#erik nielson
danceblr · 6 months
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Whatever you feel, just dance it.
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ccwarp · 2 years
About Cape Concord, Washington
Demigods, the half-mortal children of divine beings, have always had good reason to hide themselves away from mortal society, to build their own communities together. The powers they've inherited from their godly parents have been feared and persecuted; those who are different have always been seen as a danger. Over the centuries, small communities of demigod children have risen and fallen over the world, but none has ever been quite like Cape Concord; everyone with godly ancestry is welcome at the cape, no matter what Pantheon they descend from.
In the late 1870s, Joseph Rossi, a son of Poseidon, and Rabia Elmasry, a daughter of Neith, crossed paths in Chicago. Their acquaintanceship quickly turned to friendship and friendship soon after turned to love. In Chicago, though, there was nowhere for demigods to live as themselves, embracing the gifts given to them by their respective bloodlines. They traveled across the US, visiting Egyptian and Greek demigods communities secluded in the the new western states and territories. Nowhere they found felt like home, each community focused on worshiping only their own Pantheon.
It was this struggle that lead the couple to the Washington Territory in 1887. There they established their own settlement, hoping to build a home for all demigods, where, no matter their parentage, could build and live peaceful, fulfilling lives. They built a home on the Olympic Peninsula, carving out a large swath of land on between the Salish Sea and Lake Crescent. A friend they'd made in their travels, Erik Nielson, a demigod of the Norse pantheon, helped mark the territory boundary with enchanted veilstones which allowed them to conceal the growing settlement from curious mortals. Demigod friends came to visit, some joining the settlement, some eventually moving on, and overtime word spread. The community grew. Cape Concord, located about three hours west of Seattle, has grown into a thriving haven for demigods and their families, spoken of in Demigod communities all around the world.
Meanwhile, outside of the Cape, magic has faded from much of the world. Ancient temples have faced neglect and disrespect, few mortals now worship the gods and the lack of faith has caused their abilities - and the abilities of their half-mortal children - to decline. Over the decades many of the gods have become increasingly reclusive, making public appearances only on rare occasions. Then, by the end of 2022, they stopped appearing altogether. Since then, the children of the gods have seen their own abilities further weaken. Where a child of Vulcan might once have been able to create roaring flames, they may now only be able to create a fistful of fire at a time. Can Cape Concord, which has so long thrived on the abilities of its citizens, adapt? Will the gods return? If they don't, will magic fade altogether?
CCWA is an 18+, 3/3/3, inclusive RPG where players are encouraged to use creative license in creating exactly the character they want. While primarily a sandbox for our members to write in, there will occasionally be plot points involving the disappearance of the gods and board events like town festivals to get people involved. Players and characters of all identities and backgrounds are welcome and celebrated in Cape Concord.
We Open March 20th, 2023!
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abcnewspr · 2 years
‘Rap Trap: Hip-Hop on Trial’ Traces Rise and Impact of Young Thug and Gunna
Documentary Explores Historical Mischaracterizations of Hip-Hop and Revisits Case of Rapper and Activist McKinley Phipps Jr.
‘Rap Trap: Hip-Hop on Trial’ Begins Streaming Thursday, Feb. 23, Only on Hulu
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*ABC News
The 2022 arrest and indictment of hip-hop stars Young Thug (Jeffery Williams) and Gunna (Sergio Kitchens) stunned the hip-hop world and reignited a national conversation about the use of lyrics in the courtroom. For some, the lyrics were evidence of potential wrongdoing. But for others, the case spotlighted a disturbing trend of criminalizing Black art that goes back decades, prompting a national movement to protect art and creative expression. A new ABC News Studios documentary hour, “Rap Trap: Hip-Hop on Trial,” explores the criminal case against the rappers and asks the question: Should rap lyrics be used in criminal prosecutions, and what effect would that have on artists’ free speech rights?
The documentary dives into historical perceptions of the genre and other examples of when lyrics have been used against an artist in the courtroom, including the case of activist and rapper McKinley Phipps Jr., who served 21 years in prison for a crime he says he did not commit. Phipps and his family open up about the lasting impact of incarceration and the healing power of art. “Rap Trap: Hip-Hop on Trial” also features interviews with hip-hop artists will.i.am, Jerrika Karlae, Fat Joe and Killer Mike, who reflect on the importance of protecting and standing up for artists’ right to express themselves. Additional interviews include Kevin Liles, co-founder and CEO of 300 Elektra Entertainment, who spearheaded the “Protect Black Art” movement; scholar Michael Eric Dyson; and Erik Nielson, co-author of “Rap on Trial.” “Rap Trap: Hip-Hop on Trial” begins streaming Thursday, Feb. 23, only on Hulu.
“Rap Trap: Hip-Hop on Trial” is produced for Hulu by ABC News Studios.
ABC News Studios, inspired by ABC News’ trusted reporting, is a premium, narrative non-fiction original production house and commissioning partner of series and specials. ABC News Studios champions untold and authentic stories driving the cultural zeitgeist spanning true-crime, investigations, pop culture, and news-adjacent stories. Its subsidiary, ABC News Films, acquires and produces feature documentary films.
*COPYRIGHT ©2023 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All photography is copyrighted material and is for editorial use only. Images are not to be archived, altered, duplicated, resold, retransmitted or used for any other purposes without written permission of ABC. Images are distributed to the press in order to publicize current programming. Any other usage must be licensed. Photos posted for Web use must be at the low resolution of 72dpi, no larger than 2x3 in size.
-- ABC --
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celeboftea · 5 years
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THE NEW BOOK, RAP ON TRIAL TAKES A REALISTIC LOOK AT HOW RAP LYRICS HAVE BEEN USED AGAINST DEFENDANTS IN COURTROOMS ACROSS THE UNITED STATES - When Johnny Cash sang about shooting a man in Reno “just to watch him die,” nobody interpreted it as an actual confession. But when hip-hop artists adopt fictional personas to rap about selling drugs or killing rivals, America’s criminal justice system too often takes them literally. In Rap on Trial: Race, Lyrics, and Guilt in America, scholars Erik Nielson and Andrea L. Dennis examine dozens of cases across the country —among the hundreds they have found— in which prosecutors have used the rap lyrics of defendants against them in the courtroom. Whether interpreted as admissions of guilt, evidence of bad character, or threats of future violence, rap has been used in court in ways that would be unthinkable for any other musical genre. Please Reblog!
