musashi · 1 year
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pokeani ➟ first lines / last lines
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gaycey-sketchit · 1 year
What are some of your favorite Tracey episodes?
Oh that's a fun question! Off the top of my head and with a quick look at Bulbapedia's "episodes focusing on Tracey" list, I'll say:
EP084 The Lost Lapras: his debut! He makes a really funny first impression, with his Establishing Character Moment being showing up in the middle of a confrontation, pointing out three people's mediocre Pokemon husbandry to their (and their Pokemon's!) faces, walking over to Ash and picking up Pikachu off Ash's head, and asking Pikachu to electrocute him. All of this happens in the span of like a minute. And then there's his introduction to the TRio when they're stealing Lapras and he's like HOLY SHIT A TALKING MEOWTH (paraphrasing) and goes right up to these criminals who are in the middle of doing a crime and tries to give Meowth an interview.
EP097 Tracey Gets Bugged: the one where he catches Scyther, and also has his first onscreen battle! Has some really cute and funny moments all around. This is also the one where he calls Misty a chicken.
EP110 The Stun Spore Detour: this is a Misty focus episode honestly, but I'm not leaving out what's one of my favorite episodes in general. If you know my Brand (whump/sickfic enjoyer) you can probably guess why.
EP115 A Tent Situation: he finally gets to meet Professor Oak and has one of the most Relatable Artist Moments of all time (getting so nervous about Professor Oak looking at and silently evaluating his work right in front of him that he starts shaking hard enough to shake the couch he, Ash, and Misty are sitting on). Good stuff.
HS15 Putting the Air Back in Aerodactyl: this is one of the handful of Chronicles episodes I've seen in full and it is so special to me (mostly for Gary reasons, but Tracey really gets to shine in Chronicles and this one's no exception). As for Tracey's participation in this episode, the standout moments are when Gary is down on himself and Professor Oak and Tracey both give him some much needed encouragement (very sweet) and when Tracey for unknown reasons grabs onto a moving Aerodactyl (funny for how unhinged this is). I'm a dub watcher but I know from reading Bulbapedia articles that Tracey also provides the end narration in the Japanese version, which is cute.
HS16 Luvdisc is a Many Splendored Thing: after my enthusiastic liveblogging the first time I watched this episode last week and the two more times I've watched it since, who's shocked? This episode is cute! I love Tracey's interactions with the Cerulean sisters, and the dialogue in the dub "Tell me, by any chance would I have to wear tights in this show?" "Absolutely!" "Then I can't" has somehow sent me into a genuine laughing fit every time. Also Prince Tracey is very cute and I understand Daisy's vision there (unlike Daisy, I'm not an OrangeShipper, but I Get It).
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joronkasblogs · 2 years
Series de Pokemom
La Serie Pokémon El Comienzo y Serie Pokémon Oro y Plata1 en España e Hispanoamérica (Pokémon the Series: The Beginning y Pokémon the Series: Gold and Silver en inglés, ポケットモンスター Pocket Monsters en japonés) o popularmente conocida por los fans como serie Original, es la primera serie del anime en Japón y primera y segunda en occidente respectivamente, que cuenta con 276 episodios, en los que se incluyen Pokémon de la primera y segunda generación2. Se empezó a emitir en Japón el 1 de abril de 1997 en la famosa cadena televisiva TV Tokyo y duró hasta el 14 de noviembre de 2002. El estudio a cargo de esta serie es OLM Incorporated (Oriental Light and Magic). Esta serie no tenía nombre oficial en occidente hasta después del estreno de la Serie XY.
Esta serie en Japón está dividida en 3 temporadas japonesas, una por cada región mostrada en la serie, que son las siguientes:
Pokémon (ポケットモンスター) es el título de la primera temporada en Japón, cuenta con 82 episodios (estos son los EP001 y EP082), se centra en las aventuras de Ash en Kanto, sus combates de gimnasio y la liga Pokémon. Esta basada en la primera generación. Comprende las siguientes temporadas de occidente:
Primera: ¡Hazte con todos! (ES) / ¡Atrápalos ya! (HA) (EP001 al EP082)
Pokémon: Orenji Shotou
Logo en el Archipiélago Naranja.
