#ee marty
random-meme-bot · 2 years
Ok so there are some ideas about Epithet erased that have been bouncing in my head after reading Prison of Plastic and I just need to get them out
(Spoilers so beware)
Ama just be clear on this, I think Marty (Molly's & Lori's Dad) was the reason for the fire on the old "Blyndeff Toy Emporium", or at the very least the reason the fire alarm didn't activate.
So first of, let's start with what im more confident:
The Fire alarm
Marty's main job on the store is supplying it with toys to sell, the way he does this is by building them himself.
I believe the guy either was missing some pieces for some project he was working on and just took them from the fire alarm thinking "Eh, I'm sure it's not that important"
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Or decided to do a little "peek-in" to inspire himself, either breaking it on the process or jut not being able to put it back together afterwards.
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I mean, if he broke the thing he would just thought nothing of it and then forgotten about it
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None of the other members of the family would have done something as careless as break the fire alarm and don't say anything, especially Molly or Calliope since they are the most responsible members of the family, and Lori has no idea why the fire alarm didn't went off
And, I know what you're thinking.
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"The fire alarm could just be defective, or the battery could've just runned off, not everything has to be because of someone"
And while yes, it's true that things like that coud happen, I don't think Jello would take something as important to the plot as "They couldn't escape from the fire in time because the fire alarm didn't activate" and just brush it off as "It didn't activate because it just so happened to be broken, bad luck" (My source's are his streams playing Ace Attorney Investigations, so take it at your own risk)
But this is just a small part of the biggest picture, let's discuss the Phoenix in the room:
The cause of the Fire
Ok so first of all, I don't believe Lori was the "Firestarter", while her Epithet activating during the night without her knowing makes sense, there are two things that shows that, that wasn't the case
First of all, that night she was sleeping on a dream bubble.
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Which means the fire couldn't have come from her, when shes on the bubble everything she creates appears on the bubble, on top of that everything created on the bubble disappears outside of the bubble (as apparent by Trixie, Feenie & Rick going back to normal form outside of the bubble)
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Even if that wasn't the case, I doub the fire could have gotten out of the bubble on its own since the bubbles are indestructible for anybody except Lori, Molly (and sometimes Rick)
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As for who started the fire, I'll admit I don't have that much in terms of concrete evidence, and the few I have point to (unsurprisingly) to Marty.
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Let's analyze the few things we know, at some point in the night a fire started somewhere on the "Blyndeff Toy Emporium", the fire alarm was not working that day so we can assume that someone gott awakened by the fire and alerted the rest, after being alerted, Molly got into Lori's room & tried woke her up from her bubble, event that caused her to discover her epithet
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after Lori was woken up they both got out of the house, after some time Marty came out with Calliope on his arms.
There's a lot of information missing since we only know Lorelai's version of the story, but It doesn't add up doesn't it?
How coud Molly have gotten into Lori's room, awoken her epithet & gotten out before Marty & Calliope?
This is especially weird if we assume that like most family's both parents were sleeping on the same bed or at least the same room, meaning they would've been alerted at the same time.
Ok let's put all the pieces together and finally unveil my theory.
Marty Blyndeff had gotten himself the bestest of toy's ideas, "A Robot toy" he had been working night & day on it and it was finally finished! He just needed a battery to test it, he got out of his workshop and started looking for something that really didn't need the battery, he's eyes stopped on the Fire Alarm,
"Of course" he tough "That thing is just there for aesthetic, I mean if it is sooooooo important, why would there be only one on the whole store", he took the battery out of the Alarm and then used it to Power his creation.
The little robot made some weird noises and moved a bit before releasing some sparks which led to it catching fire, maybe going from simple wood toy's to complicated robots was not as good as an idea as he initially thought, this was bad since most of the things in the workshop ware also made out of wood, thinking quickly [For maybe the first time in his life] Marty grabbed a nearby bottle of acetone to try and put off the fire, after all, all liquids are strong against fire right?
Acetone as the flammable liquids that it is only made things worse, it made it so the flames started to spread faster, the fire had gotten to the rest of acetone bottles and other flammable chemicals causing a huge explosion that knocked Marty unconscious, the entire workshop and part of the store was now covered in flames that were quickly expanding.
Molly Blyndeff was sleeping on her room as usual when a noise woke her up, she had always been really susceptible to sounds due to her great hearing, she opened her eyes and found her room getting filled with thick black smoke, "FIRE!" She shouted, she came out of her room yelling "MOM, DAD, LORI!" she heard some noises coming from her parents room so they were awake, but she was more worried about her sister's room, no sound was coming from it, "WHAT IF SHE WAS HURT OR WORSE?!" Molly entered her sisters room, and found one of her sister's dream bubble surrounded by fire, "WOULD THE BUBBLE PROTECT HER?!" Molly didn't know, she started punching the sphere with all her force as she screamed "LORI WAKE UP, PLEASE!" a green aura started to emanate from her hands and the walls of the bubble started to disappear revealing Lori's bed with her on top still sleeping, without thinking it twice Molly grabbed her sister and started shaking her, "LORI PLEASE! WAKE UP!" Lorelai woke up just to find her sister crying, shaking, screaming, and glowing, that last part would had caught her attention a lot more if it wasn't for the flaming inferno that was surrounding them, they both got out of the room, got down the stairs and escaped the store.
While this was happening Marty woke up, he was on his workshop, his head hurt and he couldn't remember much, he was finishing his Robot toy and something happened...? It didn't matter, what mattered now was getting away from all the fiery situation he had found himself into, he got up and started to make his way out of the workshop and up into the middle floor of the store, he made his way to the stairs and started to go up into the bedrooms, he had important things in his room that he didn't want getting burned, when he opened the door he found his wife laying unconscious om the floor, the building was collapsing, there wasn't enough time to save both his wife & his stuff, so he picked up his wife and escaped the building reuniting finally with the rest of his family.
Here's my (more or less plausible) theory of what happened that day, It's very rough as the only version of the events we have is Lorelai's which is not much, we also don't know how their old toy store was in terms of architecture so I kinda just had to assume it was similar to the one they have now and use the layout of that one.
I'm sure this is how it happened?
No, not in a million years the amount of information I had to fill up to make that Fanfic Theory makes the story as a whole pretty unreliable.
I'm sure Marty is the responsable of the fire and the fire alarm not working? Yes, absolutely, maybe not the fire though as again, not much prof, but the fire alarm was definitely Marty's thing.
So anyway, here are my ramblings about Epithet Erased Prision of Plastic, please give me your opinions on this theories and the book as a whole I'm really interested on what other people think.
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Come see me on tour!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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My next novel is The Bezzle, a high-tech ice-cold revenge thriller starring Marty Hench, a two-fisted forensic accountant, as he takes on the sleaziest scams of the first two decades of the 2000s, from hamburger-themed Ponzis to the unbelievably sleazy and evil prison-tech industry:
I'm taking Marty on the road! I'll be visiting eighteen cities between now and June, and I hope you'll come out and say hello, visit a beloved local bookseller, and maybe get a book (or two)!
21 Feb: Weller Bookworks, Salt Lake City, 1830h: https://www.wellerbookworks.com/event/store-cory-doctorow-feb-21-630-pm
22 Feb: Mysterious Galaxy, San Diego, 19h: https://www.mystgalaxy.com/22224Doctorow
24 Feb: Vroman's, Pasadena, 17h, with Adam Conover (!!) https://www.vromansbookstore.com/Cory-Doctorow-discusses-The-Bezzle
26 Feb: Third Place Books, Seattle, 19h, with Neal Stephenson (!!!) https://www.thirdplacebooks.com/event/cory-doctorow
27 Feb: Powell's, Portland, 19h: https://www.powells.com/book/the-bezzle-martin-hench-2-9781250865878/1-2
29 Feb: Changing Hands, Phoenix, 1830h: https://www.changinghands.com/event/february2024/cory-doctorow
9-10 Mar: Tucson Festival of the Book: https://tucsonfestivalofbooks.org/?action=display_author&id=15669
13 Mar: San Francisco Public Library: https://sfpl.org/events/2024/03/13/author-cory-doctrow-bezzle
22 Mar: Toronto: Wendy Michener Memorial Lecture: https://events.yorku.ca/events/wendy-michener-memorial-lecture2024/
24 Mar: NYC: Word Books (with Laura Poitras): https://shop.wordbookstores.com/event/word-presents-cory-doctorow
29-31 Mar: Wondercon Anaheim: https://www.comic-con.org/wc/
11 Apr: Harvard Berkman-Klein Center (with Randall Munroe) https://cyber.harvard.edu/events/enshittification
12 Apr: RISD Debates in AI, Providence, details coming soon!
17 Apr: Anderson's Books, Chicago, 19h: https://www.andersonsbookshop.com/event/cory-doctorow-1
19-21 Apr: Torino Biennale Tecnologia https://www.turismotorino.org/en/experiences/events/biennale-tecnologia
2 May, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Winnipeg https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/cory-doctorow-tickets-798820071337
5-11 May: Tartu Prima Vista Literary Festival https://tartu2024.ee/en/kirjandusfestival/
6-9 Jun: Media Ecology Association keynote, Amherst, NY https://media-ecology.org/convention
Calgary and Vancouver – details coming soon!
