#especially HoV and Kevin
strwbmei · 10 months
I just woke up and i realize just how terrifying some of the honkai characters would be if they were yandere's beat with me here.
Mobius- would be controlling and sadistic and the fact that she is a scientist makes it worse
Aponia- she can control you without you even realizing and can see the future so she is one step ahead always, although i don't see her abusive she has her was and the fact that she has a good composure make it hard to know what she is thinking
Yae sakura (having been influence by the herrscher of corruption)- one word possessive as heck, pobably sadistic.
Raiden Mei- honestly this one could depend on which one. In my personal opinion her most dangerous phase is the HoT. Possessive, controlling and possibly abusive. I see her HoO more tame but could relapse
Kiana Kaslana- i see her more harmless compare to the others but if she is possessed by the HoV then we have a huge problem and the fact that the end she became HoF means she is basically the strongest character.
Otto- I don't have to explain this one.
Fu hua- She basically one of the most experience characters out there when it comes to combat. Although i personally think she is one of the tamest yandere (As long as it isn't azure empyrea) gotta sleep with one eye open.
Kalpas-Again i don't have to explain this one.
Veliona-rejecting this one is a death wish not only she is very powerfull in her on right but she can be sadistic.
Rita- this woman is dangerous on soo many levels that is not even funny. A very experience valkyrie and one of the most clever ones out there.
Raven- she is basically mercenary so too much details aren't need and the fact that she works for world serpent speaks volumen.
Kevin Kaslana- Another one thay doesn't need much explain why.
Dr.MEI- something tells me she is the type "by any means necesarry" need i say more?
The only yandere i see more or less harmless are: Bronya, Seele, Himeko, Kallen Kaslana, maybe Theresa and Durandal, Cecilia, Tesla and Einstein, Su, Elysia (maybe), Griseo, Siegfried, Sushang,etc...
Honorable mentions on high red flag: Jackal, Any other Herrscher really, Vita
Agreed with all of them!
Especially Mobius. She doesn't need much reason to kill someone or put them through something worse than death, so her being a yandere isn't too far off. I feel she'd be the type to threaten you first, instead of going full yandere right off the bat. Not even death could free you from her grasp.
Kiana, Aponia, Dr. MEI, Fu Hua, and Sakura actually have pure intentions. They've seen the worst horrors both humanity and honkai have committed, and all they want to do is protect you from any possible harm. Definitely the type to lock you up. Dr. MEI and Kiana, especially! All of them want to protect you, but only Dr. MEI and Kiana actually have the means to do so; Dr. MEI with her unmatched intelligence and wit and Kiana with her power second to none.
Kevin and HoT Mei, though... I feel like they'd use you as a coping mechanism/replacement for their past lover that they failed to protect. As a result, they end up being mentally abusive because you remind them of their weakness.
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bellatrixdulac · 1 year
It's been some time but with Loucha big debut in HSR I was reminded of Otto's orribile end. A story, especially one where the enemy is actually pulling all the strings since hundreds of years before, is really just as good as its villain. And they dropped the ball so hard with Otto.
I liked that at end he was too deep into being a villain to ask even Theresa for help and had to manipulate them to the last second even to be killed. I mean, that's very Otto. But the absolute nothing they actually needed HoV/Sirin for made the story so far so pointless. It was either a mega big brain move from Otto knowing that he needed the power of void to use on the imaginary tree *years before talking with Kevin* (and knowing how the tree worked) which wasn't the case, or just a case of the whole plot being dropped in favour of a last second plan shoved in there to make sense.
The plan was to use the gem of Death that he put into Kiana, and to do so he had to create a human Herrscher. All the BS about negative power or whatever was such a last minute addition it was embarrassing. Even using the HoV power to jump realities/brenches would have made more sense considering the cosmic juggernaut existing.
Not to mention that, no matter how you spin it, he didn't save Kallen. If he had saved Kallen in this reality, nobody would exist anymore because he would have changed history. He just created another Kallen, probably one of hundreds in the tree? What was the point.
It's so infuriating because Otto's distinctive characteristic was that he was a genius and that he was dedicated to save his Kallen. Let's be honest, it really wasn't about Kallen existing in the imaginary tree (because she did in other branches), it was about his Kallen from his brench not dying. Or he would have been content hopping into a dying bubble universe to save a random Kallen to put back into his universe. It feels like both Otto and the writers knew time was running over and deluded themselves into thinking Otto's objective was achieved.
Also Tesla and the rest of Anti Entropy deserved to throw a punch at him at the end. Kiana & Kiana deserved it surely but also AE, Hua and so many others did. Even Theresa considering how she was "born" and immediately thrown into a battle royale, even just for that, not even touching the Cecilia storyline. Except Mei, the kids in AE and Rita and I guess everyone deserved some payback.
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godisasimp · 2 years
Welcome to the ramen enthusiasts club we have
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A 50k years old depressed man
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HoV (honestly she's just vibing)
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And a snake that could be cabbage
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drachenlegend · 2 years
Reader is about 12 or 13 when he become HoV but he befriend the Herrscher persona ( like Mei with HoT ) and thus not succumb to the Will of Honkai. I read that Herrscher can feel the host emotions so being a child reader can help the Herrscher see the beauty of humanity
Young Herrscher Reader x Fire Moth Members
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Author Note: Sorry this took so long and for any grammar error that you may find here. I’m been busy with college, among other things. Also, I do not know much about the other five flame-chasers [Global Player] and also apologize in advance if they’re a tad bit OOC...
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Dr. Mei
When Dr. Mei heard that Fire Moth had somehow managed to detain a Herrscher without killing them, she was surprised and even a bit excited as nothing like this had ever happened in history.
However, she was not prepared to see a young kid in their cell, chained to the wall and treated no better than a wild animal. She was even more horrified to learn that the child (you) were the Herrscher that everyone in Fire Moth was talking about.
Although she did not agree with the violent and degrading methods they used on you, she knew that there was not much she could do alone. Thankfully, she had the immediate aid of Dr. Mobius on her side when the other scientist learned of the Herrscher Fire Moth was housing in a cell and she was able to get you out of the damp and dirty cell. Unfortunately, the compromise was that a bomb was to be implanted inside of your chest alongside a Honkai energy detector - something she was not comfortable with doing for a multitude of reasons...
Your time spent with Dr. Mei was almost always under the supervision of Kevin who did not trust you one bit, especially after the incidents with the 6th [Death], 7th [Fire], and 10th [Legion] Herrschers. During this time, she would ask you to simply help her around the lab in the same manner that Klein did for Mobius and not speak much with you. She was still coming to terms with the insanity of her whole situation: a Herrscher was helping her file papers and run errands.
When Kevin is not around due to missions, Dr. Mei tries to make small talk with you not just to lighten the mood up or to dispel the otherwise suffocating atmosphere, but because she was interested in what your hobbies and story was. The first couple of months mostly consisted of you giving vague answers that purposely did not spark much conversation and soft mumbles, afraid that you might say too much and drive her to tell you to shut up.
Over time, you slowly open up to the scientist, still insecure of over speaking but Dr. Mei was a patient woman and quietly listened to everything you said. She eventually understands what was making you so shy and would always tell you to continue whenever you pause mid-sentence with a small smile and pat on your head. Were these maternal instincts always a part of her or did they form when the purple lines on her neck sealed her fate?
"Hm? What's wrong? Why did you stop? What happened next?...Oh, I see. Don't worry about speaking too much, you aren't a bother. You never were.”
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Kevin Kaslana [I] - Deliverance
Kevin remembers the day when he made the mistake of allowing the Herrscher of Death to roam free all too well. He vowed to himself to never repeat that mistake and you were no exception.
For the first time since they joined Fire Moth together, the hero of humanity and his significant other argued about letting you walk around the base without any supervision. Dr. Mei defended you under the guise of justifying her decision while Kevin reminded her of everything the Honkai has put them through. In the end, neither of them won but both of them lost.
Kevin shadows you from a distance, ready to put you down the exact moment you showed any signs of hostility towards anyone. But all this means is that he is slowly learning more about you without fully knowing it. He learns of what you like, dislike, and who in Fire Moth actually talks to you [just the other main MANTISes really]. He can see for himself just how human you truly were...
