#especially that one about Mizuchi
thedeliverygod · 9 months
The Final Chapter of Noragami
I'll start off by saying no matter what, this is my favorite manga/anime series. It'll always be near and dear to my heart. And thank you again to @fast-moon who has put so much time in effort into this series so that we would be able to read it in English ASAP.
But here are my honest thoughts, below the cut
There are far too many open ends. As a writer and a fan, I get that it's good to leave things pretty open ended and give fans a chance to explore possibilities. But there was too much here.
Something that struck me during my read of the translation (as I read the raws about an hour beforehand) was the absence of Nana. Arahabaki and Shiho are at the hanami, why not her? Especially since she's got a bond with Bishamon as well.
Is Nora just a free agent, doing whatever she wants? We see that Yukine still has his Hagusa name, so clearly she would still have Mizuchi. And we know Yato can't re-name her. Does she spend time with Yato and Yukine at Kofuku's house? Is she Yato's secret agent in watching over Hiyori? lol
Kazuma is the only one (aside from Nana) who survived the God's Greatest Secret without being named with the koto no ha. How is he dealing with it? Is he also having nightmares like Yukine?
Yato being 'saved' by going viral is a bit dumb especially because the posts are like "wow this guy is doing like a 10 year old meme lame" etc so it didn't seem like it should have blown up much anyway? and he also says no one actually remembers 'him'/uses his name just Teke-Teke so how does that... actually help Yato? Granted he didn't die and he has a smartphone now but I feel like he would... actually have to really be acknowledged to get money and have a shrine other than Hiyori's shrine (which btw what happened to THE DAMN SHRINE??? its on the cover but the chapter??? absent)
"I'll give you all of me" and dramatic crying/kiss but then Yato just seems so... detached. granted I KNOW it's because of the near shore/far shore and he doesn't want to endanger her again and just looks over her and it's a trope that's been in a million fanfics including mine but it just feels so off and bluh to NOT GET ANY RESOLUTION OTHER THAN HIYORI JUST RECOGNIZING HIM and then a line in the journal about how he tried to play it off.
I can't even think of everything tbh there's just a lot I want answered that wasn't...
I would say the best part of this chapter was the stuff about Fujisaki. It finally answered that he was 'born' with Father present inside of him and they kind of switched back and forth. Although again that leaves the question of how much was Fujisaki and how much was Father in terms of hitting on Hiyori/how much did Fujisaki know about Father's antics. I also love that Yato still hates him anyway even without Father LOL
lastly father was this giant cataclysmic force in Yato's life for literally over a thousand years and he's finally free. and we really get no reaction in regards to that. And that is especially disappointing when it's a major theme of the manga as a whole, you know?
idk that's my piece for now. I'm sure I'll have more to say in the coming days/weeks/months/etc but I hope and pray there's maybe any sort of small addition to the tankobon release.
it did mention "please look forward to adachitoka's next work" but I think that was just like a publishing nicety. I think noragami's ending was rushed due to their ongoing health problem and/or pressure from the publishers and I honestly don't see them coming out with a new series any time soon.
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love-sapphirerose · 6 months
Yashahime: Awful Sequel
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When the first of the information came out that Inuyasha was getting a sequel, everybody was excited but it was a really awful show that was overhyped. It became a failing sequel to the Inuyasha franchise just like Boruto became to the Naruto franchise. It's a show about a hanyo version of kagome and/or rin who inherited the obsessive clingly nature, a hanyo female version of sesshomaru who barely has a personality that doesn't involve slaying and playing the violin, and a weak comic relief shihanyo who inherited her parents worst traits, who are majority of the time always winning fights.
Just like with Inuyasha the Final Act, Yashahime was extremely rushed and boring. The Final Act was quickly wrapped up in 1 season as the manga was longer.
2. Constant Copying
In one of kohakuxrin's post there is massive recycling from the previous inuyasha content and especially the final act manga material that wasn't made in the rushed anime. As they
1) Mistress Centipede with Mistress Three-Eyes
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They're trying to remake the first villain from the past.
2) Hitokon
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3) Bone Demon and a Father
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4) Cat Demon
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5) Meioju
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6) Ginka and Kinka
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7) Mizuchi and Nuwamatari
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8) Nikosen
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9) Sayo
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10) Yuki and her brother
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11) Wakana
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12) Kodoku
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13) The two onis
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14) Snow Panther
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15) An incarnation of the main antagonist interested in a member of the dog demon clan
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16) Not alone anymore
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17) A moth demon destroyed by a hanyo in a mindless state
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18) Kao and the bug in the chest
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19) Shibugarasus, Toads, Kumogashiras
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20) The giant bug with someone within
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21) The Rainbow Crystals
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- The Silver Crystal was split into the seven Rainbow Crystals so as to seal away Seven Great Yōma. And as Sailor Moon shed a tear for her lover Tuxedo Mask who was mortally wounded, it caused the seven Rainbow Crystals to react and merge into one, forming the Silver Crystal itself. - As Zero shed a tear onto the Sacred Jewel, upon learning the death of Toga whom she was fond of, the seven rainbow pearls came out of it.
22) Chibiusa and the Door of Time
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- Chibiusa has a key that leads to the door of time which leads to the future, and she was being hunted by bad guys. - Akuru has a pinwheel that activates the windmill of time opening a path to the future, and he was being hunted by Kirinmaru.
No question in those two because Katsuyuki Sumisawa was involved in the first anime version of Sailor Moon and in the same episodes in which the rainbow crystals assembled and Chibiusa took the Sailor Warriors to the doors of time (episodes 34 and 82).
23) Walking Around Naked
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24) Pulling Out A Sword
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25) Wondering About Name and Bullying
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26) Recycled Moves
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In episode 20, 2 lizard yokai attempting to break into the hanyo village look very similar to the two lizard yokai in the original series.
moroha trying to touch rion's ears like kagome with inuyasha's ears.
towa getting mad at homaru and zero for separating her and setsuna like Inuyasha got mad at naraku for separated him and Kikyo.
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3. Contrived Powerups
Majority of the time, you would notice that towa, Setsuna, and moroha get these power ups to easily defeat an opponent by emotions or hearing about something.
4. Miroku and Sango's Family
Other than Hisui, they are barely seen.
Miroku spent the majority of the series on a 1000 day training and in the last episodes of the season he was suddenly powerful and taking on the grim butterfly. In episode 22, miroku was easily defeated by zero and had kin'u take his place.
Sango, who was known to be a strong female fighter in the original, was reduced to simply miroku's wife and hisui's, kin'u's, and gyokuto's mother. In the last episode of the final act, sango retired from being a demon slayer but could've come out of retirement to lead the new demon alongside kohaku but instead she's reduced to making mask and supplies. In the last episodes of season 2, sango comes out of retirement to fight with a rushed weapon called the black hiraikotsu.
Hisui could've continued to learn under miroku while being a demon slayer despite kin'u being a monk first. Sango, who was the original owner of the hiraikotsu, should have been the one to inspire hisui to be a demon slayer instead of kohaku. The hiraikotsu doesn't have the abilities it achieved in the final act.
The creators of yashahime decided in season 2 to give hisui feelings for setsuna, making it offiical in episode 48, to make it opposite of riku and towa since hisui is a full blooded human riku is a incarnation of a full blooded yokai.
Kin'u and Gyokuto, who appeared the least in the show, only appear to make a character shine. sango, who is a skilled fighter, didn't even train kin'u and gyokuto in combat as the only thing they do is throw sutras and powders. The creators didn't put any thought into their character designs as kin'u and gyokuto should've had different hairstyles and lengths from each other as the only difference in kin'u's hair was the small ponytail and gyokuto's hair didn't change at all. While kin'u's attire did change, the difference between gyokuto's attire from childhood was her apron and woven sandals.
They could've appeared more in the series and developed their personalities and abilities.
And when shippo appeared again especially in episode 48, kin'u and gyokuto reverted back to their personalities when they were little children.
5. Kohaku and the Demon Slayers
kohaku's face looks like iruka from the naruto franchise. Despite opposite character designs and weapons, rokuta and nansuke barely have personalities and don't even have backstories
How could the demon slayers, especially kohaku and hisui, not know setsuna was a hanyo after seeing her abilities and sensing her aura.
Kohaku and the Demon Slayers really don't think things through sometimes and aren't very bright.
Ex. Nikosen was poisoning a mountain and instead of thinking of other ways to defeat him, the only way they thought to defeat him in their minds was to burn the mountain.
6. Secrets
It seems to me nobody wants to talk about the past.
Despite living in the modern era for 10 years, the higurashi family never mentioned or seen pictures of kagome to towa until she was about to leave for the feudal era.
kaede never told kohaku, hisui, and the other demon slayers that setsuna was a hanyo or was sesshomaru's daughter. After 10 years of not seeing setsuna, kaede never once told her about sesshomaru, rin, or towa and even when she returned she still didn't explain. It only took 21 episodes for kaede to tell towa about rin and even then it was quick information about how they lived together for many years and she disappeared shortly after she and setsuna were born.
kaede never even told moroha about inuyasha and kagome.
I wonder why nobody especially miroku and sango told kohaku about towa and setsuna being sesshomaru and rin's daughters and not even a letter.
Even when kohaku found out about towa and setsuna being sesshomaru's daughters, he only mentioned something to them in episodes 5 and 31.
When miroku first met towa, he was informed that she was setsuna's older sister and instead of telling her about their parents he just stood there silently.
When the higurashi family realized that moroha is kagome's daughter, they never told her information about her and inuyasha and tried to fix this in season 2 especially in episode 28.
7. Underage Pairings
The creators of yashahime really don't care about the sick relationships.
sesshomaru and rin, knew her ever since she was 7-8 years old.
riku and towa, he knew her before she was born
homaru and tamano, kidnapped and tried to force her to love him.
moroha flirting with bokuseno.