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getmybuzzup · 5 years
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THE NEW BOOK, RAP ON TRIAL TAKES A REALISTIC LOOK AT HOW RAP LYRICS HAVE BEEN USED AGAINST DEFENDANTS IN COURTROOMS ACROSS THE UNITED STATES - When Johnny Cash sang about shooting a man in Reno “just to watch him die,” nobody interpreted it as an actual confession. But when hip-hop artists adopt fictional personas to rap about selling drugs or killing rivals, America’s criminal justice system too often takes them literally. In Rap on Trial: Race, Lyrics, and Guilt in America, scholars Erik Nielson and Andrea L. Dennis examine dozens of cases across the country —among the hundreds they have found— in which prosecutors have used the rap lyrics of defendants against them in the courtroom. Whether interpreted as admissions of guilt, evidence of bad character, or threats of future violence, rap has been used in court in ways that would be unthinkable for any other musical genre. Please Reblog!
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myviewmyvoice · 5 years
I saw Queen & Slim (Q&S) and liked it but had some major issues with it. However what intrigued me the most about the movie wasn’t their ride to freedom, but the rides, themselves. There were six distinct automobiles that Queen (Jodie Turner-Smith) and Slim (Daniel Kaluuya) were in that made me use a different lens to view the film (I saw it twice). If you don’t know by now, I think in hip-hop. So, as I watched Q&S and listened to the film score, I couldn’t help but think of the article “‘Can’t C Me’: Surveillance and Rap Music” by Erik Nielson which used 2Pac’s “Can’t C Me,” to argue how Black Americans, more specifically rappers, use cars for (in)visibility and evade the police. Hop in, let me take you on a ride.
“The car has always been an important symbol of wealth and mobility in African American culture…” Erik Nielson
The White Honda Accord Religion is a major theme throughout this film. From conversations and prayers to rosaries hanging from the review mirror of cars, to crosses hanging in bedrooms and morgues. The first car of Q&S journey is Slim’s white (a symbol of purity) Honda Accord. Slim, a God-fearing man, license plate reads: TRUST GOD. How much more obvious can it be?
Hondas are Japanese cars and to me it represented the “outsider” or the “other” in America unlike a European foreign whip (But I will get to that later). Despite acclimating to the whiteness of America and having faith in God, Q&S were still targeted by the oppressive state. The white car mirrored its owner; an innocent outsider in America. Therefore, they couldn’t avoid the gaze (re: surveillance) because by default they were seen as other. So, no matter how much Slim complied the officer wanted some smoke…until he got (accidentally) smoked.
The Ford Pick-up Truck They go on the run until they run out of gas and have to flag down a vehicle. Slim hoped the person was Black, Queen warned that just because the person is Black doesn’t make it a good thing. An initially unsuspecting off-duty sheriff volunteered to give them a ride to the gas station. Things go left and they end up with the truck but forget their wallets in the Honda. Smh. They find some money in the glove compartment of the truck and get a little boy to buy them food from a mom-n- pop joint. The boy’s father recognize them and tells them how much he appreciates what they are doing…
This. Is. America. For survival purposes, they “abandon” the Honda and steal the Ford (read: acclimate). Metaphorically, the pick-up truck is the burden of being Black in America. Not everyone carries this intersectional burden the same way, but it does exist regardless of where you live in America. Moreover, there are other factors that impact this burden such as “succeeding.” For example, Q&S learned that they were “heroes” from the Black father, who raised his fist to salute them. They were on the lam, and at one point had to process how their actions affected Black America. It kind of reminds me of the weight of immigrant parents hopes and dreams on their first-generation children who have difficulty navigating through systemic oppression of various institutions. Or maybe I’m projecting—maybe. Anyways, they were broke. So, they had to “rob” a gas station, but hey, “it’s the American way.” Word to Nino Brown. What do I mean? Historically, getting things in America was done by money and violence. Think about it.
PONTIAC Catalina Next is my favorite car of the journey, the blue Pontiac Catalina which meandered in and out of the white gaze in Queen and Slim’s journey, which makes it the most complex. When they reach to New Orleans to see Queen’s uncle, Earl (Bookeem Woodbine), there is an unmasking that is done via conversation and hair cutting, but I am getting ahead of myself…Q&S need a plan to escape and decide on fleeing to Cuba. Queen gives Uncle Earl a list of demands including one of his cars because he owes her. Goddess (Indya Moore), one of the ladies of the residence suggested the Catalina, the blue car. Uncle Earl didn’t hesitate to correct her and says: It’s turquoise!
Catalina & Goddy
He argued that its’ visibility would draw attention, but Queen’s counter-argument is that by standing out, they will fit in because no one is suspecting two people running from the law to be in a bright, big blue car. With reluctance, Uncle Earl agreed to let go and give them the Catalina.We later learn from Goddess aka Goddy that Uncle Earl “ain’t shit” in the streets, but inside of their house, he is king. And an extension of his kingdom would be his car, hence his attachment.
The outlaws get haircuts and Slim starts to learn why his Tinder date-turned-accomplice is so cold and distance…And as fate would have it, they needed to leave Uncle Earl sooner than expected as the Ford pick-up truck drew suspicion from NOPD. In the early morning, they take the truck to a desolate location and they burn it. Metaphorically, they were letting go of the weight they were carrying, just like their haircuts. Uncle Earl and Goddy bid them farewell and we see Queen soften and tell Uncle Earl she loves him.
“Here and elsewhere, the car becomes another example of the tension between seeking attention and trying to avoid it: It is large, colorful, and (when appropriately waxed) gleaming, and with its stereo bumping, incredibly loud and difficult to ignore, yet the driver and its occupants often remain unidentifiable.” Erik Nielson
For those of a certain age, in the Black community, Pontiac is the acronym for Poor Ol’ Ni–a Think It’s ACadillac. The Cadillac (which is driven later in the movie) back in the day was the crème de la crème of automobiles. It’s a symbol of “you made it,” but if you couldn’t afford it, Pontiac was a more affordable option.