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ejzah · 1 year
A/N: For @mashmaiden, who requested a kid fic with the grandmas. Sorry I’ve been so absent with my Fair shenanigans!
It All Comes Back Around Again
“Alright, here we are!” Deeks announced, pulling into Julia’s driveway. Roberta’s car was already parked to the right. He looked over the driver’s seat into the back where Caleb and Sofia were facing backwards, holding hands in the small space between their seats.
“You ready to see Gradma Deeks and Grandma Julia?” Kensi asked.
“Duwi!” Caleb shouted, his little legs kicking excitedly as Julia more quietly exclaimed, “Dama!”
In their mysterious twin toddler ways, Caleb and Sophia had simultaneously christened the grandmas with their own unique versions of their names. It wasn’t clear if the choices were merely based on convenience and ease of pronunciation, or some other reason adults would never be able to fathom.
“Tayeb out!” Caleb requested when Kensi opened his door, reaching for her. Sophia patiently waited while Deeks unbuckled her seat belt, helpfully lifting her arms so he could pick her up.
He didn’t set her down once she was out thought, having learned that she was a little escape artist, and would likely take off as soon as he let go.
“See doddy pease?” she asked, pointing towards the fenced in back yard.
“Yep, I bet Grandma Julia has Ginger outside,” Deeks replied. He tucked a light brown curl behind Sophia’s ear. “Remember, no sitting on the dog. Ok?”
Following the sound of Roberta’s distinctive laugh, Kensi and Deeks walked to the backyard, free hands linked while they each held a kiddo in the other arm.
When they walked through the side gate, Julia and Roberta were sitting at the glass topped table with what looked like cocktails.
“Dama!” Sophia shouted excitedly, scrambling down from Deeks’ arms, and running as fast as her little legs could take her to Julia and Roberta. Caleb was a few steps behind, dragging Kensi along with him. In order to keep up, Kensi had to run at an awkward crouched jog.
“Oh, my babies!” Julia said, clasping her hands to her chest as the twins slammed into her and Roberta’s legs. Caleb hugged her legs, leaving a wet attempt at a kiss on her knee before moving.
“Get up here, kiddo,” Roberta said. Caleb bounced on his tiny sneakered feet until she picked him up.
“Me up?” Sophia asked, tugging at the hem of Julia’s cardigan.
“Of course, my beautiful Sophia. I missed you.” Sophia didn’t respond verbally, but seemed to get the gist of Julia’s words, hugging her around the neck.
Deeks watched them, heart nearly bursting at the sight of their moms so content. He saw Kensi with a similar gleam in her eyes.
“I remember when Kensi was this age,” Julia reminisced once they were all settled, fondness lighting every feature as she balanced Sophia on her thighs. “She would sneak into the kitchen where we kept little candies and treats in a drawer. I would catch her with a sucker or chocolate in her little hand and she’d put the whole thing, wrapper and all, in her mouth. Whenever it got quiet, I knew where I could find my Kensi.
“So-ee tandy!” Sophia announced, attention caught by one of her favorite things. When she didn’t see any evidence of candy or other sweets, she turned back to Julia with a little huff and started patting her cheeks.
“Ah, so not much has changed in 40 years,” Deeks teased, chin tipped up as he grinned at Kensi.
“Thanks so much, mom,” Kensk said wryly. “Alright, give me a baby Deeks story, Roberta. It’s only fair.”
Deeks made a noise of objection. “Oh, I think there are more than enough stories about me during my tender childhood years floating around.”
“Marty was a happy little baby. He loved to talk,” Roberta shared gladly. She nodded to Caleb, who was standing beside Julia’s chair now, speaking to Sophia in a mixture of English, Spanish, and baby jargon.
“You were saying,” Kensi drawled at Deeks.
“Fine, fine. I concede, we made mini-me’s.”
“When he was about a year and a half, I got a phone call that took longer then I expected. By the time I finished, I hear all this wailing coming from the bathroom,” Roberta continued, clearly relishing the story. Deeks bore it with a resigned sigh, having heard this one before.
“I think he was trying to sing. Anyway, I get in there and what do you think my little Martin’s doing? Washing the bath towels in the toilet.”
Kensi snorted and narrowly avoided spraying the table with a mouthful of seltzer. Sophia reached over to helpfully pat her on the back.
“Thanks, sweetie,” Kensi choked.
“Really, mama? You had to pick that story? You could have told about the time I made you a bouquet of dandelions or attempted to eat an entire carton of ice cream.”
“Aw, I think it was cute.” Kensi grinned up at him, rubbing his shoulder. “Now I know where your neat freak tendencies come from. Started when you were just a little baby. Though fortunately now you use the washing machine.
“You’re hilarious.”
“I love hearing all these stories,” Julia said.
A/N: That story about Kensi may or may not have been borrowed from my own life. Apparently I ate a lot of candy wrappers when I was a toddler.
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berberanews · 2 months
Bandhigga Caalamiga ah ee Buugaagta Hargeysa oo la soo gabogabeeyey, Wixii Ku Cusbaa Sannadkan Buugaagta ugu iibsiga badan
Hargeysa (Berberanews):- Bandhigga Caalamiga ah ee Buugaagta Hargeysa oo sannadkan galay kalkiisii 17aad, ayaa caawa lagu soo gabogabeeyey Xarunta Dhaqanka ee Hargeysa oo uu lixdii cisho ee ugu dambeeyay si xidhiidh ah uga socday Habeen iyo Maalinba.Bandhigga 17aad oo Sannadkan Hal-ku-dheg looga dhigay Is-ahaansho, isla markaana si gaar ah uu Marti ugu ahaa Dalka Tunisia, ayaa lixda cisho ee uu…
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annieintheaair · 6 months
There's a million chances for mistakes, that we both can't promise not to make. There's a million doubts that you might have, but is a spark enough to not hold back?
We can spend so much time making all of the plans but the truth is, the only plan is God's plan.
I was going to go to church at 5pm tonight, as we had planned, but then switched to the 3:30pm service and then eventually settled on the 2pm service. My new therapist, Jose, had told me to invite Todd to church tonight, despite everything, and see if he would show up. Not only was I 99.9% sure that he wouldn't show up for the 5pm service but I also didn't care if he showed up or not. Of course, it's not that I don't want people going to church but I didn't care about him being there for me anymore. I went to the 2pm service because I wanted to be there.
I honestly debated all morning if I was going to go at all and eventually realized that I needed to go because the experience on TV just isn't the same. I hated the drive because it's so long but when I finally got close to church, I felt a lot of relief and was happy when I finally got out of my car and walked into church.
Listening to Pastor John talk today, I knew for sure that God encouraged me to go for a reason. He knew I needed to be there. Pastor John talked about the questions we have, like why do bad things happen to good people and why does God allow suffering? He talked about sin and forgiveness and all of it just made me cry but I had to contain myself because I didn't have any tissues with me. It was the perfect message for me to hear. I wish Todd could have been there to hear it, too.
After church, I ran into a few of my friends that I serve with at Students and it was so good to see them and it felt nice to be hugged. I was relieved that no one asked me where Todd was because I wouldn't have wanted to talk about it anyway.
When I left church, I went to check out a house for rent. I didn't know when I inquired about it but it was around the corner from the house that was for sale that Todd and I looked at a few months ago and said was our dream house. The floorplan of the house looked almost identical to the one we had seen and when I left the neighborhood, I passed the house we loved.
