danhang · 8 months
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“ how's the headache? ” rarely does kafka succumb to the throes of worry, or even yearns for its embrace; as a woman bereft of the capacity for fear, and denied the sublime experience of fully indulging in all of life's emotions, concern seldom finds her. yet, she cannot deny the web of trust that binds their small cadre, particularly the unyielding allegiance she bestows upon blade, knowing with unwavering certainty that his loyalty is a steadfast beacon, unblemished by doubt. and perhaps, she muses, it's this very deep - rooted trust that stirs her soul to worry for him, her recollections a vivid tableau of the precarious state in which they discovered him, danger lurking within the depths of his immortal essence even now. “ take a moment to rest, bladie. silver wolf is still much too immersed in her game, anyway. ”
starter call ; @ephemyrals
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deathfavor · 8 months
@ephemyrals said: ❛ do you really think you can outrun this? ❜ (kurapika for chrollo)
crime based sentence starters
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It's been some time since Chrollo has been freed from that particular hindrance of being nenless. Yet Chrollo doesn't look even marginally surprised to see the Kurta in front of him. Not does he seem particularly displeased, agitated, or otherwise bothered by the blonde. ( He's quite certain that will jab Kurapika like needles under the skin. ) He merely casts a casual glance towards the younger one while they stand on two different ends of the hallway.
" I'm not outrunning anything. " Chrollo replies calmly, voice as smooth as polished marble and ever bit as unshaken as he looks. " Do you really think you'll get rid of the phantom troupe before you destroy yourself? " Chrollo asks in turn, the right corner of his lip turning upwards ever so slightly. " The odds do not appear to be in your favor. I'm curious. Are you only seeking to reclaim the eyes of the Kurta from that night? Or are you seeking to reclaim all who have been taken? That night wasn't the first time I'd met a Kurta. Though it did yield the most beautiful sets. " Yet even that hadn't been enough to keep Chrollo's interest before he sold them off without a care. " That is why you're on this ship, isn't it? Seeking out the sets that Tserriednich has? " He smiles knowingly, but not cruelly. Maybe that's the worst part - none of Chrollo's words come across as cruel, only calmly thoughtful or reminiscent.
The head lets his gaze linger on Kurapika for a moment longer. " I have no interest in you. " He answers simply with a small shrug of his shoulders. " Did you expect me to hunt you down? I'm not overly fond of such matters. " However... " I have more pressing matters to deal with at the moment. " It was unfortunate that now he had to deal with Hisoka and Kurapika. But at least the latter was likely to be caught up and kept busy in the bloody contest between children. His only focus was on killing Hisoka a second time. ( This time, he would ensure that there would be no return. )
Chrollo moves to walk away, though only a fool would believe that the man was as offguard and reckless as he seemed. Maybe Kurapika would, too blinded by fury that Chrollo had intentionally stabbed at. The chain wielder could be dangerous, but his weaknesses were gaping and easily exploited. Past trauma, friends, and his own self-destructive behaviors were all readily available if Chrollo so chose. " You should go back to playing your bodyguard game, Kurapika. Before your charge gets killed or otherwise injured. " He remarks casually with a last glance over his shoulder. " But if you so wish to be reunited with your brethen, the Troupe will be happy to see it if you pursue us. " A threat spoken with the same light tone as bidding someone farewell.
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2heir · 8 months
with the sound of muffled chaos in his wake  ,    wei wuxian throws himself through the window opening     ━━          the grace of anarchy still lingering in the erratic movements  .    ❝    hehe here you are  ,    lan zhan  .    ❞    the corners of his lip tug heavenward  ,    the ghost of smugness playing upon its curvature  ;    cake    &.    wine are tucked neatly within the hollow of his arms  .      ❝    happy birthday  !    i came to celebrate with you  .    ❞  
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 the room had to be drenched in silence for the beat of guqin to sink into the bones of the wounded one , he had been doing this since he was a child and with time , he was doing this whenever something trembled his nerves . but it seems like tonight , wei ying had other plans — his gaze leaves the instrument , watching as the other man stumbled inside his room with a not so graceful manner . birthday ? was it today ? it's been so long since he celebrated any sort of birthdays , his uncle quite remember it either . . . but wei ying did . he had cake and wine , his smile suggested pure chaos and wangji had never found it quite alluring before . ❛ i do not wish to celebrate it . go back to your room . ❜  knowing the lengths wei ying was ready to go to have it his way , wangji was sure he wasn't about to go back to his room . so he , subtly , picks up the papers piled beside him – to give wei ying enough space to sit with him if he wanted .
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s4ray · 8 months
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 ❛ ah ! xing xing ! you meet all of the qualifications . you're all , a l l mine . . . haha . 🔪 ❜
are you xue yang's type ?
