#ermmm sorry this was so late
tearsofcalamity · 4 months
wanna sit behind aventurine and jerk him off...
imagine moving behind him just after he gets up in the morning, watching over his shoulder while he works on his lil tablet, sliding in til you're flush with his back and you can reach around and start palming him through his pants
he's very taken aback and tries to just laugh you off, but your eyes are dark and very hungry when you look back at him. it's not long before you have him panting and huffing, his finger stuttering over the metrics on his screen as he tries to finish up the smalltime work he wanted to take care of (to little avail). eventually, he just moves to set it down, but your grip is like iron around him.
whisper in his ear, ask him what he's doing, doesn't he have to finish up what he was doing on his little screen? his hand trembles as he tries to do just as you asked, but it's clear that his mind is far too hazy and distracted to even think of doing any of it right.
as soon as your hand slips beneath his waistband he's whining loud and canting his hips up into your hand involuntarily, chasing the pleasure from your fingers gliding over his shaft, his slit, rubbing circles into that sensitive spot right beneath his tip. he's bending into you, back arching as he pants harshly into your neck and squirms, little pleads escaping his mouth as you continue to work at his weeping cock.
notice it when he goes to reach for your wrist to set his own pace only to restrain himself and fist the sheets instead. what a good boy. be sure to tell him just that, praise him lots.
tell him what a good boy he's being for you, tell him how pretty he looks, how can one man look so gorgeous just after waking up? he looks so lovely when he's desperate, looks even prettier when he cums, ask him if he wants to cum, yeah? does he want to cum? you can feel his pretty cock twitching in your hand, surely he's right on the brink--
he's got the absolute loveliest sobs when he hears you praising him so, calling him all sorts of lovey petnames that make him feel like he's melting into you, hips stuttering as he makes a mess inside his pants and gets your hand all wet n sticky. oh, but he's more than willing to make up for it when he dazedly gets on his hands and knees without so much as a word from you, licking your hand clean of his spend with adoring eyes, so desperate for more praise and adoration from you. and yes, he'll certainly return the favor -- he's already going for the waistband of your pants, eager to hear all the ways you'll call for him and tell him how good he's being when he's pleasing you.
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kindercelery · 8 hours
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Oh so helpful
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gemharvest · 1 year
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(ids in alt - do not repost)
Some more Mop Cycle doodles from my notes. :'D
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berryicet · 1 year
Hey, now that you've read homestuck, I can tell you about my classpected ii and sburb insanity au:]
I'm kinda a classpect nerd, I like classpects and my favourite thing to do when I get into some new media is try to classpect the characters. It also sorta helps me understand the characters and try to break down their personalities/goals/motives. Also I like drawing the characters in god tier outfits
So anyways, I have a list of all my classpected ii characters with their dream moon and lands too, under cut↓
(I'm sorry if any of this is is ooc, I haven't even thought about ii in a WHILE and also haven't reread homestuck recently, but I'll still try my best to give a short explanation for why I chose each classpect and land of the characters)
MePhone4 - maid of life, prospit dreamer, Land of Wheat and Uranium
Originally, I made him a maid of heart because of the whole "mephone's emotions" being a kinda big part of his character, but eventually switched to life. I'm gonna b honest, I can see parallels between him and Jane! The biggest one is their reviving powers, a main trait of a maid of life. But there's also their stories, with how Jane was controlled by HIC, a tyrant and coloniser, who also spread her influence through her company Crockercorp. Sounds very much like Mephone's story with being raised and controlled by Cobs, also a tyrant and coloniser who spread his influence through his Meeple company. Also they're both kinda rebellious and refuse to do what other ppl tell them to do, are cagey about their feelings and emotions and also a lil short tempered.
But erm, yeah. I chose Land of Wheat and Uranium because. Um. Idk. I just thought it would fit him. I'm not that big on metaphors through plants, but I'm sure someone smarter than me can analyse and say why wheat would fit mephone
MePhone4S - bard of doom, derse dreamer. He has no land.
4S doesn't have a land because in my AU he's not a player, but instead mephone's sprite. But I still have him a classpect and dream moon just because I wanted to :3
Bard of Doom fits him SO WELL. LIKE, IT'S LITERALLY PERFECT. NOTHING ELSE FITS BETTER. a bard of doom invites destruction or brings destruction through doom. They don't directly CAUSE doom or DESTROY things WITH doom, they're more like harbingers. Doom follows them around. And that's exactly what happened with 4S. When he came up, some chaos happened, then mephone5 appeared and killed mephone4. He brought doom with him and invited it through him. And inevitably killed mephone4 because of this. Also bards of doom would be short tempered and kinda assholes. Very much MePhone4S.
MePad - maid of space, prospit dreamer, Land of Cables and Frogs
I made mepad a maid of space because I feel like space fits mepad as an aspect. She's patient and, quote, "takes things as they come". It's also listed that at their worst, a space player is "detached and apathetic". She's also a maid because. I felt like making him twin with mephone:3
OJ - mage of blood, derse dreamer, Land of Scripts and Shards
Made him a mage of blood because a main characteristic of a mage is that they're often burdened by their aspect, which they can access directly and in abundance. Mages are also inclined to take all the burdens for themselves to help everyone else, and I feel like it very much fits OJ with how he took on everyone's problems and made a hotel to help everyone, which ultimately became a burden for him.
Paper - rogue of heart, derse dreamer, Land of Mirrors and Iteration
Heart players are often concerned with themselves and their arc often includes a journey of self discovery and self acceptance. A rogue of heart, particularly, finds it hard to accept their aspect at first and try to run from it. I feel like it would work with paper, with how he'd try to run away and get rid of EP. Also heart players have a running theme with "dual or split personalities", most obviously with Dirk and his gazillion different splinters, but also Nepeta, with how she has a different, "roleplay" personality she uses in text.
Made a drawing of the LoMaI, and also mentioned how the mirrors in his land are sorta like windows to other doomed timelines. More often than not, it shows dead papers from those doomed timelines. Kinda fucked up lol. I also made him have 2 sprites, in which he split his original sprite into two, first one being EP, but the other one being the trickster version of him. Think I'll just call him Candy Paper.
Paintbrush - prince of time, derse dreamer, Land of Burning candles and Delay
Prince of time is literally so perfect for them. A prince of time destroys time or destroys with time, while ghosting their opposite aspect. A prince of time would be impatient and short tempered, would rush people or waste time by dwelling on something too much. Oftentimes, a prince is pushed by other people to start destroying their aspect. I feel it fits with Paintbrushes arc and how he was slowly being pushed over the edge by the other contestants and would become more short tempered each episode. The "ghosting the opposite aspect" would also mean that they'd have some sort of creative hobby or space aspect traits. Literally perfect for Paintbrush
Chose LoBcaD because a Prince's land would have an overabundance of their aspect, which would push princes to start destroying it. Paintbrushes land has an overabundance of time. Time passed by incredibly slowly and stretches SO much, while the enemies have basically no time at all and pass by like a flash (they're super fast basically). Both of these would incline Paintbrush to start destroying the time or using time to destroy enemies. His land is very dangerous because of that through..if you can't bend time you'll most likely be killed by an imp before even stepping in lol
Lightbulb - witch of breath, prospit dreamer, Land of Gas and Turbulence
Breath players are described as expansive, flexible, driven and leave an impact wherever they go. They like to sweep others up like a breeze but can also be hard to hold down. They CAN be good leaders, but in a more "personal" way, often by pursuing their own stories. I feel like this ties in perfectly with Lightbulbs character. She's a witch because she can often manipulate and twists other's freedom to her advantage, and also that time she literally manipulated the future by being a bit of an airhead.
LoGaT is land comprised entirely of gas. The only solid ground is the starting land, that way lightbulb would have to learn how to manipulate the gas into a solid form to be able to stand on it. The downside to it though is that no one else can get around her land without her help.
Fan - knight of light, prospit dreamer, Land of Gleam and Clovers
I feel like the light part is pretty self explanatory. He likes to learn stuff, but mostly if its something he's interested in. And he can get pretty nosy about it too. A knight exploits their aspect or exploits through their aspect while also protecting others, so I felt like that fit him too
LoGaC is mostly dim and unlighted, save for the few gleams of light that peek through the clouds that cover the entire sky. In the few spots illuminated, lots of clovers grow. Fan would have to learn how to exploit them and use them to their fullest potential.
Cabby - sylph of light, derse dreamer, Land of Murk and Boxes
Again, I think the light part is pretty self explanatory. Chose sylph of light specifically because I thought she kind of reminded me of Aranea. I don't have much else though bcs I don't know her character all that well
LoMaB is completely dark and littered with boxes everywhere. Though sometimes the boxes can hold very items n such. Cabby would have to learn how to use the items a d her powers to light up her land and give herself luck
Test tube - thief of space, prospit dreamer, Land of Trinkets and Frogs
Any scientist character is legally obligated to be a space player. Sorry I don't make the rules, that's just how it be. Thief because test tube can sometimes get pretty eccentric and fixated on her goals.
LoTaF is exactly what it says on the tin. Land full of trinkets and frogs everywhere
Bow - thief of heart, derse dreamer, Land of Cloth and Bells
Another character who's arc centered around their self image and personality. And especially with the bot arc we had, it solidified her aspect even more. She's a thief because she'd always steal the spotlight on the show and at times even feel like she's sucking out the emotions out of everyone else with how hyper and emotional she got.
LoCaB land isn't soil, but actually a pretty thick layer of cloth. There are many bell towers littered around. Everything her thief of heart needs
YinYang - heir of spacetime, derse and prospit dreamers, land of Stars and Frogs
The heir of spacetime I feel is also very self explanatory, as the YinYang symbol itself is about time and space. Balance n all. They have that calliope/caliborn situation going on, where they're technically two players but share a body. Though what makes it interesting is that - with cherubs, one has to take over the body at some point. So if they ascended, it would just be one of them. But Yin won't take over Yang or vice versa, they'd continue to be 2 people in one body even after ascending. There's multiple ways this could go but I kinda went the boring route and just made the spacetime aspect. But you can think up something more interesting if you'd like:3
Knife - Knight of doom, derse dreamer, Land of Ash and Radium
Any space aspect land has frogs by default, but I chose Stars as the second thing because I feel like they perfectly connect the space and time aspects, needing matter and time to form.
He's reckless and exploits fate. I felt like I already explained everything about knights and doom in the other parts, so you can come to your own conclusions
LoAnR is a toxic wasteland and you need protection to walk through it. Test tube had to make one for Knife so he wouldn't immediately die.
Nickel - mage of mind, derse dreamer, Land of Threads and Earthquake
He's a smartass. Yes that perfectly ties in with the mage of mind classpect. Also a plot twist, he's not the one being burdened by mind, but instead being the one burdening others with his smart ass-ness.
I haven't thought much about his land so the name is mostly subjective.
Clover - heir of hope, prospit dreamer, Land of Dreams and Choir
Any time I'd go to a classpect analysis blog, they'd say about the same thing about heirs of hope - they are almost like mary sues. They seem to almost have an angel on their shoulder, always being protected by danger. Things always seem to go their way. And that's exactly the stereotype clover portrays. So I don't think there would be a more fitting classpect for her
LoDaC is the nicest land out of all of them. It's almost like heaven, almost perfect. Definitely everyone's favourite to visit.
Balloon - knight of heart, derse dreamer, Land of Reflection and Electricity
Again, kinda forgot why I went with knight of heart other than the fact that it just felt right.
His land is also mostly subjective
Suitcase - mage of rage, derse dreamer, Land of Night and Seas
About the mage of rage -
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LoNaS is pretty self explanatory too
Taco - prince of mind, derse dreamer, Land of Memories and Paths
Prince of mind because she "destroyed" other's perceptions of her in S1 by playing up a persona, such using mind to destroy mind. Also manipulating Microphone. Prince of mind felt very fitting
LoMaP is another subjective and more abstract one.
Microphone - page of heart, prospit dreamer, Land of Caves and Sparks
Her arc reminded me of Tavros and Vriska's arc, which is mainly why I made her a page. Heart because she can be pretty self centered and absorbed at times
LoCaS is a dark but very pretty and colourful place, though beware, the sparks are extremely hot and sting
Candle - witch of void, derse dreamer, Land of Dark matter and Obscurity
Witch of void is another self explanatory one. Void because she's super mysterious n stuff. And witch because. She's very witchy
LoDmaO is completely devoid of light. It's actually impossible to light it up through the normal means of a candle or lightbulb or something, because the light is instantly absorbed in all the darkness. Candle found a way to get around by manipulating the darkness away into making light spots.