My long drive home felt like a trip down memory lane, not of the bad memories but some of the best ones. Seeing the house and driving around that area made me think about the future that we had envisioned for ourselves and the goals that we had together. I drove out towards Denton and recognized some roads we had driven on early in our relationship.
I made a detour to stop for brisket tacos at Marty B's. I debated eating there alone or ordering and grabbing a drink at the bar while I waited but instead, I ordered my food, waited for it, and then left. I haven't been in the mood to drink alcohol all week (my last drink was at the nail salon before our fight). I stopped at the coffee shop, too, and picked up an energy drink for the rest of my ride home.
About 30 minutes from my house, I approached the outlet mall where we had gone just two weeks ago. I passed Buc-ee's where we stopped for candy, and the restaurant where we had lunch. I thought about how we had gone to the movies and we wanted to spend more time together so he stayed another night even though it was a Sunday night and he had to work the next morning.
Years ago, I remember hearing something about parallel universes (multiverses). The Many-Worlds Theory basically says that for every possible outcome, another universe is formed. For all of the decisions that we make, we could have made a different choice. In some other universe, Todd and I had a happy ending, just like in another universe, Dan never died.
As I drove (I drove at least 200 miles today so I had a lot of time to think), I thought more about the church service and I was listening to some songs that pulled at my heartstrings. Just like the questions that Pastor John mentioned in church, I wondered why we hurt each other. I heard once, "Hurt people, hurt people." Aren't we all hurting in some way or another? Why do we hurt each other? Isn't there enough hurt and pain in this world that's beyond our control? Why do we have to add additional hurt?
I thought about this week and this weekend in particular, how I had it all planned out and it turned out to look nothing like what had been planned. It felt like it was going to be a great weekend and there were so many things in the coming weeks and months that we (or maybe just I) were looking forward to. I know I need to trust God's plan but it's hard when I'm really hurting. I just wonder sometimes why I have to hurt so much and when and if the hurt will ever end.
In some ways, I wish I could rewind time to last week before everything fell apart so that I could make other choices and keep all of the future plans that we had. Even if I could rewind time though, if this was God's plan, then this all would have happened anyway and there is nothing I could have done or said to change any of that.
I do wish that we could have talked before it went so far to end with so much hurt. I truly believe that it would have all turned out a lot differently if instead of going silent in the car on the way back to his apartment he had chosen to talk to me. I fell for him in the first place because of his long messages and it seemed like he was great at communicating in the beginning, only to later realize that he would shut me out whenever he was mad about something. In the end, all I wanted was to meet up and talk in person and end on better terms if that was the inevitable.
Thinking about Jesus, who loves us no matter what, forgives us no matter what we've done, and never leaves us, I just wish that people could do the same. I feel like I was able to forgive Todd for the things he did to me to hurt me, including three weeks ago when I slept at my old neighbor's house because he wouldn't let me inside his apartment and his mom told me to sleep in my car or drive an hour home drunk. I even tried to forgive his mom and thought I'd manage to have brunch tomorrow even though I was still hurt and upset about it since she wasn't even sorry for suggesting those things to me.
The Bible teaches us to forgive others in order to be forgiven by God for our own wrongdoings. I know I try my best to follow Jesus but sometimes fall short. I think that's part of being human. We are not perfect people. I wish Todd could have forgiven me for the things that I did that unintentionally hurt him. I don't know if his intent was to hurt me or if he was hurting me because he was hurt. I know that my actions last weekend came from a place of hurt and it all spiraled into so much more hurt. What hurts the most is knowing that the person I loved felt the need to hurt me back, to shatter my heart into a million pieces. At what point do we learn to stop hurting each other?
I know I'll never be able to change the past and God's plan is always so much better than my own but I just can't stop feeling so awful about my own mistakes and Todd's lack of forgiveness and willingness to try to fix things. I really do want to be with someone who means it when they say they love me and who will do anything and everything to make it work. Now, I just wonder, when will I start to feel better about all of this even without his forgiveness?
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le-amewzing · 2 years
More than a decade of being an LA fan, and that big xover event finally convinces me to write LA fic. ;P *Note: This is set after s14e10, "A Long Time Coming."
Fic: "Feral" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: Devin Rountree & Fatima Namazi (platonic but okay to tag as Fountree!), Marty Deeks/Kensi Blye
Rating: K+
Words: ~2,330
Additional info: friendship, hurt/comfort, light angst?, fluff, 3rd person POV
Summary: Rountree saw a different kind of action as a result of the Williams investigation. But now it's time to put the case behind him and recuperate…even if he is curious about what his team got up to…
      Being held hostage had never been something on Devin Rountree's bucket list. But it was something he now mentally added and immediately crossed off while he waited for the nurses at the hospital to come back with an update.
      His phone buzzed in his pocket as he sat with his legs hanging over the edge of his hospital bed, and he didn't wonder for a second who it could be, considering how shaken Fatima had been when the team located him at Miller's hideout earlier today. That was why he blinked in surprise when Deeks' name appeared onscreen. He winced in pain as he glanced around to check if he might disturb anyone around him by swiping right.
      "There he is!" Deeks chirped from the passenger seat in Kensi's SUV. The blond angled the phone so Rountree had both of them in view. "Hey, Rountree, that ice helping?"
      Rountree chuckled and grinned automatically—and hissed, too. It'd been hours, but it still hurt to smile. "Not much," he admitted, lowering the disposable icepack from his face.
      "Well, keep it on—even if it doesn't feel like it, ice works," Kensi instructed in that sisterly tone of hers. She let her eyes drift from the road to Deeks' phone for a split-second, to emphasize her words.
      "Will do," Rountree promised, though he returned the pack to just below his bottom lip so he could chat with them for a bit. "You guys heading home?"
      "Yep," Deeks replied. "Parker and Torres had a flight to catch back east, and Tennant and Tara lingered a bit longer. I think Tennant wasn't ready to cast her Agent Afloat back to sea quite yet." He motioned to Rountree with a jerk of his chin. "But we cleared out all the guests before locking up for the day, so no worries."
      Kensi shot her husband a look. "Hardly. Sam and Shyla were putting the finishing touches on their reports and Callen was haunting them up in ops because his phone started ringing. Pretty sure it was Arkady looking to grab a drink."
      Rountree wished he could muster a more genuine smile as the couple bickered about the post-case details and simultaneously tried to settle on a story regarding the absence of Deeks' truck for Rosa. Truly, though, he wished he had more energy to pay attention to his friends…
      His eyes wandered to the intake bracelet taped to his wrist atop his bandages. Sure, the team had gotten him an ambulance, and the initial field examinations had been good. But the EMTs as well as Kilbride had insisted Rountree follow up with the ER. He'd had a round of x-rays already, but the nurses had disappeared after he'd insisted they didn't need to cram him into an MRI machine for additional scans.
      …no, he really didn't want to be in any tight spaces, not after that smothering trick Miller had her henchman pull.
      "…ee? …tree? Rountree," Kensi said, more firmly this time.
      Her tone finally snapped him out of it. "Hmm, yeah?"
      Kensi narrowed her eyes and leaned over the console to get a good look at him. They must've been at a red light. "They are letting you go home, right? The EMTs at the scene—"
      Rountree grinned (ouch, he had to stop doing that by default!) and shook his head. "It's nothing. I think the nurses are just putting together my x-rays for my dentist, as we thought."
      Bad enough Kensi frowned at him, but even Deeks gave him some serious side eye. They already had one kid to get home to; Rountree didn't want them to make a detour on his behalf.
      "Instead, you could always fill me in on what I missed out. I'm guessing you wanna leave any gory details at the door when you see Rosa."
      They stared at Rountree and then shared a look. Kensi grumbled before Deeks conceded with a nod. "Considering we were all on a super-secret hit list, I'm kinda surprised that much of the action rather"—Deeks pantomimed making a ball of…something—"sandwiched today's events."
      "You mean 'bookended,' babe," Kensi corrected.
      "Ah, yes, that," he agreed with a snap and point of his fingers.
      Regardless, Rountree furrowed his brow. "So, what? The day's most exciting things were Fatima and me getting shot at with me taken away and then you guys coming to my rescue?"
