coldperfection · 2 years
Aussi, la pensée qui fait de la différence des sexes une norme, et de l'amour du même sexe une déviance, une perversion, ou, au mieux, un «cas particulier», cette pensée qui a pu prendre, dans l'histoire, le visage de la violence totalitaire, et qui peut prendre, aujourd'hui, celui de la tolérance libérale, n'est-elle que l'expression de l'ordre social et sexuel qui institue le monde d'injures dans lequel doivent vivre les homosexuels. Mais cette pensée est dotée d'une telle force qu'elle s'impose souvent aux homosexuels eux-mêmes. Car l'inconscient homosexuel est structuré selon les règles du langage hétérosexuel. Et seul un travail politique et culturel de réinvention collective des «déviants» et des «anormaux» par eux-mêmes peut venir perturber le cycle immémorial de la reproduction de cet impensé social hétéronormatif.
Didier Eribon, Réflexions sur la question gay
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blurry-coining · 29 days
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Permablend is a term for systems that spend all or most of their time blended together, but not fully still being considered as multiple but just overlapping into each other very often, either in headspace or when co-fronting, leading to a muddled sense of identity / consciousness.
Other names can include: permablended, permasoup, permablur, permablurred
The flag is a recoloured version of the blended headmate flag, made by localhazard (information from Pluralpedia)
[ID: A complex eight striped flag with a symbol in the centre. The stripes are as follows: a large dark green stripe, a thin pale green stripe, a large green-blue stripe, a thin green stripe, a thin dark green stripe, a large greyish-blue stripe, a thin pale green stripe, and a large dark green stripe. Cutting horizontally across the middle of the flag is a stripe that is dark grey on the left and light grey on the right. The two grey colours meet in the middle and form a diamond shape, with a symbol in the middle, of two pairs of overlapping circles that create a flower-like shape.]
Term coined by Mod Eribon 🌼🐝
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cinematic-literature · 7 months
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Drifter (2023) by Hannes Hirsch
Book title: Rückkehr nach Reims (Retour à Reims in French; 2009) by Didier Eribon
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breakbreadwithme · 1 month
this book is fucking devastating me at every turn, i’ve never marked up a book so much in my life
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docesesentaysiete · 2 years
Las clases desfavorecidas creen estar accediendo a las posiciones de donde antes se las excluía, pero para cuando acceden a ellas, dichas posiciones ya han perdido el lugar y el valor que tenían en un estadio anterior del sistema.
Didier Eribon, Regreso a Reims
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justsuchsmallhurts · 1 month
“Language is ‘already there’ for everyone, and it imposes on everyone and on every group the cognitive structures and perceptual schemes that it carries with it, just as it imposes the subjugation to those schemes and structures and to the psychological identities that they help to determine and reproduce. Language is always there when I arrive in the world, as are the social roles that words—and, in particular, insults—designate.”
insult and the making of the gay self trying to kill me
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queerographies · 5 months
[Vita, vecchiaia e morte di una donna del popolo][Didier Eribon]
Vita, Vecchiaia e Morte di una Donna del Popolo: L’Indagine di Didier Eribon Titolo: Vita, vecchiaia e morte di una donna del popoloScritto da: Didier EribonTitolo originale: Vie, vieillesse et mort d’une femme du peupleTradotto da: Annalisa RomaniEdito da: L’orma editoreAnno: 2024Pagine: 252ISBN: 9791254760734 La sinossi di Vita, vecchiaia e morte di una donna del popolo di Didier…
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intellectures · 8 months
Lektionen und Exkursionen zu Franz Kafka
»Irgendwann einmal wird man wissen, warum in unserem Jahrhundert soviel große Künstler so viele unlesbare Werke geschrieben haben. Und warum diese unlesbaren und ungelesenen Bücher wunderbarerweise dennoch Einfluß auf das Jahrhundert ausübten und berühmt sind«, notierte Witold Gombrowicz in seinem Tagebuch nach der Lektüre von Franz Kafkas Roman »Der Prozess«. Continue reading Lektionen und…
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dipnotski · 11 months
Didier Eribon – Dumézil ile Konuşmalar (2023)
Georges Dumézil, 20. yüzyılın en önemli Hint-Avrupa uygarlığı ve mitoloji uzmanlarındandır. ‘Dumézil’le Konuşmalar’, çalışmalarını nasıl ürettiğine ve geliştirdiğine dair okura ışık tutuyor. Anılarını anlatmaktan mümkün mertebe kaçınan Dumézil, sonunda kendi hikâyesini, kariyerini ve entelektüel yaşamını anlatıyor. Böylece 20. yüzyıl Fransası’nın düşünce yaşamına dair okura önemli veriler…
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archivodemargenes · 1 year
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U-Una moral de lo minoritario (Didier Eribon)
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coldperfection · 2 years
On l'a vu : il y a une énergie  qui sourd de la honte, qui se forme en elle et qui agit comme une force transformatrice. Cette énergie s'exprime dans l'identité théâtralisée, dans la performance (au sens anglais), dans l'exhibitionnisme, l'extravagance ou la parodie. L'exhibitionnisme et la théâtralité sont sans doute, et ont été historiquement, parmi les gestes les plus importants qui ont permis de défier l'hégémonie hétéronormative. Et c'est d'ailleurs pourquoi ils ont toujours fait l'objet d'attaques si virulentes. La honte donne son énergie à l'exhibitionnisme, à l'affirmation de soi comme théâtralité, c'est-à-dire à l'affirmation de soi tout court.