These are all the characters I have explanations for. The rest are those who I classpected, but haven't thought in-depth about and mostly went by intuition
Apple - prince of breath, derse dreamer, Land of Storms and Clouds
Marshmallow - seer of rage, derse dreamer, Land of Paths and Martyrs
Salt - prince of light, prospit dreamer, Land of Radiance and Spotlight
Pepper - witch of heart, prospit dreamer
Bomb - rogue of time, derse dreamer
Pickle - knight of light, prospit dreamer
Silver spoon - prince of hope, prospit dreamer
Lifering - heir of life, prospit dreamer
Blueberry - mage of void, derse dreamer
Cheesy - knight of hope, prospit dreamer
Baseball - page of blood, derse dreamer
Soap - sylph of space, prospit dreamer
Trophy - bard of heart, derse dreamer
Tea kettle - sylph of life, prospit dreamer
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thefunniestguy · 5 months
how the fuck do you make friends in college AHHGHGHHGH . send tweet
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zushikiss · 1 year
jealous skater bf!scara w/ ballet s/o! reader
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summary ; there's a fellow student in your ballet class who just can't seem to leave you alone, so your boyfriend (tries to) intimidate him.
warnings ; like one profanity (hell), none other than that
pairings : skater bf!scara x ballerina!reader (gender neutral)
notes ; IT'S FINALLY HERE !!! i'm sososososo sorry this took so long i've been so busy recently and tbh i haven't been able to even open my phone a lot of times 😭 soooo i hope this makes up for how late it is :,) also scara has a car here ermmm, green quotation marks for the guy!
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written part below !
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you see your boyfriend's familiar black car pull up near your ballet studio, as expected the guy still hasn't left you alone.
he's been bugging you for the past few weeks asking for your number and even for the both of you to go out to dinner sometimes, you've repeated to him that you had a boyfriend several times already but it seems as though he doesn't believe you.
and it's understandable, neither you or scaramouche we're completely showy, you never denied your relationship but you never made a big deal about it either, confirm it to those who asks but don't say anything to the ones that aren't curious.
simple as that.
so the fact that this heathen from your ballet class wasn't believing you wasn't exactly new to you, both you and scara has had your own experiences with people doubting your relationship.
exhibit a, childe who is your boyfriend's self proclaimed best friend, exhibit b, your literature teacher who was worried for you since scaramouche started waiting for you after their classes, you and scaramouche were nothing alike which is why people found it hard to believe.
and yet, here's your boyfriend. walking to your studio angrily while muttering things beneath his breath, what do you mean he doesn't believe you?? was he not picking you up enough? was the matching hoodies not a dead giveaway? was he not as boyfriend-y as he needed to be? whatever the hell that is??
so here he is, storming nearer and nearer with his matching black hoodie, the same one you wore when he dropped you off earlier that day, once he arrived he saw your ballet buddy close to you, not enough for it to be extremely alarming, but close enough to cause you discomfort.
"babe? hey, c'mon let's go."
you let out a nod, relieved more than anything since he was getting a little too close for your liking.
"little demanding there, don't you think?"
"no actually, i don't think it's demanding."
"y/n do you really wanna go with this ass? i mean look at how he's treating me! not that i believe he's your boyfriend.."
"i do wanna come with him, actually. and it doesn't matter to me if you believe that he's my boyfriend or not, cause i know he is and that's all that matters. also please stop asking me out, the answer will always stay the same, it'll always be no."
scaramouche smiled at the guy before dragging you away to his car, he starts taking a familliar route to the ice cream place you guys visit often, he breaks the comfortable silence by speaking.
"so, i think he was pretty intimidated."
"yeah, by me!"
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livelaughlovesubs · 5 months
NINIII!! I have a tiny little incy wincy request :3 … ermmm how abt making dazai wear a maid dress and then fucking him afterwards ?? (。>\\\<。)
And a little over stimming wouldn’t hurt.. ( ´ཀ` )
Again, sorry if I’m bothering u!! Don’t gotta do this request if u ain’t feeling like it! Have a great day nini, love uuuu!! ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
- 🎀
Heyyy 🎀 anon! Good to see you again, I haven’t heard a lot from you lately though :< anyway, thanks for the support and the idea, excuse me for a second. JAKOAKSKA DAZAI IN UGHH MAID DRESSES AHHH, SO CUTE OH GODDDD
Dom!reader x sub!character - reader is gender neutral
Warning: teasing, hair pulling, lingerie, role play (master/ servant), touching inappropriately, clothed sex? (A tiny bit)
Edit: this ended up being sexual tension without actually getting to the fucking part - ig it’s cuz I write dick in dick out too often so I like writing the foreplay aspect more :’)
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“What’s this?” You asked, curiosity peeked when you saw dazai hiding behind a locked room. He’s been staying there for at least 15 minutes now with the door shut tight, leaving you clueless. “It’s a surprise~!” Whenever you’d ask questions related to whatever he was doing, he’d give the same reply. Did he really need to make this so mysterious? Today wasn’t even a special day, so why was he being silly again?
Defeated, you sighed and simply went to the kitchen to grab something. Then you made your way over to the couch, deciding to wait until he’s ready. There wasn’t much you could do other than this. Another minute passed, and you finally heard the sound of locks getting unlocked. Your eye went immediately to the door, staring with anticipation. To your surprise, it was actually him. It took you a moment to properly grasp the situation.
There he was, standing in the door frame all confident like always. This wouldn’t have been surprising if it weren’t for the nice looking outfit he wore, which was a maid costume? A black top with long sleeves paired with an ankle long skirt in the same colour, as well as a white, pretty extravagant or frilly apron. The apron hung from his shoulders and has been tied around his waist, creating a ribbon behind him. He also had a headband on his head, along with some gloves. The outfit would have looked professional if it weren’t for the many excessive ribbons decorating the dress, like the ones on his sleeves or headband, as well as his heels.
It’d be an understatement to say your jaw dropped and you were flabbergasted. Sure, you had some ideas what he could have being doing in that room, and this idea has come across your mind before. Even so seeing it in person was still shocking to say the least. With his usual confidence he carried himself over to you, which was impressive even if the heels weren’t that tall. He stopped in front of the couch and did a few twirls. The dress fluttered around in an elegant fashion, captivating your attention.
“It looks great..” you whispered, eyeing him up and down. The outfit was really pretty and refined, it gave off high class vibes. “Of course it is, I picked it out for you,” dazai said with a smug look on his face, before kneeling down and resting his head in your lap. Despite the reality, you had troubles believing dazai really brought this. Knowing him, he would have gotten something more erotic instead of settling down for elegance.
For a while, none of you moved. He kept nuzzling against you while you stroke his hair gently. Until you grabbed his wrist and slipped your index finger inside his gloves. “There must be more to why you wore this, no?” The brunette didn’t have an ounce of surprise on his features, he has been expecting such a reaction from you. “There is no deeper meaning to this, did you wish there were some?” At the same time your hand kept advancing, though he let you do so without any resistance. Now you were slowly slipping the glove off of him. Those were latex gloves, how mischievous of him, or should you rather say thoughtful?
You shook the glove in your hand a little, getting rid of the folds. He watched you do so, revealing a moment of vulnerability to you. Making use of that small frame, you suddenly tugged at his hair, making him throw his head back. “Err..?” A small yelp left him, this position made him arch his back too. The headband fell off and his eyes were now glued to your hand holding his glove. Since when was it so close to your lips? It was your dominant hand too.
Slowly, without rushing it, you put on the glove, all while tugging at his hair with your other hand. Then you bit the end of the fabric and pulled it down, wearing it. Your gaze didn’t leave his for a moment. Noticing how he had a slightly dumbfounded expression. “What’s wrong, dazai?” You cooed, though it almost seemed like you were mocking him. Before he could say anything in opposition, you continued, “oh dear, stand up, or the outfit might get dirty.” What a roundabout way of giving him orders.
The male obeyed, standing up slowly and leaving the headband on the floor. With each moment spend here in your presence, the tension seemed to increase. He grabbed the end of his apron, waiting for your instructions, smiling excitingly. “You know you can just order me around, master.” Dazai teased, wanting to push your buttons. This game of tug was balanced, none of you wanted to fold first. “I’m just your maid after all.” He added, now holding the skirt and raising it, giving you a small glimpse of his legs while he bowed. Stockings. You saw stockings. Was he perhaps wearing lingerie underneath it..? It’d make sense, considering how long he took in that damned room.
“Haha..” you chuckled a little, he seems to have caught onto your little challenge. The hint you dropped was too obvious huh? If that’s the case, time to speed things up. Once again you surprised him, this time by grabbing his waist and changing your positions. Pushing him down to sit on the couch while you were hovering above him, pressing a knee against his clothed crotch. “Hmm~! Hey now.. that’s not fair.” He gasped, breathing heavily. “I’m your master, not a fair player.” That answer seems to have shut him up. His hands grabbed your leg, you weren’t sure what he was trying to do. Moving your knee away or pressing it down?
Nevertheless you had to move it out of the way for your next move, so you did that. A disappointment whine followed from the male. “No need to get all needy already, I’m just getting started.” You smirked and your weaker hand held his dress up, revealing the real surprise he had been hiding. “Ops~ I guess you exposed me~?” He grinned, as if he didn’t plan this from the very start. Your prediction was right, he did wore some nice looking undergarments for you. Black lace covered his smooth legs, up until his thighs. From there on it was attached to his panties by a string, all of it black and laced.
“The fabric is pretty uncomfortable you know?” Dazai voice his thoughts, pulling a pitiful facade. Of course you knew what he was implying, which is why you deliberately ignored it. He just loved this power struggle between you two. Even though he knew exactly where his place was, he just wanted to rile you up. Without answering his previous statement, you moved your hand to his back. At least you tried, the apron was preventing you from doing so. That’s why you settled for his sacrum, caressing that part gently before moving lower and groping his butt.
A squeak filled with anticipation escaped him, feeling the latex rub against his skin. Soon the cheeky smile turned into a seductive one, melting with pleasure all due to your touch. His entrance clenching while his dick slowly got hard, rubbing against the cute panties. How he wished to just beg you to fuck him senseless, but that would spoil the fun, no? Yet all this foreplay was making him impatient~ what should he do? In the end, he settled on whispering with a pleading tone, “oh, master, please make this servant dirty.”
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Part two!
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hunieday · 16 days
Oogami Banri 2024 RabbiTV - Episode 3 : From now and forever
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Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3
Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
(Nakamise Street)
Utsugi Shiro: The hand-kneading pottery was so much fun! Though I didn’t think we’d almost be late to our reservation because of the cream puffs...
Anesagi Kaoru: Traveling is bound to have some accidents! I’m glad we managed to make something in the end. This was my first time trying something like that.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Was that really your first time!? You made such a beautiful teacup, I thought you were used to it!
Oogami Banri: You’re really good with your hands! I think I’ll use the platter I made to serve some side dishes for the president.
Okazaki Rinto: W-We did pretty good for our first time right, Takanashi-san?
Takanashi Tsumugi: Y-Yes! Though I tried to make a teacup like Anesagi-san’s and ended up with a bowl…B-but I managed somehow!
Utsugi Shiro: Okazaki-san’s vase was beautifully made as well.
Okazaki Rinto: It’s… a mug.
Utsugi Shiro: What!? Oops, sorry about that...!
Anesagi Kaoru: Now you can’t cover up your blunder?
Oogami Banri: Utsugi-san, you made a beer cup right?
Utsugi Shiro: Oh, yeah, I thought it would be nice for my evening drinks. I’ve been enjoying an ice cold beer after work lately.
Oogami Banri: I know exactly what you mean! I bet it’s gonna taste even better when you drink from a cup you made yourself.
Okazaki Rinto: You three—Oogami-san, Anesagi-san, and Utsugi-san—are so naturally skilled. I’m a little jealous...
Takanashi Tsumugi: But I’m sure we’ll be impressed with our work when we see the finished products! I can’t wait, Okazaki-san!
Okazaki Rinto: Yeah, Takanashi-san...!
Anesagi Kaoru: Hehe. They said they’ll be ready in about two months. Let’s all take pictures together again once they arrive!
Oogami Banri: Sounds good…! Um, talking about beer is making me crave one. Should we head out soon?
Utsugi Shiro: Sounds good! Looks like there are some food stalls too, let’s go check out the fireworks festival venue.
(Cut to the beach, Night time.)
Takanashi Tsumugi: Amazing…! This spot’s a hidden gem!
