#epithet erased marty
random-meme-bot · 2 years
Ok so there are some ideas about Epithet erased that have been bouncing in my head after reading Prison of Plastic and I just need to get them out
(Spoilers so beware)
Ama just be clear on this, I think Marty (Molly's & Lori's Dad) was the reason for the fire on the old "Blyndeff Toy Emporium", or at the very least the reason the fire alarm didn't activate.
So first of, let's start with what im more confident:
The Fire alarm
Marty's main job on the store is supplying it with toys to sell, the way he does this is by building them himself.
I believe the guy either was missing some pieces for some project he was working on and just took them from the fire alarm thinking "Eh, I'm sure it's not that important"
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Or decided to do a little "peek-in" to inspire himself, either breaking it on the process or jut not being able to put it back together afterwards.
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I mean, if he broke the thing he would just thought nothing of it and then forgotten about it
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None of the other members of the family would have done something as careless as break the fire alarm and don't say anything, especially Molly or Calliope since they are the most responsible members of the family, and Lori has no idea why the fire alarm didn't went off
And, I know what you're thinking.
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"The fire alarm could just be defective, or the battery could've just runned off, not everything has to be because of someone"
And while yes, it's true that things like that coud happen, I don't think Jello would take something as important to the plot as "They couldn't escape from the fire in time because the fire alarm didn't activate" and just brush it off as "It didn't activate because it just so happened to be broken, bad luck" (My source's are his streams playing Ace Attorney Investigations, so take it at your own risk)
But this is just a small part of the biggest picture, let's discuss the Phoenix in the room:
The cause of the Fire
Ok so first of all, I don't believe Lori was the "Firestarter", while her Epithet activating during the night without her knowing makes sense, there are two things that shows that, that wasn't the case
First of all, that night she was sleeping on a dream bubble.
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Which means the fire couldn't have come from her, when shes on the bubble everything she creates appears on the bubble, on top of that everything created on the bubble disappears outside of the bubble (as apparent by Trixie, Feenie & Rick going back to normal form outside of the bubble)
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Even if that wasn't the case, I doub the fire could have gotten out of the bubble on its own since the bubbles are indestructible for anybody except Lori, Molly (and sometimes Rick)
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As for who started the fire, I'll admit I don't have that much in terms of concrete evidence, and the few I have point to (unsurprisingly) to Marty.
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Let's analyze the few things we know, at some point in the night a fire started somewhere on the "Blyndeff Toy Emporium", the fire alarm was not working that day so we can assume that someone gott awakened by the fire and alerted the rest, after being alerted, Molly got into Lori's room & tried woke her up from her bubble, event that caused her to discover her epithet
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after Lori was woken up they both got out of the house, after some time Marty came out with Calliope on his arms.
There's a lot of information missing since we only know Lorelai's version of the story, but It doesn't add up doesn't it?
How coud Molly have gotten into Lori's room, awoken her epithet & gotten out before Marty & Calliope?
This is especially weird if we assume that like most family's both parents were sleeping on the same bed or at least the same room, meaning they would've been alerted at the same time.
Ok let's put all the pieces together and finally unveil my theory.
Marty Blyndeff had gotten himself the bestest of toy's ideas, "A Robot toy" he had been working night & day on it and it was finally finished! He just needed a battery to test it, he got out of his workshop and started looking for something that really didn't need the battery, he's eyes stopped on the Fire Alarm,
"Of course" he tough "That thing is just there for aesthetic, I mean if it is sooooooo important, why would there be only one on the whole store", he took the battery out of the Alarm and then used it to Power his creation.
The little robot made some weird noises and moved a bit before releasing some sparks which led to it catching fire, maybe going from simple wood toy's to complicated robots was not as good as an idea as he initially thought, this was bad since most of the things in the workshop ware also made out of wood, thinking quickly [For maybe the first time in his life] Marty grabbed a nearby bottle of acetone to try and put off the fire, after all, all liquids are strong against fire right?
Acetone as the flammable liquids that it is only made things worse, it made it so the flames started to spread faster, the fire had gotten to the rest of acetone bottles and other flammable chemicals causing a huge explosion that knocked Marty unconscious, the entire workshop and part of the store was now covered in flames that were quickly expanding.