Pokémon: Orenji Shotou-hen (ポケットモンスター オレンジ諸島編 Pokémon: Episodio de Islas Naranja) es el título del segundo arco argumental de la serie en Japón, cuenta con 36 episodios (estos son los EP083 al EP118). Esta temporada empezo a emitirse el 28 de enero de 1999 en japón. Se centra en las aventuras del Archipiélago naranja y la liga Pokémon de esta, en donde Brock deja el grupo temporalmente y se une un nuevo personaje: Tracey Sketchit, también se ven nuevos Pokémon nunca antes vistos. Comprende las siguientes temporadas de occidente:
Primera: ¡Hazte con todos! (ES) / ¡Atrápalos ya! (HA) (EP083)
Segunda: Las Islas Naranja (ES) / Liga Naranja (HA) (EP084 al EP118)
Pokémon: Kingin-hen
Logo en Johto.
Pokémon: Kingin-hen (ポケットモンスター 金銀編 Pokémon: Episodio de Oro y Plata) es el título del tercer arco argumental de la serie en Japón, cuenta con 158 episodios (estos son los EP119 al EP276). Esta temporada empezó a emitirse el día 14 de octubre de 1999 hasta el 14 de noviembre de 2002 donde finaliza la serie original. Se basa en los juegos de la segunda generación, contando con la aparición de nuevos Pokémon (incluyendo adelantados de la tercera generación) y el viaje de Ash, Misty y de nuevo Brock en Johto donde busca de ser maestro Pokémon enfrentadose a nuevos gimnasios y nuevas aventuras. Comprende las siguientes temporadas de occidente:
Tercera: The Johto Journeys (ES) / Los Viajes Johto (HA)
Cuarta: Johto League Champions (ES) / Los Campeones de la Liga Johto (HA)
Quinta: Master Quest (ES) / La Búsqueda del Maestro (HA)
Artículo principal: Lista de episodios de la serie original
La serie original incluye las siguientes películas:
Pokémon, la película: Mewtwo vs. Mew (ES) / Pokémon, la película: Mewtwo contraataca (HA)
Pokémon 2: El poder de uno (ES) / Pokémon, la película 2000: El poder de uno (HA)
Pokémon 3: El hechizo de los Unown (ES), (HA)
Pokémon 4Ever (ES) / Pokémon x siempre: Celebi, la voz del bosque (HA)
Héroes Pokémon (ES) / Héroes Pokémon: Latios y Latias (HA)
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dailykasumi · 2 years
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EP084 The Lost Lapras
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ravensslumber · 4 years
real talk how do i restrain myself from buying a map blanket i absolutely do not need
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unxpctedlybleach · 4 years
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that’s a cute little thing
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Pokeani Re-Watch: OS
My favorite OS episodes are under the cut! Since OS is kind of long, and I want to organize these lists by region, I’ll be breaking these episodes up into Kanto, Orange Islands, and Johto.
EP001 - I Choose You!
EP002 - Pokemon Emergency!
EP003 - Ash Catches a Pokemon
EP005 - Showdown in Pewter City
EP007 - The Waterflowers of Cerulean City
EP011 - Charmander the Stray Pokemon
EP014 - Electric Shock Showdown
EP015 - Battle Aboard the St. Anne
EP016 - Pokemon Shipwreck
EP020 - The Ghost of Maiden’s Peak
EP021 - Bye Bye Butterfree
EP023 - The Tower of Terror
EP026 - Pokemon Scent-sation!
EP028 - Pokemon Fashion Flash
EP033 - The Flame Pokemon-athon!
EP039 - Pikachu’s Goodbye
EP040 - The Battling Eevee Brothers
EP043 - The March of the Exeggutor Squad
EP047 - A Chansey Operation!
EP048 - Holy Matrimony!
EP050 - Who Gets to Keep Togepi?
EP052 - Princess vs. Princess
EP056 - The Ultimate Test
EP061 - The Misty Mermaid
EP064 - It’s Mr. Mime Time
EP067 - The Pi-kahuna
EP074 - All Fired Up!