Anesagi Kaoru: It really is! There are no buildings blocking the view either. Looks like there aren’t that many people around here.
Oogami Banri: I’m looking forward to the fireworks!
Utsugi Shiro: Hey guys! Sorry for leaving you hanging! I bought all sorts of things for you.
Okazaki Rinto: We’ve got candy apples, chocolate bananas, cotton candy, yakisoba, and grilled squid!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Wow…! Thank you so much! Why does food from stalls always look so appealing?
Oogami Banri: The fact that we’re outside definitely makes it taste better.
Anesagi Kaoru: I still don’t know how you two managed to carry all that food by yourselves.
Okazaki Rinto: Utsugi-san kept buying more and more and just kept going, so we ended up with a lot!
Utsugi Shiro: Ahaha! That’s what makes festivals like these so much fun!
Anesagi Kaoru: Color me surprised. You’re the type of guy who looks more accustomed to city life.
Okazaki Rinto: Yeah, you have more of a “Fireworks? I’ll book a hotel room and watch them from a cool room” vibe!
Utsugi Shiro: Whaaat…Where did that image come from? Oogami-san, please say something!
Oogami Banri: Huh? Me!? Ermmm… let’s just have some beer for now.
Okazaki Rinto: Ah, sounds great! I’ll have a little tonight!
Utsugi Shiro: Count me in.
Anesagi Kaoru: Let’s toast with tea!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Yes! Cheers!
Oogami Banri: …I’m having so much fun. I’m so grateful to have been able to travel with you guys like this so many times.
Okazaki Rinto: Me too. Connections are important in this industry, not just vertically but also horizontally. We’re not just rivals, we’re also friends who get to bond like this.
Anesagi Kaoru: That’s true. There were so many situations that I wouldn’t have been able to overcome without your support.
Utsugi Shiro: Thank you so much. I’m so grateful to be included in your circle.
Oogami Banri: What are you talking about? We’re happy to have you here, Utsugi-san.
Takanashi Tsumugi: We form the Managers team!
Anesagi Kaoru: Hey, now that sounds fierce.
Takanashi Tsumugi: S-Sorry! I just thought it would be nice if we had a team name or something…
Okazaki Rinto: Managers team sounds cool!
Utsugi Shiro: The Managers’ mission for today is to enjoy the fireworks together!
Anesagi Kaoru: There’s no way you’re getting drunk already…
Oogami Banri: Ahaha! It’s been so long since I just relaxed and watched fireworks. Maybe not since high school...
Okazaki Rinto: Sounds nice. Were you with friends?
Oogami Banri: ...Yeah, with friends. We were heading to the station when the fireworks started, so we stopped to watch for a bit.
Oogami Banri: I remember their beautiful reflection on the sea.
Okazaki Rinto: Today’s fireworks will start near the sea so I’m sure they’ll reflect beautifully, just like that day!
Oogami Banri: Yes! I’m looking forward to it.
Anesagi Kaoru: It’s getting somewhat lively around here. Could it be starting soon?
Takanashi Tsumugi: I feel kinda giddy...!
Oogami Banri: It’s starting!
Takanashi Tsumugi: It’s so beautiful...!
Okazaki Rinto: They’re so powerful!
Okazaki Rinto: Ta-ma-ya! (1)
Utsugi Shiro: Ka-gi-ya! (2)
Anesagi Kaoru: Look, there’s a firework shaped like a heart!
Takanashi Tsumugi: You’re right! It’s so cute...!
Oogami Banri: Amazing, they’re firing off in different shapes now!
Utsugi Shiro: I’m gonna do my best to make ŹOOĻ become the strongest idol group and take over the world!
Okazaki Rinto: Wow! Did you just make a wish?
Utsugi Shiro: I just felt like shouting something.
Anesagi Kaoru: Utsugi-san, that was wonderful! I’ll do the same.
Anesagi Kaoru: I’ll keep learning and growing as a skilled manager just like TRIGGER continues to grow every day!
Okazaki Rinto: Me too...! I hope I can keep growing stronger as Re:vale’s manager!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Um... And I’ll become even more powerful so I can continue supporting IDOLiSH7!
Oogami Banri: I’ll keep supporting MEZZO" so they can stay true to themselves forever!
Utsugi Shiro: The fireworks were so much fun!
Okazaki Rinto: I feel like I enjoyed them differently than usual, but I definitely gained energy from everyone!
Anesagi Kaoru: Well then, it’s about time for that, isn’t it? The crowd is leaving so let’s do it.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Yes! The video call is connected now!
Oogami Banri: Could it be...!
(Cut to the i7 Dorms)
Nanase Riku & Izumi Iori: Banri-san!
Rokuya Nagi & Izumi Mitsuki & Nikaido Yamato: Happy-!
Osaka Sougo & Yotsuba Tamaki: Birthday-!
Oogami Banri: Guys...! Thank you! I’m having an amazing time in Atami!
Nanase Riku: Wahh, I’m so glad to hear that! Banri-san, look, everyone from the other groups came here as well!
Anesagi Kaoru: You made it to work on time though, right?
Yaotome Gaku: Of course! We got it all done! Are you enjoying Atami?
Kujo Tenn: Hey, don’t push me. Anesagi-san, thank you for your hard work. I’m glad to see you look refreshed.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Ah, I can see the sea! Anesagi-san, you look like you’re having a lot of fun!
Momo: Okariiiiiin! We’re here too!
Yuki: Yo, how’s the night in Atami?
Okazaki Rinto: It’s amazing! I’m having a great time thanks to you!
Inumaru Touma: Utsugi-san! Are you enjoying yourself?
Mido Torao: You got a great view of the fireworks, right?
Utsugi Shiro: Hey guys! We’re having an amazing time! Let’s come together next time.
Natsume Minami: Gladly. I’ll conquer the food stalls.
Isumi Haruka: I’m definitely gonna have a candy apple!
Izumi Mitsuki: We were talking about how jealous we were of the managers attending a festival, so we’re gonna have one here as well!
Nikaido Yamato: Grilled corn on the cob, fried chicken, grilled chicken skewers, yakisoba, we even got beer! It’s way too good.
Rokuya Nagi: TRIGGER brought a shaved ice machine too. Dessert is perfect now!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I’m glad we brought it! We have plenty of syrup too.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Me and Isumin also made a ring toss mini-game out of cardboard!
Isumi Haruka: This is actually pretty fun! It’s a bit difficult to make the rings though...
Osaka Sougo: I’m working on the BGM with Touma. Of course “Danshi Tarumono! (Matsuri)’ is a must.
Inumaru Touma: I end up humming it unconsciously! Maybe we should just loop it!
Yaotome Gaku: Thanks, you two! “NATSU☆Shiyouze!” and ŹOOĻ’s “BLACK TIGER” also got me pumped up!
Izumi Iori: Natsume-san and Mido-san also helped with the decoration. I must say we have quite the unique drawings over here…
Natsume Minami: Hehe. Here’s a king pudding in a yukata.
Mido Torao: There’s also a pudding wearing a happi coat. (3)
Momo: Leave the drink management to Momo-chan’s team! Yuki the Bartender will make the best drinks!
Yuki: Hello. I’m Yuki the Bartender.
Nanase Riku: We’re having a great time over here as well! Right, Tenn-nii?
Kujo Tenn: Yeah. It’s been a while since the two of us attended a festival together, Riku.
Izumi Iori: Don’t forget the other fourteen people in this room ...Well then, Nanase-san, let’s get to the main topic.
Nanase Riku: Oh! That’s right!
Nanase Riku: Umm, we’d like to express our gratitude to all the managers for constantly having our backs! Let’s start with Momo-san!
Momo: Yeeees! Okarin, you always believe in us and push us to do our best! We are always saved by your reliability. Please continue to be our best manager forever!
Kujo Tenn: Anesagi-san, you’re an indispensable presence as we continue to walk our path. We’d be happy if you continue supporting us as we rise to even greater heights.
Isumi Haruka: You know... Utsugi-san is always there for us no matter what. You’re the reason we are able to do our best. Thank you.
Nanase Riku: Manager, Banri-san, thank you for always being there for us. We will always love you!
Nanase Riku: One, two!
TRIGGER & IDOLiSH7 & Re:vale & ZOOL: Thank you for loving us so much! Please continue to support us in the future!
Oogami Banri: Guys...!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Likewise, thank you so much!! I’ll keep doing my best to support you all!
Anesagi Kaoru: You guys have done so much for us today. I’ll do everything in my power to protect your brilliance.
Okazaki Rinto: I am very proud to be Momo-kun and Yuki-kun’s manager. I will protect you guys with my life!
Utsugi Shiro: I’m truly grateful to have met you. ŹOOĻ is the strongest and dearest existence for me.
Oogami Banri: Thank you so much today. I really love all of you!
Oogami Banri: I’ll continue to support all of you forever and always!
End of Episode 3.
(1) & (2) Traditional words shouted while viewing fireworks.
(3) Happi: Traditional Japanese coat
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sensitively-taken · 1 year
what's with your kisses? — park sunghoon
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synopsis. Park Sunghoon has never had much time or even a slight care for dating, romance, love, or anything of that sort. so, when you kiss him at a rowdy party one night, as his first kiss ever, he’s surprised to find that he wants more. what he thought was going to be a one-time thing, he finds evolving into something he never wants to end—even if you two aren’t meant to be more than a summer fling.
pairing. park sunghoon x gender-neutral!reader ft. jake sim
genres. fluff, strangers to lovers au, summer (fling) au
warnings. underage drinking & all that implies! please let me know if i've missed any :)
word count. 10.7k (10737)
taglist. @soobin-chois @my5colors @kflixnet @jaeyunverse @heejojo @tbzloonar @odxrilove @aizzon
listen to! strangers, sigrid ⭑ i'll be down, talia goddess ⭑ lovestained, hope tala ⭑ yuck, charli xcx ⭑ feature me, flo ⭑ summer's over, tv girl ft. jordana ⭑ yellow cab, dpr live (click on the listen to for the spotify playlist, which i recommend listening to unshuffled)
notes. ermmm..... after more than a year and (almost) radio silence on this blog, here she is!! i'm rlly sorry ab how long it took for me to post this (esp when it was sitting in my drafts for a whole year..) 😭😭 but SHE'S HERE and that's all that matters!! since this was originally an entry for @/prettywon's soul symphonies collab, this song is based on yellow cab by dpr live, as you can probably tell by the title & playlist. i was rlly trying to reflect that boyish infatuation he's singing ab so if u cringe a bit i understand 😪 i did too tysm lola @ijhyo for beta reading this for me! (pls pardon me for tagging u a few hours late 🙏🏾) but enough rambling from me!! enjoy! ❤️
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I – K is for Kiss
There was no such thing as the perfect first kiss.
Park Sunghoon, a nineteen-year-old boy who’d never been kissed, had accepted this fact long ago. A lucky few got to have their first kiss with their first love or a longtime crush, while a lot more people had embarrassing stories they’d share on drunken nights. He knew a first kiss wasn’t something out of a fairytale. But, he felt that, at the very least, he should have an adequate first kiss–preferably with someone he had some sort of feelings for.
So, he’d never predicted that he’d end up losing his lip virginity to a stranger at the summer party his best friend, Jake, was throwing.
Or that he’d like it. (Sunghoon wasn’t sure he could even admit that.)
He could admit this though: you were a good kisser. A very, very good kisser–at least, according to his standards. Even he–the nineteen-year-old who’d never even held hands with someone, let alone kissed someone–was able to realise you’d done this a dozen times before when you cupped his cheek–not aggressively, but softly, gently–whispered the question in his ear, and pulled him into a chaste, soft kiss as soon as he’d nodded awkwardly.
Then, moving your hand from his cheek to his neck and smirking slightly, you deepened the kiss.
That’s when he started wondering why he’d never done this before.
You didn’t move too fast, or too slow. It was almost like you knew exactly what he was thinking, what he was feeling, because the second it would start feeling a bit too much for him and his head would start swimming, you would pull back and rest your forehead against his. But, when he started missing the feel of your lips on his, your eyes would flicker to his, the question on the tip of your tongue, and lean in again.
He would never say it out loud, not to you or anyone else, but he was glad you’d taken the lead. Because with the way his hands were trembling to wrap themselves around your waist, and how he’d avoid your gaze every time you pulled back, he wasn’t so sure you two would’ve even been here if you’d left the initiating to him.
All of a sudden, you pulled back–the first time you didn’t do what he wanted–and Sunghoon chased your lips for a bit, cheeks reddening when he realised you weren’t leaning back in.