Tired of this cat and mouse chase, however, Kevin finally decides to confront you when you were alone in Eden's Golden Courtyard: a private area where gorgeous flowers were abundant and near extinct plants/fruits grew. That alone should have been more than enough for Kevin to realize that you were still human if Eden allowed you in her garden.
When he approaches you while you were kneeling in the middle of field of flowers, working on something, he has his guns at the ready to be upholstered and fired if needed. Fear and horror were expressions he was expecting to see on your face but instead you looked up at him with surprise at first before it turned to happiness.
Gesturing for him to crouch down, he refuses to but begrudgingly does so in the end, reasoning to himself that you were no threat and believing that he was quick enough to pull the trigger of Shamash. His readiness and alertness were not enough for him when you placed a crown of flowers that could grow in extreme cold on his head. It takes him a few minutes to process what just happened and by the time he came around, you had turned your back to him, working on your gift to the others.
You were vulnerable. You were powerless. Your blood could have soaked the flowers if he wanted to commit such a crime. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to do it anymore...
"Hey, Mr. Kevin. Can you help me? I don't know what flowers Ms. Mei likes..."
"...Of course." Kevin slowly nods and sits down in the field of flowers, the pistols of Shamash dissipating from their holsters.
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Elysia [II] - Enigma
Elysia was a walking phenomenon. She could befriend just about anyone if she really tried. Kevin. Aponia. Kalpas. Mobius. Perhaps, the four most troublesome out of everyone you were acquainted with.
Naturally, of course, her gaze was locked on you when she heard the rumors of a captive Herrscher. Unlike Mobius who watches you from the shadows, Elysia will most definitely be making her presence known to you as much as possible.
She has an interest towards things that are cute, pretty, and beautiful. You happened to fill all three criteria with you being so young and a Herrscher, respectively, with the third being checked off since you were a combination of the previous two. What could be more beautiful than someone as young as you were managing to suppress the Will of the Honkai?
Elysia's intelligence gathering network was scarily efficient and sooner or later, she knew everything there could be known about you. Terrifying was not enough to describe her knowing your routines and exact location, was it?...
Whenever she was around, your internal warning system known as the lingering Herrscher "persona" would alert you of her whereabouts. You didn't understand what was so dangerous about this odd but sweet woman that could scare a Herrscher, though, you knew better than to argue with them.
It takes a lot of time until the Herrscher lets you interact with Elysia and soon regrets their decision when they see the pink-haired fawning over you with her overbearing older sister instincts - pinching your cheeks, patting your head, and hugging you when you least expect it.
"Big Sis Elysia is here with presents, (Your/Name)! Hey, you want to know something cool? ... Cool, right? Now you have more of a reason to call me Big Sis!”
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Eden [IV] - Gold
Eden is much like Elysia as in how you would most definitely be spoiled to death if she was your caretaker. Initially, she may have had her worries when she heard of Fire Moth capturing a Herrscher that was to remain under Kevin’s gaze, but when she sees you locked in a cage, all doubts were cast out the window.
Seeing the sad look on your face reminded her of her earlier days as a singer, when she made her debut by singing for a charity meant to raise money for orphans. From that point on, she strongly opposes the thought of killing you and made her stance on the matter clear to the others.
Eden consults Elysia when she wants to give you a present and there is no limit to her funds. Together with the latter, they’ll go on shopping sprees to find the best gifts and trinkets for you to keep as a reminder of their trust.
“If you need anything, then don’t hesitate to ask me, (Your/Name). I’ll give you whatever you want.”
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Kalpas [VI] - Decimation
Kalpas wanted to kill you, not because you were a Herrscher, but because that was how he was and that was before he learned that you were just a kid, no older than Rin and Sakura shared his sentiment.
Contrary to what many believed, Kalpas didn’t want to fight you to the death, or, at least, not right now when you weren’t even at the age to drink. He could barely manage to keep his bloodlust and natural “charisma” in check when Rin was around, however now that you’re around the base 24/7, it’s been a struggle for him to keep it all in.
Eventually, he asks you to fight him so he could gauge your powers. Honestly, him asking you rather than attacking you outright like he sometimes does to others, speaks volumes of his behavior towards you. Of course, he wins but he doesn’t consider it as so since afterwards, he is scolded by Elysia and Kevin - the both of which only stop when you intervene. He would rather die than admit that he cares for you and silently prays that Elysia doesn’t mention it in her “Guide to understanding Kalpas.”
“Herrscher. Let’s go. It’s time for your training. You’ll need it to survive... You don’t want to train?... You wish to make dolls with me? Why ask me this?... Who told you about that...?”
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Su [VII] - Bodhi
After his MANTIS surgery, Su gained the powers to read the minds of the people around him which he could have done to an extent beforehand. Although, he didn’t need this mystic power to sense the unrest of his fellow flame-chasers when they found out the identity of the next Herrscher was someone so young.
Even those who didn’t know Su on a personal level knew that he was a gentle man with a kind heart, much like Eden. Due to his light-hearted nature, he was almost always the one who watched over you, though, Eden was still the number one choice since he sometimes lost you because of his habit of keeping his eyes closed and the latter wouldn’t dare to drink with you around.
The one edge Su had over Eden was he was able to read your mind and understand what was troubling you if you were ever upset. And, through this, he was able to communicate with the Herrscher persona, getting to know them as well. When it was simply the three of you, he would also ask for their opinion, which they appreciated and accepted as one of the few that they trusted to be alone with you.
As the one rumored to have “transcended this world.” Su has much wisdom to impose upon you so you do not grow up to be a problem like Mobius or Kalpas, especially since you were a Herrscher - a incredibly young one at that. When you were a bit younger, Su had little to no trouble keeping you interested with his lessons. But, as time ran its course, you were beginning to leave him behind more often than not. 
“(Your/Name). Nothing will stay the same forever, that goes for you too. Please, relax and enjoy the wonderful life ahead of you.”
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Sakura [VIII] - Setsuna and Rin
Sakura always believed that showing mercy to her enemies was the greatest harm she could have imposed onto herself. However, she began to have second thoughts after meeting you for the first time. To see someone around the same age as Rin was an uncomfortable sight and made it difficult for her to envision you as anything else, certainly not as a civilization-wiping Herrscher.
As antisocial as Sakura was, she still felt obliged to put you at ease, her older sister instincts taking over. Though, she knew when to back off if you were to ever feel overwhelmed by your current situation and waits for you to calm down. This patient and passive approach to befriending you proved to be effective as you went out of your way to initiate the conversation instead of her, in most cases.
Sakura was particularly glad to learn that you and Rin were able to hit it off almost immediately and become quick friends only several hours after meeting each other. Even though she knew that it would be difficult, she made it her mission to one day set you free from that prison and perhaps to live in peace with Rin and her.
“Rin, eat slower or I’ll have to separate the two of you. I don’t want (Your/Name) to pick up that bad trait from you.”
“What? Big Sis! (Your/Name) and I are inseparable! You can’t have one without the other!”
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Mobius [X] - Infinity and Klein
Mobius...is a fascinating case, alongside Aponia, since no one could predict what plans she had in mind for you - if she had any, that is. The Herrscher inside of you as well as your own instincts ensured that there was never a situation in which it was only you and Mobius in the same room, together and alone. However, that was still that childlike fascination that pushed you to find her after a while.
Sneaking past the normal non-MANTIS soldiers was more than easy and it was even more easy to leave Su while he had his eyes closed. At first, Mobius was surprised to see that the “little specimen” had managed to make it to her laboratory without being caught by their friends. Then, in the next moment, she was back to her normal dangerous-looking self and asked you a wide variety of questions while you answered each one with that innocent naivety that she found cute. By the time the others realized that you were missing, Mobius was already taking the lift up with you in her arms, well aware that Dr. Mei and Elysia would be interrogating her throughout the day to figure out what she may have done to you.
