#estimated release time is tomorrow or these next few days.
runwayrunway · 9 months
Making a new year post while it's still technically old year in my timezone because I am, simply put, sleepy.
2023 has been a year. In terms of things that I have actually accomplished this year, Runway Runway is definitely the most significant, the one I'm proudest of, and the one I'm most excited to bring into 2024. I know that the new year is largely an arbitrary distinction (I literally have to go to work tomorrow morning like any other day) but I find it helpful to allow myself to buy into the idea of it being some sort of fresh start on the condition I don't fool myself into thinking it makes the last year go away. 2023 was a pretty bad year for me in a lot of ways, and for some reason it's always December specifically that doesn't let me catch a break, but the saving grace of it is that tomorrow it won't be December anymore.
Obviously, do not expect a post tomorrow. Probably not next week either because the fifth is my birthday and if I know myself I'll be making a sincere attempt to enjoy it by any means necessary. But my current estimate is that on Monday the 15th I'll be releasing a British Airways post, and from there I will probably continue with weekly Monday installments until I've caught my breath a bit and can increase the frequency. I have quite a few airlines I've been excited to review for probably months now, and I don't see myself getting less excited about any of them. And hopefully, now that I'm no longer going to be flattened by the experience of working winter holidays in a store which gets the majority of its revenue from people buying gifts for their family, I'll have a lot more time to look at pictures of airplanes.
I want to sincerely thank everyone who has followed this blog, read my posts, liked them, reblogged them, replied to them, sent asks, requested airlines, submitted pictures, and in any way given me incentive to write a self-indulgent blog which makes me very happy. Happy new year, and I hope you'll stick around to see me get to 1% the age of Finnair.
The only extant airline turning 100 in 2024 is Tajik Air, by the way, so expect to see that one at some point.
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ourvanishingghosts · 1 year
Hihi hope ur doing alright could I request Raihan x f reader but reader has a flu? and is terribly sick 😭
Sure. I hope you’re alright with making the reader have a shiny Rillaboom as their partner Pokémon and a talking Meowth.
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The Flu
Raihan x Sick! Fem! Reader
You were starting to feel unwell towards the middle of the day. It started with a headache, then a sore throat, and once you and Rillaboom got home was when the body aches hit. Rillaboom caught you as you started stumbling. She took to your bedroom and laid you down on the bed. It was around 6pm when Rahain came home and he was concerned when you did not greet him at the door. He walked into the bedroom and saw you laying there looking very ill with Rillaboom sitting by your side.
"Hello, sweetheart. Would you like me to get you anything?"
You look at him and your face was looking slightly more pale than normal and your nose was red.
“Could you please get me some water and a cough drop?”
He looks at you softly and nods as he leaves. You sit up and Rillaboom reposition your pillows so that you’re more comfortable. Around five minutes later Raihan came back and handed you your water and cough drop. You drank as much water as your body would allow and put the cough drop in your mouth.
“Have you had anything for dinner yet?”
You shake your head no.
“Would you like some soup? I’ll also make you some lemongrass tea as well. Clover would you like to help me?”
Clover looks at him then at you and you smiled weakly at her letting her know that you’d be alright. She moves your hair/gently pats your head before she leaves with Raihan. It takes about an hour for them to come back with the soup and lemongrass tea.
“Clover you can go rest. I’ll look after her while you sleep.”
Clover gently hugs you good night and goes to her room and sleeps. Raihan starts feeding you the soup and makes sure that you drink the tea.
“Thank you, Raihan.”
“You’re welcome. Tomorrow I’ll take you to the doctors and I’ll take off of work for as long as I need to. Just so that Clover doesn’t get overwhelmed and overworked.”
You nod and smile at him knowing that there was no use in arguing with him.
~The next day~
You were diagnosed with a severe case of the flu. It won’t kill you, but Raihan has to wear special protective equipment when he’s in your room. It won’t infect Clover but she does sleep outside your bedroom door. The doctor estimated that it would probably take a month until your body gets rid of the virus. The other gym leaders understood the situation. Bea and Gordie decided to take turns running Raihans gym while he takes care of you.
~A month later~
Your body finally got rid of the virus. Raihan is currently disinfecting everything in your room for the final time today.
“Raihan, you know that you can go back to work, right?”
He sighs and looks at you and Clover laying in bed.
“I know. I’ll let Leon, Bea, and Gordie know that I’m willing to return to work next week.”
You close the book that you and Clover were reading.
“Why? My body is healthy now.”
“But what if you need me? I can’t stand to think that my Blossom would need me and I’m not here because I’m at work.”
You smile at the nickname. You get up, walk over to him and cup his face with your hands.
“Raihan. My Dragon King. I’ll be alright. I’ll have Clover. If I need to call anyone and I don’t have my phone and I can’t get to the house phone I’ll have Sterling (Meowth) make the call.”
He smiles warmly at you and kisses your lips. Clover ends up finishing disinfecting everything since you and Raihan ended up on the bed and fell asleep cuddling.
When Raihan went back to work Bea and Gordie were relieved. Bea runs up to Raihan and hugs him.
“Thank goodness you’re back. There were fans who were pissed that you weren’t here.”
Bea releases Raihan from her bone crushing hug. Raihan looks at Gordie.
“A few of them ended up making me cry. I honestly hate admitting that.”
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justagalwhowrites · 10 months
Your writing is amazing! May I ask how often you release chapter's to yearling; or do you just do them as they come to you??? I know it's fictional and all, but oh my goodness, this last chapter just...I don't even know how to put it...I'm just so heartbroken for Bambi. Just WOW!!! I love your stories thanks for sharing with everyone
Hi Bestie!
Thank you so so much, you are so sweet!
I don't have a set schedule but I TRY to release two chapters of Yearling a week but I've been falling short of that lately. Life has just been bonkers busy and I haven't had the chance to write as much as I would really like to. I took a few days away from that universe to do some lighter one shots for Thanksgiving and then chapter one (which was kinda chapter two but the first entry was a prologue lol) of Halcyon. Chapter 22 was a bit rough to write (I cried a few times believe it or not!) but chapter 23 is underway! I'm hoping to have it up tonight or tomorrow (tomorrow is more likely at this point) and then chapter 24 up this weekend.
Feel free to send me an ask or shoot me a DM if you want an estimate of the next chapter! I know I don't post on a consistent schedule - I post relatively frequently just no one knows what time or what day, not even me lol - and I don't mind when you want more information!
Thank you for reading and for being here! Love you!!
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the-firebird69 · 13 days
As we're saying as we were saying there's a lot of interest in him getting bigger and it is growing now that he is being exposed to radiation and he's showing no signs of radiation sickness he's not healing magically yet but it's getting there
- Over the next few days there will be a moment where the radiation might increase to two rad that might be because of the Yucatan this is probably where you would be more interested most of you because this reaction will be extraordinarily different in most of you 99.5% of you will have a very bad reaction and he won't and it will create interest some of it will be negative a lot of it might be positive it is coming up today and it is going to be pretty big And what we mean is they're going to bring up the fact that he's not responding to the radiation the way that they do and he's not exhibiting many signs of having trouble they thought he might not but what they're seeing is more remarkable than they anticipated and he's just not changing at all and they are going to start to study it more and then this will happen I believe this week at some point we don't think it's tonight maybe tomorrow night and the radiation will be released and it will be there probably Wednesday during the day interest will increase and most of it will be negative or an ill will towards us and they'll say he has to be captured and he's a mutant and brought down and all this other stuff when he's human so we're getting ready for this and it's coming up it's happening a little but it's coming up in a big way pretty soon and we will be ready
- This event will also produce results of his outside he will be exposed to probably 2.3 red and it will come across the Gulf and hit southwest Florida about 25 minutes and it will settle in the middle and it will be washed away pretty soon but at that level if you get full exposure the medicine that are in the lipoma will most likely be almost fully destroyed and really most of it even his belly and we're talking about 90% of it that would be left at that point right now about 30% of it has been destroyed by the time those two rads appear we would expect 40% to be destroyed and 90% of 40% means that you'd only have around 3% of the original poisoning of now that three percent and this is just in the lipoma it's what we're talking about the soft tissue would get it would be cleared a little it's not as much in there not much in the organs will be cleared a little bit more and he would only have about 5% of what was there but in the lipoma would be probably 250 doses and after the two rad in the soft tissue there would be about 200 doses left and that includes organs and ligaments and tendon in the brain and everything has some in it and the bone that we're talking about overall all the medicines but still have about 500 doses what would have been reduced by a couple hundred. Now that sounds like a lot of doses but he says it's only one year and that's what it is so by estimate after this week our son would have it only one year of doses left in him eddie thinks that's good and it really is and he was poisoned by these people badly and made sick and a lot of people were and it's a nightmare. That we were saying that he will be cleared of a lot of it at that time overall number would be eighty percent of what it was overall number would be 80% of what it was last month and that would be by this coming Friday.
And it would be cleared of enough and he would start to feel a little better and He would start to heal certain things his skin would get better and we think maybe about 50% better by Monday following this weekend this is gonna be it'd be a big transformation keeping in mind that he would be exposed after but he needs that to destroy whatever is released and by Tuesday of the after a week after this Tuesday he would probably be cleared 85% and it's going to go faster than we thought and he is a pretty decent mutant it's a higher level mutant that we knew about but his reaction is very good and he says because I've been outdoors and riding and keeping my cardio up a little bit and getting my exposure to the sun and training my diet the whole time ohh it's true too those things are also the fact that he has been working out and it kind of squeezes out a lot of the loose stuff and it clears the system so yeah it's gonna be a lot better it will show signs of healing his skin September 10 and it will heal up very nicely by the end of September we expect him to gain size this month and it's early it is good he needs it And by September 27 He might have grown 1/2 an inch in height by then to 5 foot 10 inches. And he is around 253 pounds right now And by September 27 we think he'll be 265 but not fat it's a bad Be a pretty big looking guy at that time which is only 17 days away. He would be pretty big by mid October we think possibly£275 and 5 foot 10 1/2 and that's pretty big that's bigger than he is now and he needs more money and his bicycles might not make it And really at mid October at that size he would have around seventeen and three quarter inch biceps that would expand to 18 1/4 inches. And his chest would be bigger around 11 inch now it'll be two inches and his shoulders will be about two and a half inches around bigger and his legs too about an inch around bigger for the calves and an inch and a half on his upper leg he's going to be a big guy in just a month. And he'll still be kind of working out a little at the gym But when we said he would be at mid October he would be able to do one of those pulls they do from the floor up to your waist height but in your bent over it's like a upside down row probably 200 lbs you can do quite a bit right now he thinks he can get 100 lbs up and we do too So by the end of October he can easily probably do 200 lbs and that's the idea And when they got General George Washington actually he was representative at the Continental Congress the coach it was not a ceremony but he accepted it very graciously and he said it will be written and the annals of history and our son says it is and he says my brother to himself and people said they heard it and that he is valuable to his brother and they start to help him a little more and they figured out that some kind of relationship it got a little bit better. But that was only two weeks after he was appointed and things were a little slower back then and my son and daughter think it's probably earlier than that because they want to show the change they might have been on the day it was formed And that's when they gave it to him And he didn't need it so there's some changes that are coming But really he won't have any money for the car so we do know when it was given to him and our son and daughter say it was probably after a few meetings and they saw he was riding in a piece of crap and that she was in the going real fast And that was the first vehicle they had so more shortly
Thor Freya
and the coach was the small one wit foour wheels and a top and weak looking top and comlicated but covered them up
and nice. bu ok what is the first one lol
0 notes
Chapter Eighteen: Final Preparations
For Mature Audiences
CW: Toxic Gin, that’s about it.
The countdown had begun. Ichigo and his friends were on their way to infiltrate the palace, and their world was abustle with conversation. To Chisei, Aizen had estimated that within the next two days they would travel to the world of the living. As much as she wanted to train to the final moments, she knew this may lead to running out of steam during the battle. And, as much as she did not want to have her ‘way out’ be during this, she knew this was going to be her best shot.
Chisei spent her time in Starrk’s common area, flexing her hand and forming a fist over and over. She watched the reishi veins extend out along her skin, then contract with so much as a thought. Taking a breath, she held her hands in her lap when Starrk spoke up from his nap spot - not facing her.
”Hey, did you and Lord Aizen talk about… What happened?”
“In pieces.” She shrugged, inspecting her nails. “He wants to move on from it now, and I’m okay with that. Unfortunately, these things happen… It’s not uncommon. We can’t just wish for it back…” Her tone of voice was distant, lost, and not at all like herself.
The woman was still looking at her nails, soon footsteps and a shadow overhead made her turn her head up. Starrk crouched down to her, putting one of his hands over hers. “Are you alright with this? You were pretty upset when it happened…”
”I have to be.” Chisei explained, “Nothing I can do will change how things happened. I’m still grieving, but it’s easier when I think about it like that.”
”… But that was-“
”Coyote, hold on.” Chisei put up a hand, tilting her head at him. “I know you’re worried, but I’m doing okay right now… Now that some time has passed, I’m feeling better. It really, really wasn’t the best time anyway.” She smiled, “Can we please talk about something else?”
”Right… Sorry.” He removed his hand from hers, looking away while he used the back of his neck. “You’re gonna be on the front lines with us, right?”
”I am.” She laughed a bit, looking at her wrist and the cross. “Sosuke said to expect the captains from when I was there years ago, so… I’m expecting a few problems.”
”You know some of them? Have you ever seen them release their bankai?” Starrk asked, blinking. “What was it like?”
”Oh, no… Not as far as I know, at least.” Chisei shook her head, blinking. “A couple shikai, but the power level and physical appearance changes.”
”Damn…” The man huffed, slowly standing himself back up. “Lord Aizen is gonna be expecting you soon, isn’t he? Think this might be the last time we see each other before the next phase?”
”I think so…” She looked up, rolling out of the beanbag to stand before looking up to Starrk. “Uh, if you don’t mind… I have a few things to say…”
”What? Uh, alright.” Coyote watched her, raising a brow. “Don’t get me killed before I’m on the battlefield…”
”Oh-! Coyote!” Chisei huffed and gently smacked his chest, laughing softly. “No, it’s not that. It’s… I don’t think you understand how much you helped me here. And, yeah, it was more of you just listening when I needed someone to talk to… But you knew that was what I needed and you let me have that time.” She smiled, “I also respect you immensely for taking Sosuke’s jealousy so well, despite nothing happening.”
He froze for a second, blinking a few times hard. As he was about to speak, Chisei wrapped her arms around him and gave him a firm hug. Starrk choked on his air for a second, looking down at the woman pressed to his chest, then slowly put his arms around her back. “Chisei…”
”Thank you for being my friend while I’ve been here.” Chisei said, smiling wider. “And I’m going to be hoping tomorrow we all come out on the other side okay.”
”Hm…” He held onto her, then paused before holding her a bit tighter. She wasn’t letting go, so he kept a gentle hold. After a few minutes of this, Starrk leaned down. “You know… I do hope in another life you and I had a chance… And between us,” He whispered into her hair, “I don’t think someone like him deserves a heart like yours.”
The woman flinched at this, tears pricked the corners of her eyes before she let go of him to wipe them away. “Damn heart, making me mushy…” She laughed softly. Her eyes went to his when he pulled away, and there was a brief pause. Starrk froze for a bit longer, he wanted to say to hell with it, go for it in spite of repercussions, but he knew it would mean hell for Chisei. Instead, he pressed a kiss to her cheek. Her skin was so soft and warm, desperately wanting to hold her longer.
”You should get going. Don’t want to upset Lord Aizen…” He said, slowly releasing her from his grip. “I’ll see you out there.”
”Right.” Chisei nodded, as he pulled away she touched her cheek. She waited to smile until she turned away, starting to walk herself out.
Outside of his palace, and slowly returning to her own, her feelings of joy and validation were replaced with ones of hurt. She knew that once the battle started, people she cared for on either side were going to be hurt. Friends she made here, old allies from her time in the world of the living… The Visored… Chisei took a breath and put a hand over her heart as her expression fell. How was he doing during all this time apart? Was he eating okay?
”Oh, that’s a sad looking face.” Gin. He showed up at the worst time. “You aren’t happy about your husband’s plans coming to fruition?”
”Haven’t you been told not to interact with me alone, Ichimaru?” Chisei snapped. “What do you want?”