He stepped back, which was hard to do in a cramped shed but he managed and cleared his throat. Suddenly, he was very interested in inspecting the design of said shed. “Um… is something wrong? Did I, I don’t know, did I do something wrong?”
“No,” you smiled coyly and licked your lips (Sunghoon’s eyes may have flickered back up in time to catch the moment and linger on it), “the seven minutes are up.”
Oh. Right. That–a very silly round of seven minutes in heaven–was how he’d got here. Stuck in a shed. Kissing a complete, random stranger. Y’know, the daily, run-of-the-mill stuff for Sunghoon.
He nodded slowly, flicking away the few dark hairs that fell in front of his eyes. “Right, right. After you.”
“After you?” You laughed, a warm sound he found himself melting to (on the inside. On the outside, he was biting his lip so hard he could taste your chapstick on his tongue), “This whole time you haven’t done anything, but now you want to be a gentleman?”
His face reddened and he crossed his arms over his chest. “No one said gentlemen have to be good at kissing!”
“You do have a point, kind sir.” He rolled his eyes at your jab. “I’d just think it’d be much more gentlemanly of you to look me in the eyes, instead of, dunno, glaring at my lips.”
At this rate, Sunghoon was sure someone’s face couldn’t be as red as his was.
He made a point to look into your eyes for a good ten seconds, breath held, before looking at his flip flops and murmuring, “I wasn’t glaring… I think. Like, I’m not mad at your lips or anything.”
You laughed again, a deeper sound he was sure came from the depths of your heart, and with a small grin on his face, Sunghoon decided he liked the sound.
“I wasn’t saying you were mad.” You stepped closer to him and Sunghoon’s breath hitched. You reached out to him, and for a second Sunghoon thought you were going to cup his face and kiss him again–he wanted you to–but then you reached up and smoothed his eyebrows and the space between them. “Just relax these big boys a bit. They can get a day off glaring, don’t you think, cutie?”
You didn’t wait for a reply. Instead, you smiled and reached behind Sunghoon for the shed door, stepping out to hear a chorus of cheers from some other partygoers and leaving the boy dumbfounded and red.
It was only when Sunghoon moved to leave the shed that he realised he’d never caught your name.
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II – I is for Infatuation
Sunghoon was not thinking about the kiss. Well. Kisses.
At least, that was what he toldhimself.
But, ever since he’d woken up at Jake’s place the morning after, with a head so heavy he wasn’t sure he could even lift it, it was the only thing on his mind.
First thing in the morning, when he couldn’t even remember what his name was, he thought about it. Late at night, hours past when he’d told himself he’d go to sleep, he thought about it. Even in his dreams, he couldn’t get the thought of you and your stupid lips out of his head. (Jake had called him obsessed, but he preferred to think of it as a little infatuation.)
He was sure he was going insane when he saw someone perusing the chapstick section in the grocery store and immediately thought of you, only for him to find out it was you when your hands landed on the same pack.
Sunghoon drew his hand back like he was stung, while you simply took the balm and murmured an apology without sparing him a glance.
He wasn’t sure whether to breathe a sigh of relief or disappointment. On one hand, it was you–the only person in the entire world who’d kissed Park Sunghoon on his very chapped, very dry lips (which was the reason he told himself he was in the lip balm section in the first place and not because he couldn’t get your lips out of his head). On the other hand, it was you–the only person in the entire world who’d kissed Park Sunghoon on his very chapped, very dry lips.
Sunghoon didn’t have much time to think about it though, because you suddenly looked back and raised your eyebrows at him.
He bit his lip in anticipation of what you were going to say, but he could’ve never imagined you’d say, “Nice jammies, cutie.”
Sunghoon was beginning to think you had a thing for embarrassing him, as his cheeks turned the shade of some of the chapsticks on display. He rubbed at the nape of his neck, murmuring, “Thanks, my grandma crocheted them for me.”
“Really?” Your eyes shone with actual interest, and Sunghoon’s blush spread across his cheeks. “Do you think you could send me her number or something? I’ve been trying to get the hang of crocheting recently, but it’s just not been working.”
“I would, totally, a hundred percent, but I don’t have your number yet, so…” He went silent, as he realised what he’d said and your eyebrows climbed further up your head.
Sunghoon wished the ground would open up. Pronto.
“Wow, cutie, I have to say, I’m kinda impressed.” You stretched out your hand, which made Sunghoon’s brows furrow, until you gestured for the phone in his pyjama pocket. “I never thought you’d be the type of gentleman to muster up the balls to ask for my number, but here we are.”
He groaned as he passed you his phone, a slight flush to his face. “Could we not rehash the whole gentleman bit? That was kinda embarrassing for me.”
“What?” You grinned, eyes flickering between his phone screen and him. “Do you mean the part where you didn’t know how to kiss back or the part where you stared at my lips the whole time after, cutie?”
If Sunghoon wasn’t sure before, he definitely was now. You had a thing for embarrassing him–and calling him cutie. He’d never admit it, but he was finding that he didn’t really seem to mind either.
He avoided your gaze and toyed with the hem of his sweater, the ghost of a smile on his lips. “Um, both?”
“’ Kay, got it.” You passed his phone back to him and watched him redden at what you’d saved yourself as.
“Couldn’t your name have sufficed? Why did you—” he groaned and buried his face behind his hands, his voice coming through as muffled— “Why did you have to save yourself as ‘seven minutes hottie?’ Isn’t that too conceited of you... and corny?”
You shrugged. “It’s not wrong, is it?”
Even though you couldn’t see his face redden, he figured you’d imagined it as you let out a small snort. “What? Are you gonna tell me I’m not hot?”
“... No,” came his reluctant reply, as he finally removed his hands from his face and went to change your contact name to your actual name, only to remember he’d never got it. “Ah, wait, what’s your name?”
“My name?” You hummed quietly, like you were considering something, and Sunghoon felt a certain type of anticipation grow in his stomach. “If I tell you my name, do I get a kiss, cutie?”
He scoffed, though he could still feel some blood rush to his cheeks. You were really something. “I thought you said I was a bad kisser.”
“Uh-uh,” you corrected, leaning in slowly, “I said you don’t know how to kiss. But, once you do, well… who knows?”
For the second time in a week, Sunghoon felt the distance between you two close and desperately wished you were going to kiss him. Yes, he was in a grocery store and yes, anyone could walk past at any moment, but when you leaned in so close to him–with your soft lips pursed and your eyes staring into his soul–he couldn’t help but fall victim to the pull you had on him. He was weak–so weak–to you.
But, just like before, you didn’t.
You simply brushed his bed hair out of his face and snorted a bit at his spaced-out expression, before stepping back into a space where Sunghoon could finally breathe and think of something else other than your lips on his.
“Yeah,” he murmured, so low that you had to lean back in to hear him.
Sunghoon had always thought of himself as a reasonable, patient person. He knew if he wanted quality things in his life, he’d have to get used to waiting often–at least, that’s what his parents had taught him. But, every time you came into his orbit, his usually thick line of patience wore thin with a simple glance or smile from you.
What were you doing to him?
“Sorry,” your tongue flicked back over your lips, “what was that?”
His line snapped.
“Yeah, you do get a kiss.”
And the words were gone before he could take them back. But, blood rushing in his ears and heart pounding out of his chest, Sunghoon found he didn’t want to take them back–even though, in the back of his mind, part of him was blushing and squirming at his wording.
“Oh?” you said, looking straight into his eyes–unwavering, for once. A certain tension filled the air, as you two stared at each other for a moment, the night of the party probably replaying in both your heads. Careful not to disturb the atmosphere between you two, you whispered, “_____. My name’s _____.”
The tension wasn’t cut, but simply deflated like a balloon as Sunghoon let out a long breath, cheeks painted a dark red, and asked, “But not here, right? I’m not saying we’re doing anything too scandalous, but my mum’s good friends with the manager here, so… Yeah. I kinda, um–maybe I, maybe I shouldn’t have said anything.”
There was a moment of silence, as you stared incredulously at the blushing boy, before you burst out into full-fledged laughter. You hugged your sides a bit and smiled so wide that any passerby would’ve thought Sunghoon was a comedic genius.
Before he could get the wrong idea, you cupped Sunghoon’s face and said, “You’re just too cute, cutie.”
And he smiled a little, slowly as his eyes traced your face, his brows finally relaxed.
You wiped an imaginary tear from your eye, sobering up, and asked, “So. Where's your car?”
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III – S is for Scrapbook
You and Sunghoon had ended up kissing in his car.
When he’d told Jake about it later, he’d said you guys had made out–to embarrass Sunghoon, he assumed–but the kisses had been soft and chaste, where you’d been more focused on getting Sunghoon to reciprocate than just kissing him. He had, albeit slowly, and by the time he’d dropped you off at your house, he was able to proudly say that he had initiated a kiss between you two.
It had built his confidence incredibly, being able to say that he’d kissed you and not the other way around–not that he was saying it to anyone, besides Jake really–so much so that he’d texted you just a few minutes after he’d gotten home. He’d panicked then, wondering if you’d think it weird he’d texted you so quickly, but you’d responded just as fast that his nerves had calmed and he’d found himself laughing at your texts.
While talking to you face to face was something he didn’t think he’d ever get used to, texting you was something he could do with ease–well, somewhat.
In the late afternoons, when he woke up with messy bed hair and mucus still in his eyes, he’d check his phone to see if you’d sent anything–which you almost always had. Whether it was a quick picture of something you'd seen on a walk, your poor attempts at making breakfast, or even just a morning selfie.
On some days, he’d feel too flustered and musty to send anything in return–Like, what if you realised he was wearing the same shirt he’d sent a picture in yesterday?—and on others, he had to shut off his phone to take deep breaths after sending something as simple as him brushing his teeth.
Okay, so he was still struggling to talk to you, but at least he didn’t stutter over text and go red every few seconds.
With his awkwardness out of the way, he could actually learn things about you. Like your favourite colour, your favourite spots in town, and your hobbies. He even learned you liked to scrapbook and every summer, you’d make a scrapbook of all your highlights. Polaroids, film stills, movie tickets, coupons, and more would go into the scrapbook and at the end of summer, you’d post little snippets on it on your Instagram page. He’d told you it was cute and jokingly asked if he’d be featured in this summer’s scrapbook, to which you’d responded with ‘we’d have to go out for u to be included wouldnt we?’
Which is what led to this moment. He had thought you were joking about the whole going out thing because it’d been late at night and you two had just been talking about the trips you’d been going on with your families in the next couple of days, but then the next morning–that morning–you’d sent two tickets to a film showing that evening–this evening. Right now–and a short, little ‘wanna go see this? my scrapbook’s feeling a little hoon-less rn :(’.
Evidently, he hadn’t said no, because he was now parked outside your house, trying to calm himself down as he waited for you to come out.
His hands were sweating a bit, and he kept checking his reflection in his rearview mirror, anxiously biting his lower lip and running a hand through his hair. Surprisingly, it wasn’t even the fact that he was going to see you that was stressing him out, it was more the fact that he didn’t know what this was. Were you guys just going out to see a late-night movie as friends? Was it a date? Should he have shown up with flowers or a gift? Were you guys just friends? Were you something more? Did you always ask your friends to see movies late at night so impromptu? Did he even see you as more than a friend?
All the questions made his head swim and his palms sweat, but he couldn’t stop thinking about them. He hadn’t been thinking of this the few weeks you guys had been texting, but now he felt like a broken record, gaze bouncing between his reflection and your house.
And then all his thoughts slowed to a stop.
You walked out of your house with a slight smile and a twinkle in your eye, and his brain turned to mush. You looked… good. That was all he was capable of thinking, as you walked the short distance to his car, waving, and slid into the passenger seat.
Sunghoon stared at you for a second, as you put on your seatbelt and said hi, his mind completely blank. Then, your touch on his shoulder and a furrow between your brows brought him back to the present and he spat out a jumbled mess of, “Good, yeah, yeah. I’m good, you’re good, so good.”
It was your turn to stare, confusion clear in your eyes, and panic rose within him.
“Wait, I mean you look good!” he said, gesturing at you, “I mean, not that you don’t look good all the time, but, like, you look really good right now. Like, wow, I–I should stop talking.”
You blinked at him for a second and then laughed that same laugh that melted his insides. He noticed, as you threw your head back slightly, that you hadn’t removed your hand from his shoulder, and Sunghoon found himself relishing your touch.
“Stop it, cutie, you’re gonna make me blush,” you said playfully, rolling your eyes and hitting his chest lightly. You sobered up slightly, but the smile was still wide on your face as you said, “You look good, too. Very suave, very cool. I can’t lie though, I miss the bedhead and your grandma’s sweater a bit.”
