#enstars made me realize how badly i want to
ruicchiii · 2 years
i miss a3
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yandere-daze · 3 years
Hi!! Can i request something similar to that scenario of "ritsu comforting s/o because they didnt get his 5*" but with tsukasa?? the sweets boy refuses to come home<\3
Anon I feel you so badly on this 😭Tsukasa refused to come home for me as well and I did so many pulls. I'm still in pain over this so I'm more than happy to provide! Praying that he will come home soon! Let this manifest him! 🙏😭💕
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Tsukasa comforting his s/o that didn't get his 5 star card
You were currently at the Suou residence to visit your boyfriend. You were having a good day so far until you remembered something very important
As if struck by lightning, you jolted out of your seat and scrambled for your phone as Tsukasa looked at you with a mixture of shock and comcern at your sudden movement
"Is something wrong, y/n-sama?" He asked ready to rush over to you but you didn't pay any mind to it at the moment. You had remembered. Today was the day your boyfriend would get his first five star card in the enstars game and you just had to get it
You had saved all of your dias for so long so it was all the more heartbreaking to see it all go to waste as you continued pulling without ever getting the card you wanted. You felt like crying at the moment, desperately thinking how you could possibly grind more dias to maybe scrape together another pull. And then you felt a hand softly placed on your shoulder
Looking up, you saw that your boyfriend had gotten up from his seat to stand behind you now, a truly concerned look on his face
"Your hands are shaking, y/n-sama. Please, is everything alright? Is there any way I can aid you?"
He looked so worried, you almost felt ashamed to admit what relatively minor thing had made you so sad. So after a moment of hesitation and a bit of coaxing from your boyfriend, you decided to tell him about your gacha experience.
"You... wanted my card in a game?", Tsukasa repeated after your explanation to which you nodded. "You just looked so elegant and knightly, I just had to get it! But you refuse to come home!", you quickly threw in.
At this, Tsukasa's cheeks heated up as he listened to your indirect praise of him. Yes it was a picture in a mobile game but it was still essentially him, right? To hear his dear y/n-sama praise him so sweetly made his little heart flutter as he listened to you rant with loving eyes
When you grew silent, Tsukasa shyly wrapped an arm around your waist and held you close in a comforting gesture. He was quite embarrassed to do so, as it seemed very ungentlemanly to him to touch you so freely but seeing you slowly calm down affirmed him that he was doing the right thing.
"Y/n-sama", he whispers, "I will always be your gallant knight, prepared to protect my liege no matter the circumstances. I am swearing eternal loyalty to you, my love"
Now it was your turn to blush at Tsukasa's words, quite surprised by his unusually bold declaration but nevertheless pleased. You knew he meant every word of it, even if what he said was a bit dramatic. You knew your boyfriend would also have your back no matter what and would support you with all his might. It was moments like this were you once again realized how lucky you were to have Tsukasa in your life. You couldn't imagine what your life would be like without him and you didn't want to either
"Now my dear y/n-sama, let me lead you to the table once again. We shall indulge in as many sweets as your heart desires. I don't like seeing you so sad and as your sworn knight it is my duty to make you happy!"
You couldn't help but lightly laugh at that, teasing your boyfriend about how he was using the situation to satisfy his own sugary needs without backlash
Caught red handed, Tsukasa's face once again flushed as he waved his hands around trying to explain himself
"N-no! It's not like that, truly!", he exclaimed but he couldn't hide his true motives from you, no matter what.