The white gaze was temporarily blinded by the turquoise Catalina, which allowed Q&S to go unnoticed across state lines because according to the logics, no one on the run does it with such flair, but in America, we don’t see it that way. As they continue on their journey, the couple spotted horses grazing Queens tells Slim that her uncle said that white men hated black men on horses because they had to look up to them. Slim gets hyped and decided he wants to ride one for the first time. He does so before the owner starts yelling at them and they have to run. Day turns to night and Slim hears live music and wants to dance. They go to the source of the music; a bar called the Underground playing live Mississippi blues. With some cajoling, Slim gets Queen to dance with him for their “second date” and promises to buy her a drink. They connect through music and dancing. Queen asks for her drink in which Slim obliged. The bartender informed Slim that the drinks were on the house, she (and others) knew who they were and that they were safe. Initially Q&S panicked, but then let it go and continued dancing till they were ready to go. (They should have never left.)
As they continued to Uncle Earl’s friend house, the Catalina breaks down. Slim had to push the car to a mechanic shop in broad daylight and no one notices them. Again, they are recognized by the mechanic, but nothing here is on the house. The mechanic gets his son, Junior, to take them on a walk. There is a conversation about memory, being loved and immortality. When they return, the Catalina is ready to go, but before they peel off, Slim wants to take a pic to be remembered by.
Benz Station Wagon aka The Foreign They pull up to Uncle Earl’s friend, Mr. Shepherd (Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers!) home and across the street is a white woman on her porch being nosey—we know how this is going to play out. Uncle Earl’s friend knows a guy with a plane that will help them get to Cuba. As they ate dinner, SWAT surrounded the house and Q&S had to go into hiding. They get cabin fever from their hiding spot and decide to leave, but they know that police are outside and have to figure out a way. After a crazy stunt and a dislocated shoulder, they found a Benz in a garage, but no key. Slim used to steal his dad’s Accura without a key back in the day and after a few tries with a screwdriver they got the car to start. With a little help from an unlikely ally, they were able to evade the police. After some driving along the coastline, Queen slides out of the window holds onto the car with one hand and lets the other hand go free—something she has always wanted to do. She is liberated…and wants Slim to feel the same—so they switch places. However, Slim isn’t as graceful and almost falls out the car so Queen has to drive slow for him to get the same effect. Night is upon them again, Queen requests a story from Slim and then they both knock out.
“2Pac’s power is derived from his invisibility—he establishes control over his own image by denying everyone else’s access to it.” Erik Nielson
The car that they steal is an old Benz station wagon—a Benz, nevertheless…This is when the concept of this piece kicks in. Slim was determined that with or without the key, they were riding. After a while, foreign (read: German) luxury cars including the Mercedes Benz and the BMW replaced American cars and become king for Blacks and many Americans. Have you ever heard of the “Black Man’s Wish”? However, it’s not easily (economically) accessible to (Q&S) us, and if we want it—we will get it just may take a little longer (shout to my dad and his one-time foreign, “Big Boy”). These cars are about status and mobility. And so, we watch how Queen easily adapted to the status and mobility sitting outside of the window, while Slim struggled before he was able to adjust. The terms “acting brand new” and “don’t know how to act” speaks to this scene when some—not all Blacks—start experiencing change in status and mobility like Slim. Before, I play myself, Queen sitting outside the car window was about being liberated and evading the gaze and its consequences. She was breathing and “acting brand new” in a good way. However, the fact that she does it in the Benz, goes back to those who climb the financial and social ladder, to evade poverty and can handle it.
The Cadillac It’s nighttime now. They don’t know where they are, but they think they are close to their destination. They wake up to a Black guy with a sawed off shotty and mouth full of gold teeth. Slim asks if he knew the Shepherds. The guy doesn’t give straight answers, but isn’t mean and says that he can help them. They go back to Goldmouth’s trailer where he arranges for them to get a plane for the next day. Slim insists that they need the plane the same day. Goldmouth makes another call and tells Q&S that they can get a plane in an hour and drives them in a Cadillac. This is the first time neither Queen or Slim drove. They are no longer in control. Goldmouth tells them how paranoid he would be and how he has to watch his back from the police and his own people. They get to the plane and it’s a set up. They die a poetic death.
OK, Let’s talk cars (yes, this transition is jarring, you’ll live to tell about it). The Cadillac in its’ prime was the dream car before the Benz and the Pontiac. It was made as an residual outcome of Henry Ford and his team, but got into a dispute with the auto company and left. Ford and ’em then went onto create Ford Company and the Model T car which was affordable to all due to production (the things you learn when you’re a communications major!). The Pontiac is the U.S. Polo Association of the Cadillac, but nevertheless cars are important as status pieces in the Black community.
“…in his 1963 autobiography, for example, Malcolm X frequently notes the iconographic status of the Cadillac in the Black community, and the importance of cars generally is readily observable in Black music and popular culture throughout the decades leading up to hip hop.” Erik Nielson
I don’t like the ending at all, but I’m not mad at the very end because Goldmouth has internalized the American ideology of individualism—everyone for themselves in their pursuit of justice, liberty and happiness. I get it. It’s what rappers have been warning us about for years. It’s also what Queen foreshadowed the first time they ran out of gas. As mentioned earlier, money and violence are staples that keep this country functioning the way it does and Goldmouth definitely subscribes to that notion. He saw an opportunity to get paid and took it. The American state knows this: Everyone has a price (S/O to CJ and Martense). Someone wanted and will try to get that $500,000 if the opportunity presented itself. Why not Goldmouth? Cause he Black? Nah fam, he’s American before he’s Black. In the words of Casanova, “I hope that didn’t go over your heads.”
The Hearse The final ride is in Black hearse. On the way to the funeral home they are met with signs and sadness. (This, however, is disrupted by Uncle Earl in a fly ass black fur over a Sean John sweat suit that luxuriously sways as he adjusts it. For a fraction of a second, you forget about Q&S.) The community comes out to say their farewell to the couple who for even a moment gave them hope and are immortalized as the couple who took their destiny in their hands. I hate the romanticizing of it, but that’s what it was.
