#especially since I’ve watched his POVs in life and not pearls
ethogirltournament · 1 month
Guys. Guys I feel like I shouldn’t even do descriptions anymore. I’m gonna just. Test out not doing one. In this poll. We’ll see how that goes! But rest assured these two are verified ethogirls
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art by @falconearring!
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Unable to Stay, Unwilling to Leave
Chapter 2- Listen To Your Heart (Through Fire)
Warning- swearing, mention of death
This chapter is from Emmett’s POV. I’m also horrible with names, so since Emmett didn’t have a last name in the movie I borrowed one from another Cillian role!
“This is all their fault, they brought that creature here!” A strange voice yelled, dragging Emmett back to consciousness.
“You know that’s a lie. We’ve all seen the boat the creature came over on, no human would have lasted on there with it. This could have happened at any point, which is what I have been telling all of you for months but almost no one wanted to listen to me. I was just paranoid, remember? If it wasn’t for Regan and Emmett we’d all be dead! Last time I checked though, you don’t run this community.” Katherine stated calmly and Emmett recognized that deceptive tone. He could hear the fire edging into her voice and knew that whoever she was talking to was sure to lose the fight. He himself had been on the receiving end of that anger more than once.
“They have to leave, they can’t stay.” The person repeated.
“If they leave, I leave. It’ll take me an hour to pack what I need.” the icy tone in her words indicating that she meant every one. “Just give me an hour Denny, and then we’ll be out of here and you can go back to living with your head’s up your asses.”
“Now wa-wait a minute Katie. There’s no reason you have to leave too.” Denny stuttered nervously.
“No, if you force them out you force me out too. I’m not leaving a child to take care of an injured man.  It would be a death sentence for the both of them. I care about them and I won’t let them die alone. Unlike you I won’t sacrifice someone for my own safety, I’m not a monster.” Katherine spat back venomously.
“Don’t you dare bring that up you bitch!”
“Or what, huh, what are you going to do about it Denny? Kill me too? Go on then!” Katie yelled back voice dripping with a hatred Emmett had never heard from her before.
Before the argument could get any more heated, a voice that sounded frail and elderly spoke up, “If she leaves I’m leaving too.”
“No mama Lou.” Katie began to protest but was quickly shut down by several others in the crowd stating that they too would leave. Emmett was shocked to hear so many people taking their side, simply assuming that more people would be like Denny and blame them for causing such devastation. Maybe, just maybe there might still be some good and decent people left in this world after all he thought.
“Face it man, you’ve lost. Half the island would leave if she goes.” a male voice taunted.
“Fuck you Chase! Fine, they can stay. Since I’m outnumbered” Denny angrily replied and it sounded as if the crowd began to disperse.
“Thank you mama Lou, but I don’t know what on Earth possessed you to say that.” Katie whispered though Emmett could still hear her every word.
“I saw the way you looked at him last night. He’s the boy you told me about isn’t he? The one you loved when you were young, the one you still love. This world needs more of that sweetie, especially now. Listen to your heart.” The elderly lady simply stated.
Emmett took a shaky breath not hearing any of the rest of the conversation. After all this time she still loved him, it took him by surprise. He had never stopped loving her. Sure, he loved Nora and his kids and he wouldn’t have changed them for the world. But there wasn’t a day that went by when he didn’t think about her, his Katie. He had always felt so guilty about it and he was convinced that she had forgotten all about him. Nora never talked about her at all and Lee and Evelyn didn’t talk about her much. It was like they knew it still hurt. But on occasion, usually after a few too many when he would finally get the nerve to ask, they would tell him bits about her life. Lee told him she had been stationed in Hawaii but was choosing to spend as much time deployed as she could. Evelyn told him of her accomplishments, medals and awards and he felt immensely proud and only slightly heartbroken when they showed him the pictures she’d sent of her re-enlistment ceremony with the Pearl Harbor Monument shining in the background and her uniform crisp and white in the warm sunshine. What he never knew was that they did the same in turn when Katie asked about him, sending her pictures of him and the boys and telling her how well he was doing at the factory with her feeling the same sense of heartbroken pride when she learned of what an amazing father and husband he had become.
The opening of the door pulled him from his thoughts as Katie quietly crept into the room. However, she quickly saw that Regan was the only one still sleeping. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” She smiled at him, the smallest of smiles almost like she was afraid of his reaction. “You didn’t wake me up.” He smiled back at her and pointed to the open window. Katie’s face quickly fell and she sighed “How much did you hear?”
“Enough to know that you really don’t like Denny, but apparently you really like Regan and I. You didn’t have to threaten to go with us Kate, I would never ask you to go back to that hell.”
“You listen to me Emmett Miller, I would walk through a thousand hells and battle hundreds of those things for you two. That’s my best friends’ oldest baby, and you… well…” Katie faltered here, her confidence quickly failing.
“You love me.” Emmett filled in for her and watched her sharp intake of breath.
“Yes, but you have a family. So it’s not like it really matters how I feel.” She gestured half heartedly to her chest and turned towards Regan’s sleeping form trying to compose herself.
“Had a family.”
“What?” She spun back around to face him.
“I lost the boys on the first day of the invasion, Nora passed 11 weeks ago. Though if I’m being honest I lost her the day we lost the boys. I did all I could, but I know she blamed me. Hell I blame myself. I was trying to get us out of town, when those damn things attacked. One minute I was driving the next I was waking up after someone crashed into the side of the car. The boys died on impact, thankfully. They never really had to know the horror of those monsters or the fear of making noise. But I’ll never forget seeing them like that.” Emmett stopped and saw the tears shining in her eyes. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have laid that all out there.” He sighed, swiping at his own tears that had managed to escape.
“Emmett, I am so sorry. I didn’t know” Katie whispered. She silently crossed the room and grasped his hand gently. He in turn clung to her like a drowning man, allowing himself more human contact then he had in months. He tugged down on her hand until she sat beside him.
“I’ve never really told anyone other than Evelyn that and even then she didn’t know all of it,” he whispered. “And I think this is the first time I’ve cried. And this might sound crazy so please don’t judge me, but I just want you to lay here with me. I just want to feel safe for once. Can you just hold me, Katie please.” His voice cracked.
She could sense that Emmett was on the verge of breaking. He had always hid his vulnerability, afraid to seem too weak. But she knew him well enough to know when he had reached his breaking point. Katie gently laid beside him on his uninjured side, sliding her arm under him, gently pulling him into her and he turned just slightly to rest his head against her chest. She felt his arms tighten around her as the sobs finally broke free and he let out all the heartache of losing his family. Katie gently placed her lips against his hair whispering “It’s ok Em. You’re safe now and I’m not going anywhere. I’ve got you.” And as the sun slowly faded in the sky and the shadows began to creep across the floor with the sound of waves gently crashing in the distance, Emmett slowly let down the walls he had built around his emotions and cried himself to sleep in Katie’s warm arms. And for the first time in over a year… he felt safe.
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quaranmine · 3 years
Quara I feel you I'm also attempting to rewatch Evo and take notes over Watcher appearances but I am a fool and watching like 5 povs,, the things we do for accurate fanfic portrayals XD
LOL! Well good luck with your watch of it, maybe we can compare notes haha. I've been writing each "event" (i.e. Jimmy and Martyn seeing the first bedrock symbol, first update, etc) down and then what episode it happened in. I think if I could get enough people on there it'd make a good chart of what happens when and who saw it (since there are things the Watchers say/do that are only for a specific person.) But for now I'm only watching Jimmy since I haven't seen his pov before. I'd probably get confused trying to watch 5 people at once. I've previously seen Grian's and then a few episodes of Pearl's.
I want to use it in fanfic! I love Watcher lore, especially Watcher!Grian headcanons. But I always feel a little awkward not knowing much else about Evo, so I want to watch different povs so I can use that!
Especially since there's so many Evolutionists in Last Life 👀 (jk i don't have anything planned for that but it's all over for yall when I do)
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Steven Universe Future-Homeworld Bound/Everything’s Fine/I Am My Monster/The Future Recap
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It’s over isn’t it? Spoilers below
Steven decides to go live with the Diamonds. The Crystals Gems can’t help him. Gee Steven it would be nice if you’d let them try. Before he goes he tells Jasper that he’s not taking her service. Do something better with her life. He walls off the Gems and warps to Homeworld as Garnet tearfully says that they’re his family.
Upon arriving in Homeworld we discover that the Diamonds have in fact stepped down since the movie and there is an election between the two Zircons from The Trail. The old throne room has turned into a museum.
Steven runs into Spinel who takes him to Yellow Diamond who is healing shattered Gems because she has domain of the body. Huh, guess it was mostly Yellow’s stuff that healed Jasper. And Yellow even mentions needing to heal the cluster. That’s good. But she can’t stop Steven from freaking out; that’s Blue domain.
So he sees Blue who is now making happy clouds. Insert drug joke here. But Steven needs real peace of mind not temporary happiness.  So he sees White who is now letting gems control her. That’s.. Strange. She demonstrates with Spinel, which was horrifying. But Steven’s next but he doesn’t take it well; seeing himself as a diamond. He flashes back to the time White tried to kill him. He then makes White smashes her head, which smashes his own head. It’s not clear if he was just trying to hurt her or shatter her but it’s a dark place.
Scared of the diamonds and scared of himself he asks Spinel how she let her own anger go. It was Steven of course. Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci.”
Steven flees, Blue pleading that they’re family. But he’s gone.
Steven returns to his home and he’s trapped in his pink form. The gems find him but Steven insists that he’s fine. Not wanting to scare him off again, they back off. Steven returns to Little Homeworld to help the school. He ruins Peridot’s class by creating planet monsters, he breaks Bismish’s anvil.   We also see the Pearls. Yellow rocks the armor look, and they are still hiding Vollyball’s face.
After completely wrecking the place, Steven returns home to be confronted by the Gems’ Greg, and Connie. But Steven doesn’t want to talk. He helps people, he doesn’t lie to his family, he doesn’t get into fights with his Dad, and he certainly doesn’t shatter gems. But he did. He did all those things. He’s a monster. And thus, Steven turns into a monster.
Bismuth, Peridot, and Lapis show up around the same time the Diamonds show up with Spinal; they are shocked to find Steven’s a corrupted monster. The Diamonds' powers are useless on him. Steven bieleve’s he’s a monster, so he’s a monster. Amethyst blames herself for not noticing in time, Spinal blames herself for trying to kill everyone he cared about, White blames herself for treating Rose and the Diamonds so horrible, creating the situation that Steven had to deal with. She’s not wrong.
But Connie realizes that they can’t afford to make this about them. It’s about Steven. So Garnet has Yellow make her huge, and Garnet hugs Steven. Soon everybody joins in, Peridot crying that Steven never gave up on her so she’s not giving up on him. Connie comes in with another hug and Steven returns to well, Steven.
Steven awakes to his friends and loved ones, and the Diamonds. He finds himself naked and being slobbered on by Lion. He breaks down.
A few months later Steven is getting ready to go on a long road trip. He’’s also been going to therapy. Finally.
He gives gifts to everyone. He makes his own Cookie Cats and the gems treat Steven to their own cover of the Cookie Cat jinggle. Jasper has moved to Little Homeworld but is still calling Steven, ‘My Diamond.’ She tries to go with him to be his bodyguard, but Steven points out that he doesn’t need one. She considers and busts through a wall. As everyone says goodbye, Steven plants a kiss on Connie’s lips and FINALLY! I’ve been waiting for this kiss for six years!
But as he’s leaving, Steven wants to know why the Gems aren’t more sad. But they’ve been hiding it was Garnet saw a future where their tears stopped Steven from going. Garnet promises no matter where he ended up, they will always be a part of his life.
This gets a 3 ½ out of 4
I can’t help but feel that Rose got the short end of the stick. We get a tolkien mention of White being the source of her problems but we never got closure on Steven’s complicated feelings about her. Maybe that’s the point, that they keep being complicated. But it bothers me that the Diamonds got promoted to opening credits while Rose got her portrait shoved into Lion. And we never found out about her mystery chest of secrets. Maybe they’re saving it for a possible sequel a few years down the road or maybe it was just a mystery box they never figured out. Time will tell but still a little disappointing.
