#ereshkigal ic
gluttonygirls · 1 year
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She's in Eresh's room.~ She's got a tray, full of tasty, decadent food that just bursts with flavor...Oh, and the smell is amazing too...Sakura really is a master chef, because every dish on that plate is perfection.
Honestly, is it any wonder Ishtar's completely and totally subservient to her every whim? Being fed like this every day would make anyone that head-over-heels.
And Eresh needs to understand that.
"Come ooon...just have a bite, Nee-san.~ It's chicken-fried riiiice.~"
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"B-But, I..."
She's backing onto her bed as far as she can go, knees drawn up to her chest as she tries to back away from Sakura. The smell of all that food is intoxicating, enough to make anyone drool. Even Ereshkigal has to take big gulps to keep her mouth clear, staring down at the spread before her.
It would be a real shame if Sakura shoved that spoon past her lips during one of those swallows.
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pseudomonacarriea · 1 year
Your most beautiful feature
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cyfaredd · 10 months
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@theabyssalmuses asked: ❓ i know youu're low on Fate rn so feel free not to answer or delete this but i AM curious abt. Eresh first thought considering Ishtar ? send "❓" to know what's the first word that crosses my muse's head when they think of yours | open
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❝ ...Regret. ❞
An answer that came so easily to the Goddess, though her eyes wouldn't raise to meet the asker. There were so many words she wished she could retract, so many arguments that were unnecessary, and so much false 'justice' that was unfairly dealt. They'd hurt eachother in ways mortals could never truly understand the depth of — and for what ?? In the end nothing would change and the cycle between them would repeat.
Like the sun and moon, they would never truly understand eachother's worlds.
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breath-of-eternity · 8 months
Almost Forgot To Post This
Fire rippled over Melusine and burned away most of the skin from her front—she’d had worse, yes, but not in a while. Pain blotted out everything else, but she focused on the ground underneath her, the pebbles showering down on her, and rose above it.
If Agni were here, this never would have—
Wow, way to make the lack of skin the more appealing misery. At least the physical pain began to fade, but the more she was aware, the less she liked. Her hands had been twisted behind her and shackled in metal, which would take Resh about five seconds to undo. She tried to lift her head and find the other Knight, but her body was numb, ice water freezing her veins. It wasn’t the first time she’d been paralyzed, though it never lingered in her muscles like this before. She wriggled her fingers and they twitched.
“This one’s coming around,” a voice said.
White shapes danced in her vision, the color slowly bleeding back into them. A sharp point punctured her back, high up, near her neck, and there went the color. What the fuck were they doing to her?
Something like sleep washed over her and she fought it, though she couldn’t do more than that, except maybe berate herself for how stupid she was to allow them to defeat her. Many bodies floated around her during the battle, most in the midst of escape, and she had focused her energies on the ones who were steady in their approach. Clearly she had missed one and he nailed her with the poison. The next thing was aware of was Resh radiating magic, darkness, a shower of soil dusting her face. The explosion had probably killed her again, she wasn’t sure. Damn it, she had never seen anything like that before…
No, wait. The Forge before the volcanic eruption. The explosions there had been similar. Fuck, she kept forgetting the technology she was fighting.
Her eyes twitched open, and this time the world was a faded gray. Long, dark hair tickled her face, and she had to assume Ereshkigal was draped over her, as benumbed as Melusine. Her arms twitched, crawling down her leg to the knife in her boot. A needle pierced her shoulder and the world began to swim.
“No one can survive that much,” came a voice, different from the last one, higher and tighter.
“They can, trust me.”
Then she couldn’t hold on any longer, she slipped into a pool of icy cold water, her element, she could sink to the bottom and had no fear of death, except this was no water under her domain.
You do need to fear death, she reminded herself. You aren’t supposed to, but they took Agni from you. There is much for you to fear. This is the first time in a long time you’ve had to deal with it, but deal with it you will. You have no choice. You are the Waters Of Life. Now wake up.
