#erens mother
ellery-six · 1 month
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For a mother that's unforgettable <3
Connie's a good boy!
Sorry about the spoilers, I actually haven't seen up to this point myself. But Mother's Day, Connie Springer it was easy to tell where this was going.
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daydreamvalley · 11 months
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Mikasa Ackerman reimagined in my mind
I’m still in that phase of obsessing over planning the fanfic instead of writing it- I’m not posting this series for nothin ❕
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cowcat44artz · 1 month
When Reiner takes his sweet time bringing your snacks. Happy Mayternity and Mothers day!
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@redcoaster came up with the shirt text
Alt Ver: "All Natural"
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No one has permission to use this picture, DO NOT repost, trace, claim to be your own, edit/modify or de-face in any way! Reblogs appreciated
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abiatackerman · 1 month
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Happy Mother's day to all Moms! Thanks for always loving us... Can't express how much we love you ♾️
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aengelren · 8 months
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“I loved my mother. That’s the only thing that haven’t changed, truly.”
-Eren Jaeger in the new interview
*links for interview in my pinned*
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kazanfamily · 2 months
Starting a masterlist of ships who I always saw as sibling dynamics until I shockingly realized that the fandom shipped them romantically, and then they proceeded to become pretty much or actually canon
Sincerely, a hopeless panromantic who loves shipping but is still sick of amatonormativity in media.
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Ed and Winry - Fullmetal Alchemist
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Yuu and Mika - Owari no Seraph
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Catra and Adora - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
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Eren and Mikasa - Attack on Titan
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jjkeremika · 5 months
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Planted a garden full of lavender and called it home
description: eren helps out at his parents’ clinic. mikasa brings her sick mother to the clinic one day.
pairing: eren jaeger x mikasa ackerman, eremika (aot/snk)
disclaimer/warning(s)?: lowercase; alternate universe; third person but moreso from eren's pov; grisha and carla run a medical clinic; mikasa’s mother is sick; profanity
inspiration: “They say lavender softens anxiety / and i wonder whether i can plant a garden / so dense in your mind / that the knots in your chest unravel / and never tighten again” - jasmin kaur
it was a slow day—a very, very slow day. usually a few patients trickled in throughout, some for walk-in ailments and injuries and others for scheduled appointments, but they must’ve cured everyone yesterday considering how empty it was today.
eren rolled his eyes and groaned from boredom, standing from the uncomfortable chair and stretching. “this is soo booring,” he exhaled to the empty room, rubbing at his eyes, talking to himself to stay awake.
he debated asking his mother if he could leave for the day, or asking his father if he could take his lunch break early. ultimately, he decided against it. boredom was infinitely better than ear-aching lectures on responsibility and commitment and yada yada... he usually stopped listening by that point.
eren left the office and entered the bathroom, splashing some water on his hands and face to wake him up, stimulate his brain a little. he checked his hair in the mirror before leaving and headed straight to the record player in the waiting area.
the record player was ancient, given to him by his father who got it from his father’s father, or something like that (he wasn’t really listening at the time); which meant it was old. Old old; which meant it was even more satisfying when eren and armin finally restored it, having spent months working with armin’s grandfather and asking countless questions to the sick engineers in the waiting room.
his mood lifted as he searched through the old records, pausing to see if any patients had dropped off any unwanted vinyls. just one: “The Founder and Found? the hell is that?” eren flipped to the back of the protective sleeve, scanning the list of songs. “looming giants… us against the world… a rumbling sea separates you and me… pigs released? what the fuck are these songs?” he chortled when he asked the question to himself, finding the record bizarre and amusing.
he tucked the record under his arm. “damn, i have to show this to armin late—oh, shit.” eren heard light voices from outside the glass and stood up, rushing back to the desk right as he heard the door crack open.
he sat down and placed the record to the side, was logging back into his computer when the voices became clearer and louder.
“honestly, miki, im healing,” one woman managed out through interspersed coughs, her arm wrapped around the arm of the person eren assumed to be ‘miki.’ “i’ll be better soon.”
“yes, mum, you will,” the younger woman responded plainly, trying to lead her mother to the chair, “because the doctor is going to heal you.” eren finally looked over and his stomach leapt. “now, i’m going to sign you in, okay?”
“honey, no,” the woman tried to grab her daughter’s arm, but she easily brushed it off and walked towards eren.
