gooddaytiff · 2 years
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Sorry not sorry I think equius and karkat wouldve made each other better
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serfuzzypushover · 2 months
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eggxie · 3 years
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mxbbadperson · 4 years
...equius megido offering to make a robot arm for karkat serket
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jaspertheshark · 6 years
hey what the fuck is up i updated a fucking homestuck fic in the year of our lord 2018
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kayforpay · 7 years
I just started following you recently so I don't know what pairings you like, but could you write an equikar royal au?
>You stand almost a full foot taller than the prince, the top of his head coming up just over your collarbone, but he’s much louder than you are. He’s standing at the door to his chambers sending off maids and other prying eyes, wrapped in a robe with his hair sleep-messy, and you can’t help but think that he’s the most gorgeous thing you’ve ever laid eyes on. He’s so strong.
Once all the maids are sent away, Karkat turns back to you and relocks his door, his smile failing when he sees you finishing tying your boots. “Where are you going? I thought you didn’t have any duties today.” He walks up to you as you stand, frowning, his hands coming up to settle on your bare shoulders; he’s so warm.
“I, ah, I don’t want to cause you any trouble, is all.” You can feel your voice withering in your chest. “I know the maids ask questions.” He leads you to sit, crawling into your lap once you do. “I don’t want to be in the way.” He kisses you and he’s so gentle.
“I don’t care about the maids. I don’t give a fuck.” He kisses you again, demanding as ever. “I care about you. We’re not betrothed to each other so we can hate it, right?” He kisses you again, slower, and your hands come up to sit on his back, to pull him in. “Just one more month, and we’ll be official. It’s okay. Stay here today, please. I love your company.” He’s so sweet.
support me || commission me
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drpsyche · 7 years
A Eulogy for all the Homestuck ships that didn't make it.
JohnKat: Sunk by a meme. Tragic.
DadMom: Sunk by a violent stabbing, also Tragic.
JadeJohn and DaveRose: Goddamn, Hussie pulled a George Lucas on us there. "You like that ship? Well they're related now, whoopsie!"
JohnDave: Well, you'll always have A03 at least.
JadeRose: The forgotten Beta ship. You were cute.
DaveTavros: You were a thing apparently? Well the fanart was cute.
Gamrezi: You'll always have the Shelby Cragg AU's at least.
TaVris: Hmmm....
GamTav: I have so many sad and complicated feelings towards you. It's hard and nobody understands.
GamKar: There was so much unexplored potential and too much offscreen development.
JohnRose: Never liked you, but you deserved better than a bunch of people throwing a fit over a t-shirt.
Erisol: I'll miss the spades, and your Sprite.
Equara: God remember that anon that really really really hated this ship? Remember the harassment and gore submissions? That shit was wild... and creepy. Don't do this over fictional relationships kids.
JasproseJane: Never saw that one coming did we?
JohnVris: I will Remem8er You!
AraSol: Confirmed? Sunk? Aw well, you had a good run.
SolFef: Goddamnit Eridan.
EriSolFef: "We coulda had it aaaaaaall"
Rufioh/Damara: A foot note in the backstory that could have been explored more.
Daverezi: Sunk offscreen no less! A true shame.
Karezi: Retconned out of existence and the two don't even talk anymore. Ouch.
EquiKar: Fuck all of you this was cute.
VrisKan: Sigh. Rest in Peace Vriskan, may the shippers sing you to your grave.
Les8fins: Damnit Aranea!
Les8fins 2.0: Dammnit Meenah!
Meulin/Kurloz: Wow, that was an odd couple wasn't it?
Grimluck: I want to believe.
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twinkbosmer · 6 years
yoooooooooo let's have a nsfw night
send jakekat♥️ or equikar♠️ nd either hcs or stories work!!