And f–k the world cause I’m cursed, I’m havin visions of leavin here in a hearse, God can you feel me? Take me away from all the pressure, and all the pain “Shed So Many Tears,” 2Pac
Catalina, Life after Death
In the wake of their death, a huge mural of the picture that Q&S took in the mechanic shop is being plastered on the side of a church. They are on t-shirts of little boys with hoop dreams. This is the legacy of Queen, Slim and Uncle Earl’s Catalina. Their immortality.
Well, thanks for riding with me, I appreciate you. This could have been longer, but I have things to do to make sure that the future Queens & Slims grow old and are still immortalized. Peace and love.
Queen & Slim: The Rides I saw Queen & Slim (Q&S) and liked it but had some major issues with it. However what intrigued me the most about the movie wasn’t their ride to freedom, but the rides, themselves.
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wdeft · 2 years
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msrivercity · 3 years
Jay-Z and Meek Mill Team Up to Block Rap Lyrics From Being Used in Court (via Rolling Stone)
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“The rap superstars, along with Fat Joe, Big Sean, Yo Gotti, Kelly Rowland, Killer Mike, Robin Thicke, and others, urge New York lawmakers to pass the proposed bill ‘Rap Music on Trial’“
photo: JAY-Z arrives at a special screening of "The Harder They Fall" on Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021, at the Shrine in Los Angeles.Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP Images
Jay-Z is leading a list of music industry titans throwing their support behind a proposed New York state law that aims to stop prosecutors from using rap lyrics as purported blueprints to alleged crimes, Rolling Stone has learned.
The rap superstar, born Shawn Carter, is teaming up with Meek Mill, Big Sean, Fat Joe, Kelly Rowland, Yo Gotti, Killer Mike, Robin Thicke, and others as celebrity signatories on a new letter urging state lawmakers — and ultimately Gov. Kathy Hochul — to make the recently proposed bill titled “Rap Music on Trial” (S.7527/A.8681) a state law.
The legislation, first unveiled in November, successfully sailed through the Senate Codes committee on Tuesday, marking its first step toward getting a full vote on the senate floor.
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Robert Glasper Teams With Killer Mike, Big K.R.I.T. for New Song 'Black Superhero'
“This is an issue that’s important to (Jay-Z) and all the other artists that have come together to try to bring about this change. This is a long time coming. Mr. Carter is from New York, and if he can lend his name and his weight, that’s what he wants to do,” Jay-Z’s lawyer Alex Spiro, a partner at Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, tells Rolling Stone.
Spiro co-wrote the letter with University of Richmond Professor Erik Nielson, who authored the book “Rap on Trial” with University of Georgia law professor Andrea Dennis. The lawyer said he and Hova — who previously fought back against the lack of racial diversity on arbitration panels, leading to national reforms — consider the proposed legislation a bellwether that could spread to other states.
“By changing the law here, you do a lot of good for the cases that it affects, but you also send a message that progress is coming. We expect it will be followed in a lot of places,” Spiro said.
“Our lyrics are a creative form of self-expression and entertainment – just like any other genre. We want our words to be recognized as art rather than being weaponized to get convictions in court. I hope the governor and all the lawmakers in New York take our letter into consideration, protect our artistic rights and make the right decision to pass this bill,” Fat Joe told Rolling Stone on Tuesday.
“This reform is urgently needed,” the new letter from Spiro and Nielson, signed by the influential artists, reads. “Rather than acknowledge rap music as a form of artistic expression, police and prosecutors argue that the lyrics should be interpreted literally – in the words of one prosecutor, as ‘autobiographical journals’ – even though the genre is rooted in a long tradition of storytelling that privileges figurative language, is steeped in hyperbole, and employs all of the same poetic devices we find in more traditional works of poetry.”
The new legislation from Senator Brad Hoylman (D-Manhattan), Senator Jamaal Bailey (D-The Bronx), and Assemblymember Catalina Cruz (D-Queens) would amend state law to limit the admissibility of a defendant’s music or other “creative expression” as evidence shown to a jury. According to the draft legislation, the bill would set a new high bar compelling prosecutors to provide “clear and convincing evidence” that a defendant’s creative expression, such as a rap song, is “literal, rather than figurative or fictional.”
“It’s humbling to have the who’s who of hip-hop supporting this legislation. I think it points to how important it is in this moment to protect freedom of expression,” Hoylman told Rolling Stone on Tuesday.
He previously pointed out that no one believes Johnny Cash “shot a man in Reno just to watch him die” or that David Byrne is a “psycho killer,” but over and over, rap musicians involved in criminal cases face the prospect, or reality, of having their lyrics used against them in front of criminal juries.
Story by Nancy Dillon
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watchwhatyounodto · 4 years
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#Repost @followthekeepers ・・・ Campaign launch via @indiegogo this Tuesday 8/18! We are theKEEPERS. We are defenders of womxn's artistic work. We will not be erased. We are here. Source: Erik Nielson @followthekeepers #BlackWomenDeserveMore #BlackWomenAmplified #YoureOnNotice @azmerarhymes @arinmaya @sammusmusic @panashechigumadzi @jessicabalbino_ @pretararaoficial @the__urban__era @axel_zielke_abisz @soulinfinite_ @proftriciarose @brothercornelwest @ayshadances @rachida_nzhsv @queentheartist @malkia_cb @afiaakosah @hailmaji @omatothetwo @eldanieluk @tassiareis_ @yugenblakrok @ms_poppie @kyracatures #akuanaru #indiegogo #campaign #global #hiphop #usa #rap #history #womeninhiphop #international #music #nyc #brasil #africa #uk #crowdfunding #archive #women #black #instagood #media #nl #podcast #share #poetry #research https://www.instagram.com/p/CFJidQRpFv7/?igshid=15fvkqixwwa4c
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drraptjr · 4 years
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#Repost @followthekeepers ・・・ Campaign launch via @indiegogo this Tuesday 8/18! We are theKEEPERS. We are defenders of womxn's artistic work. We will not be erased. We are here. Source: Erik Nielson @followthekeepers #BlackWomenDeserveMore #BlackWomenAmplified #YoureOnNotice @azmerarhymes @arinmaya @sammusmusic @panashechigumadzi @jessicabalbino_ @pretararaoficial @the__urban__era @axel_zielke_abisz @soulinfinite_ @proftriciarose @brothercornelwest @ayshadances @rachida_nzhsv @queentheartist @malkia_cb @afiaakosah @hailmaji @omatothetwo @eldanieluk @tassiareis_ @yugenblakrok @ms_poppie @kyracatures #akuanaru #indiegogo #campaign #global #hiphop #usa #rap #history #womeninhiphop #international #music #nyc #brasil #africa #uk #crowdfunding #archive #women #black #instagood #media #nl #podcast #share #poetry #research https://www.instagram.com/p/CECaXplAK5E/?igshid=18jq7hd1fqhoh
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wandertrixxtarr · 4 years
Prosecutors are increasingly – and misleadingly – using rap lyrics as evidence in court
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You wouldn’t think Bob Marley ‘shot the sheriff,’ but rappers are held to a double standard. k1003mike/Shutterstock.com
Erik Nielson, University of Richmond
Rapper Darrell Caldwell, better known to fans as Drakeo the Ruler, was on his way to stardom. Hailed as one of the most original rappers to emerge from Los Angeles in a generation, he had garnered hundreds of thousands of followerson…
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youngandhungryent · 5 years
University Of Richmond Professor Says Prosecutors Increased Use Of Rap Lyrics As Evidence Of Guilt
Source: Towfiqu Barbhuiya / EyeEm / Getty
The tactic of using rap lyrics as evidence of guilt isn’t new by any means, but a college professor says there has been an uptick of the occurrence in courts. According to the professor, this could be seen as misleading and used by prosecutors to connect stereotypes to Black and Latino men as they argue their cases.