Someone like Klein was a first for you since you had never saw an ELF before and you returned the favor by asking her a multitude of inquiries, much to Klein’s annoyance and Mobius’s amusement. It didn’t take long for Klein to warm up to you with how accepting you were towards her and, although she would never admit it, Mobius was secretly glad that Klein had someone around her “age” to be friends with.
“Little specimen, come here for a second... Hm... I never experimented on a Herrscher before, would you like to try it? I’m just kidding, of course -... ‘I’ll do anything that big sis Mobius asks for?...’ Oh~? A very enticing offer, but, I’ll wait for when you get a little older. For now, run along, little specimen, and remember your promise~”
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Hua [XII] - Vicissitude
Hua was the most shocked out of everyone to learn of a Herrscher that the Will of the Honkai had failed to corrupt, vividly remembering how sudden Himeko’s transformation was. Hesitantly, she agrees with the other’s decision to allow you to live, but did not trust you one bit, if at all. Her previous experience with Herrschers left a lot to be desired.
Despite the hostility she directs at you, you constantly follow her around with those wide and innocent (Eye/Color) eyes of yours that she is unable to find the same disdain towards humanity that many of your predecessors had. It takes some time, but eventually, even Hua feels compelled to watch over you from time to time.
For some reason, Hua finds herself a natural of having to deal with bratty Herrschers... Regardless, Hua is even more patient than Sakura and can put up with you even in your more difficult phases. And, if it gets too much, she would use Fenghuang Down to make you dream of a perfect utopia for yourself. But, the surprise is on her when she takes a quick peek to see that it hasn’t changed much from your current situation and feels warm seeing that she is also there in your perfect world.
“(Your/Name), here... It’s a jade necklace that my father gave me on my last birthday with him before... I wanted you to have it so you never forget me. Please, take care of it.”
<<< Extras >>>
Aponia [III]
In Aponia’s eyes, your soul was too pure for this world, much like Griseo’s, and she felt tempted to keep you in the Deep End with her, where no one would dare harm you. 
However, she will accept your decision nonetheless if you decide to decline her offer and is glad to hear your promise to come back every now and then. If you do choose to stay with Aponia, then she will provide you with the best accommodations she is capable of. Just make sure to not make the sweet lady angry...
“(Your/Name), sweet child... Please, make sure to always come back to me...”
Vii-V [V]
Vii-V’s many personalities was confusing to deal with since many of them had different opinions about your existence. Some thought it would be wiser to kill you while others thought the opposite and wanted to be friends with you, seeing the bigger picture and imagining the inventions that only a Herrscher could handle.
No matter the situation, the hostile personalities will warm up to you in due time, but in the mean time, you’re stuck wondering if Vii-V was in the mood to talk about her latest tinkers or to drive you away with a pitchfork.
“Yo, (Your/Name)! Got another gadget that I wanted you to try out!... Hm? Will this hurt you in any way? Hey! It was a one time thing and, even then, it was an accident! Have a little more trust in me, will ya!?”
Kosma [IX] and Griseo [XI]
Kosma already has trouble talking to other people and was wondering how he would talk to you if he was given the chance. Thankfully, around you, he didn’t feel nervous like he would around people like Kevin and Kalpas, and could feel at ease. Even if he was silent, you somehow managed to interpret his thoughts without taking a single glance at Elysia’s “guide to speaking with Kosma.”
Griseo believed that her palette could use some new colors, but wondered how she could find something new. Then, Aponia introduced you to her and Kosma, and she found the new colors she was searching for: the colors of a Herrscher. When she sees your interest in drawing, she offers you her paintbrush and teaches you. Although, you were not as good as her, the simple painting of you, Kosma, and Griseo together was more than enough to bring a small smile on both of their faces.
“Kosma says he likes it. I like it too, (Your/Name), simple can sometimes be better than complex.”
Pardofelis [XIII]
Pardofelis never actually realized that you were a Herrscher the first time you two met and didn’t even know until many months later when it was briefly mentioned like it was normal...which it was to an extent. At first, she wondered if she should treat you as a special customer, but she merely shrugged and shrugged the idea off. Her reaction was by far the calmest.
“Mmmhh~! That was a good nap... Eh? (Your/Name)!? Were you here the entire time?... You didn’t steal anything from my shop, did you?”
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zaraku · 3 years
I'm mainly just here to drop art and dip but I’d also like to share my interpretations of hos and her relationship with fu hua because I find her to be such a fascinatingly complex character.
first off, I don’t personally see hos and fu hua as sisters (and I’m probably the only one who doesn’t, that’s ok lol), much in the same way that I don’t see the other herrscher personas and their respective hosts as siblings. to me, hos is effectively fu hua’s alter ego in the same vein as veliona. I can kinda see it with how they quarrel with one another but the way hos’ identity is inextricably tied to fu hua pretty much undermines any sort of sibling dynamic for me. I don’t mind if other people see them as siblings, it’s just the metaphor of self-love resonates with me much more, and is something that fu hua really needs to learn.
anyway, I believe hos is simultaneously fu hua and not. her existence begins as a blank slate until the mysterious “Id” speaks to her and thrusts 50k years of memories upon her:
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throughout the first CG of chapter 20, this “Id” behaves most like the hos we know (compared to “Ego” and “Superego”). it would make sense to me that “Id” belongs to fu hua’s brain and not hos’ subconscious since it already acknowledges those memories, and I find it hard to believe (from a psychological standpoint) that she would form her own ego and superego so quickly after being born for literal seconds.
assuming that the Id is part of fu hua, hos then reflects fu hua’s innate, repressed, childish and violent side to her that has formed over countless centuries of anguish and trauma. she is her jungian shadow. but what makes her also not fu hua? ...mainly her responses to things.
while she bears all of fu hua’s memories, if her memories were a movie, then hos would be a spectator instead of an actor. there are numerous inconsistencies to how she responds to things versus how fu hua would respond, such as when she referred to kevin as a friend (when fu hua has never done so) or when she said she’d eliminate all herrschers without hesitation, especially hov, suggesting that she has no emotional attachment to kiana... or anyone really.
hos practically saw a slideshow of someone’s memories and thought “man this fucking sucks, I’m gonna do better tho.”
secondly, hos has a massive ego to cope with her low self-esteem.
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(from first feast prep CG)
she is not proud to be a herrscher, especially since she shares the memories of someone whose entire life mission is bent on destroying the honkai and corruption. besides being fu hua, being a herrscher is the only other identity that she has left, and she stubbornly deludes herself into thinking she wasn’t one for much of her arc and continues to struggle with accepting her place in this world.
for this reason I also avoid infantilizing hos in my works, as much of her actions are not a result of some temper tantrum but an understandable response to her extreme existential crisis. she is also a very reasonable person and can be tactful sometimes, as shown by the end of the shenzhou event (even if it’s not really her, it wouldn’t make sense to write her out of character, no?) and when she leaves fu hua’s body so that she doesn’t put her at risk for corruption. she is both rebellious and carefree as a symbolic middle-finger to fu hua’s “failed past” and the will of the honkai itself, and I love her for it.
I really want to see them bond with one another, and honestly, I really enjoy the idea of fu hua having an ageless companion who truly empathizes with her. I just... hope they don’t kill her off because I can totally see them doing that lol......
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jinruinokyuseishu · 4 years
@restartfromzero replied to your post: @restartfromzero replied to your post: ...
Certainly he can endure it all, but I didn’t mean that. His experience has made his means just as worse as Otto, and that cannot be justified no matter the cost. At least Otto has a excuse for his extreme selfishness, albeit one that is flimsy itself. Kevin plays at being a hero, and in the Previous Era he certainly was. But nothing in the present has such major threats. The only Herrschers that have popped up can literally be counted on one hand, and one of them (1/?)
Is already out of the picture, another is actively rejecting her heritage as a Herrscher, a gem is loose but nothing that can’t be handled, and the last one is firmly on the side of humanity. To put it bluntly, no, he is not as strong as he seems. He’s broken, in different ways. Someone needs to teach him that there are times for mercy…and that in the present era, those times come up far more often. 2/2
I have literally never once said that his actions are justifiable, or that I defend/excuse them. I might on occasion say “can you blame him for doing what he did after all he’s been through”, but that’s the most I do, and even that isn’t an excuse. 