With a mischievous glint in your eyes, you picked up a strawberry from one of the many desserts laid out on the table and put it in your mouth before leaning over the table and kissing Tsukasa, in turn pushing the strawberry in his mouth with your tongue before pulling back once again
As his ears grew hotter and hotter by the second at your bold move, you couldn't help but chuckle at your boyfriend's cute behavior. The gacha game was long forgotten at this point as you two spent the rest of the day together eating desserts
Okay but really you need to hold this boy back before he spends all of his allowance on you to whale until you get the card. Man knows no monetary limits when it comes to you
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maddiethebull · 5 years
May I request a scrnario with leviathan with an s/o who's a closet otaku (like she rlly tries hard to hide it from him lmao) and how would he react when he manages to discover her otome/male idol merch (like enstars, tsukiuta or a Idolish7 lololol) hidden in some part of her room/closet
Levi (Obey Me!) - Prompt - Being with a secret otaku MC
Sorry that this took fucking forever, I had my Mid terms which was a ride and a half, but heres the story. I used the power of my own weeb knowledge to write this, hope you love it!! Thank you for making a request
You, Satan, and Asmo were sitting in the living room watching The Real Housewives of Devildom when you all heard an ear shattering seemingly female scream. Asmo jumped like a baby into your arms while Satan, who was off in his own world reading a detective novel since you got so caught up in the show that you weren’t even looking at your Spells notes anymore, looked up and straight to the source. It came from your room. The biggest problem was that you guys had no idea where Lucifer fucked off to so you couldn’t ask him to go check it out. 
Asmo quivered in your arms, saying, “M-MC, go check it out.”
“WHAT? Me? You want me to check it out?” You? The weakest of the bunch??
Satan spoke up, “why don’t we all go check it out, that way we’ll have MC with us to make sure she’s okay and have two demons to protect her.”
Reluctantly, you and Asmo got up to follow Satan’s lead.
-Five hours ago-
Levi was so far ahead of you in Mario Kart : Journey into Devildom ™ that he passed the finish line nearly a minute before you. 
“Hah, normie!!” he said. 
You had been not only defeated, but defeated so badly that you silently declared Mario your arch enemy. You looked to Levi, 
“Hey, that level was really hard, okay?” you said with puppy dog eyes, hoping to avoid his taunts about your gaming abilities. 
“Nahhhh it wasn’t you’re just such a normie that you couldn’t finish it in first place like me.” He said it with a taunting smile and a sly look in those orange eyes. 
You decided to repay his taunts; you stood up and then kneeled, your hand on your heart, 
“Forgive me, your weeb highness.”
You grabbed his hand, you were going to kiss it to really drive the whole weeb highness joke in but he tugged away immediately. He was blushing the color of a fuji apple. He put his wrist over his mouth and avoided eye contact, he was slightly embarrassed from your joke, but it was you grabbing his hand that sent the flush to his cheeks. Of course, he would never admit that to you, so he said, 
“H-hey, you don’t have to make fun of me.”
“You just called me a normie, Levi,” you said, looking up at him with a beaming smile. 
He blushed more, “G-get up MC, it’s w-weird l-looking at you like that.” In a desperate attempt to hide his blushing cheeks, he wasn’t even looking at you now. This is why you loved teasing him back, he would always become so flustered when you teased him back and seeing him blush was the cutest thing you could ever imagine.  No matter how much Levi called you a normie or made fun of you for being bad with the video game controller, you never turned down a chance to give him a taste of his own medicine. He didn’t even know the best part. You were totally an otaku! Just like him – well, maybe not just like him, you left your room much more than him and another tiny detail is that you had gone to the ends of the earth to hide your otaku side from everyone you came into contact with. 
“Hah,” Levi laughed, “when you were being all butthurt about being a normie, you sounded like Suki from My Heartless Father Threw Me Out At Birth But It’s Fine Because He Died and Left Me With A Fortune But My Angry Mother Tried To Kill Me But I Killed Someone, Who Is It? When her heartless father threw-”
“I understand Levi.”
Realizing that maybe the name was a little too forth-giving to the plot, he tried a different reference just so he could see you not understand it. 
“Okay what about this one, you sound like SHEba at the final battle when she gave a speech to the dog-humanoid overlord.”
“Pfft, no I didn’t, she was way more worked up okay. And that was the same day that she found out her father was the villain so that’s two people betraying poor SHEba. Also, what was with the ending, was that a set up for a sequel or something? I think that a sequel would be dragging it on too much just like when ‘Did She Do It?’ came out after ‘Do What I Say! : Should We Have A Courtship?’”