“good morning,” she greeted nonchalantly, out of formality more than anything else, “this is dr jaeger’s clinic, right?”
eren didn’t answer. he stared at her silently, admiring her features and noticing that she didn’t smile.
she lifted her eyebrow in confusion, opened her mouth like she was going to say something, before closing it and peaking around her.
a light heat rushed through him and he became increasingly aware of his own self. he sat upright and smiled. “i, uh, sorry, i…” he cleared his throat, ignoring that his insides were flipping with embarrassment at his stutter, “yes, this is dr jaeger’s clinic. are you a new patient here?” she had to be; he's never seen her before.
“kind of?” she replied, “my mother was a patient of his before he moved here.” eren glanced to her mother then back to her.
“i, uh, we really only have, um,” he closed his eyes and took a breath, telling himself to get it together. why was he so awkward today? he continued, “we only have patient files from after the relocation.” eren found it easier to focus on the sick mother than the woman in front of him, “i can register her easily right now if—”
the pretty woman interrupted, and eren felt his stomach flip, “if you could just tell him the name ackerman, he’ll know who that is.”
eren noticed that his toes were clenching and digging into his shoes a little. he stopped himself before he bit his cheek.
the thing is, eren’s an independent guy. he likes to make his own decisions, to be free from control; often got into some trouble academically and socially because of it. and so, naturally, the only thing eren hated more than being interrupted, was people telling him what to do.
he stood up from his chair and met the younger woman’s fierce stare, felt a light tingle down his spine. “yeah, i’ll go tell him now,” he told her before exiting the office to the medical area, only now noticing his racing heart beat.
maybe pretty women who don’t smile can tell him what to do.
he brought the vinyl to armin's house after he left the clinic, his mind still hung up on the nameless girl with an ill mother from this morning.
armin was outside helping his grandfather harvest their garden when eren mindlessly arrived, lost in thoughts about why this random person he'd never met before made him so nervous, why he cared so much about whether she smiled at him or not. armin waved and called out eren's name and eren snapped back to reality.
"hey," he casually greeted as armin walked to the fence, "check out this record." armin's lips flattened into a straight line. always straight to the point.
armin took the record from him as he waved to armin's grandfather from across the yard. as he glanced it over, eren debated telling his friend about the patient's daughter.
he laughed while reading some of the names. "weird. is that from the clinic?" eren nodded. "did you want to come in and listen to it?" armin handed the record back and pointed over his shoulder to his house.
eren shook his hand to refuse the vinyl. "nah, i have to get home. my dad's showing me some of his old medical notes," eren explained, "thanks, though."
they bid farewell and turned around. a tiny smile formed on eren's face as the image of the pretty girl reappeared in his head and his abdomen fluttered. eren slowed to a stop. he could turn around right now and just ask if armin had ever felt like that before, if he'd understand, if he'd know what it means.
"everyone makes armin nervous," he muttered to himself and walked home.
eren yawned deeply as he unlocked the clinic doors and turned the overhead lights on. grisha asked him late last night if he could open before sunrise with him the next morning for an important patient. eren had checked the clock (midnight, go figure), sighed and nodded in agreement, and decided to go to bed.
he was a little annoyed, because, well, how was he supposed to say no to that?
he was scrolling on his phone, trying to keep himself awake because he’d disliked the taste of teas since he was young, when he perked up to the noise of the bell ring as the door opened.
the bell was immediately drowned out by a cough, and he recognized the older woman as the same one from yesterday even with the face mask.
a lump formed in his throat when his eyes trailed to the young woman next to her.
“good,” cough, “morn—” cough.
“mum, it’s okay,” the raven-haired woman soothed, very gently rubbing her mother’s back, “don’t strain yourself.” he couldn't explain the jump in his heart rate.
eren opened his mouth to greet them, was about to stand to help, when grisha entered from the back room, having immediately heard the chatter. "mikasa, you can bring her right in,” he borderline ordered, stepping to the side and holding the door open.
mikasa and her mother slowly made their way to the patient room, where dr jaeger and her mother then shooed her back to the waiting area for privacy.
“Keep my son company,” grisha told her, sharply punctuated by the door closing.
mikasa stood awkwardly and gazed around the hallway, then walked through the open office door. eren jumped in his seat at her sudden arrival.
“may i sit here?” the pretty girl asked, to which eren immediately shook his head and said, “no.”