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jaspertheshark · 7 years
@ anyone who was reading of beasts and brotherhood before I dropped off the face of the planet for two and a half years: I am planning on updating it. I am only planning to update one final chapter, the nsfw chapter. I've grown out of this AU and now that Homestuck is over its the furthest from canon compliant that it could be. I wanted it to be much much bigger and I still love the concept but after my computer died and I lost all the progress id made past what's currently uploaded, then my life kind of collapsing in on me, other projects unfinished, Homestuck ending, joining new fandoms, I really don't have it in me anymore to round out and complete the universe like I wanted. So I'll have one more chapter up for you that WILL be nsfw because that's where it was always headed anyhow and then I'll mark it "complete". Thanks
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kayforpay · 7 years
new ship name convention: any ship with two people and a nitram in it is henceforth “ship with a side of beef”
kartavquius? equikar with a side of beef. tavrosemary? side of beef with rosemary. ghbsumleer? highleer with a side of beef. the possibilities are endless
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twinkbosmer · 6 years
send jakekat♥️ or equikar♠️ or karezi♦️ hcs
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ddeeric · 8 years
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would u look at that!!! commission for some good old fashioned equikar (one of my first hs ships actually!!) Cherry Boy wants Sweaty Boy to stop being gross n just hold his hand like regular boyfriends do
bonus doodles:
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Patreon | Commission info
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ask-equitav · 9 years
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Heck yes all the ships!
Submitted by tumblr user landshift
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rainbowpixiecat · 9 years
EquiKar for a Friend
Trigger warnings: emetophilia, puke, stuffing, feeding, chub.
Equius stood back and surveyed his dining room. The table looked nice, with his best white tablecloth that had little silver and blue hoof beasts running around the edges. Silver horseshoes with blue ribbons and prize rosettes, decorated the table. 
Roses were the centrepiece, which Equius was lucky to find, as his horses and ponies usually ate all his rose bushes and their flowers. He smiled confidently. He was sure his matesprit was going to love this. He even had scented blue tea light candles lit and some rose petals sprinkled around. He’d given his automatons the night off for a change and had prepared the setting and cooked all of the food himself, as something personalised and special. 
The front doorbell jangled (it was really a series of bells on a string), and Equius strode over to open the door. He smiled when he saw Karkat standing on the patio.
“Karkat. Your outfit is…exceptional” Equius commented appreciatively. He stared for a moment and then managed to regain his manners. He held out his arm to escort the smaller troll inside. Equius couldn’t stop stealing glances at his matesprit as they walked together towards the dining room, Karkat with a boxed set of romcoms under one arm.
The red button up shirt Karkat wore matched the blush spread across his cheeks and the tips of his ears. The shirt had light grey cuffs as well as light grey trimming the edges, inside the front pocket and inside the collar. It had black buttons. Karkat was wearing the Signless’ symbol around his neck on a silver chain. He was also wearing black slacks and had tried to tame his hair into less wild spikes, with minimal success. On his feet was a pair of red and black Converse.
He looked up at Equius, taking in the sight of his much taller mate. “Thanks. You’re looking pretty hot as well. Your image is being seared into my thinkpan as we speak” he replied amicably. Equius was wearing a white, long sleeve button up shirt. His long hair was swept back in a ponytail with two bangs left free either side of his face. He was wearing his tight blue wash jeans and a pair of dark boots. His black glasses were hanging off the edge of his shirt pocket and he had a silver chain with a round charm token bearing his sign, etched in blue. His nails were painted the same colour. His muscles could be seen outlined under the fabric of his shirt as it clung to and showed off his physique. Equius did look hot and Karkat was glad he was his matesprit.
Karkat followed Equius into the dining room. He complained then laughed when Equius picked him up and sat him down in a chair. Equius may have been strong but he wasn’t a mindless brute. He had good manners and was also pretty good at building things, fixing things and doing stuff with his hands. Oh, Karkat knew all too well how good he was with his hands.
Equius sat down right across from Karkat and reached out to hold his hands when Karkat put them on the table. He smiled at Karkat, wearing a rare gentle expression. He looked peaceful and content as he lightly played with Karkat’s fingers.
Karkat basked in the attention, his spiked teeth poking out a little past his top lip as he smiled. He looked around at the table and at the blueberry scented tea lights and flushed darker, “So, was all this for our date? You really did a nice job of it” he said, letting his hands be played with. He knew Equius would be careful with him. He always was careful around Karkat, reigning in his strength so as not to cause harm. Karkat sniffed the air. “Please tell me that’s the scent of dinner curling itself up in my nasal cavities and not just another scented waxlight giving off food aromas”.
Equius chuckled, letting go of Karkat’s hands. “No, that is actually dinner. It’s ready whenever you are”
Karkat shot him an accusing grin. “Putting those automaids to work for you, huh?”
