few paragraphs on its own so I’ll stick with their bow skills for now.
At first glance they seem to have the opposite skills than you’d expect. The impulsive and energetic Ochette carefully picks her targets with Precision Shots, while the Stoic H’aanit makes wild volleys. But dig deeper and this makes perfect sense. First these styles fit the ones who taught them very well, both were taught by a master with the opposite personality as themselves. However there is also the fact that H’aanit’s speed shooting style of archery, one that sacrifices accuracy and damage for stager potential, requires far more experience and skill to effectively pull off. It makes sense then that the barely teenage Ochette wouldn’t go for it.
There’s honestly so much more to unpack with this. Some classes completely change which element they use, some use more magic skills while some use more weapon skills and others still use more utility skills. Some change their unique mechanics at a fundamental level, and have access to different passive abilities. And all this isn’t even touching on how the Octopath 2 cast simply has more mechanics to work with.
In conclusion I am a giant nerd who enjoys coming up with story and character driven reasons for changes likely made to enhance gameplay experience. But more importantly mechanics are an important tool for characterization and we should pay attention to them. In any case I have so much more thoughts about this and hopefully now so do you!
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galaxychaos78 · 2 years
Gamer!boyfriend Trio Headcanons!
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lowkey feel like Naruto's a strict console only player. He tried to play on PC, but found it too complicated to use. shit me too Naruto.
absolute GARBAGE at Mario Kart like oh my god he cannot handle anything higher than 50cc
huge Pokemon fan and is a Pikachu fanboy
has broken a few controllers, not out of rage, but because he keeps smashing the buttons thinking it'll make him better at the game
really into fighting games, but also winds down with Pokemon or Sonic games
is a pretty respectable loser and always compliments his opponent on their skills. has made a few friends just from being nice. however if he runs into a shit talker, they're about to get their shit rocked.
likes to make you involved in the games he plays no matter how little.
has you customize and name his characters and picks the stats. He also lets you pick the choices in story based games
he loves playing games while laying back against your lap & having you play with his hair
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feel like kiba's also a console only player. he's one of those people who just has an entire bookshelf with xbox and switch games
he really enjoys rouge-like games and pixel indie games (Hades, Hollow Knight)
100% a COD/Apex Legends player
has the biggest fucking ego when he wins, but is a shit talker as SOON as he loses
one of those gamers who camps out stores to get his hands on a new game
has the WORST LUCK on Mario Party. Like literally ends up last no matter what, yet still keeps playing
teaches you how to play Apex and Overwatch and by teach I mean this man literally TRAINS YOU to be good
does not hold back in 1v1's cause "If I hold back you won't get good."
but he's always giving you tips whenever you lose a game and encouragement when you win
cries when you get your first Play of The Game
soon y'all are a feared Overwatch pocket duo. Genji/Mercy, Reinhardt/Ana, Lucio/DVA.
has you sit in his lap while he plays and gives you forehead kisses before every round starts
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this man just has a Switch and a PC & has fully fleshed out Minecraft servers on both
to no one's surprise, he's really into Minecraft and Stardew Valley. he likes being able to do things at his own pace.
but also enjoys RPG's like Octopath Traveler and Final Fantasy
the worst person to play Mario Kart with because he knows all of the fucking shortcuts
AN ABSOLUTE DEMON IN SMASH BROS. mains Mii Brawler, Ridley, and Bowser JR
makes the most intricate yet aesthetically pleasing Animal Crossing island
the two of you have shared Minecraft servers and Stardew Valley farms
is the luckiest Mario Party player ever. LITERALLY will have no coins and lose EVERY MINIGAME and still win somehow
really into games like Fallout and Skyrim, but does not care about his reputation. Like he's the type to always pick the fight option no matter what.
takes notes on what games you seem interested in and buys them for you.
will find a way to marry you in any co-op game that allows it and will get mad if you romance any character that isn't him. "I'm the only person you should be romancing."
"Shika, those are pixels."
"A set of pixels that wanna steal my girlfriend."
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kyndaris · 8 months
Preaching to the Chorus
About three years ago, Troy Baker pitched the idea of a video game musical called Chorus. What struck me, beyond the fact it was asking for donations as it was a crowdfunded project, were the high profile voice actors taking part, the art style, the bringing on of composer Austin Wintory and that it was being developed by an Australian developer! Years later, there was almost no word or hint of the game and I feared the worst. For a good long while, I wondered if I had just imagined the game being announced. Until, of course, Summerfall Studios announced the upcoming release of Stray Gods in August 2023! Suddenly, we had a release date and songs to enjoy after years of what had felt like absolute silence.
Yes, Chorus had changed its name but it was still the same premise I was promised: an urban fantasy Greek-mythology inspired musical where I got to make decisions on where the songs went. Needless to say, I was excited!
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Despite it releasing in August, I didn't get to play the game until much later in 2023 when I finally got a bit of a breather between all my lengthy video games sucking up most of my time (and the fact I work full-time and commit to writing my stories and watching endless TV shows to be up-to-date on whatever is popular). Well, no. That's a lie. I've put a few games on the back burner like Octopath Traveler II and Like a Dragon: Ishin! (they are totally going to be played soon, I promise!)
In any case, I purchased the game while it was on sale (a measly 20% or so) and then stepped into the shoes of Grace. And almost immediately connected with her feelings of being cast adrift. Like so many people who have graduated university, and who didn't immediately apply for graduate programs, she's a little lost and unsure of her direction in life. Enter Calliope.
After the two share a duet together, Grace returns to the apartment she shares with longtime best friend: Freddie. As she rests, there's a knock on the door and lo! Calliope staggers through clutching a ghastly wound. With her last breath, she passes on her eidolon (the soul? and memories of an Idol) before dying in poor traumatised Grace's arms.
As Grace, understandably, panics, at the sudden turn of events, Hermes steps through the front door and tells Grace she needs to meet the Chorus. Within moments, Grace is taken to an upscale office room where she is greeted by Apollo, Persephone, Aphrodite and Athena. Before Grace can get a word in edgewise, these Idols (as the Gods now call themselves - although it makes me wonder if other pantheons exist in this world created by Summerfall), decide to execute Grace for the crime of maybe-possibly killing Calliope. That is until Apollo protests.
And protest he must consider later plot points. Such as him divulging the prophecy leading to Calliope's murder!
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Honestly, so much of the story could have been resolved if Apollo stopped being a sad boy and actually used some brains to more cleverly resolve Grace's predicament. Instead, we have Grace run around the city for a week in a bid to prove her innocence and figure out the truth behind Calliope's death.
But what a wonderful week it was as several Idols help out, from the fast-talking Pan to the scary Medusa (with a very cute monster voice from Anjali Bhimani). But who can forget, and forgive me as a I fan myself and swoon over, the dommy mummy: Persephone. The design! The voice! The attitude? Gosh, I just wanted Persephone to step all over me. And considering the height difference she had over Grace?
I'm just going to die in a corner over here now.
Anyways, diversion aside, the plot was serviceable. It wasn't the most mindblowing story to be told but I liked how it introduced us to many of the Greek Gods and mythological creatures hiding in America, whilst weaving it in the murder mystery plot at its core. While the game threw out new leads often, I didn't ever feel an urgency to solve the crime or fear I'd not be able to figure out the murderer. Sherlock Holmes, this is not.
Rather, no matter which scenes you may wish to complete first (and I always went back to the Underworld to chat up Persephone), I feel like the end-point is almost always the same with our villain being unmasked as the smiling cookie-giver!
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From a gameplay perspective, Stray Gods doesn't offer much. It's pretty much a visual novel where the player selects dialogue options or the next part of the song they wish to sing. There's no walking around or exploring the wondrous set pieces you find yourself in. Nor is there any random clicking on background objects for some light commentary or to pocket away clues to be presented at some other time.
In fact, there's no real animation to the game either. Most of the characters are stills, changing their posture as the dialogue or songs demand. Like flipping through a comic book or going from pane to pane.