“oh, okay, i’ll go wait out there,” she replied, looking like it didn't bother her either way.
“wait, wait, no, sorry, yeah, you can,” he followed sheepishly, reaching his hand out like he were going to stop her from leaving before pulling it back in confusion at the brazen, odd action, “i thought you were going to ask if i minded,” he explained, feeling his stomach drop and his temperature flare, “which i don’t.”
she nodded a couple times curiously, but still sat down. “you’re dr jaeger’s son?” she asked so firmly that eren wondered if it was a question or a statement. he wondered if he should wait for her to continue.
he nodded anyway, just in case. “yeah.” he shifted in the chair. he mentally chastised himself for losing his composure. he's eren fucking jaeger. he doesn't get nervous. “have been my whole life,” he joked, chuckling awkwardly before stopping once he noticed her lips didn’t waver. she didn’t say anything. he looked to his lap. “i, um—”
“how long have you been working with him?” she brushed the hair off her shoulder and leaned into the chair, crossing her arms and resting one thigh over the other.
he was slightly taken aback by the sudden question, and felt his stomach flutter at her attention on him. and then his eyes were trailing from the floor, up her legs restricted in fitted jeans to her shapely hips to her tight shirt and rounded shoulders and lick-able collarbones an--wait, what?
"are you okay?" mikasa interrupted his onslaught of thoughts, one eyebrow lifted, no emotion in her eyes. his gaze lingered on her collarbones before blushing and sitting upright.
"yeah, yeah, sorry," he apologized, rubbing his forehead, "it's early," he chuckled, which was not reciprocated. she nodded slowly. "ive been here since the relocation," he answered, returning to the conversation. "how long have you known my father?"
“he used to travel to us every couple months. my mother’s been sick for a while now,” she answered, her shoulders dropping slightly.
he felt the urge to reach out and offer his hand, provide some form of comfort. “so, your names mikasa, right?” he changed the subject instead. she nodded. pretty name. “i’m eren.” he gave her a tiny wave. pretty girl.
“it’s nice to meet you, eren.” the smile spread on his face before he could stop it. the flutter demanded his attention. he never particularly cared for his name, but he liked the way it sounded on her tongue.
“it’s nice to meet you, too, mikasa,” he smoothly replied, beaming internally at the slight curve at the edge of her lips.
the next day, after the clinic closed, grisha and carla asked eren to join them to a house call, citing something about how he should be there to learn and they could use an extra hand. he doesn’t know. he wasn’t really listening. it’s not like he had anything else to do anyway.
what they didn’t tell him was how far away and how long this house call was. a two hour train ride into the city, a bus to a different district, a thirty minute walk.
it was when the door opened at the small house that he understood why they’d come this way.
mikasa welcomed them inside and informed grisha and carla of her mother’s status and location. the two set off immediately, like they’d been here before, leaving mikasa alone with eren.
he glanced over at her, refrained from looking below her chin. “hey, mikasa,” he said with a smile and a small wave.
“hi, eren,” she replied casually, emotionless.
he bit his lip and curled his toes to contain the giddy feeling rumbling through his chest at the sound of his name. “do you always go so far to come to the clinic?” he asked to keep her talking.
she nodded. “yes. we hadn’t seen dr jaeger since the relocation because of that, but then she got worse, and other doctors didn’t know what to do, so…” she trailed off, but the point was clear.
she glanced down, and he noticed her hand shaking when he followed her gaze, noticed her trying to soothe it with another shaky hand, hiding it under her cardigan.
eren suddenly remembered that: years and years ago, back when his father came home late and left early, talked with carla every evening about a woman who was miraculously hanging on. eren thought they'd moved because this patient had once improved.
yet her daughter now sat detached and fractured in front of him, and her mother sat dying in the other room.
eren’s stomach dropped like a feather tied to boulders. he wasn’t so great at this part, empathizing with and calming people when they were upset. he usually said the wrong things, and in the office he recited a script his mother created for consoling families of terminally ill patients.
but instead he thought of holding her hand or rubbing her arm, excusing the action by offering it to comfort her. instead, it was his turn to ask her: “are you okay?”
she didn’t reply, didn’t move, didn’t seem like she was even breathing. he took a step forward.
and she chortled, a fleeting smile and cut-off symphony, then nodded and dabbed at her eyes. which eren didn’t really get because he didn’t understand what was funny but he didn’t really care because she smiled and he’d never felt so captivated by a smile before.