”Yikes! Talk about mood swings. Next phase of his plan got you nervous?” He approached, smiling disconcertingly to the small Queen. “It won’t be long before he’s a God and you’re his special lady~” She stayed silent, staring him down. “Ohhh, that’s a look. Never thought such a sweet thing could manage a look that could kill!”
”You get practice here…” The woman sighed and crossed her arms. “Now what do you want? I doubt we’d just bump into each other when you’re his second in command…”
”It’s cute you still recognize that, though clearly you’re the one directly under him…” He trailed off, then started to hold up a finger. “You know… This battlefield could be a golden opportunity for you to clear your name to the Soul Society. In case Aizen were to fail for some reason.” Her body froze for a second and his smile widened. “That would be ridiculous though! His plan accounts for everything, and after everything you gave up to join him here? There’s no way you’d go back.”
”… Don’t you miss Rangiku at all?” Chisei questioned, “She talked about you a lot whenever she was stationed in Karakura Town. Or, as much as she can given your defection.” She narrowed her eyes at the man, who was still smiling.
”Changing the subject to get a rise out of me? You’re more like him than I thought!” The silver-haired man chuckled, stepping closer to the Queen… “Although… You’re not nearly strong enough to challenge a snake, little Rabbit.” He glared over her, that smile never faltering. “I’d be careful saying those sorts of things without your husband here to protec you.”
Chisei froze as she stepped back, blinking a few times in surprise. She cleared her throat, shaking her head. “Fine… As long as you know a strong defense can also be an offense.” She started to walk past him with her head down. It was mere seconds later that she was pinned to the wall, caged in by his long limbs. The woman gasped, stuck with him inches from her.
“You can kick up a fight all you want, Your Majesty, but it won’t change much if you’re not strong enough. When you have someone like Aizen in your corner, little Rabbits like you best survive being protected by someone else. Though I’m sure you’ve already realized and that’s why you’ve been clinging to him for so long…” He chuckled softly, enjoying the fear and realization across her face.
Hirenkyaku saved Chisei at that moment, traveling quickly away from the man. Once back to her suite, she finally let herself catch her breath. He knows. I don’t know how, but he knows. I can’t let him tell Sosuke. She stepped in, hands folded in front of her, inspecting the smooth walls and the absurdly long couch… In spite of everything, she was going to miss this place. Running her hand along the top of the couch while she walked, she sighed. Memories came and went of the various nights they spent together, the few tender times they shared in the beginning…
”Chisei. You’re back early.” Aizen called from the bedroom, prompting the woman to start approaching him. “How was your time with Starrk?”
”It was okay, I guess.” She looked into the room, “Mostly ended with a ‘see you on the battlefield’ and we left it at tha-“ Chisei froze at the sight before her, taking a second before looking back up at Aizen’s face. “… Sosuke what did you do?”
As soon as she walked into the dimly lit room, a faint purple glow caught her attention. Her eyes followed it, only finding its source when he turned to face her. In his chest sat a glowing orb, adorned with four star-like points coming from its center. He smiled at her and held out his hands to her, as if inviting her in. The only reason she recognized it was because he had shown her once before, but it was still within a case… The Hogyoku.
”It was the next stage of my evolution, my Queen.” He said, “It has not started to understand me yet, though that is to be expected. The concept originally is that one would need to fuse the Hogyoku with a Soul Reaper, to make the two entities one. This is why other attempts failed. Instead, I have subjugated it for my purposes…”
”What… What. What does this mean?” She asked, stepping closer. “Was this the plan from the start..? What does this do for..?”
”It means that when the limits of my Soul Reaper powers are reached, the Hogyoku will start to react.” He said simply. “The only reason this has not happened is I cannot exhaust my powers here to activate it. It may be that it only becomes active in creating the King’s Key. If my army does as it should with what will remain of the Gotei 13, then it shouldn’t, but it won’t matter either way.”
”Right…” Chisei looked down and stared at the orb, her hands out but not reaching towards it. Aizen saw this and simply took her hand to place it over the protruding sphere. “Ah-!”
”It won’t hurt you, Chisei. With it under my control, I would never let it harm my Queen in any way.” He held her jaw with a smile, staring down with those chocolate brown eyes. She almost swore there was love in that gaze, but she didn’t trust his intentions. “Something about you has changed too, hasn’t it?”
”I’m not sure what you mean. Stronger, maybe?” She continued to avert her gaze from his to the warmth under her hand, still processing what he had done.
”It’s not just that.” Aizen used his free arm to bring her in closer, resting his hand on her hip. “You have become stronger, come into your Quincy heritage… Though there’s something else. You’re stronger in your resolve. When battling Nnoitra, you refused to back down when before you would have relied on others to aid you. You also didn’t use your title and welcomed a fight. It’s an interesting comparison from before you came here and wouldn’t spar with weapons…”
”You’re putting a lot of emphasis on that fight…” Chisei looked up again, raising a brow. “Are you sure you aren’t bringing it up for other reasons..?”
”Of course not. I already showed you how I felt about those reasons.” He chuckled, leaning down to kiss her lips. “You’ve become a warrior in your own regard. And I hope that with being my Queen, you will not need me to defend you at our end goal.”
She kissed him back, everything hit her at once. Gin’s words, Starrk’s embrace, Aizen’s silver tongue… Shinji and his friends- family, really, preparing for hour zero. She made it to the fight, albeit starting on the wrong side.
One thing she knew for sure. If things went to his plans, even slightly, everyone was doomed. Chisei had hours to prepare herself for this possible reality.
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pennedbylisse · 10 months
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wc: 2k
tense & pov: present, third person
002 | 003 | 004 | AO3
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Small, quaint, little blips in a routine. 
Like tiny, little lint balls lining the inside of a shirt - a shirt that had been practically flawless prior to the misfortunes of laundry day; discomforting, irritating, but miniscule enough to dismiss. To learn to tolerate. 
Small, quaint, little blips in a rushed run-down of a formerly organic routine. 
The first of which, a missed alarm - correction, it would have been ‘missed’  if so it had run in the first place. Rin, however, had forgotten to turn the dial on her bedside clock the night prior. 
It rang around 9 AM, instead; a rise time for off days. 
Today is Monday. The opposite of an off day.
Rin stumbles out of the cushioned embrace of her bed, entangled at the ankles by a knot in the sheets, which she doesn't became aware of until the solid wood of the floor slaps her chin.
The unanticipated impact leaves her breathless for a number of seconds, before she releases a long and painful groan. Her ribs contract at the slightest twist, in response to what Rin can only imagine is a developing bruise, as she starts up and towards the adjoining bathroom.
She scrambles for her cellphone amidst the sheets that billow around her like a dress, or a cloud.
When she lifts the screen to her line of sight, she squints through the dimness to find its display of a low battery warning. There's another painful blow to her cheek, only this time it's not from the dense, solid wood, rather the weight of realizing she'd forgotten to plug it in the night prior.
Unfortunately, this is not the first occurrence. She makes a habit of sleeping the night with her phone at the foot of her bed, unplugged. At first, only ever intends to scroll her socials mindlessly for increments of half-hours until midnight falls; means to lay it on its charging port by then, but more often than not, drifts into slumber before that point. In the morning, it's always the same; she reprimands herself, promises to never do it again.
The next night, unsurprisingly to everyone but her, she does it again. Jennie, her teenage sister, jokes that her forgetfulness will one day be her demise; says something along the lines of "She'll forget the date and place of her funeral."
With about 20% residual battery (estimating up, for the sake of optimism), her screen illuminates. A sort of squawk leaves her parted lips as she reads the time. A squawk like that of a goose with its tail feathers catching light.
She’s up, now, legs squared determinedly. Yet, she trips clumsily over sleep-drugged feet while they wrestle with the persistent tug of the sheets who plead Stay, just this once. 
Trampling over miscellaneous objects scattered around her bedroom floor, she reminds herself of the urgency with which she must clean her room, but it's only one of many tasks on her immediate to-do.
Right now is not the time.
Her tail’s on fire. Heart’s pumping erratically. Adrenaline saturating her system. Heat flushing her cheeks and nape. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…” 
The second inconvenience of the day is a diluted cup of coffee, served not in her usual thermos, but in the first vase she could salvage out of the pile seated at her sink.
The amber liquid’s aroma falls flat and drowned over her palette; a cloud of candied cotton dampened by humidity on what should have been a sunny festival day.
Groceries, her mental to-do list elongates. Don't forget coffee for tomorrow. Don't' forget coffee, a voice in her mind recites obsessively.
Running groceries today tops all other items on her list in terms of priority. It's more urgent than the cleanliness of her bedroom. She cannot survive another morning living off crackers and a few pinches of coffee grounds. But even more urgent, she must catch her bus and make it to work before her boss hears word of her tardiness. 
Rin shuts her eyes, her grip strangles the ceramic handle of the mug as she forces the gulp down, despite the objection of her palette. 
She heaves a sigh upon succeeding, and brings the pads of her thumb and forefinger to pinch the bridge of her nose, in a bid to discourage a growing migraine. 
Inconveniences. How even the ones you train yourself to dismiss grow unbearable under the right measure of pressure. They keep adding, amounting; a string being pulled, stretched, tensed until it snaps clean. Retracts and slaps you on the cheek. Leaves a red mark, blotchy with blood. 
She makes up her mind. Determinedly decides that today is not her day, could not be, will not be. There is no redeeming it, for the more she recites it in her head, the further it continues to manifest itself. Until she's too deeply caught in the whirlpool to convince herself otherwise.
Days like such make her wonder how many inconveniences, exactly, it would take to conclusively alter the course of one’s fate? 
The notion isn’t foreign to Rin. She’d read testimonies before, about people who’d been lead away from a tragic fate by some minor and random inconvenience – a blip, or glitch, or something that absolutely shouldn’t have happened, that wouldn’t otherwise have happened, on any given day. Say, the person whose car breaks down on the commute to work, who later discovers through a news report that a shooter unleashed havoc at their work-place, claiming the lives of a dozen victims. A dozen. Could have – would have – been a dozen-and-one if by some stroke of luck, or misfortune, their car had not broken down. 
In light of those rare, almost ordained cases, Rin attempts to see light in even the worst possible conditions. Today, though, her optimism is gasping for breath, attempting to match pace with her dashing body. She left it in the heaps of blankets at the foot of her bed. 
Silver linings fall dull and mute. 
Everything seems to serve as an obstacle in her blazing path.
The keys get lost. Shoe laces become undone. Chatty neighbor happens to step foot out of the house at the same time as Rin; there goes ten priceless minutes of Rin nodding incessantly and feigning a polite smile all the while trying to end the conversation that should have never begun. 
Left shoe still undone, her legs slice through the chill morning fog, as she sprints down her neighborhood street. Leaving the rosy-cheeked, grey-haired lady chatting to herself. (She doesn't notice until Rin's five doors down; never really talks to others to hear their perspectives, but rather feel self-important from the influence of their audience)
Rin's worn satchel is pinned under her arm. A young golden sun tints her cheeks with some life, as it streaks in between buildings. 
A green bus slows near a couple of gathered people. A half-a-second before it comes to a complete halt, it pries its gates open with an elongated creak. 
Rin’s still sprinting a few blocks down. Her chest is galloping, short of air; it burns in that oxygen-deprived way. The fine muscles of her calf, do to. As if they are wearing away under the erosion of acid.
Her pace slows from fatigue and resignation. Starts imagining what's the worst that could happen if she were to half-ass a last minute call-out from work. Stands like an awkwardly placed tree amidst the street, swaying, bag sliding down her frame, shoelaces sprawled over the concrete like roots burying her there.
The breath she gathers to lift her voice and plead for a bit of patience is knocked out of her lungs before the words form at her lips. Her palms slaps against the cold concrete on either side of her already bruised chin, her cheek suspended by mere inches. 
The culprit lies on the ground, by her feet, groaning and clutching his knee. 
Rin’s lips whisper a forlorn “Noo!” as her eyes watch the bus pick-up and drive-away. Tears pool on her lash line, either from the frost biting her face or in response to the overwhelming frustration that comes with the shattered expectations of what should have been a ‘normal day.’ 
Normal days are never extravagant, until you are deprived of them. Until you are reminded they are not something inherently owed to you, and that much like all things, they too can be deprived.
Chord snapped, patience drawn thinly, Rin sits up, heated and ready to pounce. Her sharp eyes lock onto the wrecker. She’s made up her mind. She’s ready to name him the culprit of all the inconveniences of today. 
When she glances over at the soon-to-be-subject of all of her projected frustrations, that’s when she feels it. The sharp, stinging slap of the metaphorical rubber band against her cheek. 
Her throat chokes with the threat of a sob. Just when she thought the day could not possibly get worse, it does. 
The biggest inconvenience yet. 
The bane of her existence. 
A subject she’d sought refuge in never, ever, seeing again. 
There’s a distinct luminescence haloing his crouched figure. Could be the early morning sun, beaming over the neighborhood. Could be a concussion. Regardless, it's dizzying. Has this optical illusion effect of making the subject in her field of vision double, like when she'd wear 3D glasses to the cinema.
Rin blinks incessantly. She can’t bring herself to trust her sight. Can’t believe she body-slammed into him of all people. In the seven years she’s spent living in the neighborhood, not once had she brushed shoulders with him. 
The last time she'd seen him had been at their high school graduation ceremony - which must have been nearly six years ago, now.
Weighing the abstract concept of time in her shaken mind, she finds it hard to palate how much time has lapsed, and how little he appears to have changed. Like a stand-still capture on a polaroid square, he's just the same.
He scrunches-up his nose in disturbance, and turns over his hand to the palmar side, eyes peeling over his newly acquired abrasion. As the seconds lapse, the adrenaline in his system wanes, and the sting of scraped flesh starts settling in. 
He winces and diverts his attention from it, gathering that looking at it only will make it hurt worse. 
Dark brown eyes meet Rin as he finally acknowledges the collision. The reality that he’d somehow inconvenienced someone even further than the day had started to inconvenience him. 
The halo persists through Rin’s desperate blinking. Futility lies in her attempts to clear her field of vision, as she rubs the dorsal sides of her hands over her eyes in a bid to remove what she believes is only a pesky little speck of dust, a lash, or even a tear. 
Inquisition curves his healthy brows but the curiosity quickly dims, becoming replaced with a sour frown. A distasteful grimace. Reality and recognition strike him. But worse than the reel of memories snapped onto the film player of his mind, is the Earth spinning vertigo that comes on as his eyes trace over the aura emanating off her. Brighter than the sun. 
Loud-bright. Like a mallet smashed against a bronze bell within his head. Like he’s suddenly developed synesthesia and every glimpse of light is painfully loud. 
Rin dances her gaze around, reading the disinterested people who brush hurriedly past. They appear awfully dull in demeanor and appearance in relation to him. Absent of any halo, they are akin to gray bodies blurred into the background scene of the lens of a camera. 
Slowly, and fearful, Rin draws her gaze back to him. Traces over the halo. 
That’s when her mother’s voice rings across her head, like an ominous tolling bell, indicative of an end. An armageddon. Her armageddon. When I met your father, it was like I could see for the first time.
Rin wouldn’t call this newfound sight, rather sudden-onset blindness. She feels like her optic nerves are being torn by the fibers. Imagines this distortion is was what cats see on a daily basis. Understands why they constantly want to strangle and mangle anything within their vicinity. 
She wants to strangle him. Toys with the idea the more she looks at him. The more the lights dizzy her. 
Somehow, she places the fault in his hands. She's still run by a childish instinct, to want to kick his shins and run away from his stupidly handsome frown. He had always felt like too much to handle, to understand, to wrap her tiny adolescent mind around. Now, older, and hopefully wiser, Rin still defaults to running away from complexity. Likes to coax life with a broad brush, shoving worries under her bed like monsters to run from, behind closet doors, into the margins of tomorrow. 
She figures that if she continuously runs, the problems will never catch up to her. But, she’s only selectively ignorant to the snowball effect. Hopes it amasses enough to crush her at once and allow her no room for reflection on how things could have – should have -- been. 
His lips almost mouth Don't run. Fear-stricken. Please, don’t run. 
Instead, he voices (cracking voice): “I think I’m having a stroke.” Then braces his clumsy weight against the nearest wall. His breathing quickens, mirroring the alarming panic blaring within Rin.