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rosenpiety · 6 months
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𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚   𝙞𝙨   𝘽𝙀𝘼𝙐𝙏𝙔   𝙞𝙣   𝙖𝙡𝙡   𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨.   That   which   exists   under   the   light   of   the   stars   is   beautiful,   be   it   person   or   thing,   living   or   inanimate.   This   is   something   Argenti   believes   to   the   very   depths   of   his   soul.   So   it   stands   to   say   that   there   is   beauty   in   sorrow   as   well,   but   only   when   it   does   not   hide.   
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❝   Your   smile   is   lovely,   @ephemyrals,   but   it   does   not   match   your   eyes.   Tell   me   .   .   . Why   does   it feel as if your   heart   is weeping?   ❞
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carnivoraformes · 6 months
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@ephemyrals liked for a starter. I picked my Sunday for your Robin || Status: Accepting
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With the Charmony Festival so close it was an understatement he was almost constantly tired. A heaviness in his bones that nothing could satiate. In the real world, coffee helped only so much and in the Dreamverse nothing truly seemed to ease the ever constant tension.
His nerves were frayed and his patience growing thinner by the hour. Still when he saw his sister's face he felt a giddiness he had not felt in a very long time. Wearing the first genuine smile he had since planning for the Festival had began he greeted his sister, "Robin! I had been informed you returned. I am sorry for not being there to greet you personally."
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yeonban · 7 months
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when people tell you to imagine your nightmare as a potato
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lunaetis · 8 months
@ephemyrals asked :
i come all this way to see you, and this is the greeting i get? (kafka for eden)
inbox call. || always accepting
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─「エデン」─  the TRAILBLAZER didn't move from where she was, nor was she allowing her line of vision to leave the other even for a second. golden hues followed the STELLARON HUNTER'S movement like a hawk, only that she didn't feel like she was the predator in this situation. eden narrowed her gaze, not attempting to hide just how cautious she was around the other.
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                " were you expecting a warm welcome ? " to see her, she said. should she ask why ? there was no guarantee she would get a straight answer, either. while eden harbored no particular hatred for the woman, it was to no surprise that she had little trust with her given how things had turned out. she could not let her guard down around kafka. while the other claimed to have done everything to PREPARE her for the future they had seen coming, the war, even, eden couldn't help feeling like she was still being used by them. being watched, being controlled, being led down a path lined up for her. none of those was a pleasant feeling.
                " why are you here, kafka ? "
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deathfavor · 8 months
@ephemyrals said: i love watching you work . (shinya for byakkomaru)
dusty toybox sentence starters
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A rumble of rich laughter leaves the demon's chest when one of the three tigers manifested slips behind Shinya. By time it emerges on the other side, the demon has traded his tiger form for his humanoid form. As expected, the other two manifestations of himself strike their targets and leave nothing behind. There aren't even any scraps of fabric as blue fire devours the cloth until it seems like nothing every existed. His hands rest on either side of Shinya's shoulders as he playfully leans down.
" That so? I feel like the humans might call that conceited since you pull the trigger. " He teases lightly. Of course, the other humans have little understanding of the bond between the tiger and his wielder....or the tiger demon himself. For all that time caged in their control, he'd been vehemently opposed to human interference and killed those foolish enough to try to understand him. Until Shinya that is.
He slides his hands off of Shinya's shoulders, ears flicking idly to listen to the sounds surrounding them. " It's nice to work though. It's felt like ages since we really got to do anything. " He adds, strolling forward before casting a glance over his shoulder. " Do we have more work? I'm hungry. " And Shinya's desires were the last he wanted to feast on.
" Then you can sit and admire me work even more ~ " He tosses a smile at Shinya, blue eyes gleaming with playfulness before looking ahead again. He could shuffle though Shinya's memories, but he was never inclined to do so. And frankly he'd been busy either napping or chatting with Raimeiki during the meeting - one of the two. He wasn't actually quite sure which it was at this particular moment. It didn't matter either.
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youthslost · 8 months
tense starter for @ephemyrals lan xichen.
lan xichen is speaking to him. about jin guangyao, he thinks. nie mingjue knows this — is watching the gentle expressions on his face, the calm movements of his lips. and yet, he cannot hear a thing over the chattering in his ears. it is not the first time it's happened. it is becoming more frequent lately, these voices. he can never seem to make out what they're saying, as if they are speaking in another language entirely. but they are growing more and more frantic as the days pass. more difficult to ignore. amber eyes squeeze shut and thick brows pinch together, over stimulated and angry. why is he so angry? what do they want from him? WHY WON'T THEY SHUT UP?
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“ ENOUGH ! ” the table shakes beneath his large palm as he slams it down, quieting all the voices at once. air comes to him in ragged breaths, as if he'd just slain a wild beast. the table is knocked askew as he stands, uncaring of the concerned eyes on him. he needs fresh air.
