#especially lizzie. like CMON
nexo-nex · 2 years
Out of all the flaws that EAH has in its story, one of the biggest mistakes was to ""redeem"" Courtly in ONE episode, only for her to never be seen again in the later episodes, not even as a backgrounder
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luffyvace · 4 months
Ciel Phantomhive relationship hcs~
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He looks so goood in the new artsyle! The animation studio did black butler justice!!
Update: did undertaker will Alois sooner or later 😉
Okay in these hcs your whatever gender you want but your an earl/noble ;}
also Lizzy is your friend and she introduced you to Ciel
okay now that that’s cleared
when Ciel first met you let’s be honest here he probably didn’t fall head over heels in love with you 🗿
cmon guys let’s be realistic
but he certainly did live up to the expectation of the phantomhive hospitality!
he was very thoughtful and caring of you as his guest~
and your comfort definitely took priority!
your were throughly impressed!
he held a small smile as he chatted with you and gave a mini tour
he admits to himself he finds you to be very beautiful/handsome
onwards to after the courtship! :)
when you first start dating it’ll be the phantomhive hospitality all over again
…times 100.
Sebastian might as well be your butler by the way he’s making your butler/maid look
your pillows are fluffed and your sheets and blankets are warm and clean each day
(thanks mey rin 💗🗣)
the food is always scrumdidiliumstious (scrumptious)
you play many, many games to keep you from being bored
any drink you want is in your grasp
whatever you want to do—as long as Ciel’s not busy—sounds wonderful to him! 😊
if you annoy him like how Lizzy does in the anime you’ll never hear of it
and I mean- don’t get me wrong he’s not perfect
especially not someone such as him, who has a lot of stress on him
so you might here a huff (that you weren’t supposed to hear)
but he’s sure to make it up to you quickly 💖
his love languages are acts of service and gift giving
half because those two things can be materialistic which ngl is kinda easier for him
particularly when it comes to showing love and affection
and half because he feels really good when he gifts you something you love
even if you don’t have a grand reaction he still feels satisfied
and acts of service is easy too!
he can simply tell Sebastian to do whatever it is you want!
even though you have your own butler/maid- 😃
He most certainly won’t like pda
If you initate it he won’t shove you off obviously
he loves you!
and that’ll ruin his reputation!
but when your back at the manor he’ll gently break it to you that he’s not comfortable with it and it’s not that he doesn’t love you it’s just that!-
he also plays it very safe when it comes to what you do in the public eye
everyones looking for him to screw up
Even more so because he’s so young
to which he always make sure to use utmost care and delicacy when out and about with you
honestly I feel Ciel would like someone who’s a bit more patient or calm
at least don’t be bouncing off the walls 😞😭
he enjoys going on walks in his or your garden
I think he would be happy with traveling as well
somewhere relaxing and quiet
less bustling with chatter and carriages
It’d make a perfect anniversary gift for him *hint hint* 😉
even though I’m sure he’d have more than enough activities for you all planned
i know you two’ll work it out 💕
Ciel absolutely keeps you away. from Alois
he tells you who he is (some things) and all so you don’t get too curious
so please, don’t be curious.
that killed that cat! :P
Ciel would want you to try out Earl Gray but if you don’t like it he wouldn’t mind indulging in what you like 👍
Ciel doesn’t believe himself to be the best possible candidate for a partner out there
Even though he believes he needs to be. for you.
what you think?
when you hear the word ‘love’ he’s the first person that comes to mind ♥︎
:3 cute.
Yus undertaker next ♪( ´▽`)
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muchmossymess · 18 days
Okay I've been thinking more about my majoras mask boat boys au so here are some things (and cries for help)
So for those unfamiliar, majoras minecraft au (I think thats what I've been calling it??) is a relatively boat boys centric au but I want to contain other characters and such. Only problem, I dont watch that many people. So I call on the help of you lot of nerds! /aff
Oh and uh, if you don't know majoras mask, what are you doing with ur life go play it!! (or just learn a bit about it)
So we have etho as link and joel as tatl (fairy companion), grian as skull kid and jimmy as tael (also a fairy). That's about all I had confirmed back then, I have done a little thinking since then.