Dr. Erik Nielson of the University Of Richmond is an associate professor of Liberal Arts of the institution. In a new piece written for Raw Story’s The Conversation column, Nielson shared that alongside the University of Georgia law professor Andrea Dennis, the pair have discovered that the introduction of rap lyrics in the courtroom to help decide a case has been used over 500 times.
Nielson highlights the case of rapper Drakeo The Ruler, whose lyrics were used as evidence to charge him in connection to a 2019 shooting that left a 24-year-old man dead. Prosecutors suggested that Drakeo ordered the gunman to shoot and kill and musical rival who was later found not to be an attendee of the party where the fatal incident took place. Further, Nielson notes that there was little evidence connecting Drakeo and RJ as having approached anything close to violent interactions in their dealings.
From Raw Story:
So to bolster their case, prosecutors focused on Drakeo’s music. At one point, for example, they cited a line from his song “Flex Freestyle,” in which he raps, “I’m ridin’ round town with a Tommy gun and a Jag / And you can disregard the yelling, RJ tied up in the back.”
The line was fictional; nobody claims that RJ was ever tied up in the back of Drakeo’s car. Nevertheless, prosecutors wanted the jury to believe that the lyrics were actual reflections of Caldwell’s desire to harm an industry rival.
Despite the prosecution’s efforts to use Drakeo’s music against him, it didn’t work: In July 2019, the jury acquitted Drakeo of most counts, including the multiple counts of murder.
Nonetheless, prosecutors are taking the unusual step of retrying Drakeo on a charge on which the jury deadlocked the first time around: criminal gang conspiracy.
The entire column is a fascinating read and Nielson points to the fact that prosecutors are using rap lyrics to shift the minds of jurors and the court into assuming the largely fictional tales of violence and tough talk are essentially real-life missives and orders to enact widespread acts of violence.
Read Dr. Erik Nielson’s entire piece here.
Photo: Getty
source https://hiphopwired.com/846467/erik-nielson-drakeo-the-ruler-rap-lyrics/
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nine5fourmagazine · 5 years
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“Keep it real” comes with a price! Artist please be mindful of who is listening and what you say on these records!😳 The tactic of using rap lyrics as evidence of guilt isn’t new by any means, but a college professor says there has been an uptick of the occurrence in courts. According to the professor, this could be seen as misleading and used by prosecutors to connect stereotypes to Black and Latino men as they argue their cases. Dr. Erik Nielson of the University Of Richmond is an associate professor of Liberal Arts of the institution. In a new piece written for Raw Story’s The Conversation column, Nielson shared that alongside the University of Georgia law professor Andrea Dennis, the pair have discovered that the introduction of rap lyrics in the courtroom to help decide a case has been used over 500 times. Nielson highlights the case of rapper Drakeo The Ruler, whose lyrics were used as evidence to charge him in connection to a 2019 shooting that left a 24-year-old man dead. Prosecutors suggested that Drakeo ordered the gunman to shoot and kill and musical rival who was later found not to be an attendee of the party where the fatal incident took place. Further, Nielson notes that there was little evidence connecting Drakeo and RJ as having approached anything close to violent interactions in their dealings. The entire column is a fascinating read and Nielson points to the fact that prosecutors are using rap lyrics to shift the minds of jurors and the court into assuming the largely fictional tales of violence and tough talk are essentially real-life missives and orders to enact widespread acts of violence. Read Dr. Erik Nielson’s entire piece at rawstory.com #lyrics #law #prosecutors (at University of Richmond) https://www.instagram.com/p/B97Mg-XpZxS/?igshid=12ceulrt6p8dr
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uncleleo16 · 7 years
A History of Recent NHL Expansion
The Las Vegas Golden Knights will be the 31st NHL team and are the 10th team since 1991 to be added to the NHL. The Previous nine teams were the San Jose Sharks (1991), Ottawa Senators (1992), Tampa Bay Lightning (1992), Florida Panthers (1993), Anaheim Ducks (1993), Nashville Predators (1998), Atlanta Thrashers (1999), Minnesota Wild (2000) and the Columbus Blue Jackets (2000). This list does not include the Winnipeg Jets, Dallas Stars, Colorado Avalanche, Arizona Coyotes and the Carolina Hurricanes who all formed from relocation of already existing teams. The first season seems to be always tough on the expansion teams but some of these expansion teams have enjoyed great success in the NHL since their arrival. I’ll be looking at their first year in the league and how far they have come since then. 