But what does make Stray Gods stand out are the songs. Yes, there are some where I felt like it faltered: Asterion and Hecate's song (with the volume turned way too low) and some of the weaker blue options in Challenging a Queen. To me, it just wasn't as melodic as they could be and sounded a little jarring. Still, these were glossed over by several other standout songs like The Throne and the Ritual.
Speaking of The Ritual, while I did feel for Aphrodite, I didn't much like her selfish actions of dying and passing her trauma onto another poor soul. Like, either go to therapy and work on your issues or just die permanently and stop inflicting someone else with your trauma! Forgetting is not the path forward. And maintaining the cycle of the next Aphrodite reawakening to your traumatic memories of the Second World War whilst your son, Eros, deals with the fallout is NOT healthy.
On a side note, I liked how the melody of Adrift was used in the background of the game and was also revisited during The Trial.
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As for the actual singing, I'm still impressed by the singing of so many of the voice actors. I mean, I wasn't surprised by Troy Baker considering he was a musician before he was a voice actor. And Felicia Day...well, considering I'd stumbled upon her back in her The Guild days, knew she could sing because of the songs she released. And the fact she appeared in Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog alongside Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion.
While I did like Laura Bailey, there were moments when I felt her vocals were just a little too raw and weren't able to hit the notes as well as could be. No shade on Laura, though. I love Laura Bailey! And she had a tough task with so many variations to sing!
Still, I did like her rapping. MORE LAURA BAILEY RAPPING PLEASE! Especially in the Challenging a Queen song.
But I do wonder what Stray Gods might have been like if we had actual Broadway actors brought in for the singing with stronger vocals and/ or melodies.
But I must say, my absolute favourite singer was Mary Elizabeth McGlynn. How could I not? She voiced Persephone! And I so wanted to romance her!
In the end, though, I foiled my chances because I was trying to play in-character by asking myself 'What would Grace do?' in most situations, especially when she was down in the Underworld and was especially traumatised by her best friend's death.
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So, yes. I obviously brought Freddie back and the two ended up getting together in one of the more wholesome relationships there is in the game. Because, if you ask me, Pan? He just shows up out of the blue and is all sneaky-sneaky. A girl with her head on her shoulders wouldn't immediately fall for him, even if his intentions were good.
And Apollo? I know my friend @mrsarmageddon likes a 'I-can-fix-him-sad-boy' but he was too set in his ways and a little too unwilling to be of any proper assistance until all his secrets had been unveiled.
As for Persephone, she's a very angry woman and also wouldn't have been a healthy choice considering her romance with CALLIOPE in the past. Still, I couldn't help but want her step on me.
I don't know what that says about me. I'm probably secretly a sub/ omega who just wants someone to take care of me.
But let's not dwell on what this revelation could be and instead talk about how Stray Gods pushed the gaming genre to try and be more inclusive in ways no-one had thought of before. Beyond that, I loved the characters. The narrative, while simplistic, was entertaining enough to pull me through my initial playthrough of six and a bit hours. So, it's not even all that long. Which is perfect when you're gainfully employed and have a ton of time-consuming hobbies.
The one major downside to me was the fact it didn't have a chapter select after the first playthrough. If it did have it, allowing me to skip ahead to say 'Act 3' to redo my conversation with Persephone so I could romance her, or skip to certain songs so I could try out different combinations or variations, it would have heightened the gaming experience for me. Instead, Stray Gods forced me to play through the entire game again just for the occasional tweaks I wanted to do in my playthrough.
And now, during The Game Awards 2023, there's been an announcement for ANOTHER musical game called Harmonium. And it features sign language! So, it's definitely something I want to keep an eye on!
But also, don't let it become too overly saturated. During the Game Awards, I couldn't help but notice more Souls-like battle systems, using Japan as a setting (for Western developers) and more mechs/ robots.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go and admire the Queen of the Underworld a little bit more. For perfectly REASONABLE purposes.
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raijintosworn · 23 days
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: Cyan
Pronouns: she/they/he
Birthday (no year): 28/05 (I share my birth with Siegbert and am between Mercie and chrom!)
Where are you from? What is your time zone? From France, live in England so like 5 hours ahead of the toa clock so I miss a lot
How long is your roleplay experience? Like 15 years now??? What the fuck
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? So I had a friend in school who was a weeb and asked if I RP. And I thought he meant. You know. Nsfw. So I was like Ew no :( I am a teen that is gross. Then he explained he meant like fandom RP and how it works and then I joined him on GaiaOnline YES I'M THAT OLD THANKS AND YES I STILL USE GAIA. I started with hetalia. Yes I'd still like to die
How were you introduced to TOA? Lailah hinted at me for like 2 weeks with lines like "I joined this group and you know Gerome misses Cynthia" and I kept going "sounds fun :)" and did not realise they were hinting until they straight up asked. wow I have been here 6 months
Do you have any pets? No :( I don't have the time for them
What is your favorite time of year and why?(Season, holiday, general period) Summer despite you know. The bugs. But I can actually function in summer
What is your IRL occupation? Data entry; it's why I'm on the discord server most of my day now
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? I like cooking, baking, oh and I'm a cosplayer! I've been at it for 3 years and yes it's mostly fire emblem bar ONE (soon to be two)
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Tales of (WHERE ARE MY TALES FRIENDS AT), Persona, critically acclaimed mmorpg FFXIV, octopath, ?? I'm not sure what else? I tried playing dragon age but it crashes constantly even with the fixes
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: I don't think I have a fave type but I really really love Dragonair 🥺
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! I once wrote about the ships I hate for an English exam. Got an A. But at what cost. One was a hetalia ship (I was a child.) and another was Bart and Milhouse. 😑 Yes that Bart and Milhouse.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? I was told to play Awakening because I'll love it and I'll totally love all these characters. Um. I never finished it. Then Fates came out, twitter didn't shut up about that and I refused to play it. Then 3H came out. I saw Edelgard and it was joever for me. So I bought it and I've been here ever since.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Engage, 3H, Fates (all three routes baby), Awakening, Echoes, Warriors, Sacred Stones, a little FEH until I was put off cause I summoned Easter Xander, a little FE7 and I WILL. FINISH. PATH OF RADIANCE. I SWEAR TO YOU ALL RIGHT NOW.
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: first was technically Awakening but I didn't like it so I dropped it until 2022 I wanna say? So really my first FE was 3H. My favourite? Depends on the day.
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series!
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason!
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays?- Awakening:- Fates:- Three Houses:- Engage:
Favorite Fire Emblem class?
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable?
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran)
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent?
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon)
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?)
Current TOA muses: Cynthia and Ryoma!
Past TOA muses? Alas :(
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Cynthia! My beloved. I didn't think she could be such a strong muse I picked her up cause I was bullied into it. Now she bullies me daily
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) I don't know actually? I love posh assholes. I love sweet girls. I love chaos characters. I dunno you should see my muse list on my indie it's a wild mix
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? I wanna write unrepentant assholes but I can't :( I struggle with that. I'm trying tho
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) um. Well. I like intimate stuff if you're picking up what I'm putting down. But then I run away about 2 replies in so I write fanfic usually. I like kissing too. Um. I love high emotional scenes too. If I could describe my writing style, it's "My Dinner With Andre - the novel" (I've never seen the film but I get the gist)
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? I want Ryoma to be happy. Like genuinely I want him to be in a place where he can forgive himself, maybe even forgive the nohrians. I want him to move on and have a peaceful life as a teacher. But I also want him to fall in love which is. So silly. But. My brain is a shipper lol. As for Cynthia? Hm. I have thoughts for her but that's a whole arc
Favorite TOA-related memories? I dunno! I've had a lotta fun here but I can't think of any specific stuff offhand? Maybe how welcoming everyone was when I joined that was nice 🥺
Present or past tense? Present! I live in the moment! I tend to tense match but present. I like third person and second person POV too but I can't RP in second person BC it feels weird? I mostly write in second person if I'm writing a vent fic. Why? I dunno
Normal size text, small text, no preference? I like tiny text but again I size match. I snoop to see what my partner does and copy them :D
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉  I am working towards the worst fucking creature. 0/10. I hate him (Innes. Yes he's my discord icon rn why do you ask). If someone else grabs him, hm. Tana? L'Arachel? I had more but I'm gunning for my moron mullet man ngl I have THOUGHTS
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garmmy · 9 months
garm's video game wrap-up 2023
past wrap-ups: - 2020 wrap-up - 2021 wrap-up - 2022 wrap-up
nearing the end of 2023 so time for the yearly videogame wrap-up of the games i completed this year...it's been another tiring year and i haven't played as much videogames as i would've liked;; but i had so much fun with the ones i did get to play!