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Ishtar is covering her red bottom with her hands and sniffling while Ereshkigal goes to the kitchen to fetch her sister an ice pack.
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danaravi · 2 years
       ereshkigal? no--- his senses lapse upon the sight of another in her image, a hope briefly filling his chest, but he sharpens quickly, noting their dissimilarities. averting his gaze, karna ponders this happenstance as he steps out onto the ice, gliding languidly across its surface. at first it had occurred to him that her sister might be present within the city, for there are shades of every servant within the grail...
       ... but that notion is swiftly dismissed as a body collides with his own, snapping him from his daze as he reaches to steady them by their shoulders. losing himself to his thoughts while ice-skating is, as expected, unwise; perhaps he ought to keep his wits about him, lest he lose sight of them again, and another pay for it.
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             ❝  forgive me, i... was not minding where i was going.  ❞ jinako would surely find this amusing, he muses, albeit fondly.
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nerovbelial · 2 years
Hell is only one part of the greater Underworld, the other part is Sheol the land of the dead.
In contrast to the burning Inferno that makes up much of Hell, Sheol is a realm of shadows, ice, and decay. It is inhabited by sinful spirits that died before the Treaty of Purgatory, and those spirits that lack great sin yet but to acknowledge Yahweh. Besides spirits Sheol is also home to the Reapers; the gods of death, beings whose duty it is to collect souls from Earth and bring them to the Underworld.
Sheol is ruled over by the 13 Reaper Families.
They are as follows:
1) Hades
2) Pluto
3) Thanatos
4) Orcus
5) Azrael
6) Yama
7) Ereshkigal
8) Mot
9) Anubis
10) Charon
11) Hel
12) Naberius
13) Izanami
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ssagiso · 4 years
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with a spear-like cage befitting her lancer class, ruby hues would grow wide with awe at the place she finds herself summoned to, it’s a rather quaint and small town wasn’t it? (how homely!) she thought with a bubbly feeling in her chest, having the freedom to explore the modern world was a rare opportunity despite the fact there was no master in sight, no clue as to which human had summoned her. it didn’t help that ereshkigal stuck out like a sore thumb with her goth-like attire that could make anyone mistake her for a cosplayer, but brushing aside the curious glances she got, no one seemed to mind.
one step, two steps, three on the pavement by the roadside, her line of sight darting everywhere to take in the colorful scenery. the era that she had came from had humans make houses from mud and sticks, weapons from bronze and wood, yet now humans had evolved to make such intricate architecture and societies had left her amazed. 
though there’s a feeling of uneasiness tugging her chest as she passes by an ordinary corner from first sight, the next minute would be spent blankly staring at a dead girl’s soul, a phenomena she has seen millions of times for centuries managing Kur. the thought had saddened her, humans live short lives with most of it being in suffering, so she had always done her duty to make their afterlife as comfortable and peaceful as could be. 
‘ hey there, why might you be here? ‘ she questions the other, placing a good distance between them just to not seem intimidating, she did hold an obvious sharp weapon after all.      
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bonmotx · 2 years
Anonymous asked: I here there is this other streamer, I think her name is Ereshkigal? Thoughts on her?
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...is this just gonna be a thi
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Okay, so like, I don’t think we’re really comparable in terms of brands, you know? I couldn’t see that woman using her sex appeal if she tried, and she’s wearing a bathing suit. Honestly, she’s just too stuck up for it to manage it.
Like, there’s a difference between making yourself a martyr and being forced to be a martyr. You’re telling me she couldn’t legislate? Start divvying up tasks? You’re the Queen. You’re the Goddess. If you want something done, it will get done. So don’t give me excuses about being the only one who could or who bore the responsibility. 
