#especially if ur a non japanese speaking fan.
mushratting · 1 year
my experience w the kagerou project is sorta hilarious because i was a fan of the anime and the songs exclusively on and off for about seven years. part of that was bc the manga and novels were not finished for a while so i didnt read them bc i forgot they existed.
i also barely knew what the songs had going on. like i understood a lot of what the anime had going on in terms of characters and base plot tho. but i was a fan of the kagerou project half on gross misinterpretations and vibes alone.
i wildly misunderstood what the ending of mekakucity actors was. until i think winter of last year i thought that the project ended with everyone dying, including mary. and that ending had really stuck with me like all throughout my childhood and the kagerou project itself was VERY influential to me and still is. but learning that the thing that had influenced so much for my work thematically for so much of my time as a storyteller fully Never Happened is so fucking funny. what do you mean summertime record (episode 12) ends with everyone getting out and thats not the afterlife or something??
and its not like i only watched mekakucity actors once when i was 12 and then never again. i watched it a couple of times over the years and somehow the plot of the final episode managed to sail perfectly and beautifully over my head. in my defense episode 12 is kinda confusing and in my opinion very unclear and ambiguous so its not really all my fault.
cuz a core memory of last year was sitting with a friend of mine and telling him about kagepro and being like 'yea and it ends with them all dying' and talking about how that was interesting and kagepro was one of the works of fiction that influenced me the most. and that kinda made me get kagepilled again, except when i rewatched the anime again the ending actually clicked correctly in my brain and i awkwardly had to tell my friend that id fully spread misinformation to them about one of my favorite series of all time. funniest shit ever.
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kkbardd · 4 months
hi! popping in quickly.
I absolutely adore your artstyle and your ocs. their personalities and stories are always so interesting, and I look forward to seeing any type of art you post.
If you take a break from drawing asurei, that's completely okay!! doing things with joy is more important than just doing them. I will enjoy whatever you draw regardless— in fact, I regularly go back to that drawing of the unnamed pink haired girlfailure OC and her "friend" daily. i am mayhaps their number one fan.
please continue sharing your stories and ideas!! I adore your characters and designs so much. I am very excited for your toxic yuri freeloader/assassin story.. they are very interesting!!
also saw you did some dialogue in japanese.. do you speak it ? im quite interested in any language so.. apologies if this is off topic ><!
In any case, thank you for continuing to create. I love your art and hope you continue to draw what makes you happy and what you feel motivated to do. I love all your art regardless of subject matter!! in fact it convinced me to to start watching madoka magica :}
best wishes !! hope you're well!!
wahhh isopod !! u always send me the nicest asks when i need them most!! i hope ur doing well ~ although my last post sounded pretty depressing im actually doing pretty well too! im going to the aquarium next week w some friends so im looking forward to that more than anything >:D
I've been reading a lot of short yuri stories by Toyo Totan & Iwami Kiyoko lately and I'm excited to use that inspiration to improve some of my own OC stuff too! (I recommend 'Last Summer Vacation' !)
And yes I'm fluent in Japanese !! I'm actually an officer in my college's JP language community & I used to translate manga on the side !! I'm completely self-taught through videos though, so while my listening and speaking are fluent I actually suck at reading LOL I'm so bad that when I translated manga I'd use my camera's text to speech to do everything...
I'm a huge language nerd too! I watch a bunch of scientific videos/TED-Talks on how our brain learns languages and tips to learn things more efficiently! For example, apparently when you first start learning a language you should never try to speak it right off! If you try speaking before listening for a very long time, your brain just kinda solidifies your verbal pronunciation and it can have long-term effects on not only how you sound, but also how you HEAR sounds! This is also why some think that children learn languages better, because they spend a long time exposed to it while being non-verbal. I love this fact bc I kinda experienced it myself!