I don't have an opinion on hisui/setsuna or hisui/aiya.
8. Rushed and Failed Backstories
They really didn't think much into the childhoods.
In episode 15, towa and setsuna were taken away and placed in a forest for 4 years and moroha was sent away to the koga and ayame by hachiemon.
In towa's childhood after being separated from setsuna, there's not much known as we see her meet sota, have a weight set and trophies to explain her life, a flashback of a pinky promise, and they gave of these rushed memories in episode 36 like they gave kagome rushed memories in the final act.
With setsuna, her being taken away from the burned forest, being accepted into the hidden hanyo village, training under 2 orders, defeated 2 lizard yokai, flash forward 6 years later, a recycled flashback from episode 3, returning to the hanyo village, a quick copy and pasted of episodes 51 and 52 except the soldiers are yokai, and leaving the hanyo village.
With moroha, a quick flashback of her last training day with yawaragi, battling a recycled character kodoku, being sold to jyubei, battling the birds of paradise, and giving quick images of her as a baby in episode 39.
9. Contrived Emotional Moments
The scenes that are supposed to be emotional are bland, rushed, and cringe-worthy.
sota and towa's relationship wasn't sad for me as in season 1 and 2 they had very little interactions and were forced.
Ex. in episode 4, sota and towa talking and saying goodbye and in season 2 sota and towa meeting again and goodbye again after he tells he will always see her as his own blood daughter as they transform appearance when they first met.
A female wolf yokai named yawaragi was mentioned in episode 14, appeared as a small cameo at the end of episode 15, and official debut. She has a few flashbacks, a quick fight, then they tried to give us this emotional dying scene of her with moroha but i'm not attached to the character and everything goes back like nothing ever happened except for a new ability.
towa and setsuna tearfully hugging each other and apologizing when setsuna regains her memories.
riku tearfully killing zero.
moroha reuniting with Inuyasha and kagome while towa and setsuna, which is weird for her, tearfully watched.
moroha keeping the black pearl with the beni.
towa and mei's moments plus the final goodbye.
riku confessions of love to towa especially before everyone battles the grim butterfly and him dying.
Inuyasha, kagome, and moroha having a family moment on the bone-eater's well.
rin hugging towa and setsuna while sesshomaru and jaken having a conversation while 2 other families watched them.
towa and Setsuna hugging moroha in their new attires.
towa confronting a disguised riku in jyubei's shop.
moroha hugging Inuyasha and kagome before leaving their home.
Basically episode 48 was one of the worst episodes in the entire two seasons.
10. Terrible Characters
Majority of the yashahime series characters were boring and confusing.
In season 1, she looked more like she was the big bad of the series than Kirinmaru, who didn't even act like the villain.
Zero possessed much more of a threat to our main characters, as she is responsible for the forest fire that separated Towa and Setsuna and indirectly separated Moroha from Inuyasha and kagome. She's done various other things, blackmailing Sesshomaru by cursing Rin. She feels very much that she had the same level of connection that she had that the same connection Naraku did with Inuyasha.
zero's back story as well seemed uninteresting and confusing, having feelings towards Toga, and when he dies her love for him drives her to kill his descendants. She could have become more interesting as the series progressed. If the rainbow pearls sealed away her emotions, then why is zero taking revenge on toga's descendants and got angry at sesshomaru's mother.
But that was not the case, as when season 2 aired, is when Zero started to run down downhill by gathering the rainbow pearls, for revenge, kidnapping towa, and basically holding rin's life hostage, and it all ends in episodes 36 and 37.
To start with, Setsuna learns from Rin that she must save Zero to stop the curse from killing her. Really wished we knew that before. Thanks, Rin, which leads into the next episode.
At this point, Zero has been emotionally torturing Towa for the entire night by reminding her of her sadness and suffering, and is pretty much trying to get Towa angry enough so that she can kill her, and in doing so kill Rin. She's almost successful when Setsuna shows up, shows Towa the dream butterfly, and suddenly Towa loses all the anger she has towards zero in a matter of seconds.
towa then thanks zero for what she's done and it is really annoying. zero prepares to kill herself and Setsuna cuts the thread of fate tying Zero to Toga and she removes the curse from Rin and commits suicide by Riku.
All of these in a matter of minutes, they make Zero, this threatening and uninteresting villain and rendered her more pathetic. They had to give her a redemption arc when she's been the most villainous character in this sequel. Kirinmaru felt more like an obstacle the same way Koga was in Inuyasha. But this, this was so dumb, and when I was watching episode 36 and heard what Rin said, I knew what this was leading into but it was so much worse when Towa thanked her for it. She really didn't need to thank the person who separated her from her twin sister and tried multiple times to kill her, sister, and rin because it's just wrong.
The creators of yashahime couldn't even give zero an actual conclusion that fitted with her character, and she's forgiven so easily. You didn't see Inuyasha thanking Naraku for setting him and Kikyo against each other and killing Kikyo, Sango thanking naraku for killing her village and controlling her kohaku, and miroku thanking naraku for cursing his bloodline. Could you imagine how messed up that would have been?
11. Timeline Error and Wrong Ages
The story takes place after 18 years after the final act but they keep getting the timeline wrong.
In episode 3, kaede said the bone-eater's well stopped working after 15 years.
In episode 39, kagome said she hasn't seen her family in 14 years.
Despite the yashahime creators making jaken and the tree of ages saying that rin is supposedly 18, she is really 15.
The true creator, Rumiko Takahashi, explained in databooks that rin is 7-8 years old in the beginning, sota is 8-9 years old, and kohaku is 11 years old.
In the 3 year time skip at the end of the final act rin is 11, sota is 11-12, and kohaku is 14.
4 years later when towa, setsuna, moroha were born, rin would be 15, sota would be 15-16, and kohaku is 18.
When they were 4 years old, Rin was 19, sota was 19-20, and kohaku was 22.
10 years later in the present as they are 14 years old, rin is 29 not 32, sota is 29-30, and kohaku is 32.
The reason the creators tried to age sota and rin up is because they forgot.
12. Copied Information
If you watched yashahime, you would immediately notice the constant copy and pasting from the original series and the final act. They're trying to do this to bring back memorable feelings to the new series.
Even though the rainbow pearls were created from the sacred jewel and have its essence, as they just copied lesser powerful versions of it.
towa, setsuna, and moroha fighting mistress three eyes to remember the fight between inuyasha and kagome with mistress centipede.
setsuna not wanting to be a hanyo is a reference of sesshomaru disliking hanyo.
towa being controlled by the hitokon like the little boy, but how did it appear in the modern era without being seen.
setsuna remembering mei thanking her is to remember rin smiling at sesshomaru.
moroha appearing in the room naked without shame just like inuyasha.
grandpa higurashi giving moroha, who had a weird look on her face, a kappa foot just like he gave kagome, who also had a weird on her face, a kappa foot as well.
13. Sesshomaru
Personally, I've never really liked sesshomaru as just like miroku, jaken, sango, especially shippo and kagome. As in yashahime, sesshomaru became bland and terrible.
Out of all of the characters whose personalities and motives changed from the original series, The one who got it the worse was Sesshomaru. Despite him not being on screen for very long in the first season and the currently ongoing second season, he's barely said anything. To be fair, Sesshomaru wasn't having full-blown conversations with everyone, but he at least has some conversations with other characters. Here he barely says anything.
He's also not very emotional, which was the same in the original series, but with what has happened in the second season of Yashahime, you'd think the writers would give him some kind of emotional moments not the sick ones of sesshomaru holding rin when the curse was placed on her in episode 27 and it being taken off her in episode 37.
In season 1, sesshomaru has barely appeared and mostly made short cameos and flashbacks.
Ex. In episode 18, sesshomaru only appeared for a short time to quickly fight kirinmaru, orders jaken to not say anything then they leave.
The plot for him is really bad and doesn't make any sense, sesshomaru takes towa and setsuna shortly after they're born, stay away from them and refuses to help them when they were 4 years because homura and zero, who he can easily defeat, who kill them herself and kill rin, who said she would rather die than let them be sacrificed for her sake, but changed his mind when they were 14 years old. And sesshomaru idiotically listened to jaken sealing into the tree of ages and sealing inuyasha and kagome away into the black pearl because they thought they would go after zero and killer which would also kill rin, even though they would find another way to save her.
Even though, sesshomaru secretly gave setsuna items and tasks over the 6 years she's lived in the hidden hanyo village, he's a terrible father as he doesn't tell them anything, basically an absent father, left towa and setsuna to face kirinmaru and setsuna was killed, completely left the task of setsuna saving rin to her and didn't do anything as kohaku and sota were more fathers to them instead of himself.
The creator of yashahime could've made janis or kaname kururugi canon in the series and giving them a story of how they came to permanently live the feudal era, or a new female character with a background but instead they disgustingly chose rin, a girl he knew since she was 7-8 and mostly treated like a daughter.
In Yashahime, sesshomaru is a terrible husband as he doesn't see rin as an equal and majority of the time still has the father-daughter dynamic and treats her like a pet.
Ex. shortly after towa and setsuna, sesshomaru didn't say a word to rin and took the twins without a single explanation to anyone other than a rite of courage and cowardice, commanded her to follow him and stay like a dog especially in episodes 46 and 47 when he commanded her watch him battle kirinmaru, and even in episode 48 when he still ordered him to follow him. The only time sesshomaru is ordered around is in episode 35 by rin.
In season 2, sesshomaru majority of the time just stands and watches things happen for plot, even when he's in the grim butterfly, in a coma, and letting others such as towa, setsuna, and moroha to do the work.
For an example, In Inuyasha, the final act, when they are in the underworld and Kohaku tells him that Rin isn't breathing. Sesshomaru shows genuine fear and concern, which I believe is the only time he acts this way. Then when he learns that Tenseiga can't revive her, he blames himself for it and says that nothing was worth losing her. It's one of the most powerful moments for Sesshomaru and shows just how far he's come. Whether you see Sesshomaru care towards Rin as Fatherly or not, this scene shows just how much he cares for her.