With your easy words lightening the mood, he found himself relaxing a bit–enough to pull away from the curb and start driving. “Really? Maybe I’ll wear it next time.”
You didn’t blink at his mention of a next time, though Sunghoon searched your face for any sign of discomfort or surprise. Instead, your smile grew slightly and you asked, “What type of date are you thinking? Like, an early morning IHOP or Waffle House thing? Or, more of an early-morning pancake date at home?”
If it weren’t for the fact that he’d stopped at a red light, Sunghoon was sure he would’ve crashed his car right at that moment. He gulped loudly and spared your expectant eyes a glance, as he could feel his blood rush in his ears and hear his heart pound out of his chest.
The light turned green and he cleared his throat. “Uh, so, does that mean this is a date?”
He was glad he couldn’t see your reaction to his question–you probably thought he was silly–but was also nervous because you went quiet for a  bit. Sunghoon considered turning on the radio and moving on from the topic, if that could dispel the momentary awkwardness between you two, but he wanted to hear your answer.
You laughed slightly, but he could hear the nervous undertones. “Do you not want it to be one? I’m sorry, I just assumed because, well, we kissed at the party and we’ve been talking and stuff since then, so… I thought you were more of a dating type of guy, but–”
“Wait, what?” he interrupted, a crease in his forehead as he spared you a glance. Something within him shattered at the sight of the uncertainty on your face. Had he done that? “What other type of guy would I be?”
“Well, you know…” You paused, shifting slightly in your seat. “There are some guys that just wanna have fun. Mess around, you know? I didn’t think you were one of those guys, but if that’s what you wanna do, then–”
“No,” he said fiercely, only realising how angry he sounded when you glanced at him in surprise. “I want to date you. I really do. I just… I thought you didn’t and I didn’t know if we were just friends, and I’ve never done this before so, I just–”
“You’ve never done this before?” you cut him off, visible shock in your eyes. “There’s no way, Hoon. You’re joking, right?”
And with that, the awkwardness dissipated, as his cheeks flamed and he avoided your wide eyes.
“I know, it’s weird–”
“No, no!” You smiled a bit at his flustered state. “It’s not weird. I’ve only dated once before and, even then, it wasn’t that serious, so we’re kind of in the same boat.”
It was his turn to glance at you with incredulous eyes. “Wait, really? I thought you had so much dating experience cause, like, you’re such a good kisser and you’re so confident and forward, y’know?”
You shrugged. “Like I said, some guys just wanna mess around. Sometimes, I do too.”
“And that’s not what you want with me, right? You actually want to date, right?” You’d already told him you considered this a date, and he’d already told you he wanted to date you–which you hadn’t objected to–but he just had to make sure that was real, and his mind hadn’t made that up.
“Yeah, Hoon,” you started softly, a shy smile on your lips–something he thought he’d never see on you.  “I actually want to date you.”
Immediately, his eyes flickered back to the road and his cheeks flushed, a wide grin slowly stretching on his lips. You laughed at his smile, loud and warm, and he closed his eyes in bliss and only opened them again to smile at you.
“So, this is a date? For sure?” he asked, one hand on the wheel and the other on the console as he flickered through the channels for a song.
“Mhm,” you hummed, your hand brushing his as you turned up the volume on a specific channel, smiling at the way his flush deepened. You held his hand, intertwining your fingers with his, and nodded. “This is a date.”
Sunghoon couldn’t even remember why he’d been so nervous, and why his palms–one of which was currently touching yours–had been so sweaty, as he gazed into your eyes and leaned in for a chaste kiss. He smiled into it and rolled his eyes to himself, all of his questions answered. Especially the one he’d been too worried to even ask himself.
If he’d had any doubt about it before, he was sure of it now.
He liked you. Maybe even too much for a summer fling.
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IV – S is for Sorry
Over the next few days, Sunghoon found himself wishing you guys were more than just a summer fling.
It was wistful thinking, he knew that already. Just a few months prior, you guys hadn’t even been aware of the other's existence. Now, to him, it felt like you took up every inch of his thoughts, dreams, and being. And, in just a couple of weeks, you’d be off to your respective universities, leaving the short fling between you just that–a short, summer fling.
You two were avoiding talking about it, despite the palpable tension it added to your conversations when you brought up the future. You would mention how you were going to look into photography courses at your uni on a video call and Sunghoon would smile outwardly, while inwardly he’d wonder if you’d find someone else to call your muse–as he’d gotten used to you calling him.
He would mention how he was going to do a double major since he wasn’t completely sure what he wanted to do, and he’d notice the way you’d bite your lip like you were stopping yourself from asking him where. And, just now, moments ago on your video call, you had mentioned how you wanted to go on another date with him after you both got back from your hometowns, but before… (well, you hadn’t continued but he knew you meant before you two had to part.)
He knew you two were only prolonging your pain, and he was only wounding himself deeper by thinking so wistfully, but you two were happy at this exact moment. And, it wasn’t enough, but he’d make it be enough if that was what you two needed.
At least, that’s what he’d been thinking till his sister barged into his childhood room and said his grandma wanted to see him.
Now, legs tucked under himself and head lowered, Sunghoon sat opposite her, with a long table between them, and a tense silence filled the room.
He wasn’t sure what his grandma “seeing him” meant. She wasn’t very old, just in her early sixties, but she was a calm, wise woman who’d lived to see and experience a lot, so she may as well have had the wisdom of someone a century old. If she wanted to “see him,” that most likely meant she had a piece of advice for him that he wouldn’t like.
For once, he was right.
“So, your mum told me you’ve been seeing someone?”
Sunghoon coughed abruptly, patting his chest as a deep flush flooded his cheeks. “I’m sorry?”
“Sorry?” Sunghoon’s grandma scoffed and eyed him slowly. “What are you sorry for? Not calling to consult me first? Or, for trying to hide it from me? Or, is there something else, hm?”
He raised his eyes to meet his grandma’s eyes, but immediately lowered them at the fierce scowl on her face. He bowed deeply, palms flat before him. “I’m sorry, Grandma.”
She eyed his form for a second, before scoffing again and gesturing toward him. “Sit, sit. I didn’t call you here to hear you apologise all day.”
Sunghoon sat again and raised his head but still didn’t look his grandma in the eye. His mind was too preoccupied with wondering how his mum had figured it out, considering you guys had gone on your first date just a couple of days ago.
He jolted a bit when his grandma asked, “You’re not going to ask me why I called you?”
“Sorry,” he began and cleared his throat at his grandma’s glare.  “Why did you call me, Grandma?”
She continued eyeing him with the same, wary gaze she’d been eyeing him with since he’d entered her room for a few moments, before she suddenly became sombre. Without the glint in her eyes, Sunghoon could see how deep the pools in her eyes were and the lines surrounding them. He released a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding.
“Well, what’s your plan? Hm?” Her eyes bore deep into his like her question was just a formality and she already knew the answer. Sunghoon wouldn’t be surprised if she already did. “Are you two going to be a campus couple?”
He knew her question was mostly rhetorical, but he couldn’t help but imagine it. Walking you to and from lectures; studying together in a library or a cosy coffee shop; going to endless parties with you; proofreading each other’s papers; you wearing his clothes in his dorm. Sunghoon felt himself grow warm.
Then, even warmer as his grandma cleared her throat and raised a knowing brow in his direction. She didn’t have to say anything for him to realise she was expecting an answer.
“I…” He faltered for a moment, remembering the hesitancy in your eyes every time a hint of the topic was brought up. “I don’t know, Grandma. I… well, there’s nothing I can really do, I guess. We’re probably not even going to the same universities, so I don’t know what the plan is.”
“Have you guys talked about it?”
A pause settled between the two of them, as Sunghoon lowered his eyes again and prepared himself to bow again.
His grandma scoffed, the loudest of all her scoffs so far, and sighed exasperatedly. “You two haven’t even discussed anything? And you’re here talking like you’re some handsome lead in a drama and _____’s life will be in danger if you two continue dating?”
“Ah, Grandma, are you saying I’m not hands–Wait, wait? How do you know _____’s name?”
She paused slightly and carefully schooled her features. “Is that important right now?”
“I mean,” Sunghoon’s brows furrowed, then he remembered your touch against them and he relaxed them a bit, “considering that I’ve never told Mum _____’s name or even the fact that we’ve been on one date, yes? Kinda?”
“I’m your grandma, am I not?” was her only response, with the ghost of a smile on her lips. He grimaced slightly, but his grandma continued without any regard for his reaction. “I know you guys are kids, but you didn’t even think of discussing anything? You were just going to kiss and say ‘bye bye’ and continue with your lives?”
“I mean,” Sunghoon started, trying to fight the blush climbing up his body. There wasn’t any point, though, because the apples of his cheeks were already shining. “_____’s not even my partner or anything, so it isn’t my place…”
“But isn’t that the end goal?”
His grandma stared at him, but he couldn’t hold the weight of her stare. Because deep down inside, Sunghoon knew she was right. And he knew he wanted nothing more than to be able to be called yours.
To see more pictures of the scenery from your morning walks and even join you on them too. To cuddle up in bed and watch some of your favourite animes together, only pausing to snuggle further into the blanket. To finally go on that early morning date at a Waffle House, eating your orders in his car where his passenger seat would be perfectly adjusted to seat you. To have a home, a space, with you.
But, he thought. There was always a ‘but’.
Before, that ‘but’ had been that he wasn’t even sure if that was what you wanted as well, if he even really wanted it. Now, that ‘but’ was the inevitable space and distance that would grow between you two. The space that would grow so large that you two wouldn’t be able to have any space for each other.
Sunghoon’s stomach sank as his thoughts spiralled, but he summed them up to his grandma with a simple shrug.
“Why are you, why are you so dramatic?” she asked, rolling her eyes at her grandson’s face. A fierce scowl was back on her face and, if it weren’t for the table between the two of them, she looked like she was about ready to pull on Sunghoon’s ear. “Why are you sitting here in my house moping and frowning like everything’s decided? Who knows? Maybe _____ is willing to make it work, to even travel to another city just to see you and your dramatic self. But how would you know when you’re busy here moping?”
He’d considered it. Judging from the talks you’d had and the sheer amount of hours you talked every day, Sunghoon was sure that you liked him as well (not as much as he did, he was sure–that wasn’t even remotely possible when he could barely get you off his mind–but enough to deal with his “dramatic self,” as his grandma had put it). But, there it was again, he just couldn’t get rid of that ‘but.’ It was festering in the back of his mind whenever he even thought of bringing it up to you.
“Sunghoon.” There was a note of finality in his grandma’s voice as she said his name. “Discuss things with _____ first. I understand sometimes we experience heartbreak, but I won’t let you break your own heart over foolishness.”
“But Grandma–”
“No ‘buts.’” His grandma folded her arms in her lap and glanced at the door of her room. “No more ‘buts’, Sunghoon.”
Despite the lingering worry settled in his system, he sighed and stood up slowly. Sunghoon bowed deeply, glanced at his hands, and left his grandma’s room with her words in mind.
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V – E is for End
Sunghoon wasn’t too sure he’d be able to follow his grandma’s instructions.
He was back now from his hometown, back in the comfort of his familiar Seoul bedroom, but you weren’t here. He’d known you two wouldn’t get back at the same time, yet that didn’t stop him from feeling slightly lonely without you to go on dates with. It was a numbing feeling, that left him feeling empty if he dwelled on it too long, and he worried he’d go completely numb if you two truly didn’t end up working out.
The thought sent a chill down his spine every time Sunghoon’s mind strayed to it and Jake’s feeble comforts did little to quell his worries.
To make matters worse, you unexpectedly postponed your return date and said you couldn’t go to a pool party Jake was throwing anymore. You were very vague about the reason why when he asked and Sunghoon began worrying once again. He even brought up not going to the party to Jake, but his best friend wouldn’t have it and threatened to drag him to the party himself.
So, there he was. Standing at the edge of a crowd of strangers, nursing his second beer of the night, and completely alone. Well, he wasn’t completely alone. Jake and some of Sunghoon’s other friends had passed by him and invited him to the dance floor, but he couldn’t get himself to get out there and dance with someone who wasn’t you. The most they’d been able to get him to do was drink a little, even if the drinks only fuelled his moping.
A couple of people sent him inviting looks and winks, dancing in a way that made him avert his eyes immediately, but he didn’t budge an inch from where he was standing. Maybe if you were here, he would. No, definitely, if you were here he would. His mind wandered to grasp at the edges of the first night you’d met, trying to remember if you’d been dancing that night, but he couldn’t pull up a single image of you dancing.