As for calling him just as bad as Otto, his methods are terrible on that I can agree upon--But Otto is continuing a war that will inevitably result in a repeat of the Previous Era just to selfishly revive Kallen, and has literally no regard for the lives of people who aren’t her. Otto has purposely manipulated people’s lives, and outright orchestrated the possibilites of the deaths of Kiana’s friends (including his own granddaughter)  just to create a controllable Herrscher for his own selfish means. Otto does NOT have an excuse, and he never will. There are no excuses for what he does. Kevin is not thinking of himself, he is not thinking of some personal grudge, or of some grand design for humanity: He is thinking of the future. And I’m not saying that’s an excuse either, I have stated over and over that these are his motives and the reason for why he does things the way he does. 
Motive =/= Excuse, please do not mix the two of them up. Whereas one is an attempt at a get out of jail free card, the other is simply an explanation.
Kevin is NOT playing at being a hero, he does not believe himself to be that in the least. What he IS doing is attempting to prevent history from repeating itself.
When the Honkai were first around in Kevin’s era, they started out just the same as they do in the Current Era--They weren’t a huge threat, there were only three at the time that Moths Who Chase the Flame became more active, as stated as the ‘Third Impact.’ It started at that ‘small’ scale in one city, and he is attempting to stop it before the inevitable countdown reaches to the 14th Herrscher. In the Previous Era, at just the 7th Herrscher, that single Herrscher managed to burn down all of Australia within a matter of days. Not a single city, an entire continent. The current Era has already reached the arrival of its 4th Herrscher, short-lived as it might have been--His concerns aren’t entirely unfounded. Not to mention the damage caused by the HoV in that short-lived awakening iirc was worldwide. Yes, Kiana is on the side of humanity, but it does not change the damage that has been done or that it demonstrates the damage a Herrscher is capable of for even that short period of time. 
Kevin sees the current world, and he remembers his own, and feels so strongly in addition to the wishes left behind of those who fought at his side. He has seen what happens to the world over and over through the bubble universes, and that has only cemented his thoughts: That history will repeat itself if the Honkai are not wiped out. That is simply fact, and he got to witness that same fact a thousand times over within the Sea of Quanta. Kevin watched the world burn once, he failed to protect it when it mattered most--He refuses to allow it to happen again when he has the means to stop it from ever happening again once and for all. He does not want humanity to be wiped out again, he wants to see it triumph over the Honkai .
Just because he is damaged and broken does not mean he isn’t strong as he seems. He is. At least that is what I believe. It takes a lot for a person to continue getting up every day especially when they’re going to live arguably forever, despite all that he has lost. He may no longer be the idealist he once was when this all started,  but he has not lost sight of what is important to him, what was important to the people who fought beside him, and what was important to the woman who he loved.  And I’m not saying there is anything wrong with his being broken, but I am saying it does not make him any less strong than he is.
Kevin has NOT lost his sense of mercy. Though he fought with Welt, after realizing that he was on the side of humanity: He acknowledged it, respected that his wish to protect humanity was true, and told him flat out that he does not want to fight him because in the end they do desire the same end:  Both want to bring an end to the Honkai. He believes great sacrifice is necessary in order to preserve humanity’s future, but he’s not going to take lives unless he absolutely feels he has to. It’s not something he takes lightly, nor has he ever. 
You aren’t required to agree with my portrayal or perception of Kevin. He does terrible things, I never said he didn’t--But there is reason behind it, and good intentions. Regardless, I make the effort not to romanticize him despite how much I might gush about my love for him. 
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frostybeats · 6 years
Favorite Albums of 2018
Here we are, another year in the books. I thought I’d compile a list of some of my favorite projects that artists did this year. Mind you, this is not a list of the most critically acclaimed albums of 2018, these were some of my favorites to listen to this year. I thought this was an amazing year for rap, especially this summer, so I’ve included quite a few rap records. I was still listening to a lot of music from 2017, but this list will focus strictly on what came out this year. There is no order of favorites. Without further ado, let’s dive in.
Astroworld - Travis Scott
You can’t talk music in 2018 without mentioning Astroworld. Was the album overhyped? Absolutely. Does that mean it didn’t deliver? No way. People were acting like Travis hadn’t done anything in half a decade, when in reality it had been less than 2 years since his sophomore effort, Birds in the Trap, and he had dropped the collab, Huncho-Jack, with Quavo at the end of 2017. Still, fans and artists alike salivated at the mention of Astroworld. The man even made a Jordan 4 to contribute to the album’s hype. Astroworld delivers immediately and rewards multiple listens, I consistently find new things in this album to appreciate. Travis is back with the signature ad-libs, old and new, and an all-star feature cast that rivals that of an Avengers movie. The album feels like a rollercoaster, roaring at a fast pace with plenty of thrills, but there are also some slower tracks to even the ride out. Travis has never been about deep material though. He’s always been about having a good time, especially this time around. It’s an absolute go to when you want to get lit like a Christmas tree. The beat switch ups (see Stargazing) are akin to maniacally switching lanes on a highway. Just watch out for the groups of frat boys that start dancing in a circle and shouting when Sicko Mode comes on at a bar.
Top 3: No Bystanders, Sicko Mode, Coffee Bean
Swimming - Mac Miller
“Every day I wake up and breathe. I don’t have it all, but that’s alright with me.”
Okay, I know I said I wasn’t doing this list in order, but Swimming is near, if not at, the top of albums this year for me. GO:OD AM still remains my favorite Mac project, but Swimming is probably his best project, critically. I probably could, and may, do a track-by-track review of this album. Mac is producing at his best, it’s a listen that flows smooth from start to finish without anything really feeling out of place. The album holds true to it’s name, with tracks see-sawing back and forth between sounding like having your head above the water and being pulled deep under the waves. The J. Cole produced “Hurt Feelings” will take you to the ocean floor, while “Jet Fuel” will have you drifting across the surface. Thundercat lays down some incredible bass lines, and John Mayer even makes an appearance on “Small Worlds”. “2009” is a track that hits right in the feels, recounting the change, both good and bad, since stepping into the limelight. Swimming is a journey of self-acceptance, and being okay with life even when you don’t triumph, a tragic message given Mac’s passing just a month after the record’s release. I related to many of these songs on a personal level with my own struggles in 2018, the album came out exactly when I needed it. Rest in peace, Mac. Most dope…forever.
Top 3: Hurt Feelings, 2009, Self Care
Honorable Mention: It didn’t make the album, but go listen to “Programs”; it’s so buttery
Proper Dose - The Story So Far
This band has yet to disappoint and gets better with each album they do, I’m thankful for that since it’s a rare thing. The album moves fast with a combination of tracks that are best listened to while flying down the highway or cruising with the windows down on a nice day. Classic pop-punk vibes are present on “Need To Know” and the title track, while the band explores a new, more melodic sound on “Upside Down” and “Growing On You”. The most welcome new addition is Parker’s ability to sing, progressing from his shouting-style on previous albums; “Take Me As You Please” showcases this beautifully. Ryan Torf also deserves a lot of credit for the air tight drums on every track. The percussion is a huge standout. This album was made to be blasted in a car on a summer day.
Top 3: Out Of It, Light Year, Take Me As You Please
YSIV - Logic
I tried to keep it to one project per artist, so this beat out Bobby Tarantino II for me. Logic has dropped at least one project every year since 2010, let that sink in. Somehow, he has managed to not sound overdone or saturated, a true testament to his craft and workaholic nature. YSIV (Young Sinatra IV) revisits the 90-style boom-bap sound of his Young Sinatra mixtape trilogy that got him known. Logic sounds like he walked through a portal and it’s the early 2010s again, but his raps and 6ix’s production have both ascended to a new level. 1-800 fans will be very confused as the bar-hungry Logic of old resurfaces to show people that he’s still an animal on the mic with tracks like “Everybody Dies” and “The Return”. If you like straight bars then this is the album for you. The ENTIRE Wu Tang Clan makes an appearance on the song “Wu Tang Forever”. “Street Dreams II” is storytelling at it’s best, an ode to the style of rap that dominated the 90s. YSIV sounds like a genuine continuation of the Young Sinatra era, rather than a sequel or remake that tries too hard to be like the original. The only thing missing is an iconic Marty Randolph skit.