EP075 - Round One - Begin!
EP076 - Fire and Ice
EP077 - The Fourth Round Rumble
EP078 - A Friend in Deed
EP079 - Friend and Foe Alike
EP080 - Friends til the End
Orange Islands
EP081 - Pallet Party Panic
EP082 - A Scare in the Air!
EP083 - Poke Ball Peril
EP084 - The Lost Lapras
EP091 - Bye Bye Psyduck
EP093 - Navel Maneuvers 
EP100 - Wherefore Art Thou, Pokemon?
EP103 - Misty Meets Her Match
EP105 - Charizard Chills
EP110 - The Stun Spore Detour
EP111 - Hello, Pumello!
EP112 - Enter the Dragonite
EP115 - A Tent Situation
EP116 - The Rivalry Revival
EP117 - Don’t Touch That ‘dile
EP121 - Illusion Confusion!
EP123 - Spinarak Attack
EP129 - Ignorance is Blissey
EP132 - For Crying Out Loud
EP134 - Charizard’s Burning Ambitions
EP136 - Chikorita’s Big Upset
EP138 - The Superhero Secret
EP148 - No Big Woop!
EP151 - The Totodile Duel
EP155 - Forest Grumps
EP157 - Fortune Hunters
EP160 - Air Time!
EP169 - Beauty and the Breeder
EP180 - Houndoom’s Special Delivery 
EP186 - UnBEARable
EP193 - Sick Daze
EP198 - The Heartbreak of Brock
EP200 - Turning Over a New Bayleef
EP210 - Around the Whirlpool
EP213 - A Corsola Caper
EP216 - Dueling Heroes 
EP217 - The Perfect Match!
EP228 - Extreme Pokemon!
EP229 - An EGG-sighting Adventure!
EP230 - Hatching a Plan
EP245 - Will the Real Oak Please Stand Up?
EP247 - Outrageous Fortunes
EP256 - Just Add Water
EP258 - Hatch Me if You Can
EP262 - You’re a Star, Larvitar!
EP267 - Love, Pokemon Style
EP268 - Tie One On!
EP269 - The Ties that Bind
EP270 - Can’t Beat the Heat
EP271 - Playing with Fire!
EP272 - Johto Photo Finish
EP273 - Gotta Catch Ya Later!
EP274 - Hoenn Alone!
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dexfm · 4 years
084: TwitPane
podcast feedを購読するか、DLしてお楽しみ下さい。
Show Notes:
TwitPane – Twitter with Panes
twicca - Yet another Twitter client for Android.
Android用TwitterクライアントTwitPaneを公開しました - 某ソフト作者の開発日記
Google AdMob - Mobile App Monetization
Twitter社からの指摘でTwitPane等のアプリのいくつかが利用できなくなった件について - 某ソフト作者の開発日記
Twitter4J - A Java library for the Twitter API
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Takeru, EP083: man it's gonna suck when we have to say goodbye to our Ignis, but it's better for them to be alone and safe. They're not our property or anything
Takeru EP084: I already know I'm in over my head, but I'm willing to give up Flame over my feelings
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musashi · 4 years
my fucking... ag folder is missing ep084 for some reason??? but i swear i had it before because i remember clipping kojirou screaming in that ep??? hello
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otdderamin · 5 years
Personal Background to Caduceus and Caleb’s chat in CR C2 Ep041
This is my personal background to why Caduceus and Caleb’s talk in Ep041 hit me so hard. The transcript is here. It’s also about how Critical Role has gotten me through hell, and why this blog exists. It’s a heavy read that takes a fair amount of emotional energy.
CW: death, mental illness, medical trauma
I know when it started by the date on the pictures from the big trip I took a month after it started happening. Just before the migraines got bad. I got a weird severe headache in May of 2015. I left work to see a doctor. It was so disorienting and hurt so much. My dear grandma had been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer three month earlier. But I had so many plans. I cashed in all my PTO to go on a once in a lifetime opportunity to see Italy. We walked or biked 20 miles almost every day for three weeks. I was full of energy and life, of ambition for a stressful and rewarding job back home.
