#episode 909
dangerousyako · 10 months
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ANOTHER episode where someone comments on Conan's habit that was relevant in movie 26!
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 year
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This is the type of filler where it did happen in canon, just in an “ensemble” panel where we see everyone do a thing. It’s as we’re all coming together at Oden Castle. Sanji is interested in someone special. This is a massive surprise, look at my surprised face. I love we have this cultural exchange of perversion because Momo’s abusing his youth to nuzzle Nami’s chest. 
But like...of course Sanji’s gonna simp over Kiku. Most of us would. If nothing else, we got through Wano with no nonsense from Swirly so he gets to perpetually crush, crush, crush over the Chrysamurai. Especially since he respects pretty and strong is perfection. As much as I wanted Kiku demurring, look how perfectly it loops! The anime will add this again and it does track with her intro; Kiku does not seem to like the attention very much. Or maybe she isn’t exactly used to it. It is just canon she’s one case where Luffy will pipe up about Sanji’s horndoggedness. She’s never vain or pompous like the other Beautiful Swordsman.
To paraphrase a modern wordsmith, she doesn’t know she’s beautiful and that’s what makes her beautiful. 
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everylevishot · 2 years
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Anime Levi #909
Episode 43 - 罪 (Sin)
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pupkashi · 11 months
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gojo will always make sure you’re taken care of
a/n: inspired by the saying “time will pass anyways” this is also me telling everyone that it’s okay to choose fun and relaxation sometimes <3 don’t feel guilty about it when you do :] this is very self indulgent and i will be rereading this once the semester starts up again :P
wordcount: 909
the exhaustion behind your eyes was evident as you rubbed them, yawning and glancing at the clock.
12:37 am
you began to do the math in your head, if you studied until 3 then woke up at 8 you’d get a good amount of sleep and get all day tomorrow to study!
just as you were about to dive back into your studies, a knock caused you to glance at your front door, heart racing as you cautiously stepped closer. you could feel your heart beating in your chest as you neared the door, finally getting the courage to look through the peep hole.
a wave of relief washed through your body as you saw the mop of white hair, unlocking the door and staring at your boyfriend.
“what are you doing here so late?!” you scold him quietly, moving to the side and letting him into your apartment.
“oh cmon sweets we both know you weren’t asleep anyway” he retorts, pressing a kiss to your forehead before walking next to you, settling on the couch and grabbing your work, “still studying?”
you nod as you sit next to him, grabbing your work from him and placing it in your lap.
“shouldn’t you get some rest? or leave your apartment? it’s been like two days” he mumbles, throwing his head back before looking at you again.
“satoru i have to pass this final” you huff, “i have to study in order to pass” your tone is sharp and you almost feel bad for how mean you sound.
gojo only smiled at you. he knew you’d been studying practically all day. he knew you’d been studying all day yesterday as well.
“you studied for two days straight sweetheart” he pouted, already grabbing your work back from you and holding up to where you could t reach it, “let’s spend time having fun!” there’s a wide smile on his face.
“satoru!” you squeal, trying to grab your things to no avail, giving up with a frown on your face and furrowed brows.
“i have to take this time to study! i don’t have time to have fun!” you’re already starting to feel stressed thinking of your time constraints when satoru is grabbing you and pulling you into his lap, holding you tightly against his chest.
“time will pass no matter what you do” his voice is calm and there’s no playful tone behind it, “so how about you spend a couple hours relaxing and having fun, rather than studying things with an exhausted mind that isn’t gonna stick anyway?”
“who said they won’t stick?” you fight back, he only looks at you with a small smile.
“look me in the eyes and tell me what you were just studying” a beat of silence and a couple nonsense words leave your mouth, “see?”
you let out a small sigh, letting yourself relax in your lovers hold. satoru is there to urge you to shower, telling you it would help you relax, handing you a shirt of his he brought for that very reason.
it’s 30 minutes and a hot shower later that you’re walking into your living room with a much less exhausted and stressed look on your face, snacks on the coffee table and hot chocolate with marshmallows in matching mugs.