Let's compare that to in Yashahime.
After Sesshomaru kills the dream butterfly, it causes the Silver scale curse to spread more quickly, which will eventually kill Rin. She's pretty much dying in front of him, and he has no way to stop it himself. So how does he act?
He says nothing, even when she talks to him and he keeps the same face.
sesshomaru separated moroha from inuyasha and kagome for 14 years and the one who gets scolded for badmouthing him was inuyasha, who was rightfully so, and he was instantly forgiven, kagome saying 'i'm sure he had his reasons', sat inuyasha, and scolded him for blaming towa and setsuna, even though he wasn't. setsuna also shouldm't have to apologize on sesshomaru's behalf.
He later kills the dream butterfly to motivate Setsuna to be able to use her Yukari no Tachikiri, which nearly causes Rin to die because of him and finally, he doesn't go and save Towa when she is being tortured all night by Zero and Nanahoshi by his minature galaxy.
It feels like they were trying to frame it as Sesshomaru could be genuinely working with Kirinmaru, but in doing so, they make him look like he's the worst father of the year. And with how long this mystery dragged out, it didn't make Sesshomaru look any better.
It definitely it's completely different writing when it comes to Sesshomaru in both series, with Inuyasha, Rumiko wrote him a clear goal and a conclusion. In Yashahime, they're trying to one-up the audience with their mystery and are unintentionally wreaking his entire character.
14. Not Naming Characters
Despite new characters such as moe higurashi, mei higurashi, and aiya receiving names there are lot of characters that still don't have names such as sesshomaru's mother, weasel man, gokoku village headman, northern demon slayers leader, the granny, the lady, the muscle, the ninja, and so many others.
Despite knowing that his name is toga, they still refer to him as the great dog demon.
15. Nerfed
Just like Boruto and Dragon Ball Super, the power scaling doesn't make any sense. In Super, beerus, who is a god, is fighting goku, who turned into a super saiyan god, after a period of time transforms back into a simple super saiyan but doesn't make any sense that he can still can fight beerus, they tried to explain away this through beerus but it doesn't work. In Boruto, there have been many multiple fights where the older generations are nerfed to make the younger generation shine like when jugo hit konohamaru and he couldn't move for a few days but when jugo hit boruto he easily recovered, when karin had to become weak with her chakra chain in order for sarada to be strong, or when in the time travel arc with urashiki that sasuke was constantly weak in order for a genin naruto, boruto, and jiraiya to shine. It also happens in more sequels like in yashahime.
kirinmaru, who is equal to toga, can receive massive injuries from towa and setsuna, hanyos, and moroha, a shihanyo.
Zero, who possessed all of her 7 rainbow pearls that contain her immense yokai power that can summon an even greater demonic power that is far too strong and dangerous to even exist and the essence of the sacred jewel, can easily be killed by a feral towa.
The grim comet/grim butterfly, that has vast amounts of demon energy that it took toga, kirinmaru, sesshomaru, and inuyasha to defeat small fragments of it, was being completely held back by miroku and kagome, not even combined can match midoriko and kikyo.
towa creating the twin azure dragon wave but not sesshomaru.
16. UnInteresting Fights
Majority of the fights are boring and rushed.
In season 1, you would notice that more than half the fights are recycled from the final act manga and the original series.
towa battling the human boys.
totetsu battles against miroku, hisui, towa, and setsuna.
totetsu and riku battling each other.
In season 2, the fights are stale and lack originality.
towa and setsuna battling rock fiends.
riku and rion battling kirinmaru.
osamu battling riku and towa.
Ex. In the final fight against kirinmaru and sesshomaru, the fighting moves sesshomaru uses are recycled from his fight against magatsuhi.
17. Bland Characters
Most of the yashahime characters lack character and are boring.
Despite Raita and Futa having their parents killed by different species, different abilities, and opposite appearances, they're basically the same as one said something and the other agrees and repeats what the other said, they say 'take this' and attack. Raita and Futa's appearances didn't put much thought into them and when they're older the difference they get is armor.
With Mei Higurashi, we're told about her personality from towa but she's annoying and reminds me of kagome and rin when she wants to run into dangerous situations to resolve problems, bossy, and whiny.
Moe Higurashi rarely has a personality as the naive overly cheerful person that reminds us of ms. higurashi and her appearance looks like a light brown haired kagome and the only thing we know about her is that she's a traveling violinist.
takechiyo wasn't much of a character as is a less annoying version of shippo and a boring background story with his twin brother.
18. Sudden Recovery
In the original, inuyasha sustained damages from powerful and mst of them took him a while to heal but in yashahime mostly everyone, including towa, setsuna, and moroha, heals instantly from their injures even hisui.
It feels like when characters are facing powerful enemies they instantly get up without a scratch despite having injuries. I know they're hanyos from a powerful dog demon but it's contrived.
Ex. setsuna becomes injured after being restrained by mistress three eyes but quickly recovered to defeat her.
towa was weak after being released from hitokon's control but instantly recovered when setsuna wanted to remove the hitokon from mei's face.
miroku battled gaga gozen and was instantly defeated and weakened but instantly recovered when he battled setsuna.
In episode 18, towa, setsuna, and moroha battled kirinmaru and easily lost but instantly recovered.
19. Plot
The plot was really stupid and to be dramatic.
In season 1, ever since episode 2 when towa and setsuna separated, they constantly remind us for drama by memories and/or through other people in episodes 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, and 20, especially episodes 8, 10, and 14.
placing a seal on setsuna and her main weapon to keep her demon blood in check but during the series she's never fully tries to master it, only a small piece of it known as the blood blade. they made setsuna have a seal but not towa, that's not fair.
Throughout season 2, everyone was saying that towa needed to fight with a demon weapon and not something made by humans but at the last episodes she's fighting with the kikujmonji, a weapon made from humans.
moroha getting through mount musubi's barriers.
In episode 17, setsuna, who doesn't even know anything about sesshomaru and the dog demon clan, suddenly knows the dog demon clan is capable of discovering demonic energies from a distance with their unusually sharpened sense of smell but in episode 23 she questions her clan.
In episode 24, riku stabbing kirinmaru, who had his guard down, to weakened him for towa, setsuna, and moroha and towa stabbing kirinmaru.
In episode 24, setsuna dying so towa and moroha can instantly power up.
In episode 38, towa, setsuna, and moroha attacking kirinmaru and sesshomaru taking kirinmaru's attack and sending them into the black pearl.
In episode 39, kirinmaru showing up and demanding sesshomaru to come out before battling inuyasha, kagome, and moroha.
osamu kirin, who barely appeared in the series, was suddenly the villain of the last episodes of season 2.
riku and rion battling kirinmaru and later riku, who was heavily injured, easily taking rion away from kirinmaru.
In episode 47, towa dying so rion can face fear who ended up dying again anyway.
It doesn't make any sense, Rin was stuck in the tree for 4 before the silver scale curse slowly started to spread but suddenly when the dream butterfly was killed it spread all over her body within a few episodes.
20. Rushed Abilities
The abilities within the yashahime series are quickly inherited and lackluster.
Ex. towa instantly receives the energy blade after meeting the mistress three eyes.
towa receiving the azure dragon wave.
after myoga explains inuyasha's tessaiga absorbing demon energy, towa instantly receives the skill to absorb demon energy with her energy blade.
moroha receiving the crimson backlash wave.
towa receiving twin azure dragon wave.
In the original, the tenseiga was able to revive people once with no time limit as it revived goshinki and rin but in yashahime they decided to give it a stupid 1 hour time limit.
setsuna quickly mastering the yukari no tachikiri after 2 incidents with sea snake woman and mayonaka.
towa instantly mastering the zanseiken.
setsuna instantly achieving vermilion bird ambush.
moroha instantly mastered the bow she received from her parents.
21. Background Characters
The creators of yashahime really didn't put any thought into what to do with the characters.
Ex. The higurashi family basically didn't do anything as in episode 2 they were just get kidnapped and standing there and in episode 3 when towa, setsuna, and moroha were interacting with each other, all they did was silently standing there and didn't speak to them.
With shiori, they barely changed anything about her appearance except she now wears woven sandals and different hairpins and worst short as she doesn't and let's little children fight for her.
With koga and ayame, they only make a very small non-speaking cameo at the end of episode 15 and don't even have children of their own.
22. Hairstyles
The creators of yashahime really didn't put much thought into most hairstyles such as takechiyo, kikunosuke, kin'u, gyokuto, rion, and futa have the same styles.
23. Bad Animation
In episodes of season 1 and 2, you can see multiple terrible animation mistakes.
Ex. Setsuna flying away from towa and moroha.
zero laying on the ground and rin coming out from her slumber when zero died.
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kozachenko · 5 months
Some thoughts on some of the newest CDS chapters below the read more tag for spoiler's sake, since I have read the newest one and have some thoughts
As flawed as Cheating Detective Satori is, one thing I will give it is how it shows the reactions of the spirits and Youkai living in Former Hell to the whole "sealing it up" thing. While I was initially annoyed about the whole "sealing former Hell" thing, I feel like the newer chapters have kinda made the whole thing make more sense, especially in the newest one where Parsee mentions how in the case of a vengeful spirit making too much trouble, Former Hell is just gonna seal right back up and become Hell again, which is a system that has been around since Former Hell was established. I think what this little addition does well is that in retrospect it makes the whole decision of sealing up Former Hell make a bit more sense. Also, the mystery that the latest chapter left off with (Parsee's realization that Former Hell must have been sealed from the outside) is really interesting, and had that bit of realization not been included by Parsee, it probably would've been a major plot hole that Parsee's tunnel also got plugged up when the whole system was made years ago when Former Hell was first established. Also, would Parsee know who Mizuchi is? Or have at least heard of her? Or is Mizuchi kind of treated like an SCP in Former Hell and is kept a secret from everyone else, even though in the earliest chapters of CDS, Satori mentions that Mizuchi has been a bit of a problem before, and Yuugi also knows her sooooo is this a writing mistake or intentional? Although there are a lot of vengeful spirits in Former Hell so knowing who each and every single one is is probably giving the denizens of Former Hell a bit too much credit lol. But still, Mizuchi seems to maybe be a more well known vengeful spirit so I'm still a bit confused on that, or maybe it could just be as simple as Parsee having never met Mizuchi when counseling vengeful spirits.