Top 3: The Return, Street Dreams II, Ordinary Day
A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships - The 1975
The working title “Music for Cars” sent fans into a frenzy thinking that the band was revisiting their early days. A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships proved to be the opposite by pushing the boundaries of the band’s sound. Yes, there are songs like TOOTIME and the single, “Love It If We Made It” that would sound perfectly at home on the previous album, but there are also jazzy songs like “Mine” and “Sincerity Is Scary” that we’ve never heard from this eclectic, pop quartet. The album explores a wide pallet of emotions, mostly surrounding love and relationships in the present day. They even propose the not so farfetched idea that we’re in a relationship with the internet and social media on “The Man Who Married a Robot”. I’ve always gravitated toward the instrumental interludes/tracks on The 1975 projects (excluding the remixed intros), but I also really enjoyed the softer songs as well on this one. This band has always encompassed many different feelings on their projects, but it’s broadcast on a similar spectrum for a given project. It’s hard to put this band in a box, and I really like that.
Top 3: Love Theme, Surrounded By Heads And Bodies, I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes)
K.O.D. - J. Cole
Anytime J. Cole has been quiet for what seems like too long you can guarantee he’s about to drop something. K.O.D. officially marks the end of the Forest Hills Drive era that was continued on 4 Your Eyez. The album is a bit of an uncomfortable, medicated listen, start to finish, but that’s the point. It hits close to home for those that have struggled with addiction personally, or witnessed friends and family grapple. Cole warns listeners of the dangers of addiction and drug abuse, especially as a staple of the modern rap scene. However, Cole shows us that addiction isn’t just substance based, but also comes in the forms of social media and ego, with deeper rooted problems that we cover with these things rather than face head on. “Photograph” calls out the ego-stroke that Instagram has turned into. Cole impressively comes off from a place of concern, rather than being preachy. The album isn’t an easy listen, but it’s a necessary one.
Top 3: Photograph, Kevin’s Heart, BRACKETS
Culture II - Migos
Migos wasted no time in following their 2017 breakthrough, Culture. Culture II essentially keeps the record spinning with a slew of new songs. A friend once said to me that most of Migos sounds the same, and there’s a lot of truth to that. But their triplet bar scheme is still catchy and a lot of these tracks are just a fun listen, whether you’re working out, cooking up a storm in the kitchen, or getting together with friends. “Supastars” and “Auto Pilot” are straight hype tracks, and the now ironic “Motorsport” slaps with the Nicki Minaj & Cardi B features. “Stir Fry” is a track that you can immediately hear Pharrell on despite his lack of vocals. Culture II is jam packed with lines that we’ve seen everyone use as Instagram captions throughout 2018, don’t count on that trend stopping anytime soon with Culture III already slated for early 2019.
Top 3: Motorsport, Movin’ Too Fast, Auto Pilot
Scorpion - Drake
There’s a lot I can say about Scorpion, I’ll try and keep it brief. The gargantuan work is a double album, split into 2 sides. Side A is more rap heavy, while Side B is moody R&B. The production on this record is phenomenal, 40 and OVO Sound killed this one. Scorpion feels like the long awaited followup to Take Care that so many people (myself included) have spent the past 7 years dreaming of. This isn’t the “beat your chest”, angry Drake of If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late, or the British, grime-stint that was More Life. This is Drake at his best, simply being Drake. He’s braggadocios on “Nonstop” (with the now iconic Tay Keith production tag) and “Talk Up” (with an amazing verse by Hov). He’s moody, with in your feels songs like “Jaded” that will keep you up past 3 AM thinking about relationships that you were never in. He finds himself attempting to navigate life on “8 Out Of 10” and “March 14th”. Scorpion is well worth the long listen, with a wide array of offerings. In my opinion, this is Drake’s best project since Nothing Was the Same.
Top 3: Jaded, Nonstop, 8 Out Of 10
Honorary Mention (so many songs!): Sandra’s Rose
Man of the Woods - Justin Timberlake
I wish it didn’t always take this man half a decade to make new music, but I’m okay with quality over quantity. A homage to his son, Man of the Woods finds JT at his pop roots, but attempting to blend in some folk here and there for some robust notes. Most of the time it works out. “Say Something”, with Chris Stapleton, is a prime example. “Montana” will sound a bit more familiar to fans that know his signature pop sound. “Midnight Summer Jam” is the sweet spot between these two sounds that will have you grooving. There’s an interlude that’s reminiscent of “Blue Ocean Floor” on 20/20 (a sound I wish he’d make a whole album with). The Alicia Keys duet, “Morning Light”, feels like waking up on a sunny day after a great night’s sleep without a care in the world. Man of the Woods showcases JT’s versatility and willingness to take risks and push boundaries as a pop artist in a genre that often sounds repetitive. Most of the time it’s rewarding, and even when it’s off-step I still appreciate the effort. This album definitely grew on me after multiple listens.
Top 3: Midnight Summer Jam, Wave, Montana
Ye - Kanye West
Okay, Kanye had quite the year… let’s stick to the music. Ye was apparently recorded mere weeks before the deadline, the album cover was shot on the way to the release party. Kanye apparently scrapped the Love Everyone album (rumored to be the upcoming Yandhi) after the whole MAGA controversy, when he received “new creative energy”. Ye is a short listen, seven tracks just shy of 24 minutes (a common them on all the projects Kanye worked on this year). The album packs a lot of content in for a short listen though, mainly addressing mental health, Kanye’s struggle with bipolar disorder (aka his “superpower”), and the turbulent year he had. Production is one of the highlights on the album; it opens with a dreamy sequence as Kanye speaks some dark lines, a stark juxtaposition. “Ghost Town” is the emotional climax of the album; Kid Cudi, 070 Shake, and PartyNextDoor nail their features, while Kanye delivers some of his best lines on the album. Kanye closes out on “Violent Crimes” with a touching note reflecting on his past behavior as a man and how he now worries for his daughter as she grows up in the world today. It’s a fairly cohesive album for such a rushed project, definitely better put together than The Life of Pablo. Say what you want about Mr. West, but the man is a musical genius.
Top 3: Ghost Town, No Mistakes, Yikes
Kids See Ghosts - Kids See Ghosts
People lost it when rumors dropped last fall that Ye and Cudi were working on a joint album. The idea sounded like a home run and something that needed to happen, especially after the momentary feud between the two as Cudi struggled with his mental health at the end of 2016. Kids See Ghosts delivers tenfold, and, in my opinion, is the better effort from Kanye this year (it’s a joint album so it’s an acceptation to my 1 project per artist rule). Ye and Cudi have always brought out the best in each other creatively, they’re yin and yang. “Feel the Love” starts the listen with Cudi chanting and harsh hitting production as Kanye shouts akin to a tommy gun. It sounds like the duo are using their voices as instruments and having fun with it, a theme present across all seven songs. Kanye chops up a 1930s Christmas song to make a banger on “4th Dimension”. As the album progresses, the two tackle their personal issues and struggles, slaying their demons, and coming out rejuvenated on the other side. Cudi returns with his signature hums and hooks, transitioning between rapping his ass off and gently delivering his verses. He delivers a new anthem with “Reborn”, assuring the world that he’s okay. Kanye saved his best bars for this album, delivering some of his best verses since Dark Twisted Fantasy (yes, I said it). Kids See Ghosts is trip that is a far more cohesive listen than Ye (not to take away from Kanye’s solo effort), and is a project that we sorely needed this year. It shows that Cudi is in a better place than in 2016 and the duo can still do what they do best: make good music. While “all killer, no filler”, it’s is a bit of a bummer that the album is only seven songs long, but the fact that they both want to do another certainly makes up for it.