“What are the chances that we are both having a stroke at the same time?” 
He lifts his worried gaze, a bead of sweat forming on his temple, complexion awfully pale. Rin thinks he might just hurl. “What are the chances that you are my soulmate?” 
It’s funny, because Rin didn’t see this coming – Rin didn’t see much of today coming, but certainly not what happens next. 
Rin is the one that hurls. Chunky acid made its way up the column of her throat without as much as a warning. The contents – whatever it was she managed to down while standing in the fridge light last night. 
All over his lavish shoes.
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Humans Are Space Orcs, “The hypothetical
I decided to go back to and play around with my older style of writing today. Taking a bi of a break from the main plot line for a little bit :) 
As a doctor, I often wonder about hypotheticals. What would happen if my patient was injured in this way, what would I do. Working with humans I find each scenario has to be more outlandish than the next assuming the human is going to do something stupid.
However, in all my time with humans there is one hypothetical that I find most interesting: what would happen if early human/nonhuman communication never happened, and like animals in documentaries, or at zoos we learned about the humans purely through observation.
Humor me for a moment as I write this as I think it could be an interesting thought-experiment for the scientific community. 
I imagine we would see them as a series of logs made by the zookeeper as the humans were captured and placed into their enclosures, not knowing that the humans were sentient.
I see it going something like this.
Day 1 - we encountered the strange creature on a distant planet. We have never seen anything like them before. They tall, though that is only by way of the walking bipedally. Their arms are very long, and their eyes face forward. We were forced to capture them through tranquilization as they were uncooperative. We have a group of them, about six that we released into the enclosure. They are very agitated, and we must do what we can to calm them or otherwise worry about causing them significant stress. I can see them now lying on the ground resting their heads, they do not look well from the drugs, but we hope that the side effects will not last long.
Day 2 - We have yet to determine the genders of the creatures or even if they have any. It is difficult to tell, though there are subtle anatomical differences that we assume might have some bearing on the subject. Luckily for us they ate within the first day, and continue to eat well. As far as we understand their diets, these creatures can eat a large range of food, more than any animal or alien we have ever seen, and this including meat, plants, and plant byproducts.
Day - 4 They have a very large range of vocalizations, in a very complex structure that almost seems as if they are speaking to one another. They grunt hiss click hum, and so much more. As far as we can tell, they seem very social and tend to congregate in a small circle to commune with each other. When they sleep, they tend to sleep in a large group, or within the same general vicinity of each other. It sees they have a strong pack mentality.
Day- 3 we were forced to move them to a new enclosure as, last night one of the zookeepers ran across the creatures scaling the wall of their enclosure using the digits on their hands and feet to hold to the rough surface and pull themselves upward. I and the other scientists are a bit put out as we should have known this based on the anatomy of their flexible toes, and the sockets of their shoulders. These creatures are very good at climbing. For this reason the new enclosure is much larger, it has a pool of water and many tall branches to climb though there is a field around it to keep the creatures form climbing out.
Day 4 - The pool was a good idea as the creatures seem to enjoy submerging themselves in water. We know now that their strangely colored skin is not actually skin but some kind of artificial covering. They take off this artificial skin if they enter the water and put it back on after they leave. We also know the difference between the males and the females now as the males have more defined muscular structures and the females are more rounded with softer angles. As far as we can determine there is no behavioral difference between the two species.
Day 5 - We think they know they are being watched, as they have a habit of obscuring themselves in the furthest end of the enclosure where it is difficult for them to be seen. They have even taken some of the fallen branches and erected a bit of a screen to hide away prying eyes, or at least that is how it seems. Some of our experts assume it was actually in order to build a proper nest though we cannot be entirely sure about that.  
Day 30 - We are worried about one of the females. Her body structure has begun to change over these past few weeks, and her belly is becoming distended. We are worried about some sort of blockage or bloating caused by the misuse of food. The other creatures seem to be worried about her as well. We  might go in and tranquilize her and bring her out to examine her at some point tomorrow.
Day 31 - we had to sedate every creature in the enclosure in order to pull the female out and separate er form her pack. We tried to separate her naturally from them, pulling her to one side of the enclosure, but it seemed as if they knew what we were doing and the other large males and the one aggressive female would not allow her to go. We had to dart all five of the others to capture her, though when we pulled her out we were delighted to find the reason for her distended belly has nothing to do with the food. It seems as if we had inadvertently picked up a pregnant alien creature., which is likely why the others were so protective over her. We worry though because upon examining the internal structures we are concerned that the head of the offspring will not be large enough to fit through the pelvis. We are not sure if this is what the natural progression of their child bearing is supposed to look  like.
Day - 50 we have been doing some tests on our  creatures and have found a few interesting things. Their senses are far superior to our own.  We once thought that their eyes would be adapted to hunting and racking movement, and while that is true in low light situations, they actually have very sharp sense of binocular vision, and are very competent at guessing distances. They seem to be a primary visual creature, and we assume that their vision is even better than ours. There is some evidence that they can even see somewhat in the dark, though based on our examination of their behavior they are primarily a daytime animal.
Day - 61 We think that they can hear us talking outside the enclosure. In fact, we think they have a very sensitive set of hearing organs. They often behave in ways that make us think they might be able to hear us. They always seem to know when we are coming into the enclosure to feed them. They tend to stand very close and watch us very carefully. We are worried that they might attack, but so far they have not. The most disconcerting is the large male and the smaller female. The way they watch some of our handlers unnerves them, and I am going to have to hire new hands to help with this project 
Day 70 - They can use tools! It is an exciting and amazing discovery. But just the other day we say them begin to make things using strips of their own not-skin and some branches. They have tied rocks together and are even using them to smash up bits of food. Their hands seem very capable of doing such things as they are actually quite  delicate in their movements. Each diget can be controlled to the finest degree and the rotational movement of their wrist implies  extreme dexterity. Many of us think that this leaves them on a path towards sentience. Our scientists estimate that they have the intellectual capabilities of a five-year-old child.
Day 90 - great progress has been made! The creatures extreme vocalizations has added to their advantage, in that we have taught them how to speak! The sentences are very rudimentary of course, like a child, but they can ask for food, help, and express their displeasure. However, the problem is, they seem to have discovered greater words of displeasure from the people observing them and have taken to yelling rude slurs at the attraction goers. We think they like getting a reaction. They are very aggressive, and are becoming more so as the days go by. We worry about their health.
Day 100 - two of the large males got into a fight yesterday. We assume it was over mating rites with the remaining female, though that is only a theory. The way the creatures fight is very strange, they ball their hands into fists and then hit each other like using a club. Sometimes they use the hard bony ends of their elbows, or the tips of their knees. A few times they even used their legs to strike at the other. The feat of balance was quite amazing and the power generated from blows like that was scary. Visitors were urged away from the enclosure when wounds started appearing. Both males were covered in blood. We had gone to sedate them but by the time we came back the fight was over and the two males were sitting with each other at the edge of the pool washing their wounds. We think they find the water soothing, though we worry about sickness or infection.
Day 140 - We cannot get to them, overnight and out of sight of our keepers they have constructed a sort of den or nest surrounded by thick leaves and tree bark. There is no way to see in, and there is no way to dart one of these creatures while on the inside. We have been   to get them while they are out in the open, but they always hear when the enclosure or the windows open and have taken to carrying around large shields made of leaves and branches. None of our darts have made it through sticking uselessly into branches. We worry greatly considering the female is coming closer and closer to her delivery day.
Day 170 - We have a plan for sedation, though it will require an enforcement team armed with the tranquilizer guns to preform it. We are worried about the female and the offspring, which we intend to rear by hand. We have no idea how the other larger humans are going to react when the smaller human is brought into the enclosure. They could kill it. We do not want this happening, and besides, we think this creature could be very docile if hand raised by us. 
Day 181 - The mother went into labor last night, and we were called in by one of the zookeepers. We have to act very fast  and are assembling a team. We are worried she might die as the sounds coming from the enclosure has caused us to close down the entire zoo. She seems to be in great pain as we have never heard a creature make that sound before. All of the creatures seem agitated as well, those who are not in the enclosure with them are pacing around outside. They seem very nervous.
The team has been assembled and it has been quiet for some minute except for a distant squalling. The large ales and other creatures are encircling the little habitat as if curious. We are worried the large males will find this as a sign ofweakness and attack.
Day 182 -  please help us. We went into the enclosure as we had assumed with hour weapons ready to take the little offspring away to safer area for cleaning, however as soon as we got close to the den, the creatures attacked. We did not see them camouflaged in the leaves, and they seemed to erupt out of nowhere. Our leader was violently bludgeoned with a rock, and another was strangled manually by the small female. Each one of them was violently killed.
Two of our team managed to make it to the door of the den but as they did, the still blood covered female leaped outward and attacked screaming. She was the most violent out of all of them and practically ripped the limbs off two of our men before killing them. Protecting her young.
The large male carried the sleeping creature fin his arms as the female searched around for any more survivors. There were none and the door had been left open. One of our valiant men tried to go and close it, but he was murdered   as the door was flung open crushing him against the back wall. The child was handed back to the mother and now they are hunting about the zoo in a pack. I have locked myself in this  room hoping they will not find me, but even now I can hear a rattling outside the door.
Day of freedom - Hello you slimy bastards. Didn’t think you could talk did you. Either way you better hope we get back to our home planet, otherwise we will take this one for ourselves and make you suffer till your bones bleach dry under and unforgiving sun.
A little bit melodramatic there at the end I know, but I have spent far to long with humans, and I understand that they would probably be just as dramatic as I am making it sound. Also, I just realized that I technically just wrote some fiction, which means the humans are definitely rubbing off on me
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otptings · 3 years
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✖︎Idol: Park Jisung
✖︎Genre: Fluffffy
✖︎Word Count: 1237
✖︎Synopsis: Tours are hard, but being reunited is all you could ask for
✖︎A/n: edited, the original goes by the name of tour. requests are open for enhypen, treasure, and svt. if you enjoyed this please like, reblog, or donate to my ko-fi in my bio thank you so much
“I miss you.” You held back your laughter at the sight of Jisung puffing out his cheeks in an obvious pout.
“Only two more weeks, then you’ll be back in my arms.”
“That’s boring, why can’t I just teleport there now? Or better yet you teleport here?” Shaking your head at his childishness you couldn’t help but feel the same. There have been more than enough lonely nights to last you for the rest of your days. Nights that were spent looking at all of the various photos and videos that Jisung - tried to-  regularly send you, along with scouring the Dreamies Youtube channel for any videos he forgot to tell you about.
You were more than grateful he was able to experience the tour, especially now that his knee was fully healed, but a miniscule part of you wanted him to be here, wrapped around you like a koala, your favorite habit of his. You’d give anything to be suffocating because of the immense warmth he constantly radiated, your head laying on his chest to listen to his heart beat. The moment when you’d look up at him only to see him already staring back, a sweet smile on his face as he leant down to place a kiss on your temple. Moments you wished you hadn’t taken for granted.
“I miss you more than you know, but I’ve seen all of your performances. You make me so proud everytime I watch them.” A dark blush spread of Jisung’s cheeks. He was weak to compliments. A mumbled ‘he’s on the phone’ was heard before the dressing room dorm burst open, the rest of the Dreamies making an appearance. The boys rushed to the camera, the sound of their screams and greetings making you giggle.
“Don’t think I forgot about you guys, I miss you too.” A mix of Korean and English could be heard, but due to their overexcitement actually understanding was out of the question. Jisung muttered a quick ‘bye’ before the phone beeped, signaling that he hung up. You laughed at his panicked expression before realizing he didn’t end the call with an I love you. Or the next time you’d talk.
Touring makes it hard to schedule things, having an estimated time when you two could talk did help. Giving you something to look forward to between his performances and your school schedule. You had started to get deep into your thoughts when your phone dinged.
I love you ❤️i’ll try and call you tomorrow before practice
A smile spread across your face at his text. Jisung wasn’t forgetful, you don’t even know why you were so worried. Laying back against your pillows you grabbed your stuffed bear, a present Jisung had given you on your 6 month anniversary, hugging it close to your chest, attempting to ignore the empty sensation in your chest that had been steadily growing since he boarded the plane.
Three weeks can’t pass quickly enough.
Stuffing your hands in your pocket you huffed impatiently. You were waiting, just standing there waiting for the aircraft to deplane and the door to open revealing the purple hair boy, for the aching in your chest to finally be alleviated when he held you in his arms for the first time in months.
You felt your breath hitch when the gate doors opened without warning. 6 months, 26 weeks, and 4380 hours without Jisung, he’s finally back. People slowly started to trickle out, and your impatience only grew when none of them were your boys. After what felt like hours - approximately 5 minutes - Mark’s bright blue hair came into view. A mixture of relief and elation rushed through you at the sight of Jisung, his eyes moving rapidly before meeting yours, the same emotions flooding through them.
What you did was stupid, giving the company free ammunition to be mad at you. In your defense NCTzens already knew about your relationship, after 1 year together the company released a statement before Dispatch had the pleasure of creating a scandal. So what if you gave them a few couple pictures to leak.
Jisung met you halfway, his neck pillow laying discarded on the ground, arms wrapping around your waist tightly, as if he was scared you’d leave. That wasn’t a problem, your arms draped over his shoulders, holding him just if not more close. In your brain you could make out the Dreamies cooing over you too, but your attention was mainly on the feeling of your chest finally being full for the first time in 6 months, your other half was back.
You hadn’t realized just how much you missed the feeling of his arms around you, feeling protected in the way he seemed to fully wrap around you. You pulled away only long enough to look up at Jisung, frowning at his watery eyes.
“You’re crying.” Jisung’s hand came to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing away the tear you hadn’t realized you were shedding. Giggling, you buried your face back into Jisung’s chest. You refused to let go.
“Are they really crying? Oh my god we’re gonna be here all day.” You couldn’t see the aftermath of Haechan’s dramatic yelling, but you did hear the soft thud of someone smacking his arm - later you found out it was Renjun due to Haechan's whining about how unfair it was.
“It’s young love, they missed each other let them be.” Jaemin began to scold them, protecting his two babies as he always does.
Come on guys, let’s head to baggage claim. Sooner we get there, sooner we can go home.” Jeno’s voice broke through and you finally pulled away, not before he wrapped around your shoulders, keeping you tightly pressed to his side as you walked.
In a total of 37 minutes all 7 of the boys got their bags - including Haechan’s extra bag for souvenirs - loaded them into the van with the help of their manager, and returned back to the dorms, where you were currently curled into Jisung’s side as the other boys were spread out around the dorm, minus Chenle, Mark, and Haechan who were at their respective residences.
Jisung’s head laid on your chest while your fingers ran through his hair, massaging his scalp and listening to the soft sighs that left his mouth, his own hand playing with the bottom of your shirt, fingers threatening to touch the smooth skin underneath.
“I really missed you” Tilting his head up Jisung looked at, relief still evident in his eyes, “It’s hard being so far away from you, I can’t sleep in those different hotel rooms. Of course I have my members, but it’s not the same as having you beside me.”
“You’re back now, and you can’t act as if the tour was all bad. How was it anyway?”
Jisung recounted the tour days for you, making sure to spare no detail of how they convinced Renjun to reenact his voice crack on the stage during the encore, or when they woke Mark on his birthday by pouring water on him and how Haechan was the one to take all of the blame, or when they all decided to gave themselves temporary tattoos with a sharpie and how the makeup artists lectured them for hours while trying to get rid of the black ink - except for Mark who use blue because it was his favorite color.
Tours are rough on both of you, but being reunited is all you could ever ask for.
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Pick Me Up (Request)
Tom Holland x gn!teen!co-star!reader, Jake Gyllenhaal x gn!teen!co-star!reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Request Description: tom holland! x teen!costar!reader and jake gyllenhaal x teen!costar!reader where the reader occasionally attends school irl. one day after school, the reader doesn't show up on set and everyone starts worrying. tom and jake try to call her and when she finally answers, she's crying and asking them to pick her up. they meet her and find out that she's been attacked by hater/bullies and they both get super mad and protective. thank you!
Warnings: bullying, insecurity, depression, violence, physical assault, language
(A/N): there will be an a/n tomorrow. i will probably be taking a break from writing for a little bit (like a week or two i estimate). im starting at a boarding school, and i really want to adjust and not force myself to write right at the start. anyway more details will be released tomorrow
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You were always picked on. Ever since you were very small, kids had always loved pushing you around and teasing you. Nothing changed as you got older. You’d think that perhaps being casted in a movie would change something. It just didn’t.
