#erika casupanan
yourdailyqueer · 5 months
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Erika Casupanan
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
DOB: 20 July 1989
Ethnicity: Filipino
Occupation: Reality star
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mikeholloway · 9 months
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– We’re here. We’re queer. Happy new year ❤️🌈🏳️‍⚧️ – I was wearing rainbow socks what did I expect?? 🌈
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amazingyoungwomen · 1 month
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jeremycollinsstan · 9 months
parv hard launched mae! erika came out as a lesbian! the gays r winning!
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bonelessenthusiast · 9 months
kellie: i can’t believe a lesbian has never won survivor
erika: me neither
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labelleperfumery · 9 months
Survivor Winners Parvati Shallow and Erika Casupanan Come Out as Members of LGBTQ Community
A couple of “Survivor” fan favorites gave show loyalists an update on their personal lives … and whether it was a coincidence or not, both announcements came on the same day. Parvati Shallow, considered one of the all-time best to hit the… from TMZ.com https://www.tmz.com/2023/12/31/survivor-winners-parvati-shallow-erika-casupanan-come-out-lgbtq-lesbian/
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survivor-north-sea · 2 years
Cast Reveal #2 - Hidra
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INTRO: I'm AJ, I'm interested in survivor and I think it's neat! I dabble in lots of things, and am usually mediocre at best. I like to run RPGs for my friends, and I also participate in them - usually local to Discord Servers. This sounds like a lot of fun and I can't wait to see what happens!
OCCUPTION: Student and Aspiring Author
HOBBIES: Writing, Art, and Dance
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: People using your/you're or their/they're/there wrong
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: I'd say I'm a lot like Eric, a bit too trusting for my own good but all around a fun person. More recent seasons I'd say I'm probably most like Lindsay (42) where I'm a mom-friend and competitive.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Because you can do anything you put your mind to, and I'm putting my mind to this!
ANYTHING ELSE: If I can't win I hope to at least make it to the jury. I've always thought I'd be a riot as a jury member.
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INTRO: I'm a Californian implant living in Austin, TX with my fiancée and a pair each of dogs and cats. I recently left a career in social work where I worked with folks transitioning out of homelessness and am now working as a literary agent's assistant. I love strategy games, cooking, reading fantasy novels, and writing.
OCCUPTION: Assistant Literary Agent
HOBBIES: Reading, writing, cooking Trinidadian food, video and board games
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: Being interrupted/not listened to
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: A quiz told me Cochran, but I think I'm more Cirie. I value emotional connections and vulnerability!
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: With my history in social work, I'm familiar with how people think and I'm good at working with people to achieve their goals- and also good at getting people to think they've come up with their own goals even who was really me who planted the seed. And as a literature major/someone working in publishing, I'm great at analysis, comparison, and strategy.
ANYTHING ELSE: I started watching survivor when I was 6 years old (when it first premiered) and then took a break after middle school...until the pandemic, when I marathoned all 40+ seasons.
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INTRO: I am Adventurer and love to meet new people. Love traveling, photography, books and movies.
HOBBIES: Watching movies and series, reading books, sleeping!
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: Too Loud and noisy
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: Let me say erika casupanan. Besides that we are both Filipino, i am like her always being regard as weak and less threatening yet is capable of doing great things and winning 😉
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Because i can, i will and i should be the next sole survivor.
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INTRO: the only song i ever listen to is potential breakup song by aly & aj. i never listen to anything else. if i feel like listening to music that’s what i listen to. it’s been on repeat since 2007. my itunes consists of 1 song, potential breakup song by aly & aj, and the play count is somewhere around 50,000 plays. if you ever see me listening to music, don’t even ask what song i’m listening to, because you know it’s potential breakup song by aly & aj, so why would you even ask
OCCUPTION: budtender & writer
HOBBIES: binge watching tv shows, playing switch, reading tarot
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: chewing with your mouth open. not having a sense of humor.
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: Tony Vlachos as I’m a cis straight white man 🫶🏽
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Because of my dumptruck ass & my ability to lipsync for my life
ANYTHING ELSE: *john boyega vc* IM READY! friggin large popcorn! Hot dog! Damn slurpy dammit! Don’t talk to me when I sit down to watch this! Don’t touch me ! Don’t breathe in my direction ! This is it!