Molly Blyndeff was sleeping on her room as usual when a noise woke her up, she had always been really susceptible to sounds due to her great hearing, she opened her eyes and found her room getting filled with thick black smoke, "FIRE!" She shouted, she came out of her room yelling "MOM, DAD, LORI!" she heard some noises coming from her parents room so they were awake, but she was more worried about her sister's room, no sound was coming from it, "WHAT IF SHE WAS HURT OR WORSE?!" Molly entered her sisters room, and found one of her sister's dream bubble surrounded by fire, "WOULD THE BUBBLE PROTECT HER?!" Molly didn't know, she started punching the sphere with all her force as she screamed "LORI WAKE UP, PLEASE!" a green aura started to emanate from her hands and the walls of the bubble started to disappear revealing Lori's bed with her on top still sleeping, without thinking it twice Molly grabbed her sister and started shaking her, "LORI PLEASE! WAKE UP!" Lorelai woke up just to find her sister crying, shaking, screaming, and glowing, that last part would had caught her attention a lot more if it wasn't for the flaming inferno that was surrounding them, they both got out of the room, got down the stairs and escaped the store.
While this was happening Marty woke up, he was on his workshop, his head hurt and he couldn't remember much, he was finishing his Robot toy and something happened...? It didn't matter, what mattered now was getting away from all the fiery situation he had found himself into, he got up and started to make his way out of the workshop and up into the middle floor of the store, he made his way to the stairs and started to go up into the bedrooms, he had important things in his room that he didn't want getting burned, when he opened the door he found his wife laying unconscious om the floor, the building was collapsing, there wasn't enough time to save both his wife & his stuff, so he picked up his wife and escaped the building reuniting finally with the rest of his family.
Here's my (more or less plausible) theory of what happened that day, It's very rough as the only version of the events we have is Lorelai's which is not much, we also don't know how their old toy store was in terms of architecture so I kinda just had to assume it was similar to the one they have now and use the layout of that one.
I'm sure this is how it happened?
No, not in a million years the amount of information I had to fill up to make that Fanfic Theory makes the story as a whole pretty unreliable.
I'm sure Marty is the responsable of the fire and the fire alarm not working? Yes, absolutely, maybe not the fire though as again, not much prof, but the fire alarm was definitely Marty's thing.
So anyway, here are my ramblings about Epithet Erased Prision of Plastic, please give me your opinions on this theories and the book as a whole I'm really interested on what other people think.
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kevynthedevylman · 2 years
Got to the part where Giovanni meets Marty. It's going as well as you'd think.
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capt-marty · 1 month
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SHE/HIM (+ others) ------ Multi-fandom ------ READ MY STRAWPAGE
Gonna try to keep this blurb short:
Hey. I'm capt-marty on the tumblr. Why did I say it like that. Whatever. Ok. I tend to ramble a lot and such, and while I am an artist, I don't post much art on here! Most of my blog is reblogs! I'm multifandom, but it's very easy to guess my hyperfixation at any given time (like guess right now- hard, I know....)! I am a minor (16) and a a fictionkin / otherkin! More about that down below
I LOVE MY QPPS @silviaflowers + @cow-inthe-closet <33333333
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Okay HELLO!! I don't really make my OWN posts here much, I mostly like reblogging and using it to consume media from my hyperfixations! I do do art, though!!! Wow!!! If you follow me expecting for art I may not be able to give that to you....
Fandom wise? Well. Too many to write down. I like a lot of things! I will keep this as a hyperfixation tracker! SO! AT THE MOMENT:
HYPERFIXATION(s): EPITHET ERASED, Fairly Odd Parents (specifically ANW), Wreck It Ralph, OSC (mainly inanimate insanity)
My mutuals are all very cool!! Speaking of, I joke around with my friends on here a lot- most of which being inside jokes. So if you're randomly confused by what on Earth I'm saying it's PROBABLY THAT!!!
ALSO. Speaking of social things. I'm very! Bad at conversations! So uh. If you reach out and I seem really weird. That's why. I also have bad anger issues and tend to seem very blunt and stuff so if i appear rude IM SO RRY
Oh yeah! I have some tags on here too. I shouuuld probably put those here...
TAGS: #captain chattin (for rambles- used to be #summer speaks), #my art (for my art), #my ocs (my oc stuff- art from other people, etc), #utb (collab ut story with friends), #om (collab osc story with friends), #me an silvi + #me an mason for stuff that reminds me of my qpps!!! Probably more but I forgor
I am a fictionkin and an otherkin like I mentioned up there! My kinlist can be found here if you're curious. Fictionkin is a huge huge part of my identity
Im that guy constantly wearing sunglasses irl
UHHHHHHH I'll add more later. Because I'll probably think of more to add. But for now that's all I think!
