#Epithet erased calliope
random-meme-bot · 2 years
Ok so there are some ideas about Epithet erased that have been bouncing in my head after reading Prison of Plastic and I just need to get them out
(Spoilers so beware)
Ama just be clear on this, I think Marty (Molly's & Lori's Dad) was the reason for the fire on the old "Blyndeff Toy Emporium", or at the very least the reason the fire alarm didn't activate.
So first of, let's start with what im more confident:
The Fire alarm
Marty's main job on the store is supplying it with toys to sell, the way he does this is by building them himself.
I believe the guy either was missing some pieces for some project he was working on and just took them from the fire alarm thinking "Eh, I'm sure it's not that important"
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Or decided to do a little "peek-in" to inspire himself, either breaking it on the process or jut not being able to put it back together afterwards.
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I mean, if he broke the thing he would just thought nothing of it and then forgotten about it
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None of the other members of the family would have done something as careless as break the fire alarm and don't say anything, especially Molly or Calliope since they are the most responsible members of the family, and Lori has no idea why the fire alarm didn't went off
And, I know what you're thinking.
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"The fire alarm could just be defective, or the battery could've just runned off, not everything has to be because of someone"
And while yes, it's true that things like that coud happen, I don't think Jello would take something as important to the plot as "They couldn't escape from the fire in time because the fire alarm didn't activate" and just brush it off as "It didn't activate because it just so happened to be broken, bad luck" (My source's are his streams playing Ace Attorney Investigations, so take it at your own risk)
But this is just a small part of the biggest picture, let's discuss the Phoenix in the room:
The cause of the Fire
Ok so first of all, I don't believe Lori was the "Firestarter", while her Epithet activating during the night without her knowing makes sense, there are two things that shows that, that wasn't the case
First of all, that night she was sleeping on a dream bubble.
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Which means the fire couldn't have come from her, when shes on the bubble everything she creates appears on the bubble, on top of that everything created on the bubble disappears outside of the bubble (as apparent by Trixie, Feenie & Rick going back to normal form outside of the bubble)
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Even if that wasn't the case, I doub the fire could have gotten out of the bubble on its own since the bubbles are indestructible for anybody except Lori, Molly (and sometimes Rick)
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As for who started the fire, I'll admit I don't have that much in terms of concrete evidence, and the few I have point to (unsurprisingly) to Marty.
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Let's analyze the few things we know, at some point in the night a fire started somewhere on the "Blyndeff Toy Emporium", the fire alarm was not working that day so we can assume that someone gott awakened by the fire and alerted the rest, after being alerted, Molly got into Lori's room & tried woke her up from her bubble, event that caused her to discover her epithet
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after Lori was woken up they both got out of the house, after some time Marty came out with Calliope on his arms.
There's a lot of information missing since we only know Lorelai's version of the story, but It doesn't add up doesn't it?
How coud Molly have gotten into Lori's room, awoken her epithet & gotten out before Marty & Calliope?
This is especially weird if we assume that like most family's both parents were sleeping on the same bed or at least the same room, meaning they would've been alerted at the same time.
Ok let's put all the pieces together and finally unveil my theory.
Marty Blyndeff had gotten himself the bestest of toy's ideas, "A Robot toy" he had been working night & day on it and it was finally finished! He just needed a battery to test it, he got out of his workshop and started looking for something that really didn't need the battery, he's eyes stopped on the Fire Alarm,
"Of course" he tough "That thing is just there for aesthetic, I mean if it is sooooooo important, why would there be only one on the whole store", he took the battery out of the Alarm and then used it to Power his creation.
The little robot made some weird noises and moved a bit before releasing some sparks which led to it catching fire, maybe going from simple wood toy's to complicated robots was not as good as an idea as he initially thought, this was bad since most of the things in the workshop ware also made out of wood, thinking quickly [For maybe the first time in his life] Marty grabbed a nearby bottle of acetone to try and put off the fire, after all, all liquids are strong against fire right?
Acetone as the flammable liquids that it is only made things worse, it made it so the flames started to spread faster, the fire had gotten to the rest of acetone bottles and other flammable chemicals causing a huge explosion that knocked Marty unconscious, the entire workshop and part of the store was now covered in flames that were quickly expanding.