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- zniw adventure: ok so if you like either dinosaurs or 90s educational cd-rom games you HAVE to play this game. and i love both so even better!! the graphics and music are gorgeous, the dialogue is fun and it's really such a cute game. excited for the next installment 😭
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- paranormasight: mystery-solving visual novel format my beloved...i'd been looking forward to this game for that and i couldn't put it down!! i think i rushed it in the few days after release lol. a fun little brain-twisty story and i love the chars too ;w;
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- fire emblem three houses: YES i only took slightly less than 4 years to beat one route 😂it wasn't so much that i didn't enjoy it but more of..i guess decision paralysis during the free days 😅 but because of the sheer time i spent i am sooo attached to the 💛🦌kids now ;v;
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- zanki zero: i am SO weak for found family so this game prob made me cry the hardest this year🥹🥹 and it was fun speculating the mystery of well..why they're clones and why humanity ended🥲 but heads up to ppl interested to look up the CWs if needed as it can be a bit heavy!
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- i was a teenage exocolonist: from one 'we gotta rebuild humanity' game to another, this time on a new planet..it's very fun to explore and witness the challenges of settling a foreign planet, all while having to deal with human relationships. and the art+music is so gorgeous!!
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that is my wrap-up for the year! my latest in-progress games are octopath traveler and soul hackers 2…i hadn't touched videogames for months due to fatigue, but let's hope i can complete these two next year 🙏
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azzysecondary · 6 months
Sooooo uhhhh….. guess who liked the second game so much they immediately started playing the first after they finished >w>
Anywho I have first impressions of all the protags so far, from the perspective of someone who played the second game first!!
(TLDR: I’m enjoying the game so far,Cyrus is my favorite, and I dub my first four the sillies -w- )
(spoilers for the first chapters of everyone,and for a few mentions of Octopath 2 in here, nothing big for 2, just mentions of characters and chapter 1 tiny spoilers )
Ophilia- 7th in the party
“Que the first shakesphere reference!”
.She’s so wholesome and sweet I love her;w; she’s like a warm presence in her snowy town and I love that for her!! I adore her design and can’t wait to draw it sometime~ it feels really weird hearing the cleric actually and genuinely praise the sacred flame after all my time with Temenos though- I also adore her relationship with her sister it’s so fluffy and wholesome-w-. Overall can’t wait to see more of her!
Cyrus- 3rd in the party
“Prose before Hoes”
He’s my favorite so far- up until his chapter I was wondering why everyone around the protags had an accent and then we reached him and went “HE’S BRITISH *insert keyboard spam*” he’s so silly and goofy and I love his story so far, it intrigues me (´▽`) (I love a good mystery) also he’s an Aro king from my impressions so far, and I love that for him!!
Therion- Protag
“Purple shadow the edgehog”
He’s giving tries to be tough, but in reality he’s a chihuahua . My Boyfriend said I should chose him as my protagonist , because of the purple chests and I do think that was an excellent idea, because he is carrying my party strategy with steal Sp rn - I think he is also very silly, in a way that he tries so hard to be edgy kinda way- also his laugh is very goofy and chuni, I quite enjoy it! His story also interests me, I wanna see more of his edgy rouge backstory! Also I find it funny both games have thieves with the T spot, that are also purple-
Olberic- 5th in the party
“Oh he has lots of baggage-“
His story seems like it’s gonna be sad so far- my guess is he’s gonna be the party dad, as his father figure- son relationship with Phillip is really sweet;w; I hope we get to see more~I’m intrigued in his relationship with Erhardt because there is SO much tension there too…… I love a good agnsty lovers to enemies, and that’s the vines they give, so much angst (that would make two warriors who have a “comrade/best friend” who betrayed them:( ) ! Overall, I think his vibes are “gentle giant, but will not hesitate violence”!
Primrose- 6th in the party
“ insert everytime I said a variant of “gross” or my jaw dropped in her first chapter”
Primrose needs happiness……. It’s interesting to see how similar her type of revenge is to Osvald’s, yet different. I feel like she’s gonna be as a flirt as a coping mechanism and…… I just want her to eventually become happy, the way people treated her in her first chapter was so awful. I gagged almost every time she was called “kitten” (ew I hate quoting that), and the one person that did treat her with kindness was killed in front of her eyes for it- her “Master, go pleasure yourself line.” was really good though! Overall, rooting for her to get her revenge!! (Also I really like her design it’s so pretty-w-)
Alfyn- 4th in the party
“He’s just a normal guy!”
I love how normal he is, like seriously he’s just a sweet guy, and for that I dub him silly! If Therion is a chihuahua, he’s a golden retriever, and I love his whole wholesome story vibes in general! He’s probably gonna be in my top 4 by the end of the game- I love wholesome characters……. And green ones- also Zeph totally has a crush on him that he’s completely oblivious to (´▽`) can’t wait to see more of his chill and wholesome vibes!
Tressa- 2nd in the party
“Who is this sassy lost child?”
She’s giving stubborn little sister vibes, and I am HERE for it! Her story seems super adorable so far too! Also love a good back twice a character’s size (gosh that’s gonna be a pain to make/ find when I cosplay her._.) speaking of her bag….. is that thing a bag of holding? How did she carry that barrel to the cave ?!??! Overall 10/10 character can’t wait to see her bickering with Therion in their travel banters, I’m theorizing they’re gonna act like siblings 030
H’aanit- 8th in the party
“Que the other Shakesphere reference”
I love how they used Shakespearian English for her! I actually quite enjoy reading/ the performing of Shakespeare, and I wonder if they’ll use Shakespearian themes in her story. The rhythm of her speech is close to the rhythm of Shakespeare without sounding unnatural, because she’s not actually a Shakespeare character, I can’t wait to see more of it (I’m also hoping perhaps she may call someone a sponge for the full Shakespeare experience -). Anywho, enough of my geeking out about Shakespeare, what interests me about her story is her somber theme. I don’t know what has happened to her master so far, but I’m wondering if this will be a tragedy based on it’s bitter sweetness. Also love how eloquent her voice is, it was a pleasant surprise!
Anywho that’s all for now! Sorry for the long post, and if you’ve read this far thank you! Now I’m gonna go get back to work on my art and stuff for awhile-
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oracleofsecrets · 2 years
listen I enjoy Temenos as much as the next guy but there are Seven Other Main Characters to choose from (and some who also have some Gay momence…)
To avoid loss of biodiversity in the Octopath 2 ecosystem, there needs to be a Temenos Tax. For every one (1) creative work centered on Temenos, there must be two (2) creative works focused on Any Other character (no, Crick doesn’t count for this purpose. I lov him but he is a risk factor). Works focused on women are worth twice as much
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So I finished Sea of Stars today (as anyone with me on their dash will find out as soon as they scroll past this post). Long story short, I loved it! It was a really solid experience from start to finish, and I'm going to take a moment here to sing some praises.
Early on the first thing that charmed me was the environment design- it felt like I could follow my character's journey visually on the world map through the zones when I entered and exited them, which just testifies to how well made the overworld map is. The environment designs were just great in general- every place was visually interesting and some of the backgrounds were absolutely jaw dropping.