Future was a tough sit, watching Steven go with he’s worst impulses was really hard. But the stuck the landing, much better than the main show or the movie. The Steven POV worked a lot better because this was a mini series focused on Steven.
This was the last show that was already going when I started this blog way back in 2014. I’ve been watching this show since episode one back in 2013. AWhen I heard that one of the storyboarders on some of my favorite Adventure Time episodes was getting her own show  I was excited.  It’s been a big part of my life for awhile and has always been a part of this blog. It’s hard to see it go.
It was far from perfect. The pacing was frustrated especially in the later seasons. Not helped by why too much human episodes compared to the slow developing plot. The loss model style hurt way more than it helped, making it hard to tell when they were trying something funny or just an off day for the artist. The hiatus’ did not help but that wasn’t the crewnverse’s fault. That was a network thing.
But it had the strongest character writing of any show I seen and a world I loved seeing. It tackled issues that few other cartoons did. It showed a frank depiction of mental illness. And it’s LGBTQ representation was second to none. It kicked open a door that allowed countless kids see themselves in cartoons for the first time. It handled gay characters and issues with more maturity than most shows aimed at adults. There is no doubt in my mind that we would not have as many gay characters in childern’s enetertament hadn’t Steven Universe hadn’t been what it was.  
Goodbye Steven Universe. I hope we meet again.
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aurantia-ignis · 5 years
The Alola Pokemon League is coming to an end in the anime, with Ash vs Gladion in the finals. I’ve translated some snippets of the interviews that Okamoto Nobuhiko (voice actor of Gladion) did.
Okamoto’s first encounter with Pokemon was Green, which he bought when he was a second year student in elementary school. At that time, his home was very strict with the rule of ‘Only one hour of gaming per week.' When his friends played popular RPGs, they would clear the story before he even got past the first stage. When Pokemon Red/Green were released, he was playing it behind his parents’ back. He was to be in bed by 9pm, but he would hide under his futon with a light and play until midnight.
During that period, Pokemon was highly popular even in school, and he would battle his friends. In his first battle, Okamoto’s highest levelled Pokemon was a Nidoking at Lv. 80, but his opponent had six Lv. 100 Mewtwos. He was roundly defeated, but despite feeling upset about the loss he also developed a strong resolution to win.
Interviewer: “The bitterness of defeat became a springboard for you.”
Okamoto: “Yes. Somehow I really wanted to defeat the opponent’s Mewtwos without using Mewtwo, so I went through a lot of trial and error. First I tried Hypno, who could withstand Mewtwo’s Psychic, and used a combination of Hypnosis and Dream Eater, but the opponent quickly countered that with Substitute.”
Interviewer: “Huh? Weren’t you in elementary school?! That sounds rather like some high level strategising. (laughs)”
Okamoto: “I think we both took it pretty seriously (laughs). The next thing I tried was to use Chansey with Minimize. It doesn’t matter how powerful the attack is if it can’t hit.”
Despite his efforts, he never managed to defeat the Mewtwo team. Both he and his opponent were crazy about the game at that age. In middle school, he still played Pokemon, but he didn’t really continue with competitive battle after clearing them. When he entered university, his passion for Pokemon battles returned again with Diamond and Pearl.
During that time, Okamoto was spending so much time raising Pokemon that he sometimes forgot to eat or sleep. He was pretty serious about competitive battling then, creating teams around Garchomp.
When XY came out with Mega Evolution, he often used Mega Kangaskhan, armed with Power-Up Punch.
Interviewer: “In the anime, Ilima also used a Mega Kangaskhan with Power-Up Punch.”
Okamoto: “Yes! As expected of Ilima, he knows what’s up (laughs)“
Interviewer: “It’s amazing how Guzma’s Scizor managed to take those blows (laughs)“
Okamoto: “Guzma’s strategies worked out well for him. It’s not possible in the game, but in the anime, trainers can call out to warn their Pokemon to dodge attacks.”
Interviewer: “’DODGE IT!’ That's the dream of every Pokemon Trainer's in this world…”
Okamoto first started watching the Pokemon anime every week in elementary school as well. The SunMoon anime has a peaceful, slice-of-life feel, but he remembers many touching, tear inducing episodes in the original anime. He was especially touched by the scene where Ash was using his body to protect Pikachu from the Spearow. Pikachu hadn’t wanted to listen to him before, but that was the turning point where their bonds began to grow. Other memorable episodes include Bye Bye Butterfree.
When his manager said that he had an upcoming job in Pokemon as the heroine’s brother, he thought “Isn’t that Gladion? Awesome!!” 
Interviewer: ”How did you feel when you were casted as Gladion in the anime you love?”
Okamoto: “I was just really happy. When I said the line ‘Ash!’, it really felt like I was having a conversation with the Ash I watched in my childhood, and my heart was shaking.”
“My character Gladion is a cool character. The process of recording him really dug deep into the question of ‘Why is he cool?'"
"Gladion is a trainer who analyzes battles in real-time. 'If they use that move, I'll counter with this move'. He's always thinking. That's why he doesn't speak much, and watches the battles calmly, rather than getting heated. That's why he's cool.”
With Lillie and Lusamine, he shows a softer side, more of him as a young boy, because they are his family. The cool side of him retreats when he's with them. When he battles Ash, since he's older, he behaves more like an older brother teaching a younger junior.
Interviewer: “Teaching Ash sounds like it’d be rather stressful (laughs)“
Okamoto: "Yes, I almost wished to erase Okamoto Nobuhiko's memory. In my mind, Ash is this amazing skilled trainer who has gained lots of experience. But in the SunMoon anime, Ash is still young, and has less battle experience than Gladion."
Interviewer: ”Did you also have difficulties playing Gladion because there was an established impression of Game Gladion in Okamoto memory?”
Okamoto: “It was hard (laughs). I had to think of it as a different world from the game. Game Gladion was in Team Skull, but in the anime he wasn’t, and there were various other small differences. I managed to make that shift smoothly.
“His relationships with his family are quite different too. Game Lusamine had a terrifying side, while in the anime, she's a kind mother. Lillie, too, was slightly different. Though this may be different depending on person, I could sense a bit more pushiness in Game Lillie. When I was playing through the story, I suddenly found myself fascinated by Lillie. In the anime, however, I never really felt that pushiness. Though perhaps that’s due to Shindo Kei (CV for Lillie).”
Interviewer: "Lillie's speech when she performs Z-moves are totally influenced by Gladion…”
Okamoto: “She became an edgelord too (laughs). Lillie, you too!? I laughed without thinking.”
Interviewer: “How would you fight Ash if you were using Gladion’s Pokemon?“
Okamoto: "He'd definitely use Pikachu, so I'd have Silvally hold the Ground memory. I’d start with sending Umbreon out and observe how he goes. Umbreon would hold Lum Berry, moveset would perhaps be Curse/Payback/Hypnosis/Quick Attack or something. Depending on what Ash leads with, it could work. But Ash's Melmetal has extremely high defense, so I wonder if I can beat that… There are no Pokemons with really high Sp.Att in Gladion's team, so defeating Melmetal might be difficult.”
Interviewer: “That’s more from a game POV, how do you think it will go from an anime POV?"
Okamoto: "I believe the key would lie in how Zoroark uses his Illusion. It will break if he gets hit by an opponent's move, so I’d use the DODGE IT quite liberally (laughs). Maybe he could turn into Umbreon and use Dark Pulse, to continue fooling the opponent.”
Okamoto: ”Anime Silvally can change memory mid battle, so he can switch to whatever type he wants. Theoretically that makes him the strongest. But Ash’s Lycanroc is probably going to be a tough battle. He has Counter. Moves in the game that would KO can be survived in the anime with effort, so we'd have to watch out for the Counter after that.“
(Note: I used the words ‘edgey’ ‘edgelord’ in place of chuunibyou, for want of a better word. Gladion is described in the artbook as having chuunibyou traits (Source: https://www.animatetimes.com/news/details.php?id=1567911392)
Okamoto: “Gladion is a composed character, so whenever I put in a bit more energy, I’d be advised ‘That’s too desperate. At this point, it would feel too much like he’s on the losing side.’ I struggled over how to play Gladion as a cool character without losing that intensity.”
“Although I’ve played other cool characters, the approach to playing Gladion is different. He’s not exactly just cool; instead, he’s rather passionate. In spite of his heated passion, he analyses based on observing the Pokemon’s moves, so I thought ‘It’d be good if he could appear cool.’ (….)
“Gladion says things like “Rocks drenched in the Z aura of the azure moon” “Demonic eye of the moon! Shine upon the labyrinth of darkness!” and other edge-y lines, but I was tasked to voice them in a way where those are the ways he cheers on his Pokemon. It’s kind of like his routine towards victory. Other characters don’t do speeches like that, but his sister Lillie does the same, so perhaps it’s in the blood. (laughs).”
“There was a scene where Guzma’s partner Golisopod, returned to his pokeball after being damaged by Pikachu. At the recording studio, people were asking ‘Why did he go back into the ball?’, and I really wanted to tell them that ‘That’s Golispod’s ability, Emergency Exit.’”
“With regards to Golisopod, the staff did actually give an explanation. What surprised me was that they told me “The only one who’s ever been able to talk about the Pokemon games like this at the recording studio is Okamoto-san.” People who have been in touch with Pokemon since a young age (like me) are called ‘Pokemon natives’ by the staff.”
(Source: https://news.mixi.jp/view_news.pl?id=5780551&media_id=54&from=twitter&share_from=view_news)
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Violet's exactly like Pearl. A manipulative bitch, who ruins everyone else's life for her own selfish wants.
Okay, this ask has left me kinda jarred. Lots to unpack here within these two sentences...
Anon, while you are entitled to your opinion, I’m not sure if you’re aware that we love and respect Violet on this blog.  I’m a Louis and clouis lover through and through, but I still love Violet’s character and this... is not her character. I just- no, haha 
Now, I don’t know anything about Pearl because I’ve never watched Steven Universe, but I do know about a little bit about Violet. 
Saying this about Violet is like saying that Louis is nothing but a jokester who doesn’t care about anything and only wants to get into Clementine’s pants. It’s just not... even a thing when you actually get to know them. They’re both complex characters with unique flaws and highlights about them. 
I haven’t watched Violet’s route all the way through, I’ve only seen the first two episodes of her route and then gifs from the rest. But, I have seen how she reacts in Louis’ route when you don’t save her. The first time left me furious because I had a lot of emotions about everything going through me [especially after finding out what happened to Louis’ tongue in her route] and I even made a post ranting about it in all my fury. 
Then, I calmed down and replayed it and looked at everything through Violet’s pov. While I think it’s mostly poor writing in the end when it comes to Violet’s capture and them telling us that she was mentally tortured only for them to turn around and say, “Gotcha! She actually got a physical injury like Louis and mental torture did nothing because she forgives Clementine!” Louis’ kidnapped route was way better executed in my opinion, but hey. Can’t have everything. 
Violet has had a lot of things happen to her that lead to her having abandonment issues, and if you go through her route you get insight into that. Even if you go through Louis’ route 100%, after Marlon’s death she still backs you up. She and Louis have the appropriate reactions to the situation. Violet sees Clementine as the one who brought the truth to light, as another girl who she’s warmed up to and a friend she could connect to given their similarities. 
Violet doesn’t try and manipulate Clementine into a relationship with her. If you just want to be friends with her, she’s 100% okay with that! In fact, she’s thrilled! She’s finally found someone she feels she can trust and bond with! Hell, if you go with Louis the whole time leading up to that point, she’s still friends with Clementine up to her capture. 
So, what confuses me the most about this ask is the “who ruins everyone else’s lives for her own selfish wants” part. 
Uhm......... when? 