If you were here, how would you dance? Would you dance with a lot of energy, completely letting yourself loose? Or, would you take your time to flow with the music, swinging your hips and smiling at him in that way that just drove him crazy?
Sunghoon smiled a bit at the thought and felt his hips move along to the beat, frowning once he realised what he was doing.
He missed you.
Just a few months ago, he hadn’t known he could miss someone the way he was missing you, but he was and he couldn’t do anything about it.
As if his best friend could read his thoughts, Jake danced off the dance floor to Sunghoon’s side, running a hand through his unruly, blond hair. Sunghoon could smell the booze coming off him, and he watched as his friend nearly lost his footing trying to lean on Sunghoon. Jake barely noticed, though, as he just kept smiling up at Sunghoon. Sunghoon made a point to look anywhere, except in the blond’s direction.
After a while of just trying to ignore his drunk friend, Sunghoon eventually rolled his eyes and raised an eyebrow in Jake’s direction. “What?”
“I can’t, I can’t just look at you now?” Jake asked, his wide smile never leaving his face.
“No, it’s not that. It’s the way you’re looking at me.”
“How am I looking at you?” His friend leaned in close, stretching an arm around Sunghoon’s shoulders. “Hm? I’m just looking at you with my normal eyeballs, my very normal eyeballs, actually just like you, you too.”
“You’re looking at me like, I don’t fucking know, you’re hiding some type of secret from me,” Sunghoon said, pushing Jake off his frame. “And I don’t like that look because the last time you looked at me like that I ended up kissing _____ in a shed for seven minutes.”
Jake’s wide smile grew into a slight, smug smirk. “And look how well that turned out for you. Someone’s not so bitchless anymore.”
Sunghoon rolled his eyes and took a swig of his drink but couldn’t hide the dusting of pink on his cheeks. (If he were to consider things between the two of you, you would be the one who wasn’t so bitchless anymore, considering he was more of your bitch than you were his with the way he was nursing a beer in the corner of a party like a loser just because he missed you. He didn’t need to tell Jake all that though.)
Instead, he feigned an annoyed scowl and crossed his arms over his chest. “What do you want, Jake?”
“I thought you would never ever ever ask.” His friend grinned. “Can you please get out the other floaties from the shed? Some people ripped these and, well, turns out not everyone at a pool party can actually swim. A bit crazy, I know.”
“Why can’t you? The shed was closer to where you were standing.”
“Um…” his friend trailed off, shaking his head incredulously, “I’m obviously inebriated, you know! Everything weighs a shitton of bricks right now.”
Sunghoon’s feigned scowl deepened into a real one, as he rolled his eyes and put his beer down on the ground. It was getting warm anyway and the alcohol wasn’t doing much for him, except make him miss you more. He shot Jake a look, before shouldering past him and making his way towards Jake’s shed.
It was surprisingly chilly for a summer night out, chilly enough at least that Sunghoon could feel some of the hairs on his arms raise as he stalked towards the shed. But, he welcomed the chill because his alternative was thinking about what had happened the last time he’d walked towards this shed. And once he started thinking about that, he’d start missing the feel of your lips on his, your arms around his neck, your eyes staring into his.
He cursed under his breath at his thoughts, wondering if, for even one second, he could think of something other than you.
Sunghoon immediately answered his question with a ‘no’ when he walked into the shed and he thought he smelled your signature fragrance. He would’ve recognised it anywhere (not because he was obsessed like Jake had once said, but because you’d borrowed his sweater on your date and your scent still lingered even after he’d washed it), so he was sure he wasn’t picking up someone else’s perfume or cologne, but he wouldn’t rule out him imagining your fragrance there as a result of him missing you so much.
So, he ignored the smell filling the shed and clambered around for the light switch. He’d been so sure it was by the wall, but he must’ve been more buzzed than he realised because his fingers kept grazing the air. By the time he finally felt the grooves of the light switch under his fingers and was going to turn it on, Sunghoon was so ready to grab the floaties Jake had asked for and get back to the party, or maybe even go home because–
Sunghoon froze.
He couldn’t think, speak, or do anything as the lights flickered on to reveal… well, you.
Sunghoon was going crazy.
He was so sure you were a figment of his imagination, brought about by how much he missed you, and he immediately frowned at the thought. Missing you was fine, maybe overkill when he thought about how often he thought about you, but creating images of you? That was a bit too much, even for him.
Despite his thoughts, though, Sunghoon couldn’t shake the nagging hope that maybe this was real. It didn’t help that “you”—or you–were smiling at him in a way that made his stomach flip, especially after being away from you for so long.
He felt ridiculous for even bothering, like when a horror film character asks who’s there after hearing a noise in the dark, but he cleared his throat slowly and whispered, “_____?”
You giggled softly and raised your eyebrows at what Sunghoon was sure was an incredulous look on his face. “Yes, Hoon?”
“Oh, my God,” Sunghoon started, feet still locked in place, “Oh, my God.”
You took a step closer to him and your grin only grew wider as he blinked slowly at you. Another step and he gulped slowly. Yet another and his eyes grew wide.
He put a hand up before you could take another step and close the distance between you two. “Wait, wait, wait!”
A small frown lit up your face, but you stayed where you were and slightly cocked your head.
“You’re real?” Sunghoon felt stupid asking, but he still had to check.
The feeling only doubled when your brows furrowed and you asked, “Am I real? … Hoon, is everything okay?”
He felt so warm at the familiar nickname that he could almost ignore the rest of what you said, but the growing concern on your face made him clarify himself.
“I just, I’ve had a bit to drink so I thought that my brain tricked me into thinking you were there.” Sunghoon paused at the bemusement on your face and he suddenly felt a whole lot warmer, despite the chilly air. “Actually, um, now that I say it out loud I do realise how ridiculous it sounds. Sorry.”
“Well,” you smiled at him with a sly glint in your eye, finally closing the gap between you two so your breath was fanning out on his face, “if you want to check, you always can.”
Sunghoon, being the guy he was, immediately thought of how he’d pinch himself in a shocking situation and went to do just that. It was only when you laughed at his actions, an incredulous look in your eyes, that he realised what you’d meant and blushed.
“Oh, I, I–”
“Hoon?” you asked, cutting him off and waiting until he nodded, “You’re so cute sometimes, y’know?”
“Just sometimes?” Sunghoon recovered quickly, sliding his arms around your waist and grinning slightly. He’d missed this too much. “So, what am I the other times?”
“Oh?” You raised an eyebrow. “Someone’s gotten a little bolder, hasn’t he?”
“I’d say it’s your influence. You were bound to rub off on me after sticking around me so much.”
He grinned at the way your brows shot up.
“Sticking around you? Hoon, who was the one that–”
“_____?” It was Sunghoon’s turn to cut you off and his grin grew so wide at the realisation on your face. It felt good to finally flip the tables. “You talk so much sometimes, y’know?”
You rolled your eyes, but there was a slight tug on your lips. “Wow, you’re so original. What, first you’re gonna steal my line, next you’re gonna pull some cheesy rom-com line on me and kiss me?”
“So you’re telling me you wouldn’t like it?” he asked, as one of his hands slowly travelled up your side and settled on cupping your jaw. He didn’t miss the way you sagged into his touch. Sunghoon was going to explode.
The tug on your lips grew into a full grin and you wrapped your hands around his neck. “Now, who said anything about that? C’mere, Hoon.”
He didn’t need to hear it twice. Sunghoon tilted your jaw towards him and leaned in for a soft kiss. It wasn’t intense or desperate, unlike what he’d imagined it be like after being away from you for so long, but he preferred it this way. He could savour the taste of your familiar lip balm against his lips and take his time pecking small, chaste kisses on and around your lips.
He sighed out loud and felt his cheeks flush when you pulled back to laugh. “You really missed me, huh?”
Sunghoon wasn’t sure if it was because of the little alcohol in his system or how much he’d missed you, but he gazed into your eyes and whispered, “I did. I really did.”
And, just like that, the tension was back. The obvious hesitancy. The ‘buts.’ He could feel your hold on his neck loosen slightly and he wanted nothing more than to take his words back and rewind to before he fell too deep, but it was too late. All that was left was for him to either avoid everything or finally face it, despite the worries that built up in his mind.
“_____,” he started gently, like you would run away at any second (but he knew you too well to know that you wouldn’t–he would), “we… we should talk.”
“About what?” you tried, a burst of nervous laughter escaping your lips.
You were avoiding his serious gaze, choosing instead to focus on where your hands met his neck. Sunghoon couldn’t tell much of what you were thinking, but, knowing you, he knew you were only postponing the conversation. Maybe it was because this was supposed to be a fun night for you two–after all, you’d probably sacrificed some more nights with your family to get here. Or, maybe it was because you weren’t ready to discuss it. Either way, it was as much your decision as his.
Sunghoon lowered his hands to your lower back and squeezed lightly. “I mean, we don’t have to if you don’t want to… It’d just be a good idea because soon everyone’s gonna start leaving for uni and well, we don’t even know what’s gonna happen between us then, and it’d probably be best if–”
“Hoon.” You were looking into his eyes now, your brows drawn together. “You’re shaking.”
His eyes grew wide and left your face to glance at his fingers, which were trembling around your waist. He tried laughing, shaking the nerves off, but the sound came out choked and he winced. Without a word, he gestured towards the floor of the shed and slumped against the back wall. You followed shortly after, sitting with your knees bunched up to your chest, one of your shoulders brushing against his. At your touch, Sunghoon wanted to reach out and squeeze one of your hands, but they were balled up on top of your knees, a hard look on your face. He sighed.
“You’re right, Hoon,” you started, staring ahead through the open shed door. The party was still going on outside, the music and noise muted from where you two were, but it might’ve as well not been with the way you two were wrapped up in your own bubble. A tense bubble. “We should talk… about us.”
He nodded, crossing his legs and laying his trembling hands in his lap.
Despite what you said, a short lapse of silence settled between you two and, for a moment, Sunghoon was worried this wasn’t going to go anywhere and he’d made a mistake.
But then you swivelled your head towards him and whispered, “What do you want us to be?”
What does he want you two to be? He’d thought about that question one too many times. It’d only ever hurt, thinking of so many domestic scenes and possibilities with you two when he wasn’t even sure if there could be a ‘you two.’
“What do I want us to be?” he repeated, gazing out the shed. “I want us to be together. I want… I want to keep waking up to your pictures on my phone and to go on spontaneous, little dates with you and finally go for that Waffle House date and… just be with you. I want you.”
With his last words, he slowly looked at you and already found you looking at him. There was a little smile tugging at your lips, that was both sad and happy at the same time, and you just nodded slowly.
As his gaze lingered, you cleared your throat and averted your eyes. “I want that too. Really, I do. You don’t understand how many times I’ve wondered what it’d be like if, I don’t know, we’d met a little earlier. If we could’ve gotten to know each other during high school.
“You know Jake told me you were your school’s drama club star?” You smiled slightly and Sunghoon felt a small smile pull at his lips as well. “I would’ve loved to be in the crowds, cheering you on. Or, even maybe get up on stage with you. Jake told me your school never did Romeo and Juliet, but you’d make a pretty good Juliet, don’t you think?”
Sunghoon chuckled and you did too, your shoulders brushing against each other’s for a moment, till your laughter ebbed away. You stared straight ahead again, frowning.
“And then I wondered why I kept thinking of the past. I mean, it’d just make more sense for me to hope that we could stay together, you know? But instead, I keep wishing we’d known each other longer.” You smiled again, that smile from before, but Sunghoon was sure it was only sad this time. “And I realised that I, I felt like we were running out of time. That, I don’t know, when summer ends, we end. Like the changing of weather is some type of timer.”
You whispered the last part more to yourself, but Sunghoon heard it and the self-loathing in it. You loathed yourself for the way you’d been thinking. Sunghoon couldn’t help but relate.
Crossing your arms over your chest, you looked at Sunghoon, a flicker of uncertainty in your eyes. “Do you ever feel like that? Like this is all the time we’ll ever have? Like even thinking of a future where we’re together is… I don’t know, like, wrong?”
That familiar hurt Sunghoon felt or anticipated, whenever he thought of the two of you together on campus came to mind and he nodded slowly. The ‘buts were popping up in his mind again, filling him with growing dread and he was starting to regret his decision. Maybe he shouldn’t have said anything, shouldn’t have brought it up, and let you guys live in oblivious bliss for a little longer. But, deep down, he knew that wouldn’t be true bliss. Like his grandma had said, you would only end up hurting yourselves because of your foolishness.