It got worse when I got back. It's tiring to be in pain all the time. It got harder to go dancing, which had become the center of my social world. In early October 2015, a friend told me about this show called Critical Role. Something to pass the time. Something to think about that wasn't pain, or worry about my job performance, or growing fears for my future.
The photo from the going away party says the job I loved forced me out as too disabled in August of 2016. They didn't let me give two weeks' notice to clean things up for the next person. They just told me to leave in a couple days. The horrible demon in HR acted like she was giving me a gift. I didn't know how to stop crying.
I joined Twitter for the Critter community in July 2016. I started this blog that November. The puzzle pieces of whatever this show was and meant were better than thinking about myself. It was some small stupid thing I could put back into a world that didn't seem to want me, useless and broken, any more.
The next 2+ years are a blur of bad doctors and horrible drugs that were way worse than what they were supposed to treat. I picked up an eating disorder from one. Others utterly destroyed whatever mental health the headaches hadn't. The comfort Matt meant with his Raven Queen talking with Percy in Ep057 missed him but hit me hard. I held onto that scene and those words in the hospital the first time I hit level 10 pain. I've worn a skull amulet since. My grandma died in February 2017, two weeks after CR C1 Ep085 "A Bard's Lament." I wrote my analysis of Percy's mental health in the hallway drinking party of Ep084 knowing my own family's impending grief and loss. Link.
I picked up more books on Buddhism because it was the only thing that had been in my life that felt like it had anything useful to say about what to do when everything is awful. The books I had didn't couch it in flowery, obfuscating language. They didn't pretend it happened out of some awful being's love. They didn't say I should like it or to be grateful. They said everything is awful, and everything is suffering because we don't know enough to avoid it. The best we could do is to know more, try to be a bit better, and come to terms with how our own negativity makes it worse. Not for the goal of not suffering, but to learn to be happy in spite of it. I don't know if I'm any good at following this advice.
For all the shit, and all in the pain, I know it's put me in a place to help a couple people who needed it. Acquaintances, now friends, who would have been homeless otherwise because of disability and being queer. I carve out my weird little niche as an artist making queer, nerdy, punk patches. I started writing what seems to be the first history of Pride flags, so we don't lose what these symbols meant or who made them to time. I started writing poetry again, and regular articles for The Asexual.
So, when I say that Caduceus hit me hard in a place that really needed a touch stone and a warm hug of a person, this is the context. I've had scraps of these thoughts, but not the words for them.
0:15:52 Caduceus, ponderously: "There are times I think about the cruelties of the world, the things that have been put upon me and my family, and I would hate for that to be a plan. And there are times when, like today, I'm very grateful for being in the right place at the right time to make sure that the right people are becoming strong in the ways they need to be. And I don't think it excuses the pain, I don't think that you have to… I don't know, I don't think you have to… not care about it, or fight it with everything you've got, but… uh, I think the world is shaping you into something important, and I want to make sure you get to wherever you need to be."
I'm going to put those words in the shrine of my heart next to Matt's Raven Queen and Derrick Brown's poetry. Something to hold onto when I need to cry that says the pain is awful, and it doesn't have an aim, but it can shape you into who you need to be to help other people. So maybe it, too, serves a purpose in the connected web of causation we find ourselves suspended in. With Melora and Avandra and the Raven Queen tugging at the lines in their ways. Maybe that's enough.
So as always, if you enjoy the work, and you have the change, consider buying me a coffee (ko-fi.com/otdderamin). I’ve been working on these while struggling to adjust to disability. Donating helps me justify spending time on these projects.
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dailykasumi · 2 years
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EP084 The Lost Lapras
Happy New Year! Here’s to a great 2022!!
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ravensslumber · 4 years
uh yussa what glamours ya got goin on there, buddy? anything that may be hiding some wings and a tail, perhaps...?
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tranceclass-blog · 4 years
(via Sign up | Tumblr)
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dnbtonic · 6 years
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gfullyc · 7 years
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