#especially to nero
storytellering · 11 months
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hungry like the wolf
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ryanthel0ser · 2 months
"man she's posting a lot about Trigun, has she forgotten DMC?" you fools. you think i'd ever forget? Dante, Vergil, and Nero hold my brain hostage, they havent left since 2019
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erphy · 6 months
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in my dmc era rn (bro i love nero so fucking much)
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meow-super-cat · 1 year
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Official DMC images that I use as reaction images
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nerosdayinanime · 4 months
Restraining Order<3
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bonus birthdayboy
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minticecodes · 6 months
I'm slowly getting through devil may cry v and got inspired enough to doodle again. Sure they aren't polished but I love looking at others' sketch dumps, it's like looking at a smorgasbord of ideas. So here you go. Read more for close ups of the other doodles. The ID in alt are the same as written in the text.
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[I.D. Digital art. A boy in a shirt hoodie, Nero, sits cross legged as he leans backwards to smile up at his companion. Said companion is a tall horned knight, Nelo Angelo, kneeling behind Nero. Nelo gazes to the side, but braces his broadsword by Nero, and his cape drapes around where Nero's sitting. Nero is rendered in light blue and red, Nelo is rendered in light blue, and they're brightly illuminated. End I.D.]
(Was thinking of 'Love Seeketh Not Itself to Please' by Indigomoods on ao3 while doing this one).
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[I.D. A number of digital art sketches, most prominently featuring Dante and Vergil from the Devil May Cry series. From top to bottom, right to left:
Headshots of two boys, Dante and Vergil. Short comic of a man (Dante) ruffling a boy's (Vergil's) hair. Sketch of two boys on a couch, one (Dante) looking concerned at the other (Vergil) in foetal position. Branches curl under the couch. Sketch of child Dante and Vergil in red and blue, running hand in hand. Thumbprint sized chibi child Dante and Vergil. Nero and Nelo sitting together.
Semirealistic headshot (DMCV Vergil) in blue. Boy (Dante) curled in a fire, and fire demon (SDT Dante) gazing at his palm against a black background. Loose sketches of a man's head, roughly scribbled out except one, and an angry cat with a sword. They're labelled in blue and red writing. Side profile of a young man in blues (DMC3 Vergil), face shadowed, a yellow ribbon curled in the background. Side profile of DMC3 Vergil. End I.D.]
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[I.D. 4 black and white digital pen cartoony sketches of child Dante and Vergil. Head and bust shot of a boy with slicked back hair and black turtleneck (Vergil) looking right. His brows are furrowed, eyes narrowed; he looks unimpressed. Below is a head and bust shot of a boy with shoulder length hair and white shirt (Dante) looking left with wide eyes and a fang toothed, wide grin. Centre close up of a cloaked boy (Vergil) glaring up, brow furrowed. His hair hangs over a shadowed face. One narrowed eye is visible. Right sketch is of a cloaked boy (Vergil) hugging a book to his chest, referencing a Visions of V panel. His one visible eye is wide as he gazes down with a small expression. End I.D.]
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[I.D. Coloured digital art over a black background. Two panels. Panel one is child Dante, arms hugging his legs as he sits within a fire raging around him. He's buried his face in his arms. Panel two is an adult Dante in his demonic SDT form. He gazes down at his clawed hand while the fiery core in his chest glows as the main source of light, casting shadows and red light against his armoured form. The tips of his claws seem to glow in the reflected light. End I.D.]
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[I.D. Messy sketch of child Vergil and Dante, running hand in hand. The two look at each other with smiles, Dante with a wide grin and Vergil with closed lips and determined brows. Their full expressions aside from the smile cannot be seen; Dante's hair whips back and covers his face while Vergil's face is eyeless. They're softly rendered in light blue and red, and bright lighting. End I.D.]
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[I.D. Messy sketch of child Vergil and Dante sitting on a couch, shot from behind the couch. Dante directs a concerned gaze to Vergil, his hand braced on the couch back as he leans closer. Vergil only looks down. His arms are curled around his knees. From the angle, his expression cannot be seen aside from a small frown. Under the couch slithers Qliphoth tree roots. End I.D.]
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[I.D. Chibi doodle of child Vergil and Dante, holding hands. Light blue and red ovals were airbrushed on the page, and a pen lined out their features. They have round cheek patches, like budgies. Vergil has a cartoony pout and a book tucked under an arm, labelled with a V; Dante has a toothy grin and is making a bunny ears hand sign. End I.D.]