Levi was looking at you, mouth hanging open, “Uhhh MC, you’ve seen ‘Bone Catcher: The Planet of the Dogs’? AND ‘Do What I Say!’????”
“Oh, uh, no, not really, only a little bit of it. Just some snippets because you were talking about it so I watched like five minutes, not really my thing………”
“ASDFGHJKL only this meme can describe how I’m feeling.” It was a deep fried meme written in ancient devildom language over the picture of what seemed to be a demonic pikachu with its mouth open. 
You sigh, “Levi I can’t read that.”
“Hm, maybe a NORMIE (lolololol)  like you shouldn’t read it!”
You laughed, “okay, Levi.” 
To this he smiled, you didn’t know why but he smiled nonetheless. In truth, he was just happy that he could have a conversation with you like this. You were the only person he’d ever met that went to such lengths to hang out with him, I mean Satan sometimes came around to watch dramas and Mammon came around to ask for money, but you didn’t want that. You wanted to hole up with him, hear his voice, see his smile, play the games you weren’t accustomed to. You just wanted to be with him and that was the most profound realization that came upon Levi after you two first began hanging out like this. You were his first best friend and his first romantic interest that wasn’t 2D, so it was a big deal when you came to hang out in his room.
He didn’t want you to leave so he spoke,
“So, wanna play another game so you can lose?”
“Very funny,” you said, giving him a smirk.
“For reals though, I have this new game and it’s a two player.”
You stretched your arms out as you stood up from where you were sitting on the ground, “maybe tomorrow, I have a big test coming up in Spells class and I really need to study for it.”
He looked down to the controller that was still in one of his hands, “oh, okay, just do your normie studying but tomorrow you have to be here to play it with me, like blood oath promise me.”
“I feel like a blood oath is a little too serious for this situation, pinky promise,” you said holding out your pinky.
He couldn’t help but blush at the thought of touching your hand again. 
“Pffft, w-what a lame normie thing to do, l-let’s do a pinky promise t-then.” 
“Okay,” you linked your pinkies together and looked into his eyes that were surrounded by a rose color that crept up to his entire face, “I pinky promise you that I will be here tomorrow so I can be your player two.” 
He blushed even harder, “okay, w-whatever.” And you were on your way out, but just before you opened the door, “oh, by the way, I lost my headphones at R.A.D., can I borrow some earbuds for tonight?”
“Hmph, okay but JUST for tonight, the premiere of Generic Anime Name is gonna be on Devflix tomorrow morning and I can’t miss watching that.”
And with that, you were off to study in your room until Asmo yanked the headphones from your ears,
“Hey MC, guess what show is on?”
“Asmo I’m trying to study,” you put Levi’s headphones in your pocket as to avoid further ear pulling. 
“But it’s ‘The Real Housewives of Devildom!’ Remember how you promised me last week that you would watch the new episode with me?”
“Asmo, not now, I need to study for this test
“MCCCC, you SAID you woulddddd you prommmisssed”
“Ugh fine but only if we bring Satan along to help me study during commercials.”
Meanwhile notification beeped on Levi’s D.D.D.,
“As a present we’ll be releasing the premiere of Generic Anime Name a little early for our loving fans
Levi rushed to your room and walked right in, not bothering to knock. It was a good thing you weren’t there because you would’ve punched him in the face if another person had come in while you were studying. He wondered for a second where you had gone, but that wasn’t the issue at hand, he HAD to find his headphones. He rummaged through almost your entire room. ‘Where would they be?’ ‘Maybe she dropped them and kicked them under the bed?’ So, he went looking under your bed and found tons upon tons of anime and otome merch. He saw a body pillow of Gavyn from Mr. Passion: Monarch’s Decision and that’s when he lost all composure and let out a scream. About five minutes of digging through your stacks of posters and T-shirts and yet another body pillow, the door was nearly busted open by you, Asmo, and Satan. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He was hurt, really hurt you could tell because he didn’t even have the strength to call you a normie. He figured you didn’t tell him because you didn’t think he was cool enough or hot enough like Gavyn. Maybe you even didn’t like him at all. 