Equius got up and started to bring things over from the stove top to the table. He served out some soup into bowls, as a starter and placed naan bread and plain yoghurt with them. “Actually, no, I made everything myself” he said as his chest puffed out a bit, pleased with his efforts. He managed not to burn anything and nothing had been broken except for a few bent utensils and a snapped in half wooden spoon. “Everything you see here was made from recipes I looked up myself. This is spicy carrot and lentil soup. Apparently it is highly rated by several online persons” He placed the soup pot down on a warmer in the kitchen and re-joined Karkat at the table. “The large folded pastry product is called naan bread. It’s from a human culture and is very tasty. The white stuff is plain yoghurt. I think you are supposed to mix a dollop into the soup” He said, demonstrating with his own. His stomach growled loudly and Equius paused, “Er…sorry…I’m so hungry I could eat a whole lusus” he chuckled, sweating lightly. “I was so busy completing orders today that I forgot to eat. By the time I made dinner, I worked up an appetite. I apologise for the rudeness of my stomach and for the mention of unappealing body parts”
Karkat laughed and waved a clawed hand, “Don’t worry about it. It looks like you made enough food to feed a whole family” He picked up his spoon and tasted the soup. “This tastes like spiced carrots” he complained.
Equius grinned. “It’s supposed to”
“Are you going to feed us horse food this entire meal?”
He laughed and scratched the back of his head. “Well, it is healthy”…
“Equius!” Karkat rolled his eyes, eating another spoonful of soup.
“You’re eating it” he pointed out.
Karkat looked down at the soup. “Yeah, cause I’m hungry. Forgot to grab a lunch break today. People kept coming into the shop and then we had a problem with the cats…” his eyebrows furrowed as he scowled and Equius noticed the various scratches and one bite mark marring Karkat’s hands and face.
“Tough day” Equius sympathised. He licked his lips and set down his empty bowl, getting up to serve himself more soup. He sat down and started on his second bowl, taking bites of the naan bread.
Karkat stared at him “What the hell did you do with that soup? Tip it out while I wasn’t looking? Holy hell, I’ve never seen anyone eat soup that fucking fast!”
Equius snorted around a mouthful of hot liquid. “Sorry. I’m particularly hungry. And this is nothing. It’s like drinking air” he admitted, patting his growling belly. “I can finish off a whole pot by myself after a good day’s labour and a workout in my gym. And that’s with other foods”
Karkat folded his arms, looking sceptical “What? Is that supposed to impress me? ‘Cause I’m not impressed. Soup is easy. I just don’t know how you can drink it without searing all the flesh off your meal tunnel and talk blaster”
Equius smiled and shook his head at Karkat’s use of language. He found it both interesting and amusing how creative Karkat was with words. “It’s not a competition you know. I don’t expect you to be able to keep up with me. I’m just eating how I normally eat when I get this hungry. Having my level of STRENGTH, well…” he blushed faintly as he gave an embarrassed smile. “It takes a lot of energy. Sometimes I feel as though I deprive the planet of food for other people” He looked over at Karkat and flinched a little, seeing that particular expression on his matesprit’s face that usually meant trouble. Karkat looked like he was about to take on a challenge.
“Suck shit! I can eat just as much as you. You have no idea how many food competitions I’ve won. I can match you, plate for plate. No one tells me what I can or can’t do” he slammed a fist on the table, the spoon he was holding flicking stray droplets of orange on the white tablecloth. “You’re on!” Karkat grinned, fire in his eyes as he stared defiantly back at Equius. “I’m up for some fun”
“Karkat…” Equius started doubtfully, “I really don’t think - ”
“Hah! You don’t think I can do it, do you? Just wait. I’ll prove it to you. This will be a cinch” He patted his somewhat chubby belly. “I don’t have this belly for nothing. You can ask Kankri about it, he’s like this too. Vantases are pros at eating things. Which you should know, since…” He lowered his head and gave Equius his most smouldering look as he licked and sucked soup off his spoon in a seductive manner.
Equius nearly choked on his soup, looking shocked and turning bright blue. “K-Karkat! It is not fitting to mention such things at the dining table. Such language is far too lewd for proper table conversation…” He fumbled around for a serviette and delicately mopped up the soup that had spurted out of his nose.
Karkat finished off his little display, enjoying the flustered reaction it got him. He was really starting to like this idea. He picked up the bowl of soup and started drinking it straight from the rim. He plonked it down and wiped his mouth on his hand. “Another one” Karkat demanded confidently, sounding somewhat playful. He nibbled bites of the naan bread while he waited.