      Deeks shrugged but nodded. "Well, Torres and I were shot at, too—who knew a big red truck could be a big red target?"
      That explained the earlier bickering. But the mention of his partner also highlighted how Kensi and Deeks hadn't mentioned Fatima in their recounting of leaving OSP today. He replayed in his mind's eye that gigantic hug from Fatima, after he'd been freed, and he pursed his lips. Fatima was always a chill, casual person…but she'd definitely been beside herself once they'd reunited.
      Would it be strange, though, to ask them how Fatima had been while he'd been missing?
      Whether she guessed where his mind had gone or it was simply the place to start her story, Kensi said, "…as Deeks stated, that ambush at the admiral's home caught us all off-guard. Despite needing rest and receiving what I thought was my best mom voice, Fatima was raring to go from the start."
      Rountree frowned. That didn't sound like anything new, since his partner could flip a switch and go from "chill" to "feisty" in no time flat. "And…?"
      Deeks squinted and cocked his head in his usual manner that prefaced telling any one of them some unflattering detail. "And Kens is being really nice when she means that Fatima spent the entire day biting everyone's heads off."
      He gaped at his fellow agents. "She what?!" Rountree froze. "Hold on—I barely interacted with our visitors, but don't tell me—"
      "No," Kensi assured him while Deeks whistled, "no, Fatima kept her blasts aimed primarily at our team and at suspects only. Tennant and the rest understood the circumstances anyway, I'm sure."
      "Wait—what happened with the suspects?!"
      Deeks pulled a face, which Kensi matched, and dodged the question. "Besides, Fatima was back to herself at the end of the day," the blond insisted with a sage stroke of his scruff. "Actually, she and Agent Tara almost seemed chummy."
      "Deeks, Kensi—what happened with the suspects?"
      Kensi turned the wheel, and the SUV rolled to a stop before she cut the engine. Then she gave him a shit-eating grin. "Rountree, honest, it was nothing that Sam and Callen can't smooth over."
      Rountree met her eyes and looked to Deeks, as well, searching for a hint. But if they really didn't want him to worry… "Please tell me that was the most outrageous thing that occurred after my abduction."
      The couple paused for thought. Deeks counted to himself on his free hand. "Not counting the covert clue delivered by one ever-elusive Henrietta Lange and one impressive headshot by one ever-horrifying Hollace Kilbride, there's one other thing, but it's hearsay."
      He'd been with this team long enough that any addition to the myth of Hetty no longer stunned him, but the detail about Kilbride saving his hide startled Rountree. Perhaps the admiral had some fondness for him after all? Nevertheless— "Hearsay?" Rountree echoed. He wouldn't be distracted by the other details, which were stories for another day.
      They both nodded, but Kensi's smile was impressed this time. "According to Lucy—Agent Tara—when she and Fatima surrounded one of Miller's men, Fatima descended on the guy from above, leaping off the leg of the plane like—and I'm quoting here—'Wolverine from X-Men.'" She stifled a snicker. "Apparently Lucy didn't have to do anything once Fatima got to blow off some steam."
      Rountree blinked. He opened his mouth and closed it. "Fatima."
      "Our Fatima, yep."
      "Like…Jackman's Wolverine?"
      "I mean, Lucy didn't specify movies versus comics, but that flying-with-claws-out attack is fairly iconic."
      Rountree brought his legs up and reclined on the hospital bed. Maybe Miller had hit him harder than he'd thought, because he definitely wasn't hearing things right…
      On their end, someone (likely their daughter) called for Kensi and Deeks. The parents gave him mirrored half smiles. "You'll heal in no time, bud," Deeks said.
      "Thanks," he mumbled.
      "And, Rountree?" Kensi waited until he met her eyes again. "Grab an Uber home soon. But feel free to take one here, too, just because."
      He appreciated that she left the "in case doctors feel you need looking after" part unsaid. "Thank you, Kensi, Deeks," he said with a bit more strength in his voice.
      "We'll catch you later," Deeks promised, and they both waved before the video call disconnected.
      While Rountree appreciated knowing some of what transpired while he'd been held hostage…he also found he couldn't quite wrap his head around it. He'd seen Fatima in a foul mood, sure. And he'd seen her kick some serious ass out in the field. But—a feral Fatima?
      He jolted at the sound of her voice and dropped his phone on his stomach. The distance hadn't been far, but the device was heavy enough and his middle was tenderized enough from the day's events so his breath left him in a pained "Oof!"
      Fatima rounded the foot of his hospital bed but was wary of touching him and making things hurt more. She winced along with him. "Rountree, jeez, are you all right? I didn't mean to scare you."
      Rountree gave her a tiny smile that his lips didn't protest. "Nah, not scare. Just…surprised." He glanced at the busy hallway and noted that the staff seemed unbothered with his late-night visitor. "Hey, aren't visiting hours—?"
      Fatima shrugged with just her right shoulder and patted her jeans pocket. "I…might've used my badge to get past the reception desk."
      He quirked an eyebrow.
      "Technically, not against the rules. I am an NCIS Special Agent, checking up on her fellow NCIS Special Agent."
      Rountree stifled a laugh. "Is it a Fatima or an OSP thing, working the rules like that?" he asked, scooting to the left side of the bed so she could sit on the edge.
      Fatima took the offered seat and smirked. "Honestly? Kind of both." She paused then, taking in the sight of him patched up and bruised, and her smirk slowly faded. "So? What do the doctors say?"
      He raised both eyebrows and held her gaze. Then he answered, with some reluctance, "A lot of what the EMTs suspected was right. Bruised ribs, not fractured." He motioned in a circle to his face. "Minor fractures along my jaw, mostly around my teeth. Orbital fracture of my left eye." Rountree hesitated and folded his hands in his lap. "Abrasions on my wrists from where they bound me… The rest is superficial and the nurses already stitched me up as needed, Fatima."
      If she heard his last sentence, she didn't give any indication. Fatima zeroed in on his face with grim determination, her lips pursed so flatly she nearly frowned. But she wasn't staring him in the eye. No, it was easy to guess she was tracing over every last stitch and scratch on his face.
      So Rountree finally said what he meant to instead of enumerating his injuries. "Fatima, you didn't have to come see me tonight. You could've asked tomorrow or another time."
      Yet Fatima shook her head. "…it had to be tonight."
      Rountree studied his partner, studied the tightness in her expression, the drop of her gaze to the hospital's sterile white sheets, the curl of her fingers in his blanket, the absence of color in her knuckles the harder she squeezed, the slight movement when he realized that Fatima…feral Fatima Namazi…shook beside him.
      He recalled his own rollercoaster of emotions in that plane today, not knowing whether to trust Miller when the villain had insisted she'd captured Fatima, too. Suddenly, it seemed more plausible to him, that Fatima might be as vicious as Special Agent Tara described, much as it made sense that Fatima would be clingy upon their reunion. He, too, had run the gamut of emotions today.
      So Rountree scooted to the left once more, now pressing himself against the railing, and patted the empty stretch of bed beside him. He patted it a second time when the first motion failed to get Fatima's attention.
      And Fatima understood. It were as though they were back at the plane again, outside with Miller's body only feet away, the danger still feeling far too real. Fatima stretched out beside him and lightly draped her arm across him, letting him arrange it so she didn't press against fresh bruises. And she buried her face against his neck as she hugged him, tight.
      "Fatima…," Rountree murmured, "…I am alive. I survived. We survived. We'll be okay. I'll be okay." Of course, even as he said it, he wondered how much more convincing she would take.
      Fatima squeezed him harder, and Rountree patted her arm. He twisted his head to catch a glimpse of her face then—but another detail snared his attention, so he quickly averted his eyes: Their current embrace had shifted her pastel pink headscarf a bit, allowing some of her dark hair to peek out.
      He cleared his throat. "Um, F-Fatima. Your, uh, scarf…"
      She stiffened against him. But she simply withdrew her free arm from his chest, fixed her hijab, and returned to her previous posture. Even if the brief incident snapped her back to reality, today's happenings…they loomed larger, making reality feel like something still far out of their grasp.
      But Rountree knew otherwise. Their reality was that they'd persevered. They'd come out on the other side of today's horribleness, no worse for the wear. And if Fatima needed to hold on to the tangible evidence of that—to hold on to him—a little while longer, until it felt properly real to her…then so be it.