“Uhhhhh, I’m going to leave now, bye,”Asmo said, sprinting out of the awkward situation and Satan soon followed seeing that there wasn’t some ghost wandering about in your room. 
“Are we friends?” This caught you off guard, why the hell would he think you weren’t friends? He was your best friend and at the same time your biggest crush. 
“Of course, Levi, we’re friends,” your head hung low, you felt slightly ashamed of hiding this side of you from him. 
“Then why did you hide all of this from me?”
“Because I was scared of how you would react. In the human world, there was a guy I used to really like, he was my only friend at the time, but when I showed him these things, he stopped talking to me; he wouldn’t even look at me in the hallways. I felt so alone. He thought it was weird and childish and- and he said I was creepy. I just-” tears began rolling from your eyes from remembering this and realizing that Levi was nothing like that guy. Levi, even though he didn’t show it much, actually cared about you and he was even into some of the same things you were but you were just too damn scared of something like that happening again.
You choked back your tears, “I just didn’t want to lose you.” 
He stood up and walked over to you, “MC, you don’t need to hide from me… I would never stop talking to you, even if you were into stuff I didn’t like. I just like being around you and having a friend to play video games with and watch anime with and you listen to me talk about Ruri-chan and- and,” his voice shook. Now both of you were crying as he pulled you in for a hug, you were both such softies that you couldn’t help but get worked up over your emotions. Neither of you wanted to lose the other, and Levi didn’t want you to feel like you needed to hide any part of you from him because, after all, you were his player two. 
“Y-you should never leave your player two behind,” he said with his face buried in the crook of your neck. Lucifer gave a passing look in your room when he got back to see that you were alright but saw two emotional weebs crying and hugging instead. 
“MC, Levi, I beg of you, whatever it is that you’re doing, just finish and go to sleep.”
You and Levi separated but instead of going to his room, Levi stayed with you to watch that new anime premiere episode. You shared the headphones even after you nodded off to bed and Levi was just sat next to you, listening to whatever was on his computer while smiling gently at you, studying your features as you lay peacefully asleep. Finally around five in the morning you were both asleep as Levi unconsciously held you close, in his arms, never wanting to let go of his Player Two.
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bethygauw · 7 years
[1/2] Enstars: Gamegift interview with Mika’s voice actor
Published on 28 April 2017. It’s to celebrate Enstars second anniversary.
Please note that Gamegift does not allow reproduction or repost of this article without permission. A reminder that you are reading a shady blog.
Previously there’s also an interview with Kuro’s voice actor, Shinichirou Kamio, translated by Creampuffs (tumblr)
[edit 7/5/17: fixed small points for grammar and one mistake: × As for Mika, when he’s acting he doesn’t make up any sort of voice. ○ Regarding Mika, when I act as him I don't make up any sort of voice.]
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An interview with Jun Oosuka, Mika’s voice actor, that totaled up to 2 hours. They’re talking about how Oosuka feels about the characters and his play style (which is part 2).
Writer/Interviewer: Tamao (Twitter) Gamegift link
Tamao: It’s my pleasure to be working with you today.
Oosuka: The pleasure is mine. Holding my phone on one hand while getting interviewed is a novel experience (laugh).
Tamao: I don’t mind if you’re grinding on the event (laugh). First, could you please tell us about your first impression on Mika and what happened when your role was decided?
Oosuka: At first, I was only told, “Your role in Enstars has been decided.” At that time, the game was already released and I knew it’s getting richer and richer in content, so I thought to myself, “Wait wait, I thought they only cast veterans or young voice actors?” (laugh) So I was surprised when I got the offer. Then, when I got the character materials and looked through them, I was like, “His character setting is like a full course meal…!” He has heterochromia, speaks Kansai dialect… I wondered if I’m really up to the job. I’d never had a role that speaks Kansai dialect either (laugh).