“i’m okay,” she answered, still smiling, still looking at him, “thanks, eren.”
he felt warm and bubbly inside, like the heat was causing the water in his body to boil and evaporate.
he finally understood the intent behind the phrase when he said, “my pleasure,” because, for once, he meant it.
grisha and eren returned to the ackerman house every day for a few days after that. grisha allowed eren to observe the tests and treatment administrations, explained the science and intricate mechanics behind each method and instrument, and eren finally understood why mikasa was forced out of the room each time.
eren stepped out and spoke with mikasa most days, trying to make her laugh, to take her mind away from the anxieties quaking her body.
the visits continued until grisha made the final call to admit her to the hospital. mikasa argued against it, her mother weakly chiming in, but ultimately, dr jaeger convinced them both it was for the best. carla referred mikasa to therapists and support groups, and everyone went home.
once she was admitted, eren didn’t see mikasa anymore. the trip there and back was long, and grisha received updates on patient status from correspondence with the hospital. so without the excuse of a sick patient, there wasn’t much reason to go to her house.
armin stopped by the clinic to help check patients in during one of the busier days. during one of the lulls around lunch, when eren convinced armin to do his own job so he could mess around with the vinyls, mikasa walked in.
eren spotted someone walking towards him from the corner of his eye, and a record slipped from the stack he was holding as soon as he recognized her.
he scrambled to catch it, and he did, flattened between his wrist and his thigh, at the sacrifice of the entire stack falling to the floor.
“mikasa, hey,” he greeted first, standing upright and waving the one record in his hand. he could feel the heat on his cheeks, but her breezy laugh massaged out the breath he held.
“hi, eren,” she said with a teeny smile, she looked down at the vinyls scattered around their feet, moved like she was about the crouch to arrange them.
"don't, uh. i'll take care of... it," eren followed sheepishly, stepping around the vinyls, closer to her. "what are you doing here? n-not that i mind, of course." eren could see armin hiding his face behind his hand. he felt more nervous with armin watching.
but eren relaxed a little when she giggled. “i won’t take up too much of your time. i just wanted to give you this.” he was so distracted by her that he didn’t even notice the plant in her hands. “i appreciate what your family did for mine.”
eren glanced down at the plant she’d placed into his palms. his heart rate picked up and his stomach flipped. she came all the way here for this? for him?
“i know it’s not much, but… we own a plant shop, so…” she trailed off and looked to the ground, her eyes dull, and he wondered if he should put the record and plant down and just hold her.
“how is she?” he asked, not moving. a diversion from the real question he wanted to ask.
“she’s… alive,” a quiet mumble, so quiet the noise of the other patients almost drowned it out. he noticed her hand shaking. he put the plant and vinyl down on an empty chair.
he was about to reach his hand out, to ask if she wanted company, to ask if she had someone to turn to. she spoke before he could. “anyway, i appreciate everything.”
and she turned around, halfheartedly waved goodbye and headed for the door. eren’s heart raced, his stomach dropped, he felt a mild panic. he didn’t want her to leave. she’d never come back. she came all the way to the clinic. alone.
“wait!” he exclaimed louder than intended, garnering the attention of everyone in the room. he lowered his voice, “i, uh,” he stepped after her, and she stopped once he spoke, “i don’t know how to take care of plants.” she stared at him blankly, if not sadly. a tainted reminder of when they first met. a blood stain on all the progress they’d made.
but his heart still raced the same. “can i call you?”
he called her that night, asking what kind of sunlight and water and nutrients it needed, asking multiple times what kind of plant it was and if she could spell it out for him.
there was never any annoyance or irritation in her voice, but he'd asked so many times that she eventually told him different answers to mess with him, to the point that he forgot the real ones.
he called mikasa again the next night, explaining that he was confused and forgot everything she’d told him. “do you have any more questions?”
his heart fluttered and his stomach dropped. he didn’t want this to end yet. “i, um, don’t have a watering can. or soil. or nutrients. or a pot, so… uh, can i come to your store sometime?”
he could only hear her soft steady breathing, and he could vividly picture her pretty face, staring at him with that newly found sparkle in her eyes, that budding smile on her lips.