San Jose Sharks (1991-present)
First Season (1991-92): 17-58-5, the Sharks were the worst team in the league with only 39 points and 58 losses. They only managed 219 goals while allowing 359 goals. Their Coach George Kingston coached for two seasons and he has a NHL coaching record of 28-129-7. The Sharks first captain, Doug Wilson was a veteran presence who had spent the previous 14 teams with the Chicago Blackhawks.The Sharks were hoping first overall pick Pat Falloon would add some offensive spark to the team, the rookie had 25 goals and 59 points in 79 games to lead the team in scoring by a significant margin. The Sharks biggest defeats included a 9-0 loss against the Devils on October 26th and a 11-1 loss against Detroit on February 15. The Sharks also started the season going 1-15-0 and ended up using 5 different goalies throughout the season. Overall, the debut in San Jose was fairly bad. 
Since 1992: The Sharks since 1992 have had 19 playoff appearances, 6 divisional champions, 4 50 win seasons and one Stanley Cup Finals appearance. Patrick Marleau is the teams all time leader in points and goals with 508 goals and 1082 points in 1493 games. In 2005-06 season the Sharks witnessed Joe Thornton winning the Art Ross and the Hart Memorial trophy while Jonathan Cheechoo won the Maurice Richard Award for league leader in Goals. In 2001 goaltender Evgeni Nabokov won the Calder Memorial trophy for his terrific rookie season. The Sharks are a team that has become a staple in the NHL playoffs but they have also gained a reputation for falling short in critical situations. The fan base in San Jose is passionate and they never really struggle selling seats in the Bay area. 
All Time Team:
LW                                  C                             RW
Owen Nolan (95-03) Joe Thornton (05-pre.)  Patrick Marleau (97-17)
D                                     D                             GK
Scott Hannan(98-15) M-E. Vlasic (06-17)     Evgeni Nabokov (99-10)
Was It a Success?: The Sharks struggled at first but are a great example of expansion working. They have developed a loyal fanbase and have been successful on the ice with their consistent play and off ice management ability. 
Ottawa Senators (1992-present)
First Season (1992-93): 10-70-4, It can be argued that this was the worst debut season for any expansion team. 24 points in 84 games with only 202 goals scored. They posted a road record of 1-41-0, winning their only road game against the Islanders on April 10th. Their coach Rick Bowness had coached the Bruins to the playoffs during the previous season. He remained coached in Ottawa for three miserable seasons before being fired and taking a short term job in New York as the Islanders coach before being fired. The Senators were lead by long time Winnipeg Jet Laurie Boschman as their captain during his final NHL season. The Senators ran a goaltending duo of Peter Sidorkiewicz and Daniel Berthiaume that combined for a 4.35 GAA and a .864 SV%. The leading scorer was defenseman Norm Maciver with 17 goals and 63 points in 80 games. 
Since 1993: The Senators following three seasons were bad with three consecutive last place in conference finishes. Then in 1997 lead by Alexei Yashin, Daniel Alfredsson and Steve Duchesne the Sens sneaked into the playoffs. Then for 10 straight seasons, the Ottawa Senators were in the playoffs, including a Finals appearance in 2007. The Senators have 1 presidents trophy, 4 divisonal championships and were recently in their third conference Finals before losing to the Penguins in 7 games. The Senators have build a fanbase in Canada but still struggle in attendance when compared to the other Canadian fan bases. 
All Time Team:
LW                                  C                                     RW
Alexei Yashin(93-01) Jason Spezza (02-14) Daniel Alfredsson (95-13)
D                                    D                                      GK
Chris Phillips (97-15)  Erik Karlsson (09-17) Patrick Lalime (99-04)
Was it a Success?: Yes, the Senators have become brought hockey one of the greatest rivals since 2000 with the Battle of Ontario and they have had major success on the ice since the early 2000s despite not winning a Stanley Cup. While the fan base can be criticized for lack of attendance at times, the Senators have very passionate fans that also root for their team. 
Tampa Bay Lightning (1992-present)
First Season (1992-93): 23-54-7, The Lightning were not good their first season but they were respectable. Head coach Terry Crisp had previously won the Stanley Cup with the Calgary Flames a few years prior in 1989 as head coach. The Lightning even opened their season with a 7-3 home victory against the Chicago Blackhawks and although they had a rough second half of the season, the Lightning performed better than fellow expansion team, Ottawa. Forward and one of three alternate captains, Brain Bradley lead the team with 42 goals and 86 points in 80 games. The team rotated between three goaltenders throughout the season but never found reliable goaltending. The Lightning also had one of the best names in hockey history on their team with defenseman Bob Beers, who had 12 goals and 36 points in 64 games. 
Since 1993: The Lightning struggled for the following nine seasons with only one playoff appearance in 1996. Then they appeared in the 2003 playoffs and in 2004 lead by Martin St. Louis, Vincent Lecavalier, Brad Richards, Dan Boyle and Nikolai Khabibulin, the Lightning defeated the Calgary Flames in 7 games to win their first Stanley Cup. Following the 2005 lockout, the Lightning Stanley Cup team slowly started to separate before they returned to the Cup Finals in 2015 lead by Steven Stamkos, Tyler Johnson, Nikita Kucherov, Victor Hedman and Ben Bishop. The Lightning unfortunately fell short in 6 games against Chicago but the Lightning have been a strong team for the past four seasons and look to contend for another Stanley Cup. 
All Time Team:
LW                                   C                                         RW
Steven Stamkos (08-17) Vincent Lecavalier (98-13) Martin St. Louis (00-14)
D                                      D                                          GK
Dan Boyle (01-08) Victor Hedman (09-17)  Nikolai Khabibulin (00-04)
Was it a Success?: The Lightning are a success based on their Stanley Cup victory and their ability to develop a hockey market in the southern United States. the Lightning have a good fan base that follows this success franchise. 
Florida Panthers (1993-present)
First Season (1993-94): 33-34-17, The Panthers missed the playoffs by one point in their debut season and surprised the NHL by how competitive this team was. Their coach Roger Nielson had 11 NHL seasons as a head coach under his belt and captain Brian Skrudland was a Stanley Cup winner in Montreal. The team was lead offensively by Scott Mellanby who had 30 goals and 60 points in 80 games and John Vanbiesbrouck was stellar in net going 21-25-11 with a .924 SV% and a 2.53 GAA. Vanbiesbrouck is the similar to Marc-Andre Fleury on the Golden Knights because Vanbiesbrouck was a very good goalie on a team with two good goalies. Vanbiesbrouck was exposed at the draft and the Rangers protected Mike Richter instead. 