It wasn’t a great feeling, that you were destined to be a loser. It just seemed that no one liked you. Or at least no one liked you enough to stand up to your bullies. 
When you were cast in a Marvel movie, you thought that you would get a vacation from that endless tormenting. Of course, you knew you’d be doing homework and assignments a your hotel still, but not physically being there was the dream for you.
Even that didn’t pan out. Your school was strict. Thankfully, the personnel at Marvel negotiated with them, and a schedule was made. You had three real-life school days each month. It was better but your bullies still seemed determined to stay on your mind. 
They never lay a finger on you. Nothing beyond pushing and tripping ever happened. That’s why it was so shocking, when one day in the break, someone slapped you right across the face.
Then you felt a push, a kick, and a punch, and after that it all muddled into a painful rain of blows to your body. You were crouched in the grass behind the school, and seven kids were kicking and hitting you, some of them spitting on you.
“You little bitch!”
“Do you think just ‘cause you’re in a movie, you’re suddenly worth something?”
“This bitch thinks they’re better than us now.”
“Let’s show them how fucking pathetic they really are!” 
You didn’t know when you started crying. Probably immediately. It was hard to keep track of yourself and everyone around you, when you were so overwhelmed. It was hard to process the situation, so you rather just tried to live through it. At some point they left, and you didn’t. You kept lying there, sobbing, clutching your stomach and aching body. It felt like you were on fire. 
Meanwhile, that particular day you actually had to come to set and film after school, something that thankfully didn’t happen often (as it was kind of stressful to do both in one day). You were running late.
“Is Y/n here yet?” someone yelled throughout the set. The director was sitting in his chair, rubbing his head and tapping his foot impatiently. “No!” it came from the other side of set. 
While most of the set workers were pretty pissed that you weren’t there, your costars, the people who’d gotten to know you the best, were worried. You were punctual. One time, when you lost track of time doing homework, you ran to set, to get there on time. In other words, something was definitely wrong. 
“I’ve sent them, like, 70 messages,” Tom mumbled, scrolling through your conversation on messenger. Your costars were gathered together on set, sitting or standing in a circle and waiting. 
“This isn’t like them,” Zendaya shook her head worryingly. The other people in the circle mumbled in agreement. The set was unorganized, chaotic, people were dashing back and forth everywhere. Things could not go forward without you present. 
“I’m gonna call them,” Jake said finally, convinced after watching a set worker look at a clipboard, widen their eyes, and then massage their temples cartoonishly. 
He whipped out his phone and clicked on your number. Ringing ensued. The others actors watched him, aching to know what was wrong. 
Jake knew immediately that something was very wrong. His mind was already racing, wondering what could’ve gotten you so upset. Your voice was snotty and shaking. You sounded like you’d been crying. 
“Hi, N/n. How are you doing? You okay?” Jake’s voice was gentle, but he couldn’t stop the overflow of questions coming form his mouth. His chest rumbled with worry. 
“I’m- I- I’m not alright. Can you.. Can you pick me up?” your voice, thought gravelly and low, was somehow still the softest thing he’d ever heard. You sounded so vulnerable. 
“Of course. Of course I’ll come. Where are you?” Jake made eye contact with a couple of the actors, whose faces were now twisted into concerned frowns and furrowed brows.
“At school.” 
“Alright, I’ll come get you now, can you wait outside?” 
Jake ran to his car, Tom trailing right behind him. 
“What happened to her? Jake, wait up!” 
When they got to you, you looked so small, crying and shaking on the sidewalk. Your arms and legs and your face were red. 
“What happened to you?” Jake exclaimed, practically jumping out of the car, and crouching down beside you. You looked up at him, clenching your jaw. Your eyelashes were dripping. 
“These kids.. They.. They beat me up,” you sobbed, hiding your face in your arms again. Jake frowned, heart clenching. He gently placed a hand on your back, and then pulled you into a careful hug. 
Tom was shaking, watching you. His heart physically hurt seeing you like that, but mostly he just wanted to beat up those kids. He wanted to make them pay. 
“Tom, calm down,” Jake whispered to him, gesturing to you in his arms. Tom softened. He knew that beating them up would do nothing. They had to focus on you. For now.
Tom crouched down as well, so they were both hugging you and rubbing your back. You, aching and feeling worthless, unable to handle it by yourself, felt yourself eased at their presence. It felt almost like everything would be fixed with them there.
You pulled away, no longer crying. Now everything just hurt. 
“What are the names of the kids?” Tom’s voice was gravelly, as soon as you pulled back. It seemed like he had maintained some of the initial anger. 
“Tom, I-”
“I don’t want to fight about this, Y/n. Give me their names. I’m fucking serious,” Tom, although angry, was still holding onto your hand for dear life. His thumb brushed over the back of your hand invitingly. You looked to Jake, but he wasn’t going to help you protect those kids. 
You told them their names. At least the ones who usually bullied you and the ones whose voices you recognized. You could tell that ‘usually bullied’ angered Tom and Jake. 
“How long has this been going on?” Jake asked and his voice was much softer than Tom. You scoffed. 
“Way longer than I’ve known you guys!” you were actually getting annoyed at this point. What did they think you were going to beg them for help, so they could magically fix your life? 
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Tom blurted out. His feelings were stronger than his head. He clenched your hand.
“I didn’t want to be unprofessional! I didn’t- I didn’t want to be a bother!” 
“Well, I think the friendship we all share is more than professional. We’re friends, Y/n. You should tell friends when you’re bothered by something! Because look at you now-” his voice broke. Tom choked up, eyes red as a single tear slid down his face. He wiped it away. Guilt coated your insides, bile rising in your throat. 
Every inch they could see was bruised. Your eyes were puffy, and you were sitting on the sidewalk helplessly. You were beaten down. No one wants to see their friend like that. 
“Alright,” Jake cleared his throat, “how about we go back to the hotel now? I’ll make a few calls with the set and your parents, and we’ll make sure those kids aren’t there the next time you go to school. And we’ll get some ice for those bruises.”
You didn’t answer for a moment. Then you nodded. 
Jake did exactly that, whilst you lay on your bed, holding ice to your arms, and wrapped in your duvet. Tom hugged you there silently, Jake talking in the other room. 
“Don’t hide that stuff,” Tom mumbled tiredly. You nodded, “Let’s go to sleep.”
“I agree,” and then you both fell asleep like it was nothing. When Jake had finished the dozens of phone calls, he came back into your room, only to see you and Tom asleep in an adorable hug. He smiled, because despite your awful experience that day, you looked so happy with your friend. Jake knew you would be okay before you even knew it yourself, but he was right. You would be okay. :)
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@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun @deephideoutmilkshake @rae-is-typing @sophs-library @herecomesthewriterwitch @alicedanganh @eviemarvel @idk123906
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duggardata · 3 years
The Next 6 Months:  August 2020—January 2022
Returning after an unintended hiatus, it’s your ‘monthly’ installment of The Next 6 Months!  (Hurray!  Hurray!)  Just ahead...
What all has happened since April 1, 2021?  Was it early, late, or what?
Did anyone miss a deadline in the last few months?  Who?  For what?
What’s expected to happen from now through January 2022?
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Latest Events—
Fern Elliana Seewald was born on July 18, 2021, and it was a Hospital Birth.  (Thank God!)  Fern is Jessa (Duggar) + Ben Seewald’s 4th Child / 2nd Daughter.  The Seewalds announced the birth via YouTube.
David Keller + Hannah Reber got engaged on July 15, 2021.  Hannah, ~22, is the daughter of LaCount + Maria Reber (Josh’s Custodians). 
Madeline Sue Maxell was born ~10 Weeks Premature on July 9, 2021, and remains in the NICU.  She wasn’t due until Mid–September.  She is John + Chelsy (Bontrager) Maxwell’s 3rd Child and 1st Daughter.
Charlotte Raine Smith was born on June 24, 2021, at 5:35 AM.  She is Tori (Bates) + Bobby Smith’s 3rd Child and 1st Daughter. 
Nurie (Rodrigues) + Nathan Keller did a Sex Reveal for their Firstborn, due in October, on June 17, 2021.  It’s a boy. 
Hazel Sloane Balka arrived on June 14, 2021.  She’s the 2nd Child and 2nd Daughter of Josie (Bates) + Kelton Balka.  She went to the NICU for awhile, but is now home and doing well.
Jadon Carl Bates was born to Zach + Whitney (Perkins) Bates on June 7, 2021.  After a 9–Day NICU hospitalization, he is home with the family.  He is their 4th Child, bringing their total to 2 Sons + 2 Daughters.
Malachi Seth Helferich, Firstborn Son of Allison (Bontrager) + Jeremiah Helferich, was born on June 4, 2021.  Literally no details were given.
Nathan Bates + Esther Keyes got engaged in Orlando, Florida on May 22, 2021.  They plan to wed in October 2021.  (Oh, and Esther also said “yes” to a Ms. Renée wedding dress.)
Moriah Faith Caldwell was born to Pastor Paul + Christina Caldwell on May 17, 2021.  She is their 9th Child.
John + Chelsy (Bontrager) Maxwell announced Pregnancy #3 on May 13, 2021, via Chelsy’s Blog.  Chelsy’s Due Date was in September.  She already gave birth, though!  Maddy was ~10 Weeks Early.
Josh Duggar was taken into custody by US Marshals on April 28, 2021.  He’s facing a two count federal indictment for possession and receipt of child sexual abuse images.  He’s currently out of custody on conditional release, including GPS monitoring, pending trial.
Josh + Anna Duggar announced Pregnancy #7 on Anna’s Instagram on April 23, 2021.  It’s another girl.  Anna is due “this fall,” but hasn’t stated exactly when.
Katie Bates + Travis Clark got engaged in Key West, Florida on April 7, 2021.  They will wed on December 3, 2021 at Castleton Farms (Loudon, Tennessee)—the same place that Carlin + Evan got married.
Jed + Katey Duggar tied the knot on April 3, 2021 in Springdale, AR, at a wedding venue called The Barn at The Springs.     
Just Missed A Deadline—
These events were already late, they missed a deadline against since April 1st, and still haven’t happened—  (Alphabetical by Predictor Family’s Last Name)
Carlin (Bates) + Evan Stewart did not announce Pregnancy #2 on April 26 (+1.5 SDs) or June 4 (+2 SDs).  Their Next Predicted Date (or, NPD) is August 19, 2021 (+2.5 SDs).
Trace Bates didn’t ‘courtpose’ on May 29 (0.5 SD Late).  NPD is July 3, 2022 (+1 SD).    
Sierra Jo + Mark Dominguez didn’t announce Pregnancy #8 on June 2 (2 SDs Late).  NPD is August 11, 2021 (2.5 SDs Late).  
Josiah + Lauren (Swanson) Duggar didn’t announce Pregnancy #2 on June 5 (+1.5 SDs).  NPD is August 14, 2021 (+2 SDs).
Esther (Keller) + John Shrader didn’t reveal Pregnancy #13 on May 21 (+0.5 SD) or July 10, 2021 (+1 SD).  NPD is August 30, 2021. 
Jesse + Anna Patrice (Craig) Maxwell didn’t announce Pregnancy #1 on April 9 (0.5 SD Late) or on June 5 (1 SD Late).  Their ‘Next Predicted Date’ (NPD) is tomorrow, August 4, 2021 (+1.5 SDs).
Mary Maxwell didn’t start courting on April 30 (+0.5 SD), as anticipated by the Predictor.  NPD is May 27, 2022 (+1 SD).  Good luck, Mary!
Kaylee Rodrigues didn’t begin courting on May 18 (+0.5 SD).  Her NPD is January 16, 2022 (+1 SD).
... and, these events weren’t late, but now are—
Lawson Bates didn’t ‘courtpose’ to Tiffany on July 2 (On Time).  NPD is September 24, 2021 (+0.5 SD)—but honestly, it’s unclear if they’re going to court, if they’re pre–courting now, if they’re already courting, or what. 
John + Abbie (Burnett) Duggar didn’t announce Pregnancy #2 on June 13 (On Time).  NPD is August 23, 2021 (+0.5 SD).
Courtney + Chris Rogers failed to announce Pregnancy #12 on May 19 (On Time), June 23 (0.5 SD Late), or July 27, 2021 (1 SD Late).  Her NPD is August 31, 2021 (+1.5 SDs).
Also, Lauren Caldwell didn’t marry Titus Hall on June 18.  So...  They definitely broke up.  The Predictor considers Lauren to be single, again.
What’s Next (July–December 2021)—
Anna will give birth sometime this Fall.  Also, all of this is forecast—
08–04–21   Jesse + Anna (Craig) Maxwell announce Pregnancy #1.  (1.5 SDs Late!)
08–04–21   Meagan (Forsyth) + Bobby Ballinger announce Pregnancy #4.
08–06–21   Priscilla (Keller) + David Waller announce Pregnancy #6.
08–11–21   Sierra + Mark Dominguez announce Pregnancy #8.  (2.5 SDs Late!)
08–13–21   Joy (Duggar) + Austin Forsyth announce Pregnancy #3.
08–14–21   Josiah + Lauren (Swanson) Duggar announce Pregnancy #2.  (2 SDs Late!)
08–19–21   Carlin (Bates) + Evan Stewart announce Pregnancy #2.  (2.5 SDs Late!)
08–23–21   John + Abbie (Burnett) Duggar announce Pregnancy #2.  (0.5 SD Late!)
08–28–21   Josh + Cassidy (Bowers) Bontrager announce Pregnancy #3.
08–30–21   Esther (Keller) + John Shrader announce Pregnancy #13.  (1.5 SDs Late!)
08–31–21   Renee Rodrigues starts courting.
08–31–21   Courtney + Christopher Rogers announce Pregnancy #12.  (1.5 SDs Late!)
09–01–21   Justin + Claire (Spivey) Duggar announce Pregnancy #1.
09–10–21   Karissa + Madrae Collins announce Pregnancy #10.
09–25–21   Stephan Wissmann proposes to Jana Duggar.  (Based on an Estimated C.S. Start Date of Christmas 2020.)
09–24–21   Lawson Bates officially ‘courtposes’ to Tiffany Espensen.  (0.5 SD Late!)
10–07–21   Jed + Katey (Nakatsu) Duggar announce Pregnancy #1.
10–13–21   Keller–Rodrigues #1 born to Nurie + Nathan.  (Rodrigues Data)
10–16–21   Keller–Rodrigues #1 born to Nurie + Nathan.  (Keller Data)
10–22–21   Nathan Bates marries Esther Keyes.  (Suspected)
10–24–21   Joseph + Elissa (Frost) Maxwell announce Pregnancy #4.
10–25–21   Anna Maxwell starts courting.  (2.5 SDs Late!)
11–26–21   Denver + Praise (Helferich) Bontrager announce Pregnancy #1.
12–03–21   Katie Bates marries Travis Clark.  (Confirmed)
12–04–21   Lauren Caldwell starts courting, again.
12–10–21   Jana Duggar marries Stephan Wissmann.
12–11–21   David Keller marries Hannah Reber.
12–15–21   Young #4 born to Kristen + Justin Young.
12–23–21   Joe + Kendra (Caldwell) Duggar announce Pregnancy #4.
01–15–22   Stewart #2 born to Carlin (Bates) + Evan Stewart.
01–16–22   Kaylee Rodrigues starts courting.  (1 SD Late!)
01–28–22   J. Bontrager–Bowers #3 born to Josh + Cassidy.
01–29–22   Duggar–Burnett #2 born to John + Abbie.
01–29–22   Renee Rodrigues gets engaged.
Nothing New For—
Bateses   Zach + Whitney, Alyssa + John, Tori + Bobby, Trace, Josie + Kelton, Jackson to Jeb   
Bontragers   Chelsy + John, Mitchell + Bryn, Allison + Jeremiah, Carson + Carolina, Taylor to Rebecca    
Caldwells   Paul + Christina, Micah to Moriah
Duggars   Jessa + Ben, Jinger + Jeremy, Jer, Jason, James, Jackson to Josie   
Maxwells   Nathan + Melanie, John + Chelsy, Mary   
Rodriguii   Timothy, Phillip to Janessa   
Courtship Prediction is halted for Sarah Maxwell.