When she’s constantly rude to Brody? Yeah, it’s not nice and it makes things tense between the two of them, but you can help Violet see that it’s not Brody’s fault and she tries. She doesn’t just go, “Yeah well fuck Brody anyway.” 
When she wants Clementine to stay? Is that ruining the lives of the others? Because... no. It doesn’t. Violet’s right about them needing her to stay and help protect them.  Even Louis, who was left heartbroken after watching his best friend’s murder right in front of him and who was the one who really wanted them gone, admits that he was blinded by all the shit happening and that it was the wrong thing to do. 
When she gets saved instead causing Louis to lose his tongue and “his life to be over”? 
I’m sorry, but Louis’ life isn’t over. It’s not ruined, it’s changed. He may have lost a huge part of himself, something that will take years to heal from [yes, game, it’s not something he’s going to be okay with in a week yeesh] but it’s not Violet’s fault. Violet wasn’t like, “Oh good you saved me ahaha fuck Louis” she’s fucking vengeful. She’s furious, and she’s going to do everything she can to get him back. 
Again, throwing more shade at the writers [but not really because blah blah budget and time blah blah I know] but I can see why some might think Violet doesn’t care about Louis based on her lack of reaction in the cells. And that’s a part that I do have a lot of issues with.  
I’m fully aware of the explanation: Violet had her freak out while Clementine was knocked out and now Violet doesn’t have time to focus on Louis’ condition if they want to escape. 
Which is bullshit. 
The Violet we were shown up to this point would’ve at least asked, “How bad is it?” and follow it up with a “We need to get out of here and get him to Ruby.” It’s two in character lines that would’ve fixed that problem. 
And then there’s Violet and Minerva. Violet acknowledges that this isn’t the Minerva she had a relationship with. And while I am annoyed that she wants to stay with her on the boat regardless of choices, I see it more as “I can’t leave her to just die here I am human after all” in her route. And Violet protects Clementine, AJ, and Tenn from her the best she can on the bridge. 
Which, by the way, her sacrificing her life to save Tenn when you don’t trust AJ? Not selfish. And if AJ does shoot him, she’s rightfully pissed off. 
Anyway, going back to Violet on the boat....
The thing is, when it comes down to the Violet vs Louis choice, you can look at it two different ways when you let her get captured. You can see it as Violet feeling abandoned because Clementine chose Louis over her, or because Clementine neglected to save her. While those two things look exactly the same just with different wording, they aren’t. 
If you consider that Louis and Violet are as close as it’s implied, Violet probably knows that Louis and Clementine are together now. Louis knows when Violet and her are together [suggested when you romance Violet but save Louis, he mentions that Clem and her are really close] so Violet could definitely take that as “You chose your boyfriend over me” after all the mental torture she went through with Lilly and Minerva. This is something that I explored in [with you] because it’s such a conflict within her character that I thought was intriguing. 
And the other way to look at it is that Violet isn’t upset that she saved Louis, she’s upset that Clementine couldn’t save her too. Someone she put all her trust into, regardless of the romance or best friendship. Again, this could be magnified out of proportion when you take into account Lilly and Minerva’s manipulation of her during her capture. 
We’ve seen Lilly work her slimy magic. Given everything that’s happened, Violet stopped fighting and let it all get to her. She was an easy subject [or toy] for Lilly to break, especially since she has Minerva as a tool. It’s not hard to think about for two seconds and come to the conclusion that yeah, Violet’s head really was fucked up after spending all that time with Lilly. 
Now, while I’m not the biggest fan of Violet forgiving Clementine so easily, it does show us that she’s aware that she was wrong to attack Clementine in the cell. She’s also been abandoned AGAIN and now she’s blind because of it. She’s honestly just a mess right now, and all she has in that moment is Clementine and Louis, who she has to trust to guide her to safety. Once again, she has to force herself into someone else’s hand and hope they don’t abandon her, too. 
What I’m getting at, anon, is that Violet isn’t a selfish, manipulative bitch. 
Violet’s sarcastic, but really funny, soft but hardened, sweet and an awkward romantic, and she’s passionate about protecting her family. She can close her self off, turn her head away and stay out of conflict, but she can also step in and lead when she has to. She makes mistakes, she gets angry, downright pissed sometimes. She also can apologize for this and recognizes when she’s wrong. She’s been through some shit in this world, and based on your choices, she can possibly give her life to save a boy she cared deeply for from his deranged sister, and the death is long and cruel.  
Like I said in the beginning, anon, you’re entitled to your opinion, but throwing around things like this only makes you look ignorant and hostile, and it’s stuff like this that I rarely answer. Tonight this just threw me for a loop and hey, I’ve got my own opinions and explanations for things.
So here’s my jumbled essay written at the lovely hour of midnight. 
You probably didn’t want it, but here it is anyway. 
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yasuda-yoshiya · 5 years
Sorry I haven’t been around here much lately! The last few weeks (/months, really) have been rough for me, but I’m feeling a bit better at least for now. For now I’ll just drop some overdue thoughts here on some of the things I’ve been watching since I finished Utena:
Princess Tutu
I found Tutu to be a really sweet and charming show with a ton of heart, but I'm also sad to say that I don't think watching it straight after Utena did it any favours for me. Utena portrayed the same kinds of themes around breaking out of predefined narratives in a way that personally hit home for me a lot harder, so Tutu ended up feeling a bit like a watered down version of the same ideas to me... Which is a shame because I do still think it's a really cool show with a lot to like about it! It's visually and aesthetically gorgeous, I adore its whole cosy meta-fairytale atmosphere and the ballet theme and the whole general feel of the show a lot - it just didn't end up leaving that much of a lasting impression on me in the end. I may well come back and revisit it some day, because I feel like I'd probably get more out of it coming in with a clearer idea of what to expect and without Utena's shadow unfairly hanging over it.
For the characters, I loved Ahiru and Fakir! They were both so endearingly earnest and I really liked the respective directions they ended up taking both of their character arcs and their relationship (Fakir passionately rewriting the story to be about Ahiru's bravery and courage at the end made me cry so hard! That's like, the exact kind of individual heartfelt expression of love that hits straight to my heart when it comes to fictional couples, waaaah...)
Mytho and Rue were a bit harder to connect with for me; I felt like I couldn't really get invested in Rue's feelings for Mytho for the most of the show since the backstory around them wasn't revealed until the very end. (I did like Ahiru and Rue's relationship quite a bit, though! That sort of feeling of the narrative artificially pushing them into being enemies when they really could have helped each other as friends was well done.) On Mytho's end I just never clicked at all with the whole raven blood subplot that seemed to dominate his character in the second season, unfortunately. I couldn't make it meaningfully connect for me, even though I had quite liked him as a character in the first half of the series (even in just my generic "hnng cute boys struggling with the idea of having feelings" way). I'd be interested to see on a rewatch whether those two would work better for me having a better idea of where their trajectory was going from the start, since I felt like I didn't really "get" what they were going for with their relationship or how I was supposed to be reading them until the very end (I'm slow okay).
Steven Universe
What an absolutely lovely series! I've been wanting to check this out for a long time, and I'm glad I finally got the chance because it really is excellent. I totally fell in love with the whole Crystal Gem family, and the balance between them all having their own personal issues to deal with while still being able to draw love and support from each other was done really well. I really loved the handling of Steven's PoV in the first couple of the series especially for how they handled his growth around coming to understand that his parental figures are really flawed people who have a lot of baggage to deal with, but also without framing their personal problems or their relationships with each other as being at all within either his power or responsibility to "fix". Instead, his moments of growth are more about more consciously registering the burdens they're under and making those little gestures to ease them wherever he can, like consciously showing appreciation for their parenting efforts with the test, or giving Amethyst more time to vent things out with her friend when she's stressed out instead of asking her to take him home right away. Likewise, on the gems' end, we really get the sense that e.g. Pearl's love for Steven is real and valuable and "saves" her in a very real sense, but also that it's not going to ever fully erase her depression or her grief over losing the life she had with Rose before and that that's okay.
I would say as the show went on, it felt like it lost some of the grounded and occasionally harsh nature that originally drew me to it - the first couple of seasons felt like they had a sort of constant legitimate tension in the background with the gems trying hard to keep things together in a hard situation in a way that still obviously had its cracks in it, and a sort of acknowledgment that "maybe not everything will be okay, but there's still a lot of good in the world and in our relationships that's worth living for", which I appreciated. Whereas I felt like they moved a bit more towards unambiguously positive resolutions as the show went on, with a bit less of that willingness to leave things "unresolved". (Of course the show still has a lot of those moments, like the reveal of Rose's past in particular, but even then I wished that the fallout from the reveal and its lasting impact on the gems was given more time and weight than it was.) That feeling culminated for me in the finale of series 5 and the way the plot with the diamonds was resolved, where it felt like the show pretty much parted ways with reality entirely and fully embraced a kind of ideal fantasy positivity.
But I don't think that's necessarily a totally bad thing, either - it's still a very genuine and heartfelt kind of positivity that can be hard to find in narratives as unapologetically queer as SU is (especially in media targeted at young kids!) and I'm sure a lot of people really need that gap filled in their lives, so I can't really bring myself to resent it overall. The characters remain as endearing and lovable as ever, the show still made me smile from beginning to end, and all in all I have nothing but great appreciation for all the important ground it's willing to tread as a kids' show touching on a lot of extremely relevant contemporary issues in a positive and responsible way. It honestly makes me feel really happy and hopeful to think of kids getting to grow up with a show like this! So while I might personally have ended up resonating more with the show if they'd taken a different direction, I feel like I still have a lot of respect and understanding for the route they did end up taking, too, and I'm glad to have experienced it.
Mob Psycho 100
I thought this was a very cool and interesting show! As "deconstructing shounen tropes" series go, I feel like this one successfully hits a unique sort of sweetspot for me in the way that, rather than brutally tearing apart shounen conventions out from the roots (which is also something I can enjoy a lot when it's done well!), it's instead focusing on taking a lot of the genuinely positive ideas that draw people to shounen - the ability to overcome adversity through personal growth and "the power of bonds/friendship", positivity in the face of despair, and so on - and re-examining them through a more grounded context that asks "Okay, but what does that actually look like in the real world?" Because, you know, it definitely DOESN'T look like people with magical god-given superpowers blasting through everything that challenges them with the sheer force of their specialness and their pre-assigned role as the "main character", right?
So I was really impressed by Mob as a series for not only being so thorough about deconstructing that (to the point that the voice encouraging Mob to use his powers more and be a super special hero is an outright "devil on the hero's shoulder" kind of character!), but also for going that extra step to examining what real positive growth actually DOES look like. I felt like the series did a remarkably insightful job overall (especially in the second series) of sort of gently but firmly differentiating "real growth" from "shounen growth" in that sense. I really loved those little touches like the Emi episode, where the viewer is effectively led to expect a moral about how "people will like you more if you act more genuine and be yourself!" - but then the show very deliberately switches gears to the idea that trying to be more genuine is already worthwhile in and of itself, just because you're living in the world with a more conscious awareness of what's important to you and standing up for the things you care about, and how that authentic way of living can inspire other people and have a positive impact on them too.
And similarly, I absolutely love Mob and Reigen's weird, messy, problematic relationship being the emotional centrepiece of the series, because it's the exact opposite of the kind of friendship you'd expect to be centred in a "POWER OF BONDS!!" themed show, but that's also why it just... really really works! It's such a humble and near-accidental and flawed and limited connection, and I love that Reigen is also allowed to impact Mob in negative ways and have selfish motivations and be unambiguously portrayed as a genuinely pathetic and terrible person and a bad influence on him too, and that the show doesn't remotely shy away from that - and yet somehow it still absolutely shines through that both of them would be worse off without each other, that the "power of their bond" really has changed them both for the better as people. Not through any incredible magic connection, but just through those little moments where they save each other through things like Reigen telling Mob "It's okay to run away", or Mob telling Reigen "You're a good guy".