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hyephyep · 1 year
listening to epithet erased again and noticed something in chapter 2.
Naven knows, at the end, that Giovanni is planning on taking Molly with him. Naven lets it happen. So I knew that somewhere along the way, Giovanni got Naven's trust that he'd be a better caretaker. But I'm realizing the seeds of that trust might've been planted much earlier than I thought.
Ch 2, Naven gets to see how Marty, Lori, and Giovanni all respond to Molly in an emergency. All three of them came into the room with their own expectations--Marty to present his latest masterpiece, Lori to get them to shut up so she could play, and Giovanni to be complimented on his new villain persona. All three at some point notice that Molly has brought an unconscious body into the toy shop. Marty makes his own assumptions, cracks a crass joke about his twelve year old kid doing cpr on an adult being "spicy", and walks out munching on the food he'd yanked out of Molly's hands. Lori gets mad at them all for disturbing her playtime (when she's supposed to be working), and when she notices something weird is going on she's rude and dismissive about it. She doesn't stick around long enough to hear any explanations.
Giovanni blows them both out of the water. First, Molly trusts him enough that she interrupts what he's doing to say something's wrong and she needs help. She didn't even try to do that with Marty or Lori. Second, when Giovanni is asked to help, he immediately stops what he's doing and puts his attention on Molly. Quote, "Giovanni's over the top pose melted away to parental concern in an instant. He was hoping that she might compliment him on his cool new costume, but this was way more important." He asks what's wrong, listens long enough to hear the answer, and gives a solution. And then he and Molly recite a goofy inside joke together.
Naven watches these interactions happen one by one, in quick succession. Marty, Lori, and then Giovanni. Maybe him trusting Giovanni came later, and I don't know if he thought to evaluate Giovanni as a caretaker before Giovanni brought up the kidnapping idea. But a strong first impression was definitely made here.
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neowollymoxie · 8 months
To everyone in epithet erased the green squares are because of @crowithy yes I just outed you,yes it's because Phil asked
To make sure the word spreads.
@philosophilia @zemoleinyourtrashcan @sadsoftserve @cherry-cakee @jay-marti @zoomerinaboomercostume @askingzorasalazarirl @forestkingcringe
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martin-matchup · 1 year
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Hello everyone! Please take a look at the finished bracket!
[Image ID: The first image is the first half of the bracket. The bracket itself is on a dark grey bg, drawn in white lines. There are 24 contestants on this side, 48 all together. In the middle is drawn a winners pedestal with the first three places. On the highest step, for the first place there is a golden trophy that says "best martin" on it in blue letters. There is confetti around the trophy.
The second image is the second half. It it styled the same, with 24 contestants on this side as well. End ID.]
The polls will each last a week and will be posted with a one day difference for each half (as in, the first twelve polls will go up, and then a day after, the next 12 and so on) until the final. I am currently organising the polls so if you have any feedback/suggestions/character images you'd like me to use, feel free to send an ask!
Contestants are listed under the cut.
First half:
Martin Blackwood (The Magnus Archives)
Martin Prince (The Simpsons)
Martin the gecko (GEICO)
Martini (alcohol, Real life)
Martini glass (glass, Real life)
Martin "Marty" Deeks (NCIS : Los Angeles)
Martyn Inthelittlewood (3rd life minecraft smp/life series, Datastream)
Marty McFly (Back to the Future)
Martin of Redwall/Martin the Warrior (The Redwall book series)
Martin Brenner (Stranger Things)
Martin Scorsese (Real life)
Martin Stein (DC's Legends of Tomorrow)
Martin Brody (Jaws)
Martin the butler (The Parent Trap)
Martin Fitzgerald (Without a Trace)
Martin Mystery (Martin Mystery)
Martin van Buren (The US, Real life)
Mars (Roman mythology)
Martin (The Mechanisms, Hereward the Wake, Tales to be Told Vol. 2)
Marty the zebra (Madagascar)
Martin Septim (The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion)
Martin Moone (Moone Boy)
M. (Lethal Weapon)
Marty (Papa Louie)
Second half:
Martina (The Four of Them)
Martin (Wii Sports)
Martin Mertens (Adventure Time)
Martin Wright (Big Nate)
Martin O’Hara (My Favourite Martian)
Martin Crane (Frasier)
Marty (Image Fashion Designer)
Martin Blyndeff (Epithet Erased)
Martin Martinaise (aka the smoker on the balcony, Disco Elysium)
Marty Farms (aka Marcus Barnes, The Electric Company)
Purple Martin (bird, Real life)
Martin Benson (Bee Movie)
Martin Whitly (Prodigal Son)
Martin Franklin (Fear Street)
Martin Murphy (Milo Murphy's law)
Pine Marten (animal, Real life)
Martin (Mysteries of providence)
Martin Chatwin (The Magicians (Also Fillory and Further, a series within the series))
Martin Penderwick (The Penderwicks)
Martin Banks (Magic 2.0 book series)
Martin Morning (Martin Morning)
Martin Ellingham (Doc Martin)
Martin Kratt (Wild Kratts)
Martín Cobblepot (Gotham)
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the-worst-bracket · 1 year
The Worst Round Two
The first round is over! Our first round losers have been released into the wild, where they will decimate the local songbird population!