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[I.D. 'DANTE' is evenly block printed in blue pen. Underneath are what looks to be the start of three portraits of Dante in black pen, but they're roughly scribbled out. The most detailed of the three scribbled out portraits is Dante's grinning side profile. He had sunglasses on. The only intact portrait is a shot of Dante from behind, from the chest up and face not visible aside from a grin. Carried on his back is the Devil Sword Dante, rendered in more detail than Dante.
Meanwhile 'VERGIL' is written in orange/red pen, but strikethroughed. Written above instead is 'PURR-GIL!!', an arrow pointing at a doodle of a cat holding a roughly drawn katana(Yamato). The cat is grimacing with furrowed brows. It has spiky fur on its head, a spiky curled tail, a thorn pattern on its arms resembling Vergil's coat sleeves, and fat round blushy cheeks. End I.D.]
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[I.D. Semirealistic rendering of DMCV Vergil from the neck up in three quarter view. He's painted in blues, with soft red shadows. He glares at the viewer, brows furrowed. His irises are a soft red, and he has eye bags. His lips are somewhat glossy. To the side is the blue color palette. End I.D.]
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[I.D. Stylised depiction of DMC3 Vergil glaring downwards in profile, from the chest up. He's rendered in blues, his face shadowed from the light against his back. Running over his skin are cracked gold lines, reminiscent of kintsugi. In the background curls a yellow ribbon in the same gold. He's wearing a sleeveless turtleneck and cravat. End I.D.]
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[I.D. Stylised black and white lineart of DMC3 Vergil glaring in profile, lips sneering, from the neck up. He's in a coat and cravat. End I.D.]
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[I.D. Messy comic.
Panel 1: DMCV Dante ruffling child Vergil's hair. Dante's face is out of the panel
Vergil (grimacing): "Dante!"
Panel 2: Vergil's staved off the hair ruffling, lifting up Dante's hand with both his hands. His brows are furrowed as he looks up at Dante. In the background is a laughing sound effect, that tapers off. 'HA HA ha...'
Panel 3: Adult Dante gazing down at child Vergil, arm hovering over him. His expression seems sad, despite the small smile.
Dante: ... I missed ya, Verge.
Vergil gazes up at Dante, a small question mark by his head. End I.D.]
#just a wall of rambly thoughts from a longwinded person here on out as a warning#devil may cry#dmc#dmc5#visions of v#artists on tumblr#visions of v spoilers#dmc dante#dmc vergil#nelo angelo#not tagging nero because i think anyone looking for him here wouldnt be satisfied#“holds head in hands” i love drama so much#I especially love characters with tangled relationships to their emotions and their loved ones so. yeah#this is also around the third time i started a game because of a music recommendation#...i think any dmc fans looking at this can guess what song started the downward slide to getting the fifth game#fun fact#it was the sibling unit who went 'add a tree behind the couch' leading to the implications there#they also guessed like#all the reveals around vergil's identities just looking at these doodles and hearing a bit about the backstory#which was funny to me. Man isn't subtle at all#I gotta learn how to do that thing where u can see extra artist comments if u click on a photo in a set. It doesnt seem like alt text?#i had extra Thoughts around some of these but didn't want to clog with extra text. Though they'd be summarised as 'handholding as a motif'#and 'aside from the original metaphor wouldn't it be fun for Dante to literally piece Vergil together again'#and when you wonder if he's acting right you wonder how much you really knew him#how much of his care is what you baked in as wish fulfilment#why can't you keep him from falling apart#something something houseki no kuni style visual shattering#something something Vergil has to do the heavy lifting to glue himself together#and the twins both have to understand each other (i.e. communicate) better for the pieces to stick instead of like#detritus getting in the way of a clean meld
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femaleboysblog · 4 months
i am BEGGING for someone to write a dmc fic inspired by thag capcom art of the boys as maids in a cafe
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homostacis · 4 months
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hey what if you and your twin brother were the central protagonist and antagonist of a character-action franchise and must therefore fulfill your narrative roles that inherently place you in conflict with each other
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prototypelq · 5 months
The reason I am so ensnared by the idea of Patty interacting with Dante AND the entire DMC cast is that she is, pretty much, the only normal person out here. Dante and Patty's relationship (found family or just friendly, I hunt down shippers for sport) is the most normal relationship, which is also quite important to him. And he has never had that.