Pregnancy Predictions are halted for Jill + Derick Dillard, Michaela + Brandon Keilen, Anna Marie + Christopher Maxwell, and Erin + Chad Paine.
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theramseyloft · 4 years
Pigeon rescue being shut down for “Keeping nuisance animals” needs help finding homes for their birds.
From Tutu.Pigeon’s instagram;
Hi everyone, I don't even know how to write this post and my heart aches saying this. Our next door neighbors complained about the availability in our backyard and the Garfield NJ health department came to shut us down. 
We have a week to re-home our beautiful rescues and I've been working night and day to find them new homes. 
I've been summoned to court for the following violations: 1. Keeping of animals considered a public nuisance, 2. Having a coop that's too close to my home and the neighbor (needs to be 25 feet or more away), and 3. Having a wild bird feeder that is open. 
Apparently, we needed a permit to have the pigeons and the city is not allowing me to remedy the situation and apply for a permit. 
We do not have enough room in the yard to move the aviary (it has to be taken down) and as renters, our landlord would not be happy about all the pigeons in the home. We are cornered, and it is another reminder that people really do not understand or appreciate pigeons. 
How can animals inside their cage bother anyone? We are heartbroken and will do whatever possible to keep Tutu as a pet. 
We have been blessed to have people step up to help us, and we are arranging to drive all over the United States to find the birds placement in sanctuaries. 
If you would like to support us in any way, please donate to our fundraiser (link in bio) so we can make the necessary trips to Vermont, Oklahoma, and other neighboring states. It will be multiple days of driving but our beautiful rescues deserve another chance. 
Thank you all for the love you've shown us and we will continue to run this page as best we can. I think there is much work to be done to fix people's perception about pigeons and so so many innocent animals that need saving. 
Our disabled pigeons have been granted temporary asylum upstate NY while they find forever homes. As I write this, Beaker, Doll, Minion, Slate, Ally, Dove, and Farble (our disabled pigeons) are on their way to a new life. 
Hi everyone, I wanted to update you on our situation. We are still actively re-homing our beautiful birds. Yesterday, 7 of our disabled/sick pigeons (Beaker, Ally, Slate, Dove, Minion, Farble, Doll) were transported upstate NY to a safe haven while we find permanent placement. The wonderful Sue from @themiafoundation is taking care of "The Jersey Seven" and set them up in their own beautiful room where they are comfortable (pic 9 and video 10). You probably already know of Sue, her pigeon and puppy combo have won the hearts of many! (picture 8). Yesterday were able to find a great home for our beautiful one-eyed Grover with @pidgey.fred. Grover immediately went on her new mommy's shoulder and I believe she's probably still sitting there 😆 We have lined up more permanent homes for our pigeons but still have 16 pigeons that need placement. We are planning our multi-state trip and need your support to make this happen. There are people interested in adopting our birds in California, Washington, Florida and Oklahoma. If you can support us, please donate to our link in our Bio. We appreciate everyone's help and support thus far. You have been so very kind to us. The GoFundMe link is new, specifically for re-homing, so I can share updates on there about our trip. If we can make this happen, you will be able to see pics and videos of our destinations and the Pigeon's new homes. ♥️
Today we say goodbye to our aviary, and the so many beautiful moments we have captured. I'm blessed to have crossed paths with these beautiful creatures and been able to save them. I will keep fighting to secure them a good life, we will not give up on them. Our babies have struggled enough in their early lives and I can only hope they will all find loving homes. Thank you for your donations, it means the world to us. Please continue to support us on our GoFundMe (link in Bio). We are also blessed to have a friend who is taking the aviary and our babies until we can adopt everyone out. This buys us some time. You have all been so generous with us. Even though at moments it doesn't feel like it- the world does have good people and when we stick together we achieve the impossible.
Hi everyone, just wanted to update you all on the aviary takedown and this entire situation. We have successfully relocated the aviary to our friend's home a few hours away. It took us two days of taking it apart, getting some help with the lifting and then reassembling it at it's new location. It was a stressful time for the birds as they spent most of this time in their boxes and carriers. Their new safe haven is quiet and beautiful with lots of other animals such as chicken and ducks roaming in a private yard. If you recall, this is the place we rehomed Sophie (renamed Quinn) when Tutu couldn't get along with him. The last pics and videos show the aviary that Quinn lives in with friends. Our birds are being kept at this location while we secure safe homes for them. Our friend is very kind and is making updates to the aviary to make it more spacious, since the birds are a bit cramped. Here, we had an indoor room that they used as well. In the video you can see that we installed a smaller cage to the end of the aviary which the birds seem to be enjoying. With regards to adoptions, we have secured a handful of new homes and even found a great person in CA willing to adopt most of our babies. Our special needs birds such as Beaker remain upstate and have vet appointments coming up. Dove (the beautiful white wedding release bird) has been successfully rehomed after recovering from her sickness. This week we are planning to rehome in NC and GA and are driving down from NJ. Next week we will rehome in CT. Finally, we still need to raise enough money to take the week long trip to CA.
Hi friends, our babies are being pampered in their foster home. We've installed an extra flight cage to make them more comfortable since they've been a bit cramped in the aviary without their indoor room. Look how everyone is settling in. We estimate that it will be a few weeks before we can make our CA trip where almost all of our remaining birds are being rehomed. We still have 6 birds upstate recovering and not yet ready for adoption. Recently Dove (the wedding release pigeon) was adopted out! For us to make the Cali trip, we need to reserve an RV since it's roughly 5 days of driving each way. It will be quite impossible to check into a hotel with our birds. 😅 We will also need the room for several cages and to be able to clean the cages and keep everyone happy and fed. We need to purchase more cages and pads. The rental costs $200 a day, plus gas/tolls. We have donations saved but estimate we need another $1,700 to make this trip happen. Please help us by donating or sharing our GoFundMe campaign (link in Bio).
Rehoming Trip Day 1: We are driving South to North Carolina today and rehoming some of our turtles in a beautiful pond setup (we've rescued 13 turtles through the years). @tani.turtle. We will then continue down to South Carolina where we should arrive by midnight. We are driving 12 hour days this weekend. Tomorrow we plan to rehome another turtle and also our pigeons in Georgia before heading back up to SC again for the night. Day 3 will consist of driving back home. In the meantime, we have tons of cameras set up so we can keep an eye on everyone at home and so we can talk to Tutu through the monitor. Thank you all for chipping in and help us fund our trip down South. We plan to make a couple trips to rehome more locally in Connecticut and keep saving up for our Cali trip which should conclude our rehoming. From there we will continue to place our special needs birds as they complete their recovery. 
We have quarantine spaces open here at The Ramsey Loft, if needed, but they seem to have fosters covered and, understandably, they would prefer their remaining pigeons to go straight to their adoptive homes.
If any one is looking to adopt a pigeon, please contact them via  Facebook messenger (https://m.me/yazmin.feliz) instagram page (@tutu.pigeon), or text  646-705-8047
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gloryofluv · 3 years
Traditionally Obscure Chapter 27
Bombs away!
Previous Chapter
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How did it start? Well, the children of the estate were having a summer day of playing with water balloons, and Luke dragged her along. Soon Sasha and Elsa were in shorts and t-shirts, joining the fray. It was an all-out war, and Rosa was tucked behind a tree. Her shirt was dripping, and her hair was matted.
Vyn was resting in his room today, and Ester was watching from the patio. She commented on how youthful people needed to get rid of the summer heat somehow. Rosa was puffing and looked in the bag she was carrying her water balloons inside. She only had six left.
There was shouting of the children across the grass, and she watched as two of the children were chasing each other and throwing balloons. Sasha and Elsa came skipping out, tossing a few balloons at them. Rosa glanced over at the other tree to see Luke lurking. An impish smile grew on her face as she slunk down and waited.
Luke crawled out from his hiding place and began to aim toward the princesses. Rosa crouched and hurried closer to get him; however, it seemed again he knew where she was. He pivoted and rushed toward her scooping her off the ground.
“Luke, dammit!” Rosa screamed, and her water balloons broke in her bag, leaving her with the one in her hand.
He laughed and held her legs with her over one of his shoulders. “Free target!” He shouted.
“Luke!” Rosa snapped.
The children in the distance and princesses were laughing. Rosa could already estimate that her shorts were going to be soaked because of this. She struggled and flailed, allowing her to slid from his grip. He sidestepped quickly, and she missed him with her last water balloon.
The gasping around her wasn’t ideal as Rosa realized she hadn’t completely missed a target. Vyn was walking out toward them, and the water balloon hit him square on his chest. The white buttoned shirt stuck to his undershirt and collarbone. Rosa covered her mouth as her cheeks tinted.
“Dr. Richter! Oh, I’m so sorry!” She huffed and stepped toward him.
He glanced down and exhaled with a curl to his lips. “It’s fine, Rosa. I was just going to announce that Carl will be here within the hour.”
“Oh, is that the magician you were telling me about, Rosa?” Luke asked as he wiped his face on his shirt.
Rosa glanced at him and nodded. “Yes, it is. He’s pretty stupendous,” she paused and gazed down at her soaked clothing. “I suppose I better change then.”
Vyn rocked his head and gestured at his cousins. “You as well, cousins.”
Luke chuckled and shifted. “Well, it sounds like a good way to pass the evening. I’ve always wanted to poke around about how magicians do their tricks.”
Vyn smiled and tilted his head. “It’s about understanding your audience.”
The group of adults waved off the children, who continued their game, and they began pacing back toward the house. “How are you feeling?” Rosa asked.
“Much better. I can breathe today,” Vyn declared.
She pulled out the braid in her hair, and the wavy damp locks curled around her neck. “That’s great. Hopefully, you get some rest while we fly tomorrow.”
“I can’t believe you’re leaving already, Vil,” Elsa sighed.
“Yes, it feels like we’re going to miss you even more. Without Father, we won’t have someone reviewing our French or economics work,” Sasha grumbled.
Vyn tutted and shook his head. “You can always call me. We shall set time in the evenings during the week, and I have your tutor coming to the estate next week. Now that everything with your father has come to pass, it’s time to finish your education.”
Ester approached as they reached the patio. “Rosa, can we have an audience while you change?”
Oh? Rosa nodded and adjusted her soaked shirt. Ester beckoned her inside, and they walked together. It was odd and evident that she needed to speak to her, but why? It felt like there was another shoe about to drop.
The ladies traversed up the staircase to Rosa’s floor, and Ester straightened her dress. Rosa offered the Dowager Queen entrance before following suit and shutting the door. Ester sat down in the armchair as Rosa gathered her clothing from her larger bag.
“You wanted to talk?” Rosa questioned.
“Go ahead and change. I have some questions I need to be answered before you leave tomorrow morning,” she murmured.
The young woman smiled and went into the bathroom. Interestingly, even after her title shifted, she still remained in control of everything around her. Rosa had plenty of respect for Ester and was even more understanding of her now. Vyn may have gotten his temperament from his uncle’s teachings, but there was no down; he learned how to command a room from his aunt.
She had changed into a simple burgundy dress with her hair wrapped in a bun. When she entered the room again, Ester was staring at the flowers sitting on the dresser. There was a forlorn expression that breached her eyes—the declaration of missing a piece of her heart.
“What can I do for you today, Your Majesty?” Rosa asked.
The woman’s eyes cleared, and she glanced at her with a smile. “I wanted to talk to you about my nephew.”
Rosa’s eyebrows raised as her lips parted. “What about him?”
Ester shifted, and her eyebrows dropped closer to her sharp blue eyes. “I understand both of you will take this journey together however you choose to do so. However, do me a favor when you’ve returned to Stellis? Could you please be positive he has you to lean on?”
Rosa breathed as she sat down on the mattress. “I know he’s compartmentalizing. Yesterday I noticed that he nodded off reading his uncle’s letters. He said he missed him in his sleep.”
Ester touched her chest and bowed her head. “My sweet Vilhelm. He would let the world see him as unshakable if only to keep others safe.”
“You raised him. Tell me, does he ever want to take up the mantle as Edmar would have liked?” Rosa asked as she fiddled with her fingers.
Ester smiled and tilted his head. “What is your largest concern?”
“About his decision? Well, I suppose it has to do with the decision itself. If he chose duty over his passion, would he regret it? He wasn’t raised to be king, correct?” Rosa asked.
“He was raised to lead,” Ester shrugged. “I don’t think Vyn would choose anything without knowing in his heart it would be best suited.”
“Do you think he wants to?” Rosa questioned, and her eyes dropped a moment.
“Do you think he does?” Ester asked.
Rosa inhaled and shook her head. “I honestly don’t know. He keeps his plans so close to his chest. If he did want to, I think it wouldn’t be immediately. He would redesign everything about his research center, his patients, and his life as a whole. It would be a remapping of what makes Vyn Richter, himself.”
Ester’s head bounced, and she gestured to Rosa. “Would you support it?”
“I wouldn’t have a choice. It’s his life. I just want him to be happy. I would miss him terribly,” Rosa sighed, and her eyes moved to the vase.
“Do you plan on growing a serious relationship with my nephew?” Ester asked.
Rosa pressed her lips together as her cheeks darkened. “Maybe? We have plenty to go over when we get home. Things I didn’t know,” she stopped and shook her head.
“You didn’t know you felt?”
Rosa exhaled and agreed. “Yes.”
Ester smiled and pressed her hand to her chest. “I would like to share a story about Edmar. Care to listen?”
“Of course,” Rosa smiled.
“It was before we began to court, and I knew he would one day be king. I was rather on the fence about such due to my dreams of running my father’s companies. I wanted to take on his role eventually, and I was quick as a whip at business. However, Edmar was this beautiful and magnetic being with such a vast understanding of human life. I was enamored and was quite torn; if I became his wife, I would be giving up my liberties to run my father’s companies. If I declined him, he would leave my life forever and marry another,” Ester paused and closed her eyes with a smile on her lips.
“There was a beautiful moment I shall never forget, to my dying day. Edmar and I were walking my parents’ estate in France. The air had just turned chilly in the announcement of the coming season. He pulled out a stone from his pocket and handed it to me. When I asked what it was for, he declared that no matter where our lives take us or where my heart travels, I will always have a piece of Svart with me now. I knew at that moment, with him at my side, I could make the impossible possible… so we had,” Ester finished and dug into her dress pocket, producing a small stone.
Rosa beamed and exhaled. “That’s beautiful. Instead of asking you to be his, he released you with the knowledge that his heart would always be yours.”
“This stone doesn’t just signify the land or the man. His intentions were to declare that the memories and affection were greater than the need to ruin my dreams. My nephew will never ask of you to leave your dreams. He might be searching for different answers within questions. However, my suggestion to you, Rosa, is to take to heart what it means to have dreams as a child and dreams as an adult. What we think is the goal when we are younger becomes so much more. I secretly take care of my husband’s legacy, and the companies know why secrecy is so important. Eventually, when laws are changed, the roles in which we live will as well,” Ester finished.
Rosa licked her lips and scowled. “Are you suggesting he has thought about becoming king with me here?”
Ester laughed and raised her eyebrows. “Darling, did you not know that he’s enamored by you?”
Her cheeks truly couldn’t get any darker. “Well, it’s, we haven’t really talked about it,” Rosa sputtered.
“My final word of advice on my nephew,” Ester declared. “He will never expect you to have the answers you aren’t ready to share. He knows them. Edmar was very much like that, and Vilhelm used to be. However, where Edmar flourished, Vilhelm sought domination. The roads of love are difficult, and Vyn has yet to embark on such an experience.”
“Me either,” Rosa shook her head.
“That’s perfectly acceptable. Just remember he may understand, but he can’t give you the answers for your own heart. Be kind to your heart, even with your convictions,” Ester declared and stood up. “I imagine Vyn’s friend has arrived. I’ll let you finish up.”
Rosa stood and reached for Ester’s hand. “Thank you. Thank you for raising him to be compassionate as well as brilliant.”
“It was my pleasure,” Ester beamed and released her hand before moving to the door.
Rosa paced over to the head of the bed and picked up the button. She stared at the shiny object and thought back at Ester’s words.
When I asked what it was for, he declared that no matter where our lives take us or where my heart travels, I will always have a piece of Svart with me now.