Mask salesman scar. You cannot tell me anything else it woks so perfectly. He keeps the masks in these sort of hidden compartments of his wheelchair, just like opens up a little door with a 'peruse my wares' look on his face.
Mumbo is the moon. No explanation needed. (I might make him someone else as well to give him a bit more of a role but like. cmon I had to)
Now in the more uncertain categories I've got postman pearl (duh, but I don't want to feel like im just shoving her to the side?), lizzie as either a great fairy (mby all of them bc why not) or zelda, bc a sheik lizzie would be great but she's not much in the story, and maybe oli (orionsound) is the zora mask, idr his name but he was weird and he was music so it feels appropriate.
Now onto a big hurdle is WHO WILL BE ANJU AND KAFEI!?!? Anju and kafei are THE love story of majoras mask, the are so cute and sad and I love them very much. I was first thinking impulse and bdubs (bc I am unoriginal and don't know many pairings, also the short bdubs jokes will never end) but then I was thinking hmm, maybe ren and martyn?, bc kafei has a cute lil canine mask and the fits ren and also he's the mayors son so like power? (can you tell I only watch like 3 people) and then martyn is there being all worried girlfriend (anju in game is not flattened to love interest dw).
I've also been thinking very baseline with a few of these but cleo as the gibdo mask man in ikana, gem as the fierce diety mask or maybe the goron mask, bdubs as romani (or epona lol), and like a ties/best/ect thing for the bombers (- etho ofc), maybe tango as cremia
Anyway so yeah because of the IMMENSE amount of characters I am asking for y'alls aid. Some other notable characters (that I know about) are: shikashi/the telescope guy, the professor, Pierre the scarecrow, the indigo-gos (especially lulu), deku princess, deku butler (and his dead son), sharp and flat, kotake and koume, kaepora gaebora/that really big fucking owl, the four giants, the rosa sisters, kamaro, guru guru, and finally, grog.
(Oh, and tingle is chat personified ;P)
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Note: I am not a big Alyssa Chang stan but stop sending hate to her beautiful actress Olivia! Let the beauty breath y'all. You can dislike a character but respect the actor/actress.
𝘖𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘔𝘪𝘴𝘴 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨 & 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘳 𝘚𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘻𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘸𝘪𝘯: 𝘈 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘙𝘈𝘕𝘛
You can all blame Alyssa for 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤~Josie, right? Its not as if Alyssa rightfully wanted revenge for Alaric desiring to wrongfully erase Alyssa's memories without her consent, leave her to be 13/14 forever, with a sociopath & 3 supernatural species in a death game in which started since Alaric has sent students, children away into a prison world long before Alyssa because they were in there for 10 WHOLE FUCKING YEARS? Right? But when Josie dabbles into dark magic, harms Lizzie, harms Ethan, & an innocent girl who liked Landon & all around encouraged abelist & bully behavior with Lizzie, we were all superrrrr silent. This whole fandom just playing quiet game huh? We're hiding so well from the cat that happens to be accountability for Josie's actions huh? Her going dark, attempting The Merge with Lizzie, TVD super snapping Alyssa's neck, yeah oh & her attempted genocide on an entire school of teens, preteens, & children? Tehe just ✨💕𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰𝔃💕✨Everyone including Lizzie who's grown & matured as a character reverts in bullies & shits on Alyssa for what...Insulting & pushing a girl who killed her & ALMOST HER WHOLE SCHOOL into a small puddle of mud? Really? Alyssa got her trauma & pain slam dunked into her face by Lizzie who I love, but cmon girl! Lizzie is much better than this & she should be held accountable for that. I really expected better from her especially, since what she did to Alyssa is what Penelope the Stalker pulled on her in 1x05 in the gym. Alyssa deserves to be more than some one dimensional minor antagonist to push the whole "Josie is an innocent martyr!" Narrative. She deserves her story, her depth, & her justice along with her accountability for sending the Saltzmans to the Prison World. But tbh just for the twins. Mainly Lizzie. Josie & Alaric can stay there lmfao. I'd celebrate. Julie Plague better not shit on our poor Lizzie's development & while I don't like Alyssa I feel really bad. Give this girl & her actress some justice!