Molly Blyndeff was sleeping on her room as usual when a noise woke her up, she had always been really susceptible to sounds due to her great hearing, she opened her eyes and found her room getting filled with thick black smoke, "FIRE!" She shouted, she came out of her room yelling "MOM, DAD, LORI!" she heard some noises coming from her parents room so they were awake, but she was more worried about her sister's room, no sound was coming from it, "WHAT IF SHE WAS HURT OR WORSE?!" Molly entered her sisters room, and found one of her sister's dream bubble surrounded by fire, "WOULD THE BUBBLE PROTECT HER?!" Molly didn't know, she started punching the sphere with all her force as she screamed "LORI WAKE UP, PLEASE!" a green aura started to emanate from her hands and the walls of the bubble started to disappear revealing Lori's bed with her on top still sleeping, without thinking it twice Molly grabbed her sister and started shaking her, "LORI PLEASE! WAKE UP!" Lorelai woke up just to find her sister crying, shaking, screaming, and glowing, that last part would had caught her attention a lot more if it wasn't for the flaming inferno that was surrounding them, they both got out of the room, got down the stairs and escaped the store.
While this was happening Marty woke up, he was on his workshop, his head hurt and he couldn't remember much, he was finishing his Robot toy and something happened...? It didn't matter, what mattered now was getting away from all the fiery situation he had found himself into, he got up and started to make his way out of the workshop and up into the middle floor of the store, he made his way to the stairs and started to go up into the bedrooms, he had important things in his room that he didn't want getting burned, when he opened the door he found his wife laying unconscious om the floor, the building was collapsing, there wasn't enough time to save both his wife & his stuff, so he picked up his wife and escaped the building reuniting finally with the rest of his family.
Here's my (more or less plausible) theory of what happened that day, It's very rough as the only version of the events we have is Lorelai's which is not much, we also don't know how their old toy store was in terms of architecture so I kinda just had to assume it was similar to the one they have now and use the layout of that one.
I'm sure this is how it happened?
No, not in a million years the amount of information I had to fill up to make that Fanfic Theory makes the story as a whole pretty unreliable.
I'm sure Marty is the responsable of the fire and the fire alarm not working? Yes, absolutely, maybe not the fire though as again, not much prof, but the fire alarm was definitely Marty's thing.
So anyway, here are my ramblings about Epithet Erased Prision of Plastic, please give me your opinions on this theories and the book as a whole I'm really interested on what other people think.
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thatfreak03 · 1 year
I know I compare media I like to songs too much already but...
(Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes)
The song Things We Lost In The Fire by Bastille fits the Blyndeff family a little too well.
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Martin is the dead one in this au since Coraline's parents are the un-fun ones and Martin is already... martin
alt under the cut
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jelloapocalypse · 5 months
"The Website Said it Was in Stock!"
New Epithet Erased short. Artwork by LuveyGold Original audio by Scott Seiss
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bridgingthedistance · 8 months
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molly-wolly-doodle-woodle-all-the-day blyndeff's first existensial crisis
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This took me a week!!! Pretty proud of the result
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daily-odile · 5 months
Odile patting Molly Epithet Erased on the head, you know why
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have two bc i care them
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disarraydoodlez · 6 months
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Christmas List Erased Day 24: The ghost of Christmas past, Family
I know these last two we're doing are MEGA late but Christmas really took it out of us. This was SUPPOSED to be on schedule to make everyone sad on the 24th right before Christmas but family obligations and tiredness absolutely destroyed us so we went for quality over quantity with this one. 23/25 is still a good ratio. We have one more picture for Christmas list erased prolly posting later today and mayhaps a doodle page and something else.
As always, thank y'all for all the support this blog has gotten, is been so epic making all of this art and seeing people enjoying it so much! The 25th is the one I've been the most excited for so please guess the characters and theme!
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ryderdire · 1 month
Wait Howie and Calliope as friends is CANNON???
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pumpkster · 1 year
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tunaf1sk · 10 months
Do you have access to a copy of the epithet art book yet? Lorelai's section in particular has a lot of interesting context about the character designs of the Blyndeff family that could be useful for the Blyndeffswap AU. For example, each Blyndeff is represented by a color, in Molly's hair. This is why pink is the least prominent of the colors in the designs of the other family members. I think it would be interesting if, in Blyndeffswap, they had more pink and less yellow.
Currently I don't have the art book (this ask was actually the first place I'd heard it was even out) but it would be fun to have in the future! As for the color thing, I actually had a hunch that it might be the case and designed the Blyndeffswap versions to always wear some amount of their designated color (Lorelai always wears at least some purple, Molly always green, and Calliope always pink or fuschia).
This is also as good an excuse as any to share the concept art I've made for the Blyndeffswap "soft reboot" (don't know what else to call it).