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s4ray · 8 months
“I think you’d better take a break.” (From xiao xingchen 😘)
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 his breaths must have given himself away if the noises didn't — wood chopping had never been his best skill . even when he worked on the streets for a few pieces of silver , chopping woods would often end up with wounds or bruises . but the years had taught him more than they should , and he's gotten comparably better at it . the axe comes down on the woods with force , when xingchen speaks he's panting . he thought the man was asleep , didn't want to get caught chopping the woods that a-qing had requested him to chop and faced his rude ‘ chop your woods yourself , kid ‘ . . . it was getting cold anyway and the little idiot was trembling in her makeshift bed inside . ❛ tsk . didn't i tell you to sleep ? ❜  he pauses to glance at the man , dressed in pure white , save for the red that stained his sleeves from today's hunt . a few assholes that made fun of xiao xingchen’s blind eyes , had to die and say sorry while they writhed on the floor . nothing too big . ❛ i'm fine . couldn't sleep . ❜  his breathy chuckle reaches his blind friend's ears , as he puts the axe away to carry the chopped woods under his arm . still limping a little , the wound on his shoulder bleeding under his clothes , but xingchen probably couldn't see it nor feel it . after dropping them on the ground , xue yang sits on the ground near the campfire . dropping smaller woods in the fire , while keeping his gaze on the tall man . paler under moonlight , a gentle breeze of soft night sky is what he'd call xingchen . ❛ . . . didn't get your beauty sleep yet ? come ooon . you're gonna look less handsome if you don't , we can't have that . go back inside . ❜
 ›  ( accepting ; 👹 )  * ──
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fairebye · 8 months
📜 (for aerith)
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator @ephemyrals
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icefell · 10 months
@ephemyrals S.C
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Getting  separated  wasn't  in  the  plan!   But  somehow  that's  exactly  what  ended  up  happening.    Maybe  it  was  March's  fault  for  getting  distracted  and  taking
  photos  but  at  they  very  least..  her  friends  should've  waited  for  her!  
Ugh,  now  she  was  alone  and  to  make  matters  worse,  Dan  Heng  had  been  carrying  a  bag  with  her  phone  in  it.     
She  couldn't  just  text  them  to  see  where  they  went  off  to!   Not  a  great  situation  when  you  were  on  an  unfamiliar  planet.  
—   ....    "Geez....  "    crystalline  gaze  wandered  in  hopes  of  spotting  them   -  unfortunately  they  seemed  to  be  long  gone   BUT...   there  WAS  a  local  passing  by  ...    maybe  he'd  seen  them?    
"Excuse  me?"  she  called  out,  once  attention  was  gained  she  continued.   "You  wouldn't  happen  to  have  seen  two  people?   A  stoic  looking  guy  with  black  hair  and  -   ...  a  tall,  gray-haired  person?"  
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barrenstars · 11 months
@ephemyrals : small starter call !
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❝ mmm... ❞ a whine slips by parted lips as she feels her head throb like someone was continuously bringing a hammer down onto the back of her skull. weakly, she raises a hand and rests it against the crown of her head, forcing her heavy lids to open. petra's vision is blurry, more so than usual and her eyes burn hotly, causing her eyes to water and tears to trickle down her face. ❝ my head... what the hell? ❞ slowly, but eventually, her vision steadies and clears, and she becomes acutely aware of the fact she's outside, lying on the ground. and there's someone crouched down beside her. ❝ h-hello!? ❞
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gemkun · 4 months
@ephemyrals said : kiss ?
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      ⸻       ❝   .   .   .   ❞
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  lu   guang   will   now   proceed   to   combust   from   cuteness   overload.
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sugurau · 9 months
she was just a girl.
bright eyed, big hearted. something youthful to her laughter, to her trust. it was innocent, in a way. naive. suguru had not grown with siblings — he didn't know what it meant to feel protective over someone. he'd begun learning, bit by bit, with satoru and shōko, but everything was strange and new.
this, too. some sort of fierce need to keep the younger girl safe. a kindness, a near familial understanding that she was under his protection. she was under his watch.
❝ i'll be okay ? you promise ? ❞ @ephemyrals murmurs, and suguru turns to look at her. riko's eyes are on the water ahead of them, and he thinks she looks a bit nervous. this is some of the first doubt he's seen in her, and it tightens something in his gut.
he wishes satoru could keep them all here, just like this. everyone safe.
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suguru does what he is good at — comfort, softness. his smile is gentle, small on his mouth. ❝ riko-chan, ❞ he begins kindly, as if waiting for her to turn and look. ❝ satoru and i are the best at what we do. we'll make sure that you [ . . . ] get to do exactly what it is you want. we'll keep you safe. i promise. ❞
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