“we can watch Hell’s Kitchen and snack until we fall asleep!” satoru smiles widely, patting the spot next to him enthusiastically.
while you hate to admit when your boyfriend is right, he absolutely had a point.
you were gonna study for hours more, only to be utterly exhausted the next morning and not be able to recall half the things you’d read. instead you were laughing with your favorite person in the world, happily munching on your favorite snacks and melting into his side.
you only made it 10 minutes into the second episode, sound asleep on satoru’s chest when he looked down at you. there’s a small smile playing on his lips, his fingers ghosting over your back as he debates waking you to move to your bed.
he takes a moment to just admire you.
your hair still slightly wet, the smell on your shampoo and body wash filling his nose, there’s dark circles under your eyes. you were perfect.
‘i love you’ he thinks to himself, ‘i love you more than i can ever put into words.’
he loves you so much, he lets his arms go numb after 20 minutes of not moving, your figure still sound asleep. he loves you so much, that when you do stir, he’s coaxing you gently, picking you up and carrying you to bed, tucking you and letting you drift to sleep again.
he loves you so much he’s cleaning up your living room, turning off the tv and throwing away wrappers and washing your dishes. he’s sweeping the floor and whipping out the mop, hurrying so he could join you in bed. he’s setting alarms so the two of you don’t oversleep, knowing you’d still want to spend the day studying,
he loves you so much, he’s tiptoeing into your room, quietly getting into bed with you and moving your hair from your face. he lets you gravitate towards him, mumbling something when you finally feel his arm lay over your waist.
“gnight toru” you manage out, eyes still closed before you’re back to sleep.
“goodnight my hard worker” he smiles, kissing you gently before letting himself fall asleep.
taglist (send an ask to be added!) : @chilichopsticks @anime-for-the-sleepless @4sat0ruu @luna0713hunter @safaia-47 @nanamikentoseyebags
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marshmallowgoop · 1 year
My part of the DCMK Fanworks Server Halfiversary Exchange 2023! For @blenderfullasarcasm!
I decided to follow the Yu-Gi-Oh! and DCMK crossover prompt, which specifically highlighted "Season 0," the colloquial name for the first anime adaptation of the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga. So, I paired Detective Conan (and the eensy-littlest bit of Magic Kaito) footage with that anime's theme song, "A Yell of Thirst" by Field of View.
For as long as I've known about it, I've had my own soft spot for the Season 0 series. The portrayal of Yami Yugi as this frightening, malicious personality who emerges only in times of danger gripped me—and still does. Revisiting the series for this project, I could still so strongly recall scenes of Yugi and his friends grappling with his mysterious "other self."
And I also realized that maybe Detective Conan and Yu-Gi-Oh! are more similar than I previously thought. After all, couldn't "Sleeping Kogoro" also be described as a frightening, malicious personality who emerges only in times of danger?
(Or, more in line with the actual video I edited, Conan is "another Shinichi" who both terrifies and helps him, a dynamic perhaps not so unlike that of Yugi and Yami Yugi in Season 0.)
I hope you enjoy what I came up with! My goal was to utilize clips featuring every character and relationship noted in the prompts, and though an AMV can't exactly be a casefic or delve into worldbuilding per se, I also tried to capture the spirit of those prompts, too, including more actual detective-ing and backgrounds than I ever have in my Conan AMVs before. Huge shout out goes to @dcmk-scenery, an absolutely fantastic resource who were a tremendous help, as well as the Detective Conan World wiki, which definitely led me to clips from episodes I haven't even seen yet! The English translation of the lyrics are also courtesy of the Yu-Gi-Oh! wiki.
As a final note, though I know the requirement for the exchange was a 15-second AMV, I really wanted to make my gift special; Blender is so kind and does so much for the DCMK community, including setting up this event in the first place! I'm so glad I was able to to be a part of this, and I hope my final result brings joy.