Didier Eribon, Réflexions sur la question gay
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blurry-coining · 9 days
A gender connected to the pokémon Ribombee
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[ID: Two versions of a 15 stripe flag. The first version has stripes in the following order: a medium-width dark brown, a slightly thinner light brown, a slightly thinner mid-toned brown, a medium-width white, a medium-width pale yellow, a wider bright yellow, a thin dark brown stripe with a very thin white stripe in the middle of it, then the same first 6 stripes again in reverse order. The first version of the flag has a picture of the bug-fairy type pokémon Ribombee, while the second version of the flag is the exact same but does not have the picture of Ribombee, only the coloured stripes. /end ID]
Coined by Mod Eribon 🌼🐝
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Part plural, part singlet, full of colour and light
[Pt: part plural, part singlet, full of colour and light]
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We are an endogenic median system, and are still learning about plurality and our system/headmates. Currently we're unsure of our origins, though we think we are nebugenic.
This is a plurality focused sideblog! For our main blog, head over to @xiathiau-myshif
We switch very fluidly and blend a lot. We're going through a confusing time where we're not sure who the host is / if there is one. Call us Eribon/Eri or Spectrum for now.
We are nonhuman, queer, non-binary and bodily a minor, and use they/them collectively
We are still doing research on our identity so some information in this intro post may change
Tagging system:
#spectrum speaks / #eri's plurality - posts about plurality
#eri's sys updates - things we learn about our system
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Anti endos/anti tulpas
TERFs, transphobes, homophobes, racists/sexists
Anti nonhuman/therian/otherkin/fictionkin
Anti xenogender/neopronouns
Anti good-faith "contradictory" identities, e.g. lesboy, turigirl, he/him lesbians
People who like being rude to others for no reason,
We will block liberally
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Known Headmates
[will be updated]
Currently unknown number of facets that blend very easily and have a weak sense of identity, so no fully separated headmates have been identified. We are currently referring to each headmate as best we can tell them apart as different colours!
Purple (possibly common fronter)
Red (rarely seen)
Yellow (rarely seen)
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boyfridged · 1 year
i agree with you on the pride & prejudice thing. do you have any headcanons about the literature jason enjoys? personally, i think hamlet did something irreversible to his brain chemistry, but i respect your phd in jason todd.
i can't give you an unbiased opinion because hamlet did something irreversible to my brain chemistry too (still planning that essay on utrh as a revenge tragedy with shakespeare as the main point of reference...)
but my main headcanon is just that jason reads quite literally everything. i don't like when he is portrayed as an elitist reader who preaches about the importance of classics. he reads them of course and i believe he engages with them meaningfully, but meaningful engagement with the canon means criticizing it too, and admitting when something is not to your taste.
and he is definitely able to find something for himself in every genre, century, culture, and on any "shelf." i think when he was a kid, especially with catherine becoming more absent (and i don't imagine her to be a huge reader anyway) he had little guidance from anyone so he was just read pretty much whatever he got on his hand. and i think this habit of his preserved, even into the lost days when i doubt he had much interest in anything besides his training and plans in gotham; i think the act of reading itself still was something that at times helped him clear his mind, no matter what book it was.
the shorter answer is frankenstein (because of annual 25.) sadly, i also reckon he would like the brothers karamazov. what else– i think he'd find contemporary french authors such as ernaux, louis or eribon interesting (for their class consciousness)- greek tragedies, or is it too obvious and would make him feel uncomfortable? baldwin, definitely. poetry of all kinds, though for some reason i imagine he likes the traditional verse most. and plenty of others that come to my mind but that i won't share because there's little logic behind them other than my personal idea of jason's sensitivity.
i also sometimes use the example of sparks' novels to really make the point. (i have no particular feelings about sparks whatsoever and i only skimmed through some of his works before when i wanted to check how bad they were. and i don't think that jason thinks they are good. i do think he would read them and maybe even feel something about them)
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docesesentaysiete · 2 years
La fuerza y la riqueza de una teoría residen precisamente en el hecho de nunca contentarse con registrar lo que los "actores" dicen sobre sus "acciones", sino que, por el contrario, tenga como objetivo permitir a los individuos y los grupos pensar de manera diferente quiénes son y lo que hacen, y quizás así cambiar lo que hacen y quienes son.