Done for the 5, 10, 20, 50, 70, 100 Fandoms Challenge as well as the If You Dare Challenge (for prompt #25: I'm alive) in the HPFC forum on FFN. WELL. I actually enjoyed the big xover event a lot more than I thought I would! Granted, I wish we'd had one ages ago, back when NOLA was still on (NOLA, my beloved, you are missed! ;w;), but I'm mostly satisfied with the story they did for this—plus LA on a Monday night, where it belongs?! YES, PLS AND TY! 8D Anywho! I…have been with LA from the beginning. I have old story ideas from a decade ago, even. I just…haven't written anything until now. There's been so much to love about LA, and the charries are so near and dear to my heart, but s14's "A Long Time Coming" rly smacked me in the feels when they separated Rountree and Fatima. I've adored both charries since their respective debuts, and I've always delighted in Fatima's fondness for him, hence why I'm happy with either platonic or shippy content for them. -w- But since Rountree was on his own for much of the ep, having Densi fill him in was a lot of fun (and legit the Wolverine comparison is my own—I'm a BIG X-Men {comics and movies} fan myself). Let's see… Oh, funnily enough, tho this is my first LA fic and I've done NCIS fanart before, I actually have drawn smthg before that was Fatima-inspired! (Can you tell I'm a big fan? :3c) Final remarks: For anyone who might not know, to my understanding, it's respectful to avert your eyes (esp if you're male) when someone wearing a hijab has their hair accidentally shown, and you also wouldn't fix it yourself. I included this in the story since Fatima frequently changes out her scarves btwn normal/fashion and fitted/athletic types, and I wondered how this episode's affectionate Fatima would mind it coming loose at all around someone to whom she's v close but not family/married. Plus, Rountree behaving accordingly by knowing not to touch it and risk touching her hair demonstrates respect btwn them! -w- *iz a sucker for soft friendships* Ahhhh, I just love these two a lot.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
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Davood wanting the show renewed breaks my heart. The show does not deserve it at all and even if they did, they killed off the best thing about that show but I still feel so bad for him
Yeah, Davood is like the one person whom I can't get mad at for wanting Holby revived even though, as you say, it 100% doesn't deserve it (if anything it should've ended sooner). The way he's been treated - axed from EastEnders, killed off in EE so he could never return, then he gets an interesting role at Holby... and then Holby gets cancelled - I know I'd be deeply bitter about it all if I were him! 🙁
I hope they at least let him do some guest appearances on Casualty, so he can play Eli again (plus I want him to share scenes with Marty so we can have a Kush and Shakil reunion).
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haldoornews1 · 2 years
Alle ha u naxariisto Suldaan Axmed Afyare oo ku geeriyooday shil baabuur oo ka dhacay duleedka magaalada Burco.
Alle ha u naxariisto Suldaan Axmed Afyare oo ku geeriyooday shil baabuur oo ka dhacay duleedka magaalada Burco.
Burco(Haldoor News):-Alle ha u naxariisto Suldaan Axmed Afyare oo ku geeriyooday shil baabuur oo ka dhacay duleedka magaalada Burco. Suldaanka ayaa ka mid ahaa Odayaasha Dhaqanka ee Magaalada Burco uu shirku uga Furmay. Suldaan Axmed Afyare ayaa saaka ka mid ahaa salaadiin iyo madaxdhaqameed soodhawaynayey Suldaan Xasan Suldaan Cabdiraxman oo ka mid ahaa dadkii lagu marti qaaday Shirkan ka socda…
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coptrust · 2 years
Battletech record sheets online
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#Battletech record sheets online movie#
#Battletech record sheets online series#
The 4 Mechs of Subcommander Ones lance may use the Overrun Combat ability, only the 4 Mechs of Sub-commander Twos lance may use the Disrupt Communications ability and only the 4 Mechs of Subcommander Threes lance may use the Zone of Control ability. PMB 202 303 91st Ave NE G701 Lake Stevens, WA 98258įIND US ONLINE: (e-mail address for any Classic BattleTech questions) (o cial Classic BattleTech web pages) (Catalyst web pages)/catalog (online ordering) Published by Catalyst Game Labs,an imprint of InMediaRes Productions, LLC No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the Copyright Owner, nor be otherwise circulated in any form other than that in which it is published. BattleTech Record Sheets: 3060, Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, Mech, BattleMech and MechWarrior are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries. Sterback Hopkins, Chris Marti, Corey Morris, Aaron Pollyea, Martin Sharpe, John Unchelenko.Ģ010 The Topps Company, Inc. Playtesters/ProofreadersRon Barter, Blake Cetnar, Nicolai Duda, Bruce Ford, Glen Lob. BillsCover Art Alex IglesiasCover Design Matt HeerdtBattleTech Logo Design Shane Hartley, Steve Walker and Matt HeerdtLayout Matt HeerdtIllustrations Doug Cha ee Fred Hooper Kevin Long Gerhard Mozsi Jim Nelson Matt Plog Brian Snoddy Franz VohwinkelMiniatures Painting & Photography Lance Jal Phoenix ScarinciRecord Sheets David L. BillsBjrn SchmidtJoel SteversonīattleTech Line DeveloperHerbert A. Mentioned in the Technical Readout can purchase the Record Sheet: 3060 PDFas well as many other BattleTech productsat CREDITSProject Development Where are the other variants found in Technical Readout: 3060?Players who want pre-printed record sheets for any variants It includes ready-to-play scenarios as well as a host of more advanced movement and combat options. Rules Addendum and ScenariosA complete Rules Addendum follows this introductionīefore the start of the record sheets. Players need only photocopy any design they wish to play and can immediately start marching across the battle eld. Record Sheets: 3060 widens the options available to play-ers, with an eye toward ease of use that is the hallmark of all BattleTech products.
#Battletech record sheets online series#
While a blank Mech record sheet is included in the Introductory Box Set for players who wish to design their own Mechs, the Technical Readout and Record Sheets series of products opens a wide door to cool, fun designs that can bring additional tactics and enjoyment to any gaming table. Having picked up Technical Readout: 3060, you might be won-dering why you need this book. HOW TO USE THIS BOOKHaving graduated from the Introductory Box Set and perhaps To use this product, players should have Total Warfare. Nevertheless, this product is designed to be quick and easy to use and will have you tossing dice in no time. To Total Warfare, players will have moved beyond the intro-ductory products for BattleTech when purchasing this book. INTRODUCTIONWelcome to Record Sheets: 3060! As a companion volume Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Productions, LLC. in the United States and/or other countries. BattleTech Record Sheets: 3060, BattleTech Technical Readout: 3060, Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, BattleMech, Mech, and WK Games are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of WizKids, Inc. Grab your dice and start rolling, because these sheets are for you!Īt each other in no time. Now you own Technical Readout: 3060 and want to deploy some of those Mechs, ProtoMechs and vehicles on your gaming table. Youve grasped the tactics involved with the additional units and weapons from Total Warfare to defeat your opponents. Record Sheets: 3060Technical Readout: 3060
#Battletech record sheets online movie#
Fir movie telugu ott release date.Record Sheets: 3060 is a stand-alone book, but Technical Readout: 3060 is recommended for use.
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amaranth · 3 years
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happy marty! (was v cbj | 3.17.22)
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poisoncherrywine · 5 years
Oh was this that witch, vampire, angel, demon post? Because you're 1000% right
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vipervenom · 3 years
tag dump #3
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crackedegotheories · 4 years
Actor Mark’s Last Name(s)
When we first see Actor Mark in Who Killed Markiplier?, one of the first things he says to us is “My name is Markiplier,” the same as Mark (the real person)’s intro. However, during the Colonel’s totally accurate and not at all questionable explanation of the events of the poker game, he specifically has Mark say “Oh, look at me! My name is Markiplier now! Forget all my friends or people that helped me along the way; just look at my money!”
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The Colonel’s use of the word “now,” suggests that Mark changed his name to Markiplier within the time that he’s known him. The way that he brings it up also suggests that the name change came along with his success (and along with cutting ties to his old friends), and with his, at least according to the Colonel, focus on money and flaunting his wealth. This opinion is probably helped by the fact that Mark has chosen to name his own home ‘Markiplier Manor,’ which is how Benjamin the Butler refers to it when he invites us in, a home that the Colonel mocks for having more than one staircase.