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As a reward for surviving this post, have our gorgeous Olivia!
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& let's give some love to our Jenny Boyd!
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A bonus prize: Kaylee Bryant! (Who revealed that everything dark~josie did was rooted in something Josie wanted to do so... 😬 can we just agree Josie is shit & Kaylee is a bae? Kaylee being my freakin baby is the only reason I haven't lost my mind yet)
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unikornu · 4 years
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Page 13, Reassurance,
Early morning at Nuka Town gives impression that its still asleep but it never is. Raider patrols are always on their watch to make sure traders do not slack and prepare their stations, just without excessive shouting due to early hours and half of them being hangover. Neither asleep was Gage and Lucy. They were heading relaxed towards the south exit, wind blowing rather strong today, raising the dust particles and paper scraps in the air. 
-You look rather…uhmm professional today, Boss. Gage pointed out looking at the white sturdy vest with a high collar around the neck. It was striking Institute right in the face but it had more combat aspect to it rather than the appearance of the usual lab coat especially that she still kept her spiked bracers on. With a tight pants and sleeves combined with some additional reinforcements into the grey fabric it almost looked like a field agent suit. He wasn’t complaining one bit about it, once he took a good look at her back and dropped his eye lower. 
- Ekhem. Lucy grunted under her nose pulling her hair into a ponytail and directing his attention back up to her. - Since Lizzie managed to burn holes in my usual clothes after last trip i had to find a temporary replacement. Institute provided me with it as i agreed to be their agent on the ground before i came here.
- Institute shitheads…i really hope they won’t interfere with our plan Boss. I know they are involved in some shady stuff out there but, shit… you have been there, ya know better, i hope. Gage looked at her raising his eyebrow. He knew the eggheads were the only ones Lucy didn’t turn away so far, hell, she’s been even sending them occasional reports on her situation and to his surprise after each one sent there would a package awaiting for them under the famous corpse “decorated’ tree that was burning each night spreading the smoke and stench of fresh victims that didn’t escape the gangs thirst for caps and blood.
- I think they just want to survive and reach their own goals, pushing their plans, no matter the cost even if its humanity…not so different than us, don’t ya think? We, here, just lack uhm, some control and manners i guess? And we don’t run around in clean lab coats. She ended her thought with a shrug looking for a small confirmation back from the raider.
-Maybe….i dunno Boss..but still, lots of folks out there never dare to raise their fucking nose higher out of their stupid little lives to see all of this deeper like us,  so we will have to deal with their opinion the usual way, my favorite one. He smiled with a corner of his mouth at the thought.
They passed the station and decided to take the first stop at the remains of the small town nearby. 
----- -So who are those Hubologists that we are about to visit? Never heard of them. Are they any threat to us?
-Threat? - Gage laughed. -No…but they sure are weird as fuck. I pointed a gun at one of them once and the shithead still asked me if i’m truly happy. And then he just walked away like nothing happened. I guess we find out more today, Boss. 
They strolled slowly through the ruins with their weapons prepared for any surprise awaiting in the shady, crumbling corners. Instead they heard some voices deeper into the town and sounds of a brawl. They nodded at each other and rushed towards the noise. Peeking from behind the wall they noticed a troubled caravan trying to fend off a group of hungry oversized crickets. 
-Cmon Gage, lets help them first and ask questions later. She ordered but Gage hesitated a bit as he wasn’t always feeling like giving a helping hand to a strangers but eventually listened and went after her, growling under the nose. After a short struggle with nasty jumpy invaders traders turned towards the duo pointing their guns at them. There were five of them, three men dressed as an escort and two women. 