Didier Eribon, Regreso a Reims
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xiathiau-myshif · 1 year
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A being of many forms, many hearthomes, and many names
Full intro below cut
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Hi, we're Xiathiau (you can call us Xia or Catharsis) and we're 16. (NSFW blogs that follow us will be blocked)
We are queer, nonbinary, polykin, and fictionkin/fictionflicker. We're also british, posic, and plural.
We use many names, Xiathiau/Xia being just one, but the main ones on this blog. Others include Equinox, Eclipse, and Catharsis, plus we use a different name for each of our kintypes to distinguish between them. Each kintype name is in the description of their respective side blogs.
We're autistic, and our special interests are hypnosis (SFW!!) and space, specifically black holes.
Little note: We are neither antiship nor proship. To be honest, we'd probably lean more towards proship than antiship. As far as this sort of "topic" goes, we go by a "don't like, don't read" rule, and we are of course against anybody getting harassed for fictional scenarios. Proshippers are safe to interact with our blog, as long as they (and everyone else, by extension) are respectful and kind.
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Any pronouns other than he or she are fine, but below are some we like to use
Xe/xem/xyr, ae/aer/aers, it/its, star/stars, fae/faer.
Our blog doesn't really have a theme, but we tend to post alterhuman related stuff
Non-kin related sideblogs
Sideblog for our Original Work ao3 story: @the-city-edge
If you want to confess your autism-related sins: @unhingedautisticconfessions
For a plural-focused blog, head over to @the-ribombee-collective
Fandom blogs:
For a xenogender/system term coining blog that we run with a friend, go to @blurry-coining
Original music sideblog (very new): @eribon-equulei
@every-story-needs-a-monster Illuminae Files blog
@in-the-valley-of-the-wind Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind blog
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Type list and kin-related sideblogs:
Theriotypes: melanoid axolotl ( @goth-silly-guy ) 💜, ragdoll cat ( @cotton-candy-fur ) 💚, and melanistic red fox ( @fuzzy-fox-kid ) 💚
Kintypes: vampire ( @red-roses-and-fangs ) 💙, sea dragon ( @mariana-creature ) 🤍, angel ( @alien-seraph ) 🤍, haunted doll ( @haunted-aerie ) 💜, nephelae ( @dreams-of-a-nephelae ) 💚
Fictionkin: Ribombee (Pokémon, @i-am-a-ribombee ) 🤍
Fictionflicker: AIDAN (The Illuminae Files, no side blog) 💜 (strong 💙 when active)
Our shifts are confusing, we rarely shift and it's usually phantom shifts
🤍 Main, strongly felt
💙 Strongly felt
💚 Medium strength
💜 Weakly felt
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Exclusionists of (almost) any kind, e.g. lgb without the t folks. We strongly believe ace/aro people belong in the LGBTQ community
Homophobes, transphobes, racists, misogynists, ableists, paedos/MAPs, Nazis etc. Basically generally terrible people.
Dream stans
Therian/otherkin/fictionkin/otherlink antis
Neopronoun / xenogender antis
Anti endogenic / non-disordered/traumagenic systems
Anti good-faith contradictory identities, e.g. lesboys, turigirls, he/him lesbians
Radqueers / TransID
Zionists and antisemites
Anti physical therian
Anti self diagnosis
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Spam likers/rebloggers are completely welcome, as well as asks, whether you want to show us pictures of an animal or a landscape, anything like that.
Our hobbies include video gaming, reading, and music composing. We like cats and snakes
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Tag system:
#xia irl - irl posts
#xia kin stuff - otherkin posts
#xia's hoard - reblogs
#xia's random posts - just random things
#shutterbug xia - pictures we took
#xia's autistic moments - new hyperfixations we develop
#xia replies - replies to asks
#eri's plurality - plural posts
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This might be updated if we remember something we missed, or the info becomes outdated.
Thanks for stopping by :3
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