What’s interesting is if the Mark in A Heist With Markiplier is the same character as Actor Mark that we see in WKM post-dying-but-only-kind-of, then it would seem Iplier is treated as being more of a last name. If your choices happen to lead to the prison section, one officer pronounces his name as Mark “Eye-plier”, which he quickly corrects to “Ee-plee-eh” rather than the “ih-ply-er” of Markiplier. (Sorry if these pronunciations are a little weird in how I chose to write them out, I tried.)
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But going off of the theory that A Date With Markiplier is a sequel to A Heist With Markiplier (due to Actor Mark wearing the same suit and one ending setting up a date), then by the events of ADWM Mark’s name has changed once again. After extending a marriage proposal to the viewer, Mark reveals that he already changed Y/N’s last name to Fischbach, presumably to match his name.
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If we’re going off of the WKM -> AHWM -> ADWM timeline of events, then it would seem that Actor Mark changed his name back to his original surname Fischbach (same as the real Mark’s). But why change his name in the first place?
Let’s look at another character who mentions that his family name changed: Dr. Emmett Brown from Back to the Future.
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This is relevant, I swear!
In the third Back to the Future movie, Dr. Brown tells Marty that there were no Browns living in Hill Valley back in the 1880s, as his family used to be the von Brauns. When World War I started, his family, like many others in the United States at the time, chose to adopt a less Germanic sounding name. If the events of WKM took place in the 1920s, then it makes sense that in a post-WWI world Actor Mark might choose to move away from Fischbach, especially if it might hurt his chances at an acting career.
So why Iplier? The way that Mark pronounces it in AHWM makes it sound like it’s intended to be French, or at least French-sounding, and during the 1920s there were a lot of positive attitudes toward French culture in general among American artists/actors. It might have been chosen to make him sound more sophisticated or cultured, especially if you look at his use of the French language (or lack of).
Because Mark uses a lot of French in ADWM, and by a lot I mean “Bonjour” repeated over and over again, while seemingly being confused by the theater usher’s use of “Au revoir!” (which he responds to with another baffled “bonjour”). It seems like he is throwing around the few (one) French words he knows to sound cultured without actually knowing anything beyond that. (He also responds to an “adios” with “guten tag”, so maybe goodbyes in general just confuse him.)
That’s one possible reason for changing his name to Iplier, and there may be others, but why change it back? It could be because there’s less of a bias against German-sounding names in the U.S. these days, or maybe he needed to change his name post-heist to avoid being connected to the crime.
Or, perhaps, maybe he wanted his future partner to share the name he grew up with. From back when he was just Mark, and not a stage name chosen to appeal to everyone else, or connected to all the baggage that came with said acting career.
Or maybe Y/N Fischbach just sounded better than Y/N Iplier, who knows?
(Fortunately, this is Mark’s only connection to the Doc. Seriously, could you imagine this man with a time machine? Ha, that would be...
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Uh oh.)
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cardest · 4 years
Italy & Rome playlist
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Pizza. Fiat. Centurions. Fulci. Argento. Morricone. It’s all here in this Roma - Italia playlist. If you love ancient Roman history and horror film soundtracks, this is the playlist for you! Hit play right here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC18JtHohAYmD7g1FGA8S-D2B
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Nero would enjoy this playlist! But, if there is a song or band I forgot or even a horror film soundtrack, or Italian prog record I mighta missed, let me know! This is one of my favorite playlists. Grazie!
001 Goblin - La caccia 002 High On Fire -  Romulus And Remus 003 Braens Machine - Flying 004 Piero Umiliani - Produzione 005 Fantomas - Page 1 [6 Frames] 006 Lucio Fulci's Zombie Theme(1979) 007 Tullio De Piscopo drum pattern - Samba Carnival 008 Quella Vecchia Locanda - Il Tempo Della Gioia 009 Sandro Brugnolini - Amofen 010 Ufomammut - Mars 011 Gerardo Iacoucci - Tradimento 012 Procol Harum - Conquistador   013 LA TERZA MADRE  - Main Theme by Claudio Simonetti 014 Fantomas -  The Godfather 015 Toto Cutugno - L'Italiano 016 CHILDREN OF TECHNOLOGY - Fear the mohawk reaper 017 Ennio Morricone -  Non Rimane Piu Nessuno 018 Mina - Non credere 019 Bölzer - Roman Acupuncture 020 Jerry Goldsmith The Omen OST - Ave Satani 021 Lou Monte - roman guitar 022 Tony Di Marti - L'Uccellino Della Comare   023 Paul Chain Violet Theatre - 17 day 024 Satyricon -  The Ghost of Rome 025 Ghost - Con Clavi Con Dio 026 Charles Aznavour - Com'a Triste Venezia 027 Jula de Palma - Tua (1959) versione originale 028 Dean Martin - That's Amore   029 FORGOTTEN TOMB - We Owe You Nothing 030 Mike Patton - Ti Offro Da Bere 031 Death SS - Heavy Demons 032 The Lord Weird Slough Feg - Sword of Machiavelli 033 Afterhours - Milano Circonvallazione Esterna 034 Fantomas -  Page 17 [14 Frames] 035 Gluttony -  The Rise Of Pompey 036 Sherpa - Kim (((o))) Tigris & Euphrates 037 Umberto Tozzi Gloria - Italian Version 038 Franco Bracardi & Giorgio Bracardi -  Lo Strangolatore Di Boston 039 Black Hole - Bells of Death 040 Tarantella Pugliese - La Rondinella 041 Pino Villa- A Mucca Pazza 042 Opera IX - Bela Lugosi's Dead 043 MARIO MOLINO - TRAFFICO CAOTICO 044 Lucio Battisti - La Collina Dei Ciliegi 045 Tenebre (Main Title) by Goblin 046 SYK - FONG 047 FUOCO FATUO - Sulphureous Hazes 048 Primordial -  As Rome Burns 049 Abysmal Grief - Crypt of Horror 050 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - re D'Amore 051 The Man from U. N. C. L. E. Soundtrack - Jimmy Renda Se 052 Stelvio Cipriani - Papaya 053 Fantomas - Page 28 [20 Frames] 054 Carlo Maria Cordio - Rosso Sangue (Absurd) 055 Emma De Angelis - Trip 056 BRUNO NICOLAI-Red Cats (1975) 057 Duncan Dhu - La barra de este hotel 058 FROZEN CROWN - Neverending 059 Pavor na Cidade dos Zumbis (City of the Living Dead, 1980) Theme 060 Jarboe & Father Murphy - The Ferryman 061 Mudhoney - When In Rome 062 Fantomas - Page 21 [11 Frames] 063  Ancient Roman Music - Synaulia I 064 Behemoth - Rome 64 C.E. / Slaying the Prophets ov Isa 065 Clutch - Nero's Fiddle 066 Gluttony -  The Rise Of Sulla 067 Goblin - L'alba dei morti viventi 068 Elvis Presley - Heart Of Rome 069 Bulldozer - Insurrection Of The Living Damned 070 Peggy Lee - When In Rome (I Do as the Romans Do) 071 Osanna - Variazione I (To Plinius) 072 GIULIANO SORGINI - Ultima Caccia 073 Ennio Morricone - Metti una sera a cena 074 Sepultura -  The Vatican 075 Rome Soundtrack 02 The Forum 076 Fantomas -  Page 4 [11 Frames] 077 Gladiator - Theme Song 078 Avantasia - The Glory of Rome 079 Caligula (1979)-Opening Credits 080 Umberto -  Temple Room 081 SODOM - Caligula 082 Lacuna Coil -  Survive 083 Gigliola Cinquetti - Non ho leta 084 Lucio Battisti - Emozioni 085 Goblin -  Markos 086 MIke Patton -  Urlo Negro 087 Sandro Brugnolini -  Megattera 088 Fantomas -  Page 25 [34 Frames] 089 The Italian Job Soundtrack- Opening Titles 090 Fabio Frizzi - Un Gatto Nel Cervello 091 Heidevolk - Het verbond met Rome 092 Messiah - Nero 093 Julio Iglesias - Todo el amor que te hace falta 094 Calabria - Luna Calabrisi 095 Various Artists -  Iena Sequence 096 Fantomas -  Page 5 [7 Frames] 097 Perry Como Mandolins In The Moonlight 098 The Beyond Soundtrack - main theme 099 Mercyful Fate - Gypsy 100 Goblin -  Suspiria 101 Ufomammut - Empireum 102 Diaframma - Neogrigio 103 Umberto -  The Psychic 104 NecroDeath - Master Of Morphine 105 The Dirtiest - Cento shot 106 Fantomas -  Page 29 [39 Frames] 107 La Morte Viene Dallo Spazio - Ashes 108 Achille Togliani Fontana Di Trevi 109 MV & EE - Much obliged 110 Isis Synaulia - Musica dell'antica Roma 111 Sandro Brugnolini - Marsuino 112 Giobia - far behind 113 Darvaza - silver chalice   114 Fantomas -  Investigation Of A Citizen Above suspicion 115 Rome Soundtrack - Main Title Theme 116 Nebulae - Carbon 117 Beat Fuga - Shake 118 Gruppo folk naxos - Tarantella siciliana 119 Russian Circles - Milano 120 Kalidia - Circe's spell 121 Harlan Williams, Beneath the Iron Heel of Pagan Rome 122 Exhorder - Slaughter in the Vatican 123 Vatican - the 5th of metal 124 Extrema - Deep Infection 125 Rod Stewart - Italian Girls 126 Louis Prima - Buona Sera 127 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - Che Notte! 128 Sinoath -  Saturnalia 129 Piero Piccioni - L'Italia Vista dal Cielo (Lombardia) 130 PIERO UMILIANI - Topless Party 131 Dean Martin - Arrivederci Roma 132 Fantomas -  Page 30 [2 Frames] 133 Sadist - Nadir 134 Hour of Penance - Rise and Oppress 135  Virgin Steele - The Burning of Rome (Cry for Pompeii) 136 FROZEN CROWN - Battles In The Night 137 The Monolith Deathcult - Demigod 138 PIG DESTROYER -  Machiavellian 139 Raw Power  - State oppresion 140 La luna ammenzu o mari - Folk Sicilia 141 Angels and Demons Soundtrack - Main Theme (Hans Zimmer) 142 Lou Monte - Bella notte 143 Fantomas - Page 7 [6 Frames] 144 Danger Mouse and Daniele Luppi - Theme of ''Rome'' 145 INFERNO OST Dario Argento - MAIN THEME 146 Hombres G - Venezia 147 Rome Soundtracks - The Battle has began (Caesar's Theme) 148 NORA ORLANDI- Ossessione 149 Stelvio Cipriani - Orgasmo Nero 150 Goblin -  Profondo Rosso - Mad Puppet 151 Duatha - Maximinus Thrax 152 Sodom - City of God 153 Caronte - Invocation to Paimon 154 Demoni (Demons) Soundtrack by Claudio Simonetti  - Killing 155 PSYCHEDELIC WITCHCRAFT - Rising On The Edge 156 James Reyne - Fall Of Rome 157 Fantomas -  Vendetta 158  Rome Soundtrack - 16Th Death of Pompey 159 Alessandro Alessandroni & Sorgini Giuliano - Overcraft 160 The Man from U. N. C. L. E. OST - Che Vuole Questa Musica Stasera (Profumo Di Donna) 161 Clutch - Circus Maximus 162 Candlemass - Demons Gate 163 ROME - Uropia O Morte 164 Siouxsie And The Banshees - Cities In Dust (Extended 12 Version) 165 Tony Mottola - You And Only You 166 Musica dell'Antica Roma - Pavor 167 Fantomas - Page 6 [26 Frames] 168 Aborym -  II 169 Scorpions - The Sails Of Charon 170 Blind Guardian -  Lionheart 171 Septicflesh -  Dante's Inferno 172 MESSA - Leah 173 Mike Patton -  Senza Fine 174 Gary Numan - My Centurion 175 Frank Black and the Catholics - Back to Rome 176 Tonino Cavallo - Tarantella Siciliana 177 THE MELVINS - The Bloated Pope 178 Gluttony -  Lucullus In The East 179 Toto - Spanish Steps Of Rome 180 Fantomas -  Page 8 [9 Frames] 181 Mark Lanegan Band - Playing Nero 182 METRALLETA STEIN OST - Telemark 183 Luciano Pavarotti - Sole Mio 184 Jorja Chalmers - red light 185 Blood Ceremony -  Faunus 186 EKPYROSIS - Profound Death 187 Corleone  - Tutto diventerà rosso (feat. Mike Patton) 188 Primus -  The Storm 189 Museo Rosenbach - Superuomo 190 IVANO FOSSATI - MILANO 191 Lucio Dalla - Milano 192 Fantomas -  Page 9 [11 Frames] 193 Alessandro Allesendroni - Remember 194 Le Orme - Felona & Sorona - Return To Naught 195 Rome - The Spanish Drummer 196 Epitaph  -  Beyond the Mirror 197 Ephel Duath - The Passage 198 Three of You - New Life 199 Walter Rizzati I remember (Quella villa accanto al cimitero) 200 Lacuna Coil -  Heaven's A Lie 201 Judas Priest - Nostradamus 202 Triumvirat - Vesuvius 79 A.D. 203 Amedeo Tommasi - Exploration 204 Nero Kane † Lord Won't Come 205 FULCI - Eye Full Of Maggots 206 ULVER - Nemoralia 207 Voltumna  - Roma Delenda Est 208 Adorable - Sistine Chapel Ceiling 209 I Gres - Restless 210 Rita Pavone - Il Geghegè 211 Jahbulong - Under the influence of the fool 212 Theatres des Vampires -  Sangue 213 Antonio - High Voltage! 214 Fantomas -  Page 23 [17 Frames] 215 Sadist - Enslaver of Lies 216 Bunker 66 - (She's Got) Demon Eyes 217 GIULIANO SORGINI - Mad town 218 Zu -  Ostia 219 Moonraker - Miss Goodhead Meets Bond in Venice 220 Franco Micalizzi - I Due Volti Della Paura 221 John Zorn Naked City - The Sicilian Clan 222 Piero Umiliani - Nel Villaggio 223 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - Cielo In Una Stanza 224 UFOMAMMUT - Warsheep 225 Fleshgod Apocalypse -  Elegy 226 SLASHER DAVE - Fulzzi 227 Panna Fredda - La Paura 228 Meads Of Asphodel - God Is Rome 229 Nora Orlandi - I Robot Original Version (Il dolce corpo di Deborah) 230 Caronte - Exctasy of Hecate 231 White Skull - Will of the Strong 232 Wotan - Thermopiles 233 Chromatics - Faded Now 234 Fantomas -  Page 2 [7 Frames] 235 Schizo - the main frame collapse 236 Ghost B.C. -  Per Aspera Ad Inferi 237 Dream Theater - The Count Of Tuscany 238 Satyricon -  Commando 239 Psico Galera - La Prima Volta 240 Scolopendra - Priest's blood soup 241 Theatres Des Vampires - 'Til the Last Drop of Blood 242 Victrola - Game of Despair 243 Blue Phantom - Diodo 244 Mortuary Drape - My Soul/primordial 245 Fantomas -  Page 11 [10 Frames] 246 Gianni Ferrio - Un dollaro bucato 247 Ataraxia - Canzona 248 Hexvessel - Phaedra 249 Lee Hazlewood and Nancy Sinatra - Some Velvet Morning 250 Mike Patton -  L'Uomo Che Non Sapeva Amare 251 Idiota Civilizzato - Uno E Nessuno 252 Ennio Morricone - Main Theme for Dario Argento's THE CAT O'NINE TAILS 253 Rhapsody - Ascending to Infinity 254 Monumentum - Battesimo: Nero Opaco 255 Opera IX - 1313 (Eradicate the False Idols) 256 Piedone lo sbirro OST - The Baron's death 257 Goblin - Deep red OST main theme 258 EKPYROSIS - Immolate the Denied 259 L'Impero delle Ombre - II Sabba 260 Monte Kristo - The Girl of Lucifer 261 Ghost - Lady Nite 262 Hallowed - Wake Up In The Night 263 Fantomas -  Page 27 [15 Frames] 264 Giuliano Sorgini - Lavoro cerebrale 265 Death SS - Vampire 266 VOLTURIAN - Broken 267 Cradle Of Filth - The 13th Caesar 268 Fulci - tropical sun 269 Alessandro Cortini - Perdere 270 Francesco Guccini - Bologna 271 Abysmal Grief  - Celebrate what they fear 272 Goblin - book of skulls 273 Tom Waits - In The Colosseum 274 Peggy Lee - Autumn In Rome 275 Ruins - Petit Portrait 276 Urna - Omnis Inifinita Mens Est Gremium Et Sepolcrum Universi 277 Nicolas Gaunin - Noa Noa Noa 278 Lacuna Coil - No Need to Explain 279 Theatres Des Vampires - Morgana Effect 280 Sepultura - City of Dis 281 Opera IX - The Oak 282 Rhapsody - Il cigno nero 283 Cripple Bastards  - Variante Alla Morte 284 Goblin - Witch (Susperia OST) 285 Death SS - revived 286 Henning Christiansen - L'essere Umano Errabando La Voca Errabando 287 Rolling Blackouts - The Second Of The First 288 Giuda - Overdrive 289 