Tamao: You’re from Kyushu, aren’t you?
Oosuka: Yes, Fukuoka. Kyushu and Kansai have similar intonations. But the details and vocabularies that they use are different after all, so for recording, I would have notes for the dialect. That’s also why even now, when I hear Kansai dialect on the TV, I would pay attention to it and see how it’s done.
Tamao: When you act as Mika-kun, do you have anything you like? Or is there anything you find to be relatable?
Oosuka: What I find relatable is how he’s lacking in self-confidence. I reflected again after KYOMAF event (an offline event held in September 2016) that I really don’t have confidence in myself. But there’s also a part of me that will go through it because there’s a strong voice inside me that says, “I have to do it!”. I feel that’s our common point. Putting it in a good way, he’s an honest boy. Putting it badly, he’s a foolish boy. He’s very straightforward. Although I also see it as a good point of his. Also, there was quite a long period of time between the time I finished recording and when he’s introduced into the game. In that period, I was really anxious thinking about what everyone will think. After it was made public, I see he’s loved by many and I’m relieved.
Tamao: He’s really popular, isn’t he? He also ranked high in the popularity poll from the other day.
Oosuka: The dakimakura one, right? I also voted 17 times (laugh). The MV wasn’t even released yet, but a Valkyrie member made it to the ranking board. But to be honest, Mika’s popularity as a character can become pressure at times.
Tamao: Certainly from a player’s perspective, I got a bit sceptical when they’re introducing a new character full of quirks this late into the game. What is this character going to be like? I wondered. But once I tried to open the lid, he turned out to be such a boy with no self-confidence, but very kind, and when Jun Oosuka-san’s voice is added—
Oosuka: I feel like my voice makes him more pitiful (laugh).
Tamao: No no! Conversely, I think it makes me feel more affectionate about him. I suppose you could say it stirs up one’s desire to protect him? (laugh)
Oosuka: Aah, so that’s why his [Gamegift] birthday article was like that (laugh). I was so surprised. A friend told me, “It was very poetic.”
Tamao: This is the second round I’m writing birthday articles for all characters, and year-by-year it gets more and more poetic (laugh). Among the characters, I think Mika-kun is a very unique character. It’s like this person called Mika-kun is incomplete in his own.
Oosuka: No matter what, Oshi-san is always already there, isn’t he?
Tamao: Yes, that’s it. That’s also what made it a bit hard to write at times. But from my point of view, he’s like someone who got deep into a Bible-like thing without himself realizing.
Oosuka: In a way, he worships Oshi-san like a god, huh.
Tamao: That image of his is really vivid, so I thought his existence is like that of Saint Peter. I also received feedback that says, “Mika-chan is that kind of boy.”
Oosuka: Among Enstars characters, Mika-kun seems to be someone who is worldly but is actually naive, and I feel that in a way he may be the least idol-like among them. He also feels like every other young man who could just be around the corner over there, but when he enters the stage he undergoes metamorphosis, which I think is his charm. I hope that part of him could be brought out in his singing as well.
Tamao: Can I ask you to elaborate a bit more about what you think about Oshi-san?
Oosuka: If I consider Valkyrie, Oshi-san looks like he’s pulling the team along, but in reality he’s very frail. There are a lot of instances where you can see Mika-kun being the one who’s supporting him—perhaps it’s the fragility that one doesn’t have unless they’re a genius. In Scout! Nocturne, I really like how we can see a glimpse of Ryuu-kun (Kuro Kiryu) and Oshi-san’s past. Also, Scout! Eccentric is a story that have all Five Oddballs in it. I could see how Oshi-san back then was a properly sociable person as well.
Tamao: I can see that. He also made matching outfits for everyone, didn’t he?
Oosuka: When he’s talking to the Oddballs, you can see his gentleness, and there are humane qualities that he doesn’t show in front of Mika and Nazuna. That’s what you may think, but he can be super cool just like in Tanabata event (Dance Performance! Thoughts that Bridge the Milky Way).