Top 3: Reborn, 4th Dimension, Feel the Love
Testing - A$AP Rocky
We last heard from A$AP Rocky in 2015. Flacko makes his return in 2018 with Testing, an experimental venture. As soon as the staticky bass drops on “Distorted Records” you know that this project is going to be different. True to it’s name, testing offers a variety of sounds with no clear identity. The record feels like a stepping stone as to where Rocky is going, rather than where he is at right now. “Hun43rd” will take longtime A$AP fans back to the early 2010s, while “Buck Shots” will make you curious to see where Rocky goes in the future. Harder beats are contrasted with tracks that focus on gentle guitar strumming, like “Changes” and “Purity”. A lot of rappers tend to play it safe and not experiment much with their sound while focusing on their bars and going with whatever beat is considered “fire” at that moment. It’s rare to see someone, especially a big name like A$AP, really try a variety of sounds and put out an abstract project. It may not be what we expected after At.Long.Last.A$AP, but I give serious props to Rocky for trying something different and look forward to his next project, even if it’s another wait.
Top 3: Hun43rd, Buck Shots, Changes
Little Dark Age - MGMT
This one quietly flew under the radar. MGMT made their return with their first release in half a decade. While apparently inspired by the 2016 election, the album carries little political discourse. Without changing their sound too much, the duo delivers a throwback to the 80s. This album is an absolute bop, plain and simple. Despite sounding like it came from a time capsule, the album addresses a variety of topics relevant to society today. “Time Spent Looking at My Phone” warns of how engrossed we have become with social media and our smartphones and are oblivious to the world around us. “Me and Michael” sounds like a Hall & Oates tribute. Overall the album is a fun listen start to finish, the band’s core sound and the 80s make for an awesome crossover. It’s just really nice to have MGMT back.
Top 3: Me and Michael, James, One Thing Left to Try
Championships - Meek Mill
2018 has been a huge year for Meek. He got released from prison and became an advocate for judicial reform (if you aren’t familiar with the situation I implore you to read up on it because the media seriously misrepresented the facts to make him look like the bad guy and it goes to show the issues in our criminal justice system and the improvements that need to be made), the blockbuster beef with Drake was squashed onstage by performing Dreams and Nightmares (one of the greatest intros of all time), and he capped it off with an album. Championships is a victory lap, celebrating his comeback from a rough stretch involving some major losses. Funky vibes are present all over the album, which is uncharacteristic, but welcome for the usually hard hitting MC. Meek still raps about money, women, and his gritty past over beats that will blow out your speakers if you’re not careful, but also reflects on bigger topics like social injustice on “What’s Free” and “Trauma”. Amends are made with Drake on “Going Bad”. Meek once again proves that he’s undefeated when it comes to intros with a Phil Collins sample. Championships is the celebration of a man that took his lumps and came back, pop some bottles and join in on the party.
Top 3: What’s Free?, Dangerous, Pay You Back
Tha Carter V - Lil Wayne
Word of The Carter V surfaced before I started college… I finished grad school this past year. The album spent the better part of the decade tied up amid legal battles and feuding with Wayne’s old mentor, Birdman, and Cash Money Records. Wayne spent the time releasing various projects to try and satisfy the demand. Carter V seemed to be this decade’s Detox, an album we would always hear about but never actually get. Thank goodness that was not the case. The album clocks in just shy of 90 minutes, a hefty listen. But remember, the album was once slated for a 2013 release and contains material recorded as far back as 2012. Personally, I’m glad Wayne decided to include as much material as he did, this was a long time coming. It’s easily his best project in quite some time and reminds people of why Wayne dominated last decade. There’s something to offer Wayne fans of all eras, Mixtape Weezy, early Carter, and experimental Wayne are all present on this record. Hype tracks like “Uproar” are contrasted with duets like “Dark Side of the Moon”. Wayne lights up verses on “Let It Fly” and “Mona Lisa” (which also contains an impressive appearance from Kendrick). The record is a fun listen start to finish, welcome back, Weezy.
Top 3: Dope New Gospel, What About Me, Let It Fly
Daytona - Pusha T
Daytona had expectations. We last heard from Push in 2015 and this was the first of the wave of albums from G.O.O.D. Music this summer, not to mention one of the ones that was recorded during Kanye’s sojourn in Wyoming and also featured the photo of the late Whitney Houston’s bathroom as the controversial album cover. Daytona sounds like a modern take on the 90s boom-bap sound. Kanye West reminds everyone that he is a producer turned rapper, with top-tier production as executive producer and makes an appearance on “What Would Meek Do?”. Push then gobbles up these sensational beats akin to someone that waited all day to eat Thanksgiving dinner. The new G.O.O.D. CEO hits hard with the verses on every track and pulls no punches. “Infrared” brought his longtime beef with Drake from a simmer to a full boil and laid the ground for one of the most elaborate, methodical spillings of tea that music saw in some time. Originally intended to be King Push, Kanye and Push apparently decided to scrap 2 full albums before creating what would become Daytona, the wait and process was well worth it. The production is some of 2018’s best and the verses back it up. The drug dealer turned executive talks the talk and walks the walk. Yes it’s very early, but I’ll say it: this album will go down as a classic and be remembered as one of the better rap albums of the late 2010s.
Top 3: The Games We Play, Hard Piano, If You Know You Know
And finally, it’s been over 2 years, but go listen to Frank Ocean’s Blonde again. That album has aged like a fine wine.
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hermannovack · 6 years
Source: Kevin Mazur / Getty
We Could Be Blessed With A Jay-Z/Rihanna Collaboration Soon
Could Jay-Z and Rihanna have a new collaboration in the works?
According to reports from Page Six, sources say that the two moguls were spotted together on Wednesday at Wolfgang Puck at Hotel Bel-Air. The insider said that Hov and Rih appeared to be having a “business lunch” and were heard discussing topics including “music and what they can do together.” Unsurprisingly, this report has ignited rumors of a possible music collab, which could be a joint record for Rihanna’s VERY long-awaited ninth studio album.
This possible collaboration makes a lot of sense, especially because this would be far from first time Hov and RiRi have joined forces. After Mr. Carter signed Rihanna to Def Jam back in 2005, the duo has worked together on a number of huge tracks including “Umbrella,” “Talk That Talk,” and “Run This Town.”
Just a few weeks ago, frequent Rihanna collaborator The-Dream confirmed that Rih’s album is “almost done.” So, if there actually is a Jay-Z song on the project, we might get to hear it sooner than later.
Rihanna herself has yet to provide any actual details about her upcoming album, though she did reassure fans in her Instagram comments that it will hit shelves sometime in 2019.
We’re ready, Rih.
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via http://bit.ly/2RLzGbH
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frostbeats · 6 years
Favorite Albums of 2018
Here we are, another year in the books. I thought I’d compile a list of some of my favorite projects that artists did this year. Mind you, this is not a list of the most critically acclaimed albums of 2018, these were some of my favorites to listen to this year. I thought this was an amazing year for rap, especially this summer, so I’ve included quite a few rap records. I was still listening to a lot of music from 2017, but this list will focus strictly on what came out this year. There is no order of favorites. Without further ado, let’s dive in.
Astroworld - Travis Scott
You can’t talk music in 2018 without mentioning Astroworld. Was the album overhyped? Absolutely. Does that mean it didn’t deliver? No way. People were acting like Travis hadn’t done anything in half a decade, when in reality it had been less than 2 years since his sophomore effort, Birds in the Trap, and he had dropped the collab, Huncho-Jack, with Quavo at the end of 2017. Still, fans and artists alike salivated at the mention of Astroworld. The man even made a Jordan 4 to contribute to the album’s hype. Astroworld delivers immediately and rewards multiple listens, I consistently find new things in this album to appreciate. Travis is back with the signature ad-libs, old and new, and an all-star feature cast that rivals that of an Avengers movie. The album feels like a rollercoaster, roaring at a fast pace with plenty of thrills, but there are also some slower tracks to even the ride out. Travis has never been about deep material though. He’s always been about having a good time, especially this time around. It’s an absolute go to when you want to get lit like a Christmas tree. The beat switch ups (see Stargazing) are akin to maniacally switching lanes on a highway. Just watch out for the groups of frat boys that start dancing in a circle and shouting when Sicko Mode comes on at a bar.