Because the show is so upfront about the limitations of their "bond", it really does make the emphasis on its positive impact and how fortunate the two of them are to have been influenced by each other really work and have value, I think - because it comes across as that kind of approachable, recognisable "miracle" that really can and does happen in people's daily lives. It doesn’t claim to be a perfect friendship, or to have the capability to fix all their individual problems just by existing, but it does still come across loud and clear that they’ve been a genuinely positive force in each other’s lives. I definitely came away from it with a greater appreciation for those little chance encounters and humble relationships that have helped me and shaped me as a person! On the whole, I'm sure the show isn't for everyone, but I would definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys shounen as a genre at all, because I feel that it really works as a remarkably critical and self-aware yet loving celebration of the spirit behind those kinds of stories.
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ashleyomidi · 5 years
Today at work I had another opportunity to share what God is calling me to do in my life and my coworker gave me this wonderful idea to write a blog after I told her that He led me to book a one-way ticket to LA on my birthday. (S/O to Alison Shine 🤗)
But let’s backtrack a little.
A month ago -April 4th to be exact- is where I got to have more of a 1-on-1 convo on set with Noah Centineo since they had us standing right next to each other. Before this day, we had a few interactions on set but never did I get a chance to actually get to know him a bit.
Funny enough, I actually wanted to hate him after this day because I personally get to know people by asking them questions and he didn’t ask me ANYTHING back to do the same ☹️ I was so upset because I see everyone, no matter how big of a platform you have, as regular people. I refuse to be seen as less than just because of how many people know you 😭 like dang. Anyways, I just wish he saw me as a regular girl but I can’t blame him because if I was famous, I wouldn’t know if people genuinely cared about me either.
BUT THEN, I think the Lord did this- at home I was on YouTube and an interview of Noah popped up on my home page and I clicked “not interested” so it could leave my screen lol 💀 and it did, BUT THEN the audio played in the background somehow so I had no choice but to watch it 🙄😒.
It’s a good thing I did though because in the interview I learned that 1: he said as he gets more famous he needs to be more guarded (which I totally understand bc ppl be fake) 2: he would never date a fan, and 3: he said ppl wouldn’t talk to him if he wasn’t in movies.
So tryna be in his shoes and look at his POV, I understood why he acted the way he did with me even tho (idk if he felt the same) but I felt mad chemistry 😩 (the other background actors beside me said he kept looking at me when I was looking down as he was telling everyone riddles but who knows really 🤷🏾‍♀️).
If he was just a regular guy I would totally hit him up and ask him to chill w me 😭💔 (and y’all are probably like who wouldn’t 🙄😒 tru tho 😑) but ugh he’s everything I look for in a boy. He is SO humble (best trait in a human being ever btw ✨ but v rare), genuine, and wise (I get bored reAL QUICK if you don’t stimulate my mind haha 💀 my last 2 bfs were potheads so ya lol smh 🤦🏾‍♀️)
After watching several more of his interviews on YouTube, I was totally in love ahahaha 🙃🙂🙃🙂. Maaan . I was like Ash chill 🙄 you haven’t even had a real convo w this boy loolol.
During my quiet times with the Lord all I could think about was Noah. Which was very weird to me because I was in a season where it was just me and God and I was honestly so content with dying and not getting married bc I just couldn’t see myself with any guy. There was no one that I knew that could stimulate my mind nor loved God as much as I did. (Idk if Noah is saved and knows Jesus personally himself but he says he’s spiritual -idk what that means yet- and I love the fact that he makes sure he doesn’t conform to the rest of the immorality of this world. He keeps to himself by spending a lot of time alone, making sure he doesn’t change who he is- like society does and wants everyone else to do).
Everyday, Noah was constantly on my heart and consumed the majority of my mind. I just wanted one more day to get to know him or even ask him out 😭. Bc this was so unsual for me to have someone I barely knew to be on my mind, I did keep asking God if Noah was an idol and if I was no longer keeping Him first. But He led me to read Debi Pearl’s “Preparing to Be a Help Meet” and from that point on, I knew God was calling me to be Noah’s help meet.
In mid April, I assumed I was going to meet Noah on set again since God revealed to me that this was what He saw was right.. but no. Instead, it’s been almost a month and a half now since that day we interacted on set and I’ve been completely antsyYyy y’all 🙃. I’d say it’s been horrible but He’s been teaching me so so much. About myself, about people, life, and even potential obstacles I may face if He was calling me to be Noah’s wife especially at this young age. Like what.. thinking of marriage at 20 years old ?? Excuse me. That ain’t me .
Last Friday, on May 10th I booked a one-way ticket to LA for my birthday on May 26th and I don’t even know how to feel about it even though it’s always been my dream place to live and breathe 😭😩💕.
As of now, I have way too many concerns. 1) Noah had told me that they’d be here filming until probably mid May and it’s now May 15th and I still haven’t been called to set ever since April 4th- the last time I saw him. 2) I’ve been waiting to meet him again and ask him out on a date ever since then so why would I go to LA if I’m not going there to spend time with him 😭 3) I have yet to book accomodations because God did not tell me to do so.. I think He wants me to stay with Noah since He’s already calling us into marriage.. and 4) this means I have 11 more days to wait on God and watch Him orchestrate something so good that only His Hand can do. I’m SO scared yet excited at the same time 😭😭😭😩.
Updates coming soon 🌊
Made a new tumblr account today (May 15th) for this reason and I pray that more people come to Christ because of being witnesses of what the wonderful God is doing in my life. May You be given all the glory Father 😊💖 Amen.
P.S. i didn’t mean to reblog my own post idk how to undo it 💀
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killmongerthirst · 6 years
Two of the same.
Pairing: T’challa x reader, Erik Killmonger x reader
Summary: basically a love triangle between two gods
Warnings: language, violence, kissing?
Part 1   Part 2    Part 3
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Third person pov
The two cousins stood by the balcony, watching their beloved run through the garden, her yellow summer dress flowing behind her moving figure, matching with the setting sun. A smirk settled on both of their lips, knowing they both had her. As Y/N stopped running and laid on the ground, T'challa turned to Erik, his face w changing from smirking to anger as he watches Erik watch her like she was his.
"She'll never love you like she loves me, you know that right? you cant win," T'challa spoke, and although Erik was listening, his never once tore his eyes away from Y/N's figure.
"I think you forget, I'm stronger than you, smarter than you, better than you. I could give her happiness you could never think of giving her. You don't know how to treat a real queen," Erik snarled. His fists were folding in his chest, his arms bulging around the pressure of the small blue shirt. T'challa scoffed, ignorant of his advantage, that he didnt notice just how cunning Erik was.
"Well, all I know is that she's not gonna fall in love with you if you're spending the rest of your time in jail," T'challa said smugly, now turning his back and walking away. He sent in two guards to escort Erik down to jail, not knowing that he was doing exactly what Erik wanted.
Reader pov
As you sat in the garden, the earth between your fingers and the grass settling around you, Shuri came out and sat with you, both of you sitting in silence, just watching the sunset over the mountains. The mix between orange and pink enchanted you, the low glow of the sun rays bounced off your skin. your eyes closed as you took a deep breath of fresh air.
"I'm guessing T'challa has told you what happened?" You said quietly, your fingers playing with the grass beneath you as Shuri hummed.
"He's put Killmonger in jail." She replied, placing a hand on yours, both of you looking at each other sadly. You nodded as a silent reply, you didnt know why your eyes were threatening to water, or why you even cared. Erik stalked you. But you still couldn't get his face out of your head, and it infuriated you. He was like an itch that wouldn't go away, the constant scratching ripping away your skin and make you bleed.
"Come on then, we should go in before it gets dark," Shuri said, already standing and holding out a hand for you. Placing your hand in hers, you stood and crashed your body into hers, hugging her tightly as you sniffled. You were sure she was confused as to why you felt this fucking sad over a guy you didnt know and the king.
You both walked back into the palace, the stars shining above the whole city, you watched from the windows in the grand hallways showed the city below lighting up with different colours. There where festivals and parades on for the celebration of the new king, the lights shining bright and colourful, it reminded you of Christmas.
As you stood there, alone, your mind wondered to Erik, again. You mind mapped the features of his face, wondering how something so evil could be so beautiful. It scared you to no end that you found yourself attracted to Erik. You had no reason to want anything more than T'challa, as you have for your whole life. Besides, T'challa was the King, and you could be the Queen, rule by his side and help him with everything.
As you were deep in thought, your legs were taking you to a place you had never been. You knew where you were going, but you didnt want to admit to yourself that your own conscious had lead you here. To him. You continued walking until you came face to face with the vibranium bars, which enclosed a shirtless Erik on the floor, doing push-ups as he grunted with every lift. The sound made you clench your thighs as your mind wandered to other things. You let out a small whimper, catching Erik's attention as he turned around. When he saw you, his lips twitched into the biggest grin you had ever seen, he stood in his place and wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. The moonlight that escaped through the small windows shone on his body, making his muscles look glorious and his face look like a sculpture. You adored the way his eyes where always so intense, and his eyebrows always moved with a mind of there own.
"Hello princess," He spoke, his rough voice travelling through your spine and straight to your core as you let out a deep puff of air.
"Where are all the guards?" You asked, seriously concerned about why you haven't stopped from walking into the prison. He laughed at your question, shaking his head as he looked you up and down, still in your yellow sundress, with a collection of brown mud around the edges and down your back. Erik moved closer to the bars, closer to you as your breath hitched. His scent hit your nostrils as you sighed in content, he smelt like fresh cut grass, twilight and even looked like one of the brightest stars in the sky. His smile flashed you his pearl white teeth, his golden canines winking at you.
"Took the day off," He said, his dimples still smiling at you as you felt trapped, even though you weren't the one in jail.
"Now princess, wanna tell me why you're here? couldn't stay away could you," You couldn't even respond to his question because you knew he was right, his smugness irritated you to no end, but he was like a magnet to you; you stepped closer to him, the bars being the only thing separating you.
His hands came out of the bars, caressing your face as your eyes closed in pure bliss. You finally felt that annoying itch fade as he touched you, you felt as if his touch had cured you of everything you had ever done and been through.
"I've been wanting to touch you for so long, princess," He whispered, so close that you could feel his breath on your face. You felt so warm and comfortable with him, and you don't even know him. This was insane. You needed to get out, now.
Just as you were about to leave his touch, Erik roughly grabbed your wrist, pulling you back so your front was pushed harshly against your skin. You winced as the coldness of the bars hot you like a storm.
"I'll see you soon, ok? Sleep well my love,"
He let go of you as you quickly rushed out of the prison, your breathing harsh and irregular. You slammed the door to the prison shut as you sat on the stairs and placed your head in your hands. You hated how this man had any effect on you whatsoever. You never normally fell so easily, especially to a man you had known for just over two hours. But something told you Erik was beyond special.
You were in the bath as you heard a knock on your door. You sighed, contemplating whether you should just stay silent until they go away. The warmth of the hot water and the soothing bubbles surrounding you, relieving the stress-it was needed.
"Y/N, let me in, please," T'challa spoke from the other side of your door. You knew you should open it, but you couldn't face him knowing you had just returned from seeing Erik.
"Give me a second," You shouted, reluctantly stepping out of the bathtub, wrapping your silk robe around you as you slowly walked towards the door. You swung the door open, pulling T'challa in and quickly closing it again. 
"What do you want?" You spoke, walking over to your dressing table as you sat down, watching T'challa in the mirror, walking around the room and sitting down on the bed.
"Erik has challenged me for the throne, and now that his parentage has been revealed, I cannot deny," He began, looking down at his hands, twirling his thumbs together as you turned in your chair to look at him directly. 
"T'challa, you-you cant, he's smart he'll beat you," You spoke, your voice higher as you ran over to his side, holding his hands in yours.
"Do you doubt me Y/N?" T'challa asked, his eyes now looking at yours, sadness and anger both swirling in his pupils.