- Easy there. Lucy backed off a step, raising her knife in the air. - We just saw you were in trouble and felt like jumping in.
- Right…i’m sorry. We just prefer to be sure you are not raiders trying to steal from us. Eh, its ok men. Just put the gun down. The woman with short dark blond hair stepped out and ordered.  
- Are you a trader? And how did you end up here? It’s not very….common road. Lucy punched Gage with an elbow to put his rifle down as well.
- Yes, we are merchants. I’m Cora. After our village didn’t survive the attack of  the super mutants we decided to move on and we heard about Diamond City. We are just on our way there. Are you from…? She looked down at her suit squinting her eyes in suspicion.
-Institute? Oh no no…i’m just a field scientist, Lucy, helping some folks in Nuka Town with local…flora and getting some materials for my work. She lied and smiled at her. - And this is my lovely mercenary Porter that i hired to protect me out there. Lot of nasty bugs. She patted him on the shoulder like a good pup. Gage was about to punch her in the arm but noticed what she was stirring there and decided to leave it for later. - You mentioned Diamond City? Its still a long road. Why don’t you just stop by the Nuka Town? 
- We actually never heard of it. Everyone were saying that Diamond City is the best stopping big point right now and very safe for traders. 
- Of course, because they have never been in Nuka Town. It is as safe as Diamond City and i can guarantee you that can get really good deals there. And as a scientist i do have quite high standards. You should really check it out first, with your group you can get there in around two hours. Look i can show you in this tiny little device. She approached Cora and showed her a location of Nuka Town on her map. With her looks and some basic science babble on how she got a working pipboy she managed to convince them to stop by Nuka Town. 
-Dayum Boss…i was not expecting you doing that. He whispered to her as they were waving back at the Cora in the distance.
-Doing what? Lying to them…partly? They sat in the patio chairs in the camp left by traders to catch on a snack and drink before moving to Hubologists. 
- You know what’s gonna happen. You might see them in a few days..just they won’t be that grateful this time but..screw em. You just pushed yourself to the next level Boss. Gage grinned proudly but Lucy got stirred for a moment in her thought process on what she just did. It all happened so natural and fast, no doubt stopped her at any second of it. Was she becoming truly evil, heartless? Or just stepping up in a survival ladder and shaping every occasion to benefit her community.
- Hey Boss…heyyyyy. He shook her by the shoulder.
-Ugh sorry i got caught again in some..thoughts. She raised her hand and brushed the inner corners of her eyes. Gage wasn’t very much for a talk but he at least wanted to show at least a little bit of interest beyond the usual routine from time to time.
-Um..something troubling you Boss? He asked and offered her a cigarette.
- Did you ever lie so much in your life that you actually felt bad for it at some point? She snatched a smoke out of the pack.
- I don’t think so Boss….as i started my fucked up “career” quite early. I kind of lied to my parents promising them to take care of everything as i grow up, be a good man or some shit. I ended up just taking care of myself but i accepted the facts and moved on pretty fast. He lighted one for himself and stuffed the pack back into his pocket in ugly fashion.
- I lied to my partner before, our whole time actually but i loved him at the same time. The longer it was going the easier was lying but at the end of the day i felt more and more like shit for hiding what i was doing, with my boss and the gangs. And he truly loved me back and believed everything to the very end. It wasn’t fair for him. She left out a deep sigh along with the smoke. 
-Look..Boss. That is gone and none of it matter here anymore. I don’t care who you were before. What is fucking important is if what ya do feels right for ya and if it keeps your head on your shoulders. Sometimes you might need to dirty your hands up to get there but…yeh. Gage stood up and threw a smoke to the ground. 
-So far you didn’t have to lie to yourself, neither to me as you came here so i guess….you’re good eh? He looked down at her, with reassuring smile and offered her a hand. He usually failed at offering any kind of support other than the one related to bullets but he was quite convinced he managed to deliver some of it this time.
- Ye…i think you are right, okay, enough of this. Lets go. She grabbed his palm and pulled herself up focusing her mind back to their daily task. He was right, she even told him back at cappy cafe that she can finally openly express how partly wicked she is and the only consequence is a bullet in her or someone's else head.
