typhlonectes · 3 months
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Keeping cats indoors is better for wildlife and better for cats. If you want to take your cat outdoors, consider harness/leash train your cats(s)!
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Caution: Toxic
As weird as it may sound, the first time I heard the term toxic person/environment was actually after I graduated. I remember a friend telling me about her toxic environment at work and asking me to tailor a psycho-educational group about toxic people and how to handle them. Even though I wasn’t very familiar with the term because it was something that I didn’t really learn at university, I…
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elisacassiani · 2 years
Capsule Closets <3
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A sustainable lifestyle is congruent with a minimalist lifestyle. The basic principle is the same: less is more. In fashion, this can be difficult to accomplish because of ever-changing trends, different seasons, and varying occasions. On top of this, it is often frowned upon to wear the same thing more than once - especially when social media comes into play. All these factors create immense pressure to have a huge wardrobe, with an outfit for every possible occasion. This perpetuates the buy-toss cycle and fuels the fast-fashion industry because we are constantly swapping the old for the new. On top of this, the cheap quality of fast fashion makes it difficult to hold on to clothes for very long. Ultimately, this leads to more clothes in landfills and more money out of your pocket. 
However, there is hope! Because of the recent consumer shift to sustainable fashion habits, minimalist wardrobes, better known as Capsule Closets, are gaining immense popularity. Capsule closets are essentially limited wardrobes with interchangeable pieces to create as many different looks as possible with as few articles as possible. There are many benefits to this approach such as eliminating the stress and time it takes to get dressed every day, less clutter in your closet, and less spending. Additionally, the idea of a capsule closet is that you love the look, feel, and fit of every single item you own. While there are retailers that specialize in selling capsule closets, the most sustainable approach is to work with what you have and add from there. Below is a simple, 3-step guide to get you started.
1. Examine your needs. 
In order for the closet to work, it has to be tailored to you. A stay-at-home mom is going to have very different needs from a college student, who's going to have different needs from an office employee. Similarly, the climate you live in is a significant consideration and may require you to have different capsules for different seasons. Therefore, be sure to consider your daily habits, activities, and needs when curating your closet
2. Declutter.
As previously mentioned, you should absolutely love every article in your closet. If you have items that you haven’t worn in months, it's time to donate them. If you don't like how something fits you or feels on your skin, it is not worth keeping around. Eliminating these unnecessary items will declutter your closet and make getting ready a much more enjoyable experience. However, do not get rid of everything. This is expensive and counterproductive to our sustainable goals. Likewise, be sure to sell or donate your clothes rather than tossing them in the trash.
3. Figure out what you need & invest in it.
While the ultimate goal of a capsule closet is to buy as little as possible, it is likely that you will need some items to get you started. Invest in these items. Choose your fibers wisely and ensure the garments are well made. It might seem expensive at first, but it will save you time, money, and stress in the long term. Finally, you should also invest in a few good accessories such as shoes, jewelry, purses, and sunglasses to switch up your looks and tie it all together.
The EveryGirl provides a great example guide to starting your own capsule closet
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skyprowler · 11 months
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tokxueyi · 1 year
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Interior study
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guild-snail · 1 year
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there they are
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opbackgrounds · 9 months
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Why do I feel like I've stepped through a fog gate and am about ready to start a boss fight in a Fromsoft game?
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Wanderer's Journal (pt. 3)
Now, as is inevitable with me, I am compiling the info on the Higher Beings, starting with the Pale King.
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Here's the bit that states outright that PK was an accomplished civil engineer! I love that the Queen's Station apparently barely disturbed the environment too, likely out of deference to the White Lady. Additionally, the Queen's Station links the areas of Hallownest that allied with the King (Fog Canyon/Greenpath, the Fungal Wastes, Dirtmouth), which is a cool tidbit that I didn't notice until now.
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Wyrm moment. It's fun to note that the White Palace as we find it in-game is not in this book, as a mortal would not have been able to enter. Very fun to learn that PK was once an 'unfathomably large' wyrm though (at least according to mortal bug standards!), and that it seems the dev notes on him gaining a gender after he transformed into his kingsbug form did stick around into canon, though of course that could just be because the narrator did not know that he hatched out of the wyrm (Bardoon does, and still uses it/its for the wyrm in-game, but that's not super important, I just think it's interesting worldbuilding).
We also see some of the Pale King's cowardice and willingness to omit the truth to get what he wants here, with him running from his sins and lying about what strips mind from bugs in the Wastelands. We know from Quirrel's comic that it's not him who does it, but if it keeps worshipers in without him having to resort to conflict? Jackpot.
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Here's WL, and a mention of Dryya + Radi's puppet. Kinda amusing how WL apparently has no problem with visitors, but then again if I were a very powerful root goddess then I likely wouldn't really care about passive intruders either.
Aaand here's Radi! I find it curious that the glyphs seem to be made by the Moth Tribe, yet are clearly soul totems when we see them in game- maybe they changed from Radiance's power to the Pale King's when they made their conversion? Because they're certainly from the Moths, given the winged nature and the fact that their language seemingly has been stricken from record- though I should note that Ellina cannot read the Pale King's writings, either. I also can't help but feel sorry for the Radiance here, longing to be remembered, even if she did go ham with the genocide in canon.
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And now the Grimm Troupe:
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I have nothing else to add. I just love how they're hanging out and having fun. Ellina doesn't seem at all afraid of them, so perhaps it's just Elderbug who dislikes them setting up shop in his quiet little town.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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pirrha · 2 years
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i made a playlist for him... if you listen, please do so in order! it's about his innocence, truth, (isolation and) acceptance, and the fear of love
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kiwinatorwaffles · 8 months
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guys my stardew valley looks kind of different today
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xiewho · 6 months
icb i forgot to draw riz's tattoos i even left a little note for myself on my priv twt to draw it in after i rendered but i just completely forgot
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hylianengineer · 11 months
Sometimes I think the hardest part of writing is knowing what normal people DON'T know.
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supercrazygirl2003 · 1 year
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who's rocking with starting a bug farm???!
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thecubes · 9 months
g anxiety stare
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sceneboyfriend · 10 months
Screaming crying throwing up yelling "TRANSIENT NEGATIVE THOUGHTS STAY TRANSIENT"
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opbackgrounds · 7 months
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Perona's cat is cute and I wish it'd gotten more screentime
The hollow in the foreground looks like it's staring into my soul, and I hate it
I mentioned earlier that Kumacy is a portmanteau of Kuma C, aka the third Kuma, and I think we now know where the first two ended up
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