I spent about 2 years just watching JP translated videos of people speaking naturally (not videos aimed at foreigners, nor shows that have acting, more like vlog-type stuff!) and only started speaking when exposed to others who could speak it too ! Especially during COVID, I think I was pretty much spending ~80% of my day listening and thinking in Japanese so I was very immersed! And because of that, I'm a little famous in my community for having the best pronunciation 😤 Going to on a trip to Japan & translating for the people who went with me also boosted my confidence a lot! I'll never forget this guy at an izakaya who asked how many years I've been living in Osaka LOL ("three days actually!")
I think the biggest downside though is that once u learn another language, ur first language skills get bad.. i often think up half-sentences and sayings/metaphors in Jap that just sound wrong when you try to translate it back into Eng ;;; i sometimes trail off when i speaking because i forget the english word for certain things, but my friends are now just used to my weird metaphors so!
I went on such a long tangent!! But anyways!! Thank u for always sending me the sweetest asks, I always save them to my phone and I'm pretty sure all my friends know abt u bc I always show them the nice things u say 😭!! And yes!!! Madoka is so good, especially the movie so im excited ur gonna watch it!! I hope u like it!
and finally for their #1 fan <3 :
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catboymoments · 2 years
ohh wht are ur hcs on the tenmikoangies .. (either th pairing Itself or individuals i Do Not Mind :3)
- she’s very very feminine and loves girly things and people forget that!!! She loves ruffles and painting her nails and doing her hair and she’s a very big feminist. Girl
- I’m a much bigger fan of the original Japanese “horrible boys” catchphrase instead of the terfy “degenerate male” we get in the translation. Speaking of which people joke about Tenko being a terf which I absolutely hate. She would not be a terf. She would welcome anyone who wanted to become a girl!!! Being a trans woman is amazing and awesome!! I think I’m a modern/hpa/nondespair au she would follow a lot of transfem creators like Dylan Mulvaney and Kim Petras, and she would LOVE chihiro. If Angie and Himiko didn’t stop her she would be out protesting for LGBT rights in front of the Japanese parliament every day.
- Although I do think she has some internal biases about transmascs because “why would you not want to be a girl and be a horrible boy?” But she’s working on it and trying to understand. She’s unlearning a lot of harmful biases her old master instilled in her- she doesn’t have a hateful bone in her body and loves her friends no matter what!
- I think she loves having long hair, but it definitely gets in the way doing martial arts, so she does a lot of elaborate and pretty braids and hairstyles with cute accessories like bandannas and scrunchies! She likes doing Himiko and Angie’s hair when she can too- she especially loves Angie’s curls.
- Himiko loves close up magic we all know this, but I think she would also really love stuff like tarot, crystals and palm reading. She’s autistic and magic of all kinds is her special interest!
- she loves big cozy cardigans (cloaks) and fabrics with celestial patterns… I think she would be a fan of the olden town lmao
- in the nondespair au she has a black cat and a tabby cat named Midnight and Tiger
- she loves collecting shiny little trinkets, her room is cluttered but not in a messy way… it’s like howl’s bedroom
- fuck danganronpa canon I’m the boss now. Angie has curly hair I think. She’s so much more than the “crazy island girl” stereotype… augh
- she loves to go thrifting and go shopping at craft stores! You have to be careful with her because she can and will spend all of her money in one trip.
- she likes to cook! She makes traditional Polynesian food for her gfs!! Food is just another form of art after all!
- she doesn’t have a lot of issues with nudity because her culture she was raised in is just different, and while Japan has some non Eurocentric standards as well with communal bathing in hot springs and such, she can be a bit out there. Like she tends to walk around without shirts on at the house and if someone comes over she doesn’t think to cover up, she doesn’t wear bras, if she’s hot the clothes are coming off, etc. nudity isn’t sexual to her and that is okay!
- I need to do more research on different Polynesian cultures and decide which specific indigenous group she is, but I think it would be cool if she had traditional tattoos? It would mean she wouldn’t be able to use most public baths in Japan, but her culture is more important to her.