“But that’s not true, is it?” he started, glancing down at his hands which had started trembling again, “I don’t even know, like, what even made us think we only have the summer? Just because we met in summer? When you think of it like that, you feel ridiculous don’t you? We could literally be going to the same uni and we’re here, too anxious to even tell each other where we’re going.”
You snorted, glancing at Sunghoon out of the corner of your eye. “You’re right.” Straightening, you turned your whole body to face him. “You know considering we’re going in a few weeks, we’ve probably put more effort into not mentioning uni in our conversations because it should’ve popped up in our conversations, at least, once before.”
“Exactly. We should just tell each other. Now. Before we, we lose our nerve or something.”
You nodded and bit your lip, while Sunghoon closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He felt your hand brush against his, so he opened his eyes and took your hands in his. Your hands were, surprisingly, clammy. He was going to say something about it, but, glancing at your face, he spotted the way your eyes were darting all around the room.
Instead of commenting on it, Sunghoon took another deep breath. “Ready?”
You nodded once. “Ready.”
A short silence ensued between the two of you, as neither of you said anything or even made a move to say anything. Your eyes finally landed on his and a nervous smile tugged at the edge of your lips. You were nervous, Sunghoon realised belatedly and squeezed your hand instinctively.
“On three?” he offered.
“On three.”
“One, two, three–University of Seoul.”
“Kyunghee University–wait, what the fuck?”
Sunghoon furrowed his brows at the shocked look on your face and your exclamation. He couldn’t even focus on the name of the university you’d said. All the anxieties that’d been bothering him were beginning to boil up and over at the simple lack of happiness on your face. He was almost sure he was the one with the clammy hands now and he moved to remove his hand from yours when you gripped his tightly and began to smile lightly.
“What the fuck,” you repeated, still as shocked, but with the beginnings of a grin on your face.
Sunghoon only looked at you with his brows still furrowed. He frowned slightly when you began laughing. “I’m confused.”
“I can’t believe I was so stressed about this,” you muttered, mostly to yourself, but still smiling directly at him. “Hoon, we’re so dumb. So fucking dumb.”
“I agree… I think? But, why, I–”
“What neighbourhood is the University of Seoul in?”
“_____, what? I–”
You placed a finger on his lips and shook your head. “Don’t overthink it. Just answer my question.”
He glanced between your finger on his lips and your face. “Dongdaemun-gu.”
“Dongdaemun-gu,” you repeated, your small smile growing into a full one now, “Guess where Kyunghee is?”
“Uh.” He looked away from your face, trying to picture a map of Seoul in his head, but he drew short (he’d always been bad at geography anyway). “Myeongnyun? Daehakno?”
He didn’t think it was possible, but your smile grew even wider. “Not even close. It’s in Hoegi-Dong.”
Sunghoon nodded slowly, while you just looked at him with an expectant look on your face. He shook his head sheepishly and you just rolled your eyes.
“Hoon, they’re like five minutes away from each other.” You paused to let it sink in and laughed as Sunghoon’s brows finally relaxed and his eyes widened. “This is fucking stupid. We’re so fucking stupid.”
Sunghoon could only blink dumbly at you, while you just laughed at his dumbfounded shock. Immediately, his grandma’s words returned to him and a huge sense of embarrassment washed over him as he realised he’d proven her right. But, glancing between your intertwined hands and your wide smile, he found that he didn’t mind the embarrassment if it meant he still had a space with you.
(He’d do nearly anything to have that with you, he realised.)
You broke him out of his stupor by wrapping your arms around his neck and whispering, “So, Hoon, how do you feel now knowing that we’ll be, like, five minutes away from each other?”
“Want me to be honest?” he asked, placing his hands back on your waist (where they just seemed to fit perfectly, he noticed) and grinning softly when you nodded. “I feel really fucking embarrassed. Like, for weeks I’ve just been thinking of how much I’d miss you and wondering if I should even ask you out since we might not even see each other ever again. And, in the back of my head, I knew it was dumb because, if we wanted to make it work, we could make it work for sure. But, it was hard to remember that and–”
“Hoon, hoon,” you interrupted, giggling slightly and tightening your grip on his neck, “now, you’re the one talking too much.”
Sunghoon paused, taking a second to process what was going on. You were in front of him, hands wrapped around his neck, and smiling widely like he made you the happiest person in the world. He was in front of you, hands wrapped around your waist, and still trying to wrap his head around the fact that you two would be five minutes away from each other nearly every day–the closest to a campus couple he could ever ask for. He didn’t believe in fate (the same way he hadn’t believed in perfect first kisses, but he’d seen just how well that’d worked out for him), but the more he thought about it, the more he was sure that something more than luck had landed you two in this situation.
He sighed out loud and rested his head against yours. ”God, I feel like I aged twenty years worrying about all of this. It feels a bit silly now, doesn’t it?”
“A bit is an understatement, don’t you think?” you replied, settling yourself in his lap. He froze a bit, and you moved to get up, but he shook his head and brought you closer. You smiled. “Besides, you’d probably still look good as a thirty-nine-year-old.”
“Oh, gross.” He scrunched up his nose as he moved closer to you, his hands running up and down your sides. “I don’t even want to imagine myself over thirty yet.”
“Really?” you raised a brow, arms locking around his neck and eyes flickering to his lips. “You’d be a hot DILF though.”
He snorted. “God, shut up.”
Your smile widened, a knowing glint in your eye. “Don’t make me say the cheesy rom-com line, Hoon.”
“Alright, alright,” he murmured, lips a breadth away from yours, before he kissed you.
Now, this was the desperate, intense kiss he’d been imagining earlier. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the anticipation you’d both been harbouring before or the elation at what you’d just found out, but you both pulled out the works with teeth, tongue–everything. Sunghoon couldn’t begin to describe how he felt, what you were making him feel, but all he knew was he didn’t want it to end.
And when you kissed him on his cheek, tugged on his hand, and pulled him out into the chaos of the party, smiling at him all the while like he was the only guy in the world, he knew it never would.
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Epilogue – S is for Summer Fling
You two had decided on the early-morning pancake at-home date.
Evidently so, as you were in nothing but a hoodie of his and his old gym shorts (a fact that Sunghoon had known since yesterday, when you’d slept over at his after Jake’s party, but he was still struggling to grasp), he was in another one of his hoodies and sweatpants, and you were both still rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. The rich smell of butter wafted all around Sunghoon’s kitchen, accompanied by the sizzling sound of him pouring pancake batter on the greasy pan. Besides the sizzles, and the occasional yawn from you, it was a completely silent morning, as Sunghoon concentrated all his efforts into impressing you with his cooking skills.
“So does this mean you’re my boyfriend now?” you asked, breaking the silence and Sunghoon’s focus.
He blinked, glad he was facing the stove and not where you sitting behind the kitchen island, and found that he couldn’t stop blinking. Was he your boyfriend? It was like you read his mind because that’s all he’d been thinking of since the moment he woke up with you in his arms. He’d fallen asleep on many hot summer nights, but he’d never woken up as warm as he had that morning. It was a feeling he’d spent minutes basking in, tracing every one of your resting features with his eyes and wondering how he’d function as your boyfriend, waking up nearly every morning with this same warmth in his chest. It almost seemed too good to be his reality. And if he was your boyfriend, he thought, that meant you were his and–
“Hoon! The pancakes!” you yelled and Sunghoon cursed loudly.
He moved the pan off the stove and turned on the kitchen hood, but it was too late. The pancake was charred beyond recognition and, looking down at it, he wondered how he hadn’t smelt the tinging scent of the burnt pancake.
Sunghoon sighed as he chucked away the pancakes. “I’m sorry, _____, that was the last bit of pancake batter we had. If you don’t mind, I can quickly run to the store and–”
“Don’t worry about it, Hoon,” you said, cutting him off as you slid off the island seat. He couldn’t see where you were, or where you were going, so he stifled his breath a bit when you slid up beside him and thrust your phone in his face. “Besides, we can order in.”
He spared a glance at your face, preparing himself for any signs of disappointment or irritation, but you were just smiling at him with a soft look in your eyes.
His brows furrowed. “Aren’t you hungry?”
“Yeah, I guess,” you started, shrugging, “but I can wait a couple of minutes.”
Sunghoon bit his lip, a protest and another apology on the tip of his tongue, and furrowed his brows further. Your eyes traced his movements, and you placed two gentle fingers on the fold between his brows, smoothing them out. He didn’t say anything as you did. He just lowered his head and frowned slightly at the smoking scent reminding him of his failed attempt at breakfast. You simply grinned at the obvious frustration and disappointment on his face, a look rising in your eyes that he didn’t catch as he chewed on his lower lip.
“Hoon,” you called out softly, waiting for him to raise his head. When he did, you took a step closer to him, a coy look in your eyes. “You didn’t answer my question.”
He was about to furrow his brows again in confusion, but your words from earlier replayed in his head as your smile only grew more teasing, and Sunghoon was sure he was turning as red as the strawberries on the counter behind him.
The boy averted his gaze from you, murmuring, “Well, I was hoping to ask if I could have the honour of being your boyfriend after, you know, we had food that I’d made in our stomachs and proper clothes on our bodies, but I guess so.”
“The honour?” you repeated, raising an eyebrow and muffling a laugh. Sunghoon glared at you lightly when you let a giggle slip, at which you apologised. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. I promise I’ll bestow you with the honour of being my boyfriend after we run to the grocery store so you can fix up some pancakes and ask me out already.”
You almost laughed again at how quickly he perked up at your words and, this time, he rolled your eyes and smiled slightly at your teasing grin.
As he grabbed his keys, held your hand, and slipped out the door, the same warmth he’d felt that morning bloomed from where your hands met to every other bit of his body. He’d never imagined this, kissing his soon-to-be something in his car before a grocery run, was where he’d find himself after he’d had his first kiss on a night that felt like years ago. He couldn’t even imagine where he’d be with you in a couple of years. All he knew was he was glad you’d ended up as more than a summer fling.
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feedback & reblogs are welcome and appreciated! ♡♡
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copyright 2022-2023 soobisms, all rights reserved. no translations or reposts of any form allowed.
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wings0fruin · 3 months
Ermmm welcome back ig
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Hi guys sorry for disappearing for like 3 trillion years – I was not only busy with finals , an apprenticeship and Art Fight – BUT it's summer break so I'm BACK ....... and not just with Saw cuz I was getting into Death Sentence a bunch while I was inactive
So here's a small art dump since I was doodling a little during my absence and forgor to post them !! (Some old and some new - mostly Death Sentence tho !)
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That's all for now ! Might post more later ... ESPECIALLY since it was Joey's birthday on the 6th .... late birthday gift .... Joey Darley you are alive in my heart
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mikeyswayy · 4 months
Chat I wasn't gonna post this bc I forgot to yesterday :((((( BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT HE'S WAY TO SPECIAL FOR NO BIRTHDAY POST!!!!! EEEEE HAPPY LATE 44TH BDAY BABY!!!!! !!!
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!!!!!! !!!!! !!!
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tiffanyeatsyou · 1 year
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husband!nanami x wife!reader wc:1.3K contains: angst w/ nanami, afab!reader (she/her prns used), bit of fluff @ the end, slight mentions of drinking a/n: this is my first fic so im sorry if its a bit... ass...... ya... LOL ermmm hope u enjoy <3
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8:30. drinks, snacks, movie. You + me?
is that even a question?? ofc baby :)
dont be late, ill be waitinggggg
I wont be, I promise.
i set two glasses down on the coffee table, with the best wine set alongside them, a bowl of popcorn, and some candies i went and got earlier. everything looks perfect. oh- and lets not forget, our favorite movie, La La Land. he should be here any second now so i sit, waiting patiently, trying to contain my excitement.
8:45, phew, trafic must be bad. ill just shoot him a little text
“hey sweetie, everything alright? miss u!!! got our movie ready for us!!!”
9:00, a sinking feeling settled in. maybe he's just running late, I thought, trying to hold on to hope.
the minutes dragged on, 9:30. 10:00
i’m tired. i walk up to our room with trembling legs and my- already bad vision- is clouded teary, blurry eyes. half from the wine i’ve guzzled down, the other half from crying.
he promised. promised. he said he wouldn't be late and here i am, left with dissapointment. i crawl into my side of the bed sobbing, until sleep, finally overcomes me.
meanwhile, nanami is rushing and rushing to get out and into his car, speeding to his wonderful wife.