Maybe certain people aren't allowed to even see Mizuchi since they could be prime targets for her to possess people and escape. Which could also be related to the reason why she escaped in the first place, maybe she possessed someone with a grudge against Reimu or anyone in the Hakurei bloodline and used them to get out of Former Hell?
Also, when you think about that and the fact that Zanmu is the one who proposed the move, it gave me the headcanon that Zanmu also put that system in place since she wouldn't just leave it carelessly unattended. Since it's in her character to think ahead and meticulously plan things, why wouldn't she put this safety measure in place?
Utsuho and Koishi were also really good in this chapter, and Utsuho's title is so fucking good, I love it. Koishi also trying to get the other vengeful spirits to chill out is also a fun detail. Her point about the vengeful spirits not even being allowed to leave regardless is also something interesting to think about. Though it is explained in the manga that the vengeful spirits just needed a reason to attack, the idea of someone getting mad about the loss of a freedom that they would normally never use is very interesting to me.
When the manga is finished I'm most likely gonna do a full review on it, since my last one had way too much swearing and I was also really tired and wanted to sleep and I am just overall not happy with it. Plus, the manga seems like it's starting to get better, and with ZUN himself saying that he's aware of the criticism towards CDS, I'm gonna stay optimistic with this manga. Also, it would be really interesting to see how the people in New Hell react to the restoration of Former Hell, especially Zanmu due to how important she is in the actual creation of Former Hell, although a small part of me thinks that she would just go, "not my Hell, not my problem" and leave it at that, the other part of me thinks that would maybe be a little out of character for her. Like, I don't think she'd be panicking, but at the same time she's not gonna treat it like a non-issue. Though that could just be me since I like Zanmu a lot lol.
All in all, just a lot to think about with this new chapter.
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angelicsatin · 2 months
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Axobloom | Sakura Mizuchi ❀˖°
initially, an adoptable i purchased before commissioning her school uniform slide to her sheets ! art & sheets by @ mariipurin on Instagram !! a new cute oc I'm happy to have bought and gotten to build off of her design and quirk <3 my first adoptable I've ever gotten !!
Full Name: Sakura Mizuchi 蛟 桜 Hero Name: Axobloom Age: 15-16 (Ages alongside her classmates + the other students) Birthday: November 11 Zodiac: Scorpio Height: 5'1 or 154 cm Gender: Cis female Sexuality: Pansexual Blood Type: A Status: Alive Affiliation(s): U.A High School, Class 1-B Romantic Interest(s): Neito Monoma MBTI: ESFJ Enneagram: 3w2
Quirk: Floral Axolotl
This unique power allows the user to control and generate various types of flowers while possessing regenerative capabilities reminiscent of an axolotl. Sakura can rapidly heal injuries and even regenerate lost body parts, making them a resilient and nature-infused force.
Drawbacks include polydipsia and require her to stay hydrated more often than the typical person. If she overuses her quirk, she experiences extreme dehydration, any generated flowers may wither, and she begins to get light-headed. Additionally, it takes a lot of energy to regenerate full limbs, compared to just a finger, hand, or foot. And can wear her out if she has to too often.
Random Facts ⁩≽(◕ ᴗ ◕)≼
A student in Class 1-B
One of her parents runs a flower shop, while the other is a low-level pro hero sidekick under the Sea-Rescue Hero, Selkie.
She refuses to end up a sidekick like her father, finding the position beneath her.
She has an actual pet Axolotl named Mudkip♂️ (after the Pokemon)
Her dorm room is filled with different flowers and plants. Both that she's grown or has been gifted from her mother.
She can breathe underwater due to the external gills that grow from her head.
Develops a crush on Monoma very early on in the series / their first semester.
She's close friends with Tetsuna Tokage, and Kinoko Komori and generally quite adores all of her classmates in 1-B.
She isn't a fan of the majority of class 1-A. Although, she is friendly with Tsuyu Asui and Mina Ashido the most.
She's traveled abroad with her family many times, visiting the Philippines once, the west coast of the United States once and Australia three times.
She’s very eco-friendly and adamant about it to her friends, in the nicest way possible because she doesn’t like coming off as bossy.
Leisure Time
Stuffed Toys / Animals  
Pop Music
Gardening / Planting or Growing Flowers
Making Flower Crowns (especially for her friends)
Her Pet, Her Family, & Classmates
Competition and Winning
Makeup & Doing Makeovers
Coquette Fashion / Cutesy Clothing
Reading Fairytales
Watching / Listening to Monoma Rant
Being Late 
Flashing Lights
Conspiracy Theories
Ugly Stationery (basic, really)
Hot Temperatures 
Being Seen as Weak
The Texture of Styrofoam
People Who Don't Recycle
Hardwood Floors
Personality ❣︎
Positive Traits: Adaptable, Imaginative, Optimistic, Supportive, Nurturing, Appreciative, Ambitious, Nature-Focused, Eco-Friendly, Confident, Charming, Affectionate, Creative, Curious, Merciful, Extroverted, Wholesome, Friendly, Generous, Accepting
Negative Traits: Stubborn, Pretentious, Spoiled, Oversensitive, Nosy, Forgetful, Clumsy, Gossipy, Obsessive, Somewhat Greedy, Needy, High Maintenance with High Standards, Prideful
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spear-gsun · 4 months
What did you think about the developments in this chapter of Detective Satori?
While it might be too early to jump to conclusions...
Can Yuugi shrink? If so, is it possible Mizuchi's end goal is to destroy the Hakurei Shrine physically? Like, the building? I feel now that it's the case. It would be the 4th-5th time it happened, so it could be a good way for Mizuchi to "win" without seriously affecting the status quo like making the rest of the named cast live in constant fear of getting possessed forever or something.
That said, I hope Reimu isn't being led on another wild goose chase. Who do you think is on the other end of the phone?
This chapter didn't really have that much crazy stuff, feels like we're back in the "setting stuff up" chapters, still theres some interesting new stuff to speculate about
I feel like its still too early to say what Yuugi and Mizuchi's plan is, it definitely seems like theyre going around riling up the vengeful spirits and possibly also the ones releasing them out onto the surface, but im not really sure what theyre trying to achieve with that. Overwhelming them with numbers? Letting Mizuchi blend into the crowds of spirits? Perhaps we're gonna see Yuugi fight Reimu next chapter, since they seem to be emphasizing that things are happening just like the incident in SA, and Yuugi would of course be the next boss after stage 1 and 2 Also, bringing back the yin yang orb phones is something i did not see coming but it's kind of cool tbh, a nice little mystery to figure out who's on the other end talking to Reimu. My first thought was either Marisa or Yukari, i feel like Yukari makes a little more sense but also im not sure. Excited to see where it goes though I also wonder what Byakuren is worried is happening at Hakurei Shrine, and also, im wondering if we'll see who the person talking to Reimu through the orbs is once they get to the shrine, cause it would make sense if they were staying there (especially if it does end up being Marisa) Also, excited to see how Remilia is gonna get involved again, or maybe we'll just see what she was talking about without, either way im looking forward to it
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iyliss · 9 months
Actually thinking about Saiou and Mizuchi childhood stuff and what it means in the scope of gx generally being about growing up and transition to adulthood and all that and MOSTLY the contrast with Edo.
So on one end you have a kid who have learned adults couldn't be relied upon, but still holds onto strong bonds with the ones he trusts (living or dead). And on the other two kids who grew up seeing adults as actively dangerous to them. They have such contrasting relationships with adulthood.
Edo would have a pretty poor idea of adults. He has this weird balance of false maturity and independance, and childishness he holds onto (because "his clock stopped moving" and all that, because no longer being a child means no longer being his father's child). But then there's the even WEIRDER expression of Saiou's fake maturity. Everything about how Saiou looks strange to everyone who meets him, it also has to do with how professional he sounds. of course he doesn't feel like he is in the same range as the rest of the main cast, he perpetually acts like he's in a business meeting.
Edo refuse to ask for help, Saiou and Mizuchi don't even think they can do that. Edo wants to appear distant to others, especially people his age, but his emotions and struggles spills out of him the moment he faces Judai. Saiou constantly creates this distance well, he even makes his duels not about himself.
Edo both wants and hates "adulthood", and Saiou uses it as a form of security. And in Saiou's case it's kind of part of his general weirdness, how he never really seem to belong anywhere. He neither really feels like a child, nor a teenager, nor an adult, and never did and that part. Like I have feelings on it but it gets even less sensical.
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blackfeatherdragon · 1 year
The Domino City Field Trip in the GX Teacher AU is so wild. You've got Bakura, acting as the substitute Red Dorm head for the trip (he has not been made the official head just yet), and he's tasked with trying to get the Red dorm students to the city's museum for a bit of a tie in to his history class. (He is Not looking forward to seeing his father at the museum again, considering his father tended to be kind of distant/more invested in his job than his son.)
Meanwhile, traveling with the Reds are Shou (just wants to hang out with Judai), Kenzan (also just wants to hang with Judai), Fubuki (really doesn't want to stay with Blue atm after most of Blue got converted into the Society of Light/he narrowly avoided conversion/the Obelisk Whites are all gunning to convert Fubuki since he's one of the strongest Duelists in the school), and Edo (starting to feel a little offput by Saiou's Society of Light cult but not willing to admit it yet), and a good chunk of the students are more interested in sightseeing the major Battle City locations/trying to pester Bakura about the tournament (which he doesn't remember most of).