This AMV can also be watched on YouTube in full 1080p and with subtitles that can be toggled on and off. Sources used are:
Episodes: 1, 2, 3, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 23, 33, 49, 52, 54, 58, 68, 76, 84-85, 87, 90, 91, 118, 129, 130, 136, 142, 147, 162, 166, 189, 191-193, 203, 217, 254, 304, 351, 361, 479, 490, 878, 909, 927, 994
Films: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 (film and trailer), 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, Lupin the 3rd vs. Detective Conan: The Movie
Specials: TV Special 6 (Episode One: The Great Detective Turned Small)
OVAs: 2, 9
OPs: 10, 11, 24, 25, 30, 32, 37, 55, 56
EDs: 5, 6, 9, 58
Other: Magic Kaito Episode 2, The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 2
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909 The One With Rachel's Phone Number
The hard goodbye kiss that turns into a hug, but you can see Chandler press a soft goodbye kiss on her cheek afterwards.
The way she's wrapped both arms around his neck, just like at the top of the episode (and all the other times she kisses him like this), pulled as tight as she possibly can be to his body. Chandler's arm a soft pressure on her back, very careful not to get carried away, keeping it casual. The squeeze of the hug. The kiss should be more intimate but when its over they embrace tighter for a longer moment and its equally so, if not more intimate.
The wave.
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neocatharsis · 2 years
[K-909 Episode 8 Trailer] TEN (NCT), XIAOJUN (WayV), CHEN (EXO), JeongEunJi (Apink), Jung Seung Hwan
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fallensnowfan · 11 months
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I love that Crunchyroll choose the Gaba-Glomp from episode 909 for their “one second from every episode” video.
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She is glad Kin is back, went max girly mode aww. He totally is her father-figure.
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #909:
Rockman.EXE Axess Episode 6 (Part B) Storyboards [Page 105]
Hastily Translated Summary: 266 - Synchro Chip BANK footage Netto: "Synchro Chip! Slot-in!" 267 - Cross Fusion BANK footage Netto: "Cross Fusion!" 268 - Cross Fusion Rockman CF (R) Rockman: "Bowlman! I won't forgive you for your evil bowling!" Rotating Track Back to Bowlman
Hold anyone you know out there doing "evil bowling" accountable. Do not spare any expense to strike their actions down, because they are turkeys who belong in the gutter. Life lessons right there. Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/rqgpyyYZ
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boasource · 1 year
BoA’s outfit: white tube top, pintuck wide pants, straight hair - Audrey Hepburn vibes? (x)
80% of the time, they didn’t follow the script/predetermined flow, so BoA kept skipping over the script/her cue cards (x)
SHINee’s ‘Don’t Call Me’ was supposed to go to GOT the Beat after BoA turned it down (x)
BoA said that Taemin looks more like a baby now even though he just came back from the military (x)
BoA and Minho talked about the exercise equipment that he bought for the SM building. He said he thought that there would be people who found it useful. BoA said that he’s probably the only one who’d use it (x) [Fact check: BoA has, in fact, used one of the new exercise machines and posted about it on her IG story] 
BoA did a dance challenge with SHINee! Taemin said that out of all the people he knew, BoA was the fastest at picking up new choreography. Key said that BoA was faster than even he was, and Taemin told him that he should work harder (x, x, x)
Minho and Key started bickering. BoA asked them when they would stop fighting and said that they looked like a married couple with a child (Taemin) (x)
BoA and Taemin’s first meeting post-enlistment was at a hospital for tattoo removal. He was parked beside her at the parking lot. (x)
BoA said that she really liked ‘Hard’ and that she personally wants to do a song with that kind of hip-hop style too (x)
Key said that he thought BoA’s impression of him during her K-909 interview with Minho was on-point and hilarious, so Minho told him to imitate BoA. Key’s impression of her was really good; he said that a key point to a BoA impression is her soprano laugh (x)
Key said that he understood right away why BoA rejected ‘Don’t Call Me’ - because the progression of the song wasn’t her style at all. Taemin said he didn’t understand it because it seemed like a song that suited her. BoA said this was the difference between someone who knew her off work and someone who doesn’t (x, x)
SNSD Tiffany gave BoA a 90-degree bow (x)
Tiffany was very sweet - she was encouraging Jumpings to cheer for BoA/wave their lightsticks + encouraging the audience to cheer for Logan Floyd (x)
The [909] writers asked Suho if he had anything he wanted to tell BoA, he said that they should go drinking together sometime. (x)
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trashlie · 11 months
Love reading all your posts, replies, reblogs. Thanks to you and your friends for re-kindling my love for StalkYoo and ILY in general (your Kousuke analysis are also so good! Alyssa too!) Reading your posts remind me that Shin Ae was having a dream about Nol most likely before he woke up at the hospital. It’s very possible her realization can come in a dream because now he’s voiced something she never considered. Dieter could interpret what he saw as romantic. She can dream of this. It’s possible with the way Quim writes. I’m on Patreon too now and she likes her “fever dream” concepts. A dream might be the most wholesome way to realize she’s in love. To savor him and wake up to the emptiness and realize she wants it. Tealize why she cares so much. This might be canon. Who knows. Quim loves to surprise us.