Tamao: That Oshi-san had a threatening presence like a demon god*.
[*trivia: “demon god” is here is 鬼神, consisting of kanji for “demon/ogre” and “god”. There are many readings and I don’t know which one is used, but one of them is apparently “kijin”, which is homophonic with “kijin” from “奇人/Oddballs”.]
Oosuka: As graduation gets closer, we get scenes suggesting Oshi-san “may one day cease being able to talk with Mado-nee”. I wonder if it means Oshi-san is becoming an adult, or if he’s on his way conquering something on the lines of unspoken trauma. By being separated from Mado-nee, Oshi-san may turn into an ordinary person, or he may become even more of a genius. I’d like it to be the latter, but also, I feel that Oshi-san is showing us his humane side more than Mika-kun does.
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[It’s getting bulky so I’m only putting up one picture... There are more pictures in the original]
Tamao: After the third-years graduate, there will be units that have only one member remaining. Akatsuki is like that, and Mika-kun goes without saying. Personally, what do you think Mika-kun will do?
Oosuka: I think he’ll depend on the transfer student. Though there’s also a possibility that Oshi-san may leave him a parting gift. Maybe Oshi-san will leave him at the stage where he can look for friends even on his own, or maybe he’ll have those friends prepared already—I don’t know. But since Oshi-san has always been doing anything for Mika’s sake, I hope as a result Mika will become someone who thinks that he has to become strong. I want him to change from being a “doll” to a “human”.
Tamao: Are a lot of your favorite events related to Mika-kun, after all?
Oosuka: I suppose. My favorite, as I thought, is Tanabata event (Dance Performance! Thoughts that Bridge the Milky Way). I also like Halloween (React! Magical Halloween), but the event that shows Valkyrie’s awesomeness is Milky Way after all. That event story is where the line “Oshi-san’s sayin’ is absolute” got realized as it is. They managed to surprise that Eichi. To me, Mika’s singing is on a higher difficulty in that event so in a way I’m also bearing a grudge for that event (laugh).
Tamao: Milky Way was really good, wasn’t it? Oshi-san and Mika-kun couldn’t be any cooler.
Oosuka: I thought that must be the Oshi-san whom Mika fell for. It was what he was waiting for.
About the unit songs
Tamao: Speaking of singing, Valkyrie’s unit songs are great, aren’t they?
Oosuka: Really, I was glad I got to do it with Hiroki-san (VA of Shu Itsuki: Hiroki Takahashi). Actually, when I had my debut, I worked together with Hiroki-san. I was able to work together with him for a long time in a certain series*, so we have understanding of each other. Of course he’s also a senior I respect, so that makes our relationship like that between Oshi-san and Mika-kun. So even when I was singing, I was able to think, “it’ll be okay if I follow Hiroki-san.” When my role for Mika-kun was decided, my manager asked me to tell who the co-actor was, and when I told my manager it’s Hiroki Takahashi-san, I was given a triumphant pose with full strength (laugh).
[*I’m not sure which series, maybe Prince of Tennis 2?]
Tamao: Your relationship is very fitting.
Oosuka: It is. Actually, our height difference is about the same as Valkyrie. So when we line up it looks natural (laugh).
Tamao: Are there times when Takahashi-san gives you advices?
Oosuka: No, we pretty much don’t see each other in Enstars-related jobs. In the end I didn’t get to see him during the [unit song] recording either. For some reason though, I got to see Ishikawa-kun (VA of Tsumugi Aoba: Kaito Ishikawa) (laugh).
Tamao: How did you find the recording?
Oosuka: First, as an otaku, my reaction was, “AliPro!?”. A part of me thinks, even if a guy sings AliPro* songs, there’s no way anyone can hold a candle to the great Arika-sama! (laugh) When I tried singing as it is after I received the song, a part of me thought I was losing to the song. The bar was set high, I thought. I went through trial and error thinking about what I should do with it, but the interesting thing is, during the recording, the direction I got was more for acting, rather than for singing. For example, “Imagine there’s an audience beyond the mic and sing” or “Look intently when you sing”. Also, I got a direction, “bring out your emotions gradually towards the second half”. For that one, I think I was able to express the concept of Mika-kun being a “doll” well, so I was thankful for that direction.