New Bracket under the cut, all times are in CDT
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Bracket A (5/3 - 5/10)
Mineta Minoru (My Hero Academia) vs Iago (Othello) 11:15 AM
Mimic (Dark Souls) vs Dan (Dan Vs) & Pink Diamond (Steven Universe) 11:30 AM
Jurgen Leitner (The Magnus Archives) vs Zeus (Greek Mythology) 11:45 AM
Steve Cobs (Inanimate Insanity) vs Alex Eggleston (Yiik) 12:00 PM
Jerry (Undertale) vs Old Man Who Snitched on Haru (A:TLA) 12:15 PM
Ashfur (Warrior Cats) vs Mr. Burns (The Simpsons) 12:30 PM
Octavian (Heroes of Olympus) vs Gendo Ikari (NGE) 12:45 PM
Walter White (Breaking Bad) vs Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater) 1:00 PM
Bracket B (5/3 - 5/10)
Jin Guangshan (The Untamed) vs Michael (Wii) 1:15 PM
Mitsuhiro Higa (Danganronpa) vs Creek (Trolls) 1:30 PM
Manfred Von Karma (Ace Attorney) vs David (Animorphs) 1:45 PM
Mayuri Kurotsuchi (Bleach) vs Cronus Ampora (Homestuck) 2:00 PM
Micheal Tritter (House MD) & The Director (Red v Blue) vs Lila Rossi (Miraculous Ladybug) 2:15 PM
Lord Henry Wotton (The Picture of Dorian Gray) vs Jodie Foster (Dungeons & Daddies) 2:30 PM
Bill Hawks (Professor Layton) vs Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!) 2:45 PM
The Dark Lord (Miitopia) vs Cybelle (Carole and Tuesday) 3:00 PM
Bracket C (5/4 -5/11)
Admiral Zhao (A:TLA) vs Rachel Berry (Glee) 11:15 AM
Darth Maul (Star Wars) vs Jessica (The Bastard Son & the Devil Himself) 11:30 AM
Pong Krell (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) vs Gamzee Makara (Homestuck) 11:45 AM
Dorodoron (Futari wa Precure Splash Star) vs Tate Langdon (American Horror Story) 12:00 PM
Izzy Hands (Our Flag Means Death) vs Spike (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) 12:15 PM
Orin Scrivello DDS (Little Shop of Horrors) vs Minecraft Skeleton (Minecraft) 12:30 PM
Major Frank Burns (M*A*S*H*) vs Carter Pewterschmidt (Family Guy) 12:45 PM
Borsolino (One Piece) vs Pennywise (IT) 1:00 PM
Bracket D (5/4 -5/11)
Pierce Hawthorne (Community) vs Whirlpool (Wings of Fire) 1:15 PM
Thaddeus Campbell (Dishonored) vs Takumi Ichinose (Nana) & Heimskr (Skyrim) 1:30 PM
Gale Weathers (Scream) vs Ianthe Tridentarius (The Locked Tomb) 1:45 PM
Director Ton (Aggretsuko) vs Odalia Blight (The Owl House) 2:00 PM
Kyubey (Madoka Magica) vs Dr. Gregory House (House MD) 2:15 PM
Rachel (Tower of God) vs Miki Kawai (A Silent Voice) 2:30 PM
John Winchester (Supernatural) vs Hippeux (Animal Crossing) 2:45 PM
Saint Charlos (One Piece) vs Dr. Janet Lubelle (WTNV) 3:00 PM
Bracket E (5/5 -5/12)
Martin Blyndeff (Epithet Erased) vs Calico Jack (Our Flag Means Death) 11:15 AM
John Gaius (The Locked Tomb) vs Crawlings (The Mysterious Benedict Society) & Liza Lotts (Scott the Woz) 11:30 AM
Zolf J Kimblee (FMA) vs Nandor the Relentless (WWDITS) 11:45 AM
Logan Roy (Succession) vs Fermet (Baccano!) 12:00 PM
Emperor Belos (The Owl House) vs Jar Jar Binks (Star Wars) 12:15 PM
Stuart Little (Stuart Little) vs Bibble (Barbie: Fairytopia) 12:30 PM
Grima Wormtongue (Lord of the Rings) vs Balloon Boy (FNAF) 12:45 PM
Felix (Red v Blue) vs Bro Strider (Homestuck) 1:00 PM
