#erik 'heart eyes for jessica jones only' gelden
nautical-language · 5 years
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Wassup @joewalkers-shorts
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marvelvsmarvel · 5 years
Bona Fide Superhero: Jessica Jones
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So Far From Home was truly Amazing and Endgame was beyond words. But although the Netflix corner of the MCU has all be cancelled I can proudly say that Jessica Jones Season 3 was the best one yet and one of the better closing seasons of any show I’ve seen in a while. Obviously they knew this was their last run so there wasn’t a cliffhanger or anything at the end but it’s the way the summized the series and closed the chapter and shot it all that felt right and good.
I’m gonna start with supporting cast because hopefully you already know that I feel Krysten Ritter as JJ is such a perfect and natural casting on par with the likes of RDJ as Tony Stark. New squeeze Erik Gelden: 1. Having this incredible power to detect the good and evil in people (I bet Frank would give this guy a whiplash) though you have to admit it was an amalgam of good and evil since no one is perfect which leads to 2. Unlike Arturo from S2 this guy wasn’t an inherently good guy had a lot of shit he was working out including shit he kept going back on but he was just real and seemed like the most real character that’s been on the show (some might say he’s relatable) and then 3. It helps that he has this Pedro Pascal look and vibe to him.
Speaking of Jess’s squeezes the little surprise visit from Luke was seriously a love letter from those of Marvel Netflix and the Defender’s. Knowing where Luke’s character is in his own world but seeing him come back to help a friend. It just screamed to me that things change people change but you still got me and I am still me. Something small but big was her little wave goodbye to him because waving is out of pocket for Jess but instead it felt like a sincere goodbye to these characters who we’ve come to really dig into who showed us the blurred lines of heroics but who showed us that while being a hero isn’t easy doing good normally just takes doing something.
In spite of this I turn briefly to the true villain of the season and then the true antagonist of the series. Jeremy Bobb as Gregory Salinger is one of those things where you hope he didn’t have too much fun in this role. Turning out a whole serial killer was just bleh and I think appropriate. Every other villain from Kilgrave to Kingpin or Sasha or Mariah all were power thirsty individuals with some having the actual power to back it up. But with the tone and theme of Jessica Jones a smart and creepy and cliche loner middle aged white man serial killer is the type of villain you expect these street level heroes to go after and stop. Now if this were Punisher the guy wouldn’t have made it out his front door but the complexities that make up Jess told this right to her arc that killing isn’t easy but doing things the right way are often times even harder to accomplish. There couldn’t have been a better way to show her character development and the strength and will that she has that really is heroic.
In comparing her to the other Defenders it seemed like Jess wouldn’t naturally have an archenemy and would never get that stand-off of equals but boy were we wrong. Let me just say I love Trish Walker and even more Rachael Taylor since I first saw her of Transformers with her whole Australian accent but seeing her in her drug induced addict ways is really her peak performance. Her beautiful blue eyes get this crazed look of pain and desperation. Honestly she kicked a whole lotta ass in this one and I had wished we gotten a real Hellcat costume out of it like how her mom suggested cat ears and how her business is literally a fashion company just makes it a missed opportunity. But she’s been the true antagonist of the series keeping in mind not simply a villain she turned out to be but an antagonizing opposition to our hero. She’s been an addict since she was young and famous and grant it child fame claims that to most people but this antagonizes Jess to be her sister’s keeper which is a loving act but could also be a harmful burden. I don’t want to knock their sisterhood because their love is real but some people can’t help themselves and it does harm them and those around them more. But while Trish always saw her as her protector that came with perceptions and projections to get Jess to be a hero that she wanted her to be instead of the great loving hero she already was to her. This comes to a head with Trish getting powers and trying to realize that lifelong perception of a real hero only to be consumed by the power and turned by it until it was her heroics or nothing at all. It’s a sad storyline for her from beginning to end because even if that hero of hers were to have shown up in her past and saved her from her abusive dad her loving yet cruel mother is really the one that set her down this path through best intentions.
So lastly is Jess and if you’ve read this far just know this last part is me gushing over how much more I’ve come to love her and Krysten Ritter for her. She’s just the coolest one of these Defenders because she’s just badass without trying has all the best one liners and drinks bourbon. This season really showed off her real strength being her love and resolve. Jessica Jones was meant to be a shady personality with a heart of gold and nothing screamed that more that her destroying Sallinger’s evidence to save Trish. Like all she had to do was steal it not actually do what the serial killer asks! But that’s her. She’s a woman of her word. But two key standoffs with Trish the first after she destroyed the evidence in the hotel room where she tells Trish I choose you always. Her acting there really sold it a broken person trying to keep the pieces of her life together even though the thing she did to do it broke her heart. Then there was what was meant to be her hero showdown against the evil version of herself though the pain of going through with it rendered a heartbreaking performance. She wears her leather jacket like a cape her cocky attitude and strut her heroic calling card but she didn’t want any of it. Her sister literally tried to kill her and it pained her so much and pissed her off that she lifts and drops her with the most force she’s ever used on a person. It was the lashing back from Trish at her when she was taking drugs in the club it was Trish calling her a coward because she tried to prevent the surgery to give her powers. It was Jess’s greatest fear that one day she would lose the only family she had left no matter how hard she fought with all her powerful strength and even stronger love to defend and keep it because she knew it was inevitable. The ending was less of a teaser and more to reflect that even heroes have things they regret have people they’ve lossed have demons but they rise above them day after day after day. Thank you, Jess...
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