Equius sighed. He really didn’t mean for their dinner date to turn into some kind of contest, but then again, he didn’t want to ruin Karkat’s fun. He bit his tongue and went to refill the bowl for him. “If it’s what you want. Just don’t make yourself sick” he cautioned, sending a worried glance towards the other troll as he placed the bowl back down in front of him.
“As if” Karkat scoffed, drinking the second bowl of soup after blowing on it a few times. The soup pot was now empty.
Equius collected the empty bowls and put them in the dishwasher. He waited until the naan bread was all gone then he brought out the main meal and served it onto their plates. Karkat demanded Equius give him the same portions as he served for himself and Equius complied, figuring what’s the worst that could happen. He figured Karkat knew his own limits and knew what he was doing.
“I’m glad to see you enjoy my cooking this much” he smiled, brightening again as he rationalised his worry away. “I’ll have to cook for you more often. Ah, this next course is individual quiche Lorraine tarts accompanied by a garden salad with celery, carrot, apple and crunchy croutons” He poured them each a glass of water over lemon wedges and ice.
“Tasty” Karkat smirked, picking up his knife and fork and eagerly licking his lips. The quiche was perfect, not too runny yet not overcooked, with plenty of flavour despite only being seasoned with vegetables and cheese. The crust was delicious. Karkat put away three of them, stealing glances at Equius every so often. He matched him bite for bite and plate for plate. He polished off the salad as well.
Equius stole glances at his mate throughout the meal. He felt a kind of tension in the air and tried to ignore it. So long as Karkat was enjoying himself, it was fine. That’s all that mattered, he told himself. Yet he kept watching Karkat’s progress with some level of worry, although a part of him enjoyed the friendly competition. He noticed that the smaller troll seemed to be slowing down, yet slowly but steadily the food disappeared.
Karkat leaned back in his chair, rubbing his stomach triumphantly as he licked stray crumbs from his face. His shirt was stretched tightly over his belly, which had grown till it was now straining the fabric. His pants felt too tight as well, but Karkat didn’t want to admit he was full. Not yet. He left them done up.
Equius on the other hand, was still mostly fine, with a very slight bloat to his belly and plenty of room left for dessert. He was taller, bigger and tended to be more active and consume more energy than his smaller matesprit. Equius debated ending things there but he was really looking forward to dessert. He’d made it using apples harvested from his small orchard of apple trees and he knew it was going to be really nice. Plus, he was still a bit hungry. It was funny how you could feel completely satisfied with savoury things and yet when it came time for sugared delights, you could suddenly make room for them. It was the phenomenon known as savoury stomach/sweet stomach. Equius got up and cleared away the plates and food, putting the dishes in the washer and the food in the thermal hull.
He took a ceramic dish out of the oven and carried it over to the table. “The last dish is dessert. You don’t have to have any if you’re full. But I sometimes like to finish off a meal with something sweet. Besides, it was kind of fun to make” he smiled at the memory of inquisitive horses sticking their heads through the kitchen window trying to steal pieces of apple. “This is an apple pie, with cinnamon and shortcrust pastry” he said.
Karkat picked up his plate and held it out. “I can take whatever you dish out” He smiled, “Still got plenty of room. It smells great by the way” He got an idea “Hey, can we take this in the living room? We should eat while watching DVDs before it gets too late” He grabbed the box set he’d left on the table.
Equius served the same amounts of pie on each plate, accompanied by a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a spray of canned cream. He looked at Karkat and nodded, “Sure, we can do that” He picked up both the bowls and carried them into the living room as Karkat got up and slowly followed him with the movies. Karkat picked one out and gave it to Equius to put in the DVD player. Equius started up the movie, a romantic comedy of course, and sat down on the couch next to Karkat. He tried to hand the plate to Karkat but Karkat surprised him with a request.
“Can you…can you maybe um…feed it to me?” he asked, his cheeks flushing as he tried to keep a plain face like it was no big deal. “I just…in this movie, the scene where he feeds her the ice cream and then gives her belly rubs…” he blushed brighter. “I thought…it’d be fun”
Equius kissed Karkat’s temple and smirked as he leaned back with a plate in each hand. “Say no more. I got this” He picked up a spoonful of pie and cream and held it up to Karkat’s mouth, gently nudging his lower lip.