I liked the combat system! It's not hard by any means but it's fun. It starts out slow to ramp up the interesting features and many times in the early game I felt like combats were over before I got to use any cool moves, but by the time you unlock all the mechanics it's a really dynamic system. I like the choice to flatten the MP bars and skill costs and put an emphasis on alternating spending MP on two-three skills and then basic attacking to replenish it. The live mana system gives another dynamic angle that ended up feeling a lot like Octopath's BP system in execution (again, setting up a cadence of small attacks to charge -> big damage attack -> repeat) but also interacted well with the lock system. The combo attacks are a highlight and the elemental lock system encourages nearly all of them to enter the rotation. The only gripe I have is that the Obligatory Indie RPG Timed Hits Like Paper Mario, while they do have good feel once you get them down, *really* could have used a timing example on first appearance, or someplace to practice using them. When a new party member showed up with a completely different attack pattern, it took me several fights of pressing A at random times during the animation to figure out where the right timing window was. Turning on the modifier that gave feedback on perfect timing was helpful to know when I had it, but I didn't like having to guess what part of the animation I was aiming at in the first place.
The characters were excellent- though I don't have much to say about some of them, others of them felt like they were aimed directly at me and the types of character I like. There were multiple times that I was delighted to see a new character get to join the ensemble and not just remain in place. I think they were all treated well by the story and most importantly, all had their moments to shine. On that, the story in this one was also excellent- some good twists and some *really* heartfelt plot beats that will stick with me. One visually shattering moment in the middle gave me that awe-struck "oh to experience that again for the first time" feeling whenever I passed through that area thereafter. Just an overall good story well told.
Like I said in my last post, I enjoyed the gamefeel of traversal, which is surprising since JRPGs aren't really a movement focused genre. But again, with the addition of verticality, climbing up ledges and rock walls, and later on the grapple hook to cross gaps, I was pretty engaged even when backtracking- though there was very little backtracking, since the world and environments were designed as very straightforward and easy to navigate. The collectibles and sidequests were at a good challenge level where they weren't free but they also didn't take dozens of hours to scour the world for the hidden door, etc. The game also gives you a modifier that gives a radar for collectibles too making it easy to get that nice shiny completion star. And the sidequests were all worthwhile too, especially the late game character-specific questlines. The full completion reward true ending surprised me at first, but I settled into it once the feelings started to flow.
It wouldn't be fair to the game to not mention the way it wears its love for Chrono Trigger and other SNES-era JRPGs on its sleeve. If "Guest Composer: Yasunori Mitsuda" wasn't enough of a clue, the story is tucked full of easter eggs and references, combo attacks and enemies and environments and plot beats that fans of Chrono Trigger would identify easily. But I think it handles the inspiration well, being an homage that still keeps up its own identity. The lore tying it to the studio's other game, The Messenger, helps with that. It's not just "hey let's remake this game we're all nostalgic for beat for beat" and more "hey let's do our own thing but throw in a lot of nods for us and for other people who are nostalgic for this."
Overall, playing the game was great to end 2023 and finishing the game is a killer start to 2024! A very hearty recommend from me.
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draconicsparkle · 2 years
Hello and welcome! Name is Kira! You can call me that or Draconic or Sparkle or whatever you want really. Been having a swell time creating fics. Mostly Danganronpa and Rain Code. Also a huge fan of Pokémon and several other franchises. Feel free to send asks or messages! I am happy to chat with people!
Here is a masterpost of all my works. Cause I realized that it’s a bit cluttered here without it. This should make things easy to navigate.
I do hope this helps!
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Pic by @noodleartz
Danganronpa Fics
The Peak of Hope : God au where Hajime gets possessed by a god Izuru. Complete
Wings and Scales : Dragon au where Nagito is a dragon and Hajime is his caretaker. Complete
Hajime’s Cats : A fluffy episodic fic of Hajime and his cats Izuru and kitten Nagito. Complete
Differing Heights and Rationalities : Borrower au with borrower Nagito and human Hajime and Izuru. Complete
Sunshine and Shadows : Spirit au with human Hajime rescuing light spirit Nagito. Complete
Childhood : Prequel to Sunshine and Shadows. Would highly recommend reading SAS first as this contains heavy spoilers to the ending of it. Complete
Sweets From Alice’s : Size changing gt fic. Episodic in nature. Complete
Naga Nagito Drabbles : Au created by @tortadecereji; Another series of episodic chapters with Hajime interacting with Naga Nagito. Big or small, but mostly big. Complete.
Nagizuru Au : Au created by @karugoround; Where Nagito became Izuru and Hajime serves as his caretaker. Complete
Lost Souls : A Pokémon/Danganronpa crossover fic where Hajime and Nagito need to work together to help a lost Pokémon return home. Complete
Children of the Cosmic God : Eldritch horror Izuru adopts orphaned Hajime and Nagito. The two must make a difficult choice when they come of age. Complete
One Shots
Parenting in the Apocalypse
Eternal Happiness? I Found It!
Octopath Traveler Fics
Little Thief : Octopath Traveler g/t fic. Complete
Short Stories : Octopath Traveler 2 gt one shots. Complete
The Hound and His Little Lamb : Octopath Traveler 2 knightlight fic. Complete
Rain Code Fics
The Masks I Wear : Rain Code sibling fic. Complete
Family’s Friends : Sequel to the The Masks I Wear. Complete
The Offer of a Lifetime : Part 3 of the Twin Detectives series. Complete
Our Differences : Part 4 and finale of the Twin Detectives Series. Complete
Take Care : Part 5 extra bit to the Twin Detectives Series. Sickfic. Complete
He Who Defies Death : Post canon au where Makoto receives the Book of Death. Complete
Transparent : Viviakou fic where Vivia is a ghost haunting the house that Yakou and Yuma move into. Complete
Safe In The Nocturne : Yakou Fathero adopts Yuma fic. Complete
The Dragons and Their Detective : An au where the Master Detectives are dragons. Complete
One of the Flock : Sequel to The Dragons and Their Detective. Complete
Which On Is It? : Kokolight vampire au oneshot. Complete
Feed : Prequel to Which One Is It? Complete
Blood Bond : Kokolight vampire au where Yakou learns a fun fact about vampire bats. Complete
There’s a Bat in the Agency! : Vampire Au where bat Yuma is discovered by the NDA. Complete
His Shield : Vampire Au where Vivia gets angy and causes some damage cause someone hurt the smol bean vampire. Complete
Beverage of Choice: Vampire Au after the explosion at the agency. Yuma meets someone who seems… oddly knowledgeable. Complete
A Nightmare Under the Full Moon : Kokomare werewolf au where Yuma is extra floofy. Complete
Artificial Mind, Artificial Heart : Rain Code au where Makoto is an artificial intelligence program learning to be human. Still ongoing
Going For The Throat : One shot where Yomi does something to make Makoto angry. He suffers the consequences. Complete.
Cat Yomi: Makoto finds cat Yomi in a rainstorm and brings him inside. Complete
Double Life: A what if scenario where Yakou survives the Blank Week with his clone. Complete
The Two Chiefs: Sequel to Double life. The two Yakous spill the beans on the Blank Week Mystery to the NDA. Complete
Web of Truth: Au where Makoto is a monster and gets curious about the human that shares his face. Still ongoing
Rain Code Ship Week 2024 fics
Different Body But Same Soul: Domestic Kokobolt. Complete
The Damsel Who Isn’t In Distress: Prince Vivia and his dragon guardian Yakou. Complete
Captive Heart: Dark makoyuma fic with a possessive Makoto. Complete
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Little Lamb
Octopath Traveler II Yandere Temenos x (afab) reader
I just love this sassy cleric and know I'm the only one writing this pairing so I'll share it with the world.
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All under the cut if this isn't your sort of thing! Thinking of making a side-blog for these darker things? I'm a weird hybrid fluff/yandere fan, apparently.
As soon as you hear the key in the lock, you try and bite back your sob in fear, but he always notices. "Oh, little lamb, not more tears." His voice echoes around the four stone walls, making you feel even more trapped than you already are.
You don't reply - you can't - he never leaves without tightening the folded habit – the very one that would be atop your head if you’d made it to your pledge - back around your mouth, making sure it sits snug. He says it's to ensure you honour a vow of silence until his return, but it doesn’t make sense. Who would you even speak to? No-one can hear you down here, he's assured you of that - though that didn’t stop you trying the first few days you were brought here, screaming and tugging at the manacles keeping your hands above your head, chained to the wall.. It seems even the Gods have abandoned you now.