Top 3: No Bystanders, Sicko Mode, Coffee Bean
Swimming - Mac Miller
“Every day I wake up and breathe. I don’t have it all, but that’s alright with me.”
Okay, I know I said I wasn’t doing this list in order, but Swimming is near, if not at, the top of albums this year for me. GO:OD AM still remains my favorite Mac project, but Swimming is probably his best project, critically. I probably could, and may, do a track-by-track review of this album. Mac is producing at his best, it’s a listen that flows smooth from start to finish without anything really feeling out of place. The album holds true to it’s name, with tracks see-sawing back and forth between sounding like having your head above the water and being pulled deep under the waves. The J. Cole produced “Hurt Feelings” will take you to the ocean floor, while “Jet Fuel” will have you drifting across the surface. Thundercat lays down some incredible bass lines, and John Mayer even makes an appearance on “Small Worlds”. “2009” is a track that hits right in the feels, recounting the change, both good and bad, since stepping into the limelight. Swimming is a journey of self-acceptance, and being okay with life even when you don’t triumph, a tragic message given Mac’s passing just a month after the record’s release. I related to many of these songs on a personal level with my own struggles in 2018, the album came out exactly when I needed it. Rest in peace, Mac. Most dope…forever.
Top 3: Hurt Feelings, 2009, Self Care
Honorable Mention: It didn’t make the album, but go listen to “Programs”; it’s so buttery
Proper Dose - The Story So Far
This band has yet to disappoint and gets better with each album they do, I’m thankful for that since it’s a rare thing. The album moves fast with a combination of tracks that are best listened to while flying down the highway or cruising with the windows down on a nice day. Classic pop-punk vibes are present on “Need To Know” and the title track, while the band explores a new, more melodic sound on “Upside Down” and “Growing On You”. The most welcome new addition is Parker’s ability to sing, progressing from his shouting-style on previous albums; “Take Me As You Please” showcases this beautifully. Ryan Torf also deserves a lot of credit for the air tight drums on every track. The percussion is a huge standout. This album was made to be blasted in a car on a summer day.
Top 3: Out Of It, Light Year, Take Me As You Please
YSIV - Logic
I tried to keep it to one project per artist, so this beat out Bobby Tarantino II for me. Logic has dropped at least one project every year since 2010, let that sink in. Somehow, he has managed to not sound overdone or saturated, a true testament to his craft and workaholic nature. YSIV (Young Sinatra IV) revisits the 90-style boom-bap sound of his Young Sinatra mixtape trilogy that got him known. Logic sounds like he walked through a portal and it’s the early 2010s again, but his raps and 6ix’s production have both ascended to a new level. 1-800 fans will be very confused as the bar-hungry Logic of old resurfaces to show people that he’s still an animal on the mic with tracks like “Everybody Dies” and “The Return”. If you like straight bars then this is the album for you. The ENTIRE Wu Tang Clan makes an appearance on the song “Wu Tang Forever”. “Street Dreams II” is storytelling at it’s best, an ode to the style of rap that dominated the 90s. YSIV sounds like a genuine continuation of the Young Sinatra era, rather than a sequel or remake that tries too hard to be like the original. The only thing missing is an iconic Marty Randolph skit.
Top 3: The Return, Street Dreams II, Ordinary Day
A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships - The 1975
The working title “Music for Cars” sent fans into a frenzy thinking that the band was revisiting their early days. A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships proved to be the opposite by pushing the boundaries of the band’s sound. Yes, there are songs like TOOTIME and the single, “Love It If We Made It” that would sound perfectly at home on the previous album, but there are also jazzy songs like “Mine” and “Sincerity Is Scary” that we’ve never heard from this eclectic, pop quartet. The album explores a wide pallet of emotions, mostly surrounding love and relationships in the present day. They even propose the not so farfetched idea that we’re in a relationship with the internet and social media on “The Man Who Married a Robot”. I’ve always gravitated toward the instrumental interludes/tracks on The 1975 projects (excluding the remixed intros), but I also really enjoyed the softer songs as well on this one. This band has always encompassed many different feelings on their projects, but it’s broadcast on a similar spectrum for a given project. It’s hard to put this band in a box, and I really like that.
Top 3: Love Theme, Surrounded By Heads And Bodies, I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes)
K.O.D. - J. Cole
Anytime J. Cole has been quiet for what seems like too long you can guarantee he’s about to drop something. K.O.D. officially marks the end of the Forest Hills Drive era that was continued on 4 Your Eyez. The album is a bit of an uncomfortable, medicated listen, start to finish, but that’s the point. It hits close to home for those that have struggled with addiction personally, or witnessed friends and family grapple. Cole warns listeners of the dangers of addiction and drug abuse, especially as a staple of the modern rap scene. However, Cole shows us that addiction isn’t just substance based, but also comes in the forms of social media and ego, with deeper rooted problems that we cover with these things rather than face head on. “Photograph” calls out the ego-stroke that Instagram has turned into. Cole impressively comes off from a place of concern, rather than being preachy. The album isn’t an easy listen, but it’s a necessary one.
Top 3: Photograph, Kevin’s Heart, BRACKETS
Culture II - Migos
Migos wasted no time in following their 2017 breakthrough, Culture. Culture II essentially keeps the record spinning with a slew of new songs. A friend once said to me that most of Migos sounds the same, and there’s a lot of truth to that. But their triplet bar scheme is still catchy and a lot of these tracks are just a fun listen, whether you’re working out, cooking up a storm in the kitchen, or getting together with friends. “Supastars” and “Auto Pilot” are straight hype tracks, and the now ironic “Motorsport” slaps with the Nicki Minaj & Cardi B features. “Stir Fry” is a track that you can immediately hear Pharrell on despite his lack of vocals. Culture II is jam packed with lines that we’ve seen everyone use as Instagram captions throughout 2018, don’t count on that trend stopping anytime soon with Culture III already slated for early 2019.
Top 3: Motorsport, Movin’ Too Fast, Auto Pilot
Scorpion - Drake
There’s a lot I can say about Scorpion, I’ll try and keep it brief. The gargantuan work is a double album, split into 2 sides. Side A is more rap heavy, while Side B is moody R&B. The production on this record is phenomenal, 40 and OVO Sound killed this one. Scorpion feels like the long awaited followup to Take Care that so many people (myself included) have spent the past 7 years dreaming of. This isn’t the “beat your chest”, angry Drake of If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late, or the British, grime-stint that was More Life. This is Drake at his best, simply being Drake. He’s braggadocios on “Nonstop” (with the now iconic Tay Keith production tag) and “Talk Up” (with an amazing verse by Hov). He’s moody, with in your feels songs like “Jaded” that will keep you up past 3 AM thinking about relationships that you were never in. He finds himself attempting to navigate life on “8 Out Of 10” and “March 14th”. Scorpion is well worth the long listen, with a wide array of offerings. In my opinion, this is Drake’s best project since Nothing Was the Same.
Top 3: Jaded, Nonstop, 8 Out Of 10
Honorary Mention (so many songs!): Sandra’s Rose
Man of the Woods - Justin Timberlake
I wish it didn’t always take this man half a decade to make new music, but I’m okay with quality over quantity. A homage to his son, Man of the Woods finds JT at his pop roots, but attempting to blend in some folk here and there for some robust notes. Most of the time it works out. “Say Something”, with Chris Stapleton, is a prime example. “Montana” will sound a bit more familiar to fans that know his signature pop sound. “Midnight Summer Jam” is the sweet spot between these two sounds that will have you grooving. There’s an interlude that’s reminiscent of “Blue Ocean Floor” on 20/20 (a sound I wish he’d make a whole album with). The Alicia Keys duet, “Morning Light”, feels like waking up on a sunny day after a great night’s sleep without a care in the world. Man of the Woods showcases JT’s versatility and willingness to take risks and push boundaries as a pop artist in a genre that often sounds repetitive. Most of the time it’s rewarding, and even when it’s off-step I still appreciate the effort. This album definitely grew on me after multiple listens.