Bakura definitely has to remind the kids that Battle City had some messed up stuff going on without getting into his own possession situation, especially once they stumble on the pier where Yugi and Jounouchi were forced to duel or die. (Bakura, probably: My friends almost died here, this isn't a sightseeing spot.)
And that's not even getting into what canonically happened on that trip with Mizuchi...
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elendsessor · 5 months
nocturne no fusion run update part god(‘s voice) is dead
well here’s one that didn’t go as planned yet also kinda did
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now i actually made some pretty massive mistakes, and at least let the first one be your take away if you ever do any challenge run where the demifiend has to be involved (aka not the demon only run yes that’s real)
do not, and i mean DO NOT pass up glacial blast.
i forgot that’s the only element metatron doesn’t either resist or nullify. my dumb ass decided i wouldn’t take it. i should’ve. i really really should’ve.
i did make the smart decision to finally replace tornado with bolt storm tho for mot. yay???
yeah i was originally gonna save metatron until post diet building but couldn’t remember if you get locked into an ending once you beat mitra/samael or once you entered the tower of kagutsuchi. either way, it was a perfect time to go back to the lab(yrinth) again… after beating up surt, mada, and mot.
as always, surt’s a joke if you null or drain fire. mot can’t beast eye spam in hd like he could back in the day so he got nerfed hard. mada was the only real problem because intoxicate sucks.
i was’t genuinely scared of metatron. worried it would take longer than it did, but he’s kinda weak by nocturne boss standards when you think about it.
i never found him as hard as beelzebub mainly because you start off at a massive disadvantage before fighting the fruit fly from hell, meanwhile you’re given all the tools necessary for mr roboto save for pierce which you don’t need. also because metatron wastes his turns with mahamon if you void or reflect light. death flies at least still damages and beel uses a variety of other elemental moves. the only thing that could make metatron harder for some is how he cracks down on buff/debuff cancelling hard and he has debilitate.
now, what’s the problem with my sorry band of losers featuring raidou kuzunoha the 14th and best girl pixie? simple answer is we don’t have enough ice power.
qing long had to be dropped sadly since he unfortunately can’t match up to a lot of the endgame demons without major assistance. on my first run, mabufula was doing nothing, and because i can’t fuse, there wasn’t any way to power him up without extensive grinding, be it for incenses or levels. i don’t think this would change much as yeah as i ended up learning aside from weak healing moves on high magic stat demons, no amount of buffs can make up for low/medium damage elemental attacks especially not multi target skills due to how they function. he did good though. a real unsung hero. carried my team in interesting ways. i can’t fully change his moveset into something much greater without fusion, not even if i redo mizuchi, but god he was an actual trooper and will always be remembered (i’ll probably resummon him for the heck of it though).
the original team was gonna be black frost, albion, and titania, but i hit another roadblock due to the whole no fusion thing meaning no moveset changing and a good chunk of black frost’s moves can’t be mutated. garuda could work but only through chaining. maybe lilith too, but that would require a lot of grinding i don’t want to do. i tried at least abusing megido and megidiola stones but they did nothing.
and then comes the idea of using tekisatsu.
while a physical move, it does almighty damage. the cons come from the low crit rate (at least in my experience i never get crits with it ;-;) and it isn’t super powerful outside of taking care of random encounters. raidou does get a special piercing ability, but i didn’t feel like abusing it with yoshitsune. i abuse the poor guy enough. also wasn’t super close (the exp from metatron was just enough to get him to learn the pierce skill). the original idea was buff with monke, debuff with war cry and provoke (+dekaja stone of course), have titania both heal and do bonus damage with glacial blast, and have demifiend play emergency support. had to switch monke out halfway through since the debuffing combos weren’t keeping up with how many times metatron spammed dekunda, so i swapped albion in (they null phys so if metatron did decide to use his normal attack it could potentially be wasted). it wasn’t as big a stall race as beel’s fight was thankfully, and i think that’s partly due to the ai giving up and prioritizing fire of sanai and the “forever useless until 4a onwards” mahamon over trying to remove the debuffs.
the other big mistake? i was wrong about the fat fuck elephant. you do need metatron, and yes the only way to get him without metatron is by clipping through the door, but in order to perform the glitch, it needs to be set up using a pc only exploit.
i’m playing on console.
raidou gets to be the op secondary attacker now. good. don’t separate the ankle biter from his boyfriend.
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kaiowut99 · 1 year
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episodes 102-104 Subbed (Finalized)
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(Previously: Episodes 99-101 Subbed [Finalized])
(Check out my Subbed!GX Stream Masterpost!)
TURN-102: The Pulse of Light VS the Neo-Spacians
Ed was defeated in his battle against Saiou, who was taken by the Pulse of Light. Saiou asks Judai for his key to the laser satellite in exchange for Ed, pushing him into a corner. Right then, Neos appears and prevents the key from getting to Saiou--causing a furious Saiou to duel with Judai and settle this. As with his bout with Ed, he predicts the future, leading the duel to play out in his favor. For his part, Judai uses his Fusion specialty to summon Monsters, but...
TURN-103: Judai in a Pinch! The Light Barrier Field Magic
Saiou, taken by the Pulse of Light, activates his Light Barrier Field Magic. This barrier has an effect that even weakens the power of Card Spirits, driving Judai's Monsters into a corner. Saiou also summons his "The World" Arcana Force and pounces on Judai. Elsewhere, with both laser satellite keys in hand, Prince Ojin--being controlled by the evil Saiou--activates the satellite. Kenzan tries to stop him, but he's already too late as the laser satellite fires its beam right at the Earth. Will it be possible to...
TURN-104: Whither Victory?! Judai VS Saiou
Judai summons his Glow Neos and destroys Light Barrier, waging a direct attack against the evil Saiou upon turning the tables. Driven into a dilemma, the evil Saiou tributes The Material Road, The Spiritual Road, and The Heavens Road to summon his ultimate card, Arcana Force Extra - The Light Ruler, using it to deal him an intense blow. For his part, Judai also has Gran Mole and Neos do a Contact Fusion and summons Gran Neos as he shifts into a counterattack, but...
A bit delayed due to some life stuff going on (like moving!), episodes 102-104 are now up and finalized as we make our way into the Season 2 finale!
that Saiou eyecatch is haunting my nightmares all over again
As this three-parter gets underway, we have the aftermath of Ed losing to Saiou as the Light within him decides to use him as leverage to get the second SOLA key from Judai; once he does and tries to get them for himself, Neos shows up to stop that, forcing him to duel Judai for them (I do like how, when Judai tells the Light he'll give up on his plans if Judai wins after he's given up his key, Saiou correctly notes, "The keys are already with me and you expect me to agree to your terms?" lol). This is one of my favorite duels because of how much it emphasizes Judai's attitude of "the future's not set, we change our fates with each card we draw!" that he first told Ed about in episode 53, along with the foreshadowing we get to the events of Season 3--and the huge literal shadow it puts into play. At the same time, we have GeneX finishing up as Rei makes her surprise comeback and duels Manjoume for the championship, and I like that it serves as good cutaway material from the Judai/Saiou duel, though I do wish we got to see more of Rei's deck (especially since, 17 years later, her Mystic cards have still not been printed). Ojama Yellow also gets to make the finishing blow, to the onlookers' chagrin, which is fun, and Saiou and Mizuchi get to satisfyingly reunite in the end which is cute.
Also, Kenzan's dino DNA helps him turn into a Space Saurus to help bust up SOLA--A+ content.
(Quick Translation Note: As Manjoume and his group approach the remaining Society of Light members, he's holding a Gunbai baton (the Gunbai being "a type of signal baton and Japanese war fan," per Wikipedia) with the Japanese text 一意専心 on it, translating to "with heart and soul." I translated it for the hardsub, as covered here, in the two scenes it appears in by applying the English text over the Japanese text in Photoshop--similar to the edit worked on by Kay for episode 9's "Fighting Spirit" banner. I was also inspired with "Whither Victory" for 104's title translation after looking at a Dragon Ball Kai title used for the dub that more concisely conveyed the "where is victory" idea in the JP title here.)
Animation error-wise, interesting mix here. I worked on about 30 of them altogether (a bit fewer than in 99-101), not counting the additional hardsub-only edits I made to translate the "With Heart and Soul" staff Manjoume carries for two clips in 102 or fix re-applications during the recaps; part of the delay with this was my moving and adjusting accordingly, as it took a few days before I could work on these fixes. About half of these were little quality-of-watching fixes, mostly split-screens but including fixing a stat-counter SFX error in 102, while the rest were mixes of incomplete-drawing errors, card errors, and card-related consistency errors--with a little "missing Burstlady shoulder strap" for good crowd-favorite measure. More in my separate post here with my usual fix/edit breakdown for the interested, due to Tumblr’s dumb link limit in posts yeeting them out of the tags used and limiting their reach, to give you a more visual element to it! (And had to split it in two again due to that) have I mentioned my love for this show is like an Ojama
Quick housekeeping: made a slight revision to 101 to update Saiou's line as he summons Light Ruler vs Ed for consistency with the tweak I made in 102. The 101 link in 99-101's release post now links to the re-uploaded version; I've updated its link in the Masterpost and will be posting the re-finalized hardsub/script/MKV on NAC soon as I post these.