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chihirolovebot · 2 years
i feel like a big problem in the danganronpa fandom and anime fandom in general is japanese and east asian fetishism? i'm constantly coming across people who like, are super obsessed with dr & other similar media and give themselves japanese names and try to be 'experts' on japan and its culture. i'm a japanese-american and this is so frustratingly common where i go to school and i did like a cultural camp this summer and it was just packed with weeaboos who were totally convinced they could be japanese if they tried hard enough. there's a lot of like, racist -- maybe unintentionally but still racist -- danganronpa fans (especially teenage cosplayers on tiktok??) and obv there's elements of racism in the games themselves (rn i can't think of many examples off the top of my head except for angie?) it might also just be an american thing, do you see this very often as a british anime fan? (sorry for ranting in your inbox lol i thought as a fellow dr fan who's kind of like, willing to confront the bad sides of the franchise + fandom you would be able to get what i'm saying :P)
you're all good!! it's an interesting and frustrating topic to be sure. i'll answer the easiest thing u brought up first— as a british anime fan, i would say the subculture is a lot smaller here than it seems in america? conventions and stuff don't seem to be as popular or as often as they are elsewhere. like i've never heard of an anime convention anywhere near me, for example, and i have a few bigger cities near me. STILL obviously anime and japanese media consumption breeds weirdos.
when i moved into my flat for my first year of uni one of my flatmates was one of those people who are. very loud about liking anime? idk i kind of see anime as like, just another form of media, not a personality trait or even the only thing i consume. like, i watch a lot of shows that aren't anime and play a lot of games that aren't japanese, so i personally dont see the point in identifying urself as an anime-watcher or a 'weeb' which. blegh. but yeah he was ur typical 'mommy-misato-dragon-maid-zero-two' fanboy who randomly broke into broken japanese, referenced anime all the time even when he knew the person he was talking to hadn't watched or even heard of what he was referencing, and overall just seemed to have a very distorted idea of what japan... is like? and obviously im english and have never been to japan so, i dont claim to know what japan is like either. but this guy seemed to think it was some apolitical utopia full of 'traditional' women who all adhere to the 'waifu' archetype (which. gross. fucking gross). i mean needless to say i dont speak to this guy anymore. but my point being that yeah, there is definitely still elements of asian fetishisation present in groups here in britain!! it's why i tend to avoid people who make watching anime their whole personality, i guess, because it always seems to lead to other red flags.
i think some of it you can chalk up to healthy fascination. like, japan and most other asian countries are super different culturally to england, or britain as a whole. for me, i think it's fun to learn about cultural differences, and japan has a very interesting history (in good ways and bad) and it's generally a fascinating country. but what a lot of people do is let the way it's portrayed in anime become a representative for how they think the country actually is, which, like. eh. i guess it's kinda like how a lot of non-brits think all our schools are like hogwarts, when if you want actual representation you should look to educating yorkshire or the inbetweeners. but obviously there's a line to be drawn, and i think it's stupid to assume you know what a country and its people are like because you've consumed media from that country.
as for racism in the game. yeah. the mishandling of angie's god (which, i think is a localisation thing?? apparently in the original japanese, she just called her god, 'god.' and 'atua' was done in the localisation as they thought she was polynesian. but this is very weird and i dont see why they would change it when 'god' is used in many, many cultures and 'atua' is a lot more specific). there's also the daisaku bendai, the ultimate farmer, who's design is..... awful. and then there's the anti-semitic imagery, particularly on kokichi's splash-art, where he wears a nazi-esque hat and holds grape fanta (for those unaware, fanta was a drink create by nazi germany) as well as his title being ultimate supreme leader. it's a bit. like. one of those things on it's own would maybe be okay but all three together is a lot of nazi imagery and it's very odd.