Maybe it didn’t represent Svart, but something more. Vyn could have been suggesting with this that no matter where either of them was, she would always have a piece of him. As the theory swirled in her mind, she remembered the timbers of his voice and the smile on his lips. He was confessing his feelings, knowing she would eventually understand this—a simple button.
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tangledinmdzs · 4 years
you belong to me, junior quartet hcs
junior quartet soulmate headcanons (modern au)
these are a bit long, but i hope you all don’t mind (also i hope you won’t mind the little formatting things i’m working on hehe)
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Lan Sizhui
the timer
the moment that Lan Sizhui met you, he knew that you would be someone important to him
when his parents had become friendly with the family down the street and had introduced him to your smiling face, there was no turning back from there
he’d always adored you, long before the timer appeared on your 12th birthdays
and even after that, when the craze of estimates and soulmate countdowns swept through your school he still felt the same lingering ease of being beside you
Sizhui was fine with the mystery of the very big digits on his timer but you had been curious and had dragged him along on the estimation and soulmate guiding journeys that all the kids were crazy about
with some math, he figured out that his timer was set for only 6 more years from now, when he would turn 18.
you were more than jealous, because you had to wait a whole 4 years after him, destined to meet your soulmate at 22
“ahh that means it could be anyone in high school! you’re going to have your first love be your soulmate! that’s so romantic” and you would go on and on and on about all of that, young love and such things
he’d just laugh at you but let you immerse yourself in whatever you wanted to your heart’s content
high school years pass and go like a short rainstorm. 
you and Sizhui grow up together, laughter together, stay together despite all the world’s turbulences
Sizhui doesn’t meet anyone that stays longer than a week, even as his time drops day by day
the years pass by faster than you would imagine and on a wintery January morning, Sizhui wakes up on his 18th birthday to notice that his timer is counting down hours instead of days.
he’s a little shocked, a little scared
what if he met/was destined with a complete stranger
could that happen?
the smallest part of him hopes that isn’t the case
and then that small part of him is reassured by the fact that he would at least be spending some part of the day with you
out of the many traditions that you both have made, you always promised to celebrate each other’s birthday together
the little cute gifs and texts won’t cut it
just the thought of you eases his anxiousness and he anticipates the night that you guys have together
but as the evening gets later and you show no sign of showing up he begins to get worried, then fearful, then anxious
and even though it’s his birthday he ends up pacing by the front door when every call and text that he sends to you is left unanswered
his dads are worried too, you’re not usually like this and they hate seeing their only son so worried
they end up calling your parents only for them to be confused on your whereabouts and now everyone is worried
Sizhui can’t imagine anything happening to you and his fear is heightened by the late hours that’s approaching
he’s too worried about your well being to really notice that the timer on his wrist only has minutes left instead of hours
it is nearing 11:47PM and Sizhui is hurriedly shrugs on a winter coat and scarf, ready to just go looking for you himself
his dads are against it, one lost kid is already a enough of a worry 
but he doesn’t listen, can’t listen 
you’re his best friend for god’s sakes it’s not like he could just leave you
and he’s ignoring his parents commands and pulling the front door open just as the timer on his wrist runs out
in the snowy backdrop of early January five minutes to midnight, you stand with rosy cheeks and a bright smile with a big bag in your arms and a warmth in your eyes
“i was waiting on line for the release of this and i didn’t realize people took so long to wrap things and then the creators ended up being there so i had to fight some people for their signatures... but i’m here! i didn’t miss Sizhui day!” you explain in tumble of words and shove the bag unceremoniously into his shellshocked arms
“i know they’re your favorite game series! so this is all for you” you tell him, smiling widely at his face
he blinks at you, the incessant ticking at the back of his mind finally silent after so many years
Sizhui puts the bag down without even opening it 
without another word he pulls you close to him, holding you tight
his timer has finally ended
but your countdown steadily ticks on | || ||| [pt 2]
✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧
Lan Jingyi
writing on skin
you didn’t know who your soulmate was, but whoever they were must be the biggest cheater you’d ever meet
almost as early as you could have been able to contact your soulmate, your skin had been littered with writings of all different kinds
it had started off as little occurrences that slowly got heavier as you both continued on your academic careers
at one point the notes had gotten so bad that you had to resort to wearing long sleeves just to cover up the array of words that were on every inch of your arms  (even the occasional stomach)
all your friends always wondered why you never contacted this soulmate of yours
some acquaintances recommended the idea to you like you couldn’t have thought of it yourself.
of course you wanted to contact this person; tell them to lighten up on the writing a little bit
but was there even any room to write? would they even be able to tell the difference between your handwriting amidst all of the chaos of their notes?
besides this person also seems incredibly sly to be able to get away with such methods of learning for a long time
so you go along with it until you can’t
in your final year of college, the sleeve of words that don’t belong to you almost cost you your diploma
you’d been accused of cheating from your professor and had to go through a deep and painful trial to plead your innocence
it was something that lasted nearly a week, since plagiarism and lack of academic integrity were the highest of offenses at your college
your truth was finally realized when the higher ups on the board realized they couldn’t wash the writing off your arms and you provided the evidence of different handwritings
the trial had been so demanding and draining and it wasn’t even your fault!
and in your anger after the whole ordeal, you don’t think
you return to your dorm room, take out your big blue sharpie and retaliated to your soulmate for the first time by writing STOP on your left arm and  CHEATING on your right. 
you leave the large letters on for a the rest of the night, even when you get weird looks from your roommate for it
that night goes on normally until you’re about to go to sleep and you look down at your arms to realize that the sleeve of tiny scribbles are scrubbed clean from your skin
al that’s left aside from your blue sharpie is a single answer on your right arm, written in the handwriting that you had come to know better than your own for the past few years
i don’t cheat
you huff a disbelieving laugh at that and seeing that your arms are mostly clear go and wash off the blue sharpie
when your soulmate’s answer still remains, you answer them even though the night is late
what does a person do with so much notes on their arms if not to cheat?
your response is written in dark black, neat handwriting despite the fact that you’re writing at an awkward angle and place on your arm
after a few moments, words begin to appear
it’s so weird seeing words appear randomly on your skin, especially when they happen before your eyes
taking notes on the body saves paper
the answer truly makes you have a loss for words and knowing that you were awake, your soulmate probably felt the awkwardness from the silence that lapses for a bit afterwards
it just helps me concentrate better
but i’m assuming you’re not a big fan
and from that you guys start a conversation long overdue, years overdue
you learn that his name is Lan Jingyi and despite the unconventionalities of his work ethic, he had a bit of a charm when he was writing to someone with an answer
morning comes to both of you before you realize
and this time when your arms are filled, it is with many answers, instead of just questions
✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧
Jin Ling
with one touch
you had never gotten a bruise in your life
which was a kind of funny considering that you were had been training in your father’s dojo since you could walk
then again in your world, only when you touched your soulmate would that purple greenish ugly color come up 
and since you were the star pupil of your father’s martial arts dojo, it’s not like it was ever easy to land a punch on you anyways
anyone that ever did never was you soulmate
and they’d be dead meat ‘immobilized’ (if not by your retaliation or your sibling’s overprotectiveness or your father’s judgement, the possibilities were endless)
but the point was, you had never gotten a bruise in your entire life, so you definitely didn’t know what it even looked like until you were changing out of your gi and your older sister pointed out the large bruise on your shoulder
you’re surprised
you hadn’t even felt any pain from it
but as you stand with your back to the mirror looking at it back and forth you wrack you brain for every person that you had come into contact within the last few days
the only person that comes to mind is one of the newest recruits to your father’s dojo, an aggressive punk by the name of Jin Ling
he’s not a good fighter as much as he just fights a lot
but you vividly remember being pushed hard when you had to break a fight between him and another student the other day
you hadn’t realized that he had actually pushed your shoulder then
you figure that you’ll know for sure when he comes to the dojo for practice tomorrow
the next day arrives and when you’re setting up the mats for everyone else, Jin Ling ends up being one of the earlier arrivals
and since no one’s there yet, you end up asking him to do something that you don’t usually ask people
but it feels like the only way to know for sure if he is your soulmate or not
“spar with me” you invite him when he returns to the main room with his uniform on
he’s more than surprised; he’s the new kid on the block, you’re the seasoned veteran and the sensei’s kid
when you sense his hesitation, you egg him on with “nothing to be scared of; i’ll go easy on you”
and when you look at him, you notice how his eyes darken at your jab
even though you’re a brown belt and he’s just teetering around yellow
the dojo ends up welcoming the next batch of students that come in with a very bruised up Jin Ling
you’re a little bit better off, though your hands are a little battered up
there’s no pain, luckily, just the ugly color of the bruise of a soulmate touch
and even when Jin Ling glares at you as your father goes through the forms for the day’s lessons, you know that he can’t deny the marks on him can only be made by you
✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧
Ouyang Zizhen
first words tattooed on your wrist
Zizhen’s always been a bit of a romantic 
living in a society where all the movies play out picture perfect scenes of confessions has given Zizhen all of the back up that he needs in order to be prepared for his soulmate
he’s one of those people that make you read a specific quote he’s set out before initiating conversation (he’s just that prepared)
but what he isn’t prepared for is what he’d be saying to his soulmate
so one dreary autumn morning, when he walks into the cafe you’re working at bleary eyed and sleep deprived
 Zizhen is not in the state of mind to be meeting his soul mate
when he comes up to the register, he begins ordering his usual chai tea latte with all the specific condiments as you listen in
as he’s talking you feel a little tingling on your wrist and don’t think much about it, not even asking him anything else when he quietly hands you his credit card to swipe
you’d always been a quiet person, and your boss was always on your back for not going through all of the employee procedures but you don’t pay that any mind
but anyways, only when you’re in the middle of making his order do you finally realize
you sleeve slips up a little bit as you’re making the tea and you notice a little paragraph written in beautiful swirling script on your wrist
you’d almost burned yourself at the fact and put one and one together
some dude just placed a whole order as your soulmate quote
and you’re angry
when you’ve finished making the chai latte you hold onto the drink tight as the guy from before comes back for his order
but just before he gets it, you snatch the drink far from his grasp and pull down your sleeve showcase your newest soulmate quote
‘i’ll have a medium chai tea latte, light on on the cream with two pumps of vanilla, no water and switch out normal milk with soy milk. also with extra cinnamon”
when Zizhen realizes that you’re his soulmate his very actual soul wants to leave his body because:
the moment that he’s been waiting for has finally come
also you’re so cute!!!
but you face looks stormy and sullen... i mean who wouldn’t be, you just got an starbucks order as your soulmate quote  (and only a very very specific group of people would find a blessing in that and you were not one of them)
you wanna just call him ‘dickhead’ and make it even, but even that seems light in comparison to the entire chai tea latte order that he places on your wrist   
f o r e v e r
but you’re in for a treat, because, Zizhen’s always been a too much of a romantic
you take some time off from your shift to make a plan with this dude, because there was no way that you were gonna read the cheesy soulmate quote that he wanted and have everything be dandy
you learn that Zizhen is his name and that he’s much too romantic; so romantic in fact that he proposes a solution in comparison to your soulmate quote right away
“do you have a favorite recipe or something that you like to eat? you can read the recipe to me so that i’ll have it on my wrist, and i’ll know how to make it!”
he sounds so excited that it lightens the order on your wrist a little
the gesture softens you a bit (read a lot)
but you’re also mildly peeved that every time you look at your wrist its a beautiful beautiful calligraphy of a specific order of chai tea latte
so when you guys begin dating, you give him the silent treatment on your first few outings together
but through every date together, from movies to restaurant, you learn that Zizhen is a very easy going and compassionate guy, easily filling in for the empty space that would have been your voice
similarly, Zizhen wonders and lingers on the sound of your voice, but also finds himself falling deeply for your laugh
it’s amazing the vibe that you guys create together and this is without you talking yet!
after a few weeks of going out together, you’re sat across from him in a small homey cafe when you say your first words to him
in the end, there is no big recipe written on his wrist; you read the exact quote that he wants to have
because you know how much it means to him to have that on his skin
when you’re finished, Zizhen realizes that what he was searching for wasn’t even the perfect quote to be said
it was the fact that the person he had grown to love had said it to him
and even though there’s no recipe etched onto his skin, he has the rest of eternity to remember all of your favorite recipes to the depths of his heart
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83 notes · View notes
Okay hi! Don’t mind me just jumping back onto my AU wagon with a Bodyguard!Jake fic inspired by The West Wing that absolutely nobody asked for but I couldn’t help but write ... 😎🚨 anyway it’s called let down your guard and you can find it on under the cut or on ao3! 
let down your guard 
chapter one: there’s so much that you just don’t see 
There are a collection of nuclei in the temporal lobe of the brain known as the amygdala, that are best known for their role in sparking the fight or flight reaction in most people when met with emotions like fear.  Amy had read about it once, in a medical journal that she’d found at Rosa’s house (it’s presence on her coffee table, to this day, remains unexplained).  According to the article; once the amygdala sparks, your brain’s ability to retain memory increases, and in hindsight can make a patch of time feel as though it has stretched on forever.
As she stands in the world’s slowest elevator at Medstar Washington Hospital this evening, with her heart smashing against her ribcage and her toes tapping against the faded linoleum floor; Amy is certain that her amygdala has kicked into overdrive.  
Panicking, her frantic mind keeps bouncing around between the urges to run like hell and stay until the bitter end, and it definitely isn’t like Amy because she’s never run away from a fight, but maybe there’s a part of her that already knows that what could happen next has the potential to change everything. 
Her eyes remain glued to the squares inset along the top of the car, their white laminate long since turned a faded yellow; the number eleven scratched out almost to the point of non-existence.  She counts, a slow progression in her head that tries it’s very best at blocking out the thoughts racing around - the thoughts that keep telling her that she might have just lost the greatest thing to happen to her before it could ever really happen - and she can’t bear to look at her watch right now, but she’s positive that three minutes pass before the dim light behind the number four decides to amble it’s way towards five.  
“Shots were fired in a store on 14th Street,” was the message she’d received, a mere half an hour ago (also, approximately the time she’d gotten on this damn elevator).  Boyle’s pale face, and a choked out number.  “Room 9554.”  The rest is muddled - she knows she started running; remembers hearing Terry call out to her departing figure, and she’s pretty sure her purse is somewhere back at the theatre lobby - but there was a force stronger than anything she can label that was pulling her to the hospital, and in that moment Amy had absolutely no intention of stopping.  
The squares for six and seven remains mute yet eight comes to life, and the knots in her stomach begin to clench even tighter.  There’s a mantra that’s been playing in the back of her mind - from the very moment she’d stepped into the lobby and saw Charles make a beeline in her direction - and it takes over any other rational thought as finally level nine lights up, and the doors to her metallic prison slide open.  Please let him be okay.  Please let him be okay.
I don’t know what I’ll do, if Jake is not okay.
The sterility of the ward burns her nostrils and the clack of her heels sound vaguely like the rattling snare drums at the last inauguration, interrupting the otherwise calm environment of the floor as the numbered plaques beside each room begin to blur.  She dodges past nurses, doctors, and patients alike; and she can tell that they recognise her face (which means there’s a very good chance that this will be in the paper tomorrow), but it doesn’t matter that they know her, it doesn’t matter if the press find out about this - nothing else matters if he is not okay - and then finally, FINALLY, the numbers 9544 are before her.  
Her fingers feel limp, but somehow she manages to grip the doorknob and turn - pushing her weight against the wood as though somehow it is the reason she hasn’t been able to get here earlier - and then suddenly the only sound Amy hears is the frenzied heaving of her own breath.
The room is empty, save for a bed in the middle - stripped clean and returned to it’s regular scrutiny from the harsh fluorescent buzzing above.  A clipboard cleared of any history hangs lax from its base, and on the very edge of the mattress sits a leather jacket; the same jacket that had once hung on the back of her apartment door … and the same jacket that Amy’s fingers had gripped the edge of a mere three hours before.  
She feels her stomach drop to her feet, glued to position as her mind moves into overdrive, eyes trained solely on the scene before her as the realisation hits.  
Jake was not okay.  And nothing was ever going to be the same again.    
Five months earlier … 
“On to other news.  We can confirm that there has been a surge in counterfeit notes across the nation, with several states reporting projections of significant economic loss.”