Karkat opened up and took the bite of sugary goodness, chewing it happily. Equius took a bite of his own dessert and kept feeding Karkat, alternating between the two. He chuckled when he saw a blob of cream beside Karkat’s mouth.
“You have a splash of cream on your face” Equius said.
Karkat immediately began wiping the wrong side of his mouth and feeling around in confusion and slight embarrassment. “Where? Where?”
“Right…here” Equius leaned forwards and licked the cream off Karkat’s face, smirking widely. “No matter, it’s all gone now”
Karkat turned his head and kissed a grinning Equius, tasting the combination of sweet flavours on their tongues. They broke apart and Karkat turned towards Equius a bit more, leaning back against the arm of the sofa. As Equius fed him another bite, something flew off Karkat and shot across the room.
“What was that?” Equius was hit in the head by another small, round object. He looked down where it fell on the couch and watched more of the small items ping in different directions. He held up the round object to the light streaming onto his side from the dining room. “A button?” he looked at Karkat and had to stifle a laugh.
“Karkat, your buttons…” he pointed out.
Karkat looked down and saw that indeed several black buttons were missing and his shirt was hanging open to reveal a swollen, round expanse of grey. Karkat tried to sit up and heard a loud rip from his bottoms. He felt around himself and gasped, finding his pants had torn at the seams. “My pants! Fuck! Those were expensive!”
“I think you look cute like this” Equius smiled, picking up another spoonful of ice cream and pie. “Do you want to finish this off or should I - ”
“No. I can do it” Karkat interrupted quickly. He snapped up the bite of pie and ice cream with determined expression and then chewed and sighed “Mmmm….so good”
Equius swelled with pride. He kept feeding Karkat spoonful after spoonful, until the dessert was all gone. He put their empty bowls on the coffee table and settled down to enjoy the episodes, linking hands with Karkat and getting lost in the plot and the characters.
They’d gone about halfway through their second episode when he noticed pressure on his left hand and looked down to see Karkat was squeezing it. He watched as Karkat winced and wriggled around on the couch, rubbing his belly and letting out sighs of discomfort and the occasional burp.
“Sorry to interrupt your enjoyment of the show but you appear to be in some discomfort. Are you alright?” Equius asked politely.
Karkat let out a soft groan, still rubbing his belly. “Feels like I swallowed an inflatable float-popper. I think I may have ate that last thing too fast and now it wants to enact some sort of shitty revenge” 
“Here, come here” Equius chuckled as he gently pulled Karkat onto his lap, reached around from behind and gently started rubbing his matesprit’s full belly through his open shirt.
Karkat moaned and relaxed at the feeling of cool, callused hands and fingers soothing aches and pains out.  The button off his pants made a break for it and bounced off the TV screen. They both laughed. Karkat tipped his head back to peer up at Equius cutely. “Told ya. Told ya I could beat you. Your ass was owned”
Equius frowned. “Such an inappropriate way to phrase that last sentence. It reminds me of the times when people used to brand their insignia on an animals’ hindquarters” he made a face of distaste.
“Admit it. You didn’t think I could do it. But my belly has proven itself more than capable of keeping up with you. It’s the roar beast that lies in waiting, ready to pounce”
Equius laughed “Now you sound like Nepeta”
Karkat grumbled and waved a hand, diverting his attention back to the show. “What the fuck ever”
Equius sighed and fell quiet again. But instead of watching the show, he found himself watching Karkat. The mutant blood was really adorable, especially when he had his guard down. He was getting so relaxed by the tummy massage that he was almost like a big bowl of jelly in Equius’ hands. The short cutie was snuggled back against Equius’ chest with his eyes half lidded, mouth open, drooling a little and seemingly lost in a daze as Equius detected the sound of purring which was sending vibrations through the larger coldblood’s chest.
Even with someone on his lap, Equius wasn’t too uncomfortable. He was full, yeah, but he knew the feeling would subside in an hour or so. Karkat though, he looked positively stuffed and he was now undergoing what Equius could fairly guess some people called a ‘food coma’.
Equius’ smile turned indulgent when he noticed Karkat beginning to nod. His eyes would flutter closed for a second or two before the other boy jerked slightly and took in a breath, fighting to stay awake. His purrs were slower and sleepier sounding and he’d occasionally make a small noise when he realised he was falling asleep.  
Equius stopped massaging his tummy when Karkat finally drifted off. He had just started to close his own eyes, thinking this a pleasant way to spend the night, when they were both started by a mobile phone alarm going off.