Since 1994: Two years following their great start into the NHL, the Florida Panthers made their first playoff appearance in amazing fashion. The 1996 playoffs saw the Panthers eliminate the Boston Bruins in round one, the tough Philadelphia Flyers in round two and the unstoppable Penguins offense in Round three to set up a Stanley Cup Finals appearance. The Colorado Avalanche faced the upstar Panthers in a match-up for the decades but the finals itself wasn’t close. A 4-0 series win for the Avalanche including a 8-1 thrashing in game 2 ended the Panthers cinderella story season. The Panthers then went 1-8 in playoff games over the next four seasons before going on a 10 year streak of not making the postseason. Florida has made the playoffs twice in the past six seasons but has yet to win a playoff round since the 1996 playoffs. 
All Time Team:
LW                                  C                                       RW
Scott Mellanby (93-01) Olli Jokinen (00-08) Pavel Bure (98-02)
D                                    D                                        GK
Robert Svehla (94-02) Jay Bouwmeester (02-09) John Vanbiesbrouck (93-98)
Was it a Success?: The Panthers are not a success. The team has been an afterthought for most of their 24 year existence. Only 5 playoff appearances in 23 seasons and attendance struggling year after year. The 1996 playoffs are a great memory but most sports fans in Miami area haven’t given the Panthers enough dedication. With Relocation rumours every season, it seems as if the Miami area for hockey wasn’t a strong idea. 
Anaheim Ducks (1993-present): 
First Season (1993-94): 33-46-5, The Ducks were competitive in their first season in the NHL, finishing 9th in the conference and 4th in the Pacific division. First year coach Ron Wilson had previously been the assistant coach for the Vancouver Canucks after he finished his playing career in 1988 with the Minnesota North Stars. The team was lead offensively by Terry Yake and Bob Corkum who each had a 50 point season. Goaltenders Guy Hebert, Ron Tugnutt and Mikhail Shtalenkov all had a GAA above .907% and combined for 3 shutouts throughout the season. The Ducks also used their 4th overall draft pick to select future all star Paul Kariya. 
Since 1994: The Ducks made their first playoff appearance in 1997 lead by the dynamic duo of Teemu Selanne and Paul Kariya with Guy Hebert providing stability in net. The Ducks lost in the second round in a 4 game sweep against Detroit. The Ducks struggled then until the 2003 season where Jean-Sebastian Giguere put on the greatest individual goaltending performance of all time in the postseason on the way to the Stanley Cup final. The Ducks lost in 7 games despite Giguere winning the Conn Smythe trophy with a 15-6 record, 1.62 GAA and a .945 SV%. Following the 2005 lockout, the Ducks made the Conference Finals in 2006 losing to the Oilers in 5 games. In the 2007 postseason the Ducks made the Stanley Cup Finals lead by Ryan Getzlaf, Scott Niedermayer, Scott Pronger, Teemu Selanne and J.S. Giguere. The Ducks beat the Senators in 5 games to claim their first Stanley Cup. Since 2007 they have made the playoffs 8 times in 10 seasons with 2 conference Finals defeats and 5 divisional championships. 
All Time Team: 
LW                                    C                                           RW
Paul Kariya (94-03)     Ryan Getzlaf (05-pre.)  Teemu Selanne (95-14)
D                                       D                                           GK
Scott Niedermayer (05-10) Chris Pronger (06-09) J.S. Giguere (00-10)
Was it a Success?: The Whole Disney element was interesting and the Ducks did gain a lot of attention in Southern California for a lot time but recent years success a disinterest in their fanbase. The Ducks are one of the top teams in the league for the past 10 years but they are in the bottom 10 teams in terms of attendance and selling out games. 
Nashville Predators (1998-present):
First Season (1998-99): 28-47-7, Nashville wasn’t particularly strong on the ice but the franchise made strong moves acquiring young prospects Tomas Vokoun and Scott Walker in the expansion draft, drafting David Legwand second overall in the draft, making Barry Trotz the head coach and David Poile the General Manager. Poile is still the General Manager of the Predators and Barry Trotz was head coach until 2014. The team was lead by veteran forwards Cliff Ronning and Greg Johnson who each had 50 points. The team captain was forward Tom Fitzgerald, who would remain captain for the following three seasons. Russian forward Sergei Krivokrasov leads the team with 25 goals despite finishing his NHL career with only 86 goals in 450 games. His only full season in Nashville was the career highlight for the Russian journeyman. 
Since 1999: The Predators didn’t qualify for the playoffs until 2004 where they finished 8th in the Western Conference and were eliminated by Detroit in the first round. Since the 2005 lockout they have made the playoffs nine times in twelve seasons. They have never won their divison or finished a season above 3rd in the Conference. However, the Predators consistently make the playoffs and this past season they were finally rewarded with their first Conference Finals appearance and their First Stanley Cup Finals appearance. They were also an 8th seed and never had home ice advantage throughout their postseason. Lead by forwards Filip Forsberg, Ryan Johansen, Defenseman Ryan Ellis, P.K. Subban, Roman Josi and Goaltender Pekka Rinne. The balanced Predators team was terrific defensively and capitalized offensively on their way to the Cup Finals. 
All Time Team:
LW                                     C                                            RW
Steve Sullivan (03-11) David Legwand (98-14) Filip Forsberg (12-17)
D                                        D                                            GK
Shea Weber (05-16) Kimmo Timonen (98-07) Pekka Rinne (05-17)
Was it a Success?: Anybody who watched this years playoffs and saw the atmosphere in Nashville understands that this was a successful expansion team. The Predators constantly sell out their games and the team itself has also been very successful throughout the years. 
Atlanta Thrashers (1999-2011):
First Season (1999-00): 14-57-7-4, The Thrashers were awful in 2000 with only 14 wins and very few bright spots on this team. Ray Ferraro was their starting center with 44 points in 81 games and Andrew Brunette lead the team with 23 goals and 50 points in 81 games. The team rotated between 5 goaltenders, none of the goaltenders lasted more than 2 seasons in the NHL following this season. Head coach Curt Fraser wasn’t very effective and lost his job 3 seasons later, while first overall pick Patrik Stefan only had 5 goals and 25 points in 72 games and never scored more than 14 goals or 40 points in a season. the next two players drafted after Stefan? Henrik and Daniel Sedin. 