Amy pauses as the small crowd in front of her transform into a cacophony of sound, pen-clenched fingers and miniature recorders thrusting towards the ceiling in desperate attempts to get her attention and break their version of the story.  Blinking, she gives them her best I’m not done yet look, and after a few beats the reporters in front of her fall silent.
“President Holt has already been in discussion with the Secret Service, and are confident that the lead they are running on will come to fruition.”
From the back, Matthews from The Sun raises his hand, and Amy gives a quick nod.  “You said there were several states reporting loss.  Do we have an estimation?”
“Presently, the calculations are upwards of 3 million dollars, which - ” she emphasises, as the sea of hands raise once again, “is why there are teams working around the clock to stop the fraudulent currency from getting into circulation.  In the meantime, The White House has released an image of the forged notes,” nodding to her left, Amy waits for the screen beside her to light up, “and the differences are clearly distinguishable.”
The room falls quiet as the reporters all turn their attention to the image, and Amy watches as they all slowly turn back to her with varying expressions of confusion.  Suppressing a sigh, she uses the remote in her hand to zoom in on the imitation of the offical seal, the same one that is on every U.S. dollar bill, and undoubtedly in the pocket or purse of every single person here.  Not a day goes by that she doesn’t wish that Latin would finally wake up from its long nap (or it’s conquiescamus, as it were).  “Pluribus.  There are two Rs.”  She waits a beat, and continues in a dry tone.  “There should only be one.”
To her right, Ginns from The Examiner clears his throat; glancing up at Amy to ensure he has her attention before flipping open his notebook.  The Chicago-born columnist was unashamed in his opinion - as were his loyal followers - and his coverage of Holt’s campaign had leant towards unfavourable.  With a tight smile, Amy swallows the urge to scream at whatever was about to come next.  “Yeah, so - with regards to the Secret Service.  After his inauguration, President Holt elected a new head of the Presidential Detail, a .. ” pausing, Ginns refers to his notes, creasing his brow.   “Rosa Dye-az.”  
Pushing her tongue against the back of her teeth, Amy wills herself not to interrupt and correct Ginns’ pronunciation, waiting for some kind of sign of potential redemption.  Instead, he leans forward and continues.  
“Apart from what has already been published, her history and previous credentials appear to be incredibly difficult to correlate.  Given her obvious reluctance to divulge anything to the American public, and the fact that this role has never been held by a female prior to today, what reassurance can we the people have that Miss Dye-az was the best choice?”
Feeling her back teeth begin to grind together, Amy takes a measured breath before fixing Ginns with a steely gaze.  Questions such as these have been a common denominator since Holt was sworn in over a month ago, particularly due to choosing Olivia Crawford as his VP; and while expected, the overwhelmingly misogynistic responses were beginning to wear thin.
“I can assure you, Mr Ginns, that President Holt’s vetting process for all roles was incredibly thorough - and Ms Dee-az,”  she pauses, raising a singular brow, “remained incredibly co-operative throughout.  We cannot bow to the curiosities of the general public on every request for detail, or we’d never stop.  After all, the public continues to let you write for one of D.C’s most prolific news journals without knowing the details of your Christmas Card list, and somehow the world continues to spin.”
Ginns’ responding eye roll is poorly concealed, and Amy’s fingernails begin to dig into the edge of her podium.  “Furthermore, I would suggest that despite Ms Diaz having a uterus, the bar set by her predecessors will continue to ascend.  One could even argue that the lack of … other certain parts of the human anatomy will only assist in keeping a clear head in the most intense of situations.”
The reporter shifts uncomfortably in his seat, blessedly silent in his rebuttal, and Amy directs the end of her statement towards the rest of the crowd.  “President Holt and his administration are aware that a small percentage of the public lack confidence in the roles he has filled.  Criticism is necessary, and welcome.  But unmerited accusations regarding a person’s ability based entirely on their sex is where he draws the line.”  Slamming the file in front of her closed, Amy takes a step back before leaning closer to the microphone, delivering her final line.  “That concludes the presidential briefing for today.  Thank you.”
Terry hovers by the doorway as Amy exits, his leather yoked suspenders proudly displaying the commemorative pin gifted to him upon being sworn in as the president’s Chief of Staff, and he cocks his head towards her as they move swiftly down the corridor towards Amy’s office.  “Interesting briefing you held there, Santiago.”
“You mis-pronounced psychotic, Ter-bear,” interjects Gina as she passes them both, head already bowed down to her cellphone before either can respond.  
Already feeling defensive, Amy shakes her head quickly, raising one hand to gesture at the room she’d just departed.  “We’ve been fielding commentary like that since the early days of the campaign, Terry.  At some point, we just need to point out the baselessness of their remarks, and remind them that there simply isn’t a place for it in modern society.”
Raising his hands in surrender, Terry shrugs.  “Don’t get me wrong.  Terry hates closed minded attitudes.  As do the rest of the cabinet.  I just find it fascinating to watch how close our new Press Secretary came to literally biting a reporter’s head off.”
“Ugh.  I’m fairly certain it would just pop like a balloon.  Full of hot air and not much else.”
Nodding, Terry points in the direction of Amy’s office.  “You might be onto something there.  Heads up, though - I saw Diaz making a beeline to your office just as you were wrapping things up.”  He pauses, shoving his hands into his pockets while giving her the side-eye.  “Terry wishes you luck.”
Smiling at an intern as they hand her an updated schedule, Amy casts a quick glance down the hallway and grimaces.  “Well, at least she hasn’t gone straight to grinding her axe.” 
“I didn’t see both hands, but let’s assume you’re right.”
Throwing Terry an exasperated glance, Amy bids him farewell before moving towards her office, deliberately taking on a confident stride as she squares her shoulders in preparation for confrontation.  
With her jet black curly hair and the zero fucks aura surrounding her, most members of the team had learned on their own that Special Agent Rosa Diaz was not somebody to be trifled with.  Not meeting until the last couple of months of Holt’s campaign, Amy had spent the first few weeks largely being ignored by Diaz - until one afternoon, when a particularly vocal protester tried to pull Amy in for a debate, only to be met by Rosa’s steely glare and the unspoken promise of worse to come.  She’d muttered, on their way back to the car, that they needed to have each other backs; and over time their working relationship had grown into a something closer to friendship.  
(A friend that occasionally intimidates you with their intensity, but a friend all the same.)
With her trademark leather jacket covering her like a second skin Rosa is easy to point out in the busy walkway, but it’s the two men standing with her that captures Amy’s attention as she draws near.  One was tall with a distinctive profile; the other slightly shorter, and sporting a hairstyle that looked like it could survive a hurricane.  Although the taller one wore shades, Amy could tell that both of them were casing their environment, taking in their surroundings with a stern exterior that gave away exactly who they were.  
These men were Secret Service, and for some reason they were standing outside her office door.
Her curiosity overshadowing the possibility that she may need to eat a slice of humble pie, Amy thrusts the hand still holding the schedule towards the two men as she passes Rosa, giving them her best Suspicious Face.
“Who are those guys?”
“Good morning to you too, Santiago.”  Rosa’s dark eyes follow Amy’s path around to her desk, tilting her chin upwards after a beat.  “My uterus thanks you for it’s shout-out this morning.”
“Ugh, okay.”  Returning her planner to it’s designated top-left-corner position, Amy feels her shoulders drop as she throws an apologetic look at the woman in front of her.  “I know that wasn’t my best work.  But the guy was being a jerk, and I was 100% done with the conversation.”
“No, really.  It’s fine.”  Rosa’s voice takes on no other inflection to demonstrate her approval, but Amy learned a long time ago not to read into her monotone.  “My uterus is a bad-ass.  Definitely tries to punch me from the inside out at least once a month.”  She smirks, a sight familiar to only a select few, and raises one eyebrow.  “Somehow, I still manage to keep the President and all his flunkies alive.  It really is shocking.”
Without invitation, the mystery men have followed Amy into her office, hovering along the outskirts of the room while she checks her messages, listening with half an ear as Rosa continues to go into alarming detail on how she’d personally like to deal with reporters like Ginns.  It’s as the taller of the two reaches out to investigate an award propped up on her well-stocked shelf that Amy finally looks up, dropping the slips of paper to the desk and throwing Rosa an exasperated look.  “Seriously, who are these guys?  And why are they in my office?”
 “Oh, right.  About that.  Amy, this is Special Agent Peralta,” Rosa pauses, thrusting her thumb towards the taller guard in shades, “and this guy is Special Agent Boyle.”  Clearing her throat, she fixes Amy with her typical Rosa’s Way Or The Highway look.  “They’re going to be your new security detail.”
A grinning Agent Peralta throws a tiny wave in Amy’s direction, and she lets out a petulant huff, planting her hands on the empty section of her desk.  “Rosa, we’ve talked about this.  I’m a visible target.  I go out there every other day and announce policies and updates and god knows what else.  It’s inevitable that I end up with a few snarky emails every now and then.  People need a face to complain to, and this guy’s obviously chosen me.”
“Sorry,” Rosa replies, in a tone that suggests that she’s not sorry at all.  “President’s orders.”
Damn it.  With her next refutation dying in her throat, Amy folds her arms over her chest, studying her friend’s expression carefully.  There was a good chance that Rosa was just saying it was presidential orders, knowing that Amy would be unable to resist any directive that came from her superior.  But there was equally enough chance that the request had come from higher up, and refusal of the service would most definitely land her in hot water.  
In other words, Rosa had Amy exactly where she wanted her, and there was not a darn thing she could do about it.  
“Just seems like a lot for a bunch of stupid emails,”  Amy mutters, dropping down into her seat, defeated.  With a furrowed brow, Agent Boyle looks over at Rosa; but before Amy can question it, Rosa perches herself along the edge of the couch.  
“So, Peralta and Boyle will work on opposite shifts and shadow you on your day to day operations.  Additional detail has already been arranged for your home address, and all correspondence will now be cleared through us.”
“I’m also going to need the contact information for any recent or previous relationships you may have had, ma’am,” pipes up Peralta from Amy’s left, breaking out into another grin when she looks over at him.  “Gotta weed this creep out, and you’d be surprised how often they end up being much closer to home than expected."
Blinking, Amy turns back to Rosa, the extent of her security detail only now sinking in.  “A constant shadow and surveillance on my apartment?  Seriously, Rosa … this is all coming from Holt?  Can’t I just change my email address or something?”
A silence falls quickly over her office, and Amy makes special effort this time to take note of the not-so-secret looks the two agents gave each other.  A louder protest is bubbling up through her chest when Rosa stands, her sharply manicured fingers holding a document folder Amy hadn’t noticed until now, and walks towards her.  
The heavy thud of Rosa’s booted footsteps come to a stop at the side of Amy’s desk and she places the file in front of her, leaning in slightly as the folder’s contents become clear.
Photographs.  Stacks of photographs, all of Amy, and all from various parts of her very busy week.  Her heart begins to climb its way up to the base of her throat as the images begin to blur, one shot after the other of an unaware woman as she lunches with friends, visits the gym, drives to her brother’s house and - oh god - even gets changed at home near what she’d always considered to be a relatively protective curtain.  
Leaning in, Rosa’s voice drops to a whisper.  “The boys haven’t seen those last ones, but they know they exist.”  She straightens, returning to her regular volume.  “All of these were on a USB that was delivered to us from an unconfirmed address, and arrived early this morning.  Peralta and Boyle have been pulled in to oversee the operation, and I will monitor from afar.  The detail starts from now, and ends once this Mr Anonymous is behind bars.  Is everyone clear?”
Numb, Amy nods without really understanding, the cotton of her tailored blazer feeling inadequate underneath her fingernails as she pulls the two sides closer together.  She feels foolish for disregarding the warning signs for so long, confused as to how out of all people, she is the one who’s become a target; terrified because if these photographs are anything to go by, she is being hunted … for god only knows what.    
A knot begins to churn in her stomach, and there’s a very good chance that she’s about to be sick.    
“Excuse me, Ms Diaz?”  Ramirez, Terry’s secretary, pops his head around the doorframe, startling Amy out of her spiralling thoughts.  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but you’re needed in the oval office.”
“Alright, I’ve gotta go, the Powers That Be have spoken.”  Rosa mumbles, scooping up the photographs on Amy’s desk and holding onto the file with her vice-like grip.  Noticing the look on Amy’s face, she stops short of her exit from the room, tipping her head towards the two men as they hover by the bookshelf.  “Listen.  I’ve put two of my best men on this case.  Peralta especially, I’ve known since our days at the academy.  They’re not going to rest until we’ve caught the bad guy, and neither will I.  Got it?”
Amy gives her friend a tentative smile, taking her message to heart.  If there was anybody that could shut this mess down, it was Rosa ‘I could kick your ass with my pinky finger’ Diaz.  
With one final glance towards her two agents, Rosa swivels on her heel, leaving Amy’s office in silence.  The sound of one of Amy’s favourite tchotchkes hits the floor, dropping out of Peralta’s fidgeting fingers, and he cringes.  “Yikes.  Sorry about that, it just looked like one that I -”
Jumping out from behind her desk, Amy snatches the item out of the agent’s hands, running the edge of her thumb along it’s familiar curves before carefully returning it to it’s original position.  “Please don’t break my belongings, Peralta.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“If I may, Ms Santiago … what Special Agent Diaz told you was correct.  Peralta and I are here to keep you out of harm’s way, and it’s only going to be a matter of time before we catch him in the act.”  Standing to her right, Amy finds herself surprised at the gentleness of Boyle’s tone, and she eyes him curiously before nodding.  
Leaning his weight against one of the lower bookshelves, Peralta slides his sunglasses off, face turning slightly more somber, and Amy blinks in surprise.  “You have our word.”  His eyes were surprisingly warm, a kind of chocolatey brown that seemed to draw Amy in, and her arms fall away from their defensively crossed position across her chest.  
“Alright.  Thank you.  This is just … a lot.”  Her stomach twists again, and even though this time it feels less like she’s about to be sick, Amy really doesn’t want to take any chances.  “If I leave this office, you two are going to follow me, aren’t you?”
“Just around the perimeters of the hallway, Ms Santiago.  And only Peralta - I’m going to stick around and see if I can trace where these emails are coming from.”  
“Consider me your shadow, ma’am.”  Jake grins, and Amy feels an odd mixture of irritation and anticipation run through her.  “And, look.  I can already tell what you’re thinking.”  Pushing his weight off of the bookshelves, he gestures vaguely with his hands.  “You’re thinking this is going to be all longing glances and secret earpiece conversations … me carrying you in my arms as I race you away from the danger, you running out of planes at tarmacs to give me one last kiss goodbye … you know, all the standard bodyguard stuff.”
Rolling her eyes towards the ceiling, Amy feels a knot of tension leave her shoulders, but she’s not quite ready to laugh yet.  “Yes.  You’re right.  That’s exactly what I was thinking.”
“Knew it, nailed it.  Well I’m sorry to disappoint you ma’am, but this stuff is nothing like the movies.  It shouldn’t really be any more than a few weeks, just need to catch this weirdo out and let the law take care of the rest.”  He pauses, glancing over at Agent Boyle before continuing.  “Which … will be made all the more faster with your co-operation.  Including the details of people who may have had closer access to you than others.”
Sighing, Amy presses the tip of her index finger against the middle of her brow, a nervous tick that has long since become habit.  This guy really needed to stop calling her ma’am.  “Fine.  Teddy Wells was my last boyfriend, but we broke up several months ago.  I highly doubt that he’s the one you’re looking for.”
“We really need to look into all avenues, Ms. Santiago,”  Agent Boyle interjects, and for the first time Amy notices how the beige colour of his tie is almost a perfect match to his skin tone.  
“Fine.”  Leaning down, she scribbles Teddy’s phone number onto a new post-it, thrusting it in Agent Peralta’s direction.  “See for yourself.  Better yet, invite him out for a drink.  He’s got some real interesting stories, especially about beer.  One could almost say, he’s got ‘the cheers for the beers’, you know?”
(She knows that she’s setting Peralta up for a trap, all too familiar with endless nights listening to Tedford ‘Thrills for the Pils’ Wells.  But there was much too much bravado seeping out of every pore of this guy, and he deserved to suffer - if only just a little.)
“Huh, a beer guy.   Noice.”
Amy stifles her grin, tucking her pen back into the pocket of her blazer as she heads towards the doorway, ignoring the echo of Peralta’s footsteps behind hers.  “Now if you’ll excuse me, gentlemen … I have a hundred or so meetings to attend.”