“yeah,” she answered delicately, “that would be okay.”
eren had practically begged his older brother to cover his shift at the clinic. it took a lot of begging, but zeke finally relented.
zeke had no interest in following their father’s footsteps into medicine and made that explicitly clear to everyone that he would be living with his mother and baking breads and pastries instead. so, eren wagered one shift in exchange for buying three breads and four pastries, and giving zeke the shift’s earnings. he didn’t care what he had to do; he just needed it covered.
it was just past sunrise when he set out, and he carried one of the breads and two pastries to the location mikasa had told him about.
the long journey was more tumultuous in the early morning, the train and bus rides providing ample time and opportunity to sleep.
eren noticed her instantly when he was walking down the street. she was watering the plants outside the shop, an elephant-shaped watering can in her hands, when he approached with a meek smile.
“mikasa,” he started when he was still a few feet away, “hi.” he waved despite the now cold bags in his hands.
she glanced up and greeted him with a nod, “eren.” she stopped watering the plants, then gestured for him to follow her. he did wordlessly, admiring the vibrant green leaves and multicolored flowers on the tables and floors and walls.
he stood awkwardly near the counter as she momentarily disappeared in the back. he observed the small plant in the cat pot near the register, reached out and smiled at the soft, gentle texture of the leaves, when the handles of the resusable bag slid from his wrist to his elbow and he yanked his arm back, pulling the plant and ripping the leaf with it.
the plant and pot fell to the ground, soil and decorative rocks scattering across the ground. “oh, shit,” eren whispered frantically, rushing to place the bags on the tabletop and ducking down to brush up the debris, to put the displaced plant back into its home.
he noticed her peering over the counter. “i, uh, i didn’t mean to…” he stood up, the messy plant tucked back into the plastic liner and back into the thankfully unbroken pot.
he felt the uncomfortable heat flooding his abdomen. he felt his usually rigid abs softening into nervous gelatin as she stared at him blankly. he felt embarrassed at how clumsy he was around her, which was only exacerbated when he thought back to armin’s playful teasing after the record incident.
she chuckled softly as he placed it on the counter. “that’s okay. i do it all the time,” she confided, pointing towards the pile of dirt in the corner of the room, swept under one of the displays. he exhaled airily, smiling, relieved. she watched him delicately place the torn leaf next to the bags. “what are these?” she asked, lightly touching the top.
“o-oh, they’re for you,” he answered sheepishly, scratching at the back of his neck, “my brother owns a bakery. i thought since i was coming so early, we could…” he trailed off, shifting uncomfortably, “you’ll enjoy it. he’s really good.”
she relaxed into the chair. “thanks, eren.” she stared at him softly and raised an eyebrow. “are you here for a pot?”
he wiped his hand against his jeans. “i, uh.” no. “yes.” he could feel beads of sweat starting to form on his hairline, and he hoped they wouldn’t roll down.
she stood up, flattening out the wrinkles in her apron with her palms. “you’re welcome to look around, but,” she explained as she wandered around the counter, walked right by him. she smelled nice, like pink roses and prosecco. “i picked out two nice pots that are about its size, held them in case you wanted one.” she held the two small pots in her hands.
one various shades of green, an ombré of dark to light in a cascading pattern that seamlessly transitioned under his stare. the other bursts of yellow and orange and red, hot colors searing through the clay and burning into the edges, overlayed with a distinct smell of light grey smoke licking up the sides.
mikasa held up the fiery pot higher than the other. “carla told me you like camping, and i’ve never been, but when i was young and the shop was slow, my father and i huddled around pots like this one and pretended we were around campfire.”
eren’s heart dropped into his stomach. he wondered where her father was now, after all this time, during these long and difficult weeks; his absence turning the night bleaker and darker.
she turned her gaze to the grassy pot, her eyes roaming the gradient monochrome mosaic. “this one, just… reminds me of you.” she glanced up at him, and she felt warm when she realized he was already looking to her.
his heart swelled and his chest hurt. she’d picked them out for him? with more of a reason than it’s the size of the liner? how was he even supposed to choose one? she’d put thought into both.
she’d put thought into him.
“maybe it’s because of your eyes or that shirt you always wear,” she joked awkwardly, smiling faintly and minutely, avoiding eye contact, to take his fixated attention off her. did she say something wrong?
eren’s throat sucked his mouth dry, and his tongue lost all speaking mobility. it hung flat in his mouth, too heavy to move but too light to let go. he lost his mind at her meek, fleeting smile. a smile too pristine to be faltering so soon.