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(These images were drawn over a few weeks, hence the difference in style between them. Calliope's was more a proof of concept than anything else)
It wasn't very intentional, but Lorelai is the only one here to wear any substantial amount of yellow, albeit as an accent color. Maybe that could also work in one way, with Lorelai being Martin's "successor" in a sense?
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mimiri22-6 · 1 year
Sudden realizations about EE/POP #1
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Calliope most likely did the girl's hair before she passed but she only got around to teaching Loralai to do it herself because, well, Molly was 9-10 when it happened. Sure, she most likely knows some basics on how to take care of her hair; what products to use and not to use, how often to wash it ect ect(idk specifics or the right terminology to use, I'm white, so I just kind of let it do whatever??? But also if I have head and shoulders, I'm gonna use it. I do not take care of my wavy, curly, thick hair like I should but...¯\_(ツ)_/¯), but as a smaller child she didn't really have the dextarity or need to learn to it asap. She-*sniff* She had her moma to do it for her.
Molly has a constant afro, but her moma used to put it in puffy pigtails! Like Bear Ears! 😭 AND THE CLOSEST MOLLY CAN GET IT NOW IS TO LET SOME STRAINDS CURL AWAY MORE FROM THE REST TO MAKE SMALLER BEAR EARS NOW!! 😭😭
I need fanart of 12 yo Molly with her hair done again. I need fanfics of Giovanni learning black hair care and helping Molly with hers. I NEED THE HEALING ARC TO BE SEEN THROUGH HER HAIR TRANSITION! IM ALWAYS SO FKINF FERAL OVER BEING ABLE TO SEE DIFFERENT PARTS OF PEOPLES LIVES THROUGH STILLS AND NOTICING LITTLE THINGS LIKE THISSSSS! (I may not take care of my hair w the right products, but the length of it is Very rooted(ha) in different parts of my life)
istg, if Molly dosen't have pigtails/galaxy buns by the end of EE I'm going to-idek, cry? Maybe cry. Be very upset at least. Like. It's Right There!(Am I slow and this is just a widely known thing that I've only noticed now or did I do something for once?(no but seriously, tell me if this was a thing before I said anything))
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breakthrough88 · 6 months
I know I have the Epithet Shifted AU which I do intend to do more of. But I thought to myself a few days ago “What if Epithet Erased was an animated sitcom?”
Sitcom AU
Epithets still exist to add onto possible shenanigans but there are still some big changes.
Calliope is still alive which leads to Martin being a notably better dad (nowhere near father of the year but he’s okay)
There’s a lot less crime and Bliss Ocean doesn’t exist. Now I wouldn’t say I’m a huge expert on sitcoms but in my experience they don’t have that much crime and they definitely don’t cover terrorism.
Ramsey is a more legitamate appraiser who probably has a shady past.
Percy’s still a cop of course, no need to change that. Maybe she’s married to Ramsey. I’ll confess I haven’t 100% figured out all the details.
I have no ideas for Zora except she’s still an absolute menace.
Giovanni is Lorelai’s age and they are friends. Lorelai has a huge crush on Giovanni and everyone knows except Giovanni…. And maybe Martin. Though in this hypothetical sitcom they would start dating at some point.
Sylvie would still be a high schooler and would be introduced in an episode where Lorelai has to get a tutor and she’s appalled that her tutor is a freshman.
I don’t know what Mera’s role would be but her epithet wouldn’t affect as badly. Like she’s still prone to injury but not to the point where breaking her bones is a daily concern.
I literally just thought of this as I was typing it but Rick would be introduced partway through the series. Calliope would talk to Martin about how they need to higher someone and later Martin would just find Rick in the streets. Because Rick is Rick, Calliope wouldn’t want to hire him until she hears his tragic backstory.
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beepinout · 1 year
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Two broken support beams
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Made a Calliope sprite I'm really happy with!
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I always find Sylvie's Nightmare Fuel ability so interesting. Because like the first time he uses it Molly is PARALYZED with fear, but... After that, nothing happens to that same effect, even after Mera pulls the same thing
I personally have a theory that the effectiveness depends on how tired the victim is (Hell even with Mera it could have summoned an army of ducks or put thumbtacks all over the floor). I wonder if Sylvie is just too impatient to wait to hit someone with the Sleep Powder to combo it so he just uses it by itself sometimes and hopes it works (It usually doesn't)
it could also be how scared they are of it? we don't know how scared Mera is of ducks, but Molly has fire related trauma
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