#erandis vol
reddragoncrush · 9 months
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my players got to meet lady illmarrow tonight so i give you the token i drew for her!
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yellowmagicalgirl · 2 years
Yay I finally have polls!
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milfwizards · 2 years
on the one hand the wolf in the soup being erased from stories is fucked up as hell. on the other hand I think if you want to kill death that's sexy as hell and should be allowed
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thuranni · 8 months
erandis vol
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subject-2-roll · 1 year
Avire Delina d’Vol
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“I’ve been away from the world for too long, dahling. I’m here for the fun and romance! The chaos and destruction! Perhaps a bit of revenge along the way.” 
Stats: elf dark mistress (vampire) lvl 7 AC: 16, HP: 44, Init: +1 Str: 14 (+2), Dex: 12 (+1), Con: 12 (+1), Int: 11 (0), Wis: 8 (-1), Cha: 16 (+3)
Story: Avire was born in Aerenal thousands of years before our story takes place. When she developed a Mark of Death, she was taken in by the Vols. She grew up with Minara d’Vol and they became very close. On the island of Thal Taluna, Avire and Minara worked together in experiments with necromancy, processes by which Avire was turned into a vampire. During the ongoing war between dragons and elves, the Vols sought to bring peace by combining the bloodlines. Minara herself was impregnated by the green dragon, the Emerald Claw. When she fell in love with the dragon, Avire was the only to know this secret, as she was a trusted friend to Minara, and had fallen in love with a dragon herself. When Minara gave birth to the child, Erandis, Avire was honored to be a godmother to her. When the dragons and elves found out about the experiments of the Vols, and the mixed-blood child, they united in a common goal to eradicate the house entirely. Avire was an ally in smuggling Erandis out of Aerenal and to Khorvaire. She, however, stayed on the island with Minara and her family. When the raid on Thal Taluna happened, and the last of the Vols were wiped out, Avire was the victim of a fortunate accident. She stumbled into a machine that caused her to blink out of existence, a process she likely would not have survived if she were not undead. 
Avire returned some thousands of years later, reappearing in the ruins of her lab. The last of the Vols. She has heard horrid rumors, however, that her beloved niece Erandis is a fabled lich, Lady Illmarrow. Now walking Eberron again, Avire’s goal in her undeath is to get retribution for her house, and cause general mayhem on the way. But first, she has to reorient herself in a world so different than the one she left, partnering with a small band of unscrupulous individuals to do so. 
So soon after returning to the world, she hears tell that her goddaughter is still around, and is aware of Avire’s appearance. As she leaves the party to connect with her only family, one must wonder how has Erandis, Lady Illmarrow, has changed in these thousands of years. What are her intentions with Avire? 
“Avire d’Vol. My missing piece. A woman out of time. Go do as you wish. Follow your unbeating heart. I’ve waited this long for you, I can be patient a while longer.” -The Patron
Song for vibes
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nickandros · 2 years
i love taking perhaps nearly Theee most well known npc from the eberron campaign setting (except for like. erandis vol and maybe the lord of blades) and saying Fuck you. literally none of you understand him. in my campaign he is the most special and clever boy and you all need to clap for him or i'll blow this WHOLE building up. and only one other player has said "i agree" and everyone else at the table wants him dead.
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alushinyrra · 11 months
oc details ask meme: lenin's scalesona i mean ven 🎮💯🥪
🎮 - what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
Does living deliciously count as a hobby? Ven loves fine wine, fine food, and fine company, but I'd probably say her other two hobbies are reading (she's an intellectual at heart) and live theatre
💯 - share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
Ven's full name is Veneration, but she actually has two other names that she's received through her life. Her birth name is Lossenth, and when she was adopted she received the new name Elisheva
In an alternate life where she was never exiled, she most likely would've become an arcanist, not a sorcerer
Ven was very into theatre ever since she was a kid, where she demanded to be given the most important roles in the local children's pantomines as a kid with her favourite being Minara, mother of Erandis Vol
🥪what does your oc's typical lunch look like? do they usually eat lunch?
Ven lives and works in the lowest parts of Sharn, but she is incredibly dedicated to food and food culture. The average person (including her) does not have access to a kitchen in small apartments, so she tends to eat out. Her preferences are for anything new, and especially anything that wouldn't be acknowledged by the upper classes. For this reason, she has found herself in many establishments owned by goblins, gnolls, and harpies, though she's a sucker for Demesnan food.