in short, there's a fuckton of racism surrounding danganronpa, both in the game and in the fandom. it's awful and disgusting, and disheartening that this kind of stuff should still exist in 2022, and im very sincerely sorry you have come across it so often. i think it's a consumers duty to educate themselves about the media they consume and think critically about it. i dont even really say i 'like' danganronpa because most of the time im sort of fed up with it and all the problematic aspects. it's more just like, i see the potential for something great and it frustrates me a lot that it wasn't developed, as well as being attached to a lot of the characters. but yeah. thank you for this ask, it was actually a good thought exercise and i hope it helped get some frustration off your chest too!
once again. obviously. im not japanese or asian at all, so if i've said anything that comes off as ignorant, please just drop me a message correcting me. and if you have any other thoughts on this, feel free to send them my way ^.^
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bisexualhobi · 3 years
Ur pinned tweet😂😂😂😂its what u deserve we knew u were right, but it does feel so good to hear it from bts themselves like they didnt want to do it or that they didnt feel entirely up for it.
And for the record i dont think saying that singing in english feels unauthentic or insincere is a hot take, theyre not english speakers and theyve never done music thats like butter/dyn/ptd, its not weird to say that this is a change that feels a bit odd. Its annoying when ppl say that its racist when i just want the boys to make music they like or r comfortable with and that they like, and not to simply appease the mainstream/white english speaking audience. (And this is not to say they shouldnt do english songs just bc theyre not english speakers or theyve never done an english song, they can 100% do that, they can try it out like if a song they like comes along and they wanna do it like thats fine, but that means its also fine fr fans to not like it either, its the fact that it has become racial and xenophobic DISCOURSE😭 )
yup!! saying that disliking bts' english songs is racist or xenophobic is a fallacy. it relies on a strawman argument that misses the point on purpose - comparing it to idols singing in Japanese is not the same simply bc Japanese doesn't hold the cultural hegemony that English does.
bts sings in Japanese because historically the hallyu wave has relied on Japanese-Korean relations since they are dependent markets. bts is expected to sing in English because every single form of media is held to an American consumption standard, if it's not marketable for the US it is not seen as a serious profitable investment for companies - and the American public is notoriously xenophobic and averse to non English media.
especially after bts had been saying for YEARS that they would never sing in english because that is not them, the fact that they now only care about releasing english songs that are palatable and indistinguishable from top 40 bubblegum pop proves that they are selling out to the interests of the west - and it's hybe that's forcing them to do this.
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seoafin · 4 years
still the same prev anon, and omg the sukuna one. i feel like there’s a misconception of him especially in the int. fandom bc it’s not visible in the translation but jjk is influenced by buddhism heavily. there’s no real concept of good/ evil in it. and by that the whole power system is derived from it (speaking as a buddhist), there’s 2 main things that affect our karmic law : akusala and kusala. i wonmt be going too deep but just like jjk. examples on akusala are depression, melancholy (1)
sloth, those are not considered to b evil as we know it in eng. and kusala is the opposite but is NOT considered as “good”, examples are intelligent, skillful, contented, beneficial and good. basically kusala are what most buddhist should stride for, it’s possible to achieve enlightment thru sunyata first. meaning emptiness in the sense of recognition of good n evil being 2 opposing principles but not a reality, emptying the duality of them and acheieving a oneness. Tl;dr buddhism has always (2)
been abt suffering (negative emotions) and enlightment. and i’m,,,, somewhat confused when ppl are saying sukuna is evil. he’s not at least not in the western sense of the term. he’s chaotic. just pure, unaldurated chaos. he’s human nature completely stripped of its humanity and that’s why he’s so fascinating. seeing the fandom reducing him to the “mob boss who’s only capable of loving his s/o and would destroy the world if they wish so” is disheartening for me 😞 (3/ i forgot if i wrote 2)
and to an extension, he doesn’t have the capability of being compassionate that most ppl think. i’m not gonna namedrop but someone was basically like “DO NOT write dub/non con for sukuna” bc it just (idk what the exact word was i forgot but for me it sounds close to glorify) r*pe culture in fandoms which by no means i am doing it rn but the only time manga readers saw him as “compassionate” was that time with jogo being insecure of his power after that showdown with gojo and that was ONLY (4)
related to his strength not the “yea i saw the good in u </3 that the fandom constantly potrayed. and i can’t and won’t ever see him fit in the “being gentle for 1 person” trope. not that it’ll stop ppl from writing it that way 🥴 and no matter how u look at it, content creators put a lot of effort into what they’re making no matter how dark it is b i won’t ever shit on them for having a different take on jjk characters. (5)
how do u actually view sukuna or the jjk characters doe 👁👁 i've always wanted to ask but i kept forgetting until the post. tldr = i'm rambling abt the mischaracterization that the fandom constantly do and i'm so sry for putting this in ur inbox
Thank you for taking time out of your day to write all of this anon!! You didn’t annoy me in the slightest, and everything you said is super fascinating!