Anywho, enjoy! Feels really good to get Season 2 taken care of, as that makes 104 episodes I've finalized my translations for; while I did like most of my last-go-around work on 102-104, it was good to make some updates to match my current style. With that, of course, comes a brief little Season-ending lull period; I'll be doing a little housekeeping to correct a few ending-credit typos in episodes 83 and 89, and a minor sub-styling correction in episode 81, which I'll post on NAC once done. After that, I'll putting in a little more work on a special project in progress that I'll hopefully post about soon over the next few weeks, along with work to prep for finalizing Season 3, including touching up my last textless edit for Teardrop V1 (which wasn't released officially textless and has Judai all sad with Johan, used from 105-112) and some work on some other side projects. All told, thinking I'll start small with work on 105 starting later this month, since a clip-show episode works well to come back with and all, lol; stay tuned!
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tribow · 1 year
Okay! So...I'm caught up on Cheating Detective Satori right now. I've been having trouble putting my thoughts together on it so far, but I wanted to at least discuss a little bit where the cliffhanger currently is right now. Spoilers up to Chapter 27 below
So, it has been established that there is currently a barrier around Myouren Temple right now. Everyone inside is locked in and those outside are having trouble viewing inside of it (as seen from Hatate panicking of course.)
The Myouren crew + Kogasa, Aya, Reimu, Marisa, and Flandre (for some reason) are all currently inside the barrier.
Not a lot has been revealed about what's going on right now, but I have my own theories. For one, I don't think Mizuchi created the barrier. At no point has it been revealed that Mizuchi can do any kind of barrier technique. I'm not denying the chance that she could do it for a reason I'll explain later, but I doubt Mizuchi is behind this barrier.
There are multiple characters in touhou more than capable of making a barrier like this. Every hermit is capable (especially Miko), Lunarians (highly unlikely to involve themselves in this), Okina (probably???), and Sanae just to name some. There's two ways this barrier could have been set up: Mizuchi possessed someone to preemptively erect a barrier to prepare, or someone decided to trap everyone inside to keep Mizuchi at bay. I can see the latter happening for sure as Mizuchi is way too hard to track and we know she's trapped in there too since she was at some point possessing Byakuren.
With Flandre being revealed to be there for reasons unknown, I actually have suspicions that Patchouli made the barrier. The Scarlet Devil Mansion gang would absolutely involve themselves into solving this incident after being the first to get attacked. It's hard to imagine Remilia just sitting down and taking the L after what happened and Flandre would be more than happy to participate. I could be wrong though. Flandre could have acted entirely on her own here, or maybe she's working with Mizuchi (highly doubt she's possessed right now)
Ah, but there's a secret third option, and I only thought of this after seeing this panel:
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Reimu knows Mizuchi. It has been said that Mizuchi is antagonizing Reimu specifically as well. Mizuchi must have some history with Reimu personally or with the Hakurei Shrine itself. I'm more likely to believe it's the latter vengeful spirits are remnants of the past anyway. So here's the incredibly unlikely third option that I am mostly suggesting as a joke:
Mizuchi is a vengeful spirit of a previous Hakurei shrine maiden.
This....that would be insane, but it would explain Mizuchi inexplicably having the ability to do barrier techniques because you who else can do that? Reimu can, except Reimu isn't the type to do contingency plans so there's no way she made that barrier herself.
Now again, this is a joke. Mizuchi doesn't have "Hakurei" in her name which already somewhat breaks that theory, and it's way more likely that she just has bad history with the previous Hakurei miko. The fact that she has history with the Hakurei shrine in general is super interesting though. Mizuchi may end up being a glimpse into Hakurei's past and that is not something we have gotten out of touhou for the longest time.
Well, that's all I got to say about that, I might be able to put together my thoughts about how this story is going so far later. For now, I am enjoying the read at least.
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chireikiden · 2 years
Do you think Flandre or Utsuho is more dangerous? I see them compared sometimes and I've also seen speculation that a Mizuchi possessed Okuu will be the final boss of Chireikiden.
It doesn't seem to me like her victims' power level (™) is something Mizuchi cares about in the slightest, and especially not what she's after. Otherwise she could've already done whatever she wanted, or at least far more than she did, back when she possessed Yukari.
The one way I could imagine Okuu being some kind of "boss" here would be if Mizuchi got really desperate and had to circle back to Former Hell to possess her as some kind of hostage to use against Satori. In that situation, threatening to blow stuff up and thus holding Hell itself hostage could also play a role, but the personal aspect would be far more important than any other danger level. While it's odd/sad to me that Okuu hasn't shown up at all so far, I don't see a reason to give this random scenario more than a shrug at this point.
To half-answer the actual question: assuming just a random rampage, both are capable of causing arbitrarily large amounts of trouble "if not stopped", but Flandre could mess up a person far worse. I guess.
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toa-arania · 1 year
I'm going fucking feral we're doing another Phantasmagoria game!? And it isn't even called that lmaoasgdghsh
Ok so
What we know
Reimu has a new boss sprite, and therefore Marisa probably will too
Playable Aunn, Seiran, and Nazrin. These three cover the range from 12-16, so we're getting people from a while back, definitely into the Moriya Era and possibly into the Classic Era (<- guess). Two of them are stage 1 bosses and all of them are relatively low-ranked in their groups. Aunn doesn't seem to have a new boss sprite so idk if the others will too.
There are 14 other playable characters arranged in 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2
The first 2 is Reimu and Marisa
The last 2 will probably be the game's main newhous a la Chiyuri + Yumemi and Komachi + Shikieiki
Serian and Nazrin (stage 1 bosses from specific organisations) are on the same row. I'm going to bet that the third on that row is an early-stage member of another group, and I think I'm going to take a guess at it being one of the Grassroots Youkai, but I'm not sure which one
Aunn is on the row immediately below ReiMari, so that isn't a row reserved for the Stage 5 Bosses, none of whom are currently confirmed.
One of the backgrounds we see is Stage 2 of DDC, which gives me more confidence in my Grassroots Youkai guess. The other two backgrounds we see are both flavours of Youkai Mountain. One is the Yamawaro's cliff, and the other I think is the Genbu Ravine? I'm going to take a guess at playable Nitori, especially since she recently got to turn up in 100BM
If four spots are reserved for ReiMari and Newhous, it is just about possible for every mainline windows game to get representation with room for two doubles or two additional people (for example Suika not being from a mainline game or Mizuchi being from a print work)
We got Yuuka back in Touhou 9. If there is any game for which ZUN will bring back Mima, it is the game that specifically refers to ghosts in its title and is in a format that has strong ties to the PC-98 Era. My crack theory is that the fifth row of 3 is going to be Yukari, Okina, and Mima.
This game clearly has ability cards in it and the description involves them still circulating. With this and the plot of 100BM, it's looking like this era of Touhou is going to be Everything Is Accidentally Chimata's Fault (in the same way we've previously had Everything Is Accidentally Kanako's Fault for 10-13.5 and Everything Is Accidentally Sumireko's Fault for 14.5-17.5). Hopefully one of the main villain team from UM is playable, and personally I hope it's Tsukasa
Apparently this game will be making the Phantasmagoria style more similar to typical touhou so hopefully it isn't unplayably weird. The menu screenshot has a bit for Achievements (reminiscent of ISC, VD and 100BM).
I'm about 100% certain we won't get either of them but I want playable Nue and/or Mamizou. By contrast I think playable Koishi or Kogasa are very possible. The playable options so far seem to be leaning away from instigators in exactly the way that the fighting games do not, so aside from my playable Yukari and Okina theory I don't think we're going to be getting many playable late-stage bosses.
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love-sapphirerose · 6 months
Moroha: Terrible Comic Relief
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One of the reasons that I dislike Moroha is because she's an offspring of Inukag, a pairing that I strongly dislike. In the trailer and first 3 episodes, they tried to make Moroha this expert in knowledge of people and another badass female character but failed and she got worse as episodes went on.
Bad Fighter
For the majority of the series, moroha has been known to be not taken seriously as she's barely fighting like towa and setsuna. She is able to take out average yōkai, including yawaragi, and tokotsu when she was using the beni but is awful at fighting at higher ranks especially Kirinmaru.
Ex. moroha tries to defeat kyuki with demon power and lost but didn't think to use spiritual power.
Instantly defeated by a venom serpent and drifting pond, yotsume, nikosen, homura, setsuna, kirinmaru, and etc.
2. Worst Traits
She's the embodiment of inuyasha's and kagome's worst traits, which includes their overconfidence.
She defeated so many average yōkai that she became so overconfident in her abilities and is easily defeated by most upper yōkai including kirinmaru.
Like her father and mother, she can be impulsive with her actions, such as attacking without thinking, which can leave her open after attacking an enemy.
In episode 24, she claims to kirinmaru that the power of her beni is new and improved and she doesn't have to fall asleep but that didn't change.
like inuyasha's annoying habit, she seems to lack a sense of modesty as she does not mind being seen naked.
like kagome, she has this annoying habit of butting into people's problems and wanting to be the mediator to towa and setsuna.
3. Annoying Speech
Everytime she takes out the beni, it's these same worthless words.
"With this rouge, I become Beniyasha, Destroyer of Lands. Tremble before the bloodthirsty dawn. Bear witness to your end if you so dare."
then annoyingly passes out.
4. Bad Luck
She's the comic relief of the sequel as she has the misfortune of having bad luck interfering with her paying her debts or when the twins are off to battle, she is either left behind, at the receiving end of a Curb-Stomp Battle, or her targets have No Body Left Behind. And she gets taunted for it when this happens.
Ex: homura, kinka and ginka, venom serpent, mizuchi, nikosen, kyuki, and especially kirinmaru.
She also gets constantly hit by objects and beings.
Ex. getting hit by her and setsuna's items, getting hit by totosai and jaken.
5. Lack of Abilities
She always uses the Iron Reaver Soul Stealer, blades of blood, crimson dragon wave, crimson backlash wave, sacred arrows, and the beni.
She doesn't have a weapon made from herself as totosai ignored her.
6. Rushed Backstory
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In episode 16, they revealed her quickly rushed and contrived backstory.