She could never go big on her own merit because she’d be unable to get people to do shit for her. I mean, maybe a significant other or whatever, but c’mon... Sure, you can edit videos and trim streams down to a reasonable length, but that takes going through the entire thing. She could just leave it alone, but the graphics and technical aspect seem... kinda beyond her, you know? People underestimate the effort it takes to do this shit. Most people don’t just set up a camera and be done with it. Getting emojis made for the chat, getting an overlay, getting some kind of theme music or something even, hell, editing is way harder than just cutting shit together if you wanna put effort into it and have a good sense of it. Having good comedic timing, making it more seamless, or accentuating the abruptness for a purpose... I can’t see her really wanting to learn, or letting someone else do it? Plus, she just doesn’t strike me as the kind to do it for her own enjoyment. 
With that painfully shy aura, sure, other people would follow for the ‘my insecure waifu who is so shy but not around me’ cred, but why even do it?
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She’d need one person as a motivation to do it. We all know who, don’t we? Love interest based motivations... it’s... ugh, I won’t say pathetic, since it’s sincere enough, but she’d just be unable to do it for her own reasons. Why would she enjoy being watched by countless people?
I mean, if we just analyze her face, hell yeah she’d make it. She’s cute, she has that awkward charm, and she’s easy enough to disarm the crowd would have a field-day making her blush and get flustered. But she can’t act for shit, she’s not outgoing enough to enjoy it, and she’s not purposefully manipulative enough to lie and pretend everyone is ‘the one I do it for’. 
So you have an awkward woman whose charm would be built upon selling the impression of intimacy. Sure, lots of people can do that. Really successfully at that. But tell me she’d be able to lie. Tell me. Have you seen how pissed idol fans get at the mere implication their precious idol-chan has even been on a maybe date? That’s the crowd she’d attract.
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That world would chew her up and spit her out. She’s just not an entertainer. That’s fine. She’s a damn queen and goddess, why bother unless she’d have fun with it? Can you see her enjoying it? Really? I mean, I guess we’re not close, but come on.
Even if she did... I mean, I could see her getting popular just on her face, yeah. But doing it out of her own desires... nothing I’ve seen points towards it. Because of that, what motivation does she have to get better, to handle the hardest parts, get past the late nights and the hate? They’d want her to do lewd things, be gleeful at her embarrassment, torment her... and her charm would need to be built upon lying that they’re close, otherwise, only the people with certain tastes would watch. If you watch someone to pretend she could be your girlfriend, why watch someone who is a streamer cause she’s someone’s girlfriend?
Let her be the background cameo or special guest to someone that actually would enjoy it. The community has enough half-assed people, at least leave room for the ones who don’t wanna be here who are trying to cause they need the money or whatever.
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gluttonygirls · 1 year
Oh, dear, Ereshkigal's barricaded her double-doors again...
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"Nee-saaan, I need you to open her door for meeeeee!"
Ishtar's not in sight...but she knows she heard.~
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"I'll be out in just a minute okay?!"
She's just shy and is undoing the boards, because she doesn't want Sakura to make another hole in her wall again using Ishtar.
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pseudomonacarriea · 2 years
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Eresh don’t look it’s a disaster-
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eagledreaming · 3 years
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“Okay but the fact Ereshkigal hasn’t come to any of our Summer Vacations is a crime in my book. Is she avoiding the beach on purpose? I think she would look amazing at the Beach. Perhaps even- No, No I won’t say that. She just would look amazing is all I am willing to say.” 
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breath-of-eternity · 8 months
And From Nightmare to WTF
Fire rippled over Melusine and burned away most of the skin from her front—she’d had worse, yes, but not in a while. Pain blotted out everything else, but she focused on the ground underneath her, the pebbles showering down on her, and rose above it.
If Agni were here, this never would have—
Wow, way to make the lack of skin the more appealing misery. At least the physical pain began to fade, but the more she was aware, the less she liked. Her hands had been twisted behind her and shackled in metal, which would take Resh about five seconds to undo. She tried to lift her head and find the other Knight, but her body was numb, ice water freezing her veins. It wasn’t the first time she’d been paralyzed, though it never lingered in her muscles like this before. She wriggled her fingers and they twitched.