everything you said is RIGHT!! You put it so well! Buddhist influences are heavily incorporated in jjk and some examples are blatant like gojo's "I alone am the honored one" quote and sukuna's four arms, however there are also underlying buddhist themes in the manga that I do think western fans wouldn’t be able to get unless they’re somewhat familiar with Buddhism.
as western fans i feel like we have to be cognizant of these cultural differences and address them with cultural awareness and nuance (which is inevitably lost if when you’re just horny about characters which hey! isn’t bad!) But there’s a level of respect we have to treat characters with which means we can’t push our western assumptions onto these characters either (that’s also a reason why lgtbq/gender discourse on JAPANESE characters in JAPAN made by western fans always irritate me like you cannot carelessly approach these things without nuance!!) (yes I am @ ing the BNHA fandom lmaooo)
but you’re completely right about Sukuna’s character!! I myself cannot write Sukuna as anything other than what he is, and that is someone who wouldn’t be nice to his s/o (? can i even call it that?) I just...don’t think he’s capable of love (in the way we think about it anyway). Fondness....maybe...if you don’t bore him but typical love? Unfortunately no. I literally don’t think any relationship with Sukuna would be healthy in the slightest, and like I said, unless the reader’s a super freak (which, hey good for them!) It probs would veer into the noncon territory lmao
Also LOL this is funny but I also saw that post you’re referencing. While I did agree with some of the points made, I didn’t agree with all of them. Dub/non con is not the same as pedo****** and in*** and I say that as someone who studies theoretical media + I’m also a lab assistant in a media lab where we regularly talk about sexualized r*pe (aka written by men) vs fantasy r*pe. (If you guys want me to make a post about it going into more depth then I will)
i think you’re completely valid for having those feelings. especially as dichotomy between good and evil is always framed in the western sense of things, because that’s how western fans make sense of these concepts. Meaning does inevitably get lost in the translation (I haven't read jjk in Japanese but maybe I'll attempt it over the break if it isn’t too hard but i have a feeling that some of the terminology is going to go straight over my head lol) 
In the end, people are writing for fun so they might not be too inclined to well, care about these differences, and like I said before people can interpret the characters how’d they like, so I don’t really think about it much. But for me, I’d like to be mindful of jjk’s themes when writing about it!
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evilelitest2 · 4 years
Why do fascists hate capitalism?