In the beginning, towa, setsuna, and moroha prepare to fight yawaragi, who was only mentioned once in episode 14 and 15.
In the first flashback, yawaragi is ordering moroha to fight kodoku without her beni with the promise of a sword and as soon as she's done she realized she was abandoned. jyubei and yawaragi talk. When moroha tracks yawaragi to jyubei and demands the sword, only to be resold to him to pay off a debt with the sword.
In another scene, moroha battles yawaragi alone with konton, who made a deal with yawaragi.
In another flashback, yawaragi defeats bird yokai with armor after being tricked by a weasel demon and moroha using her beni and scratches her.
moroha using a new ability. yawaragi double crosses konton only to be killed the new ability at last minute. setsuna scares off konton. yawaragi has this forced and contrived emotional moment and yawaragi dies. then moroha has another forced and contrived emotional moment with towa and setsuna about being a shihanyo.
But why couldn't moroha run away as it's not like jyubei can carry her back to the caves and force her to hunt yokai.
7. Contrived Powerups
Win or lose, which she mostly loses, she constantly uses the Iron Reaver Soul Stealer, blades of blood, crimson dragon wave, crimson backlash wave, sacred arrows, and the beni and annoyingly yells.
She also receives longbow from her parents and is all of a sudden is an expert quickly.
8. Squeezed In
In episode 28, moroha was placed into a scene with sota and towa which came from episode 4 as they're probably fixing something.
moroha had no interest in learning about her parents now she does like setsuna and didn't even ask questions visiting her maternal side.
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weonbullshit · 2 years
Would any of Seojun's exes play an essential part in Brighter Days? Like, say what if Seojun's ex found out that Cody (which to them was why their relationship with Seojun fell apart) and started to resent him for it while Cody has no idea who they are and what their problem is and just assumes that their one of those kids that think he's a lunatic?
And then SE confronts Cody and Cody is like WTF???
And then the story could explore SE and Seojun's relationship and have them reconcile, and have SE apologize to Cody?
Like, think of (IDK if you've watched BEASTARS before god pls help me) making the whole Seojun/SE/Cody dynamic like the drama between Mizuchi and Haru and the rivalry with Juno and Haru?
IDK this is just an ask/story suggestion.
I do know Beastars! I'm anime only with some minimal manga spoilers, so I don't quite know who Mizuchi is.
Anyways, originally, Seojun's exes were there to show his guilt. How he jumped into new relationships because he hated being alone but he couldn't stand the idea of getting back together with Cody. In the end, he couldn't be there for them the way he should have and he has to make up for that.
Though, this ask opened my eyes to another angle. I never thought about a role that significant (mostly because I didn't plan very closely, especially when it came to Seojun's side of the story). I think it's a pretty good idea!
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echodrops · 6 years
Noragami 78 Notes
Okay, I put this off long enough (I was busy grading; life is hard).
Here are just a few brief ha ha almost fooled you into thinking I could be brief for a second there thoughts on Noragami chapter 78 under a cut to avoid spoilers.
95% of what I have to say boils down to:
Calm down.
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Hey remember that time Yato went off a life-threatening journey and the only thing that saved him was us NOT sitting around waiting for him to come back?
I don’t want to say that Yukine has whatever is coming coming... But when this is how he responds to threats, he sort of has whatever is coming coming. Yukine knows for a fact that Yato’s life is constantly in danger, that he has dangerous enemies, that he gets into trouble at the damn drop of a hat... And he’s still being lax here. This is a prime example of not learning from past mistakes, and that classic Noragami karma is about to smack him hard as hell for it. The manga is literally sending glaring warning signs: You should be with Yato. WHY aren’t you with Yato? What happens after this is going to absolutely be a product of the failure on both sides--Yato’s failure to stay with those who are important to him, and Yukine’s failure for not fighting harder to stay with Yato. Hiyori got smacked already at the end of this chapter for forgetting Yukine and going off on her own to chase Yato, a selfish decision that she paid for with her happiness.
The manga is setting up a very purposeful parallel here, I think:
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Just as Bishamon and Kazuma become lost the moment they are separated from each other, Yato’s sense goes out the window the moment he’s separated from Yukine and Hiyori. Noragami repeats this lesson over and over again: We need each other. We need to rely on others. We need to have guidance, and trust, and support.
And Yukine and Hiyori’s failure to do that over the last couple chapters--as well as Yato’s failure to accept their closeness--is going to send them all straight into another crisis. I’ll eat my own post if things aren’t about to go from bad to downright terrible again, with this issue of failing to rely on each other at the very heart.
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How much of Nora’s “emotionlessness” is a result of this line of thinking? If she doesn’t think that she should behave like a living girl, does that allow her to think and act in ways that other shinki, who cling to their human lives, can not? Is her ability to transform potentially linked to her casting aside humanity? I am interested to see how far this dismissal of being alive impacts a shinki’s abilities.
Iwami and Kiun are other shinki who might share this mindset to a certain extent, and we certainly know that Kiun is powerful...
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Is it just me, or doesn’t this scenery looks very similar to:
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The scenery we saw on the page where Father was holding his dead lover/wife/whoever Freckle Girl was to him?
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Is it possible that that’s her body? That he didn’t even bury her but went right on living right next to her corpse? JUST HOW MESSED UP IS FATHER? Veryyyy interesting.
Also, the fact that Mizuchi says there were only three people in the beginning implies that she never met the Freckle Girl and that Freckle Girl was not around at the time that she and Yato existed.
Father was only “playing house”--to replace the real home and happiness he lost?
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The concept of “playing house” in Noragami is very interesting. It only comes up in the context of gods and humans; we’ve seen it three now in the context of (what is likely) a god playing house with a human: Kofuku hurt Daikoku by trying to “play house” and raise a child; Bishamon hurt her shinki (and was hurt by her shinki) for trying to foster a motherly relationship with them; and Father pretended at kindness and care for his “children” while they were all aware of the real truth.
You could argue that one of these things is not like the other--both Kofuku and Bishamon did what they did out of love, while Father is evil--but I wonder if the third case is really that much different than the first two. Why did Father raise Mizuchi and Yato like his children? Was this a one-sided endeavor in which he bought their loyalty with occasional moments of kindness? Is that all there is to it? Or is there something else going on here?
How much of Father’s “playing house” was pure cruelty... and how much of it might stem for a desire for the very thing Heaven denied him?
Let’s see where this goes, hmmm!
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It might be too early to call it, but I’m going to put this out there right now: Mizuchi is a child who died without ever being named.
She’s not affected by god’s greatest secret because she has no human name to remember. Father never said that she knew her name, only that she knew her own last moments. This is why she acted so surprised when revealing Sakura’s name turned her into an ayakashi--Hiiro did not understand the power of names back then because she had no human name of her own for reference. Her power to inflict Liberation on others stems from the fact that she has nothing to tie herself to the Near Shore. She was an unwanted child in her human life and continues to feel like an unwanted child in her life as a shinki.
Holy shit Adachitoka, COULD YOU NOT??? I mean, I don’t know if this is right but it FEELS right and nnnnnnnnnnnhhhhhh I don’t want this; it hurts.
(By the way, the top two leaves fluttering in the wind appear to be gingko leaves, a powerful symbol of endurance and duality in Japan.)
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An innocent symbol of child-like play with three people in the boat to represent the family she longs to have but never will? Just kill me now, okay? Just kill me now.
Although this is interesting because we see her first boat fall apart and the people tumble away as she’s talking about playing house. So either this is a second boat, or she put the first one back together sometime during her talk with Yukine. So perhaps this second boat represents a new bond, such as between she, Yukine, and Yato? Mmmmm, who knows???
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I’m glad that I was right and Yato chose not to name Kazuma. It was the right choice, even though I’m sad we didn’t get to see what Kazuma would look like as Yato’s shinki. (Well, then again, there’s still time, isn’t there?) We got trolled hard by Scissors-kun, lol.
The line up there is very interesting, isn’t it--because it’s such a Father way of thinking! This is Father’s exact ideology, that humans have no reason for loving the gods and yet they do anyway, accepting the cruelty and abuse of Heaven without question. Kazuma is tripping over the same issue from a different perspective--instead of having something taken from him by Heaven, he’s suffering because of something Heaven is not capable (or perhaps willing) to give. It’s a dangerous line of thought that leads down a dark path. This is honestly the scariest thing Kazuma did all chapter to me!
Is he thinking of Hiyori when he says “people like me” here? Or is he implying that Yato has hurt him in ways similar to Bishamon? The ambiguity of the references here is worth noting. Also worth noting: Yato has no idea what Kazuma is talking about here. Yato doesn’t share his father’s mindset and he doesn’t share Kazuma’s either. I don’t think that Yato sees a huge divide between the love gods can give and the love humans long to receive. He knows they’re not the same (maybe they’re not the same), but I don’t think he would let the issues that Kazuma is dealing with separate him and Hiyori... Or perhaps I’m just too hopeful. XD
All right, all right, now to the thing everyone is freaking out about...
Why are y’all so anti-Kazuma??? He’s not attacking Hiyori out of cruelty--he’s trying to protect her.
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He even says it himself--he recognizes the signs of Hiyori’s infatuation. He sees her inability to avoid getting tangled up in the calamity that surrounds Yato. Who the hell do you think he’s really talking about here? He’s not just talking about Hiyori--he’s talking about himself.
The suffering that he has felt from loving Bishamon and not having that love returned is a pain akin to a curse. It’s enough to drive him to want to die, to fill him with such deep despair that he is willing to forsake all of his morals, his name, his “life”‘s meaning, everything he stands for. Since falling in love with Bishamon, he’s faced catastrophe after catastrophe, seen and dealt with things no human should ever have to face--witnessed friends murdered and murdered a friend, betrayed Heaven, turned his power on literal gods... There is NO DEPTH Kazuma will not sink to out of love for Bishamon, and that’s agonizing. He’s in pain, guys.