“This one’s coming around,” a voice said.
White shapes danced in her vision, the color slowly bleeding back into them. A sharp point punctured her back, high up, near her neck, and there went the color. What the fuck were they doing to her?
Something like sleep washed over her and she fought it, though she couldn’t do more than that, except maybe berate herself for how stupid she was to allow them to defeat her. Many bodies floated around her during the battle, most in the midst of escape, and she had focused her energies on the ones who were steady in their approach. Clearly she had missed one and he nailed her with the poison. The next thing was aware of was Resh radiating magic, darkness, a shower of soil dusting her face. The explosion had probably killed her again, she wasn’t sure. Damn it, she had never seen anything like that before…
No, wait. The Forge before the volcanic eruption. The explosions there had been similar. Fuck, she kept forgetting the technology she was fighting.
Her eyes twitched open, and this time the world was a faded gray. Long, dark hair tickled her face, and she had to assume Ereshkigal was draped over her, as benumbed as Melusine. Her arms twitched, crawling down her leg to the knife in her boot. A needle pierced her shoulder and the world began to swim.
“No one can survive that much,” came a voice, different from the last one, higher and tighter.
“They can, trust me.”
Then she couldn’t hold on any longer, she slipped into a pool of icy cold water, her element, she could sink to the bottom and had no fear of death, except this was no water under her domain.
You do need to fear death, she reminded herself. You aren’t supposed to, but they took Agni from you. There is much for you to fear. This is the first time in a long time you’ve had to deal with it, but deal with it you will. You have no choice. You are the Waters Of Life. Now wake up.
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cyfaredd · 4 years
> holding master’s hand
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valkyrse · 4 years
how  do  you  need  to  be  loved ?
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carefully ,   like  a  gentle  rain  on  dry  earth .
you’ve  been  left  beaten  down  and  by  someone  you  really  trusted  and  loved ,   so  now  love  doesn’t  come  easy  for  you .   you  want  it  to .   you  want  to  love  and  be  loved ,  but  you’re  not  sure  you  remember  how .   so  you  need  someone  else  to  take  the  lead .   they  have  to  watch  out  for  you ,   and  make  sure  you’re  doing  okay ,   because  most  days  you  feel  a  little  fragile ,   if  not  totally  shattered .   but  someone  will  come  along  who  will  put  those  pieces  back  together  again .
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recklessly ,   like  a  horse  running  as  fast  as  they  can .
you’ve  been  told  that  the  way  you  love  can  never  last ,   and  that  heartbreak  is   inevitable .   but  you  don’t  want  to  love  carefully .   you  want  to  love  with  reckless  abandon .   you  want  to  love  with  everything  you  have ,   and  you  want  to  be  loved  the  same  way .   you  don’t  want  them  to  worry  about  tomorrow .   make  today  worth  living  for .
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casually ,   the  same  way  you  breathe .
you  want  someone  who  will  see  your  favourite  flower  and  will  give  it  to  you ,  without  even  thinking  about  it .   you  want  someone  who  will  remember  all  the  little  details  about  you ,   the  things  so  seemingly  unimportant  but  that  matter  more  than  you  thought  they  did .   you  want  someone  who  will  still  be  there ,   thirty  years  down  the  line ,   holding  your  hand  while  the  two  of  you  do  separate  things .   you  want  the  intimacy  of  being  known  by  someone  who  makes  you  feel  safe .   you  don’t  want  expensive  dinners  or  grand  proposals .   you  want  someone  who  will  love  you  consistently .
tagged by :   @outridertm ,   thanks ,   darling ! tagging :   @miburoni ,   @cindrelle ,   @florlorne ,   @rodentbard ,   @hartblooms ,   and anyone else who hasn’t done this meme yet because i’m too tire d ,  y ‘all
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ardenssolis · 5 years
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Tfw your son wants to go to Kur.
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