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INTRO: Hi everyone my name is Tyler, I'm 19 years old and I'm a sophomore at Western Michigan University. I'm a secondary education major and I hope to be a high school english/history teacher one day. I've never played a Skype org before and I'm really excited to meet everyone and play!
HOBBIES: Theater, video games, watching movies, and going on hot girl walks
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: Mouth breathers. Like why are you breathing so extra?
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: Michele Fitzgerald. I think we both know how to stay calm when faced with adversity and are pretty self aware
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: I think I will be the sole survivor because I slay really hard but not in a way that screams "overconfident flop" or "threat!" so people shouldn't be inclined to vote me out
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INTRO: Investment Banker by day filmmaker by night/weekends. I’m a little quirky and never really fit into boxes exactly right. That’s my charm.
OCCUPTION: Investment Banking
HOBBIES: Watching movies, shows, anime and reading webtoons!
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: Being late to something 🥲
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: Ben Driebergen, he always played with his heart and you could always feel his genuine nature.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: I play with my heart and I truly believe that people with genuine hearts win in the end.
ANYTHING ELSE: I’m a great team player and also a good leader who always leads with empathy. Empathy to me is not just emotional but can also be logical. In it’s best form I believe it’s the correct balance of both.
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INTRO: Hi, my name is Bethany, I'm 23 years old and I live in Alabama. My favorite things are reality tv, cats (specifically my angel baby Cleo), and sushi! I'm a legal assistant and I am extremely passionate about prison abolition and criminal justice reform.
OCCUPTION: Legal Assistant
HOBBIES: Reading, hanging out with my cat, watching random video essays
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: People calling me Beth
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: I think the Survivor player I am most like is Evvie Jargoda because they were mainly seen as a social player during their season but they were also very smart and strategic behind the scenes.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: I believe I will be the Sole Survivor because I am never one to back down from a challenge and do everything I can to accomplish something once I put my mind to it.
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INTRO: One of few Malaysian guy who still a fan of Survivor who will not get the opportunity to be part of this awesome game in real life due to demographic and different culture.
OCCUPTION: Digital Marketer
HOBBIES: Gym, karaoke, watching movies
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: Sandra because she won twice and a such a queen
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Because I think I have the luck and the thought. Now I need to go for it
ANYTHING ELSE: Umm I'm from Malaysia. Hi!
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INTRO: Good day! I'm Clefford Rimandiman Millos, 20, from the the country with 7,640 islands, the Philippines!
HOBBIES: Watching films, TV series, and reality shows.
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: Someone spoiling a show.
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: Todd Herzog for being social and strategic.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Because I am competitive and will do anything to further my game.
ANYTHING ELSE: Everyday is a new day.
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INTRO: Im kind shy usually and playing a game like this really put me out of my comfort zone I love challenges and I hate to loose. I'm willing to do EVERYTHING it takes to go to the end.
OCCUPTION: Agent reservations
HOBBIES: Shopping
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: I'd say im a mix Abi Maria Gomes & Michaela Bradshaw even tho their are not my fav players I do see myself in them.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Because I fear no competition and I dont do things halfdone.
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xandercandy · 3 years
Erika Casupanan, lamb to lion 🐑🦁 — Winner of Survivor 41 💙
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cjcdeeezy · 3 years
Naseer is lowkey real one foiling Deshawn’s plan and saving Erika.
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corlds-world · 3 years
i feel like i should explain a little bit on why erika won since many people don't understand. i also don't want to get caught up in the controversy but here we are. so top 10 reasons why erika won.
1) the bare minimum requirements to win survivor is to get to the end and have the majority of jury votes. doesn't matter how you do it. it just matters that you do it. which erika did and the rest of the cast didnt. therefore, she deserves to win. like all other winners. 
2) to get these jury votes you need a resume, which isn't a bad way to put it since the final tribal does remind me of a job interview. erika did have a resume so i'll just list it out. 
3) 2 immunity wins. not super important, but still cool. 