Since 2000: The next 10 seasons in Georgia were fairly disappointing except for one strong season in 2007, where the Thrashers made their only postseason appearance. Lead by the big 3 of Marian Hossa, Vyacheslav Kozlov and Ilya Kovalchuk, the Thrashers won the Southeast division and faced off against the Rangers in the first round. The Rangers swept the Thrashers in 4 games and as a result, the Thrashers never won a playoff game in their 11 season existence. Following the 2010-11 season, the team relocated to Winnipeg. The fans in Winnipeg have been pleading for a team ever since the Jets were sent to Arizona, while nobody in Atlanta seemed to care once the Thrashers were relocated. 
All Time Team: 
LW                                    C                                           RW
Ilya Kovalchuk (01-10) Marc Savard (02-06) Marian Hossa (05-08)
D                                       D                                           GK
Garnet Exelby (02-09) Frantisek Kaberle (99-04) Kari Lehtonen (03-09)
Was it a Success?: No, this team was so unpopular in Georgia and their attendance and success was so bad that they relocated after only 11 seasons. I do miss the mid-2000 thrashers because of Ilya Kovalachuk, Marc Savard and Marian Hossa and how lethal their offense was during a short span. Unfortunately, Atlanta is not a hockey city. 
Minnesota Wild (2000-present): 
First Season (2000-01): 25-39-13-5, The Wild won one game in their first 10 and struggled to get on track throughout their debut season. Head coach Jacques Lemaire had won a Stanley Cup as coach of the Devils back in 1995 and would remain the Wild captain for the following 7 seasons. The Wild struggled offensively with their top scorer, Scott Pellerin only recording 11 goals and 39 points in 58 games. First round draft pick Marian Gaborik had 18 goals and 36 points in his 71 game rookie season. Goaltender Manny Fernandez was solid with a 19-17-4 record with a 2.24 GAA and a .920 SV%. 
Since 2001: The Wild have made the playoffs eight times in the following fifteen seasons but have only reached the Conference Finals once. In the 2003 playoffs lead by Marian Gaborik and Manny Fernandez the Wild reached the Conference Finals as heavy underdogs in their first postseason appearance. They were swept by the Anaheim Ducks in the Conference Finals but gained tremendous experience in the process. The Wild most recently during the 2016-17 season finished with 106 points and 49 wins during a tremendous regular season. They lost to the Blues in 5 games but the future in Minnesota looks very bright. 
All Time Team: 
LW                                      C                                         RW
Brian Rolston (05-08) Mikko Koivu (05-17) Marian Gaborik (00-09)
D                                         D                                         GK
Ryan Suter (12-17) Brent Burns (03-11) Devan Dubnyk (14-17)
Was it a Success?: Yes, Minnesota should have never lost the North Stars and the State needs a hockey team. The Wild are one of the most popular teams in the league by their own fanbase. The team has also been very successful throughout the years. 
Columbus Blue Jackets (2000-present): 
First Season (2000-01): 28-39-9-6, The Blue Jackets were okay in their debut season and managed to tie with the Blackhawks for 12th in the Western Conference. Lead offensively by Geoff Sanderson with 30 goals and 56 points in 68 games and Espen Knutsen with 11 goals and 53 points in 66 games. Ron Tugnutt went 22-25-5 in net with a 2.44 GAA and a .917 SV%. Team Captain and former Stanley Cup Champion Lyle Odelein had 17 points and 118 penalty minutes in 81 games for the club.
Since 2001: The Blue Jackets haven’t been very successful since 2001 with only 3 postseason appearances in the following 15 seasons. Their record in the postseason is 3-12 with their most recent defeat coming this postseason against the Pittsburgh Penguins in 5 games. The Jackets highest finish was last season when they finished third in the Conference with 50 wins and 108 points. The Franchise hopes to improve on a stellar season and possibly win a series in the 2018 playoffs. 
All Time Team: 
LW                                     C                                         RW
Rick Nash (02-12) Cam Atkinson (11-17) David Vyborny (00-08)
D                                        D                                         GK
Rostislav Klesla (00-11) Fedor Tyutin (08-16) Sergei Bobrovsky (12-17)
Was it a Success?: maybe, the Blue Jackets have been fairly awful for most of their existence and thanks to the success of Ohio State Football, Cleveland Cavaliers and the Cleveland Indians, the Blue Jackets haven’t been given much attention. The recent success in 2016-17 has raised awareness of the franchise in Ohio however and hopefully the Jackets can continue to develop a fanbase. 
The Vegas Golden Knights will not make the playoffs in year one. They might however come very close to the postseason, such as the Florida Panthers did in their opening season. The success of Vegas hockey depends on how well the community accepts the new team. It will not be as big of a success as the Minnesota Wild or the Nashville Predators but the Golden Knights have potential to develop a fanbase similar to the Blue Jackets. The Worst case scenario is obviously the Atlanta Thrashers. This is the scenario that many hockey fans are hoping for because of Gary Bettman’s lack of interest to invest in true hockey markets such as Seattle, Quebec, Hamilton and others. 
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babsconsf · 7 years
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We have our 5 finalists for The Voice: Equestria, everypony!
Shari Akira Moon Andrew Ho Erik Nielson Eleanor Grace Maximillian Renga
Wish them all luck as they try to impress our panel of judges: Tara Strong, Tabitha St. Germain, and Ashleigh Ball. So, no pressure there.
If you tried out but didn't make the finals, know that this year's entries were quite strong, but we could only choose 5 to advance. Keep honing those vocal skills and try again next year for our gala Season 5!
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buzzingonlinenow · 5 years
Rapper Drakeo the Ruler Was Accused of Murder. Prosecutors Used His Music as Proof of His Guilt.
Rapper Drakeo the Ruler Was Accused of Murder. Prosecutors Used His Music as Proof of His Guilt.
Rapper Drakeo the Ruler’s lyrics and music videos were used against him in a murder trial. Professor Erik Nielson says prosecutors everywhere are using this … What did you think of this video? Let us know in the comments!
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