Bracket F (5/5 - 5/12)
Count Olaf (ASOUI) vs Phillip Anderson (BBC Sherlock) 1:15 PM
Drosselmeyer (Princess Tutu) vs Hiram Burrows (Dishonoured) 1:30 PM
Vriska Serket (Homestuck) vs Marty (Steven Universe) 1:45 PM
Norman Osborn (Marvel) vs Stregabor (The Witcher) 2:00 PM
Barney Stinson (HIMYM) vs Griffith (Berserk) 2:15 PM
Lionel Luthor (Smallville) vs Shadow Weaver (SPOP) 2:30 PM
Rand Ridley (Inside Job) vs Fire Lord Ozai (A:TLA) 2:45 PM
Joseph Sugarman (BoJack Horseman) vs Kylo Ren (Star Wars) 3:00 PM
Bracket G (5/6 - 5/13)
Ross Geller (Friends) vs Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa) 11:15 AM
Evil Do-er/Dark Blue (Animation vs Minecraft) vs Clint (Stardew Valley) 11:30 AM
Colin Robinson (WWDITS) vs Ghetsis (Pokemon) 11:45 AM
Billy (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy) vs Servantis (Ben 10) 12:00 PM
Elias Bouchard (The Magnus Archives) vs Tingle (The Legend of Zelda) 12:15 PM
Trishna (Papa Louie) vs Unparalleled Innocence (Rain World) 12:30 PM
Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts) vs Suzy Johnson (Phineas and Ferb) 12:45 PM
Dr. Hotti (Ace Attorney) vs Sarah (Ed, Edd, and Eddy) 1:00 PM
Bracket H (5/6 - 5/13)
Barney the Dinosaur (Barney and Friends) vs Andy Bernard (The Office) 1:15 PM
Caillou (Caillou) vs Gideon Gleeful (Gravity Falls) 1:30 PM
Joshu Higashikata (JJBA) vs Touga Kiryuu (Revolutionary Girl Utena) 1:45 PM
Ambassador Udina (Mass Effect) vs Father (FMA) 2:00 PM
Akio Ohtori (Revolutionary Girl Utena) vs Kray Foresight (Promare) 2:15 PM
The Worst (Ben 10) vs Hisoka Morrow (Hunter x Hunter) 2:30 PM
Tony Stark (MCU) vs Clay Puppington (Moral Orel) 2:45 PM
Bling Bling Boy (Johnny Test) vs Enji Todoroki (My Hero Academia) 3:00 PM
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Second Round Masterlist:
Baron | The Cat Returns vs. Sylvie | Epithet Erased
Hunter | Rain World vs. Pure Vessel | Hollow Knight
Otachi | Pacific Rim vs. Zagreus | Hades (Supergiant Games)
Rika | Pokemon vs. Transformed Howl | Howl's Moving Castle
Ganon's Corpse | Breath of the Wild 2 vs. Kaworu Nagisa |Neon Genesis Evangelion
Milo Thatch | Atlantis vs. Ryo Asuka | Devilman 1972
Gomez Addams | Addams Family vs. Thanatos | Hades
Blahaj | IKEA vs. Marcy Wu | Amphibia
Calcifer | Howl's Moving Castle vs. Nausicaa | Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Toy Soldier | The Mechanisms vs. Dio Brando | Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Mollymauk Tealeaf | Critical Role vs. Crona | Soul Eater
Herbert West | Reanimator vs. Magnus Chase | Magnus Chase Series
Desire | Sandman vs. Candace Flynn | Phineas and Ferb
Goblin King | Labyrinth vs. Kimiko Ross | Dresden Codak
Link | Breath of the Wind vs. Cecil | Welcome to Night Vale
Lucienne | Sandman vs. Testament | Guilty Gear
Ekko | Arcane vs. Stevonnie | Steven Universe
Newt Geisler | Pacific Rim vs. Gabrielle De Lioncourt | Vampire Chronicles
Rohan Kishibe | Jojo's Bizarre Adventure vs. Yamato | One Piece
Koki Kariya | The World Ends With You vs. Super Star Rockin' Jay | Ninjago
Legolas | Lord of the Rings vs. N | Pokemon