You had been sent to Flamechurch to begin your studies ahead of taking your vow as a Sister of the Sacred Flame. He had been one of the first to greet you as you arrived, though you had to apologise for your ignorance of not having heard of him before, but he seemed to enjoy that. Everyone said it was such an honour that the Temenos Mistral had taken a personal interest in your spiritual journey. You liked him too - he was intelligent, quick-witted and made you question everything deeper than you ever had before, but, in the end, the lively debates only solidified your conviction to dedicate your life to the Church.
You were ready to take your vows, your senior Sisters in agreement, but Temenos insisted you hold off a little longer. You listened, of course you listened, you lapped up every bit of wisdom he bestowed upon you. He was so well esteemed and regarded by his peers and, even though something didn’t feel quite right deep down, surely if he was advising you to delay it would be nothing but an insult to disregard his advice and he must have a reason.
Now his reason is as clear as crystal and you wished you’d listened to your gut.
He wants to keep you all for himself.
He'd slipped something in the wine. Temenos often had a glass at your evening discussions and you only ever had a small glass where you partook, sometimes just a sip or two, so you knew something was off when your head started to swim mid-conversation. He had a condescending grin on his face when you tried to stumble up to your feet, crashing down to your knees as your limbs refused to co-operate. His boots entered your blurred field of vision before his hand crept around the back of your neck. "There, there, lamb, I've got you..." 
You'd woken up in this room - a store room deep beneath the Church where no-one came. It seemed he'd been setting it up in preparation for you, at least you hoped you were the first. It comprised of a bed, a table, an old sink and a section of the room covered by a screen, which he deemed the wash closet - it was a repurposed butter churn barrel of all things. He’d acquired two, so he can swap them in and out.
Besides, it wasn’t like you had the freedom to walk around - your hands chained to a hook above you when he wasn't there. When he was there, he'd release you - allowing you to relieve and wash yourself in privacy at least. Or as much as a wash you could manage with a large jug, bucket and cloth.
He'd bring fresh gowns too - white, pristine. He'd taken your old clothes away, so it was dress how he wanted or go without.
It’s hard to tell how long you’ve been down here. There’s no sunrise or sunset, just periods of sleep and two visits a day from your captor. He lights a long-burning candle on his morning visit, extinguishes it when he leaves at night. What did he tell the Sisters, the congregation – that you just decided it wasn’t for you and you’d gone home? They wouldn’t investigate – they’d take his word as gospel. Is he going to kill you?
Temenos has a bag in hand, as always - he brings you breakfast and supper. If you refused to eat, and you had a couple of times, he had his methods to get you to comply. He was never opposed to using his staff to get his message across, get what he wanted. He said he didn't enjoy hurting you, you were forcing his hand, it was the only way you’d learn. He’d only let you experience the pain for a little while because he would cast healing hand. Repeat.
He sets the bag down upon the table and walks over to you. You flinch back but there's nowhere to go, your back already pressed up against the wall as close as you can go, willing it to swallow you up. He smiles pitifully at you, leaning down besides you and wipes away some stray tears with his thumb.
"This is just a test of your faith, my lamb. You haven't forgotten our lessons already, have you?" You haven’t forgotten your lessons, but you still don’t understand what he means. What his justification is for keeping you down here.
He fingers slip into the knot at the back of your head and he loosens it, tugging the gag down before shaking it back out into the habit it should be, hanging it on the bedframe. Your mouth is so dry.
"Are you thirsty?"
You nod, but that’s wrong. His fingers are under your chin now, tilting your head up to him.
"Use your words, little lamb." He chides. It's confusing - demands for silence, demands for speech.
"Yes," your voice is hoarse. 
"Well, maybe if you didn't cry so much you wouldn't be." He chides.
You don’t know what to say to that. What does he want? What’s the point of this game? He tsks and goes over to the sink, filling up a goblet of water for you. He returns and sits down on the edge of the bed, holds it up your lips, as he always does. It’s humiliating, but you’re so thirsty and you drink it down greedily.
Once you drain the goblet dry, he pulls it away and smiles. “Better?”
You nod. “Thank you,” you add before he can tell you off.
“You are very welcome, my dear.” He takes the goblet back to the table and returns to your side, withdrawing the key from his tunic pocket and unlocks your wrists from the shackles at last. Your arms always feel weird at first when they’re let down after being held above your head for so long.
He takes your left arm and inspects your wrist, before moving on to the right arm.. At first, you’d pulled and pulled at the restraints hoping they’d give, but all you’d achieve was rubbing the skin raw and bloody. Temenos would chastise you, before healing with his stave. You never made any progress – if anything, your persistent efforts to pull yourself free of the restraints day after day only made you grow weaker. He fed you, yes, but it wasn’t much. Enough to keep starvation at bay, but the hunger still led you feeling weak, tired… subdued, compliant.
“No abrasions again. Good - you’re learning.”
Learning what? You want to spit out, but it won’t end well for you so you hold your tongue.
“Do you need to relieve yourself, lamb?”
That’s the most embarrassing thing of all, you think – that he makes you fulfil your bodily functions in that butter churn. A butter churn which he empties, apparently as a labour of his love.
You always say yes, though. It gets you a few moments away from his piercing gaze.
“Go on, then,” he nods. “Then we can have supper and start our lesson, hm?”
“Yes, Temenos.” You agree meekly, shuffling down the bed, away from him, before you stand, though your legs are wobbly from lack of use. You don’t want his hands on you though, so you brace yourself on the wall for a moment, gaining your balance, and go behind the blasted screen.
Supper is always the same affair – bread and grapes. Temenos never eats with you, probably permits himself a more varied diet, but he just watches. His hands clasped on the table, his staff leaning against his thigh, barely in sight, but enough to remind you it’s there and the power he wields.
You eat every last morsel he gives you, never really sure when he might remove the privilege. He could dictate that you’re going to fast, after all.
When you are finished, you take a glug of water from the goblet, place your hands in your lap and thank him. That’s important too. He reminds you to be grateful.
“My pleasure. Now, I thought we’d change things up a little tonight. You’ve been so well-behaved these past few days and you deserve a reward. You were so full of questions at first, weren’t you, little lamb?” That was true. He’d wanted to continue on your philosophical discussions, but you hadn’t played ball, demanding, screaming, questioning why he’d done this to you. He’d remained calm, as always, simply pushing the habit back in your mouth, silencing you, and talked. Temenos did always love the sound of his own voice.
“I was.” You agree.
“Do you still have those questions for me?”
You’re not sure of the answer he wants to this one. Usually, it’s best to agree with whatever he says, but it could be a trick. However, he said there was a reward…
“Well, do you?” He sounds bored now - you’ve kept him waiting too long.
He smirks, leaving you wondering for a few moments if that was the wrong answer. “Then I am prepared to entertain a few. Question one is…?”
“Why did you bring me here?”
“I thought that’d be obvious by now,” He chides. “To keep you safe, of course.”
“Safe from who?” The only person you wish you could be safe from was him.
“Everyone. You are such a sweet, naïve lamb – I couldn’t allow the wolves to feast on you. You’re too dear to me.”
“But you…” you swallow, “Surely you could’ve kept me safe in the Church, Temenos. We would’ve been working alongside each other, as we were.”
“They were going to send you away from me.” His eyes darkened. “I simply could not allow that to happen.”
“Who was?”
“The Church had decided your new post for when you’d taken your vows. You were going to be sent to Stormhail,” he says it as if it leaves a foul taste in his mouth, “to work at the Sacred Guard Headquarters. I could not allow that to happen. I could not keep you safe there.”
“That’s why you tried to dissuade me from taking the vows, so I wouldn’t go?”
He nods. “See, you do understand. But I knew I could only keep you from taking them for so long. It gave me enough time to set up this humble abode for you though.” He gestures around your prison. “I know you think my methods are harsh and unnecessary, but I lost a precious member of my flock before and I won’t allow it to happen again. Especially not to you, my little lamb.”
“Arms up.” He commands, perhaps a little softer than usual. You used to put up more of a fight, but it’s pointless. He always gets his way. So you comply, allow him to clasp the metal rings around your wrists – again. This time, though, he slackens the chains a little, allowing the tops of your arms to rest on the pillow rather than be strung up high above you. He knows you notice and smiles. “Obedience is rewarded and you’ve been such a good girl recently.”