4) the naseer vote out. erika and heather read the room. they realized that if naseer had an idol, they could easily use that to their advantage to get him out. and ricard probably didn't want to be on the outs anymore than he already was. shan, who didn't trust erika and heather, still made this move with them to take out naseer. it's all about perspective in survivor, but it's even more about shifting perspective. and erika and heather were able to shift ricard's and shan's perspectives to taking out naseer. it could've been easily heather that went that tribal if erika didn't do anything about it. 
5) the shan and liana split vote. probably the biggest move of her game. erika was always making sure that if something went wrong, it wouldn't be her that went home. so erika made sure that she had deshawn and danny, and that they could split the vote just in case shan played the idol. it's not as easy as it sounds. as the queen says, "as long as it's not me"
6) that endgame, which is the most important part to her game. erika was the one that decided that shan, liana, danny, and ricard to go home. she was in the driver's seat. what's more is that no one realized it. 
7) choosing heather to join her on that final five reward was almost a no-brainer. it's so important to keep your allies close. and since erika had no intention of sitting next to heather at the end, she kept her jury vote closer. yea, it's only one vote, but on a jury of eight, you only need four to tie it up. every vote matters at this point. yes, erika was being genuine about her friendship, but it is also strategy. you can be genuine any time at camp. it's another thing to be genuine on a reward. 
8) i feel like a lot of people are focusing on why xander lost vs. why erika won. i've seen some strange reasons. "erika made no big moves!" or "the jury was racist and wanted a POC to win!" are the two biggest reasons i've seen. making big moves in survivor is not always smart. people who made big moves (like ricard taking out shan) were voted out. sure, xander had that one move at the pre-jury vote, but he didn't make any smart moves after that. he wasn't in control at the endgame. erika was. nor did he make any smart moves before. and for the second reason: wow. that's such a weak excuse for saying that xander deserves to win. i kinda find it funny at this point ngl. no other reason xander lost? okay. sure. 
9) one last thing i've noticed is that people will think that the person with the most confessionals deserves to win. those people have not watched samoa. season 19. it's on prime. it's actually pretty good. go watch it. the winner has 14 confessionals. the person with the most confessionals is not pre-destined to be the winner. you've got to read between the lines. 
10) storyline. i didn't see this coming. i did see that xander, erika, and deshawn were all going to be in the finals, but pre-finale, i thought xander won in that combo. i'm happy that erika won but i didn't realize that erika was going to win until xander took her to the final three during the final four tribal and shan said "i think that's a bad read." that's when i realized that the story is not about how erika won, but how xander lost. sometimes survivor will do this, and it's not my favorite storyline. yes, there are reasons erika won and she was a great player. but the story was focused around xander and his character. i saw rahp and i gotta agree when rob said that xander was going to be the new jungle boy. prepare for xander to be back four times. oh joy. (pls survivor bring evvie back she's the only one i ever want back)
edit: i still want to add that xander played a really good game. he was pretty masterful at using his idol, but i feel like he could’ve done something smarter with the idol that impressed the jury. i just don’t like how some people are saying “xander didn’t do anything at the end” or “erika didn’t do anything at all.” like they both did stuff, and i think some of the jury definitely considered xander going into that tribal, but he had a pretty terrible speech while erika had a very lovely speech. but i saw an interview with danny that the jury didn’t respect xander’s game, but i didn’t really get why which we saw out there. 
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newhampshire-badger · 3 years
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mitchellmoffit · 3 years
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The women of Survivor 41! 🏝 - Erika Casupanan, 32 Evvie Jagoda, 28 Genie Chen, 46 Heather Aldret, 52 Liana Wallace, 20 Sara Wilson, 24 Shantel Smith, 34 Sydney Segal, 26 Tiffany Seely, 47
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peih-gee · 3 years
and i'm going all in for Erika “I will literally kill you guys” Casupanan
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amazingyoungwomen · 8 months
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m-00kie · 3 years
Erika Casupanan: 5 Things To Know About The Low-Key Threat In ‘Survivor’ Finale
Even though Erika Casupanan has laid low for a lot of season 41 of 'Survivor,' she's still made some moves that could secure her a win. Ahead of the finale, learn more about Erika here. source https://hollywoodlife.com/feature/who-is-erika-casupanan-survivor-4603337/
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cjcdeeezy · 3 years
The way DeShawn always doing Erika dirty just doesn’t sit well with me.
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