"Of course not T'challa, but Erik has spent his life trying to kill you, do you not think that maybe this one time you may be wrong? He is powerful, more than you think," You said quietly you regretted your words, knowing you sounded like you were siding with Erik. To be honest, you had no idea what you were doing, your mouth was speaking before your brain could catch up.
"I am your fucking King Y/N, I deserve respect when you talk to me. You're mine, you always have been and now that Erik comes into the picture you fall at his knees, for fuck sake, I would give my life for you!" He began to shout, making you feel small and helpless. He was right. And you knew it.
As you were thinking about his words, he had pressed you back down onto the bed, his body falling on top of yours, his elbows each side of your head as his face was inches away from yours.
"I love you Y/N, I have since we where children," He whispered, his eyes searching yours for any emotion other than utter confusion.
"T'challa i-" You spoke, being cut off by T'challas words,
"I know you went to see him, you went behind my back and saw Erik in jail. Tell me, why?" He asked. For the life of you, you couldn't answer him, not because you didnt know, but because you couldn't bare hurting him. When he looked so broken and helpless above you, wanting and needing you to tell him you love him too. But you just couldn't find the words too.
As you both lay there in silence, he sighed heavily, standing abruptly and turning towards the door.
"Promise me that no matter what happens in the challenge, you will be mine," He said, hearing the break in his voice, which in return, broke your heart.
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Chapter 1: The Party
Cracks In The Dam Series -- Reader’s POV
She’s a quiet engineering and physics major trying to forget the demons of her past, and he’s the campus playboy trying to turn over a new leaf. Their friendship is unlikely, but just might be forged to withstand the cracks in the dams they’ve built to protect themselves. (BuckyxReader college au)
Word Count: 1875
A/N: I wasn’t going to post this fic for a while, because I’ve been playing around with it for a while and I didn’t want to get locked into a certain storyline, but I just saw Infinity War and I decided I needed a little denial in my life (not a spoiler, but when the credits started rolling, I turned to my friend and whispered, “What the shit?”) So here’s the beginning of a mostly fluffy Bucky fic!
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Why do I let him talk me into these things? If I could choose, I’d be spending my Friday night in my room with my music turned loud, hosting my own dance party for one. I definitely wouldn’t choose to be strolling around one of the biggest underground gambling rings in the city, keeping an eye out for some idiot who stole one of Stark’s designs.
Seriously, why do I let him talk me into these things?
Oh, right. Because he pays me the big bucks.
“How much do you think this place costs?” My boss’s voice comes over the comm system he implanted in a diamond barrette fastened in my hair right next to my ear.
“I don’t doubt that you could afford to buy it, but I strongly suggest you find a bit of self-control, Tony. You’re already walking on thin ice with Pepper.”
He just scoffed and I heard him ordering a drink, so I cast my eyes over to the bar and catch sight of him leaning against the glass counter. He flashes a smile at a woman sitting nearby and I can’t hold in my chuckle at how she nearly swoons. Really. The effect Tony Stark has on women baffles me. But, I guess I’m a little biased. After all, the man is like an Uncle to me. He changed my diapers when I was a baby and never lets anyone forget that fact.
“Canary, you spot anyone yet?” He mumbled that into his glass of whiskey so as to not raise suspicion by talking to himself. I turn around and keep up my perusal of the crowd.
Smoke from cigars mixed with the dim lighting makes it difficult to see everyone, but I make do. “I think one of my professors is over there. But other than that, I’m not seeing anyone suspicious.”
I can practically feel Tony rolling his eyes. “He’s not going to look suspicious.”
“I know that Tony. By the way, when my dad told you to keep an eye on me, I don’t think he meant for you to take me to illegal gambling setups and parties with Russian mobsters.”
“Cannie, you knew what you were getting into when you agreed to be my assistant. Besides, how else am I supposed to keep an eye on you?”
“Yeah. An amazing salary and you paying for all of my school. I’m not complaining. Just sayin’.” There was something niggling in the corner of my mind, so I quieted and tried to focus on that. Tony kept babbling through the comm piece, but I tuned him out. It was a necessary skill I’d learned years earlier.
I thought back to the surveillance video he’d shown me of the bump and grab someone had performed on one of his lackeys to steal the new weapon design. Needless to say, the person who lost the design was fired.
“Tony… how sure are you that it was a dude who stole it?”
From the corner of my eye and through the haze of cigar smoke, I saw his eyes slide over to me and his head cock to the side. “Why?”
“There’s a woman over there. The one in the green dress and pearls. Next time she walks around, watch her. She moves like the person did in the video.”
I made my way over to a craps table and pretended to be invested in what was going on. I really hoped that was her. The sooner we got the designs back, the sooner I could get back to my house. It had been a long week with a lot of midterms and homework, and Tony had been especially needy with our big deadline coming up that I needed to help him with, and I just needed two days of pure and utter relaxation.
“You’re right. I’ll get the guys on it. You did good, kid. I’ll meet you out by the car.”
“Oh, thank God,” I breathed, ignoring Tony’s soft laughter. Before heading to the door, I made a stop by the bar and ordered a shot. There was alcohol back at my place, but it wouldn’t hurt to get started on my night right now.
I slowly made my way through the crowd of well-dressed people, sighing heavily with relief once I was out of the sea of diamonds, pearls, and velvet. I may have grown up surrounded by wealth, but I’d learned at a young age that it comes with a high cost. I put up with it for Tony’s sake, but I was anxious to get back to my normal, college life. Or, what I convinced myself was a normal life. Working for Tony Stark, I suppose I would never really know what normal was.
Like a James Bond movie, Tony was leaning against his too-expensive sports car that I honestly didn’t care enough to even know what make it was. He straightened up when I came closer and opened the passenger door for me. I eyed him, crossing my arms over my chest. “You good to drive? You spent a lot of time at the bar tonight.”
He rolled his eyes. “Get in, Cannie. I’m not even close to drunk. You think I’d risk your life like that?”
Point: Tony. Sliding into the sleek leather seat, I waited until Tony was in the driver seat before speaking up again. “Jarvis?”
“Yes, Miss Y/L/N?”
“Add a stop at that liquor store on third, please. Tony owes me a really expensive bottle of good wine for tonight.”
“Will do, Miss Y/L/N. Mr. Stark, take a right at the next intersection.”
“Thank you, Jarvis.”
“Since when do you listen to her orders?” Tony asked, trying to act put-off, but I knew better. He loved me and spoiled me just like a real uncle would.
If Jarvis had a face, he would definitely be smirking. “Since she says please and thank you. Manners are important, Mr. Stark.”
My laughter rang out, nearly covering up the good-natured grumbling that came from the driver’s seat. Out of all of the creations that Tony’s made, Jarvis was my favorite.
After making that stop at the liquor store, Tony made his way to the house he bought for me. Having Tony Stark as a family friend definitely had its perks. No rent, expensive alcohol, free school… what more could a girl ask for?
“Fuck,” I muttered when I noticed all of the cars parked on the street as we got closer. “I forgot Nat and Wanda are throwing a party tonight.”
“It’ll do you good. Get you out of your shell.” The car came to a stop in the middle of the street. Tony twisted in his seat to look at me. “Seriously, have fun tonight, kid. Next week we’ve gotta hit that presentation hard.”
“Oh, is Tony Stark actually going to prepare for something for once in his life?” He just raised an eyebrow at my teasing and I schooled my grin into a serious expression. “Okay. I’ll be on my A-game. We’ll get you back in the good graces of the board.”
I picked up my purse and got out of the car. Before he pulled away, he rolled down the window. “I’m serious, Cannie. Party hard. Make me proud, but don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“Right... that’s not a long list.” I had taken one step away when I suddenly twirled around before he could leave. “Wait, Tony!” He watched as I wrestled with the barrette. It took a few seconds, but I finally unclasped it and tugged it free from my hair. Tossing it onto the passenger seat, I leaned down to talk to him. “I only make that mistake once.”
The first time Tony had taken me on a recon mission, as he put it, I’d forgotten to give him back the comm device. The next time I saw him, he gave me all sorts of shit for the things he’d overheard Wanda, Nat, and I talking about.
Even now, he smirked. “I was happy to hear that Wanda finally asked that Sam guy out.”
“Oh, fuck off, Tony.”
At my retreating back, he shouted, “Have fun! Use protection!”
“Drive away, Tony!”
The growl of his engine accelerating gave me all the permission I needed to finally let my smile loose. As odd as he was, I had to admit that my life would be much duller without my boss slash pseudo uncle in it.
But now I had to face a house full of drunk frat boys and sorority girls. Really, all I needed was to make it to my room and change out of this dress. Everyone knew that our bedrooms were off limits during parties, so that was my safe zone. My destination. However, I was dressed like I was going to walk the red carpet, so getting there unnoticed was going to be a struggle.
“Need some help up those stairs, doll?”
Exactly who I wanted to see. With pursed lips, I walked up the stairs to the porch and gave a tight smile to the man sitting on the porch swing with a cigarette hanging from his fingers. “Hi Bucky.”
“Your date didn’t go well? It’s only midnight and you’re already home.” He tsked and shook his head. “Such a shame too. You got all gussied up for him. What a waste.”
“Gussied up? What is this, the 1940s?”
“Obviously not, since your date would have walked you to your door instead of dropping you off in the middle of the street.” He took another drag of his cigarette before standing up and dropping it onto the porch, using his shoe to grind it up. “Where are people’s manners nowadays?”
With my eyes trained purposefully on the destroyed cigarette on my porch, I raised an eyebrow. “Yeah. Where are people’s manners anymore?”
He laughed and opened the door, using his free arm to motion me in first. “After you, doll. See, I have manners.”
“What a catch,” I respond drily. There are so many people here. How I ended up becoming friends with two of the most social people on campus was a mystery. I was the complete opposite of Wanda and Nat. Somehow, we worked though.
Heat from Bucky’s body right behind me set me on edge. He rested his hand on my waist and leaned forward until his lips were at my ear and he was practically pressed against me. “You’d be damn lucky to catch me, Y/L/N.”
“In your dreams, Barnes.”
That damn carefree smile on that damn gorgeous face with that damn twinkle in his eyes was all that I could take. Of course, just as I was about to come up with a good come back and walk away with the last word, he had to ramp up his charm. His hand stole my fingers as he came around in front of me and brought my knuckles up to brush his lips across the skin in a feathery kiss. “Maybe one day, Y/N. Maybe one day.”
Then he was gone, swallowed up by the crowd of drunken bodies. I huffed and turned towards the stairs, making my way up to my room. What a cocky arrogant bastard.
Chapter 2: History Class
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youtiaoshutiao · 6 years
gotd season 2 rambles
I finished GOTD two/three weeks back but then was immediately swamped with real life work after that. Finally had time over the weekend to pen down all the thoughts swirling around my head!! I was thinking about whether to make this post or not but no one I know irl has watched this and I kind of want to remember what I felt about the drama so well. Here goes nothing!!
[Though… 慎入!!Beware of entering, for I just finished writing this post and I’m boggled at how utterly long + incoherent + messy this post is]
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- I was rather worried about how Jingyao would play into the whole picture marrying into 楚王府. But in the end I guess it wasn’t thaaaaat bad (minus uhm, her poisoning Li Chu to force Zhenzhu to leave.) I can deal with drama like external factors forcing my OTP apart but what I can’t deal with is if the OTP itself fractures apart. So (at least in my pov) even though the director did all that annoying slow-mo spinning around in circles thing with Jingyao, my intepretation of Li Chu’s 眼神 wasn’t one of 动心/暧昧 and instead was just concern/maintaining a distance so I guess I wasn’t that mad about it….???