“Just one last thing, ma’am.”  Agent Peralta interjects, and Amy turns in time to watch him drop one shoulder in an obvious attempt at Dramatic Effect.  
The edge of his mouth lifts into a smirk, and the ridiculous sunglasses that have inexplicably returned to his face despite the sunlight pouring in through the surrounding windows (she thinks, perhaps, entirely for the purpose of his next move) slide down his prominent nose.  “No matter what happens, you’re not allowed to fall in love with me.”
The urge to roll her eyes again is almost unbearable, but she is a professional if nothing else, and so Amy puts on her best smile and nods at the suited man in front of her.  
“Won’t be a problem.”
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xiaomoxu · 4 years
MLQC CN Lucien (Xu Mo) Recollection Date Part 1 & 2
It's Xu Mo Birthday Date which has released on CN server. I'm doing translation for personal reason, so I'm sorry if there's some mistranslation. Kindly tell me if you found some :) feel free for read it~ ^^
Today is Xu Mo’s birthday. What is different from the past is that today is also a more special day one by one
In the morning of this day, Xu Mo will report on the topics he has studied for many years.
A string of large characters is displayed on the screen—"Brain injury patients' cognitive changes to different emotions and intervention measures for emotion recognition after injury"
I sat quietly at the back of the lecture hall, watching the scholars walk into the lecture hall one after another.
After getting to know Xu Mo, I know that he has always been studying things.
Although I don't know much about his subject, through the whispers of the audience, I know that this is one of the major issues that have been deeply valued and unresolved in the brain science community.
Xu Mo in a formal suit stood on the stage. He looked down in a circle, paused for a few seconds while looking in the direction where I was, then walked to the podium.
Xu Mo: About twenty years ago, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)—Emotional cognition caused by traumatic brain injury is a problem that is not of much concern to everyone.
Xu Mo: Usually people feel that this is a small burden brought about by the treatment experience or the psychological changes of the patient himself.
Xu Mo: In a 2012 study, it is estimated that 54-60 million people worldwide suffer from TBI every year, and 2.2-3,600,000 people suffer from moderate to severe damage every year.
Xu Mo: In recent years, with the advancement of technology, we have been able to monitor changes in various physical data of patients with brain injury through the use of high-end equipment.
Xu Mo: We found that emotional changes—the traditional psychological cognition may be caused by physiological changes in the patient’s brain itself.
Xu Mo: Therefore, we follow this line of thinking to conduct in-depth research on the mechanism of emotional and cognitive changes in TBI patients to determine the principle of change.
Xu Mo: According to the guidance of the research results, intervention measures for post-injury emotion recognition for TBI patients were also formulated.
Xu Mo calmly and deliberately dropped every character. As he spoke, the report on the screen was displayed page by page.
The people at the bottom of the venue were quiet. Except for Xu Mo's report, there was only the rustle of pages turning.
Xu Mo: People with TBI may also increase their anxiety after maintaining TBI. After TBI, anxiety may exacerbate other cognitive dysfunctions.
Xu Mo: For example, the ability to recognize emotions.
Xu Mo: Compared with positive emotions, it is more difficult for people with TBI to recognize negative emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness.
Xu Mo: Next, I will introduce based on the data of 25 participants in the research group.
With the large lecture hall, scholars and researchers from all over the world are witnessing how this long-term research has reached this moment step by step.
In the last row of the lecture hall, I secretly photographed Xu Mo of today and inserted it into our third volume commemorative album.
It was noon when Xu Mo left the report building.
I left the venue early and waited at the door with a box of cakes and a bunch of flowers. While seeing him, I solemnly handed over the bouquet.
MC: Professor Xu, good work.
Xu Mo glanced at the cake box in my hand, his eyes fell on my calm face, and he bent his eyes thoughtfully before taking the bouquet.
Xu Mo: Are you not planning to "surprise" this year's gifts?
MC: This bouquet of flowers is a gift for Professor Xu's hard work, not a birthday gift~
I smiled and raised the cake box in my hand, looking at Xu Mo sincerely and directly.
MC: But sometimes, the "surprise" that is not "surprise" has more unexpected magical effects.
MC: Anyway, you will guess at the end of every little action of mine, so it's better to go the other way and be more generous.
MC: I hope this year’s customized birthday, everything will start with you.
Xu Mo: So... what can I do today?
His voice was a little low, contained in the autumn breeze, like a leaf that kissed the water.
Meeting his gaze, I nodded happily.
MC: Today is the third birthday I celebrated for you, and it is the day when your years of research has a temporary end.
MC: Your mood is the most important on such a special day
MC: I want to accompany you to do all you want to do, not let you meet my expectations.
MC: In order to deal with various special situations, I have done special heat preservation and storage for the cake box.
Xu Mo: If I want to do a lot, will it be too troublesome?
MC: The birthday is to accept all the kindness of others.
Xu Mo: So what if there are a lot of things and can't finish it today?
MC: Then we will continue to do it tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. Anyway, we have a lot of time.
MC: So you don't have to think too much, you can do whatever you want.
Xu Mo slowly lowered his eyes after hearing my answer, and lowered his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.
A few days before the report, Xu Mo was slightly silent. At that time, I didn't ask much, just stayed quietly by his side.
With autumn leaves rustling, Xu Mo raised his hand to straighten my hair tossed by the wind, and then put his forehead against my forehead.
Xu Mo: That....
Xu Mo: Can you not be happy?
A few words whispered quietly from my ear, and I was a little surprised.
Xu Mo's expression was still very pale, the corners of his raised mouth kept a fixed arc, and his eyes brightened by the autumn light looked straight at me.
Like sneaking out of the shell, some expectation, and some unknown heaviness and panic.
I couldn't help taking a breath. The cold green grass and the fragrance of flowers filled my heart and lungs together.
MC: of course can.
Xu Mo's breathing stopped for a moment after hearing my answer
MC: Although I very much hope that you will be happy on your birthday.
MC: But if you are unhappy, I will be unhappy with you.
MC: I will spend all the unhappy time with you and wait for the moment when happiness comes.
"Happy birthday" should be a blessing, not a shackle.
Xu Mo smiled. The bright autumn colors covered his eyes, like the moment he explained the conclusion just on stage.
I shook the cake box and tilted my head.
MC: So, where does Professor Xu want to spend his special day?
He raised his head and looked deeply into the distance.
Xu Mo: I thought of a special place, but it was a bit far away.
Xu Mo: Would you like to walk with me?
MC: of course!
After a few hours' drive, we came to an old street.
Although it is an old street, it is constantly being repaired and refurbished.
I visited the neighborhood once when I was very young. Today's street scene is completely different from my vague memory.
People's vague and soft memories of the old city will always fade away with the renovation of every stone tile, every hawker who has been organized.
Until one day, Quiet City was silent in time.
Xu Mo's memory has always been very good, but this time it seems to be slightly slow.
He would stop at a certain street corner and look at it lightly; he would also quietly look around at the fork, as if the choice was not in his memory.
I followed him quietly, following the paved road. We climbed the ramp and went around for a long time.
After a while, Xu Mo finally stopped.
Before us, there is a silent open space.
I secretly looked at Xu Mo and saw that his expression was still clear light.
It is like looking into the distance without seeing the weight, looking at someone outside of time through this open space.
I retracted my gaze and looked at the clearing in front of me. I always felt that I could faintly guess where it was.
Xu Mo: MC, let's sit there for a while.
Xu Mo pointed to a bench facing the open space, took my hand and sat on it with him.
The noon in late autumn was a bit cold, and the whole world was so quiet that there was only breathing. The exhaled white mist whirled in the air and disappeared silently.
I looked at the open space, wantonly imagine what it once looked like.
Maybe it used to be the kind of small bungalows from the old days, there may be a small courtyard...
Xu Mo: There used to be a small bungalow like the old one. Do you know what it looks like?
Xu Mo's voice suddenly sounded, and I was shocked, and for a moment I thought that my imagination had a sound.
MC: I saw this kind of house when I was a kid, but I can't remember exactly.
Xu Mo: The bricks of the house are a little mottled white, and the roof is covered with red tiles.
Xu Mo: Because it is on a hillside, it often winds up
Xu Mo: On special days, rows of small blue and white flags will be hung on the eaves. When the wind is blowing, sitting in the courtyard and looking up is very beautiful.
Following Xu Mo's description, I closed my eyes looking at the open space and imagined the small white brick and red tiled house.
I felt Xu Mo holding my hand, and he put his fingers between mine, bringing our ten fingers together tightly.
I was about to open my eyes, but Xu Mo's voice continued
Xu Mo: Push the door outside and you can walk into the yard.
MC: Will there be flowers in the yard?
Xu Mo: Yes, there is a row of small flower beds on the left, but the owner is always a bit busy and often forgets to water.
Xu Mo: So they don’t look so healthy.
Xu Mo: The door of the room is in front of you, when the door opens you will have a "squeak" sound.
I nodded subconsciously, feeling as if I really walked through the small yard and opened the door.
Some stale air is opened along with the door, and together with the gentle memory, it welcomes the long-lost return.
-Part 3 and 4 will be updated.-
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rookie-ramsey · 4 years
Baby Blues, Chapter 6 (Bryce X MC)
Description: Bryce and MC can handle just about anything. Hopefully, pregnancy and parenting fall into the “just about anything” category.
Preview:  Emily changed in the locker room, hanging her white coat in her locker. When Bryce joined her, she turned to face him. Wordlessly, she wrapped her arms around him. Hugging his middle, she buried her face in his shoulder.
Immediately he slipped his arms around her. “Hey… you know I love your hugs, but what’s wrong?” 
Warning: This chapter features a patient with pregnancy complications.
Previous Chapter
“Bryce? I have a problem!”
Bryce poked his head out of the bathroom, his hair dripping from his shower. “What problem?”
Emily huffed as she turned sideways, trying to button her blouse. “I’m getting too fat to wear clothes that used to be loose on me.” Giving up on trying to close the buttons, she tossed the shirt aside.
Grinning, Bryce hugged her from behind. “Well, I think you still look incredible. It should be illegal for someone to look as gorgeous as you do all the time.”
“How sweet, but I can’t go to work naked.” Emily found a stretchy shirt that fit. She pulled it over her head and smoothed a hand over her abdomen.
Reluctantly releasing her, Bryce finished toweling his hair dry and put on his clothes. Once they were both dressed, they left for work.
Her morning and afternoon passed slowly enough. She lead the interns on their morning rounds, ran a series of tests on her patient, and managed to catch up with Bryce on their lunch break.
Halfway through a diagnostics session, every pager in the room beeped sharply. The message ordered them to report to the ER. Almost immediately, the hallways became a blur of doctors and nurses rushing to the emergency room.
“What happened?” Emily demanded, squeezing past a handful of interns when she saw Zaid and Ines at the front desk in the ER.
“A bus crashed and caused at least two other vehicles to wreck. We have to triage.”
“So it’s like the subway incident again.” Emily took a set of tags and started to work. She began with the patients who visibly needed urgent care and gave them red tags, then worked her way to the patients whose injuries could wait.
Just as they reached the last patients, a cry caught her attention. She rushed to the side of a pregnant woman not much older than herself. At first glance, she estimated the woman was between 25 and 30 weeks pregnant. “Ma’am?”
“Something’s wrong!” The woman clutched her abdomen. Blood started seeping rapidly through her pants, making Emily’s heart sink.
“Oh no… we need an OR!” Emily placed a hand on the woman’s shoulder. “Can I get your name?”
“Alright, Rebecca, I know this is scary. But I think you’re having a placental abruption. It’s very important that we get you into surgery. How far along are you?”
“27 weeks…”
“Okay. Your baby has a good chance at surviving. I want you to focus on that, okay?”
Nodding shakily, Rebecca groaned. “It hurts…”
Emily stepped aside, allowing room for the nurses to bring a stretcher. She watched as they rushed Rebecca away, only now becoming aware of how fast her own heart raced.
Inhaling sharply, she settled a hand on her abdomen and willed herself not to cry in front of everyone. Glancing around her, she noticed that all of the remaining patients were receiving attention. Emily brisked out of the ER and ducked into a supply closet.
Suddenly feeling like a helpless intern again, she sat on the nearest cot and cradled her head in her hands. When tears pooled in her eyes, she squeezed them shut. Moments later, the door opened.
“Emily?” Sienna sat next to her on the cot. “Are you okay?”
Emily ran a hand across her eyes. “There was this woman in the bus crash who was pregnant. She had a placental abruption. She and the baby should both survive, but… it just reminded me that something like that can happen to anyone.”
“Aw, Emily.” Sienna put an arm around her.
“Maybe it��s just the hormones making me overly sensitive, but it really got to me. I haven’t cried in a closet in over a year.”
Sienna hugged her. “It’s okay. It’s probably scary to see those things happen, but it just means you really care.”
Emily smiled shakily and leaned into her friend. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” Sienna gave her a smile. “So… you’re twenty weeks now, right? Have you picked a name?”
“Not yet.” Emily shook her head. “We’re finding out the sex tomorrow, but we have a long list of names that we can’t agree on. We found a website that randomly generates names for you. We were on it for an hour and still can’t decide.”
“The moment you decide, I demand to know so I can start buying customized gifts.”
“I’ll make sure you know.” Emily wiped at her eyes again. “I think I can go back out there now that I’m not sobbing.”
“Good.” Sienna squeezed her arm. They left the supply closet, getting back to work. By the time Emily saw Bryce again, their shifts were over.
Emily changed in the locker room, hanging her white coat in her locker. When Bryce joined her, she turned to face him. Wordlessly, she wrapped her arms around him. Hugging his middle, she buried her face in his shoulder.
Immediately he slipped his arms around her. “Hey… you know I love your hugs, but what’s wrong?”
“Rough day.” Emily closed her eyes and sighed, inhaling Bryce’s comforting scent. “How is it that even after working all day, you still smell good?”
“One of my many magical qualities.” Bryce smoothed a hand over her hair. “Is this about the woman with the placental abruption? Zimmerman handled her surgery.”
“Yeah.” She nodded. “I already checked in on her. She’ll be fine, and the baby has high chances of surviving. The situation just hit a lot harder than it would have a few months ago.”
“I know.” Cradling her jaw in his hand, Bryce tilted her face to meet his. He gave her a gentle kiss. “I wasn’t on her surgery, but I’ve been thinking about it, too. If that happened to you, I would be so terrified that I’d forget how to hold a scalpel.”
“You wouldn’t.” Emily kissed him again before she pulled away and squeezed his arm. “Get changed so we can go home. I need to not think about hospitals or surgeries for at least…” She glanced at the time. “Seven hours.”
“Agreed.” Bryce changed out of his scrubs. “I think I hear some delicious takeout calling our name.”
“I hear it, too.” Smiling, Emily slid her hand into his. Together, they walked out of the hospital and made their way to the car. After picking up some takeout from their favorite Chinese restaurant, they went home.
As scheduled, Emily and Bryce reported to her OB/GYN’s office on their lunch break the next day. Relaxing, Emily held Bryce’s hand as Dr. Tahan moved the wand over her abdomen. As the image cleared, they could make out the shape of their baby.
Emily whistled softly. “Wow… I shouldn’t be surprised at the difference between this one and the last ultrasound, but I am.”
“Everything is looking good…” Dr. Tahan adjusted the wand until the image became more clear. “There we go.” She focused on the screen for a moment. “And it looks like… you’re having a baby girl!”
“Oh…” Emily grinned. “Now we can pick a name so we can engrave it on everything we buy.” She accepted the sonogram print-out, tucking it safely into her folder. After cleaning the gel off her stomach, she rolled her shirt down and followed Bryce out of the clinic.
“Just think.” Bryce squeezed her hand. “In twenty weeks, there’s gonna be a mini-you in the universe.”
“I don’t know if the world can handle a second me.” Grinning, Emily kissed his cheek. “Who knows? Maybe she’ll take after you.”
“Either way, she’s gonna have incredible genes.” Bryce pulled her in for a hug. “She gets the best of both worlds.”
“She really does.” Emily squeezed his waist, then released him as he unlocked the car. “Let’s get some lunch. After work, I predict a visit to the Target baby aisle.”
“And I predict we’ll be going home with everything that we’ll never need.”
“You read my mind.”
Next Chapter
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