Top 3: Midnight Summer Jam, Wave, Montana
Ye - Kanye West
Okay, Kanye had quite the year… let’s stick to the music. Ye was apparently recorded mere weeks before the deadline, the album cover was shot on the way to the release party. Kanye apparently scrapped the Love Everyone album (rumored to be the upcoming Yandhi) after the whole MAGA controversy, when he received “new creative energy”. Ye is a short listen, seven tracks just shy of 24 minutes (a common them on all the projects Kanye worked on this year). The album packs a lot of content in for a short listen though, mainly addressing mental health, Kanye’s struggle with bipolar disorder (aka his “superpower”), and the turbulent year he had. Production is one of the highlights on the album; it opens with a dreamy sequence as Kanye speaks some dark lines, a stark juxtaposition. “Ghost Town” is the emotional climax of the album; Kid Cudi, 070 Shake, and PartyNextDoor nail their features, while Kanye delivers some of his best lines on the album. Kanye closes out on “Violent Crimes” with a touching note reflecting on his past behavior as a man and how he now worries for his daughter as she grows up in the world today. It’s a fairly cohesive album for such a rushed project, definitely better put together than The Life of Pablo. Say what you want about Mr. West, but the man is a musical genius.
Top 3: Ghost Town, No Mistakes, Yikes
Kids See Ghosts - Kids See Ghosts
People lost it when rumors dropped last fall that Ye and Cudi were working on a joint album. The idea sounded like a home run and something that needed to happen, especially after the momentary feud between the two as Cudi struggled with his mental health at the end of 2016. Kids See Ghosts delivers tenfold, and, in my opinion, is the better effort from Kanye this year (it’s a joint album so it’s an acceptation to my 1 project per artist rule). Ye and Cudi have always brought out the best in each other creatively, they’re yin and yang. “Feel the Love” starts the listen with Cudi chanting and harsh hitting production as Kanye shouts akin to a tommy gun. It sounds like the duo are using their voices as instruments and having fun with it, a theme present across all seven songs. Kanye chops up a 1930s Christmas song to make a banger on “4th Dimension”. As the album progresses, the two tackle their personal issues and struggles, slaying their demons, and coming out rejuvenated on the other side. Cudi returns with his signature hums and hooks, transitioning between rapping his ass off and gently delivering his verses. He delivers a new anthem with “Reborn”, assuring the world that he’s okay. Kanye saved his best bars for this album, delivering some of his best verses since Dark Twisted Fantasy (yes, I said it). Kids See Ghosts is trip that is a far more cohesive listen than Ye (not to take away from Kanye’s solo effort), and is a project that we sorely needed this year. It shows that Cudi is in a better place than in 2016 and the duo can still do what they do best: make good music. While “all killer, no filler”, it’s is a bit of a bummer that the album is only seven songs long, but the fact that they both want to do another certainly makes up for it.
Top 3: Reborn, 4th Dimension, Feel the Love
Testing - A$AP Rocky
We last heard from A$AP Rocky in 2015. Flacko makes his return in 2018 with Testing, an experimental venture. As soon as the staticky bass drops on “Distorted Records” you know that this project is going to be different. True to it’s name, testing offers a variety of sounds with no clear identity. The record feels like a stepping stone as to where Rocky is going, rather than where he is at right now. “Hun43rd” will take longtime A$AP fans back to the early 2010s, while “Buck Shots” will make you curious to see where Rocky goes in the future. Harder beats are contrasted with tracks that focus on gentle guitar strumming, like “Changes” and “Purity”. A lot of rappers tend to play it safe and not experiment much with their sound while focusing on their bars and going with whatever beat is considered “fire” at that moment. It’s rare to see someone, especially a big name like A$AP, really try a variety of sounds and put out an abstract project. It may not be what we expected after At.Long.Last.A$AP, but I give serious props to Rocky for trying something different and look forward to his next project, even if it’s another wait.
Top 3: Hun43rd, Buck Shots, Changes
Little Dark Age - MGMT
This one quietly flew under the radar. MGMT made their return with their first release in half a decade. While apparently inspired by the 2016 election, the album carries little political discourse. Without changing their sound too much, the duo delivers a throwback to the 80s. This album is an absolute bop, plain and simple. Despite sounding like it came from a time capsule, the album addresses a variety of topics relevant to society today. “Time Spent Looking at My Phone” warns of how engrossed we have become with social media and our smartphones and are oblivious to the world around us. “Me and Michael” sounds like a Hall & Oates tribute. Overall the album is a fun listen start to finish, the band’s core sound and the 80s make for an awesome crossover. It’s just really nice to have MGMT back.
Top 3: Me and Michael, James, One Thing Left to Try
Championships - Meek Mill
2018 has been a huge year for Meek. He got released from prison and became an advocate for judicial reform (if you aren't familiar with the situation I implore you to read up on it because the media seriously misrepresented the facts to make him look like the bad guy and it goes to show the issues in our criminal justice system and the improvements that need to be made), the blockbuster beef with Drake was squashed onstage by performing Dreams and Nightmares (one of the greatest intros of all time), and he capped it off with an album. Championships is a victory lap, celebrating his comeback from a rough stretch involving some major losses. Funky vibes are present all over the album, which is uncharacteristic, but welcome for the usually hard hitting MC. Meek still raps about money, women, and his gritty past over beats that will blow out your speakers if you’re not careful, but also reflects on bigger topics like social injustice on “What’s Free” and “Trauma”. Amends are made with Drake on “Going Bad”. Meek once again proves that he’s undefeated when it comes to intros with a Phil Collins sample. Championships is the celebration of a man that took his lumps and came back, pop some bottles and join in on the party.
Top 3: What’s Free?, Dangerous, Pay You Back
Tha Carter V - Lil Wayne
Word of The Carter V surfaced before I started college… I finished grad school this past year. The album spent the better part of the decade tied up amid legal battles and feuding with Wayne’s old mentor, Birdman, and Cash Money Records. Wayne spent the time releasing various projects to try and satisfy the demand. Carter V seemed to be this decade’s Detox, an album we would always hear about but never actually get. Thank goodness that was not the case. The album clocks in just shy of 90 minutes, a hefty listen. But remember, the album was once slated for a 2013 release and contains material recorded as far back as 2012. Personally, I’m glad Wayne decided to include as much material as he did, this was a long time coming. It’s easily his best project in quite some time and reminds people of why Wayne dominated last decade. There’s something to offer Wayne fans of all eras, Mixtape Weezy, early Carter, and experimental Wayne are all present on this record. Hype tracks like “Uproar” are contrasted with duets like “Dark Side of the Moon”. Wayne lights up verses on “Let It Fly” and “Mona Lisa” (which also contains an impressive appearance from Kendrick). The record is a fun listen start to finish, welcome back, Weezy.
Top 3: Dope New Gospel, What About Me, Let It Fly
Daytona - Pusha T
Daytona had expectations. We last heard from Push in 2015 and this was the first of the wave of albums from G.O.O.D. Music this summer, not to mention one of the ones that was recorded during Kanye’s sojourn in Wyoming and also featured the photo of the late Whitney Houston’s bathroom as the controversial album cover. Daytona sounds like a modern take on the 90s boom-bap sound. Kanye West reminds everyone that he is a producer turned rapper, with top-tier production as executive producer and makes an appearance on “What Would Meek Do?”. Push then gobbles up these sensational beats akin to someone that waited all day to eat Thanksgiving dinner. The new G.O.O.D. CEO hits hard with the verses on every track and pulls no punches. “Infrared” brought his longtime beef with Drake from a simmer to a full boil and laid the ground for one of the most elaborate, methodical spillings of tea that music saw in some time. Originally intended to be King Push, Kanye and Push apparently decided to scrap 2 full albums before creating what would become Daytona, the wait and process was well worth it. The production is some of 2018’s best and the verses back it up. The drug dealer turned executive talks the talk and walks the walk. Yes it’s very early, but I’ll say it: this album will go down as a classic and be remembered as one of the better rap albums of the late 2010s.
Top 3: The Games We Play, Hard Piano, If You Know You Know
And finally, it’s been over 2 years, but go listen to Frank Ocean’s Blonde again. That album has aged like a fine wine.
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