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- OTP~~ OTP!! Jing Tian is so beautiful with her hair down :3
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- TBH i enjoyed watching Li Chu and Zhenzhu in the battlefield and all that pining and stuff but I found the way they ended up there kind of… contrived. Though what Jingyao says does have its element of truth, but really?!?! Poisoning?!?! Internal drama?! Couldn’t it have been a more… dramatic reason? Like maybe a political maneuvre making Zhenzhu realise that Li Chu will be ‘burdened’ with her around or smth, then maybe Jingyao coming in to stir the pot, then Zhenzhu making the choice to leave. I just felt that the whole poisoning thing was kind of loophole-y. If Moyan Chou can research and link it back to Jingyao, shouldn’t Li Chu be perfectly capable of doing so too? Yet in those two years he never suspected anything. Though maybe it could be explained by him being too blinded with anger and disappointment at Zhenzhu that he just focused on his princely work in those years rather than sparing any thought on his love life. And I’m not sure how this whole matter ended up being resolved? When Li Chu found out and confronted Zhenzhu about it, she was still all ‘I can’t return back to you because you might come to harm if I break the oath I swore’… But in the end they just kind of ignored it? (after confronting Jingyao). Hm or maybe I missed something hahaha.
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- still the whole arc with them on the battlefield/her becoming the Empress of Yan was still quite entertaining hehe. Pining! Fraught looks! Tears! Angst! I must say that Mao Zi Jun was much better in S2 than S1. In S1 his acting just seemed to be glaring and sticking out his eyeballs hahaha. I guess his forte is in all the emotionally charged scenes… Though I still don’t really care for An Qingxu. Also Zhenzhu’s outfit in the Yan empire was quite pretty too :3
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- On a really random note, lives if you are not a main character in this drama (though actually who am I kidding… you don’t escape from death being a main character here *coughing fit*) are so worthless. I swear there are people dropping dead like flies in every episode… TBH back in the Uyghur ‘you-killed-my-father-prepare-to-die’ arc of the first season, I kind of couldn’t deal with how so many of Li Chu’s men died along the way of Li Chu searching for Zhenzhu because Li Chu refused to rest/take a chill pill when weather conditions sucked.
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- It’s really a pity that they had to resort to excessive greenscreen and body doubles in the last Uyghur arc because it was really quite obvious and kind of affected immersion in the story. I’m guessing Jing Tian couldn’t make it for that filming period? Or maybe they were rushing and had to be split up across filming groups. Like… it was quite jarring to have everyone else in the scene then bam! Switch over to Zhenzhu awkwardly greenscreened in. Or some scenes where it was obvious that Allen wasn’t even interacting with Jingtian but rather a body double.
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- Moyan Chou x Li Chu. Ouchhhhhh (especially since cracks kind of appeared in their friendship with Li Chu marrying Dugu and Zhenzhu using Moyan Chou to get a divorce from Li Chu). I’m really impressed by Allen’s acting ;_; like of course he’s still kind of raw in places but like wow there’s a 灵气 to his acting and he is exceptional considering how it’s his second time playing male lead. Of a 92 episode drama, no less. In the scene where Moyan Chou and Li Chu drink together for the last time, his tears just kept on flowing non stop! Idk if anyone who reads this has the same experience of using the cliche phrase ‘他的眼泪像断了线的珍珠纷纷落下’ (his tears flowed down like a broken string of pearls) in chinese compositions in primary school but that’s the first thing that popped to my mind when I saw this scene hahaha.
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- anyway, compared to this drama’s standard death bgm 荣耀, it was a nice touch to change it up to 为江山 which fit perfectly with the setting and nature of Moyan Chou’s death. It was pretty goosebump inducing when the music crashed over the speakers as he slumped down and the entire congregation of people at that intersection of stones (?!?!) began kneeling and wailing.
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- again props to Jing Tian’s and Allen’s acting. Though Jing Tian wasn’t that consistent in all the crying scenes (though she has so many it’s kind of hard to be hahaha) but i really think they handled the growth and development of their characters quite well. The Zhenzhu and Li Chu you see at the end of s2 are tangibly different from them at the start. Even if they banter with each other, it’s very different in vibes from the early days - more measured and serious. And the change happened quite subtly? imo at least :3 
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- personally felt the whole way the showdown with Empress Zhang took place was kind of… anticlimatic… but I guess that’s kind of how it went down in history hahaha oh wells.
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- hints of how even though Li Chu became emperor, there’s still trouble looming in the distance with Li Fuguo still maintaining power etc. was kind of disturbed reading real history because the image of Daizong having to pander to eunuchs and all that kind of isn’t really aligned with the capable Li Chu we see in the drama (oh the woes of dramatisation of historical characters - i felt the same reading commentary about 14th prince back in the day after watching/reading bbjx) but i was thinking about it and i realised that i can kind of accept that! because there were quite a few scenes throughout the drama where Li Chu was lamenting about how he feels so helpless because he can’t do anything about the political situation/corruption/etc, how even though he has the acumen to perceive and see what all the parties are doing to procure power for themselves he cannot do anything about it. so taking this aspect of Li Chu into context - how he definitely is smart and capable, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t susceptible or is invincible given how the entire tang court is deeply mired in politics and power play, i guess it’s not that far of a stretch to link this Li Chu to the Daizong in history books (who wasn’t a baaad emperor too anyway)
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- the whole Zhenzhu being 油尽灯枯 at the end was also kind of… random and a little contrived imho but given her life circumstances i guess it can be justified and is a logical way to end things, since they do ultimately have to adhere to the historical ending of Zhenzhu going missing and Daizong never electing an empress during his rule. (I have to say, my favourite arc in this entire drama was probably the 10+ eps of separation when the Anshi rebellion kicked in, because the conflict felt very real and organic and the stakes felt really high, so the senses of urgency/loss/anxiety/despair were really heightened.)
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contrived as it may be to me, that didn’t stop me from feeling deeeeeep despair and sorrow through the last few eps ;_; him making longevity noodles for her; them being in the same space that holds so much meaning to both of them, the little wooden hut where she professed her love for him, yet both of them lost in their own separate thoughts; them weeping their own separate tears; him holding her as she takes an afternoon nap, knowing that this is probably one of the last times he can do so…
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and his coronation ceremony/the day she leaves for good from his life. their last hug - he was the very definition of 依依不舍 ): Him walking down the aisle (HAHA is that what it’s called) of the Tang courts, dressed in stately regal emperor garb, the world is his yet he is so utterly alone. 所谓“高处不胜寒”! (haha though this line was not yet in existence during Tang)
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and the ending was so poetic in all its tragedy and hit all my buttons hahaha. Him dressing as a cart driver to send her off for the last time → !!!, her stopping at 醉仙楼 and coming out of the carriage to take a look at the place where her and her Donglang first met → !!!!!! (I think this really got to me because I have a huge fondness for their entire first meeting haha. And this + how she hallucinated Dong Lang in that red outfit when she was semi-conscious to me kind of shows how ultimately she loves Dong Lang for who he is as an adult, and not because he is her 太湖公子 from her childhood, which is very important to me?!) And lastly Li Chu riding on his horse, surveying the mountains and landscape that Zhenzhu disappeared into, the 江山 that he owns… aka really ‘一人一马一江湖’, as the drama oh so helpfully foreshadowed for us in the first few episodes.
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- Since I’ve mentioned 为江山, as I’ve said before, I really love the OSTs in the drama! But while previously the bigger ‘hits’ (in a sense) like 夙念 and 荣耀 were stuck in my head, these past two weeks, I can’t help but keep on replaying 素颜 and 唐韵 on loop. (though I still enjoy all the songs - except maybe the Jike Junyi one which is still not bad but just doesn’t get to me like all the other songs do… maybe because it was never played in any scene throughout the drama? (except the ending credits of s2. which I skipped everytime.) (speaking of which, s2′s opening theme song became 荣耀 but they didn’t correspondingly change the opening sequence which was so nicely timed to 为江山, which is also more regal and had more oomph more befitting of an opening track!! that was quite sad ):))
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And especially for 素颜 (Unadorned Beauty), omgggg the lyrics nearly killed me when I sat down to properly read it at the end of the drama. It’s played twice in the drama - once in the beginning when Zhenzhu and Lin Zhi were sitting for the consort selection tests and once in the end when Zhenzhu leaves the palace (and Donglang) permanently for good. And omg the lyrics really fit perfectly?!?!
→ The verse/first part of the song: “你是春的使节 让残雪融解 / 染成青黛的天 等著细雨停歇 / 你素颜 裹着云烟 诗意了远方 湿润了心  / 闭上眼 姹紫嫣红都不觉甜 只为你的容颜” - basically just really beautiful lyrics about how you are the envoy of spring melting the remnants of snow and how your bare-faced/unadorned beauty bundled in mist lends poetic flavour to the distance and how all the beautiful flowers pale in comparison to your beauty blablabla. The first half of the chorus too: “豁然间 春光如练 / 渲染了 你的出现 / 最留恋 不是云巅 / 是千万里朝颜和��雪” The whole song just describes Zhenzhu to me, and in these particular lyrics I think about Zhenzhu in the early episodes, fresh and dewy-faced, dressed in pale pinks and whites. I’m just imagining the verse + first chorus being Li Chu’s inner monologue about Zhenzhu and my heart feels all squishy kyaaaaaaaaa
→ The second half of the chorus: “梦回间 春光流泻 /  归去在 落花时节 / 待离别 青空绵绵 / 你会成山水间那一点 如烟” basically talking about how as time passes, she will leave when the flowers fall, and become a dot in the landscape like a wisp of smoke… how apt ;_; and okay here I’m just babbling nonsense but like all the terms like “青空” “山水” “如烟” really fits her costuming in the last few eps which had 水墨/ink wash painting vibes 
(↑ i’m probably overthinking this way too much ahaha)
[on another note, some other particular lines in some of the other songs that I just really liked (i have random feels for sentences that I think are really poetic. though it may only be me who thinks so hahaha)
为江山:“挥手时飞扬飘零的黄沙 蜿蜒于驰骋豪情的天下” and “铿锵的温柔 忠义的绵绸 此情动我幽幽” like all the juxtaposition between toughness and softness… (uhhh it made more sense in my head). this entire song is Li Chu’s life ;_;
唐韵:okay no I went to search up the lyrics again and I want to copy the entire thing over HAHA. I love how the lyrics, true to the setting of the drama and the name of the song (how do you translate 韵 properly? it’s such a nice word haha), incorporate elements of Tang inside it. “釉烧出 多色绚丽的斑斓” or “浸润出 三彩交融的璀璨” - mentions of pottery/sancai glaze that flourished during Early Tang. Or “昔繁华 已苍芜” - befitting the backdrop of the drama - Tang the flourishing golden dynasty at the precipice of its dwindling. And for some reason I just love phrases like “静谧千年的思念” and the whole of the second half of the chorus: “愿你记得 穿梭人浪中一瞥 / 临摹也不能复刻你容颜 / 墨浓映画眉 / 朱红落点唇 / 只盼伴来生共偎”
为你成全:my favourite line is “锦绣长安夜 / 似昙花惊艳”!! 
i think i just really like imagery in lyrics hahaha. i like 荣耀’s lyrics a lot too. in comparison i actually think the lyrics of 夙念 and some parts of 为你成全 are pretty standard drama ost fare… though they still serve their purpose well in inducing appropriate feels in various scenes.
This series of bloopers/original voice clips released by one of the production companies attached to this show is like a soothing balm to an injured heart after watching the ending. And the last video in this series - aww the entire team really put in so much effort to film this show, and it shows in the acting, the props, the sets, the costuming, the music (excluding awkward greenscreen and s2 editing). ANDDD watch from 13:52 onwards!!! A small Easter egg - Allen’s original soft soft voice going “珍珠,你总算回来了……” welp I’m gone
s2 was ultimately a lot weaker in many aspects than s1, and tbh the entire plot of GOTD is riddled with well trodden tropes. But I still have so much fondness and love and feels for this 92 episode drama I mainlined in three weeks (and then promptly regretted because real life came cascading down on me soon after that) :3 It’s definitely an engaging drama that had quite a lot of effort put into its making, and with it’s length there’s something for everyone - (1) an otp that will make you squee (2) endless angst, tears and misery (3) palace politics that are relatively quite complex for it’s 古言 status (4) some harem-esque drama for 后宫戏 fans (5) battle scenes, war tearing apart otp bringing about more angst… et cetera. Considering how I quit dramas at a drop of a hat, I’m pretty impressed that I managed to complete this haha xD
shall end off with a short 花痴楼!