And he sees the whole damn cycle about to start again. He sees Hiyori’s feelings. He sees her love... And he sees how much Yato is ruining her life. He sees her forgetting her human family, ignoring their concerns, ignoring day-to-day human activities, being exposed to all the risks that Yato brings along with him, actively suffering at Father’s hand because of her involvement with Yato...
Kazuma sees that Hiyori is going down the exact same path of suffering, of “playing house” that he’s been on for hundreds of years, and so he does the only thing he can do to try and dissuade her: he tells it exactly like he thinks it is. He’s not lying to her here. He genuinely thinks what he’s saying is the truth. He genuinely believes that gods cannot return human feelings in the way that he and Hiyori desire, and that her pursuing Yato will only end in sadness and pain for everyone involved. He’s not wrong to want to stop that by separating them from each other forever.
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The problem is, Kazuma STILL thinks that he’s always in the right. He only confessed with “vague words” and yet seems perfectly certain that Bishamon--who has never exactly been a pro at picking up signals from others--totally understood him and rejected his feelings of amorous love.
It hasn’t occurred to him that perhaps his vague words just didn’t reach Bishamon the way he wanted them to, and that she doesn’t understand that he loves her in a way different from just a normal god and shinki loving comradeship. That perhaps all this time she did have more love she could have given, if only she’d known it was needed or wanted. He’s her guidepost, but in this he didn’t guide her.
Maybe Bishamon does know, and maybe she did reject his romantic feelings. Maybe he’s right and gods really can’t love humans. (Kofuku and Daikoku are over here in the corner waving frantically though.) OR... MAYBE Kazuma is being a giant freaking idiot like always and leaping to conclusions he should never have drawn based on incomplete information and “vague words,” and passing his pain and suffering on to others, mistakenly believing he’s doing the right thing while actually just screwing everyone else over hardcore.
One of these two things somehow seems more likely than the other...
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Not sure why anyone is freaking out about Hiyori’s tail? He missed (he was only trying to scare her anyway, it seems pretty clear, because if Kazuma can hit lightning in the sky, I think he could hit a target five feet in front of him)--the white stuff around her tail is snow spraying off the roof.
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ANDDDDD here we go!!
So Hiyori admits she’s in love with Yato, finally. AT WHAT COST. I hope this didn’t really take anyone by surprise, since it really has been in the works for some time now.
I actually discussed how I felt Hiyori’s feelings were changing and how she was slowly coming to accept her feelings for Yato more than a year ago, in this post: http://echodrops.tumblr.com/post/164900791646/ive-read-different-opinions-on-whether-yatos
Adachitoka did a fabulous job of building up to this moment, very slow, incremental changes in Yato and Hiyori’s relationship. From the moment that Hiyori flashes back to here, where she told Yato she wanted to spend more time with him, to the Capyperland crisis where she envisioned Yato beside her instead of Fujisaki, then actually going to Capyperland and telling Yato that she wanted to be with him longer, to the scene where she allows Yato into her room while she’s undressed, to calling Yato her family to Fujisaki’s face, to seeing her plaque tied to Yato’s--making them soulmates--and NOT rejecting that or demanding Kofuku untie them... I mean, especially that last one.
Like I mentioned last year, Hiyori has spent at least a couple in-series weeks now living under the impression that she and Yato are now soulmates, and the moment she didn’t freak out about that and demand to be set free from that just screamed it to me that, deep down, she was okay with the idea of being in a relationship with Yato, even if she wasn’t quite willing to express her feelings out loud yet.
But now she’s over it. And theoretically, things should get better from here.
Yato and Hiyori are gonna have to WORK for their happy ending.
But you know what? I think it’s coming. Now, more than ever, I think a happy ending is coming.
Calm down. Deep breaths. Have faith.
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beybladefanboy · 3 years
Kenta should’ve beat Reiji part 2
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I know I’ve talked about this before but wow this issue is worse than I initially thought. Honestly it’s something that has gotten worse and worse the more I’ve thought about it. I’ve said before that this battle in particular traumatized me and gave me a phobia of snakes for seven years. Before, I didn’t blame the show for this. This battle was supposed to be scary and it’s not really the fault of the writers if one person watching it takes it much harder than another… at least so I thought. Honestly, after talking this over with my friend, this is a situation where the writing team should have known better and thought through their implications. I know it’s hard to remember sometimes but Beyblade is a kids show. Well… maybe it is. Where I live it’s definitely marketed toward children (because it sells toys) but the show was originally made in Japan and that original version had things like swears and alcohol usage. So maybe in Japan it was for a slightly older demographic. But for the English dub, and probably the other dubs, this show is marketed toward kids, some sources I found say kids as young as six can watch it:
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I bring this up because media targeted toward children (especially younger children but including older children) has a responsibility to teach kids, even if the thing in question isn’t educational. For example, Beyblade. It’s a silly show about kids fighting to save the world with fun little spinning tops that do cool things and you can buy at a store near you (or online these days if you want gen 1 or gen 2 stuff). But it still has “morals.” It’s always preaching this idea that you can do anything as long as you believe in yourself and your friends, which yes sounds cheesy as hell. But as all us fans know, the ends of each of these seasons get very dark and intense for a kids show. It’s not afraid to depict things like torture, kidnapping, brainwashing, and trauma, in ways that children can understand (although there are definitely things I only noticed when I got older) and I’ve always really respected it for that. However, I think there is one instance where they went too far:
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Honestly, Kenta losing this battle is a bad choice no matter how you look at it. Ignoring the fact that it goes against the morals of the show, having Gingka defeat Reiji is stereotypical/boring, makes him seem like a gary stu, makes Kenta seem like a much weaker blader, and make it feel like he didn’t come very far as a blader in Fusion when he ABSOLUTELY DID. (Like I said in the first post, Fury did a much better job at showing Kenta’s growth.) On top of all this, Kenta losing to Reiji goes against the morals of the show. Like I said, Beyblade does have morals of believing in yourself and your friends, which is what Kenta was relying on to handle how terrifying the battle was, which is a good coping mechanism. From what the show has preached so far, Kenta should be able to win against Reiji because Kenta is fighting for what the show preaches and Reiji is only fighting to cause pain (yes it’s implied that he’s also fighting to prevent himself from being hurt/killed but my point here is that he certainly doesn’t have the ‘blader’s spirit’ this show is obsessed with).
But he doesn’t. Kenta’s connection to his friends and his bey wasn’t enough to defeat the antithesis of this show’s morals, which feels like it’s proving those morals are wrong. I want to reiterate the fact that this show is for kids. I wasn’t much older than Kenta when I first watched this. I saw myself as Kenta during this battle since I too was terrified of Reiji, a feeling that persisted for EIGHT YEARS, something I didn’t even try to overcome until THIS YEAR because it just seemed impossible. When Gingka battled Reiji, he was able to defeat him because he never feared Reiji. That combined with Kenta’s failure to overcome his fear (despite trying his damnedest), seems to be sending a message that you cannot escape fear and trying to fight it will just lead to more suffering. That’s not me twisting the narrative or reading too deep into it. This is exactly what happens in every single character’s battles with Reiji with the exception of Gingka who was able to win because he was never afraid. What kind of fucked up message is that?! The show essentially made Reiji an undefeatable monster which might be fine if this was a show for adults but it’s not. Kids already know fear, it’s an instinctive emotion. What they may not know is how to overcome it, a theme this battle absolutely should’ve done. For an example of this theme being done well, I’ll cite something else aimed at kids: The Good Dinosaur.
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For people who haven’t seen it, there’s a scene in this movie where the main character, a complete coward, expresses that he wants to stop being afraid and one of the adult characters replies that you can’t get rid of or avoid fear but you can get through it. That’s what Beyblade should’ve done. Like I said, kids are impressionable so media aimed at them has a responsibility not to teach screwed up things, no matter how unintentional that may have been.
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Okay, the next thing I’m going to say is about my own experience and is incredibly personal in general: I might not have been so deeply traumatized by Reiji if he hadn’t defeated Kenta. Now I know that’s going a bit far. I obviously can’t tell you exactly what I was thinking eight years ago nor am I an expert on the human mind. But here’s the thing: I blocked out a lot of memories of Reiji. (A common human reaction to trauma.) When I got back into the show in December, a little less than three years after last watching it, I didn’t remember that Reiji battled Yu and Gingka. My sibling and I assumed Kenta beat Reiji and were shocked and horrified that he didn’t. Whatever memories I had of Reiji from when I was younger aren’t memories I can grasp anymore. I do remember how I reacted to Reiji vs Kenta when I first saw it though and it was that I broke down crying and had a panic attack. And the show’s response to this was to make the character I saw myself in fail to overcome that terror and lose, then have the seemingly untouchable Gingka handle the situation for him because he never had a fear to overcome in the first place. Like I said earlier, I was terrified of Reiji to the point of developing a phobia and blocking him out of my memory when I wasn’t watching Beyblade. The idea of trying to overcome that fear wasn’t even a thought in my mind until this year. It genuinely felt impossible to overcome my fear. Who’s to say I didn’t get that from Kenta’s battle with Reiji? Again, that’s just speculation but it makes me angry nonetheless. So much pain could’ve been avoided. I know this is just a work of fiction but its impact is real and writers need to understand that.
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So in conclusion, Kenta losing to Reiji isn’t just bad writing, it's downright harmful and the writers should have known better. That being said, I do truly believe this was by accident, that the writers simply didn’t think through all their implications, similar to the Ryo being an abusive father and Kenta stalking Ryuga situations. Oversights can happen. As a writer myself, I’ve had moments I didn’t expect people to react to the way they did or I’ve gone back to older stories I wrote and noticed unfortunate implications that I didn’t see while writing it. So yeah, Kenta losing to Reiji was a bigger problem but I can understand why it happened.
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