[*Ali Project, the group behind Bewitching Theater. Lyrics (also unit’s vocal): Arika Takarano. Composition & arrangement (and unit’s keyboard): Mikiya Takakura]
Tamao: Certainly you can see a picture of something like a stage play expanding before your eyes.
Oosuka: As for the recording, Oshi-san (Hiroki Takahashi) and Nazuna-nii (Yuki Yonai) finished theirs first, and I was the last to record. For the most part I practiced with the singers in the demo tape. But I was able to [record] while listening to the rest of Valkyrie singing, and I felt like Hiroki-san’s singing pulled me along. I’m glad I was the last to record. But I hope one day we’ll be able to do that…
Tamao: In other words?
Oosuka: Being on the stage together, the two of us with Hiroki-san… no, with Yonai-kun as well—I want the three of us to sing together. I know it’s really difficult for that to happen, but it makes me think of the possibility of me and Hiroki-san wearing those Valkyrie outfits (laugh).
Tamao: Please wear different colored contacts too!
Oosuka: I can’t have piercings, so I’ll wear clip-on earrings (laugh).
Tamao: Valkyrie especially is a unit that has a perfected worldview, and since it’s their first unit songs, people had high expectations for them.
Oosuka: They were way too high! It was so scary. When I’m singing character songs, I’m the type to get super nervous until the release date. This time too, I was really at loss thinking about Mika’s “singing voice”. It was possible to sing in the way he speaks as it is, but I was also contemplating if Oshi-san would allow that.
Tamao: Oh! I see, that’s something to consider.
Oosuka: My interpretation is that Mika-kun’s singing in Bewitching Theater was what was born after Oshi-san’s training and maintenance. Regarding Mika, when I act as him I don't make up any sort of voice. So when I act as him “I” am the one who is out there, but his singing voice is what is produced after Oshi-san’s guidance. I hope you can capture that.
Tamao: I’m incredibly moved by what you said.
Oosuka: If I sing in the way Mika speaks in normal times, I thought it would be disrespectful to the song and AliPro. But, I bet there are those who expected the usual Mika, so I also feel sorry for them. But when I consider Valkyrie as a piece of work, Valkyrie as artists, I believe I did the right thing this time, so I hope you can accept it kindly.
Tamao: Well, I think you couldn’t be any more correct. I think that’s why it gained so much popularity too.
Oosuka: When I went to Tower Records a day after the release date, they ran out of Valkyrie’s CD. When I asked the staff, they said it was sold out. I replied with a sad face, “I see…” but the me inside was like, “Serious… Are you serious!?” (laugh).
Tamao: What do you think about the other unit songs?
Oosuka: There was a song preview event* on the other day so I got to listen to Switch’s songs. Now, I can pretty much sing them, somewhat.
[*Switch and Valkyrie cast and Satoru Kuwabara (2nd series music director) hosted an event where they previewed the songs and talked about their impressions and behind the scenes etc. There are sessions with the rest of the CDs too.]
Tamao: What? Really?
Oosuka: I like computer-programmed songs. Sound-wise, Akatsuki’s songs are unique and I like them too. The quality of Enstars songs are so high—you may end up not being able to tell if they’re character songs or artists’ songs. But they’re idols in the first place, so I do think that song quality is something that is demanded from them. But I get the impression that there are many songs that are polished really well. By the way, I have sung the opening theme at the karaoke. One thing though – and I think everyone agrees on this – when you sing Morikubo-san’s parts you’ll end up singing like him, no matter what.
Tamao: I understand (laugh). You will, won’t you.
Oosuka: I’ll never sing it in front of him, though (laugh). That song is also really good, isn’t it? I’d like Valkyrie, Leo Tsukinaga, and Switch to be part of it.