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I wanted to take more screenshots but I shall just end here, because I scrolled up and got a huge shock seeing exactly just how much babble I spouted. I’m kind of horrified?! Omg anyone who reads this to the end, I’m sorry for all my incoherent rambling :3
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marinette-sky · 7 years
Cigarettes and Leather Ch. 3
(A/N: I'm back from the dead, everyone! Hip hip hurray! I apologize for the long wait, I got caught up in testing, school, and family stuff (did you know I just had a birthday? wild I'm getting old).This chapter is from Adrien's POV, like many of you had asked for. This is the final character fodder I will implement, because from here on it will just be dorks and shenanigans (and drama of course!)
Summary:  Adrien Agreste does, in fact, have a heart. And it does a good job at being an asshole. (which is redundant, because that is exactly what Plagg is for!)
Word Count: 4,728
The chatter of students and the accustomed sounds of nature filled Adrien’s ears as he held the recently lit cigarette between his teeth, inhaling deeply despite the unpleasant feeling that prickled the back of his throat as a result. He blew out lazily, watching past the dispersing smog with a glazed stare until the fence that separated the school from the public and the blue hue of the sky melded together into a single entity. Somewhere in the background, Plagg was mumbling insults from the small amount of camembert he received from the little container hidden in Adrien’s jacket pocket, but he couldn’t have cared less.
Plagg gets lethargic when I give him too much of that rancid cheese, anyways.
Adrien lifted the cig to his lips yet again, this time puffing lightly as he tapped his fingers on the side of his jacket to stave off the feeling of restlessness welling inside him. He knew why he was so anxious, but he didn’t really understand why it made him feel that way, nor did he really want to think about it right then.
Besides, he always opted to light a cigarette when confronted with an internal dilemma.
Smoking was one of the only methods that kept his thoughts and feelings in the calm, like an anchor in the midst of a stormy sea. Yes, he did it to be rebellious against the atrociously cold and calculating man he had for a father, but it was also like taking a dose of reality a couple times a day; his reality and connection to the life of a normal teenager used to be his late mother, but that was three years ago, and this was now.
And right now, he was in dire need for a good smoke.
Well, that, and a good excuse to escape Chloe’s clinginess and Lila’s flirting.
Chloe hated the smell of cigarette smoke and Lila knew well enough to stay away from Adrien when he was getting his daily fix (most of the time), so it worked out in his favor. He almost felt bad for yelling at Chloe earlier that afternoon, when he was at the peak of his bad mood, and the talk with Marinette was still circling his thoughts like a vulture. It was an almost immediate reaction, the way he shook her from his bicep and expressed his desire to be “left alone for a while” a little too harshly for someone of her personality. He heard Lila laugh at her rejection from somewhere behind him, and felt Marinette’s judgmental gaze pressing into his back like a steam-iron.
Chloe looked so appalled and embarrassed he nearly consoled her right then and there.
The memories of her antics towards Marinette Dupain-Cheng the morning before prickled in his mind, and Adrien could suddenly feel nothing but anger and cold disappointment towards her. Before he could do or say anything more brash and hurtful, Adrien had just stomped off with each footstep more forceful then the last.
Sure, he had acknowledged the mean-spirited prank before when he apologized to Marinette on behalf of his dumbass of a childhood friend, but the feelings he felt then were not present when he talked with her before. He had always held some kind of respect for her, but now it was different. It was like his attitude towards her changed drastically overnight, based on the reason that he actually got to know a little more about her then he should have and learned that she wasn’t just good at being an annoyance in his life.
She’s good at being witty, brave, kind (when I’m not an instigator), and her ability to defend herself was impressive.
Not to mention I’ve always thought that she’s sort of cute…
Adrien slammed his hand into the wall behind him, crumpling the still burning cigarette between his clenched fingers. Plagg jumped away from him, dropping his camembert in surprise.
What the hell am I even thinking?
He really needed to shove those thoughts deep down inside, and kick Marinette the hell from his mind. Yeah, she’s pretty cool and all now that he knows she’s not a complete goody-two-shoe, but he doesn’t like her in that way. He was probably still feeling the lingering effect of their conversation.  
“Adrien, what the heck?! You made me drop my cheese…” Plagg was in his face, not looking too pleased with his little outburst of anger.
“My bad, Plagg. I just…never mind, I’m just being moody.” Adrien brushed the cigarette ashes from his palm, wincing a little as he touched the fresh, red burn mark caused by the butt of the stick.
“Fuck…!” Oh, it hurt alright.
Curse my fucking stupidity, I have a shoot tomorrow!
“What has been with you lately? You’ve been acting weird since yesterday ever since you talked with that pig-tailed lady you argue with sometimes.” The kwami sighed and shook his head, staring down at the singe on Adrien’s flesh with distaste and what he assumed to be slight pity. He was sadder to see his camembert fall then to see his chosen injure himself, which Adrien found bitterly amusing.
“I’m not acting weird! And what does she have to do with this?” She had a lot to do with his recent behavior, but he would never tell Plagg that. Saying it out loud would mean endless teasing from the kwami, and he certainly did not want to be reminded of it every time he transformed to fight crime with Ladybug.
“You are acting weird, and ever since you suddenly apologized to that girl-”
“-yeah, yeah, Marinette, you’ve just been not yourself. Like, you’ve been showing more of your inner dork, instead of your tough guy façade.” Plagg rolled his eyes, and puffed up his tiny chest to imitate Adrien for emphasis.
“I’m not a dork.”
“Yes you are, and you acted like it when she tried to complement you, but you just walked away.”
“She acted like I couldn’t be a decent human being to anyone up until then, Plagg! I wasn’t about to just take her bullshit.” Adrien had every right to walk away, even if what she said was intended to be a complement. “I may be a hypocrite, but it was rude.”
Plagg leaned back into nothing with close eyes, carefully contemplating his words.
Whenever Plagg actually thought about something, he tended to give painfully accurate advice. Adrien often forgot that he was thousands of years old, and that just because his little friend chose not to spout pearls of wisdom all the time did not mean he was not wise.
The kwami grinned, lifting both eyelids to form an arrogant squint.
“You say that, but don’t forget that you’re the one who is always a jerk to everyone, and you were especially jerk-y to her yesterday. I think what she said is fairly justified, considering you were technically the one that got the both of you in trouble in the first place.” He saw Adrien’s brief look of confusion and added “You know, the whole assault ordeal and the visit to the principle’s office?”
Adrien opened and closed his mouth, thoroughly and utterly speechless against his reasoning.
Goddammit, Plagg is right.
He hated when Plagg was right.
“…I wasn’t trying to be a jerk yesterday, and I didn’t know she would react like that when I grabbed her wrist.” Adrien said quietly, dropping his stare to the pavement in spite.
“If I were you, kid, I would apologize to her after school today for the entire mess you made. Honestly, you could have avoided this entire thing if you swallowed your pride and said sorry like a normal person yesterday. Now your father has to find out about this, plus you have detention…” Plagg kept talking about all the consequences to his actions, but Adrien decided he would just deal with them when the time came.
Maybe apologizing to her for everything will resolve all the weirdness and tension?
As much as he apologized for every tiny thing when he was Chat Noir, he found it strangely bearable to apologize to Marinette as Adrien Agreste. There was something about her that just warranted it, similar to the feeling he got whenever he messed up in front of Ladybug.
Truthfully, he didn’t really quite understand his own reasoning behind the impromptu ‘I’m sorry’ he told her the day before; it could have been the way she reminded him so much of his alternate persona when transformed, like when he gets bested by an akuma victim.
Either way, if saying sorry for everything relieves the burden of awkward tension between the two of them, Adrien can go back to his normal delinquent life and Marinette can go back to giving him an occasional scolding for it.
The harmony would be restored.
Or maybe, a little voice in the back of his head whispered, you could take this time to befriend her, since now you know she is actually a cool and interesting person who fights better then you!
Now, that was an entertaining thought, as sarcastic as it may be.
Before, he only ever saw Marinette as the only girl who had any guts to call Adrien out on his wrong doings (excluding Alya, the walking-talking hurricane who would and could flat line him in an instance). He had an inkling of admiration for her sass talk and never even dreamed to pursue a relationship past their heated banter. But, after being forced to his knees in the epic display of her badass self-defense skills, and being on the receiving end of Marinette’s infamous ‘sugar smile’, he has changed his tune towards the female considerably.
“Maybe…” Adrien echoed aloud, interrupting Plagg’s pessimistic rant.
“What?” Plagg inquired, perplexed at his chosen’s mumbling.
Adrien just smirked at him and did not say anything for the rest of their lunch period.
The final bell of the day rang over the speakers, signaling the end of class for the students. Adrien, who had impatient for school to end since lunch time, slouched deeper in his seat on the first row with relief as his classmates slowly filed from the room, their incessant talking drowning out the shouts of that night’s assignment from Mrs. Bustier. Nino managed to give him a parting fist-bump before Kim and Ivan swept his best friend away in a wave of boyish shouts and back slaps, both sparing a sympathetic glance in his direction as they hurried out the door.
Chloe sashayed past him with Sabrina in tow, making a point to stare straight ahead to show she was still mad about earlier; not that she needed to say it out loud, either, the angry click of her heels were enough of a hint. Sabrina just offered him a grim smile that made her frail appearance seem even more breakable, like worn glass.
I wonder if Chloe took her anger out on Sabrina again, which would explain why she looks like shes about to cry…
Then again, Sabrina always had that expression on her face whenever Chloe threw a temper tantrum, so it was probably nothing he should worry about. He could leave those kinds of feelings to Chat Noir.
Chat Noir was good at sorting his thoughts and feelings when it came to the people around him.
Someone placed a firm hand on his shoulder, pinching the material of his jacket between their thin fingers in an effort to gain attention. Adrien glanced up with disinterest, unsurprised to find Lila Rossi looking at him with sticky-sweet sympathy.
It seems almost believable.
“Your handsome face is so troubled, Adrien! Is there anything I can do to get you out of this?” Lila cooed, leaning down. One of her pony-tails brushed his cheek, while the scent of her spicy perfume crowded his nostrils.
Adrien felt himself frown.
Too close.
“It’s a little too late for that, don’t ya think?” Adrien was in no mood to humor her, nor did he very much like when she rested her other hand on his forearm. “Besides, you don’t have a damn clue what I did.”
“Oh, but I know it has to do with Marinette. Just say the word, and I can make up a lie…” Her olive green eyes twinkled with mischief, but there was something else there too.
Something darker, with less discernable intentions.
“I’ll pass, Lila.” Adrien feigned a smirk, and stretched his arms behind his head to effectively shake himself of her grip. “I’m used to this, remember?”
Lila bit her lip, obviously displeased with his decision. She took a step back, glaring not at him, but someone above them.
He noticed that the conversation Marinette and Alya had been carrying on since the bell rang came to a stop.
Lila turned her attention back to him.
“Its that Marinette girl, isn’t it?” She suddenly claimed, leaning down once more, but with more force. You never turn down my offers! What happened between you two?”
Adrien was taken aback, and he couldn’t conceal the shock on his face that showed it.
Pull yourself together! Her claim is baseless and vague!
“What the fuck do you mean? I just don’t fuckin’ feel like getting’ in trouble more with this particular incident.” Adrien chose his words carefully, very resilient to admit to his gang member of what had transpired between them yesterday, and today for that matter.
What she doesn’t know won’t kill her.
“Bullshit. I know you, Adrien. If it wasn’t that goody-two-shoes, it has to be something else big, or at least it better be.”
“You don’t know jack shit about me, Lila. Mind your own fuckin’ business for once, will ya?!” Adrien was SO not in the mood for Lila’s nosy, busy-body, jealous bullshit.
Cry me a river and get over it, fox.