Upon entering a a Hubologists camp Lucy immediately rolled her eyes towards the huge fire hydrant. She was about to say how fucked up of an idea it is but then again it was Nuka World so this was still falling into almost normal category along with museum of shovels. 
-Welcome stranger! I’m Dara. A woman with grey short hair wearing something that looked like a spacesuit…more of a costume than a spacesuit came right up to them. Her overwarm welcoming already felt strange.
-Uhmm hello? You are the leader of hubologist? Lucy asked.
-So you heard of us? Fantastic! I was hoping you would finally join us on this great path that Star Father has guided us towards! Dara started explaining the greatness of her “cult” and Lucy slowly started to get the idea of what they are, as along with Gage her face was twisting into a confusion and she abruptly stopped Dara from talking any further, raising the palm of her hand in front of the woman.
- Dara…ye? No offense but..you guys are fucked up in the head quite…much, not sure on what drugs are you but even i wouldn’t dare to try, so..i will pass on further..cosmic story. Gage hold his chuckle to himself as Lucy pointed out with total seriousness in her voice.
- It’s a shame then that you think that but… i might have something else for you then. Dara face also turned into serious expression, losing her crazy vibe in that moment. - I need more spacesuits from the Galaxy Zone  you look quite…for a task. 
- Oh, really?  Spacesuits? What the hell you need spacesuits for? Lucy looked at Gage but he only gave her a shrug back. 
- Its none of your business right now. Get them first and then maybe we will talk further as we will be preparing for our journey out of this shithole. Lucy was about to turn her down but the idea of some extra caps wasn’t that bad and they were headed to the Galaxy Park next anyway. And if they were planning to get out anyway why not help them.
- How much you pay? She asked.
- Enough to convince you to take up on a task and leave right now. Dara looked at the man in a hood nearby, pointing at the laser rifle in his hands.
- Fine, we will meet later. She turned away and pulled the Gage after her, leaving their camp.  
  Lucy decided to head back to Fizztop. Further preparations had to be done before giving a hit to the last park. From the description of it on a colorful pamphlet they indeed needed some pulse grenades to deal with robotics that might still be in there.
  -Boss, i know they don’t cause any issues and they are fucked up crazy but we will have to get rid of them at some point, one way or another. Gage pointed out as they were crossing the town.
-We will Gage, don’t worry. I still have to stop by Lizzie to check how she’s doing on those grenades. We will meet later at Fizztop. Lucy took a sharp turn towards Parlor, leaving troubled raider to himself. 
As the afternoon passed and it turned into late evening Gage decided to take a break from tinkering with his weaponry and leaving some notes on the terminal, that now changed its purpose along with the new Overboss. He heard a silent guitar notes coming from the radio, striking in the air to the hall. Gage walked towards the patio stretching his arms and neck on the way. 
-Hey Boss, what ya doin? Been pretty silent here since you came back from Parlor. He approached her sitting at the bar with a bottle of wine and two empty glasses.
-Was waiting for you actually. She poured a bit of wine into both glasses and stood up from the the bar stool. 
-Huh..me, why? Gage asked nervously and his eye opened more widely, noticing what she was wearing. It looked almost like a cocktail dress from a parlor ripped poster, black and glittery  -Something specific on your mind Boss?
  -Just a small occasional toast, for a job well done so far. We are going down to the last park very soon. She stretched her hand offering him a drink.
-Ye, i guess that can’t hurt. He took it gently and smelled the booze inside before clinking the glasses with her. - Also, where did you get all of…. that? He scanned her from head to toes leaning to the side against the bar.
-Oh..a recompense from Lizzie on turning my last one into a swiss cheese. She found it somewhere deep into the storage room and snatched it before Mags threw it away by mistake. - You like it…? She gave a fast spin and noticed him trying to resist the smile growing to the sides of his face.