Goro Akechi | Persona 5 Royale vs. Garry | Ib
Bold & Brash | Spongebob Squarepants vs. Simon Petrikov | Adventure Time
Byleth | Fire Emblem 3 Houses vs. Spectile | Pokemon
Hawks | BNHA vs. Meta Knight | Kirby
Professor Venomous | OKKO vs. Double Trouble | She-ra
Johnny C. | Johnny The Homicidal Maniac vs. Lyfrassir Edda | The Mechanisms
Dr. Robotnik | Sonic Movie vs. Zuko | Avatar the Last Airbender
Blue Spirit | Avatar the Last Airbender vs. Kaname Date | Ai: Somnium Files
Will Graham | Hannibal vs. Kusuriuri | Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales
Lewis Pepper | Mystery Skulls vs. Eda Clawthorne | The Owl House
E-boy Wojak | Meme Culture vs. Spectra | Bakugan
Cure Chocolat | Kira Kira Precure a la Mode vs. Maleficient | Maleficient
Dean Winchester | Supernatural vs. Onceler | Lorax
Joker | Persona 5 Royale vs. Dr. Franken Stein | Soul Eater
Nagito Komaeda | Danganronpa vs. Donatello Hamato | ROTTMNT
Greg House | House MD vs. Carla | Dumbing of Age
Klavier Gavin | Ace Attorney vs. Marty McFly | Back to the Future
Elias | Ancient Magnus Bride vs. 4th Phase Ghouls | Ghost
John Mitchell | Being Human UK vs. Zasp | Bug Fables
Kuvira | ATLA vs. Ed Elric | FMA
Mr. Fox | Fantastic Mr. Fox vs. Fujimoto | Ponyo
Jean Descole | Professor Layton vs. Ryan Akagi | Infinity Train
Blackbeard | OFMD vs. Aragorn | LOTR
Alex Fierro | Magnus Chase vs. Juno Steel | Penumbra Podcast
Red Lizard | Rain World vs. Mae | Night in the Woods
Jinx | Arcane vs. Grusha | Pokemon
Jack Sparrow | POTC vs. Medic | TF2
Korra | Legend of Korra vs. Tim Curry Characters | Clue, Rocky Horror
Gunpowder Tim | The Mechanisms vs. Wizard | wizardisananimal
Sonic | Sonic vs. Team Rocket | Pokemon
Ilima | Pokemon vs. Grell Sutcliff | Black Butler
Espresso Cookie | Cookie Run vs. Ralsei | Deltarune
Ellie Sattler | Jurassic Park vs. Ryuko | Kill La Kill
Columbo | Columbo vs. Beast Wirt | OTGW
Jennifer Check - Jennifer's Body vs. JD - Heathers
Gerry Keay | TMA vs. Kris Dreemurr | Deltarune
Ranma Saotome | Ranma 1/2 vs. Alucard/Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes | Castlevania
ENA | ENA vs. Raine Whispers | TOH
Danny Fenton | Danny Phantom vs. Papa Emeritus III | Ghost bc
Rouxls Kaard | Deltarune vs. Arven | Pokemon
Denji | Chainsaw Man vs. Haruka Tenou | Sailor Moon
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omnipotina2 · 4 years
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Yeahhhh, this will work on him
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sensitivityreaders · 4 years
sensitivity reader
name: martha/marty
pronouns: she/her, they/them
age: minor
reads for: asexual spectrum, biromantic, asthmatic, hashimoto's 
sensitivity reading:
general questions and discussion: yes in-depth discussion of plots and characters: yes partial read (relevant sections): yes full read: no
willing to read: original work, fanfiction (steven universe, epithet erased, gravity falls, the serafina series - robert beatty)
unwilling to read: erotica/nsfw/explicit scenes, works in which sexual content is a/the main focus
rates: free
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