Equius gave a sharp shout and jumped up at the sound. Karkat swore and landed on the floor with a thud. The alarm continued its annoying jingle until Karkat found it stuffed between the couch cushions and shut it off. He growled and rubbed his eyes, loudly shouting profanities at the device. “…Like a tin of canned monkey farts screaming through a pronghole! Shut up you useless piece of shit!” After tossing his phone across the room, Karkat felt a little better. He looked up at Equius, still scowling like a cranky wiggler being woken from a nap. “Sorry. Past me forgot to turn it off. Apparently he’s a dumbass”
Equius covered a large yawn and ruffled Karkat’s hair gently. “It’s okay, we should probably be heading to bed anyway. Sleeping on the couch doesn’t provide the best back support” he comforted. “Not your fault you forgot”
Karkat yawned as well, his voice sounding a bit scratchy. “Yeah but, I was sound asleep. Damn it. Once I’m awake it’s always so hard to get back to sleep”
Equius had an idea. “Yeah, I’m the same. But a warm drink always sends me right to sleep. I’m going to make myself one” he said, picking up the dessert bowls off the coffee table and putting them away in the dishwasher. He put in a tablet and started the machine washing all the dinner ware and utensils. He filled up the jug with water and got out the hot chocolate powder. He didn’t offer Karkat a drink because he looked like he was still pretty stuffed.
Karkat however, offered himself one. He went to the cupboard and got a cup out. “If you’re having one I’m having one. Maybe it’ll help”
Equius frowned. “No. Karkat, I really don’t think this is a good idea. You were only asleep for a grand total of five minutes. Your dinner still needs time to digest. You had a bit of indigestion before, so why not just leave it and I’ll help you get to sleep”
The jug pinged and Karkat poured hot water into his cup, stirring it with the chocolate mix. He added a splash of milk and stirred it around, making a strong and sweet hot chocolate. “I can handle it. I’m not gonna explode. It’s just liquid. If anything, it’ll wake me up to go release my bladder in the middle of the night”
“Are you sure? Last time you drank something before bed, it-”
“Shut up about that! Who told you to bring that up? If you’re having supper I am too. End of story”
“But, ahh…” Equius grumbled as Karkat completely ignored him, stood right in front of him and started gulping the hot chocolate down, almost like he was trying to prove a point.
Equius was about to protest further when Karkat stopped and lowered the cup, looking kind of dazed. He swayed drunkenly and gave out a small moan.
Equius opened his mouth to ask what was wrong when Karkat exploded. Literally exploded with vomit, all over Equius’ white shirt, jeans, shoes, and the floor. Karkat coughed and gagged again.
Equius, quick thinking, slapped a hand over Karkat’s mouth and rushed him over to the sink, just in time for him to unleash another fount of chunky orange brown. It hit the sink with a loud splatter, spraying up the sides. “This…I was worried that THIS would happen” Equius said, exasperated. Karkat could be a bit headstrong at times. He held back the smaller one’s hair as he continued gagging and vomiting, rubbing his back. “It’s okay, it’s fine. I wasn’t particularly attached to this shirt anyway…shh, it’s okay…”
When it looked like Karkat was finally finished, Equius took a moment to peel off his spew soaked clothes, leaving himself in his underwear. He picked up Karkat and carried him to bed. He tucked him in and gave him the small rubbish bin out of the bathroom and a dose of soothing medicine. He then showered and cleaned himself up as well as the kitchen and the sink. 
Equius came into the bedroom a while later, with the house finally cleaned (and his clothing burned to ashes). He thought he heard a quiet sob, and found Karkat sitting in bed sniffling red tears.
Equius sighed. He walked over and pulled Karkat into a loving hug, “It’s okay. I’m not mad. I know you didn’t mean that to happen, kitten”
“Just wanted…don’t know what I was thinking…so stupid” Karkat hiccuped.
“Not stupid. Never stupid” Equius kissed his forehead and hugged Karkat tighter. He realised one second later that he’d forgotten to hold back his strength. Karkat eeped, burped and brought up a torrent of warm orange brown all over Equius’ bare skin.
Equius froze. …“Fiddlesticks!”
He had a feeling he was going to have a late night. Maybe he’d call those automatons back to work.
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sugarbunnydeku · 9 years
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tonight’s doodle. Emperor Smolcrab has a pitch crush on Big McLargehuge
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