Waaaaaah thank you!!!! Idk why but I feel especially happy that people have been looking at what my friends say? Everyone is so clever and most importantly - so wonderfully feral lmao - that it makes yelling about our feelings even more fun! ILY is a fandom gifted with passionate fans, haha!
I'm ESPECIALLY happy when people appreciate when I write about Kousuke and Alyssa! The more I wrote about them, the more I came to appreciate their characters and while many people will always dislike them, I always hope I can at least convince people to appreciate them for what they are and how they drive the story. We wouldn't have ILY without them!
I've seen other people saying that about what she was dreaming before he woke up, too! And it wouldn't be the first time she's dreamt of him in some form. @somebody-909 has written fantastic analyses and I've always loved this one about the bird in the dream Shinae has during break. That it represents a subconscious awareness of Nol slipping away from her and slipping through her fingers at the time is SO good, and it definitely feels so in the episode where she lmao literally stalks him at work.
But YEAH I feel like it would be VERY in line with how quimchee writes? My friends and I were joking that lmao what if the "kiss we'll see during season one" turns out to be a dream kiss alfjakjfkjfakjafjaf lmao (I mean the jokes have long-since written themselves. What if it's Yujing pecking Shinae's cheek at the restaurant) but it just alfjkkjf WOULDN'T IT BE SO FUNNY AND AGONIZING?! Realistically I don't think Shinae and Nol are in the place to jump into a relationship yet - not because they're "broken people" or anything like that but just the general circumstances: Dieter, Shinae's confused feelings, Nol literally going to jail in 3 days lmao. But it would be such a clever way to give a TASTE of what a lot of people are chomping at the bit for without compromising the characters or where they stand, right? And what a SATISFYING way to figure out you have strong feelings for your friend lmaooooo The idea of Dieter actually being there to really make her see isn't something I'd considered but I like it - because the idea is really that she's going to end up mulling over this and how it specifically relates to Dieter's feelings for her, so it wouldn't surprise me to see that appear in the dream lol.
I love you Shinae but boy you are too close to the picture to see it for what it is. You gotta step back and take in the details from afar, like a Monet lol
ALSO LISTEN! LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCREAMS
To savor him and wake up to the emptiness and realize she wants it.
sobs I love this so much, the idea of waking up and realizing what you want isn't enough in fact you DO want more and now you know what more is and it's so scary but GOD you still want it the puzzle pieces all falling into place
also. if not a dream kiss to make Shinae realize can we at least give her a dream about Rand = Nol because I NEED her to remember telling Nol and Kousuke their dad is hot. I NEED her to remember getting some big girl feelings about hot old man who has a CARBON COPY SON WHO ALSO MAKES HER FLUSTER WHEN HE HOLDS HER GAZE
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talkingtea · 1 year
DP's last 2 episodes she directed I think didn't do that well. So, I find it interesting she was assigned an episode as big as 909 featuring guest stars people want to see, Oliver, Diggle, Bloodwork, and Wally, therefore guaranteeing her a decent sized audience this time. I usually don't watch the ones she directs, but dang it, I wanna see Wally so bad. But if it turns out to suck like most of this season so far, then fans and critics who are already bored with this season won't shy away from telling the truth about her episode. We had Javicia guest for a few episodes, and look how they turned out.
Honestly at this point nothing Eric has done has made sense because isn’t Kayla directing an episode after her?