“or maybe it was the record you were holding when i brought the plant,” she added quietly, squinting at the green pot like it would restore her memory, regurgitate her line of thinking when she picked it out of the rest.
she finally returned his eye contact, pulling him out of his blatant adoration. “you don’t have to pick either,” she continued, rambling from the unsettling rumble in her gut, the foreign itching under her skin, “there’s many more here that you might like.”
she went to put the two hand-selected pots down when eren stepped forward, held his arms out to stop her movement. “no! i, ah, i do want those ones.” he held his hands out to take them from her. “i’d… actually like both, if that’s okay.” she looked at him with a light surprise, her eyes and mouth wide and open.
he liked the pink blush that graced her cheeks. “o-oh. a-are you sure?” she furrowed her eyebrows, dropped her gaze. “you only have the only plant…”
he felt the heat from her charcoal eyes set his meadows on fire. he felt his heart beat speed up and his vessels dilate.
eren stepped closer. he lifted his forearms, delicately covered her hands as they cupped the pots.
“i want to buy your favorite plant too,” he said softly, his longer fingers curling over hers, intertwining lightly with hers.
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inmyveinsposts · 3 months
Let me present you my aot (aruani) series of one-shots based on "How I met your mother".
Living in the best city in the world in your twenties, with your friends? Nights at the usual bar, finding yourself lost in the future, struggling to find your place in the world, and most of all, navigating through relationships. It's wonderful, terrifying and, extremely, extremely, funny.
This is the story about a group of friends navigating their youth in chaotic and exciting ways as they waste their time at Scout's, their most trusted bar.
Brace yourselves to enjoy their shenanigans.
Main cast:
Armin Arlert: 25. Graduate student at New York University. Future environmental lawyer, according to what he says he will save the ocean, but so far we see him more at the bar than saving the ocean. Hailing from Minnesota, however, he met his roommate at the University of Chicago, Eren Yaeger, and his best friend, Mikasa Ackerman, with whom he came to live in New York. Affable, conciliatory and intelligent, or at least, depending on who you ask, because his friends will tell you all the idiotic things he's capable of, especially after a couple of beers at Scout's. While his friends struggle to find the love of their life, get back their love or get into bed with various people, he just goes with the flow.
Based on Marshall Eriksen.
Annie Leonheart: 27. The new bartender at Scout's and lead singer of the band that plays at the bar on Friday nights. Moved to New York with her band from Scotland, her two best friends, Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover, an engaged couple, yes engaged, while she just goes with the flow. Last member of the group, thanks to Eren. Quiet and aloof, or so they say, others will tell you the crazy things she does at Scout's when her shift is over. Annie will navigate her youth in New York, pursue her dreams, friendships will form and in love she will lose herself.
She is the perfect mix of Robin and Lily.
Eren Yaeger: 25. He works as a comic strip artist in a newspaper in the city, although his dream is to succeed with his own comic. He comes from Chicago, where he met Armin Arlert, his best friend, and Mikasa Ackerman, his great love. His purpose is to find the love of his life, especially after the breakup with Mikasa. Dramatic, idiotic and groundbreaking. He is the cause of reforms in Scout's, especially if he gets together with Jean.
Based on Ted Mosby.
Mikasa Ackerman: 25. She works in a tattoo studio, although her dream is to become a famous artist. Hailing from Chicago, like Eren, and even though she knew him before, they didn't speak until college, thanks to the classes they shared. Thanks to that, the two ended up in a relationship, she met Armin and ended up in New York. When things ended with Eren, she moved out and met Sasha, her current roommate. She is willing to either get over the breakup or get Eren back, whichever comes first.
Based on Robin Scherbatsky.
Jean Kirstein: 27. He works at the biggest bank in New York, although if you ask any of his friends they wouldn't know what he does for a living. Hailing from New Jersey, he works with Connie Springer and thanks to that he met Sasha, Mikasa's roommate, although ironically, Jean met the group at Scout's. Kind of a womanizer, although he respected and somewhat composed for someone that wild. He is known for tearing Scout's apart with Eren and thanks to their rivalry.
Based on Barney Stinson.
