#Édouard Louis
obsessioncollector · 2 years
When I write, I say everything, when I speak I am a coward.
Édouard Louis, History of Violence
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oceancentury · 8 months
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So tumblr coded delusion. Article from the book Change by Édouard Louis.
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fourdramas · 2 years
reading changer: méthode by édoard louis and it touches something in me, i have never read a book that so we’ll describes the feelings that have governed my development and the urgent need for leaving everything behind and starting anew that i struggle to contain
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circuitmouse · 2 months
Édouard Louis
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dipnotski · 5 months
Édouard Louis, Ken Loach – Sanat ve Siyaset Konuşmaları (2024)
İki farklı ülkeden, iki farklı kuşaktan iki sanatçı, Ken Loach ve Édouard Louis, sanatı, sinemayı, edebiyatı ve bunların günümüzdeki rolünü tartışıyor. Sanat, sınıf şiddeti sorununu nasıl gündeme getirebilir ve yeniden düşünebilir? Bu iki sanatçının eserlerinde öne çıkan işçi sınıfı nasıl temsil edilebilir? En güvencesizlerin aşırı sağa yöneldiği küresel politik bağlamda sanatın rolü…
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iishtar · 7 months
I needed arrogance and violence to rid myself of the past.
Édouard Louis, Change
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intellectures · 8 months
Lektionen und Exkursionen zu Franz Kafka
»Irgendwann einmal wird man wissen, warum in unserem Jahrhundert soviel große Künstler so viele unlesbare Werke geschrieben haben. Und warum diese unlesbaren und ungelesenen Bücher wunderbarerweise dennoch Einfluß auf das Jahrhundert ausübten und berühmt sind«, notierte Witold Gombrowicz in seinem Tagebuch nach der Lektüre von Franz Kafkas Roman »Der Prozess«. Continue reading Lektionen und…
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yungnitsch · 9 months
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excerpten uit Ze hebben mijn Vader Vermoord van Édouard Louis
egt lezen da boek
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conatus · 1 year
Édouard Louis usa literatura para ter uma voz que lhe foi negada
Édouard Louis nasceu em 1992 e fez sua estreia literária aos 21 anos com o romance “O fim de Eddy” (publicado originalmente como “En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule” em 2014). Este livro descreveu a infância difícil de Louis como um menino gay em uma vila pós-industrial no norte da França, revelando uma comunidade devastada pelo vício, violência e homofobia. A narrativa de Louis foi recebida com uma…
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czgif · 1 year
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Oskar Hes in trailer for stage play Dějiny násilí (History of Violence) by Édouard Louis 2022, Švandovo Divadlo, dir. Tomáš Loužný YT
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queerographies · 1 year
[Metodo per diventare un altro][Édouard Louis]
Édouard Louis torna a parlare della sua storia e lo fa con un romanzo malinconico, lucido e affascinante. Una storia di apprendimento, di lotta e di metamorfosi per sfuggire alla povertà, alla violenza e all’esclusione.
Quasi un decennio dopo Farla finita con Eddy Bellegueule, il suo esordio divenuto un caso editoriale internazionale, Édouard Louis torna a parlare della sua storia e lo fa con un romanzo malinconico, lucido e affascinante. Una storia di apprendimento, di lotta e di metamorfosi per sfuggire alla povertà, alla violenza e all’esclusione. Il racconto del percorso lungo e doloroso che l’ha portato da…
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obsessioncollector · 2 years
He left partly to redeem the past... it was too late for him; he told himself, "It's too late"–nor was he trying to reinvent the present, it was too late for that, too; no, when he took action, it was to reinvent the past. He wanted the "after" to give meaning to the "before"... as if all his past suffering and failure were investments in the future, sacrifices willingly made towards the future. The past is the one thing we can change, and I have no doubt he feared the future less than he feared the past.
Édouard Louis, History of Violence
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viecome · 2 years
Édouard Louis: la fricción entre el pasado familiar y la libertad
En su novela “Quién mató a mi padre”, Édouard Louis ha buscado mostrar una imagen más compleja y detallada de la clase obrera de su país. Origen: Édouard Louis: la fricción entre el pasado familiar y la libertad | Letras Libres
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random-brushstrokes · 9 months
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Louis Édouard Fournier - The Funeral of Shelley (1889)
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‘Allegory of Smell’ (detail) by Édouard-Louis Dubufe (French, 1819-1883)
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opera-ghosts · 5 months
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A performance of Gounod Opera „Faust“ at The Metropolitan Opera 1893.
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