“I know more than you think, Agreste! I worry about you sometimes…” Lila crossed her arms, genuinely exasperated. Their angry whispering had caused the teacher to spare a concerned glance in their direction.
“Yeah, well, you can go stick that worried friend act in ah bottle and put a damn cork in it, because I suddenly remembered I don’t want to fuckin’ talk to a nosy liar right now.”
Lila’s expression shimmered with hurt, but there was something seething beneath all the distress. All at once, she stood up straight while flipping a thick pony-tail over her leather-clad shoulder, huffing.  
Your loss, then.” Her tone was casual, but it held venom, and Adrien knew he would get a million texts (and phone calls) from the female later that night asking why he acted like that towards her.
“Guess so.” He retorted, shrugging despite himself and giving her a teeth-ful of snark.
Lila was gone from the classroom in a flash, taking the overpowering smell of seductive spices and tension with her. Adrien would have laughed at her abrupt departure had it not been for the off-hand comment he heard Alya ask Marinette.
“What the hell was her problem? That stare was so cold I swear my body temperature went down…” Alya grumbled, completely unaware of his eavesdropping.
“I don’t know, but then again its Lila. Just ignore her.” Marinette replied, equally oblivious.
“No, girl, she was looking at you, not me.”
“What? I turned around too late, I guess. She did seem peeved at Adrien, though…”
“Yeah? Well, what else is new? I’m more worried about you, girl.”
“Huh? Why? I’m sure she was just being prissy…”
“Uh-huh. Did you do something to her, Marinette?”
“I haven’t even said anything to her since last week-”
Mrs. Bustier, who until then had been stacking papers, clapped loudly at them. Adrien didn’t know when she had taken to standing in front of his desk without him noticing, but decided not to make a comment. The smile she wore was deceptive, if not intimidating.
“Alya, if you are done chatting with Marinette, I would like to begin her after school detention. Also, after that little display I just saw happen between Lila and Adrien, I’m afraid the same might transpire between you two, too.” Mrs. Bustier gestured to the door, and Adrien turned around in his seat to watch Alya gather her things together. She murmured a quick good-bye to Marinette before flying out of the room, leaving the door open ajar.
The smile on the teacher’s face faded into a grimace as soon as Alya left. She turned back to them, the mint of her eyes devoid of warmth.
“You two won’t fight, will you? There seems to have been a lot of that happening within my student body, it seems…” Mrs. Bustier trailed off, her cool green stare landing on Adrien.
Adrien coughed, and shook his head begrudgingly, noticing from his peripheral vision that Marinette did the same.
Their teacher smiled bitterly at their consensus.
“I’m sure you two know why you are in here, then, so I do not need to remind you, correct?” Mrs. Bustier nodded to the both of them, arms now crossed.
“Yes, ma’am.” Marinette responded politely.
Mrs. Bustier looked at him expectantly.
Seriously? I’m all out of politeness today, come back tomorrow.
“What are we doing today?” Adrien supplied instead, skipping the introductory. The sooner he could talk with Marinette, the better. That conversation with Lila left him angry and a tiny bit worried, so he needed to talk to her today, before anything else could bog him down.
Because Lila definitely will find a way to buffer his possible chance at being friends with Marinette if she manages to snag information on what happened.
“Well, right now, nothing because I need to go make copies of tomorrow’s assignment…but I don’t want to leave you two alone without supervision.” Their teacher glanced at the piles of paper on her desk, and sighed. Adrien noticed the jumble of keys on her belt loop and quickly formed an idea.
I swear, I’m a genius! Take that Plagg!
“Mrs, Bustier, if I may? I have a resolution to your problem.” Adrien offered up his strongest gentleman smile, fighting off any hint of a smirk.
“Is that so?” Mrs. Bustier humored him, giving him a tiny smile that said ‘watch yourself’.
“I see you have a room key, so to ensure we don’t leave the class, lock us in. It’s not like we can use a window of we’re two floors up, either; that’s suicide.”
The older female upturned her lips in thought, looking from the stack of papers, to them, and then to the copying room across the indoor veranda that was the terminales floor. After a few moments of deep deliberation, she tuned back to them in full, smiling genuinely.
“Adrien Agreste, your reputation is not the best but you have never failed my class for the four years I’ve had you. If anything, you always seemed to earn the highest grade in here out of anyone. That’s trust-worthy enough, but I’ll only allow this is Marinette is okay with it. Marinette?” They both turned to her, and Adrien could swear she shivered visibly when she looked into his verdant stare briefly.
Come through, you tough sugar cookie, come through!
Marinette took in a rather shaky breath, and looked only at Adrien when she spoke, surprisingly enough.
“I’m okay with it, Mrs. Bustier. I have something to discuss with Adrien, anyways.” Those cobalt eyes drilled into his figure, a hint of guilt swimming in her iris’s. What could she possibly have to say to him that wasn’t ‘fuck you’?
Guess I’ll find out.
“Wonderful! Depending on how slow the copier decides to be, I’ll be back in as little as ten minutes. Behave, you two!” Their teacher exclaimed, collecting her filing folders. A minute later, she had locked the door and began making her way to the copy room, probably anxious to finish the rest of her workload for the day.
And just like that, they were alone in the room together.
Both teens busied themselves in getting comfortable. Adrien did a 180 in his seat, leaning his back against the desk while crossing his legs on the bench. His jacket squeaked from the friction, and he felt Plagg re-situate himself inside the hidden pocket. Marinette tucked one leg inside the depths of her pleated skirt while the other leg hung limply from her perch, softly tapping the glazed finish of the wood.
Now that he could fully get a look at her without any pressing distractions (or conversations), Marinette managed to appear pretty in the most unassuming way. Her coat was tastefully wrinkled and creased, with one button at the top of the vest left undone. Both of her pigtails had been painstakingly groomed and conditioned to be the exact same length, despite how frizzy her hair was at this point in the day. The skirt that hid one of her legs splayed over the bench and rested an inch past the cap of her knee, longer then what most girls preferred their skirts to be. She was slouched over the desk slightly now, the sweep of her bangs casting a timid shadow on the freckles peppering her nose and cheeks.  It was as if he were to blink, he would miss Marinette in all her imperfect majesty.
Say something, nerd! His conscious admonished, snapping him from his reverie.
“I have another apology for you.” Adrien admitted casually, bringing a hand to rub the back of his neck. Marinette looked surprised, but at least she didn’t seem uninterested.
That, or she was a very convincing actor.
“Yeah? You and me both,” She replied, hastily adding, “A-An apology for you, too, I mean.”
“Really? I’ll go first, then…” Adrien took a moment to compose his thoughts, trying his best to maintain eye contact with the girl across from him to show he was serious.
Here went nothing.
“I’m, ah, really sorry I got us into this entire damn mess. It was my fault that I…well, rather than saying sorry to you like ah’ normal fuckin’ person, I approached you like an asshole and even put my hands on you. Look, ever since yesterday, there has been this weird tension between us and I know you’re super freakin’ weirded out by me, darlin’, because we never talk like this but…yeah, I’m just really sorry about this entire damn thing.”
Adrien paused, dissatisfied with how his apology came out.
“Y’know, that sounded a whole lot cooler in my head. Figures, don’t it?” He grumbled to himself, causing the girl to break out into laughter. It was high and clear-cut, reminding him very much of Ladybug’s laughter.
A beat of silence spread between them before Marinette spoke.
“As long as you’re truly sorry, Agreste, I forgive you. I mean, you’re not fully redeemed yet, but it’s a start.” She played with a lock of her raven hair as she said this, looking more relieved than anything.
Strange girl.
“So…we good?” He questioned, a smirk playing on his lips.
“Yes, but I owe you an apology too. First off, I’m sorry I kicked your butt yesterday and that your father had to find out. Second off, I’m sorry about what I said earlier, or what I implied. It was insensitive of me.” Marinette smiled shyly at him, looking like she wanted to say more but couldn’t find the right words.
You and me both, darlin’.
“Well, t’be fair, I act like I don’t have a nice bone in my body. Its no wonder your judgment’s a little warped.” Adrien held up his hands, chuckling. The awkward tension from before was dissipating, and a more comfortable atmosphere had fallen over them.
“True, but I figured you couldn’t be that bad since you chose not to sue lil’ ole me.” Marinette teased, threading her fingers together.
“Oh, that was fuckin’ wild! Imagine, the trouble-maker being offered to sue the goody-two-shoes!” He shook his head at the irony, recalling his own miffed emotions at the time. “Shit, to think it just happened earlier…”
“I know, right? I felt bad for losing my temper, Mr. Damocles looked as if he-”
“Pissed himself?”
“Yeah.” She giggled, their conversation hitting a lull.
Adrien studied Marinette for a few moments, taking in their newfound attitudes towards each other. She forgave him fairly easily, while he just as easily forgave her. Plus, she was easy to talk to. It was so peculiar, and frankly scary, how well they got along without a crowd to impress. This caused him to wonder why he didn’t try to pursue something with the female earlier then now, like in their first year. If he had become friends with her then, maybe he wouldn’t be where he was now. Maybe…
They were from two different worlds, practically. He grew up with strict parents, and even stricter rules. She grew up with loving parents, and rules that remained unbroken. His rebellious tendencies had been present ever since he learned to lie, and it had really peaked when his mother disappeared. She had been showered with love from her still-present mother all her life, with no discernable behavioral issues to be found.
Adrien Agreste was a delinquent (while Chat Noir was a golden mess), and Marinette Dupain-Cheng was kind-hearted with a thirst for justice.  
But, a late start is better than no start at all.
“Hey, Adrien, I have a serious question for you.” Marinette suddenly said, frowning. Adrien looked up, blushing lightly from the fact that he had been caught staring.
“Try me.” He replied, mirroring her frown.
Marinette shook her pigtails slightly, tucking a stray curl behind her ear as she wedged a closed fist under her chin.
She was the perfect picture of curiosity.
“What was the real reason you apologized to me? And don’t give me that dumb excuse from yesterday, I hate when people lie to me.” Adrien felt his throat close up, and he had to force himself out of the staring contest had been having with her up until then. Chat Noir was usually good at dealing with mushy bullshit such as this, not Adrien Agreste.
But Marinette asked you, not Chat Noir. Stop being a pussy.
“Uh, well…look, darlin’, I’m not too sure myself. For the most part, you reminded me of someone…close to me who gets shit on all the time like you do from Chloe. I wasn’t in the mood for bullshit yesterday, and so it just felt right to apologize. You dig?” Adrien felt his face warm with embarrassment, and he knew he would have to walk on eggshells if she asked about whom that ‘someone’ was.
Marinette kept the frown on her face for all but a second more, than smiled at him brightly.
“Good enough for me. You really are a good guy underneath all that cigarette smoke and leather.” She quipped, lifting her head from her hand. This made Adrien laugh, and for once it was genuine.
Safe, for now.
“I’m beginning to see why everyone likes you, Marinette, because I’m beginning to.” He said without thinking, reaching up to close the short distance between their desks and clapping a hand over hers.
The move was so involuntary and his words so superfluous that he almost didn’t catch the underlying meaning.
Marinette, unprepared for this sudden confession, kind of gaped at him. A flattered blush bloomed on her cheeks and spread to her nose, dusting over all her freckles like seeds on a strawberry.
Adrien, abruptly realizing his implication, removed his hand from hers at the speed of light.
Shit. That’s not what I meant.
“Fuck, hold on. I meant as friends, darlin’, as friends.” Adrien rushed to assure her, gesticulating like crazy to prove so. He saw the tension in her shoulders leave, and noticed she had lowered her eyelids considerably in the last few seconds.
Should I be offended?
“Oh, good…I mean, I knew that. Of course. Friends is doable.” She fluttered a hand over her sternum, obviously indicating she was thinking the other way around.
She looked him up and down again, and repeated with a smile “Definitely doable.”
Unable to help himself, Adrien winked.
“Yes, I am doable, darlin’.”
For the rest of detention, he was nursing a bruised cheek from the book bag Marinette had launched at his face.
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