Supper threatens to make a reappearance.
You expect him to gag you next, but he sits down on the edge of the bed, and clasps the side of your face with an open palm, forcing you to look at him.
“What’s on your mind, my dear?”
“Am I to stay here forever?” Your voice cracks.
He keeps a hold of your face as he leans forward, pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead, ignoring your question.
“Now,” he tugs the habit from the bedframe and drapes it across his lap, folding it neatly length-wise into his desired purpose, readying it. “I want you to think a little about what we’ve discussed this evening, and then get some sleep. Open.”
You open your mouth immediately. He’d held your nose before when you hadn’t, waited until you’d gasped for air to stuff the dreaded thing in.
He tucks it neatly between your teeth, the heavy fabric pressing your tongue down. He moves your hair out of the way of the knot almost lovingly - if this act could be loving - before checking over his handiwork.
“May the Sacred Flame guide you.” He gets to his feet, blowing out the candle on the table as he passes, leaving you in darkness.
“Sweet dreams, little lamb.” You hear the door open and close, the lock clunking shut as always.
And you cry.
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wooyoungqueen · 4 months
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part of the CODN Spring Event - The Language of Flowers
Genre: Royalty/ medieval times.
Parings: non
words: 4766
rating: E for everyone
Warnings: blood, people losing their heads.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/album/7CY5mNBTBbHs1a4apdKCq6?si=O_pEwrkZQ1mogNJsPJfg4A <- octopath traveler https://open.spotify.com/album/3yNPwXzMkBRKdQKPOMrAGD?si=ScZEUMXDRjypr-vWBYRWXA<- Inuyasha
A/N: so i decide to write this because why not, and i was watching game of thrones to see how it was it gave me a boost on how to write hong-joong and senghwa charters including yeosang, wooyoung and my OC. please no hate please. and do enjoy, also i will take feedback also i did the drawing , and listen to Octopath traveler OST for this story as well.
summary: a young king doesn't care for anyone but himself, destroying everything . but two villagers will stop him and get their revenge
tagging: @stardragongalaxy @kwanisms @sanjoongie @pyeonghongrie @mint-yooxgi @kpop-stories-21 @anyamaris
~ Orange lily- Revenge
Lilith was helping her mother around the kitchen chopping the carrots, while  her mom was making a loaf of bread for the stew. “ You don’t have to help me, daughter. I will be fine.” “I don’t mind mom, besides I love cooking. Her mother looked at her with a smile on her face, but blood started to come out of her nose due to a sickness she had.  “I am well, just oh dear… I am sorry daughter, can you make the loaf of bread for me.” “Sure, are you okay, mother?” “ I am, no worries, daughter. Also, your father is at his blacksmith shop.” Lilith looked at her mother and nodded,  then put the bread into the oven. “ I will stop by to see him, but you need to rest, mother.” Lilith's mother Cecelia nodded and sat down for a little bit covering herself up as Lilith was walking to her father's shop. Her father Fred put his sludge hammer down and went to hug her. “Good morning daughter, how’s your mother doing?” “She’s resting for now. While she was making bread, her nose started to bleed. Fred nodded and said. “I worried for her daughter. But we both know that she is strong and will see you walking down the aisle with wooyoung.” “Your right, including your father, that day will be the best day of our lives. I just know it..”  
Father, mother, forgive me, please, I miss you so much. but I swear on my sword that I won't stop until his head is mine. I will get my revenge for all three of you guys. 
As Lilith and her father were done talking, she heard a horse neigh and saw a young prince wearing a goldish crown and his bodyguard helping him down fixing his long cape. “Ooh, what a surprise to have the young king. What can we humbly do for you. “I need a sword, a well crafted sword.” “Well then, let me show you your highness on what swords we have on display.” Lilith looked at the young king while he was shopping and said  “what about this one? “ This silver sword.” “That is a fine sword but is not for sale, your highness.” “ooh even though we give you this much gold for it.” “My father said it is not for sale, no matter how much gold you gave us. Is a family herlom. The young king went to her and said, “ You better hold that tongue of yours, or I will have to cut it right out of your mouth.” “Your Highness, we need to get back to the castle.” Hong-joong nodded at seonghwa and took the sword, then said before exiting out  of Lilith's father black smith shop. “Know this, if you raise your voice again at your king, I will not let that slide at all. Or else you get to know King Hong-Joong. Good day, Seonghwa let’s go!” Lilith looked at King Hong- Joong and Seonghwa, leaving with a couple more guards than her father turned around. “What was that about?! We are lucky enough that we got off with a warning.” “I  don't know, something in me snapped. maybe I didn’t want anyone taking the sword, but I guess he still took it anyway.”  
How long is it that I haven’t seen your guys grave since that unforgivable day is all  because of my actions. I am tired, but I won’t give up on getting revenge.
Lilith and her father walked home, wooyoung waiting for them inside helping his mother in law out to set up the table and taking out the loaf of bread Cecila was already eating than Lilith serve her father and wooyoung than herself until Fred talked about how the king took his wife family sword the only sword that her father left her before he “died”  “King Hong-jong came into my shop. He was looking for a sword.”
“Oh did he request that you make one for him, or you sold him ones that you already made?” “He looked around, and I didn’t hold my tongue, so he took your father's sword.” Lilith looked at her father and said. “Mom I am to blame. It was me that he took. I guess that something in me snapped.” “Daughter, that was a family heirloom, the only thing we had of your grandfather. I need to talk to the king about it.” Wooyoung looked at Cecilia. “I’ll join you and Lilith into town tomorrow morning, I will protect them no matter what, Fred. someone needs to save you from your good intentions.” The family nodded. After dinner, Fred helped his wife into bed, and then Lilith and wooyoung were still up talking being a loving couple.
“Thank you for joining us in town tomorrow morning.” “Of course, as my duty, I will help you guys out. Is my turn too anyway. Is getting late love, I wait for you to get back inside before your dad turns off the candle.” Lilith kissed Wooyoung, then went upstairs and combed her hair. When Wooyoung saw the candle off, he walked home.  The  next morning,  Lilith and Wooyoung arrived in town, everyone running their shops, smiling. When they reached the castle gates, two guards took out their spears and said. “No one is allowed to pass unless you have an order from the king.” “The king took something that belonged to..” “We're just here to offer a king a deal. We're just simply farmers trying to..” Seonghwa looked at Lilith and the young boy with raven hair, went to the guards to open the gates. “Let them pass. Besides, I know the girl, and it is also a pleasure to meet her friend.” “Right away, dark knight, you both may enter.”
Seonghwa showed them to the throne room without making any conversation, then they stopped when Hongjoong was going to behead an innocent town folk. “Please sir, It wasn’t my intention to…” “clean this mess up, I don’t want his blood on my carpet. Oh, Seonghwa, you're here, with two more people that want their heads off?” “No, these are the people from the village you visited yesterday.”
King Hong-Joong walked down from his steps and held his cape so that it wouldn't get dirty with the blood  and said, “Ooh You are the girl with the sharp tongue, and you are..” “I am wooyoung your highness. Lilith husband.” King Hong-joong looked and said. “What could I do for you?” he said while bringing the cup of wine to his lips.  “The sword you took is a family heirloom. It belongs to my grandfather so I want it back.” “Really this sword I have, your father didn’t say that when he sold it to me. So is mine now, so sorry that you travel far to  get what you want.”
Lilith clinched her hands into fits, then she punched him, wooyoung pulled his axe out, making Seonghwa laugh at him and  drew his sword. “ You think you could strike me with your iron axe?! I shall kill you where you stand for hurting my king.” Wooyoung fling his axe cutting hong-joong cheek then getting stuck at the wall making them run.  “ The kid got guts, and also Is okay Seonghwa, it is time to pay their village a visit.” Seonghwa nodded and grabbed his men and rode next to Hong-Joong, Lilith and Wooyoung ran and stopped in order for them to catch their breath. “That was close, Wooyoung. You lost your ax.” “I know, but I did keep my word to protect you. Also, I know the sword is important.” Lilith sighed, making them both walk. Then, after laughing and talking, they stopped and saw a cloud of smoke. “That’s near… HOME!” “Mom, dad, please be safe. Let’s go wooyoung.” “please don’t kill us.. please …” “rally them up. I want to see the look on their faces when I draw my sword. Including the kids.”