Tamao: I agree. There’s a disadvantage to the new characters who are not involved in the main story… By the way, have you seen Enstage?
Oosuka: No, I haven’t! One day, when Valkyrie participates in the stage play, I’d like to visit Mika-kun. Being in this line of job, there are times when I get to see my roles appear in stage plays. Before I watch the play, I would keep a slightly arrogant stance. Something like, “How will you act out my character, I wonder?”. But mysteriously, when the play starts and my character appears, I’d be all, “Foowaaaaahhh…! I said this! I said this!” and it made me give my stamp of approval (laugh).
Tamao: Enstage hasn’t finished the main story yet, so I think they’re at that stage wondering about how they should proceed if Valkyrie were to participate.
Oosuka: It's not for me to say, but a lot of characters that are introduced later are popular, so I think there are a lot of people in the audience who are holding up expectations. I’m looking forward to who will be chosen as his actor. Their character reproduction is amazing, after all. On the topic of character reproduction, I was surprised with Kitamura-kun! [who is the VA and stage actor for Arashi].
Tamao: That was an unfair move, wasn’t it? (laugh) From Knights, there were only two of them in the first part, but even so they were perfectly Knights.
Oosuka: By the way, I like tokusatsu. I didn’t know Maeyama-kun (Eichi’s stage actor), who was in Kamen Rider, was participating until later. I wanted to go.
Tamao: Maeyama-san was wonderful. His way of expressing that charisma of Eichi’s was solid.
Oosuka: You know, Eichi is up there on my list of favorite characters. This is my own selfish interpretation, but he reigned the academy by oppressing everyone, right? But I think the scenario inside Eichi himself may have been, “only until someone who defeats fine appears.” If I think that way, I don’t hate fine’s position—I don’t hate Eichi.
Tamao: Interpretation for Eichi’s character varies a lot depending on the person, doesn’t it? If there are those who see him as virtuous, there are those who see him as evil.
Oosuka: To Trickstar, he’s a villain. Valkyrie thinks the same too. In the app, there’s the main story, but there are also a lot of people who basically just focus on their favorite characters. So they may build an impression on another characters but stop at that.
Tamao: Ah, that may be the case. There are parts you won’t be able to understand unless you have covered everything, but there’s no way everyone is doing that.
Oosuka: Everyone plays the game with their favorite characters as their focus, and moreover, everyone has their own depiction of the stories in their minds. I’m one of the “people behind the scenes”, so I have to think about the relationships between my character and other characters, and by extension, everything.
Tamao: After you see a character’s bad side, you stop at that and that’s your impression… That sort of thing may be happening.
Oosuka: I think there are a lot of ways you can come to like them. By changing the way you view them, you may come to like characters you previously hate. As a result, you will have more favorites, and you may be able to have more fun.
Tamao: Do you have other favorites?
Oosuka: I like fine members, like Wataru Hibiki… Actually, all Oddballs are a pain, aren’t they? (laugh) Even Oshi-san, from Jun Oosuka’s point of view, is a pain (laugh). Other than that, I like Mika-kun’s classmates. Like Oogami-kun, or Naru-chan. As for first years, I like Midori-kun. I can sympathize with that favorite phrase of his, “I feel sluggish…” (laugh)
Tamao: The main story will be fully-voiced soon.
Oosuka: But [Mika’s] not appearing! I only realized after I gave my response on Twitter the other day. He’s not in the main story! (laugh) But I’m probably the one who’s scared of having it fully-voiced the most. I have to speak with a dialect after all.
Tamao: Because it will be voiced to the full anyhow, huh…
Oosuka: It’s not my official language (laugh).
Tamao: Come to think of it, there was a voiced drama in the unit song first series. Since Valkyrie only joined in the second series, they didn’t have the voiced drama.
Oosuka: That’s right. So in the probable event of Valkyrie releasing a drama CD, there will be at least three roles: Mika-kun, Oshi-san, and Mado-nee. So compared to Hiroki-san, I would have it easier.
 (To be continued to part 2)
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