Connie Springer: 25. Accountant at Goliath National Bank, the most powerful bank in New York, where he works with Jean. A lifelong Brooklynite, like Sasha Braus, who is his partner in crime. He is Jean's wing man in the search for single women in New York, although truth be told, he is a disastrous wing man. Funny and crazy, he is the menace himself.
Based on Barney Stinson and Marshall Eriksen on season two, when he is single and he is the worst at being Barney's wing man.
Sasha Braus: 26. Kindergarten teacher, although her dream is to be a restaurant critic. Hailing from the same New York City, Brooklyn, just like Connie Springer, her best friend. She is Mikasa's new roommate and Eren's sworn enemy (even though Eren doesn't know) and the one who supports Jean the most by chasing Mikasa, she also forms a dangerous trio together with Connie and Jean. Chaotic and funny, one of Scout's dangers and Levi Ackerman's nightmare.
Based on Lily Aldrin.
Recurring cast:
Levi Ackerman: 37. Distant cousin of Mikasa. Bartender at Scout's. He is so tired of the gang's shit.
Hange/Hanji: 35. Manager of the bar. Loves serving the gang, with their shenanigans they have the time of their life.
Reiner Braun: 27. "Marley's warriors" drummer. Annie's childhood friend, he moved to New York from Scotland with her and his fiancé, with whom he has a dramatic and complicated, yet fun, relationship.
Based on Stuart from "How I met your mother."
Bertholdt Hoover: 28. "Marley's warriors" guitarist and Reiner's fiancé. Calm and relaxed, until Reiner enters the equation.
Based on Claudia from "How I met your mother."
Other character will make appearances:
Pieck Finger.
Hitch Dreyse.
Historia Reis.
The story will mostly focus on Aruani, but there will be one shots focused on other characters. (Not many) Despite being based on "How I Met Your Mother", the stories will mostly be fictional,and as well as, the characters are based on the characters of the series, they will still have their own characteristics.
Summary of the first one shot
After a painful breakup, Eren Yaeger is determined to find the love of his life in New York. One Friday night, he sees a girl singing at the bar, Annie Leonhart. Determined to make her fall in love with him, Eren holds two parties in his apartment, which bothers his roommate, Armin Arlert, who has an essay in Constitutional Law. However, there are two things that Eren does not count on, first of all, that his great love Mikasa Ackerman will be present and that Annie Leonhart may enjoy the company of another person more.
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creaturetap · 2 months
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behold, i have made myself upset over people who exist only in mine and a handful of my friends' brains!! the agonies
(id in alt text)
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showinalittlelife · 6 months
uhm so i’m considering making a satoru cardboard cutout maybe just maybe
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phantom-shell · 1 year
These 4 characters have something in common and it's not their lack of a mother
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emayuku · 28 days
Barefoot Fay
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Fay Jaeger, her brother, Grisha, his new wife, Carla and their unborn child, Eren from the Attack on Titan anime movie "Barefoot Fay", written by Elizabeth Mayuku, directed by Mamoru Hosoda and produced by FUNimation Entertainment and Studio Chizu.
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aengelren · 9 months
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She was his og bestfriend before Armin.
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dramoor · 2 years
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“While sitting with God, we acquire some good virtues and some of  His  characteristics. It is exactly when you live with someone. You  start to  adopt some of his qualities unconsciously, a word or an  expression. So  it is when we sit with God; we take from His qualities  which are: peace,  joy, love, giving and sacrifice.”
~Mother Erene
(Icon via Pinterest)
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sassynobody · 1 year
I have a blond brother
My mother died in front of me
She had the anime dead mom hair style
My father is the anti-hero-villain without being good and 50% antagonist not human anymore
He kind of gave me his ability and disappeared
WWII is literally half of the plot
I lost a leg while being reckless then an arm to help a blond cinnamonroll but it made me stronger
My superior is a raven haired man highly worshipped by fangirls and who can kill you in a snap of finger
Am I talking about Edward Elric or Eren Jeager you don't know
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kittenfangirl20 · 1 year
A part of me wonders if one of the reasons why Eren easily gets angry at Jean is because of how he treated his mother when she came to visit. A character defining moment for Eren is losing his mother at a young age and in an especially brutal way. So I think Eren someone who would probably give anything to have his mother back would not look too kindly upon someone who has a mother to care for him, but is publicly rude to her when she comes to visit him especially when she brought him a home cooked meal to enjoy.
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