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 year
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These are stills as well but something worth noting. We’ve mentioned a few times Kiku’s sorta a shoujo character who drifted into this shonen epic. Which makes sense as big as it is, the categories are nebulous enough there’s going to be some crossover. But I love how the anime keeps it up Act 1. These floral backgrounds. They’d be second nature in a lot of older shoujo, but One Piece doesn’t do stuff like this a whole lot. And Kiku even gets a couple more, the cute “they’re speaking of animals?” comes to mind.
Consider this the coda for this round of anime addons. I’m sure I’ve missed a few but now we’re turning into our last leg of Wano’s anime adaptation. I’m excited to see what they work in for Kiku! Wouldn’t be surprised to see another flashback like we’ve done to compliment one of these scenes of Usopp, Hamlet, & the samurai. Hell, I’d love to see Toei take a whack at a good Kin & Kiku one! They’ll for sure do Izo’s CP0 fight justice at this point. And I’m interested in seeing the bathhouse honestly. We can milk a lot of fun out of those two pages. Music cues to match the jarring tone whiplash are really gonna make that pop. Not to mention...think they’ll nudge at the shell game with the Ryokugyu fight? 
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o0azalie0o · 8 months
One Piece Netflix
Future Seasons
Assumption: 8 Episode per Season
Season 1 East Blue Saga: Chapter 1-96 / Episode 1-8
Romance Dawn EP 1
Shells Town EP 1+2
Orange Town EP 2
Syrup Village EP 3+4
Baratie EP 5+6
Arlong Park EP 7+8
Diary of Koby-Meppo Side Story
Season 2 Arabasta Saga: Chapter 97-217
Loguetown EP 1
Reverse Mountain EP 1
Whiskey Peak EP2
Little Garden EP 2+3
Drum Island EP 3-5
Arabasta EP 5-8
Season 3 Sky Island: Chapter 218-321
Jaya EP 1+2
Skypiea EP 2-7
Long Ring Long Land EP 8
Character Side Story
Season 4 Water 7: Chapter 322-441
Water 7 EP 1-4
Enies Lobby EP 4-7
Post Enies Lobby EP 8
Season 5 Thriller Bark & Summit War Part 1: Chapter 442 - 524
Thriller Bark EP 1-4
Sabaody Archipelago EP 5+6
Amazon Lily EP 7+8
Straw Hat Separation Serial Part 1 Side Story
Season 6 Summit War Part 2: Chapter 525 - 597
Impel Down EP 1-3
Marineford EP 4-6
Post-War EP 7+8
Straw Hat Separation Serial Part 2 Side Story
Season 7 Fish-Man Island & Punk Hazard: Chapter 598 - 699
Return to Sabaody EP 1
Fish-Man Island EP 1-5
Punk Hazard EP 5-8
Season 8 Dressrosa: Chapter 700 - 801
Dressrosa EP 1-8
Character Side Story
Season 9 Whole Cake Island: Chapter 802 - 908
Zou EP 1+2
Whole Cake Island EP 3-8
Levely EP 8
Season 10 Wano Country: Chapter 909 - 1057
Wano Country EP 1-8
Character Side Story
Season 11 Final Saga Part 1: Chapter 1058 - ???
Egghead EP 1-???
Season 12 Final Saga Part 2: Chapter ??? -???
Last Arcs of the Series
End of the One Piece Live Action
Note: This is how I think the Live-Action could the adapt the arcs in the series. Some arcs like Wano Country have to be cut a little in order fit the 8 episode season and some arcs who are in diffrent sagas have to be pushed together, like Skypiea and Long Ring Long Land. I made this having the pacing of Season 1 in mind and the generell lenght of the arcs including in some seasons a character side story. Don't take this too seriously, it's just a little thought experiment of mine. Since we don't know how long the series will actually last and if it will even reach the end of One Piece.
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happykjd · 2 years
221118 → a preview of chen's episode of k-909!
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imjustwritingg · 1 year
So, the JLS interviews for the new episode have the same background as his interviews for 909. Do we think he still has his Chicago place?
Most definitely.
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