Good question.  About half the reasons they hate capitalism are the same reason most leftist do, bad people are still likely to be annoyed at a bad thing that hurts them. Here are the other reasons 
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1) Fascists don’t believe in social mobility.  Capitalism core tenant is “social mobility’, that somebody can work hard and become a billionaire, blah blah blah.  Now this focus on social mobility is and always has been mostly a lie, but even rhetorically capitalism values the notion of social advancement.  fascists do not, in fascist ideology, your birth determines your place in the world, and is part of a “natural order”.  The only way to improve yourself is through war, and even that is more fulfilling your existing destiny rather than creating your own.  Thus Fascists despises any form of social advancement outside military leadership, which is a major reason why they hate liberalism, socialism and communism, but its also a reason why they hate capitalism (though they usually prioritize the left wing ideologies first).  This is even more true for them when somebody they think is “inferior” advances ‘above their station.  Fascists aren’t aristocratic, but they hate capitalism for much of the same reason that the feudal aristocrats and monarchs hated it.  It brings change and challenges the caste system 
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(Speaking of which) 
2) On that note, capitalism is rarely…ideologically racist.  Now capitalism is racist, it promotes and enforces existing racial hierarchies, and much of the damage of colonialism can be laid at the feet of capitalism.  However capitalist ideology rarely buys directly into blood purity or “The Volk” style race theory that fascists so love.  Capitalism in the US makes it super difficult for a black man to advance compared to his white counterpart, but if a black man does manage to become a billionaire, capitalism is basically cool with it.  If you look at a demographic breakdown of the 1%, it is mostly old white men (and almost all people who at least partially inherited their wealth) but it also includes a lot of non white people and women.  its a minority and many of them come from dictatorships (Saudi Arabia, China ect) but the ‘richest people in the world club isn’t entirely monochromatic.  To leftists, this doesn’t seem especially impressive, but to fascists it is way too much diversity.  Because capitalism is at its heart…amoral, the system will keep going even if the 1% are majority non white, gay or women, but to fascists that is terrifying.  they barely tolerate capitalism because the ruling class are mostly straight white dudes, but the thought of the ruling class not overlapping with their belief in racial science to them is terrifying 
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3) Capitalism is ultimately an amoral system.  It doesn’t really believe in a larger ideology beyond “make a fuck ton of money”  and “innovate…somehow.” It does evil things because it believes that doing so will make them money, if doing the right thing will make them more money, they will.  Capitalism is just an utterly mercenary ideology, and will gladly pretend to support progressive causes if it turns a profit.  Again, leftists (rightly) aren’t big fans of this, but fascists hate it for the same reason we do honestly.  
Like you know the whole “Woke capitalism” thing that gets leftists worked up.  its doing something good but you know they don’t care and so they will abandon us the moment they feel like they can get away with it and all that.  That is how fascists feel about the racism in capitalism, they like it but because it is not ideological, they don’t trust it. 
Again this seems weird to leftists, but yes, fascists don’t like capitalism because it isn’t racist enough.  We tend to interact with capitalism more than fascism, so people often don’t realize how much worse it can get 
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4) Capitalism doesn’t care about the spiritual, except as something to sell.  ironically for all the hatred capitalism and communism have for each other, the two ideologies actually share a lot in common, they are super secular, materialist, and basically assume that everything in the world is nothing more than simply products.  Communists and capitalists disagree on what should be done with these goods, but neither of them believe there is anything beyond this world.
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Fascists utterly reject this world view, they hate it, they hate it with a thousand suns.  I know that there current image is a sort of ironic racism chanboard nonsense, but in terms of their actual beliefs, Fascists take everything super seriously.  The entire argument of Nazism is that they value symbols more than actual human life, and they are fiercely attached to various “spiritual” political issues even if they are officially atheists.  I mean capitalism doesn’t give a damn about “degeneracy” because it isn’t actually a material thing, its just an aesthetic preference, there is no like “measurement” of degeneracy.  same goes for honor, the family, purity, and their approach to art, fascism is in many ways about finding meaning in otherwise mundane things.  So at fascist rally to them is this transcendental almost religious experience, while a capitalist would be more It interested in trying to find a way to make money off it.   Fascism is a highly Romantic movement, which doesn’t play well with the cynical wordy perspective of capitalists, who believe in nothing.  
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Fascists also dislike aristocracy, but they love the myth and romance that is necessary for aristocracy and monarchy.  They basically want aristocracy of the skin.  
5) Fascists kinda…hate the idea of money.  Like Capitalism emerged from the merchant classes and is basically came about with the argument “all of your aristocratic concerns over honor, titles, and god are stupid, what matters is who has the money and how you use it”  And Fascists just hate that worldview, one of their defining traits is their love of war and conflict, in fact fascists prioritize war over almost everything else.  It has been noted by smarter men than I (I recommend Ur Fascism) that Fascism is basically a death cult, they want effectively an endless war that they can die gloriously in destroying their enemies.  