Seonghwa nodded as Lilith saw her mother and father. “Why you..” “shhh. We are going to get caught.”  “Now then, you're all here because one  of your villagers decided to cut me with his ax and the other one to argue with me. The punishment for this is off with your head. Bring me that black smith wife.” “No, kill me, your highness, but not my wife Ceila '' Seonghwa turned around and saw wooyoung, and Lilith then said. “Kill the village girl's mother, your highness, and I kill her father.” Hong-jong didn’t think twice of striking his sword through Celica's heart, making her mouth I love you to her daughter. Fred crawled over to his wife and saw his daughter and wooyoung.
Then Seonghwa raised his sword and beheaded her father. With that, lilith eyes became dull and looked away. After Seonghwa and Hong-jong were done with their duties, they rode to another village. “Mom, forgive me, please. I am sorry, I'm so sorry. Also you father, please don’t leave me, please.” “I am sorry baby, come here, you have me, but this gives us a reason to get them back.” Lilith dug a hole for her mother and father, then said a small prayer after they  packed water, food, etc, and changed her clothes and grabbed weapons from her father's armory shop. “Ready love, don’t worry, I will be here day and night. Your revenge is also mine.” “thank you Wooyoung that’s why I love you. For now, my name is Lily.” 
As Wooyoung and Lily walked away from their home, both of our travelers will train and get stronger to get their revenge on King hong-joong and the black knight Park Seonghwa. For killing their family and destroying their home. As days went by, Lily kept guard while wooyoung slept. Then she looked at the stars thinking about her mother and father. Then she took out her dagger and started to cut her long hair, making wooyoung to help her and smiled. “Did I wake you up WooYoung?” “No, I just took a little nap. But I see you cut all of your hair, let me help you at the back.” After they both looked at her hair and threw it into the fire now, Lily could finally say that Lilith is forever dead. When morning rose they put out their fire and reached a small town, while Lily was walking she stopped by a black smith shop making him fix her sword after Yeosang was done fixing the sword Lily gave him 10 gold coins as a repayment after that they saw the same black smith boy in the tavern. “You're the same boy that fixed my sword.” “Yes I am. But I see you are  not from here.” “Is it that obvious..” Wooyoung stood close to his weapon on the table until Yeosang said. “well yeah.. But I know that the king has ears everywhere.” Lily walked then noticed the guards that were coming towers until they reached the tavern. “Our king destroyed an entire village, it was fun to see people, even the kids slaughtered.” “those bastards, i will kill them..” “Wooyoung not here, I know the place and time.” Wooyoung still kept an eye on the guards, Yeosang was talking to Lily and saw the map that he pulled out. “How and where did you get this, this is exactly what we needed. How much..” “If you could help me get rid of those guards, when they were done with yours they came into ours.” Lily lowered her shirt and walked over to allure the guards. Then she took out her dagger, stabbing them covering their mouths. Yeosang saw and gave the map to lily and wooyoung making them to countied their journey while they were riding the horse’s wooyoung started up a conversation. “Back there, did u umm..” “no, because I have my eyes on one person and that is you, besides we are almost there.” Lily and Wooyoung kept quiet throughout the journey when they reached for a rest place, she saw a field full of flowers but not just flowers but  orange lilies. “People say that orange lilies are meant for seeking revenge and this is where we will strike the dark knight park Seonghwa and King Hong-Jong. Then all this rage and sadness I have will disappear.” Lily let her tears fall, wooyoung hugged her close and rested his chin on her shoulder and said. “If we don’t get to kill them both I will be honored to die with you here in the garden of orange lilies.” 
Back at the castle, hong-jong was reading the reports that his guards were getting killed and hanged until Seonghwa came and bowed, then he handed him another report making hong-jong to sigh in frustration. “How is this possiable?! I station each man to every village and their slowly “dying” someone probably survived from that village that we burned down.” “or someone might have helped them in another village. I will find that person.” Hong-jong nodded and went to bed for a nap. Making him have a dream about a garden of orange lilies. 
“This is the end for you King Hong-joong, you're nothing without your trusted knight Seonghwa.” “oh really now, I will strike you and wooyoung here. You can’t and will never defeat me.” Hong-jong charges at them but lily  blocks his attack making wooyoung to shoot an arrow at hong-jong holding his arm then Lily knocks him down. “Come on, kill me, you don’t have the guts to do so.” Lily looked at him and whispered into his ear. “It makes me sad that the “big bad king” don’t know our names. Wooyoung ready.” “Ready Lilith, let’s do this.” Hong-jong's eyes widen and said  “into the depths of hell with the both of you…” 
“What the hell, it was only a dream. I need a cup of wine, you serve me more wine now!” “sire, Seonghwa came back with the person who killed the guards.” Seonghwa forced Yeosang down to his knees and saw hong-jong bending down to his eye level. “So you're the one that killed my guards that were protecting  your village.” “They were drunk on the job, not even worth it so..” Hong-joong punched him and said. “If u help me to find the real killers I’ll let you go but for now, Seonghwa take our friend to his cell.” “Yes sir.”  As days and nights passed king hong-jong men were dropping like flies, releasing the villagers that were in a cell carriage until Wooyoung got seen by  one knight that was following their tracks. “Thank you coyote for letting us out..” “no problem, leave now before more soldiers come and the..”  “So you're the one that was killing my men, “coyote” or should I say wooyoung that is your given name right.” Wooyoung suddenly froze and slowly turned around to look at Seonghwa and said. “I see that my reputation got to you but if you really want to know the information, you have to beat me out of it.” “Oh it will be my pleasure.” Seonghwa and wooyoung fought non stop both having bruises, cuts, then wooyoung knocked his shield out of his hand panting then Seonghwa said “you got tough, i should've killed you when i saw you and Lilith hiding behind that bush in your village.” “You should have but you didn’t and I will cut you down but not today.” Seonghwa focused on his surroundings and double step but wooyoung blocked his attack grabbing his shield nearby then took out his dagger making Seonghwa to look. “Not bad wooyoung, not bad at all. But keep on training, do remember this though you will still be weak until we meet again.” Seonghwa got on his horse and rode off making wooyoung to get up and sigh. “Coyote, are you okay?” “yeah I’m fine i just got done fighting Seonghwa.” “Did you see Hong-jong by any chance?” Wooyoung shook his head, making Lily sigh while her eyes were closed and said. “Will, we have to make haste who knows we will get a chance again.” Lily and the coyote rode their horses to another tavern and rested up. “Wow, what a mess here, and you say that the coyote did all of this.” “Yes sire, as the matter of fact Seonghwa fought with him.” Hong-Joong looked and saw the hoofs of the horses. “I know where to find the coyote."
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As night fell WooYoung and lily drank relaxing, making everyone stand up seeing King Hong-joong and Seonghwa going to get a drink and sat at the table nearby wooyoung and lily talking and chatting. Lily felt eyes burning behind her neck until the coyote said. “Easy, i know you see him, but not here like you say there's a time and place and we already pick the place.” “I know but I felt like my  neck was burning with his eyes.” “Well you are not the only one, I see Seonghwa as well. Even though we have our hoodies on.” Hong-Joong still looked while sipping, then he went over and said. “Might if we join, plus it's in the house.” “Sure, go ahead”
Seonghwa smiled and Hong-joong as well they were mostly doing the conversation Lily was ready to strike him down the person who killed her parents and burn down her and wooyoung village until Seonghwa said. “Be careful of your actions, lilith anything you do i will strike you down.” “I was only stretching, I was afraid that I would strike your king, besides he’s not an angel.” “No I know he’s not, but I have Yeonsang. Was he the one to help you guys out?” Lily looked then  turned  not seeing wooyoung and hong-jong sitting down anymore. Making her run. “Don’t leave wooyoung, please not today or never.”