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antiquery · 4 years
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NO JUSTICE: Lady Erandis Atreides d’Vol
And She laid her left hand upon me and said unto me, Fear not: I am the first and the last; I am She that liveth and was dead; and behold, I am alive forevermore.
— The Book of Sorrows, 1539 BK
Even a cautionary tale needs a telling, or so the story goes on Aerenal. Even the woman who slaughtered a city as a final act of vicious and pointless violence, though her name and the names of all her kin may be stricken from the great story of all that was & is & will yet be, cannot be wholly forgotten.
There must be reminders. There must be examples.
Dead for millennia, reviled as a heretic in her home and raised up as a saint by her faithful few in the cold dark north, the name of the Traitor Queen of Aerenal and her martyred twin Isidore have become bywords for horror and revelation, salvation and blasphemy. Scholars drawn by fatal curiosity— a zealot-martyr and her faithful knight— mystic apostles of forces unknown— whatever they were, they have become as multifaceted and kaleidoscopic as any god of thousands, redeemers and revolutionaries of the masses.
(The dead will be raised incorruptible, say the Scriptures, and to her faithful prophet it comes as no surprise that the Traitor Queen lives yet, to Death a martyr and a conqueror both. Murdered by history twice over, forgotten and exalted by turns, she remains a mystery and a deathly glory to even her closest apostles.)
Zealot, martyr, scholar, saint— consider, then, a truth which frequently escapes the notice of even the most learned theologians. For to wipe a woman from history, to murder her name and the names of every soul she touched, to destroy her existence and silence her screams of grief and horror so that no other may ever share in her pain: is that not a crime against her? 
And if it is, then what does such a crime require? For what do the bones of the murdered and martyred dead, all the myriads unremembered in a tyrant’s history, cry out?
For every wound a wound in turn.
For every crime an inquisition.
A reckoning will not long be postponed.
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ladyillmarrow · 4 years
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words that make you hurt
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cirex101 · 3 years
Liches of Dungeons & Dragons
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Vecna, the Whispered One, Greyhawk & Critical Role
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Szass Tam, Zulkir of Necromancy, Regent of Thay, Forgotten Realms
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Dregoth, Ravager of Giants, Dark Sun
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Erandis Vol, Lady Illmarrow, Eberron
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Tar-Baphon, the Whispering Tyrant, Pathfinder
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sageadvicednd · 3 years
If a person with a Dragonmark becomes an undead, would their Dragonmark still be active/under their control?
If a person with a Dragonmark becomes an undead, would their Dragonmark still be active/under their control?
If a person with a dragonmark becomes an undead, would their dragonmark still be active/under their control? Because if so, I have a pretty amazing story lined up… By canon lore, dragonmarks don’t work for undead. This is a crucial part of the story of Erandis Vol, who’s the last bearer of the Mark of Death but can’t use her in her undead form. — Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) November 1, 2020
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starlistic · 6 years
i love this list of liches bc it’s like. high fantasy names everywhere, all Tordynnar Rhaevaern and Rhangaun and Erandis Vol, and then suddenly at the end: BARRY BLUEJEANS
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yellowmagicalgirl · 2 years
#2 for the "top three" asks?
Sorry this took forever, had to clean
2: Top 3 villains/antagonists
Cinder Fall; she was my motivation in speech therapy as a kid
Karli Morgenthau; I am gay for Erin Kellyman
Erandis Vol; I had a lot of fun during her cameo in my campaign and I can't wait for her to become a bigger part of it
Ask My Top 3's
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subject-2-roll · 2 years
Wait wait why does Lady Avire's dragonmark work if she's undead? Asking for a friend (not Erandis Vol).
(as Avire) "That's a great question, dahling. I haven't thought about it much, only considered myself blessed. If I had to assume, it probably has something to do with my vampirism being a result of experimentation with my dear Minara, rather than traditional means. The spark of life meets death and all that.
It's truly a shame you are not friends with Erandis. I'd give anything to see my goddaughter again."
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antiquery · 4 years
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first traitor to the tyrant death, first martyr of the resurrection, first saint of blood and bone
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ladyillmarrow · 4 years
i wish there were an audience of more than two people for my erandis vol apologism
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