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Consistently by the way, fascists will prioritize destroying the people they see as inferior over securing their own material best interest.  Hitler probably could have run his dictatorship in Germany on his own for quite a long time and lived in luxury, but he wanted a giant war because that is what they care about.  
in fact actively seem to indulge in self destructive short term ideologies.  The Nazi economic policy was an absolute joke, with the economy serving as nothing more than something to keep the war effort going.  Stephen Miller, the most fascist like person in trump’s administration, is hyper fixated on a brutal immigration policy, even though it actually hurts the economy.  Fascists oppose freedom of movement and free trade, even though those are policies neoliberal capitalism supports.  The reason is that Fascists value the preservation of “The Volk” over profits, and would rather their people suffer than have to live alongside other races (these people are deeply stupid)
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6) Fascism doesn’t enjoy having fun.   I know for most of, our experience of capitalism is misery as we work, to earn the right to work, to earn the right to give, ourselves the right to buy, ourselves the right to live, to earn the right to die.  However the way that capitalism sells itself is basically “buy lots of shit and that will make yourself happy”.    
Fascism doesn’t really…like being happy.  As i said before, they like war, they like conflict, they like having an enemy who they can destroy.  To fascists, what matters most is how you kill and how you die, rather than enjoying life.  Fascism is about fetishistic death.  Pink Floyd was right that Fascism is almost a form of intellectual suicide.  
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If you look at Japanese fascism, there is big fixation on aesthetic purity focus, with the only thing mattering being conflict 
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7) Capitalism tends to value the urban, the industrial, and the technology, while fascists, like the Confederates before them, are enamored with the rural and the pre-industrial.  This might seem surprising, but there are a lot of fascists who are into environmentalism, Nazis Germany was one of the first states to pass laws banning animal cruelty and limiting smoking.  Fascists are really into this sort of “Clean earth, clean people’ aesthetic which always serves as the breeding ground for cruelty.
8) Capitalism tends to be leery of state control and fascists are all about that shit 
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9)Finally….we need to be frank.  A lot of the ways we talk about anti capitalism actually can fit really nicely into the antisemitic narratives that so dominated fascist thinking.  
so the Marxist says 
“Hey the entire world is controlled by a tiny elite of rich greedy parasites who are making us fight each other in order to benefit themselves”
And the Fascist says 
“Yeah….they are Jewish”
its actually really hard to depict the rich as a class without accidentally wandering into anti Jewish sentiments, because the last 2,000 years of anti Jewish racism has been about creating conspiracy theories where they secretly control the entire world.  A lot of what fascism does is taking existing issues of capitalism and being like “oh yeah…that is the fault of the Jews.  Or migrants/African Americans/Muslims/feminists ect.  Gamergate is a good example of this, they are pissed at corporations, but they blame feminists rather than you know…the inherently predatory nature of capitalism.  Many of the things we don’t like about capitalism are things they also don’t like about capitalism.  This is a major thing they do in terms of recruiting, they focus on getting people pissed at capitalism but then make it be secretly run by Jews rather than you know..Jeff Bezos.
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  (nazi properganda and below are soviet Images of capitalism ) 
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(and sometimes both) 
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This is why btw, I am less anti capitalist than most leftists, because talking to fascists makes you appreciate things about them.  Hitler was destroyed by both a communist dictatorship and a capitalist democracy working together.  
Its worth noting that while fascists do hate capitalism, they hate socialism a lot more, and tend to ally with capitalist to kill leftists, as we see from the Weimar Republic.  Fascist are often ok with certain types of corporate authoritarianism, but in the same way the left can be ok with somebody like Obama.  
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(Frank Miller’s Batman is if Libertarian and Fascism had a baby) 
The lesson I would take from this is that just because somebody hates the thing you hate, doesn’t mean they are necessarily your ally, they might in fact be even worse. Yet another reason to distrust the dirtbag left 
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