-Well, your ass always looks great but…that is something..else. He brushed the back of his neck and pushed himself away from the bar preparing slowly to leave before she would catch him and convince to do more unprofessional business. 
-Gage listen, i know you hate these kind of chit chats but… 
She took his hand and pulled him close to her. - I just wanted to tell you that i feel good so far…where i am and what we do together, to get this place back for us. She bit her lips nervously and slowly looked up in his eye. 
-I thought it would be the end of my fucked life…that the gauntlet would take my sorry ass or you right after it. She joked trying not to scare him too much with her words. - But look, i was lost when everything blew up and went to shit and i finally feel like i found my place in this garbage and also...there is you, protecting and covering up for my dumb mistakes and i just...appreciate it, i guess. Her eyes rolled nervously around before looking at him again.   
-Uhm…shit…Boss i…i am glad you think so.. really..i do. And you are not that dumb..i mean just…impulsive.  His brain was storming to find literally anything better to say at this moment as she started to gaze at him. - Look, i know we are kinda busy, deep in work and shit and its been some time but…i am happy it was you who showed up here...and that i didn’t have to kill ya. He managed to joke back at her and calmed down a bit as the smile showed up at her face in a response.
He almost took a step back as she put her hands around his neck trying not to blush like some kind of soft fucker. But on the other side he felt a pinch of pride mixed with surprise, that she was saying all of these words to him, only. That she was standing there looking like from some damn magazine, for him. He almost felt like he didn’t deserve all of this trust and sweet talk at this moment but he wouldn’t dare to throw it away either. 
-Just stay, tonight. I won’t torture you further with my shitty talk.  She whispered as she leaned herself on his chest. He wrapped his arm firmly around her waist. That was indeed something else, more meaningful, not just joking around and some occasional corner teasing and kissing. 
-Hey..when i shouted in your face that i care about you i did fucking mean it.  I’m not good at these talks..and stuff but maybe that will do…. He placed his both hands at her waist almost tempted to drop them even lower on her ass and started slowly swinging with her to the sides in the tune of the radio.
 -Gage..but you hate….
-But you like it so…shut up. He interrupted her and endured another round of slow dancing. 
Lucy tried to turn her head to hide the wide grin but got caught in a surprise kiss from the raider. There was nothing else to be said. Just them, swinging slowly, being reassured in their future plan and each other. Only the swinging didn’t last so long as the kiss and temptation led them both pretty fast to a nearby couch for the rest of the evening.
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Who You should Fight: EAH pt. 2
Ramona Badwolf: You are already fighting Ramona. She is always fighting, and she is winning.
Faybelle Thorn: She has far less scruples about hurting someone with her magic. If you do manage to win she will exact revenge on you.
Hopper Croakington II: Honestly you don’t even actually have to fight him just hit on him and he’’ll turn into a frog you win.
Crystal Winter: She has a gun and plays hockey but you could probably make her trip on her shoelaces so...
Rosabella Beauty: Rosabella will not fight you. She will make you talk about your feelings and you will become a better person for interacting with her. Which is good because she would win.
Justine Dancer: She’d probably win tbh she’s fast and strong and has a lot of stamina. But she’s probably too nice to fight you.
Farrah Goodfairy: You would win.... but at what cost? She only wants to help you you monster.
Poppy o’ Hair: Her ring is a pair of scissors. Yeah, bad idea.
Holly o’ Hair: She too sweet luckily for you bc she probably learned how to fight during all those years she was stuck in the tower.
Kitty Cheshire: it’d be really weird and she would probably just do her vanishing act and say mean things so nah.
Lizzie Hearts: she is angry but also small. You can hold her off her arms are long enough.
Bunny Blanc: Honestly she could probably win. Especially if it’s over Alistair.
Alistair Wonderland: You could probably easily fight him I mean cmon. Unless it’s about Bunny then he’d win.
Courtly Jester: She wouldn’t want to go back to jail/have to make the effort to fight someone but I feel like she’d win.
Chase Redford: he would win unless you’re willing to kick him in the crotch like Darling did.
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