Dante's relationship with literally any other character is rooted in very bad, no good, terrible history which neither of them want to talk about ever again. Those relationships are full of landmines, which they need to avoid. Dante&Patty don't have that, there is no big blacklist of topics between them, they can just vibe together without this additional weight of History TM between them. This normality, is in itself, abnormal in DMC and for Dante especially. He needs that, and honestly, every character in this series is mentally deranged in some way, they all need that. But I also think exposing them to this little island of almost-normal will hurt them initially...(this can vary a lot depending on the circumstances, look for reblog for additional thoughts).
This doesn't make other relationships Dante has with characters less, nor does it make Dante&Patty's relationship more important than others. I just wanted to point out how heavily this (1) normal relationship heavily contrasts with everything else this series has, and can have a little earthquake effect of this house build of cards. More importantly, I wanted to highlight how Interesting it would be to compare it with others, and it would be fascinating to see other character's reacting to it.
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anonymous-ace72 · 6 days
Reading a little bit about the actual Colossus of Nero that stood in Rome for awhile. It stood long enough to have its face altered and changed a few times, and one of those alterations was to replace the head with the head of Commodus.
I’m just- I can’t really be sure within the ToA universe if Nero knew what happened with his statue after he died, as well as its ultimate fate in the end (likely melted down and reused for something else. Which is why we have so few bronze statues from ancient Rome) but I find the idea of him learning that Commodus defaced his colossal statue and replaced it with his own likeness hilarious.
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Secre's watching you 💛💙
With all the LumiNero talk lately I got inspired ^^
Mellon_soup pose reference
9th of #KaLola BC Ships Art Series
@meircury I'm a big fan of your art and since I drew you favorite ship I thought you might want to see 💕
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Ian and Barbara staring intently and grimly at each other every time one of them asks the other for something from the fridge only to chuckle (or even outright burst into laughter) before going to the fridge that's definitely there because 'this is 1994 for goodness' sake' is so important to me
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cheeriochat · 2 months
Have fun!
• Dante is Aromantic, and going off of that
• Dante and Lady dated for a brief period when they were 20~ish for a month but they soon broke up, Dante realised he was Aromantic and Lady realised she was a lesbian. It was really awkward and they don't talk about it.
• (also Demisexual Vergil fight me)
• Nero's the type of guy to crush a can of cola in his hand when he's angry
• He would never actively admit it, but Vergil instantly bonded to Nero, even if Nero himself didn't bond with Vergil. It's probably to do with some weird demon biology thing, as Vergil tries to show He cares in odd ways like offering to clean Nero's weapons (making sure the demon spawn can protect itself) or staring at him from across the room (monitoring the demon spawn to assure its survival). It freaks Nero out as he doesnt know what's going on.
• Nico plays pranks on Nero and Kyrie that border on being illegal
• Trish and Vergil kind of have an unspoken bond/connection (?). Like demon to demon communication especially after the V and Trish talk
• Vergil moved into Devil May Cry without asking Dante after dmc5 and claimed a couch and a portion of the office as his. Dante won't admit that he doesn't mind.
• Also about vergil, When Patty came to Devil May Cry after the events of dmc5, she yelled at Dante for an hour for missing her birthday among other things. Vergil thought it was hilarious but he stayed quiet the whole time as usual.
• Nero roughhouses with the kids at the orphanage, and he always tries to stay gentle, but those kids man... they're out for blood. One time Nero ended up with a huge gash over his eyebrow that surprisingly left a scar.
+ plus scent choices!!!
• Lady likes Versace perfume or light floral scents. Don't know how to explain this one
• Trish likes deeper, more musky scents. For example Kyoto in Bloom by glasshouse fragrances (my signature scent lol). She also smells of this hair oil my mum uses. Very nice ^^
• Vergil likes cool, crisp scents, but not very masculine ones. More androgynous or feminine. Otherwise he smells like old books, like the old sci-fi books my dad gave me
• Nero likes cheap cologne, anything to cover up the blood smell that seems to hang around as to not scare the kids
• Kyrie likes either light, sweet scents or deep, stormy scents. She tends to lean to more deep scents.
• Dante smells like pizza grease and Lynx Africa All the time (go argue with a wall) but if he had to choose he would probably smell like roses or something with sandalwood. Heavy scents.
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aqqleshiqqing-archive · 10 months
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goofy ass trainer couple red and jaide would like to battle‼️
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zerothisnero · 3 months
Yea what were doing with B.E.N's other forms are cool and all but like
Guys I feel like we're sleeping on some potential with some of these. Like these images here have like so much horror aspect to them and I think we should work with these forms more 🥺
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mothdustts · 2 months
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mm *paws at you* sparda bois (art from like 6 months ago i just wanna post this on tumblr now)
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