Hierophant  - Son of the new faith 290 Giorgio Faletti - Nati a Milano 291 Fabio Frizzi - A Cat in the Brain, Sequence 2 292 Dean Martin - On An Evening In Roma (Sott'er Celo De Roma) 293 FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE - Monnalisa 294 Valgrind - The Endless Circle 295 Oceana - Atlantidea Suite Part 1 296 Soda Stereo - Paseando Por Roma 297 Blasphemer - The Sixth Hour 298 Raw Power - Dreamer 299 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - Deep down 300 Lacuna Coil - Swamped 301 Slalom OST by Ennio Morricone - Main theme 302 Stefano Marcucci - INFERNO 303 Lou Monte - Shaddap Ya Face 304 The Case of the Bloody Iris OST by Bruno Nicolai - Main theme 305 Mortuary Drape - Dreadful discovery 306 Antonio Riccardo Luciani - Cinque sottozero 307 Plateau Sigma -  Ouija and the Qvantvm 308 Piero Piccioni - Colpo rovente OST - main titles 309 Riz Ortolani - sette orchidee macchiate di rosso 310 Ad Nauseam - Imperative Imperceptible Impulse 311 Oliver Onions - Italian Girl 312 Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead 313 Metamorfosi - Spacciatore di Droga - Terremoto - Limbo 314 Body Count OST by Claudio Simonetti  - main theme 315 Symphony X - Underworld 316 Carlo Savina - Titoli di testa 317 Orchestra King Zerand - Night Song 318 Piero Umiliani - La schiava 319 CLAUDIO SIMONETTI'S GOBLIN - The Devil is back 320 Roman Holiday OST - Main title 666 Fabio Frizzi - Voci Dal Nulla
Perhaps not enough Morricone and needs more Goblin. The next update will have more, I am sure. Play it here:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC18JtHohAYmD7g1FGA8S-D2B
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berberanews · 1 year
Somaliland: Bandhigga 16aad ee Carwada Buugaagta Hargeysa oo Furmay
Hargeysa (Berberanews) – Magaalada Hargeysa, waxa Maanta si rasmi ah uga furmay Carwada Caalamiga ah ee Bandhigga Buugaagta Hargeysa, taasi oo sannadkii 16-aad oo xidhiidh ah ay qabatay Xarunta dhaqanka ee Hargeysa. Bandhigga Caalamiga ah ee Buugaagta Hargeysa oo sannad kasta lagu marti-qaado waddamada caalamka midkood iyo hal-ku-dhig ku lammaan, waxa sannadkan marti ku ah Waddanka Woqooyiga…
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notasapleasure · 4 years
happy valentines day jo!!! i have my most niche question for you. if you had to assign folk songs to lymond characters what would they be
REY. This is an INSPIRED ask and I’m truly grateful to have received it, and I also apologise if my answers are kind of Basic and also just a random selection of characters because I could quite easily have spiralled and spent a month on this otherwise 💕 but happy valentine’s, here’s some incoherent thoughts...
Francis Crawford - Sir Patrick Spens (Child 58)
Because if this isn't the most Francis Crawford of verses I don't know what is: 'The first line that Sir Patrick red, A loud lauch lauched he; The next line that Sir Patrick red, A teir blinded his ee.'
The tragic Scots lord! Is he entrusted with the mission because of a malicious courtier, or because they genuinely think he can succeed at anything he turns his hand to? Depends on who's singing I guess. Aside from the obvious TRC resonances, the position of Sir Patrick Spens as a trusted pair of hands who will take on a foolhardy mission and despair on behalf of the other lives he's responsible is perfect Francis, no?
Philippa Somerville - Riddles Wisely Expounded (Child 1)
I like a riddling ballad for Philippa. The context of this one is often a woman persuading a man of her worth by answering his impossible riddles, but there's also the early tradition of the child or maiden outwitting the devil (cf. The False Knight on the Road), and both fit Philippa nicely I think. It's also full of innuendo ('lay the bent to the bonny broom'), wit, and usually comes with the context of the woman having to 'win' the man. It's not quite Tam Lyn and Janet breaking a curse, but there's no indication that the man is upset at having his impossible riddles answered - he goes ahead and marries her.
'"Envy's greener than the grass Lay the bent to the bonny broom Flattery's smoother than the glass And you'll beguile a lady soon Rumour's louder than the horn Lay the bent to the bonny broom Slander's sharper than the thorn And you'll beguile a lady soon Regret is deeper than the sea Lay the bent to the bonny broom But love is longer than the way" And you'll beguile a lady soon'
Marthe - The Maid Upon The Shore
“Oh thank you, oh thank you,” this young girl she cried, “Oh that's just what I've been awaiting for: For I've grown so weary of my maidenhead As I walked all alone on the rocky old shore, As I walked all alone on the shore.”
So she sat herself down in the stern of the ship How the moon it shone gentle and clear-o, And she sung so neat, genteel and complete, She sung the sailors and captain right off to sleep, She sung sailors and captain to sleep.
And she's robbed them of silver, she's robbed them of gold, And she's plundered their bright costly ware-o. And the captain's bright sword she's took for an oar And she's paddled right back to that rocky old shore, And she's paddled right back to the shore.
Need I say more?
Jerott - Blow the Winds aka The Baffled Knight (Child 112)
I was so tempted to put Crazy Man Michael for him and Marthe, though it's obviously not trad...but just think of that scene in CM: 'O where is the raven that I struck down dead And here did lie on the ground-o I see but my true love with a wound so red Where her lover's heart it did pound-o...'
Buuuut, the modest shepherd boy who learns to be cruel from the girl he catches skinny dipping and doesn’t take advantage of is kind of Jerott vibes too, ngl.
'“And there is a flower in my father's garden, It's called the marigold, The fool that will not when he can, He shall not when he would.”
Says the shepherd's son as he doffed his shoes, “My feet they shall run bare And if I ever meet another girl I'll have that girl, beware.”'
Also, just...L'homme armé.
Joleta - Fanny Blair
I read somewhere that Martin Carthy said he'd no longer sing this one because he thought the 11 year old girl should be believed over the male narrator. And this is why we stan Marty. It's not a badass song for Joleta I'm afraid, it's a song where the crowd turns on a child for accusing a man of rape, and he gets to appear merciful for praying for her forgiveness. Don't google it. You'll find men in forums saying 'it's obvious' we're meant to side with Higgins in the song. So. A pretty apt fit for Joleta.
'On the day that young Higgins was condemned to die The people rose up with a murmuring cry. “We'll catch her and crop her, she's a perjuring whore. Young Henry is innocent, of that we're sure.”'
Oonagh - The Snow It Melts the Soonest
'Oh the snow it melts the soonest when the winds begin to sing And the swallow skims without a thought as long as it is spring But when spring blows and winter goes my lad then you'd be fain With all your pride for to follow me, were it 'cross the stormy main'
Danny - The Saucy Sailor
'Oh, I am frolicsome and I am easy, Good tempered and free, And I don't give a single pin, my boys, What the world thinks of me.”'
And I know it's not trad, but: Mariotta - Let Me Be (Kate Rusby)
'This young soldier boy is Ned His gun's like his own, he can shoot me dead His eyes are blue but they don't see me Oh, why does he let me be?'
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