She reached outside seeing wooyoung holding his hand then she blocked hong-joong with her sword. “You're not going to strike him, I won't allow it.” “I know you guys are the villagers that lived. But sense i have you both i will strike you down here and now.” “over my dead body king Hong-joong.” Lily fought with hong-joong while wooyoung was treating his wounds. Both of them were panting when she saw her family sword making hong-jong to look at it. “I see you still care for the sword, come and attack me if you deeply care for it, you know.”  “I will have it back and your head that I could put in my parents grave.”
Hong-jong knocks her down and she rolls dodging his attack then she gets up and about to strike him down until Seonghwa puts yeosang in front as a shield making her stop. “That’s low, using yeosang as a shield let him go now he has nothing to do with this.” “Yes, he did.  He gave you the map of each village that my guards were going to be in but I gave you guys a chance to leave but if I see you guys I’ll be waiting for you both in the guard of orange lilies." Wooyoung helped you sing to cut his ropes and apologize. “Sorry, you sang about all of this, it was my idea.” “It's nobody's fault but mine, I decided to help you guys. Are you guys.” “we are not going to leave, when i am done avenging my parents death than we leave.” Yepsang looked at them and said, “Count me in.” Lily nodded and helped him up. All she could think of was that she had hong-joong in front of her and didn’t get a chance to kill him. She turned to see Yeosang and Wooyoung sleeping peacefully, she rode back to her parent’s grave and looked. “I had him in front of me, and I didn't get a chance to kill his mom and dad. How much I miss you guys. But we found another person who doesn’t like the king.”
she felt the wind blowing if like her parents were talking to her, she smiled like she understood than said. “We won’t rest, the three of us stop him for his crimes.” the wind still blew than clean up their graves, fixing them when she saw sunrise she rodeback seeing wooyoung and yeosang packing, smiling and talking after wooyoung saw her eyes. “How long is it that you haven’t had a decent sleep lily. Please rest up a bit.” “I want to but I can't waste time. But you are right, I should.”  wooyoung and yeosang bought some food and refilling their jug of water making sure they have everything ready for the final battle. “So Yeosang, what made you join us?”  “i was a lonely boy in that town, no one would talk to me because i was a black smith son and telling me i was weird because i wanted to study medicine.” “I hope this journey helps you. And consider us as friends and don’t be afraid to use our stuff as well.”
Yeosang nodded and smiled at him after a while Lily still hadn't woken up yet, making them eat dinner and saving her some after she smelt the food she fixed her hair and both men waved. “Rise and shine sleeping beatuy here some dinner and wine.” “Wine, how did  you manage that?” “Yeosang made friends with the bar girl.” Yeosang nodded, three friends laughed and ate, then saw the map. “If we use this trail we will reach town but that’s not our motive.” “we could use this hong-jong said if he sees one of us, he will let his guards or him to hunt us down, leading him to the garden.” “I will be the decoy. I will lead him and Seonghwa.” they all nodded, wooyoung put yeosang behind him and rode close to lily making them sing songs making them up as they went. As soon as they reached the town, guards were everywhere, wanting signs of the three. “We gotta be low, guess we have a bounty on our heads, I say to dress as one of them.” “You are mad, are you sure this will work?”
Lily smiled and got down then ran as fast as she could, killing one of the guards and changing into his outfit which it reek of but it would have to do. “I feel weird wearing my enemy colors and logo, but this is for everyone we know.” “I know we will be waiting for you okay. Just come back to me please.” Lily kissed him and yeosang looked. “They're lining the soldiers up, go lily this is your chance.” Seonghwa looked at the mens and said, “next round starts, you guys are free to take a break. You are there, eating some food, you look thin.” Lily nodded and walked to the castle seeing all of the guards laughing being men then she saw hong-joong training. “Very good my lord you are ready to slay that girl. Guess we have a special guest.” “u need something?” Lily looked and said  “my captain Seonghwa told me to eat some food, i lost my way.” “The knight quarters are around the corner.” 
Lily turned her heel and walked but not a moment too soon hong jong came by grabbing an apple and water. “Say your new lad.” “Yes, my name is Leon, I am here to serve you until the end of my life.”  Hong-jong nodded and threw the apple on the floor  and served Leon water. “Here a toast.” “thank you sire. But never let your guard down. I see you King hong-joong because I am Lilith, the village girl that  you burn everyone she knows and cut her parents head off.” Lily knocked him down and ran faster than putting her helmet on making hong-jong to shout. “Stop her before she escapes.” “why hong-joong?” “that Leon guy is lily, she’s posting as one of the knights.'' Wooyoung waited and saw her, then she climbed up and removed her helmet. “ Come and get us King Hong-Joon in the garden of orange lilies. We will be waiting!” “you men with me now! Is time to claim victory and for me to be free from this worst nightmare.” Lily rode her horse without saying a word after she got off and walked towers the forest  then she fell to her knees and cried making wooyoung and yeo sang their friend to hug her.  “Don’t stop now, save your tears until the end, wooyoung told me what happened and I am here for you guys count on me.” “your right Yeosang, this is the end, no matter what happens to us if he kills us three i will go up there to meet my parents and spend my entire life in heaven with you guys.'' They all hugged and trained a bit, then heard Hong-joong and Seonghwa horse neigh. “Finally it comes to this, you are ready to die.” “Your nothing but talk, we'll settle this with our swords.” “I will take WooYoung and when i am done Yeosang is next.” “Very well, I take Lily.” Hong-joong remove his cape and pull out his sword and got into his fighting stance including Lily both of them started to attack each other. Seonghwa and WooYoung walked around being careful with their movements. “You should've been one of our knights. You're not half bad as they say with a little more training. That is ""i never liked your king idles and never well even if he rotted down the ground.” Seonghwa charged, making wooyoung to block his attack. Hong-joong was panting looking at Lily wiping his sweat. “For a village girl, you know how to wield a sword. This will be your last day to enjoy it.” “not mine but yours.” Lily charged by making hong-jong to kick her, making her look. Seonghwa took the advantage until Yeosang threw rocks at Seong Hwa and Hong-jong, making SeongHwa block it with his shield and knocking Yeosang down. “Little brat, I should have killed you.” Wooyoung block the attack with his left arm, than stab Seonghwa in the stomach. “lesson one, never let your guard down Seonghwa.”
Wooyoung got up and looked at Seonghwa. “Not bad wooyoung not bad at all. But I won’t give up here.” “Come at me then.” Seonghwa growled as wooyoung broke his sword in half making Seonghwa moral fall. “Good job Woo, now finish him off.” “Get up Seonghwa! Show him the power of the dark knight.” Wooyoung looked at Seonghwa panting and said “I am sorry, my king.. I failed you.” Hong-jong looked and pushed wooyoung away and said “Seonghwa, open your eyes, come on friend. I will kill you WooYoung!” Lily stepped in and attacked him non stop while Yeosang was healing wooyoung with his concoct  skills. “I will avenge Seonghwa, you guys are nothing but simple villagers that know nothing!” “Now you know how we feel when we lose everyone! DIE KING HONG-JOONG! Lily stabbed him holding his shoulder, then felt another stab after he was on his knees looking at Lily. “any last words your highness.” “go to the depths of hell Lilith.” Lily chopped his head off looking at his body and said. “Lilith died a long time ago, now I am Lily. is over mom and dad we both avenge u, thank you for guiding me and never leaving me alone.” Wooyoung, Yeosang went over to Lily and smiled. “Is over, finally everyone could relax the dead ones and alive ones” “Yes finally, I wanted to deliver his head to my parents grave, but it could stay here as the soil will consume their bodies. This was their grave in the garden of orange lilies.” 
As our young three travelers got their vengeance they rode somewhere to the coast near by the sea away from everything that brings them bad memories, since the king passing the villagers of utopia were happy and free from the grasp of King Hong-Joong. In the end Lily and wooyoung got married,  Yeosang being wooyoung best man as days pass by Yeosang got better in his concoct skills being the best apothecary in town, wooyoung teaching his son to use a sword, while their daughter helping her mother out. All were happy and living the life that they deserve…
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