"shit. shit shit shit" he mumbles looking at his watch which reads 11:30. "i got carried away with my work god she’s gonna be so disappointed. i promised i’d be home early today for our long-awaited date. drinks, extremely unhealthy snacks,but most importantly, her: the perfect time."
i race to the door and quickly unlock it. “sweetheart?” i call out. i walk in to see a wine glass spilled on our coffee table, her phone, and a black tv screen.
shes been drinking.
i run my fingers through my hair, guilt just running through my veins. i loosen my tie and walk up to our shared bedroom, finding my beautiful wife curled up into our blankets.
“sweetheart, i am so so sorry-“
i pause as i notice the pillow stained with tears and her beautiful face, looking like she’s been crying. which makes me wanna cry. i look over at our clock. 3 hours. i hate to wake her but i need to see my baby.
“baby..?” i gently shake her awake and i hear her voice. breaking. i wrap my arms around her body.
“‘min..?” she says with sleep coating her words.
“yes sweetheart it’s me. look, i’m so sorry i just got caught up with-“
“just *hic* save it. don’t ’wanna hear it anymore nanami.”
she uses my full name.
“ baby please please i’m so so s-“
“‘said stop it. hic ‘don’t love me *hic* ‘don’t care about me. just get off me and *hic* stop.”
my heart drops. don’t care about her? how could she ever think something like that?
“ love you know i care about you okay? you’re just a bit tipsy and-“
“‘s always my fault isn’t it? *hic* how could i know you care when *hic* all you do is work work work.”
“don’t wanna be your *hic* wife anymore.”
she doesn't.. what?
“stop it, don’t you dare say that” i respond with not only a breaking voice; but a breaking heart. she doesn’t mean it she’s just- tired. right? i mean, how could she?
“tell me you don’t mean that doll, tell me now. baby please. please.” i say while peppering wet kisses on her damp cheeks. my voice is breaking and you could hear me on the verge of tears.
she doesn’t respond. why isn’t she talking. does she mean it? this is all my fault. i’ve been prioritizing work while my real priority has been slipping away from me?
i look over and she’s asleep. her beautiful eyes are closed and she’s breathing softly. i quickly get undressed and slide into bed with her.
there’s no way i can leave my baby alone in bed.
i wrap my arms around her, only for her to turn her back towards me and out of my touch.
she was awake.
tears threaten to fall from my eyes as i kiss her “i love you. so much baby.” and with that, i grab my stuff and walk out.
she’d probably want me on the couch anyways.
fuck. my head is pounding and i feel like absolute shit. i sit up holding my head reaching my hand out to his side of the bed.
he isn't here.
whatever. didn't want him here anyways.
i think.
i step into our large bathroom and start a shower and as i’m rinsing the disappointment off my body, i almost miss the soft opening and shutting of a door.
was that in here? is that him?
he hasn’t said anything yet so neither will i. i turn the shower off and wrap myself with a towel and yank open the curtain shocked seeing him sitting on the toilet. waiting for me. i lock eyes with him.
mistake number 1.
he looks like shit.
eyes swollen and heavy with guilt, slight, no- very obvious red flush across his face, and tear-stained cheeks.
“baby please” is all he says when he rushes infront of me, blocking the exit.
ignoring his presence seems to be impossible.
“what do you want nanami” i say coldly, my gaze not daring to meet his.
“i am so sorry beautiful. i am so. sorry. there’s no excuse and no other way to express how sorry i am." he starts. "sorry can’t and won’t cut it. i love you and i do care about you. just so much. i’m so happy you’re in my life and i never regret marrying you, i only regret the mistakes i’ve made." he stops and takes a small breath. "you should be my number one priority. i’ve been terrible to you. i will do anything and everything for you.” he says desperately and tears streaming down his face. he’s crying. he’s sobbing actually trying to apologize. i finally look up at him with water-filled eyes.
before i can say anything, he pulls me in tight and is breaking down. “i-i’m so sorry sweetie i’m so so sorry-“ he can’t barely speak without sniffles. i’ve never seen him like this before. i wrap my arms around him and when i do he releases a sigh of relief.
“oh thank god” he says quickly before pulling me in even closer.
“did you mean it?” he asks, his voice quivering. “w-what you said las- night”
i take a second to think before answering. what’d i-
my heart drops.
“plea-please tell me you didn’t. r-right? you didn’t ’mean it?”
i look up at him, his lips are trembling and his face is red.
“no, i didn’t. i shouldn’t have said that. i’m sorry ‘min.”
“o-okay because if you did i- i wouldn’t know what to- to do. i’m sorry you can get changed n-now ill be waiting for you in the living room, okay love?”
“okay.” i whisper as i watch him turn around and shut the door.
i finally finish my post-shower duties and walk out of the bathroom.
is that.. apple pie im smelling or am i going crazy?
i must’ve taken forever because by the time i get out there, he’s knocked out. but he’s knocked out on a cute blanket laid across the floor with a box of my favorite donuts, a bottle of orange juice with 2 glasses, and-
an apple pie cinnamon candle buring away.
he set this all up as i was sleeping?
as if on cue, he slowly opens his eyes staring at me staring at him and the cutest set up ever.
i sniffle “did all this for- me?”
he stands up and softly grabs my hand to come sit with him, “of course doll. look”- he says grabbing the TV remote
“we can even watch our favorite movie.”
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duckedoesartstuff · 5 months
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How would these two react to Howard's appearance?
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here ya go !!! tbh I kinda didn't know how they'd respond cause im not familiar with those two IM SORRY .. another sorry if I drew them funky .. was kinda hard for me to find references of them without all the gear n stuff 😭 LAST SORRY but sorry for ermmm late response
I'd imagine them to meet in the CCC lounge room though !!! Since Howard isn't really apart of their departments, so they wouldn't really come across each other on a normal basis (Howard is just a silly repair guy, the two are armed guards ?)
Howard gets a lot of questions about his appearance whenever people first see him .. he likes to joke around about it though. everytime someone asks why he's like that, he makes up something stupid (hence the two looking very perplexed while howard has a smug face)
"Hey why is your head like that?"
"my mom dropped me as a baby."
"Im just joking with ya ... i dont actually know either"
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kunipuppy · 1 year
Leander x gn!reader
warnings: yandere behaviour, magical manipulation, manipulation, reader is tied to their bed it doesn’t go far though.
ermmm my first language isn’t english so im sorry if some of my sentences came off nonsensical :3
Ever since you came to Eridia you expect the unexpected. After everything and more than enough almost death’s you just don’t get surprised anymore. Though, you just had to jinx yourself…
Last night, after having enough of Vere’s teasing and being embarrassed beyond belief, you retreated to your room. Well, at least only Leander witnessed it, since Vere made a rare solo appearance at the Wet Wick just to mess with you. You thought you were in the clear, Leander is an understanding guy, he won’t tease you for it.
Your eyes flutter as you sense someone else beside you, and jolt awake. Gasping when something pulls on your wrists. You blink your sleepiness away, finally making out Leanders face. He’s giving you his usual, charming smile… it feels off. Everything feels off. You’re not panicking as hard because thank god you just passed out and forgot to unwrap your bandages, the harsh reminder of your curse feels even more suffocating than usual. 
When you finally tear your eyes away from awfully and unusually quiet Leander you notice the thing tugging at your wrist. Green glowing rope. Except it's not a rope, it’s Leander’s magic.
He basically cuffed you to your bed. Okay. Hm. Wait. What.
“Leander, what is going on?” 
You did your best to keep your voice stable, is he playing a prank on you or something? He’s got a shit sense of humor if that’s the reason he tied you to your bed.
His smile didn’t falter, “I noticed something about you last night.”
The voice that once soothed all of your worries away now made your blood run cold. This isn’t the Leander you knew, he must be an amazing actor. Right, that’s it.
“Leander, I don’t know if this is a joke or not but I really don’t like-”
“You’ve become so close with everyone else and drifted away from me, it hurts, you know. Feels like everything I’ve done for you was nothing to you.”
He cut you off with a glare that if looks could kill you would be dead where you sat. You shifted uncomfortably, have you been that distant? You went to Wet Wick every night, always made sure to talk to Leander if he was available. This feels…wrong.
“I’m sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?”
You swallowed thickly. Sure, you could fight him, but you know you would never come out alive if you were to fight to the death. He would wipe the floor with you, you knew that. So you went for… other means of survival. Plus if this was just you being neglectful you could make up for it.
He looked you up and down, his eyes making your skin burn.
“Lay down for me.”
“Leander wh-”
He sighed.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.”
You exhaled shakily and just did as you were told. That seemed to please him because a small smile appeared on his face, good, you’re gonna be fine. He won’t hurt you. He won’t.
He pressed his fingers on your forehead, before you could ask him what he did, you noticed it too late. Your voice isn't coming out. Fuck. What the fuck.
Noticing your distress, he planted a kiss on your cheek as he straddled your hips.
“They are way too close to you. I won’t do anything you don’t want-
He started to unwrap your bandages, you couldn’t move. He’s way too sturdy. Shit.
-so don’t be afraid and let me make sure they all know-
He took both of your hands and pressed his lips on them, suddenly your brain stopped panicking. It was okay, you wanted this anyway. Right? Your heart thrumming loudly and your insides feel like they’re on fire-
-that I’m the only one that can touch you like this. I’m the only one you can touch, I’m your only hope.”
He bent down and planted a kiss on your forehead.
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hime-bee · 2 months
Okay so I've seen the House Made of Sweets post and..*clear throat* I have a..few questions ✏️📄
1.Can we make fanart right now or have to wait after it's released?
2.What rating will it be?
3.Can we still draw the M/C(basc a gray person ) ship with the hot blondie
5.Will the have any other days like day one day two or is it a short VN
6.Have you drunk any water yet...no? THAN GO DRINK SUM IN THIS HOT AH WEATHER!
7.Is the Blondie a LI's?
8.Are there any side characters (I think this is a dumb question but sh🥺)
I am prepared to answer all your questions, my friend 😌
ERMMM, I'd recommend waiting until the game is out so you can get a better idea of their designs for full body? But if you just wanna do bust, then by all means!! Tag me in it if you do, I wanna see owo
Good question! Since it's horror and there's gonna be some uh... "Stuff" in the game, I'd say 17+ (there isn't gonna be any sexual content, however)
Oh, by all means! I don't wanna say his name because it's a bit of a spoiler (ish?), so you can just refer to him as "The Blonde Witch"!
IAIJUHDJD?? I'M GLAD YOU LIKE MY ART 🥺 I love drawing lips and coloring eyes fr tho, it's so fun!
Mmm, there will be like 1-3 days in game kinda? It's hard to explain without spoiling much ngl-
I HAVE!! I've drank so much water lately because my mouth has been dry as hell. This heat is killing me, man, I'm not built for it 😭
Yes, he's the only LI!
Kinda?? Maliya's brother is mentioned, and the dog is also a side character LMAO (it's not a dumb question at all, don't worry!!)
NOT AT ALL- I really appreciate the interest in my lil game! Thank you so much for the ask 💙✌️
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spdrvyn · 4 months
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sorry for being inactive as of late but please read all of this if you can, i know that i promised that i'd be more active, but i burnt out when it came to writing here so i decided to just write for the characters that i actually wanted to :3 however, that's not entirely why i went offline for a bit
i don't really bother to check which individual person follows me, because it's just a bit of a hassle, but i noticed that there a lot of people that have minors dni or post lots of nsfw content and i think it's about time i clarify that...
i'm... a... MINOR!!!!!!
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it's not that surprising (i think it's safe to assume that not everyone you interact with is an adult... especially in a community with a movie that targets teens???? like hello), but there were a couple of reasons why i didn't want to disclose this from the beginning
i didn't want it to affect my engagement, i just wanted to be seen as any other person that really enjoyed the movie and miguel's character, so if my age was going to be a determinant on how well received my content is then it didn't really incline me to reveal it to everyone ermmm also the internet is scary
why did i reveal this now??? well cus i said that a good amount of people that followed me were nsfw accs or had minors dni in their bio so i felt bad... also there's also another good amount of people that leave weird comments on my posts so. yeah. i didn't do it back then also because the fanbase surrounding miguel didn't feel very minor-friendly so i felt like i was going to be publicly shamed
i really hope this doesn't affect how you see me or my works 🤞 i think i'm actually not so bad at writing so i wanna keep doing it here! there are going to be some big changes (not just related to this), and anyone that doesn't want a minor who knows nothing about the world (/ref) on their feed then feel free to block or unfollow me if you're uncomfortable with this info
that's all 👍 just thought i'd clarify, thanks for reading if you made it to the end :)
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